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Kunming is a resources together, mountains and rivers beautiful, rich ethnic customs and colorful tourist city. Here four spring-like, flowers, beautiful landscapes, enjoy the "spring city" reputation in the world. Superior geographical and climatic conditions, also attracted black-headed gull came from Siberia, every winter, people play gulls, harmonious coexistence has become a spring city landscape. Swim in kunming lake, lake, flowers tide, cloud, let a person crazy, linger.

Gold Ma Fang - - blue chicken fang - chestwood Yuan Jiagu - kunming home old street (a total of five sites)

JinMaBiJi lane is located in kunming city center street, three cities and pool jinbi road, east lane in the golden horse called gold Ma Fang mountain, west lane by brigitte chicken chicken mountain and named garden, is the symbol of kunming. JinMaBiJi fang Ming dynasty xuande emperor, has been nearly four hundred years of history. JinMaBiJi fang is unique, is a specific time, there will be a "its splendour" wonders. JinMaBiJi fang is a brand of kunming, travel to kunming friend, must come and have a look. There are many stalls sell silver, tea, price is reasonable.

Chestwood five huashan XiLu downtown, is the center of the city tourist attractions. Bamboo green because of its eight cui of flour and water, the four seasons, spring, summer, LiuCui, therefore calls "chestwood. Chestwood - black-headed gull before the yuan dynasty, dianchi lake water level is high, there are also belong to small bay, outside the paddy fields, garden, lianchi, therefore calls "haizi". The lake in a variety of camellia.

Walk along chestwood, can reach Yuan Jiagu homestead, cui hu is the first selection of kunming residents leisure, holiday tour chestwood people is more, the cruise is a good choice.

"Old street" in kunming, kunming, the famous historical and cultural city only retained a piece of the original old blocks, is the biggest area in kunming, save in the qing dynasty and the period of the republic of China characteristic for most residential buildings, shops, is of high historical value, cultural value and emotional value old kunming. The same had to buy some souvenirs here, the attention bargain.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1229 字

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The classmates, you all know Qingdao there are many scenic spots like pier, shilaoren, the rainforest valley, laoshan, 10 MeiAn, underwater world, zhongshan park, etc., they are all Qingdao "bright spot". Especially the trestle, shilaoren, laoshan, underwater world, a trip to visit people is an endless stream. There is also a scenic spot is given by nature and that is the sea.

The sea gives us a lot of opportunities, take the 20xx Olympic Games, for instance, Qingdao, is because of the sea, so can get the sailing events held. The sea. Has given us power, when you are tired, a glance at the sea, will vanish in fatigue. When you are stressed, looked at the boundless sea, will throw heart outside the cloud nine. The vast sea is like the sea of knowledge, let us know about the many, many. Underwater world is built under the sea.

In autumn, in laoshan, the rainforest valley, ten MeiAn is the autumn wind the leaves, the earth looks like a layer of orange on the shop carpet, the man walk on the soft, can be fun! And it is so beautiful.

Qingdao is so beautiful, I dont want this kind of beautiful landscape is those who litter destroyed, so we should protect the environment, make Qingdao a city with the sea more beautiful!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2101 字

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Hello! Hello, I am a lollipop travel guide, my name is Lou, where the name,we call it my house! We are going to travel on the Great Wall today. I hope youwill have a good time with me.Beijing the Badaling Great Wall, the MutianyuGreat Wall, the Great Wall, the Great Wall Juyongguan, Simatai the Great Wall,today, we are going to climb the Great Wall juyongguan.

Juyongguan the Great Wall perimeter 4000 meters, this is just part of thethe Great Wall! The Great Wall east of Shanhaiguan, west of Jiayuguan, more than13000. According to legend, the emperor built the the Great Wall, the prisoners,soldiers and forced to turn to move on after this, "Ju Yong believers", namedjuyongguan. Because it is next to the lush mountains of trees, Yamahanabrilliant, magnificent scenery, so we called it the "green pass".

We first went to "the best in all the land, this is a piece of" stone,engraved with the words, "the best in all the land" China two ", one of the bestin all the land" is the focus of Jiayuguan the Great Wall, the other isJuyongguan, Juyongguan not originally ", because it is the best in all the land"section of the Great Wall is a gateway very important, so was also known as "thebest in all the land", interested visitors can take a picture, but please hurry,Ill be climbing in the Great Wall.

Keep up with you, climb the Great Wall and dont drop the queue. The GreatWall is very steepy and safe. You see, the uneven wall called battlements, aboveetc.look-mouth and nozzle, for watching and shooting. Do you see those cities?Is his fortress, when the war, soldiers can do harm to the temporary treatmenton the inside.

Next, we came to the city of Chinese Taiwan, you can go to visit the city of Chinese Taiwanzhunbing ancient note, dont Scribble, but the ancient historical relics!

Come on, top! Its cool and comfortable. Why is the Great Wall broken?Because of the obstruction of the mountains and rivers, everyone breaks, andthey meet in half an hour.

This is the end of this journey. I hope that after listening to myexplanation, we have a better understanding of the the Great Wall. Goodbye!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5946 字

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恭王府由府邸和花园两部分组成,南北长约330米,东西宽180余米, 占地面积约61120平方米,其中府邸占地32260平方米,花园占地28860平方米。府邸不仅宽大,而且建筑也是最高规制。明显的标志是门脸和房屋数量。亲王府有门脸五间,正殿七间,后殿五间,后寝七间,左右有配殿。低于亲王等级的王公府邸决不能多于这些数字。房屋的形式、屋瓦的颜色也是不能逾制的。恭王府的中、东、西三路各有三个院落,其中每一路的后两个院子是人们要游览的主要区域。





俗呼银銮殿,恭王府最主要的建筑。作为王府的正殿, 只有逢重大事件、重要节日时方打开,起到礼仪的作用。民国初年,由于不慎失火,大殿连同东西配殿一并焚毁,现银安殿院落为复建。

和珅时期之建筑。悬挂有“嘉乐堂”匾额一方。该匾疑是乾隆帝赐给和珅的,但匾额无署款,无钤记,故无由证实,但和珅留有《嘉乐堂诗集》,说明是和珅之室名。在恭亲王时期,嘉乐堂主要作为王府的祭祀场所,内供有祖先、诸神等的牌位,以萨满教仪式为主。恭王府规模宏大,占地约6万平方米,分为府邸和花园两部分,拥有各式建筑群落30多处,布局讲究,气派非凡。其花园又名锦翠园,园内布局、设计具有较高的艺术水平。造园模仿皇宫内的宁寿宫。全园以“山”字型假山拱抱,东、南、西面均堆土累石为山,中路又以房山石堆砌洞壑,手法颇高。山顶平台,成为全园最高点。居高临下,可观全园景色。恭王府由于是在权臣和珅邸宅的基础上改建而成,和珅当年定罪的二十大罪状中就有关于内檐装修的“潜侈逾制”问题,如其中的第十三款“查得和珅房屋竟有楠木厅堂,其多宝格及隔断门窗解仿照宁寿宫制度”。因此恭王府的内 檐装修在王府文化中别具一格,其所表现的特点尤为突出:

一、 规格最高,可与宫殿建筑比美:


二、 数量较多,形式多样:


三、 界划灵活,空间丰富:


四、 做工精细,技巧高超:

从恭王府的装修遗留物件中可知皆使用硬木,用材异常讲究,加工的木料可以作出细小的截面,雕刻花纹起伏精确,而且使用圆形或曲线拼出各种华格,只有在精细的加工之基础上才能完成,施工难度之大,令人叹为观止。 遗憾的是恭王府的原有内檐装修,绝大部分已经无存,今天通过研究王府文化,要进一步将其发掘出来,结合今后的王府博物馆展示要求,再现当年辉煌。

