





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5928 字

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Shiyan is built and prospered by cars. It is not only the hometown ofDongfeng Motor, the automobile city known as "Oriental Detroit", but also amountain city, tourist city and ecological garden city surrounded by beautifulmountains and waters and attractive scenery in four seasons.

Shiyan has a long history and splendid culture. This is an importantbirthplace of the Chinese nation. In 1991, archaeologists excavated two completeskulls of Australopithecus in Quyuan River, Yunxian County, and named them"Yunxian people". Anthropologists believe that this discovery fills a gap in the"chain" of human development in Asia, and is listed as the first of the "top tenarchaeological discoveries in the world" at that time. Todays urban area wasnamed Shiyan in the Qing Dynasty because people dammed the Baier River and theZhihe river for irrigation. This is the birthplace of Taoism and "Wudangboxing". Wudang Taoism has a history of more than one thousand years. Wudangancient buildings have been listed in the world cultural heritage list by theUnited Nations.

Shiyan City, located in the northwest of Hubei Province, governs fivecounties, one city, two districts and one economic and Technological DevelopmentZone, namely Yun County, Yunxi County, Zhushan County, Zhuxi County, FangCounty, Zhangwan District, Maojian District, Danjiangkou City and Bailangeconomic and Technological Development Zone. Shiyan City is not only a car citybuilt, prospered and famous for cars, but also a mountain city and tourist citysurrounded by beautiful mountains and waters and charming scenery in fourseasons. It is the central city of the adjacent areas of Hubei, Henan, Sichuan,Shaanxi and Chongqing.

This is an important birthplace of the Chinese nation. In 1991,archaeologists excavated two complete skulls of Australopithecus in QuyuanRiver, Yunxian County, and named them "Yunxian people". Anthropologists believethat this discovery fills a gap in the "chain" of human development in Asia, andis listed as the first of the "top ten archaeological discoveries in the world"at that time. Shiyan City belongs to Jiao and Yong states in Shang and ZhouDynasties; Chu state in Warring States; Changli County in Hanzhong County in Qinand Han Dynasties; Xi county in Eastern Han and Wei dynasties; Yunxiang Countyin Wudang County in Tang and Song Dynasties; Yun county was established in YuanDynasty. Todays urban area was named Shiyan in the Qing Dynasty because peopledammed the Baier River and the Zhihe river for irrigation. In 1967, in order tobuild the second automobile factory (now Dongfeng Motor Company), the state setup the Shiyan office in Yunxian County. In December 1969, the State Councilapproved the establishment of Shiyan City (county-level city), and in 1973, itwas upgraded to a provincial city. In October 1994, the former Shiyan City andYunyang District merged to form a new Shiyan City. This is the birthplace ofTaoism and "Wudang boxing". Wudang Taoism has a history of more than onethousand years. Wudang ancient buildings have been listed in the world culturalheritage list by the United Nations.

There are abundant mineral resources, including more than 50 kinds ofproven mineral deposits, such as turquoise, gold, silver, stone coal, rareearth, iron, tin, vanadium, antimony, lead, zinc, marble, asbestos, barite,uranium, potassium, molybdenum and cobalt. The theoretical reserves of waterenergy resources are 5 million KW, of which 340 kW can be developed andutilized; Fangxian County is known as the "hometown of Yaner" in China for itsabundant tea and edible fungi and high quality products. There are many kinds ofmedicinal materials, producing more than 2700 kinds of medicinal materials.Among the 363 key varieties determined by the state, there are about 235 kindsof medicinal materials in our city, known as the "natural medicine bank"; Shiyanis a shining pearl on the golden tourism line of Three Gorges - Shennongjia -Wudang Mountain - Xian. There are 25 unique scenic spots in six categories allover the city. There are Wudang Mountain, the holy land of Taoism, Yunxian apeman site and dinosaur egg fossil group, Danjiangkou reservoir, the firstman-made lake in Asia, and the newly developed lake The present skeleton fossilsof ornithopods.

Shiyan is a tourist attraction. It is a bright pearl on the golden tourismline of "Three Gorges of the Yangtze River Shennongjia Gulongzhong WudangMountain Danjiangkou Reservoir ancient city Xian". There are Wudang Mountain, aTaoist Holy Land listed in the world cultural heritage list and awarded thetitle of 4A tourist area, Danjiangkou reservoir, known as Asias firstartificial lake, Yunxian ape man site, dinosaur egg fossil group and dinosauregg fossils Dinosaur skeleton fossil is a rare dinosaur hometown in the world.There are hot springs, waterfalls, Tianchi, canyons, caves, virgin forests andmodern automobile cities. Shiyan, a place with no severe cold in winter, nointense heat in summer, no strong wind in four seasons, beautiful mountains andpleasant scenery, is a treasure land of geomantic omen.

Shiyan is the source of South to north water diversion. Danjiangkoureservoir, located in Shiyan, is the water source area and water intake of theMiddle Route Project of South to north water diversion. The Middle Route Projectof South-to-North Water Diversion directly supplies water to Beijing, Tianjin,Hebei and Henan provinces, with an annual water diversion of 13 billion cubicmeters. The construction of the middle route of the south to North WaterDiversion Project will make Shiyan the "water capital of the world, Tianchi ofAsia" and bring new development opportunities to Shiyan.

Shiyan is an ecological barrier. Because of the intersection of Qinling andBashan mountains in Shiyan, it forms the geographical boundary of the climatebetween the north and the south of China. Therefore, Shiyan is an ecologicalregulator and the ecological heart of China.




