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Of all the notable mountains in China, Mount Huangshan, to be found in the south of Anhui province, is probably the most famous. Originally known as Mt. Yishan it was renamed Mt. Huangshan in 747 AD in recognition of the legendary Huang Di, who was the reputed ancestor of the Chinese people and who made magic pills for immortality here.

Wu yue is the collective name given to Chinas most important mountains, namely Mt. Taishan in Shandong Province, Mt. Huashan in Shaanxi Province, Mt. Hengshan in Shanxi Province, Mt. Songshan in Henan Province and Mt. Hengshan in Hunan Province. It is said that you wont want to visit any other mountains after seeing wu yue but you wont wish to see even wu yue after returning from Mt. Huangshan. This saying may give you some idea of the beauty and uniqueness of Mt. Huangshan. Together with the Yellow River, the Yangtze River and the Great Wall, Mt. Huangshan has become one of the great symbols of China.

Mt. Huangshan can boast not only of its magnificence but also its abundant resources and great variety of zoological species, for which it has been listed as a World Natural and Cultural Heritage Site. 朋友们,你们好!现在我们已经到达黄山风景区南边重镇汤口。在这里先向诸位介绍一下黄山风景的概况。



朋友们,你们不远千,甚至万里到这里,就要亲眼看一看黄山的美吗?不就是要感受一次人生快乐吗?是的,黄山是绝美绝美的,可说天第奇山,能够登临它,亲眼看看它,确实是人生的一大乐事。在很久很久前,在漫 长地质历史代,大自然的无穷力,塑造了黄山那绝美的风采和种种奇特的景观,令人倾倒,令人心醉。






为人所不知的是黄山还有第五绝,那就是冬雪,轻盈的雪花纷纷扬扬,夹带着云雾,伴随着山风没在山恋上追逐,在深谷中飞腾。黄山骤然间换了模样,满目的苍绿不见了,到处朴树迷离,一切都是显得晶莹透亮。古人形容说:“一夜寒风起,万树银华开。”整个黄山宛如一个银色的世界,仿佛身处水晶宫。 除了“五绝”之外,黄山的瀑布、日出和晚霞,也是十分壮观和奇丽的。

Friends, Hello! Now that we have arrived at the Huangshan scenic area south of city of tangkou. Here to give you some information about Huangshan scenerys profile.

The yellow mountain, located in the southern part of Anhui Province, is part of the nanling mountains, China, the whole mountain area is about 1200 square kilometers. Middle section of the Huangshan mountains, are the best parts of the yellow mountain, we also want to visit Huangshan scenic area, covering an area of about 154 square kilometers. It internally in Huangshan city, South o she County, Huizhou district, xiuning County and Yixian County, North Huangshan District; the five counties, districts are under the jurisdiction of Huangshan city. Huangshan in China before the Tang dynasty named Black Mountain, black is black, blue black blue black rocks on the Hill, the ancients gave it this name. Legend of Chinese ancestors Emperor Huangdi in the us following the completion of Zhongyuan harmonized working, creating Chinese civilization, came here to herb of immortality, bath in the hot springs, which attained the immortal. Famous Tang dynasty of Emperor Ming Huang Li long JI is believe it, in tempo, six years (747) under the edict, rename the Black Mountain Huangshan. Mean, this mountain is a mountain of Yellow Emperor. From then on, the name Huangshan has been up to now.

Friends, not far from thousands of you, even miles here, will do down and take a look at the beauty of Huangshan? Isnt it just to feel a life happy? Yes, Huangshan is a beautiful beautiful, can be said that the mountain of the day, be able to climb it, and see that it is indeed a great joy in life. In a long, long time ago, in a long geological history, natures infinite force, shaped Huangshan the exquisite elegance and all sorts of exotic landscapes, stunning, is enchanted.

Here, I put the yellow mountain “four unique” respectively, made a presentation.

Speaking of Huangshan mountain “four”, ranked first was pine. Huangshan songqi in what place? First of all, is singular in its strong vitality, where soil-vegetation and crops, and Ponderosa are long out of the yellow gang of hard rock. Huangshan pines everywhere, they peak, long cliffs, long in shenhe Valley, lush and vibrant. For thousands of years, this is how they burst out from rock, root deep into the crevices of rocks, not afraid of marginal arid, without fear of rain and snow storm, Selsun, tieguzhengzheng. Can you say do not odd? Secondly, Huang Shansong also singular in its unique natural style. In General, Huang Shansong conifer stubby dense, dark green leaf color, branches with curved, Crown flat, showing a simple, robust, powerful and imposing, but every pine tree, each strain pine on the looks, sapling, and spirit, all different, there is a strange beauty. People according to their different patterns and romantic charm, respectively, give them appropriate natural and elegant and interesting names, such as welcoming pine, black tiger pine, pine Pinus, Dragon claw, in Wolong research on Korean pine Pinus, unity, and so on. They are the

Huangshan pine representatives.

