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进门后,在你的左边有一个巨大的绿色王国,这就是“生物万象”景区。这里仿照云南的自然风光,气候条件,分为热带雨林区和石林区。热带雨林区包括了乔木、灌木、藤木…… 石林区则有各种爬行动物、昆虫、鸟类和水生景观等。


上海科技馆的展馆太多,我就不一一介绍了,剩下的时间你们可以自由参观了,谢谢!Bye Bye!



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Fairy mountain is located in chongqing three gorges tourism in wulong county wujiang river north shore double river township, 35 km away from the county seat, west fuling city, north to fengdu, 1991.7 meters above sea level. Famous scenic spot "of Chinas most beautiful cave", "underground palace", our country only as cave declared to be the worlds natural heritage attractions, furong cave. The world natural heritage site, the worlds largest natural arch group, the worlds second largest tiankeng group - tiankeng scenic spot three bridge.

Yuxiang highway (about 160 km high-speed road, drive about 2 hours) after arriving at the wulong to JiangKou Town may at his own expense to visit "Chinas most beautiful cave", "underground palace", our country only as cave declared to be the worlds natural heritage attractions, furong cave, or participate in furong jiang river speed skating. In fairy mountain area (dealership time about an hour and a half), arrived at three Qiao tiankeng scenic area, visiting the national AAAA level scenic area, the world natural heritage site, the worlds largest natural arch group, the worlds second largest tiankeng group - tiankeng scenic spot three bridge; Stay in zhang yimou film "gold armour" the only location, watch 2 million built in the tang dynasty ancient dak, feeling "three bridge between two pit" spectacular! (about 2.5 hours); After dinner, drove to fairy mountain or mid-levels, hotel, night can roast sheep at his own expense.

Fairy mountain is located in chongqing three gorges tourism in wulong county wujiang river north shore double river township, 35 km away from the county seat, west fuling city, north to fengdu, water and land transportation is very convenient. In wuling mountain, the elevation 1991.7 meters, covers an area of 350000 mu. An average elevation of 1800 meters, peak 1800 meters. Shallow hill mountain for plateau lawn, occasionally.



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上海主要景点: 磁悬浮列车、东方明珠、国际会议中心、金茂大厦88层观光厅、上海博物馆、外滩万国建筑博览 、豫园、中共“一大”会址、大观园等。




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上海立县之前,在镇西约6里处的淡井里,有一座华亭城隍行殿,俗称淡井庙。建县后经过一百五十余年,明永乐年间 (1403—1424) 才将方洪北岸原金山神庙加以扩充,改为上海县城隍庙。相传,城隍是道家保护城池的神,同时也庇佑着市民,城隍庙是地方神的祭祀之地,城隍神则多为生前有惠于民的清官良吏,以期其殁后也能为民“御大灾、捍大患”。上海城隍庙其前身原为金山神主、西汉大司马霍光神祠,故今庙内前殿仍由霍光坐镇,后殿供奉上海城隍神秦裕伯,民间俗称“一庙二城隍”,国内罕见。

位于城隍庙西北面的沉香阁,原由豫园主人潘允端所建。潘允端于明万历二十八年(1600 年)督办漕运疏浚淮河打捞沉船时觅得一尊精美观音佛像,甚为喜欢,又于当夜梦见其母嘱托,即派人护送佛像回上海建阁供奉。因佛像由名贵海琼水沉香木雕制,芳香十分浓郁,故名“沉香阁”(据考,该佛像系隋代大业年间南洋赤土国回赠隋炀帝之礼,在淮河中遇风浪沉没,已卧伏河底近千年)。明代之后,沉香阁迁址重建,曾改名为“慈云禅寺”,拥有丛林寺院规模,与龙华、静安、玉佛三大名刹齐名今沉香观音虽非原像,但仍形神兼具、仪态万方,为佛中珍品,香火终日兴盛。阁内现还开设尼众班,已成为全国最大的比丘尼寺院之一。



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Hello, all of you, welcome to the the Imperial Palace in Beijing. Ill give you a brief introduction to the scenic spots here today.

Please follow my footsteps. We are in front of the famous the Imperial Palace Museum. Well, stepped into the gate, a temple - temple we came to the Imperial Palace to the three largest Ting hall, folk known as "jinluandian". It was built in Ming Yongle for eighteen years, in 1420, and in the thirty-four years of the Qing Dynasty, Kangxi was rebuilt in 1695. How much is the height of the Taihe temple and how much area is it? Yes, its about 35 meters tall, with an area of 2377 square meters, almost 55 classrooms, and 72 columns supporting all the weight. Its the tallest building in the the Imperial Palace. You see! Which was decorated with beautiful decoration, the middle of a throne, the throne is arranged between 6 Panlong Kim, to highlight the status of the emperor overweening. The Jiulong throne is made of gold from the nanmu Carving Dragon, and it is fine.

Everyone goes right together, and the front comes to the hall of neutralization. The plane and Temple Square, yellow glazed four cuanjian Ding, can be sent! Do you know that? When the emperor is here, marking the play book offering pro.

All of us go along with me, the most prominent in this space is the stone carving of Yunlong. This is the largest stone carving in the the Imperial Palace. The stone length is 16. 57 meters, 3 wide. 07 meters, 1 thick. 7 meters, weighing up to more than 200 tons! You can take a closer look at a look around the stone, engraved with lotus pattern, the lower water Jiang Ya, intermediate carved with nine dragons and foil Cloud State dragon, Yunlong true to life, fine carving.

This is the end of todays explanation, and you can visit it by yourself. I want to remind you: notice that anything can never be touched by hand in order to protect the rare relics. Well gather here in 20 minutes. Bye! I wish you all a good time.



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坐落于宁波三江口北岸的宁波老外滩于1844年开埠, 地处宁波市中心,位于甬江、奉化江和余姚江的三江口汇流之地,唐宋以来就是最繁华的港口之一,曾是“五口通商”中最早的对外开埠区,比上海外滩还早20xx年。是目前国内仅存的几个具有百年历史的外滩之一。宁波老外滩,通过保存历史建筑和街区风貌,植入新都市文化,将厚重的历史与发展的愿望完美结合在一起。由文物、旧、渐旧、新的建筑物构成了不同历史时期的见证和载体,改造者着意打造着上世纪三四十年代的韵味。如今的老外滩骨子里透出现代意味,是一个集吃、住、玩、休闲、购物、娱乐为一体的时尚消费中心。






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Dear visitors: hello! Welcome to the south of the lower reaches of the yangze river city - wuxi!

Xu take you go today is a special water line - the ancient canal. Hope you pay attention to safety, dont fall into the water, otherwise, we noon a dish - "drowned rat" oh:)

Wuxi belonging to the beijing-hangzhou grand canal jiangnan ancient canal section, its by wuxi northwest five flows, wear and the city, to flow at wuxi, total length of 40.8 km. Because the ancient water transport as the main mode of transportation, the boat here is like a boat, so called "golden waterway", it is also the most main wuxi is one of the river.