乾隆四十一年,即1776年,和珅开始在这东依前海, 背靠后海的位置修建他的豪华宅第,时称“和第”。有说法称、明弘治年间、大太监李广也曾经置第于此。嘉庆四年正月初三太上皇弘历归天,次日嘉庆褫夺了和珅军机大臣、九门提督两职,抄了其家,估计全部财富约值白银八亿两,相当于清政府十五年的财政收入,所以有“和珅跌倒,嘉庆吃饱”的说法。同年正月十八,即1799年2月22日,和珅被“赐令自尽”。而宅子本身,则如愿归“爱豪宅不爱江山”的胞弟庆僖亲王永璘所有。























由于恭王府有着《红楼梦》中所描绘的某些景物,因此 有人说恭王府花园是大观园的蓝本。但是,许多人又提出了不同的意见。恭王府到底是不是大观园的蓝本呢?这可能也是一个永远的秘密了。

恭王府的主人,是一等贵族,所以他的府邸不仅宽大,而且建筑也是最高格制。明显的标志是门脸和房屋数量。 亲王府有门脸5间正殿7间,后殿5间,后寝7间,左右有配殿。低于亲王等级的王公府邸决不能多于这些数字。





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2341 字

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Hello, my name is Lin, you can call me rain eu. I will take you to visit hangzhou west lake, please dont litter, keep your valuables, I wish you all a pleasant journey!

Before to the west lake, I believe many people have heard "above there is heaven, there are suzhou and hangzhou", this sentence. In fact, to compare hangzhou to heaven on earth, and the west lake has a lot to do. Hangzhou west lake scenery beautiful, let many poets. Bai juyis "failed to have to go to hangzhou, stay half is the lake". He proves this point. Please follow team, ready to witness of the hangzhou west lake!

Hangzhou west lake is located in the center of hangzhou, the song dynasty according to the west lake. The west lake, north and south 3.2 kilometers long, about 2.8 km wide, covers an area of about 5.68 square kilometers. The most distinctive is the "west lake ten scene". In which the foundation is located in the western end of bai causeway quietly elegant simplicity. Moons floor overlooking, feel the vast west lake, in the quiet state of mind of washing irritation, make person times feeling is king in neutral city, water wave in the scene, in the middle. Whatever stands in which Angle, see is a picture of a simple but elegant ink jiangnan landscape, pinghu moon looks more hopefully, shore will be, water is expected to building. The southern song dynasty Sun Rui poems have "cold cold spring condensate flow, vivit song where white water rafting" words; HongZhan progenitor of Ming dynasty also wrote in a poem: "autumn Ge peoples unique wave wrinkle, a castle in the town of dust in the mirror" etc are all praise pinghu the beauty of autumn. Pinghu harvest moon said to lake reflected the surrounding landscape, trees, played exceptionally quiet. Like a beautiful painting. Let we have to admire nature guifushengong, occasionally a boat, we couldnt help complained: "ship our painting cut!"

The west lake is a poem, a picture, a lovely girl. "Yi jiangnan, most have is hangzhou. Find out the laurel blossoms filled the air. Yamadera months, county kiosk pillow watching tide. When more revisit?" Bai juyis poem is to praise the song of the west lake. Dear visitors, pleasant west lake day trip is over, thank you for your cooperation to me. You have fun? Hope that the west lake in the mountains and rivers, the fond memories of you forever.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 9754 字

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Your Chagan Lake cruise ship No.1 has left the wharf and is heading for themysterious Chagan Lake through the "grassland canal" - Yinsong canal. Afterentering the lake area, the cruise ship will speed up, the summit is very big,standing in the bow will be very cool and comfortable, but remind you to standfirmly when standing by the boat, pay attention to the safety of swimming in thelake, at the same time, pay attention to carry your goods, so as to avoidfalling into the lake.

Now our cruise ship has entered Chagan Lake.

Chagan Lake is called "Chagannur" in Mongolian, which means white lake.Chagan is 37 kilometers long in the north and 17 kilometers wide in the East andWest.

With a total water area of about 420 square kilometers, it ranks seventhamong the top ten freshwater lakes in China. Its water storage capacity is about700 million cubic meters. It is the largest inland lake and provincial naturereserve in Jilin Province, as well as a famous fishery production base in JilinProvince,

Chagan Lake is rich in natural resources, rich in carp, silver carp,crucian carp, Wuchang fish and other 15 families of 68 species, with an annualoutput of more than 5000 tons of fresh fish, of which "Chagan Lake pangtouyu" iscertified as AA grade green food by the national green food certificationcenter, and is exported to both inside and outside the province. In recentyears, the shrimp, pearl and other aquatic resources of Chagan Lake have beeneffectively developed, and the beautiful fish and shrimp have already been puton the table of tourists. Chagan Lake has four distinct seasons and rich naturalresources, which provides a rare living environment for wild and aquaticanimals, making it a paradise for wild animals and a paradise for birds. Thereare more than 20 kinds of wild animals such as foxes, rabbits and badgers, andmore than 80 kinds of rare birds such as wild ducks, swans, wild geese and redcrowned cranes in the lakeside grassland and small islands. The variety anddensity of wild animals are incomparable to many tourist attractions inside andoutside the province. The unique geographical location and natural resources ofunique scenery make Chagan Lake a dream wind since ancient times Shuibaodi. Fromemperor Shengzong to Emperor Tianzuo in Liao Dynasty, every year, he led hisministers and concubines to Chagan Lake from the capital for sightseeing andspring hunting. They dug ice on the lake to catch fish. They used the "headfish" that emperor liaozong had caught himself to hold a "head fish feast" onthe shore, because in early spring, the lake fish were the freshest, fattest andmost fragrant. When the spring wind blew green, the wild geese and swans weresinging on the Bank of Chagan Lake At that time, the emperors began to set offeagles and arrows to catch swans and geese, and held a goose banquet with thehead geese captured by "haidongqing", which was released by Emperor Liaohimself. They sang and danced by the lake and drank until the end of spring.From this we can imagine the magnificent scene of Chagan Lake.

When you look to the northeast of the lake, the mountain beside the lake iscalled Qingshantou, which is the commanding point around Chagan Lake. There isan old and sad story about Chagan Lake and Qingshantou

A long time ago, there was no Chagan Lake in gollos, but a vast grassland.Deep in the grassland, there was a handsome and powerful young man named Chaganshaobu who had lost his parents since childhood. He shot a good arrow, flying inthe sky, running underground, all shot a hundred times, Chagan shaobu waskind-hearted, and most of his prey was given to the surrounding students

The poor herdsmen are deeply loved by the herdsmen of the hundred milegrassland. One early spring, Chagan shaobu went out hunting with his bow andarrow. Suddenly, he saw a sika deer running towards him in panic. Two wolveswere chasing after him desperately. The exhausted deer was about to become everymeal of the two wolves. After a while, Chagan shaobu took a bow and shot twoarrows to kill the wolf and save the fawn. The fawn looked at Chagan shaobu withgrateful eyes and reluctantly turned and ran to the depth of the grassland.

That night, Chagan shaobu, who was not sleeping, suddenly dreamed of thesika deer he had saved. The deer said to him, "Im here to repay you for savingyour life. I was originally a fairy deer in the sky. Because I ate Ganodermalucidum in the Royal Garden, I was sent to earth by the Jade Emperor. Thepenalty will be over tomorrow. Ill come back to heaven to see my benefactor.See you alone a person too poor lonely, I want to find a companion for you toaccompany you. Tomorrow morning, you will go to Chaobei. After crossing 7749mountains, you will see a fairy peak. There is a fairy cave on the hillside.There is a stone box in the cave. There is a gold hairpin in the stone box. Ifyou put the gold hairpin in your arms and bring it back, there will be a fairyto accompany you. Remember it With that, the deer disappeared.

