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昆明地处云贵高原中部,位于东经102度10分至103度40分,北纬24度23分至26度22分,东西最大横距140千米,南北最大纵距220千米,城区距首都北京2100千米(航空线),南达中越边境515千米,西抵中缅边境876千米,西南至中老边境906千米。 昆明地理位置属北纬亚热带,然而境内大多数地区夏无酷暑,冬无严寒,具有典型的温带气候特点,素以“春城”而享誉中外。 景观:西依西山之畔,是游览观光的理想之地。昆明周围,东有二碑,千佛塔,阿庐古洞,彩色沙林,南有抚仙湖,星云湖,九龙池,通海秀山;西有安宁温泉,禄丰古生物化石遗址;北有武定狮子山,禄劝彝文摩岩石刻。可为景点多矣,其中滇池和路南石林均为国家重点风景名胜区。





































名称由来:昆明(kūn míng),括号中为汉语拼音;昆明(ㄎㄨㄣˉㄇㄧㄥˊ),括号中为注音符号或注音字母。



“昆明”作为地名出现,则是在唐代。“武德二年,于镇置昆明县,盖南接昆明之地,因此为名。”按此处置昆明县,非今之昆明,乃四川定笮镇(今盐源县境)。唐代为什么把定笮镇命名为“昆明”,记载当中已写得很清楚,系它接近昆明之故。此处昆明仍指昆明族而言,盖汉唐以前,昆明族大部定居云南西部地区。直到南诏、大理国时期,乌蛮、白蛮兴起,昆明族居住的地方,为乌蛮、白蛮据有,昆明族才东迁滇中,聚居于滇池周围。宋宝佑二年(1254年),元灭大理,在鄯阐设 “昆明千户所”,“昆明”始作为地名出现,延续至今。“昆明”一词的含义,晋常琚解释说:“夷人大种日昆,小种日叟。”这句话可解释为人口众多的昆明族。


昆明具有悠久的历史、灿烂的文化,是国务院公布的首批 24个历史文化名城之一,拥有2200多年的建城史,滇池地区拥有3020xx年的文明史。约3万年前,即有人类生活在滇池地区。战国至东汉初,滇池周围的“滇人”建立滇国,创造了独具特色的“滇文化”。公元前120xx年,西汉设益州郡,将滇池地区纳入中原王朝版图。公元765 年,南诏国筑拓东城,为昆明建城之始。大理国时称鄯阐城。拓东城、鄯阐城分别为南诏国、大理国的东京。1276年,昆明设中庆城,首次成为省会。明代,大量移民进入云南,昆明汉族人口首次超过本地土著居民。明末清初,李定国等农民起义军、永历帝、吴三桂先后在昆明或建立政权、或建立皇宫。1920xx年的“重九起义” ,推翻了清朝在云南的统治。1920xx年,昆明自辟为商埠及1920xx年滇越铁路的修通,使昆明成为一个开放城市。1920xx年,昆明爆发“护国首义” ,全国响应。1920xx年,设云南市政公所,为昆明设市的发端。1920xx年改设昆明市政公所。1920xx年8月1日,成立昆明市政府。抗战时期,昆明成为支撑中国抗战的经济、文化、军事重镇之一,成为著名的“民主堡垒”。1949年12月9日,昆明和平解放。













昆明地处低纬高原,属亚热带湿润气候, 境内大多数地区夏无酷暑,冬无严寒,素以"春城"而享誉中外。










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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 17574 字

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Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen:

My name is ___. I’m very honored to be youre guide. I do hope all of youcould like my guiding and enjoy everything on your pleasant day. This morning weare going to visit the Summer Palace. The Summer Palace is located on thenorthwest suburbs of Beijing, about 20 kilometers away from the center of thecity. So it will take us about 1 hour to get there. Before we arrived at theSummer Palace, I would like to introduce you a brief introduction of thewoderful imperial garden. The Summer Palace is the most beautiful and thelargest imperial garden existing in Chinan, and it is the best-preservedimperial garden in the world. In 1998, it was placed on the List of WorldCultural Heritage by the UNESCO.

The Summer Palace was first built as an imperial garden at the beginning of12th century in the Jin Dynasty. The construction continued to the Yuan and Mingdynasties. In the Qing Dynasty, the building of imperial gardens reached itsculmination. During Emperor Qianlong’s reign, the famous ‘Three Hills and FiveGardens’ were built on the northwest suburbs of Beijing. The Summer Palace was apart of it and at that time was called the Garden of Clear Ripples. In 1860, theAnglo-French Allied Forces invaded Beijing. The ‘Three Hills and Five Gardens’were burnt down to ashes.

In 1888, the Empress Dowager Cixi spent the navy fund having the Garden ofClear Ripples rebuilt. And then she renamed it the Garden of Nurtured Harmony(Summer Palace).

In 1900, the Allied Forces of Eight Powers invaded Beijing. The SummerPalace was once again severely damaged. It was rebuilt again in 1902.

In 1924, the Last Emperor Puyi was driven out of the palace, after that,the Summer Palace was turned into a public park.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please look over there, in front of us is an archway.It is called “Emptiness and the collection of excellence”, and it is the firstscenery of the Summer Palace. The two Chinese words on the front side of thearchway mean emptiness and refer to everything in nature and in the scenery. Thetwo words on the back side mean Collection of Excellence and refer to thetranquility of the beautiful scenery just within the garden.

(outside the East Palace Gate)

Now, we have arrived at the East Palace Gate. It’s the main entrance of theSummer Palace. On top of the gate there is a plaque with three Chinesecharacters ‘The Summer Palace’ in Emperor Guangxu’s handwriting. The gate thatwe are now entering was used by the emperor, the empress only in the olddays.

(Inside the East Palace Gate)

Now we are inside the Summer Palace. In front of us is the second gate ofthe Summer Palace— the Gate of Benevolence and Longevity. The annex halls onboth sides were used for officials on duty and the offices of the Privy Council.Well, Before we start our tour in the garden, I will briefly introduce you thelayout of the Summer Palace and our tour route. O.K., ladies and gentlemen, mayI have your attention please? Let’s look at the map together, From it we can seethe Summer Palace covers an area of 290 hectares, which the lake occupies thethree-fourths. The whole garden can be divide into three parts: the area was forpolitical activities, resting places of the emperor and empress, and sightseeingareas. Our tour will start from the area of the political activities, and endoff the Marble Boat. On the way, we will visit the main constructions of theSummer Palace, such as the Hall of Jade Ripples, the Hall of Happiness andLongevity, the Long Corridor, the Hall of Dispelling Clouds and so on. It willtake us about two hours to visit the Summer Palace. Please attention, we won’twalk back and our driver will pick us up at the North Gate. Should you get lostor separated from the group, please meet us at the North Gate.

Ok, everyone, let’s start our tour from the emperors’ office --- the Hallof Benevolence and Longevity. Follow me please.

(Inside the courtyard of the Benevolence and Longevity)

Passing through the Gate of Benevolence and Longevity, we have alreadyentered the courtyard of the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity. The huge rock infront of us is Taihu Rock. It was quarried from Taihu Lake in Jiangsu Province,so it was known as Taihu Rock. Please look around the courtyard and you can seethere are four grotesque shaped rocks placed in each corner of this courtyard,representing the four seasons of the year. The Taihu Rocks are usually used asdecoration for beautifying gardens and they are thin, crease, leak andpenetration in characters.