At this point you have to put the beijing-hangzhou grand canal to introduce: there are four dragons in China, the Yangtze river, Yellow River and the beijing-hangzhou grand canal and the Great Wall. Is given by the nature of the two, the latter two are artificial creation miracle. The beijing-hangzhou grand canal is the longest artificial canal all over the world, the total length of 1794 km, north Beijing tong county, south to hangzhou, through Beijing, tianjin, hebei, shandong, jiangsu and zhejiang provinces. Among them, it is said that the excavation is the earliest a berth to blaspheme river, wu taber led locals excavation is 3200 years ago. 2500 years ago, the prince fu in order to cut qi and excavation Han ditch, 1400 years ago, the emperor yangdi digging the jiangnan canal, in 1292 AD, the back has completed all the beijing-hangzhou grand canal, at this point, for our countrys ancient transport is a lifeline.

The wuxi section of the canal is a best so far retained intact. Today nearly 1 km of water alley south temple area had many artists and archaeologists are sent a heartfelt admiration. Because there is no water in other parts of the ancient canal is basically the history of the scenery, but also retain the small bridge, flowing water, somebody else here and many historical sites.

Ok, now our ship came to a piece of the wide water, in the three rivers converge here, was originally a lake, called "lotus lake", also called "wuxi lake", the ancient lake has 15300 acres, which is now about a third of the taihu lake, in wuxi, jiangyin, three XianJing wujin. As human reclamation and natural silted up, after the lake area is smaller and smaller, to the late qing dynasty is just a small lake, but there still left many monuments, including the port pier and huang rong lake in front of the village.

Surface high overhead on a bridge, known as "bridge", there is no bridge, original during the Ming and qing dynasties is the water transport center here, next to the ferry, crossing, but in all people often fell down, so the businessman, called Wu Zijing, out of the 27000 two silver, imitation of Shanghai Bai Duqiao and built a copper iron bridge, people in order to commemorate him, put the bridge named "wu". Wu Zijing, anhui people, stagnation, xuantong qing has embroidery factory in wuxi, Shanghai is open, so he every year to wuxi, died after Shanghai, but his contribution to the wuxi is played, the bridge rebuilt until 1965, when only dismantled the iron beam, called "jiefang", but in 1982, formerly known as again, now the bridge is rebuilt in 1993, won the ministry of construction is "luban prize". Actually near here besides wuqiao, there are three mile bridge and bridge with lotus-paste, name three, bridge has four! Because the three mile bridge has two!

Beside the island surrounded by water, is the mouth during the warring states period left at ChuGuoChun shen jun huang2 xie governance lotus lake site - yellow port pier. Wuxi people compared the ancient canal to a dragon, it is bibcock, it is said that it will be as the water rises up, impinges down! Its also known as jinshan, area of only 220 square meters, but have two emperors in history, the three prime minister, a sky came to this place. During the warring states period in the spring shen jun in the east, in the governance of lotus lake, water conservancy, and yellow port pier is also named after him. Another prime minister Li Shen is wuxi, the famous "farmer" Benjamin is his creation, "behold dishes, each all pain" in his poetry has to sing praise for the people.

Another is the prime minister of the southern song dynasty, wen tianxiang, when he was sent to yuan barracks in negotiations, and sent by the Lord to sell, yuan army detention, escorted wen tianxiang back to mostly through wuxi, he held on the pier, on both sides of the common people kneel cry tears send, wen tianxiang also made "wuxi" a poem; A sky is harry in the Ming dynasty, he also wrote on his yellow port pier "play in the mountain water first floor" plaques. Two under the emperors six jiangnan kangxi and qianlong. Qianlong also imitation in the south lake of the Summer Palace, a "phoenix pier", but is not now, he also wrote the "two water back to encircle a continent, not only on boats" verse. Because of its magic, so wuxi people think it is "day off".

The market here is the famous three mile bridge, three mile bridge, there are two bridge, a bridge in wuqiao new three mile below, one is in the left hand side of old bridge, so the three of the four Bridges. It is said that from the old bridge to the old north gate just three mile name. Wuxi is the hometown of fish and rice, water transportation is convenient, wuhu, anhui, jiangxi and hunan changsha jiujiang said "Chinas four big market", and wuxi in its first. Keeping original wuxi market eight, three mile bridge is the busiest of the most lively, but now has been gradually replaced by new village, in those days many grain, lively grain retailer has ceased to exist, but three mile bridge market is a sum of wuxis history. "FuRongLou" beside this there are beautiful in that year, it is not only tea and eat breakfast place, also is grain retailer, merchants who talk about the place of business, can say is "food trading center" of the year.

In front of the big island under the bridge there is a tall, wuxi is called "jiang pointed in zhu", the ancient canal here is divided into two streams: first-class eastward, a flow to the south, and the beam river intersection. Liang Xi is wuxi nickname, because of the eastern han dynasty Liang Hong to celebrities and his wife named meng had in wuxi iron mountain seclusion. This pointed in zhu jiang had piled up a lot of POTS and pans and VAT, pile was tall and pointed, so named "cylinder tip", wuxi words "river" and "VAT" in Chinese. The pottery shop of Trinidad and Tobago, and into the river or ferry, or across the street, lane, so there is the saying of "around on pointed in zhu jiang". Ancient on July 30, the people here will be placed in the water tower lamp, in honor of one of uprising leader prince gathering at the end of the yuan. But now I dont have this custom, the island also transformed into a free of the park.

The west gate of the river-crossing pointed nagisa is near to wuxi. The bridge on the canal is called "renmin bridge". A listen to is revolutionary, but it is said that this is wuxi has the earliest historical records of the bridge. Under the original ancient street, is in front of the street, followed by the river, all with shade out rain connects the arbor, so the name "shelter under street". Originally is the granary of the wuxi oh here, but now is already beautiful five love home village.

Nearby street, called "lane", originally called "lime lane" actually, because inside the lane were piled with lime and name, but not the name, to do with partial tone change "lane". Here is original, with, very lively.

Appeared in front of a small island, called "west water block". Here is the wuxi "floor", and "day off" yellow port pier mutual echo. Originally is five Qin Jin ministers villa is located in the Ming dynasty, so called "Pacific pier". Later Ming dynasty wuxi magistrate of a county Liu Wuwei for private good, wash the grievance, water conservancy, and to control floods went bankrupt and was suffering time, wuxi to thank him, and in the build temple worship, named him "narcissus", so called "western" water block. Has now been transformed into jiangxin park and the museum. There is also a stage, the above points inside and outside, the outside is to see fishermen people acting, there is show "narcissus master".

Near the pier has a lounge Bridges are connected to the side of the flour factory name. So we have covered the wuxi early. Next to the mau new flour factory pioneered the national industry and commerce wonderful people founded in 1900, originally named "bao xing flour mills. Here the production of warships brand flour was famous in the country. My grandfather was the workers in the factory. Here is the birthplace of Chinas national industry and commerce of a microcosm. Although there has been discontinued, but has built the city museum of the national industry and commerce, records the development of Chinas national industry and commerce, is well worth a look.

To the other side of the river is xue fuchengs former residence. Times.he is the ambassador to Europe countries in the late qing dynasty, at the same time, he is also one of the founders of the national industrial and commercial development, his son Xue Na styles is wuxi first chamber of commerce. His house covers an area of big, "xue half city" in wuxi. Wuxi city government have to repair the house now.



