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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4562 字

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Wei river bank Mongolia in eight hundred, is mainly composed of interpretation, mengshan mountain, north mountain, forth, Meng Lianggu high mountains carrying countless hills. Interpretation of mountain, mengshan, LuShan in km above sea level, high mountains and steep, multifunction risk ridge, recomposition of overlapping peaks, multifunction cascade mountains, cliffs, rock climb, ancient towering, waterfall and fountain, jian qing, YiHe, haunted the shuhe river such as belt. Wenfeng hill, FuLaiShan, feather the mountains, horse hair and seventy-two multifunction, grand and show deep and remote and beautiful landscapes.

Interpretation of shandong rizhao city on the yellow sea, blue sea and mountains set each other off becomes an interest.

Yiyuan LuShan water-eroded cave, the size of dozens of karst cave, cave in peak forest, the diversity. In addition, the interpretation of the source yan mountain fairy cave, and in pingyi county Zhao Zhuang fei county trabecular zhuang cave cave and the top of the mountain caves, etc. And each has its own characteristics.

Hot springs in linyi, weapons, spewing, can see, can recuperate again. Country-specific ones the cuttlefish &fried spring belongs to the national grade a hot spring, has now become a famous health resort.

River bank Mongolia many fomous trees on earth. FuLaiShan a ginkgo tree, nearly 4000 years old, is the spring and autumn period, lu monarch and junan son cemented, "world a ginkgo tree," said. Rizhao north li zhuang zi an auric osmanthus tree, 340 years ago, is known as the "king of the north osmanthus. Rizhao, TanCheng, interpretation of the source tree, snow and other cities and counties of thick shell rose tree, the pentagon maples, maidenhair tree, black play fomous trees and other rare trees, tree age were more than in 300. In pingyi county existing state-level forest park.

The existing river bank Mongolia cultural relics nearly thousand. Mainly include the paleoanthropological sites, sites of ancient culture, ancient architecture, ancient stone carving, celebrity former residence and so on.

Mengshan, called the "east", also known as "cloud", is the tallest mountain in the yimeng mountain area. Fei county, pingyi, weapons, darkened it across four counties, something about 150 li long, north-south width 30 li. There are three main peak mengshan: name of sea floor, at an altitude of 1001 meters east of old said east Mongolia; Among 1026 meters above sea level of call pegs, and take also called cloud Mongolia; On the west side 1156 meters above sea level, is the most precipitous turtle mengding.

In turtle root of nanshan, and on the top of the site have ZhuanYu countries. According to historical records, Zhou Wang fu xi seed in this foundation, responsible for the cult mengshan, called ZhuanYu, is attached to lu. Legend ZhuanYu king flower under mengshan mengshan ceremony held cult, and later, people built a temple here, core value, called the temple, this is li daoyuan in "water the note said" temple ".

Starting from the flower drum, through a thick woods, walking about in the second, there is a river, river on the broken bridge, the bridge stele engraved with "meet fairy bridge" three characters, legend spark long emperor boarded the turtle mengding is across the bridge.

From meet fairy bridge uplink three mile to peach blossom valley. Legend of the warring states period of military strategist sun bin is studied with written here, guiguzi see sun bin honest people, a safe, ever let him watch here taoyuan. Through the peach blossom valley, the red door, into the palace. Here from xiangyang, quiet and refined. Stepping stone steps, step on the platform, the platform have palace temple. More and go up out of the palace, to the mountain steep, step three asthma, name Ma Ling back, because no matter how the lithe horse, here also have to go back. Boarding Ma Ling line not far, then listen to wind roar, song tao, I saw a piece of black stones, in front of the teeth were bared like a monster is blocking the way, this is the famous HeiFengKou.

Ya in HeiFengKou north, can be seen through a mountain and clear the unfathomable deep valleys below. After small throttle up, wind pass, such as the door at the foot of the trail was completely hide among the greenness of weeds. Out of weeds, ten took out of the complex terrain, is suddenly enlightened the worse it is around the corner. The worse the nine dragon temple, guanyin hall, above is a five room stone temple, the stone walls, pillars, Shi Liang, purlin, the roof is SLATE paved.




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恭王府由府邸和花园两部分组成,南北长约330米,东西宽180余米, 占地面积约61120平方米,其中府邸占地32260平方米,花园占地28860平方米。府邸不仅宽大,而且建筑也是最高规制。明显的标志是门脸和房屋数量。亲王府有门脸五间,正殿七间,后殿五间,后寝七间,左右有配殿。低于亲王等级的王公府邸决不能多于这些数字。房屋的形式、屋瓦的颜色也是不能逾制的。恭王府的中、东、西三路各有三个院落,其中每一路的后两个院子是人们要游览的主要区域。





俗呼银銮殿,恭王府最主要的建筑。作为王府的正殿, 只有逢重大事件、重要节日时方打开,起到礼仪的作用。民国初年,由于不慎失火,大殿连同东西配殿一并焚毁,现银安殿院落为复建。

和珅时期之建筑。悬挂有“嘉乐堂”匾额一方。该匾疑是乾隆帝赐给和珅的,但匾额无署款,无钤记,故无由证实,但和珅留有《嘉乐堂诗集》,说明是和珅之室名。在恭亲王时期,嘉乐堂主要作为王府的祭祀场所,内供有祖先、诸神等的牌位,以萨满教仪式为主。恭王府规模宏大,占地约6万平方米,分为府邸和花园两部分,拥有各式建筑群落30多处,布局讲究,气派非凡。其花园又名锦翠园,园内布局、设计具有较高的艺术水平。造园模仿皇宫内的宁寿宫。全园以“山”字型假山拱抱,东、南、西面均堆土累石为山,中路又以房山石堆砌洞壑,手法颇高。山顶平台,成为全园最高点。居高临下,可观全园景色。恭王府由于是在权臣和珅邸宅的基础上改建而成,和珅当年定罪的二十大罪状中就有关于内檐装修的“潜侈逾制”问题,如其中的第十三款“查得和珅房屋竟有楠木厅堂,其多宝格及隔断门窗解仿照宁寿宫制度”。因此恭王府的内 檐装修在王府文化中别具一格,其所表现的特点尤为突出:

一、 规格最高,可与宫殿建筑比美:


二、 数量较多,形式多样:


三、 界划灵活,空间丰富:


四、 做工精细,技巧高超:

从恭王府的装修遗留物件中可知皆使用硬木,用材异常讲究,加工的木料可以作出细小的截面,雕刻花纹起伏精确,而且使用圆形或曲线拼出各种华格,只有在精细的加工之基础上才能完成,施工难度之大,令人叹为观止。 遗憾的是恭王府的原有内檐装修,绝大部分已经无存,今天通过研究王府文化,要进一步将其发掘出来,结合今后的王府博物馆展示要求,再现当年辉煌。

乾隆四十一年,即1776年,和珅开始在这东依前海, 背靠后海的位置修建他的豪华宅第,时称“和第”。有说法称、明弘治年间、大太监李广也曾经置第于此。嘉庆四年正月初三太上皇弘历归天,次日嘉庆褫夺了和珅军机大臣、九门提督两职,抄了其家,估计全部财富约值白银八亿两,相当于清政府十五年的财政收入,所以有“和珅跌倒,嘉庆吃饱”的说法。同年正月十八,即1799年2月22日,和珅被“赐令自尽”。而宅子本身,则如愿归“爱豪宅不爱江山”的胞弟庆僖亲王永璘所有。























