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Xiangshan Park is located in the northwest suburb of Beijing, 28 kilometerssoutheast of the city center. The highest point is Xianglu peak, 557 metersabove sea level, commonly known as guijianchou.

There are two huge stones at the top of Xiangshan Mountain, called Rufengstone. Its shape is similar to a censer, and there are often clouds around it,such as the curl of cigarettes in the air, so Xiangshan gets its name. Xiangshanhas beautiful scenery, scenic spots all over the country, beautiful scenery,rich in natural and wild interest. In autumn, when the Yellow Cotinus coggygrisis dressed up, the mountains are all over the place and are in full swing. Thisis the red leaf of Xiangshan Mountain, which is one of the eight scenic spots inYanjing. The scenery of Xiangshan Mountain in winter is also very charming. Whenthe snow is clear in the early winter, a piece of silver makeup is wrapped inplain clothes, which is particularly enchanting. Xishan Qingxue, one of theeight scenic spots in the old Yanjing, refers to here.

Xiangshan temple, in Xiangshan Park, toad peak north. Built in the 26thyear of Jin Dading (1186), it was named dayongan Temple by Jin Shizong. It isthe first of all temples in Xiangshan and one of the 28 sceneries of Jingyigarden. Later, it was burned by the Allied forces of Britain, France and theeight countries. Only stone steps, stone pillars, stone screens and otherremains remain. Only the temples tingfasong still stands. Xianglu peak iscommonly known as guijianchou. In the west of Xiangshan Park. The peak is steepand difficult to climb. You can have a panoramic view of Xiangshan at the top.In recent years, cable car cableway has been built to pull mountain climbing.Shuangqing villa is under Xiangshan temple in Xiangshan Park. There are twooriginal springs here, which are said to be menggan spring in the reign ofemperor Zhangzong of Jin Dynasty. Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty inscribed"Shuangqing" on the cliff beside the spring.

Xiong Xiling built a villa here in 1917, which was named after it. Thevilla is elegant and quiet, and the landscape, trees and stones are natural.There is a pool in Qingquan. There is a pavilion beside the pool, a house behindthe pavilion and bamboo beside the house. The bamboo shadow is very beautiful.Here, we enjoy flowers in spring, summer, red leaves in autumn, snow in winterand beautiful scenery in four seasons. It is called Xiangshan garden. Glasseslake, in the north gate of Xiangshan Park. The two tranquil lakes are connectedby a white stone arch bridge, which looks like glasses, hence the name. On thenorth side of the lake, there are mountains and rocks, and peaks rise. A holeabove, flowing spring straight down, just like the Pearl curtain hanging watercurtain hole. Mountain flowers and grass compete in the crevice of the gully andbeside the stream, and ancient cypresses and pines, old locust trees and weepingwillows meet to form a clear shade. Jianxinzhai is on the west side of the northgate of Xiangshan Park, adjacent to Jingjing lake. It was built in the Jiajingperiod of Ming Dynasty. After several repairs, it is a courtyard with Jiangnanflavor.

Xiangshan courtyard center is a flat round pool, clear spring water fromthe stone dragon into the mouth, summer new Lotus Ting Li, goldfish play. Thepool is surrounded by three corridors in the East, South and North, with a smallpavilion extending into the pool. There are three pavilions in the west of thepool, that is, the heart room. After zhaihou, the mountains are rugged and thepines and cypresses are green. The whole courtyard is quiet and elegant, whichmakes people forget to return. At that time, Emperor Qianlong studied here andgave banquets to his officials.



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It is a famous mountain in the suburb of Taipei. It is like a horizontalstatue of Avalokitesvara. It stands solemnly in the Bali area on the South Bankof the Tanshui River, facing the Tanshui town and the Datun Volcano Group on thenorth bank. It is a famous landmark of the Tanshui estuary.

Guanyin Mountain is not high above sea level, but it is connected with 18small peaks. The highest mountain, qianhanling, is no more than 612 meters. Themountain trails are dense, making it one of the most popular climbing places inthe western suburbs of Taipei. There are many famous temples and ancient templeson the mountain. You can go back to the stream to watch the waterfalls, theeagles and the birds, half of Taipei and the magnificent Datun mountains. It isa rich natural place to watch.

