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看,这是一块具有纪念意义的人工岩石,上面有个醒目的篆体 “功”字,那是为纪念一代又一代在植树造林中立下汗马功劳的英雄们而特意刻写树立的。


























沽源县得名于“沽河”(又名白河)之源。沽源又是黑河、白河、滦河的发源地,可以称之为“三河之源”,属内蒙古高原南缘,古长城外侧的坝上地区,北靠内蒙,东依承德,西接大同,南距北京仅270公里,距离省会石家庄600公里。位于河北省北部,闪电河上游,邻内蒙古自治区。东邻承德市丰宁县,南与张家口市赤城、崇礼县接壤,西与张北、康保两县相连,北与内蒙古太仆寺旗、正兰旗、多伦县毗邻。总面积3654平方公里,县辖4镇10乡,总人口23.1万,县城平定堡镇距北京市287公里,距张家口170公里。境内山脉起伏连绵,属阴山余脉,全县平均海拔1536米,华北著名的第三高峰冰山梁,海拔2332米,山顶洞内结冰终年不化。气候属温带大陆性草原气候。年平均气温+1.6℃,年日照时数最长3246小时,最短2616小时,年降水量426毫米,无霜期日数117天。汛期主要反映在6、7、8三个月,期间降水量占全年降水量的53%。 大旱气候多,风沙大。









范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4613 字

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The birth of the University of Macao can be traced back to March 1981. Atthat time, Ricci Island West Limited obtained the land lease from the Macaogovernment and founded the first university in Macao, the private East AsianUniversity, which is also the predecessor of the University of Macao. Theestablishment of the University of East Asia marks the beginning of Macaosmodern higher education.

In the early years of the University of East Asia, most of its studentscame from Hong Kong. Later, in order to meet the needs of human resources duringthe transition period of Macaos regime transfer, in 1988, the Macao Foundationacquired and reorganized the University of East Asia, established the school ofArts, School of business administration, School of social and human sciences andSchool of science and technology, changed the three-year curriculum to four-yearcurriculum, and then established the school of law and School of education.English is still the main teaching language.

In 1991, the constitution of the new university was formulated, and theUniversity of East Asia was officially renamed as the public university ofMacao, with the goal of cultivating talents in Macao. After the reorganizationof the University, the number of students has risen sharply, from hundreds atthe beginning to more than 5000 at present, and the proportion of local studentsin Macao has increased from 39% when the University was founded to 90% atpresent.

After more than 20 years of transformation, the University of Macau hasestablished a complete teaching system, including the school of businessadministration, the school of social and Human Sciences, the school of scienceand technology, the school of law, the school of education, the preparatorycourse center, and the off campus courses and special programs center. Confersbachelors degree, masters degree, doctors degree and junior college degree.The University of Macau has a faculty of more than 350 people with rich teachingand professional experience. Some of them graduated from famous universities inCanada, China, Europe, Hong Kong, Japan, Chinese Taiwan, Britain and the United States.They have published hundreds of papers in a number of international seminars andinternational academic journals, and three scientific research achievements havebeen patented. At present, the University of Macau has participated in andcompleted ten scientific research projects funded by the National NaturalScience Foundation of China and four Eureka research and development projectsorganized by the European Union.

There are more than 1000 computers and more than 100 workstations andservers with powerful computing power on the campus of the University of Macau,and the largest wireless campus network in Macao has been established. More than40 laboratories are set up to meet the needs of teaching and research. TheInternational Library of the University of Macau is committed to the developmentof electronization. Although there are only more than 180000 books in itscollection, the number of electronic materials is increasing. The library hasthe largest collection of international organizations in Southeast Asia.

The University of Macau is a member of many international universityorganizations, such as the International Association of universities, theInternational Association of university presidents, the Asia Pacific UniversityAssociation, etc. it started international exchanges in 1991. At present, it hassigned academic cooperation or exchange student agreements with more than 90universities in more than 20 countries and regions, including China, Europe,Japan, New Zealand and the United States. More than 100 foreign exchangestudents come to the university every year . In addition to recruiting studentsfrom Hong Kong, Macao and Chinese Taiwan, the university has been able to recruitstudents from 14 provinces and cities in mainland China since 20__. As thepioneer of higher education in Macao, the University of Macao aims at providinghigh-quality higher education in Macao. In response to the requirements ofsocial development in the future, the university will expand teaching buildings,laboratories, offices, research centers, student activity centers anddormitories, and set up courses to meet the needs of social development.

The University of Macau attaches equal importance to teaching andscientific research. In the future, it will continue to make progress towardsthese two goals and be fully prepared to meet all challenges, so as to make theUniversity of Macau an important institution of higher learning withinternational level in the region.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6633 字

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Good morning! Welcome to the beautiful star city - changsha, first of all,please allow me, on behalf of all the staff of travel agencies was the warmestwelcome the arrival of you, welcome to the "red sun" tour of the organization,is the red line, because we go. Shaoshan is the rising sun, so this journey wecall red sun.

To introduce myself, I am the red sun tour guide, my name is zhao, in orderto facilitate you can call me xiao zhao, on xiao zhao left, that is our directorof master, master X X master drive technology is good, the rich, treats peoplethe enthusiasm, so we all can be at ease in his car, you have what problem cancarry out on the road, xiao zhao and X teacher will try our best to service foryou, ok, lets have a great journey together!

Our journey began, and that is now under our feet with a "openning thefirst all the way" of the famous wuyi avenue and no.3, it represents thechangsha tomorrow, changsha boom radiates away from here, is founded in 1951 onMay 1, so hence the name, was the first asphalt road, the road only 9 meterswide, but along with the development of The Times, traffic developed, 9 meterswide far cannot satisfy the shuttle vehicles. Until 20__, spent five months timeto repair, that is what we see now, with all my heart

Of 51 avenue, east railway station, west check the xiangjiang river bridge,a total length of 4138 meters, up to 60 meters in length, road for double tenthlanes, no.3 traffic is orderly, but most of the drivers dont want to go thisway, is this why? On the road there are 3 sets of original and 6 digitaltelevision monitoring equipment, carelessly is easy to copy brand, so drivers ishave a love-hate relationship!

Where the source of the wuyi avenue? She is behind the changsha railwaystation, she construction in 1975, completed in 1977, with the Shanghai railwaystation ` Beijing railway station called Chinas three largest train station,that in the middle of the railway station there is a clock tower, tower 63.7meters high, the clock tower at the top of the hour will be played best youngs"east is red" LeDian, as if to tell you that you have come to the generation ofa great man of chairman MAOs hometown - hunan. In the clock tower above, thereis a building that xiao zhao excuse me everybody, think what is she like? Yes,she is the red torch. Maybe someone will ask, now that is the torch, why not bewaving? But go straight into the blue sky? Xiao zhao to the problem have toexplain for everybody, because before railway station built, comes at a time -leather, stylist designed to float to the left her, said there will be left; Inthe designed to the right, say again afraid will have the right, then, designersimply put her into a straight at the torch of the above. In fact, she is verylike a specialty: lets hunan capsicum frutescens var, she is our chairman MAOsfavorite kind of food, she also is a symbol of our people of hunan hot andenthusiasm, not to have such a saying: people are not afraid of spicy sichuan,guizhou people is afraid of hot, hunan people are afraid of not hot.

Ok, now lets Yuan Guling overpass, why called Yuan Guling overpass? Andnot called Li Guling ` the wangjialing overpass? Because it is said that in thelarge pieces of the earth that is inhabited by a certain family. So in theconstruction of the bridge was named after had to. It is built down, in additionto the beautiful and also have the effect of ease the earthquake. Can anyone whohas both advantages and disadvantages, hunan is a rainy provinces, if encounterrainy weather, the bridge will be accumulated rainwater, formation water bringpedestrians through the troubles and inconvenience caused. Im afraid this ishou only white water rafting and line!

That is on the right-hand side of the xiao zhao shaoshanlu, because was notto shaoshan road, then built the road; Shaoshan.

Good, that you pay attention to have a look at the trees on both sides ofthe tour bus, it is in the city of changsha were: camphor trees, camphor leavessmall but, under the big camphor tree is a good place to enjoy cool air, usingcamphor tree of camphor ball can drive midge catch ants, took a few pieces ofcamphor tree chew Ye Qing washed into the mouth, can also be sober refreshing.About the camphor tree,

In changsha, there is such a local custom, it is the parents to marry thedaughter of a set of camphorwood furniture is very decent. On the left handside, xiao zhao is welcome road, 1972, President Nixons visit to welcome thePresident of the United States and to build a road. Across the welcome road is ared and white building, she is 2 hospital of hunan province the government.

Were made, xiao zhao mentioned that were here to learn about the tree ofhunan province, it is the magnolia tree, it is from guangzhou introduced a tree.Suiting the city of changsha, azaleas, see the cuckoo that can want to went tothe countryside, three in April, when the brilliant red cuckoo open full ofhills, not to mention how beautiful. Fancy suiting of hunan province, is ahibiscus, since ancient times, hunan is known as lotus countries. Chairman MAOspoem says, "the kingdom of the lotus from zhaohui". Lotus, also can be dividedinto water and cotton rose hibiscus. Then xiao zhao, please everyone: "what iswater lotus? Cotton rose?" Ha ha! Cotton rose is magnolia, water lotus islotus.