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Kunming xishan called blue mountain chicken. For brigitte Nao mountain,huating mountain, mt huashan, the floorboard of the Luo Hanshan. West mountainis located in the western suburbs of kunming, dianchi lake west bank, 15 km awayfrom downtown, lie between the dianchi and golden horse mountain, is relative.North green chicken guan, south to haikou, 35 kilometers. Peak Luo Hanfeng, 2,511 meters above sea level. Rolling hills, red is like sleeping Buddha, so alsocalled lie in foshan. On the other side of the water just like the dianchi lakeshore - rich woman lay, of "sleeping beauty mountain" good name. Sanqingpavilion on longmen grottoes. The first scene in kunming area. First see thename of xishan and tomorrow shun six years (in 1462), he gives the Minneapolismountain, the great garden temple imperial tablet "county of yunnan provincekunming xishan sea".

Xishan dense woods, flowers and plants flourish, beautiful beautiful,scenic, in ancient times has the reputation of "the first state in the yunnan".From a look to the southeast of kunming, xishan just like a beautiful womanlying in dianchi lake on both sides. Her head, chest, abdomen, legs, hair floatsin dianchi lake sparkling waves of shadow, appear outline and graceful,enchanting and moving, so also called sleeping beauty.

Folklore, ancient when a princess to bear palace lonely, sneak out of thepalace with a small group of married couples. Later, breaking up a happymarriage, the king and to the young man to death. Princess grieving, and wept,tears remit the dianchi lake, she also fall on his back into the western hills.Xishan are bi is a forest park, attractions. Every year in March, kunming peoplehave the custom of "march third, play xishan", when the four sergeants gatheredparty, sing folk songs, to minor, play the dragon lion dance, the piic toadmire the view, very busy.



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Everybody is good! I am the guide from China international travel service - Tang Ruiqi. Today, let me take you to visit guilin landscape together!

You must have heard of the "landscape jiatianxia guilin" this quote, it comes from the hand of the qing dynasty poet Jin Wuxiang. There are many poets have been in guilin items, visible how famous landscape of guilin.

Lets take a boat ripples on the li river together!

Water has three characteristics of the lijiang river, is static, clean, green, respectively. It make you feel less than the static flow, alive it clear can see the small fish, it seemed like a flawless emerald green.

Landscape, landscape, can not not have water mountain. Everyone please look here, this is the elephant trunk hill. Elephant trunk hill, also called xiangshan, yamagata cool, its like a giant elephants, and stretched out like a long nose, there is a beautiful fairy tale, the legend in a long time ago, a mother gave birth to a baby elephant, elephant one day by the river water, accidentally rolled down, like a mother know constantly call, long day sky like mom a fixed posture, finally became the elephant trunk hill as my mum. This is a great mother ah, this is a very touching story, is also a great maternal love, let us little like as soon as possible and like his mother can get together soon.

The hills of guilin, and show also risks. The continuous mountains, north of the mountains to the south of grids, each are not connected; The hills of guilin color bright and beautiful, reflected in the water, guilin mountain is very danger, danger peak stand out, jagged, like a heart will not fall down.

So how can add up the hill and the water not make people linger? Tour guides stop here today, hope you also go to guilin to play next time, I am here waiting for you, goodbye!



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Dear friends: passenger

Heuo! My name is Hou Xiang, I am your tour guide at this time. Today, I lead you to the world civilization world-beating badaling Great Wall tour. I hope you have a good viewing the ancestors left us scenic spot and historic resort!

You see, we are now at the foot of badaling. Everyone looked up, badaling Great Wall is very much like a dragon? Between the mountains circled crept. To tell you that this period of the Great Wall is thirteen thousand li. Here we see again, can find the Great Wall is divided into west, north, two peak, magnificent scenery, just like dragons rising and prosperous one. If you want to see the Great Wall scenery, go up and view it for you.

Tourists friends! We finally came to the famous badaling Great Wall, is really spectacular! The badaling Great Wall tall, solid, is made of stone and ChengZhuan. Ground upper berth square brick, very smooth, like the road is very wide, wide width, so if the horse stood above, WuLiuPi horse can be hand in hand, we now have a try, arms extended, some can account for more than ten people.

Good, we go forward again, we look at, walked on the wall is two meters high buttress, the mouth of the buttress on the square, this is war outlook, and shot mouth. On the top of the wall, every three hundred meters there is a square ChengTai, this is the ancient fortress of station troops. War, between the pile caps can mutual echo.

Badaling Great Wall there is a lot of beautiful scenery, here is the civilization of the world tourist attractions, hope you can carefully touring!



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Located 1 km to the west of Xiahe County, daxiahe river forms a basinbetween Longshan and Fengshan. The Tibetan people call it a cornucopia, andLabrang temple is located on the cornucopia. Together with the DrepungMonastery, Sera Monastery, Gandan monastery, tashilumbu monastery and talmonastery in Qinghai, it is called the six major monasteries of the Gelug Sect(yellow sect) of Lamaism in China. Labrang is the transliteration of Tibetan"lazhang", which means the place where the Buddhist palace is located.

The temple was built in 1709, the 48th year of the reign of Emperor Kangxiof the Qing Dynasty. There are 18 magnificent Buddhist temples, more than 10000monk houses, numerous buildings and red walls, with extraordinary momentum.Among them, the most famous is the six ZHACANG. Zacang, which means college inTibetan. The six chacangs are the six Buddhist Colleges: Wensi College ofxiuxianzong, upper college and lower College of xumizong, Shilun College ofastronomy, Medical College of medicine and xijingang College of law. Among them,Wensi college is the center of the whole temple, with three main parts: fronthall, main hall and back hall. The front hall is for the statue of Kingsongzangan of Tibet, and the main hall is hung with a plaque of "huijue Temple",which was granted by Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty. The main hall, with 11bays, is 100 meters wide and 75 meters deep. It has 140 columns and can hold4000 lamas chanting sutras at the same time. The hall is decorated with colorfulbanners, more than 100 butter lamps and cigarettes. It is a Buddhist atmosphere.There are also two pulpits, a sutra house and a printing house in the temple,with tens of thousands of cultural relics and more than 60000 Tibetanclassics.

There are 18 "Lacan" in Labrang temple. "LAKANG" (Buddhist temple) is themeeting place for lamas to chant scriptures. Among them, Shouxi temple is thelargest, with 6 floors and a height of more than 20 meters. Inside the hall,there are about 15 meters high Buddha statues of Sakyamuni. The roof issurrounded by golden dragons and the wall is surrounded by silver lions. It iswell deserved to call Labrang temple a higher institution of TibetanBuddhism.



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Ladies and gentlemen, the place we are going to visit is Shaolin Temple,the birthplace of Chinese Zen. Shaolin Temple was built in the 19th year ofTaihe in the Northern Wei Dynasty (495 AD). It was founded by Yuanhong, EmperorXiaowen, in order to settle Batuo, an Indian monk. Because it is located in thedense forest of Shaoshi mountain, it is called "Shaolin Temple". Bodhidharma,the 28th generation Buddha of Sakyamuni, arrived at Shaolin Temple in the thirdyear of Xiaochang (527 AD) of the Northern Wei Dynasty and spread Zen Buddhismfor the first time, which had a great influence. Therefore, Shaolin Temple iscalled "Zen ancestral court" by the world Buddhism, and develops rapidly on thisbasis. Especially after the thirteen stick monks rescued Li Shimin in the earlyTang Dynasty, Shaolin Temple has been highly valued by the Tang Dynasty and wonthe reputation of "the first temple in the world".

