





范文类型:求职应聘,书信,全文共 972 字

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范文类型:自我评介,介绍信,全文共 2558 字

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Respect leadership: Hello!

First please allow me to extend the sincere regards and the good wish to you! In spite of being very busy heartfelt thanks you in to glance through my this material, and wishes the expensive unit enterprise to be prosperous, progresses day by day! I am electronic information project specialized 2019 sessions of graduates, learned in the near future your firm is advertising for the talented person, I hoped can arrive has the opportunity to your firm work.

In school period, I study the specialized knowledge diligently, and invested the huge enthusiasm and the energy for it.While studies the textbook knowledge earnestly, I participate in school inside and outside practice positively, and has obtained some result. If monolithic integrated circuit development design, aspects and so on PCB Layout as well as homepage design. The university four years let my English proficiency have progress,And smooth passed the national English six levels of tests,Had certainly certainly has listened to, to say, to read, writes ability,Has the reading specialized literature English foundation of basic skills.

I have the good computer knowledge and application ability, can grasp the basic application software skilled the use, and can use languages and so on C, assembly, VB, HTML carries on the programming. Moreover I also can using Multisim, Protel, Pspice, Auto CAD and so on the specialized software carry on the correlation work,And many times participated in the project practice which in the school organizes.I have studied some knowledge using after school which the related homepage design, the plane design as well as the video frequency pick arrange,Can skilled manufacture the homepage using the homepage three swordsmen,And can use imagery processing softwares and so on the photoshop, ACDSee to carry on the related design work,Has uses Adobe premiere the pro software editor complete video frequency plan the experience.I longed for study has uses, to long for own knowledge can obtain the practice examination, looked forward to the practice will be able to enrich my work experience and the ability glorious future.

“The great ambition can sometimes, directly link up the cloud sail to aid the sea”, I hope alliance your firm sincerely, I can surely by full warm and the tenacious disposition diligent work, with colleague absolute sincerity cooperation, for expensive units development own ones pygmy effort.

Along with letter enclosed resume and other material, if must a deeper understanding, hope for your interviewing!



范文类型:求职应聘,礼仪,全文共 1474 字

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范文类型:合同协议,全文共 1545 字

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be carried out by the joint group consisting of party a’s and party b’s representatives

accordingto the schedule and contents stipulated in appendix 7 to the contract. lf the

performance of the contracted product is in conformity with the technical specifications

stipulated in ap-pendix 1, such testshall be considersd as qualified and the

representatives of both parties shll sign the inspection and testing certificate for the

proper performance of the contracted product in quadruplicate, 2copies for each party.

7.2 if the verification test demonstrates that the performance of the contracted

prod-uct isnot in conformity with prescribed technical specifications, both parties

shall, throughamicable negotiations,make a joint study of and analyse the cause and

take measures to e-liminate the defects and carry out asecond test. when the second test

demonstuates tha the performance is qualified, both parties shall sign a testing

certificate for the proper perfot- mance

7.3 if party b is responsible for the failure of the first test, party b shall send

at ist own expense technical ersonnel for the second test.

7.4 if the second test fails again and the failure is attributed to party b, party b

shallindemnify party a for any losses sustained and shall take effective measures to

eliminate thedefects and carry out a third test.

7.5 if the third test again fails, and if party b is responsible for the failure,

party a has the right to terminate the contract at its discretion and lodge claims as




范文类型:辞职信,全文共 1906 字

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1、State you are resigning your specific position/title and the effective date.

As we have discussed, I am offering my resignation as systems analyst, level 1. I want to make the resignation effective date as convenient for you as possible, but no later than March 1.

Please consider this letter as my resignation from my position as office manager, effective March 1.

I will be leaving my position as general counsel on August 31.

After six long months of contemplation on my future advancement in HHH, I have decided to resign my geologist position, effective sometime in October–at your convenience. The decision has been quite difficult for me because I truly have enjoyed the relationships I’ve built here.

I offer my resignation as training coordinator with HHH. My last day will be March 1, unless you have a replacement who can assume the responsibilities sooner.

2、State your reason for leaving. You may be as vague or as specific as you wish. Bear in mind, however, your reason should be one that puts you in a favorable light with future employers who may verify your employment record.

This new position will offer me the opportunity to travel overseas, an adventure I’ve looked forward to for sometime now.

I have been concerned about the limited opportunities for advancement. As you know, I’ve always been one to thrive on change and growth.

I have decided to seek a job that will allow me more freedom to use my problem-solving skills on non-routine matters.

As you know, my training is in the financial area, and I’ve had limited opportunities here to make contributions of that kind.

My experience with previous employers has been administrative work, and that is the kind of job to which I’d like to return.

As we have discussed, because of changes in my personal financial responsibilities, I have had to seek a position that offered a higher salary–although I understand your budgetary constraints.



范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:翻译,服务,全文共 2884 字

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住 所 地:


联系电话: 传 真:


住 所 地:



电 话:传 真:


第一条 甲方委托乙方进行翻译服务的内容如下:


2. 甲方的笔译项目价款以“笔译服务订单”(本合同附件一)的形式由双方共同确认。翻译费用标准为:第二条 翻译服务要求:

1. 乙方在收到甲方提交的订单后,应及时开展工作,并按约定的时间要求完成翻译工作。


3. 乙方执行翻译行业通用流程规范以确保文件翻译质量,乙方所提供的翻译服务应满足《中华人民共和国国家标准gb/t19682-20_》(翻译服务译文质量要求)相关规定;



6. 对于笔译项目,乙方在向甲方交付工作成果后,若存在以下三类错误,乙方应免费对工作 成果进行必要修改,并不得另行收费:

(1) 语法与单词拼写错误;

(2) 同一或同批稿件中前后用词或表达法不统一;

(3) 由于专业或背景知识不足发生的错误。

第三条 为保证乙方有效进行翻译服务工作,甲方应当向乙方提供下列工作条件和 协作事项:

1.甲方委托乙方翻译或进行其它方式处理的文件或资料中不得有违反国家法律或社会公德的内容,如果出现此种情形,甲方应承担相关责任并保证乙方不会因此而蒙受任何损失。否则乙方有权拒绝接受委托或要求甲方改正或有权随时单方解除本协议,并由甲方承担违约 责任;

2. 甲方同意把技术资料电子稿或复印资料作为乙方的工作件提供翻译使用,保证提供待译资料图文清晰、内容完整,乙方应保证维持甲方提供资料的原始完整性;

