





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7587 字

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Xintiandi is located in the center of Shanghai. (Xintiandi. Shanghai) is acity tourist attraction that shows the historical and cultural features ofShanghai. It is a recreational pedestrian street with food, commerce,entertainment and culture based on the unique old building of Shikumen inShanghai. Based on the integration of the West and the East and the combinationof the old and the new, the traditional Shikumen Lane in Shanghai is integratedwith the new buildings full of modern feeling.

Outside the door is a charming variety of stone Kumen alleyway, the door isa completely modern way of life, one step away, as if separated from the world,really through the sense of time and space! And the colorful streetperformances, new fashions of fashion activities, bring the dynamic fashion ofmodern fashion for the new world, become the leader of the modern trend.Shanghai Xintiandi rewrote the history of Shikumen, and injected new vitalityinto the Shikumen, which has already moved to historical relics.

Xintiandi has become the new landmark of Shanghai, and it is the best placeto appreciate Shanghais history, culture and modern life form. Covering an areaof 30000 square meters and a construction area of 60000 square meters, theShikumen complex retains the brick walls and roof tiles of that year. Visitorsseem to enter the time tunnel and return to the 1920s. But inside everybuilding, tailored to the lifestyle, rhythm and emotional world of modernurbanites in twenty-first Century, they become international galleries,boutiques, theme restaurants and coffee bars. The..0 distance covers all theattractions of Shanghai the Bund, Shanghai Xintiandi, Shanghai Forest Park andso on.

At the beginning of the 21st century, Shikumen Lane in Shanghai is still aconcentrated expression of dilapidated, crowded and poor living conditions inthe minds of many young people. Fortunately, even so, there are still a group ofnostalgic literary masters who make architectural culture complex, so that manypeople find the beauty hidden behind it.

In Shanghai Xintiandi Shanghai language, it is called "hoop" such as hoop,wrapped or wrapped by one thing, such as a hoop, so the building of the stonehoop gate is called "stone hoop gate" and then it is falsely called "Shikumen".It is generally believed that the main gate of this kind of building is made ofstone with solid thick wood and a copper ring. Compared with traditional Chinesehouses, it tends to be conservative. Shikumen residence in Shanghai rose in the1860s. In 1860, the Taiping Army headed by Li Xiucheng, a loyal king, launchedan eastward movement to conquer Zhenjiang, Changzhou, Wuxi, Suzhou, Ningbo andother cities in southern Jiangsu and Northern Zhejiang, forcing tens ofthousands of refugees from southern Jiangsu and Northern Zhejiang to seek refugein Shanghai concession. In order to accept the refugees, the concessionmobilized businessmen to invest in housing construction. In order to make fulluse of the land, most of these houses were built as row connected Shikumen lanehouses. In order to cater to the traditional Chinese family living style,Shikumen not only imitates the western style houses, but also imitates thecommon houses in the south of the Yangtze River. After entering the door, thereis a patio. Behind the patio is the living room (called "guest hall" byShanghainese). Then there is the back patio. After the day after tomorrow, thereis the kitchen and the back door.

On both sides of the patio and the guest hall are the left and right wingrooms. The layout of the second floor is basically similar to that of the groundfloor, except that the upper part of the kitchen is the "Pavilion", and theupper part is the sun terrace. Its representative buildings include xingrenli,which covers an area of 1.33 hectares, on the east side of Henan Middle Road,between Ningbo Road and Beijing Road, and dunrenli, mianyangli, Jixiang Li,etc., on xintoujie street, Zhongshan South Road. After the beginning of thiscentury, with the change of Shanghai residents family structure to small familystructure, the living habits of residents have also changed significantly. Thestructure and style of Shikumen residence have changed. There are "singleentrance" (no wing room) and "two entrances" (one passenger hall and one wingroom) suitable for small families. It has a large scale, the lane is about 4meters wide, and the floors are mainly 2-3 floors; pavilions are set at thestair platform, and balconies are used in the facade; 20__ After the s, sanitaryequipment was generally installed. Its representative buildings include Jinganvilla on Nanjing West Road and new mainland village on Shanyin road. After the1930s, due to the shortage of housing in Shanghai, some residents rented outtheir spare rooms to others, so most of the Shikumen changed their originaldesign intention and became a multi family house.

The Shikumen residence, which is from childish to mature, constitutes aLane community with private space and public space interlaced. In thiscommunity, while enjoying personal space, it is easier for residents tocultivate a more harmonious and intimate neighborhood relationship. As a result,we all know exactly what we cook and whats going on in that family. With theincrease of residential density, residents gradually move their familyactivities to the public space in the lane, which further strengthens theoriginal neighborhood intimacy. In the meantime, there are more and morefrictions, whether between young people or between young people and old people.These frictions and quarrels are just about "you use more of my gas", "youinvade my territory" and so on.

Shanghai Xintiandi Shikumen lane has more than 9000 places at most,accounting for more than 60% of the total residential area in Shanghai. Simplyfrom the perspective of architecture, Shikumen is the product of a specifichistorical period, which has a history of more than 100 years. Moreover, thespatial structure of some Shikumen is not suitable for the living concept ofmodern people, so it is normal for them to disappear. In the early 1990s,Shanghai began large-scale reconstruction and development. Many old houses inShikumen have been demolished and replaced by high-rise buildings one by one.One by one, old houses full of nostalgia are gradually disappearing. Only thendo people realize that they want to preserve these unique "artworks" inShanghai.

Shanghai Xintiandi rewrote the history of Shikumen, and injected newvitality into the Shikumen, which has already moved to historical relics.Walking in the new world is like returning time to the past. The green brickwalk, the red and green brick walls, the thick black paint gate and the lintelcarved with Baroque style swirling mountain flowers make tourists feel like theyare in Shanghai in the 1920s and 1930s. However, stepping into the interior ofeach building is very modern and fashionable. The original partition walls ofevery house have been completely opened, presenting a spacious space. Thecentral air conditioning is like spring all the year round. The European stylefireplace and sofa are adjacent to the eight immortals table and Taishi chair inthe East. The bar and coffee room are in harmony with the teahouse and Chineserestaurant. The modern oil painting and the vertical old phonograph on the wallare quietly pouring out the owners cultural taste. Outside the door is theShikumen alley with all kinds of customs. Inside the door is a completely modernway of life. In this way, one step away, it feels like a world away. It reallyfeels like crossing time and space.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 8016 字

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Dear passenger friend

Xinyang City is located in the south of Henan Province. The total area isabout 18293 square kilometers, accounting for 11% of the provinces total area,and the population is about 7.7 million. During the period of the new democraticrevolution, it was the center of the red region of Hubei, Henan and Anhui, thesecond revolutionary base in China, and made great contributions to the Chineserevolution.

Xinyang area is adjacent to Dabie Mountain in the South and Tongbaimountain in the southwest. The Dabie Mountains extend from east to west, forminga watershed between the Yangtze River and the Huaihe River. Here, reservoirs,ponds, weirs, scattered, wide water area, rich aquatic biological resources,high fishery yield. The main food crops are rice and wheat. Therefore, Xinyangis known as the "land of fish and rice" in Henan Province.

Xinyang is located in the transition zone between subtropical zone and warmtemperate zone, with mild climate and four distinct seasons. Xinyang is rich invarious resources. Xinyang Maojian, one of the top ten famous teas in China, isfamous for its beautiful shape, green color, high fragrance and strong taste;there are non-metallic minerals perlite and bentonite with the first reservesand quality in China; there are ginkgo resources with the first output in China.In recent years, Xinyangs industry has developed by leaps and bounds, and hasformed an industrial system dominated by electric power, textile, buildingmaterials, chemical industry, machinery, food, medicine, etc.

Well, Ill give you a brief introduction to the basic situation of XinyangCity. Now lets start to visit todays first scenic spot - Jigong Mountain.

Jigong Mountain, formerly known as Jichi mountain, is located 38 kilometerssouth of Xinyang City. The main peak, 784 meters above sea level, looks like aroosters neck to announce the dawn, so it is called baoxiaofeng. On both sidesof the main peak are the winding Linghua mountain and the winding Changlingmountain, just like the wings of a rooster. The whole image is like a roosterstanding among the mountains with his head high and wings high, which isparticularly spectacular, so it is named Jigong Mountain.

Jigong Mountain is a national key scenic spot. In May 1988, the StateCouncil listed Jigong Mountain as a national forest and Wildlife Nature Reserve.It is one of the famous summer resorts in China, and has been well-known both athome and abroad as early as the beginning of this century. It is a naturalscenic area composed of strange peaks and rocks, cloud sea and fog tide, springstream waterfall, trees and flowers, villa and many other landscapes.