The bronze mythical animal behind the Taihu Rock is known as Suanni or somepeople call it Qilin. According to ancient Chinese mythology, the dragon hadnine sons, but none of them became a real dragon. Suanni was one of the ninesons of the dragon. It was an auspicious animal that could avoid evil spirits inancient lengeds. Suanni has the head of dragon, the antlers of dear, the hoovesof ox and the tail of lion.

(In front of the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity)

This grand hall is the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity. It was firstbuilt in 1750. The name of this hall taken from a book entitled ‘Lun Yu’ byConfucius doctrine means, “ those who are benevolent can enjoy a long life.”This hall was the place where Emperor Guangxu and Empress Dowager Cixi heldaudience and handled state affairs when they were in the Summer Palace. Forprotecting the historical cultural relic, we couldn’t enter the hall. So I wouldlike to briefly introduce you the decorations in the Hall of Benevolence andLongevity. The arrangement of the hall has been left untouched. In the middle ofthe hall stands an emperor’s throne carved with nine dragons on design. Thereare two big fans on both sides behind the throne which are made of peacockfeathers. Behind the throne there is a big screen with red sandalwood frame andglass mirror inlaid. On the mirror there are 226 Chinese characters of the word‘Longevity’ written in different styles. There are two scrolls on each side ofthe wall with a big Chinese character ‘Longevity’ written on it. It was saidthat the word ‘Longevity’ written by Empress Dowager Cixi. There are 100 batspainted at the background of the scroll symbolizing happiness.

Well, please look up the two pairs of incense burners in the shape of adragon and a phoenix in front of the hall. They were used to burn incense sticksto create the appropriate atmosphere. In the old days, the dragon and phoenixwere the symbol of the emperor and empress. According to ritual, the dragonsshould be placed in the center while phoenixes were to either side in front ofthe hall.However, here, the dragons are off to the sides and the phoenixes arein the middle. This was a product of the end of Qing Dynasty when EmpressDowager Cixi handled state affairs behind the screen.

(At the entrance of Garden of virtuour Harmony)

We are now visiting the Garden of Virtuous Harmony, where Emperor Qianlongand Empress Dowager Cixi were entertained with Bejing Opera performances. Itmainly consists of the Dressing House, the Grand Theater Building and the Hallof Pleasure Smile. The Grand Theater Building was known as the ‘Cradle ofBeijing Opera’ was uniquely laid out and magnificently decorated. There are 7exhibition halls with articles of daily use on display here.

(In front of the Grand Theater Building)

This is the Grand Theater Building. Of the three main theater buildings ofthe Qing Dynasty, the Grand Theater Building is the tallest and largest one. Theother two are Changyin Pavilion in the Forbidden City and Qingyin Pavilion inthe Mountain Resort in Chengde. The Grand Theater Building, a three-storiedstructure, has a double roof with upturned eaves. It is 21 meters high and 17meters wide. Performances could be staged simultaneously on three levels. Thetop one was a symbol of happiness, the middle level was emolument level and thebottom stage was named longevity stage. Each level has the entrance and theexit. There are some trapdoors in the ceiling and below the floor for ‘celestialbeing’ to fly down from the sky and the ‘devils’ to appear from the earth to setoff a certain atmosphere on the stage. There is also a well and five ponds builtunder the stage for a good effect of water scenes. The stage is open to threesides.

Well, please look at the construction that stands right opposite the GrandTheater Building, it’s the Hall of Pleasure Smile. The Empress Dowager Cixi usedbo sit inside the hall to watch and enjoy the Peking Opera.

(A lakeside walk from the Garden of virtuous Harmony to the Hall of JadeRipples)

We are now standing in the middle of a rockery behind the Hall ofBenevolence and Longevity. It appears that there’s nothing special ahead.However, after we clear the rockery, we will reach Kunming Lake. This is anapplication of a specific style of Chinese


Now, we are walking along the bank of the Kunming Lake. Look over there,not far away in the lake there is an islet. It’s called the Spring HeraldingIslet. The pavilion on the islet is called the Spring Heralding Pavilion. Anumber of willow trees and peach trees were planted on this islet. In earlyspring, when the ice begins to melt, peach trees are red in pink blossoms,willow trees turn a tender green signaling that the early spring has returned.Hence the name ‘Heralding Sping Pavilion’.

(In front of the Hall of Jade Ripples)

This group of special and quiet courtyard dwellings is the Hall of JadeRipples. The words “Jade Ripples” came from a verse “Gentle ripples gushing outof Jade Spring”, which refers to the rippling water in the lake. It was firstused by Emperor Qianlong to attend to state affairs. In the late Qing Dynasty,it was where Emperor Guangxu was put under house arrest.

This hall is a hallmark of the Movement of 1898. Emperor Guangxu wasEmperor Dowager Cixi’s nephew. After Emperor Tongzhi died, Emperor Dowager Ciximade her nephew, who was at that time four years old a successor in order tocontinue her hold on imperial power. She ‘handled state affairs behind thescreen’. After Emperor Guangxu ‘managed state affairs personally’ at the age of19, a political conflict occurred between the conservatives and the reformers.In 1898, the Reform Movement took place with the aim of sustaining the coreprinciples of the Qing Dynasty while reforming outdated laws. The movementlasted for103 days until it was suppressed by Empress Dowager Cixi. It wascalled the ‘Hundred-Day Reform’. After the reform failed, Emperor Guangxu wasput under house arrest here. For the strict control of him, Empress Dowager Cixiordered to build many brick walls in the front, back, and on the right and leftof the Hall of Jade Ripples. At that time the hall was entirely sealed up, justlike a prison. Today only the hidden walls in the east and west annex room stillmaintain its original appearance. It is open to visitors as the relic related tothe 1898 Reform Movement.

(In front of the Chamber of Collecting Books)

This is the Chamber of Collecting Books. In Chinese, it’s called “Yi YunGuang”. “Yun” was a kind of fragrant weed. In ancient times, it was usually usedas termite repellent in rooms where books were stored.In the Emperor Qianlong’sreign, the purpose of the hall was for collecting books. Later it was convertedinto a residence. There used to be the residence of Guangxu’s Empress Longyu,and his favorite concubine Zhenfei.

(In the Hall of Happiness and Longevity)

This group of courtyard is the Hall of Happiness and Longevity. It was themajor architectural structure in the living quarters and the residence ofEmpress Dowager Cixi. The whole compound was basically made of wood, which isideal for ventilation and lighting. With its quiet and tasteful layout, the Hallof Happiness and Longevity made life very easy and convenient. In front of theHall of Happiness and Longevity there is a huge rock placed in the middle ofthis courtyard named “Qing Zhi Xiu” and nicknamed as “Family Bankruptcy Rock”.This huge rock was discovered in Fangshan District by a Ming official MiWanzhong. He wanted to transport it to his own garden “Shaoyuan”. In the olddays, transporting such rock was very difficult. After spending all his money toship it, he still could not succeed in doing this. The big rock was then left onthe roadside somewhere near Liangxiang County, 30 kilometers southwest ofBeijing. Hence it was nicknamed “Family Bancruptcy Rock”. Later Emperor Qianlongdiscovered it and transported to the Garden of Clear Ripples and laid in frontof the Hall of Happiness and Longevity. The colorful glass chandeliers hanginginside the hall was introduced from Germany in 1903. It is one of the earliestelectric lights in China.

