





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2944 字

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东方明珠广播电视塔坐落于黄浦江畔浦东陆家嘴嘴尖上,与外滩的万国建筑博览群隔江相望。塔高468米,位居亚洲第一、世界第三(拿大多伦多的多伦多国家塔 553m, 俄罗斯莫斯科的奥斯坦金诺广播电视塔的高塔540m)和左右两侧的南浦大桥、杨浦大桥一起,形成双龙戏珠之势。






东方明珠塔下的国际游船码头,有“浦江游览”旅游项目,登上邓小平同志当年南巡视察上海时乘座的游船,饱览浦江两岸美景,您将领略到“火树银花不夜城”的意境。国际游船码头里的“海鸥坊”,供应自助餐,您只需花费48元,就能无限畅饮美味和美景。 东方明珠广播电视塔集观光、会议、博览、餐饮、购物、娱乐、住宿、广播电视发射为一体,已成为21世纪上海城市的标志性建筑。目前,“东方明珠”年观光人数和旅游收入在世界各高塔中仅次于法国的艾菲尔铁塔而位居第二,从而挤身世界著名旅游景点行列。 金茂大厦 金茂大厦[1](JinMaoTower),又称金茂大楼,位于上海浦东新区黄浦 金茂大厦江畔的陆家嘴金融贸易区,楼高420.5米,目前是上海第3高的摩天大楼(截至20xx)、中国大陆第3高楼、世界第8高楼。大厦于1994年开工,1998年建成,有地上88层,若再加上尖塔的楼层共有93层,地下3层,楼面面积27万8,707平方米,有多达130部电梯与555间客房,现已成为上海的一座地标,是集现代化办公楼、五星级酒店、会展中心、娱乐、商场等设施于一体,融汇中

国塔型风格与西方建筑技术的多功能型摩天大楼,由著名的美国芝加哥SOM设计事务所的设计师Adrian Smith设计。 遥对东方明珠广播电视塔,毗邻延安东路隧道口,与地铁二号线连通,其主体建筑地上88层,地下3层,高420.5米,占地面积23611平方米,总建筑面积29万平方米。曾为上海第一高楼,大陆第一高楼,20xx年8月29日被比邻的环球金融中心超越。金茂大厦是融办工、商务、宾馆等多功能为一体的智能化高档楼宇,第3-50层为可容纳10000多人同时办公的、宽敞明亮的无柱空间;第51-52层为机电设备层;第53-87层为世界上最高的超五星级金茂凯悦大酒店,其中第56层至塔顶层的核心内是一个直径27米、阳光可透过玻璃折射进来的净空高达142米的“空中中庭”环绕中庭四周的是大小不等、风格各异的555间客房和各式中西餐厅等;第86层为企业家俱乐部;第87层为空中餐厅;距地面340.1米的第88层为国内第二高的观光层(仅次于环球金融中心),可容纳1000多名游客,两部速度为9.1米/秒的高速电梯用45秒将观光宾客从地下室1层直接送达观光层,环顾四周,极目眺望,上海新貌尽收眼底。


上海环球金融中心 Shanghai global financial hub是以日本的森大厦株式会社(Mori Building Corporation)为中心,联合日本、美国等40多家企业投资兴建的项目,总投资额超过1050亿日元(逾10亿美元)。原设计高460米,工程地块面积为3万平方米,总建筑面积达38.16万平方米,比邻金茂大厦。1997年年初开工后,因受亚洲金融危机影响,工程曾一度停工。20xx年2月工程复工。但由于当时中国台北和香港都已在建480米高的摩天大厦,超过环球金融中心的原设计高度。由于日本方面兴建世界第一高楼的初衷不变,对原设计方案进行了修改。修改后的环球金融中心比原来增加7层,即达到地上100层,地下3层,楼层总面积约377,300平方米。










范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5123 字

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Dali is a beautiful city on the western Yunnan Plateau. It is the mainresidence of Bai nationality. It is one of the first batch of nationalhistorical and cultural cities approved by the State Council. It is also anational key scenic spot.

Dali was called Yeyu in ancient times, which was named after Duan Siping,the leader of Baiman in the Five Dynasties, who established Dali state. In Tangand Song Dynasties, Dali was the political, economic and cultural center ofYunnan.

The scenic spots of Dali include Cangshan Mountain, Erhai Lake, ancientcity and butterfly spring. Today we are going to visit the Three Pagodas ofChongsheng temple, which has become a symbol of Dali tourism.

General situation of Chongsheng Temple

Chongsheng temple is located 1.5km north of Dali ancient city, adjacent toErhai Lake in the East and yingle peak in Cangshan Mountain in the West.

Chongsheng temple was built in the later period of Nanzhao state, duringthe reign of the tenth generation of Nanzhao king quanfengyou (824-859). Aftercompletion, it was the center of Buddhist activities in Nanzhao state and Dalistate, and became a famous royal temple in Dali state. Therefore, Chongshengtemple has the reputation of "Buddha capital".

Chongsheng temple, also known as the three pagodas temple, is the threepagodas Temple written by Xu Xiake, a traveler of Ming Dynasty, in his diariesof traveling to Yunnan, and the Tianlong Temple mentioned by Jin Yong, a masterof modern martial arts fiction, in his eight chapters of Tianlong. Themagnificent architecture of Chongsheng temple was burned down in the Tongzhiperiod of Xianfeng in Qing Dynasty, and only the three pagodas remainedintact.

"Sheng" in Chongsheng Temple refers to Guanyin. The worship of Guanyin isvery popular in Dali. The annual March street is also called Guanyin street."Continued Yunnan Tongzhi" records: "there are three pagodas in front ofChongsheng temple. There is a statue of Guanyin in the temple. It is two Zhangand four feet high. It was cast by Dong Shanming in Tang and Mengdynasties."

In March 1961, it was announced by the State Council as one of the firstbatch of key cultural relics protection units in China. In 20__, it was rated asnational AAAA tourist area.

Chongsheng temple is here. Please follow me out.

Basic knowledge of tower

Entering the gate, we can clearly see the three towers above the steps. Thelarger one in the front square is called Qianxun tower, and the smaller one atthe back on both sides.

Originated in India, the pagoda was first used as a Buddhist relic in theshape of a semicircular tomb. After it was handed down to China, it combinedwith traditional Chinese architecture and evolved into a variety of forms, suchas Pavilion style, close eaves style, covered bowl style, King Kong throne styleand so on. The three towers we see now are of close eaves type.

In addition to the three pagodas, there are also one pagoda and snake bonepagoda.

Chihiro tower

The full name of Qianxun pagoda is "Dharma Realm Tongling Mingdao Chengta".It was built in Nanzhao quanfengyou period of Tang Dynasty. It is said that ittook Gongtao and Huiyi craftsmen 48 years to design and build it.

Qianxun tower stands on a two-story tall platform. It is 69.13 meters highand has 16 floors. It is a rare even number tower with more floors in China.

The structure of the tower is a hollow brick tower with dense eaves andhollow core. In ancient times, there were well shaped stairs for people toclimb.

From bottom to top, it is composed of tower base, tower body and towerbrake. There is a white marble Buddha statue in the niche, and the niches onboth sides are window openings. The direction of the window openings on the twofloors is staggered alternately to facilitate the lighting and ventilation inthe tower, and the staggered opening of windows is conducive to the firmness ofthe tower.

From the third and fourth floors, the eaves of the pagoda graduallyconverge inward, and finally converge at the top of the pagoda. The outline ofthe pagoda body is not a rigid straight line upward, but a curve of adductionupward and downward and slightly convex in the middle. Its shape is similar tothat of Xian small wild goose pagoda.

Once upon a time, there was a bronze golden winged bird in each corner ofthe top of the tower, which was said to be used to suppress the dragon, demonand water monster in Erhai Lake.


There is a Zhaobi on the east side of the pagoda. On the Zhaobi there arefour regular script characters of "Yongzhen mountains and rivers", each of whichis 1.7 meters high. It was written by Mu Shijie, the Duke of Qian state in MingDynasty.

There are two reasons for these four words: one is that there are manyfloods in Dali, "Yongzhen mountains and rivers" is intended to subdue thefloods, and the Dapeng golden winged bird on the top of the tower is also athing to subdue the dragon; the other is that after Dali was incorporated intothe territory of the Ming Dynasty, "Yongzhen mountains and rivers" under thetitle of Qian Guogong (mu Shijie, the grandson of Mu Ying), who guarded Yunnan,was intended to defend Yunnan mountains and rivers to the death.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1681 字

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Jinding mountain is a national "AAA" tourism scenic area, national forest park. Located on the outskirts of zhumadian of henan province west, about 20 km away from downtown.

Jinding hill mountain across two pulse: advantages and tongbo meet here, she has both advantages of the grand and tongbo witty.

Jinding hill is located in the subtropical and north temperate climate transition point, she vegetation lush, rich forest and wildlife park is a natural botanical garden. Jinding lunar 24 solar terms and seasonal characteristics of the mountain to cut due to match. Season changes make jinding picture myriad mountains, unusually brilliant.

Jinding hill XiongLi Yu Tianzhong earth, known as day in wonderland. Scenic area of about 71 square kilometers, six in peak. Scenic spot tall ancient trees, deep valley peak risks. Main attractions have purple fog ethereal, large and small jinding rippling golden dragon lake, golden sand lakes, gold sihu, jagged alpine valley, cliff torrents of cloud empty organ, winding the grand dragon village. Was built in the tang dynasty still cigarette smoke, deep and quiet buddhist resort of zhulin temple, cloud empty temple; Characterized by nature, whales, and, Shi Gui lifelike stone; Implication of warmth, affection lingering hope love stone, frowning ridge, the tree; Shape is novel, huaxia well is gold leaf of buddhist stone carving...

Stroll jinding hill, will make you truly understand the return to nature, close to nature, enjoy nature of new feeling.

Jinding mountain scenic area is your tourism, leisure vacation area light scenery resort, is a scientific investigation, field trips creation, fitness entertainment ideal place to go.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7561 字

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Geography overview

Jiulong cave, a national scenic spot, is located in Yangtou Town, 17kilometers to the east of the city, the north end of Liulong mountain range andthe Grand Canyon on the South Bank of Jinjiang River. There are many peaks,overlapping peaks, deep valleys, verdant bamboo trees and intact vegetation inthe scenic spot. There are magnificent karst caves, magnificent and dangerousJinjiang Canyon, beautiful Jinjiang (Yangtou) reservoir area and new stones withhigh archaeological value The ancient cultural sites of primitive people in theage of pottery are a tourist attraction integrating appreciation and scientificresearch. Jiulong cave is the main scenic spot of the scenic spot, located inthe middle of the scenic spot. The cave is spacious, majestic and numerous. Themain cave is 2284 meters long, 100 meters wide, 75-80 meters high and covers anarea of more than 70000 square meters.