3. 为保证翻译质量,甲方应尽可能协助乙方,包括但不限于向乙方提供翻译项目所需的参考资料,专业的固有、惯用译法,解答相关技术问题,必要时提供相关背景知识培训。

第四条 甲方向乙方支付翻译服务报酬及支付方式为:

1. 翻译服务费:

(1) 笔译项目为外文译成中文的,下订单时计算的费用为估算,最终以甲方采用的译文版 本中文字符数为依据计算实际费用。

(2) 以甲方最后采用的译文版本为最终确定稿计算字符数,以电脑统计的中文字符数计算


(3) 本合同服务费用按以上单价标准,以甲方订单要求的服务工作量计算。如翻译项目有特 殊情况需要调整价格的,经甲乙双方协商一致后在订单中明确。

(4) 乙方因履行本合同而产生的加急费、特殊排版费、差旅费、交通费、食宿费等费用经甲 乙双方协商一致后在订单中明确。

2. 翻译服务费由甲方选择以下方式支付乙方。(根据协商确定的交易方式)

方式a.在双方签订本合同及订单后二个工作日内,甲方应当支付乙方费用总额的50%作为预付款,余款在乙方完成翻译服务后五个工作日内支付。支付可采用现金、支票或银行 转账等方式。

方式b. 甲方提交翻译服务订单的次月,向乙方全额支付上月的文件翻译服务费。 乙方开户银行名称、地址和账号为:

开户银行:; 地址:;帐号: ;


第五条 双方确定因履行本合同应遵守的保密义务如下:

1. 保密内容:

(1) 乙方不得向第三方公开或传播(包括复制、影印和使用)甲方的任何文件资料、软件、档案、协议、技术和服务项目(口头的或文字的)以及其他任何形式的信息;

乙方同意所有甲方披露的资料都归甲方专有。乙方正在翻译的和已译好的文稿的专利 权、版权、商业秘密,或其他知识产权项下的权利属于甲方所有,乙方无权处置;乙方对甲方向第三方承诺的所有保密义务负有连带责任,即如果甲方因乙方泄密而被第三方追究责任,甲方将追究乙方责任。乙方需执行甲方相关规定并积极配合,采取必要的防范措施来防止保密信息的泄露。 2.涉密人员范围:项目管理员、翻译人员及其他接触此项目资料的所有工作人员。

3. 约方支付合同总额的10%作为违约金。

第六条 本合同的变更必须由双方协商一致,并以书面形式确定。

第七条 双方确定以下列标准和方式对乙方的翻译服务工作成果进行验收:

1. 的方式提交译文稿件;

2. 3. 第八条 双方确定,在本合同有效期内,乙方利用甲方提供的技术资料和工作条件所完成的新的技术成果,归甲方所有。

第九条 双方确定,按以下约定承担各自的违约责任:

3. 出现以下情况可免除乙方责任且不影响本合同履行:





第十条双方确定,在本合同有效期内,甲方指定 为甲方项目联系人,乙方指定为乙方项目联系人。项目联系人承担以下责任:

1. 及时、定时沟通情况、协调处理有关问题;

2. 及时、定时向各自部门传递相关信息,保证信息的完整与准确;

3. 本合同第五条约定的保密责任;



第十二条 双方因履行本合同而发生的争议,应协商、调解解决。协商、调解不成的,依法向甲方所在地的人民法院起诉。

第十三条 与履行本合同有关的下列技术文件,经双方以 书面提交 方式确认后,为本合同的组成部分:

1. 技术背景资料:;

2. 其他: 。

第十四条 本合同经双方代表签字并加盖公司印章后生效。本合同一式 贰份,双方各执一份。本合同附件(一)与本合同正文具有同等法律效力。本合同一切未尽事宜,由双方本着合作的愿望协商解决,必要时另行签订补充协议。

甲方: (签章) 乙方:(签章)

代表: 代表:

年 月 日年 月 日



范文类型:慰问信,全文共 324 字

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Im feel very sad to know that there was a heavy earthquake in your country,a lot of people lost their lives and also many people lost their home.

We can understand your feelings because our country also suffered the same events .Our best wishes will always with you .

Take good care of yourself and the people anound with you.



范文类型:合同协议,全文共 2659 字

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ThisAgreement is entered into between _______ Co.(hereinafter referred toas the Consignor), having its registered office at _______, China and________CO.(hereinafter referred to as the Consignee),having its registered office at_______, on the following terms and conditions:


The Consignor shall from time to time ship ______________(commodity)tothe consignee on Consignment basis at the prevailing international marketprices on CIF terms. The interval between each shipment shall be approximatelyninety days.


The Consignee must try to sell theconsignments at the best possible prices after obtaining the approval of theConsignor as to price, terms, etc.


Each shipmentby ship at the initial stage will not exceed U.S.D_______and the outstandingliabilities on the Consignee shall be in the vicinity of not more than U.S.D._______ only.


TheConsignor shall at no time be responsible for any bad debts arising out ofcredit sales to any _______ buyers. Making payments to the Consignor shall atall times be the sole responsibility of the Consignee.


TheConsignee shall accept the Bills of Exchange drawn by the Consignor on him at90 days’sight with interest payable at ________ % per annum.


The Consignee shallcollect the shipping documents including B/L from the Consignor’s bank againstTrust Receipt duly signed by the Consignee.


The Consignor shallabsorb insurance premium and warehousing charges up to the date of delivery tocustomers.




Any dispute arising from or inconnection with the Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. Incase no settlement is reached, the dispute shall be submitted to South ChinaInternational Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (SCIA) for arbitrationin accordance with its rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration.The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.


This Contract is executed in twocounterparts each in Chinese and English, each of which shall deemed equallyauthentic. This Contract is in ______ copies, effective since beingsigned/sealed by both parties.