由于恭王府有着《红楼梦》中所描绘的某些景物,因此 有人说恭王府花园是大观园的蓝本。但是,许多人又提出了不同的意见。恭王府到底是不是大观园的蓝本呢?这可能也是一个永远的秘密了。

恭王府的主人,是一等贵族,所以他的府邸不仅宽大,而且建筑也是最高格制。明显的标志是门脸和房屋数量。 亲王府有门脸5间正殿7间,后殿5间,后寝7间,左右有配殿。低于亲王等级的王公府邸决不能多于这些数字。





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现在我们已来到了太和殿广场。这是铜香炉,这里一共有18 个,代表清朝18个省。东西两侧各有一只铜制的仙鹤和龟,是代表长寿的象征。看,现在展现在我们眼前的是太和殿,是整座紫禁城内级别最高的建筑,只有皇帝举行盛大典礼时才使用,象征皇权的至高无上,。太和殿俗称金銮殿,太和殿正面有12根大柱,东西约63米,高35米。整个大殿雕梁画栋,一条条巨龙蜿蜒盘旋在大红柱子上,这些龙姿态不一,刻画的栩栩如生。整个宫殿也非常豪华富贵。殿内有2米高的平台,上面雕刻着9条金龙的宝座。后面有金漆围屏,前面有御案。殿顶形式为最高等级的重檐庑殿顶,就连大殿正脊上的吻兽也是我国目前最大的,总之处处显示“第一”。






Ladies and gentlemen:

Today, I guide you to visit the Forbidden City to visit. The Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City, in the city center. A castle in the total area of more than 720xx0 square meters, the palace has more than 9900 rooms. As the residence of the Ming and qing dynasties emperor. Around each set one door, the front entrance to the south is the meridian gate, north gate called creature gate, east gate called DongHuaMen, Simon called xihua gate. Is said to bring up the palace called the national famous craftsmen around 230000, civilian worker 1 million people, this can know how big the Palace Museum, how many spectacular. The imperial palace the entire courtyard is divided into two parts, namely the "power" and "bed". "Power" is the place where the emperor held a grand ceremony, in taihe palace, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace and mandarin house on either side of the things and the hall of martial valor. After the "bed" emperors and empresses, underage children where they live, mainly by the palace of heavenly purity, this temple, palace of earthly tranquility and natural things.

You see, the building is the meridian gate, the meridian gate is also called the five-phoenix towers. In the Ming dynasty, the fifteenth day of the year, meridian gate hanging lamp gives her food. This activity is cancelled in qing dynasty, in addition, every country in triumph, the emperor will be offered in this accept captive ceremony, the emperor personal expedition also out of the meridian gate drive. About drama stage "the launch of meridian gate beheaded", is actually in the Ming dynasty imperial court MingGuan crime in the meridian gate court beating, well, let us go forward again.

Now we have arrived at the hall of supreme harmony square. This is copper incense burner, a total of 18 here, on behalf of the qing dynastys 18 provinces. Things on both sides of each have a bronze crane and turtle, represents a symbol of longevity. Look, now show in front of us is the hall of supreme harmony, is the whole of the tallest buildings in the Forbidden City level, only use the emperor held a grand ceremony, a symbol of imperial power, supreme. The hall of supreme harmony commonly known as during, the hall of supreme harmony with 12 positive pillar of big, something about 63 meters, 35 meters high. The hall, with a dragon winding on bright red post, these dragons have different attitude, depicting the lifelike. Whole palace is also very luxurious riches and honour. Inside is 2 meters high platform, on which carved with nine dragon throne. Folding screen behind gold lacquer, in front of royal. Temple top form as the highest level of double-hipped roof hip roof top, even the ridge of the hall are shibi is also the biggest in China, the overall display "first" everywhere.

After reading the hall of supreme harmony, we look at zhonghe palace. You see! Zhonghe palace is the emperor before the ceremony waiting ji, take a break. Below, please come with me to visit the state banquet hall, Baohe Palace. My dear friends, this temple is the imperial palace imperial three the last in the main hall of the temple, called Baohe Palace. The hall is called the state banquet hall and the imperial examination in qing dynasty.

Now we came to the palace of heavenly purity, it is the emperor in the Forbidden City to live and handle daily politics. In the palace of heavenly purity is divided into the temple, east west NuanGe NuanGe and three parts. Main hall is the emperor to handle daily affairs, temporary according to see the minister, the temple with emperor to the throne and imperial, hanging in the middle of a "legitimate" plaque, it is qing dynasty emperors ZuXun, as a rule, the basic principles of cultivate ones morality, flat world. East, west NuanGe is the place where the emperor night accommodation.

Now please follow me to visit this temple. You look at the four corners to save peaked hall called tai temple, the building is the Ming and qing dynasties birthdays events held the queens birthday. On the horizontal board in the back wall of the hall there are "doing nothing" 2 words, there is the emperor kangxi YuBi, means hope children can be good for the system, the benevolent governance, to national security.

My dear friends, now we came to the garden of the Forbidden City, imperial garden, here is a place for after the emperors recreation. You can be in the pictures.

Due to time relationship, we first talked about here, the following 2 hours of free time to visit to you, please dont graffito of the scribble on the wall, the protection of cultural heritage, we hope you enjoy.



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HI,everbody! My name is your tour guide, Zhu Rui refined, today I will take you to visit the Palace Museum, you can call me zhu guide.

Now let me make a brief introduction for you, the imperial palace is one of the worlds largest existing ancient royal palace buildings, the Palace Museum, also called the Forbidden City. "Purple" is the color of heaven Kings palace, then of course the human emperor with the purple words. "Forbidden" refers to where the heavily guarded, dont say its ordinary people, even the senior official without the emperor summoned or into the city will not be accepted, otherwise it will be for revenge, "ban" royal, so also called the Forbidden City, the whole city was built in 1420, is located in the north of tiananmen square. The entire courtyard is divided into two parts, namely the "power" and "bed". "Power" is the place where the emperor held a grand ceremony, in taihe palace, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace and mandarin house on either side of the things and the hall of martial valor. After the "bed" emperors and empresses, underage children where they live, mainly dry, tai qing temple, palace of earthly tranquility and natural things. In addition, there are many other various inside the imperial palace, have different USES the size of the palace. It is said that when there are nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine palace, the Forbidden City enough! In 1911, sun yat-sen led the revolution overthrew the feudal society of China for more than two thousand years. Qing emperor abdicated in 1912. On October 10, 1925, the national Palace Museum opened to the public for the first time. In 1949, after the founding of new China many times to repair of the Forbidden City, to make it more brilliant. The Forbidden City in Beijing in 1987 by UNESCO "world heritage list".

You see, the Forbidden City around some purple color of wall, it is about 10 meters high, about 3.5 kilometers long. Walls were built all around tall gate, south palace front door for the meridian gate. The north gate of creature, four corner of the wall stands a unique style, modelling beautiful turrets. Wall surrounding a is 52 meters wide moat, make the palace a fortified castle.

Next, you with me to see the most gorgeous architecture, the defendant is called "during" the hall of supreme harmony. This is the place where the emperor held a ceremony, to see you, hall 28 meters high, 63 meters wide from east to west, north and south, 35 meters long, there are 1 meter in diameter big column 92, around the throne of six pillar of big call "PanLongZhu", is made of drain powder gold lacquer. Right in front of us is the emperors seats - the throne, located in inside is 2 meters high on the stage, the former has a pleasing cranes, furnace, the tripod with two handles, the throne is a gold plated, armrest is silver plated, four incense burner is made of wood, is gorgeous. Work behind the folding screen. The whole hall decorated splendid and solemn gorgeous.

