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The Mountain Summer Resort

Topic: define the Mountain Summer Resort as “garden bright pearl, science open-air museum”.

Part one: how this garden is special.

*Question:(Outside the resort, to sitimulate the tourist’s interests)

Our garden experts said that, the Summer Vacation Mountain Village is the miniature of our beautiful motherland. Why can the experts say like this?


Chengde Summer Resort is in the northern part of Chengde city, Heibei province. Chengde Imperial Palace also known as the Rehe Place, where Qing emperors spent their summer days and work in, so it was not an imperial summer palace in its usual meaning, but became a important centre next to Beijing.

*Knowledge about the layout:

There are two parts of the resort——the palaces and a scenic area.

The palaces were for emperors to handled political affairs and lived in. The scenic area includes lakes, hills and grassland. There are eight artificial lakes. Emperor kangXi commented the resort as “having the mountains as the bone and water as the heart ”. Emperor QianLong’s remark, “Though it is named as mountain resort, its beauty is in water” highlighted the feature of the resort. Because KangXi and QianLong have toured in south China many times and appreciated a lot of beauties there, so that beauties were like been moved by the emperors into the resort. So this garden has the north and south style in a body.

*Answer of the question:

The natural mountains and rivers built it was copied the landscape from southern Jiangsu and outside Shanhaiguan, there has forests, lakes, grassland and mountains; almost include all kinds of the landscapes of China.

Outside the palaces is the eight outer temples, this temples surrounding the palaces like the star surrounding the Moon, symbolized the national various nationalities closely around the Qing Dynasty’s rule center.

Part two: Great values of the resort.

In our country history:

The Mountain Summer Resort has witnessed the Qing Dynasty’s consolidation and development. Said from its rich history connotation, it is really a national and religious history museum.

*Question:Why Mountain Summer Resort is considered as “intangible Great Wall”?

When the Qing government made Beijing its capital, it paid attention to the relationship with the national minorities in Mongolia, Xinjiang and Tibet, and keep a marriage relation with them. It can be seen like this way: the temples around the Mountain Summer Resort were the outcome of the policy of national solidarity and consolidation of the multi-national country.

We know the Ming Dynasty has built Great Wall, but the policy of building the Mountain Summer Resort is more effectual .

From the cultural value:

In the resort, Han Nationality culture and some national minority cultures, both display respective characteristics and absorb from each other. Now Chengde already towards to the world, the culture is not belongs to china also the universe.


Our garden experts said that, the Summer Vacation Mountain Village is the miniature of our beautiful motherland. Why can the experts say like this?


Chengde Summer Resort is in the northern part of Chengde city, Heibei province. Chengde Imperial Palace also known as the Rehe Place, where Qing emperors spent their summer days and work in, so it was not an imperial summer palace in its usual meaning, but became a important centre next to Beijing.

*Knowledge about the layout:

There are two parts of the resort——the palaces and a scenic area.

The palaces were for emperors to handled political affairs and lived in. The scenic area includes lakes, hills and grassland. There are eight artificial lakes. Emperor kangXi commented the resort as “having the mountains as the bone and water as the heart ”. Emperor QianLong’s remark, “Though it is named as mountain resort, its beauty is in water” highlighted the feature of the resort. Because KangXi and QianLong have toured in south China many times and appreciated a lot of beauties there, so that beauties were like been moved by the emperors into the resort. So this garden has the north and south style in a body.

*Answer of the question:

The natural mountains and rivers built it was copied the landscape from southern Jiangsu and outside Shanhaiguan, there has forests, lakes, grassland and mountains; almost include all kinds of the landscapes of China.

Outside the palaces is the eight outer temples, this temples surrounding the palaces like the star surrounding the Moon, symbolized the national various nationalities closely around the Qing Dynasty’s rule center.

Part two: Great values of the resort.

In our country history:

The Mountain Summer Resort has witnessed the Qing Dynasty’s consolidation and development. Said from its rich history connotation, it is really a national and religious history museum.

*Question: Why Mountain Summer Resort is considered as “intangible Great Wall”?

When the Qing government made Beijing its capital, it paid attention to the relationship with the national minorities in Mongolia, Xinjiang and , and keep a marriage relation with them. It can be seen like this way: the temples around the Mountain Summer Resort were the outcome of the policy of national solidarity and consolidation of the multi-national country.

We know the Ming Dynasty has built Great Wall, but the policy of building the Mountain Summer Resort is more effectual .

From the cultural value:

In the resort, Han Nationality culture and some national minority cultures, both display respective characteristics and absorb from each other. Now Chengde already towards to the world, the culture is not belongs to china also the universe.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2470 字

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明永乐五年(1407)朱棣的皇后徐氏去世。朱棣命礼部、工部及术士风鉴先生等人,在北京郊区寻找"吉壤"。先后曾指定潭柘寺、燕家台、屠家营等处,朱棣均不满意。后来江西术士廖均卿说,昌平北有吉壤,可做万年寿域,名黄土山,山前有龙、虎二山,形成一个小平原。朱棣视察后很满意,决定在此建造皇陵,改黄土山为天寿山。永乐七年(1409)正式建陵,到永乐十一年竣工,即长陵。明代历朝(除景泰帝外)皇帝陆续在此建陵。 明制规定,陵墓每年大祭三次(清明、中元、冬至),小祭四次(正旦、孟冬、生辰、逝日)。每次谒陵耗费巨大。十三陵地面上建筑曾几度遭到破坏,最严重的一次是清兵入关。明末清太祖崛起于东北,威胁明朝安全。有人说清兵之所以强盛与他的祖坟风水有关。他们(金人)的祖坟在房山,如捣毁,清兵即灭。天启皇帝于天启二年(1622)派人毁房山金陵,并建关帝庙镇之。清兵入关后,采取同样的报复手段,破坏了明陵。清乾隆五十年,为了拢络汉人,曾下令修缮明陵。民国时期,1920xx年左右,当地豪绅争夺产权,明陵又遭破坏。













棂星门俗称龙凤门,在此处有"天门"之意,门三道之间有短垣相隔。6根门柱形似华表,三门额坊中央雕有石刻火焰珠,故当地人又称其为火焰牌坊。 棂星门北有7孔汉白玉神桥一座,通往长陵陵门。


陵 名埋 葬年 号庙 号在位年代年 数享 年附葬皇后长 陵朱 棣永 乐成 祖1403~14242265徐 氏献 陵朱高炽洪 熙仁 宗1425148张 氏景 陵朱瞻基宣 德宣 宗1426~14351038孙 氏裕 陵朱祁镇正统天顺英 宗1436~1464(前后)2238钱、周氏茂 陵朱见深成 化宪 宗1465~14872341纪、王、邵氏泰 陵朱佑樘弘 治孝 宗1488~15051836张 氏康 陵朱厚照正 德武 宗1506~15211631夏 氏永 陵朱厚艏 靖世 宗1522~15664560杜、陈、方氏昭 陵朱载趼 庆穆 宗1567~1572636李、陈、李氏定 陵朱翊钧万 历神 宗1573~16204858王、王氏庆 陵朱常洛泰 昌光 宗16201月39郭、王、刘氏德 陵朱由校天 启熹 宗1621~1627723张 氏思 陵朱由检崇 祯思 宗1628~16441735田、周氏




陵墓有三进院落。第一进院落从陵门到潭髅拧A昝拍诙西侧原有神厨、神库各5间。东南角有碑亭一座,无碑文,建于嘉靖十五年(1536)。清顺治皇帝见过陵墓后,于顺治十六年(1659),在石碑正面用汉、满两种文字镌刻其谒陵感受。碑阴是乾隆皇帝于1785年谒陵后镌刻的谒明陵八韵。第二进院落从潭髅胖聊诤烀拧T耗邶潭鞯羁9间,深5间,重檐庑殿顶。殿内60根楠木柱,当中4根柱直径都在1米以上。该殿是国内最好的楠木殿。殿中原有大佛龛,供成祖和徐皇后。殿两侧原有廊庑15间,现已无存。第三进院落从内红门至明楼。院内前部是二柱牌坊,依次为石五供、明楼和宝城。 明楼是每座陵墓的标帜,也是每座陵墓中轴线上的最高建筑。楼顶为重檐歇山式,建于方城之上,四出陛,额曰"长陵"。刻碑为万历三十二年重立。原碑刻"太宗"(朱棣原来的庙号),后来世宗嘉靖皇帝于嘉靖七年改太宗为成祖,未换石碑,只用木雕成祖之碑镶之。万历三十二年(1604)雷击起火,木雕被毁。大学士沈一贯奏请改新碑。明楼两侧连宝城,城内园丘即宝顶,周一百丈,下面即地宫。







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龙庆峡水库大坝外侧两山壁立,遮天蔽日,终年不见阳光,夏季平均气温比市内低6.4 摄氏度,是京郊避暑胜地;而冬季气候寒冷,结冰期长达4个月,每年都举办冰灯艺术节。



古称神峰列翠、古城九曲。辽、金、元三代是皇家避暑行宫和园林,据史书记载,元仁宗皇帝 孛儿只斤爱育黎拔力八达诞生于此,他在1320xx年登基后,将当时的缙山县升为龙庆州,今“龙庆峡”可志其渊源。又据州县志上记载,这个地方早在920xx年前,曾是辽萧太后居处,当时殿阁楼台建在绿障翠屏之间,桃红柳绿,溪鸣鸟啼。一代女杰萧太后曾称曰:“斯境胜地,天地间共有几乎?”萧太后的历史地位足可以为这深峡险壑平添许多古风幽情。而明清以来,这里就已成为旅游胜地,官僚政客,名人雅士,吟诵龙庆峡的诗篇比比皆是,不乏精品。至元代,爱育黎拔力八达诞生在这里的香水园,他当皇帝后称自己的出生地为龙州。水面海拔570米。





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4019 字

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Tourists friends, everybody! Welcome to the world heritage - huangshan scenic area. Very glad to be a tour guide! My name is Tian Huicong, everybody call me field guide.