(In front of the Gate of Inviting the Moon of the Long Corridor)

Ladies and Gentlemen, you may have visited some of the best museums in theworld, such as the Louvre in France and the Museum of Great Britain. Now I willshow you a special gallery in the palace—the Long Corridor. In 1990, the LongCorridor was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as ‘the longestpainted corridor’ in the world’. It would be a pity if we leave the SummerPalace without visiting the Long Corridor and the Marble Boat. Now, here we go,the Long Corridor first!

(Strolling along the Long Corridor)

The Long Corridor starts from the Gate Inviting the Moon to the ShizhangGate. It is 728 meters long and consists of 273 sections. The Long corridor isone of the major structures of the Summer Palace. Since the corridor wasdesigned to follow the physical features of the southern slope of LongevityHill, four multiple-eaved, octagonal pavilions ( Retaining the GoodnessPavilion, Living with the Ripples Pavilion, Autumn Water Pavilion, Clear and FarPavilion) were placed at bends and undulation, they represent four seaons of ayear. Thus visitors will hardly notice the rise and fall of the terrain. As amajor part of the architectural style of the Summer Palace, the Long Corridorserves as an ingenious connector between the Lake and the Hill. Scatteredbuildings on the southern slope were linked to create a unified complex.

The Long Corridor is the longest covered veranda in any Chinese garden. Onthe purlins and beams of the covered veranda, there are over 14,000 Suzhou stylepaintings. Among them, there are 546 color paintings relating to the scenes ofWest Lake in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. Beside the colorful paintings ofnatural scenery, there are also scenes of flowers, birds, fish, insects,mythology and figures. The paintings of figures are mainly adapted from ancientChinese classical literature, such as ‘Pilgrimage to the West’, ‘The Romance ofthe Three Kingdoms’, ‘The western Chamber’, “Water Margin’, and ‘The Dream ofthe Red Mansion’.

(In front of the Gate of Dispelling Clouds)

Now we are approaching the central part of the structures on the lakesideslope, the Tower of Buddhist Incense within the Hall of Dispelling Clouds. Thecentral axis line starts from the wharf next to the lake to the Sea of Wisdom ontop of the Hill. The main architectural structures here are the Gate ofDispelling Clouds, Hall of Dispelling clouds, Tower of Buddhist Incense and theSea of Wisdom, which altogether form a splendid three-dimensional landscape. Thelayout of this group of architectures was based on scenes described in Buddhistsutras. This group of structures are among the most magnificently constructedhere in the Summer Palace. This is a good place to taking photos, we will stayhere for about 15 minutes.

Now we are walking continuely along the Long Corridor, the next scene weare going to visit is Marble Boat.

Look over there! Halfway up the slope there stands the Hall of Listening toOrioles. It was the place for emperor and empress to enjoy opera and courtmusic. It is said the singing of orioles is very pleasing. Before the Garden ofVirtuous Harmony was built, Empress Dowager Cixi enjoyed opera and music here.Now the hall is one of the most famous restaurants in China, featuring imperialdishes and desserts.

This is the famous Marble Boat. A famous scientist of China’s Eastern HanDynasty once said, “Water can float the boat, but it can also tip it over.” Aprime minister of Tang Dynasty Wei Zheng once used these words to persuade LiShimin, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. He said people are water and theemperor is the boat. People can support a good emperor. However, they also canoverthrow the dynasty. Emperor Qianlong built this huge boat in the Garden inorder to make the allusion concrete. On one hand, Emperor Qianlong encouragedhimself to run the country well. On the other hand, he wanted to show that hisrule of the Qing Dynasty was as firm as the Marble Boat and there was no fear ofoverturning the boat. The Marble Boat was the place for Emperor Qianlong tosample tea and enjoy the scenery of Kunming Lake. Emperor Qianlong once camehere to engage in the freeing of captive animals. In the times of Qianlong, theMarble Boat was a Chinese styled stone boat with a Chinese style woodensuperstructure on the top of it. When it was rebuilt in the times of Guangxu, aforeign and Chinese elements mixed resulting in two wheels to be added to theboat, one on each side. The floor was paved with colored bricks. All of thewindows were inlaid with multiple-colored glass. A big mirror was installed onthe superstructure for viewing rain.

Our tour is drawing to a close after we visited the Marble Boat. Today weonly visited the major scenic spots of the Summer Palace. I have left otherspots of interest for your next visit. I will now show you out through the RuyiGate. Our coach is waiting for us outside the gate. I do hope you enjoyedtoday’s tour. Thank you.



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The French capital Paris is one of the top ten cities in the world. It is located in the middle of the basin in northern France in Paris, the city across on both sides of the Seine. There are small points of Paris, a greater Paris. Small Paris in Paris city within the big ring road, covers an area of 105 square kilometers, population of more than 200; A greater includes seven provinces around the city, an area of 120xx square kilometers and a population of about 10 million, almost one 5 of the population. Is the largest city in France, it is also one of the worlds most populous metropolis.

Paris celebrates its 1400 years of history, the city has 20xx years of history. People roaming the city, is one of the most profound impression: it retains much of the world famous historical monuments, and there are many magnificent modern buildings, there are "flowers" laudatory name.

Paris is Frances political, economic and cultural center. In terms of cultural facilities, Paris has built the worlds largest with electronic computer control of modern art and cultural center - pompidou national center for art and culture, also has many world famous monuments and artistic construction. Like the Eiffel Tower, the Notre Dame DE Paris, place DE la Concorde, the Louvre, Versailles palace, is to let people regretted leaving. The economic life, reconstruction and rebuilding the old central business district, such as the construction of the 210 meters high, 58 layer of manas skyscrapers. Construction and expansion of the satellite city of Paris around, make people have a more spacious and comfortable living environment.

Paris is not only the political, economic and cultural center of France, and is also an important part in international activities. The various types of international conference held here; Various international competitions, performances held here; Professional exhibition from all walks of life held here. Permanent international organizations are also many, such as the headquarters of the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization is based in here.

Today in Paris, France is not alone, but also Western Europes political, economic and cultural center, is the worlds attention.



