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"Je t aime, Paris!" Paris, prehistoric burial at sea level under the land, in the city of more than 20xx years later, the name will not let anyone strange. Huadu, the world famous historical and cultural city known as the city of light, romantic, fashion, food of all... Maybe you just want to go to the avenue montaigne likes shopping, maybe just want to take a walk to the river Seine, maybe you just want to go to Michelin restaurant taste French dinner, on the left bank may just want to drink coffee, maybe you just want to go to the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa smile... Maybe the earth only Paris can satisfy everyones expectations.

Paris from the earliest channel island, on the left bank to the river Seine is divided into the right bank, after several expansion, Paris now has "small Paris" and "greater"; Refers to the small Paris is divided into 20 downtown district of Paris, the French population "Paris" and indicated in the address of "Paris" generally refers to the Paris city, zip code for the 750 , most of the attractions such as the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Notre Dame DE Paris located in Paris, attractions relatively concentrated, so walking is a good choice. The greater is the small plus around Paris suburb of seven provinces of Ile DE - France (French island district), there are many worthy to place, such as the palace of Versailles, Fontainebleau, Disneyland, etc.

Once backpackers in Opera (Opera house), with the gradual rise of land price in Paris, has various levels of tourists all over Paris any corner of the left bank and Montmartre became to be bestowed favor on newly. Developed and convenient public transport is the first choice for travel, ride a bike or walk is also a good idea. In an urban area, drive is definitely not a good choice, the Paris government environmental protection very discouraged road trip to Paris.



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The tourists who are sleeping can wake up. I understand that we are alltired. After several hours of long-distance bumps, now we finally arrive at ourdestination today - Jiuhua Mountain. Lets get out of the car and start ourjourney to Jiuhua Mountain. Lets follow me and dont fall behind. At thismoment, we are going up the winding mountain road and the mountain steps toreach Fenghuang pine, the oldest ancient pine in the world. You can have a lookat it, its like a flying phoenix, it seems to welcome us. Along the way ofphase II, I believe that when you hear the chirping of birds and the gurgling ofmountain springs, together with the laughter of our tourist friends, you willnot really answer the old saying "there is no one in an empty mountain, but youcan hear peoples voices".

Now we are halfway up the mountain. In front of us is Guanyin peak. You cansee that the stone is very lifelike, wearing a big red robe. When the mountainwind blows, the red robe flutters slightly, just like the arrival of Guanyin.Further up, you can see the broad ancient Sutra worship platform. You can seethe footprints left on the granite by the Bodhisattva of Tibetans during hismeditation. It is 2 times larger than the footprints of normal people. 9 times!Friends who are interested can take off their shoes and stand in the footprintsof the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet to see if our feet are only one third ofthat!

Well, now we finally arrive at the terminal, Tiantai temple. Tiantaitemple, also known as dizang temple, is located at the top of Tiantai peak at analtitude of 1306 meters. It is said that there are traces of "Jinxian cave" leftin the holy residence of senior monks in the Tang Dynasty. Standing at the topof the peak, I just feel that the depression in my heart suddenly disappeared,and I feel very comfortable. Although Jiuhua Mountain is not as grand as MountTai or as dangerous as Mount Huangshan, it is famous both at home and abroad forits beauty!



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何家大院,系明代建筑。位于冲子口古巷道内,占地面积940平方米,建筑面积1500。前后两个院落,相传为明初镇远蛮夷长官司长官何惠的私宅。该院背依石屏山,座北面南,大门却开设在西南角上,大门处有单檐门罩,下有青石条门框(俗称石库门),为典型的高封火墙四合院。 据乾隆《镇远府志》载:“何惠,由宣慰田大雅保授任镇远金容、金达蛮夷长官司长官。洪武年间,奏请修建氵舞溪桥(即今祝圣桥),以利往来,诏从之。”由此可见,何惠奏请修建氵舞溪桥,是得到朱元璋的批准的。从而见证了镇远是古代“滇楚锁钥、湘黔咽喉”的重要战略地位。





