The next day, Chagan shaobu set out with his dry food bow and arrow in thedirection that the deer pointed out in his dream. He went through all thedifficulties and dangers along the way. He shot and killed countless wolves,insects, tigers and leopards with his good arrow technique, and finally came tothe fairy cave on the hillside of fairy peak. There was a stone box in the cavesurrounded by auspicious clouds. When he opened the stone box, he saw that therewas a light in it He was overjoyed with the dazzling gold hairpin. He picked itup and hurried back. It seemed that he would be home soon.

When he got home, he took out the gold hairpin from his arms and looked atit carefully. Suddenly, with a flash of gold, a pretty girl stood in front ofChagan shaobu and said, "my name is Qimuge. Im the fourth daughter of the queenmother of the West. I admire your kindness and bravery. I like your diligenceand perseverance. If you like, Ill marry you and join hands with you for ahundred years." He was so excited that he held his Muge tightly in his arms.Three years later, Qimuge gave birth to a fat son named bater for Chagan shaobu.One day when Chagan shaobu came back from hunting, he saw Qimuge frowning andasked her what happened? Qimuge tears side said: "tomorrow my mothers birthday,life I go back to celebrate, I need three days back and forth, but the sky threedays, human three years, I really cant bear to let you alone spend three yearsof time." Chagan shaobu comforted qimig and said: "three years will pass in aflash. When you come back, we will never separate again. Thats right, but whenQimuges wings fluttered and left in the colorful clouds, Chagan shaobu missedhis bedroom day and night, and soon he was seriously ill. On his deathbed,Chagan shaobu looked up at the sky and sighed: "Qimuge, I cant look at youagain. I cant close my eyes." At this time, Qimuge, who was far away in thetemple of heaven, seemed to hear Chagan shaobus heartbreaking call, so he wentback to the world regardless of everything. Seeing that Chagan shaobu was dying,he went back to heaven again. Regardless of the rules of heaven, he stole theelixir to take it for Chagan shaobu, and made Chagan shaobu safe.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the queen mother found that the elixir had beenstolen, and immediately sent the God to look for it. When she learned that shehad been stolen by Qimuge and saved Chagan shaobu, she was furious and orderedthe God to move a castle peak and press Qimuge at the foot of the mountain. Thisis what we see now. Another order was issued that no rain should be allowed inthe grassland where Chagan shaobu lived within three years, and that Chaganshaobu and all the plants, cattle and sheep here should die of thirst. Its truethat there hasnt been a drop of rain in this area for three years. Its as hotas a fire, the ground is dry and smoking, the grass is dry, and the cattle andsheep are thirsty. Seeing this, Chagan shaobu was very anxious. One day, Chaganshaobu had a dream of Qimuge again. Qimuge cried and said, "I broke the heavenrules by stealing the elixir to save you. I was pressed under the big greenmountain next to you. I cant save you and the villagers by my magic power. Ifyou want to sacrifice your life to save the grassland life, go to the fairy caveand eat the elixir Ive made, and you will become a big lake beside me."

When Chagan shaobu woke up, he settled down with bater. According toQimuges words, he went to the fairy cave to find the luminous elixir. When hereturned to the deep grassland under the big green mountain, he swallowed theelixir without hesitation. As soon as the elixir ate, Chagan shaobu immediatelyturned into a white lake. The water in the lake is white and transparent, like ajade mirror reflecting the big green hill. With the irrigation of sweet lake,the grassland here is greener, the flowers are more colorful, the cattle andsheep are breeding again, and the herdsmen live a happy life. In order tocommemorate and cherish the memory of the couple who sacrificed their lives tosave the grassland, people come to the lake every spring when the flowers bloom.They play the melodious horse head lute, stir up the happy Andai dance, and namethe Great Lake Chagannur. The green hill by the lake is called Qingshantou.

My friends, the legend of Chagan Lake and Qingshantou is here for you. Nexttime you come to Chagan Lake for sightseeing, I will tell you the next episodeof this beautiful legend - the story of Chagan shaobu and his son bater who ledthe lake to save his father and cut the mountain to save his mother.

We have already visited Chagan Lake. Next, please visit Miaoyin temple,Boyan Oboo, Honghu Park, Gorros Museum and other scenic spots on the bank. Ibelieve you will have a good time.



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When it comes to Wuzhen, friends who like Liu Ruoying must be familiar withher. From the time when she was photographing to becoming the image ambassadorof Wuzhen recently, it can be said that Liu Ruoying and Wuzhen have formed anindissoluble bond. Today, we will go to this millennium old town and follow LiuRuoyings idea to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the ancient town. It is oftensaid that one side of the soil and water nourishes another side of the people.Wuzhen is indeed a place of outstanding people. It is a land of elegantgeomantic omen. Many outstanding talents have been born since ancient times.According to the records of this town, from the Song Dynasty to the late QingDynasty, there were 64 Jinshi and 161 Juren in the town, and Mao Dun, a greatliterary master, appeared in modern times. It can be said that people thrivebecause of the town, and the town is named because of the people.

Since Wuzhen is so famous, we must be very curious about the origin ofWuzhen. Before the Southern Song Dynasty, Wuzhen was divided into two towns,Wuzhen and Qingzhen, with Chexi as the boundary. Wuzhen in the west of the Riverbelongs to Huzhou Prefecture, while Qingzhen in the east of the River belongs toJiaxing Prefecture. After the liberation of China, the districts of Wuzhen andQingzhen were unified and managed by Jiaxing City. There is another short storyabout the origin of the name "Wuzhen": it is said that in the Tang Dynasty, LiQi, the governor of Zhejiang Province, wanted to be a separate ruler and king,and raised his troops to revolt. The imperial court ordered general wuzan tolead his troops to attack. This wuzan general is highly skilled in martial artsand is good at fighting bravely, which makes Li Qis rebels retreat step bystep. When hit the Chexi River, Li Qi suddenly listed a truce. Just as thegeneral of Ukraine camped and rested on the spot, Li Qi attacked the camp of theUkrainian army that night. General Wu rushed to fight, and finally fell into thetrap set by Li Qi on the bridge. They were shot dead by the rebels on the spot.Although Zhang was defeated, general wuzans loyalty and patriotism moved allthe local people. In memory of him, we used his surname as the name of thetown.

It said something about the history of Wuzhen. Our friends go to Wuzhen toplay. What should we play when we go to Wuzhen? Its nothing more than eating,wearing and traveling. When it comes to eating, maybe most of our friends startto get excited. After all, food is the most important thing for the people.Dont worry, listen to Xiao Wangs introduction. When it comes to Wuzhensfamous food, I have to mention this aunt cake. Hearing this name, I think youhave guessed it. It must have something to do with the relationship between auntand sister-in-law. Its true. According to legend, in the Ming Dynasty, therewas a family surnamed Zhang in the town, who made a living by making pancakesfor his sister-in-law for generations. Because it is an exclusive formula,natural flavor is unique, so enduring business is booming. But there is anunwritten rule in Zhangs family. In order to ensure that the secret recipe willbe passed on from generation to generation, it is stipulated that the secretrecipe will only be passed on to the daughter-in-law, not to the daughter. Afterall, my daughter will be married in the future, and she will become a member ofother peoples family. When it came to the Ming Dynasty, my sister-in-law wasvery unhappy when she saw that her mother only taught her sister-in-law how tomake cakes. After all, my sister-in-law has only been married to my family formore than a year, and I have been in this family for more than ten years, and mymother has never taught me. So I couldnt get along with my sister-in-laweverywhere. One day, when my sister-in-law was making cakes, it began to rain.So my sister-in-law said to her sister-in-law, "sister-in-law, its rainingoutside. Go and collect your clothes quickly.". My sister-in-law ran out as soonas she heard that. When my sister-in-law saw that her sister-in-law was out, shewas angry, but secretly grabbed a bar of salt and threw it into the pan.Coincidentally, todays guests who ate Aunt Zhangs Pancakes all said thattodays Pancakes taste unusual and better than before. My sister-in-law isstrange. Im still doing the same thing as before. How can it be different

Well. So she ate a piece of it herself, and she felt that the taste wasreally abnormal.