Finished visiting the hall of supreme harmony, everyone with me to go back again, to go look at zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace. The three temple construction, zhonghe palace is take a break before the emperor went to the hall of supreme harmony held a ceremony etiquette and exercise. Baohe Palace is the emperor fete nobility of sweet and wenwu minister in Beijing. Baohe Palace is the most amazing behind a piece of stone. Stone 16.57 meters long, 3.07 meters wide, 1.7 meters thick, more than 200 tons. Vulture on the rough sea, walking on dragons. Hear here, everyone can not help but want to say truly was Chinas valuable cultural heritage of the imperial palace!

In the Palace Museum collection of precious relics, a total of more than 1052653 pieces according to the statistics, 1/6 of the total number of national cultural relics, there are a lot of thing is a unique national treasure. Set up past dynasties in several Palace Museum, pride, watches and clocks, etc., of the people can go to a free enjoy, to deepen our understanding of the Forbidden City.

To this end, the interpretation of good, I please visit freely, remember to pay attention to health, in addition to the photos, you dont take anything; Besides, you dont leave anything. At 11 in front of the Baohe Palace collection, dont delay!

OK, you can now free, optional tour. After three hours set here. I wish you all have fun.



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The word "hutong" (胡同) means "water well"(水井) in Mongolian. The Mongolians keep thenomadic tradition of settling down around springs or wells. A hutong is the passage formed by lines of siheyuan (四合院, four-side enclosed courtyards). Strictly, hutong alleys are less than nine meters wide. Most hutongs in Beijing run in an east-west or north-south direction, with most houses facing south to take in as much sunshine as possible.

A standard siheyuan usually consists of houses on its four sides with a yard in the center. The gates are usually painted red and have large copper door rings. Usually, a whole family lives in compound. The elder generation lives in the main house standing at the north end, the younger generations live in the side houses, and the south house is usually the family sitting room or study.

Hutong joins hutong, and siheyuan meets siheyuan to form a block. Blocks join with blocks to form the whole residential constructions.



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Hello everyone, Im your tour guide on this day. My name is X. you can callme director X. I wish you a happy journey.

Wuzhen is a beautiful place. The river in Wuzhen is very clear. There aremany boats on the river. They are called awning boats. This kind of boat is verybig. It can take more than ten people in one boat. We can go up and have fun. Becareful, be careful, dont fall into the river. Wuzhen every path next to Wuzhenunique snacks, you can buy some taste. Attention, this path is very narrow,dont crowd! You dont see this path is very narrow, there is also a legend: along time ago, this road was very wide, but something like this happened. Therelived a big man and his wife, who were very lucky. But one day, the mans wifemade a dress for him, but he didnt wear it, so he had a fight. As soon as hegot angry, he tried to make the road smaller, and his wife broke up with him.What a pity for a family.

Next, Ill introduce the most important tour to you, so that you can graspthe key points and have a definite aim when you visit. As I said just now,Wuzhen is the hometown of Mao Dun, a great literary scientist, so naturally, MaoDuns former residence must be visited. To visit the water town is nothing morethan to see the architecture and taste the folk customs. And the "street pillowwater, pink wall Daiwa" is the common features of water architecture, since wehave to see its most distinctive things in Wuzhen. The architectural features ofWuzhen are concentrated in the Xiuzhen temple and the ancient stage at the headof the town. So you must not miss the first scenic spot of Xiuzhen temple. Thereis a scenic spot announcer in the temple to explain to you. I will send thetickets to you at the gate when I go in. After visiting the first scenic spot,those who are willing to visit with me will follow me, and those who are notwilling to plan to move freely with me will be able to move freely. Lets goback to the introduction of you. As the saying goes, "ten li is not the samesound, hundred Li is not the same vulgar.". It is estimated that Nanjing is 500li away from Wuzhen, so the folk customs are even more different. And Wuzhenjust brings us a viewing platform in terms of folk customs. There are manypavilions in the town, such as Jiangnan wood carving exhibition hall, Hongtaidyeing workshop blue calico exhibition hall, Jiangnan hundred beds hall, folkcustom hall and so on. Later, Xiao Wang will show you around one by one.

Dear friends, next, lets go into the big pictures of Wuzhen. Thesepictures are carved by people from generation to generation. Now, they arepassed to our generation. We must take good care of them!

Dear friends, standing at the end of Wuzhen, sunrise is also verydistinctive. In the morning, the sun showed a baby face, very naughty andlovely, slowly, slowly, the longer the sun, the bigger, and finally grew into anadult woman.

Dear friends, this is the end of our journey. Have a good time and hope tobe your guide next time.



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Hello, Im director Lin from Fuzhou. Please give me more advice. Welcome tothe "happy time train". First of all, lets start from Beijing!

OK! Now were at the "history and culture" station. Let me tell yousomething: Prince Gongs house was first built in 1776, which is more than 230years old. It was built for Heshen, a corrupt official. Later, Emperor Jiaqingmade 24 charges, so the house was confiscated. Because the last owner is PrinceGong Yixin, it is called Prince Gongs mansion. Please remember that the twoowners of this mansion are the corrupt official Heshen and Prince GongYixin.

Ladies and gentlemen, now we are at the "Fuchi" station. Do you know whyits called "Fu Chi"? Thats right! Because the shape of the pond is like a bat,he Shen wanted to make himself happy, so he chose the homonym "bat". He alsobuilt 999 bat like buildings in the palace.

We walked past the "Fuchi" and came to the picturesque "western gate"station. The door is exquisitely made, brightly colored and unparalleled. Butthis beautiful door is also one of the 24 crimes of Heshen, because it ismodeled on the western gate of Wanshou garden, the royal garden.

After entering the western gate and passing through the Zhulan corridor,you can see the study of Heshen. You can see a very grand building, which is ournext stop - "historical legend". There is a special way to get to the majesticmain hall. There is only one ladder on this road, followed by a straight andgentle slope. It is said that in his life, Heshen suffered only when he wasyoung, and then he went all the way to the top. So we can also cross the bottomof the ladder, throw all the troubles under the ladder, and then go all the waywith a happy mood!

After visiting Prince Gongs mansion unconsciously, please remember: thishistoric building stands in China! In addition, our train has arrived at theterminal. I hope you can have a safe journey and have a pleasant journey!



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First of all, on behalf of all the staff of __ travel agency, I would liketo extend a warm welcome to you and thank you for your support and trust in ourtravel agency. My family name is X. please call me Xiao X. next to me is ourteam driver, master X. Master X has rich driving experience. I believe you willfeel comfortable and safe on the way. If you have any difficulties andrequirements during the journey, please put forward them in time, and I will trymy best to serve you. Here, I wish you a pleasant journey, happy to come andsatisfied to return.

The scenic spot we are going to visit today is the ancient culture street.The ancient culture street is a street with Tianhou palace as the center andTianjin local characteristics. It is located in gongnangong North Street, NankaiDistrict, where all kinds of handicrafts and cultural goods from Tianjin andeven all over the country are gathered. It attracts a large number of touristswith "Chinese flavor, Tianjin flavor, ancient flavor and cultural flavor". Sowhat about the ancient culture street? Lets make an evaluation after visitingit in person.

We have come to the parking lot of the scenic spot. Please remember thatour car number is __ and the license plate is ______. The car is parked on theleft side of the parking lot. We are still meeting here at 4 p.m. please lockthe window. Please take your valuables with you. Please get off.