上官仪有一个孙女叫上官婉儿,14岁就成为武则天掌管文诰的女官,被后世誉为“巾帼首相。”本来,上官婉儿与武则天有不共戴天的灭祖杀父的仇恨,但聪明伶俐的上官婉儿看到武则天执政后,是一个英明的政治家,好皇帝,便抛弃家仇,竭尽全力辅助武则天,体现了上官婉儿的心胸是何等的高尚。从上官仪到上官婉儿,祖孙两人都是代行唐朝皇宫发布诏令的官员,又都是诗人。特别是上官仪的 “上官体”,在上官婉儿的推动下,奠定了唐诗发展、昌盛的基础。其子孙称“西台世系”,应该当之无愧。




























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Paris, France (Paris) - the heart of the fashion capital of the French, the hometown of the world of fashion, romantic, one of the most prosperous city in the world. In urban communities in Paris, everywhere can see the museums, theatres, gardens, fountains and sculptures, cultural environment is very good. Paris is the city of art, and previously the capital for flowers. Whether it is in the room, balcony, yard, or in the shop window... Before and on the side of the road, there are flowers blooming everywhere, everywhere, all the charming fragrance. As for the colorful flower blossoms and parks, but also often let people stop viewing, linger. to watch the tour Eiffel Tower in Paris, star/square arc DE triomphe, the Louvre museum and the Louvre museum, Notre Dame DE Paris, champs elysees, the Seine, Fontainebleau palace, Versailles palace, etc.

Arc DE triomphe remain famous arc DE triomphe by Roman period, it is located in Paris at the end of the champs elysees, Charles DE gaulle star the center of the square, is the largest of more than 100 European arc DE triomphe. This bridge was built in honor of napoleons expedition, there are four positive relief - the "marseillaise", "victory", "resistance" and "peace". This is one of the most attractive on pillars of for rural street on the right side of the "1792 volunteers expedition", known as the "marseillaise" glyph, occupy the important position is the worlds art history of the immortal masterpiece. Notre Dame DE Paris, arc DE triomphe in Paris because of the adaptation of the classic novel with the same name and opera, not how many people are against the church and the hunchback Quasimodo feel strange. This classic gothic church is located in downtown Paris, France, is the west dike landmarks on the island, also is the Catholic archdiocese of Paris cathedral. To Notre Dame DE Paris, the best from the church of the north gate to enter, entered the three roses can bump into gorgeous picture window.

The shops on both sides of the Notre Dame DE Paris is also very famous, you can buy a lot of nice souvenir, the most popular is a kind of version: into a 2 euro COINS, it will spit out a new COINS, its design is the virgin el nino. Notre Dame DE Paris, the Louvre, it may be the worlds most famous museum and art gallery, and Frances oldest palace. Related to the Louvre movies such as "the phantom of the Louvre. Here includes sculpture gallery, painting and the ancient Egyptian art museum, one of the most famous, including the Minos Venus, goddess of victory, and "Mona Lisa" and so on. Feeding out many world famous art here. Of course is more regular visitors here as viewing the palace of fine arts of the world.



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束河,一个距离丽江古城仅仅有七公里的古城。她是曾经的茶马古道重镇,历史甚至比丽江还要久远。风景名胜束河古镇依山傍水,民居房舍错落有致,面临田园阡陌;北瞰玉龙,东 南瞻象山、文笔,四时风光变幻,尤其村头两处泉源,其中一潭水,称为"九鼎龙潭",又称"龙泉"。潭周绿柳垂地,翠柏指天,,泉水清澈,游鱼可数。从潭中溢出的流水蜿蜒于村中道旁,远近汩汩有声,滋润街头巷尾,清洌甘爽,涌流不绝,使百姓受惠无穷。





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Located in the west park of the park, also called Luo Spring in ancienttimes, the BaoTu Spring has a long history of more than 3500 years, According tohistorical records, HuangongKing of the Lu State, met with King of the Qi Stateat Ouo in 694 BC. In the Northern Wei Dyansty, it was called Eying Springbecause of the Eying Temple by the spring. In the North Song Dynasty, Zeng Gong,a famous writer, wrote an article entitled records of two halls in Qiprefecture, in which the spring was formally called the baoTu spring. In theJinDynasty, a stele was erected by the spring, saying that the BaoTu Spring wasfirst among the 72 famous springs.