At this time, my sister-in-law began to talk. "Sister in law, if you wantto understand why the cake tastes so good today, and if you want to make it sogood every day in the future, tell me the secret recipe for making the cakefirst." sister in law, however, told her the recipe for making the cake. Ofcourse, my sister-in-law is also very honest to tell her how to do somethingbad, but it backfires and its a blessing in disguise. Because the practice atthe moment is shared by my sister-in-law, so I named this cake "sister-in-lawcake". After the visit, you may as well buy some for free activities. Aftersaying "sister-in-law cake", of course, we have to talk about the specialproduct of Wuzhen, "three Baijiu". Three Baijiu is handmade naturally. Becausewhite rice, white noodles and white water are used as raw materials, it iscalled "three Baijiu". Others are Hangzhou white chrysanthemum, white water fishand braised pork. After dinner, we can order some to taste.

After talking about eating, lets get to the point. Blue calico is one ofthe specialties of Wuzhen, commonly known as "lime calico" and "calico". It is atraditional folk craft in China. It is made of cotton thread, soybean powder andbluegrass juice. It is purely hand-made and environmentally friendly. You canbuy some small things. For example, a lady who loves beauty can buy one or twoblue calico headscarves and small handbags as souvenirs. I suggest you dont buyclothes, because at the moment, no one is willing to wear these kinds ofclothes. Secondly, blue calico is easy to fade. When its hot, its not good towear this kind of clothes and sweat all over the body like a leopard. ha-ha.Others are handmade cotton shoes and slippers. We buy at our own discretion.

Next, Ill introduce the most important tour to you, so that you can graspthe key points and be targeted when you visit. As I said just now, Wuzhen is thehometown of Mao Dun, a great literary scientist, so naturally, Mao Duns formerresidence must be visited. To visit the water town is nothing more than to seethe architecture and taste the folk customs. And the "street pillow water, pinkwall Daiwa" is the common features of water architecture, since we have to seeits most distinctive things in Wuzhen. The architectural features of Wuzhen areconcentrated in the Xiuzhen temple and the ancient stage at the head of thetown. So you must not miss the first scenic spot of Xiuzhen temple. There is ascenic spot announcer in the temple to explain to you. I will send the ticketsto you at the gate when I go in. After visiting the first scenic spot, those whoare willing to visit with me will follow me, and those who are not willing toplan to move freely with me will be able to move freely. Lets go back to theintroduction of you. As the saying goes, "ten li is not the same sound, hundredLi is not the same vulgar.". It is estimated that Nanjing is 500 li away fromWuzhen, so the folk customs are even more different. Wuzhen just provides uswith a platform to watch folk customs. There are many pavilions in the town,such as Jiangnan wood carving exhibition hall, Hongtai dyeing workshop bluecalico exhibition hall, Jiangnan hundred beds hall, folk custom hall and so on.Later, Xiao Wang will show you around one by one.



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Summer Palace

The Summer Palace (Yiheyuan) in the northwestern suburb of Beijing was built in 1750. by far the best-preserved imperial garden in China, it was endorsed by the UNESCO in 1998 as a world cultural heritage site.

As a paragon of Chinese gardens, this huge garden includes Longevity Hill, whose beauty is set off by a multitude of halls, kiosks and trees, and Kunming Lake, a huge body of liquid silver.

Major tourist attractions are Tower of Buddhist Incense, 17-Span Bridge, Long Gallery, Cloud Dispelling Hall, Marble Boat, Beamless Hall, Garden of Harmonious Delights, the theatre in the Garden of Moral Harmony, and Suzhou Street.

The entire place is a de facto museum of Chinas classical architecture. Housed in these buildings are an immense collection of treasures and cultural artifacts.



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Hello, tourists! My name is Wang Xiangyu. Im your tour guide. Just call meXiao Wang. Welcome to Jiuhua Mountain. Lets first introduce the generalsituation of Jiuhua Mountain. Jiuhua Mountain is located in Chizhou City, AnhuiProvince. It is the main scenic spot of the "two mountains and one lake" goldentourist area in Anhui Province. It has beautiful scenery and numerous ancienttemples. It is also known as the four famous Buddhist mountains in China withMount Emei in Sichuan, Mount Wutai in Shanxi and Mount Putuo in Zhejiang.

Jiuhua Mountain was not originally called Jiuhua Mountain, but Jiuzimountain in the Tang Dynasty. Because of its beautiful peaks, there are ninepeaks above the clouds, so there are nine Jiuzi mountains. During the reign ofTang Tianbao, Li Bai, an immortal poet, had been there twice

Next, we first enter the Jiuhua Street scenic spot, and the first thing wesee is a stone gate square. It is carved out of marble, 9 meters high, and is animitation of the Hui style architecture of the Qing Dynasty. The banner isengraved with the four characters "Jiuhua Shengjing" written by Emperor Kangxi.There are stone lions carved under the two pillars of the middle gate. The gateis dignified and elegant. After passing the gate, you can see Yingxian bridge.This bridge was built during the reign of Emperor Qianlong. It is a single holestone arch bridge. Please follow me to this ancient bridge and step into thefairyland!

Well, after visiting Zhiyuan temple, we are now at the center of Jiuhuastreet. What you can see is Huacheng temple, the kaishanzu Temple of JiuhuaMountain. Under the stone steps of Huacheng temple, there are a pair of stonelions in Song Dynasty, one female and one male, which are ancient and clumsy.Huacheng Temple gradually rises according to the terrain, with rigorousstructure, simple and elegant, basically preserving the original style ofkaishanzu temple.

Well, our tour of Jiuhua Mountain has come to an end. Thank you for yoursupport and cooperation in Xiao Wangs work. I hope we will continue to serveyou in the future. Have a good trip! Thank you!



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Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the dunhuang mogao grottoes with a long history. I am your tour guide. You just call me Lao zhou. Four grottoes are: longmen grottoes, yungang grottoes, the maijishan grottoes, and the mogao grottoes of dunhuang. One of the biggest, but is the dunhuang mogao grottoes. Next, just follow me to go to dunhuang mogao grottoes and have a look!

First I want to introduce you to: mogao grottoes thousand-buddha grottoes. He is known as the most valuable culture found in the 20th century, "east the Louvre is located in the west of dunhuang in corridor", is famous for beautiful murals and statues. Existing caves, 735, 405 square meters of murals, clay sculpture.our 2415 statue, is existing in the worlds largest and most abundant content of buddhist shrine.

All kinds of grottoes sizes. Thousand-buddha cliff carved with tens of thousands of small figure of Buddha, every small figure of Buddha, though more than an inch high, but the head and body are carving vivid, lifelike. Okay, on to the next attraction.

You see, this thing is a nine layers cover, also called as "Peking University", 36 meters high, is the worlds third big Buddha!

The mogao grottoes is a treasure chest.

Well, a visit to the end. Welcome next time!



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My hometown is in Dali, where in addition to all kinds of delicious food, Iam proud of Erhai Lake, a famous plateau lake.

In the early morning, there is a light dawn in the East. The green CangshanMountain and the dazzling sunrise are all reflected in the lake, forming abeautiful picture. At this time, a gust of wind swept, the lake suddenly set offa layer of waves, ships on the sea with a burst of sea breeze dance happily. Themorning passed unconsciously in such peace

At noon, the sun was shining in the sky. The sun was shining on the surfaceof the lake, which was very dazzling. In order to avoid the summer, severalpeople jumped into Erhai and swam happily. Several children were splashing inthe water, splashing layers of laughter. In the distance, under the verdantCangshan Mountain, people gathered for summer vacation. The boys on the side ofthe road are eating happily with a bunch of snot and a popsicle. Its anotherhot afternoon.