Todays Shaolin Temple is famous not only for its ancient and mysteriousBuddhist culture, but also for its exquisite Shaolin Kung Fu. "Chinese Kung Fuis the best in the world, and the worlds Kung Fu is the best in Shaolin.". Thisis the birthplace of Shaolin martial arts, Shaolin martial arts is alsorecognized as the authentic School of Chinese martial arts.

Shaolin Temple is also one of the famous tourist attractions in China. In20__, Shaolin Temple scenic spot was first recognized as the most advanced 4Atourist area in China by the National Tourism Administration.

Shaolin Temple scenic spots include Shaolin Temple, talin, Chuzu temple,erzu temple, Damo cave, Shifang temple, martial arts hall and other majortourist attractions.

Now the first thing we see is that Shaolin Temple is oftenhospitalized.

Shaolin Temple often hospitalized is the core of Shaolin Temple. It is theplace where monks and deacons conduct Buddhist activities, with a total area ofmore than 30000 square meters. It is a seven entrance building. Now the firstthing we see is:

Shanmen: Shanmen is the gate of Shaolin Temple. It was built in the QingDynasty and renovated in 1975. The word "Shaolin Temple" on the forehead waswritten by Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. There is a square seal of"treasure of Kangxis imperial pen".

The stone lions on both sides of the steps of the Mountain Gate hall arecarved in the Ming Dynasty, which not only shows the style of Buddhism, but alsosymbolizes the suppression of evil and auspiciousness. On both sides of themountain gate are East and West Stone squares built in the Jiajing period of theMing Dynasty.

You see, the shrine in Shanmen hall is dedicated to Maitreya Buddha, alsoknown as Yingbin Buddha. He is kind-hearted and welcomes you with a smile. Wecall Maitreya Buddha "dignified and solemn Mountain Gate, happy to see the worldshining, laughing and greeting people, blessing endless bliss".

At the back of the niche in the Mountain Gate hall is the Bodhisattva WeiTuo, known as the Dharma protector, who holds a diamond pestle to protect thethree treasures of Buddhism, Buddhism and monks.

We can see that there are many inscriptions on both sides of Shanmencorridor, which are called Shaolin Temple stele forest. These are famousoriginal inscriptions since Tang and Song dynasties. On the east side of thestele forest is the former site of Ciyun hall, which is now the stele corridorof Shaolin Temple. It not only records the rise and fall of the temple, but alsohas high research value in history, sculpture and art. There are 108 steleinscriptions in the stele forest and stele corridor of Shaolin Temple.

The western part of the tablet forest is the hammer spectrum hall, whichhas 42 corridors in one week. It shows the origin, development, practice, eliteroutine, national defense function, monks and soldiers, martial arts activitiesand so on by using clay sculpture and wood carvings, etc., displaying 14 sets of216 hammer images in Shaolin Temple. There are meditation, running around theBuddha, Baduanjin, xiaohongquan, dahongquan, liuhequan, tongbangquan,luohanquan, zhaoyangquan, practicing basic skills, thirteen stick monk rescuingthe king of Qin, Xiaoshan monk going out to battle, master yuekong pingwokou andlaity disciples practicing martial arts. As the saying goes: five minutes in thehammer music hall, you can practice Shaolin Kung Fu by comparing thesestatues.

Tianwang hall is the second building we see now. The original building ofTianwang hall was burned by Shi Yousan in 1928. It was rebuilt in 1982. The twogreat vajras outside the hall are said to be "hum" and "ha" generals, whose dutyis to protect Buddhism. Inside the hall are the four heavenly kings, also knownas the four vajras. Their duty is to inspect the good and evil behaviors of allliving beings, help the poor and help the poor, and bless the world. Accordingto the combination characteristics of the four heavenly kings, it means "goodweather".

Daxiong hall is the central building of the whole temple and an importantplace for monks to carry out Buddhist activities. Like Tianwang hall, it wasburned by warlord Shi Yousan in 1928. It was rebuilt in 1985. The hall is a fiveroom wide double eaves Xieshan style building. In the center of the hall is thepresent Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha, on the left is the past Buddha, the pharmacistBuddha in the Oriental pure glass world, and on the right is the future Buddha,Amitabha Buddha in the Western Paradise. On the East and West gables of the hallis the eighteen Arhats, and on the back wall of the screen wall is theAvalokitesvara. The difference between the main hall of Shaolin Temple and themain hall of other temples is that there are standing statues on the left andright of the third Buddha and the king jinnaro, known as the founder ofShaolins cudgel art. In addition, there are two pillars in the middle of thehall, and there are Unicorn statues under them, which indicates that ZenBuddhism is a completely sinicized Chinese Buddhism.

The buildings on both sides of the main hall are the second floor of thebell and drum, the bell tower in the southeast and the drum tower in thesouthwest. The original buildings were destroyed in 1928 and rebuilt in 1994.They are the fixed buildings of the temple. We often say "morning bell andevening drum" is a signal for monks to live and carry out Buddhistactivities.

In front of the bell tower, this tablet is called "emperor Songyue ShaolinTemple tablet", commonly known as "Li Shimin tablet", which was carved in the16th year of Kaiyuan (728 AD) of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty. On the front,Li Shimins message to the master of Shaolin Temple and others praises Shaolinmonks for their contribution to the Tang Dynastys pacification of WangShichong. In the fifth line from the right, Li Shimins initialed word "Shimin"is inscribed on the tablet. The seven characters "emperors imperial script" arethe imperial script of Emperor Xuanzong Li Longji of Tang Dynasty. Theinscription on the back is Li Shimins inscription on the imperial script ofbaiguzhuang in Shaolin Temple, which records the story of thirteen stick monkssaving the king of Qin. It is also the historical basis for the film ShaolinTemple.

To the north of Li Shimins stele is Xiaoshan Zen master Xingshi stele,which records the experience of the 24th generation Zen master of Cao Dongzongin Shaolin Temple and the merits of reviving Shaolin Zen. On the back of thestele is the tuzan stele of the three religions of Hunyuan, on which is engravedthe image of the three religions of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. Thisstele reflects that Songshan is a place where the three religions of Buddhism,Taoism and Confucianism gather together, and embodies the important idea of thethree religions merging. Further north, we can see the Qianlong imperial stelecarved in 1750. The inscription on the tablet is a five character poem: to seeZhongyue tomorrow, to stay in Shaolin tonight, to be quiet in the heartaccording to the six Chan, to be deep in the mountains, to be quiet in theancient trees, to be overcast in the night, to be taught half rock rain, and tosing from my window at night.

On the east side of the main hall is jinnaro hall, which was rebuilt in1982. Jinnaro king is the unique Dharma protector of Shaolin Temple. It showsthe three different images of King jinnaro: the body of Bao, the body of Dharmaand the body of Ying.