The paths and valleys of Guanyin Mountain extend in all directions. Thereare many different climbing routes. Climbers can choose the path suitable fortheir physical strength. Among them, the most popular route is to start from theGuanyin Mountain stop of Wugu, climb up the mountain steps to Lingyun temple,and then go up from the archway behind the temple. It takes about one hour toreach qianghanling. You can see the whole Taipei City from the north of Xinguangbuilding. On the other side, you can see the mountains and sea of Tatun mountainand Tanshui River mouth.

In the white sky, Guanyin Mountain can feel the simplicity and solemnity ofLengyan Pavilion and kaishanyuan through the old trees on the gate wall, andoverlook the "benling spitting fog" which is one of the eight scenic spots ofDanshui. In the evening, it is most exciting to watch the sunset and the dusk ofDanshui. Or, when the night falls, you can see the night scene of Danshui River,with lights flashing and lights out, which is another beauty of disturbing theworld.



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Tian’anmen Rostrum

Tian’anmen( the Gate of Heavenly Peace), is located in the center of Beijing. It was first built in 1417 and named Chengtianmen( the Gate of Heavenly Succession). At the end of the Ming Dynasty, it was seriously damaged by war. When it was rebuilt under the Qing in 1651, it was renamed Tian’anmen, and served as the main entrance to the Imperial City, the administrative and residential quarters for court officials and retainers. The southern sections of the Imperial City wall still stand on both sides of the Gate. The tower at the top of the gate is nine-room wide and five –room deep. According to the Book of Changes, the two numbers nine and five, when combined, symbolize the supreme status of a sovereign.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Tian’anmen was the place where state ceremonies took place. The most important one of them was the issuing of imperial edicts, which followed these steps:

1) The Minister of Rites would receive the edict in Taihedian( Hall of Supreme Harmony), where the Emperor was holding his court. The minister would then carry the decree on a yunpan( tray of cloud), and withdraw from the hall via Taihemen( Gate of supreme Harmony)

2) The Minister would put the tray in a miniature longting( dragon pavilion). Beneath a yellow umbrella and carry it via Wumen( Meridian Gate), to Tian’anmen Gate tower.

3) A courtier would be invested to proclaim the edict. The civil and military officials lining both sides of the gateway beneath the tower would prostrate themselves in the direction of the emperor in waiting for the decree to the proclaimed.

4) The courtier would then put the edict in a phoenix-shaped wooden box and lower it from the tower by means of a silk cord. The document would finally be carried in a similar tray of cloud under a yellow umbrella to the Ministry of Rites.

5) The edict, copied on yellow paper, would be made known to the whole country.

Such a process was historically recorded as “ Imperial Edict Issued by Golden Phoenix”.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties Tian’anmen was the most important passage. It was this gate that the Emperor and his retinue would go through on their way to the altars for ritual and religious activities.

On the Westside of Tian’anmen stands ZhongshanPark( Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Park), and on the east side, the Working People’s Cultural Palave. The Park was formerly called Shejitan( Altar of Land and Grain), built in 1420 for offering sacrificial items to the God of Land. It was opened to the public as a park in 1914 and its name was changed in 1928 to the present one in memory of the great pioneer of the Chinese Democratic Revolution.

The Working People’s Cultural Palace used to be Taimiao( the Supreme Ancestral Temple), where tablets of the deceased dynastic rulers were kept.

The stream in front of Tian’anmen is called Waijinshuihe( Outer Golden River),with seven marble bridges spanning over it . Of these seven bridges,historical records say the middle one was for the exclusive use of the emperor and was accordingly called Yuluqiao( Imperial Bridge). The bridges flanking it on either side were meant for the members of the royal family and were therefore called Wanggongqiao( Royal’s Bridges). Farther away on each side of the two were bridges for officials ranking above the third order and were named Pinjiqiao( ministerial Bridges). The remaining two bridges were for the use by the retinue below the third order and wre called Gongshengqiao( common Bridges). They anr the one in front of the Supreme Ancestral Temple to the east and the one in front of the Altar of land and Grain to the west.

The two stone lions by the Gate of Tian’anmen, one on each side were meant as sentries. They gaze toward the middle axis, guarding the emperor’s walkway. In front of the gate stands a pair of marble columns called Huabiao. They are elaborately cut in bas-relief following the pattern of a legendary dragon. Behind the gate stands another pair of similar columns. The story of Huabiao may be traced to a couple of sources. One of the versions accredits its invention to one of the Chinese sage kings named Yao, who was said to have set up a wooden pillar in order to allow the ordinary people to expose evil-doers, hence it was originally called a slander pillar. Later it ws reduced to a signpost, and now it serves as an ornament.