As the saying goes: "its return from mountain, mount huangshan return from yue." Huangshan pines, rocks, sea of clouds, hot spring, snow "five greats" famous Chinese and foreign. Today I will give everyone focuses on huangshan pines.

Everyone see, huangshan pine trees can survive in rock seam, strong vitality. Their shapes, the intricacies of: black tiger, African, come loose loose knot, welcoming pine and so on, a lot of pine trees because they shape the name! Huangshan welcoming pine is one of the famous scenic spot, shape is special, its central trunk out of the two lateral branch of up to 7.6 meters exhibition to the front, like a hospitable host, waved his arms, warmly welcome guests from home and abroad to visit huangshan, become the symbol of the Chinese people warm hospitality. Later we can over there to take photos, as a souvenir.

The wonders of huangshan said also said not over, see also not enough. Now, please enjoy to enjoy the beautiful scenery of huangshan! Please dont throw the peel and in play and food packaging bags, not to a dangerous place.

I wish you all have fun!


Visitors to kiss love, everybody is good, I am your tour guide, my name is meng, you can call me meng guide; Welcome to visit huangshan. Huangshan huangshan, anhui, China is the natural and cultural heritage, has been included in the "world heritage list". Or in the top ten scenic spots unique mountain huangshan scenic spot. Huangshan mountain "loose", "strange", "sea of clouds", "hot springs," four famous in the world. Speaking of "loose" to "guest-greeting pine". Guest-greeting pine stand in the jade screen on the east side, manjusri hole, broken stone, the life of more than eight hundred years. Loose name found in the huangshan mountain guide.

Tree height of 15 meters, diameter at breast height sixty-four cm, diameter seventy-five centimeters, under branch height is two point five meters. This attitude pale neck, cui Ye Rugai, polite, cute image. Speaking of rocks, have to say "flying stone". Green mountain peaks appearing in the west, there is a stone stands on the top of the mountain rocks. Stone is 12 meters high, seven point five meters long, two point five meters wide. Rock and rock interface is small, so the name "flying stone". Dear passengers, please free activities, please dont smoke, in case of fire, thank you for your cooperation.


Dear friends, now we have been to huangshan, please pay attention to watch.

The huangshan mountain, the highest lotus peak, 1864 meters high, not the second, 1841 meters high, tiandu feng third, 1829.5 meters high.

In the huangshan pines, rocks, sea of clouds, hot springs are very famous. , there is a pine tree is called a visitor, because its posture like in greeted her guests, so call it a visitor. There is a poem: "its return from mountain, mount huangshan return from yue." Explains the beauty of huangshan. Huangshan hot spring can cure, but cant drink, please note!

Note: when climbing the mountain, if its raining, dont be an umbrella, mountains, the upper hand, careful umbrella becomes a parachute, let the wind blow you away! Please dont throw stones down the hill, be careful on people! Please walk steps, dont go where no steps, or youll fall off! Please dont run, one thousand lost their way, you might become a "wild man".

In huangshan and the cable car, if you dont have the strength, or do you have a fear of heights, you can take the cable car, there will be a great feeling. Do you know what is called a cable car? The cable car is to give "lazy people" in the car.

Huangshan mountain caves, warm in winter and cool in summer, there are also strange stone, stone types are: limestone, stalactites, etc.

My introduction, I wish you all look happy, play happy!



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Everybody is good! My name is zhang, you can call me a guide. Today I bring you to visit verve magnificent Great Wall.

MAO zedong once said: "not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall". Why dont we go on a tour today? Good! We can eat when men now! On the former see head, after the end of the Great Wall.

About the Great Wall, there is a moving story, legend meng jiangnus husband was caught to build the Great Wall, the meng jiangnu then struggling to find her husband, however, meng jiangnu I get to know and her husband were dead tired at the foot of the Great Wall. After hearing the news, meng jiangnu cry for three days and three nights at the foot of the Great Wall, just listen to "bang" a loud walls down, to see the bodies of her husband!

Now that we have stood on the badaling, stepping at the foot of the square brick, holding the stone on the wall, naturally think of the Great Wall is built. Tourists, look at these countless stone alone, with 2 - one thousand catties a enough at that time, there was also no crane, crane, forklift, rely on the shoulder, countless hands, step by step, carry on the steep mountains.

Well, the beauty of the Great Wall I said also said not over, now please enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Great Wall!



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Hello, all of you, Im Wang Ping, a tour guide from Anhui travel agency.You can call me Wang. My side is master Ma, who has many years of drivingexperience. It is a great pleasure to visit the Chaohu scenic area with everyonein this sunny day.

Now our car is driving on lakeside Avenue, Chaohu, also called "Jiao Lake".It is said that in ancient times of Chaohu, a year of drought, the small whitedragon without rainfall except dry, made tiantiao, was the emperorcensureddescends to earth, when coke Laoshan saved, the small white dragon atthe focal basking grace, so he told him to heaven in nest state, coke baskingtimely told all the neighbors, to everyone die hard to avoid. He had delayed theopportunity to escape and was washed away by the flood. The daughter lost a pairof shoes in a hurry, and flooded, later people to commemorate the focal baskingspirit, will be in the lake called "coke Lake", and then turned into a cokebasking in Laoshan Mountain, a daughter, her a pair of shoes into the shoe hill.Of course, these are just a myth. The real Chaohu is of course the result of themovement of the earths crust.

Now we look to the left is our Chaohu, the lake area of Chaohu 800 squarekilometers, is the largest lake in the province, is one of the five largestfreshwater lakes in China. As the water rich, suitable climate for Anhuifish.

The temple stands in Phoenix Palace red sand reef, three facing water, theexisting building for the late Qing Dynasty temple diange, is dedicated to theworship of bixiayuanjun, and now people visit the temple, is no longer theaeriality pray for the gift of God, but in the work, to enjoy the magnificentscenery of Chaohu Nabaili. And in the temple at Island Lake is a vast lake,which is filled with legendary laoshan.

Laoshan Mountain is the most beautiful in Chaohu biggest lake. Laoshan notonly beautiful. Many visitors walk in the places of historic interest and scenicbeauty, rugged road, if you can hear your footsteps slightly heavier, echosounding, this is the Laoshan unique "an echo", if follow the voice can be foundfor the size of more than 20 caves, cave rocks Ling Xun, very wonderfulinsurance. To climb up, you can see the Wenfeng tower.

Wenfengs seven floors, 51 meters, 133 layers of eaves angle to walk,octagonal eight square, corner with bells, majestic appearance, exquisitestructure. The body of the tower consists of three parts: the outer wall, thecorridor and the tower heart. In the possession of the viceroy Li Hanzhang wrote"I recently", Chinese Taiwans first governor Liu Mingchuan wrote the "flow column" 25plaques and 802 statues of Buddha brick tower, people, feel the wind whistling,bells, like standing above the clouds.

Tasha linedwith Li Hongzhang like, Li Hongzhang fortune before gracedivision Zeng Guofan gathered on the lake in the Huai pointing, practice, notfar from the tower, there is a holy temple basking, red Ying tiles nestled inthe green pines and verdant cypresses, beautiful.

Ladies and gentlemen, our journey is about to end. In this short and happytime, I am impressed by the enthusiasm of you, and I hope that the beauty ofChaohu will leave you a good memory.



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My official figure art field is located in suzhou city. Art garden was built in Ming jiajing period, build drunken YingTang Yuan Zugeng, topic MenE "urban forest". Lasted for Wen Zhiming great-grandchild Wen Zhenmeng, TangMing nylon, YuanMing medicine field. Qing jiang 埰, renamed h nursery, also called JingTing mountain house, his son Jiang Shijie YuanMing easily as art field. After repeatedly. Light three or four years, Wu Xingceng Qi new. Light nineteen years, garden and silk industry fan, seven duct ccba, heavy repair. The garden between Ming dynasty and early qing keep landscapes and part of the building, is an important example of research history of landscape architecture.