On the west side of Daxiong hall, opposite to jinnaro hall, is liuzu hall.It was rebuilt in 1982. On the front side of the hall are Bodhisattva dashizhi,Manjusri, Guanyin, Puxian and dizang. On the two sides are Bodhisattva Dharma,Huike, can, Daoxin, Hongren and Huineng, the first ancestor of Zen. They arecalled the sixth ancestor worshipping Guanyin. On the west wall of liuzutang isa large-scale painted sculpture "Dharma walking only in the west".

The Sutra Pavilion, also known as Fatang, was built in the Ming Dynasty. Itwas destroyed in 1928 and rebuilt in 1994. It is the place for monks to collectsutras. It is a white jade Buddha statue presented by a Burmese disciple ofShaolin Temple in 1996. There is a big iron pot under the platform of the SutraPavilion, which was cast in the Wanli year of the Ming Dynasty. It is said thatit was a small pot used by Shaolin monks to fry vegetables at that time. Fromthis pot, we can imagine the prosperity and prosperity of Shaolin Temple at thattime.

The East and West chambers of the Sutra pavilion are the East Chan hall andthe West Hakka hall respectively. The East Chan hall is a place for monks tomeditate, while the West Hakka hall is now a place for guests.

The Abbots room is the place where the abbot monk (the abbot) of ShaolinTemple lives, lives and administers. On September 29th, the 15th year ofQianlong, Qianlong stayed here when he visited Mount Song. The bell on the eastside of the door of the Abbots room was cast in the Yuan Dynasty. It can onlybe struck in case of emergency to give an alarm.

Damo Pavilion is also called Lixue Pavilion. Inside the shrine, there arebronze seated statues of Dharma, on both sides of which are Huike, sengcan,Daoxin and Hongren. The word "snow print heart pearl" hanging in the hall is thetitle of Emperor Qianlong. There is another touching story about Damo Pavilion.According to Buddhist classics, after Dharma came to Shaolin Temple, a Chinesemonk named Shengguang followed him. He humbly asked Dharma for advice, but wasrefused by Dharma. Shengguang was not disheartened. Dharma went to the cave tomeditate on the wall. After that, Dharma went back to the temple to take care ofBuddhism, and the light followed him. The light took good care of Dharma. Everymove of Zen master, heart happy oral, so day after day, year after year. Onenight in the winter of 536 ad, Dharma was meditating in Dharma Pavilion, and thedivine light was still standing outside the pavilion. At this time, there washeavy snow in the sky, and the snow covered the divine lights knees. The divinelight still put his hands together and did not move. The next morning, whenDharma opened, he saw the divine light standing in the snow and asked him, "whatare you doing in the snow?" The divine light replied, "please teach me the truedharma." "Dharma said:" I want to pass the Dharma to you, unless Tianlong redsnow

Shenguang took out the sword and cut off his left arm. The blood suddenlyturned red and snow white. Dharma was moved. So he passed the Almighty weapon toShenguang as the evidence of spreading the Dharma, and named it "Huike". This isthe origin of the idiom story of "true story of the alms". The story of "seekingthe Dharma by breaking ones arm" has also been recited by Zen scholars. At thesame time, in memory of Huike, the second patriarch, who broke his arm to getBuddhist dharma, people also called "Dharma Pavilion" as "Lixue Pavilion".

On the east side of Dharma Pavilion is Manjusri hall, in which ManjusriBodhisattva is worshipped. Please follow me to visit the highest Hall of ShaolinTemple, which is also the most precious hall.

Thousand Buddha Hall thousand Buddha Hall is the last building of Shaolintemple built in the Ming Dynasty, also known as Pilu Pavilion. The hall is morethan 20 meters high and covers an area of more than 300 square meters. It is thelargest Buddha Hall in the temple. The shrine in the hall is dedicated to PiluBuddha (the Dharma body of Sakyamuni Buddha). The plaque of "Fa Yin Gao ti"hanging on the shrine is the imperial book of Emperor Qianlong of the QingDynasty. On the East, northwest and three walls of the hall are the inscriptionsof the Ming Dynasty The 500 large-scale color paintings of Pilu in the LuohanDynasty are made by unknown painters in the Ming Dynasty. They are exquisite inpainting, bold in design and of high artistic research value. We can see fromthe ground that there are four rows of 48 stake pits on the bottom of the brickpavement in the hall. They are the footpits where Shaolin monks practiced boxingand martial arts over the years. From these footpits, we can see that ShaolinKung Fu is extraordinary.

To the east of thousand Buddha Hall is Guanyin hall, also known as hammerspectrum hall. In the hall is dedicated to the great master in white, namelyGuanyin Bodhisattva. On the wall of the hall is the boxing Manual of ShaolinTemple drawn in the middle and late Qing Dynasty.

On the west side of the thousand Buddha Hall is the dizang hall, and in themiddle of the hall is the dizang king. On the south side of the dizang king isthe defense elder, and on the north side is the Daoming monk. On the north andsouth walls of the hall are the "ten halls of Yan Jun", and on the west wall arethe "twenty four filial piety pictures".

Dear friends, please go back the same way. Our next visit is the state keycultural relics protection unit - Shaolin Temple Pagoda.

The Pagoda Forest of Shaolin Temple is the tomb of the eminent monks ofShaolin Temple in the past dynasties, with a total area of more than 14000square meters. In 1996, the State Council announced it as a national keycultural relics protection unit. There are more than 240 brick and stone tombsin talin in Tang, song, Jin, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, of which 2 are inTang, 2 in song, 10 in Jin, 46 in Yuan and 148 in Ming, and the rest are in Qingand unknown in song. The pagoda of Shaolin Temple is the largest and mostnumerous group of existing ancient pagodas in China. The height of the pagoda isgenerally less than 15 meters, ranging from one level to seven levels. Theheight, size, level and shape of the pagoda are determined by the monks statusin Buddhism, Buddhist attainments, the number of Buddhists, prestige, economicstatus and historical conditions.

The famous pagodas in the Pagoda Forest of Shaolin temple include: theDharma Chan Master Pagoda in 791 A.D., the common Pagoda in 1121 A.D., theXitang Pagoda in 1157 A.D., the calm stone pagoda in 1580 A.D., the BiAn Pagodain 1666 A.D., and the juan elder Pagoda in 1339 A.D . Tallinn is a precioustreasure to study the history of Chinese ancient architecture, sculpture,calligraphy, art history and religious culture.

Next we continue to visit Chuzu temple.

Now Id like to briefly introduce Chuzu nunnery. Chuzu nunnery is locatedat the foot of wuru peak of Shaolin Temple, on the hillside behind ShaolinTemple. It was built by descendants of Dharma to commemorate Dharmas face wall.Covering an area of 7760 square meters, the main hall of chuzuan is a typicalwooden structure building in the Song Dynasty, and now it is a national keycultural relic protection unit. Now we take a cableway to visit erzu temple.

Erzu nunnery is located on Boyu peak of Shaolin Temple. It is the highestbuilding of Shaolin Temple. It was built by erzu Huike. Because it looks northand south from Chuzu nunnery, it is also called Nan nunnery. It is said thatHuike, the second patriarch, once lived here after breaking the snow wall.