First of all, we see an ancient archway with the word "Gushang art garden"written on it. "Gushang" is the old name of Tianjin, and "Yiyuan" means thebirthplace of culture, that is to say, it is the earliest birthplace of culturein Tianjin. On the back of this archway, you can also see two words - jinao.The meaning of "gold" is precious, while "Ao" is the allusion of "carp leapingover the dragons gate". It is said that the carp leaping over the dragons gatewill be reborn and become Ao. Ao is the embodiment of the dragon. It is saidthat there are golden Ao in the Haihe River in Tianjin. Since then, we will beprotected by golden Ao. After reading these two words, please have a look at thetwelve copper coins under our feet, which represent the heyday of China from theTang Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. These copper coins, from small to large, meanthat after we walk through this street, we will have a lot of good fortune, andhope that our motherland will become rich and strong. After you have seen thecopper coin, continue to come here, lets go to the next stop tongqingli to havea look.

Now you follow me into tongqingli, which was built in 1920__ and is thelargest building complex of Chinese and Western style in Tianjin. After enteringthe gate, we can see four murals on the wall, which reflect the market cultureof Tianjin, including "civilized marriage", "walking on stilts", "dragon boat"and this "witty talk" here. When you come to this side of the Hutong, you cansee two large murals. One is the picture of Lu River in Tianjin on this side,which shows the prosperous sea scene of Tianjin at the mouth of the trigeminalriver. The other is the picture of young willows in that year - huangdamen,which describes the customs of the common people during the lunar new year.

Out of tongqingli, please follow me and take a look at the Jade EmperorPavilion, a Taoist temple with a history of 600 years. Yuhuangge is located onthe high side of the river. It is open and spacious. It is a good place to climbup and look far away. Therefore, every year on the Double Ninth Festival,Yuhuangge is unprecedentedly lively. In the rear of Yuhuangge, we also see ashrimp stone, which has a history of hundreds of millions of years and ispraised as "longevity stone" by the common people. We can touch the longevitystone and wish our friends a long life.

After walking through the shrimp stone, we are now in Tianyan square. Itgot its name because it was close to the place where Yan Fulao, a famous modernChinese translator, lived, and it was here that tianyanlun was translated intoChinese.

I dont know if you have noticed that there are a large number of coloredpaintings in the shops and under the eaves of the whole street. These paintingsare drawn in the order of historical events, with a total of more than 800. Thewest side is painted with four famous works, and the east side is legendarystories from Han Dynasty to Qing Dynasty. What we see now is the clay figurinezhangshijiadian, which has a history of more than 140 years. Now it has spreadto the fifth generation and has been recognized as one of the first nationalintangible heritage projects.

Well, now weve come to Tin Hau square. The famous Tin Hau palace islocated here. Before entering the Tin Hau palace, lets take a look at theflagpole in front of the mountain gate. It is said that when the flagpole wasfirst set up, on the one hand, it hung lights to guide the water boats going toand from sanchahekou, on the other hand, it served as a foil for the Tin Haupalace, which made the whole building complex appear to be in perfect disorderand extraordinary momentum. The theater opposite is the earliest open-air stagein Tianjin and also the earliest place for people to entertain themselves.

Now lets take a look at Tianhou palace. Built in Yuan Dynasty, Tianhoupalace is one of the three largest Tianhou palaces in the world. As we all know,most temples in our country face south, but the Queens palace faces west andEast. Why? Because we have to face the Haihe River, which leads to the BohaiSea. Facing the Haihe River means facing the sea, so that when it is notconvenient for the believers to go ashore, they can worship the queen on boardand pray for peace.

Now we come to the main hall, which is the place where empress dowager isworshipped. The one sitting in the middle is Tian Hou. Mazu, originally namedLin Mo, is a native of Meizhou, Fujian Province. She was born miraculous. She isfamiliar with the nature of water and often rescues ships at sea. Later, he wasworshipped as a God, and was granted the title of Tianfei and Tiantian.

We have come to the north entrance of the ancient culture street. Thepattern of the twelve zodiac animals is paved on the ground. It reflects thetraditional Chinese folk custom of "twelve zodiac animals" for thousands ofyears. It means that the ancient culture street is prosperous in people andmoney for twelve months a year, which echoes the pattern of copper coins pavedin the north entrance. Each of US tourists can step on the animal patterns thatare the same as our own, so that we can bring wealth and auspiciousness to ourfamilies. If you look at this archway again, the "clear snow" on the insiderefers to the scenery of early clear after snow and full of tourists. On theoutside is the word "hometown of Jinmen", which means that the area near theancient culture street is the center of Tianjin. Todays Tianjin is formed bythe gradual development of this area as the original center.

Well, we have finished visiting the main scenic spots. Next time, you canvisit freely, or buy some special products with Tianjin ancient flavor. Letsmeet in the parking lot at 4 pm. The license plate number is ______. Please payattention to your safety and dont be late.

Today, we have passed the 680 meter long ancient culture street to show youthe national characteristics of Tianjin Folk Customs. Our journey is over. Thankyou for your support and cooperation in my work. Please forgive me if there isany inadequacy or inadequate care in my service today. I also hope you can giveme more valuable opinions. I look forward to our next cooperation. Finally, Iwish you good health, smooth work, success and all the best!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1681 字

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Chinese Taiwan (Chinese Taiwan) is located on the continental shelf of the southeast coastof Chinese mainland, east facing the Pacific Ocean, [1] northeast of the RyukyuIslands, [2] south boundary bus Strait and Philippines archipelago, [3] WestChinese Taiwan Strait and Fujian Province, facing [4-5], with a total area of about 36thousand square kilometers, including Chinese Taiwan Island and Orchid Island, greenisland, Diaoyu Island and other 21 subsidiary islands and Penghu islands 64islands. Chinese Taiwan Island, with an area of 35798 square kilometers, is the largestisland in China [6-7], 7 of which is mountainous and hilly. The plains aremainly concentrated in the western coast, with great changes in terrain andaltitude. Because it is located at the junction of tropical and subtropicalclimate, the natural landscape and ecological resources are rich and diverse.With a population of about 23 million, more than 70% of them are concentrated inthe five western metropolitan areas, of which Taipei, the most important city,is the largest.

Chinese Taiwan is the largest island in Chinese Taiwan, including its own island and 21affiliated islands such as Lanyu, Lvdao and gouyu islands, and 64 islands inPenghu Archipelago, of which Chinese Taiwans own island covers an area of 35873 squarekilometers. At present, the so-called Chinese Taiwan region also includes islands suchas Jinmen and Mazu, which are close to the mainland. With a total area of 36006square kilometers, it is Chinas "multi island province". Chinese Taiwan island is longfrom north to South and narrow from east to west. It is 394 km in length fromnorth to South and 144 km in width from east to west.