Jigong Mountain, located between Dabie Mountain and Tongbai mountain, is atransition zone from subtropical zone to warm temperate zone with abundantrainfall and humid climate. The annual rainfall is 1346.9 mm and the averageannual temperature is 12 ℃. In summer, the climate is cool and pleasant, with anaverage temperature of 23.7 ℃ and a maximum temperature of 32 ℃. In summer,afternoon is like autumn and night is like early winter. It has a goodreputation of "people dying in the heat of the dog days, and people suspectingimmortals in the cool days".

The sea of clouds in Jigong Mountain is also spectacular, with thereputation of "cloud Park". Jigong Mountain is dotted with springs, which iscalled "ten springs and nine waterfalls". Beside the lotus pool on the top ofthe mountain, there is "Baojian spring", which is the top of the mountainsprings. There are "Puji spring" in the South Street, "Longkou spring" at thecage entrance, "Ganquan" at the two gates, "Jigong spring" and "Xiaoxia spring".There are more than 20 waterfalls in Jigong Mountain. Except xiangshuitangwaterfall in the west, the rest are distributed in Donggou, so it is calledDonggou waterfall group.

Jigong Mountain was first developed in Ming Dynasty. In 1903, Americanmissionaries DILIN Li Lisheng and Shi Doug and their party climbed mountains forsummer vacation. Later, they publicized in Western newspapers and praised JigongMountain for its "deep and secluded mountain path, sweet spring, fresh climateand suitable for summer vacation". As a result, pastors, missionaries, wealthybusinessmen and Chinese bureaucrats and warlords from more than 20 countrieshave flocked to build more than 500 villas of Chinese and Western styles. "Thereis a new world in Taoyuan, and nine flags flying in ten winds" is the trueportrayal of that time. After several wars and natural damages, there are now212 buildings. Some people regard Jigongshan villas as "World ArchitectureExpo".

Well, we have come to the foot of Jigong Mountain now. Please follow me toclimb the mountain. There are two ways to climb Jigong Mountain: one is theancient plank road for climbing, which people can climb up; the other is thewinding mountain road built in 1963, which can be used for riding up themountain. Today, we choose to climb the mountain on foot. We can get to the topof the mountain by walking 4 kilometers. Although we will be tired, the sceneryalong the way is very beautiful, which makes you feel worthwhile.

Climbing plank road is the main access to the central tourist area on themountain. The main scenic spots are Baibuti, Zhongtianmen, niuerzhai, eightcharacter stone carvings, five strange stones, erdaomen, Ganquan, doushiya, cagemouth, etc.

Now we are going to climb a hundred steps ladder, with a total of more than400 steps. Please be prepared. Ill lead you on a hike. After a hundred steps,its Zhongtian gate. Zhongtian gate, also known as a gate, is the first hill onthe ancient mountain road. Originally, there was no door here. It was built bythe Nature Reserve Administration in 1990 for tourists to rest. On the hillsideson both sides of a gate, there are winding stone walled walled villages andgates, which are shaped like cows ears. People call it "cows ears Village". Itis said that it was the place where the peasants revolted and stationed troopsin the late Tang Dynasty. Because of many wars in the Ming and Qing Dynasties,the mountain people used to avoid the disaster of soldiers.

OK, please stop and look at this cliff stone carving, which is called"eight character stone carving" by local people. On this stone wall, there areeight big characters inscribed in the official script of "Qing Fen Chu Yu, Qi QiSong Heng". Each character is 50 cm square, two lines vertically, and two meterslong. It is inscribed by Jie Jue Guang, the first public security director ofJigong Mountain, in the 23rd year of the Republic of China. Chu Yu generallyrefers to the South and the north, narrowly refers to Hubei, Henan, andsongheng, and refers to Songshan, which vividly represents the geographicallocation and magnificent spirit of Jigong Mountain .

Now, we are standing on the viewing platform. Please look south. On theopposite ridge, there are jagged rocks, some like crawling turtles, some likejumping frogs, some like foraging boars, some like flying eagles, and some likeTaoist worship. People call it the five grotesque rocks. It is said that thefive strange stones are the incarnations of five scholars who failed in theexamination. They heard that "the cock has a spirit and will respond to anyrequest", so they went up to the mountain to burn incense and appeal to the cockto protect his name on the list. Jigong turned into a firewood collector. Whenhe met one of the five people, he asked, "old man, is Jigong alive?" one asked,"how far is it to the top of the mountain? Im tired to death." some even saidsome rude words to the old man. Jigong saw that they didnt study hard, theywere afraid of hardship and tiredness when they went up the mountain, they werejust a bag of rice and wine, and they were useless to the society, so he turnedthem into strange stones and left them on the way forever. He taught futuregenerations not to be afraid of hardship and hard struggle, and to become aperson who was beneficial to the society. Only in this way can we have todays"five strange stones".



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2329 字

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My name is __X. Im the tour guide of the ship. On my left is our captainand on my right is the purser. We are here to extend a warm welcome to all thetourists!

Lijiang River is a demonstration scenic spot of national civilization. Ifyou have any difficulties and requirements, you can put forward them to us atany time, and we will deal with them seriously. Well, our ship is about toleave. I wish you a pleasant journey and all the best.

The Lijiang River is as green as a huge Jasper and as quiet as a mirror.Next, lets walk into the beautiful Lijiang River and enjoy the beautifulscenery. No smoking on board, no children on board.

Dear tourists, our boat will go down the river and soon you will see thelandscape of huangniuyan, which is the first batch of AAAA scenic spots inChina. Huangniuyan is on both sides of the Lijiang River, south of MopanMountain, facing Biya across the river, about 30 kilometers away from Guilin.There are many strange stones on the gorge, such as green lotus, lion tiger, batand cattle group, which get their names. At this point, the Lijiang river turns90 degrees, and the current is divided into two parts. It beats the Zhuzhou androlls south. The folk saying goes: "nine cattle against three continents, theriver flows two times; five horses block the river, and two lions rollembroideries."

Now, please take a look at my left side. This is "thumb mountain". It issaid that the Buddhas thumb became it. You can take photos here at will. Aftera short walk, we arrived at the well-known "monkey eat Xiantao" mountain. OK,now you all see a huge stone in front of you? Is it like a little monkey? Thereis a smaller stone beside the huge stone. Is it like a peach? The monkey is themonkey king, and the peach is the fairy peach of the queen mother, so thismountain is called "monkey eat Fairy peach mountain".

The scenery of Lijiang River is also very beautiful. In spring, snow melts,mountain springs tinkle, trees flourish in summer, melons and fruits fragrancein autumn and snow in winter. Now we are at Camel Mountain. You can see that themountains on my right side are like rows of camels. You can take pictures on thetop of the boat. Children, be careful not to fall into the water.

The terminal is here. Thank you for your cooperation. Lets have a happyday. Welcome to Lijiang any time. Goodbye!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 590 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1520 字

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How to play the scenic spots in Dalian? How to eat seafood in Dalian? Inaddition to searching for answers in extensive reading, Liu Kai embarked on ajourney to find Dalian stories when he found that some materials could not beread from the books.

Go to the Central Street Library of Harbin to find the footprints ofentering Kanto; look up the history of the Middle East Railway in the MoscowNational Archives; go to Kitakyushu to see the buildings that have becomeDalians friendly city Liu Kai spent a total of 100000 yuan, in order to havemore substantial information in his tour guide. "When tourists come to Dalian,their initial impulse is to rush to the sea of Dalian, but they have tounderstand that there are many seas in the country. Why do they choose Dalian?The history and story of the sea should be different. For example, if you travelto Shandong, you may pay more attention to the seaside life of chuangdong. So mypurpose is to tell tourists the difference of Dalian sea through personal searchand self footprints. "

In __s eyes, Dalian is a very inclusive city, with both historicalprecipitation and the atmosphere of petty bourgeois life such as fishermansWharf, Binhai Road and urban nightscape. Liu Kai said that Dalians toleranceand Dalians temperament can meet different needs. To a certain extent, the tourguide is required to make the guests realize these, "all we have to do is tomake the guests realize that its not a good time to come to Dalian Its not anordinary trip, but a full and perfect tour.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 23471 字

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Ladies and gentlemen:

Now we are going to visit the ancient art museum, dai temple.

Dai temple, used to be called "east", also called tai temple, the main realms of the spirit of "mount tai", also is the ancient emperors to taishan I tell the living and held a grand ceremony.

Dai temple created a long history, the western han dynasty historical beginning of "namely domain, qin han palace" up. Tang opened far thirteen years (AD 725), amended Song Xiangfu two years (AD 1009) and on a large scale expansion, after the jin, yuan, Ming and qing dynasties billiton, gradually formed a large-scale buildings.