A公司:____________ B公司:___________

(签字)              (签字)

A Co: _____________ B Co: ____________

(signature)         (signature)



范文类型:祝福语,全文共 1117 字

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send this special birthday wish just to let you know that you’ll always be remembered for the thoughtfulness you show.献上这特别的生日祝愿,只想让您知道:因为您对我的体贴关怀,我永远不会把您忘怀。

you know you’re thought of lovingly each day throughout the year.but it’s nice to mention it again when special days are here.您知道我们无日不把你亲切思念,逢寿辰当然要把这话再说一遍。

to a very special uncle,because you’re always thought of in a very special way, sure wouldn’t miss a chance like this to tell you so today, happy birthday!献给豁达宽厚的叔叔,因为在我的心里,您总是特别珍贵,今天我能告诉您,当然不错过机会祝您生日快乐!

it’s fun to send these wishes for an especially happy to an uncle who is nice in every way.在特别欢乐的一天,给完美无缺的伯父祝寿,真叫我喜悦满心间。

word can say so little when someone cares so much.mother, i’m wishing that these were a way to tell you the things that i’d so like to say how thankful i am and how very proud, too, to have a wonderful mother like you.您对我的爱是这样深,言语的表叙显得实在无力。母亲,我希望这句话能告诉您我最想说的事我多么感谢您,又多么自豪,因为我有像您这样慈爱的母亲。

grandma means sunshine filled with blessings from above, grandma means kindness because it’s another name for love may this be a special birthday for you.奶奶是充满祝福的阳光,照耀我身;奶奶是慈祥和蔼的别名,爱的象征。愿您的生日特别快乐!



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 2299 字

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In general, these four years, I seriously study, take the initiative to participate in school activities, and in the activities learned a lot of experience and methods of communication with people. Exercise their ability in all aspects, there are many gains. Specifically:

At the time of admission, I felt that basic subjects such as mathematical analysis and university physics were obscure.Fortunately, has been met very good teacher, so in the teachers leadership to learn these subjects with no confidence, and formed a certain habit of thinking. In the sophomore year to touch the more interesting practice subjects, such as physics experiments, metalworking, etc., I have benefited from, hands-on ability has been improved. Because they are learning software engineering, in the sophomore junior concentrated professional courses, in addition to learning theoretical knowledge, but also focus on the practical ability of the training.

I have never had a stay before I went to college and I experienced a variety of accommodation. Bedroom students get along very harmonious. At the same time also actively participate in community and school, college activities, such as Qiushui book club and volleyball body cup and software college sports festival, etc., to get to know some like-minded friends. I joined the college student union in my freshman year and became a junior officer in the Liaison Department.After a year of tempering, get everyones trust and become vice president of the Software College Student Union. And the ministers and brothers and students of the Department of cadres with a lot of activities organized to experience the ups and downs of students work.

In the junior summer vacation to the Ali software internship, is a very memorable and meaningful experience, is really out of contact with the community the first step in the community. Ali software in the harvest a lot of things not learned in school, such as the actual experience of the project and so on. More importantly, to understand the principles of social interaction. Alibaba is a vibrant business, in this internship in the IT industry felt the infinite possibilities, but also recognize their own knowledge is only the tip of the iceberg, the need for continuous improvement, so I chose to continue learning.



范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:翻译,全文共 1271 字

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客户委托单 客户名称


























(大写金额): (小写金额):


现金( )支票( )邮寄汇款( )银行转账( )








e-mail: ()软盘:()光盘()打印稿:()

甲方:______________ 乙方:____________

代表:______________ 代表:____________

日期:______________ 日期:____________



范文类型:材料案例,全文共 991 字

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范文类型:工作总结,全文共 1120 字

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2,we live in and by language.要学会在生活中学英语。生活的范围有多大,你的英语学习天地就有多么宽广。













范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:外贸,企业,全文共 1773 字

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As an international trade specialized student, i know the importance of english in english learning, so i have been high-standard requirements themselves. through their own efforts, to passed cet band 4 and again to points passed cet6. in spoken english i have been in the exercise myself, and reached a certain level. in addition, i also laid a japanese primary basic. not only in english, as the rest of course also study hard. in six semester four times won the scholarship, and once passed the national computer rank examination (level 2).

Moreover i took an active part in social practice activities, and to exercise their professional skills, increase their professional knowledge, and has achieved good results. through a series of stratified activities, i also gradually grasp the people contacts and communication skills, learning how to make ourselves in a harmonious interpersonal relationships. through studies i deeply realize the theory instruction practice meaning, and really in the code yourself. in learning and activities of remaining i also actively enrich himself, reading, rich knowledge, and grasped certain of the computer application skills enough to handle the job requirement.

Believe after three years study the lives of hone, already will i hammer become a moral decently, strong-willed, high ideals and soaring aspirations, has the enterprising spirit and team cooperation spirit of excellent college students. believe i have knowledge and competence can completely fit for any difficult work, environment of hard did not prevent completed i finish work. if i am lucky to become a member of your company, i will put all the youth and enthusiasm exert into work, obtain due grades for the development of the company, and contribute their efforts.



范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:翻译,服务,全文共 977 字

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范文类型:辞职信,全文共 4268 字

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SUBJECT: Resignation

Please accept my resignation as Associate Chemist at Research, Inc.; my last day will be August 15, 19–.

While enjoying assigned projects and contributing to the company’s overall growth, I feel my work tasks here have not allowed me to investigate projects in which I developed a keen interest during my graduate studies. Therefore, I have accepted a position more in line with those interests at Meadows Chemical Company.

This decision has been difficult due to the rewarding relationships developed during the past three years. Please accept my thanks for your unquestionable support and leadership here at Inc..


Company Name or Letterhead


City, State Zip




City, State Zip


Effective October 1, I will assume the position of director of human resources for , Inc., in Baton Rouge. Therefore, please accept my resignation as benefits and compensation coordinator of the Human Resources Department within AAA Associates, effective September 30.

The decision was a difficult one for me because I have so enjoyed my working relationships here. The job description has given me great latitude in assisting other coordinators within the human resource area, and as a result, I’ve gained skills in several related fields. These cross-training opportunities have been invaluable, and in a much more formal, classroom setting, I’ve been able to take advantage of classes in management, interpersonal skills, writing, and oral presentations. All of this training has been a worthwhile effort for both AAA (company) and me. 字串9

As I go to the new position, I’ll do so with the utmost respect for the management examples and philosophies learned here and with gratitude for the personal attention to my career growth.

Thank you for the rewarding experience I’ve enjoyed during my seven-year association with the organization.



dear mr.wong,

re:resignation from the pos to settlement clerk

i would like to let you know how much i have enjoyed my last three years at the hero company.hero company is an invaluable place for enriching my knowledge about financial field,i enjoyed working with my colleagues and i have learned so much things here.

because i would like to take a new challenge and i want to meet people from all walks of life, i have accepted an offer from an insurance firm as a personal financial consultant. i would therefore appreciate it if you would accept my resignation effective from 8 march, 20xx.

i would be very much obliged if you would kindly give me a reference letter before i leave. thank you for all that you have done to make my work here both interesting and enjoyable.

yours sincerely,

alexander fung



After months of reviewing the outlook for the company in the wake of this economic downturn, I see no other alternative than to resign my position as chief financial officer with HHH (company). Needless to say, after 12 years of service, this decision was not an easy one.