Stone, is constituted of scenery in Huangshan mountain and a “must”. In Huangshan everywhere you can see strange and odd-shaped rock, these stones vary, some people, some like, some of it reflects some myths and legends and historical stories, vivid, lively and interesting. Stone at 121, the popularity of higher “flying stone”, “fairy play”, “magpie”, “sea monkey view”, “immortal Sun boots”, “three Penglai island” and “Rooster call gate”.

These rocks have a behemoth, some of Kit Kat exquisite; separate scenes, sometimes combining several ingeniously combined with pine or King. Some formations for viewing location and angle had changed, also changed, became a stone of the second King, such as the “golden rooster called heaven” also called the “five old God”, “magpie” also known as “fairy Guide” is a moving account of the change of scenery. Also had some strange plants, under different conditions, not Lenovo, therefore has a different name, such as “sea monkey view” also known as “monkey Wang Taiping” is.

Clouds again. Although clouds can also see other mountains in China, but none can match the spectacular Huangshan clouds and is constantly changing. About this, there is another name of Huangshan, known as “yellow”. Its not in vain, there is historical evidence. Famous Shi Zhixue called Pan Zhiheng of the Ming dynasty, lived in Huangshan mountain for decades, wrote a voluminous book of 60 volumes--Huangshan mountain records, titles of the Yellow Sea.

Huangshan scenic spots, hotels and many other landscape named with this special “sea” Association, some landscape ornamental in the clouds, to be even more true, charm was also more. These have proved that the “Yellow Sea” that is worthy of the name.

Finally, tell us about the hot springs. We often say, and before the tour of hot springs is the Huangshan Mountain Hotel Spa, in ancient times called tangquan, from purple Pinnacle emission. Named with its hot spring scenic spot, is the first to arrive after entering the southern gate of Huangshan scenic spot. Hot spring water is sufficient, water temperatures remained at about 42 degrees year-round, water well, and contains useful minerals for the human body, there are some medical value, skin diseases, rheumatism and diseases of the digestive system, does have a certain effect. But only bath, you cannot drink; said it is drinkable, is not science.

Known unknown is a fifth of Huangshan must, its winter and snow, snowflakes swirl of light, clamp with mist, accompanied by the mountain breeze didnt love chasing the mountain, fly in a ravine. Huangshan suddenly changed his appearance, land of pale green is gone, Park trees everywhere blurred, everything is shining brilliantly. The ancients described: “one night, chilling trees YINHUA opened. ”Yellow mountain like a silver world as a whole, as if being in a Crystal Palace.

In addition to “land with five unique features”, the waterfall of the yellow mountain, Sunrise and sunset, are spectacular and strange.



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We all know the Bund in Shanghai. It can be seen that it is one of the mostprosperous places in China, but the former captivity also made her have amiserable history: in 1845, Britain made her concession, and in 1849, Francealso occupied the Bund. But how beautiful and prosperous she is in front of theworld today!

Last summer vacation, my mother and I came to this loess land known as the"World Architecture Expo". As soon as I arrived at my destination, the waves ofthe Huangpu River attracted my eyes. The green algae glided in the water, itsgentle and slender waist.

As soon as we got out of the car, we came to the Asia building, theheadquarters of China Pacific Insurance Company. The lintel of the building isalso designed in broken pattern, which is beautiful and vivid. Further on, wecame to Dongfeng Hotel, once the most luxurious club in Shanghai - ShanghaiFederation. It has a bar of more than 110 feet, known as the longest bar in theFar East. We went on and came to a red house. After the guides explanation, Irealized that this was the famous steamship investment promotion company.Walking along the Huangpu river bank, the famous tower of Shanghai is a glance:the Peace Hotel, Pudong development building and the Oriental Pearl TV Toweropposite the Huangpu River, the world financial center.

At the end of Shili Nanjing Road, there is a bronze statue. He stares atthe flowers and grass here. Who is he? He is general Chen Yi, the first mayor ofShanghai in New China. Looking at the statue, I can see General Chen Yisinspection work in the wind and rain. His simple image and amiable, open-mindeddemeanor

Once again deeply imprinted in my heart.

Its getting dark. We came to the hotel, ate in a hurry, and then we wentback to the Bund. At this time, the sky has become dark red, and the lights ofthousands of families have been turned on in the sky. We came to the "Bundcruise terminal" to take a boat sightseeing.