范文类型:导游词,开场白,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 730 字

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首先我代表国际旅行社分部欢迎 医院的朋友们的光临,感谢大家的支持与信任,更感谢带队的我们的李院长和徐大姐。贵单位和我们社不是第一次合作了,但我对大家来讲还是个新面孔,请允许我做一下自我介绍,我是招商国旅的全陪导游,我姓李 ,叫 李 ,大家是不是觉得我的名字很俗啊,但是越通俗就越大众,希望大家能记住我,俗就俗点吧, 呵呵。我们的团队由15位女士和3位先生组成,给我的感觉就好像是以李院长为首的3位党代表, 带领着以徐大姐为首的红色娘子军进行一次真正的红色之旅,意义非凡啊,大家说对不对?

呵呵 周四拿到咱们的名单,我就感觉很好,因为咱们团里既有姓李的也有姓杨的,俗话说同姓五百年前是一家,因为我老公也姓杨,让我感觉这个团里我的婆家人和娘家人全有了,而且咱们团还给了我一个惊喜,就是其中有一位我以前多次耳闻却没有见过面的嫂子——吕大姐,今天终于见到了,吕大姐您好!没见到大家时我就觉得不是外人,现在见到大家果然一见如故,希望大家也不要仅仅把我视作导游,要把我看作自己人,俗话说:百年修得同船渡,我觉得也可以说百年修得同车行,现在我们大家坐在这里,将一起度过两天的旅程,我觉得和大家很有缘份,好了不开玩笑了,全陪导游就是游客的代言人,如果大家在旅游过程中有什么困难和要求的话就尽管向我提出来,不要客气,我会在合理可能的范围内,尽自己最大的努力帮助大家解决,如果大家觉得我哪些地方做的不妥,更希望大家及时向我提出来,我会立即纠正,不希望咱们大家回去之后再对我说:李导这个地方你应该这样做,那我想该多遗憾啊,我可不希望这样,大家说对不对?




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3774 字

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简介 香港迪士尼乐园面积126公顷,是全球面积最小的迪士尼乐园。不过,往后乐园还有多期的扩建工程,其中第一期扩建工程正在动工。香港地铁设有专用铁路迪斯尼线来往欣澳站及迪士尼站,为全世界第二条来往迪士尼的铁路专线。香港迪士尼乐园主题曲「让奇妙飞翔」由香港迪士尼名誉大使张学友主唱。而乐园的官方沟通语言为英文及中文(普通话及广东话)。

香港迪士尼乐园设有一些独一无二的特色景点、两家迪士尼主题酒店,以及多彩多姿的购物、饮食和娱乐设施。乐园大致上包括四个主题区(美国加州8个,佛罗里达和东京各7个,巴黎5个),与其它迪士尼乐园相近,包括:美国小镇大街、探险世界、幻想世界和明日世界。除了家喻户晓的迪士尼经典故事及游乐设施外,香港迪士尼乐园还配合香港的文化特色,构思一些专为香港而设的游乐设施、娱乐表演及巡游。在乐园内还可寻得迪士尼的卡通人物米奇老鼠、小熊维尼、花木兰、灰姑娘、睡公主等。 主题园区 香港迪士尼乐园第一期分为4个主题园区:美国小镇大街、探险世界(20xx年5月4日-9月2日为海盗世界)、幻想世界及明日世界。


明日世界是一个充满科幻奇谈及实现穿梭太空幻想的地方。香港迪士尼乐园中明日世界的全新设计和感觉与其它的主题乐园截然不同,华特迪士尼幻想工程将整个园区创造成一个专为探索太空漫游奇遇与经历的星河太空港口。每个游乐设施、商店及餐厅均以机械人、宇宙飞船、浮动星体作装饰,将成为太空港口的一部份。游客可以在“飞越太空山”经历时空旅程,亦可乘坐飞碟来回穿梭太空游乐设施“太空飞碟”。 项目:飞越太空山、太空飞碟、巴斯光年星际历险、驰车天地

巴斯光年星际历险 与队友巴斯光年驾着星空飞船,在太空作360度旋转,并由您发射激光大炮,击退敌军和攻破他们的基地,登上最佳表现榜的榜首。

飞越太空山 乘坐速度惊人的室内过山车在漆黑天际中不断扭动、转弯和急堕,在音乐和声效的衬托下,经历火速往来无涯宇宙和恒星之间刺激兴奋,让您与流星、慧星同行,飞向光辉未来!此游乐设施最低身高要求为102厘米,可使用迪斯尼快速通行卡的游乐设施。


到访幻想世界的游客会首先在睡公主城堡展开他们的旅程。游客犹如置身迪士尼故事中,找到他们最心爱的迪士尼人物:可以在咖啡杯内盘旋;又或是与各个可爱的迪士尼人物如小熊维尼、白雪公主及老鼠大哥--米奇老鼠见面。 幻想世界的中心标志是一个崭新、独特的梦想花园,唯香港迪士尼乐园独有。





狮子王庆典 以迪斯尼经典动画《狮子王》改编而成的百老汇式大型歌舞剧,华丽盛大的庆典,保证令您叹为观止!可使用迪斯尼快速通行卡的游乐设施。 森林河流之旅 进入充满异国风情的神秘河流,您会遇上吼叫的大象、向前进攻的河马、具有危险性的眼镜蛇、发动袭击的猿猴„„等,旅程曲折离奇,充满惊喜和笑话。