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云居寺已经成为国内外著名的佛教寺院,著名的宗教活动场所,享有“北方巨刹”的盛誉。 寺特有的幽静地理环境,奇特迷人的秀丽风光,蕴涵着浓郁的佛教文化特色,是藏经纳宝之地、祈福迎祥之所云居。


云居寺不仅藏有佛教三绝与 千年古塔,而且珍藏着令世人瞩目的佛祖舍利。舍利(佛教名词)意为尸体或身骨。相传 释迦牟尼遗体火化后结成的珠状物。1981年11月27日在雷音洞发掘赤色 肉舍利两颗,这是世界上唯一珍藏在洞窟内而不是供奉在塔内的舍利,与中国北京 八大处的佛牙、陕西西安法门寺的佛指,并称为“海内三宝”。为千年古刹增添一份祥光瑞气。



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The Great Mosque at Huajue Lane

The Mosque is a major spot for religious activities of over 60.000 Moslems in Xi’an, likewise, an important cultural relic protected by the Provincial People’s Government. Unlike the Arabic mosques, with splendid domes, the minarets reaching into the clouds, the coulourful engraved sketches with dazzling patterns, the Mosque here in Xi’an possesses much Chinese traditional touch in both its design and artistic outlook; besides the style peculiar to Islamic mosques, this Mosque also holds characteristics of Chinese pavilions with painted beams and engraved ridgepoles.

However, any further discussion about the Mosque will be futile unless anything of the introduction of Islam into China is brought up.

Islam as a religious order was founded in the early period of the 7th century A.D. and was introduced to China in the mid-600s. At that time, Arabian merchants and travelers came to the northwest of China by way of Persia and Afghanistan and thus established diplomatic, trade, and military contacts with China. In the meantime, another route saw a batch of sea voyagers through Bangladesh Bay and the Malacca Strait to China’s Guangzhou, Quanzhou, Huangzhou, Yangzhou and other cities where many of them settled down and married the local women who later gave birth to babies who then became Moslems.

However, massive immigration of the Moslems to China did not take place until as late as the early period of the 13th century, when Genghis Khan, as a result of his expedition against the west, had conquered vast expanses of land stretching from Central Asia to Eastern Europe, including the north of Iran. Many of the Moslems in the conquered areas were thus forced to enlist and later settled in China.

Among the enlisted many were soldiers, and some were smiths and officials who were called the Hui people in the history books on the Yuan dynasty. The Hui people later followed Kublai Khan down to the south, helping him unifying China and then establish the Yuan dynasty. In the wake of the conquest, Islam spread all over China and mosques began to appear everywhere. In the Yuan dynasty, many Moslems held positions both in the military and civilian organs of the country. And a lot of the Moslems took part in Zhu Yuanzhang’s uprising in the early 14th century and made great contributions to the founding of the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, all the emperors of the Dynasty issued mandates to protect Islam, and to set up mosques in praise of the Moslems for their feats. In the early 16th century, Islam predominated Qinghai on the minority nationalities including the Huis, the Uygurs, the Kazaks, the Kirgizes, the Tajiks, the Tartars, the Ozbeks, the Dong Xiangs, the Salars and the Bonans. The Moslems in Xi’an are mainly the Huis, being a small portion out of the ten million in China.

The Mosque at Hua Jue Lane is the largest in Xi’an, and at the same time, it is also one of the earliest built on a comparatively large scale, and well preserved mosques in China.

According to “the Stele on the Building of the Mosque”, the mosque is said to be built in the Tang Dynasty. However, the architectural style of the mosque suggests a possible building dating back to the Ming Dynasty. The four courtyards of the mosque cover an area of more than 12,000 square meters, out of which about 4,000 are occupied by various structures. The still intact wooden front memorial gateway of the front yard, built at the turn of the 17th century, with glazed tiles on the top, spectacular corners and upturned eaves, is about 9 metres high, and has a history of about 360 years. The stone memorial gateway in the center of the second courtyard is flanked with a tail stele on either side with dragons carved on each, recording the repair work ever since the building of the Mosque. On the back of one of the steles are engraved characters by the master calligrapher Mi Fu, “May Buddhism Fill the Universe”, on the other, “Royal -Bestowed”by Dong Qichang, another master of the same art of the Ming dynasty. They are treasures in Chinese calligraphy. At the entrance of the third courtyard is an imperial built hall, where a “month tablet”, showing the calculation of the Hui Calendars in Arabic, is stored. It was compiled by a man in charge of the mosque called Xiao Mining in the early period of the Qing dynasty. A three –storeyed octagonal wooden structure called “Retrospection Tower”also stands in the center of the courtyard, which has the same function as the minaret in Islamic temples in Arabic countries, and which is a place from where orders were sent to call the Moslems to come to worship. Respectively, on the south and north wings of the tower, are a reception chamber and a Scripture Chamber, both elegantly laid out. The five wooden houses, which are called “Water Houses”in the southwest section of the Mosque are the place where the believers bathe themselves before they attend their services. And in side the fourth courtyard there is a structure called “the Pavilion of Phoenix”, a place where the worshipers used to wait for the services. The Pavilion, in fact, is a compound structure of three small buildings. The six-gabled structure of the central part, adjoining the two three-gabled buildings on each side looks very much like a flying phoenix, and hence its name. Just at the back of the Pavilion, there is a fishpond, beyond which is a platform occupying an area as large as 700 m2. Across both ends of the platform stands the 1,300 square metered service hall, holding over a thousand worshipers at once. There are over six hundred sunk panels well as the sunk panels, are decorated with patterns of painted trailing plants and Arabic letterings. The imam leads his group of worshipers, while facing in the direction of Mecca, to chant in Koran and to pay their religious homage.

The Moslems in China share very much the same customs with their brothers and sisters elsewhere in the world. They worship five times a day: at dawn, at noon, in the afternoon, at dusk, and at night. Female worshipers attend their services in a separated place from their brothers, usually at home. Moslems pay special attention to their health and see that they always wear clean clothes. They are teetotalers not only of wine, but also of pork and animal blood for in Koran pigs have been mentioned four times as being “unclean”. According to Koran, a man can have four wives and women should wear veils when they go out. However, except a few places in Xinjiang, the Chinese practise monogamy and women are veiless when they go out. Upon his death, a Moslem has to be “thoroughly cleaned”(thoroughly bathed), has to be put on “Ke Fan”(to be shrouded with a piece of white cloth) and has to be buried coffinless in the ground, with an imam reciting Scriptures at the funeral.

The Chinese constitution promulgates that freedom of religion of each citizen and freedom of preserving or reforming local customs for every nationality are permitted. And of course, the Moslems in China enjoy equal rights with peoples of other nationalities and their religious beliefs and customs are respected everywhere in the country.



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Suzhou, the ancient said there is a wu, wu, will collection, Wu Zhou, Wu Jun, at pingkiang, sui suzhou, delay said today. Suzhou ever since the dawn of recorded history of more than 4000 years, is one of the first batch of 24 historical and cultural city. Long history, gave birth to the unique charm to celebrities.of.

For one thousand years, suzhou humanities ceremony. In ancient times produced by sun wu, fan zhongyan, shen kua, such as tang Yin, gu yanwu, KuaiXiang statesmen, thinkers, strategists, scientists, artists; Contemporary fields have emerged a large number of outstanding figures. Suzhou genre of painting, calligraphy, seal cutting, each has his strong point; Drama, medicine, building its own genre, of its own. Suzhou embroidery, the yellow house world-famous woodcut New Year pictures and other arts and crafts.