We came to the cruise ship, the ship slowly driving on the Huangpu River,the lights on the shore printed on the water, as if it had become a wide pair ofoil paintings, water, quiet, seemingly dark but bright. After getting off theboat, we went straight to the tallest building in Shanghai, the world financialcenter.

We took the high-speed elevator in the global financial center. I heardthat it had a maximum speed of 10 meters per second. In less than 2 minutes, wearrived at the top of the building. The floor was transparent everywhere.Walking on it was really a pleasure to "see all the mountains and small ones".At first glance, there are colorful lights everywhere, cars are shuttling, andthe Huangpu River is even more beautiful. The stars on the opposite side of theOriental Pearl TV Tower rain are linked into one piece, forming a beautifulscene of "sky and even Pujiang". I heard that Shanghais electricity bill willspend nearly 300 thousand yuan a day.

I looked at the charming lights motionless, only feel the heart clear aswater, I, intoxicated!












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好!现在我们面前这座高台上的宏伟建筑就是太和殿,也就是民间所说的“金銮宝殿”。太和殿是紫禁城的正殿,被视为黄泉的象征。太和殿始建于明永乐年间,原名奉天殿,嘉靖年间重建后改称皇极殿。清初顺治年间改称太和殿,康熙年间又两次大规模改造,才有今天我们看到的太和殿的规模。“太和”二字出自《周易*乾* 彖辞传》中的“乾道变化,各证性命,保合大和乃利贞。”“太”即大,“和”即和谐。意思是在天道的主宰夏,阴阳和合,太和元气常运不息,万物和谐共存。太和殿面阔11间,进深5间,殿高35.05米,面积约2377平方米。它是紫禁城乃至全国现存的最高、最大、最尊贵的宫殿,也是现存的中国宫殿建筑中规模最大的一座。太和殿在清明两代是举行大朝礼的地方。每逢元旦、冬至、万寿,即皇帝生日这三大节及皇帝登基、大婚、命将出征、金殿传胪等重大活动都要在他喝点举行隆重的庆典。此外,冬至圜丘坛大忌、孟春圜丘坛常雩礼、孟春祁谷坛前一日,皇帝也都要在太和殿阅视祭祀祝版。














Entering the Meridian Gate, there are five marble bridges on the Inner Golden Water River, shaped like a bow. The five marble bridges just look like five arrows reporting symbolically to heaven. The five bridges were supposed to represent the five virtues preached by Confucius-benevolence, righteousness, rite, intelligence and fidelity.

Across the Inner Golden Water Bridge, we get to the Gate of Supreme Harmony. During the Ming and early Qing dynasties, here was the place where the emperor gave his audience, accepted documents from his ministers and made decisions here. There are two bronze lions guarding in front of the Gate of Supreme Harmony. The male lion was usually put on the left, playing with an embroidered design ball, which is said to show the emperors supreme power. The other one on the right is the female lion, playing with a lion cub with its left paw symbolizing prosperity of the royal familys offsprings.

Across the Gate of Supreme Harmony , we come to the Hall of Supreme Harmony. Here the emperor held grand ceremonies such as the emperors enthronement ceremony, the wedding ceremony, dispatched generals to the battles, and the emperor received the successful candidates of the imperial examination etc. Also, the emperor held grand feasts each year on New Years Day, Winter solstice and his own birthday.

The Hall of Supreme Harmony is 35.5 meters high with double layered roof that represents the highest construction rank of all. Now, lets ascend the stairs and move on to look at articles in display on two sides of the hall. On the top layer of the terrace stands a sundial on the east an imperial grain measure on the west. The sundial is an ancient time measure or a time-measuring apparatus used in the old days. The sundial tells the time by seeing the shadow of the metal pin on the sundial, which has an inclination angle of 50 degrees with the graduation on it. The grain measure was used as the national standard measure in agriculture in the old days. Both the grain measure and the sundial were symbols of the emperors justice and rectitude.

There are two pairs of incense burners in the shape of bronze dragon-headed tortoises and bronze cranes placed on each side. They are both symbols of longevity.

When you look up the building in the Forbidden City, you can see mythical animal statues on the eaves of each building. Originally, there used to be big wooden nails on the roof to prevent the tiles from sliding down. Later they were replaced by glazed tiles, which were shaped into mythical animal statues for better beautification. They are symbols of auspiciousness and peace, and people believed that they are capable of subduing fire and warding off evil spirits.

Inside of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, you can see the gilded caisson ceiling high above the throne with a magnificent sculpture of a curling dragon playing with a huge pear was called “Xuanyuan Jing”, representing orthodox succession.