香港迪斯尼乐园看点 看点1:歌舞青春热跳速递:“歌舞青春热跳速递”是香港迪斯尼乐园20xx年推出的全新娱乐项目,以充满活力的舞蹈及热情互动为最大卖点。届时17 名装扮新潮的演艺人员将在挂着“歌舞青春”的旗帜的流动舞台上尽情歌舞,同时主持人还会率领演艺人员与在场游客一起做游戏。游客




香港迪士尼乐园酒店 香港迪士尼乐园酒店Disneyland Hotel是香港迪斯尼乐园的旗舰酒店,其建筑风格洋溢着维多利亚时代的怀旧特色。置身其中,犹如时光倒流,回到维多利亚时代,摇身一变成为皇朝贵族,享受显赫浪漫的生活情趣。酒店楼高6层,里面设有餐厅、商店、酒吧、茶座、水疗按摩中心、套房、会议室和面积达903坪的仙杜瑞拉宴会厅以及婚礼观礼台等, 香港迪士尼乐园酒店共分为园景、海景、具露台的海景房间和国宾厅四种,酒店顶楼全层是贵宾楼层,并可眺望主题乐园。酒店每间客房和套房均参照维多利亚时代宫廷房间而设计,怀旧的装饰糅合现代化设施,包括平面液晶电视、高速因特网装置、保管箱及小型酒吧提供免费饮品,带来梦寐以求的尊贵享受。 香港迪士尼乐园还可安排迪士尼童话式婚礼,让客人可在主题度假区举办真正迪士尼特色婚礼。

迪士尼好莱坞酒店 迪士尼好莱坞酒店地处翠绿海旁,坐拥优美园林景致,楼高八层,拥有 六百间客房,房间大多以两张双人床设计,最多可容纳4人同时入住。拥有食府、商铺、酒廊、游泳池、购物商场、游戏室及一个有如一张洛杉机地图一样的花园中庭,里面设有荷里活著名的街道、建筑物及标志。酒店设计概代取自“装饰派”建筑艺术风格,配上二十世纪的米奇老鼠装饰,营造出别树一格的“迪士尼装饰派”艺术设计。




600间客房里面的星级服务、舒适和奇乐体验,以至室外清幽闲静的环境、丰富的美食、多元化设施和称心服务,为您的「荷里活玩乐体验」构成圆满结局。 乐园门票

类别 平日 指定日子*

成人 港币295元 港币350元

小童 (3至11岁) 港币210元 港币250元

长者 (65岁或以上) 港币170元 港币200元



* 指定日子包括星期六、日、香港公众假期、学校暑假 (7月及8月) 及内地黄金周 (每年5月1日至7日及10月1日至7日)。




迪斯尼乐园非常经典的游乐项目。 * * 美国小镇大街:


项目:香港迪斯尼乐园铁路、小镇大街古董车、迪斯尼乐园故事、市镇会堂。 香港迪士尼扩建新增三园区





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 320 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 8445 字

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Fellow friends everybody is good, welcome to lotus buddhist - the jiuhuamountain tourism, Im anhui travel guide, wang ping, you can call me xiao wangor Wang Dao, was sitting beside the driver wu teacher, he has many years ofdriving experience, you can feel free in his car. In the next few days will haveour service for everyone. We met just like my name, "welded" is also a kind ofpredestination. We will do our best to bring you the best service, hope you havea happy journey of jiuhua mountain, and now I want to introduce you to the firstan overview of our jiuhua mountain:

Jiuhua mountain is located in the territory, county in anhui is our countrykey scenic spot, national 5 a grade scenic spot, with shanxi wutai mountain,mount emei of sichuan province, zhejiang mount putuo and said the four famousbuddhist mountains in China. Wutai mountain is manjusri bodhisattva, emeisamantabhadra bodhisattva dojo, mount putuo is the dojo guanyin bodhisattva, andwe are the jiuhua mountain like ksitigarbha bodhisattva dojo. Jiuhua mountainoriginally called nine mountain, because jiuhua greatly small 99 peaks, ninepeaks particularly prominent, so called nine mountain, later it by Li Bailaijiuhua mountain, see stack jade green peaks, wrote "miao have two gas, lingshanjiu hua" of verse, then people will be nine mountain renamed the jiuhuamountain. In the tang dynasty kaiyuan years, ghost kingdom prince Jin Qiao sleepin our jiuhua practice, finally died at the age of 99. The Buddhism thought hisasceticism and passed away the flesh and the records in the buddhist scriptureshave similar like ksitigarbha bodhisattva, so I think he is the embodiment oflike ksitigarbha bodhisattva, buddhists call him a heart of gold. The jiuhuamountain and therefore is regarded as like ksitigarbha bodhisattva dojo. Nowhave the temple more than 90, monks, more than 600 people, is a characteristicand has important influence on buddhist shrine. Says the us has arrived, we arenow ready to get off, please take your belongings and dont put your valuablesin the car, wait a moment we will close the car doors and Windows for us masterwu, also please remember our bus license plate number, color, and parkingspot.

To the holy land of Buddhism, of course, to feel the Buddha of dust, so,today well begin with this temple street nine China most scenic area, enter thejiu hua street scenic area, is a cross lane. He is carved from marble, 9 metershigh, please look up the banners on the engraved with the "nine degrees have"four characters, but the emperor kangxi hand! Through the door, welcomedeveryone to see is below the fairy bridge, the bridge is built in the qianlongyears, everybody with me on this ancient bridge, we together into thewonderland!