Suzhou city was built in 514 BC, more than 2500 years ago. Is located in the position of the spring and autumn period, the basic maintained a "surface parallel, river street adjacent" double chessboard pattern of "three vertical and three horizontal and one ring" river water system and "small bridge flowing water, white wall tiles, historic gardens" unique style. More than existing municipal cultural relics protection unit 487 in the city, including national 15, 101 at the provincial level. Well-preserved classical garden more than 60. In accordance with the ancient city of suzhou is located in the water, street built around the river, surface parallel; Construction by the water, before the lane back river, forming unique style and features of "small bridge, flowing water, somebody else". Set of buildings, landscapes, flowers and trees, carvings, calligraphy and painting is equal to the integration of the suzhou gardens, is the spirit treasure of human civilization, the humble administrators garden and lingering garden in Chinas four big gardens, and with the nets garden, surging wave pavilion, lion grove and the mountain villa with embracing, art field, coupling, the scientific garden 9 classical garden, such as, respectively, in December 97 and November 20xx by UNESCO "world heritage", ancient town of tongli town, zhouzhuang, Lu straight are reporting on world cultural heritage.

Under the spring breeze of reform and opening-up, the ancient suzhou is coruscate gives new vitality, established the "science and education encouraging city, outgoing driving, sustainable development" strategy, formed the export-oriented economy, the two advantages of township enterprises, cultivating the new economic growth point is given priority to with high and new technology, talent, industry, environment, etc. The new advantages have weakened.

Suzhou is becoming a new and high technology industries as the leading of the modern manufacturing base, technology innovation in the joint, all kinds of talent aggregation of industry base, high technology content, high extroverted degree and good economic benefit modern agriculture base, it is a combination of human landscape and natural landscape, ecological tourism vacation base with beautiful surroundings, suzhou in the 21st century will be "economic prosperity, science and education developed, rich life, a beautiful environment, civilization" the basic modernization of region.

Suzhou is located in the middle of the Yangtze river delta, south of jiangsu province. Shanghai in the east, zhejiang in the south, wuxi, a city surrounded by the north in accordance with the Yangtze river. The citys total area of 8488 square kilometers, jurisdiction, blue waves at pingkiang, gold Chang, huqiu, wuzhong, phase town, suzhou industrial park, suzhou new district, etc. 8 area and changshu, zhangjiagang, taicang, kunshan, wujiang five county-level cities, a total population of 5.78 million people. In rivers and lakes is numerous, the grand canal linking the north and south, hope YuHe, LouJiang, TaiPuHe connection, taihu lake, yangcheng lake and commercialisation of bearing, Mosaic dianshan lake.

Here four seasons, mild climate, abundant rainfall, fertile land, rich products. Agricultural products have produced rice, cotton, rapeseed, XiangJing meters, duck blood waxy and taicang white garlic; Specialty orange, loquat, BanSu, plum, osmanthus, camellia, "biluochun" tea; Taihu whitebait, water shield, pearls and yangcheng lake hairy crabs famous.

Suzhou is the birthplace of celebrities.of, literary production staff. Is known as the suzhou pingtan, kunqu opera, Su Ju culture "three flowers". More than 400 years history of kunqu opera, is the "mother of the Chinese opera; Pingtan is in suzhou dialect rap art, is in jiangsu, zhejiang and Shanghai has more than 300 years. Suzhou arts and crafts of the famous Chinese and foreign, with hunan, sichuan, cantonese embroidery embroidery is known as the "four famous embroidery" in our country; Lookup woodcut New Year pictures from green wood along with tianjin, he "south north Yang peach"; Suzhou k o-ssu, sculpture, {sung} brocade, jade and redwood carving crafts, each has his strong point, wonderful artical excelling nature.

Suzhou city in 20xx of $154.1 billion in gross national product (GNP), basic construction in modern manufacturing base of high and new technology industry as the leading factor; Closely joint production, study and research, technical innovation base of all kinds of talents gathered, High technology content, high extroverted degree and good economic benefit in modern agriculture base; It is a combination of human landscape and natural landscape, ecological tourism vacation base with beautiful surroundings, suzhou in the 21st century will be "economic prosperity, science and education developed, rich life, a beautiful environment, civilization" the modernization of the region.



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Dear tourists, Hello! Im your tour guide this time. Next, you are going tovisit the beautiful scenery of Mengcheng under my guidance. I hope you can havea good time in these three days and leave a good memory. My name is ZhangXiaokang. You can call me Zhang Dao or my name. There are several things to tellyou on the way to Mengcheng. I hope you remember that you must pay attention tosafety in the scenic area, and dont walk around. If you get lost, pleaseremember to call me. Ill pick you up. I hope you have a good time.

Next, Id like to introduce Mengcheng. Mengcheng County is located in thenorthwest of Anhui Province and the middle of Huaibei plain. It is a strategicplace in the Huaihe River Basin and a must for ancient military strategists. Itcovers an area of 2091 square kilometers, with 2.3 million mu of arable land. Itgoverns 15 towns, 2 offices, 1 Industrial Park and 1 forest farm, with apopulation of 1.32 million. Mengcheng is a famous historical and cultural cityin Anhui Province, the hometown of Zhuangzi. There are many cultural relics andscenic spots in Mengcheng, such as Zhuangzi temple, Confucian temple, Wanfopagoda, Sanxing street, baiyunan, East West Huaide bridge, etc. Niu Qun, afamous crosstalk artist, once held a temporary post as deputy county magistrate.Mengcheng is the hometown of couplets in China and a famous historical andcultural city at the provincial level. It is an open county approved by theState Council, a national experimental area for rural reform, and a national top100 forestry county.

Mengcheng Confucian temple, also known as Confucius Temple, was built inthe 21st year of the Yuan Dynasty (1284 AD). It was a place for offeringsacrifices to Confucius, performing rituals and running schools in feudaltimes.

From the front to the back of the Confucian temple are lingxingmen, panchi,Panchiao (to be built above), dachengmen and dachengdian. Lingxingmen is facingqingqujie, which means "walking in the clouds". There is a well in the southwestof lingxingmen, named Shengjing "Shengjing Ganquan", which is one of the eightsceneries of Mengcheng. Dachengmen is connected with Minghuan temple in the Eastand Xiangxian temple in the West. In front of Dacheng hall, there are two sideswith verandas. In the east of the hall is Jiexiao temple, and in the west isZhongyi temple. The east courtyard is Wenchang Pavilion, and the West courtyardis Minglun hall. Dacheng hall, formerly known as xianshuai hall, also known assage hall, is the main building of Confucian temple. The hall is five rooms wideand three rooms deep. It is a building with nine purlins, eighteen frames andforty-two eaves piers. It uses giant Chinese fir as pillars, and the cornicesare tilted. It is magnificent. The inside and outside of the hall are paintedwith heavy oil, carved beams and painted buildings. It is the most magnificentand well preserved ancient building in Huaibei area. Once upon a time, there wasa Confucius shrine in the middle of the hall, with eight characters on bothsides: Yan, Zeng, Xiao, Ti, Zhong, Xin, Li, Yi Lian and shame. Above the hallhung three plaques of Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Qianlongs imperial book,namely "model of all ages", "people never have" and "participation in heaven andearth". The reading platform in front of the hall is more than one meter high,with a circle of white marble railings, and stone steps in the middle and onboth sides for people to climb. There are seven East and seven West corridors.For the gray tube hole covering the top, the garage was originally for Confucius3000 disciples, the west room was originally for the past dynasties Xianrutablets.

