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Hi, everyone! Welcome to "xinxinrong travel agency". My name is Gu Yuxin.Please call me Xiaogu. Todays "one day tour of Sun Moon Lake" will be explainedby me. I wish you have a good time today.

OK, the Sun Moon Lake is here. I hope you dont crowd when you get off andpay attention to safety.

In front of you is the largest lake in Chinese Taiwan Province, the Sun Moon Lake.The Sun Moon Lake is formed by stagnant water in the basins along the Yushan andAlishan faults. The circumference of the lake is 35 kilometers, and the averagewater depth is 30 meters.

Now lets take a boat with me to enjoy the beautiful sun moon lake moreclosely. You can see that the water of the Sun Moon Lake is green and looks morebeautiful against the background of the surrounding mountains. Lets look at themiddle of the lake again. There is a beautiful island called Guanghua island.The island divides the lake into two parts. In the north, it looks like a roundsun, which is called the sun lake. In the south, it looks like a curved moon,which is called the moon lake. Now the sun is shining high, and we have apanoramic view of the beautiful scenery of the Sun Moon Lake. The lake is vast,the water is as flat as a mirror, the water is blue, and the lake also radiatesbeautiful colors. Its so beautiful! It seems that everyone is intoxicated. Justnow I heard the tourists ask how the scenery of Sun Moon Lake is when it rains.When it rains, the scenery of Sun Moon Lake is not inferior. The sky isdrizzling with drizzle. The Sun Moon Lake seems to be covered with a veil, andthe scenery around it is hazy. It gives people a sense of mystery, like comingto a fairyland in a fairy tale

OK, tourists, "one day tour of Sun Moon Lake" is coming to an end. Xiaoguis here. Thank you for your cooperation in my work. The Sun Moon Lake is notonly the pride of the Chinese Taiwan people, but also the pride of the mainlandcompatriots. Welcome to the sun moon lake again. Thank you!



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:大学,导游,全文共 1738 字

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直至民国三年,改顺天府为京兆地方,直辖于中央政府北洋政府。这一时期,北京新建了有轨电车系统,和一批现代的文化教育机构,如清华大学、燕京大学、北京大学、辅仁大学、协和医学院等。1937年七七事变后,北平被日本占领。伪中华民国临时政府在此成立,且将北平改名为北京。1945年8月21日,入侵北京的日本军队宣布投降,重新更名为北平。1949年1月31日,中国人民解放军进入北平市,实现对北京的解放。同年9月27日中国人民政治协商会议第一届全体会议通过《关于中华人民共 和国国都、纪年、国歌、国旗的决议》,北平更名为北京。1949年10月1日,中华人民共和国中央人民政府在北京宣告成立。






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北京孔庙位于安定门内国子监街,是元、明、清三代祭祀孔子的地方。孔子曾被尊为"大成至圣先师",故又称先师庙。现在是首都博物馆所在地。 孔庙始建于元代大德六年(1320xx年),至今已有 600余年历史。明、清两代屡以修葺、改建,到了乾隆二年(1737年)大殿全部用黄琉璃瓦顶。光绪三十二年(1920xx年),祭孔升为大祀,又进行大规模修缮,原来正殿七间三进,改为九间五进,工程到民国五年才完成。 主体建筑顺次为先师门、大成门、大成殿、崇圣祠。


大成殿是从前举行祭孔典礼的地方。殿两侧有东西庑,西庑现为北京简史陈列室。 孔庙院内还有十四座明、清两代石亭,碑刻文字是珍贵的历史资料。 孔庙是北京市重点文物保护单位。无论古建、刻石乃至院内枯柏都是重要的文化遗产。




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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5539 字