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Zhao Mausoleum also called clear zhaoling mausoleum, is the second generation of the founding of the qing dynasty emperor, emperor taizong huang taiji and filial piety end the queens tomb, covers an area of 180000 square meters, is located in the ancient city of shenyang NATO ten li, so also known as "Zhao Mausoleum", "commissioner of three ling" at the beginning of the qing dynasty is the largest, imposing manner, the most magnificent one. Is the qing dynasty royal mausoleum and the resort of the unity of modern garden.

Zhaoling from south to north, followed by points before, during and after the three parts.

At the front behind the wall sheet. Went on both sides have huabiao pavilion, stone lions, change clothes, etc., and the middle is arched. Archway is the front of the subject construction, it is built by bluestone, four pillars three layers, carving exquisite, elegant, is a rare art treasures.

Central, from is red door to mahjong layout, is red door for sheet wall is the south gate, storeys tall, very solemn, and its two wings adornment coloured glaze is panlong wall, vivid, striking. Pavilion and was relatively red door, to celebrate were built, inside the vertical tablet called "zhaoling god, gong SAN DE tablet".

Back, is a mahjong layout, crescent city and city, this is the body of the mausoleum. As it has built the city, is located in the sheet wall, asing if is a city within a city. Long temple in mahjong layout center, and have long before the door, after the Ming building, about peidian peidian, four corner has turrets, like month, so it was extremely ambitious. Long temple carved granite steps as base, with golden yellow glazed tile roof, coupled with the painted carved beams, jinbian red walls, appear abnormal. Long stay behind after Ming building to the city. Treasure city in the northern end of the mahjong layout, as crescent. Treasure city is also called the treasure. , looking on treasure top, looked round, green trees and cyclization, beautiful scenery, like the trees in the city, a ease feeling arises spontaneously.

Cemetery in ancient pine trees towering, grass green, lake water ripples, the floor of the temple, watts, beautiful natural scenery, colorful, including aromatic show is the YuanZhongYuan Zhao Mausoleum park, garden planted nearly 200 kinds of plants, four points are, each has its own characteristics. Early spring cherry blossom in full bloom, garden fragrance; A new summer lotus, the willows; Late autumn full mountain red leaves, CengLinJinRan; Winter snow mountains, pine and forceful. Across the garden, spring flowers, summer has Yin, autumn fruit, winter green, strange flowers, stone Bridges, there is quite a show of jiangnan.

Zhao Mausoleum also has 300000 square meters of lake water, rippling in summer, life in suzhou as the shadow, a pedal boat for sight-seeing, boat, and boating on the lake, dont have a taste.

Another feature of Zhao Mausoleum is boundless example in several groups. Existing ancient pine trees more than two thousand, more than three hundred years old, tall and straight, swaying towering our day. These green ling loose in its golden tiles zhaoling and composed a magnificent landscape, one of the "making", "flame", "husband and wife tree", "sisters" trees, "turtle tree" is distinctive, etc.

Shenyang Zhao Mausoleum (zhaoling) the history of the ancient and mysterious tomb, various natural landscape, as tens of thousands of Chinese and foreign visitors find the scenery pleasing to both the eye and the mind, linger for browsing resort.



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Each visitor:

How are you, welcome you to a bead sea tour, I am your guide DAVID.

Bead sea-newly arisen garden type tour in the seashore spend a holiday city, is China south china sea of a bright bright pearl of strand.She is located in Pearl River to go into seaport, the ground connects Macau, and water connects Hong Kong, is one of five economic special areas in Chinas.

Bead sea the natural environment is beautiful, mountain clear water show, waters vast, there are more than 100 islands, the vegetable has "the city of 100 islands" United States to call.City planning and construction only have mental strategy, outstanding tour consciousness, naturally harmonious, the grace is unique, be rich with the modern breathing of garden sentimental appeal in the seashore very much.In 1991, bead seas taking whole city image as a view is traveled bureau by the nation to review for one of"China travels divine spot 40 good"s.