Overview of scenic spots

Jiulong Cave Scenic Spot mainly includes Jiulong cave, Jinjiang Canyon,Jinjiang reservoir area and other scenic spots

(1) Jiulong cave

Jiulong cave is the main scenic spot of the scenic spot, located in themiddle of the scenic spot. The cave is spacious, majestic and numerous. The maincave is 2284 meters long, 100 meters wide, 75-80 meters high and covers an areaof more than 70000 square meters. The whole cave is divided into 8 halls and anunderground river. The hall is divided into two layers, 6 halls on the upperlayer and 2 halls on the lower layer. There are small holes connecting the upperand lower halls and the cave, which is unfathomable. Inside the cave are greendragon, lobster, conch, turtle, Kaiping peacock, lion, camel team, monkey group,ancient temple, god Buddha, fairy and the crowd of children nestling together;The cave is full of stalagmites, stone pillars, stone curtains, stonewaterfalls, stone curtains, stone flowers, stone needles and so on. Some of themare like a sea of clouds, some of them are like birds and animals, and some ofthem are like exotic flowers and plants. The three giant pillars in the thirdhall are tall and majestic. The most prominent one is the "jiulongpan pillar",which is 39.9 meters high and 13.5 meters in circumference. There are nine stonedragons winding around the pillar body, which is powerful and lifelike.

According to legend, there are six green dragons and three yellow dragonsin Liulong mountain meeting here. Seeing that this cave is more like a fairylandin heaven, they all want to own it. They fight for each other and are unwillingto leave. When the rooster crows and the day breaks, they cant get out of thecave, so they turn into nine stone dragons and plate them on the pillars in thecave. Hence the name of Jiulong cave. One kilometer to the left of Jiulong cave,there is a very strange cold and hot wind tunnel. One is cool and cold, and theother is warm and warm. Its amazing and memorable.

(2) Jinjiang Gorge

Located in the Jiulong Cave Scenic Area, it stretches for ten miles. Thereare many isolated peaks and caves, which are very spectacular. Here we mainlyintroduce the Guanyin Mountain and liantai peak in the canyon, which integratetourism and Buddhism. Guanyin Mountain, located on the right side of Jiulongcave, is majestic and majestic, with a total area of 2 square kilometers. Therewere Lotus Temple, Guanyin hall, Qiuzi temple and other ancient buildings, allpainted pillars and carved beams, looking from the fence. The Jinjiang River islike a belt, the canyon is flowing green, the smoke is vast, the cloud riverdances together, and the scene is extremely magnificent; Liantai peak is themain peak of Guanyin Mountain. You can have a birds-eye view of the clear andshining river near, and you can see the mountains from afar to the Golden Summitof Fanjing Mountain. On a foggy morning after rain, you can also encounter thevast sea of fog and the colorful "Buddha light".

{Guizhou tour guide · Huangguoshu waterfall tour guide · zhijindong tourguide · Xianglushan tour guide

(3) Jinjiang (Yangtou) reservoir area

From lujiadong hydropower station down the river to Yangtou hydropowerstation, the flow is 24 kilometers, covering an area of 417 hectares. The greenbamboo cages on both sides of the river make the lake crystal clear. It is aman-made lake with beautiful mountains and trees.

(4) Huangla cave, Qingming cave, swan cave and squid cave are located nearJiulong cave. Another Huangla cave is located in Daping Township, southwest ofthe city.


Liuzhi special zone is a key coal producing area in China. It is the eastgate of Liupanshui City, the "Liangdu of China" and the "Jiangnan coal capital".It is known as the "Jiangnan coal sea". Transportation is very developed,mineral resources are rich, and biological resources are extremely rich.

The tourism resources of Liuzhi special zone are unique. It is a uniquetourist area integrating ethnic culture, natural scenery and historical sites.Among them, there are Peach Blossom Park, jiutoushan Park, Antarctic MountainPark and natural cave Moon Palace Cave (Guanyin cave) in the central part; thereare Langdai ancient city, stele of Langdai wood City, Tomb of Langdai riotmartyrs and mysterious Laowang mountain (Gulang mountain) in the South; thereare Dixi Forest Park in the southeast, waterfall group on Baishui River andkarst cave landscape centered on Luobie River; there are many caves in thesouth; In the north, there are the scenery of Yanjiao ancient town, laogaoqiaoscenic spot, langlongqiao scenic spot (chuangzidong), laobudi scenic spot andSuoga ecological museum scenic spot.

Combined with the rich and mysterious ethnic customs, such as the Buyipeoples watch catching, the Miao peoples moon drying, the Yi Peoples mountaincatching Festival, and the Gelao peoples new year eating, Liuzhis uniquetourism landscape has attracted a large number of tourists at home and abroad,as well as ethnic culture experts and scholars. At present, Liuzhi special zoneis actively carrying out the construction of Dixi ecological park, yueliangheyelangbuyi cultural ecological park, yuelianghe Provincial Forest Park, etc. thewater area behind the dam of azhu hydropower station is square kilometers, andthe water area behind the dam of Guangzhao Hydropower Station is 51.54 squarekilometers. The line along the river will become a beautiful landscape.

Liuzhi special zone is suitable for tourism in all seasons. Liuzhi specialzone has a pleasant climate. The annual average temperature is 13.5-15.2 ℃, nosevere heat in summer and no severe cold in winter.

Liuzhi special zone is 172 kilometers away from Guiyang, the provincialcapital, and 98 kilometers away from the downtown area of Liupanshui. Itconnects Zhenning and Puding counties in the East, Guanling in the south,Shuicheng in the west, Zhijin and Nayong in the north, and Qinglong and Puancounties in the southwest. Liuzhi is located in the watershed between theYangtze River Basin and the Pearl River Basin. In the south, there is feijiangRiver in the upper reaches of Beipan River, in the north, there is Sancha Riverin the upper reaches of Wujiang River, and in the East, there is Baishui River,the source of Huangguoshu waterfall. There is a large drop of water flow andabundant water energy resources.

Liuzhi special zone is a combination of Liuzhi special zone and LangdaiCounty in the period of "three line construction". There are 32 ethnic groupsincluding Han, Yi, Miao, Buyi and Gelao living in the area, and the minoritypopulation accounts for 30.52% of the total population of the region. Minorityculture is very long.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3939 字

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Yangjiang City is located in the southwest coast of Guangdong Province,close to the Pearl River Delta, the hub of western Guangdong. It is adjacent toNanhai in the south, Yunfu in the north, Jiangmen in the East and Maoming in theWest. It is located at 21 ° 28 ′ 45 ″ - 22 ° 41 ′ 02 ″ N and 111 ° 16 ′ 35 ″ -112 ° 21 ′ 51 ″ E. It is 112 km from east to west and 132 km from north tosouth. The total land area is 7813.4 square kilometers, including 26.03% hillyarea, 42.73% mountainous area and 22.17% plain area. The total population is2.8281 million, and the permanent resident population is 2.42 million(20__).

Yangjiang is 247 kilometers away from Guangzhou, 300 kilometers away fromShenzhen and Hong Kong, 160 kilometers away from Zhuhai and Macao, and 230kilometers away from Zhanjiang. The coastline is 341. There are 30 major islandswith a coastline of 49.3 km. The terrain inclines from north to south, close tomountains and sea. The highest peak in the territory is e Huang Zhang (thesecond highest peak in western Guangdong) of Wangfu mountains, with an altitudeof 1337 meters. The longest river is Moyang River (one of the six major riversin Guangdong), with a total length of 199 kilometers. It runs through the cityfrom north to South and flows into the South China Sea from north to south. In20__, the provincial Environmental Protection Department announced that the airquality of Yangjiang reached the national first-class standard.

Water resources: there are 24 rivers in the city with a rainfall collectionarea of more than 100 square kilometers. The water resources reserve is 677000kW and 317000 kW can be developed and utilized. 251 large, medium and smallhydropower stations with an installed capacity of 187200 kW have been built.

Marine resources: the coastline of Yangjiang sea (Island) is 476 km long,the sea area is 34000 square kilometers, the sea beach area is 197000 mu, andthe aquaculture area is 166000 mu. There are seven fishing ports approved by theMinistry of agriculture in the city, including Zhapo, Dongping, Shaba, Xitou,Hebei, the opposite bank and Jiangcheng. Among them, Zhapo fishing port is thenational central fishing port, and Dongping fishing port is the nationalfirst-class fishing port for the masses. Rich squid, shark fin, jellyfish, crab,shrimp, mackerel, grouper and so on. Marine fishing has a long history, richexperience in mariculture, and the output of marine products ranks first in theprovince.

Mineral resources: the proven reserves of coal mine are 7.536 million tons,iron ore 35.216 million tons, copper ore 61.55 million tons, pyrite 70.79million tons, and titanium, tungsten, tin, molybdenum, zinc, coal, gold, rareearth, limestone, granite, quartz sand and other minerals.

Tourism resources: Yangjiang is an excellent tourism city in China withrich tourism resources. Mountains, seas, springs, lakes, forests and caves areall over the city. The natural tourism resources are full of varieties, highgrade and good spatial combination, ranking second to none in GuangdongProvince. Zhapo dajiaowan scenic spot is a national AAAA scenic spot. Lingxiao,Yangchun Bay, has been rated as a national geopark. Hailing Island was named"Chinas top ten most beautiful islands" by China National Geographic magazine,and it is also the only island selected in Guangdong Province. In 20__,Yangjiang City was rated as "Chinas excellent tourism city". The main scenicspots are Dongyue Park, forest park, Beishan Park, Yuanyang Lake Park, BeihuPark and Shijue temple in the urban area, dajiaowan, Mawei island and Shilisilver beach in Hailing Island, Yangjiang hot spring, Donghu, Dongping Pearl Bayand Xinzhou hot spring tourist resort in Yangdong County, Dadongshan andYueliangwan tourist resort in Yangxi County, lingxiaoyan, kongtongyan,longgongyan and Shijue temple in Yangchun City Yuwangshi, Chunwan stone forest,Yuxi three caves, Bajia Baishui waterfall, Baiyong primeval forest area,etc.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 567 字

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东方明珠塔各观光层柜台里1000多款造型独特、制作精美的各式旅游纪念品琳琅满目,令人目不暇接、留连忘返。东方明珠塔每年接待来自于五洲四海中外宾客280多万人次,是集观光、餐饮、购物、娱乐、游船、会展、历史陈列、广播电视发射等多功能于一体的综合性旅游文化景点。东方明珠塔业已成为上海的标志性建筑,荣列上海十大新景观之一。作为全国旅游热点之一,东方明珠塔又以其优质服务,在20__ 年初被 国家旅游局评为全国首批 AAAA 级旅游景点。





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 3712 字

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When it comes to Henan, people cant help but think of the ancient capitalsof Luoyang and Kaifeng, Shaolin Temple, oracle bone inscriptions, bronzes and soon. However, if the distinguished guests want to bring some special products ofHenan to their relatives and friends after enjoying these places of interest,then I recommend one gift to you, which is Xinyang Maojian, Chinas famoustea.

Xinyang Maojian, produced in Jigong Mountain, Xinyang, Henan Province, isone of the famous teas in China. It gets its name because it is all picked fromthe tender leaves of the tea plant and then refined. It often drinks XinyangMaojian, which has the functions of clearing heart and improving eyesight,lowering blood pressure, refreshing mind and prolonging life. For a long time,it has been called the best tea.

Speaking of tea, this is the pride of Chinese people.

Tea has a long history in China. The hometown of tea is China. Both tea andsilk are important inventions dedicated to the world by the Chinese workingpeople. As early as 5000 years ago, it is said that when Shennong, the distantancestor of the Chinese nation, was in power, he was unfortunately infected with72 kinds of viruses in order to find herbs for curing diseases. He was in greatpain and finally found tea to detoxify the virus. Since then, people know thattea can cure diseases and has medicinal functions. Later, in the long-termproduction and life, people gradually found that tea boiling water also had astrong thirst quenching effect. Therefore, Chinese people began to have aspecial preference for tea, and Chinese tea culture was born.