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Hello, everyone. Welcome to Yueyang Tower, one of the three famousbuildings in Jiangnan. Yueyang Tower is one of the national key cultural relicsprotection units and the first batch of 4A grade tourist areas. The landscapefeatures of Yueyang Tower can be summarized in four aspects. First, it has along history. Yueyang Tower, formerly known as Yuejun tower built by Lu Su, wasbuilt in the 19th year of Jianan (220__ AD) of the Eastern Han Dynasty, andbecame Yueyang Tower in the 2nd year of Qianyuan (759 AD) of emperor suzong ofTang Dynasty. Among the three famous buildings in the south of the YangtzeRiver, Yueyang Tower has the longest history. Second, it has unique scenery. Thescenery of Yueyang Tower is composed of river, lake, mountain and city. "Balingis like a victory, holding Yuanshan in a lake in Dongting, swallowing theYangtze River. Its boundless, bright and gloomy, and has a magnificentatmosphere.". Third, it has a profound culture. Yueyang Towers poetrycollection contains more than a thousand masterpieces, as well as a large numberof couplets, plaques, paintings and inscriptions. Most of them are permeatedwith the sense of hardship of famous Chinese people. For example, Du Fus"climbing Yueyang Tower" expresses his concern for the country and the people,and Fan Zhongyans "Yueyang Tower" brings this excellent tradition into fullplay. Su Dongpos philosophy of not being happy with things and not being sadfor himself, his sense of anxiety and happiness after the worlds worries, andhis spirit of integration made Su Dongpo express his emotion that "although itis not easy for sages to rise again"; Fourth, cultural relics are precious.Among the three famous buildings in the south of the Yangtze River, only YueyangTower is a state-level historical relic with historical, artistic and scientificvalue. Now we can see that Yueyang Tower is a pure wood structure, which wasoverhauled in 1983 according to the principle of "keeping the old as it is". Thewhole building is made of wood without a brick or a nail. The door seam ismortise and tenon, and the technology is very skillful. Well, friends, now infront of you is Yueyang Tower. The three characters "Yueyang Tower" on thehorizontal plaque were inscribed by Mr. Guo Moruo and have been included in thebook "Chinese famous plaque". You see, the whole building is supported by fourbig nanmu columns, which run from the bottom of the building to the top of thebuilding, and then the second floor is supported by 12 gold columns as the innerring, surrounded by 20 wooden columns, which are connected as a whole byrestraining the door joints and tenons. Yueyang Tower has three floors and threeeaves, with a helmet top wooden structure and yellow glazed tiles. Helmet top isthe outstanding feature of Yueyang Tower. You see, it looks like the helmet ofan ancient general. Its powerful and majestic. Its equipped with cornices. Ithas smooth curves and gives people a sense of power. If you look at the RuyiDougong under the helmet top, it looks like a honeycomb. It is layered andmatched. It is decorated with dragon head, phoenix head and cloud head. It notonly supports the gravity of the helmet top, but also makes the whole buildingmore exquisite, solemn and harmonious. Therefore, Yueyang Tower has made amazingachievements in aesthetics, mechanics, architecture and technology. When youenter the main building, the first thing you can see is the carved screen ofYueyang Tower, which is composed of 12 pieces of red sandalwood. Yueyang Towerreally became famous in the world. It was after Teng Zijing rebuilt YueyangTower in the Northern Song Dynasty and Fan Zhongyan wrote Yueyang Tower. In thefourth year of Qingli period, Teng Zijing was demoted to the magistrate ofYuezhou. After he took office, he rebuilt Yueyang Tower and invited his friendFan Zhongyan Zhong Yan wrote down the famous article Yueyang Tower. Although thefull text of this article is only 368 words, it has broad content, profoundphilosophy, magnificent momentum and sonorous language, which has become thebest song for thousands of years. And "worry about the world first, and enjoythe world later" has become a famous sentence handed down from generation togeneration, and has become the accumulation of the noble personality culture ofthe excellent intellectuals of the Chinese nation. The story of Yueyang Tower,with its supreme ideological content and artistic charm, has been handed downfor thousands of years and is immortal, nourishing peoples hearts. The coupletsof Yueyang Tower sung by ancient and modern masters on the first floor. Standinghere on the third floor of the top floor of Yueyang Tower, we can enjoy themajestic momentum of "holding the distant mountains and swallowing the YangtzeRiver" and the beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains. You can see that thewater and sky of Dongting Lake are united, the wind is clear, the moon isboundless, the mountains are beautiful, and the lake is full of light. Dont youget the feeling that "the water and the sky are united, the wind and the moonare boundless"? In the middle is the strip screen of Deng Yueyang Tower writtenby Du Fu in Mao Zedongs handwriting. You can see that it has strict layout,bold and unrestrained brushwork, strong and straight, which is deeply rooted inthe legacy of huaisus wild grass and has its own style This is really a rareart treasure, hanging here, making Yueyang Tower even more icing on the cake.Ill explain the introduction of Yueyang Tower to you. Welcome to come hereagain. Thank you