The bead sea has each kind of tour more than 300 houses in the hotel, the year receives ability to reach to 700, among them, the star class is more than 20 houses in the hotel.Construction in the hotel takes park villa as to design topic more, according to mountain alongside water, constituted together special scenery line in the city.Still set up each kind of meeting center, the exhibition is more than 10s, can hold various international meeting and each kind of exposition, commodity fair etc..

In the bead sea, hold an international aviation aerospace annually exposition and bead sea film festival.Two greatest great event just at home and abroad influence biggest.The bead sea still sets up nations to race car a field, has an international car game to hold annually and has tremendous attraction to the large car sport fancier.

The main tourist attraction of the bead sea City has large history cultural view circle new park clearly, the four greatest Buddhas mountain tour scenic area, pearl paradise, nine continent cities, bead sea the fish is female, bamboo fairies cave, gold sandy beach, white water country romantic feeling area in rattan lake.There is aquarium raising to set up, items, such as ocean park and plank Zhang sightseeing cableway in the mountain city...etc..

Have the bead sea of international advanced level airport currently already and more than 20 city navigations in the whole country.The ocean of Ling Ding that leads to Hong Kong sails across ocean big bridge, wide bead railroad, the wide bead superhighway builds forthcoming.Not far future, the structure and form of the bead sea international city will form, the tourism defends an interest dont moxa, the prospect is glorious.The beautiful bead sea , just with the endless magic power, greets the arrival of domestic and international visitor!

The bead sea surface faces south china sea, the coast line is as long as 690 kilometers, the whole citieses totally have all of the group of islands 140, there is the praise of "the city of 100 islands".

Numerous island sceneries are beautiful, the weather is pleasant.Among them most is famous of is Tung-ao island, blue sea blue sky bottom, the fishing village chimney smoke is curling up in the air, the southern sand gulf on the island has the good reputation of "diamond sandy beach";Spread all over a strange stone on outside island of Ling Ding, going to the island can angle for fish, the slippery wave is the tour that is full of a wild interest to spend a holiday ground;Nine state islands climb mountain light water color, luxuriant tall bamboo wood, the wreath island takes a stroll, oblivion material life of hullabaloo with complicated;The Qi Ao scene in the island is exquisite, the historic monument is numerous;There are still many not well-known islets being like similar dispersal of pearl on the sea surface, the name of "bead sea" is probably consequently and since then.

The bead sea in the bead the south of Tropic of Cancer of Haiti belongs to subtropics monsoon district.Often the year sunshine abundance, rain water is abundant, the year is average air temperature the 22.4 ℃ , average rainfall is 1700-2300 millimeters of, air on the average the opposite temperature is 79%.The natural environment of moist warmth makes the bead sea everywhere green shade spring onion cage, the every month fresh flowers blooms.

The bead sea is located in the western side that the Pearl River goes into the seaport Ling Ding ocean, is rivers sea to hand over to remit, the coastal city of water net interleave.The whole citieses total the ocean in the district of 7660 squares thousand meters of the area had about 80% and reached to 6030 the squares are thousand meters.On this broad waters, encircle bead sea, the waterses of Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macau of Pearl River thing shore, the pearl sort ground sprinkles 146 jade-green islands, the name of fabulous bead sea is from here and since then.

The history origin and development of bead sea:

The cultural object of discovering proves that the new stone age that up traces into 451000 year agos, has first a people to multiply on this land.Establish Hsiangshan town for Tang Dynasty perfect virtue two years(757 A.D.), belong to Dongguan County to rule over;North Sung establishes Hsiangshan town and produces salt, is a saltworks, past again field in Hsiangshan;Row for the south Sung Shaoxing 22 years(1152 A.D.) south china sea, a time Yu, new meeting, Dongguan four counties be close to the ground of sea as integral whole and establish Hsiangshan County;In 1953 with belonged to ten thousand mountain islands, three mergers, such as cooking stove islands and load pole archipelago...etc. of medium counties, such as mountain and treasure Anne(now Shenzhen)...etc. to establish a bead sea county at first;Withdraw a county to change city in 1979;Build up an economic special area in 1980.

The bead sea administrative area rows:

The bead bottom in sea City establishes area in the joss-stick continent area, Dou door, gold gulf area, the city peoples government halts joss-stick continent area.Up to the end of 20xx, the whole city permanent population is 125.28 myriad people, among them, the household register population is 75.93 myriad people.