Dai temple in downtown Tai’an City north, just old Thai city in the south gate, north DaiDing the worse on the central axis. North and south 405.7 meters long, 236.7 meters wide, was rectangular, covers an area of 96000 square meters. Dai temple architecture, in the form of the vertical and horizontal sides extension in ancient China, the overall layout to the north and the longitudinal axis, divided into the east, three axis of Chinese and western. East before and after the axis opzoon courtyard, east the throne, garden; Before and after the west axis have Tang Huai courtyard, ring wing pavilion court, made yuhua district monastery where; Axial qianmen, tianmen, ringha door, day after Kuang temple, living quarters, thick door. Subject construction of song day Kuang temple is located in the latter half of the dai temple in the crests stylobate, other building is located in the center courtyard outside, independent of each other, have immanent connection again. The building layout is according to the needs of religious and miyagi pattern design, formation of partition and bright, primary and secondary order, the unique style of of primitive simplicity, and through the changes of architectural space, in a solemn, solemn and deep, the mutual infiltration of park set each other off becomes an interest, in full. Temple towering temple and high into the clouds in the worse, give a person with beautiful feeling of mount tai.

Dai temple city high castle built, Zhou Changsan li, three zhangs, around eight door, to the nankai five, for qianmen, left for the east yi door, then left, Yang halls; For west yi door, right and then right name; see the door Qingyang door in the name of the east, also called DongHuaMen; In the name of the element view door to the west, also called xihua gate; North lu pursuit in the name of the door, also called thick door. Each gate tower, dai temple in the four corner respectively with xun, gen, dried, publication turrets, the whole building magnificent, majestic, like a seat in the imperial palace of the emperor.

Is dai temple, mount tai to the largest concentration of cultural relics. Here preserved the imperial sacrifices to full of beautiful things in the history of the phenomena of the god of mount tai, gifts, handicrafts, also has a flashing huaxia civilization guanghua taishan unearthed relics and the revolutionary historical relics, and save a lot of taishan classics and Taoism. More precious and 184 pieces of ancient steles and 48 pieces of han stone, become our country the third after xi an, qufu the forest of steles.

Dai temple, it is a feast for the eyes of classical gardens. A kind of dragon PAM spin cooper, cover the ginkgo, exquisite exquisite bonsai, bright flowers, and for the booth of of primitive simplicity and elegant, table, floor, ge added ten thousand kinds of amorous feelings of coquetry. Dai temple, the picturesque scenery, attracts many Chinese and foreign tourists.

Solemn and majestic dai temple, temple, cultural relic. Here every building embodies the Chinese ancient architectural art style, each piece reflects the civilization development of mount tai. Stroll in the art world, lifting eyes, raised his hand and touched the are national treasures, make the viewer power capacity, makes visitors sigh with emotion. Wei dai temple, is a fusion architecture, landscape, sculpture, painting and traditional Chinese ancient art museum.

Now, we went to the place called "remote pavilion" refs. It is located in the middle of Tai’an City area, north song tong Yin, is located in the dai temple outside the qianmen, vestibular is dai temple, to enter the rudiments of dai temple. Whenever the ancient emperors held to taishan fiesta, visits by simple ceremony here first, for taishan the piety of god. Therefore, in ancient times is also called "grass and pavilion". Ming jiajing thirteen years (AD 1534), shandong lu via become deputy political suggestion, before he left to "remote pavilion", have been extended ever since. Remote and TingMen outside the remote and fang is qianlong 35 years (AD 1770) to create, so far intact. Otherwise the pole high vertical, about iron lion crouching columns. Fang south "double order", the qing guangxu six years (AD 1880) to start building, square assembled, the queen mother pool of water, surrounded by dai temple into the pool. Because of pool in the northwest, southeast corner have a stone in and out of the water tap the name. Fanaw is tong Yin, make the person one gate into Thai south of the city is surrounded by mystery, "heaven" solemn atmosphere. Pool of the north China plate inscribed with "lue tianchi" four words. In 1992, in the pool with white marble columns, carve patterns or designs on woodwork perimeter of 63 meters, in order to protect the cultural relics. Has qing dynasty stone columns in the east and two-way, has "jinan May 30th massacre memorial" on the north and northwest edge with ancient one, legend of the tang dynasty rooted, up to now, branches and leaves bushiness is green and luxuriant.. Around double the order for a small square, surrounded by ancient buildings, form a beautiful picture.

Remote pavilion for pavilion type compound, 52 meters wide from east to west, north and south 66.2 meters long, with a total area of 3442.4 square meters. Main hall 5, built in the center of the courtyard rectangle above the stylobate, 10.8 meters wide, 7.75 meters deep, Lao 7.9 meters, five to four column beam, nine ridge eaves jehiel mountain type, Huang Wa coping. In the qing dynasty Ceng Sibi xia yuan jun. On both sides of things peidian peidian all intermediate.

Remote pavilion is a set of independent buildings, but with the dai temple on the connotation and unified, because of its existence, the dai temple solemn and mysterious atmosphere foil more strong. This is both independent and unified style, not only in the mountains, is rare in existing ancient buildings in China. Remote and pavilion in the tang dynasty once called "remote", folk have "to visit mount tai, god worship first remote door ginseng". When you visit the dai temple, also should first start from remote and kiosks.

Through the remote pavilion, the "dai fang" of the head is eleven years (AD 1672), shandong province, the qing emperor kangxi originally create day origin. Fang 12 meters high, 9.8 meters wide, 3 meters deep, and three to four column type. Three lane, heavy beam four-column brick reliefs. Circulation before and after the four pillars have eight stone lions on pier, different posture; Heavy beam four pillars engraved with "red phoenix in morning chaoyang", "praised", "group of cranes make lotus", "imagination" and so on more than 20 group of auspicious image lifelike birds benevolent and all kinds of flower pattern. The entire Shi Fang chic modelling, KeLou through fine, as in the qing dynasty stone carving art treasures. South lane column with couplets on the both sides of north and south of shi day by "big pole in the day, great body KangSheng everything; the emperor to shock, HeSheng zhuo ling town east". North of qing dynasty in shandong to the governor, the ministry of war assistant minister Zhao Xiangxing problem "for the system of yue, the nations in the pursuit of wei DE He Keshang; mixed group of spirit of regent, kyushu on roaming on work which is in Beijing?" . Two deputy couplet gripping, synthetic-aperture, puts Tarzans lofty status and prominent map made high-level overview of god in mount taishan, make a person not into dai and admiration of love.

The dai temple, see toward the tall broad "qianmen", is the main entrance into the dai temple, two big red door, is a symbol of the dignity of the dai temple, ancient times can only from the door into the emperor. The years Cuo tuo, to the eve of liberation, qianmen cracks have is full of stains or spots, the door at the top of the tower is also in the rain or blown away by the history. Now the qianmen is 1985 built according to the song dynasty architectural style. Door 8.6 meters high, the tower above 11 meters high, a total of five and nine single eaves jehiel mountain ridge, 24 MingZhu root, and its all round Mosaic Ling isolation, overlying yellow glazed tile, eaves stone out of the four three, black ink dot gold coloured drawing or pattern, the forehead Fang Jinlong flying, from a distance become warped eaves wing, pian-pian wants to fly.

Into the purpose of qianmen quickly into the "heaven", is take the Confucius "DE match heaven and earth" and famous, for dai temple next door, door with built in the emperor song zhenzong and few over two years (AD 1009), the width 5, depth between the three, single eaves jehiel mountain style buildings, inside the original si green dragon, white tiger, rosefinch, xuanwu four stars. On both sides of the original peidian peidian, east as the "three ling hou temple", enshrined in the zhou dynasty about the official Tang Chen, GeYong, tempo, three people. When the emperor song zhenzong dong feng, see three in the worse the man of god, seal for the "three ling hou", then built the temple worship. West as "qiu temple" is enshrined in the tang dynasty "access group, and to serve voluntarily thick raise" the points in Du Zong frenzy. Linked to match went north and south "ringha door" is take "the world belongs to the benevolence" Confucius language meaning and, for the third door, dai yuan dynasty to yuan four years (AD 1338) to create. Building structure and tianmen is similar, inside the 2nd day of the deaf and dumb god, both sides have something goalkeeper. With doors on the west side of the stone tablet 20, one of the most famous is the > and >, double monuments, majestic tall, confrontation, turtle fell therefore, stately, dai temple existing two big stone tablet.

Tianmen "Tang Huai courtyard" in the southwest, the original "big countable embrace, the shadow of branches mu xu" Tang Huai, years of the republic of China, fighting BingXian, ancient much, gradually die. In 1952, dai temple host ShangShiLian again small tree in the withered tree stem a strain, and named "Tang Huai brussel. This new tree has become a tree, pond castles peeped, and become a big g dai temple.