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Lujiazui financial and trade zone is the main financial center of Shanghai,China. It is located on the Bank of Huangpu River in Pudong New Area, facing theBund. As one of the two major financial centers (jiangbeizui and Lujiazui) ofthe national financial and trade zone and the national strategic economic belt"Yangtze River Economic Belt" in the new era, Lujiazui is the headquarters ofmany banks. In 1990, the State Council announced the development of Pudong andestablished the first national financial development zone in Lujiazui; Foreignfinancial institutions operating RMB business must set up offices in Lujiazuifinancial and trade zone. Therefore, at present, there are many foreignfinancial institutions setting up offices in Lujiazui, including HSBC, Citibank,Standard Chartered Bank, Bank of East Asia, etc.

Lujiazui street is located in the northwest of Pudong New Area, startingfrom Pudong South Road and Taidong road in the East, along lujiadu road in thesouth, and close to Huangpu River in the West and North. It has a land area of6.89 square kilometers, more than 160000 residents and 31 residents committees.The office is at 55 Fushan Road, Pudong New Area. Lujiazui area is also known asLujiazui, XiaoLuJiaZui and Lujiazui financial and trade zone. Small Lujiazui:"Pudong South Road, Dongchang Road", Lujiazui financial and Trade Zone: "NanpuBridge Longyang Road, Yangpu Bridge Luoshan road", namely the inner part ofPudong.

During the Yongle period of Ming Dynasty, the Huangpu River system wasformed. After converging with Wusong River from south to north, the river turnedto the East and formed a mouth shaped alluvial beach on the east bank. Lu Shen,a scholar of the Imperial Academy of the Ming Dynasty, was born and died here,so this beach is called Lujiazui. There are many rivers in the territory,including gaoxiangbang, xiejiabang, dongyangjingbang, Lujiazui port, etc. At theend of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, there were scatteredfishermen in the southwest and middle of the territory, and later formed Pengshouse. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, a pond wasbuilt to prevent flood and salt tide. There was a barren beach outside the pondand a ditch inside the pond. Boat people from Jiangsu and other places came tosettle here and gradually formed natural village houses such as yangjiamao,yujiamen, huayuanshiqiao and yefangqiao. Wangjiamen village was formed inJiaqing period of Qing Dynasty. In the light years of the Qing Dynasty, naturalvillages such as Zhangjiayan, wujianong and jiangjianong were formed.

After 1862, Britain, the United States, France, Japan and Germanysuccessively built warehouses, docks, stacks and factories. In the 10th year ofTongzhi, the Qing government established the ship Merchants Group, the NorthWharf in lannidu and the South trestle in Lujiazui. British businessmen builtTaigu Inn in lannidu. In lujiadu, there are Yongxing Inn, Ruiji, huoyouchi, etc.Lujiazuiyan

Jiang first built yingshangxiang pig iron factory, Japanese Huangpushipyard, Rihua yarn factory, yingshangmaosheng yarn factory, British andAmerican tobacco factory, etc. National industry and commerce also set uptianzhang paper mill, Yingchang match mill, hongxiangxing ship repair andmanufacturing plant, etc. The commerce in lannidu area is becoming more and moreprosperous. A large number of household appliances, building materials such asbrick, tile, bamboo and wood, and all kinds of local products are taking this asthe distribution center, gradually forming a commercial street. During the AntiJapanese War, the commerce in the territory gradually moved from lannidu roadand Lujiazui road to Dongchang Road. From the south to the north, there areeight sampan boats, including lujiadu, lannidu, youlonglu, longmaozhan,Chunjiang, fenshan, xiaonanyang and taitongzhan. At present, most of the ferriesare occupied by factories and warehouses. There are only three ferry stations,Dongchang Road, taitongzhan and Lujiazui.