You see, across the bridge facing us is the temple of gion. He is a keynational temple, is the only a palatial jiuhua mountain temple, the scale is oneof the biggest in jiuhua mountain four big jungle. It consists of the gate, thegreat hall, Ursa major, the guest room, lecture hall and the scripture-storeddozen monomer building composition and so on. Dear visitors please pay attentionto look at the entrance, you have found it deviated from the centerline of thehall? Do you know why? Because ah! Slanting gate is to have cultured, it to wardoff evil spirits, and secondly is the door toward the mountain temple citytemple. Before entering the temple, we should pay attention to the followingpoints: one is in when it entered the temple of one foot across the threshold,the threshold of the temple is the Buddhas shoulder, you must not be trampledon, the second is not to talk loudly in it or to bring to temple in the world ofmortals joke, 3 it is please do not touch the monks at random.

Here you go with me into the gion temple appreciate its unique charm! Ourposition is great now, on the opposite side of the hall, to the four major Kingsstatues. They are a pop singer, south growth, east west wide eyes pop, northernbook pop, folk, also known as four major Kings, good crop is Buddhism guardiandeity. Look at the center of the hall, here to the smile Mimi is maitreya, thebehind the maitreya, is bodhisattva wei tuo, he is guarding the Buddha godwill.

Also good, fellow tourists friends please follow tight wang, watch yourstep, from the great hall to go outside, just came to the Ursa major. Here tothe three Buddha is 12 meters in height, is in the middle of the Buddha, bothsides respectively is amitabha and medicine Buddha, and on both sides of thehall, as most of you have guessed, right! For setting the 18 arhats statue. Yougo back with me again, the back hall, honours is manjusri, samantabhadrabodhisattvas statue. The "island of guanyin" large-scale three-dimensionalrelief, the carving is behind the sakyamuni Buddha, this is a picture of aconcentrated Chinese buddhist bodhisattvas map.

Please keep up with the good, behind friends, followed by our team, out ofthe temple of gion, we came to the city temple, temple is the jiuhua mountaintemple city. You can see into a temple there is a stone outside platform,platform with empress tower with a well, because when the cultural revolutiondestroyed, now only a stylobate, reportedly Jin Qiao sleep at that time in theside, very very miss him, his mother ran to look for him, because the thoughtsof love, she cried for three days and three nights, the cry blind, Jin Qiaosleep he will use this well help her to wash eyes, his mother will see later. Sothis well known as known as bright eye springs, later generations to commemoratehis mother nearby tower built empress. You follow me into the temple to visitthe city, look at the stone lion, legend has it that this is a relic of tang andsong dynasty era, because of long time, has been unable to identify theoriginal. We walked up next to the stone steps, and now we are dedicated to likeksitigarbha bodhisattva stands resemble the Ursa major. You carefully look atthe figure of Buddha, lowered his hands, palms outward, can satisfy the desireof all beings.

We call it to print. Wang told everyone an unwritten custom, now to thejiuhua mountain if you want to burn incense, course as long as is the main 3temple worship, into a temple, halls of the flesh, tiantai temple. Now we are inthe halls of the flesh, please look at the words on the board: month halls ofthe body! Why call on body halls? Because the previous month and meat areinterlinked, so now many people describe body organs words next to the word willhave a month. Halls of the building has distinguishing feature very flesh, thetemple tower, tower have stone, stone here is gold hid in the flesh, the lunarJuly 30 is his birthday, and he died, on the day of the day there will bethousands and thousands of people to worship. Entered the halls of the physicalbody you can see the door head hanging like ksitigarbha bodhisattva vows: aspeople all parties bodhi. Hell is not empty. Dont become Buddha. So likeksitigarbha bodhisattva, known as the great bodhisattvas. Believe there aregreat bodhisattva bless, you will be good is always in the future.

We will go to the century palace, for the next hundred years old palace wasbuilt in the Ming dynasty, dedicated to the monks body. This legend to themonk, main edible yellow fine. Salvia miltiorrhiza and other wild plants, andthorns tongue blood mixed powders copying a buddhist scriptures, with more than20 years to finish copy books, died 110 years. At the age of the temple, palaceflesh can see to the monks of the gold body of Buddha, wore a capuchin, Khmer,sits a lotus, enjoy all family. Jiuhua mountain has found 14 with flesh, andstay around for hundreds of years old, may be a vegetarian for a long time withthem, parinirvana less water in the body, when death porcelain jar sealing andother factors. Behind please keep up with friends, then we will go to tiantaiscenic spot, as the saying goes, "not ShangTianTai, equal to did not come,"explain the jiuhuang scenic spot in tiantai. Tiantai peak is the jiuhuamountain, 1300 meters above sea level. Standing on the tiantai peak can see apanoramic view of jiu hua street, tiantai guanyin rock scenic areas mainattraction. Dapeng rocks such as listening to the stone, and gold hid in the hidin the hole, just to the jiuhua practice with signs the ancient worship of theunits like ksitigarbha bodhisattva, preaching of tiantai temple main places likeksitigarbha bodhisattva, okay, lets take a cable car to tiantai scenic spotsgo!