Tang Huai east of the old delay jubilee temple temple, the scriptures, ring wing pavilion, made yuhua district monastery where, is destroyed by years of the republic of China. In 1984, a new archaize on Tibetan oratory site storage, between 48 in mount taishan in 4000 pieces of precious relics, ancient books of more than 3000 copies.

North ringha through my door is covered days of pines seem to the north, I saw a colorful, resplendent and magnificent basilica stands on the big balcony, this is the main architecture of the dai temple, song day Kuang temple. Day Kuang temple, also called China sun temple, founded in north emperor song zhenzong dazhong few over two years (AD 1009). In A.D. 1008, song, liao in alliance (now in henan puyang), emperor song zhenzong though victory over liao army, but no mood to fight again, but signed a humiliating treaty, known as "the union of alliance" in history. Emperor song zhenzong in ones hand in order to pacify the resentment, to consolidate its ruling position, he adopted the deputy prime minister qin-ruo wang engineer zhao book "heaven" scam, leading officials, in the same year October car "gobbledygook" came to mount tai, held a grand thank grace to the gift, and is due to people for day Kuang festival every year in June. Dai li, zhao expansion under the dai temple, and on the basis of the original mount tai temple, built the day Kuang temple.

Day Kuang house 43.67 meters long, north and south 17.18 meters wide, 22.3 meters high, the width of nine, four deep, double-hipped roof anise, stone fly up, overlying yellow glazed tile, eaves hung between Kuang temple "song day" JuBian, eight root red MingZhu eaves, with Pope fang and stone, and outside groove have become warped weight the three arch, groove inside the temple roof for four after bucket sunk panel, yu is square flat is the ceiling. The entire hall Luan Lu diego shrugged, diao Liang Caidong, gold paint walls, Dan wall, completed a majestic, although after several dynasty, ancient and remain, with Beijings Forbidden City hall of supreme harmony, qufu Confucius dacheng hall and three big palatial architecture in ancient China.

Into the hall, positive tall statue of "god of mount tai" color is reshaping in 1984, cave is 4.4 meters tall, twelve Liu head crown, wearing dagons robe, handheld, the board, solemn dignified, vivid, may have a sense of "lifelike, be vividly portrayed. "Taishan" god is a Taoist believe in "god" of a ghost, can dominate the life and death. Was dubbed "day king" in the tang dynasty, song dynasty seal for JiRenSheng Ann "day", when the yuan dynasty and dubbed "dongyue days of qi ShengRen emperor", Ming emperor after he began to reign, and he thinks to taishan seal number is god "to blaspheme the ritual without", therefore, get rid of all titles, renamed "the god of mount tai. Since then, the status of the dai temple is not I, enjoy "dongyue many" reputation.

Statue on both sides of the couplets for precise Wu Yun book, "the emperor to the earthquake, life in Yin". Banners is the qing emperor kangxi emperor in 23 years (in 1684 AD in taishan when the topic "town" match day JuBian. Inside the palace with part of the phenomena of Ming and qing era. Inside the northeast west three the > for the song dynasty painted. Murals total length of 62 meters, 3.3 meters high, picture by picture god in the mighty mount tai grand scene, when the emperor song zhenzong letter east taishan majesty and imposing manner, the whole mural by a hall door, east is "rev Bi figure", depicting the taishan god excursions; west as the "back to the process diagram", depicting the taishan god returned. The whole picture of 697 characters, its appearance and manners are all the same, be auspicious beast mounts, pavilions, mountains and rivers, trees and flowers, etc., of a great, the grand spectacle. Picture a saturated flourish is fluent, structure is rigorous, the layout symmetry nature, character looks vivid and lively, clothing line is clear, lifelike and vivid facial expressions, plus the colour and lustre beautiful coordination, give a person with high aesthetic enjoyment.

Temple in ancient times, has been damaged by fire and earthquake, murals have also been affected, as you can see from the mural art processing, mural is redrawn later part of the picture, but the whole picture is basically kept the original face of the song dynasty, it is still in the history of Chinese mural painting, Taoism a picture of a rare art treasures.

Days before Kuang temple wide large terrace consists of two layers, railing, standing on the big balcony, is suddenly enlightened. There is a royal pavilion, terrace on each side of emperor qianlong visited dai temple in ShiBei. Ming wanli is among big censer casting. Cooper under the terrace of the clip in the south, is a small square columns at the end of the pool, commonly known as the "pavilion old pool". The emperor held a ceremony to visit mount tai, god princes is welcome here. Pool and around 9 stance is strange taihu Jin Daan first year (AD 1209) with her mother which is offered by the wang, taian county magistrate wu bit. Each stone features, carefully watch the intriguing, a exquisite stone tunnel middle outstanding, called "hula stone". Fuso north stone has an independent order under cooper, called "solitary loyal cypress", tang dynasty female emperor wu zetian doubt its folklore also with secretary Shi Zhong rebellion, then its killed, Shi Zhong ghosts do not come loose, came to dongyue before the emperor wu zetian out of shape, thereby lone cypress. Stones covered her eyes, it is said that the visitors around the hula around the turn three times, then go to touch the other side of the solitary loyal cypress, all to be able to help, is a lot of people. The legend of these rich romance is not credible, but shows the taishans long history and rich culture, those who write the legend of folk wit, the good and evil of human skillfully in the image of cypress trees, leaves later generations lots of regrets.

Day Kuang lay behind the surface is after three palace, in the bedroom, width 5, on both sides for the bedroom, among the three, the emperor song zhenzong and few over five years (AD 1012) to seal a letter to the taishan god "day JiRen ShengDi", after considering the need a queen, to facilitate the same seal a "shu next year", and "her" built the temple, from "concubines", live with living quarters. The feudal rulers in order to achieve the goal of "borrow god daughter", "well-meaning, holding the" true.

Days of steles Kuang temple on both sides of things, all kinds of stone tablet full of beautiful things in eyes of han stone, taishan ancient steles boutique mostly concentrated in here. These inscriptions almost collection of Chinese calligraphy, after jin dynasty "two Kings", the song dynasty "four everybody", grass nationalities of, style available; YanLiu zhao, style each different, there are seven big fellow tablet >, >; Jin dynasty, one of the three major milestone >; Plastic is novel, calligraphy dissimilar >; Mount tai buddhist chronicle of tablet >, etc. A total of 19 pieces, all has the very high historical value of cultural relics and calligraphy art value.

Display of 48 pieces of han stone in the west gallery is since 1960, several cleaning dawenkou and old county east han tomb stone set. The han stone, rich in content, range, some reflect the horses and chariots, travel, dancing to acrobatics and other social life; Some describe fairy tales; Also has the reflection of historical figures, neat picture design, modelling is vivid, on the carving techniques, the traditional Chinese painting line with engraved, embossed with an organic whole, manifests the like forthright grandeur of the plain, characteristic, is the study of ancient Chinese culture important materials for art and social life of the eastern han dynasty.

Out of the attic, door knob spirit is "opzoon". In the original "bean ling temple", was destroyed by years of the republic of China. In the courtyard, branches, five tall cooper if a kind of dragon PAM, legend has it for the first year of emperor in yuan seal (110 BC), when I mount tai has more than two thousand years ago, "opzoon" hence the name.

Yuans north "han pavilion" is 1959 in the house built on the oberoi, bean spirit pavilion built on three layers tall stone stylobate, very spectacular. Stylobate wall Mosaic qianlong fifty-nine years (AD 1749 years) who taian magistrate of a county scale book by du fus and > celebrities such as carved poems. The pavilion looked around his eyes and skylight brought low, rich of otimista chest, dai temple view, panoramic view of whole city.

Opzoon nosocomial stone tablet line, approximates to 90 pieces. There are descendants of the official script of han dynasty >,s >, have the posterity the seal character of lujis >, xie lingyuns > and the song dynasty calligrapher MiFei >, Ming chongzhen years Chen Changyan, ZuoPeiXuan topic of >, the qianlong emperor drive > and contemporary ink of celebrities. Place oneself in the forest of steles is like reading a history of China, the benefit of the influence of the nation, will leave every serious watching endless thinking.

By opzoon courtyard to the north, through the quiet little garden into the courtyard of a small and exquisite. This is the place where the ancient imperial sacrifices mount tai when living, because is located within the DongHuaMen, therefore calls "east the throne". Its building for yuan to is seven years (AD 1347), Ming said welcome don, qianlong 35 years (1770 years) renamed in the pavilion. East the throne by the Great Wall flower door, door, door, main hall, and wing, hospital construction, green, quiet quiet and tastefully laid out, give a person the sense with super world white. Five main hall high above the stylobate, inside the set for recovery, qing qianlong emperor la people like, pier dragon, dragon, clothes closet, red sandalwood furniture such as a square table and all kinds of marble grain and golden rust ancient ceramic wall hanging and four treasures of the study. The famous "cold jade flower, the", "aloes lion" and "yellow orchid porcelain bottle gourd" twenty-seventh year is qianlong, 36 years worship offerings when tai shan, said Tarzan "sanbao town mountain". Doors and temple, dressed in ancient costume in the qing dynastys "guardian", "palace" to the qing court etiquette to greet visitors, make visitors like back to ancient times, to extrapolate.