This hall is supported by 72 giant columns inside. In the old days, the traditional way of the Chinese to calculate a “room” is that: a square enclosed by four pillars was treated as one “room”, so the hall can be said to have 55 “rooms” in total. The six columns inside are gilded and painted with coiled dragon amidst clouds, and the rest are painted red.

The emperors throne is placed on the dais in the center, and carved in cloud and dragon patterns and gilded. On both sides of the throne are a pair of elephant-shaped incense burners symbolize universal peace and two incense burners shaped as a mythical animal 9,000 kilometers per day and speaking all the languages of nearby kingdoms. Around the throne stand a pair of bronze cranes and in front of the dais is four cloisonné incense burners. The floor on the ground is paved with “Gold Bricks”, specially made in Suzhou.

The Hall of Middle Harmony is a square-shaped hall with a single pyramidic roof standing behind the Hall of Supreme Harmony. This was the place where the emperor would take a short rest before he went to the Hall of Supreme Harmony for grand ceremonies. Every year before the emperor went to the Altars and Temples, the emperor would receive and read the sacrificial address here.

Before the emperor went to the Altar of Agriculture for offering the sacrifice, the seeds intended for spring sowing and the ploughs were examined here, just to show the concern of the emperor for agriculture.

According to the rule, the imperial genealogy should be revised every ten years. The ceremony of presenting the genealogy to the emperor for revision and approval would also be held here.

Now, we come to the Hall of Preserving Harmony, the last of the three front halls.

In the Ming and Qing dynasties, on each New Years Eve and the 15th day of the lunar moth, banquets would be held to entertain the civil and military officials and the princes and envoys of the Mongolian nobles and other nationalities. To celebrate the princesss marriage, the emperor would incite the bridegroom and his father as well as their relatives who served for the imperial government to a banquet.

The Imperial Palace Exam was held here once every three years in the Qing dynasty.

Just behind the Hall of Preserving Harmony, there is a big Marble Rampcarved with mountain cliffs, sea waves, clouds and nine dragons. It is 16.57 meters long, 3.07 meters wide and 1.7 meters thick, and weighs about 250 tons.



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How do you do! Welcome to the ancient city of xi an, I am your tour guide in xian this time. My name is xu, everyone call me xu guide. Today visited the first scenic spot is one of the world heritage, the qin Terra Cotta Warriors. Scenic spot is located in xi an lintong, we take car is lintong county, about 40 minutes. Id like to mention of xi an, you will certainly think of unique chi toilet.

Ok, we have come to qin shihuang mausoleum, in order to get off, please. Do you know the history of the qin Terra Cotta Warriors? Originally previous dynasty, the emperors death is looking for some buried alive, then in the qin dynasty, a minister of emperor qin shi huang said: "previous dynasties but with buried the living. I think it is not very appropriate to you, let craftsmen create a made of dirt that you have conquered, invincible army How" Qin shi huang think this idea is very good, agreed. In fact, if it werent for the time of qin shi huang, a nod today just see this vision spectacular terracotta army. Large scale of the Terra Cotta Warriors. Has discovered three pit, with a total area of nearly 20xx0 square meters, nearly 50 of the basketball court at ordinary times, about 8000 pit with the warriors.



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A park is the oldest existing yangzhou, the best preserved salt merchants garden, yangzhou dongguan street, a famous ancient lane in the south, north to the east of yangzhou river sight belt yanfu, is in the twenty-third year of qing jiaqing (1818) and huaibei salt total yellow to the narration of the house. For yangzhou representative of the classical private garden in the Ming and qing dynasties. Published in 1998 by the state council as a "national key cultural relics protection unit", and the Summer Palace in Beijing, chengde summer resort, and the humble administrators garden and called Chinas four big gardens in suzhou.

Through a complex, right against the face to see a building ground brick gate house, this is he garden gate, enter the door, came to the backyard of he garden, the garden can be divided into two parts, east and west. Now we stand by the position of the hospital is to the east garden, through the "send the noise hill" round David came to the east garden. East hall centered constitute a set of compound, appear in front of our eyes in front of the two hall, the south is embedded with "phoenix peony" brick of the hall, we call it the "peony hall". This brick is yangzhou a rare piece of brick carvings handicraft in the late qing dynasty, the middle with the peony and phoenix, pattern, around the shape of the peony foliage is inverse, decorative pattern is hydrophobic, knife and lively, smooth lines, the whole picture, the figure is outstanding theme, distinct, strewn at random have send.