In the evening, when the bright moon is in the sky, I often see peoplewalking by the Erhai sea. I sit quietly by the Erhai sea and bathe in themoonlight, thinking: how mysterious Erhai Lake is.

With the picturesque Erhai Lake and the magnificent Cangshan Mountain, Daliis really a satisfying tourist attraction!!!!



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Everybody is good! My name is presented, your tour guide, today we will visit is rated at 29 "world cultural heritage" in the Summer Palace. I hope my sincerity and enthusiasm can bring happiness to you!

The Summer Palace is one of the most vast imperial gardens in the world, is Chinas largest, protect the most complete existing royal garden museum. Was built in 1750, formerly qingyi park. Qianlong, jiaqing and daoguang and xianfeng emperor palace garden. In 1860 by British and French troops burned down. In 1886, emperor guangxu reconstruction on the original base according to the original size, two years later renamed the Summer Palace, the empress dowagers remaining land. In December 1998, UNESCO listed in the "world heritage list".

Park is mainly composed of longevity hill and kunming lake, two big scenery to, lake between the mountains, a pavilion, table, floor, palaces, temples, pagodas, waterside pavilion, pavilion, veranda, long beach, stone bridge, stone fat place full of national features of classical architecture, veranda, the countrys longest promenade, the distant mountains near water, become an organic whole repeatedly has the very high artistic value

Longevity hill belongs to yanshan -odd arteries, 58. 59 m. Buildings and mountain building, before the longevity hill mountain, three to eight surface layer as the center, four double-hipped roof of Buddha incense of the main body of large buildings. From the foot of "prout catamarans brainpower-computer" arched, the rows cloud gate, two of palace, cloud temple, DE hui temple, Buddha incense, and the wisdom of the sea, until the top of the mountain formed up in layers of a central axis.

Kunming lake is the main lake, the Summer Palace, three-fourths of the dominated area, about 220 hectares. Former lakes rippling, south of lake Simon Simon, a castle in the west, north look at the ups and downs in groups; There is a west causeway lake, and on the peach willow lines; The marble seventeen-arch bridge which lies on the lake, the kunming lake is the largest lake in the royal gardens in qing dynasty.

Today, our visit to this end, hope pleasant scenery of the Summer Palace, and I can become you the interpretation of wonderful memories! Thank you all!



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Hello, here is the dunhuang mogao grottoes scenic spot. I am your tour guide, my name is gong, it can call me gong guiding.

Dunhuang mogao grottoes is one of the jewels in the northwest of motherland. She is located in gansu province in the sanwei and mingsha hills, also is our this place. Everyone looked down, plump dunes around, looked up a look again, the 492 caves as honeycomb-like arrangement on the bluffs overlooking a precipice. You can imagine, build the grand dunhuang mogao grottoes people how is not easy. In order to protect the heritage, please, dont throw rubbish, dont take pictures.

Now I flash into the painted sculpture exhibition hall. Here the colorful murals of personality is distinct and different demeanor, ring. I left it is good-natured bodhisattva, the right it is commanding the king; The top it is strong and courageous. Behind me the sleeping Buddha statue is the most magnificent. It has a total of 16 m long, lies on her side, eyes tight shut, expression of peace. Believe that you see the later, will pay homage.

Next, we come to appreciate the paintings exhibition hall. The mural has a lot of, content is rich and colorful. My the left side is buddhist stories depict deities image, on the right is reflecting folk life and to depict the natural scenery. You know what is behind me mural? By the way, that is eye-catching flying. This flower basket, carrying a flying arm picking flowers; This flying embrace pipa, silver dial string; This one flying wing, body and drop since the day; This flying ribbons waving, all over the sky; And that a flying stretches the double-wall, dance. Whether had you seen these paintings like entered the art gallery? Yes, I tell you, the mogao grottoes is the world famous art treasure, every mural, each painted sculpture, is the crystallization of the wisdom of working people of ancient China.

Ok, here is a free time, please be touring, have what problem can ask me.



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Hello! Warmly welcome to Mount Tai! In the following time, I will visitMount Tai with you and introduce Mount Tai, a natural and cultural heritage. Ihope that through my introduction, you will be deeply impressed by MountTai.

Now, in front of us is Mount Tai. It is located in the middle of ShandongProvince, east of Jinpu railway, in the east of China, so it is calledDongyue.

Mount Tai is a magnificent mountain with beautiful scenery, ranking firstamong the five mountains. Therefore, in ancient times, it was known as "thelength of the five mountains", "the sole ancestor of the five mountains" and"the sole respect of the five mountains". The tour area has increased from 19. 5square kilometers to nearly 70 square kilometers now.

There are many poems about the scenery of Mount Tai. Now I would like tointroduce two of them to you

After 18 sets

There are eighteen roads in Lingxue, and three passes in the mountains.

Listen to the Green rhyme of the warblers singing in the mountains, andstep on the stone steps to dream into the clouds.

Wash the heart, pour the silver river, forget yourself, turn over the bluesea and sky.

People are unique, and I dont know whats on earth.

On the top of Jade Emperor

Three into the gate of heaven, stepping on the blue clouds, the JadeEmperor to see heaven and earth.

There is no other thing to see at nine oclock in Qizhou.

The universe is smooth without inside and outside, and the country is vastwithout depth.

The Millennium historic sites are full of dreams, and the independent windis full of dust.

This tall and ancient Mount Tai contains rich natural and culturalaccumulation.

Dear friends, thats all for my introduction. Next, take your time to visitthe places you are interested in,

Watch carefully!



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Good morning! Lidies and gentlemen. I am very glad to be your local guideof this travel for HS Mountain. on behalf of our travel agency ,we hope that allof you well feel as good as today’s sunshine ,and enjoy yourselves.

Now we have arrived in the Mount Huang. Firstly I had better introduce theHS to you .

HS Mountain, is located in the south of An hui Province, It is one part ofthe Chinese Nan ling sierra. Entire mountain area is approximately 1,200 squarekilometers. HS Mountain was called Yi Mountain before Tang Dynasty. Can youguess the meaning of Yi? It means “black ”.Because there are too many blackrocks on the mountain.So the ancient people gave it such name. Chinese emperorHuangdi came here for gathering herbs and refining elixir. And he took a bath inthe hot spring. Thus he became a immortal. Tang Dynasty Emperor LiLongjiextremely believed in the legend. So he renamed the mountain HS . The meaning isthat this mountain is Emperor Huangdi’s mountain. From then on, HS Mountain thisname has been used till today.

HS Mountain is certainly beautiful. It may be said that it is the wonderfulmountain. Having a look with our own eyes is truly a big happy event in ourlife. Who know the four uniques of HS mountain ? Let me introduce them toyou.

The first is strangely-shaped pines. Why are the pines strange? Because HSpines grow up from hard granite instead of rich soil. After thousands of years,their root deeply strike into rock seam. They are not afraid of drought andstorm.

The second is grotesque rock. There are so many grotesque rocks all over HSmountain. Some of them are like man’s appearance. Some are like objects’shapes.And also some are endowed with myths and history stories.In 121 famous grotesquerocks, some of the well-known are“ flying stone” “fairy playing chess” “magpieon plum” “monkey viewing sea”. They are all magical and lifelike.

The third is the seas of clouds. The Qing Dynasty emperor Kangxi had oncewritten a plaque for HS . There are four words“Huang Hai Tian Du”on it. Everytime after the rain and snow, HS will appear spectacular changeable seas ofclouds. HS set off by the seas of clouds and becomes colorful,just like humanfairyland. According to the position,the seas of clouds are divided into eastsea,south sea,west sea ,north sea and sky sea.And on the lotus peak,Tiandupeak,Bright top,you can overlook the vast seas ofclouds,and enjoy “To the end ofthe sea,sky is the shore;Up to the mountain,I am the peak”.