Palace stylobate under a stone, with a glass cover, this is the famous Chinese and foreign famous "the father of sharpening" qin sharpening. > engraved letters merit qin Ming and qin ii, write to prime minister lisi. His seal script with economical fair instead of minor stroke numerous fat at the time, the handwriting stiffness tall and straight, swept away many fat stay qi, inscriptions, a total of 222 words, gradually disappear, after the Ming jiajing years still remaining 29 words, the original made in DaiDing herself beside the pool, after vicissitudes sink, a few times again, today only 10 residue left word, complete is seven. Is a rare treasure, is listed as a national level cultural relics.

Out of the bedroom, north of dai last into the yard. Something inside two garden all sorts of miniascape of various, within sight of the art to reproduce the taishan one content, fragrant flowers. On the southwest of west tower cast established twelve years (AD 1533), a former level 13, now the only remaining level 3, plain modelling, still do not break the elegant demeanour, and to the southeast of tower confrontation stylobate copper pavilion, also called "jin que", for the whole copper casting, imitation wood, 4.4 meters high, 3.4, Ming wanli 43 years (AD 1615) casting in DaiDing azure clouds temple, built to consecrate jade xia yuan jun. Move to the mountain spirit should be between Ming dynasty and early qing palace, in dai temple in 1972, is the present domestic only one of the three largest copper pavilion.

"Thick door" was the last of the dai temple gate, was rebuilt in 1984. On the door has "looked YueGe" three rooms, Huang Wa Ming gallery, andalusite partition board, Joan pavilion is like air. Standing on the court looked to adai yue high precision, castle peak around the white clouds, green trees and the light smoke, tianmen ladder like flying floating hang them knowing you cant have them.

The thick red doors north behavior way, near the temple street is the starting point of the mountaineering, the gate of mount tai, climbing mt.tai.taibin starting from this, of a politician will see the best scenery in mount taishan, until the "day".



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Dear friends hello, I am your tour guide today, I called Chang Yujie, below I will lead you to the world cultural heritage - in zhouzhuang to visit in suzhou.

This is the door zhouzhuang, you all have a look, if found the hotel around the roof has a flower bowls, you see there is a huge inside the pigs feet. Theme is the most delicious food here, especially in the three thousand hoofs of the most famous. He has a horizontal interesting story! Now I will tell you, before, zhouzhuang lived a man named shen three thousand richest, is very kind, favorite food is eating pigs feet. One day, zhu yuanzhang visit shen three thousand, shen three thousand hospitality he eating pigs feet, but cunning confused by zhu yuanzhang a problem, the question is, whats the name of the meat? Shen three thousand think, say pigs feet, shen will be over three thousand, made a deceit gentleman, because is the emperor zhu yuanzhang, so shen three thousand a brainwave, say Wan Santi. This is the origin of Wan Santi. For a while, you can taste.

Zhouzhuang is build and name, now let us come for a walk! You look at the build reflection in the water, the bridge is linked together, like a key, then draw a picture of Chen in the United States memory of hometown, build picture is beautiful, the people were charmed by the dreamy scenery, from then on, zhouzhuang known, build is also famous.

Ok, now please walking around, please pay attention to protect its clean, want to tour by boat to the dock, please. So you dissolve go sightseeing tour of the beauty of water - zhouzhuang!!!!



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Dear visitors! Today Ill be your tour guide. Today, we can go to visit guilin, elephant trunk hill park.

Everyone to see! The SLATE the park door. All the above recorded by the ancient seen an elephant in the world.

Everyone went east. Visitors, this is a natural formation of the hole, "anus" is an elephant. Before this "anus" did you feel there is a scent wafts of wine. This is one of sambo guilin osmanthus wine fragrance.

We continue to go forward, that is the whole elephant trunk hill. You see, the lijiang river in the set up of the pillars and the elephant head connection, with four legs apart, plus the and like body together like tail, formed a lifelike elephant trunk hill.

The elephant trunk hill there is a touching legend, everyone to take a look by yourself:

The elephant trunk hill, this is the jade emperor is used to carry a drop the magic of a head of Aquarius. Once, the jade emperor go out and fell on the way, god like ill. The jade emperor in order to catch time to god, like to stay in guilin. Of guilin people found the only passion, cured, god like to repay, also in order to appreciate the beautiful scene, so I live in guilin. But not for long, it was made known to the jade emperor, he sent a god to except it. God and the god wars for ten days and ten nights, fully JiuJiuBaShiYi round, hasnt been a tie. God like a thirsty, drink water to lijiang, is god a sword to kill. God like into a mountain, to stay in guilin.

Ladies and gentlemen, to the east, thus ended the travel today, hope you can "visit" in guilin.


Welcome to here! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

Elephant trunk hill, also known as xiangshan. Kong Yong Ming dynasty poet wrote: "trunk and clear drink YuHe zephyr, the west should a suction wave. Castle peak naturally RaoJi bone, the day and get more." The blue elephant trunk hill is located in the south of the city of the li river and peach blossom river confluence. Yamagata resembles a giant elephants, and elongation nose river water absorption, thus its name.

Between the trunk and like body hole, is the famous hidden holes. Fan Chengda said it "its shape is round, looking at the end of the whole, such as month". Hidden cave river flow, can be a boat, in the bright moon night, its reflection of "the bright moon floating underwater has the bright moon, water" "xiangshan shui" wonders, perpetual than all previous dynasties poet. Hole inside and outside the cliffs has more than 50 pieces of cultural relics, ancient stone carving in the song dynasty patriotic poet Zhang Xiaoxiang, Fan Chengda and lu yous work is the most famous. Although lu you havent been to guilin, but the odd hill xiushui here longing. His poems and letters sent to Ren Zhao states (now in guangxi guilin pingle county) Du Sigong satrap friends. Carved with cliffstone Du Sigong is "life work, communicate with the world".

Elephant trunk hill has a stair bottom of the path to the top of the mountain. The top flat, tree-lined, the taiping rebels in the gun siege. The eastern end of the Ming dynasty solid 2-foot-tall tower at the top of the mountain, because named as samantabhadra bodhisattva samantabhadra tower are embedded. Tower like round vase, and as a sword, and someone called bottle tower or the tower of the handle.

Elephant trunk hill in the south have converted to originate in recent years with the tang dynasty yunfeng temple, temple in the history of the taiping heavenly kingdom relics on display. In the west of the temple is a stupas, there had been a, fujiang here. Fifth dongdu Japan failure, distinguishing from the tang dynasty monk floated, hainan island after guilin, on our way to the north to live in, fujiang, presided over the ceremony, he said to pass on ones experience. But old temple early waste, leaving only the stupa narrative event of the year. Elephant trunk hill, the scenery, is the symbol of guilin landscape and symbol of the city of guilin, the most Chinese and foreign tourists love.


"Ah, here to sing there and hey..." Also I heard someone in the song on the shore. The singing like sounds of nature.

"Hi, Im your guide. You just call me aunt huang." Aunt huang blossom opened a smile: "we had to know guilin landscape! We play there are a lot of limestone in the lijiang river, the limestone terrain around, make the guilin mountains mountain forest, such as folded brocade hill, elephant trunk hill, fubo hill. They are like a giant elephant, jade bamboo shoots, forms. From a distance, everywhere is scenery of guilin mountain, everywhere is to draw, the hills in the picture is sharp, less beautiful round. Today we are going to visit is the elephant trunk hill, the hill looks like a huge elephant stretching nasal suction the name."

"There was a giant elephant?" A little girl sound tender tender asked. "I dont know that." Aunt huang laugh more happy. "But I know a few of the elephant trunk hills legend!" "Tell us!" We shouted in chorus. "I said." The aunt. "The first story is this: the elephant is the jade emperors side a. One day, it quietly came to the earth, see the beautiful guilin, had forgotten to eat, sleep. Later, it became ill, local people care fed medicines. The elephant was ill after the kindness, help the guilin people dredge water, irrigation, fertile land and want to stay in the room. The jade emperor learned that flew into a rage, immediately sent tota Li Tianwang to seize. When the elephant is the lijiang river water, unfortunate shot to death by Li Tianwang, elephant trunk hill."

"This will it stabbed to death. The elephant into the elephant trunk hill, from then on, standing quietly in the side of the lijiang river, long nose draw water in water as if is in congjiang." "Elephant also attracted by the beautiful scenery of guilin to live." The little girl said again.