All the buildings in the east, the most delicate to ship to the north of the hall, hall like a boat, pebbles, tile floor, steps prior to pattern for water wave shape, the artistic conception, give a person with water north laid red phoenix in morning sun, is a symbol of auspiciousness, long life. On both sides of the ship main hall hall with the excessive couplet: "month masters may visit, the flowers for the walls ship for the home." Tourists, when you look at the picture face after, you may have to forget this is a land landscape, as if walking in the lake, sitting in row in the brain. We have to admire those designing in a castle in the east garden landscape can make "water without water, without the mountains have affection". In hall ship back on the fire wall is a beautiful rockery, more than 60 meters long, there are scenic mountain on the settle way, with the hollow, water around the mountain line, mind the plum tree, the mountain have a small pavilion, to board the small pavilion series floor. From a distance, rockery is like a great rivers of the motherland. If compared the fire wall to the painters rice paper, then in front of sidewall rockery is just draw good landscape painting, give a person the sense with long, round the corner is infinite thoughts. This is the east garden. Please visit freely and take photos.



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That trip to Dalian to master of here will have been over.

Believe in more of Dalian public square , big of greenbelt area, cleanappearance of a city and Euro-style city construction are stayed by you deeplyimpression, keeps an incense especially among the Dalian seafood lip and toothdefinitely as early as you.


Owing to lack of time, todays visit is over now.

Thanks for your cooperation.

I do hope you enjoyed todays tour.

Have a good rest.

See you tommorrow.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Today is the last day of the tour.

We spent a happy days together.

I do hope the tour is rewarding and enjoyable.

Wish you pleasant journey home and good health.

I introduced over, hope you all have a happy trip



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Good friends! Now, here we are the famous three gorges of Yangtze river, the three gorges between chongqing and hubei province is located in the upper stream of Yangtze river, is the floorboard of the qutang gorge, wu gorge and xiling. But the scenery here, the grand risk but do not break elegant beautiful zhuang, is a good place for leisure.

The total length of two hundred km, everybody look at both sides is the continuous mountains, mountain without any gap, like a green dragon. Here the mountain towering, canopy, lock the sky became a tape. But for now is noon, even the sun was visible!

Of the three gorges project is a "scene". All the year round, the place has a vastly different beauty waiting for you to enjoy. In the summer, and the waters prevailed here, fast-flowing, is a bold and unrestrained beauty. But for safety reasons, or be a little careful. Autumn, is a kind of sad beauty, each with a frost in the morning, have an ape that has turned the noise, real tear-jerker.

If you are a like quiet beauty, really come to the right time! Spring day like today, showed the quiet beauty of the three gorges. Here is like snow jet and green deep pools, the cyclotron to west also reflected the shadow of everything in the world, visitors can explore in turn head to see, here, it has reflected the sun! On you on both sides of the mountain, with a lot of strange pine, interesting. Now, in front of us is on both sides of the waterfall. This water torrents agitation is cultured and shoot the aesthetic feeling, well, as the ship, we enjoy clear water show, the beauty of the mountain grass sheng!

Happy time always passed quickly, we are thats the end of the trip. May this trip to the three gorges can leave a good memories in your heart, goodbye!



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天生三桥地处仙女山南部,位居仙女山与武隆县之间, 景区内天生石桥气势磅礴,林森木秀、飞泉流瀑,包容了山、水、雾、泉、峡、峰、溪、瀑,是一处高品位的生态旅游区。 天生三桥由天龙桥、青龙桥、黑龙桥组成,气势磅礴、规模庞大,是亚洲最大的天生桥群。桥平均高度为 200 米以上,桥面宽约 100米,三座桥呈纵向排列,平行横跨在羊水河峡谷上,将两岸山体连在一起,在距离几百米之内就有如此宏大的三座天生石拱桥实属国内罕见、世界稀有,是亚洲最大的天生桥群,真不愧为自然界留给人类的宝贵财富。沿着幽静的小道来到大桥下,便会对雄伟、壮观有了更深的理解,惊叹造物主竟是如此的神奇。天生桥桥体溶洞四伏,水帘高悬。桥下溪流潺潺,喷泉叮咚。这里啊,林森木秀,峰青岭翠,悬崖万丈,壁立千仞,绿草茵茵,修竹摇曳,飞泉流水,一派雄奇,苍劲、神秘、静悠幽的原始自然风貌,以山、水、瀑、峡、洞、桥构成一幅完美的自然山水画卷。张艺谋曾在这里拍摄了《满城尽带黄金甲》,是整部电影唯一的外景拍摄地点。


天龙桥:天龙桥为羊水河峡谷上的第一座天生桥,又名头道桥 ,高大厚重、磅礴气势,以雄壮称奇。桥高235m,桥厚150m,平均拱桥高度96m。拱孔跨度20-75m,平均34m,桥面宽度147m。 天龙桥桥下发育有两个穿洞,左(南)侧的穿洞称为迷魂洞,洞底高出右(北)侧穿洞120m。洞壁有大量的破痕、窝穴及溶孔等水流活动的痕迹,地下伏流曾经从左穿洞流过,后来龊弯取直改道为右侧的穿洞。