What’s the last one? Who can guess? Yeah, it’s hot spring. Water from thesprings is odorless. It contains minerals which are beneficial to treat manydiseases .Hot springs flow from the foot of Purple Cloud Peak.

The temperature of hot springs keeps in 42 degrees or so.

Now we are entering Yu ping scenic spot. Look, this is the Tiandu peak. Itis one of the 3 main peaks of HS mountain and also the steepest. It is 1810meters above sea level. In ancient times it was called “Quan Xian Suo Du”,meaning“ heaven city”. This peak is steep and straight and has the magnificentmomentum. Can you feel it? In the HS Mountain peaks, it is the most spectacular.The Lotus peak, Bright Top and Tiandu peak are known as 3 peaks of HS.

My friends, our journey will come to an end at once, I also have to saygoodbye to you. We have been friends already and had a wonderful time. Wish youall happiness more and more. If there is a chance, hope you come to China again.And we will welcome you forever!



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Dear friends: visitors

Hello everyone, I am your touring in guilin tour guide this time, thank you gave me the chance to be an exercise, all I will do my own ability to explain for you.

Ok, we get to the point. Saying the "landscape jiatianxia guilin," guilin has the characteristics of this region, is in flat land and river, grids, abrupt SenYu, each are not connected.

We are on this side of the center of guilin, there is a danger. Its called xiufeng alone, bulging mountain, like a giant big column, known as "south tianyi column"

Next, I guide you in outrigger canoes to see guilin is the most beautiful one in the river, the lijiang river. We can see what is the distinguishing feature of the lijiang river water? Yes, lijiang river water eerily quiet, quiet we don not feel it in the flow; The lijiang river water on the bottom, can see there are a lot of beautiful fish swimming in the water; The lijiang river water also special green, green can and flawless was comparable.

You see, the attraction is "xiangshan shui", it is synthesized from xiangshan and hidden holes. The xiangshan also called elephant trunk hill, because it resembles a giant elephant is the river water. Elephant trunk hill that long nose, the depth of the water and mountain ready round the cave, "hidden hole". Hole on the surface is very smooth.

This is the camel mountain, beautiful legend about it next time tell you,

Good, today I take you to visit here, welcome to come to guilin, I have a lot of shortcomings, hope everyone advice, the small time we goodbye. Bye bye!



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Daming monastery is famous at home and abroad, its long history, it is important, but more important for one reason, because there was a greatness monk, he is the distinguishing of the monk in the tang dynasty. On distinguishing the monks who speak law ChuanJie daming monastery, famous and admired by character, has the high prestige, "the reputation of jianghuai master". Thrive in Buddhism, buddhist Oriental, he accepts the Japanese buddhist invitation, readily led the monk dongdu fuso. Master dongdu buddhist is absolute. At that time, his disciples for the road far away, "the sea miaotuo overflowing, useless to", but hesitates along. Distinguishing but undaunted: "to be hurrying, also precious little body life? The people dont go, I go to the ear that!" It serves to show his profound super-knowledge and strong determination.

Distinguishing the master take the bull by the horns, five times failure, did not lose heart, never flinch, finally in tianbao twelve years (753), with the blind, arrived in Japan in the 66 - year - old success always. His indomitable willpower, enables us to admire and respect. Distinguishing in Japan built temple Buddha, wide spread Buddhism commandment, xing teach calligraphy and painting skills, promote medicine diet, carrying forward the culture of datang, by the people of Japan as a benefactor "culture". Distinguishing the master is a shining example of a missionary of buddhist, is the Chinese peoples friendly messenger. He is doctrines on rare elite in China, is one of the biggest glory and pride of daming monastery.

Habitat spirit, a total of nine layers, was founded in the first year of SuiRenShou (601), tang dynasty poet li bai, cross, Liu Changqing, Jiang Huan, Chen Run, liu yuxi, bai juyi have to board, and leave song, reflects is known as "China YouJun" habitat of spirit majestic, magnificent towering cloud.

Habitat spirit since Tang Huichang three years (843) not to be, daming monastery only ruins "habitat" spirit, without their spi tower, pilgrims and visitors are deeply lead to shame. The emperor song zhenzong JingDe first year (1004), monks can zheng to raise funds to build up a more than seven pagodas. The pagoda in the southern song dynasty destroy Pi again, since then, daming monastery never rebuild their spirit.

As in 1980, distinguishing masters like back to yangzhou "visit" from Japan, people from all walks of life initiative to rebuild their spirit, excitation figure macro industry. Daming monastery monks with the support of relevant departments, in every way to raise money, ready to build. 1988, daming monastery monk ruixiang mage ZeZhi based at temple east garden, grand ceremony, stone for the record. Ruixiang mage parinirvana after can fix the mage persist its ambition, collect alms, pencil-thin operation, the desire for built a habitat spirit as soon as possible.

Habitat and * spirit north the steps in the direct connect to lie. Lie Wu Buddha hall for the shan temple architecture, cornices, newborn magnificence. Lie the Buddha hall built in high stylobate, eaves hung * "lie" gold plaque in the middle of place, from the President of the calligraphy at the beginning of the buddhist association of China.

In Ursa major as the main body of the north and south by east of central axis position, also formed a north-south central axis of the building group, and it is the main hall in distinguishing memorial as a group, the construction of the main body of the design, structure system is perfect, is almost in this building.

PingShanTang locates the west side of the "old house" immortal of daming monastery Ursa major, as the northern song dynasty writer ouyang xiu in yangzhou was positively build, is consists of PingShanTang, GuLinTang, ouyang shrine, from south to north lined up. This church there hang "merry wan in", "sit on" plaques, north hall eaves hang Lin zhao yuan topic "mountains to the readings and flat" plaques. At this point, tourists SiGu of compassion.



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Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our beautiful Colorful Yunnan. Itsa great honor to meet you. Im Xiao Pu, our tour guide. Next to me is my littlefriend Xiao Li. We are very honored to be your tour guide. The place we aregoing to today is the ancient city of Lijiang, which is known as "Gusu on theplateau" and "Venice in the East". Perhaps you may think, how could Xiao Puboast so much about Lijiang? In fact, I dont exaggerate at all. The ancientcity of Lijiang is just because the Yuquan water runs through the whole city,which is divided into the West River, the middle river and the East River. Inthe ancient city, it is divided into more tributaries, walking through streetsand alleys, walls and houses. Street layout is free, not neat. The main streetis near the river, the alley is near the canal, and the clear spring flowsthrough the street, the town and the house. The poem "every family flows withwater, and every family hangs with Yang" is a true portrayal of this city, soalthough it is a small town on the Yunnan Guizhou Plateau, it has thecharacteristics of a water town in the south of the Yangtze River.

Dayan town

Next, let me tell you about the history of Lijiang. The ancient city ofLijiang is located at the foot of Yulong Snow Mountain. Surrounded by greenmountains, the city is like a big Jasper inkstone. In ancient times, "inkstone"and "Yan" were interlinked. Therefore, the chieftain of Ming Dynasty renamed theancient city "Dayan", which means prosperous culture and outstanding people.

Maybe before Lijiang in the future, everyone has heard that Lijiang ancientcity has one characteristic, that is, it is the only ancient city without citywalls in Chinas famous historical and cultural city. Why is there no citywalls? It is said that the hereditary rulers of Lijiang all have the surname ofmu, so building a city is bound to be like adding a frame with the word"trapped". The chieftain of Mu family did not set up a city wall because oftaboo.