Ok, now lets to lotus road, beside the lotus road, changsha is the newlotus square, you can see in the middle of a sculpture, that is the daughter ofliuyang river, you must be attracted by her long hair? The daughter of liuyangriver nine curved hair, a symbol of the liuyang river nine bending. It remindsus of the beautiful sounds of "liuyang river", the product comforms to thedrawing that xiao zhao here, give you sing a song "liuyang river", we hope youenjoy it.

Okay, now we see the underlying white doves building is the famous peacehall business building. Peace in Japanese is the meaning of peace, meaning andharmonic development. There is a sino-japanese joint venture of shopping malls,Japan accounted for 60% of the company, shareholders shareholder China accountedfor 40%. Before peace hall was built, the unearthed here most of the countrysbamboo slips, which records the chu the history of The Three Kingdoms period,now the peace of the sixth floor display, also has people in shopping may wishto visit.

In front of the hall of peace is the wuyi square, square in the middlethere is a huge music fountain, at eight o clock every night, music fountainwill dance with music. Now please look the top of the wuyi square, you can see asmall house, like the eyes there is big eyes "- the voice of the goldeneagle.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1655 字

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In Tang Dynasty, zhuyuwan was also a port between countries. Tang poetrydescribes the water scenery here: "half of the kite full of trees, new yearspeople still alone.". Falling flowers and flowing water arrive at Zhuyu Bay"Where there is land, there is only bamboo, but where there is no home, there isno goose. When the spring breeze blows around the city, the ears are filled withSheng songs. "

No matter which season you are in at four oclock, or when you visitzhuyuwan park with friends or your family, you will personally feel the beautyof "evergreen trees of life - plants": peach blossoms in spring, Hibiscus insummer, Osmanthus fragrans in autumn and wintersweet wintersweet. The changes ofthe phases of the four seasons are like the ink painting scenes blooming in thegood days, which are so beautiful and harmonious on the green land of ZhuyuBay.

The thousand hectares of green space in zhuyuwan park is surrounded by manygreen plants, which constitute a beautiful landscape of plants. Such as "He FengQu Qiao", "Mei Shan Chun Shen", "Peony Chan Juan", "Han Mei Ao Xue", "Zhuyu GuYun" and so on. The unique volume of these typical plant beauty is differentfrom the limitation of traditional private garden, which covers a small area.The openness of its artistic conception has been able to receive large-scalegroups in line with the modern tourism concept. Although the overall effect ofthese typical plant landscapes is composed of the local space enclosed byplants, it is greater than the overall space effect. When you visit the "plantkingdom" of zhuyuwan Park, you can really experience the dreamlike artisticconception of green yangchengguo.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 5065 字

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Anyone who has read Ouyang Xius famous poem "the story of the drunkenmans Pavilion" in the Song Dynasty is fascinated by its beautiful scenery:"Chuzhou is surrounded by mountains. Its southwest peaks and valleys arebeautiful. Langya is also a beautiful place. Langya Mountain is about 5kilometers southwest of Chuzhou City, Anhui Province. It is a famous scenicspot. Langya Mountain was called motuoling in ancient times, but there aredifferent opinions about why it was named Langya later. One is that Sima Rui,the Langya of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, once lived here and changed his name toLangya. Another way of saying is that Sima glazes, the king of Langya, theZhendong General of the Western Jin Dynasty, led several troops to "go out ofTuzhong" (referring to chushui Valley) to destroy Wu, and SUN Hao, the Lord ofWu, offered the seal of "yiglazes to surrender", so the mountain is calledLangya. "The collection of ancient and modern books? The collection of LangyaMountain" contains another saying: "people are similar to Langya Mountain in theEast China Sea of Shandong Province, so it is also called Langya Mountain."

Langya Mountain is steep and beautiful. Its peak is "towering but special";its valley is "leisurely and deep". The trees are thick and the flowers andplants are everywhere. Hundreds of years of pine and plum trees are vigorous andstraight. The unique Langya elm and drunkard elm pavilions are covered. TheLangya river is flowing. The spring and crape myrtle spring are scattered in themountains. Guiyun cave and Xuehong cave are mysterious. Nine caves and elevensprings are fascinating everywhere. Langya Mountain has a quiet scenery, knownas "no other mountain after Penglai".

Shenxiu lake is located at the turning point from Huibei gate to LangyaMountain Temple. It is a pool of water in ancient times and a place for visitorsto hang their hooks near the stream. In 1958, the peoples Government of ChuxianCounty expanded Shuitan into a small reservoir. In 1983, Langya MountainManagement Office adapted measures to local conditions and turned it into a newscenic spot. Because it is surrounded by mountains on three sides and hasbeautiful scenery, it is named Shenxiu lake according to the sentence of "WeiranShenxiu" in Ouyang Xius zuiwang Pavilion. The water surface of Shenxiu lake isabout 540 square meters. Langya river is the source of the lake, and yujiawareservoir is the source of the lake. On the surface of the lake, there is abridge in the middle of the lake, which is called Jiuqu bridge because it hasnine curves. The bridge pier is made of bluestone, and the bridge deck is madeof cement prefabricated parts, which has obvious modern architecturalcharacteristics. On the bridge, there is a pavilion in the center of the lake,with golden glass tiles on the top, glass bird fence on the six corners, and thecharacteristics of ancient architecture. On the side of the lake, there arethree waterside pavilions with six beams, serving for tourism. Under thewaterside pavilion is the artificial bluestone foundation, and the lake waterruns through it. In spring and summer, tourists enjoy themselves with water,cool and refreshing, which is a wonderful place.

Huifeng Pavilion is the highest building in Langya Mountain. It startedconstruction in 1988 and was built on the remains of Huifeng Pavilion, a MingDynasty building in Nantianmen. The Huifeng Pavilion of the new building isbuilt on the mountain, beautiful and grand. From all sides, the shapes aredifferent. From the East, it has three floors, from the south, it has fourfloors: from the west, it has five floors. The height is 24 meters. Each floorof Huifeng Pavilion is octagonal with six sides. It adopts the style of cornicesand angles of classical architecture. The top of the pavilion is covered withyellow glazed tiles, carved beams and painted columns, which is simple andgenerous. The 24 bell corners of the pavilion are all equipped with bronzebells. When the mountain wind blows, the sound of gold rises everywhere. It ispleasing to the eyes and sounds like entering a fairyland. Sunny weather,boarded the peak Pavilion, far sighted, high sky wide, heart wide expression.Here the sun is warm, the mountains are vast, the mountains are towering,crawling at the foot, giving people the feeling of "looking at the smallmountains". Its probably because the mountains line up. As soon as you get aglimpse of it, it looks like a reviewing platform, where thousands of mountainscompete for beauty and thousands of peaks are gloomy. So this pavilion is namedHuifeng Pavilion. Because Huifeng Pavilion stands at the highest peak of LangyaMountain, people love to come here to look at the magnificent mountains andrivers of the motherland. Standing on the plain outside the mountain to thesouth of Huifeng Pavilion, there are few corridors on the ground, the smoke isvast, the villages are scattered, the ponds are shining like a mirror, and inthe clear and cloudless weather, you can still vaguely see the Yangtze Riverbelt dozens of kilometers away, and the vast east



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Dear passengers, Hello!

Taohuayuan, also known as Taoyuan mountain, is also known as "paradise".During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, the areafirst belonged to the state of Chu and then to the state of Qin. According tothe book of the later Han Dynasty, Qianzhong county was renamed Wuling County inthe fifth year of emperor Gaodi of the Han Dynasty (202 BC), "two thousand andone hundred Li south of Luoyang". Tao Yuanmings "Tukou" poem said: "far away toNanjing", that is. According to Du Guangtings Dongtianfudi Ji of Tang Dynasty,Taoyuan mountain is located in Wuling County, Langzhou. Song Dynastys Yu DiGuang Ji says: "in the first year of Qiande (963), Wuling county was establishedas Taoyuan County. There is Taoyuan mountain. According to Yi Tong Zhi of theMing Dynasty, Taoyuan mountain is 30 Li southwest of Taoyuan County in ChangdePrefecture, where there is Taoyuan cave. It is also called Qinren cave. NearShuixi, Changde City, Hunan Province, facing Yuanshui River and leaning againstmountains, the scenery is beautiful. Taohuayuan is a part of Hunan Jiangxi hillyregion, located in the northeast of Xuefeng mountain and Wuling mountain upliftbelt, and the southwest corner of the Mesozoic West Dongting lake depression.According to the report on the investigation and evaluation of Taohuayuan scenicresources in Hunan Province, the geographical location of the main scenic spotsin Taohuayuan is 110 ° 25 - 27e and 28 ° 47 - 49n.

Taoyuan County is the natural medium area of Taohuayuan. It bordersYuanling County of Huaihua City, Cili County and Yongding District ofZhangjiajie City in the west, linli County and Dingcheng District of ChangdeCity in the East, Shimen County of Changde City in the north and Anhua County ofYiyang City in the south. Taohuayuan landscape is hammer shaped, inclined to thesouthwest of Taoyuan County. The scenic area is 157.55 square kilometers. Amongthem, Taohuayuan main scenic area is 15.8 square kilometers, Taohuayuan Yuanshuiscenic area is 44.85 square kilometers, and the peripheral protection area is96.9 square kilometers. The landscape boundary generally exceeds the districtboundary. The main scenic spot of Taohuayuan is located in the east of Chongqiuand yaotianping township of Dingcheng District, the west of Yuanshui and Jianshitown of Taoyuan County, Zhangjiang Town of Taoyuan County in the north andTaohuayuan town of Taoyuan County in the south. It includes state-owned HunanTaoyuan Taohuayuan Linyang, Taohuayuan town Taohuayuan village, Sanhe Village,Chazhuang village, Shuangfeng Village, Qingshan village and Taohuayuan residentscommittee. Taohuayuan Yuanshui scenic area, along the way, you can see theindependent scenic spots of Taoyuan County, such as Zou city, mutangyuan, maple,chehuyuan, Qinglin, Zhangjiang River, Taohuayuan, zhengjiayi, Siping, Jianshi,Lingjintan, Xinglong Street, yanjiaping, etc.