青龙桥:青龙桥为羊水河峡谷上的第二座天生桥,又名中龙桥,因雨后飞瀑自桥面倾泻成雾,日照成彩虹,似青龙扶摇直上而得名。桥面高度为281m,是三座天生桥中最高者;平均拱孔高度103m;桥面厚度168m,拱孔跨度13-58m,平均31m;桥面宽124m。 青龙桥以高大著称,达281m,为世界喀斯特天生桥高度之最。从桥下仰视,拱孔高旷,壁立千仞;洞顶逐次崩塌断面呈弧形平行分布,展示着天坑、天生桥的形成、演化过程。





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Everybody is good! Welcome to the Palace Museum tourists sightseeing.Today, I will take you visit the Forbidden City, in the hope that visitors canenjoy me!!!!!!!

The tourists! The Palace Museum is in the Ming and qing dynasties imperialpalace, the Forbidden City built on the basis of a collection of ancientbuildings, collection, imperial palace culture art as one of the large-scalecomprehensive museum. The Forbidden City covers an area of about more than 100square meters, construction area of about 1 square meters. A total of 24emperors lived in the Forbidden City, the first is the Ming dynasty yongleemperor zhu di, the last one is the qing dynasty xuantong emperor, puyi, ruledthe country for 491 years. So the Palace Museum of history is very long!

Visitors, please look up, this is the meridian gate, in ancient times, whatkill people to kill in front of the meridian gate! From the meridian gate, wecan see the jinshui bridge. From the jinshui bridge in the past, a gate, can seethe Palace Museum of taihe palace, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace, is the placewhere the emperor emperor, very grand. Out of Baohe Palace, a gate of heavenlypurity, came to the palace of heavenly purity, this temple and palace of earthlytranquility, legend built the Forbidden City, is in order to world peace, totake these three places? Kun ning door, is the imperial garden, the gardenscenery beautiful, there are a number of strange stone, come across thesestones, remember pictures to commemorate!

Before the gate is her virginity and creature door, our trip to theForbidden City is over. Look at this magnificent palace, and some loathe to giveup?



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Hello, everyone. Im your guide, Xiao Wang. First of all, welcome toBeijing Juyongguan Great Wall.

Juyong Pass is one of the most famous passes of the Great Wall. It is abarrier to the northwest of Beijing since ancient times. Juyong Pass is built ina 20 kilometer long valley between the mountains, which is the famous "pass" inthe capital.

Both sides of Juyong Pass city are "high mountains", with steep cliffs. Thepass city dominates the passage to Beijing. This extremely dangerous terraindetermines its military importance. Ancient military experts called it "theancient and modern defense of controlling the north and the South". Gao Shi, afrontier poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote in describing the dangerous road ofJuyongguan and Guanxiong: "juepo is under the water, and the peaks are high.

According to the records of the Yuan Dynasty, the name of Juyong came fromthe immigrants who lived here when the first emperor of Qin built the GreatWall. Yong is the civilian soldiers who were forced to come. In fact, the nameof Juyong existed before Qin Shihuang unified the whole country. It was writtenin the spring and Autumn Annals of the Lu family in the Warring States period.It is recorded that "there are nine fortresses in the world, and one of them isthe mediocre". Juyongguan ranks the eighth among the famous eight Xings inTaihang, namely junduxing, which controls Jundushan. Although Juyong Pass hasalways been an important military defense town for a long time, its name hasbeen changed many times. It was called "Xiguan" in the Three Kingdoms period,changed to "Naqian pass" in the Northern Qi period, first called "Jimen pass" inthe Tang Dynasty, and then changed to "Jundu pass". From the Liao Dynasty to thelater Jin, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, it has always been calledJuyongguan.

After Zhu Yuanzhang destroyed the Yuan Dynasty and established the Zhuregime, Xu Da, the founder of the country, was sent to build Juyongguan city in1370 A.D., which is the earliest record of building the Great Wall pass in theMing Dynasty. This shows that Juyongguan has an important strategic position.The Guancheng built by Xu Da is very big. According to the ancient books,"crossing two mountains, thirteen Li on Monday, four Zhang and two feet high."After the establishment of Juyongguan City, there was a garrison of 1000households. In the second year of Yongle (A.D. 14__), it was promoted to Wei,commanding five garrisons.