The bead sea person has 1 to dream of, that is to let the bead sea become the most beautiful place in the world.Zhu Hai Ren wants to create a miracle:That is the place that lets the bead sea become everyones to look forward to all.

For carrying out a dream, we regard as the life of city to the environment and the ecosystem:For creating miracle, we make people the center to pursue social development and the progress in ages.

The person who has ever been to bead sea, not only to the pleasant breeze sea of the bead sea rhyme, the young and vivid city appearance leaves a deep impression, also will have a feeling to the bead sea persons living status.This is one to brave creative and then easily comfortable place, an ecosystem home that was full of a humanities color.Pure air, washed and brushed the pollution of city with miscellaneous disorderly, all the year round constant of green, accomplished it pure and free from vulgarity qualities:Neighbor HongKong-Macau of the characteristics of niche advantage and emigrant city, make medium Spanish turn to hand over to remit to melt to bring diverse and inclusivity for city mutually;The life style of modern got away from traditional inhospitality and permeated the vitality in ages;The new industrial structure molded to expand innovation, vibrant citizen.The bead sea is one can business and living perfectly combine together of place, the romantic city of a versatile and rapid development.

The environment of bead sea gives it pure and free from vulgarity qualities, bead sea the persons intelligence infused into abundant content and the creative power of everlasting for this city again.The bead sea is a place that was full of a poetry painting idea, a city that was full of youth breathing, young and the beauty is the capital and magic power of this city, world and one nature, easily open of atmosphere, diverse city culture, give bead sea the person the unrestrained imagination dint and creative power.Pursue a personality, pursue special, pursue a development, pursue living quality and personal status, is this biggest characteristics for people lived in city.

From the beginning of 90s in last century, the bead sea judged and decided in "China traveled divine spot 40 good" in, the unique uses the whole city as the view area selected of near 10-year, the bead sea successively acquired a national park green city and national ecosystem environmental protection the model unusual honors, such as city, national health city and Chinese excellent tour city...etc..At national news medium to well-known domestic greatly and in the evaluation of special feature in the city, the bead sea City acquired the title of "the most romantic city".In 1998, United Nations still gives the bead sea as"the best example prize of international improvement living environment" and makes bead sea become to be known for Chinese and Foreign"is the most suitable to match the place that the mankind live".

Bead sea, the place that uses the whole city as to travel scenic area, what to present is a new ideas of modern, annotation of is one dont the concept of comer and nature harmonious development, a natural concept, bead sea just with its outstanding looks and matchless of enthusiasm welcome everyone friend to understand, taste and care and love and even hope that the friends contributes for his development doing one creation.



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Beidaihe - A Must for Birds Watchers

Set on the coast some 280 km east of Beijing, the seaside holiday resort of Beidaihe is famous not only as a tourist center and as a good place to recuperate after illness, but also as one of the best places in the world to see migratory birds.

Chinas Yanshan Mountain Range winds its way thousands of miles from the west to the eastern seaboard. It sends a number of waterways like the Henghe, Daihe, Yanghe and Luanhe rivers down to the Bohai Sea at Beidaihe. They create a vast area of wetlands, mud-banks, and lagoons with rich feeding and good places for birds to rest. Here migratory routes come together like great seasonal rivers of birds linking northeast Asia with south China, Indo-China, Australia and even far off east Africa.

Nature has richly endowed Beidaihe with bird species and of the 1,198 found in China, 416 have been recorded at Beidaihe. This is a part of the world that plays host to eighteen species of gulls, three of swans, and six of cranes.

Xu Weishu, vice director of the China Ornithological Society tells of the time when as many as 2,729 oriental white storks were recorded in Beidaihe, doubling the previous world record.

Look into the skies of Beidaihe in the first ten days of November every year and you will be sure to see flocks of red-crowned cranes and white cranes.

The year from May 1999 to May 20xx saw ten new bird species added to the list for Beidaihe.

Back in the 1940s Danish scientist, Axel Hemmingsen, published a report saying that he had seen large numbers of cranes at Beidaihe, but no one followed up on this at the time. Then in 1985 guided by Hemmingsens report, British ornithologist Doctor Martin Williams first came to Beidaihe. With the help of an official from the Beidaihe tourism authority, Dr Williams visited Shijiutuo Island in nearby Laoting County. What he discovered there was far beyond his expectations and he found many new kinds of birds. Since then, accompanied by his Chinese counterpart, Xu Weishu, he has brought many overseas professionals together in Beidaihe every year to enjoy watching the birds and carry out research.