Art field now covers an area of about 3800 square meters. House five into layout twists and turns, hall of primitive simplicity. Park in the west, pool center, accounts for about a quarter. Building more than in the north pool, fanaw rockery as main feature. Have liberal arts hall, delay light cabinet, jiyang valley book hall, thought to r, milk fish pavilion, thought eosinophilic hin, toward the great month gallery pavilion, vanilla, and rang the victory of the season.

Art field plane are slightly north and south long and narrow rectangle, north of the courtyard, is composed of the main hall of boya hall and waterside pavilion; Cut pool, the central area of about one mu for dominated the center, the surface concentration, southeast and southwest have water bay, on the structure low stone bridge. In addition to the north for the waterside pavilion revetment, the remaining pool shore flexor nature, while the pool surface from nearby for low small building is open, take nets garden. Fanaw stacking rockery, structure bridge pavilion, southwest a rear yard. ChiBeiAn five waterside pavilion, low floating in waves, both sides has a separate buildings. The elevation of all these buildings occupy the pool in the north, which are rare in the suzhou gardens. Stone angeles fanaw near water, followed by heap heaped-up mountains, mountain near water side wall lake stone with the dangerous path. Southwest hospital with wall, water diversion bay in the small pond, stone mountain also delay pulse at this point. Courtyard west hall, between two weeks column stone lake, cultivation of camellia, magnolia flower, see a new world. Pool pavilion, southeast of fish for traces of Ming dynasty. Next to its slow QuShiQiao that also belongs to the early days, is very precious.

Art field in the water, stone, unique combination of technique, determining the nature and tries to transcend the nature, is the Ming and qing dynasties suzhou generation gardening home the layout of the most commonly used techniques.



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In the north of China, there lies a 6, 700-kilometer-long (4, 161-mile-long) ancient wall. Now well-known as the Great Wall of China, it starts at the Jiayuguan Pass of Gansu Province in the west and ends at the Shanhaiguan Pass of Hebei Province in the east. As one of the Eight Wonders in the world, the Great Wall of China has become the symbol of the Chinese nation and its culture. Lots of beautiful legends and stories about the Great Wall took place following along the construction, and since that time these stories have spread around the country.

Those that happened during construction are abundant, such as Meng Jiangnu‘s story and the legend of the Jiayuguan Pass. Meng Jiangnu‘s story is the most famous and widely spread of all the legends about the Great Wall. The story happened during the Qin Dynasty (221BC- 206BC). It tells of how Meng Jiangnu‘s bitter weeping made a section of the Great Wall collapse. Meng Jiangnu‘s husband Fan Qiliang was caught by federal officials and sent to build the Great Wall. Meng Jiangnu heard nothing from him after his departure, so she set out to look for him. Unfortunately, by the time she reached the great wall, she discovered that her husband had already died. Hearing the bad news, she cried her heart out. Her howl caused the collapse of a part of the Great Wall. This story indicates that the Great Wall is the production of tens of thousands of Chinese commoners. Another legend about the Jiayuguan Pass tells of a workman named Yi Kaizhan in the Ming Dynasty (1368BC-1644BC) who was proficient in arithmetic. He calculated that it would need 99, 999 bricks to build the Jiayuguan Pass. The supervisor did not believe him and said if they miscalculated by even one brick, then all the workmen would be punished to do hard work for three years. After the completion of the project, one brick was left behind the Xiwong city gate.

The supervisor was happy at the sight of the brick and ready to punish them. However Yi Kaizhan said with deliberation that the brick was put there by a supernatural being to fix the wall. A tiny move would cause the collapse of the wall. Therefore the brick was kept there and never moved. It can still be found there today on the tower of the Jiayuguan Pass.



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Your Chagan Lake cruise ship No.1 has left the wharf and is heading for themysterious Chagan Lake through the "grassland canal" - Yinsong canal. Afterentering the lake area, the cruise ship will speed up, the summit is very big,standing in the bow will be very cool and comfortable, but remind you to standfirmly when standing by the boat, pay attention to the safety of swimming in thelake, at the same time, pay attention to carry your goods, so as to avoidfalling into the lake.

Now our cruise ship has entered Chagan Lake.

Chagan Lake is called "Chagannur" in Mongolian, which means white lake.Chagan is 37 kilometers long in the north and 17 kilometers wide in the East andWest.

With a total water area of about 420 square kilometers, it ranks seventhamong the top ten freshwater lakes in China. Its water storage capacity is about700 million cubic meters. It is the largest inland lake and provincial naturereserve in Jilin Province, as well as a famous fishery production base in JilinProvince,

Chagan Lake is rich in natural resources, rich in carp, silver carp,crucian carp, Wuchang fish and other 15 families of 68 species, with an annualoutput of more than 5000 tons of fresh fish, of which "Chagan Lake pangtouyu" iscertified as AA grade green food by the national green food certificationcenter, and is exported to both inside and outside the province. In recentyears, the shrimp, pearl and other aquatic resources of Chagan Lake have beeneffectively developed, and the beautiful fish and shrimp have already been puton the table of tourists. Chagan Lake has four distinct seasons and rich naturalresources, which provides a rare living environment for wild and aquaticanimals, making it a paradise for wild animals and a paradise for birds. Thereare more than 20 kinds of wild animals such as foxes, rabbits and badgers, andmore than 80 kinds of rare birds such as wild ducks, swans, wild geese and redcrowned cranes in the lakeside grassland and small islands. The variety anddensity of wild animals are incomparable to many tourist attractions inside andoutside the province. The unique geographical location and natural resources ofunique scenery make Chagan Lake a dream wind since ancient times Shuibaodi. Fromemperor Shengzong to Emperor Tianzuo in Liao Dynasty, every year, he led hisministers and concubines to Chagan Lake from the capital for sightseeing andspring hunting. They dug ice on the lake to catch fish. They used the "headfish" that emperor liaozong had caught himself to hold a "head fish feast" onthe shore, because in early spring, the lake fish were the freshest, fattest andmost fragrant. When the spring wind blew green, the wild geese and swans weresinging on the Bank of Chagan Lake At that time, the emperors began to set offeagles and arrows to catch swans and geese, and held a goose banquet with thehead geese captured by "haidongqing", which was released by Emperor Liaohimself. They sang and danced by the lake and drank until the end of spring.From this we can imagine the magnificent scene of Chagan Lake.

When you look to the northeast of the lake, the mountain beside the lake iscalled Qingshantou, which is the commanding point around Chagan Lake. There isan old and sad story about Chagan Lake and Qingshantou

A long time ago, there was no Chagan Lake in gollos, but a vast grassland.Deep in the grassland, there was a handsome and powerful young man named Chaganshaobu who had lost his parents since childhood. He shot a good arrow, flying inthe sky, running underground, all shot a hundred times, Chagan shaobu waskind-hearted, and most of his prey was given to the surrounding students

The poor herdsmen are deeply loved by the herdsmen of the hundred milegrassland. One early spring, Chagan shaobu went out hunting with his bow andarrow. Suddenly, he saw a sika deer running towards him in panic. Two wolveswere chasing after him desperately. The exhausted deer was about to become everymeal of the two wolves. After a while, Chagan shaobu took a bow and shot twoarrows to kill the wolf and save the fawn. The fawn looked at Chagan shaobu withgrateful eyes and reluctantly turned and ran to the depth of the grassland.

That night, Chagan shaobu, who was not sleeping, suddenly dreamed of thesika deer he had saved. The deer said to him, "Im here to repay you for savingyour life. I was originally a fairy deer in the sky. Because I ate Ganodermalucidum in the Royal Garden, I was sent to earth by the Jade Emperor. Thepenalty will be over tomorrow. Ill come back to heaven to see my benefactor.See you alone a person too poor lonely, I want to find a companion for you toaccompany you. Tomorrow morning, you will go to Chaobei. After crossing 7749mountains, you will see a fairy peak. There is a fairy cave on the hillside.There is a stone box in the cave. There is a gold hairpin in the stone box. Ifyou put the gold hairpin in your arms and bring it back, there will be a fairyto accompany you. Remember it With that, the deer disappeared.

The next day, Chagan shaobu set out with his dry food bow and arrow in thedirection that the deer pointed out in his dream. He went through all thedifficulties and dangers along the way. He shot and killed countless wolves,insects, tigers and leopards with his good arrow technique, and finally came tothe fairy cave on the hillside of fairy peak. There was a stone box in the cavesurrounded by auspicious clouds. When he opened the stone box, he saw that therewas a light in it He was overjoyed with the dazzling gold hairpin. He picked itup and hurried back. It seemed that he would be home soon.