Aunt huang then introduce us to guilin. Elephant trunk hill mountain is hidden hole, she says, is like a body, and trunk naturally formed round hole, clear river water injection flow, float above the boat. Standing on the elephant trunk hill, the castle peak emerald green, bamboo to show small river boat leisurely, the shore of cigarette smoke.

"There will be many poets read poetry?!" She suddenly turn temper: "song ji north ChuShi and hidden hole rhyme poem:" the bottom has a bright moon, bright moon floating water. Current month, month to water flow. "Vividly depicts the scene; Ming dynasty poem Kong Yong have great way: clear drink YuHe trunk, westerly winds should a water wave, castle peak naturally RaoJi bone, can at more than one hundred days." "Looks like guilin fame good big!" The little boy cried sat behind me. "

The lijiang river like a jade belt winding, winding in the green mountain, swim the li river boat, yamagata, reflection, clear water, green hill, the shepherd boy, handsome, and ancient legends, the rural people, pure and fresh breath of of primitive simplicity, it is no wonder that scholars and the people, all with. Rock down into the water like a trunk the lijiang river water, scenic, let people couldnt help feeling the creations of nature.



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Erhai Lake, once known as yeyuze, kunmichuan, Xierhe and Xierhe in ancientliterature, is located in the northwest of Dali City, Yunnan Province. It is thesecond largest freshwater lake in Yunnan Province and the seventh largestfreshwater lake in China. Erhai Lake starts from Eryuan in the north, with alength of about 42.58 km. The only outlet of Erhai Lake is near Xiaguan town andflows out through Xier river.

Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake depend on each other. Erhai Lake is one ofthe four scenic spots in Dali. It is said that it is named Erhai Lake because itlooks like an ear. Erhai Lake has excellent water quality and rich aquaticresources. At the same time, it is also a scenic spot with beautifulscenery.

The scenery of Erhai Lake is changeable and colorful. In the early morning,the mist is light, the lake is confused, the smoke is endless, waiting for thesunrise in the east to open the veil, revealing the beautiful face; the risingsun, the rising sun, the golden waves, the fishing boat sail. As the sun sets inthe west, the afterglow falls, the boat returns to the shore, and the fishingsongs sing late. On a moonlit night, the water is still, the wind is light, theshadow of the moon is shining, and the waves are lapping on the shore. "Nightmoon in Erhai Lake" has become one of the four wonders of Dali, "Shangguan wind,Xiaguan flower, Cangshan snow and Erhai Lake moon". Whats more strange is thatdue to the strong wind in Shangguan, the water waves of the Xier River areblown back. Originally, Erhai Lake flows out of the Xier River, but it lookslike the Xier river flows into Erhai Lake.

Erhai Lake is a fault subsided lake with clear water and high transparency,which has been called "flawless jade among mountains" since ancient times. It issaid that there is a huge jade cabbage growing on the bottom of the sea. Thegreen water of the lake is the jade liquid pouring out from the bottom of thejade cabbages heart. A boat tour of Erhai Lake

Although this is an old-fashioned link, Dali is flexible because of thewater, so Erhai Lake has almost become one of the scenic spots that cant bemissed.

Step 1: take the No.8 bus to yuer road and buy the ticket from any ticketcenter. Or you dont have to go to the ticket center. There will be persistentlocal people on the road. Ticket sellers will stop you to buy tickets. If theprice is almost the same, just buy one. The price is about 140 yuan, usually80-100 yuan in non peak season.

Step 2: buy some water and snacks for the cruise.

Step three: get on board. The ship will be dispatched at different times.Tour route: xiaoputuo Nanzhao style island. In fact, its not very interestingto be on the island. Its a serious business to blow the wind on the Erhaisea.

Step four: disembark. The place to get off the ship is not Dali port.Generally, you get off at Taoyuan wharf and go back to Dali ancient city at 10yuan per person. You can also take a taxi here to the next scenic spot. Such asthe Three Pagodas of Chongsheng temple.



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Sun Wen Memorial Park is located in the south of the central city ofZhongshan, at the junction of Xingzhong road and Chenggui road. It is located onthe new ten sceneries of "Xingzhong brocade". Covering an area of 26.6 hectares,it was fully completed and opened to the public on the birthday of Dr. Sun Yatsen in November 1996. The plaque of the park was written by Professor ouHaonian, a famous calligrapher and master of Lingnan School of traditionalChinese painting in Chinese Taiwan. Different from other tourist attractions, the parkdoes not have tickets, so visitors can visit the park free of charge.

Sun Wen Memorial Park is mainly reconstructed from two gentle hillsides,which is divided into two different functional areas: Revolutionary Memorialarea and comprehensive tourist area. The theme of the revolutionary memorialarea is to commemorate Dr. Sun Yat Sen, with a bronze statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen,fountain, pine garden, bamboo garden, plum garden and Longbai mountain plantedwith 999 Longbai trees. Far away from the revolutionary memorial area is thecomprehensive tourist area, which has "Xiangshan", "feilaishi", "yixiantian","Shuiliandong", "guanjingge", "yingyangshi" and other scenic spots. The wholepark focuses on the theme of "Commemoration", and the layout of scenic spots isclosely arranged around the theme.

From the main gate of the park, through the park archway carved withgranite, you can enter the revolutionary memorial area of the park. Here, thefirst thing you can see is the green and straight Longbai on both sides and sixtall Huabiao. The whole environment is solemn and solemn. Climbing up thegranite steps, you will soon reach the platform of the top of the mountain. Atthis time, the tall and powerful statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen will appear in frontof you. Looking back to the north from the statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, you canhave a panoramic view of the high-rise, modern and dynamic Zhongshan City. Inparticular, it is spacious and straight, with a lot of traffic. The XingzhongRoad, which is known as "Xingzhong brocade", is even more impressive. It is thehometown of great people, and the atmosphere and beauty of the famous cityZhongshan. Looking to the East, the broad Chenggui highway, Boai Road, and thehigh-rise buildings in the new urban area are reflected one by one. Looking tothe south, it is the fraternity hospital built by Zhongshan people withdonations raised from the charity ten thousand peoples walk. Standing at thefoot of the statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, visitors can not only enjoy the uniquearchitectural style, but also appreciate the love of Zhongshan people. Lookingto the west, it is a park with beautiful scenery. Of course, from the stepsbehind the statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, tourists can also visit pine garden,bamboo garden, plum garden and other scenic spots.

Between the revolutionary memorial area and the comprehensive tourist areaof Sunwen Park, there is a broad lawn with green grass. On one side, pavilionsand waterside pavilions stand among the green trees and red flowers, while onthe other side, stone carvings and coconut trees show tropical style. Walk alongthe pedestrian passage in the middle of the lawn, and you will arrive at thecomprehensive tourist area in a short time.

When we arrived at the comprehensive tourist area, the first words thatcame into our eyes were "coming from behind" written by Dr. Sun Yat Sen. Alongthe steps on both sides, you enter Xiangshan garden. At this time, you will findthat its really beautiful. There are many scenic spots, such as the huge"flying stone"; the artificial but distinctive "a line of sky"; the "watercurtain cave" with huge stones, weeping willows and murmuring water; and the"viewing Pavilion" which can not only enjoy the whole park, but also thepanoramic view of Shiqi City in Zhongshan. In particular, it is worth mentioningthat there is a Rhododendron Garden with nearly 30000 rhododendrons plantedhere. From March to April every year, when the azaleas are in full bloom inspring, the whole Rhododendron Garden becomes a sea of flowers and people. Thecolorful azaleas and the colorful windmills turn with the wind to form acharming and romantic landscape. At this time, whether it is foreign tourists,local residents, or migrant workers who are usually busy with work and rarelytravel, they will try their best to come here to enjoy the flowers and takepictures.

Maybe its because Sun Wen Memorial Park is so beautiful. Maybe itsbecause Sun Wen Memorial Park has two functions: Memorial and leisure at thesame time. In a word, the scenery around Zhongshan people is full of visitorsevery day.



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Geography overview

Jiulong cave, a national scenic spot, is located in Yangtou Town, 17kilometers to the east of the city, the north end of Liulong mountain range andthe Grand Canyon on the South Bank of Jinjiang River. There are many peaks,overlapping peaks, deep valleys, verdant bamboo trees and intact vegetation inthe scenic spot. There are magnificent karst caves, magnificent and dangerousJinjiang Canyon, beautiful Jinjiang (Yangtou) reservoir area and new stones withhigh archaeological value The ancient cultural sites of primitive people in theage of pottery are a tourist attraction integrating appreciation and scientificresearch. Jiulong cave is the main scenic spot of the scenic spot, located inthe middle of the scenic spot. The cave is spacious, majestic and numerous. Themain cave is 2284 meters long, 100 meters wide, 75-80 meters high and covers anarea of more than 70000 square meters.