The two small pavilions Xi Quan and Ni Lan , built during the Song and MingDynasties, were restored to the right and left of the compound galleries inorder to display cultural relics.

Now you please look at the car window, the car is from Sani living sideafter the stockade.Tsaitsu said, it was necessary to brief you Yi housing.

Yungang Caves, one of China’s four most famous "Buddhist Caves Art TreasureHouses", is located about sixteen kilometers west of Datong, Shanxi Province.There exists 53 caves, most of which are made during the Northern Wei Dynastybetween 460 and 494 AD, and over 51, 000 stone sculptures. It extends onekilometer from east to west and can be fallen into three major groups.

Let`s start with milk tea,The host minces the tea and put it in a kettle toboil it .When the kettle starts boiling with a gurgling sound, the host poursthe fresh milk into it .Thus the herdsman coming in from a snowstorm will warmup immediately after having such a cup of milk tea. A bowl of milk tea,stir-fried rice ,several piece of a dry milk product and some lamb is regardedas a delicious meal by the ordinary Mongolian herdsman. Milk products includethe skin of boiled milk, milk curd, milk wine ,cheese ,butter and so on .Theformal meal may be served with meat and a flour-base product.

The first group (including Cave 1, Cave 2, Cave 3 and Cave 4) are at theeastern end separated from others. Cave 1 and Cave 2 have suffered from rigorsof time and the weather. Cave 3, an afterthought after the Northern Wei Dynasty,is the largest grotto among Yungang caves.

Tours normally begin from the second group ranging from Cave 5 to Cave13.Yungang art manifests its best in this group. Cave 5 contains a seated Buddhawith a height of 17 meters. In Cave 6, a 15-meter-high two storey pagoda pillarstands in the center of chamber and the life of the Buddha from birth to theattainment of nirvana is carved in the pagoda walls and the sides of the cave.The Bodhisattva was engraved in Cave 7. The rare seen Shiva Statue in Yungangwith eight arms and four heads and riding on a bull is illustrated in Cave 8.Cave 9 and Cave 10 are notable for front pillars and figures bearing musicalinstruments. Musicians playing instruments also appear in Cave 12. Cave 13 hasthe Buddha statue with a giant figurine supporting its right arm.

And after visiting these wonderful spots, we can have a rest, and maybesome of you want to have a bath in the hot spring. I suggest you do so, becausethe water here can cure disease which based on medical reasons.

The rest caves belong to the third group. Cave 14 has eroded severely. Cave15 is named as the Cave of Ten Thousand Buddha. The caves numbered 16 to Cave 20are the oldest complex and each one symbolizes an emperor from the Northern WeiDynasty and the subject of "Emperor is the Buddha" is embodied. The caves fromNo. 21 onward are built in the later times and can not compare to their betterpreserved counterparts.

The shrine is constructed cling to mountains and has front and back twoparts. Now we play a small game: count the stone steps, later I’ll tell you asecret. How many steps there are? Yes, 51 steps! So when Han Yu came toChaozhou, he was 51-year old. When Han Yu was to Chaozhou, he was impressed bythe beautiful scenery and hospitality of local people. You see that tree? Beforeit was an oak tree there, which was planted by Han Yu himself. People say moreflowers in the oak tree, more well-educated students are. But in Qing Dynasty,this magic oak tree died, so people planted this tree instead.