Speaking of Chinese tea, its really a university. First of all, lets knowthe classification of tea. Generally speaking, tea is divided into twocategories: basic tea and reprocessed tea. The basic tea categories includegreen tea, black tea, oolong tea, white tea, yellow tea and black tea.Reprocessing tea includes flower tea, pressed tea, fruit tea and health tea.

These two kinds of tea have different characteristics. For example, greentea is characterized by green leaves and clear soup. Its main varieties areLongjing in Hangzhou, Biluochun in Suzhou, Yunwu in Lushan in Jiangxi, Guapianin Luan in Anhui and Maojian in Xinyang in Henan.

The basic characteristic of black tea is that the leaves are red and thesoup is red. The main varieties are Qimen black tea from Anhui, Dianhong teafrom Yunnan and Ninghong tea from Jiangxi.

Oolong tea belongs to semi fermented tea. Its main varieties are Wuyishanrock tea in Fujian, Tieguanyin in Anxi, and frozen top Oolong in Chinese Taiwan.

White tea is a slightly fermented tea, mainly produced in Fujian. Black teahas a long fermentation time and dark leaves, so it is called black tea and canbe drunk directly.

The flower tea in reprocessing tea is usually made by green tea afterabsorbing the fragrance of flowers, which is popular in northern China. The mainvarieties are jasmine tea, brandy tea and osmanthus tea.

Pressed tea is processed and autoclaved into a certain shape, such as bricktea, Puer tea, etc., so it is easy to store and transport, and is generallysold to Chinas border areas. In ancient China, the tea sold to the border areaswas monopolized by the imperial court. Whether it was sold to the borderminority areas was a means for the central court to control the border areas. Atthat time, the tea sold to the border areas was mainly brick tea.

The invention of fruit tea and health tea is relatively late. Fruit tea isa kind of tea beverage made by adding fruit juice into the production, such aslemon tea and orange tea. Health tea is made by adding Chinese herbal medicineinto the tea, which strengthens the prevention and treatment effect of tea.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 8522 字

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Dear members of the group, you have come from afar to Anshun, which has"the belly of Guizhou and the throat of Yunnan", and to the Dragon Palace scenicarea, which combines the typical karst scenery with religious and humanisticviews. We are really very happy, filled with excitement and joy.

I think you have visited the magnificent and exquisite Tianxingqiaodistrict and Huangguoshu waterfall. Next, we will mainly visit the Dragon Palacescenic area. Today we are going to visit the underground palace of the DragonPalace, which has a water distance of 840 meters and is only the first part ofthe Dragon Palace.

Anshun Longgong national scenic spot is a scenic spot combining typicalreligious and cultural landscapes with karst scenery. Longgong is mainly locatedin Anshun City in the west of Guizhou Province, 27 kilometers away from AnshunCity, 45 kilometers away from the famous Huangguoshu waterfall and 132kilometers away from Guiyang. It belongs to the Pearl River system, with anaverage altitude of about 1000-1400 meters.

The Longgong scenic spot in Guizhou is mainly composed of water cave, drycave and cave waterfall, including beautiful rural villages, rugged and majesticmountains, craggy and strange stone forest surrounded by green bamboo, etc. thescenic resources are rich, the types are various, and the landscape is unique.It is rare to integrate mountains, streams, water, forests, caves, waterfalls,lakes and stones. Longgong scenic area belongs to the superimposed karstlandform, which was formed in 3. Longgong scenic area belongs to subtropicalmonsoon humid climate. Its main characteristics are four distinct seasons, nosevere cold in winter and no severe heat in summer. The annual averagetemperature is 14.6 ℃, and the climate is very mild. The whole scenic area issurrounded by mountains and streams, the natural environment is simple andfresh, and the atmospheric water body is not polluted. Guizhou Dragon Palacecenter view, with rich scenic spots and complete contents, is the essence of thewhole scenic area. There are various karst landforms, majestic cliffs and ruggedstone forests, rich and colorful ethnic customs and quiet and elegant pastoralscenery. At the same time, there are unique landscape resources called "threemost" by tourists in China. First, Longmen waterfall is the largest waterfall inthe cave; second, underground river is the longest, with a total length of 5000meters; third, Longgong Tianchi has the lowest natural radiation in China.Underground rivers connect more than 30 mountains and connect more than 90underground river caves.

Members, lets take this boat to explore the mysterious world of dragonpalace. Longgong Rongshui cave, Handong cave, canyon, peak forest, cliff, openstream, underground river, Xuantang, pastoral scenery, ethnic customs andreligious culture are integrated to form a magical tourist landscape. Centerview, extraordinary as if done by the spirits of the four famous scenic spots,namely, the central scenic spot, the whirlpool pond, the rape lake and the fairylake. In 1985, after the national experts of landscape architecture came herefor investigation, they thought that the Dragon Palace was too "unique". Whereis it unique? That is: Qijue, xiongjue, xiujue, miaojie. Mr. Zhang xingcha, afamous calligrapher in Guizhou, wrote a couplet for the Dragon Palace. The firstcouplet is "swallowing stones as holes, spitting stones as flowers, and themagic work depends on water". The second couplet is "gathering water to form anabyss, covering water to form a waterfall, and the scenery depends on thestone". The word "Jue" was revealed by the poet.

The scenery of the Dragon Palace is not only unique, but also "divine".This place is especially able to stimulate the peculiar imagination, imaginationand association of human beings. Its spirit lies in that it is not only uniquein mountains, rivers and caves, but also can find the traces of the dragon,experience the haunting of the dragon, and is a holy land for understandingChinese dragon culture. Huaguo Mountain, shuilian cave and Dragon King CrystalPalace in journey to the West are all concentrated here, where people can findcorresponding landscapes one by one. Therefore, it is necessary to say that theyare the embodiment of Chinese dragon myths and legends. When you come here, youwill feel as if you have been separated from real life and entered an incrediblemysterious world.

Talking about dragon in Dragon Palace

Our journey of the dragon begins with the grand archway that enters theDragon Palace. Chinese people have a special feeling for the dragon. They haveto play with the dragon lantern during the Spring Festival, row the dragon boatduring the Dragon Boat Festival, play with the water dragon when its sunny andrainy for a long time, and sacrifice to the Dragon King when its flooded. InChinese culture and customs, the dragon is everywhere. Isnt it? The clear andclear spring is often called "dragon spring"; the unfathomable pool is mostlycalled "dragon pool"; the wonderful mountain shape must be called "dragon vein";the gorgeous palace is often called "Dragon Palace". Longjing tea is the bestfor tea, Longmen banquet is the best for food. The sharpest sword is calledQinglong sword, and the most valuable horse is called wulongju. Many beautifullegends are related to the Dragon King, the dragon daughter, the three princesof the Dragon King, and the Dragon Palace. They are well-known and will lastforever. Dragon is a kind of auspicious thing in China. Any word with the word"dragon" means auspicious, festive, exciting and soaring. For example. "Dragonflying and Phoenix dancing", "dragon and Phoenix presenting", "dragon leapingand Tiger Leaping", "living dragon and living tiger", "dragon singing and tigerroaring", "dragon traveling all over the world", and "carp leaping and dancingin the dragons gate". Therefore, the Chinese consider themselves "descendantsof the dragon". The supreme emperor claimed to be the "real dragon emperor" andcalled his descendants "dragon son" and "dragon grandson". In peoples mind, thedragon is divine and unpredictable. The image of the dragon is magical andstrange. It is the head of a horse, the horn of a deer, the limit of a tiger,the ear of an ox, the body of a snake, the scales of a fish, and the claws of aneagle. Its really impressive. The dragon is a divine thing. In peoples eyes,it has extraordinary ability. It can ascend the sky and ride the mist, which is"thinner than the light of the sky"; it can enter the deep pool, overturn thesea and river, and has the divine power to call the wind and rain, and startlethe thunder and lightning. People may ask, is there a real "dragon" in nature?In the Jurassic period more than 200 million years ago, dinosaurs dominated theworld for more than 100 million years, and before that, there were many marinedragons in the Triassic period. However, up to now, no such dragon has beenfound. The dragon in the eyes of Chinese people is born in Chefus wonderfulimagination. It is a fuzzy collection of many natural phenomena, such as windand cloud, thunder and lightning, frost, rain and snow, rivers, lakes and seas,rare birds and animals, and all kinds of animals. It is also the totem of manyancient Chinese nations, the embodiment of the common psychology of the Chinesenation, and the symbol of traditional Chinese social power.

Water is a special thing in nature. It is not only the source of life, butalso the purpose of all things. Evaporation can rise to the sky and becomeclouds, and aggregation can sink into rain and snow. On the ground, it can formrivers, lakes and seas, and it can dive into the ground and become Yinhe darklake. Therefore, in Shuowen, it is explained as follows: the dragon can behidden, can be present, can be quiet, can be bright, can be big, can be small,can rise and fall. In fact, the image of "dragon" is exactly the image of water,so it is said: "if the mountain is not high, there will be fairies and spirits;if the water is not deep, there will be dragons and spirits. "The charm ofdragon officer lies in water, which is a mysterious water. It was a small river.Out of the valley. Several times they dived into the ground, several times theygushed out of the ground, passed through more than 20 peaks, and went throughseveral twists and turns. Thats not enough. Its still forming a huge waterfallunder the ground. After swallowing the clouds, its just surging. Now, letsfollow the footprints of the dragon to find the trace of the dragon!



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Weishan lake ecological tourism scenic area is a part of weishan lake, is located in xuzhou city 20 kilometers north Tongshan zone, the main scope in xuzhou weishan lake lake wetland protection zone, west lake beach, 60 km long, 1-2 km wide, covers an area of 100 square kilometers, including Ma Po farms, lake town, liu town village, MAO, LiuQuan Town, quo-town adjacent six towns and tongshan island, guishan island, island, set in huangshan, Huang Zhuang low hilly mountain island, have a natural village in the region.

West lake wetland nature reserve is located in weishan lake, xuzhou city, jiangsu province, the southeast border with tongshan zone, west connected with the emperor gaozu liu bang hometown - peixian county, shandong province weishan county in the north. Wetland protection area, there are more than 300 kinds of wild vertebrates, including national level of protection animals of the Chinese merganser and bustard; The secondary protection animals have whooper swans, crane, etc; Jiangsu province key protected animals hedgehog, the stork, wild goose, cuckoo, woodpecker, etc. Lake area of wetlands in the existing forestry land area of about 8418 square kilometers, forest land area of about 7117 square kilometers, forest coverage rate of 27.2%. In the west of the beijing-hangzhou grand canal, has formed 200 meters wide, 125 km of greening corridor.

Abundant, weishan lake, has "the sunrise bucket of gold", the existing 78 kinds of fish, give priority to with carp, crucian carp economic fish, yellow croaker, snakehead, red fin Bo, changchun parabramis and carp 6 kinds, benthic animals including mollusks and arthropods, animals, insects, etc. 63 kinds of links, the resources for a total of 98876 tons on a total of 116 phytoplankton, including 14 kinds of dominant species, 248 kinds of zooplankton, dominant species, 32 species, 74 species of aquatic vascular plants, all existing lake is 3.04 million tons, fishery biological bait quite rich. Or migratory waterfowl and its important wintering habitat, weishan lake area, a total of 205 species, one country, the secondary protection birds are mainly bustard, whooper swans, white-naped crane, crane, yuanyang, such as 26, focus on the protection of shandong province 35 species, included in the agreement on China and Japan to protect migratory birds and their habitats in two hundred and twenty-seven there are one hundred and nine species, accounting for 48%; Included in the China and Australia to protect migratory birds and their habitats agreement of eighty-one species of 25 species, accounting for 31%.