According to the landscape trend and geomorphic characteristics, the mainscenic area of Taohuayuan is divided into five natural areas: the place ofavoiding Qin (Qinren Village), Lingjing lake, Taohua mountain, Taoyuan mountainand Taoxian mountain; the water area of Taohuayuan Yuanshui scenic belt isroughly divided into four natural sections: the first line of sky scenicsection, yiwangxi scenic section, Lingjintan scenic section and wulingchuanscenic section. It is located in the southwest of Zhangshan mountain, includingshijiachong natural village. Lingjing Lake scenic area is located in thesoutheast of Zhangshan mountain, including jiangjiachong and aijiachong naturalvillages.

Taohua mountain scenic area is located in the west of Guihe peak inZhangshan mountain, including tianzunya and yejiawan natural villages. Taoyuanmountain scenic area is located in Huangwen mountain, including the main body ofthe mountain and the remaining parts of badaipo, Baimadu mountain, qinglongzui,baihuzui, etc. Taoxianling scenic area, including Hongyan mountain valley in theupper part of wangjiachong natural village. Yixiantian scenery section islocated in Gaodu post of yanjiaping Township, including yixiantian andshangtianlong. Yiwangxi scenic section, located in the lower reaches ofyiwangxi, contains stone landscapes such as liyutiaolong and shuixinyan. LingjinBeach Scenic section is located in the North Bank of Lingjin beach and wengzibeach, including rock landscape such as CHUANSHI and Qinshan. Wulingchuan scenicsection is located from baipingzhou to Yangzhou of Zou city. It contains famouscultural and natural landscapes such as sanri Tonghui, Baima Xuetao, lvluoqing,Meixi Yanyu, Chushan Spring Festival Gala, Zhangjiang Yeyue, Xunyang ancienttemple, Fufang Wandu and "three pavilions" (Baifo pavilions, Wenchang pavilions,Zhangjiang pavilions), "three pagodas" (Huifeng pagoda, Chuwang pagoda, Wenxingpagoda)



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现在就让我们沿着三峡大坝的路线开始游览吧,请大家跟我走。三峡大坝最高观察点——“坛子岭”。 “坛子岭”是这个三峡大坝风景区的美景之一。每当节假日,在这里游人如织,有来自国内的游客,也有高鼻子,红头发,黄头发,白头发的外国游客。




再看远处那西陵大桥吧,它位于三峡大坝右岸下游的截流纪念公园,在截流纪念公园里,展示了当年三峡截流施工场地的遗迹。在截流时,从江底捞起的形状各异的古石和使用过的大型机械,还有从被淹的三峡库区移植来的珍稀古树,进入千里三峡纪念馆,一幅巨型画卷吸引住我,它真实记录了截流之前千里三峡的秀丽风光。 大家很想去公园游赏吧,请随我到公园里的亲水平台吧。看那一条条水柱好像大坝泄洪时喷出的水柱,不时变换着形状,我们尽情地在这里戏水。我们来到公园里正对泄洪口的江边,我听到巨大的泄洪声和惊涛拍岸声,水雾随风飘来,带来阵阵清凉。




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1856 字

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Good morning, everyone! I am the travel company Wang Dao, welcome to our land of abundance - sichuan mount emei, here a pleasant climate, beautiful scenery, hope everyone here have a great and happy day.

Emei mountain scenic area is the area of 154 square kilometers, the highest elevation of about 3099 meters, is a famous tourist resort and buddhist mountains, is called the kingdom of plants, animals, the world, was also a poet said "emei world show", emei to has been 2300 kinds of animals, there are many varieties, such as the giant panda, giant salamander...

First of all, I will take you to visit baoguo temple scenic area, there are many ancient buildings, temples are relatively concentrated, rich human landscape, is located in emei mountain low mountainous area, and the traffic is very convenient.

For a moment Ill take you to the sight, monkey mountain, finally to jinding.

This is the sight, hung on both sides, see the blue line, so that the sight.

Then I introduced is the monkey mountain, the monkey is very lazy, will rob tourists snacks, fruits, camera... Miss in the skirt, please note that there is a rogue monkey, will miss jie dress! Interested can also take a picture with the monkey.

Then we go to sit cableway in the jinding today if youre lucky, you can see the Buddha, Buddhas light the origin of the name, there is a legend. That is thousands of years ago. Once upon a time there was a man called PuGong, he every day up herbalism, boil medicine to the sick the suffering of the people to drink, let a bodhisattva saw, saw was deeply moved the bodhisattva, give her happiness, then people can see the Buddhas light as a symbol of auspicious. And give it a name called "jinding" auspicious light.

We play the whole of the emei mountain, you should to emei mountain left a deep impression! Do you have a chance to visit mount emei!!!!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2359 字

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Tianyige museum is a comprehensive museum with the characteristics of bookcollection culture and integration of social history and art, covering an areaof 26000 square meters. The environment is elegant, the garden is exquisite, thearchitecture is simple, rich in strong local characteristics. The overall layoutis composed of three functional areas: library culture area, garden leisure areaand exhibition area.

Tianyige library is the oldest existing private library in China and one ofthe three earliest existing private libraries in the world. It was built betweenthe 40th and 45th year of Jiajing reign of the Ming Dynasty (1561-1566 AD). Itwas originally the library of Fan Qin, the right servant of the Ming army. In1982, it was announced as a national key cultural relics protection unit by theState Council. There are nearly 300000 volumes of all kinds of ancient books inthe collection, including 80000 volumes of rare books, especially the localchronicles and imperial examination records of Ming Dynasty. In recent years,the cause of our museum has developed rapidly, with the addition of China LocalRecords collection, yintaidi official residence Museum, mahjong originexhibition hall, etc. More than 6730 volumes of Contemporary Local Chronicles atall levels are collected in the China Local Chronicles collection, accountingfor more than 80% of the total. Yintaidi museum displays the Home Furnishing Artand architectural art of the families of officials in the Qing Dynasty. It wonthe "Best Creativity Award for the top ten fine exhibitions of national museums"in 20__. The Museum of the origin of mahjong shows the origin of mahjong and itshistorical origin with Ningbo in three dimensions. Built in the 1920s, Qinsancestral hall is admired by tourists for its unique ancestral hall culture andexquisite folk crafts, and is listed in the fifth batch of national key culturalrelics protection units.

Tianyige museum holds all kinds of calligraphy and painting exhibitionsthroughout the year, and has made remarkable achievements in the construction ofspiritual civilization. Since 1996, it has won the title of provincial civilizedunit, and has been rated as the provincial patriotic education base, thedemonstration window of Ningbos professional style construction, the citysfirst-class greening unit and the citys top ten tourist attractions.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1392 字

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旋转餐厅 -- 誉名中外的东方明珠空中旋转餐厅,坐落于上海东方明珠广播电视塔267米上球体,是亚洲最高的旋转餐厅。其营业面积为1500平方米,可同时容纳350位来宾用餐。她以得天独厚的景观优势、不同凡响的饮食文化、宾至如归的温馨服务,傲立于上海之巅。旋转餐厅更值得骄傲的是她的贵宾包房,布置着豪华富贵的大圆桌、高背靠椅和休闲沙发,能同时招待20位贵宾,金碧辉煌的背景灯光打在冰花玻璃上,更造就了人间仙境般的效果。宽敞明亮的落地球体玻璃窗外,浦江美景一览无余,自267米高空俯视而下,真有“会当临绝顶,一览众山小”的豪迈感觉。每2小时旋转一圈的设计,让您全方位360度尽收申城的林立高楼、纵横大道、卧波长桥、争流百响。而夜晚灯火辉煌的申城更是流光溢彩、美不胜收,点点繁星、闪闪霓虹衬出勾勒出无与伦比的浦江夜色。友善温馨的服务是空中旋转餐厅鲜明的特色。各位迎宾小姐、往来穿梭的服务生均以典雅的服饰、规范的服务构筑了东方明珠的绰约风采。

电视塔入口 -- 位于4.2米检票大厅的豪华电梯将以7米/秒的高速把您在40秒内平稳地送至263米观光层,这种绝无仅有、风驰电掣的感觉将是您到东方明珠的难得体验。沿着明亮华贵的弧形梯道拾级而上,登上267米平台,迎面的便是亮丽的迎宾厅,乳白色的墙面连同光可鉴人的黑色大理石反射柔和的灯光,把您环绕在一片尊贵的气氛中。上海东方明珠广播电视塔坐落于上海浦东新区陆家嘴嘴尖上,以其468米的绝对高度成为亚洲第一、世界第三之高塔。东方明珠塔背拥陆家嘴地区崭新的现代化建筑楼群,与隔江的外滩万国建筑博览群交相辉映,展现了国际大都市的壮观景色。