Overview of scenic spots

Jiulong Cave Scenic Spot mainly includes Jiulong cave, Jinjiang Canyon,Jinjiang reservoir area and other scenic spots

(1) Jiulong cave

Jiulong cave is the main scenic spot of the scenic spot, located in themiddle of the scenic spot. The cave is spacious, majestic and numerous. The maincave is 2284 meters long, 100 meters wide, 75-80 meters high and covers an areaof more than 70000 square meters. The whole cave is divided into 8 halls and anunderground river. The hall is divided into two layers, 6 halls on the upperlayer and 2 halls on the lower layer. There are small holes connecting the upperand lower halls and the cave, which is unfathomable. Inside the cave are greendragon, lobster, conch, turtle, Kaiping peacock, lion, camel team, monkey group,ancient temple, god Buddha, fairy and the crowd of children nestling together;The cave is full of stalagmites, stone pillars, stone curtains, stonewaterfalls, stone curtains, stone flowers, stone needles and so on. Some of themare like a sea of clouds, some of them are like birds and animals, and some ofthem are like exotic flowers and plants. The three giant pillars in the thirdhall are tall and majestic. The most prominent one is the "jiulongpan pillar",which is 39.9 meters high and 13.5 meters in circumference. There are nine stonedragons winding around the pillar body, which is powerful and lifelike.

According to legend, there are six green dragons and three yellow dragonsin Liulong mountain meeting here. Seeing that this cave is more like a fairylandin heaven, they all want to own it. They fight for each other and are unwillingto leave. When the rooster crows and the day breaks, they cant get out of thecave, so they turn into nine stone dragons and plate them on the pillars in thecave. Hence the name of Jiulong cave. One kilometer to the left of Jiulong cave,there is a very strange cold and hot wind tunnel. One is cool and cold, and theother is warm and warm. Its amazing and memorable.

(2) Jinjiang Gorge

Located in the Jiulong Cave Scenic Area, it stretches for ten miles. Thereare many isolated peaks and caves, which are very spectacular. Here we mainlyintroduce the Guanyin Mountain and liantai peak in the canyon, which integratetourism and Buddhism. Guanyin Mountain, located on the right side of Jiulongcave, is majestic and majestic, with a total area of 2 square kilometers. Therewere Lotus Temple, Guanyin hall, Qiuzi temple and other ancient buildings, allpainted pillars and carved beams, looking from the fence. The Jinjiang River islike a belt, the canyon is flowing green, the smoke is vast, the cloud riverdances together, and the scene is extremely magnificent; Liantai peak is themain peak of Guanyin Mountain. You can have a birds-eye view of the clear andshining river near, and you can see the mountains from afar to the Golden Summitof Fanjing Mountain. On a foggy morning after rain, you can also encounter thevast sea of fog and the colorful "Buddha light".

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(3) Jinjiang (Yangtou) reservoir area

From lujiadong hydropower station down the river to Yangtou hydropowerstation, the flow is 24 kilometers, covering an area of 417 hectares. The greenbamboo cages on both sides of the river make the lake crystal clear. It is aman-made lake with beautiful mountains and trees.

(4) Huangla cave, Qingming cave, swan cave and squid cave are located nearJiulong cave. Another Huangla cave is located in Daping Township, southwest ofthe city.


Liuzhi special zone is a key coal producing area in China. It is the eastgate of Liupanshui City, the "Liangdu of China" and the "Jiangnan coal capital".It is known as the "Jiangnan coal sea". Transportation is very developed,mineral resources are rich, and biological resources are extremely rich.

The tourism resources of Liuzhi special zone are unique. It is a uniquetourist area integrating ethnic culture, natural scenery and historical sites.Among them, there are Peach Blossom Park, jiutoushan Park, Antarctic MountainPark and natural cave Moon Palace Cave (Guanyin cave) in the central part; thereare Langdai ancient city, stele of Langdai wood City, Tomb of Langdai riotmartyrs and mysterious Laowang mountain (Gulang mountain) in the South; thereare Dixi Forest Park in the southeast, waterfall group on Baishui River andkarst cave landscape centered on Luobie River; there are many caves in thesouth; In the north, there are the scenery of Yanjiao ancient town, laogaoqiaoscenic spot, langlongqiao scenic spot (chuangzidong), laobudi scenic spot andSuoga ecological museum scenic spot.

Combined with the rich and mysterious ethnic customs, such as the Buyipeoples watch catching, the Miao peoples moon drying, the Yi Peoples mountaincatching Festival, and the Gelao peoples new year eating, Liuzhis uniquetourism landscape has attracted a large number of tourists at home and abroad,as well as ethnic culture experts and scholars. At present, Liuzhi special zoneis actively carrying out the construction of Dixi ecological park, yueliangheyelangbuyi cultural ecological park, yuelianghe Provincial Forest Park, etc. thewater area behind the dam of azhu hydropower station is square kilometers, andthe water area behind the dam of Guangzhao Hydropower Station is 51.54 squarekilometers. The line along the river will become a beautiful landscape.

Liuzhi special zone is suitable for tourism in all seasons. Liuzhi specialzone has a pleasant climate. The annual average temperature is 13.5-15.2 ℃, nosevere heat in summer and no severe cold in winter.

Liuzhi special zone is 172 kilometers away from Guiyang, the provincialcapital, and 98 kilometers away from the downtown area of Liupanshui. Itconnects Zhenning and Puding counties in the East, Guanling in the south,Shuicheng in the west, Zhijin and Nayong in the north, and Qinglong and Puancounties in the southwest. Liuzhi is located in the watershed between theYangtze River Basin and the Pearl River Basin. In the south, there is feijiangRiver in the upper reaches of Beipan River, in the north, there is Sancha Riverin the upper reaches of Wujiang River, and in the East, there is Baishui River,the source of Huangguoshu waterfall. There is a large drop of water flow andabundant water energy resources.

Liuzhi special zone is a combination of Liuzhi special zone and LangdaiCounty in the period of "three line construction". There are 32 ethnic groupsincluding Han, Yi, Miao, Buyi and Gelao living in the area, and the minoritypopulation accounts for 30.52% of the total population of the region. Minorityculture is very long.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7566 字

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Dear tourists

When you come to Turpan, people cant help but ask: how can there be largeoases in places with extremely dry climate, known as "Huozhou" and "Fengku"?Whats the secret? The secret is the Karez group distributed in Xinjiang, whichis like the blood of human body, extending to the vast Gobi and irrigating alarge area of Xinjiang. The wonderful Karez is also the most widely distributedin Turpan, becoming the spring of life and the source of evergreen, wateringTurpans verdant grapes and sweet melons. Now lets visit this world-famousirrigation project.

Structure of Karez → construction method of Karez

Tourists, now we come to Karez paradise. First of all, please follow me toKarez museum to learn about the construction of Karez.

Karez is a kind of underground water diversion project created by theworking people of all ethnic groups living in Xinjiang according to the localclimate and hydrological characteristics. There are about 1600 Karez inXinjiang, among which Turpan is the most concentrated. According to statistics,there are 1158 Karez in Turpan, with a total length of about 5000 km, which isequivalent to the mileage from Urumqi to Harbin. Karez is one of the greatestunderground water conservancy projects in ancient China. It is called"underground canal" by experts in geography. Together with the great wall andBeijing Hangzhou Grand Canal, it is called the three major projects in ancientChina.

You may have heard about Karez, but its structure may not be very clear.Now Ill introduce it to you. Karez was called "Jingqu" in ancient times, whichmeans "Jingxue". It is composed of four parts: vertical shaft, undergroundchannel, open channel and waterlogging dam.

The reason why a large number of Karez were built in Turpan is inseparablefrom the natural conditions here. First of all, the terrain of Turpan Basin isvery low, with an area of 2085 square kilometers below sea level. Turpan issurrounded by mountains. Every year, a large amount of snow on the mountainsmelts and flows into the valley. When the snow water flows through the Gobi, itseeps into the ground to form a subsurface flow, which provides a rich source ofwater for Karez.

Then how is the Karez built? Please see: the construction method of Karezis to find the water source at the snow water undercurrent in the high mountainsand valleys, and then drill a vertical shaft every 20 to 30 meters, the depth ofthe shaft varies from 10 to tens of meters, to gather the groundwater toincrease the water potential, and then according to the terrain, dig anunderground channel at the bottom of the shaft to connect with each well, drainit straight down, and connect it to a distant place Oasis, water will be led outfrom the open channel to the ground for irrigation. Waterlogging dam is areservoir for regulating water quantity. A Karez is generally about 3 km long,and the longest one is usually several Karez connected for tens or even hundredsof kilometers, in which there are at least dozens of shafts and more than 300shafts. The shaft in the upstream is relatively deep, up to 100 meters in somecases, and the shaft in the downstream is relatively shallow, generally only afew meters. The function of Karez is to avoid water evaporation. This project isa great innovation to adapt to the characteristics of dry climate. What isparticularly praiseworthy is that the local people rely on their hands andsimple tools to dig deep wells and underground canals. The vastness of theproject and the ingenious structure are amazing.