Juyong Pass has been built in all dynasties since Hongwu built it, and thelarger one was in the early years of Jingtai. After the change of civilengineering, Yu Qian, then Minister of the Ministry of war, told the emperorthat Juyong was the gateway of the capital and should be on guard as soon aspossible. The stone plaque of Juyongguan is inscribed with the inscription of"auspicious sunrise in August of the fifth year of Jingtai".

Juyong Pass is also one of the most dangerous passes of the Great Wall. Ithas experienced a lot of war. It once conducted several battles that determinedthe fate of the imperial court.

In the fourth year of Xuanhe (1120 x A.D.) of the Northern Song Dynasty,the Jin Dynasty destroyed the Liao Dynasty. It was the Juyong Pass that wasfirst conquered, and then it moved southward to take Yanjing, the capital of theLiao Dynasty.

In the Late Jin Dynasty, the Mongolian troops had captured Juyong Pass manytimes. However, in the second year of Jiading (12__ A.D.), when the emperorTaizu led his army to attack Juyong Pass, the Jin soldiers could not attack itfor a long time because of the danger. Finally, the Mongolians turned to attackthe Zijingguan pass, and then went around Zhuozhou and Yizhou to attack JuyongPass.

When the Ming army destroyed Yuan Dynasty, it first attacked Juyong Pass,then drove straight in and won the capital of Yuan Dynasty. After 277, LiZichengs peasant uprising army conquered Juyong Pass, then marched into Beijingand overthrew the decadent Ming Dynasty.

In history, although Juyongguan was full of war, more often than not, itwas a peaceful scene. In 1971, in a tomb of the Eastern Han Dynasty found inHelingeer, Inner Mongolia, there is a mural "when the envoy moved from Fanyangto Duguan", which vividly depicts the prosperous scene of vehicles and horses inJuyongguan at that time. This precious mural is enough to show that Juyong Passwas an important gateway between the inside and outside of the great wall morethan 20__ years ago.



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Hello, I am your little guide. Today I will take you to visit huangshan.

Speak of the "four unique" huangshan ranked first, of course, is loose. Huangshan pine has a very strong force. They are not afraid of cold, evergreen, shape differences, dazzle you.

The second is the stone. The stones are various of huangshan. There are more than 120 have been named after the peak. Some wings like a big cock crows, so named "golden call tianmen", some like five old man dressed in robes, the so called "five old heaven all".

The third is the hot spring. We often make peace visit hot springs is a former mountain huangshan hot spring hotel, in ancient times called essence, Wells from purple stone mountain. Keep the spring all the year round in 42 degrees, water quality is very good, but not to drink.

Finally, we come to huangshan sea of clouds. The cloud of huangshan is different from the usual, like the flood water.

Well, today is here, welcome to visit huangshan next time.



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丰都“鬼城”,景点独特,内涵丰富,冠绝宇内。有全国重点风景名胜区,长江三峡景区名胜古迹名山,有国内最大的鬼神动态人文景观鬼国神宫;有国家级森林公园双桂山,还有堪称世界之最的鬼王石刻,中国规模最大、数量最多的汉墓群,惊险刺激的龙河飘流,风景优美的四坪低海拔森林公园休闲度假……按 “鬼城”之说人死后必来丰都报到,而人在生前到“鬼城”走一遍,将有幸饱览奇绝的景观,感触独特的风情,得到一份终生难忘的享受。

丰都县境内主要景观有:丰都名山、双桂山、“鬼国神宫”、“阴司街”,是国内最大的鬼神文化人文景观,也是西南地区最壮观的动态人文景观,这里还有建筑奇特壮观,密集程度大,时代跨度大、文化价值高,在全国实属罕见的汇南汉墓群;有正在施工建设中的树人大鬼石刻,还有低海拔(海拔 380-520米)的四坪森林公园,有三抚原始林场,龙河风景区(溶洞、漂流)等自然景观。








鬼城仿阳间司法体系,营造了一个等级森严,融逮 捕、羁押、庭审、判决、教化功能为一炉的“阴曹地府”。惩治生前作奸犯科者。虽阎王判官小鬼只传说虚妄,但其惩恶扬善的社会教化功用又为人所称道。


参观完名山的阴世鬼都之后,人们踏过跨在两山之间的壮观的仿古建筑铁索吊桥--“阴阳桥”,就到了“阳间”双桂山。双桂山高401米,面积约 1平方公里。它风景优美,绿树茂密,流水潺潺,曲径通幽,建有孔庙、鹿鸣寺、苏公祠、玉鸣泉等楼阁泉池。还建有纪念周恩来的“恩来亭”,纪念刘伯承早年在丰都讨袁护国的“护国亭”,纪念贺龙的“贺龙亭”等.












































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Yangmingshan National Park was formerly known as Tatun National Park(1937-1945), which was established during the Japanese rule in Chinese Taiwan. Locatedin the outskirts of Taipei, the administrative area includes Beitou District andShilin District of Taipei City, and Wanli District, Jinshan District, ShimenDistrict, Sanzhi district and Danshui District of Xinbei city. Geographically,it belongs to Datun volcano catchment area. The plan was announced on September1, 1985, and the management office was established on September 16, 1985. Afterthree comprehensive reviews, the area under its jurisdiction was 11338 hectaresby 20__.