When he got home, he took out the gold hairpin from his arms and looked atit carefully. Suddenly, with a flash of gold, a pretty girl stood in front ofChagan shaobu and said, "my name is Qimuge. Im the fourth daughter of the queenmother of the West. I admire your kindness and bravery. I like your diligenceand perseverance. If you like, Ill marry you and join hands with you for ahundred years." He was so excited that he held his Muge tightly in his arms.Three years later, Qimuge gave birth to a fat son named bater for Chagan shaobu.One day when Chagan shaobu came back from hunting, he saw Qimuge frowning andasked her what happened? Qimuge tears side said: "tomorrow my mothers birthday,life I go back to celebrate, I need three days back and forth, but the sky threedays, human three years, I really cant bear to let you alone spend three yearsof time." Chagan shaobu comforted qimig and said: "three years will pass in aflash. When you come back, we will never separate again. Thats right, but whenQimuges wings fluttered and left in the colorful clouds, Chagan shaobu missedhis bedroom day and night, and soon he was seriously ill. On his deathbed,Chagan shaobu looked up at the sky and sighed: "Qimuge, I cant look at youagain. I cant close my eyes." At this time, Qimuge, who was far away in thetemple of heaven, seemed to hear Chagan shaobus heartbreaking call, so he wentback to the world regardless of everything. Seeing that Chagan shaobu was dying,he went back to heaven again. Regardless of the rules of heaven, he stole theelixir to take it for Chagan shaobu, and made Chagan shaobu safe.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the queen mother found that the elixir had beenstolen, and immediately sent the God to look for it. When she learned that shehad been stolen by Qimuge and saved Chagan shaobu, she was furious and orderedthe God to move a castle peak and press Qimuge at the foot of the mountain. Thisis what we see now. Another order was issued that no rain should be allowed inthe grassland where Chagan shaobu lived within three years, and that Chaganshaobu and all the plants, cattle and sheep here should die of thirst. Its truethat there hasnt been a drop of rain in this area for three years. Its as hotas a fire, the ground is dry and smoking, the grass is dry, and the cattle andsheep are thirsty. Seeing this, Chagan shaobu was very anxious. One day, Chaganshaobu had a dream of Qimuge again. Qimuge cried and said, "I broke the heavenrules by stealing the elixir to save you. I was pressed under the big greenmountain next to you. I cant save you and the villagers by my magic power. Ifyou want to sacrifice your life to save the grassland life, go to the fairy caveand eat the elixir Ive made, and you will become a big lake beside me."

When Chagan shaobu woke up, he settled down with bater. According toQimuges words, he went to the fairy cave to find the luminous elixir. When hereturned to the deep grassland under the big green mountain, he swallowed theelixir without hesitation. As soon as the elixir ate, Chagan shaobu immediatelyturned into a white lake. The water in the lake is white and transparent, like ajade mirror reflecting the big green hill. With the irrigation of sweet lake,the grassland here is greener, the flowers are more colorful, the cattle andsheep are breeding again, and the herdsmen live a happy life. In order tocommemorate and cherish the memory of the couple who sacrificed their lives tosave the grassland, people come to the lake every spring when the flowers bloom.They play the melodious horse head lute, stir up the happy Andai dance, and namethe Great Lake Chagannur. The green hill by the lake is called Qingshantou.

My friends, the legend of Chagan Lake and Qingshantou is here for you. Nexttime you come to Chagan Lake for sightseeing, I will tell you the next episodeof this beautiful legend - the story of Chagan shaobu and his son bater who ledthe lake to save his father and cut the mountain to save his mother.

We have already visited Chagan Lake. Next, please visit Miaoyin temple,Boyan Oboo, Honghu Park, Gorros Museum and other scenic spots on the bank. Ibelieve you will have a good time.



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Hello everyone, my name is Yu Shihan, a student of class 4 (10) of Beihaiprimary school. Today, I will show you around Lu Xuns hometown. Speaking of LuXun, we all know that his original name is Zhou Shuren. He is the greatestwriter, thinker and revolutionist in modern China. Lu Xuns spirit is known asthe soul of the Chinese nation. Now Im taking you to the place where Lu Xungrew up and studied as a child.

Walking into Lu Xuns hometown, a picture of the late Qing Dynasty and theearly Republic of China is displayed in front of tourists. Through Fangkou oldstreet in Dongchang, we come to the gate of Zhou Jiatai, Lu Xuns ancestralhome. There is a small patio and hall in the entrance. Behind the hall is theplace where Lu Xun lived when he was a child. A small patio behind the building.Bluestone pavement. There is a tall osmanthus tree in the courtyard. In lateautumn, the fragrance of Osmanthus is very fragrant, so it is also called theosmanthus hall. To the north is the kitchen, with three cooking holes and onecooking utensil. In the north of the kitchen, there are three bungalowsseparated by a small patio, and in the back is the herb garden. Everyone musthave read "from BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei bookstore" and thats what it says.BaiCaoYuan covers an area of 20__ square meters. There are two gardens, big andsmall, where Lu Xuns children play.

About 100 meters away from his former residence, we came to Sanweibookstore, where Mr. Lu Xun studied when he was a child. On the middle wall ofthe room are the plaque of "Sanwei study" and the picture of pine deer. There isa couplet on the column of the room: "music is silent, filial piety is the onlything, too beautiful and tasteful is reading". There are square tables andchairs in the room. Thats where Mr. Lu Xun studied. He still has the word "Zao"carved on his desk!

Time flies. This is the end of the introduction of Lu Xuns hometown.Welcome to visit next time! Thank you!


Hello, tourists! My name is Hu Keyu. Im the tour guide who takes you to LuXuns hometown.

Lets go and have a look at the beautiful scenery there! When you enter thegate, you will first see four black people embedded in a gray and smooth stonetablet: "Lu Xuns hometown." there are pictures of potholes on it. In front ofthe stone tablet, there are statues of Kong Yiji and other four people. Illgive you ten minutes to take a group photo.

Now lets go to visit Lu Xuns ancestral home with me! Lu Xuns ancestralhome is Lu Xuns former home, which includes masters room, masters study,bedroom, piano room and kitchen.

Lets go out of Lu Xuns ancestral home and have a look at the oppositeSanwei bookstore. Sanwei bookstore was the place where Lu Xun read when he was achild. But there is a word "morning" carved on Lu Xuns desk. The word "morning"is because once his father was ill. He rushed to the drugstore early in themorning to buy medicine for his father, and then fried it well before he went tostudy. As a result, he was late for school and was taught After a few typing, hecarved a word "morning" on his desk, thinking that he couldnt be late in thefuture.

Now lets go to BaiCaoYuan! Entering the gate of BaiCaoYuan, you can seegreen vegetable beds, smooth stone well fences, tall acacia trees, purplemulberry trees, where Lu Xun played as a child.

Time flies like an arrow. In a flash, the tour of Lu Xuns hometown isover. Welcome to come again next time. Goodbye!



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现在我们来到的是九华山的肉身宝殿,说到九华山的肉身宝殿,不能不提一个人。这个人叫金乔觉,是一个外国人,他来自古新罗,也就是今天的朝鲜半岛东南部。据史料记载,金乔觉是新罗国的一个王子,24 岁时削发为僧,并从新罗国航海来到中国。他遍游中国的名山大川,最后落脚九华山,结庐修行。并遵照地藏菩萨的誓愿: “ 地狱未空,誓不成佛”。在九华山修行期间,金乔觉降伏猛兽,采集药草,一边为山上百姓治病,一边传经布道,广施佛法,深得广大民众的爱戴。

金乔觉渐渐声名远播,收了不少弟子。连当地的地方官也上山来听取佛法,并把他的事迹奏明了朝廷。于是,追随金乔觉的人越来越多。由于山高林密土地少,粮食不能维持山上众僧的生计,他们不得不食用观音土。因为长期营养不良,当时的人们把金乔觉称为“枯槁僧” ,称其徒众为“ 枯槁众” 。但越是艰难困苦,金乔觉越是信念坚定,更加赢得众人的敬重,连新罗国僧众,也相继渡海前来跟随。金乔觉九十九岁圆寂后,尸体历经三年都没有腐烂,面容跟生前一模一样,这些超自然的现象正和佛经上记载的地藏王菩萨相似。正好金乔觉法名金地藏,于是,佛门确认他为地藏王菩萨转世,人们修建塔墓供奉,顶礼膜拜。自此,九华山便声名远播,成了地藏王菩萨的道场。

现在我来为您解释一下这“肉身宝殿”所供奉的“肉身”的含义。肉身,原意是父母所生血肉之躯。佛门所谓的“ 肉身” 是指高僧圆寂后, 其身体虽经久远的年代,却没有腐朽溃烂,保持着原形而栩栩如生。只有修行到非常高深境界的僧尼,才可以形成肉身。肉身不同于埃及的“ 木乃伊”。在古埃及,殡葬仪式很简单,只需在沙漠上挖个浅坑掩埋,由于沙漠气候干燥,遗体接触到热沙很快脱水,细菌被杀死,自然作用形成木乃伊。后来的人工木乃伊是在人死后,将内脏、大脑等组织取出,然后把尸体用药物处理保存。在中国新疆等地也曾经出土过木乃伊。 而九华山地处长江南岸,山中四季湿润,气候潮湿,不存在产生“ 木乃伊”的自然条件,肉身也未经过任何药物处理。这种奇特的肉身现象,至今没有得到科学的解释。




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Hello! Warmly welcome to Mount Tai! In the following time, I will visitMount Tai with you and introduce Mount Tai, a natural and cultural heritage. Ihope that through my introduction, you will be deeply impressed by MountTai.