The Dripping Water Cave, about 3 km northwest of the village, is a verypopular destination, possibly because of the fact that Mao allegedly spent 11days here in the early days of the Cultural Revolution Years (1966-76),contemplating the unknown.

South leaves east the fontanel courtyard to fold namely for the daystreet.Day street, space downtown, rich poetic sentiment place.Travels to the Eastalong the day street, center north has a workplace, on the inscribed horizontaltablet the topic has " LooksWu Shengji " This is hands down Kong Zi and Yan Yuansees WuGuochang outside the gate a white horses place. North the work placehasthe Kong Zi temple.



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Dear guests, Hello! Im Wang Ping, the tour guide accompanying you. You canjust call me Wang Dao. On behalf of Anhui travel agency, Id like to extend mywarm welcome to you and wish you a successful tour. If you have any questionsduring todays tour, you are welcome to raise them in time. I must follow theprinciple of reasonable and possible to make your trip happy.

First of all, welcome to Jiuhua Mountain. Next, let me introduce thegeneral situation of Jiuhua Mountain.

During the reign of Tang Tianbao, Li Bai wrote a poem "once upon a time onJiujiang River, looking at Jiuhua peak in the distance, green water hanging onthe Tianhe River, showing off Hibiscus" and "Jiuzi mountain" was renamed "JiuhuaMountain" from then on.

It is a national 5A tourist area, a national courtesy tourism demonstrationsite, one of the three famous mountains in Anhui Province, and one of the fourfamous Buddhist mountains in China. It is also known as the "dizang BodhisattvaTaoist center" in the world, known as "the first mountain in Southeast China"and "Lianhua Buddhist kingdom".

Jiuhua Mountain has beautiful scenery and numerous ancient temples. Thereare 99 existing temples, of which 9 are national key temples.

We are now at the center of Jiuhua street. What you can see is Huachengtemple, kaishanzu Temple of Jiuhua Mountain. The name of Huacheng temple comesfrom the story of "Huacheng refers to the earth" in Buddhist scriptures.Huacheng temple is the oldest ancient temple of Jin Dynasty in Jiuhua Mountain,and it is the "total jungle" of Jiuhua Mountain. Hanging on the temple foreheadis the horizontal plaque of "Jiuhuashan historical relics museum" inscribed byZhao Puchu. The ancient clock in the temple is more than ten feet high andweighs about 20__ Jin. It is exquisitely cast and has a loud voice. "Huachengevening clock" has become one of the "Jiuhua ten sceneries".

Looking up, the hall built on the cliff is the famous "centenary Palace".Now lets take the ground cable car to visit the centenary palace!

On the plaque of the centenary palace, the ten gold characters of "bestowthe centenary palace, protect the country and Wannian Temple" were inscribed byLi Yuanhong, President of the Beiyang government. According to records, in theWanli period of the Ming Dynasty, a monk named flawless came to Jiuhua Mountainat the age of 26 and spent a hundred years of hard work in Motianling, Dongyapeak. Three years after his death, his body was found in the cave. The monk onthe mountain believed that he was reincarnated as a living Buddha, so he offeredhis body in gold. Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty granted him the title of"Yingshen Bodhisattva" when he understood that this body was a monk withouttime.

Next, lets go to the rooftop. We have to pass fenghuangsong scenic spot togo to the rooftop. Fenghuangsong is located in the Min garden of JiuhuaMountain, which is a major landscape of Jiuhua Mountain. Please see, the pine is7.68 meters high and 1 meter diameter at breast height. It has a peculiar shape,just like the phoenix spreading its wings, so it is called Fenghuang pine. Thehistory of this pine was recorded in the southern and Northern Dynasties, and ithas a history of 1400 years. It has the reputation of "the first pine in theworld".