Dacheng gate, also known as halberd gate, is five rooms wide, which is thepassageway leading to Dacheng hall. In the east of the temple, the famousofficial Temple was used to drink for Su Shun, while Fengji and other officialshad political power in Mengcheng

In the west, the ancestral hall was originally for Zhuangzi, He Wei andother local sages.

Mengcheng is still the residence of Zhuangzi. There is Zhuangzi temple inMengcheng, but after the erosion of time, Zhuangzi Temple no longer exists. Theexisting Zhuangzi temple was built by Mengcheng County Government on the formersite of Zhuangzi temple in Song Dynasty, with a total area of 52 Mu and a totalconstruction area of 1086 square meters. The whole temple consists of two parts:ancestral hall complex and Wanshu garden. The main buildings are dashanmen,Yingbi, Shanmen, xiaoyaotang, guhengmen, Puchi, wuxiaoting, Guantai, Guanyubridge, mengdielou, Nanhua Jingge, dongxibeilang, daoshe, Hakka, etc. In May20__, Zhuangzi temple was officially listed as a national AAA touristattraction.

After talking about the scenic spots, lets talk about the localspecialties. There are many local delicacies, such as fried cake, Mengcheng SAsoup, beef jerky, hairy crab, jiulonggong noodles in Sanyi Town, etc. There aremany kinds. I believe you will have a good time. Dont forget to bring somelocal products to your friends when you leave. Well, its time to say goodbye toyou. I hope you have a good trip and have a good memory. Goodbye, everyone.



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进了大门,绕过大殿,现在的位置就是著名的长廊。你们看,这绿漆的柱子、红漆的栏杆,是一眼望不到头。这条长廊有七八百多米长,分为二百七十三间。每一间的横槛上都有五彩的画,画着人物、风景、花草,几千幅画没有哪两幅画相同。长廊两旁栽的花木,一种花还没有谢,另一种花就已经开了。 微风从左边的昆明湖上吹来,使人神清气爽,大家感觉到了吗?




( 快上车的时候)大家今天玩得开心吗?通过我的讲解,你们是不是对颐和园有了一定的了解呢?希望下次你们还来找我当你们的导游。再见!



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Located in the most prosperous ancient city of yangzhou dongguan street, entered the street will feel an antique flavor. Road on both sides of the house is built with blue bricks and roof is covered with black tiles. In this the set off of blue bricks HeiWa, red lantern hanging at the door of the house is very bright. The eaves of the houses are up, mother said that this is the ancient house in the eaves, the characteristics of newborn this is to let the rain does not flow into the room.

Dongguan street, very lively, the most characteristic of the road on both sides of the snacks. Sell vamps, sells sesame seed candy, have sold baked wheat cake... Wide variety of snacks to let a person see more dazzling. Suddenly I saw a group of people around a roadside stall, I gather together past a look, ah! Turned out to be an old man was made all kinds of sugar painting, I asked: "grandpa, this call what?"

"Call sugar painting." The old man answered.

"I also want one."

See grandpa took a spoon, burning with round pot scoop a spoonful of sugar, and studied experimentally in a square on the draw a curved shrimp body gently, then he is in front of the shrimp body around a few times, ah! Draw a pair of pliers, then he trembled under two between two pliers, two long beard will appear in front of my eyes, and then quickly under the shrimp body to wrap up a few times, the draw is a tail. After a while, a lifelike, wriggling shrimp appear in front of my eyes. See old man with a wooden stick with a little sugar, and firm pressure on the painting, finally, he very carefully by shovels shoveling sugar painting, I quickly licked two times, my sweetie, delicious, delicious!

Jollification, traffic, antique dongguan street really make people linger.



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Ladies and gentlemen,

Hello, Confucius said, has the friend to come from the distantplace,delight. Today, I am precisely have this kind of feelings toreceive fellowfriends the arrival.

Luoyang, is the historical famous city which the Chinese and foreigniswell-known. She has glorious historical, bright cultural and themultitudinouscultural relic historical site. In order to cause fellowguests at Luoyang periodcan has the further understanding to thisancient city historical culture and thehistorical site, is riding ina carriage the scenic spot visit on the way, ILuoyangs history andthe Longmen Grottoes approximate situation, will make thesi-mp-leintroduction to everybody. Luoyang is located west Henan Province,theYellow River middle reaches Nanan. Because of is situated at northshore theLuohe river to acquire fame, Italy is positive for the Luoriver water.

Luoyang in the history once was the city which the multitudinousdynastyfounds a capital, is known to be "nine faces the ancientcapital". In this morethan 1,000 years historical perpetual flow,Luoyang once the long time tookChinese the politics, cultural, theeconomical center. Today, we visit the worldfamous Longmen Grottoesthen are one of multitudinous cultural relic historicalsites.

The Longmen Grottoes, in the Luoyang Nanjiaos Dragon Gate mountainpaplace,are apart from the urban district 12.5 kilometers, too and19 years opens cuttingfrom Northern Wei Dynasty, up to now some morethan 1,500 years history, it withthe Dunhuang Mogao Caves, the Datongcloud hillock rock cave, together hascomposed our country famousthree big rock caves art treasure house.

Dragon Gate, in the Spring and Autumn Period Warring States timecalled"Iraq Xiangshan (Dongshan) (Xishan) the thing confrontswith Longmen Mountain,the Iraqi water from the average, has formed agrand gate Latter because is inthe Sui and Tang dynasties empiresouth, also calls Dragon Gate.

So-called "rock cave", is the hole which opens cutting on the cliffcliff isstraight, perhaps natural forms the pit hole, with hides orstores food and thething. As early as in primitive society, thepeople have used the natural pithole description zoomorphism and thelife scene, however by the phenomenonappears and the placewhich as the buddhist, the clergy worships buddha and leadsa piouslife, actually is starts Buddhism after ancient India to appear.

As a result of wooded mountain lonesome and quiet, mystical, rock cavewarmin winter and cool in summer, the rock cave uses the templeconvenience accordingto Shan Diaozao which the bricks and stonesbuilds to be more durable than,therefore appeared the collectionbuilding, the drawing, the vulture in ancientIndia has chiselled artto accomplish This kind of art, does missionarywork theactivity along with the clergy to spread to our country theborder area and theinland, with our country national characteristicsand the traditional each kindof artistic technique style fusionconnection, becomes our country one kind ofunique carving, thecolored drawing on pottery craft. We must look today theLongmenGrottoes are one of in our country multitudinous templegrouptreasures.