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a "hutong" is an ancient city alleyway or lane typical of ancient beijing, where hutongs once ran into the thousands.

hutongs were first built around the walled imperial compound known as the forbidden city. the majority of these alleyways were built during the yuan, ming and qing dynasties (1271—1911). at the height of each era, the emperor arranged the residential areas surrounding his moat according to a system of etiquette hailing back to the zhou dynasty (c.1100—221 b.c.).

at its heart was the forbidden city, surrounded by main roadways travelling east-west and north-south. there were originally two kinds of hutongs. the first were grouped to the east and west of the forbidden city and laid in an orderly design alongside main roadways. most of these hutongs housed members of the royal family, officials, eunuchs and aristocrats. the second type of hutong was a crude version of the first, located far to the north and south of the sprawling imperial compound, inhabited by merchants and commoners.

what both had in common was the type of structure lining the alleyways. the "siheyuan" known in english as a quadrangle, or courtyard complex, invariably comprised four main buildings facing each compass point and surrounded by a high wall. the size and design of each complex reflected the social status of the inhabitants.

wealthy families often boasted several walled courtyards surrounded by a main wall, each building decorated with intricately carved and painted beams and pillars.

the quadrangles of the poor were of a much simpler construction with small gates and low ceilings. beijings meandering hutongs are passageways formed by thousands of closely arranged quadrangles of different sizes. the main buildings of most of these structures face south for optimum sunlight, especially during the bitter beijing winters. because of this, the majority of the citys hutongs run east to west. between the major hutongs meandered narrow alleys running north to south to allow convenient passage through what was once a vast maze of gray brick and tiled roofs.

old beijing is in essence a magnified quadrangle, symmetrically arranged and surrounded by a high city wall that was torn down half a century ago to make way for a beltway ringing the increasingly modern capital.

by the end of the qing dynasty, chinas economy was in tatters. but pleasure-loving beijing continued to cater to the emperor and his hangers-on. life was mostly confined to the hutongs. the quadrangle reflected the way of life and social culture of the times.



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as is known to all, the silk road into xinjiang, south, north is dividedinto three sections, the word. and of every faith scenery lets a person miandthoughtful. therefore, it is the silk road trip to travel.

brief introduction of the first description: xinjiang is located in chinasnorthwest border regions in china, also called, the second-largest pasture,ecological environment. north of continental climate, the winters are long andhard, summer, autumn season and hot chirp is not obvious, relatively strong,solar radiation temperature changes. so remind everybody must pay attention toprevent bask in the night and temperature is too big and prepare appropriateclothes. meanwhile, xinjiang has the advantageous sunshine, light, heat andplanting trees and the crops of thermophilic melon, improve sugar accumulation.so a luscious taste the melon and fruit in xinjiang.

our first stop was the urumqi. it is the farthest from the oceans of theworld cities, capital of xinjiang uygur autonomous region, meaning "beautiful",but also the ranch along. we recommend the attraction is the natural pasture,carefree nanshan pasture flocks, paolo maldini, compose in green grassland,spruce, combining the deep valley, and a 20 meters high, the waterf-all. hereyou can live on the shores of the zhanfang, taste herdsmen nang, dairy products,roast lamb kebabs, zhuafan hand, etc. bake complete sheep is a choice jieyangsurrounding xinjiang, or under the age of two lambs as raw materials, to fatwith flour and entrails, feet, salt water, eggs, pepper, alone powder evenlyinto paste, in the whole body, then add the sheep are soaking pit, nang bakeuntil cooked. baked sheep, golden oil, fragrance waft through the meat,delicious! you can rent a horse galloping on the kazakh nomads, acrothe vastgrassland of the thick forest. also can realize kazak ethnic customs: racingnomads, thanks to the sheep, chasing girls. urumqi seasons all appropriate, eachhave different seasons.

our second station is well known in turpan: its very hot and dry thelowest place. is extremely arid region unique ecological environment and therepresentatives of the oasis civilization. you may have noticed that a foot onthis land, and we are the only dry! the sun is so frankly, the bakingtemperature has reached 50 to 60 degrees celsius, i.e., steaming eggs. you alsodont too boring, let us imagine a pleasant trip to the sauna. first, we went tothe fire, the authors of shanxi, surrounded by the farmhouse here, secludedspot, vines with green, a very cool and refreshing and comfortable come, here isthe "huozhou" summer in heaven. in these grape, as long as the timbrel rang, menand women will be averted dance. believe that everyone heard that song familiar"to", covering your journey has a small talk "uncle"? how does not show guide sonow you for it.

small guide a bit embarrassed, here but dance, unexpectedly township inhere, please everybody to me. now please follow me to visit the shadow ofraisins for washing room. raised my hand against the grapes can be picked youcant decapitation, later will have to taste the free of grapes, let everybodyfan.

to see the city will be kanerjing, it is spots with wall, thebeijing-hangzhou grand canal and called chinas three projects, it is the sourceof life of the local people. because it is in the ground, also very cool andrefreshing and comfortable.

now we came to the tomb asidana - hara and is, there are many rooms vividfresco, lifelike lifelike, still have the "turpan documents", it is the currentinternational academic research foundation of words - turpan. because theclimate is hot dry form natural germ-free environment, so the dead bodies andobjects, although calendar millennium items without corruption, the body is dueto rapid dehydrate and formed the pyramids in egypt mummy "than" also mummifiedcorpses of exotic, some even seems visible eyes eyelash.

now we reached the place, also is the hami melon is executed. two thousandyears ago, here is the han dynasty zhangqian first opened the silk roadfortress, known as "the macroscopic throats, western". as the saying goes, "theeast sea crab hami melons as shrimp," beauty of hami words cant express. silkroad and the grassland culture were also it nurture...

millions of years ago cengfanhua noisy here, all the time, the flowers arecirculation of vast desert mysterious buried. numerous archaeological explorershave again and again into a history to touch, the dust, touch the soul ofhundreds of years ago. loulan ancient site actually is the capital of kingdom ".have luobubo beside the river, clear. after the han and the tarim river waterdiverted, though, because human resource and spent a cross-sectional noteglacier diversion into loulan, but soon, the time of ancient lou-lan and wastewater. from ancient lou-lan died in history!



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现在我们来到的是九华山的肉身宝殿,说到九华山的肉身宝殿,不能不提一个人。这个人叫金乔觉,是一个外国人,他来自古新罗,也就是今天的朝鲜半岛东南部。据史料记载,金乔觉是新罗国的一个王子,24 岁时削发为僧,并从新罗国航海来到中国。他遍游中国的名山大川,最后落脚九华山,结庐修行。并遵照地藏菩萨的誓愿: “ 地狱未空,誓不成佛”。在九华山修行期间,金乔觉降伏猛兽,采集药草,一边为山上百姓治病,一边传经布道,广施佛法,深得广大民众的爱戴。

金乔觉渐渐声名远播,收了不少弟子。连当地的地方官也上山来听取佛法,并把他的事迹奏明了朝廷。于是,追随金乔觉的人越来越多。由于山高林密土地少,粮食不能维持山上众僧的生计,他们不得不食用观音土。因为长期营养不良,当时的人们把金乔觉称为“枯槁僧” ,称其徒众为“ 枯槁众” 。但越是艰难困苦,金乔觉越是信念坚定,更加赢得众人的敬重,连新罗国僧众,也相继渡海前来跟随。金乔觉九十九岁圆寂后,尸体历经三年都没有腐烂,面容跟生前一模一样,这些超自然的现象正和佛经上记载的地藏王菩萨相似。正好金乔觉法名金地藏,于是,佛门确认他为地藏王菩萨转世,人们修建塔墓供奉,顶礼膜拜。自此,九华山便声名远播,成了地藏王菩萨的道场。

现在我来为您解释一下这“肉身宝殿”所供奉的“肉身”的含义。肉身,原意是父母所生血肉之躯。佛门所谓的“ 肉身” 是指高僧圆寂后, 其身体虽经久远的年代,却没有腐朽溃烂,保持着原形而栩栩如生。只有修行到非常高深境界的僧尼,才可以形成肉身。肉身不同于埃及的“ 木乃伊”。在古埃及,殡葬仪式很简单,只需在沙漠上挖个浅坑掩埋,由于沙漠气候干燥,遗体接触到热沙很快脱水,细菌被杀死,自然作用形成木乃伊。后来的人工木乃伊是在人死后,将内脏、大脑等组织取出,然后把尸体用药物处理保存。在中国新疆等地也曾经出土过木乃伊。 而九华山地处长江南岸,山中四季湿润,气候潮湿,不存在产生“ 木乃伊”的自然条件,肉身也未经过任何药物处理。这种奇特的肉身现象,至今没有得到科学的解释。




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Hello, everyone! Im very glad to accompany you to visit the Yellow CraneTower, a famous building in the south of the Yangtze River. I will do my best toprovide you with a comprehensive and considerate tour guide service. I wish youall have a good time.