Wetland vegetation in gramineae, compositae, Sally ZhangKe, legume, ratio and pondweed families of plants is given priority to. Main plant communities are reeds of community, tomato, lotus communitys water, such as vegetation zone; Apricot community, water chestnut + Gordon euryale community streamer Ye Genshen vegetation zone; Malay eye dried vegetable, micro gear pondweed communities, bitter herb plant community submerged vegetation zone, such as aquatic vegetation coverage was 89.9%, and the reputation of "underwater forest". State one, two, tertiary protect plants mainly include water fern, coarse stem water fern, the straw wisp of grass and wild soybeans and other nine.

Legend, long long ago, the weishan lake area, was long a few decades, several hundred zhangs of dashan, because of the mountain have a small childs tomb people gave it a name is situated. Situated on a mountainside, lived a family only between two people. Cannot father son opened up a few acres of sloping fields, grow some of their crops for a living. Although life is poor, but also comfortable.

One year autumn, beans cooked quickly, pea is fat and big, cannot father son nice to think that must be a good harvest year, dont worry about no food to eat. One evening, the grandson to see beans beans field, looked up and saw a white beard old man, with a group of sheep is put in the bean field. Grandson rushed over to ask: "grandpa, how do you sheep on my bean field?" The old man said: "you this beans do not closed, within 10 days, the mountain is about to collapse, here, becomes a piece Wang Yang, the great lakes, beans can also receive?! As feed my sheep." Paused, he said: "you cannot father son but a good man ah, hurry up bright direction, cant stay here." Say and into the wind disappeared, and the sheep are gone.

Grandson quickly ran home and told the just thing to grandpa. Grandpa heard this, said it was immortal attunements, just pack clothes overnight. Grandson fled toward the east, ready to lead while tell folks with their escape. So going, rounds, a few days later, the mountain, the mountain people fled out.

On the ninth day in the middle of the night, only listen to the sound of a breaks up, then is situated. Situated fall into the ocean, the highest peak of the original situated into the island, and the people was called the vast expanse of water, weishan lake, the ocean in a small island called situated.



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东方明珠塔各观光层柜台里1000多款造型独特、制作精美的各式旅游纪念品琳琅满目,令人目不暇接、留连忘返。东方明珠塔每年接待来自于五洲四海中外宾客280多万人次,是集观光、餐饮、购物、娱乐、游船、会展、历史陈列、广播电视发射等多功能于一体的综合性旅游文化景点。东方明珠塔业已成为上海的标志性建筑,荣列上海十大新景观之一。作为全国旅游热点之一,东方明珠塔又以其优质服务,在20__ 年初被 国家旅游局评为全国首批 AAAA 级旅游景点。




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During the period of the Three Kingdoms, Chuzhou became the battlefield ofthe battle between Wei and Wu. During the "eight kings rebellion" in theWestern Jin Dynasty, Sima Rui, the king of Langya, took refuge in motuoling,southwest of Chuzhou. Langya Mountain is named after it. It is located at thefoot of Langya Mountain, southwest of Chuzhou City, Anhui Province. It is alsoknown as "Chinas four famous Pavilions" together with Taoran Pavilion inBeijing, aiwan Pavilion in Changsha and Huxin Pavilion in Hangzhou. It is one ofthe famous historic sites in Anhui Province. It is written in the book ofdrunken man Pavilion written by Ouyang Xiu, a great essayist in Song Dynasty.Zuiwang Pavilion is small and unique, with the characteristics of JiangnanPavilion. It is close to the precipitous cliff, and the cornice is lifted out inthe air. Although it has been robbed and rebuilt for hundreds of years, it hasnever been forgotten. After liberation, the peoples government listedzuiwongting as a key cultural relic protection unit at the provincial level andrenovated it many times.

During the reign of song Renshou Qingli, the government was corrupt andpowerful people were in charge. Ouyang Xiu, who was an official in the processof moving to the court, advocated reforming the current politics, and did notavoid slander. He dared to expose the officials private affairs, so he offendedZuo Prime Minister Xia song and others. Xia song falsely accused him in front ofthe emperor. Ouyang Xiu was relegated to Chuzhou.

In the first year of Qingli (1045 AD), Ouyang Xiu came to Chuzhou, met monkZhixian, the abbot of Langya temple, and soon became a bosom friend. In order tofacilitate Ouyang Xius visit, zhixiante built a small pavilion at the foot ofthe mountain, which Ouyang Xiu wrote for himself. This is the famous story ofthe drunken man Pavilion. From then on, Ouyang Xiu and his friends often went tothe pavilion to have fun and drink wine. "The Taishou came here for guests todrink. He drank less and got drunk more often. He was also the oldest. He calledhimself a drunkard. "Drunk Pavilion" hence the name. Ouyang Xiu not only drinkshere, but also works here. There is a poem praising: "for the governmentromantic, happy year abundant, every official affairs in the pavilion.". Afterthe completion of the drunk Pavilion, it attracted many visitors. At that time,Dr. Shen Zun, a doctor of Taichang, came to enjoy the music. After watching it,he created the Qin song "zuiwongyin" (i.e. "taishoucao"), which was composed byOuyang Xiu himself. Now a couplet in front of fenggong Temple says, "the soundof spring is like listening to the Taishou Cao, and the sea sun shines on LangyaMountain." thats what it says. After a few years, Ouyang Xiu and Shen Zun metagain, "half drunk at night", Shen zuncao played "drunkard chant", "the sound ofthe palace is overlapping", "its like the light wind, the warm day, the soundof birds, the quiet night, the sound of mountains and the sound of springspring". The sound of the zither evokes the memory of Ou Gong about his drinkingin the pavilion, that is, he wrote poems as a gift. There was only one Pavilionwhen the zuiwang pavilion was first built. At the end of the Northern SongDynasty, the Zhizhou Tang dynasty built tongzui Pavilion beside it. In the MingDynasty, it began to flourish. It is said that the house had been built to"hundreds of columns" at that time, but it was damaged many times later. Duringthe Xianfeng Period of the Qing Dynasty, more than one garden became a piece ofrubble. It was not until the seventh year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu (1881A.D.) that the zuiwang pavilion was restored to its original state.

The architecture in the area of zuiwang Pavilion is compact and unique, andthe pavilions are small and unique, which has the characteristics of Jiangnangarden. Although the total area is less than 1000 square meters, there are ninedifferent buildings and scenery. The jiuweng Pavilion, Songzhai, fenggongtemple, Gumei Pavilion, Yingxiang Pavilion, Yiyi Pavilion, Lanyu platform, withdifferent styles, are called "Jiujing of jiuweng". There is a spring in front ofthe drunk Pavilion. Beside the spring is a stream. The water is murmuring allthe year round and the wind is clear. In the pavilion, there is a tabletinscribed by Su Shi, a Song Dynasty litterateur and calligrapher, called "OwenSu character". There is a high platform at the top of the pavilion, which iscalled "Xuandi Palace". When you step on the platform and look around, you cansee the green mountains in front of the pavilion and the horizontal leaves atthe bottom of your eyes. The forest waves behind the pavilion are undulating andflying to your ears, as if you were in a painting.

Zuiwongting is famous for Ouyang Xiu and his "zuiwongting Ji". Although ithas been moved many times in the past few hundred years, it has never beenforgotten. Someone once wrote a couplet: "Weng has been there for eight hundredyears, but he is still drunk; he has traveled six or seven miles in themountains, and the pavilion is not alone. "After liberation, the peoplesgovernment listed zuiwongting as a key cultural relic protection unit at theprovincial level and renovated it many times. Today, the thousand year oldscenic spot here is even more spectacular and attractive.

Chuzhou City is located in the North Bank of the lower reaches of theYangtze River and the west edge of the Yangtze River Delta. It is the core cityof "Nanjing metropolitan area" and the North Wing city of "Wanjiangdemonstration area". It has been known as "Jinling key and Jianghuai guarantee"since ancient times. Chuzhou has a history of more than 1500 years. It wascalled Tuzhong and Qingliu in ancient times. It was built in the Sui Dynasty andWenchang in the Northern Song Dynasty. It has the charm of Wu, Chu and Huaiyang.It gathers the wind of Jianghuai lake. For thousands of years, it has been abeautiful state along the huaizuo river. Chuzhou has governed Langya, Nanqiao,Laian, Quanjiao, Nanjing Pukou and other places since Sui Dynasty. In 1992, itmerged with Chuxian and formed the present Chuzhou City. Chuzhou is a regionalcentral city in the east of Anhui Province, the gateway of the ancient capitalNanjing, the national home appliance and equipment manufacturing base, thenational model city of double support, the top ten leisure cities with Chinesecharacteristics, the national advanced city of scientific and technologicalprogress, and the famous historical and cultural city of Anhui Province.

Langya Mountain is the first scenic spot in East Anhui. It is a nationalkey scenic spot, National Forest Park, national AAAA tourist area, national keycultural relics protection unit. It is one of the 24 famous cultural mountainsin China, one of the 100 famous mountains in China, and one of the five majorscenic spots in Anhui Province. In the scenic spot, the hills, forests, springs,temples, pavilions, ancient roads and ancient passes are all endowed with itsbeauty, quietness and elegance. There are 9981 mountains with undulatingmountains, deep valleys, gurgling streams and dense forests. The naturallandscape of Langya Mountain, which can be seen from high, hidden, pure,secluded, secluded and beautiful, has gradually formed the cultural scenic spotof "eight famous" of Langya Mountain (famous mountains, famous temples, famouspavilions, famous springs, famous articles, famous steles, famous caves andfamous forests) that Chinese and foreign tourists yearn for.

Langya Mountain has a long history of culture. Since the Tang and SongDynasties, Li Youqing, Wei Yingwu, Ouyang Xiu, Xin Qiji, Wang Anshi, MeiYaochen, Song Lian, Wen Zhengming, Zeng Gong, Xue Shiyu and many other literarygiants have developed mountains and rivers, built temples and pavilions, wrotepoems and chanted poems for them, leaving a large number of outstanding culturalheritages, with six scenic spots of "famous mountains, famous temples, famouspavilions, famous springs, famous literature, and famous scholars". Among them,Langya temple in Tang Dynasty is a famous Buddhist temple in East Anhui and oneof the key temples in China

When a monk came to Chuzhou and saw the picturesque scenery of the westernmountain, he built a temple called "Xishan Temple" on the mountain. He also tookin a little monk named detachment. The little monk was very strange, but he wasvery unintelligible. Monk Jiao has forgotten the Sutra for several months. As aresult, he only remembers two of the four words "Amitabha" and one of them isout of tune. Its called "moto.". In his anger, the old monk went down themountain and traveled all around. Half a year later, when the old monk heardabout the locust infestation in Chuzhou, he was worried. He worried aboutdetachment and went back to the temple. As a result, he saw that xiaochaoran wastall and strong! He was not affected by the locust infestation at all! Later, helearned that xiaochaoran had been cooking stones to eat. The stones cooked wereas yellow as apricots, as soft as taros, and as sweet as peaches.