After liberation, Dongchang Road became the most prosperous commercialstreet in Pudong area. There are century old Songsheng oil sauce shop, dahongyunrestaurant, Dongfang mutton noodle shop, dexingguan and other famous and specialshops, and all kinds of other shops should be complete. Dongning road andLujiazui market were newly established.

In 1992, there were 26 municipal industries and 14 District Industries inLujiazui. Among them, Shanghai casing factory, which earns us $20__ million inforeign exchange annually, Shanghai United Wool Textile Co., Ltd., the firstjoint venture between Shanghai and Hong Kong, and Shanghai No.3 dairy factory,which produces 260000 bottles of fresh milk per day. After the development andopening up of Pudong, new developments have taken place in the commercial andfinancial industries in the territory. Since 1980, dozens of stores have beenset up on both sides of Dongchang Road, including Agricultural Bank of China,Pudong telephone office, Hudong shopping mall, evergreen flower shop, Lihua homeappliance shop, the first Marketing Department of far east elevator factory,Hongjiang clothing shop, etc. On the south side of the east section of DongchangRoad, Pudong branches such as Bank of communications, peoples Construction Bankof China, Bank of China, Shanghai Trust and trade investment company, Pudongbranch of peoples Insurance Company of China and other financial institutionshave been set up. In 1992, China Eastern Airlines Pudong ticket office, ChinaConstruction Bank and Shanghai Investment Trust Corporation Pudong securitiesbusiness department were opened in China.

After liberation, through social reform and rectification, the organizationof the residents committee in Lujiazui has been continuously improved. Since1958, the streets have organized housewives to participate in collectiveproductive labor. In 1960, more than 1000 housewives successively went to workand organized a number of neighborhood collective enterprises and institutions,such as the production group of lane, nurseries, canteens and processing farms.In May 1984, they were all assigned to the district administration of collectiveundertakings. In 1979, the street cooperative was founded, with service,catering and other industries. It has developed to more than 20 households. Inthe second half of 1984, the street industrial and commercial enterprises wereset up, and now there are 47. At the end of 1992, the total turnover was 29.2187million yuan and the profit was 21.658 million yuan. Among them, the turnover ofstreet run enterprises was 18.8782 million yuan, with a profit of 1.244 millionyuan; the turnover of cooperatives was 6.5218 million yuan, with a profit of 343million yuan; the turnover of civil affairs welfare enterprises was 3.8187million yuan, with a profit of 5788 million yuan. The tax revenue of privateenterprises is 322500 yuan, and that of individual industry and commerce is459600 yuan. In order to improve the housing conditions of residents, from theeast of Pucheng road to the south of Pudong Road, the shops and houses on bothsides of Dongchang Road were demolished, and high-rise and multi-storey housesand shops were built. The original width of the road was widened from 14.5 to 20meters to 24 meters. Yangjiagou, xixiaoshiqiao, gaoyoubang, lujiadubang andother rivers have been filled and leveled. Reconstruction and widening oflujiadu Road, Tiandu Road, Dongchang Road, Dongning Road, Lujiazui Road, PudongSouth Road and Taidong Road, etc. all tanjie roads in the area are 19027 squaremeters. 20__ households use LPG. Demolish xixiaoshiqiao, wujianong, zhujiazhai,etc.