The scenic spot of Jiuhua is located on the Tiantai Mountain. Tiantai peakis the main peak of Jiuhua Mountain, with an altitude of more than 1300 meters.There is a saying that "if you dont climb the Tiantai Mountain, you will notcome.". From the rooftop of Jiuhua street, about 15 kilometers to Huali mountainroad, the surrounding mountains are crawling, and the surrounding rocks aregrotesque. The inscription of "non human" on a huge stone really makes peoplefeel like they are in Penglai fairyland. Tiantai "holding the sun Pavilion" towatch the sunrise is no less than Mount Tai. Therefore, "Tiantai xiaori" islisted as one of the "ten sceneries of Jiuhua".

Now we come to the body Hall of shenguangling, where the body ofjinqiaojue, the Bodhisattva of Tibetans, is worshipped. Because of his commonsurname Jin, he was honored as "jindizang".

During the Kaiyuan reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, Jinqiaojue, a 24-year-old king of Silla, crossed the sea to seek Dharma in China.He boarded Jiuhua via Nanling and other places. He chose a cave to live andpractice in a secluded place deep in the mountain.

Jin qiaojue devoted himself to training for 75 years. At the age of 99, hepassed away in Jiuhua Mountain. After three years of the letter, it still "lookslike life, with soft hands and a sound at Luojie, like shaking a golden lock".The monks believed that he was the incarnation of the Bodhisattva, so they builta stone pagoda to worship him and called him "jindizang" Bodhisattva.

As a result, Jiuhua Mountain became a Taoist center of dizang Bodhisattva,and thus became famous in China and even the world. It gradually became a holyland of dizang Yinghua, which was called together with Manjusri of WutaiMountain, Puxian of Emei Mountain and Guanyin of Putuo Mountain.

This hall is majestic and majestic. It is a tower hall type building,covered with iron tiles, with palace style eaves at the four corners. You haveto climb 81 steps to enter the hall. Look at these two plaques, which read "thepalace of the flesh" on the top and "the first mountain in the Southeast" on thebottom. The hall is three rooms wide with white marble on the ground. In thecenter of this 1.8-meter-high White Jade Pagoda, there stands a seven storyeight sided wooden pagoda. There are niches on eight sides of each floor of thetower, and each niche is dedicated to a gold statue. Outside the wooden pagodais a white jade altar with a standing statue of Yama in the ten halls holding aGUI in both hands. At the four corners of the base of the pagoda, there are thetop beams of the pillars, and inside the pagoda are the three-level stonepagodas dedicated to the body of the golden earth. In front of the tower is ahollow octagonal glass lamp, which is always bright.

Well, tourists, todays tour is over. Thank you very much for your supportand cooperation in my work. Welcome to visit again!



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婺源是江西省一个具有悠久历史的古县,历史上属安徽管辖。是古徽州一府六县之一,也是南宋著名理学家朱熹的故里和中国铁路之父詹天佑的家乡。这里民风纯朴,文风鼎盛,名胜古迹遍布全县。有保持完美的明清古建筑,有田园牧歌式的氛围和景色。 这里山明水秀,松竹连绵,飞檐翘角的古民居蜿蜒于青山绿水之间:或依山,隐现于古树青林之间;或傍水,倒映于溪池清泉之上;与层层梯田、缭绕云雾相映成趣,如诗如画。四季景色各呈千秋,尤其是春秋两季,漫山遍野的映山红和满山的红枫叶犹如一簇簇火苗争奇斗艳。置身于这样的景色之中,让你感觉到心旷神怡和留连忘返。







婺源以山、水、竹、石、树、木、桥、亭、涧、滩、岩洞、飞瀑、舟 渡、古民居为组合的自然景观,有着世外桃园般的意境,犹如一幅韵味无穷的山水画,形成一个独特而美丽的田园风光游览区,给人们一种回归自然和超凡脱俗的感觉。对那些久经都市嘈杂喧闹的人们和爱好旅游、美术、摄影的艺术工作者来说,到婺源一游或收集创作素材,不能说不是一种美的享受和明智的选择。