The next day, the old monk said, "transcendence, the Sutra you read is thetrue Sutra. You have become a Buddha. From now on,

Since then, the incense of Motuo temple has been booming day by day, andpeople have changed the name of Xishan to "Motuo mountain". Time flies likewater. In the blink of an eye, it was the end of the Western Jin Dynasty. Atthat time, there was a king of Langya in Shandong, whose name was Sima Rui. Hewas robbed of power by the eight kings and his life was in danger. I had todress up and run south. Along the way, he hid in the temple during the day, andat night, he picked up the path, one foot high and one foot low. On this day, Icame to live in a broken grass shed at the foot of Mount Motuo. Unexpectedly,because of days of hard work, Langya King suffered from heartache in the middleof the night. His face was as yellow as paper. He rolled over in the shed untildawn. As it happened, a water carrying monk in Motuo Temple saw it and ran backto the mountain in a hurry. After a while, a bowl of fragrant tea was broughtfrom the mountain for King Langya to drink.

After a short time, Langya king stretched his arms and straightened hiswaist. He felt that his heart was no longer aching, and he was strong. He wasnot sick at all.

King Langya said to the monk, "thank you for saving my life. Ive had thisheartache since I was a child, and it doesnt take me ten and a half days tomake it

"Its good to leave your family. Saving a life is better than building aseven level floating butcher. Dont be polite, benefactor. Just now the fragranttea is the essence of use

The monk told the story of master Motuo, the founder of the temple, cookingstones to satisfy his hunger from beginning to end, and then said, "nowadays,although stones are not good

If Wang ne of Langya dares to tell the truth, he makes up a story and says,"my name is Liu Shun. He lives in Juye County, Shandong Province. because

The monk said to King Langya, "dont worry, dont worry. Benefactor, aslong as you spare no effort to come to Chuzhou, you will not worry about foodand clothing. This place

Sima Rui, king of Langya, looked up the mountain. Sure enough, there weremen and women chopping firewood, gouging out herbs and picking up dates. Fromthe green trees came waves of mountains



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One day in the summer vacation, my mother took me to the ancient lotuspond. Gulianhuachi is located on Yuhua Road in Baoding city. We arrived in halfan hour by bus.

As soon as I got to the door, I was fascinated by the antique architecture.Looking up, I can see the big words "ancient lotus pond" on the plaque on thedoor is particularly dazzling in the sun. I eagerly went in, want to quicklyenjoy the beauty inside.

As soon as I enter the door, I see a rockery first. Its amazing that thereis a small pine tree among the rocks of the rockery. The pine tree is verythick. It seems that it has been growing here for many years.

Around the rockery, walk south more than ten meters, look to the west, wow,a pool full of lotus, so beautiful! I ran to the past, carefully appreciate thebeautiful lotus. Lotus leaves are emerald green, like jade plates of greenjadeite. The lotus leaf is much bigger than I expected, with a diameter of about30 decimeters. It can be used as an umbrella for me! The lotus is morebeautiful, pink and white. From a distance, it looks like beautiful girls ingreen skirts dancing with the wind. Because it has entered August, most of thelotus has withered, growing a lot of large and small lotus, I look like a lot ofhoneycomb. Mother said these "honeycomb" inside the long but delicious lotusseeds! In the lotus pond water, I saw a lot of small tadpoles, also see a fewgolden carp!

There is a white marble bridge in the middle of the lotus pond, which iscarved with exquisite patterns. Through the stone bridge, we came to the southbank full of weeping willows. Along the south bank, we came to the famous stelecorridor. Although I cant understand those steles, my mother was fascinated bythem.

At noon, the hot weather is really unbearable, my mother and I had toreluctantly leave the ancient lotus pond.



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Dear visitors, everybody is good, very glad to be your tour guide, my name is dai, you can call me wear guide, today were visiting place ─ ─ of lijiang.

You come with me. Here is the old town of lijiang. Lijiang has the dual nature and culture charm known as forget time, also known as "one of the most preserved ancient city of the big four". It is Chinas famous historical and cultural city not only in the ancient city wall. Lijiang ancient city is located in the yunnan-guizhou plateau, 2400 meters above sea level, the area of the city 3. 8 square kilometers. Now we came to the tiger leaping gorge.

There is a legend. Nu river, lancang river and jinsha river is the three sisters, sister nujiang love angry, two elder sister love try so hard, the lancang river three younger sister jinshajiang wanxian. Parents would send three sisters marry to the west, jinsha river dark about two sisters fled to south. Came to the town of lijiang, shek kwu, two sisters would continue to head south, jinsha river is determined to go to the east of the sun, just say goodbye to my sister, and turned toward the east, and formed the "Yangtze river first bay". Parents send yulong, khabarov brothers pursuit of the three sisters. Sit face to face two brothers came to lijiang white sands, blocking the way to the east. Run tired, two people take turns to wait agreement, who as French WenZhan let sisters. Turn khabarov waiting, yulong fell asleep.

Jinsha river before, put light footsteps, singing beautiful hypnosis. Her a gift for 18 teams, khabarov listen also fell asleep. Jinsha river from their feet slipped between the past. Yulong wake up and see the jinsha river ran to the east, early and khabarov still in a deep sleep, so we have to according to the French cut down khabarov head, turns back and wept bitterly. Two brothers turned to jade dragon snow mountain and haba snow mountain, khabarov head into a boulder fell into the river, tiger leaping gorge, and jinsha river sing eighteen song into 18 beach, tiger leaping gorge.

There are beautiful scenes of lijiang, could not say. The rest of the time, we are free to take pictures, pay attention to safety.



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Dear tourists

hello everyone!

Welcome to Xian.

Xian, a famous historical and cultural city, is located in the middle ofWeishui plain on the West Bank of the Yellow River. Here is a vast expanse offertile land, a vast expanse of eight hundred Li Qinchuan. On the land of China,this dazzling pearl inlaid in the southern end of the Loess Plateau, once had aworld-famous, extremely brilliant history and culture, but also had green watersand mountains, extremely beautiful natural landscape.

In the East and west of Xian, the Qinling Mountains, known as the"Oriental Alps", are crisscrossed and meandering. On this beautiful scenic line,there are Huashan Mountain, which is known as the first of the five mountains,Lishan Mountain in Lintong, which is famous for its hot spring soup pools,Zhongnan mountain, which is green in all seasons and rare in its interior, andTaibai Mountain, which is called a wonder for its snow cover in June. They forma natural and unique scenery group. In ancient Changan, there were eightrivers, namely, Weishui River, Chanshui River, bashui River, Laoshui River,Fengshui River, haoshui River and Yunshui River, surrounded by rippling bluewaves.

This thousand year old capital at the foot of the Qinling Mountains and onthe Bank of the Weihe River has Tongguan in the East and Sanguan in the West. Inthe north, the chidao, which was built in the Qin Dynasty, is a thoroughfare forfighting against Xiongnu and supplying supplies. In the south, Ziwu Road,TangLuo Road, Baoxie road and Chencang road can cross Hanzhong to Bashu. In thesoutheast, Wuguan road in Shangluo Mountain is the throat leading to Chu. Inancient times, Changan had convenient transportation, both land and water,dangerous terrain, easy to defend and difficult to attack. It has always been aplace for military strategists and emperors to make contributions.

Xian is an important birthplace of Chinese history and culture, and alsoone of the earliest developed regions of human civilization. In the thousands ofyears of history of the Chinese nation, perhaps no city can enjoy such a loftystatus and incomparable brilliance as Xian: it is the capital of 13 dynastiessince the Western Zhou Dynasty and the epitome of the first half of Chinesefeudal society.

Since Zhou and Qin Dynasties, Xian has been in the center of politics,economy and culture for a long time with its unique historical position. In the11th century B.C., the Zhou people grew stronger and stronger in Qishan andFufeng areas in the western part of Guanzhong, and finally established theircountry after destroying the Shang Dynasty, and established their capitals inFengjing and Haojing. Qin people successively established capitals in Yongcheng,Liyang and Xianyang, and went out of Hangu in the east to destroy the six statesand establish an unprecedented unified Qin Empire. The capital of Qin Dynasty isstill Xianyang, which is near the water on the tableland. After the destructionof Qin Dynasty by Liu Bang, Emperor Gaozu of Han Dynasty, he took a fancy to theeight hundred Li Qinchuan River, which is a vast expanse of fertile land, andchose to establish the capital on the South Bank of Weihe River, which is justacross from qinxianyang. At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, Wang Mangusurped the Han Dynasty and established a new dynasty, inheriting the capitaland system of the Han family. When the Huangjin army rose, Dong Zhuo burned allthe palaces in Luoyang, and the princes of the 18th route begged for Zhuo.Therefore, Dong Zhuo forced Emperor Xian to move westward to Changan. TheEastern Han Dynasty had six years here.

The scenic Fenghe river is full of a large number of cultural treasuresfrom the Western Zhou Dynasty 3000 years ago. It is a magical and attractiveplace. Emperor min of the Western Jin Dynasty was the emperor in Changan, andhe was destroyed in only three years. The former Zhao, the former Qin, the laterQin, the Western Wei and the Northern Zhou established their capitals here.Changan city experienced a long period of war and shortage of soldiers afterthe Han Dynasty.

In 581 ad, Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, unified China again.Later, in the southeast of Changan City in the Han Dynasty, Yu Wenkai, a famousarchitect, designed and supervised the construction of Daxing City, the capitalof the Sui Dynasty. The scale, layout and scientific facilities of Daxing Cityobviously exceeded that of Changan City in Han Dynasty, which laid thefoundation of Changan City in Tang Dynasty. Tang Dynasty is the heyday ofChinese history, and Changan city is also an incomparable brilliant model inthe history of Chinese capital. Changan is not only the political, economic andcultural center of the Tang Empire, but also the largest international city inthe east of the world.

"The ancient imperial state in the middle of Qin Dynasty". History choseXian and Xian enriched history. Today, whenever people talk about the formerChangan in Xian, they are full of national pride and admiration for the richand incomparable ancient civilization of China for thousands of years.

If history chose Xian as the capital of emperors, making it the centralstage of Chinas politics, economy and culture for more than a thousand years,then the emperors who once made great achievements here chose Guanzhongsprofound and extensive loess land as their final destination. As a result, thedense and grand mausoleums of emperors spread all over Guanzhong with thearrogance of the past and the present, becoming one of the most unique culturallandscapes in Xian.

The imperial mausoleum in Shaanxi can be traced back to the mausoleum ofthe Yellow Emperor more than 5000 years ago. It is the mausoleum of XuanyuanYellow Emperor, the forefather of the Chinese nation. It is on the top ofQiaoshan mountain in Huangling County, north of Xian. Ever since ancient timesand every year, countless Chinese and Miao descendants have come here to payhomage to the mausoleum, find their roots, ask their ancestors, and remembertheir saints. Apart from the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, from the WesternZhou Dynasty to the Sui and Tang Dynasties, more than 70 emperors were alsoburied in Guanzhong.

Ancient Changan was not only the political and economic center of Chinafor a long time, but also the center of religious culture. In the Tang Dynasty,with political stability and economic development, the religious culture ofChangan reached its peak. At this time, not only the native Taoist culture inChina was widely spread, but also the foreign Buddhist culture was in aprominent position in social life.