In addition, new village houses such as Changhang, Changtian, Taoyuan,Dongchang and Dongyuan have been built. By the end of 1992, the new buildingarea had reached 530000 square meters. The residents of xiaoshiqiao in the westof Pudong South Road have moved to build an 18 storey Yindu building withcomprehensive financial office. In the original site of Huangpu workersStadium, Pudong customs building, about 90 meters high, is built across theriver from Puxi old customs building. There are also new Shanghai building,China Merchants Building, China Construction Bank building, Sanli building,Securities Building and Shanghai navigation center.

With convenient land and water transportation, the original three ferrystations have been expanded, and the Yanan East Road cross river tunnel hasbeen built. There are 13 bus lines passing by.



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Ladies and gentlemen:

Everybody is good! My name is wang Dan, please call me Wang Dao, I am a travel agency "tomorrow will be better", I am your tour guide, we believe that our cooperation will be very happy.

Today we came to the Palace Museum, the Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City. In the Ming dynasty emperor yongle after seizing devotee, decided to move to Beijing, in 1406 started to build the palace, to the Ming yongle eighteen years (1420 AD) built. Palace city construction layout along the central axis spread out on both sides. Red Huang Wa, paintings carved beams, glittering. The house number crunchers, strewn at random discretion, grand magnificent. Toward Tun skarn Xun, like fairyland. In the era of the feudal monarchy, ordinary Forbidden City palace is located in the city center, 753 meters wide from east to west, north and south long 961 meters, covers an area of 723600 square meters, the ring around 10 meters high walls and a moat 52 meters wide, commonly known as TongZiHe. Walls all around of a gate, south of the meridian gate, the north said creature door, about to DongHuaMen, the xihua gate, the meridian gate and creature is exclusively for visitors. Ancient buildings in the city with a total area of about 160000 square meters. Forbidden City, the first part (the southern half) to taihe palace, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace three main halls as the center, with mandarin, Wu Ying second temple, referred to as "the outer court", Ming and qing dynasties is the emperor to handle affairs, the place of the meeting and other important ceremonies. Three main halls built in high 8. 13 meters on the three layers of white marble stone stylobate. The hall of supreme harmony area of 2370 square meters, the high of 33. 33 meters, double-hipped roof hip roof yellow glazed tile roof, is the tallest building in ancient Chinese architecture existence, is the symbol of the feudal imperial power, the emperor DengJi, flower, wedding, queen title-conferring are held here. Baohe Palace roof is faced jehiel mountain type, inside lineage in song and yuan column "reduced" French, open space, in the qing dynasty is held banquets maharaja, position, etc.

Chinese astronomers will all the stars in the sky into three constant, 20 BaSu, thirty-one days district, one of the three constant is constant, and Chinese. Constant day city. So the ancients think of the Forbidden City is the seat of deeds, so called the purple palace. The emperor was the son of deeds, and to show its at the central, regal aura around the world.

Well, thats it for the one-day tour of the Forbidden City, we shall meet again, goodbye visitors!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2695 字

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Jinan has been a scenic spot since ancient times, once known as "everyspring, every weeping willow". Baotu Spring is full of vigor and vitality. Themagnificent Qianfo Mountain and the clear Daming Lake are like two bright pearlshidden in this land. Its very vivid to describe her with "lotus flowers allaround, willows on three sides, mountains in one city and half lakes in thecity"

My hometown is called "Spring City" by people. In her "treasure chest",there are 72 pearls, which always shine and illuminate the whole "treasurechest". The brightest pearl in her is "Baotu Spring". She has three springs, oneof which is the largest. The spring comes out wave after wave, just like a bigwheel, so it is named "Baotu Spring" ”。 Li Qingzhao, an ancient poet, once livedhere. The place she used to wash was later called "shuyuquan". What a beautifulname! There are many small springs around Baotu Spring, such as "woniu spring","Pearl Spring", "Baishi spring" and "Heihu spring". With their decoration, Jinanhas become more and more splendid.

Lao She has written many articles about Jinan, such as spring in Jinan,autumn in Jinan, winter in Jinan, Jinan in three months, Baotu Spring and DamingLake. Lao Shes grandfathers "second home" is Jinan. He vividly wrote abeautiful Jinan into his prose.