The Yellow Crane Tower has been praised by Chinese poets of all ages, andhas always enjoyed the reputation of "peerless scenery in the world". Togetherwith Yueyang Tower in Hunan Province and Tengwang Pavilion in Jiangxi Province,it is known as "three famous buildings in the south of the Yangtze River". Withits long history and magnificent posture, it ranks first in the third floor andenjoys the reputation of "peerless scenery in the world".

As we all know, there are many kinds of cranes in nature, including whitecrane, grey crane, Red Crowned Crane, black necked Crane and so on, but there isno yellow crane. So why do people in Wuhan call the landmark building of theirhometown Yellow Crane Tower? This beautiful name comes from a beautifulmyth.

Once upon a time, there was a man named Xin who was selling wine on the topof Huanghu mountain. One day, an old man in ragged clothes came to him and askedhim for drinks. Although his business was small and profitable, he was faithful,kind and charitable. Seeing that Lao Dao was very pitiful, he generously agreed.After having enough to eat and drink, Lao Dao was very grateful to Xin. Later,Lao Dao would come every day, and Hsin would answer every request. A year passedunconsciously. One day, Lao Dao came to the hotel again. As soon as Xin saw him,he quickly prepared food and wine for Lao Dao. Lao Dao quickly stopped him andsaid, "I dont drink today. Im here to say goodbye to you.". He said thatdrinking every day, no thanks, but I will draw, I will draw a picture for yourhotel as a souvenir. After that, Lao Dao picked up the orange peel on the groundand drew it on the wall. In a short time, he drew a crane. Because the color ofthe orange peel is yellow, the crane is also yellow. After the painting, Lao Daosaid to Xin: as long as you clap your hands, the yellow crane will come down anddance for the drinkers.

As soon as Xin heard this, he was very happy. He immediately went to seethe crane painted by Lao Dao. He thought it was lifelike and very beautiful. Heturned to thank Lao Dao for drawing such a good picture for his hotel, but LaoDao had disappeared. The next day, a guest came to the hotel. He thought of theold Taoists words and clapped his hands for a try. Sure enough, the YellowCrane jumped down, sang and danced, and then jumped back to the wall. The guestwas very happy. After the news spread, people and tourists from three towns inWuhan came to the store to watch the Yellow Crane Dance. Since then, the hotelbusiness flourished, and Xins got rich.

One day ten years later, Lao Dao appeared in the hotel again. When she sawhim, she was very happy. She took Lao Dao and said, "when youve been there forten years, Ill inquire about your whereabouts and find out where you are. Todayyou are back, please dont leave again. After Xins speech, Lao Dao said to Xin:I wonder if you have paid off my wine debt with the money you have earned in thepast ten years? Xin said in a hurry: Thank you very much. With the help of theYellow Crane you left behind, I am very rich now. On hearing this, the Taoistpriest laughed, took off his flute and played a wonderful tune to the YellowCrane on the wall. The Yellow Crane began to sing and dance with the flute. Atthe end of the song, the old Taoist stepped on the yellow crane. The YellowCrane flew away with the old Taoist. Since then, the old Taoist never cameback.

People in the three towns of Wuhan miss this crane, which brings themhappiness and auspiciousness. They suggest that Xin build a pavilion beside thehotel to honor Laodao and Huanghe. At the same time, it also guides the oldTaoist and yellow crane who travel all over the world. I hope they will comeback soon. Xin accepted everyones advice and took out the money he hadaccumulated for many years to build a high-rise building next to the hotel. Hefelt that the Yellow Crane helped him get rich, so he named it the Yellow CraneTower. For thousands of years, this story has been widely spread, and has becomethe most influential legend of the Yellow Crane Tower.

The Yellow Crane Tower was first built in 223 A.D. in the second year of WuHuangwu in the Three Kingdoms. It has a history of more than 1700 years, duringwhich it has been destroyed and built repeatedly. This is because the YellowCrane Tower is no longer a scenic building in the general sense, it reflects therise and fall of an era. Since the Yellow Crane Tower was destroyed in 1884,people have been looking forward to its reappearance in Jiangcheng, but theyhave not been able to do so. It was not until after the reform and opening upthat the Yellow Crane Tower was rebuilt, which fully reflects the improvement ofChinas comprehensive national strength. The Yellow Crane Tower we are visitingtoday is based on the Yellow Crane Tower of the Qing Dynasty. Constructionstarted in 1981 and was completed in 1984. It is 100 years since the last YellowCrane Tower was destroyed.

The Snake Mountain, where the Yellow Crane Tower is located, is composed ofseven mountains arranged from east to west and connected end to end. From westto East, there are Huanghu mountain, Yinjia mountain, Huanglong Mountain,Gaoguan mountain, Daguan mountain, Qipan mountain and Xishan Mountain, with atotal length of more than 20__ meters. It is named Snake Mountain because it issimilar to crouching snake. The Yellow Crane Tower is built on the top ofHuanghu mountain. In ancient Chinese, the two words "Hu" and "he" are common, soit is also called Huanghe mountain. The pavilion on Huanghe mountain is ofcourse called huanghe tower. But people are more willing to accept the legend ofimmortals.

In order to make you enjoy the Yellow Crane Tower better, I use five wordsto summarize the characteristics of the Yellow Crane Tower: high, strange,dangerous, beautiful and wonderful. It is high in the mountains, high buildingsare higher, and the sky is pierced by clouds and clouds; it is strange that thegods cross the crane, and the myth spreads; it is dangerous to stand near theriver, and there is no land under it; it is beautiful to climb the tower andoverlook the scenery of Wuhan; it is wonderful that the literati and theanecdotes spread.

OK, now we have come to the Yellow Crane Tower Park. Yellow Crane TowerPark is composed of main building, pavilions, porches, memorial archways andGushi commercial street. The main building has a clear height of 51.4 meters andfive floors. It is square in shape and looks like one. Each side is 35 meterslong, with 72 columns rising from the ground and 60 cornices flying in the air.It takes advantage of the length of the calendar tower to gather the beauty ofthe north and the south. The golden colored glazed roof is simple and beautiful,and the red gourd shaped top glitters at night. Each layer has a strong poeticflavor. Now lets go into the main building to have a look.

We are now in the hall on the first floor of the Yellow Crane Tower. Thehall is 22 meters wide and 14 meters long. Look at these antique pillars, whichhave a circumference of two meters. They go straight to the top floor, which canbe said to be the Optimus Prime of the whole building. This "picture of whiteclouds and yellow cranes" is 9 meters high and 6 meters wide. On the picture,the Yellow Crane Tower stands in the middle, with a fairy riding on the YellowCrane and an iron flute blowing on the top, and people singing and dancingbelow. The whole picture is full of romantic and magical atmosphere. On bothsides of the painting, there is a couplet of Zhang Zhidong, an importantMinister of the late Qing Dynasty

Cool air from the West

The river goes to the East and the waves wash away the worries of the pastand the present

After the famous couplet in the hall, there is a huge carved screen, whichis painted with the shape of the Yellow Crane Tower in history. It is highlyskilled and antique, which can be called a fine art.