Please make my resignation effective January 31, which is the end of my scheduled vacation. I will turn over all company books and settle my accounts prior to that date.

I look back on the experience gained and the friends made with much regard. My association with HHH has been a valued part of my life.

Good luck to you in the years to come.




i am offering my resignation as operations manager of the plant, effective may 15. as of now, i’m not quite sure where i’ll be looking for employment and am toying with the idea of turning one of my life-long hobbies into a profit-making enterprise.

frankly, vernon, i was deeply disappointed the vacancy of general manager was filled by someone from outside the company. through years of excellent performance appraisals, i was led to believe i was in line for that position. under the circumstances, i think you’ll understand my decision to resign.

i do appreciate the management training i’ve been given here; it has indeed prepared me well for almost any general business career i decide to pursue. my best wishes for the company’s continued growth.




范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:翻译,全文共 2236 字

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第一条 甲方授予乙方在合同有效期内,在_________(国家/地区)以图书形式用_________(文字)_________(翻译/出版)_________册(印数)上述作品译本(下称“译本”)的专有使用权。

第二条 甲方保证拥有第一条授予乙方的权利。如因上述权利的行使侵犯他人版权,甲方承担全部责任并赔偿因此给乙方造成的损失,乙方可以终止合同。

第三条 为翻译的目的,甲方应免费向乙方在_________提供上述作品的_________本加工副本。

第四条 乙方根据本合同第十七条的规定,为获得出版译本的权利,向甲方支付报酬,支付方式为:




第五条 乙方负责安排有资格和有能力的译者对作品进行准确性确的翻译,译者姓名和其资格证明应送交甲方,未经甲方事先书面同意,不得删节、增加或以其他方式修改作品。

第六条 有关译本的质量问题,由甲乙双方商定。

第七条 乙方将作者的姓名标注在译本的封面、护封和扉页的显著位置,并注明:“此版本_________(书名)系_________(乙方名称)与_________(甲方名称)于_________年_________月协议出版”。

第八条 乙方应于_________年_________月_________日前出版译本。乙方因故未能按时出版,应在出版期_________限届满前_________日通知甲方,双方另行约定出版日期。乙方支付愈期违约金,比例为_________,乙方在双方另行约定的出版日期仍不能出版,甲方可以终止合同,乙方应向甲方赔偿损失,并支付违约金,比例为_________。

第九条 译本一经出版,乙方应免费于_________日前同甲方提供_________本样书,并应尽力推销译本的复制品。

第十条 如果乙方希望增加_________册(印数),_________年内乙方可以自行决定增加印数,但应将拟定的印数和定价通知甲方,并于_________日内按第四条规定的_________方式向其支付报酬_________。如果乙方未在译本脱销后_________月内再次重印译本,授予的权利回归甲方。

第十一条 未经甲方事先书面同意,乙方不得行使除第一条规定的译本的其他任何权。

第十二条 未经甲方事先同意,乙方不得将所授予的翻译权许可任何第三方行使,译本也不得单独使用乙方自己的版本说明。

第十三条 如果乙方未在_________日内支付本合同规定的报酬,如甲方不解除合同,乙方应继续履行合同支付报酬,并支付愈期违约金,比例为_________;如果乙方解除合同,乙方应赔偿损失,并支付违约金,比例为_________。

第十四条 除本合同明确授予乙方的权利之外,作品的其他所有权利由甲方保留。乙方希望取得的权利,应在本合同中明确约定。

第十五条 甲方有权核查译本的印数。如甲方指定第三方核查,需提供授权委托书。如乙方隐瞒印数,除向甲方补齐应付报酬外,还应支付违约金并承担核查费用。如核查结果与乙方提供的印数相符,核查费用由甲方承担。

第十六条 如果乙方违反了本合同的约定,又未能在甲方通知其_________月内改正,或甲方已撤销不能履行的合同,本合同自动终止,授予乙方的翻译权回归甲方,乙方应向甲方赔偿损失,并支付违约金,比例为_________。

第十七条 乙方委托_________(银行)以_________(票据)的方式向甲方支付报酬,并按_________日中国国家外汇管理局公布的外汇价折算成合同确定的币种支付。

第十八条 双方因合同的解释或履行发生争议,由双方协商解决。协商不成,由_________(仲裁机构)仲裁,中国仲裁机构为_________仲裁委员会;或向_________(法院)提起诉讼。

第十九条 因本合同引纷提起的仲裁或诉讼,适用《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》有关涉外民事诉讼程序的特别规定。

第二十条 本合同以中、_________(外国文字)两种文字写成,两种文字具有同等法律效力。

第二十一条 合同的变更、续签及其他为未尽事宜,由双方另行商定。

第二十二条 本合同自签字之日起生效,有效期为_________年。

第二十三条 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份为凭。

甲方(签章):_________ 乙方(签章):_________

_________年____月____日 _________年____月____日



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:初中,全文共 1208 字

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My name is Zhou Huantao. Im 11 years old. Ive just finished fifth grade. I am not tall or short. I am thin. I have bright eyes under my dark hair. Round little face, sweet smile, showing irregular small white teeth, full of love for life, this is the smart me.

I am more open-minded, approachable and love to make friends. There are also many hobbies: playing computer, playing table tennis, drawing, reading and so on. Among them, reading is necessary for everyday life. Chairman Mao has such a sentence: food can be eaten every day, sleep can be a day, and books can not be read every day. This also aroused my perception of knowledge in the book. My favorite book is Encyclopedia for Children. I remember when Dad bought it, I jumped on it desperately, holding the book and refused to put it away. Then I sat in my chair and watched with relish. At noon, my parents asked me to eat, but I was still touring the world of knowledge.

I have not only many advantages, but also many disadvantages, such as carelessness, playfulness and love to read while lying down. Of course, these shortcomings I am secretly modifying, because people will always progress!

Look, this is me. I hope you all make friends with me.