The ancient city was built in the late Southern Song Dynasty with a historyof about 800 years. It has been a political, economic and military town inNorthwest Yunnan and a hub for the economic and cultural exchanges among Naxi,Khan, Tibet and other ethnic groups. Xu Xiake, a famous Chinese traveler in MingDynasty, once wrote that "the beauty of the palace is determined by the king",which is also the important town of the ancient tea horse road in history. Thecity covers an area of 3.8 square kilometers, with a permanent population of30000 and 16900 Naxi people.

Lijiang ancient city was listed as a national historical and cultural cityby the State Council in 1986, and as a world cultural heritage by UNESCO in1997. So what should we visit in Lijiang?

1、 Climbing the range rover, you can see the form of the ancient city. Theancient city skillfully used the terrain, with lion mountain in the west,Xiangshan Mountain and Jinhong mountain in the north. It was moved from thenorthwest to the southeast, avoiding the cold wind of snow mountain, leading tothe warm wind in the southeast and occupying the convenient place.

2、 The ancient city makes full use of the spring water. The Yuhe River inthe city is divided into three parts, three parts into nine parts, and thendivided into countless canals, clean and full of aura. [by [finishing]

3、 Walking along the street, you can see the buildings of the ancient city.The buildings in the ancient city are all simple courtyard residents. Thebuildings are simple and crude. The courtyard layout and the internal buildingsare rich and delicate, which constitute a harmonious relationship between manand nature.

4、 If you enter the city and cross the bridge, you can see the layout ofthe whole city. The layout of the ancient city is free and flexible. Stonebridges, wooden bridges, flowers, birds, fish and insects, musical instruments,chess, calligraphy and painting, and folk customs make the ancient cityunique.

Entrance to the ancient city

We have come to the entrance of the ancient city. Some people say its amother and sons water wheel, while others say its a couples water wheel. Howcan we not see the gate? In fact, you cant see it. Its also a wonder ofLijiang ancient city, that is, you cant see the city gate or the city wall,because there is no city wall or the city gate in the ancient city, because thehead of Naxi nationalitys surname is "Mu". If the city wall and the city gateare built, it will become "trapped". So there is no city wall or the city gatein the ancient city. Please see, this is the screen wall of President JiangZemins inscription "the ancient city of Lijiang, a world cultural heritage". Itis dignified and beautiful. "Three squares and one Zhaobi" is the architecturalfeature of Naxi folk houses. To the right is the water column. It reflects theimportance of fire prevention in civil structure buildings of ancient city atthat time, which is also the wisdom of Naxi ancestors. This is a world heritagemonument. The symbol is connected by a circle and a box, indicating the harmonybetween man and nature. Next, lets visit the ancient city!

Layout of ancient city

Ladies and gentlemen, there must be such a question in mind. There are manyancient cities like this in China. Why is this remote ancient city on theplateau chosen? If you want to get the answer, please follow Xiao Li. A lane, afamily, a careless you stand in a hundred years of history, this feeling, on theroad, in various courtyards, you can feel everywhere. Therefore, this ancientcity is not built for filming or mystery. Its a real and living ancient city.If you look at it, you will feel that its much smoother than the road you justwalked. The stone slabs with five flowers seem to have a lot of gravel in them.However, its a kind of lejiaoyan unique to Lijiang. Its collected from thesurrounding mountains. Because of its colorful colors, the local people call itfive flowers Stone, pedestrian horse tread, after hundreds of years, polishedsmooth and transparent, first-class rain, poetic at your feet, this street iscalled Xinhua street. On both sides of the street, you can occasionally seecouplets of different colors pasted on the doors of some peoples houses. SomeNaxi people have died, and they all have to commemorate three years. The firstyear is white couplet with black characters, the second year is green coupletwith black characters, and the third year is couplet pasted. This is thenostalgia of Naxi people for their dead relatives. After some forest likepavements, clear river water, small bridges and weeping willows, it is printedin your eyes, but you dont see it Passing by such a clear river, I can see rowsof tables and chairs and bursts of music coming into my ears. This is what theguests call "Foreigner Street". However, the shops on this street are not run byforeigners. The bars there are bookish, rebellious and pure business. Everyonecan get what they want. The convenient place for people in the city to"recharge" in Lijiang is

The bar looks for feeling, especially for foreigners. There are friends,there are bridges, water, as long as not drunk, life can find a moment ofcarefree. After passing the bar street, you can see a small stone bridge, whichis called pea bridge because it sold peas there earlier. The small gate buildingon the west of the bridge is Kegong square. Kegong square is named in the alleybehind the square. In the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty, there were twobrothers of the Yang family in the alley, and in the Daoguang period, theiryounger brother was elected again. This is a matter of pride for Lijiang people.In order to praise the Yang family and encourage them, the government praisedthem This is a special place.

Standing there, looking to the East, you can see an open area. This is thecentral Sifang street. Sifang street is the central guangachang of the ancientcity, covering an area of about five mu. There are two main reasons why it iscalled Sifang street. One reason is that the shape of the square is very similarto the square magistrates seal. It is named Sifang street by the chieftain,which means "Quan Zhen Sifang". Some people say that the road there leads toSifang Fang is the distribution center of people and logistics in alldirections, so it is called Sifang street. Why is Sifang street so famous? If wesay that the silk road is another world-famous trade channel in the north ofChina, there is also a trade channel in the south of China known as the "teahorse ancient road". It is a trade channel for the horses, fur, Tibetan medicineand other specialties in the Tibetan area and Lijiang, and tea, silk, jewelryand other commodities in the south. Lijiang ancient city is an important town onthe tea horse ancient road, and Sifang street is the important one Since ancienttimes, Sifang street, the trade center of the town, has been an open-air fairwith a history of 300 years. It is necessary to realize the mystery of Sifangstreet. In the early morning, people who get up early begin to buy breakfast,which is a hazy Sifang street. In the afternoon, traders who buy copper,mountain goods and snacks form a prosperous market. This is the reason Sifangstreet is full of vigor and vitality; its just dark when businessmen go home,and after a time of friction, there are still people and sunshine left. The oldpeople basking in the sun at the bridge head are replaced by children playing,and the bars on both sides show the oily light of night, which is the makeup ofSifang street. At about two oclock in the morning, Sifang street people go toempty streets, and the alleys are deep and unpredictable, only the sound ofrunning water rises and falls, which is the reason Its Lijiang with a plainface. meet

Come down, let my little friend Xiao Li, continue to show you how tobrowse!

Ancient city dwellings

Next, lets go to "Naxi Siheyuan" for a visit! The folk in the ancient cityabsorbed the architectural culture of Han, Bai, Tibetan and other nationalities,but also integrated the national architectural culture and aestheticconsciousness, forming a lot of Naxi style of "three squares and one wall, fourin five patio". The architectural form of the front and rear courtyard, thesetting of the gatehouse and the front building, the patio paving, the six doorand its decorative lights constitute a strong local color and nationalcharacteristics. Speaking of this, lets go in and have a look. The "four infive patios" there are four houses in the southeast and northwest. There is asmall patio between each two neighboring houses, and there are five patios inthe middle. So its called "four in five patios". Four blocks of housing areupstairs and downstairs are imaginative, so it is also called "zouma cornerbuilding".

Friends may ask, which part of Naxi residence has the most Naxicharacteristics? That is Liuhe door and the window core on Liuhe door - "fourseasons Bogu". "Four seasons" is Nash, which means "four seasons". Reflectingthe high expectations of the Naxi people for life, this six door can beinstalled or removed, convenient and flexible. When it is opened, it is thedoor, and when it is closed, it is the window. At ordinary times, only the twoin the middle are opened. When there are red and white events, and there aremany guests, the six doors can be removed. In the composition of the windowcore, the famous flowers and different flowers, auspicious birds and animals,and perfect allusions are used to express the perfect wishes of Naxi people forfour auspicious seasons, happiness of fortune and longevity, and farming andreading.