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九寨沟位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州九寨沟县境内,以有九个藏族村寨而得名。九寨沟海拔在2千米以上,遍布原始森林, 它的总面积6万多公顷,三条主沟形成Y形分布,总长达60余公里。水是九寨沟的精灵,湖、泉、滩、瀑将108个海子连成一体, “鱼在天上游,鸟在水中飞,树在水中生,水在林间流”等神奇景观只有在这里才得一见,九寨沟是全国重点风景名胜区,是我国唯一一个拥有“世界自然遗产”和“世界生物圈保护区”两顶桂冠的圣地。








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Welcome to our beautiful golden city Lanzhou. Im your tour guide_ You cancall me Xiaojing. The driver next to him is Wang. So Wang is an excellent coachdriver in Lanzhou. He was rated as "three good masters". Which three are good?He has a good temper, good technology and good service. I believe I am lucky tobe here with you today, but you are even luckier. Im lucky that Ive met agroup of friends from afar, and youre lucky not only because you met a luckyguide, but also because you came to a lucky city. Why do you say that. If youlook at the map of China, you will find that the shape of Gansu is like a handlesymbolizing the good luck of everything; if you look at the map of Lanzhou City,you will find that it is also a handle of good luck. Lanzhou is located in themiddle of Gansu Province, just like a big Ruyi contains a small Ruyi, so manypeople call Lanzhou the place of Ruyi. Next, lets talk about Lanzhou with thefive elements.

Lanzhou was called Jincheng in ancient times, and gold is the first elementof Lanzhou. There are many different opinions on the origin of it. Some peoplesay that gold was dug out when the city was built at the beginning of that year;some people say that it was taken from the allusion of "Jincheng Tangchi";others say that it was taken from the five elements, and the West belonged togold, while Lanzhou was located in the west of the capital Changan in the HanDynasty. No matter what kind of view, it reflects that Lanzhou has been full ofgold since ancient times. Among the five elements, the West belongs to Jin, whois also in charge of war. Lanzhou is located in the northwest, with convenienttransportation and extremely dangerous terrain. Since its establishment for morethan 20__ years, it has been a must for military strategists of all dynasties.Today, the headquarters of Lanzhou Military Region, one of Chinas seven majormilitary regions, is also located in this city. Gold also means wealth andprosperity. In the fashionable words, it means a high level of GDP. In the HanDynasty, Lanzhou, together with Dunhuang, Jiuquan, Zhangye and Wuwei, was knownas the five counties of Hexi. It was at the throat of the Silk Road anddeveloped trade with the western regions and Guanzhong. In our words, it was atthe forefront of reform and opening up. So at that time, the quality of life ofour people in Lanzhou was at the forefront of the country, which was worthy ofthe name of Jincheng. You may have to say that it was more than 20__ years ago.Now it can be called Jincheng. Hey, good question. In recent years, we Lanzhouin urban construction, economic and cultural development and many other aspectshave been earth shaking changes. Lanzhou people believe that, especially withthe upcoming second round of spring breeze of the western development, ourLanzhou will remain golden and wonderful. When you come to Lanzhou, you mustabsorb the golden atmosphere of Lanzhou and enjoy the splendor of Lanzhou.

The biggest witness of Lanzhous history is the ancient trees all over thecity. Take a look at the north and south of the city, where the two mountainsare green and lush. Take a look at the fragrant locust flowers and toweringvegetation on both sides of the road. You will pass the ancient locust tree inthe cool when the poet of Tang Dynasty went west, and you will pass the willowplanted by Zuo Zongtang himself. This is the wood element of Lanzhou, the greenof Lanzhou, the cool of Lanzhou, the refreshing of Lanzhou. Lanzhou is not onlyfull of gold and wood, but also a city with pleasant water. The scenic spots weare going to visit are the famous Baili Yellow River style line in Lanzhou, thesculpture of the Yellow River mother, the first bridge of the Yellow River inthe world Zhongshan Bridge, the ancient waterwheel, and the unique Yellow Riversheepskin raft. These landscapes carrying the Yellow River style will bring youNew Visual enjoyment one by one. Since Lanzhou has such a rich water culture,there wont be too many fire elements in Lanzhou. You dont say that in Lanzhou,you can not find anything with fire except railway station and hot pot shop. Butwe Lanzhou has a different fire, fire all over the river, leading the hot trend.Our hosts in Lanzhou are popular all over the country, especially in CCTV,including Zhu Jun in variety show, Shui Junyi in high-end interview, Li Xiupingin news network, Pei Xinhua in weather forecast, and Zhang Li in military world;our beautiful men and beautiful women in Lanzhou are popular all over China, WeiChen, the second runner up of happy boys, and Li Xiaoyun, the second runner upof happy girls, affect the hearts of thousands of young men and girls. Readersmagazines are popular all over the world, and beef Ramen is popular all over theworld. The heavy ion accelerator cancer treatment hospital that we startedconstruction last year also attracted worldwide attention. Lanzhou is like this,always with the spirit of fire forward. As for the earth elements in Lanzhou,you need to taste them carefully. Feel the historical scenery of Lanzhou, touchthe peoples customs of Lanzhou, taste the local snacks of Lanzhou, and takeaway the local specialties of Lanzhou.

Lanzhou has a history of two thousand years. It was called "Jincheng" inancient times. Ying Xuns annotation in geography annals of the Han Dynastysaid: "the city was built in the early days and got gold, so it is calledJincheng." There is also an allusion to "Jincheng pond soup", which is namedafter its firmness. In the Han Dynasty, Jincheng county was established. In theSui Dynasty, it was renamed Lanzhou because of Gaolan mountain in the south ofthe city. Later, after several changes, it became Lanzhou government in QingDynasty. After the revolution of 1911, Lanzhou became the capital of GansuProvince. Lanzhou has a long history and culture. As early as 5000 years ago inthe Neolithic age, our ancestors lived here, engaged in hunting and farming, andcreated splendid Majiayao, Banshan, Machang and Qijia cultures. During the Xia,Shang and Zhou dynasties, the Qiang and Rong people, who took the Yan Emperor ofShennong family as their ancestral God, lived here. Since the Han and TangDynasties, Lanzhou has played an important role in the communication betweenChina and the west, economic and cultural exchanges, and friendship andcooperation between the Chinese people and the people of Asian, African andEuropean countries.