范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:外贸,全文共 20460 字

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合同号码: 签约日期: 买方: 卖方: 本合同由买卖双方缔结,用中、英文字写成,两种文体具有同等效力,按照下述条款,卖方同意售出买方同意购进以下商品: 「章名」 第一部分 1.商品名称及规格 2.生产国别及制造厂商 3.单价(包装费用包括在内) 4.数量 5.总值 6.包装(适合海洋运输) 7.保险(除非另有协议,保险均由买方负责) 8.装船时间 9.装运口岸 10.目的口岸 11.装运唛头,卖方负责在每件货物上用牢固的不褪色的颜料明显地刷印或标明下述唛头,以及目的口岸、件号、毛重和净重、尺码和其它买方要求的标记。如系危险及/或有毒货物,卖方负责保证在每件货物上明显地标明货物的性质说明及习惯上被接受的标记。 12.付款条件:买方于货物装船时间前一个月通过______银行开出以卖方为抬头的不可撤销信用证,卖方在货物装船启运后凭本合同交货条款第18条A款所列单据在开证银行议付贷款。上述信用证有效期将在装船后15天截止。 13.其它条件:除非经买方同意和接受,本合同其它一切有关事项均按第二部分交货条款之规定办理,该交货条款为本合同不可分的部分,本合同如有任何附加条款将自动地优先执行附加条款,如附加条款与本合同条款有抵触,则以附加条款为准。 「章名」 第二部分 「章名」 14.FOB/FAS条件 14.1.本合同项下货物的装运舱位由买方或买方的运输代理人___________租订。 14.2.在FOB条件下,卖方应负责将所订货物在本合同第8条所规定的装船期内按买方所通知的任何日期装上买方所指定的船只。 14.3.在FAS条件下,卖方应负责将所订货物在本合同第8条所规定的装船期内按买方所通知的任何日期交到买方所指定船只的吊杆下。 14.4.货物装运日前10-15天,买方应以电报或电传通知卖方合同号、船只预计到港日期、装运数量及船运代理人的名称。以便卖方经与该船运代理人联系及安排货物的装运。卖方应将联系结果通过电报或电传及时报告买方。如买方因故需要变更船只或者船只比预先通知卖方的日期提前或推迟到达装运港口,买方或其船运代理人应及时通知卖方。卖方亦应与买方的运输代理或买方保持密切联系。 14.5.如买方所订船只到达装运港后,卖方不能在买方所通知的装船时间内将货物装上船只或将货物交到吊杆之下,卖方应负担买方的一切费用和损失,如空舱费、滞期费及由此而引起的及/或遭受的买方的一切损失。 14.6.如船只撤换或延期或退关等而未及时通知卖方停止交货,在装港发生的栈租及保险费损失的计算,应以代理通知之装船日期(如货物晚于代理通知之装船日期抵达装港,应以货物抵港日期)为准,在港口免费堆存期满后第十六天起由买方负担,人力不可抗拒的情况除外。上述费用均凭原始单据经买方核实后支付。但卖方仍应在装载货船到达装港后立即将货物装船,交负担费用及风险。 「章名」 15.C&F条件 15.1.卖方在本合同第8条规定的时间之内应将货物装上由装运港到中国口岸的直达船。未经买方事先许可,不得转船。货物不得由悬挂中国港口当局所不能接受的国家旗帜的船装载。 15.2.卖方所租船只应适航和适货。卖方租船时应慎重和认真地选择承运人及船只。买方不接受非保赔协会成员的船只。 15.3.卖方所租载货船只应在正常合理时间内驶达目的港。不得无故绕行或迟延。 15.4.卖方所租载货船只船龄不得超过15年。对超过15年船龄的船只其超船龄额外保险费应由卖方负担。买方不接受船龄超过二十年的船只。 15.5.一次装运数量超过一千吨的货载或其它少于一千吨但买方指明的货载,卖方应在装船日前至少10天用电传或电报通知买方合同号、商品名称、数量、船名、船龄、船籍、船只主要规范、预计装货日、预计到达目的港时间、船公司名称、电传和电报挂号。 15.6.一次装运一千吨以上货载或其它少于一千吨但买方指明的货载,其船长应在该船抵达目的港前7天和24小时分别用电传或电报通知买方预计抵港时间、合同号、商品名称及数量。 15.7.如果货物由班轮装运,载货船只必须是______船级社最高船级或船级协会条款规定的相同级别的船级,船只状况应保持至提单有效期终了时止,以装船日为准船龄不得超过20年。超过20年船龄的船只,卖方应负担超船龄外保险费。买方绝不接受超过25年船龄的船只。 15.8.对于散件货,如果卖方未经买方事前同意而装入集装箱,卖方应负责向买方支付赔偿金,由双方在适当时间商定具体金额。 15.9.卖方应和载运货物的船只保持密切联系,并以最快的手段通知买方船只在途中发生的一切事故,如因卖方未及时通知买方而造成买方的一切损失卖方应负责赔偿。 「章名」 16.CIF条件 在CIF条件下,除本合同第15条C&F条件适用之外卖方负责货物的保险,但不允许有免赔率。 「章名」 17.装船通知 货物装船完毕后48小时内,卖方应即以电报或电传通知买方合同号、商品名称、所装重量(毛/净)或数量、发票价值、船名、装运口岸、开船日期及预计到达目的港时间。如因卖方未及时用电报或电传给买方以上述装船通知而使买方不能及时保险,卖方负责赔偿买方由此而引起的一切损害及/或损失。 「章名」 18.装船单据 18.A.卖方凭下列单据向付款银行议付货款: 18.A.1.填写通知目的口岸的__________运输公司的空白抬头、空白背书的全套已装运洋轮的清洁提单(如系C&F/CIF条款则注明“运费已付”,如系FOB/FAS条款则注明“运费待收”)。 18.A.2.由信用证受益人签名出具的发票5份,注明合同号、信用证号、商品名称、详细规格及装船唛头标记。 18.A.3.两份由信用证受益人出具的装箱单及/或重量单,注明每件货物的毛重和净重及/或尺码。 18.A.4.由制造商及/或装运口岸的合格、独立的公证行签发的品质检验证书及数量或重量证书各两份,必须注明货物的全部规格与信用证规定相符。 18.A.5.本交货条件第17条规定的装船通知电报或电传副本一份。 18.A.6.证明上述单据的副本已按合同要求寄出的书信一封。 18.A.7.运货船只的国籍已经买主批准的书信一封。 18.A.8.如系卖方保险需提供投保不少于发票价值110%的一切险和战争险的保险单。 18.B.不接受影印、自动或电脑处理、或复印的任何正本单据,除非这些单据印有清晰的“正本”字样,并经发证单位授权的领导人手签证明。 18.C.联运提单、迟期提单、简式提单不能接受。 18.D.受益人指定的第三者为装船者不能接受,除非该第三者提单由装船者背书转受益人,再由受赠人背书后方可接受。 18.E.信用证开立日期之前出具的单据不能接受。 18.F.对于C&F/CIF货载,不接受租船提单,除非受益人提供租船合同、船长或大副收据、装船命令、货物配载图及或买方在信用证内所要求提供的其它单据副本各一份。 18.G.卖方须将提单、发票及装箱单各两份副本随船带交目的口岸的买方收货代理人_______________。 18.H.载运货船启碇后,卖方须立即航空邮寄全套单据副本一份给买方,三份给目的口岸的对外贸易运输公司分公司。 18.I.卖方应负责赔偿买方因卖方失寄或迟寄上述单据而使买方遭受的一切损失。 18.J.中华人民共和国境外的银行费用由卖方负担。 「章名」 19.合同所订货物如用空运,则本合同有关海运的一切条款均按空运条款执行。 「章名」 20.危险品说明书 凡属危险品及/或有毒,卖方必须提供其危险或有毒性能、运输、仓储和装卸注意事项以及防治、急救、消防方法的说明书,卖方应将此项说明书各三份随同其他装船单据航空邮寄给买方及目的口岸的____________________运输公司。 「章名」 21.检验和索赔 货物在目的口岸卸毕60天内(如果用集装箱装运则在开箱后60天)经中国进出口商品检验局复验,如发现品质、数量或重量以及其它任何方面与本合同规定不符,除属于保险公司或船行负责者外,买方有权凭上述检验局出具的检验证书向卖方提出退货或索赔。因退货或索赔引起的一切费用包括检验费、利息及损失均由卖方负担。在此情况下,凡货物适于抽样及寄送时如卖方要求,买方可将样品寄交卖方。 「章名」 22.赔偿费 因“人力不可抗拒”而推迟或不能交货者除外,如果卖方不能交货或不能按合同规定的条件交货,卖方应负责向买方赔偿由此而引起的一切损失和遭受的损害,包括买价及/或买价的差价、空舱费、滞期费,以及由此而引起的直接或间接损失。买方有权撤销全部或部分合同,但并不妨碍买方向卖方提出索赔的权利。 「章名」 23.赔偿例外 由于一般公认的“人力不可抗拒”原因而不能交货或延迟交货,卖方或买方都不负责任。但卖方应在事故发生后立即用电报或电传告买方并在事故发生后15天内航空邮寄买方灾害发生地点之有关政府机关或商会所出具的证明,证实灾害存在。如果上述“人力不可抗拒”继续存在60天以上,买方有权撤销合同的全部或一部。 「章名」 24.仲裁 双方同意对一切因执行和解释本合同条款所发生的争议,努力通过友好协商解决。在争议发生之日起一个合理的时间内,最多不超过90天,协商不能取得对买卖双方都满意的结果时,如买方决定不向他认为合适的有管辖权的法院提出诉讼,则该争议应提交仲裁。除双方另有协议,仲裁应在中国北京举行,并按中国国际贸易促进委员会对外贸易仲裁委员会所制订的仲裁规则和程序进行仲裁,该仲裁为终局裁决,对双方均有约束力。仲裁费用除非另有决定,由败诉一方负担。 卖方: 买方: 「名称」 1. PURCHASE CONTRACT 「题注」 「章名」 Whole Doc. Contract No: Date: The Buyer: The Seller: The Contract, made out, in Chinese and English, both version being equally authentic, by and between the Seller and the Buyer whereby the Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods subject to terms and conditions set forth hereinafter as follows: 「章名」 SECTION 1 1 Name of Commodity and specification 2 Country of Origin & Manufacturer 3 Unit Price (packing charges included) 4 Quantity 5 Total Value 6 Packing (seaworthy) 7 Insurance (to be covered by the Buyer unless otherwise) 8 Time of Shipment 9 Port of Loading 10 Port of Destination mark shown as below in addition to the port of destination, package number, gross and net weights, measurements and other marks as the Buyer may require stencilled or marked conspicuously with fast and unfailing pigments on each package. In the case of dangerous and/or poisonous cargo (es), the Seller is obliged to take care to ensure that the nature and the generally adopted symbol shall be marked conspicuously on each package. 12 Terms of Payment: One month prior to the time of shipment the Buyer shall open with the Bank of _______an irrevocable Letter of Credit in favour of the Seller payable at the issuing bank against presentation of documents as stipulated under Clause 18. A. of SECTION II, the Terms of Delivery of this Contract after departure of the carrying vessel. The said Letter of Credit shall remain in force till the 15th day after shipment. 13 Other Terms: Unless otherwise agreed and accepted by the Buyer, all other matters related to this contract shall be governed by Section II, the Terms of Delivery which shall form an integral part of this Contract. Any supplementary terms and conditions that may be attached to this Contract shall automatically prevail over the terms and conditions of this Contract if such supplementary terms and conditions come in conflict with terms and conditions herein and shall be binding upon both parties. FOR THE SELLER FOR THE BUYER 「章名」 SECTION 2 「章名」 14 FOB/FAS TERMS 14.1 The shipping space for the contracted goods shall be booked by the Buyer or the Buyer‘s shipping agent __________. 14.2 Under FOB terms, the Seller shall undertake to load the contracted goods on board the vessel nominated by the Buyer on any date notified by the Buyer, within the time of shipment as stipulated in Clause 8 of this Contract. 14.3 Under FAS terms, the Seller shall undertake to deliver the contracted goods under the tackle of the vessel nominated by the Buyer on any date notified by the Buyer, within the time of shipment as stipulated in Clause 8 of this Contract. 