Dharma cave is located on wuru peak in the northwest of Shaolin Temple. Itis about 7 meters deep, 3 meters high and 3.5 meters wide. From 527 to 536,Dharma cave faced the wall for nine years. Finally, it became a positive result.It became a great pioneering work in the history of Buddhism. Here is a tensquare cave built in the Ming Dynasty. On the rocks on both sides of the caveare many stone carvings left by celebrities of past dynasties.

Next, well visit the Shifang Temple opposite Shaolin Temple.

On the South Bank of Shaoxi river opposite to Shaolin Temple is ShifangBuddhist temple. It was built in 1512, and rebuilt in the 10th year of Shunzhireign of Qing Dynasty. It is the Post Pavilion of the temple. It is theaccommodation for the monks. It collapsed in 1958 and rebuilt in 1993. The newShifang temple is different from the past. It is a new group of Buddhist scenes- 500 arhat hall.

Ten directions are four corners and ten directions up and down.

Si Zheng: there are four single eaves Xieshan style temples in the East,West, South and North.

Four corners: spring, summer, autumn and winter have four distinctivescenery circles.

Shifang temple is one of the main tourist attractions of Shaolin Templewith exquisite design, simple and elegant.

Well, tourists, the visit to Shaolin Temple is coming to an end. Welcome tovisit Shaolin temple again to learn boxing and martial arts. Thank you.



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The famous West Lake is like a brilliant pearl embedded in the beautiful and fertile shores of the East China Sea near the mouth of the Hangzhou Bay. The lake covers an area of 5.6 square kilometers. The view of the West Lake is simply enchanting, which offers many attractions for tourists at home and abroad.

Tiger-running Spring

The legend goes that two tights ran there and made a hole where a spring gushed out. The Longjing Tea and the Tiger-running Spring water are always reputed as the "Two Wonders of the West Lake". The Lingyin Monastery

The Lingyin Monastery, or the Monastery of Soul’s Retreat, is a famous historical site of the West Lake. Here exists the Lingyin Monastery, a famous ancient temple in China, in front of which there are Feilai Peak, Cold Spring, Longhong Cave and precious rock cave arts and queer and varied natural caves and gullies.

Spring Dawn at Su Causeway

It’s a 2.8 km. long boulevard cutting across the south-north scenic area, and lined with trees and flowering plants. When Spring comes with crimson peach blossoms and green willows; the scenery is all the more charming. Strolling along the boulevard, one feels as if the West Lake were wakening in dawn mist. Young willows were ethereal, spring breeze so caressing, and birds were chirping in unison.

The Moon Reflected in Three Pools

"There are islands in the lake and three are lake on the islands." The three stone towers were first built in Yuanyou 4th year (1089) of the Song Dynasty, with the wonderful scenery of "one moon in the sky having three reflection in the lake", it is one of the wonderful scenes of the West Lake. Notes:

1. West Lake 西湖

2. Tiger-running Spring 虎跑泉

3. The Lingyin Monastery 灵隐寺

4. Spring Dawn at Su Causeway 苏堤春晓

5. The Moon Reflected in Three Pools 三潭印月



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Everybody is good!

Today, I am a tour guide YanZiRu trip to the Great Wall by me to service for you, dont hesitate to ask have any requirements and problems on the road.

This is today we want to climb the Great Wall. It is like a dragon, winding between mountains. It has a long history, was built during the warring states period, enormous project, east of shanhaiguan, west to jiayuguan, the total length of more than thirteen thousand. Is the history of the great wonders of the world.

Ok, now we began to climb the Great Wall. The Great Wall is made of stone and square brick. Each piece of stone has two or three one thousand catties, because there were no trains, cars, no crane, only by thousands of working peoples shoulders and hands carried on step by step the steep mountain peaks; By thousands of lives and sweat to build. You see, on our feet square brick, every piece of square brick, so smooth, on the top of the wall like a broad road, WuLiuPi mark in parallel.

Do you know why the Great Wall can resist the enemys invasion? Because it is not only strong, broad, more important is: it has scanned, nozzle and the beacon tower. Scanned and square nozzle on the wall outside more than two meters high on the rows of buttress, it is to observe the situation of the enemy, the second is to enemy fire. Every 300 meters, there is a square ChengTai, called beacon tower, one is used for station troops fortress, 2 it is with fire.

Ok, my dear visitors, here about the introduction of the Great Wall is, as the saying goes: "is not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall". Please adhere to climb on the Great Wall is the most high-end, dont draw pictures on the stone carving, speak civilization health. I wish you a happy happy play.



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ladies and gentlemen :

Today we will visit scenic spots is the Huangguoshu Falls. Huangguoshu Waterfall is the first in the Fall, as well as in the world wide to the Great Falls one. In November 1982, the People’s Republic of China State Council approved, Huangguoshu Falls has been listed as a national key scenic spots. Huangguoshu waterfall from the provincial capital of Guiyang City, 137 km, Guizhou Province is located in the western Zhenning Guanling County and the contiguous counties Dabang Baishuihe River on the River tributaries on. Guiyang from traveling to Huangguoshu, about a half-hour or so. Huangguoshu Waterfall have to, you see, this is already the world famous China’s largest waterfall. Huangguoshu Falls 68 meters high, with waterfalls, waterfalls, six meters high total of 74 meters, 81 meters wide, Floodwaters in the summer, If the Yellow River Falls reversing dumping, cliffs shook, the bottom Honglei, ten passage can also hear its roar; Due to the strong impact of water flow, damage the spray can diffuse more than a few hundred meters, so that the waterfall is located on the top of the left Tsaitsu and markets often damage the mist shrouded. Visitors that the "silver rain throwing Street." Small winter and spring water, waterfalls into it from March 5 lock-down pegged to the roof, far from view, a curtain of white floated down, triumphantly Sasa, If the middle of silk, if cents differentiates the breeze held, such as ladies Wun Sha .... For hundreds of years, the majestic appearance Huangguoshu waterfall has been for many writers and scholars have marveled. Guizhou Qing Dynasty famous calligrapher, "Summer Palace" is a misnomer that the amount of those Yan Yin-in "cottage look," wrote the couplet : "White as cotton, and not bow spent shells from casual. Hongxia decorated, Mr need woven days Generation " more vivid image summed up the Huangguoshu Waterfall magnificent scenery. Now, we come to a waterfall fell Department --- rhino Tam.