Lanzhou is the only city where the Yellow River passes through the city.You can enjoy the majestic scenery of the Yellow River, waterwheel garden,statue of the Yellow River mother, Zhongshan Iron Bridge along the greencorridor of Binhe Road, and visit Baita Mountain, Provincial Museum, Wuquanmountain, Lanshan Park and other scenic spots. In suburban counties, there areXinglong Mountain, Lu Tusi yamen, Tulu Valley, water diversion project fromDatong to Qin. When tourists come to Lanzhou, they can also transfer to YongjingBingling temple, Xiahe Labrang temple, Qinghai tal temple and Tianshui MaijiMountain. Lanzhou has relatively convenient transportation. Zhongchuan airporthas more than 20 routes leading to major cities in China; four nationalhighways, including 312, pass through the territory; four major railway lines,Longhai, Lanxin, Lanqing and Baotou Lanzhou, meet here. There are 15 starhotels, 11 international travel agencies, 32 domestic travel agencies, 3 travelvehicle companies and 15 designated travel shops in Lanzhou, forming a completetourism reception network. Lanzhou is also an important industrial base,scientific research and education center and business center in Northwest China.Lanzhou is a city where five elements gather and wish you all the best. Isincerely wish you a happy and lucky day here



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1931年,南京国民政府出巨资由德国信利洋行承包重建,桥身加长到440米。桥南端增建了箭头型的防浪堤, 并在防浪堤上修建了具有民族风格的回澜阁。整个工程至1933年4月竣工。 栈桥从此成为青岛第一景。新中国成立后,人民政府多次拨款对栈桥进行维修,1985年青岛市又对栈桥进行了大规模的全面整修,两侧围以铁索护栏,12对欧式桥灯相峙而立,外铺花岗岩石台阶。1998年底至1999年6月,市政府再次拨款对栈桥进行了大规模整修,此次维修既达到防风浪、防腐蚀,保持原有的风韵的要求,又与两侧护岸设施相匹配,增加了美观效果,使整个桥体焕发了青春。













范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 15715 字

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Before I came to Qufu, many of my friends may have known a lot about Qufuand Confucius, but some of them didnt know much about them. Now, before I enterthe scenic spots, Id like to briefly introduce Qufu and Confucius.

Qufu is located in the southwest of Shandong Province, China. There are620000 people in Qufu, including an urban population of 100000 and an area of890 square kilometers. The word "Qufu" first appeared in Erya. Ying Shaoexplained in the Eastern Han Dynasty that there was a Fu in the city of Lu, andWeiqu was seven or eight Li long, so it was named "Qufu". In 1012, the fifthyear of dazhongxiangfu, Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty, in order tocommemorate the birth of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, the ancestor of the Chinesenation, in Qufu, he once changed his name to Xianyuan county. In 1129, EmperorTaizong of the Jin Dynasty renamed Qufu, which is still in use today. Qufu is asmall city. However, Qufu is also an ancient city with 5000 years ofcivilization and culture. In this sacred and ancient land, there are four peopleleft traces of the three emperors and five emperors in ancient Chinese legend.According to historical records, Emperor Century and other historical records,"the Yellow Emperor was born in Shouqiu", "SHAOHAO ascended the throne from thepoor sang, called Qufu as the capital, and was buried in Yunyang mountain". Now,eight miles east of Qufu, there is still a pyramid tomb, SHAOHAO mausoleum.There is a Chinese saying that "people go to the top, water flows to thebottom". Can we understand that our ancestors of the Chinese nation migratedfrom here, from the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River to the CentralPlains, to the Loess Plateau, while our mothers rivers, the Yellow River andthe Yangtze River, galloped down from the Loess Plateau, and finally flowed intothe sea In fact, most of the sages in Jiangbei came from Qufu. In the feudaltimes of China, there were six saints granted by the emperor. They wereConfucius, Mencius, fushengyanzi, shushengzisi, zongshengzengzi andyuanshengzhougong. The first four were born in Qufu. The last two were disciplesof Confucius and fiefdoms in Qufu. Zhougong was the king of the state of Lu for33 generations, and Shandong has been called Lu since then. Now there are manycultural relics in Qufu, including 4 national cultural relics, 11 provincialrelics and more than 100 municipal relics. In 1982, Qufu was announced by theState Council as one of the first batch of 24 historical and cultural cities inChina. In 1994, Qufus "three Confucius" was officially listed as a worldcultural heritage by the United Nations. Because of its important contributionto Oriental culture, many people call Qufu one of the three holy cities in theworld: "Oriental Mecca". Here, you have to ponder, but also can not helpfeeling, because here is deeply rooted in the Chinese nation, deeply rooted intraditional Chinese culture.