14.4 10-15 days prior to the date of shipment, the Buyer shall inform the Seller by cable or telex of the contract number, name of vessel, ETA of vessel, quantity to be loaded and the name of shipping agent, so as to enable the Seller to contact the shipping agent direct and arrange the shipment of the goods. The Seller shall advise by cable or telex in time the Buyer of the result thereof. Should, for certain reasons, it become necessary for the Buyer to replace the named vessel with another one, or should the named vessel arrive at the port of shipment earlier or later than the date of arrival as previously notified to the Seller, the Buyer or its shipping agent shall advise the Seller to this effect in due time. The Seller shall also keep in close contact with the agent or the Buyer. 14.5 Should the Seller fail to load the goods on board or to deliver the goods under the tackle of the vessel booked by the Buyer. Within the time as notified by the Buyer, after its arrival at the port of shipment the Seller shall be fully liable to the Buyer and responsible for all losses and expenses such as dead freight, demurrage. Consequential losses incurred upon and/or suffered by the Buyer. 14.6 Should the vessel be withdrawn or replaced or delayed eventually or the cargo be shutout etc., and the Seller be not informed in good time to stop delivery of the cargo, the calculation of the loss in storage expenses and insurance premium thus sustained at the loading port shall be based on the loading date notified by the agent to the Seller (or based on the date of the arrival of the cargo at the loading port in case the cargo should arrive there later than the notified loading date)。 The abovementioned loss to be calculated from the 16th day after expiry of the free storage time at the port should be borne by the Buyer with the exception of Force Majeure. However, the Seller shall still undertake to load the cargo immediately upon the carrying vessel‘s arrival at the loading port at its own risk and expenses. The payment of the afore-said expenses shall be effected against presentation of the original vouchers after the Buyer’s verification. 「章名」 15 C&F Terms 15.1 The Seller shall ship the goods within the time as stipulated in clause 8 of this Contract by a direct vessel sailing from the port of loading to China port. Transhipment on route is not allowed without the Buyer‘s prior consent. The goods shall not be carried by vessels flying flags of countries not acceptable to the Port Authorities of China. 15.2 The carrying vessel chartered by the Seller shall be seaworthy and cargoworthy. The Seller shall be obliged to act prudently and conscientiously when selecting the vessel and the carrier when chartering such vessel. The Buyer is justified in not accepting vessels chartered by the Seller that are not members of the PICLUB. 15.3 The carrying vessel chartered by the Seller shall sail and arrive at the port of destination within the normal and reasonable period of time. Any unreasonable aviation or delay is not allowed. 15.4 The age of the carrying vessel chartered by the Seller shall not exceed 15 years. In case her age exceeds 15 years, the extra average insurance premium thus incurred shall be borne by the Seller. Vessel over 20 years of age shall in no event be acceptable to the Buyer. 15.5 For cargo lots over 1,000 M/T each, or any other lots less than 1,000 metric tons but identified by the Buyer, the Seller shall, at least 10 days prior to the date of shipment, inform the Buyer by telex or cable of the following information: the contract number, the name of commodity, quantity, the name of the carrying vessel, the age, nationality, and particulars of the carrying vessel, the expected date of loading, the expected time of arrival at the port of destination, the name, telex and cable address of the carrier. 15.6 For cargo lots over 1,000 M/T each, or any other lots less than 1,000 metric tons but identified by the Buyer, the Master of the carrying vessel shall notify the Buyer respectively 7 (seven) days and 24 (twenty-four) hours prior to the arrival of the vessel at the port of destination, by telex or cable about its ETA (expected time of arrival), contract number, the name of commodity, and quantity. 15.7 If goods are to be shipped per liner vessel under liner Bill of Lading, the carrying vessel must be classified as the highest ____________ or equivalent class as per the Institute Classification Clause and shall be so maintained throughout the duration of the relevant Bill of Lading. Nevertheless, the maximum age of the vessel shall not exceed 20 years at the date of loading. The seller shall bear the average insurance premium for liner vessel older than 20 years. Under no circum -stances shall the Buyer accept vessel over 25 years of age. 15.8 For break bulk cargoes, if goods are shipped in containers by the Seller without prior consent of the Buyer, a compensation of a certain amount to be agreed upon by both parties shall be payable to the Buyer by the Seller. 15.9 The Seller shall maintain close contact with the carrying vessel and shall notify the Buyer by fastest means of communication about any and all accidents that may occur while the carrying vessel is on route. The Seller shall assume full responsibility and shall compensate the Buyer for all losses incurred for its failure to give timely advice or notification to the Buyer. 「章名」 16 CIF Terms: Under CIF terms, besides Clause 15 C&F Terms of this contract which shall be applied the Seller shall be responsible for covering the cargo with relevant insurance with irrespective percentage. 「章名」 17 Advice of Shipment: Within 48 hours immediately after completion of loading of goods on board the vessel the Seller shall advise the Buyer by cable or telex of the contract number, the name of goods, weight (net/gross) or quantity loaded, invoice value, name of vessel, port of loading, sailing date and expected time of arrival (ETA) at the port of destination. Should the Buyer be unable to arrange insurance in time owing to the Seller‘s failure to give the above mentioned advice of shipment by cable or telex, the Seller shall be held responsible for any and all damages and/or losses attributable to such failure. 「章名」 18 Shipping Documents 18.A The Seller shall present the following documents to the paying bank for negotiation of payment: 18.A.1 Full set of clean on board, “freight prepaid” for C&F/CIF Terms or “Freight to collect” for FOB/FAS Terms, Ocean Bills of Lading, made out to order and blank endorsed, notifying ___________at the port of destination. 18.A.2 Five copies of signed invoice, indicating contract number, L/C number, name of commodity, full specifications, and shipping mark, signed and issued by the Beneficiary of Letter of Credit. 