东方明珠游船码头 -- 位于黄浦江畔,占地面积2200余平方米,乘坐东方明珠浦江游览船沿江畅游,即可尽情领略百业兴旺、百舸争流的都市情怀。东方明珠游船码头外形犹如一只凌波汲水、展翅欲飞的海鸥,清新自然、富有时代气息。乘坐东方明珠浦江观光游览船沿浦江航行,可以让游客饱览两岸现代化都市风景线。

夜色中的明珠 -- 入夜后,遥望东方明珠塔,则是华灯齐放、色彩缤纷;而在塔上俯瞰都市夜景,更是一派流光溢彩、灯火辉煌。东方明珠塔每年接待来自于五洲四海中外宾客280多万人次,是集观光、餐饮、购物、娱乐、游船、会展、历史陈列、广播电视发射等多功能于一体的综合性旅游文化景点。东方明珠塔业已成为上海的标志性建筑,荣列上海十大新景观之一。

上海城市历史发展陈列馆 -- 上海城市历史发展陈列馆位于东方明珠塔零米大厅内,展示面积超过六千平方米,已于5 月12日正式对外开放,是集历史、文化、鉴赏、旅游、娱乐于一体、具有创新理念的历史陈列。徜徉历史长河、追寻海上旧梦、品味文化上海——陈列馆充分注重观赏性与参与性,采用“融物于景”的场景化展示手法,凭借其高科技的技术手段,将文物、道具、模型、音视频多媒体、声光电等表现手法融于一体:静态展示主要以蜡像人物和文物道具为主,而动态的展示以实景和影视相结合,十分逼真。让人既感受到历史文化的底蕴,又领略了现代化高科技的魅力。

上海国际新闻中心 -- 上海国际新闻中心坐落于巍然屹立的东方明珠塔下,是集新闻发布、观光、会展、餐饮等功能于一体的综合性新闻中心。 1100 平方米的新闻发布厅配置有最先进的同传、背投、音响与灯光等会务设施,可容纳 800 人规模的新闻发布会或国际会议。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 331 字

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中都草原位于张北县境内。中都是元代与大都(北京)、上都(开平)齐名的三都之一,是皇室宗族巡幸避暑胜地。1320xx年,元武宗在张北草原上共建中都。规模宏 大、瑰丽壮观.成为皇室往返元大都(北京),上都(开 平)的巡都。中都原始草原成为皇家狩猎、避暑、 巡幸之地,后经马可.波罗介绍到西方,与大都齐名而声海内外.草原旅游也延绵互今。

中都草原是锡林郭勒大草原的组成部分和精华。 有着完整的原始、天然生态系统,野阔草平,苍茫浩荡.马兰、干枝梅、黄花、金莲花沸沸 扬扬、横无际涯,放发出沁人心脾的芬芳口蘑酸柳、 地皮菜隐匿草间;旱獭、草原袋鼠、鼹鼠嬉戏跳跃; 泽边、云端上,大雁驻足.百灵高歌;布谷黄鹂画 眉羊群、牧马驼铃声声。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3979 字

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Zhujiajian is a national scenic spot, located in the southeast of Zhoushanarchipelago in Zhejiang Province. It is also known as Putuo Mountain Nationalkey scenic spot with a distance of 1.35 nautical miles. It is an important partof Putuo golden triangle, the core tourist area of Zhoushan Archipelago. It isthe fifth largest island of Zhoushan Archipelago, with an island area of 72square kilometers.

Zhujiajian has a superior geographical location and convenienttransportation. Zhoushan civil aviation airport, located in the northwest ofZhujiajian, has opened more than 10 air routes including Beijing, Shanghai,Nanjing, Xiamen, Jinjiang, Jinan and Shantou. It is 1.35 nautical miles awayfrom Putuo Mountain in the north, and can reach Zhujiajian in five minutes byboat from Putuo Mountain; It is only 1km away from Shenjiamen fishing port, oneof the four famous fishing ports in the world. A cross sea bridge connectsZhujiajian with Shenjiamen (and the whole Zhoushan Island). Tourists fromHangzhou, Shanghai, Ningbo and other land routes can directly drive intoZhujiajian.

Zhujiajian island has unique natural landscape and rich tourism resources.The development of Zhujiajian tourism area was started in 1988. In 1993,Zhujiajian development and construction management committee was established,which is responsible for the implementation of the protection, planning andconstruction of 28.8 square kilometers of national scenic spots. In 1998, theZhujiajian Scenic Tourism Management Committee was established and worked withthe Zhujiajian town government. Under the leadership of the municipal anddistrict governments, the integrated management of the whole island wasimplemented. The tourism system was straightened out and the Zhujiajian touristarea entered the stage of all-round development.

In order to develop Zhujiajian scientifically, Zhejiang Institute of urbanand rural planning and design was entrusted in March 1993 to compile the masterplan of Zhujiajian, Putuo District, Zhoushan City. In November 1998, the tourismdevelopment plan of Putuo Zhujiajian national island ecological park wascompiled. In 20__, Shanghai Tongji University was entrusted to compile themaster plan of Zhujiajian from 20__ to 2030. Since then, Zhujiajian scenic spothas embarked on a scientific development path of combining the development andutilization of scenic spots with the reasonable protection of resources.

The scenery of Zhujiajian island is beautiful and charming. On the island,there are continuous sands, rippling blue waves, steep rocks, staggered cavesand reefs, enchanting sea light, wide forests, endless tides and fresh air. The6300 meter long nine person beach stretches across the island, like a goldnecklace, inlaid between the green mountains and the blue sea. The cliffs aresteep, the caves are deep and secluded, and the sea erosion landform is all overthe southeast coast of the island. The rocks are beautiful, the stone scenery iscolorful, and the magic work is vivid. The Wushi gravel beach is rare in China,with the sound of the tide and the sound of nature. The fishing boats sing late,the sea fire is shining, and the Dongsha is surging in the sun; There are lotsof seagulls, silverfish, fishing village customs and modern fishery landscape;the trees are green and quiet, the air is fresh, there is no heat in summer, theclimate is pleasant, the products are rich, and there are many aquaticproducts.

Zhu Jiajian adheres to the strategy of implementing high-quality tourismproducts, accelerating the promotion of high-end hotels, leisure villas,large-scale tourism commodity shopping centers, China Buddhist College, yacht,sea fishing club, beach sports and entertainment city, Island InternationalConference Center and other major industrial clusters, so as to make it acoastal city in the Yangtze River Delta with international standards, excellentfacilities, first-class service, beautiful environment and distinct image Thefirst choice for fake tourism.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 20409 字

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Lion forest, one of the four famous gardens in Suzhou, has a history ofmore than 650 years and is the representative of garden in Yuan Dynasty. No.23Yuanyuan Road, located in the northeast corner of Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province,is a rectangle with a width from east to west, covering an area of 1.1 hectaresand an open area of 0.88 hectares. There are rockeries all over the park,surrounded by long corridors, buildings looming, winding paths leading toseclusion, with the general feeling of maze. The wall of the corridor isembedded with the calligraphy steles of Su Shi, Mi Fu, Huang Tingjian and CaiXiang, as well as the inscription of plum blossom poem by Wen Tianxiang of theSouthern Song Dynasty. This garden was built by Zen master tianru of YuanDynasty in memory of his teacher, Zen master Zhongfeng. In the first gate, theteacher of "Shizilin" is the teachers teacher. Later, because there were manyrockeries in the garden, which looked like a lion, it was changed to the LionForest in the way of writing, and has been used up to now. The word "LionForest" on the forehead of the ticket office was written by Emperor Qianlong ofthe Qing Dynasty.

Step into the garden, you can see a hall, which is the Bei ancestral hall.In the middle of the plaque, there is Gu Tinglongs handwritten "Yunlin Yiyun",which is one of the designers of lion forest. Ni Yunlins design has the charmof emptiness and quietness. The wooden railings on both sides of the corridorare carved with peony, Phoenix and Shou characters, and hanging screens withvases and shell leaves. Beiye is used to write Buddhist scriptures, which notonly reflects that Shizilin is a place for Zen to study Buddhism, but also hascommemorative significance, because the last master of Shizilin is Beiye. Theancestral hall is a place for worshiping and worshiping ancestors and gatheringof clansmen. On the roof, there are statues of three immortals, Fu, Lu and Shou,and a child. It shows that the garden owner hopes that his descendants can beoutstanding and glorify their ancestors. At the entrance of the corridor, thereis the word "Chunhua", which means the garden is full of spring. Please goahead.

It is said that the stone lions in the lion forest came from TianmuMountain in Zhejiang Province. The eight immortals tie Guai Li and LV Chunyangwent to the banquet of the queen mother and rode a green lion past TianmuMountain. From the top of the mountain came a clear spring. Li Zheng, Tieguai,was thirsty. He was very happy and fell down to Yuntou. He took down his owngourd and went to the spring to drink. The green lion also jumped into the waterto play. After a moment, the lion climbed up to the shore and shook his body.The water on his body was scattered on the surrounding rocks, and suddenlybecame a group of lively and lovely little lions. The green Lion plays with thelittle lions intimately. Tieguai Li smiles and says to LV Yuyang, "look, thegreen lion has moved everyones heart. Now that there are so many descendants,lets punish him to be a lion king here." After that, with the help of the ironcrutch, the lions turned back to the appearance of stones, and the green lionsturned into a mountain peak because they couldnt bear to leave.