OK, please follow me up. Our current location is not the second floor, butthe mezzanine between the first floor and the second floor, commonly known asthe horse racing gallery. There are such horse racing corridors between everytwo floors. You can calculate that the Yellow Crane Tower originally has fivefloors. In addition, the horse racing corridor between every two floors has atotal of nine floors inside. Therefore, the Yellow Crane Tower has a buildingstructure of five floors outside and nine floors inside. Here are somehistorical celebrities calligraphy and paintings. You can enjoy them.

As you can see, there are six models of Yellow Crane Tower in Tang, song,yuan, Ming, Qing Dynasties and modern times on the second floor. They eachrepresent the architectural styles of their own times. You see, the Yellow CraneTower of the Tang Dynasty is connected with the city on the first floor and hasonly two floors on the outside. The overall structure is simple and rough,giving people a sense of simplicity and vigor. Take another look at the SongDynasty building, which is composed of four parts: building, terrace, porch andcorridor. Each floor has a double eaves, which shows the delicate and meaningfulartistic style of the Song Dynasty. The form of the Yuan Dynasty continued thestyle of the Song Dynasty, while the Ming Dynasty was still two-tier.

If you look at it again, there are some cloth awnings and other things. Doyou know what they are for? Yes, they are the umbrellas used by people inancient times. Look at the Yellow Crane Tower in the Qing Dynasty. It has threefloors. The first floor has 12 eaves, representing 12 hours of a day. The secondfloor has 12 eaves, representing 12 months of a year. The third floor has 24eaves, representing 24 solar terms of a year. The most amazing thing about it isthat it can integrate the traditional Chinese astronomy and calendar culture.Unfortunately, it was destroyed by thunder and fire in the summer of 1884, thatis, the 10th year of Guangxu reign of the Qing Dynasty. The last one is now theYellow Crane Tower. It is based on the Yellow Crane Tower of the Qing Dynasty.It was rebuilt in 1984. It not only has the unique traditional shape of theYellow Crane Tower, but also is more magnificent than the buildings of previousdynasties.

Please hold the stairs and follow me to the third floor. Here is a ceramicpainting called "the quintessence of literati". The figures in the picture havedifferent and lifelike expressions, which reproduces the scenes of the literaticoming here to chant poems and Fu. You see, the yellow robe in the middle is CuiHao, the great poet of Tang Dynasty. It is said that one year, Cui Hao came tothe Yellow Crane Tower and wrote an impromptu poem after his visit

Once upon a time, people had gone by the Yellow Crane, but there was noyellow crane tower left here.

Once the yellow crane is gone, it will never return.

Qingchuan experienced Hanyang tree, grass luxuriant parrot island.

Where is the hometown at dusk? The Yanbo river is worrying.

This poem has a wonderful artistic conception and is a rare poem describingthe Yellow Crane Tower. However, there are many famous poets in Tang Dynasty,and Cui Hao is not well-known. Therefore, although his poems are good, no oneappreciates them. Another year, the poet Li Bai came to the Yellow Crane Tower.The local people were very happy to see the poet come here, and asked Li Bai towrite a poem for the Yellow Crane Tower. After visiting, Li Bai felt that thelegend of Yellow Crane Tower was strange and the scenery was beautiful, so hemade great progress in poetry and agreed to write poems. People are ready tostudy four treasures, Li Bai dipped in thick ink, hold his breath, to write, butat this time, he looked up, saw Cui Haos poem on the wall, he was stunned onthe spot, shook his head, stopped writing. The onlookers did not know why. Theyasked why. Li Bai sighed and chanted a doggerel

One blow smashes the Yellow Crane Tower and one kick overturns the parrotisland.

In front of me, there is a scene. Cui Hao wrote a poem on it!

After chanting, he left. As a result of Li Bais praise, Cui Haos poemsare well-known, and the Yellow Crane Tower is also spread around with Cui Haospoems.

The fourth floor is the cultural activity place of the Yellow Crane Tower,displaying the impromptu works of famous contemporary calligraphers and paintersvisiting the building. There are also four treasures of the study speciallyprepared here. If any tourists are interested, they might as well show theirskills here.

Now we come to the viewing platform on the fifth floor of the Yellow CraneTower. The first picture we see here is a group of paintings called "thevastness of the river and the sky", which covers an area of 90 square meters andis the largest among the murals in the whole building. It consists of 10 colorpaintings. The three on the front wall are the center of the group of paintings.The first one records the process of the ancient Yangtze River culture from topto bottom. The second is the water waves depicted with gold lines on the stonegreen background, occupying the whole picture. It seems that people stand on across section of the Yangtze River and feel the waves rushing eastward. Thethird one reflects the process of the Yellow Crane Towers emergence, rise andfall after the Three Kingdoms period. The other seven, painted on the e Fang,are: the source of the Yangtze River, the waterfalls in the upper reaches, thescenery of the Three Gorges, the wonders of Lushan, the scenery of Taihu Lake,the river flowing into the sea and the vicissitudes of the sea.

Now lets go to the West and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the three townsin Wuhan. In front of you are the Yangtze River rolling eastward and the YangtzeRiver bridge which makes the natural moat a thoroughfare. In front of you arethe towering TV Tower on Guishan mountain, the magnificent Qingchuan Hotel, suchas the Qingchuan Bridge across the river with rainbow The Yellow Crane Tower,like an old man, sits firmly on the top of the Snake Mountain, witnessing thevicissitudes of Wuhans history and changing today, and looking forward to theprosperous future with expectation.

Well, the tour of Yellow Crane Tower is coming to an end. I hope myexplanation can leave you a good memory. Please forgive me for the shortcomings.Welcome to Jiangcheng next time and come here. I wish you a pleasant journey anda pleasant journey!



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Hello, all of you, Im Wang Ping, a tour guide from Anhui travel agency. You can call me Wang. My side is master Ma, who has many years of driving experience. It is a great pleasure to visit the Chaohu scenic area with everyone in this sunny day.

Now our car is driving on lakeside Avenue, Chaohu, also called "Jiao Lake". It is said that in ancient times of Chaohu, a year of drought, the small white dragon without rainfall except dry, made tiantiao, was the emperor censureddescends to earth, when coke Laoshan saved, the small white dragon at the focal basking grace, so he told him to heaven in nest state, coke basking timely told all the neighbors, to everyone die hard to avoid. He had delayed the opportunity to escape and was washed away by the flood. The daughter lost a pair of shoes in a hurry, and flooded, later people to commemorate the focal basking spirit, will be in the lake called "coke Lake", and then turned into a coke basking in Laoshan Mountain, a daughter, her a pair of shoes into the shoe hill. Of course, these are just a myth. The real Chaohu is of course the result of the movement of the earths crust.

Now we look to the left is our Chaohu, the lake area of Chaohu 800 square kilometers, is the largest lake in the province, is one of the five largest freshwater lakes in China. As the water rich, suitable climate for Anhui fish.

The temple stands in Phoenix Palace red sand reef, three facing water, the existing building for the late Qing Dynasty temple diange, is dedicated to the worship of bixiayuanjun, and now people visit the temple, is no longer the aeriality pray for the gift of God, but in the work, to enjoy the magnificent scenery of Chaohu Nabaili. And in the temple at Island Lake is a vast lake, which is filled with legendary laoshan.