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承德避暑山庄曾是中国清朝皇帝的夏宫。距离北京180公里。是由皇帝宫室、皇家园林和宏伟壮观的寺庙群所组成。避暑山庄位于承德市中心区以北,武烈河西岸一带狭长的 承德避暑山庄牌匾

谷地上,山庄的建筑布局大体可分为宫殿区和苑景区两大部分,苑景区又可分成湖区、平原区和山区三部分。内有康熙乾隆钦定的72景。拥有殿、堂、楼、馆、亭、榭、阁、轩、斋、寺等建筑一百余处。是中国三大古建筑群之一,它的最大特色是山中有园,园中有山。避暑山庄兴建后,清帝每年都有大量时间在此处理军政要事,接见外国使节和边疆少数民族政教首领。这里发生的一系例重要事件、重要遗迹和重要文物,成为中国多民族统一国家最后形成的历史见证。 避暑山庄及周围寺庙是一个紧密关联的有机整体,同时又具有不同风格的强烈对比,避暑山庄朴素淡雅,其周围寺庙金碧辉煌。这是清帝处理民族关系重要举措之一。由于存在众多群体的历史文化遗产,使避暑山庄及周围寺庙成为全国重点文物保护单位、全国十大名胜、和四十四处风景名胜保护区之一,承德也因此成为全国首批二十四座历史文化名城。避暑山庄与北京的颐和园,苏州的拙政园,苏州的留园并称全国四大名园。旧版电视剧《还珠格格》第一、二、三部,均在承德避暑山庄取景拍摄,山庄里的烟雨楼就是“漱芳斋”。



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“ 定远”舰景区,位于 山东省风光旖旎的 海滨城市 威海市的城区繁华地带,主体景观为按原貌复制再现的清末北洋海军旗舰“定远”号。 历史上的“定远”舰,是19世纪工业文明的产物,因为武备强大、防护完善,一度被誉为“亚洲第一巨舰”、“遍地球一等之铁甲舰”,见证象征了中国海洋上一段辉煌的往事。这艘军舰又因浓浓的 甲午风云, 和在甲午海战中的不屈表现,赢得了“永不沉没的‘定远’”之称,成为国人心目中的一座海上图腾。

定远舰是清政府花费近170万两 白银向德国订造的一艘战舰,是当时世界海军中罕见的大型铁甲舰,其装甲厚,吨位大,炮火重,利于防御,号称“第一铁舰”。该舰由德国伏尔锵造船厂制造,1883年11月28日下水。

1894年9月17日,以“定远”、“ 镇远”为首的北洋水师主力在 黄海大东沟海域与 日本海军联合舰队主力进行了一场决战。“定远”舰中弹159发,“镇远”舰中弹220发,“定”、“镇”二舰的装甲和炮塔护甲上的弹坑没有超过102毫米的,显示出二舰的顽强生命力。

1895年2月5日凌晨,“定远”舰在威海保卫战中,遭日本海军鱼雷艇袭击, 丁汝昌下令趁军舰尚未沉没前驶往刘公岛南面搁浅,利用舰炮,增强东口的防御力量。丁汝昌被迫撤离“定远”,移驻“镇远”指挥。10日下午,丁汝昌、刘步蟾命令用水雷将搁浅的“定远”炸毁。





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6877 字

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Beijing botanical garden is a collection of science, scientific research,travel and other functions in one comprehensive botanical garden, nationalemphasis construction is one of the botanical garden.

The Beijing Botanic Garden in Haidian District Fragrant Hill Park and theYuquan mountains (West hills near Wat Chayamangkalaram), approved by the StateCouncil in 1956, is a collection of scientific research, plant plant knowledgepopularization, visit the rest, germplasm preservation and promotion, new plantsand other functions as one of the large-scale comprehensive botanical garden.The planning area of 400 hectares, is now completed and open for tours by theplant area of 200 hectares, exhibition areas, places of historic interest andscenic beauty, research areas and nature reserves. The introduction andcultivation of plants more than 10000 species (including varieties ) in 1500000strains of. Covers an area of 900 acres. Collection of plants more than 3000species, is currently Chinas largest botanical garden in North, is specializedin plant introduction and acclimatization of theoretical study and experimentalresearch base. The whole garden plant exhibition greenhouse as the center, atotal of 13 galleries, planted with more than 1500 kinds of tropical andsubtropical plants, including stone flower, a tree, dance orchid plant.