Yangmingshan, formerly known as tsaoshan (Tai Luo: TSH á u-suann),generally refers to the mountainous areas of Datun mountain, Qixing mountain,Shamao mountain and Xiaoguanyin mountain, rather than a single peak. During theQing Dynasty, the government worried that the bandits could hide in the forestto steal sulfur, so they set the mountain on fire regularly, so the wholemountain area could only grow Miscanthus.

During the Japanese rule period, in 1927, Chinese Taiwan Riri Xinbao held a popularvote to elect "Chinese Taiwans eight scenic spots and twelve victories", and Caoshanwas elected as one of the twelve victories of Chinese Taiwan. The Japanese call Caoshan"Chinese Taiwans Hakone.".

Datun National Park Association was established in 1932, which included thearea of Datun mountain in the scope of National Park. On December 27, 1937,Tatun National Park was established at the same time as two national parks,namely, the second high Taroko National Park and the new high Alishan NationalPark, until the surrender of Japan in World War II in 1945. At that time, theTatun National Park included the Guanyin Mountain on the other side of theTanshui River.

In 1945, the national government acquired Chinese Taiwan. In 1950, President JiangZhongzheng changed the name of the mountain area formerly known as Caoshan toYangmingshan in memory of Ming Dynasty scholar Ming. In 1962, the then PublicWorks Bureau of Chinese Taiwan province began to plan Yangmingshan National Park, with apreliminary planning area of 28400 hectares, including the north coast,Guanyinshan and Datun volcanoes.

On September 16, 1985, after years of planning and settlement of landresource disputes, Yangmingshan National Park was officially established. Itsscope is mainly in the center of Datun volcano. It does not include the GuanyinMountain in the Japanese rule period and the initial planning, nor does thenorth coast. On October 17, 20__, the north coast and Guanyin Mountain Nationalscenic spots were planned by the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry ofcommunications.



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Yangzhou is located in the middle of jiangsu province, north bank of the Yangtze river, south jianghuai plains. Jurisdiction area in east longitude 119 ° 01 - 119 ° 54, north latitude 31 ° 56 to 25 ° 33, south near the Yangtze river, north borders in huaiyin, yancheng, and yancheng, taizhou, adjacent to the east, west and anhui, jiangsu nanjing, huaiyin border. Yangzhou city is located at the junction of the Yangtze river and the grand canal east longitude 119 ° 26 , north latitude 32 ° 24 . The city of the citys total area of 6638 square kilometers, 148 square kilometers, the planning area of 420 square kilometers.

Terrain of yangzhou in the west and low in, fan gradually tilted from west to east, yizheng city, HanJiang county, northern suburbs of yangzhou city for the hills, east of the grand canal, tong Yang for lixia river area, north of the canal for the plain along the river and lake area. Along with the Yangtze river within the territory of coastline of 80.5 km, yizheng, HanJiang corporation, jiangdu county 2 city; Communicate across hinterland, the beijing-hangzhou grand canal from north to south, baoying, gaoyou, charming Shao Bo 4 lake, connecting the Yangtze river, the total length of 143.3 kilometers. In addition, the main river and river, big treasure Tong river, north river, tong Yang canal, new tong Yang river, etc.

Yangzhou city climate humid subtropical climate zone, winter prevailing northerly winds of dry and cold, summer is blowing from the sea more humid southeast to the east wind, spring for the southeast wind, the autumn northeaster. Annual average temperature of 15 ℃, annual average rainfall of 1030 mm.

Yangzhou is given priority to with mineral and aquatic resources, HanJiang, jiangdu, gaoyou one with abundant oil and gas resources, oil field is located in yangzhou, jiangsu province. Coal reserves are quite rich in jiangdu, yizheng, corporation HanJiang hilly mountain area is rich in sand, gravel, quartz and other mineral resources, northern city of yangzhou and yizheng, gaoyou corporation is rich in mineral water. Jiang, river and lake, and is rich in fish, shrimp, crab, turtle, Jane spider, charge, reed, etc. The citys cocoon, mat grass, clay, such as pu, reed resources are rich.