Since the first two parties of Chinese bird enthusiasts visited Beidaihe in 1999, more and more domestic visitors have joined bird watching groups going there on vacation.

Beidaihe has enjoyed a good reputation since 1893. It was then that a British engineer helping build a railway line recognized that with its low hills, beaches and sea breezes, the headland was an ideal place to go to escape the summer heat of the interior. On his recommendation, the first holidaymakers arrived. Beidaihe, until then a poor fishing village, quickly became popular with diplomats, merchants, missionaries, and well off Chinese.

Meanwhile the birds are regular visitors here too. Flocks of gulls are easily spotted. What might not be so easy is to be able to distinguish among the bewildering variety in the skies over Beidaihe. Many different birds pass through here as the seasons come and go and every year still sees fresh species spotted. It is a magnificent sight to see the occasional flock of large cranes pass by or to watch the birds of prey, however the larger birds have been decreasing in number.

Round the calendar

The period spanning the last ten days of April through the last ten days of May is the best season for bird watching. This is when you can see the greatest number and variety of birds in Beidaihe.

Then the period from the last ten days of August through September is the time for the medium and small wading birds to pass through.

October brings another peak season as many birds pass through the area, going south for the winter.

As the colder weather comes in with the first ten days of November, flocks of cranes will be making their way south. They will come north again the following March.

The best spots

For waterfowl and songbirds, try Chitu Hill, Lianfeng Hill and the hilltops in Geziwo Park or the many well-wooded courtyards in Beidaihe District.

· For swimming and wading birds, Daihe, Yanghe and Dapu rivers should not disappoint.

· Visit Jiaoshan Mountain to enjoy watching birds of prey and songbirds.

· Shijiutuo Island in nearby Laoting County is well worth an extended visit of a few days duration.

During the course of a typical 12-day visit, you might expect to see 200 different kinds of birds. Beidaihe China International Travel Service arranges specialist tours for bird enthusiasts. Their office number is 086-335-4033598.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 973 字

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东林念佛堂开山祖师定西法师(1895-1962)原籍东北海城,俗家姓于,先祖致力耕读,家颇小康,父母皆信佛。法师自幼已好跏跌坐,喜礼寺庙,研读经书。十八岁即入佛教宣讲堂为讲员,时常与友人王福庭(后出家,即倓虚法师)、陆炳南(后出家,即乐果法师)谈-道。1920xx年,定西法师赴南海普陀山,依法雨寺达圆大德受具足戒,后返住上海留云寺。1920xx年,在谛闲大师传千佛大戒0后,被公推为极乐寺第二任住持。定西法师并蒙谛老传授天台正宗法卷,是为天台宗法第四十四世,后来宝一和尚也传他法卷,为临济宗四十二世。法师教演天台,行修净上,特重律学,四众弟子求戒者甚多。1946年移锡于奉天(即今沈阳)南关般若寺,成立念佛堂,每日领众行持不懈。1949年,应倓虚法师之请,与乐果法师一道来港,协助倓公创办华南学佛院,并担任主讲凡三年。第一班学僧毕业后拟结茅蓬习静以弘所学。1952年,荃湾南天竺住持茂蕊法师将其东园菜地借以为庐,并得各方善信集资修建净室,初名东林净舍。是追法东晋庐山,净宗初祖慧远建东林寺事。法师先派圣怀、达成、净真三位法师购料兴工,自己与三位法师各出资五百元,继而永惺、妙境两位法师出资二百元,再而济涛、了一两位法师各出资四百元,并得吴蕴斋居士及各护法帮忙,得以大概完成。岂料同年八月初五,山洪暴发,建筑冲毁将半。各方闻讯纷纷施以援手,同年底复修完成初建。翌年,改净舍为东林念佛堂。之后再得竹林禅院舍后楼地基千余尺;竹林禅院又赠送东林后山地八千余尺,修建大雄宝殿(今极乐宝殿) 。





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 336 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4245 字