Beijing botanical garden by plant exhibition area, places of historicinterest and scenic beauty cultural landscape, natural protection area and areaof scientific research.

Plant exhibition area including ornamental plants area ( Park ), arboretum,bonsai garden, greenhouse flower district. Ornamental plants area from peonygarden, rose garden, green peach, lilac Institute, Begonia Park, bonsai garden,lily magnolia garden, a garden show ( bamboo ), perennial flowers, peony gardenand park is being developed in the garden, the park consists of 11; by pine andcypress, ginkgo trees Garden District Maple rose area, linden willow, MagnoliaBerberis zone and sycamore, ash area consists of Quercus acutissima area ofpaulownia. Places of historic interest and scenic beauty resort by WatChayamangkalaram, Cherry Valley, the Longjiao temple ruins, " December 9th "memorial Pavilion, the tomb of Liang Qichao village, Cao Xueqin Memorial Hall.The introduction and cultivation of plants more than 56 lines, more than 5000,900000 square metre grassed. There are scientific research building, sciencemuseum. Wat Chayamangkalaram was built in the Tang Dynasty, is a nationalheritage conservation units, protecting and displaying the world rare YuanDynasty bronze Shakya Muni lying like Cherry Valley, dense forest, is in theplanning of nature reserve. Cao Xueqin Memorial Exhibition of Cao Xueqins lifeand in the Western Hills. " A dream of Red Mansions " scene.

Beijing botanical garden is the Beijing Municipal Gardens Bureau designatedpriority of the new plant introduction, domestication, breeding base. TheBeijing botanical garden has begun to take shape, are playing a more and moreimportant social benefit and environmental benefit, more and more peoplesfavorite.

20___ January Beijing botanical garden was named the first national AAAAgrade scenic spot, in 20___ March through the ISO9000 quality management systemand ISO14000 environmental management system certification and certified thefirst batch of fine park, 20___ in the capital of civilization industry madeoutstanding achievements appraisal. The garden is beautiful environment, goodorder, quality services and excellent culture to meet guests at home andabroad.

Beijing Botanical Garden ( referred to as South Park) with various plant3000 a variety of, visit the main point is the greenhouse exhibition area, thereare 13 pavilions, 1500 kinds of plants. The tropical plants accounted for 1000 avariety of, palm plants, tropical aquatic plants, succulents, Victoria roomroom, medicinal plant room, industrial raw materials plant, orchid plants,aromatic plants, tropical fruit and citrus plants. The arboretum occupies anarea of 70000 square meters, is Chinas rare silver fir trees, and SequoiaAmerica, Sri Lankas Bodhi tree. There is also a special type of garden and thenational herbarium.

Beijing botanical garden exhibition greenhouse built in March 28, 1998January 1, 20___, began to receive visitors, the exhibition greenhouseconstruction area of 9800 square meters, covers an area of 5.5 hectares, is thelargest in Asia, the world s largest single greenhouse area of exhibitiongreenhouse of Kunming World Expo, the area ratio of the greenhouse is twice asbig as the Chinese history of architecture, the big.

Greenhouse into tropical rainforest room, desert plant room, orchid,pineapple and carnivorous plant rooms and four seasons garden show, tropical,subtropical plants more than 3100 species, show perspective, strangulation,root, old cauliflorous, strange phenomenon. Exhibition greenhouse for plantscience education base, and protection of plant resources and scientificresearch are the main places. As the city of Beijing internationalization citylandmark works, the exhibition hall of the greenhouse is increasingly playing agreat social benefits.