This takes into account the legend of gods and Tam rhinoceros named hidden underwater. Rhinoceros are no gods, no one has ever seen, but the mysterious and remote lake, there is still, no one stood Here, the chapter will train together. If sunny 10:00 or 16:00 or so, as the sunlight refraction, You can also blow through the waterfall being spun off by the rain and fog, to see which rises from the pit of seven-color rainbow, so that you Fireweed majestic appearance of Earth, Li Zhao Yan days flu. Why has this waterfall named Huangguoshu waterfall, and not what other other waterfall? According to folklore, is a tree in the edge of a waterfall tall Ficus virens, according to the local accent, "Electric" and "fruit" pronunciation, and I used to call on people to Huangguoshu, which is a statement. There is also the view that a long time ago legend waterfall nearby farmers like yellow fruit species, the edge of a waterfall has a large yellow orchards, so they made the Huangguoshu waterfall as a waterfall. And the rest of the world famous Great Falls, the Huangguoshu Falls Although no African Victoria Falls, Niagara Falls, North America, Venezuela Angel Falls is so wide, and highly ambitious, but Huangguoshu Falls has its peculiar, it is the world’s most karst areas at the Falls, is the most spectacular waterfall. The Falls is like a strange magnetic stones, in its ground and underground water, Water also adsorption eyes with a series of voice in the landscape. One of the most magical one is hidden in a waterfall gully holes in the cliff Gallery, as Wisteria cling hole, water pegged Fly, known as "Seorak." This is the world’s other great waterfall not a peculiar landscape. Ladies and gentlemen, "Seorak" has come and the Seorak length of 134 meters, which consists of six holes window 3 units hole vents and six channel formed. According to Chinese legend arranged large television drama "Journey to the West" Seorak a drama, is here filming. This is the first window hole, it’s the lowest position, the pool from the rhino-only 40 meters, but the hole is the most generous windows, 10 meters wide, In the first place, the middle two waterfalls, a river even when 2% of the Water Curtain Falls, the hole will seal all windows; Water was fourth hour began, from a few meters to 10 meters range, Min, as can be arbitrarily CDCC the curtains. This is the second hole window, it is from the window of the first hole only about 4 meters. This is a quiet world, known as the Crystal Palace. It is the heart of Seorak, is 11 meters long, nine meters high and three meters wide. A roadside springs, the clear, bright and clean water in a year round water level. Top of many hanging stalactite, the straw stalactite-like there are precious stone curl. Also on the wall hung countless Shiman, stone screens. This is the third hole window, it highlights the field, much like a balcony. This window is a hole-meter, 3-meter-long, the outside perimeter guard, visitors can stand behind the guardrail hand touch Falls, People here so called "touch waterfall Chinese Taiwan." Ladies and gentlemen, we now visit the landscape is rhino Tam Valley landscape. Look, from the waist down rhino is a one contiguous or water, followed by rhino Lake, the three Beach, Horseshoe Beach, Fish oil wells, and so on. In this series in the lake, of course, is headed by Tan rhinoceros, it was 17.7 meters deep, often splash beads coverage, in the fog Chu drowned. As long as the sun, a waterfall splashes beads often hung colorful rainbow, with people moving and unpredictable. Huangguoshu Waterfall Why so? This is because the Huangguoshu Waterfall located in the Karst region, the flow is caused by erosion. Traceability erosion crack when they arrived at upper reaches of the river erosion along the karst fracture, corrosion, erosion, abrasion, and gradually expand the pipeline, formation of holes and not charged underground river; Form into local river water after the water sink in Liuzitian ratio gradually increased, created the unique karst region capture, in-flow into water sink in Liuzitian, on the formation of water sink in Liuzitian-waterfall.

With water erosion and collapse strategy has steadily increased, more and more underground river cave, So along the surface wadis clustered development of the shaft and skylights, which have continued to expand, merging, Collapse, causing the present magnificent Huangguoshu Falls and Falls downstream deeply dangerous gorge. I hope you raise your camera and shoot Huangguoshu Waterfall, stay in your memory, publicity to more people, because China is the Huangguoshu Waterfall and also belongs to the world.


Good morning! Ladies and gentlemen:

Today we will go and visit the Nanyue Temple, Nanyue Temple is situated on the northern tip of Nanyue Township and at the southern foot of Chidi Peak. In a layout of nine rows, It is the largest and best-preserved ancient palatial architectural complex of south China. Magnificent and splendid with resplendent upturned eaves. Inside the east in parallel to eight Buddhist palaces on the west, It is indeed a wonder in the history of religion that Taoism. Buddhism and Confucian culture can co-exist within a single temple.

The exact time of the construction of Nanyue Temple is unknown. It existed asearly as in the Qin and Han Dynastis. Originally Located on the summit of Zhurong Peak, The temple was later moved to the mountain foot to facilitate the religious activities. The beginning of the Tang Dynasty witnessed the formal construction of the Heavenly Lord Huo"s Temple" the "Heavenly Master Temple". So as to enshrine and worship the Gods of the five sacred mountains, During the Song Dynasty the immortal of the Hengshan Mountain was revered as the "Heavenly Master Zhaosheng",as a result the temple was gradually expanded and enlarged. Since the Tang Dynasty Nanyue Temple had beed subject to six fires and 16reconstructions all through the Song. Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. In the 8th year of Emperor Guangxu"s reign in the Qing Dynasty (1882 A.D), the Imperial Court ordered the rbuilding of Nanyue Temple. Which had been ruined by lightning, The project was imitative. Copying the styles of the Imperial Palace. And even to the present day it is still well preserved.

Fenced with red-brick walls.Nanyue Temple ccupies an area of some 70.000 square metres. From north to south lies in sequence nine rows and four courtyards-Lingxing Gate. Kuixing Tower. Chuan Gate. Pavilion of Imperial Study, Main Hall, Dwelling Palace and the Northern Rear Exit. The whole architecture complex stretches across on axis extending from south to north with its halls linked up together. The winding corridors and wing-rooms on both sides merge with each other. Accentuating the magnificence of the stature of the principal part. On the east side of the main temple there are eight Taoist palaces. Coordinating with eight Buddhist palaces on the west side.

The first row is Lingxing Gate. Two gilded Chinese characters "Mountain Temple" are shining on the white marble at the top of the gate. The marble gate stands as high as 20 metres with a width of 1.1 metres and is meant to imply that during the past dynasties all the religious activities were officiated by real knowledgeable people. The second row is kuixing Tower. The most perfectly preserved ancient stage in Human Province.with a breadth of 35metres and a length of 12. Its fa?ade facing the main palace, the stage is the place where people hold religious activities and perform local operas during pilgrimage. Before the tower stands a pair of 2-metre tall stone Kylin (Chinese unicorn). With their furious eyes widely open. They are like two solemn looking sentinels guarding the tower.

The pebble path under the Kuixing Tower leads to the third row-Main Chuan Gate. East and West Gates. The gateway is made of gray bricks with an awesome depth and height of 15 metres. The courtyard within is filled with dense cypress trees and carpeted with green grass. The fourth row is the Pavilion of Imperial Study. Distinguished by its gilded tiles. Octagonal doubleeaved roofs and exquisitely-crafted arches. Inside the pavilion there is a Bixi in the shape of a legendary animal like tortoise. Legend has it that Bixi is the ninth son of the dragon. The Bixi carries an imperial stele on which the full text of On Rebuilding Nanyue Temple was carved in the 47th year of Kangxi"s reign(1780 A.D.) in the Qing dynasty.

The fifth row is Jiaying Gate. Named after the line from The Annals of Han-Books of Rites and Joys: "This row is the place where local magistrates and monks welcomed ritual officials dispatched from the capital. After the Jiaying Gate the sixth row comes into view-Tower of Imperial Study. Which is the storehouse of the collection of imperial calligraphies .messages and inscribed boards concerning the past emperors" ritual presentations to the mountain. Sweeet osmanthus ahead of the tower submerges the building with its refreshing scent when it blossoms every autumn.