18.A.3 Two copies of packing list and/or weight memo with indication of gross and net weight of each package and/or measurements issued by beneficiary of Letter of Credit. 18.A.4 Two copies each of the certificates of quality and quantity or weight issued by the manufacturer and/or a qualified independent surveyor at the loading port and must indicate full specifications of goods conforming to stipulations in Letter of Credit. 18.A.5 One duplicate copy of the cable or telex advice of shipment as stipulated in Clause 17 of the Terms of Delivery. 18.A.6 A letter attesting that extra copies of abovementioned documents have been dispatched according to the Contract. 18.A.7 A letter attesting that the nationality of the carrying vessel has been approved by the Buyer. 18.A.8 The relevant insurance policy covering, but not limited to at least 110% of the invoice value against all and war risks if the insurance is covered by the Buyer. 18.B Any original document(s) made by rephotographic system, automated or computerized system or carbon copies shall not be acceptable unless they are clearly marked as “ORIGINAL.” and certified with signatures in hand writing by authorised officers of the issuing company or corporation. 18.C Through Bill of Lading, Stale Bill of Lading, Short Form Bill of Lading, shall not be acceptable. 18.D Third Party appointed by the Beneficiary as shipper shall not be acceptable unless such Third Party Bill of Lading is made out to the order of shipper and endorsed to the Beneficiary and blank endorsed by the Beneficiary. 18.E Documents issued earlier than the opening date of Letter of Credit shall not be acceptable. 18.F In the case of C&F/CIF shipments, Charter Party Bill of Lading shall not be acceptable unless Beneficiary provides one copy each of the Charter Party, Master‘s of Mate’s receipt, shipping order and cargo or stowage plan and/or other documents called for in the Letter of Credit by the Buyer. 18.G The seller shall dispatch, in care of the carrying vessel, two copies each of the duplicates of Bill of Lading. Invoice and Packing List to the Buyer‘s receiving agent, _______________at the port of destination. 18.H Immediately after the departure of the carrying vessel, the Seller shall airmail one set of the duplicate documents to the Buyer and three sets of the same to ______________________________ Transportation Corporation at the port of destination. 18.I The Seller shall assume full responsibility and be liable to the Buyer and shall compensate the Buyer for all losses arising from going astray of and/or the delay in the dispatch of the above mentioned documents. 18.J Banking charges outside the People‘s Republic of China shall be for the Seller’s account. 「章名」 19 If the goods under this Contract are to be dispatched by air, all the terms and conditions of this Contract in connection with ocean transportation shall be governed by relevant air terms. 「章名」 20 Instruction leaflets on dangerous cargo: For dangerous and/or poisonous cargo, the Seller must provide instruction leaflets stating the hazardous or poisonous properties, transportation, storage and handling remarks, as well as precautionary and first-air measures and measures against fire. The Seller shall airmail, together with other shipping documents, three copies each of the same to the Buyer and___________________ Transportation Corporation at the port of destination. 「章名」 21 Inspection & claims: In case the quality, quantity or weight of the goods be found not in conformity with those as stipulated in this Contract upon re-inspection by the China Commodity Import and Export inspection Bureau within 60 days after completion of the discharge of the goods at the port of destination or, if goods are shipped in containers, 60 days after the opening of such containers, the Buyer shall have the right to request the Seller to take back the goods or lodge claims against the Seller for compensation for losses upon the strength of the Inspection Certificate issued by the said Bureau, with the exception of those claims for which the insurers or owners of the carrying vessel are liable, all expenses including but not limited to inspection fees, interest, losses arising from the return of the goods or claims shall be borne by the Seller. In such a case, the Buyer may, if so requested, send a sample of the goods in question to the Seller, provided that sampling and sending of such sample is feasible. 「章名」 22 Damages: With the exception of late delivery or non-delivery due to “Force Majeure” causes, if the Seller fails to make delivery of the goods in accordance with the terms and conditions, jointly or severally, of this Contract, the Seller shall be liable to the Buyer and indemnify the Buyer for all losses, damages, including but not limited to, purchase price and/or purchase price differentials, deadfreight, demurrage, and all consequential direct or indirect losses. The Buyer shall nevertheless have the right to cancel in part or in whole of the contract without prejudice to the Buyer‘s right to claim compensations. 「章名」 23 Force Majeure: Neither the Seller or the Buyer shall be held responsible for late delivery or non-delivery owing to generally recognized “Force Majeure”causes. However in such a case, the Seller shall immediately advise by cable or telex the Buyer of the accident and airmail to the Buyer within 15 days after the accident, a certificate of the accident issued by the competent government authority or the chamber of commerce which is located at the place where the accident occurs as evidence thereof. If the said “Force Majeure” cause lasts over 60 days, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the whole or the undelivered part of the order for the goods as stipulated in Contract. 「章名」 24 Arbitration: Both parties agree to attempt to resolve all disputes between the parties with respect to the application or interpretation of any term hereof of transaction hereunder, through amicable negotiation. If a dispute cannot be resolved in this manner to the satisfaction of the Seller and the Buyer within a reasonable period of time, maximum not exceeding 90 days after the date of the notification of such dispute, the case under dispute shall be submitted to arbitration if the Buyer should decide not to take the case to court at a place of jurisdiction that the Buyer may deem appropriate. Unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties, such arbitration shall be held in ________, and shall be governed by the rules and procedures of arbitration stipulated by the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. The decision by such arbitration shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties. The arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 2111 字