Since the introduction of Buddhism into China in the Han Dynasty, it hasbecome the ideology of the gentry through the southern and Northern Dynasties.In the Tang Dynasty, it became a common practice to respect and worshipBuddhism. As the eastern end of the "Silk Road" and a cosmopolitan metropolis,Changan has gathered eminent monks and missionaries from all over the world.Inside and outside the city of Changan in the Tang Dynasty, there are manypagodas and temples, and there are many people who preach and listen to theDharma. According to historical records, there are 122 monasteries and 31nunnery monasteries in Changan city. Emperors and court dignitaries are proudto build monasteries and spend time with monks. The scale of these monasteriesis also amazing. For example, Cien Temple, which is called "Chonglou Fudian,Yunge Dongfang, more than ten monasteries, has a total of 1896, covering 342Mu". In the enlightened and open Tang Dynasty, not only the various sects ofBuddhist temples and Taoism, as the national religion, were very active, butNestorianism and Manichaeism also spread to China one after another, makingindelible contributions to the prosperity of Chinese and foreign cultures.

Today, there are still many religious and cultural relics inside andoutside Changan city. The towering big wild goose pagoda of Cien Temple andthe beautiful small wild goose pagoda of Jianfu temple have become the symbol ofXian, a famous historical and cultural city. Famen Temple has become a Buddhistholy land again because of the excavation of four Buddhist finger relicscollected in the Tang Dynasty. Daxingshan temple, Qinglong temple, Xiangjitemple and other famous temples have also become symbols of friendly exchangesand tourist attractions between China and foreign countries. The famous TaoistLouguantai, Baxian palace and Huajue Lane Muslim temple in the city areimportant places for the spread of Taoist culture.

In history, the ancient city of Xian has provided a broad and bright stagefor China to show its great and brilliant posture to the world, and madeimmortal contributions to the survival, progress and development of the Chinesenation. Perhaps it is just out of the reward for Xian that history generouslypresented this magical land with numerous historical relics and cultural relics.It is an invaluable treasure. It not only makes every Chinese proud and feel theresponsibility of history, but also as one of the cream of human culturalheritage, let people from all over the world comprehend the clear trajectory ofsocial civilization development and the surging creativity of human beings.

The historical relics in Xian and Guanzhong area have the integrity ofrare historical sequence. This outstanding advantage is determined by thelong-span characteristics of Xians long history, which is difficult for manyhistorical cities to match. Here, the Paleolithic artifacts of the Lantian apeman 1.15 million years ago and the painted pottery basin of the mud illusion ofthe matriarchal clan settlement in Banpo 6000 years ago jointly outline thecontext and footprints of the survival, reproduction and development of theprimitive ancestors; the deep, dignified, mysterious and treacherous bronzes ofthe Shang and Zhou dynasties represent the living atmosphere of the aristocratsin the slave society; The magnificent terracotta warriors and horses andexquisite stone portraits of the Qin and Han Dynasties are wrapped with thepolitical situation and flames of war in the early feudal society; the brilliantmurals and colorful gold and silver wares of the Sui and Tang Dynasties recordthe glorious chapter of the golden age; and the steles, porcelain products,calligraphy and paintings of the song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties are thewitness of the continued development of civilization in Xian after the loss ofthe prosperity of the imperial capital It is no exaggeration to say that it isno different to read a condensed general history of China to search the culturalrelics of Xian in chronological order.

Xian and its surrounding areas are rich in cultural heritage, which isanother advantage. Not to mention the large-scale sites such as FengHao of theWestern Zhou Dynasty, Xianyang palace of the Qin Dynasty, Changan city of theHan and Tang Dynasties, and the ancient buildings, temples, and grottoes ofMeilun and meimian, the number of movable cultural relics alone has reached morethan 600000 pieces (groups) according to preliminary statistics. Includingceramics, bronzes, jade, gold and silver, murals, stone and brick carvings,inscribed steles, seals and other categories. In this sense, the ancient city ofXian itself is a natural history museum, a palace of cultural art.

The natural landscape of Xian is also unique. In and around Xian, thereare Xiyue Huashan, which is known as "the most dangerous place in the world",Zhongnan mountain, which is cultivated by Wang Chongyang, the founder ofQuanzhen school, Taibai Mountain, which is known as "natural geological museum",Lishan Mountain, which is known as "Nuwa Butian", Louguantai, which is the mostblessed place in Dongtian, and Wangchuan, the hometown of Chinese landscape "Thehometown of ape man" -- Lantian cave and other scenic spots. The gardens inXian are full of royal style.

Huaqing Palace tells the story of "song of everlasting regret" with itsworlds first hot spring and warm romantic love story; Xingqing palace describesthe eternal story of "Li Bais drunkenness"; a song "the setting sun isinfinitely good, just near dusk" makes leyouyuans dusk a charming landscape."Last year and today in this gate, peoples faces and peach blossoms were red.People do not know where to go, peach blossom still smile spring breeze If youhave a chance to go to Weiqu, you will feel the true love under the peach treewith the dream of "human face peach blossom". There are 11 forest parks inXian, which constitute the natural oxygen bar of the ancient city.

The combination of humanity and landscape constitutes the unique charm ofancient Xian.

As the first ancient capital of China, Xian, after more than 3000 years ofdevelopment, shoulders numerous glorious and glorious dreams of the Chinesenation, and is firmly marching towards the future.

In 1949, after the founding of the peoples Republic of China, the ancientcity of Xian opened a new chapter in its own development history. Since the1980s, with the implementation of the reform and opening-up policy, 6.18 millionpeople in Xian have seized the opportunity of the times, guided by science andtechnology, tourism, commerce and trade, and made great efforts to build Xianinto a socialist export-oriented city. A thriving and dynamic Xian city isstanding in the world. Today, Xian is an important base for scientific andtechnological research and development in contemporary China. At present, thereare more than 3000 scientific research institutions in the city, includingmachinery, electric power, electronics, aviation, aerospace, geology, chemicalindustry, textile, instruments, meters, nuclear industry and other scientificresearch institutions, as well as the only watch industry research institute inChina and the satellite measurement and control center, the central nerve ofaerospace measurement and control network, which is also located in Xian.

Today, Xian is an important base of Chinas higher education. There are 42institutions of higher learning, more than 10 mobile stations for postdoctoralresearch, about 100 doctoral degree awarding points and more than 300 mastersdegree awarding points in the city. Every year, the city trains a large numberof modern talents for the country, becoming a veritable "cradle of talents".

Today, Xian is a world famous tourist hot spot city. The long and vasthistorical and cultural heritages, the beautiful and magnificent natural sceneryof Northwest China, and the various and magical traditional folk customsconstitute the unique tourism resources in Xian, attracting countless touristsfrom home and abroad to explore. With the development of tourism, tourismfacilities and municipal engineering have been further improved. With Xian asthe center, high-grade highways are interwoven in all directions. The connectionof Eurasian Continental Bridge and the completion of Xian XianyangInternational Airport make the connection between Xian and other countries morefrequent and close. A large number of star hotels and modern entertainmentfacilities and places have sprung up, which not only provides a guarantee forthe development of tourism, but also adds style and charm to the appearance ofthe ancient city.

In order to enrich the cultural and entertainment life of tourists and meetthe needs of leisure and vacation, Xian has built more than 3700 cultural andentertainment facilities in various forms, such as tangle palace, gudu GrandTheater, Tanghua song and dance theater, shange Grand Theater, Ginza nightclub,Taoyuan Lake Bowling Club, etc; It has launched such artistic programs as TangChangan music and dance, imitating Tang music and dance, soul of Qin terracottawarriors, and folk music and dance in Northern Shaanxi, which have won praisefrom tourists at home and abroad.

Xians tourism commodity production has strong local characteristics.There are abundant folk arts and crafts, such as terracotta figurines, antiquebronzes, Qin embroidery, jade, silk, craft porcelain, Huxian farmers paintings,Tang Sancai, porcelain plate paintings, landscape tables, straw paintings,Guanzhong paper-cut, etc. There are 26 designated foreign tourist shops in thecity, which can meet the shopping needs of tourists at different levels. At thesame time, the catering industry in Xian can provide tourists with uniqueShaanxi cuisine, such as imitation Tang cuisine, Dumpling Banquet, muttonsteamed bun and famous local snacks.

Today, Xian is still an open international metropolis. Through the summaryof the rise and fall of history and the understanding of the bright future, thepeople of Xian have deeply realized that opening the door to the world andletting Xian go to the world is the only way for the development and prosperityof todays ancient city.

History has been kind to Xian, and Xian will live up to history!



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Ladies and gentlemen

Hello everyone! The scenic spot we are going to visit today is Huangguoshuwaterfall.

Huangguoshu waterfall is the first waterfall in China and one of the mostfamous waterfalls in the world. In November 1982, Huangguoshu waterfall wasapproved by the State Council of the peoples Republic of China as a nationalkey scenic spot. Huangguoshu waterfall is 137 kilometers away from Guiyang City,the provincial capital. It is located on Baishui River, a tributary of DabangRiver, which borders Zhenning County and Guanling County in western GuizhouProvince. It takes about an hour and a half to get to Huangguoshu by bus fromGuiyang.

Huangguoshu waterfall has arrived. You see, this is the most famouswaterfall in China. Huangguoshu waterfall is 68 meters high, and the upperwaterfall is 6 meters, with a total height of 74 meters and a width of 81meters; Due to the strong impact of the current, the splashed water mist candiffuse for more than hundreds of meters, so that the stockade and markets onthe top of the cliff on the left side of the waterfall are often covered by thesplashed water mist. Visitors call it "silver rain sprinkles Golden Street".When the water is small in winter and spring, the waterfall will be divided intothree or five strands and hung down from the top of the bank. From a distance,the white curtain of water will float down like silk, fairys face and ladysraccoon.

For hundreds of years, the majestic appearance of Huangguoshu waterfall hasbeen marveled by many scholars. In the Qing Dynasty, Yan yinliang, a famouscalligrapher in Guizhou Province and the inscriber of the word "Summer Palace",wrote a couplet in "wangshuiting": "white water is like cotton, it doesnt needto bow and bounce to disperse. The magnificent scenery of Huangguoshu waterfallis vividly summarized.

Now we come to Rhinoceros Pool, where the waterfall falls. This pool isnamed after the legend that there is a rhinoceros hidden under the water. No onehas ever seen a rhinoceros, but the mystery of the pool is still deep. Anyonewho stops by the pool will think about it. If its 10 am or 4 pm on a sunny day,due to the refraction of the sun, you can also see the seven color rainbowrising from the deep pool through the rain and fog splashed by the impact of thewaterfall, which makes you feel majestic and gorgeous.

Why is this waterfall called Huangguoshu waterfall instead of otherwaterfalls? According to folklore, there is a tall Huangjue tree beside thewaterfall. According to the local accent, "Jue" and "Guo" have the samepronunciation, so people are used to call it Huangguoshu. This is a kind ofsaying. There is another saying. It is said that long ago, farmers near thewaterfall liked to grow yellow fruits. There was a large yellow orchard besidethe waterfall, so the waterfall was called Huangguoshu waterfall.

Compared with other famous waterfalls in the world, Huangguoshu waterfallis not as wide, deep and magnificent as Victoria waterfall in Africa, niagarawaterfall in North America and anher waterfall in Venezuela. However,Huangguoshu waterfall has its own peculiarities. It is the most popular andspectacular waterfall in karst areas in the world. This waterfall is like astrange magnet. It has a series of magnificent sceneries on the ground,underground, water and water. One of the most magical places is the cliffcorridor cave hidden half of the waterfall. Because of the climbing of vinesoutside the cave and the Pearl curtain hanging on the water, it is called "watercurtain cave". This is a unique sight that no other waterfall in the worldhas.