In Song Renzongs time, Zhongfeng monk of Zhejiang Guoshi temple had aprofound Buddhism. One day, he traveled to Tianmu Mountain and recitedscriptures in Jielu. Every morning, he recited scriptures in front of Qingshimountain. It turned out that he was an eminent monk and knew the origin ofshiziyan and shizifeng. Lion is called lion dragon (Su ā nn í) in Buddhism. Itis the beast of Buddhism. He wants to enlighten the green lion and make itreturn to its original appearance. For a long time, because I often listen tothe eminent monks words, I became a spirit and became a green lion again. Thegreen lion became monk Zhongfengs mount. Monk Zhongfeng rode the green lion tovisit his apprentice tianru Zen master in Puti temple in Suzhou. There were manystrange stones in Puti temple, and the shape of them was vivid, like many lions.The green lion was very happy and thought that he had returned to the lioncolony in the Buddhist kingdom, so he changed into a lion bee, and the lion furscattered on the green lion became a variety of lion cubs. Some are playing withHydrangea, some are fighting with two lions, and some are full of prestige. WhenZen master tianru saw his hands together, he even said "Amitabha". He praisedmaster tianru for his boundless power and perfect merits. Bodhi Temple becamethe kingdom of Buddha and lion. Monk Zhongfeng said, "it might as well be calledlion forest." So the stone lions in the lion forest are famous.

Green lion is very happy to stay in the lion forest, but he is worriedabout Tieguai Li. In a fit of anger, he punished the green lion to stay at thetop of Tianmu Mountain. When he went back, he was a little reluctant to thinkabout it. When he went back to look for it, there was no trace. Tieguai Li Yuvisited all the famous mountains and rivers, but he had no whereabouts. One daywhen I passed by Suzhou, I saw the Lion Peak in the lion forest from a longdistance. Isnt it the green lion. After entering the rockery group of lionforest, tie Guai Li walked slowly and lost contact with LV Chunyang. I saw LuChunyang in front of me from a distance, but I couldnt get out of the rockeryto meet him. Tieguai Li was in a hurry and sat in the cave in a hurry. LVChunyang always loses to tie Guai Li in chess. He thinks that this opportunityhas come, so he asks tie Guai Li to play a game of chess in the false cave. IfLV Chunyang wins, he will carry him out. Tieguai Li agreed because he lost lessand won more in chess in the past. Unexpectedly, because he was trapped in arockery, he was in a panic and was killed by LV Chunyang.

Tieguai Li had no choice but to beg for mercy from LV Chunyang. Lu Chunyangsaid: "I think the green lion is very happy to stay in the lion forest, so Illstay here with the lion grandson.". Tie Guai Li was eager to go out and agreed.Lu Chunyang took tieguaili out of the rockery.

Now when you go to the rockery in the lion forest, you have to be careful.Dont be as stubborn as Li. The game of chess he lost in those years is still inthe rockery cave.

The lion forest is mountainous in the southeast and watery in thenorthwest. It is surrounded by high walls, deep houses and winding corridors.Taking the central pool as the center, building houses by piling mountains,transplanting flowers and trees, and erecting bridges and pavilions make thelayout of the whole garden compact and full of the artistic conception of "closeto the mountains and forests". The lion forest is famous for its pavilions,terraces, towers, pavilions, halls, pavilions and corridors. It is also known asthe "rockery kingdom". There are many and exquisite rockeries in Shizilin, withexquisite rocks, winding caves and ravines, which are like entering a maze. Itis known as "Eighteen scenes of Taoyuan". At the top of the cave, there are manystrange peaks and rocks, all like a lion dancing. There are Hanhui, tuyue,Xuanyu, angxia and other famous peaks, and the Lion Peak is the first of them.The main building in the park is Yanyu hall, behind which is a small square halland Lixue hall. To the west, you can get to Baixuan, which is a two-story atticwith a veranda all around. Its tall, cool and exquisite. To the west of Baixuanis guwu pine garden. The southwest corner is jianshanlou. From Jianshan tower tothe west, you can get to the lotus hall. In the northwest of the hall, there isa Jianzhen interesting Pavilion near the pool. The pavilion is decorated withexquisite ornaments, and the figures and flowers are lifelike. There are twostone boats beside the pavilion. The stone boat shore is the dark fragrantstudio, from which you can turn south along the corridor to reach the waterfallPavilion, which is the highest place in the garden. The West scenery center ofthe garden is Wenmei Pavilion, in front of which is shuangxianxiang Pavilion.Shuangxiangxian pavilion has a fan Pavilion in the southwest corner and acourtyard behind it, which is fresh and elegant.

Shizilin used to be the back garden of Bodhi orthodox temple. In 1341 ad,Zen master tianru, an eminent monk, came to Suzhou to preach Buddhist scripturesand was welcomed by his disciples. In the following year (the second year ofemperor Shundi Zhizheng, the last emperor of the Yuan Dynasty), the disciplesbought land and set up a house to build a Zen forest for Zen master tianru.Built in 1342 A.D. in the second year of Zhizheng reign of the Yuan Dynasty, thegarden was built by the disciples of Zen master tianru Weize for his master. Itwas initially named "Shizilin Temple", and later renamed "Puti Zhengzong Temple"and "Shengen Temple".

In the sixth year of Hongwu in Ming Dynasty (A.D. 1373), 73 year old greatcalligrapher Ni Zan (named Yunlin) passed through Suzhou. He once participatedin gardening and wrote poems and paintings (painted with the picture of the lionforest), which made the lion forest famous and became a resort for Buddhistpreaching and literati writing poems and paintings. In the early Qianlong periodof the Qing Dynasty, the temple garden became a private property, isolated fromthe temple hall. It was also called wusongyuan because there were five pinetrees in the garden.

In the 17th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1589 A.D.), monks of theMing family came from Changan to rebuild the Shengen temple and the Buddha Hallin Shizilin, and reappear the prosperous scene. During the reign of EmperorKangxi, the temple and the garden were separated. Later, it was bought by Huangxingzu, the father of Huang Xi and the magistrate of Hengzhou, and named"Sheyuan".

On February 11, 1703, Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty toured here andgranted "Lion Forest Temple". Later, Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty touredthe lion forest six times and successively granted "mirror wisdom and roundlight", "painting Zen Temple" and existing "zhenqu" plaques. In the 36th year ofthe Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty (1771 AD), Huang Xi was the number onescholar in senior high school. He refined his mansion and reorganized thecourtyard, and named it "wusongyuan". By the middle of the reign of EmperorGuangxu of the Qing Dynasty, Huangs family was in decline, and the garden hadfallen, but the rockery was still there.

In 1917, Shanghai pigment giant Pei Runsheng (the great grandfather of theworld-famous architect I.M. Pei) bought the lion forest from Li Zhongyu, thechief civil affairs officer. It took nearly seven years to renovate the lionforest. Some new scenic spots were added and named "Lion Forest". For a time,lion forest covered Suzhou city. Beirunsheng was preparing for the opening up,but he failed because of the outbreak of the Anti Japanese war. Afterbeirunsheng died in 1945, Shizilin was managed by his grandson beihuanzhang.After liberation, the descendants donated the garden to the state, and Suzhougarden management office took over the renovation and opened it to the public in1954.

Due to the rise and fall of the forest garden, the temple, garden and housewere separated and combined, the traditional gardening techniques and Buddhistideas were integrated, and the modern Bei family introduced the Westerngardening techniques and ancestral temple into the garden, making it a templegarden integrating the principles of Zen and the pleasure of garden.

1、 Hall, car Hall

Enter the east gate of lion forest from Garden Road, which was the maingate of Chengxun Yizhuang. On the door hung a plaque written by EmperorQianlong. Before liberation, when it was a private house, it was not easy toopen it. After liberation, it was opened as the main gate of Shizilin. The highthreshold was the sedan hall, which was the place where the sedan cars used tostop. Opposite to the car door was the west gate. Above the two doors were brickforehead, respectively titled "right access" and "left access".

2、 Yan Yutang

Now we have come to Yanyu hall. Yanyu means peace and happiness. "YanYutang" comes from the book of songs, which says "Yan Yutang is famous for itsstyle, but you cant shoot.". Yan Yu: Yan Er entertainment; Wu she: never stop.Form: as a modal particle. Reputation: Tongyu, happy. Shoot (Y ì): disgust."Zheng Jian" said: "shoot, hate also." How happy it is to have a dinnertogether. I love you forever. This hall is the main hall of the whole garden. Itwas originally used by the master of the garden to entertain guests. This hallis a famous mandarin duck hall in Suzhou gardens. The so-called Yuanyang hall isin a hall, which is divided into North and south parts by screen doors. From theinside, it seems that the two halls are connected, but the layout is different.The beams and columns of the North Hall are made of round logs, and the beamsand columns of the south hall are made of square logs. The door and windowpatterns and furniture layout of the two halls are different, and the plaqueshave their own titles. At the same time, the front hall is generally the placewhere the host entertains the male guests, while the back hall is the placewhere the hostess meets the female guests. The architectural style is absolutelydifferent, which reflects the feudal thought that men are superior to women.Please have a look at the foot of what is the word, right! Its a word "Shou".There are five bats on the side. It means "five blessings" and "Shou" comesfirst, so Shou is the center. It shows that the owner hopes that he and hisfamily will live a long and healthy life, have many children and grandchildren,be peaceful and happy.

3、 Small square hall

Now we come to the small square hall, which is named because it is square.If you look at the large empty windows on both sides, we can feel that they aretwo pictures. Outside the east window are plain preserved Chimonanthus andoutside the west window are urban mountain forests. This is a kind of gardeningart of Suzhou gardens, called frame view. It can change with the change ofseasons and the movement of feet. We might as well have a try. The hall ischaracterized by square architecture and components, and the three pavilions andarches are a small and exquisite gathering place for literary society. Under theback window of the hall is the "golden brick". This brick is specially baked forthe Qing Dynasty palace floor.