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Dear interviewer, Hello, my name is, the law is like a secret weapon in the world is much safer. In the four years of graduate study, I study the constitutional jurisprudence, legal history, Chinese, administrative law and administrative litigation law, civil law, commercial law, intellectual property law, economic law. The criminal law, civil law, criminal law, international law, international law, international economic law, master the basic theory of law and basic knowledge, understand and grasp the main laws and regulations of the state, the spirit of the law and the legal value behind the understanding and grasp of the rule of law, and the use of legal theory, method and thinking of problem analysis, solution the problem.

Book knowledge is limited, I actively participated in many social practice and community work, engaged in a large organization to plan the party, to answer the phone secretarial work, accumulated a lot of experience from success to failure. I think the actual operation ability and organization ability of cooperative learning is more important.

In the usual practice, I learned a lot, especially some books to school work experience, although there have been previous success and failures, from which I get is a lot of work principle and work experience for me now, things have become mature. In the past work, I work conscientiously, have team spirit and good communication skills.

As a graduate, maybe my knowledge is limited, perhaps I was too young, the lack of practical experience, I may not like other people in some areas to work freely, but the young means of enthusiasm and vitality. I dont have much experience, does not mean I can not. Because there is no experience, but more can let me focus on one thing, and not susceptible to outside interference, to maintain their own ideas, maintain their own sense of accomplishment. This will have more power, will be a big harvest. I am confident of their own abilities and learning work in learning and life after graduation to overcome all kinds of difficulties, to realize the value of life with the goal of Standard.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1068 字

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Good morning !

It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview,I hope I can make a good performance today. Im confident that I can succeed.

Now i will introduce myself briefly I am 26 years old,born in shandong province .

I graduated from Qingdao university. my major is electronic.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 20xx.

I spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 . and I have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time.

In July 20xx, I begin work for a small private company as a technical support engineer in QingDao city.Because Im capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job.

And in August 20xx,I left QingDao to BeiJing and worked for a foreign enterprise as a automation software test engineer.Because I want to change my working environment, Id like to find a job which is more challenging. Morover Motorola is a global company, so I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of company ennvironment. That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position.