The seventh row is the Main Palace. Surrounded by towering old trees. Camphor trees planted in the Song Dynasty and cypress in the Ming Dynasty compete with each other in setting off the beauty of the upturned double-roofs and the splendour of the palace. Adding tremendous awe to the Main Palac. As it stands 29.11 metres, its girandeur rivals that of the Palace of supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City in Beijing. Inside the palace there are 72 stone pilliars, standing for the 72 peaks on the Hengshan Mountain. The two huge pillars upholding the main roofs were cut out of a whole granite. Each weighing 14 tons.

Encircled by the balustrades are 144 relief sculptures carved out of white marbles. Based on Shanhai Jing . Pillars on the forefront overlap. Carved on them are 56 historical and legendary thles . On the square door were carved the Images. On the square door were carved the Images of the 24 filial Sons and the Images of the 18 Scholars. Here tourists can get a rough idea of the age-old Chinese Confucian and Taoist cultures. Clay statues-Heavenly King Zhaosheng and General Jin and Wu line up in the palace with their impressively dignified look, calling forth in tourists a feeling of profound respect.

The eighth row is the dwelling Palacewith double roofs and in perfect harmony with the whole mountain. This structure keeps up the architectural style of the Song Dynasty and is decorated with coloured drawings and patterns whichare popular among palaces in the North. giving a sense of gorgeousness to this palace. The ninth row is the Northern Rear Exit. The end of the axial architecture, with Zhusheng Palace to the right and Chief God Palace to the left, At the back of the exit. A path leads farther into the mountain.

Nanyue Temple occupies a prominent position in the history of ancient Chinese architecture. It carries the grandeur characterized by palaces in the North. And at the same time it smacks of the loveliness featured by gardens in the South. The architectural arrangement of the temple is clearly demarcated and gently modulated. Strongly indicating the ingenuity and originality of the craftsmen. Its ground and upper layouts are like an eternal musical movement with its own overture, main body and coda. Demonstrating the excellence of ancient Chinese architecture.

Nanyue Temple carries a profound cultural connotation. It boasts a large number of clay statues. Wood engravings and stone carvings, which are all closely linked up with Chinese tradition and culture. Over 800 dragons of various sizes, which are the symbol of the Chinese nation.can be found everwhere in the temple. The carvings on the roof wood and white marble balustrades are an encyclopedia of ancient history and mythology. There are fairy tales- "Pan Gu Creating the Universe." "Hou Yi Shooting the Suns", "Jing Wei Filling up the Ocean"¡-; real stories about some historical figures- "Su Wu Shepherding Sheep." "sleeping on sticks and Tasting the Gallbladder." "Da MO Crossing the Sea"¡- ; legends extolling filial piety- "Melting the Ice with Body Warmth to Catch Carps." "Weeping on the Bamboo until it Turns into shoots"¡- Most of the carvings are the lgends about the earliest ancestors of Taoist immortals. As early as in the Qing and Ming Dynasties, clay status, wood engraving and stone carving were reputed as "the Three Wonders to the South of the Yangtze River."

All through the dynasties Nanyue Temple has been a thriving place to hold religious activities both for the feudal imperial courts and the ordinary people. Every year the temple greets nearly 1.000.000 pilgrims. The offerings, presentation, titles and other customs are almost the same as they were thousands years ago. There are "bowing pilgrimage" in which the pilgrims bow with each step or with every three steps , and "hunger pilgrimage" in which the pilgrims bow with each step or with every three steps. "And hunger pilgrimage" in which the pilgrims refrain from food during their trip. More often. Pilgrims would set off in throngs. They wear gray clothes with a red cloth attached to their chest reading "Hengshan Mountain Pilgrimage." Holding buring incenses in hand. Those pious pilgrims chant pilgriming theme" to pray for the peace of the nation and the wealth of people, making it a really spectacular scene on the mountain.


Good morning! Ladies and Gentlemen:

Today, we will go and visit Shaoshan, the hometown of Chairman Mao. Shaoshan is a small mountain village about 100km southwest of Changsha, the capital of Hunan province, with some fairly beautiful scenery and a once typically Hunan village atmosphere, Shaoshan has been irreparably changed by history. On the 26th December 1893, a baby was born in a little house in this village, to a relatively wealthy peasant couple. The child was to grow up to become China"s Great Helmsman, Chairman Mao Zedong, and it was in this region that he spent his childhood and youth, attending school and helping his father with his work.

As the hometown of the great man of the generation, now Shaoshan is one of the important tourist zones in Hunan province. The major tourist sites including the Former residence of Chairman Mao, Memorial Hall of Mao Zedong, Water-dripping Cave and Steles Forest of Mao"s Poems,and so on.

The former residence of Chairman Mao is the most interesting site. Entered through a courtyard, the house is of a sunny yellow, mud brick walls, with a nicely thatched roof, and is found on a wooded hillside, above some lush paddy fields. There are 13 and one half rooms in the Former residence, which include one and half central room, a kitchen, a dining room, three family bedrooms and a guest room. Within the rooms are various personal effects of Mao and his parents, as well as photos from Mao"s life.

This is the central room, it was used by two families: Mao’s family and their neighbor. So we said that there is only one half of the central room belongs to Mao’s family. And this is there kitchen, where Chairman Mao often helped his mother doing some housework in his childhood. Go through the kitchen was Chairman Mao’s parent"s bedroom, there are two photos of Chairman Mao’s parents on the inner wall, and it was in this room where Chairman Mao was born.

The Dripping Water Cave, about 3 km northwest of the village, is a very popular destination, possibly because of the fact that Mao allegedly spent 11 days here in the early days of the Cultural Revolution Years (1966-76), contemplating the unknown.



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Everybody is good! Welcome to the Palace Museum, Im glad to serve you, I am the guide from this journey all Korean an inscription, everyone call me Korean guide line. Today I accompanied him you have a good time.

Now, you have came to the Forbidden City, which is located in the centre of Beijing by bus. 24 emperors lived here, is the imperial palace during the Ming and qing dynasties, it is the Palace Museum. The palace the whole building magnificent and solemn gorgeous, whether plane layout, magnificent mountains, in the form of the 3 d effect still is incomparable masterpiece.

Lets watch the center axis of the palace! The central axis in the central axis of Beijing city. After the three main halls, palace, imperial garden is located in the central axis. On both sides of central axis of the palace, but also with many house, grand magnificent.

Looking at central axis, art treasures museum! Some of the Forbidden City palace the establishment of a comprehensive history museum of art, painting, pavilion pavilion, classification of ceramics, bronze, engraved hall, toys, craft art gallery in the Ming and qing dynasties, pavilion, four treasures of the study hall, pride, watches and clocks, and judgments of clear acting palace relics exhibition, collect a large number of ancient art treasures. According to statistics, there are 102653, including many cultural relics are unique priceless.

Even the palace of the four corner, every Angle has 18 column seventy-two liras turrets, there is a legend about turrets. One day, the emperor yongle let ministers in the Forbidden City on the four horns of building a nine beam column 10 seventy-two liras, baffled ministers to it. One day, a carpenter saw a des sauterelles cage, very strange, feel cage went up and took a look, a number, thats nine beam column seventy-two liras ten! The carpenter immediately to the secretary. From then on, they left such turrets.

Dear visitors, our todays tour end, right now, todays explanation to me, you are welcome to put forward opinions and Suggestions, I am thankful. Finally, I wish you all have fun! thank you