Dear friends, in China, in the East, a land with a history of 5000 years ofcivilization, you may not understand the inscriptions on bronzes, or what thehuman head and animal body represent or symbolize. However, when you walk intothe life of the Chinese people and walk on the ancient land where the Chinesenation thrives and works to create, you can feel and touch the Confucian culturein the daily life of the Chinese people, and then you can experience thedifferences between the Chinese people and other nationalities in their way oflife, customs and ideals. No matter from which angle or level you explore thepersonality and character of the Chinese nation, it is not difficult to find thegene of Confucian culture. In the long process of historical evolution,Confucian culture has almost become the synonym of Chinese traditional culture.The founder of Confucian culture is Confucius.

Confucius was born in 551 B.C. and died in 479 B.C. at the age of 73. WhenConfucius was 3 years old, his father uncle Liang he died. When he was 16 yearsold, his mother Yan Zheng died. Young Confucius became an orphan and began hislife of making a living, studying and struggling alone in a hierarchical feudalsociety.

As a young man, Confucius studied hard and asked questions frequently. Inhis youth, he mastered the six arts of etiquette, music, archery, imperial,calligraphy and mathematics, and then mastered the six classics of poetry,calligraphy, etiquette, music, changes and spring and autumn, which laid thefoundation for the establishment of Confucian culture.

At the age of 30, Confucius set up a school to teach students, and began along education career. He was the first to give private lectures in China, toface the public, and to advocate "education without discrimination". He becamethe first great educator in China and the world.

When Confucius was 51 years old, he became a magistrate of Zhongdu county.Later, he worked as a prime minister in Lu. However, not long after that, heresigned and left the state of Lu to begin his 14 year tour of othercountries.

When Confucius returned to the state of Lu at the age of 68, he devotedalmost all his energy to teaching and literature collation until his death.Confuciuss life is a life of wandering and suffering, a life of hard work andencouragement, a life of spring breeze and rain, a life of cultivating talents,a life of writing books and writing stories, and a life of saving the world.Today, although his body has gone up in smoke and ashes, his thoughts havepenetrated into the hearts of every Oriental. He has cast the personality andcharacter of the Chinese nation. With the development of history and socialprogress, Confucius will also guide mankind to stride into the 21st century.

There are many cultural relics and tourist attractions in Qufu, most ofwhich are related to Confucius and Confucius culture. Now we are located in theSouth Gate of the ancient city of qufuming. To the north of the gate is theConfucius Temple, which is known as one of the three ancient buildings in China.There are four characters "Wanren palace wall" above the gate. Ren is an ancientunit of length, one Ren is about 8 feet. It is said that some people praisedConfucius disciple Zigong for his knowledge. After hearing that, Zigong said,"human knowledge is like a palace wall. My knowledge is only as high as the topof the wall. People can see everything in the wall when they see it. ButConfucius, my teacher, has several walls. If you dont find other doors, youcant see the beauty of the temple and the variety of houses inside the wall.".In order to express their admiration for Confucius, Hu zuanzong in Ming Dynastywrote "Wanren palace wall" on the city gate. In order to show his worship forConfucius, Emperor Qianlong in Qing Dynasty took down the stele and replaced itwith "Wanren palace wall". This is the origin of "Wanren palace wall".

Confucius Temple is a temple built by later generations to offer sacrificesto Confucius. It was built in the second year after Confucius died. With an areaof 327.5 mu, it imitates the Imperial Palace system. It is divided into ninecourtyards and arranged symmetrically on the left and right. The whole buildingcomplex has 466 rooms, including five halls, one Pavilion, one altar, twoverandas, two halls, 17 stele pavilions and 54 gate squares, with a length ofabout 1 km from north to south. Confucius Temple is the only isolated example inthe history of architecture in the world, which is magnificent, large in area,long in history and well preserved.

Outside the east wall of the gate of Confucius Temple, there is a tabletsaying "officials and people wait to dismount here". In the past, any officialwho came here, military officials would dismount and civil officials woulddismount to show respect for Confucius.

The first stone square of Confucius Temple is called "Jin Sheng Yu Zhensquare". Mencius once had such a comment on Confucius, he said: "Confucius iscalled jidacheng, jidacheng, Jinsheng and yuzhenzhi.". "Jin Sheng, Yu Zhen"refers to the whole process of playing music, which starts with striking thebell and ends with striking the rock. It refers to the great achievement ofConfucius thought of gathering ancient sages and sages. On the lotus throneabove the stone square, there is a unicorn monster called "ward off evilspirits" or "roar from the sky". This is the only ornament that can be used inthe Royal Palace of feudal society.

The first gate of Confucius Temple is called "Lingxing gate". "Latticestar" is also known as Tiantian star. The ancients worshipped heaven first."Lingxingmen" was written by Qianlong. "Taihe Yuanqi" square is similar to"Jinsheng Yuzhen" square. The inscription is written by Zeng Mian, governor ofShandong Province in Ming Dynasty, praising Confucius thought as heaven andearth produce all things. There is a waist gate in the East and west of thecourtyard, and it is written in the East that "demou is as big as heaven andearth, and his theory is the best in ancient and modern times.". This gate iscalled "Shengshi gate". From here, we can feel profound and profound. The word"holy time" is taken from the sentence "Confucius, the sage of the time" inMencius, which means that among the sages, Confucius is the most suitable onefor the times.