4、 Jiushifeng

Out of the small square hall, you can see the nine Lion Peak in the hallgarden. This peak stands in front of the wall. At first glance, it looks likenine lions playing freely. If you look at this stone and see the changing cloudsin the sky, you must cooperate with imagination. The beauty lies between theimage and the non image. There are half pavilions in the East and west of thecourtyard to extrude space to highlight the nine Lion Peak. If you lookcarefully, you will find nine lions in different shapes. They are charming,naive and lovely. There are 500 lions of different sizes and shapes in the lionforest. We will see many more in the future.

5、 Zhibaixuan

Through the brick "fun" (from Tao Yuanmings "garden day care to becomefun" sentence), we come to zhibaixuan. This is where monks preach. In the TangDynasty, when the Zen master Cong Zong (known as Zhao Zhou FA Dao) was teachingZen Buddhism, no matter what his disciples asked him, he always said: "cypressin front of the court", which means that the Zen practitioners should understandit by themselves from the mysterious hints. So it is named Baixuan. This is alsothe place where the relatives of the Bei family get together. The plaque "YifengZhibai", written by Wang Tongyu, is hung above the hall. "Zhibai" refers to thecase of Zen Buddhism, while "Yifeng" refers to the allusion of Shi Feng made byMi Fu in Song Dynasty. The following is the painting of Shoubai, which wasjointly produced by famous calligraphers and painters in 1988. Zhang Xinjiapainted red plum, Wu Mumu wrote ancient cypress, Xu Shaoqing painted Lake stone,and Fei Xini wrote inscriptions. There are stairs behind the screen door to goupstairs. The third floor is also called Tingyu building, which is named afterthe garden owners collection of stone rubbings. Its named after the window.Looking from the window, you can see that there are many strange peaks on theopposite side.

In front of the hall, there are rockeries, cypresses and dragons. Woyunbaois located among the rockeries. This rockery is the most famous rockery in theclassical gardens. There are four paths in it, which are intertwined andintricate. Emperor Qianlong didnt go out after two hours. There is also achessboard hole in it. It is said that LV Dongbin and tie guaili played chess.There are some famous stones such as Hanhui and tuyue on the false peak. Thereare strange pines and cypresses between the stones, just like a beautifullandscape painting. It is said that Emperor Qianlong once took a picture here.Please take a photo here.

6、 Jianshanlou

The false mountain peak can be seen from the window of this building, whichis named after the poetic meaning of Tao Qian of Jin Dynasty: "pickingchrysanthemums under the East fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan". However, thisbuilding is close to the rockery, and there is a direct access to the rockery onthe second floor. It can be said that the building is built on the rockery. Thearea of jianshanlou is only one tenth of that of zhibaixuan. That is to say, itsets off the height of zhibaixuan and does not compete with rockery. It can besaid that it has unique ingenuity.

8、 Hualan Hall

We went west through the corridor to the flower basket hall. The flowerbasket hall is named after the flower basket shape carved on the column end ofthe hall and decorated with the flower basket pattern. In 1945, a Japanesesurrender ceremony was held in this hall. The screen door was engraved with ahuge picture of Matsushita, and the official script horizontal plaque "wind inthe water" indicated that it was a good place to enjoy the lotus in summer.Originally known as "Lotus hall", it was burned down in 1968, and then movedfrom Zheng house in loumen to Hualan hall. The so-called flower blue hall is asmall hall, in which the walking column does not fall to the ground, but ischanged into a very short heavy lotus column, and the end of the column iscarved into a flower blue shape.

9、 Zhenqu Pavilion

Out of the flower basket hall to the west is zhenqu Pavilion. The word"zhenqu" was written by Emperor Qianlong himself. There is such a story. In theQing Dynasty, when Emperor Qianlong visited the garden, Huang Xi, the number onescholar, saw the three words "really interesting" written by Emperor Qianlong.He felt that the word "you" was too vulgar, so he asked the emperor to bestowthe word "you" and left the word "really interesting". There is a "scholar hat"decoration on the pavilion, which has far-reaching implications. It is said that"the scholar is the prime ministers Root Seedling". To become the number onescholar, we must start from the scholar. Garden idea is to educate futuregenerations to study hard, hoping that one day they will win the title of thegold medal. The same principle applies today when tall buildings rise from theground. Now, we can enjoy the scenery of Huxin Pavilion, Jiuqu bridge, stoneboat, waterfall, pool and lake, and take photos as a souvenir. After that, wewill gather in the east of the stone arch bridge, drill holes and climbmountains to really appreciate the charm of the world-famous "rockery kingdom".The plaque of "zhenqu" was inscribed by Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty when hevisited the lion forest. The painted pillars and carved beams in the pavilionare resplendent, showing the royal style completely different from the elegantgarden architecture in the south of the Yangtze River. The pavilion issurrounded by picturesque scenery. In the East, you can see the flower baskethall near the water. In the south, you can see the rockery group near the water.In the west, there are mountains and waterfalls. Looking to the west, thepavilion in the center of the lake, the Jiuqu Bridge and the stone arch bridgedivide the lake into three scenes: near, middle and far.

10、 Dark fragrance studio

The name of this building comes from the famous saying: the shadow isslanting, the water is clear, the fragrance is floating, and the moon is atdusk. The shadow of sparse plum is horizontally and obliquely reflected on theclear water surface at dusk



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Han street is the "top of six Chinese cities". Han street is the center ofWuhan Central Cultural District

"Eye", with the richest commercial content and the most fashion brands inChina, integrates the worlds top cultural projects to create six of Chinasbest, known as "Chinas first commercial street".

Han street, which is built along the South Bank of Chu River, is thelongest commercial pedestrian street in China (and the longest commercialpedestrian street in the world).

Under the setting sun, the blue waves ripple gently. Sit in the bow of aluxury cruise ship and enjoy the magnificent scenery on both sides of theStrait. Wuhan, where is more beautiful than here; China, there are severalcities, can be comparable to here, in the atmosphere hidden in the gentle,hidden in the downtown delicate.

Chuhe River, based on the "Dongsha connection" project, is a new jade beltin Wuchang City. It is 2.2 kilometers long and 40 to 70 meters wide

East Lake and Shahu Lake, two lakes in the main urban area of Wuchang, willbe connected. Han street, designed by Wanda Group and world famous architects,is located on the South Bank of the Chu River, with a total length of 1500meters and a total area of 180000 square meters. It is a "kingdom in the city"with cultural tourism as the core and integrating commerce, food, leisure andentertainment.

Building alone is not enough. Wanda Group also cooperates with Frankperforming arts company, the most famous American performing arts company in theworld, to invest 2.5 billion yuan to create a variety show that surpasses allthe performing levels in the world and will be staged in hanxiu theater.

In addition to hanxiu theater, in the west section of Hanjie, Wanda Groupwill invest 2.5 billion yuan to build the worlds only movie culture theme park,with a total construction area of 80000 square meters. Its construction designeris still mark Fischer, whose creativity comes from the essence of Chu Culture -chime. The theme park is designed with 10 film technology entertainmentprojects, including 4D cinema, 5D cinema, 6D cinema, interactive cinema,simulation cinema, dark ride, indoor roller coaster, etc. The project bringstogether the latest global top entertainment technology, called "indoorUniversal Studios".

In addition to the theater and movie theme park, there is a popular stagein the middle of Han street, which is also dotted with Quyuan square, Zhaojunsquare, Zhiyin square, Yaosheng square, Taiji square, etc. to enhance theinfluence of Chu Han culture by commemorating Hubei historical and culturalcelebrities.



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Dear tourists

Hello everyone! Its a great honor to meet you. My name is Xia Jianan. Youcan call me Xiao Xia or Xia Dao. If you have anything to do during the journey,you can call me at any time. My number is

We are going to Longhu Mountain scenic spot, which is 18 kilometers awayfrom Yingtan City. Ladies and gentlemen, now we come to the tourist center ofthe scenic spot. Were going to take the plank road first today. You see, thereis elephant trunk mountain. Because it is like an elephant drinking water, so itis called "elephant trunk mountain". OK, lets take a bamboo raft and enjoy thescenery on both sides of the Luxi river. Because there are many people and fewboats today, and a bamboo raft can only make eight people, so please payattention to safety!

Well, please see, this is the book mountain, this is the mushroom mountain,this is the lion looking back, is it a bit like the Sphinx? Behind the mushroommountain is the literary giant meditation, this "literary giant" is Lu Xun. Thisis a mosquito free village. Because there are a lot of camphor trees in thevillage, the fragrance of camphor trees drives away mosquitoes, so there are nomosquitoes for many years. This is what is called "ass kissing hill". Why is itcalled "ass kissing hill"? Because the grass grows very strange on the cliff,and there is a bunch of grass, which looks like Chairman Maos "Mao". It lookslike Jiangs "Jiang" on the side. It looks like Xi Jinpings "practice", so itis called the "ass kissing hill".

Now we went to xianshuiyan to watch the cliff tombs. Most of these clifftombs belong to the 2500 year old Guyue people. The cliff tombs are 300 metershigh, and the low ones are also 300 meters. These cliff tombs have single tombsand group tombs. There is a hanging coffin show at 2 and 4 p.m. every day, whichis performed by the five brothers of the compatriots who collect herbs on thedragon and tiger mountain. You can enjoy it.