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the great mosque at huajue lane

the mosque is a major spot for religious activities of over 60.000 moslems in xi’an, likewise, an important cultural relic protected by the provincial people’s government. unlike the arabic mosques, with splendid domes, the minarets reaching into the clouds, the coulourful engraved sketches with dazzling patterns, the mosque here in xi’an possesses much chinese traditional touch in both its design and artistic outlook; besides the style peculiar to islamic mosques, this mosque also holds characteristics of chinese pavilions with painted beams and engraved ridgepoles.

however, any further discussion about the mosque will be futile unless anything of the introduction of islam into china is brought up.

islam as a religious order was founded in the early period of the 7th century a.d. and was introduced to china in the mid-600s. at that time, arabian merchants and travelers came to the northwest of china by way of persia and afghanistan and thus established diplomatic, trade, and military contacts with china. in the meantime, another route saw a batch of sea voyagers through bangladesh bay and the malacca strait to china’s guangzhou, quanzhou, huangzhou, yangzhou and other cities where many of them settled down and married the local women who later gave birth to babies who then became moslems.

however, massive immigration of the moslems to china did not take place until as late as the early period of the 13th century, when genghis khan, as a result of his expedition against the west, had conquered vast expanses of land stretching from central asia to eastern europe, including the north of iran. many of the moslems in the conquered areas were thus forced to enlist and later settled in china.

among the enlisted many were soldiers, and some were smiths and officials who were called the hui people in the history books on the yuan dynasty. the hui people later followed kublai khan down to the south, helping him unifying china and then establish the yuan dynasty. in the wake of the conquest, islam spread all over china and mosques began to appear everywhere. in the yuan dynasty, many moslems held positions both in the military and civilian organs of the country. and a lot of the moslems took part in zhu yuanzhang’s uprising in the early 14th century and made great contributions to the founding of the ming dynasty. therefore, all the emperors of the dynasty issued mandates to protect islam, and to set up mosques in praise of the moslems for their feats. in the early 16th century, islam predominated qinghai on the minority nationalities including the huis, the uygurs, the kazaks, the kirgizes, the tajiks, the tartars, the ozbeks, the dong xiangs, the salars and the bonans. the moslems in xi’an are mainly the huis, being a small portion out of the ten million in china.

the mosque at hua jue lane is the largest in xi’an, and at the same time, it is also one of the earliest built on a comparatively large scale, and well preserved mosques in china.

according to “the stele on the building of the mosque”, the mosque is said to be built in the tang dynasty. however, the architectural style of the mosque suggests a possible building dating back to the ming dynasty. the four courtyards of the mosque cover an area of more than 12,000 square meters, out of which about 4,000 are occupied by various structures. the still intact wooden front memorial gateway of the front yard, built at the turn of the 17th century, with glazed tiles on the top, spectacular corners and upturned eaves, is about 9 metres high, and has a history of about 360 years. the stone memorial gateway in the center of the second courtyard is flanked with a tail stele on either side with dragons carved on each, recording the repair work ever since the building of the mosque. on the back of one of the steles are engraved characters by the master calligrapher mi fu, “may buddhism fill the universe”, on the other, “royal -bestowed”by dong qichang, another master of the same art of the ming dynasty. they are treasures in chinese calligraphy. at the entrance of the third courtyard is an imperial built hall, where a “month tablet”, showing the calculation of the hui calendars in arabic, is stored. it was compiled by a man in charge of the mosque called xiao mining in the early period of the qing dynasty. a three –storeyed octagonal wooden structure called “retrospection tower”also stands in the center of the courtyard, which has the same function as the minaret in islamic temples in arabic countries, and which is a place from where orders were sent to call the moslems to come to worship. respectively, on the south and north wings of the tower, are a reception chamber and a scripture chamber, both elegantly laid out. the five wooden houses, which are called “water houses”in the southwest section of the mosque are the place where the believers bathe themselves before they attend their services. and in side the fourth courtyard there is a structure called “the pavilion of phoenix”, a place where the worshipers used to wait for the services. the pavilion, in fact, is a compound structure of three small buildings. the six-gabled structure of the central part, adjoining the two three-gabled buildings on each side looks very much like a flying phoenix, and hence its name. just at the back of the pavilion, there is a fishpond, beyond which is a platform occupying an area as large as 700 m2. across both ends of the platform stands the 1,300 square metered service hall, holding over a thousand worshipers at once. there are over six hundred sunk panels well as the sunk panels, are decorated with patterns of painted trailing plants and arabic letterings. the imam leads his group of worshipers, while facing in the direction of mecca, to chant in koran and to pay their religious homage.

the moslems in china share very much the same customs with their brothers and sisters elsewhere in the world. they worship five times a day: at dawn, at noon, in the afternoon, at dusk, and at night. female worshipers attend their services in a separated place from their brothers, usually at home. moslems pay special attention to their health and see that they always wear clean clothes. they are teetotalers not only of wine, but also of pork and animal blood for in koran pigs have been mentioned four times as being “unclean”. according to koran, a man can have four wives and women should wear veils when they go out. however, except a few places in xinjiang, the chinese practise monogamy and women are veiless when they go out. upon his death, a moslem has to be “thoroughly cleaned”(thoroughly bathed), has to be put on “ke fan”(to be shrouded with a piece of white cloth) and has to be buried coffinless in the ground, with an imam reciting scriptures at the funeral.

the chinese constitution promulgates that freedom of religion of each citizen and freedom of preserving or reforming local customs for every nationality are permitted. and of course, the moslems in china enjoy equal rights with peoples of other nationalities and their religious beliefs and customs are respected everywhere in the country.


emperor qin shihuang’s mausoleum and the terra-cotta warriors and horses museum

emperor qin shihuang (259-210b.c.) had ying as his surname and zheng as his given name. he name to the throne of the qin at age 13, and took the helm of the state at age of 22. by 221 b.c., he had annexed the six rival principalities of qi, chu, yan, han, zhao and wei, and established the first feudal empire in china’s history.

in the year 221 b.c., when he unified the whole country, ying zheng styled himself emperor. he named himself shihuang di, the first emperor in the hope that his later generations be the second, the third even the one hundredth and thousandth emperors in proper order to carry on the hereditary system. since then, the supreme feudal rulers of china’s dynasties had continued to call themselves huang di, the emperor.

after he had annexed the other six states, emperor qin shihuang abolished the enfeoffment system and adopted the prefecture and county system. he standardized legal codes, written language, track, currencies, weights and measures. to protect against harassment by the hun aristocrats. emperor qin shihuang ordered the great wall be built. all these measures played an active role in eliminating the cause of the state of separation and division and strengthening the unification of the whole country as well as promotion the development of economy and culture. they had a great and deep influence upon china’s 2,000 year old feudal society.

emperor qin shihuang ordered the books of various schools burned except those of the qin dynasty’s history and culture, divination and medicines in an attempt to push his feudal autocracy in the ideological field. as a result, china’s ancient classics had been devastated and destroy. moreover, he once ordered 460 scholars be buried alive. those events were later called in history“the burning of books and the burying of confucian scholars.”

emperor qin shihuang,for his own pleasure, conscribed several hundred thousand convicts and went in for large-scale construction and had over seven hundred palaces built in the guanzhong plain. these palaces stretched several hundred li and he sought pleasure from one palace to the other. often nobody knew where he ranging treasures inside the tomb, were enclosed alive.

emperor qin shihuang’s mausoleum has not yet been excavated. what looks like inside could noly be known when it is opened. however, the three pits of the terra-cotta warriot excavated outside the east gate of the outer enclosure of the necropolis can make one imagine how magnificent and luxurious the structure of emperor qin shihuang’s mausoleum was.