Now, in front of us is Mount Tai. It is located in the middle of ShandongProvince, east of Jinpu railway, in the east of China, so it is calledDongyue.

Mount Tai is a magnificent mountain with beautiful scenery, ranking firstamong the five mountains. Therefore, in ancient times, it was known as "thelength of the five mountains", "the sole ancestor of the five mountains" and"the sole respect of the five mountains". The tour area has increased from 19. 5square kilometers to nearly 70 square kilometers now.

There are many poems about the scenery of Mount Tai. Now I would like tointroduce two of them to you

After 18 sets

There are eighteen roads in Lingxue, and three passes in the mountains.

Listen to the Green rhyme of the warblers singing in the mountains, andstep on the stone steps to dream into the clouds.

Wash the heart, pour the silver river, forget yourself, turn over the bluesea and sky.

People are unique, and I dont know whats on earth.

On the top of Jade Emperor

Three into the gate of heaven, stepping on the blue clouds, the JadeEmperor to see heaven and earth.

There is no other thing to see at nine oclock in Qizhou.

The universe is smooth without inside and outside, and the country is vastwithout depth.

The Millennium historic sites are full of dreams, and the independent windis full of dust.

This tall and ancient Mount Tai contains rich natural and culturalaccumulation.

Dear friends, thats all for my introduction. Next, take your time to visitthe places you are interested in,

Watch carefully!



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Good morning! Welcome to the beautiful star city - changsha, first of all, please allow me, on behalf of all the staff of travel agencies was the warmest welcome the arrival of you, welcome to the "red sun" tour of the organization, is the red line, because we go. Shaoshan is the rising sun, so this journey we call red sun.

To introduce myself, I am the red sun tour guide, my name is zhao, in order to facilitate you can call me xiao zhao, on xiao zhao left, that is our director of master, master X X master drive technology is good, the rich, treats people the enthusiasm, so we all can be at ease in his car, you have what problem can carry out on the road, xiao zhao and X teacher will try our best to service for you, ok, lets have a great journey together!

Our journey began, and that is now under our feet with a "openning the first all the way" of the famous wuyi avenue and no.3, it represents the changsha tomorrow, changsha boom radiates away from here, is founded in 1951 on May 1, so hence the name, was the first asphalt road, the road only 9 meters wide, but along with the development of The Times, traffic developed, 9 meters wide far cannot satisfy the shuttle vehicles. Until 20xx, spent five months time to repair, that is what we see now, with all my heart

Of 51 avenue, east railway station, west check the xiangjiang river bridge, a total length of 4138 meters, up to 60 meters in length, road for double tenth lanes, no.3 traffic is orderly, but most of the drivers dont want to go this way, is this why? On the road there are 3 sets of original and 6 digital television monitoring equipment, carelessly is easy to copy brand, so drivers is have a love-hate relationship!

Where the source of the wuyi avenue? She is behind the changsha railway station, she construction in 1975, completed in 1977, with the Shanghai railway station ` Beijing railway station called Chinas three largest train station, that in the middle of the railway station there is a clock tower, tower 63.7 meters high, the clock tower at the top of the hour will be played best youngs "east is red" LeDian, as if to tell you that you have come to the generation of a great man of chairman MAOs hometown - hunan. In the clock tower above, there is a building that xiao zhao excuse me everybody, think what is she like? Yes, she is the red torch. Maybe someone will ask, now that is the torch, why not be waving? But go straight into the blue sky? Xiao zhao to the problem have to explain for everybody, because before railway station built, comes at a time - leather, stylist designed to float to the left her, said there will be left; In the designed to the right, say again afraid will have the right, then, designer simply put her into a straight at the torch of the above. In fact, she is very like a specialty: lets hunan capsicum frutescens var, she is our chairman MAOs favorite kind of food, she also is a symbol of our people of hunan hot and enthusiasm, not to have such a saying: people are not afraid of spicy sichuan, guizhou people is afraid of hot, hunan people are afraid of not hot.

Ok, now lets Yuan Guling overpass, why called Yuan Guling overpass? And not called Li Guling ` the wangjialing overpass? Because it is said that in the large pieces of the earth that is inhabited by a certain family. So in the construction of the bridge was named after had to. It is built down, in addition to the beautiful and also have the effect of ease the earthquake. Can anyone who has both advantages and disadvantages, hunan is a rainy provinces, if encounter rainy weather, the bridge will be accumulated rainwater, formation water bring pedestrians through the troubles and inconvenience caused. Im afraid this is hou only white water rafting and line!

That is on the right-hand side of the xiao zhao shaoshanlu, because was not to shaoshan road, then built the road; Shaoshan.

Good, that you pay attention to have a look at the trees on both sides of the tour bus, it is in the city of changsha were: camphor trees, camphor leaves small but, under the big camphor tree is a good place to enjoy cool air, using camphor tree of camphor ball can drive midge catch ants, took a few pieces of camphor tree chew Ye Qing washed into the mouth, can also be sober refreshing. About the camphor tree,

In changsha, there is such a local custom, it is the parents to marry the daughter of a set of camphorwood furniture is very decent. On the left hand side, xiao zhao is welcome road, 1972, President Nixons visit to welcome the President of the United States and to build a road. Across the welcome road is a red and white building, she is 2 hospital of hunan province the government.

Were made, xiao zhao mentioned that were here to learn about the tree of hunan province, it is the magnolia tree, it is from guangzhou introduced a tree. Suiting the city of changsha, azaleas, see the cuckoo that can want to went to the countryside, three in April, when the brilliant red cuckoo open full of hills, not to mention how beautiful. Fancy suiting of hunan province, is a hibiscus, since ancient times, hunan is known as lotus countries. Chairman MAOs poem says, "the kingdom of the lotus from zhaohui". Lotus, also can be divided into water and cotton rose hibiscus. Then xiao zhao, please everyone: "what is water lotus? Cotton rose?" Ha ha! Cotton rose is magnolia, water lotus is lotus.

Ok, now lets to lotus road, beside the lotus road, changsha is the new lotus square, you can see in the middle of a sculpture, that is the daughter of liuyang river, you must be attracted by her long hair? The daughter of liuyang river nine curved hair, a symbol of the liuyang river nine bending. It reminds us of the beautiful sounds of "liuyang river", the product comforms to the drawing that xiao zhao here, give you sing a song "liuyang river", we hope you enjoy it.

Okay, now we see the underlying white doves building is the famous peace hall business building. Peace in Japanese is the meaning of peace, meaning and harmonic development. There is a sino-japanese joint venture of shopping malls, Japan accounted for 60% of the company, shareholders shareholder China accounted for 40%. Before peace hall was built, the unearthed here most of the countrys bamboo slips, which records the chu the history of The Three Kingdoms period, now the peace of the sixth floor display, also has people in shopping may wish to visit.

In front of the hall of peace is the wuyi square, square in the middle there is a huge music fountain, at eight o clock every night, music fountain will dance with music. Now please look the top of the wuyi square, you can see a small house, like the eyes there is big eyes "- the voice of the golden eagle.



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Dear friends hello! I am a tour guide. Today we are going to mount emei scenic area is world-famous. On the emei mountain there is a legend: once upon a time, Simon, the emei county go there is a temple. One year, to a white-haired old painter, the painter and a temple monk friendship is very good. Later, the old painter with monk said goodbye, when he left to the monk four picture, and asked the monk to put this four picture in the box, live forty-nine days to hang out. Monk felt so good picture on the box its too bad, so he put the four picture to hang up.

Come back in one day, he went out and saw the four girls, feel very familiar. Hou to found the girl is the painting on the wall. He immediately went to chase, run faster because my sisters, he caught only four sisters. Four sisters hide away, he began to cry out: "elder sister, two elder sister, three elder sister, come and save me!" Three sisters see four sister dogged by monks, scolds: "this monk dont be shy!" Four sisters because every far, only to hear "dont be shy" three words, thought that my sisters in scold her, blushing shame, shame, immediately into a mountain. Monk suddenly missing girl, but there was a mountain before, I thought, you become a mountain I would waiting beside you, cant let you anyway.

Three sisters see four younger sister into a mountain, also become three mountain and waiting for her. Later, beside the mountain monks death, into a porcelain lohan, still keep the mountain. People built a temple there, is called "porcelain buddhist temple". Four sisters into four peaks, a more than a beauty. Then they take slices "moths" rewrite into mountain "I" word. Elder sister is called big asan, two elder sister is called two asan, three elder sister is three asan, four younger sister is called four asan. So far, the big asan asan, two and three asan, standing still, only four asan across a distance. Emei mountain scenery beautiful. How many visitors letters, they make poetry article, whereabouts, found them all, the number is not clear. The tang dynasty poet Li Baishi yue: "shu town, I putuoshan following difficult." ; Ming dynasty poet Zhou Hongmo shout: "three I show of guilin, why Marine penglai found."