Ladies and gentlemen, "water curtain cave" has arrived. The water curtaincave is 134 meters long and consists of six windows, three Gudong springs andsix passageways. This is the scene of Shuiliandong in the large-scale TV seriesjourney to the West adapted from Chinese mythology. This is the first cavewindow, which is the lowest, only 40 meters away from the water surface ofRhinoceros Pool, but the cave window is the widest, more than 10 meters wide,located in the middle of the first and second waterfalls. When the water isheavy, the two waterfalls connect to form a curtain to seal all the cavewindows; when the water is small, it opens again and again, ranging from a fewmeters to more than 10 meters. Min likes a curtain that can be opened and closedat will. This is the second window. Its only about 4 meters away from the firstwindow. This is a quiet world, known as crystal palace. It is the heart of thewater curtain cave, 11 meters long, 9 meters high and 3 meters wide. There is aspring beside the road, clear and clean, and the water level is kept at the samelevel for a long time. There are many stalactites hanging on the top of thecave, and there are valuable curly stones on the straw stalactites. There arecountless stone curtains and stone curtains hanging on the wall of the cave.This is the third hole window. It protrudes outwards, much like a balcony. Thewindow is 1 meter high and 3 meters long. There is a guardrail outside. Visitorscan reach for the waterfall when standing behind the guardrail, so people callit "touch the waterfall platform".



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2673 字

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Dear tourists

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Beijing Summer Palace with me. My name is WuSiyu. You can call me director Wu; children can call me sister Wu; if you wantto be more direct, you can call me "Wu Siyu".

The summer palace is located in Haidian District, northwest suburb ofBeijing, 15 kilometers away from the urban area of Beijing. It is a large-scalenatural landscape garden built on the basis of Kunming Lake and Wanshoumountain, based on the West Lake landscape of Hangzhou, absorbing some designtechniques of Jiangnan gardens, Gongyu garden, covering an area of about 290hectares and artistic conception. It is also the most complete preserved royalgarden. The summer palace is the largest and best preserved Royal Garden inChina. It is one of the four famous gardens in China (the other three areChengdes summer resort, Suzhous Humble Administrators garden and SuzhousLingering Garden). Known as the Royal Garden Museum. In addition, I would liketo remind you that you must not litter, especially on the lake.

The main building in the summer palace is the Buddhist Pavilion onlongevity hill. The FOXIANG Pavilion is built on a square platform with a heightof 21 meters; the pavilion is 40 meters high, with eight faces, three floors andfour eaves; there are eight giant iron pear Optimus in the pavilion, with a verycomplex structure, which is a classic architectural boutique. Cloisters andcorner pavilions are common forms of gardens.

The length of the promenade of the summer palace is about 728 meters, whichis the longest in the world. There are more than 14000 pictures on the corridor,all of which are traditional stories or flowers, birds, fish and insects. On theEast Bank of Kunming Lake, the eight corner double eaves are like pavilions,which is also the largest in China. In addition, the beamless hall on the top ofWanshou mountain is built with bricks and stones, without a single support, sothe technical level is very high.

Kunming Lake used to be a natural lake formed by many springs in thenorthwest suburb of Beijing. It used to be named qililo lake and Dapo lake. Thepredecessor of Kunming Lake is wengshanpo, which is named wengshanpo becauseWanshou mountain was named wengshan. Wengshan park is located in the westernsuburb of Beijing, also known as the West Lake. Kunming Lake is as quiet as amirror and green as a jasper. Boats and boats glide slowly across the lake.Theres almost no trace left. Looking to the East, you can see some old towersand white pagodas.

Thank you very much for visiting the summer palace with me. Now we can finda hotel to stay here for one night. If you want to visit other places, you cancontinue to visit. Goodbye!



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The Longxing Temple we are going to now is located in Zhengding County, 15kilometers north of Shijiazhuang. Beijing Guangzhou railway and Beijing ShenzhenExpressway pass through the territory. It takes about 40 minutes from downtownto Zhengding County. Zhengding is the South Gate of Beijing. It has always beena place for military strategists. In history, it was called "Sanxiong town inthe north" together with Baoding and Beijing. Up to now, stone carvings of"Sanguan Xiong town" are embedded in the South Gate of Zhengding. Zhengding isan ancient cultural city with a long history. It was the state of Xianyu in thespring and Autumn period. The Warring States period belonged to the state ofZhongshan. After Zhao destroyed Zhongshan, it belonged to the state of Zhao. Inthe Qin Dynasty, it belonged to Hengshan County. In the early Han Dynasty, itwas called Dongyuan County. In the reign of emperor Gaodi of the Han Dynasty, itwas renamed Zhending, implying real stability. Since 1400, it has been the seatof government, state, county and county. In 1723, the emperor yongzhengyuan ofQing Dynasty avoided the name of Yinzhen, the emperor Shizong, so it is still inuse today.

With a long history, Zhengding has left a unique style of scenic spots andhistoric sites, known as "three mountains are missing, nine bridges are missing,nine floors, four towers, eight temples, and 24 gold medals square". "San ShanBu Jian" refers to the fact that Zhengding used the names of Zhongshan, Hengshanand Changshan in history, but there was no mountain in Zhengding. "Nine bridgesdo not flow" means that there are three bridges in front of the gate of LongxingTemple, in front of the main hall of Gufu and county Confucian temple, but theyare all dry bridges. "Nine towers, four towers and eight temples" refer to thefour gate towers, four corner towers and Yanghe tower of the ancient city; fourtowers refer to Lingxiao tower, Huata tower, Xumi tower and chengling tower;Eight Temples refer to Longxing Temple, Guanghui temple, Linji temple, KaiyuanTemple, Tianning Temple, Qiansi temple, housi temple and Chongyin temple. "24gold medal archways" means that Zhengding used to have 24 gold medal archways,large and small, such as the larger Xujia archway and Liangjia archway. With thechange of history and the wind and rain, many precious cultural relics have beendestroyed. However, judging from the existing four national protected culturalrelics, seven provincial protected cultural relics and more than 10 county-levelprotected cultural relics, it is still a famous historical and cultural city.The ancient city was listed as a provincial historical and cultural city in 1990and a national historical and cultural city in 1994.

Zhengding tourism has the characteristics of "new and old", "elegant andpopular". Among many places of interest, Longxing Temple, which was built in 586ad, was built by Zhao Kuangyin, the founding emperor of Song Dynasty. It ismajestic and well preserved. It enjoys a high reputation at home and abroad. Itis praised as "the first famous temple outside Beijing" by the famous ancientarchitect Mr. Liang Sicheng. In addition, the Huata of Guanghui temple is aclever combination of Vajra pagoda and flower pagoda. The Lingxiao tower ofTianning Temple is the first wooden tower in China. The Tang Dynasty bell towerof Kaiyuan Temple corresponds to the ancient pagoda, which provides valuableinformation for the study of the development of Buddhism in China. The chenglingPagoda in Linji temple is the mantle pagoda of Yixuan, the founder of Linji sectof Buddhism. At ordinary times, a large number of Japanese monks come to worshipthe ancestral pagoda, which becomes a link between China and Japan.

There are many new landscapes in Zhengding, which mainly focus on promotingnational culture. Rongguofu was built in strict accordance with thearchitectural pattern of the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. There are alsojourney to the West Palace, Fengshen romance palace and so on. In addition, thenational table tennis training base in Zhengding is also famous.

In a few minutes, we are going to have the grand Longxing Temple. Let megive you a brief introduction to the general situation of Longxing Temple.Longxing Temple is a large-scale, earlier, majestic and well preserved Buddhistbuilding complex in China. In order to keep this famous temple well preserved,Premier Zhou Enlai gave instructions on the battle plan before the "Zhengtaicampaign": we must try to protect a number of cultural relics and historic sitessuch as Zhengding Longxing Temple.

Longxing Temple was built in the sixth year of kaihuang (586 AD) of SuiDynasty. It was named longzang temple at the beginning, and was changed intoLongxing Temple in Tang Dynasty. In the fourth year of Kaibao of Song Dynasty(971 AD), in the name of song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin, Longxing Temple was expanded,Dabei pavilion was built, and 21.3-meter-high bronze Avalokitesvara withthousands of hands and eyes was cast. A group of Song Dynasty buildings rosefrom the ground. In Jin, yuan and Ming Dynasties, they were all repaired andrebuilt. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Qianlong of QingDynasty, it was rebuilt twice, and the Imperial Palace was built on both sides.In 1709, it was rebuilt and renamed "Longxing Temple". This is probably becauseEmperor Kangxi also thought that Zhengding had outstanding people and was afraidof the emperor in the future, so he changed "dragon" to "dragon".

Longxing Temple covers an area of 82500 square meters. The main buildingsstill retain the style and characteristics of Song Dynasty architecture. Thewhole building is arranged on a central axis from south to north, includingErlong Xizhu Zhaobi, Sankong stone bridge, Tianwang hall, ruins of Dajue Liushihall, Mani hall, altar, Cishi Pavilion, zhuanlunzang Pavilion, Dabei Pavilion,Mituo hall, Pilu hall, etc.

Having said that, we have arrived at Longxing Temple. Please follow me tovisit.

Erlongxizhu, Zhaobi, Shiqiao

The tall glazed screen wall that we see now is a screen wall that blocksthe gate of ancient temples and famous people. In the center of the wall is thepattern of "two dragons playing with pearls" carved on glazed bricks. The twodragons are flying in the sky, which is very spectacular. The three single holestone bridges we are now passing are three of the nine bridges that do not flow.According to folklore, there used to be half a Luan stand here, and ZhaoKuangyin visited here many times.

The most important hall in the temple -- Tianwang Hall

Tianwang hall is one of the most important halls in Longxing Temple. It hasthree deep rooms and three wide rooms. It is a Northern Song Dynasty buildingwith single eaves and seven purlins. However, it was overhauled in the QingDynasty, as evidenced by floating clouds and Dougong.

On the top of the central arch of the hall, there is a gold horizontalplaque written by Xuanye, Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. You come into thehall with me. In the middle of the hall is Maitreya Buddha with a big belly anda smiling face. He is one of the Mahayana Bodhisattvas in Buddhism. The orthodoxMaitreya Buddha should wear a Bodhisattva costume and a heavenly crown.According to the Buddhist Scripture, Maitreya is his surname, ayido. He was borninto a big Brahman family in southern India and was a distinguished nobleman.After becoming a disciple of Sakyamuni, he ascended to the 33rd level of heaven,douhutian (the paradise of alternate Buddha). The Buddha predicted that he wouldinherit Sakyamunis Buddhism and become a Buddha in the future. In other words,he is the legal successor of the Buddha, also known as the future Buddha. Thecloth bag in his hand is called the heaven and earth bag, also known as the racebag. It can hold the world and give away children, implying that Buddhism isboundless.