Longhu Mountain is also the birthplace of Taoism in China. There are 63generations of heavenly masters living here. There are 91 Daogong, 81 Daoguan,30 Daoyuan, 24 daodian and 36 Daoyuan. Such palaces, temples and courtyards arerare. However, the large-scale Shangqing palace and the "heihan Tianshimansion", where Tianshi lived, still exist today.

Ladies and gentlemen, please dont move. Keep the balance of the raft.Dont litter with peels, gum, etc. You cant Scribble in the scenic spots. Havea good trip!



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Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to travel from Jingdezhen to Wuyuan, themost beautiful village in China, the last Shangri La in China. The driving timeis about 1 or 5 hours. Xiao Hua would like to ask you a question? Did you oftensee Wuyuan in newspapers or on the Internet five years ago? (smile) it should berare to see it? Yes, Wuyuan has been on the rise in recent years One day in20__, when our jiangshuji came to Wuyuan one day, he inadvertently told theentourage that I finally came to my hometown. At that time, the entourage wassurprised and said: "Chairman, your hometown is not from Jiangsu? How can itbecome a la from Jiangxi?" At that time, our General Secretary Jiang Mimi saidwith a smile: "you dont know, my grandfather came out of Jiangwan Town here,and I am also this person.". At that time, the general secretary wrote down: themost beautiful countryside in China! Then, Wuyuan officially vigorouslydeveloped the tourism industry in 20__, and the slogan at that time was the mostbeautiful countryside in China, the last Shangri La in China. Many photographershave come here to discover the beauty of this place. Especially in March everyyear, the golden rape flowers, the unique white wall, the Horsehead wall ofDaiwa and the Hui style buildings with flying eaves become the paradise forthose tourists who love photography, making them forget to return!

Now that we have entered Wuyuan, you can see that the buildings outside thewindow are all Huizhou style buildings. You may wonder why there are still Anhuistyle buildings in Jiangxi. In fact, before that, it was one of the sixprefectures and one county in Huizhou. During the period of the Republic ofChina, Mr. Jiang assigned it to Jiangxi in 1937 to suppress bandits, Beforeliberation, it returned to Jiangxi. 99% of the water in Wuyuan converged toPoyang Lake. It only took us two hours to drive from Tunxi in Anhui, and two tothree hours to drive from Quzhou in Zhejiang. Transportation is very convenient,but in ancient Wuyuan, because there are many mountains, transportation is veryinconvenient. To sum up with a sentence by Xiaohua, Wuyuan is "divided into halfmountains, half fields, half waterways and manors". This kind of environmentcaused people in ancient Wuyuan to understand that when they were poor, theywould think of change. Here is a sentence about the fate of the men here: "theywere born in Huizhou in the past, From this nursery rhyme, we can see that themen here were very bitter before. Because of the large mountains, small land andlarge population, they had to go out to do business. Many people in ancientWuyuan were engaged in tea business and timber business, and gradually formed agroup of Hui merchants. Speaking of merchants, we all know that there have beenthree very famous business schools in China since ancient times. The first oneis just Shanxi merchants, when it comes to Shanxi merchants, you should think ofthe scene of "Qiaos courtyard", which reflects the brilliant image of ageneration of Shanxi Merchants Qiao Zhiyong. The second business school is ourHui merchants, and the Hui merchants must think that Xiang Yang, the author ofChinese Taiwan, wrote a book "red top businessman Hu Xueyan". Hu Xueyan can be said tobe a model of businessmen at all times and in all over the world. He is a modelin both business and conduct. Therefore, if you often go to bookstores, you willfind books about him. For example, in the recent 100 forums, a famous professorin Taipei, Zeng Zhiqiang, wrote a book "Hu Xueyans Enlightenment". It can beseen that Hu Xueyan knew the talents, made great efforts to relieve WangYouling, a poor scholar, and finally became a famous businessman in the worldfrom a primary school apprentice to a rich one. It can be said that he was amodel in the business world! The third business road was the Jiangyou gang inJiangxi Province! Although the businessmen were very rich, they had a lot ofmoney There are three wives and six concubines in the house, but in fact, howhumble the status of merchants in ancient times is? In ancient times, theranking is officials, peasants, workers and merchants. The highest status isscholars, and everything is inferior. Only scholars are high, officials andscholars are the highest, followed by farmers, because they have land, thencraftsmen, and finally merchants. What is the status of merchants at that timeThey are humble, so they try to earn money, go back to their hometown to marry awife, build a big house, donate money to build ancestral temples, bridges androads, so as to improve their status and identity in their hometown. So you cantake a look at the house in Wuyuan, which is made into a horse head wall. From adistance, it looks like an ancient woman looking forward to her own mans earlyreturn!

When it comes to Wuyuan, this place is just like a womans Jasper, brightand elegant. You can see from his name that this place has something to do withwomen. Take a look at the word "Wu" in "Wuyuan". There is a girls "woman"below. This thin woman has a "spear" on her left shoulder. In ancient times,"spear" was a very sharp weapon, and his right shoulder is beside a palindrome,which means that you cant offend the women here? (laughter), although she isweak and small The women in Wuyuan are typical: they can get into the hall, getout of the kitchen, raise a son, and meet their parents daughter-in-law. Justnow we said that Wuyuan men have a hard life and will go out to do business atthe age of thirteen or fourteen. But who knows that Wuyuan women are also veryhard. To marry here or a businessman, we not only have to suffer from Acacia,but also learn to fight by ourselves When it comes to the relationship betweenmother-in-law and daughter-in-law, its a science, a great knowledge. As thesaying goes: "three women in a play, five women top five thousand ducks.". Sothis is also a compulsory course for women in Wuyuan. When women in Wuyuan getmarried, they have some interesting customs. For example, they have to cry ontheir wedding day. You must think its strange that they are very happy and itsnot lucky to cry. But people in Wuyuan must cry. The more you cry, the betteryoull get married! If you dont cry, the neighbors will joke that this womanshusband doesnt love her in the future! (smile) after Wuyuans womans crying,her husband will carry her from the ladys building to the sedan chair, andbring her wedding makeup to her husbands house. When we get to the door of myhusbands house, the new lady will get off the sedan chair and knock on the doorof my husbands house. This is that the future mother-in-law will open the doorto "greet", and this greeting will also give a big gift! What do you guess?First of all, Wuyuans mother-in-law is very fierce. As the saying goes: tenyears later, when her daughter-in-law becomes a mother-in-law, she must beruthless, or how to discipline her daughter-in-law in the future? (laughter)guess! Well, when her mother-in-law opens the door, she slaps her face loudly!Hehe, Wuyuans daughter-in-law doesnt cry or make noise, and her mother-in-lawbeats her What should she do? Wuyuan has been a "book town" since ancient times.Everything is very implicit. For example, Wuyuan peoples restroom is not calledrestroom, but called "Shuyuan". In ancient times, there were couplets inShuyuan, which said: "common peoples families often come here, and the emperoralso comes here!" lets say that the daughter-in-law was beaten, but at thistime, she waved calmly and asked people to carry the dowry into the house Letssee what the dowry is. First, a rice sieve, second, a pair of scissors, third,five well diggers, fourth, a contract to divide the land, fifth, a coffin,sixth, a secret weapon and two tea bags.

You may be surprised, what are these used for? Guess again? (the answers ofordinary guests make me faint) Hey hey! Tell you! First of all, rice sieve tellsmy mother-in-law that you dont have to beat me or scold me. I may have manyshortcomings before marriage, and I also have many advantages. Today I bringrice sieve, and I will screen my disadvantages and advantages every day Illcorrect the bad points by myself, and Ill keep the good ones, so you dont haveto beat me or scold me!

Secondly, a pair of scissors is to tell mother-in-law that if your sonchanges his heart one day, or our relationship is bad, we will deal with ouremotional problems by ourselves, and you dont have to talk about it. Son, yourdaughter-in-law cant do it. Repair her, right? We will deal with our feelings,just like taking this pair of scissors, and it will never be broken. Please restassured!

Third, five well diggers. People in Wuyuan used to drink well water, so mymothers family helped dig well. A field, and a coffin together means to tell mymother-in-law that although I married into your house today, the water I drankwas dug by my mother-in-laws family, and the rice I ate was planted in my ownfield, including that I didnt need your coffin when I died! So you beat me andscolded me, I didnt have to fight back! Haha! As for tea bags? (to know theanswer, please listen to the next analysis)!



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During the period of the Three Kingdoms, Chuzhou became the battlefield ofthe battle between Wei and Wu. During the "eight kings rebellion" in theWestern Jin Dynasty, Sima Rui, the king of Langya, took refuge in motuoling,southwest of Chuzhou. Langya Mountain is named after it. It is located at thefoot of Langya Mountain, southwest of Chuzhou City, Anhui Province. It is alsoknown as "Chinas four famous Pavilions" together with Taoran Pavilion inBeijing, aiwan Pavilion in Changsha and Huxin Pavilion in Hangzhou. It is one ofthe famous historic sites in Anhui Province. It is written in the book ofdrunken man Pavilion written by Ouyang Xiu, a great essayist in Song Dynasty.Zuiwang Pavilion is small and unique, with the characteristics of JiangnanPavilion. It is close to the precipitous cliff, and the cornice is lifted out inthe air. Although it has been robbed and rebuilt for hundreds of years, it hasnever been forgotten. After liberation, the peoples government listedzuiwongting as a key cultural relic protection unit at the provincial level andrenovated it many times.