Contemporary writer guo moruo emeishan for book "the world famous mountains"; Mount emei is also known as the "emei world show" of reputation. Through the ages, mount emei is proving worship, sightseeing, scientific research, leisure spa resort. Mount emei is one thousand years, incense exuberant, tourist flow, eternal charm. Tourists, emei mountain has arrived, please take to bring something, well set out tourism. During the visit, please do not spitting, littering, to protect the environment and mount emei wonderland.



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Shanhaiguan, also known as "Yuguan", is the starting point of the northeastend of the great wall of Ming Dynasty. It is located 15 kilometers northeast ofQinhuangdao City, and has the reputation of "the first pass in the world".Shanhaiguan scenic spot is a famous historical and cultural ancient city andsummer resort with many places of interest, beautiful scenery and pleasantclimate. There are more than 90 places of interest with development andornamental value in the area, forming six major scenic spots, namely "old dragonhead", "mengjiangnu Temple", "Jiaoshan", "the first pass in the world","Changshou mountain" and "Yansai Lake". Among them, the essence of Chinasancient the Great Wall is the the Great Wall of Shanhaiguan.

The East starting point of the great wall of Ming Dynasty is laolongtou,where the great wall meets with the sea, with blue sea and Jinsha, and the skyopens to the sea. The magnificent pass, known as "the first pass in the world",is towering. It is known as "pinghan in the capital and the throat of liaozuo".The great wall of Jiaoshan mountain is winding, with steep beacon towers andpicturesque scenery , attracting a lot of tourists. Meng Jiangnu temple is amoving story of Jiang Nus seeking husband, a Chinese folk legend. Chen Yun andhis poem praise that "the Great Wall is built by the sweat and blood of manyanonymous people. Experts and scholars have no way to verify it. Only ageneration of heroes with all names is a kind of glory in" half of the sky ".Xuanyang cave, the largest natural granite cave in northern China, is like aparadise with strange caves and rocks and gurgling springs. Yansai lake is abeautiful pearl outside the Great Wall.

Arrival and departure: Shanhaiguan District of Qinhuangdao city is locatedon the north coast of Bohai Sea, with convenient transportation. You can chooseto take a plane, train, bus or self driving to Shanhaiguan. Qinhuangdao airportis 15 kilometers away from Shanhaiguan, which is very convenient. You can takethe train directly to Shanhaiguan station, which is very convenient to get tothe scenic spot. If you choose to take a bus, you can also go directly toShanhaiguan bus station. Shanhaiguan is located in Qinhuangdao City, withconvenient transportation, but driving is not allowed in the scenic area.



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The Former Residence of Dr. Sun Yat-sen


Ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning! Speaking of Cuiheng Village, Chinese citizens will have a familiar and friendly feeling. It is because this village is the home town and birth place of the man behind Chinas first democratic revolution, Sun Yat-sen. It is located southeast of Nanlang Town, Zhongshan City. It is near the Pearl River to the east, while Qiao Island, Zhuhai City is directly opposite the village, across the South China Sea. Finally, Wugui Hill is directly west of Cuiheng Village. The village is now home not only to Sun Yat-sens former residence, but to a Sun Yat-sen monumental middle school and movie city as well, all of which are related to or named after the father of modern and democratic China .

Besides being rich in history, Cuiheng village is next to mountains and the sea. This good geographical setting and its exquisite natural environment make the villages inhabitants carefree and happy. While walking in the village or stepping onto the Cuishan road, one will feel like he/she is in a forest “paradise” of trees, flowers and birds. Even within the village, you can gaze at the distant hills and cliffs. The vegetation here is well protected, so the forest is verdant and luxuriantly green. Along the two sides of the Cuishan road, the dark green umbrage helps cool the air and provides Cuiheng village with a natural air-conditioner. Even during the sultry summers, you can enjoy the mountains cool breezes and green shade.

Sun Yat-sens former residence is located at the Cuiheng Village and faces west. The residence sits on a 500 square meter area site and is itself 340 square meters. Sun Yat-sen built it with the money sent from Honolulu by his elder brother Sun Mei in1892. We are now standing in front of Sun Yat-sens former residence. The building is a half-timber house and combines Western and Chinese architectural styles with a wall surrounding the courtyard. Its outward appearance imitates a Western building and its upper floor has seven ember ornamental arches. The middle of the houses penthouse is decorated with aureole under which there is an annotated hawk with a silver ring in its mouth. Going inside, we can see that the buildings interior is designed in traditional Chinese architectural style. The parquet is in the middle, while separate penthouses are off to two of the parquets sides. The four brick walls are grey with white line outlining every brick, and the windows each with two leaves open under the-main roof beam. There are doors at all the four sides of the house that lead out to the street. A well is off to the right side of the courtyard, and the area of about 32 square meters surrounding the well is the place where San Yat-sen was born on November 12,1866.

Now we are in the parquet of the former residence. The ornaments of the hall were decorated by Sun Yat-sen himself. Please look at the two kerosene burners put on the abutment; Sun Yat-sen brought them here from Honolulu in 1883. The penthouse off to the right is Sun Yat-sens bedroom. The bedroom still contains his big wooden bed, dresser table and the wooden bench. Sun Yat-sen lived here from 1892 t0 1895 and in 1912. Stepping up to the second floor, the south part of the floor has Sun Yat-sens study. Sun Yat-sens photo, taken when he was 17 years old, hangs on the wall. This study also has some of the things Sun Yat-sen used everyday, such as his desk, chair and iron bed.

Lets return to the courtyard. There is a wild jujube tree off to the left. It was brought by Sun from Honolulu in 1883 and he planted it himself. It grows well. Off to the right, there is a brick raised flowerbed.

There is a big banyan tree in front of the former residence. There Sun Yat-sen used to listen to the stories of the Taiping generals against Qing told by the old farmers who had fought in the Taiping army.

Everyone, that is all. Thank you for visiting Sun Yat-sens former residence!





现在我们来到了故居的正厅,厅内摆设是孙中山亲自布置的。请看放置在桥台上的两盏煤油灯,这是1883年,孙中山从檀香山带回来的。右边的耳房是孙中山卧室,当年所用的大木床、梳牧台和凳子等,仍旧摆放着。1892 ——1895年、1912年,孙中山都曾在此住过。走上二楼,南边是孙中山的书房,墙上挂着孙中山十七岁时的照片,室内有孙中日常使用过得书桌、台椅、铁床。






范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4426 字

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Hello, everyone. Im your guide, Xiao Wang. First of all, welcome toBeijing Juyongguan Great Wall.

Juyong Pass is one of the most famous passes of the Great Wall. It is abarrier to the northwest of Beijing since ancient times. Juyong Pass is built ina 20 kilometer long valley between the mountains, which is the famous "pass" inthe capital.

Both sides of Juyong Pass city are "high mountains", with steep cliffs. Thepass city dominates the passage to Beijing. This extremely dangerous terraindetermines its military importance. Ancient military experts called it "theancient and modern defense of controlling the north and the South". Gao Shi, afrontier poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote in describing the dangerous road ofJuyongguan and Guanxiong: "juepo is under the water, and the peaks are high.

According to the records of the Yuan Dynasty, the name of Juyong came fromthe immigrants who lived here when the first emperor of Qin built the GreatWall. Yong is the civilian soldiers who were forced to come. In fact, the nameof Juyong existed before Qin Shihuang unified the whole country. It was writtenin the spring and Autumn Annals of the Lu family in the Warring States period.It is recorded that "there are nine fortresses in the world, and one of them isthe mediocre". Juyongguan ranks the eighth among the famous eight Xings inTaihang, namely junduxing, which controls Jundushan. Although Juyong Pass hasalways been an important military defense town for a long time, its name hasbeen changed many times. It was called "Xiguan" in the Three Kingdoms period,changed to "Naqian pass" in the Northern Qi period, first called "Jimen pass" inthe Tang Dynasty, and then changed to "Jundu pass". From the Liao Dynasty to thelater Jin, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, it has always been calledJuyongguan.

After Zhu Yuanzhang destroyed the Yuan Dynasty and established the Zhuregime, Xu Da, the founder of the country, was sent to build Juyongguan city in1370 A.D., which is the earliest record of building the Great Wall pass in theMing Dynasty. This shows that Juyongguan has an important strategic position.The Guancheng built by Xu Da is very big. According to the ancient books,"crossing two mountains, thirteen Li on Monday, four Zhang and two feet high."After the establishment of Juyongguan City, there was a garrison of 1000households. In the second year of Yongle (A.D. 14__), it was promoted to Wei,commanding five garrisons.

Juyong Pass has been built in all dynasties since Hongwu built it, and thelarger one was in the early years of Jingtai. After the change of civilengineering, Yu Qian, then Minister of the Ministry of war, told the emperorthat Juyong was the gateway of the capital and should be on guard as soon aspossible. The stone plaque of Juyongguan is inscribed with the inscription of"auspicious sunrise in August of the fifth year of Jingtai".