When you cross the Shengshi gate, you will face the small stone bridge,which is called Bishui bridge. There are two gates on both sides of the bridgeto the south. The east gate is called "quick view gate", which means to seefirst. The west gate is called "Yanggao gate", which praises Confucius profoundknowledge. When we enter the gate, we call it "Hongdao gate". These three wordsare taken from the sentence "people can promote Taoism" in the Analects ofConfucius. Weixing Gong, in order to praise Confucius for expounding the "Tao"of Yao, Shun, Tang and Wenwu. This gate is also the gate of Confucius Temple in1377. Then there is "dazhongmen". Dazhongmen is the gate of Confucius Temple inSong Dynasty. Its original name is "gonghemen". Its meaning is related toConfucius doctrine of the mean. Looking south from this gate, we can see thehistorical evolution of Confucius Temple on the one hand, and the continuousexpansion of Confucius temple on the other. These buildings include Qing Dynastybuildings, Ming Dynasty buildings and Song Dynasty buildings. They were built indifferent times The craftsmen are different, but they all cooperate with eachother and complement each other to form a whole. Looking at the Confucius templearchitecture, we can see part of the development history of Chinese feudalsociety.

This monument was erected in 1468, the fourth year of Chenghua in MingDynasty, so it is also called "Chenghua monument". It was erected by ZhuJianshen, Emperor Xianzong of Ming Dynasty. The monument is 6 meters high and 2meters wide. This tablet is famous for its exquisite calligraphy, and itsinscription is written in the form of argumentation, which can be said to be themost highly respected of Confucius. Please look at the upper right corner. Itsays: "only the way of Confucius can not be absent in one day when there is aworld." it also says: "the way of Confucius is in the world, like cloth, silk,millet and Shu, and peoples daily use can not be absent.". The animal under themonument is not a tortoise. Its called _ 屭. Its the son of the dragon. It canbear heavy loads, so its used to carry the monument. Theres a saying that "adragon has nine sons, but not a dragon". In the Confucius Temple, you can seethe dragon and his nine sons. Local people often come here to touch _ 屭. Theysay: "touch _ 屭s head, never worry, touch _ 屭, never get sick.".

The wooden structure in front of us is called "Kuiwen Pavilion", which usedto be the library of Confucius Temple. "Kuixing" is one of the twenty-eightconstellations, with sixteen stars, "buckled and hooked, like a painting ofwords". Later, people evolved it into the head of civil servants. The feudalemperors compared Confucius to the Kuixing star in the sky, so Confucius wasalso known as "civil servants of all ages". The pavilion is 23.35 meters high,30.1 meters wide and 17.62 meters deep, with triple cornices and four layers ofbrackets. Its structure is solid and reasonable. During the reign of EmperorKangxi, there was a big earthquake in Qufu, where "nine houses in the worldexist, one in the world exists". However, Kuiwen Pavilion stands upright andsafe, which shows the wisdom and superb architectural art of the ancient workingpeople in China.

We are now entering the sixth courtyard of the Confucius Temple. In frontof you are 13 stele pavilions, 8 in the South and 5 in the north. There are 55stone tablets of Tang, song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties in the pavilion. Mostof the inscriptions are in Chinese, Ba Si Ba and Manchu. The stone tablet in themiddle of this row, weighing about 65 tons, was collected from Xishan Mountainin Beijing. At that time, it was a miracle to transport such a weight stonetablet from thousands of miles away to Qufu. There is one gate in the East andone gate in the west of the courtyard, which is the third waist gate of theConfucius Temple.

Now we enter dachengmen. Dachengmen refers to dachengmen in the world.There are five gates in this row. The most western gate is qishengmen, which isdedicated to Confucius parents. Dachengmen in the middle road is supplementedby jinshengmen and yuzhenmen. The middle road is the most central place ofConfucius Temple, and chengshengmen in the East, which was Confucius formerresidence.

As we all know, Confucius is a great thinker, educator and statesman. Inour opinion, Confucius is first of all an educator. He is the first teacher inChina. The feudal emperor named him "the most sage and the first teacher" and"the model of all ages". It should be said that he is a teacher of all mankindand is worthy of the name of "engineer of human soul". The "apricot altar" infront of us is said to be the place where Confucius set up the altar to givelectures, and the pavilion was built in the Jin Dynasty to commemorate it. Thefamous scholar Dang huaiying wrote the word "apricot altar". There is an apricottree beside the altar, planted by later generations. In early spring, redflowers bloom and green leaves sway. Therefore, when Emperor Qianlong came topay homage, he once wrote a poem praising it. The poem said: when the rice wasin full bloom again, how could it be that there were many flowers in the world,and the civilization was prosperous all the time.

The main hall standing in front of us is the world-famous "Dacheng hall".It is one of the "three main halls" in China. It is as famous as the "Taihehall" in the Forbidden City of Beijing and the "Tianfu hall" in the Dai Templeof Mount Tai. The hall is 24.8 meters high, 45.78 meters wide and 24.8 metersdeep, with carved beams and painted buildings. The golden wall is brilliant,especially the 28 stone pillars around it. They are all world culturaltreasures. They are all carved with whole stones. The front 10 are deep reliefs,with two dragons playing with pearls on each pillar. They are coiled and rising,lifelike, powerful and varied. In the past, when the emperor came, he wrappedthe pillar in yellow cloth. If they see it, they will be ashamed. There are 72dragons in each column, a total of 1296. In the Dacheng hall, there are fourstatues of Confucius on both sides. The East and West are Fusheng Yanhui,Shusheng Kongji, and the west is Zongsheng Zengshen and Yasheng Mencius. Another12. Every year, on September 26 and 28, we hold a grand international ConfuciusCulture Festival and a ceremony to commemorate the birth of Confucius, performlarge-scale music and dance for Confucius and "Xiao Shao music and dance", andhold a variety of cultural and tourism activities. Welcome to our time.



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