The exhibition greenhouse of Beijing botanical garden is the 50 anniversaryof the founding of Beijing city to meet key project, botanical garden is locatedin the road on the west side, the building area of 17000 square meters, coversan area of 5.5 hectares, 260000000 yuan investment. Exhibition greenhousebuilding designed by the Beijing Architectural Design Research Institute isassumed, with " leaves to the root. " concept for the design theme, have greatoriginality to design the " roots " interwoven inclined glass ceiling, like aleaf falls in the foot of the West hills. Exhibition exhibition design byBeijing plant landscape design and Research Institute of ancient bear.Exhibition greenhouse underground foundation in 1998 3 at the end of the monthto start construction, the main steel structure and glass curtain wall will bein 1999 May completed, on 1 January 20___ open to the outside world. Exhibitiongreenhouse is divided into four main sections: the tropical rain forest, desertplant zone, four seasons garden and special plant room. Display plants 3100species more than 60000 lines, for the masses to provide rich and colorfulornamental plant landscape, learning scientific knowledge, have a higher gradeof tourist attractions. At the same time, it is the horticultural research andinternational exchanges. Exhibition greenhouse project won the Tenth NationalExcellent Project Design Gold Award, 20___ annual national high quality projectsilver medal, Beijing City tenth first prize of excellent design, " large-scaleexhibition greenhouse plant introduction and design of the scientific andtechnological progress in Beijing city " project won the two prize, was namedBeijing City ninety in the ten building.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2831 字

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Kunming lake is located in the Summer Palace in Beijing, its area is about three-quarters of the total area. Former northwest Beijing many springs converge into natural lakes, has seven names such as yet, large parking in the lake.

Kunming lake, a former northwest Beijing many springs converge into natural lakes, has seven names such as yet, large parking in the lake. Due to the longevity hill after the predecessor has the name of urn hill, also known as urn hill parking. Kunming lake is a natural, artificial lake. Here is the original xishan hill arch fans, former reason springs to assemble a lowland swamp.

In 1153 AD, after gold yanjing (as) in its capital, gold master yan hong light out the chicken water land, built in the jinshan palace. More from the west to the aim of yuquan hill spring note at the foot of the jinshan, make it become a plain, storage called the golden stream. This is the precursor of the kunming lake today. To the yuan dynasty, to increase the golden stream of water will be needed to supply the Kyoto grain transportation, water conservancy, guo shoujin guided ChangPing County white water from springs and yuquan hill into the mooring floating village. Jinshan was renamed urn hill, lake was renamed urn hill berth, the surface than had previously been expanded. In the Ming dynasty, white village water channel (white floating weir) disrepair, the water dried up, urn hill parking area is narrow. Emperor qianlong in the qing dynasty carved deep to expand mooring and urn hill, become larger than when Ming dynasty triple giant leaching, the beginning of the kunming lake.

This name, is the emperor that is applied in the qianlong emperor in changan capital kunming pool practicing wenhuan allusions. The name used today. After the yuan dynasty Beijing its capital for grain transportation, presided over by the water conservancy experts guo shoujin, upstream water development, changping along the mountain spring water and running water into the lake, became mostly in the city of grain transportation by using the reservoir. Many planting lotus in the lake in the Ming dynasty, around the paddy planting rice, lake have temples, pavilions, wins again, like the jiangnan scenery, hence there are "west lake", "west lake scenery" of reputation.

MingWu of land god, Ming has been on a boat to go fishing for fun here. Qing qianlong built qingyi garden, the lake will develop, become the size of the now, and take the emperor in changan kunming digging pool exercises war story, named kunming lake, on the lake every summer training exercise. Kunming lake on the main subject is west dike and six bridge, east dike, the west embankment in the south lake island, the marble seventeen-arch bridge which and so on. Flow around the longevity hill river at the foot of the mountain, known as the lake.