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湖南最富盛名的特产当属浮雕餐具。 ●竹雕、仿古漆器、桃源石雕、瑶族银饰、瑶族刺绣、苗族花带、溪州大理石刻●烟花爆竹、南质车木、桂东方竹、鸡血石、龙须草席、湘西民间蓝印花 布、河西香醋、土漆。●名食:湘粉、浏阳豆豉、靖州杨梅、安江香抽、冰糖橙、南岳竹笋、雁菊、兴舌兰片、永州薄荷、道州红瓜子、永顺板栗、王村红柿。●名茶:茉莉花茶、青岩茗翠、甑山毛尖、云雾茶、桂东玲珑茶、汝城白毛茶、江华苦茶、古丈毛尖。 ●名酒:湖子酒、桂花湖汁酒、武陵酒、湘泉、酒鬼、神川三蛇酒。




1、无名家菜馆 好象用不着我说了,生意好得吓人。往巷子里进去第三家也 还不错。


2、辣椒炒肉 因为实在没有一个招牌,以辣椒炒肉闻名,鸡汤也很好喝。


3、老天富 财政厅附近广济桥南侧。

3、赵记 其实应该叫―钱四口味鸡‖?特色菜:口味鸡、口味田鸡


4、星沙 一个小店,在省移动指挥中心旁的鸿翔大厦后面的小巷子里


5,一家罐子老店 先锋厅 才鱼抱蛋

6,三味食府 这里是个祸的好地方,老板亲自坐台,陪吃陪喝陪祸,你想干 嘛就干嘛,果真宾至如归。 湘春路陋园宾馆对面 竹香黄鸭叫、香菜凉拌腰花




推荐:各色汤味道不错。一定要尝店里木桶装的山葡萄酒,每次我都能喝一 斤:))



(1)九龙鱼头城 名为鱼头城,实际好吃的是蛇,尤其用剩下的汁拌面条, 极鲜美



(1)广济桥底往长岭方向,有两家吃永州血鸭的小店,不记得名字,都很 好吃



(2)芙蓉国 有两年没吃了,不知现在如何


(1)橘子洲头 几次都在―老江岸‖吃的。味道一般,但夏天的晚上,江风

(2)南大桥 河西桥底,有几条船。以前是在叫―石砣‖的船上吃,后来旁



1、猪脚 河西银鸿小区内―猪脚王‖,很辣,要小心

2、红烧肉 侯家塘的―帝豪‖,红烧肉肥而不腻,肉质松软。

3、烧烤 奥莎体育馆对面―两重天‖

4、香干 梓园路―世平餐馆‖,在附二对面沿梓园路右侧走不远

5、粥 南门口―一品粥‖

6,鱼头 二环线―菩提树‖

7,羊肉 人人家:韶山南路往长潭高速的路口,涮羊肉很棒,比―小肥羊‖

8,小炒腊鸟 西湖楼,招牌菜:千丝万缕,刀功了得。


1、 米 粉

(1)无名 省人民医院对面的小巷子里

(2)烈士公园北大门旁边的玉林米粉也很有名,搞得这里几乎每天都要堵 车!