Laoshan Mountain is the most beautiful in Chaohu biggest lake. Laoshan not only beautiful. Many visitors walk in the places of historic interest and scenic beauty, rugged road, if you can hear your footsteps slightly heavier, echo sounding, this is the Laoshan unique "an echo", if follow the voice can be found for the size of more than 20 caves, cave rocks Ling Xun, very wonderful insurance. To climb up, you can see the Wenfeng tower.

Wenfengs seven floors, 51 meters, 133 layers of eaves angle to walk, octagonal eight square, corner with bells, majestic appearance, exquisite structure. The body of the tower consists of three parts: the outer wall, the corridor and the tower heart. In the possession of the viceroy Li Hanzhang wrote "I recently", Chinese Taiwans first governor Liu Mingchuan wrote the "flow column" 25 plaques and 802 statues of Buddha brick tower, people, feel the wind whistling, bells, like standing above the clouds.

Tasha linedwith Li Hongzhang like, Li Hongzhang fortune before grace division Zeng Guofan gathered on the lake in the Huai pointing, practice, not far from the tower, there is a holy temple basking, red Ying tiles nestled in the green pines and verdant cypresses, beautiful.

Ladies and gentlemen, our journey is about to end. In this short and happy time, I am impressed by the enthusiasm of you, and I hope that the beauty of Chaohu will leave you a good memory.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4619 字

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White horse temple in luoyang in henan province 12 km east of the old city, create the monastery yongping eleven years (AD 68), is Chinas first ancient temple, the world famous kuan ti, is the first temple built after the Buddhism was introduced into China, has the Chinese Buddhism "cradle" and "interpretation of the source," said, it has a history of more than 1900 years. The existing site sites for during the yuan, Ming and qing. Temple save a large amount of yuan dynasty clip Zhu dry paint Buddha statues such as iii, two days will be, and 18 arhats, precious.

In 1961, the white horse temple published by the state council of the Peoples Republic of China for the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units. In 1983, by the state council determine of national temple of Chinese Buddhism. In January 20xx, the white horse temple was named the national tourism administration led by batch AAAA level scenic area.

Yongping seven years (AD 64) of the eastern han dynasty, han emperor liuzhuang (Liu Xiuzhi) night, dream a tall, the head of light gold man from the west, in the court to fly around the house. The next morning, han Ming emperor will tell the dream to ministers, Dr Fu Yi speak said "western god, known as the Buddha, like your dream". Han Ming emperor listen to exultation, sent secretary Cai Yin, Qin Jing, such as more than 10 people to the western regions, worship the promise, the dharma.

Yongping eight years (AD 65), CAI qin, qin people say goodbye to the imperial city, such as on thousands of miles journey to "the west". In big moon people (now the Afghan border to central Asia area), met Indian monk teng, zhu flange, saw the white felt like buddhist scriptures and shakyamuni Buddha, pleaded with two monks in east Chinas buddhist teaching.

Yongping ten years (AD 67), two Indian monk was invited along with the angel of the eastern han dynasty, with the white horse bearing load buddhist scriptures, the Buddha with returned to luoyang. Han Ming emperor see sutras, the Buddha, very happy, to the two monks is extremely heavy, personally to reception, in charge of foreign affairs at the time and arrange their partners stay "crack hon temple".

Yongping eleven years (AD 68), han Ming emperor decree in luoyang west harmony three mile okimichi north monastery built outside the door. In honor of a white horse, carry the name "the white horse temple". "Temple" the word that comes from "hong crack temple," the "temple", then "temple" the word became a general Chinese temple. Taken the teng and zhu flange in the translation of "medallion 42", as Chinas first Chinese sutra existing.

After taken "teng and zhu flange, and a number of western monk came to the white horse temple by the translation, in the year 68 after one hundred and fifty years, one hundred and ninety-two, total three hundred and ninety-five rolls of sutras translation out here, white horse temple worthy of the first Chinese translation of the dojo.

Cao Wei Jiaping two years (AD 250), the Indian monk haze ke and came to the white horse temple. The street folk Buddhism also come into the palace. Then caleb haze ke luo in the white horse temple translation out of the first Chinese buddhist precepts "monk only guard". Rest at the same time, the monk haze truths, but also in the white horse temple monk of youth translation out of the specification of the haze karma without virtue ". At this point, the laws and the articles of association of the monk delegations have ready, maintain the practice of a middle is predestined friends the human tonsured paved roads, for the beginning of middle-earth in discipline.

Dew cao wei five years (AD 260), a bar mitzvah held in white horse temple, this is a doomed to imprinted doctrines on events in China. On this day, zhu zixing boarded the precept platform, in accordance with the act of karma to kneel in front of the Buddha, is Chinas first official of han been bhikshu precepts of the family. Since then, the Confucian "body hair skin, by the parents, afraid to damage" of the ancient tradition was broken.

Buddhism takes root in China, the original in two hundred, the entire process is closely related to the white horse temple. Here is the product of Chinas first western religion, was among the first to come to China missionary of buddhist monks residence; Here was born the first Chinese buddhist precepts and Chinese, produced the first Chinese monks of han... Is the white horse temple, in short, Chinas Buddhism so many "first" closely linked together, which makes it become the cradle of Chinese Buddhism and the interpretation of the source.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2858 字

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The Great Mosque at Huajue Lane

The Mosque is a major spot for religious activities of over 60.000 Moslems in Xi’an, likewise, an important cultural relic protected by the Provincial People’s Government. Unlike the Arabic mosques, with splendid domes, the minarets reaching into the clouds, the coulourful engraved sketches with dazzling patterns, the Mosque here in Xi’an possesses much Chinese traditional touch in both its design and artistic outlook; besides the style peculiar to Islamic mosques, this Mosque also holds characteristics of Chinese pavilions with painted beams and engraved ridgepoles.

However, any further discussion about the Mosque will be futile unless anything of the introduction of Islam into China is brought up.

Islam as a religious order was founded in the early period of the 7th century A.D. and was introduced to China in the mid-600s. At that time, Arabian merchants and travelers came to the northwest of China by way of Persia and Afghanistan and thus established diplomatic, trade, and military contacts with China. In the meantime, another route saw a batch of sea voyagers through Bangladesh Bay and the Malacca Strait to China’s Guangzhou, Quanzhou, Huangzhou, Yangzhou and other cities where many of them settled down and married the local women who later gave birth to babies who then became Moslems.

However, massive immigration of the Moslems to China did not take place until as late as the early period of the 13th century, when Genghis Khan, as a result of his expedition against the west, had conquered vast expanses of land stretching from Central Asia to Eastern Europe, including the north of Iran. Many of the Moslems in the conquered areas were thus forced to enlist and later settled in China.

Among the enlisted many were soldiers, and some were smiths and officials who were called the Hui people in the history books on the Yuan dynasty. The Hui people later followed Kublai Khan down to the south, helping him unifying China and then establish the Yuan dynasty. In the wake of the conquest, Islam spread all over China and mosques began to appear everywhere. In the Yuan dynasty, many Moslems held positions both in the military and civilian organs of the country. And a lot of the Moslems took part in Zhu Yuanzhang’s uprising in the early 14th century and made great contributions to the founding of the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, all the emperors of the Dynasty issued mandates to protect Islam, and to set up mosques in praise of the Moslems for their feats. In the early 16th century, Islam predominated Qinghai on the minority nationalities including the Huis, the Uygurs, the Kazaks, the Kirgizes, the Tajiks, the Tartars, the Ozbeks, the Dong Xiangs, the Salars and the Bonans. The Moslems in Xi’an are mainly the Huis, being a small portion out of the ten million in China.