Dear friends, have you ever seen the TV series "Mufu Fengyun"? "MufuFengyun" is shot in Mufu. While enjoying the plot, you must be intoxicated withthe beautiful scenery and local customs of Lijiang. Now lets go to Mufu to havea look!

We visited the ancient city and Sifang street. If Sifang street is thecenter of the ancient city, Mufu is the heart of the ancient city and the "GrandView Garden" of Lijiang ancient city culture. The chieftain of Naxi surnamed Muonce ruled Lijiang for 470 years. After three dynasties of yuan, Ming and Qing,a total of 23 dynasties were continued, and this wooden mansion, known asLijiang Forbidden City, was built. Mus chieftain is loyal to the imperial courtand has been praised by the emperor for many times. This Zhongyi square wasapproved by the Emperor Wanli of Ming Dynasty. It is called "famous Three PagodaTemple in Dali and famous stone archway in Lijiang".

Please see, there is Mufu. The overall structure of Mufu, from east towest, is the Zhongyi square that we have just seen, followed by the front gate,Zhaobi, conference hall, wanjuan building, Dharma protection hall, guojielou,Guangbi building, Yuyin building and Sanqing hall.

The Mufu we see now was built after the earthquake of magnitude 7 in 1996.This is the assembly hall. The assembly hall is dignified, spacious andmagnificent. It is the place where the chieftains summon their guests. Look,there are three plaques on the door beam of the assembly hall, all of which arewritten with the words "serve the country sincerely". They are the commendationsof the three emperors Hongwu, Yongle and Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty. So why didthe imperial court rely so much on the Mu family? This is because the Naxipeople live in the hinterland of Jiangwan in the upper reaches of Jinsha River,with Tubo in the north and Nanzhao Dali in the south. These two local forcesoften became the unstable factors in the southwest frontier of the centraldynasty, so the Naxi nationality played an important role.

This is wanjuan building. Wanjuan building has three floors. Look, thereare no windows on the second floor. You cant see the second floor from thebottom of the building, so there are many precious books in it. To put itsimply, the wanjuan building is a place full of books, with books on the firstfloor, books on the second floor and books on the third floor. Now you can go inand visit yourself. Please abide by the order in the museum. Books can be readbut not touched! Behind the wanjuan tower is the Dharma hall. It is the house ofchieftains to discuss family affairs. In addition to the memorial tablets ofMus ancestors, there are benches, sticks and other tools for corporalpunishment. You can see that it is the place where Master Mu uses family rulesand family laws to discipline his children. It looks like the ancestral hall weusually call.

After passing the Dharma protection hall, we walk through an ancientoverpass. This overpass can be regarded as a creation of the chieftain of Mufamily, which is based on the local conditions and the people. In this way, thegovernment and the people are at peace and do not interfere with each other.Lets go up to the Guangbi building of Mufu. This is a 1:300 model of theancient city, where you can clearly see the whole picture of the ancient cityand Mufu. This is the Yulong bridge, the north entrance of the ancient city.This is the West River, the middle river and the East River. Who lost his way inthe ancient city, then, upstream must be able to walk to the Yulong bridge.These pictures show the rich history and culture and magnificent natural sceneryof Lijiang, please browse.

If you go further, this is the Yuyin building. On the first floor and infront of the building are the places where the chieftains sing, dance and feast.On the second floor are the places where the Fengzhao and Heshu are worshipped.There are copies of white sand murals in the hall. Baisha mural is a nationalkey cultural relic. It integrates Han Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism and Taoism intoone picture, and makes three religions live in one room. This practice ofintegrating the three religions is rare in other places. In Lijiang, because theNaxi represented by Mus chieftain is an open nation, they are culturallyinclusive.

After yuyinlou, we come to the final building on the axis of Mufu, Sanqinghall. From there, we can have a birds-eye view of the ancient city and Mufu,and we can see the ancient city described by Xu Xiake as "Julu pianji, lingeringin the slope and valley", and Mufus "beauty of palace is like the king".

Mufu is a splendid garden of architectural art, which fully reflects theelegant demeanor of the Central Plains architecture in the Ming Dynasty, whileretaining the simplicity and ruggedness of the Central Plains architecture inthe Tang and Song dynasties.

When you visit Lijiang ancient city, you should not miss Naxi ancientmusic. Naxi ancient music, which is called "lost music in all parts of China",consists of two parts: Baisha Xiyue and Lijiang Dongjing music. After hundredsof years of development and changes, Naxi ancient music has formed a uniquestyle of integration of Han and Naxi Music, which has a strong national and folkcolor. Living in Lijiang ancient city, the most perfect arrangement at night isto listen to Naxi ancient music.

OK, when you get there, youll have a good view of the ancient city. Ourjourney is coming to an end. During this happy time, we visited Lijiang ancientcity, which is famous both at home and abroad and has the reputation of "Veniceof China" and "Gusu of Plateau". Thank you for your understanding, support andcooperation with Xiao Pu and me along the way. We are deeply impressed by yourenthusiasm. At the same time, we hope that our service can leave you someperfect memories. Finally, I send my best wishes to you, and I sincerely hope wecan meet again. Thank you!



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Dear tourists, we are going to Jiuhua Mountain right now. Lets listen toXiao Ke first. Ill give you a brief introduction, so that when we arrive, wecan visit more quickly.

Jiuhua Mountain, located in Qingyang County, South Anhui Province, is oneof the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. Liu Yuxi, a writer of the TangDynasty, praised Jiuhua Mountain after climbing it. He thought that the famousmountains in the world could not compete with Jiuhua Mountain. Li Bai went toMount Jiuhua three times. Jiuhua Mountain is characterized by beautifulmountains and numerous Buddhist temples.

To visit Jiuhua Mountain, you should first go to Jiuhua street, which isthe center of Jiuhua Mountain. Temples are mainly concentrated there, so it iscalled "Lotus Buddha kingdom". It is actually a village on the mountain. Besidestemples, there are shops, schools, hotels and farmhouses. Visitors can staythere and take it as a starting point to visit the scenic spots on themountain.

Huacheng temple on Jiuhua street is the oldest ancient temple of JinDynasty in Jiuhua Mountain. It is also the main temple of Jiuhua Mountain. Thearchitecture of the temple is arranged according to the mountain situation,reflecting the superb art of architectural design. In the temple, there is anancient clock which is more than ten feet high and weighs about 20__ Jin. It isexquisitely cast and has a loud voice. It is struck with a mallet. The solemnand clear sound of the bell reverberates in the valley, which often makes peoplefeel extraordinarily refined. "Huacheng evening clock" has become one of the"Jiuhua ten sceneries".

Jiuhua scenery is on the roof. Tiantai peak is the main peak of JiuhuaMountain, with an altitude of more than 1300 meters. There is a saying that "ifyou dont get on the roof, you dont come.". From the rooftop of Jiuhua street,about 15 Huali mountain road, along the road through many scenic spots. When youare out of breath and reach the top of the roof, the scenery in front of youwill make you open-minded and tired. All around the mountains crawling, lookingat Jiuhua street, only palm so big.

Well, here we are. We all get off the bus and follow Xiao Ke into thescenic spot. We must pay attention to our team flag. Dont fall behind or go tothe wrong team.



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The tall building we are now passing is the gate of military prowess, theback door of the Palace Museum.

Our visit is now drawing to a conclusion but the architectures of thePalace are not .

On the other side of the road is the 43-meter-hign Charcoal Hill ,providing natural protection for the Forbidden City.

This was also an embodiment of China` s construction style-putting a poolin the front and a hill in the rear.

Now let` s climb up to Wanchun (Everlasting Springs ) Pavillion where we`ll have a great view of the Palace Museum.