no.1 pit was stumbled upon in march 1974 when villagers of xiyang village of yanzhai township, lintong county, sank a well 1.5km east of the mausoleum. in 1976, no.2 and 3 pits were found 20m north of no.1 pit respectively after the drilling survey. the terra-cotta warriors and horses are arrayed according to the qin dynasty battle formation, symbolizing the troops keeping vigil beside the mausoleum. this discovery aroused much interest both at home and abroad. in 1975, a museum, housing the site of no.1 and covering an area of 16,300 square meters was built with the permission of the state council. the museum was formally opened to public on oct.1, the national day, 1979.

no.1 pit is 230 meters long from east to west, 62m wide from north to south and 5m deep , covering a total area of 14,260 square meters. it is an earth-and-wood structure in the shape of a tunnel. there are five sloping entrances on the eastern and western sides of the pit respectively. the pit is divided into eleven corridors by ten earthen partition walls, and the floors are paved with bricks. thick rafters were placed onto the walls (but now one can only see their remains), which were covered with mats and then fine soil and earth. the battle formation of the qin dynasty, facing east. in the east end are arrayed three lines of terra-cotta warriors, 70 pieces in each, totaling 210 pieces. they are supposed to be the van of the formation. immediately behind them are 38 columns of infantrymen alternating with war chariots in the corridors, each being 180m long. they are probably the main body of the formation. there is one line of warriors in the left, right and west ends respectively, facing outwards. they are probably the flanks and the rear. there are altogether 27 trial trench, it is assumed that more than 6,000 clay warriors and horses could be unearthed from no.1 pit.

no.2 pit sis about half the size of no.1 pit, covering about 6,000 square meters trail diggings show this is a composite formation of infantry, cavalry and chariot soldiers, from which roughly over 1,000 clay warriors, and 500 chariots and saddled horses could be unearthed. the 2,000-year-old wooden chariots are already rotten. but their shafts, cross yokes, and wheels, etc. left clear impressions on the earth bed. the copper parts of the chariots still remain. each chariot is pulled by four horses which are one and half meters high and two metres long. according to textual research, these clay horses were sculptures after the breed in the area of hexi corridor. the horses for the cavalrymen were already saddled, but with no stirups.

no.3 pit covers an area of 520m2 with only four horses, one chariot and 68 warriors, supposed to be the command post of the battle formation. now, no.2 and 3 pits have been refilled, but visitors can see some clay figures and weapons displayed in the exhibition halls in the museum that had been unearthed from these two pits. the floors of both no.1 and 2 pits were covered with a layer of silt of 15 to 20cm thick. in these pits, one can see traces of burnt beams everywhere, some relics which were mostly broken. analysis shows that the pits were burned down by xiang yu, leader of a peasant army. all of the clay warriors in the three pits held real weapons in their hands and face east, showing emperor qin shihuang’s strong determination of wiping out the six states and unifying the whole country.

the height of the terra-cotta warriors varies from 1.78m, the shortest, to 1.97m, the tallest. they look healthy and strong and have different facial expressions. probably they were sculpted by craftsmen according to real soldiers of the qin dynasy. they organically combined the skills of round engraving, bas-relief and linear engraving, and utilized the six traditional folk crafts of sculpturing, such as hand-moulding, sticking, cutting, painting and so on. the clay models were then put in kilns, baked and colour-painted. as the terra-cotta figures have beeb burnt and have gone through the natural process of decay, we can’t see their original gorgeous colours. however, most of the terra-cotta figures bear the trace of the original colours, and few of them are still as bright as new. they are found to be painted by mineral dyestuffs of vermilion, bright red, pink dark green, powder green, purple, blue, orange, black and white colours.

thousands of real weapons were unearthed from these terra-cotta army pits, including broad knives, swords, spears, dagger-axes, halberds, bows, crossbows and arrowheads. these weapons were exquisitely made. some of theme are still very sharp, analyses show that they are made of alloys of copper and tin, containing more than ten kinds of other metals. since their surfaces were treated with chromium, they are as bright as new, though buried underground for more than 2,000 years. this indicates that qin dynasty’s metallurgical technology and weapon-manufacturing technique already reached quite a high level.

in december 1980, two teams of large painted bronze chariots and horses were unearthed 20 metres west of the mound of emperor qin shihuang’s mausoleum. these single shaft four-horse chariots each comprises 3,462 spare parts, and has a body with two compartments, one behind the other, and an elliptical umbrella like canopy. the four horses harnessed to the chariot are 65-67 centimeters tall. the restored bronze chariots and horses are exact imitations of true chariot, horse and driver in half life-size.

the chariots and horses are decorated with coloured drawings against white background. they have been fitted with more than 1,500 piecese of gold and silvers and decorations, looking luxurious, splendid and graceful. probably they were meant for the use of emperor qin shihuang’s soul to go on inspection. the bronze chariots and horses were made by lost wax casting, which shows a high level of technology. for instance, the tortoise-shell-like canopy is about 4mm thick, and the window is only 1mm thick on which are many small holes for ventilation. according to a preliminary study, the technology of manufacturing the bronze chariots and horses has involved casting, welding, reveting, inlaying embedding and chiseling. the excavation of the bronze chariots and horses provides extremely valuable material and data for the textual research of the metallurgical technique, the mechanism of the chariot and technological modeling of the qin dynasty.

no.2 bronze chariot and horses now on display were found broken into 1,555 pieces when excavated. after two-and-half years’ careful and painstaking restoration by archaeologists and various specialists, they were formally exhibited in the museum on october 1, 1983. no.1 bronze chariot hand horses are on display from 1988.



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位于晋祠古建筑门前的开阔地上。东对碧水莲塘,西靠晋祠古建筑,南北两翼,紧挨千顷稻田、农舍、村庄。 伏龙山是园内假山,山的半腰,嵌石题书“伏龙山”。山脚有石洞流水,水从石龙口中淌出,流入池中。池旁有石刻两罗汉,池中有石刻天女、麻姑,池边石虎饮水,状貌惟妙,情趣横生。





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沧浪亭以清幽古朴见长,融园内外景为一体,园外水面宽广,自西向东,环绕园周之一半后向南流去。水流澄澈,鱼戏莲叶之间,夏日莲花盛开,一水皆香。水上有曲桥斜渡,桥头有“沧浪胜迹”坊耸立,坊两侧沿池北岸,种植碧桃垂柳,树荫下石凳成排,可供游人休息观景。沧浪亭的面积约16亩,布局以假山为中心,简洁幽静,落落大方。沧浪亭在假山东首最高处,亭为方形,石刻四枋上有仙童、鸟兽及花树图案,建筑古朴,亭的结构形式与整个园林气氛非常协调。 在假山与池水之间,隔着一条向内凹曲的复廊。廊壁置花窗多扇,透过漏窗花格,既沟通了内山外水,也使水池、长廊、假山自然地融合为一体。 沧浪亭花窗样式颇多,据说全园有108式,分布在园内各条走廊上。图案花纹,变化多端,构作精巧,是苏州园林花窗的典型。园中有景点明道堂、见山楼、清香馆。