During the reign of song Renshou Qingli, the government was corrupt andpowerful people were in charge. Ouyang Xiu, who was an official in the processof moving to the court, advocated reforming the current politics, and did notavoid slander. He dared to expose the officials private affairs, so he offendedZuo Prime Minister Xia song and others. Xia song falsely accused him in front ofthe emperor. Ouyang Xiu was relegated to Chuzhou.

In the first year of Qingli (1045 AD), Ouyang Xiu came to Chuzhou, met monkZhixian, the abbot of Langya temple, and soon became a bosom friend. In order tofacilitate Ouyang Xius visit, zhixiante built a small pavilion at the foot ofthe mountain, which Ouyang Xiu wrote for himself. This is the famous story ofthe drunken man Pavilion. From then on, Ouyang Xiu and his friends often went tothe pavilion to have fun and drink wine. "The Taishou came here for guests todrink. He drank less and got drunk more often. He was also the oldest. He calledhimself a drunkard. "Drunk Pavilion" hence the name. Ouyang Xiu not only drinkshere, but also works here. There is a poem praising: "for the governmentromantic, happy year abundant, every official affairs in the pavilion.". Afterthe completion of the drunk Pavilion, it attracted many visitors. At that time,Dr. Shen Zun, a doctor of Taichang, came to enjoy the music. After watching it,he created the Qin song "zuiwongyin" (i.e. "taishoucao"), which was composed byOuyang Xiu himself. Now a couplet in front of fenggong Temple says, "the soundof spring is like listening to the Taishou Cao, and the sea sun shines on LangyaMountain." thats what it says. After a few years, Ouyang Xiu and Shen Zun metagain, "half drunk at night", Shen zuncao played "drunkard chant", "the sound ofthe palace is overlapping", "its like the light wind, the warm day, the soundof birds, the quiet night, the sound of mountains and the sound of springspring". The sound of the zither evokes the memory of Ou Gong about his drinkingin the pavilion, that is, he wrote poems as a gift. There was only one Pavilionwhen the zuiwang pavilion was first built. At the end of the Northern SongDynasty, the Zhizhou Tang dynasty built tongzui Pavilion beside it. In the MingDynasty, it began to flourish. It is said that the house had been built to"hundreds of columns" at that time, but it was damaged many times later. Duringthe Xianfeng Period of the Qing Dynasty, more than one garden became a piece ofrubble. It was not until the seventh year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu (1881A.D.) that the zuiwang pavilion was restored to its original state.

The architecture in the area of zuiwang Pavilion is compact and unique, andthe pavilions are small and unique, which has the characteristics of Jiangnangarden. Although the total area is less than 1000 square meters, there are ninedifferent buildings and scenery. The jiuweng Pavilion, Songzhai, fenggongtemple, Gumei Pavilion, Yingxiang Pavilion, Yiyi Pavilion, Lanyu platform, withdifferent styles, are called "Jiujing of jiuweng". There is a spring in front ofthe drunk Pavilion. Beside the spring is a stream. The water is murmuring allthe year round and the wind is clear. In the pavilion, there is a tabletinscribed by Su Shi, a Song Dynasty litterateur and calligrapher, called "OwenSu character". There is a high platform at the top of the pavilion, which iscalled "Xuandi Palace". When you step on the platform and look around, you cansee the green mountains in front of the pavilion and the horizontal leaves atthe bottom of your eyes. The forest waves behind the pavilion are undulating andflying to your ears, as if you were in a painting.

Zuiwongting is famous for Ouyang Xiu and his "zuiwongting Ji". Although ithas been moved many times in the past few hundred years, it has never beenforgotten. Someone once wrote a couplet: "Weng has been there for eight hundredyears, but he is still drunk; he has traveled six or seven miles in themountains, and the pavilion is not alone. "After liberation, the peoplesgovernment listed zuiwongting as a key cultural relic protection unit at theprovincial level and renovated it many times. Today, the thousand year oldscenic spot here is even more spectacular and attractive.

Chuzhou City is located in the North Bank of the lower reaches of theYangtze River and the west edge of the Yangtze River Delta. It is the core cityof "Nanjing metropolitan area" and the North Wing city of "Wanjiangdemonstration area". It has been known as "Jinling key and Jianghuai guarantee"since ancient times. Chuzhou has a history of more than 1500 years. It wascalled Tuzhong and Qingliu in ancient times. It was built in the Sui Dynasty andWenchang in the Northern Song Dynasty. It has the charm of Wu, Chu and Huaiyang.It gathers the wind of Jianghuai lake. For thousands of years, it has been abeautiful state along the huaizuo river. Chuzhou has governed Langya, Nanqiao,Laian, Quanjiao, Nanjing Pukou and other places since Sui Dynasty. In 1992, itmerged with Chuxian and formed the present Chuzhou City. Chuzhou is a regionalcentral city in the east of Anhui Province, the gateway of the ancient capitalNanjing, the national home appliance and equipment manufacturing base, thenational model city of double support, the top ten leisure cities with Chinesecharacteristics, the national advanced city of scientific and technologicalprogress, and the famous historical and cultural city of Anhui Province.

Langya Mountain is the first scenic spot in East Anhui. It is a nationalkey scenic spot, National Forest Park, national AAAA tourist area, national keycultural relics protection unit. It is one of the 24 famous cultural mountainsin China, one of the 100 famous mountains in China, and one of the five majorscenic spots in Anhui Province. In the scenic spot, the hills, forests, springs,temples, pavilions, ancient roads and ancient passes are all endowed with itsbeauty, quietness and elegance. There are 9981 mountains with undulatingmountains, deep valleys, gurgling streams and dense forests. The naturallandscape of Langya Mountain, which can be seen from high, hidden, pure,secluded, secluded and beautiful, has gradually formed the cultural scenic spotof "eight famous" of Langya Mountain (famous mountains, famous temples, famouspavilions, famous springs, famous articles, famous steles, famous caves andfamous forests) that Chinese and foreign tourists yearn for.

Langya Mountain has a long history of culture. Since the Tang and SongDynasties, Li Youqing, Wei Yingwu, Ouyang Xiu, Xin Qiji, Wang Anshi, MeiYaochen, Song Lian, Wen Zhengming, Zeng Gong, Xue Shiyu and many other literarygiants have developed mountains and rivers, built temples and pavilions, wrotepoems and chanted poems for them, leaving a large number of outstanding culturalheritages, with six scenic spots of "famous mountains, famous temples, famouspavilions, famous springs, famous literature, and famous scholars". Among them,Langya temple in Tang Dynasty is a famous Buddhist temple in East Anhui and oneof the key temples in China

When a monk came to Chuzhou and saw the picturesque scenery of the westernmountain, he built a temple called "Xishan Temple" on the mountain. He also tookin a little monk named detachment. The little monk was very strange, but he wasvery unintelligible. Monk Jiao has forgotten the Sutra for several months. As aresult, he only remembers two of the four words "Amitabha" and one of them isout of tune. Its called "moto.". In his anger, the old monk went down themountain and traveled all around. Half a year later, when the old monk heardabout the locust infestation in Chuzhou, he was worried. He worried aboutdetachment and went back to the temple. As a result, he saw that xiaochaoran wastall and strong! He was not affected by the locust infestation at all! Later, helearned that xiaochaoran had been cooking stones to eat. The stones cooked wereas yellow as apricots, as soft as taros, and as sweet as peaches.

The next day, the old monk said, "transcendence, the Sutra you read is thetrue Sutra. You have become a Buddha. From now on,

Since then, the incense of Motuo temple has been booming day by day, andpeople have changed the name of Xishan to "Motuo mountain". Time flies likewater. In the blink of an eye, it was the end of the Western Jin Dynasty. Atthat time, there was a king of Langya in Shandong, whose name was Sima Rui. Hewas robbed of power by the eight kings and his life was in danger. I had todress up and run south. Along the way, he hid in the temple during the day, andat night, he picked up the path, one foot high and one foot low. On this day, Icame to live in a broken grass shed at the foot of Mount Motuo. Unexpectedly,because of days of hard work, Langya King suffered from heartache in the middleof the night. His face was as yellow as paper. He rolled over in the shed untildawn. As it happened, a water carrying monk in Motuo Temple saw it and ran backto the mountain in a hurry. After a while, a bowl of fragrant tea was broughtfrom the mountain for King Langya to drink.

After a short time, Langya king stretched his arms and straightened hiswaist. He felt that his heart was no longer aching, and he was strong. He wasnot sick at all.

King Langya said to the monk, "thank you for saving my life. Ive had thisheartache since I was a child, and it doesnt take me ten and a half days tomake it

"Its good to leave your family. Saving a life is better than building aseven level floating butcher. Dont be polite, benefactor. Just now the fragranttea is the essence of use

The monk told the story of master Motuo, the founder of the temple, cookingstones to satisfy his hunger from beginning to end, and then said, "nowadays,although stones are not good

If Wang ne of Langya dares to tell the truth, he makes up a story and says,"my name is Liu Shun. He lives in Juye County, Shandong Province. because

The monk said to King Langya, "dont worry, dont worry. Benefactor, aslong as you spare no effort to come to Chuzhou, you will not worry about foodand clothing. This place

Sima Rui, king of Langya, looked up the mountain. Sure enough, there weremen and women chopping firewood, gouging out herbs and picking up dates. Fromthe green trees came waves of mountains