Juyong Pass is also one of the most dangerous passes of the Great Wall. Ithas experienced a lot of war. It once conducted several battles that determinedthe fate of the imperial court.

In the fourth year of Xuanhe (1120 x A.D.) of the Northern Song Dynasty,the Jin Dynasty destroyed the Liao Dynasty. It was the Juyong Pass that wasfirst conquered, and then it moved southward to take Yanjing, the capital of theLiao Dynasty.

In the Late Jin Dynasty, the Mongolian troops had captured Juyong Pass manytimes. However, in the second year of Jiading (12__ A.D.), when the emperorTaizu led his army to attack Juyong Pass, the Jin soldiers could not attack itfor a long time because of the danger. Finally, the Mongolians turned to attackthe Zijingguan pass, and then went around Zhuozhou and Yizhou to attack JuyongPass.

When the Ming army destroyed Yuan Dynasty, it first attacked Juyong Pass,then drove straight in and won the capital of Yuan Dynasty. After 277, LiZichengs peasant uprising army conquered Juyong Pass, then marched into Beijingand overthrew the decadent Ming Dynasty.

In history, although Juyongguan was full of war, more often than not, itwas a peaceful scene. In 1971, in a tomb of the Eastern Han Dynasty found inHelingeer, Inner Mongolia, there is a mural "when the envoy moved from Fanyangto Duguan", which vividly depicts the prosperous scene of vehicles and horses inJuyongguan at that time. This precious mural is enough to show that Juyong Passwas an important gateway between the inside and outside of the great wall morethan 20__ years ago.



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Dear tourists, we have enjoyed the colorful and simple ancient city wall inthe morning or sunset of the car shop these days. Now we come to the foot of thecity wall, please walk on the wall tour.

You have to figure out what the wall really means. The word "city wall" wasoriginally derived from the word "city". According to Shuowen, "Cheng" is theinterchangeable word of "Sheng", and "Sheng" is to accept the people, so theoriginal meaning of the word "Cheng" is to encircle the people and form acountry, which leads to the meaning of city wall. The "city" of the Great Wall,known as the backbone of the Chinese nation, also means the city wall. However,with the development of society, the word "city" contains the explanation oftodays city.

The word "city" first appeared in the inscriptions of the Zhou Dynasty,which vividly reflected the military use of ancient city walls. The militaryfunction of the city wall is to protect the private ownership, and in ideology,the size of the city wall is the strict embodiment of the hierarchicalpatriarchal system. Obviously, the ruler built the city wall to protect himselfand declare the national power. The Xian City Wall we see now is one of themost famous city wall buildings in Chinese history. It took eight years from thethird year of Hongwu in Ming Dynasty (1370 A.D.) to the eleventh year of Hongwu(1378 A.D.). It was built on the basis of the imperial city of Sui and TangDynasties. After repair, it basically adhered to the appearance of completefeudal city wall architecture, reflecting the outstanding achievements ofancient Chinese city building technology.

Tourists, how big is the Xian city wall? What is its structure? Accordingto the calculation, the perimeter of Xian city wall is 11.9 kilometers,including 2590 meters for the east city wall, 2631.2 meters for the west citywall, 3441.6 meters for the south city wall and 3241 meters for the north citywall. Such a scale is rare at home and abroad.

You can see a small city with a guard gate outside the four gates of thecity wall, which is called the urn city. The so-called urn means that once theenemy enters, he will be attacked from all sides on the wall of the urn, justlike a turtle in the urn, unable to escape. Outside the urn, there is also asmall city called Yangma city. In ancient times, there was a fixed time for thegate to open and close. After closing the gate, people who had not yet returnedto the city could go to Yangma city and the park around the city with their ownsheep and horses to rest and wait for the gate to open before entering the city.The Yangma city in Xian was completely destroyed in the late Qing Dynasty. Iremember that in 1986, about 17.5 meters outside the north gate of Wengcheng,Andingmen (West Gate) of Xian City, the north gate of yangmacheng was found,5.5 meters long and 2.4 meters wide. Now you can see the restored Yangma city onthe outside of the South Gate urn. The wall is 198 meters long and 9.5 metershigh.

Outside the moat, there were four rammed earth cities named Guocheng, whicharched the four gates. According to "Xian Fu Zhi" volume nine records: TangTianyou years, Han construction Dongguo town and Xiguo town. Song, Jin and YuanDynasties are all due to this. During the Hongwu Period of Ming Dynasty, most ofDongguo small cities were wrapped up in big cities, and those left outside werecalled Dongguo new city. Xiguo town in the late Ming Dynasty. At present, onlypart of the wall of Siguan Guocheng remains, and Guomen only has its name on theplace name.

Now we come to the northeast of Xian, which used to be the palace city ofthe Ming and Qin Dynasties. In the early Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanjin appointed hissecond son as the king of Qin and ordered him to stay in Xian to strengthen hiscontrol over the northwest. The whole city is divided into two walls. The outercity wall is called Xiao wall, which is made of soil. The inner city wall iscalled brick wall because it is built with green bricks outside. After the MingDynasty, Xiaoqiang was destroyed. During the reign of Emperor Yongzheng of QingDynasty, temples were built in Xian, and most of the buildings in the palace ofKing Qin were demolished, and the brick city was changed into the Eight Bannerschurch. At present, there are only a few remnant parts of ramming Earth City inthe brick city of Qin Wangfu. m.lVyougl

When Xian city was built in Ming Dynasty, there were four gates:"Changle", "Yongning", "anding" and "Anyuan". The name of the gate is engravedon the blue stone gate outside the gate. The building built on the gate of thebig city is called the city tower, also called the main tower, which is thecommand post of the commander guarding the city. The building built on the gatehole of Wengcheng is called Jianlou, because there are arrow windows on the wallof the building, which was used for shooting arrows at that time. In theRepublic of China, four more gates were opened, commonly known as Xiaosigate

Zhongshan Gate (small East Gate), at the east end of Dongxin Street at themoment, was built to commemorate Sun Yat Sen; Wumu gate (small South Gate), atthe south end of Sifu street today; Yuxiang gate (small West Gate), at the westend of Lianhu Road, was demolished after liberation; Jiefang gate (small NorthGate), formerly known as Zhongzheng gate, was built at the north end of JiefangRoad when Longhai Road was opened to Xian. In 1952, it was demolished becauseof the expansion of the railway station. After liberation, Xian also opened upnew city gates, including Jianguo gate, Heping gate, Wenchang gate, Zhuque gateand Hanguang gate. The north wall has Shangde gate. The east wall has ChaoyangGate.

Most tourists understand that there were 98 enemy towers on the walls ofXian in the Ming Dynasty. However, in 1982, the Xian city wall managementoffice found that none of the ancient enemy towers were left, and only some ofthem still had foundation stones. After that, Xian rebuilt 12 enemy towers,which were brick and wood structures, with two stories of double eaves and twocorridors on the ground floor.

The ancient city wall facilities not only built the enemy tower and arrowtower to prepare for martial arts, but also built the Kuixing tower to sacrificeKuixing, the God who dominated the cultural movement. Kuixing tower in Xian wasbuilt in the east of the South Gate Tower, which was destroyed by the fire.Later, Kuixing building was rebuilt on the original site, which is worthseeing.



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Yimeng is two branch of the Thai interpretation of mountains, refers to is the interpretation of the mountain, mengshan geographical area for geological coordinates, not only just old revolutionary base areas here is so simple, it is a relatively independent culture at the same time, belong to here in the history of civilization, is an important part of the qingzhou haidai culture.

Yimeng is not only a cultural concept, is also a tourism concept, yimeng tourist area located in the central and southern shandong province, contains the interpretation of mountain scenic area, ShanGui scenic area, mengshan cloud covered three scenic area, the core scenic area of 148 square kilometers, is the worlds cultural heritage, world famous Great Wall of qi seat longevity and health the holy land, now the national 5 a-class tourist scenic spot, national forest park, national geological park, national water conservancy scenic spot.

Yimeng here is cradle of culture, the town of mountain culture, historical and cultural background, dawenkou culture, longshan culture, YueShi ruins culture and so on several dozens. Has 10 to 16 emperors dengfeng, offerings, and for the Chinese five big town mountain top. Confucius "dongshan and small lu", a lot of letters, the holy man high step into range, buddhist preaching, leaving a large number of stone tablet inscriptions, psalms quote. Great Wall of qi site on the world heritage list by UNESCO, the worlds largest single giant carved carving longevity is in the guinness book of world records, otherwise tourism zone, the rain king temple east town temple, jade emperor Chinese style pavilion, flower and other well-known cultural landscape more than 110.