Now we can see the Buddha statue of Maitreya with big belly. It is saidthat it was a monk in the Five Dynasties and a native of Fenghua, ZhejiangProvince. Its called cheeZe. When I was alive, I often carried a cloth bag,begged when I saw things, talked incoherently, and slept at will, like madness.He is the author of the book "the passing of the world", which says: "Maitreyais true Maitreya, which is divided into hundreds of billions. It shows peoplefrom time to time, and the world does not know it." in addition, in the historyof Zhejiang Province, Maitreya reincarnation organized many peasant uprisings,so the world thought that he was the incarnation of Maitreya, and createdMaitreya according to his appearance. Some Siyuan wrote another antitheticalcouplet on both sides of the Straits Association: "if you have a big stomach,you can tolerate things that are difficult to tolerate in the world. When youopen your mouth, you will laugh at the ridiculous people in the world."

On both sides of the hall are the familiar four heavenly kings. They arethe kings of the East, the south, the West and the north. They hold pipa, sword,dragon and umbrella respectively. After the four heavenly kings were introducedinto China, they were endowed with Chinese Moral: the southern heavenly king wasin charge of the wind, the eastern heavenly king was in charge of the wind, thenorthern heavenly king was in charge of the rain, and the Western heavenly kingwas in charge of the rain. All in all, they are "in good weather", implying abumper harvest of grain.

When you come here, you may have some doubts: why dont you see themountain gate? Most temples should pass the mountain gate first and then enterthe temple, but Longxing Temple has no mountain gate. There is a beautifullegend here. It is said that Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of the Tang Dynastyordered general Yuchi Jingde to supervise the construction of Longxing Temple.When the project was about to end, the news came that the king of the TangDynasty wanted to kill Qin Qiong. Qin Qiong was Yuchi Gongs good friend. YuchiGong quickly returned to the court. When he arrived near Kaifeng, HenanProvince, the Construction officials caught up with him and asked him where themountain gate was. Yuchi Gong was very anxious. Without thinking, he pointedwith a steel whip: "its here to repair.". So the builders built the mountaingate there. Up to now, there is a doggerel in Zhengding: "the gate of the templeis far away, and the gate is in Henan.". Of course, its just a legend.According to historical research, Yuchi Gong has never been to Zhengding, letalone the theory that the king of Tang Dynasty killed Qin Qiong. It is only acommon layout of temple buildings to replace the Mountain Gate with the heavenlyking hall.

Eternal regret: the ruins of the Sixth Division Hall of Dajue

The ruins we see now are the ruins of the Sixth Division Hall of Dajue,which used to be the largest Buddhist hall in the temple. It is said that thebuilding is 34.5 meters wide and 18.3 meters high, with colorful hangingmountains and gold statues inside, which is very spectacular. It was first builtin the Yuanfeng period of Shenzong of Song Dynasty. The capitals of Jin, yuanand Qing Dynasties were rebuilt. In the early years of the Republic of China, itwas a great pity that it collapsed because of years of disrepair. Dajue isanother explanation of the purpose. Buddha is the transliteration abbreviationof "Buddha" in Sanskrit, and free translation is "awakener". According to theBuddhist Scripture, those who can be "conscious", "aware of others" and "awareof perfection" can become Buddhas.

It is said that there were six Buddha statues here, and Hinayana Buddhismbelieved that they were the six ancestors before Sakyamuni. According tohistorical records, Brahmanism prevailed in ancient India at the end of thesixth century, but it advocated that Brahmanism created man, which wasessentially a kind of racial discrimination. In this way, many people areagainst it. In addition to Sakyamuni, there are six influential figures. In aword, they are different from Buddhism and are called "the six masters ofWaiDao". Here is dedicated to the six masters other than Buddhism, which meansthat the ancient political unity of the majority.

Mani Hall: the architectural model of the Song Dynastys "building Frenchstyle"

There are six places in Longxing Temple, which can be called the best inChina. Now lets take a look at the first place: the shape of Mani hall. We arenow standing outside the hall to see the main hall: the plane of the main hallis in a cross shape, with mountain flowers in the middle of all the fourdirections. In the center of the hall is a double eaves and a top of Xieshanmountain, with green tiles for filling the core and green glazed tiles fortrimming. Under the eaves, the brackets are grand, the distribution is sparse,the columns are thick, and the rolling brake, side corner and rising areobvious. Careful observation shows that the two ends of the horizontal columnare high, medium and low, and the upper end of the vertical column is graduallyinward. This kind of structure is similar to the Song Dynastys "Zao Zao FAShi", which was very common before the Tang and Song Dynasties, and graduallylost after the Ming and Qing Dynasties. This is the only isolated example ofancient architecture in China. This unique building once deeply attracted Mr.Liang Sicheng. In 1933, he braved war and chaos to come to inspect, andspecially included this photo in the history of world architecture.

The word "mani" in Mani hall means hero and saint. Some people think it isanother transliteration of "Mou Ni"; others think it means Manichaeism. We canalso see lions, chickens, peacocks, horses, dragons and other animals on theeaves of the pavilion of Mani hall, as well as a monk riding a lion. He is whatwe often call "Wangfeng Buddha". In Buddhism, he was built around the roof toshow the evil spirit of avoiding disaster.

Please follow me into the hall. We can see that the colorful clay sculpturein the center is a sitting statue of Sakyamuni. Sakyamuni and Confucius arecontemporaries. They are the founders of Buddhism. Their surname is qiaodamo andtheir name is Siddhartha. Standing on his right side, his elder disciple JIAYEis holding his fist with both hands. The wise and devout man with his left handfolded is Ananda. Chinese Zen said that he was the second generation patriarchwho inherited Buddhism. The above three statues are original sculptures of theSong Dynasty. The two figures in front of the three statues are ManjusriBodhisattva and Puxian Bodhisattva, who were made up during the Chenghua periodof the Ming Dynasty. Their mounts are lions and white elephants. When it comesto Bodhisattvas, the four Bodhisattvas in China are Manjusri, Puxian, Guanyinand dizang. He praised Manjusri as "great wisdom", sages as "great action",Guanyin as "great sorrow", and dizang as "great wish". They are said to havefour famous Buddhist Mountains: Mount Wutai, Mount Emei, Mount Putuo and MountJiuhua.

Lets take a look at the murals around the hall. This is a picture of theorigin and development of the Shi family, which was drawn during the Chenghuaperiod of the Ming Dynasty with Buddhist stories as the theme. This muralvividly depicts the whole process of Sakyamunis birth, becoming a monk,asceticism, becoming a Taoist and nirvana. The existing area is 422 squaremeters. Lets take a look at the East gable walls "Grand View of the west":this mural depicts the prosperity of the Western Paradise. Lets take a closerlook at the lower left corner of the painting. Within an area of about 1 squaremeter, it depicts the human life, old age, illness, death and many othersufferings in a dim gray green. It is in sharp contrast to the splendor of thesky. Buddhists believe that only devout practice can get rid of the eightsufferings in the world and become Buddhists.

Please follow me to the north side of the temple and have a look at thesecond most popular place in the country in Longxing Temple: daozuo Guanyin.What we see now is an exquisite and elegant colorful mountain. Luohan and theGod of Dharma guard patrol the mountains. Water spray animals and waterabsorbing animals keep the sea water flowing, which symbolizes that there aresuccessors to Buddhism. The 3.4-meter-high statue in the middle is the famousinverted Guanyin. As we all know, most statues in temples face south. But thisGuanyin is facing north from south. Please see, Guanyins left foot is steppingon lotus, which means stepping on the Western Pure Land world, which means thatit is not contaminated by mud. The right leg is bent up to show good luck. Putyour hands on your knees and put your left hand on your right wrist. Especiallyher eyes, no matter which direction we look at her, we can feel her two eyeslooking down. Her eyes just form an emotional communication with the worshipers,which is respectful but not blasphemous. The white elephants and golden monkeyson the left and right are her and Puxians mounts. One of the reasons why she isdown is the direction we just mentioned. Another reason is that Guanyin oncemade a vow: "all living beings will never end and never meet.". But how can allliving beings reach the end of universal salvation? So she can only sit backforever.



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Yulong Snow Mountain is located at the junction of Qinghai Tibet Plateauand Yunnan Guizhou Plateau, and at the junction of Hengduan Mountain Area inNorthwest Yunnan and plateau area in East Yunnan. It is the main peak of Yunlingmountain in Hengduan Mountain system, and is a young limestone fault block foldmountain. Due to the uneven rise of the earths crust, the landform ofalternating high mountains, deep valleys and Intermountain basins is formed,which belongs to the mountain valley area cut by Hengduan Mountain system, andthe mountain valley sub area in the north section of Hengduan Mountain. It is apart of the western Yunnan geosyncline in geological history. From Paleozoic toMesozoic, it was influenced by transgression and regression several times. TheHimalayan orogeny in tertiary extended to Quaternary, and Yulongshan was finallyformed at this time.

Yulong Snow Mountain belongs to Yunnan Tibet stratigraphic area. They aremainly carbonate rocks from Middle Devonian to Middle Carboniferous, followed bybasalt with limestone in Permian and limestone with sand shale in Triassic.There are Carboniferous, Permian basalt limestone interbedding and othermetamorphic rocks in the southern part of the mountain. In the south ofbaishacun, there are mainly Triassic strata. Permian basalt and green schist andgreenstone metamorphosed by basalt are found in Hutiao gorge and JinshajiangRiver Valley. The Quaternary glacial deposits and glacial water deposits can beseen in the east slope and Piedmont.

Yulong Snow Mountain is the southernmost modern monsoon marine glacierdistribution area in the Eurasian continent. According to the glacier cataloguepublished in 1994, there are 19 modern glaciers distributed in Yulong SnowMountain, including 15 on the east slope and 4 on the west slope, with a totalarea of 11.6 square kilometers. Baishui No.1 glacier is the largest glacier,with a length of 2.7 kilometers and an area of 1.5 square kilometers. Theequilibrium line is about 4800 meters above sea level, and the glacier is at theend The altitude is about 4200 meters.



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Fangshan in Luzhou is a famous mountain in Sichuan. In the Han Dynasty,Fangshan was honored as Hangao (the highland beside the water in the HanDynasty); in the Tang Dynasty, Fangshan was nicknamed "xiaozhongnanshan"; in theQing Dynasty, Fangshan was also known as "ebantang" and "xiaoemei"; in addition,because it stands on the Bank of the Yangtze River and is surrounded by cloudsand fog all the year round, it has won the nickname of "Yunfeng" among thepeople; now it is also known as "the first mountain in Jiangyang".

Fangshan scenic spot is located at the junction of Fangshan Town,Kuangchang town and Danlin Township in Jiangyang District, 16 kilometers awayfrom Luzhou city. The scenic spot is about 4.7 km long from east to west and 1.6km wide from north to south. The planning area of the scenic spot is 75 squarekilometers. The landform is hilly and low in Sichuan Basin, with an altitude of649 meters and a fall of 405.5 meters. The main features of the scenic spot arehills and round hills. The natural landscape and cultural landscape of Fangshanare wonderful.

Yunfeng temple in the scenic spot is a famous ancient temple in southernSichuan, Northern Guizhou and eastern Yunnan. It is famous for its grandplanning, magnificent shape, lush forest, dense ancient trees, quietenvironment, frequent Buddhist activities and prosperous incense. Poets, elegantscholars, spring and autumn Buddhists, good men and women worshippers come in anendless stream, especially in February 19, June 19 and September of the lunarcalendar On the 19th Guanyins birthday, a grand party will be held, especiallyon February 19th.

The annual pear blossom festival in Luzhou is in Fangshan Zhengshan,located in Danlin township. In March every year, there is an endless stream ofpeople who go to enjoy pear flowers, climb mountains and taste special products.It is a good place for leisure and outing.