(3)一家粉店 的米粉不错,口感好,分量多,码子齐,地方也还大,推荐椒脆粉,就是辣椒,榨菜,肉丝,香菇一起炒的码子,也还辣,要是放多点醋,更加开




3、牛肉串:解放西路畅行天下隔壁巷内20米处一个小摊,生意极好,总要 排队。


5、兰花豆:―翁不倒‖的兰花豆 荷花池 长沙市第13中学门口



7鱼:赤岗冲再往前一直走有一条街,全是吃鱼的。我去的那一家叫:诗 韵。


在湖南日报大门对面,就是体育馆路那个巷子里进去不到30米,有一家―老 四川鱼馆‖,

主题: 麦当劳购买全攻略 第1楼


其标准为满盒满袋,具体根儿数为:大薯,76-84根儿,中薯,54-60根儿, 小薯,


你可以清楚地看到所有的汉堡、麦乐鸡、鸡翅,都被整齐的放在一个保温柜 中,比方说保温柜有4个麦香鸡,那么,在第4个麦香鸡后面肯定会放有一个时间









五一路粮贸大厦下面的湘楚人家,有道―十里飘香‖的鸡汤,像极小时候外 婆家熬的土鸡汤,黄澄澄的鸡油漂在上面,喷香的。


五一路上的银华大酒店有道―太极蔬菜羹‖,一白一青,调成了太极图案, 清淡鲜美,值得品味。




在长沙,有空调的地方中,好象就属华南小吃的煲仔饭最便宜,就是难得 等,吃的人太多了。


财经学院外面有家肠子火锅店,肥肠实在是太诱人了,吃起来就顾不得什么 环境呀卫生呀,有时候我一个人就要吃掉一个中份。不过那儿离市区实在是太远了,去






左家塘 大蓉和的桔梗粉不错

82C咖啡馆(必胜客对面,消防大厦下面) 哈根达斯冰激凌好吃

蔡谔路大令婚纱对门 有家做浏阳蒸菜的 那里的手撕鱼是偶吃过最好的 芙蓉中路一段 百年长沙总店 手撕鸭

三角花园巷子内 一家无名老店 特色菜 鱿鱼肉丝 盐蛋黄炒丝瓜 腊肉炒红菜 火星小学对面 夜猫子 坛子汤菜比谭州瓦罐的还好吃

对河湖大南院的烧烤有种火鸡翅膀保重你吃了还想吃 还有,那边的红皮萝卜泡菜好吃


黄兴路步行街 真维斯对面 旺兔速丽小火锅

黄兴路与解放路口 日本火之国 鳗鱼饭(不要叫成了鳗鱼炒饭了)
















范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 355 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 523 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2720 字

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"Lherbe sauvage près du pont zhuque, le coucher de soleil à lentrée de laruelle Wuyi..."Cétait ma première connaissance du temple Confucius quandjétais enfant.

Je ne sais pas, jai peur.Si vous êtes un touriste, vous êtes déjà venu àNanjing, mais vous nêtes pas allé au temple Confucius, cest vraimentblanc!

Le temple Confucius est un lieu pittoresque célèbre à Nanjing avec unelongue histoire.Le temple Confucius sappuie sur la rivière Qinhuai, qui est laRivière mère de Nanjing, tout comme la rivière Yangtze et la rivière jaune rivière Qinhuai est bordée de vagues bleues et scintillantes. De tempsen temps, de jolis petits poissons sautent de leau. Asseyez - vous sur lebateau de peinture du temple Confucius et regardez le paysage. Il ny a pas dego?t.

Pour voir le temple du ma?tre, venez la nuit.? ce moment - là, le templeConfucius était lumineux et lumineux avec des néons colorés. Il semblait quelaurore sétait produite au - dessus de la ville. Il était magnifique. En cemoment, les gens sont venus au temple Confucius pour errer malgré la fatigue dela nuit.Faim? Ha ha ha, pas de problème! Folloe me! Soupe de vermicelles de sangde canard, sac de soupe de jus de poulet, kebabs dagneau, pas assez pour KFC!McDonalds aussi! Et des collations classiques comme le tofu puant deNanjing...Oui! Et le canard deau salée! Le canard deau salée est unespécialité de Nanjing! Bienvenue à déguster! Lun des canards deau salée est lecanard osmanthus, qui est raffiné au niveau du Canard d deau salée et contientlodeur douce de losmanthus.Le temple Confucius quand les gens ne sont pas "lepont lion n° 2" juste manger, il ya aussi beaucoup de magasins à la mode pourvous.Bien s?r, vos yeux ne seront pas oisifs, le temple Confucius est un ancienb?timent il y a longtemps, contient la saveur de lancien Nanjing, les murs dela sculpture fine, le toit des motifs nationaux magnifiques, ne peut pas êtrebeau.De plus, la rivière Qinhuai était plus belle cette nuit - là, et leauclaire reflétait le ciel étoilé, les arbres verts, les b?timents et les lumièrescolorées qui illuminaient la rivière Qinhuai.

Au festival des lanternes, le temple Confucius est encore plus bondé degens. Il y a de petits magasins vendant des Lanternes dans les rues et lesruelles. Il y a de belles lanternes de lapin, des Lanternes de cheval ancienneset des Lanternes de Confucius.En plus des lanternes, il y a beaucoup de magasinsde lanternes dans le temple du ma?tre pendant les jours du Festival deslanternes.Les lanternes sont grandes et petites, les grandes contiennent dusésame, les petites bulles deau sucrée, sont très savoureuses.

Nous croyons que non seulement le temple Confucius, mais aussi Nanjing,cette ville historique, lavenir sera plus beau!