Yimeng mountain area is a famous old revolutionary base areas, the red river bank Mongolia spirit is a precious spiritual wealth of the party and the state. The yimeng ditty sung at home and abroad, by the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization named outstanding folk songs. Reflect the yimeng landscape folk songs sung by peng liyuan "who dont say my hometown is good by the highest votes for" charng-ers no.1 "satellite song fly into space. Yimeng tourist area is the classic red tourism scenic area, is the national key scheduling of the eight red do red tourism destinations, by the central party school, the national school of administration as the partys mass line practice education base.

Yimeng natural scenery, good ecological resources, forest coverage rate is as high as 95% above, negative oxygen ion content is extremely high, is advantageous "natural oxygen bar". Yimeng, known as "thirty-six peak seventy-two multifunction, 15 km above sea rush hours, mountainous, qifeng competing show, turtle mengding, 1156 meters above sea level the highest peak. , queer stones, when she was in the mountains, water GuCui, snowcapped in spring, summer, waterfall fountain, autumn red leaves, winter snow mountains. Tourist area there is a lion multifunction, failed and multifunction, nine longtan valley, lover, eagle nest peak, baizhang waterfall, waterfall in China, the cliff plank road high-quality natural landscape more than 300.

"Everyone said good yimeng, yimeng good scenery". Full, full of yimeng tourism, hospitality, honest honest yimeng people, sincere welcome visitors at home and abroad to negotiate business!



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hello everyone! Today, we are going to visit Chaohu Lake, one of Chinasfive major freshwater lakes and a national key scenic spot. Before visiting, letme give you an overview of it. Chaohu Lake is located in the middle of AnhuiProvince. It is named after its bird nest shape. It is 54.5 kilometers long fromeast to west, 21 kilometers wide from north to south, and covers an area of morethan 800 square kilometers. Now it is the "Inner Lake" of Hefei. Since ancienttimes, it has the reputation of "eight hundred Li Lake sky". There are mountainsin the lake and water in the mountains. It is known for its beautiful scenery.Chaohu Lake is also a famous land of fish and rice. Its silverfish, white riceshrimp and crabs are known as "three treasures of Chaohu Lake".

Chaohu, also known as "Jiaohu". It is said that Chaohu was a state inancient times. One year when it was dry, xiaobailong secretly rained to get ridof the drought. He broke the rule of heaven and was banished to earth by theemperor of heaven. In order to repay her for saving her life, she told her thatthe emperor of heaven was going to sink into Chaozhou. She told the villagers intime to make them die. However, she delayed her escape and was drowned by theflood. Later, in order to commemorate the spirit of sacrificing herself forothers, people called the lake "Jiaohu" and named a mountain in the lake"Laoshan". Of course, this is only a legend. The real formation of Chaohu Lakeis the result of crustal movement.

Today, we mainly visit Zhongmiao, Laoshan island and yinpingshan peony.Dear tourists, our current location is Zhongmiao pier. This temple is Zhongmiao.Why is it called Zhongmiao? This ancient temple is named because it is locatedbetween Hefei and Chaohu Lake. It is known as "the most beautiful place in thelake". Due to the strong fragrance in the past dynasties, it is known as "SouthJiuhua, North Temple". The Zhongmiao temple was built in the Han Dynasty and hasa history of more than 20__ years. Since the Han Dynasty, it has been abandonedand repaired many times. In 1889, the 15th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu,Li Hongzhang proposed to raise funds to build the temple. There were more than70 temples. Please have a look. Whats this? Yes, its a stick. Its used by theTaoist in the Taoist temple to hang incantations. As we all know, it is unlikelythat there is such a big stick in front of a Buddhist temple. It is said that itused to be a Taoist temple. At the beginning, it was Bixia Yuanjun, the "Empressof Zhongmiao" that we worship now. In the Wei, Jin, southern and NorthernDynasties, Buddhism began to prevail, Taoism gradually declined, so the originalTaoist temple became a Buddhist temple.

Ladies and gentlemen, please follow me. Now lets take a cruise to visitLaoshan island. Laoshan island is the largest of the three major islands inChaohu, about 3 kilometers away from Zhongmiao. There are more than 90 familiesand more than 200 people on the island. They live by fishing for a long time.The ecological environment of Laoshan island is very good, and the vegetationcoverage rate reaches 99%. The tower we see now is Wenfeng tower. Wenfeng towerwas built in the Chongzhen period of Ming Dynasty. When it was built on thefourth floor, it was shut down because of the peasant uprising. During the reignof Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, local squires lobbied Li Hongzhang tosay: Li Zhongtang, our temple, has a local saying that "the top of MountLaoshan, the top of Luzhou". Li Hongzhang, a native of Luzhou, who is now fromHefei, was very happy after hearing this, so he decided to raise money to buildthe pagoda and named it "Wenfeng pagoda". Wenfeng tower is now seven storyoctagonal, 133 steps, 51 meters high, the top of the tower inlaid with LiHongzhang. Standing on the tower, you can see shoshan and Gushan.

Ladies and gentlemen, after visiting Laoshan Island, we are going to visitYinping mountain peony. When it comes to peony, you will think of many poemsabout peony. One of them is "natural beauty, people cant give up, and the earthnurtures the famous flower, and the guest comes". Today, we come to Yinpingmountain to enjoy the magic peony. Please look in the direction of my finger.There are four big characters on the cliff which is tens of feet high: strangeflowers on the silver screen. There is a cluster of flowers 1.5 meters above the"strange" character. This is the wild white peony on the silver screen, which isthe "most wonderful flower in the world". Every year, in the rainy season, theflowers are in full bloom,

People from all over the world will come here to watch peonies. It is saidthat this wild white peony has magical aura, which can predict the year sceneryand drought and flood situation from its blooming and withering, more and less:for example, five flowers bloom, good weather and good harvest; flowers bloomearly and wither early, there will be drought and so on. Therefore, the localpeople call her "weather flower" and "God flower". In 1998, the Institute ofbiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences calculated that this wild white peonymay be the ancestor of the existing tree peony, and it is also the only and lasttree in the world, which has been included in the Chinese famous placesdictionary.

Well, todays visit ends here. I hope todays visit will leave you a goodand deep memory! thank you!



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The jiuhua mountain in the territory of the county in the south of anhui,is one of the four famous buddhist mountains in China. Astronomers liu yuxi intang dynasty, after the jiuhua mountain, the admiration, think long and famousall cant contend with the jiuhua mountain. Li Baiceng jiuhua mountain on three.The characteristics of the jiuhua mountain is the mountain show, the buddhisttemple many.

In the early years of the eastern (401), has built the temple hill, thenbuild, expansion, the formation of "three mile a small temple, the five to atemple," temple throughout the whole, is said to be thriving period up to morethan 300, one thousand monks four or five. Now intact 五六十座 are temples.

Jiuhua, first of all to jiu hua street, here more than 600 meters above sealevel, is the center of jiuhua mountain, temples are mainly concentrated inhere, therefore is called "lotus buddhist". Here is actually a mountain villagesand towns, in addition to the temple, there are shops, schools, hotels,farmhouse, visitors can stay here, and as a starting point, to visit the sightsof the mountain. Jiu hua in the street of the city temple, ancient temples,jiuhua mountain is the oldest of jin dynasty is Lord also of the jiuhua mountaintemple, the temple of the building layout according to the mountain, reflect thesuperb architectural art. Temple has a higher consisting, weighing about 20__pounds of clocks, casting, loud noise, use the hammer impact, dignifiedrealisation of the bell, echoed in the valley, often make the person has thefeeling of extraordinary to take off the vulgar. "The city production" becameone of the ten views "of" nine China.

From jiu hua street walk far east, there is a palace built on the cliff, isthe famous "hundreds of years old palace". Saying is its plaques "qincentenarians palace, participated in ten thousand the temple" ten gold. It issaid that in the Ming wanli years, monk, too, was a 26-year-old arrived injiuhua mountain, in a solitary penance for 100 years in the cave. Three yearsafter the death, people found his body in the cave. The mountain monk thinks heis the living Buddha reincarnation, hence the body with gold. After the Mingemperor chongzhen know seal him as "bodhisattva" should be. So consecrate hissmall temple incense, temple extension, become one of the four big jungle jiuhuamountain. Visitors can see it in the flesh temple temple wearing mitral, wearinghis red robes, seated on a lotus of the monks gold body.

Jiu hua scene in tiantai. Tiantai peak is the jiuhua mountain, 1300 metersabove sea level. "Tiantai, the not equal to didnt come". From the rooftop injiu hua street, about 15 li mountain, after a lot of scenic spots along the way.When you are panting, reached the tiantai is top, the view, will give you abroad-minded, fatigue elimination. To look around the mountains prostrate, jiuhua street, is the size of a slap. Atop the, heaven and earth one integratedmass, the Yangtze river such as faintly visible. Cool wind sent the pines,bamboo is raging, intoxicating. The surrounding rock, strange, takes the tans.There is a "the human" three characters carved on stone. At this moment, reallymake the person were in penglai fairyland feeling. See the sunrise on the roof,it is said that the magnificent scenery as RiGuanFeng on mount tai see thesunrise. So "tiantai xiao day" is listed as one of the ten views "9".