There are many snacks in Jinan. For example, the famous ones are QuanchengDabao, Caobao baozi, Mengjias braised hooves, famous peoples roast wholesheep, Youxuan and so on. If you come to Jinan, you must try the flavor snacksof Jinan.

According to my mother, Jinan used to be quite different from "SpringCity". Take nanxinzhuang, where we live, as an example. When my mother was inhigh school, it was still a low bungalow. The road here was very narrow. Atmost, it could only accommodate a small car. There were a lot of trafficaccidents every year.

Now its different. Our nanxinzhuang has been transformed into a Nanxincommunity. Lots of buildings have sprung up. The front and back of the buildingsare as generous as a flower garden. There are magnificent lawns, fountains, andhealth equipment for peoples leisure and entertainment. The straight road isnot only widened, traffic lights and monitors are installed at intersections.The markets on both sides of the road are gone. Now tall and straight pine treesare planted, and there is no garbage in the middle of the road. Now it has beenchanged into a traffic safety indicator line. The traffic accidents are fallingyear by year. The road is in order, and there is no noise any more. Highwayshave been built in the city, and high-end cars have entered our families.

Jinan, an antique city, a magnificent Spring City, this is my hometown, itsname is Jinan.



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Yongchuan location Yangtze upstream of the north, west of chongqing, the east metro area, North-East relies on a wall mount county, north tongliang county, rongchang west, southern border with hejiang city, lugu county of sichuan province. Is the chongqing municipal planning and construction of vocational education base and a regional central city.

Yongchuan is very rich in tourism resources, yesterday have moon guishan, bamboo creek patter, tieling hazeline, star saving green, clubmosses hundreds of feet, holy water, double chang state eight sights, such as green, longdong sunglow visited for people place to linger. Today the village of north with the scenic bamboo sea, the south has beautiful scenery of the lake, the four seasons fragrance of national ecological agriculture demonstration garden - best fruit in the corridor and the delight of chongqing wild animals in the world; Has the countrys first discovered dinosaur fossils - upstream yongchuan dragon; There are the national famous Jin Shiwei carved works of artist liu channel longshan moya carved stone, sanjiao town stone; Have a book to du fus "selaginella tamariscina fossil"; There are odd mountain peak of the male, the female stalagmites hill, a land of big literary giant su dongpo linger - suzhou dresser, and the song dynasty stone carving, rock Buddha temple and other scenic spots. Among them with "tea, bamboo, stone" three special brigade culture tour resources is striking. Is the national excellent tourism city.

Yongchuan climate is mild and humid subtropical monsoon climate, is a livable city, the average annual climate around 18 ℃, the lowest temperature in winter in 6-8 ℃, average summer heat, the four seasons are suitable for tourism.

Yongchuan cultural heritage. Yongchuan fossilized dinosaur, clubmosses, famous all over the world, tea culture, the mini-sculpture, bamboo culture has a long history. Gave birth to the qing dynasty in Chinese Taiwan magistrate Huang Kaiji, Oriental van gogh Chen Zizhuang, microbiologist wen-kang Chen, the geographer xu nearly, micro carving artist liu channel, writer (novel) all, (drama) Cai Shiwei, Wen Shikui literary critic, (poet) Zhong Daihua celebrities such as, is the Chinese womens soccer team training base, Chinese chess, taekwondo training base in China and chongqing sketch base of Chinese artists association. Yongchuan bright prospects in the future. Will further strengthen the "emancipate the mind, open still wider to the outside world, advocating innovation, the pursuit of excellence" concept, to open the vision, enlightened policy, culture, development of energy, and efforts to shape the "city of the forest, warm, the city of vocational education, the humanities, the city of entrepreneurship, wealth, open city, capital of the business, the bamboo tea city, capital of leisure" characteristic image, tried to build yongchuan into having a unique style, to be modern cities and regional central city!



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