I would like you to recall that when we drove near Turpan City, we couldsee piles of round earth bags down the slope on the Gobi outside the lush oasis,extending to the oasis in an orderly way. Those are the vertical wellheads ofKarez. If you look down from high altitude, those mounds are like necklaces tiedwith pearls, decorating Turpan, an ancient but still youthful place.

Reasons for the construction of Karez → origin of Karez tour guide ofXinjiang general situation tour guide of Putaogou in Turpan tour guide of Niyasite

Now lets talk about the reasons for the construction of Karez. Due to thedrought and less rain in Xinjiang, the amount of evaporation is large, and theKarez is an underground channel for water delivery, with small evaporation andstable flow, which can be irrigated by gravity all the year round. In addition,the soil here is calcareous clay, so the dug Karez is very solid and not easy tocollapse. The temperature of snow water in high mountains is very low, if directirrigation is unfavorable to the growth of crops, while the surface temperaturein Turpan is very high, the temperature rises naturally after snow water flowsthrough Karez, which is very suitable for watering crops. Therefore, in thelong-term struggle against drought, people of all ethnic groups in Xinjianginvented this method of digging wells and irrigating fields. A Karez is a freshspring that is not dry. It forms the lifeline and lifeline of Huozhou, whichmakes Xinjiang, a place with little rainfall, accumulate water and become anindispensable spring of life in Xinjiang peoples life.

There are always three theories about the origin of Turpan Karez: one isthe theory of Guanzhong well canal in Han Dynasty. This view holds that the"well canal method" invented by people in Han Dynasty was introduced intoXinjiang and developed into Karez now. The second is related to Lin Zexu. AfterLin Zexu was exiled to Xinjiang in the late Qing Dynasty, he went through Turpanin 1845 and found that it was hot and rainy. So he carefully checked the terrainand water sources, and guided the people of Xinjiang to invent this method ofdigging wells and irrigating fields according to their own geographicalcharacteristics. The third view is that Karez was first created by the Persiansin Western Asia 2500 years ago and later passed down to Xinjiang. Of course,these three views need to be verified.

But what I want to tell you is that the distribution of Karez on the earthis connected with the Silk Road, which connects Eastern and Western cultures.Karez have been found in Pakistan, Iran and along the Caspian Sea. Therefore, itis no exaggeration to say that Karez is a pearl in the world cultural heritage.Until today, Karez still plays an important role in the agricultural developmentof Turpan, Xinjiang.

Karez open channel → Karez culvert

After visiting the Karez Museum and walking out of the museum, you can seethe clear spring beside the road. This is the pure snow mountain water flowingout of the Karez canal. It is crystal clear. If you reach for it, you will feelcool. Its really "crystal clear and cool".

The underdrain of Karez can only be seen when you enter the cave. You canonly see the water gurgling in the underdrain, which makes you feel very happy.There are thousands of such wells and canals in Xinjiang. The total length ofthe underground rivers is twice as long as that of the Great Wall, and far morethan that of the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal.

Tourists, todays Karez is not only an important water conservancyfacility, but also a great cultural landscape for Chinese and foreign tourists.In particular, a folk song and dance performance full of Xinjiang Uygur strongcustoms in Karez paradise will make you feel restless. The bright rhythm, lightmelody and passionate mood make you join them while enjoying. You cant helpsinging and dancing like Uygur girls and young men, and feel the pure fun ofthis song and dance hometown.

Ladies and gentlemen, the melodious singing in Karez paradise has alreadybeen sung. Now, please go to enjoy it!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1501 字

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Hello, everyone. My name is Lin Zhiwei. Im your guide. You can call meZhizhi guide. Welcome to Huaguo Mountain.

Next, Id like to talk about the geographical location of Huaguo Mountain.It is located in Lianyungang, in the middle of Chinas sea border, and in thenortheast of Jiangsu Province. The area of the scenic spot is 84. 3 squarekilometers, 136 peaks. Among them, Yunv peak in Huaguo Mountain is the highestpeak in Jiangsu Province, with an altitude of 624. Four meters.

Now, please take your belongings with you. Be careful. We are going tovisit. You can see many little monkeys. They are monkey grandchildren of themonkey king! Look, some of them are dazzling, some of them are jumping up anddown. How lovely! You can go to the right to buy food or give them peaches. Youcant feed them anything else, otherwise they will eat bad. And you cant gettoo close to them, because they are still a little savage!

Now you can see the water curtain cave. The water falls from the cliff andsplashes. Its spectacular! Now you can go through the water curtain cave, butremember to wear a raincoat. Now when we enter the water curtain cave, you cansee the throne that monkey king sat on. You can sit on it and experience it.

Through the water curtain hole, you can see a garden of peach trees,covered with delicious and attractive peaches, you can pick some peaches totaste. Heres free time. Meet here in an hour.

I wish you happy every day. If you come to Huaguo Mountain next time, youcan let me be your guide!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4580 字

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Jiuhua Mountain, with ninety-nine beautiful lotus flowers, ninety-nine highhanging temples, the fruits of ninety-nine years of cultivation, unexplainedwonder, endless folk customs, the perfect combination of magical and beautifullandscape and profound Buddhist culture, makes Jiuhua Mountain a pure place forpeople and Buddhas to share.

Jiuhua Mountain is located in Qingyang County, Chizhou City, AnhuiProvince. It is an important tourist attraction in the world and an importantBuddhist temple in the world. Liu Yuxi, a writer of the Tang Dynasty, praisedJiuhua Mountain after climbing it. He thought that the famous mountains in theworld could not compete with Jiuhua Mountain. Li Bai went to Mount Jiuhua threetimes. Jiuhua Mountain is characterized by beautiful mountains and numerousBuddhist temples. This famous mountain has accumulated a lot of historicalculture since the Han Dynasty and is known as the "Lotus Buddha kingdom". Today,lets take a look at this "Lotus Buddha kingdom".

Dear friends, at the moment, our location is Jiuhua street, 600 metersabove sea level, which is the reception center of the whole mountain. Walkingalong the street, we come to the main temple of Jiuhua Mountain_ Huachengtemple, according to the Buddhist scriptures, once Sakyamuni and his discipleswent to the countryside to preach. After a long walk, the disciples were hungryand thirsty, and could not sit up. At this time, the Buddha pointed to the frontand said, "there is a city in front. Go to huazhai quickly.". The apprenticeimmediately came to the spirit. In fact, the so-called Huacheng comes from theEnlightenment of Buddha.

In addition, before entering the temple, we should pay attention to thefollowing points: first, when entering the temple, we should step across thethreshold. The threshold of the temple is the shoulder of the Buddha, so we mustnot step on it. Second, we should not make loud noises or bring jokes from theworld of mortals into the temple. Third, please do not touch the monks magicweapons at will. OK, lets go into Huacheng temple. Huacheng temple

After that, we come to the palace of the flesh. Please take a look at thewords on the flat forehead: the palace of the moon! Why is it called the palaceof the moon? Because in the past, the moon and the flesh were interchangeable,so now many words describing human body parts and organs will have a month nextto them.

The architecture of the hall of the flesh body is very distinctive, "thereare towers in the hall and tanks in the towers."; Jin qiaojue, the king ofTibetans, died at the age of 99 after 75 years of cultivation in Jiuhua Mountainin the 10th year of Yuanzhen of Tang Dynasty. Three years later, when he openedthe jar, his body was soft and his face looked like a living one. The sound of agolden lock shook his bony joints. According to the Buddhist scriptures, he wasa Bodhisattva, so he was honored as the Bodhisattva of Tibetans.

Walking into the hall of the body, you can see the great wish of the earthhanging on the lintel: all living beings will pass through, and the Bodhisattvadike will be proved; the hell will not be empty, and the oath will not become aBuddha. Therefore, the Bodhisattva of Tibet is also known as the great wishBodhisattva. I believe that with the blessing of the great wish Bodhisattva, youmust have good luck in the future.

Jiuhua scenery is on the roof. Tiantai peak is the main peak of JiuhuaMountain, with an altitude of more than 1300 meters. There is a saying that "ifyou dont get on the roof, you dont come.". From the rooftop of Jiuhua street,about 15 Huali mountain road, along the road through many scenic spots. When youare out of breath and reach the top of the roof, the scenery in front of youwill make you open-minded and tired. All around the mountains crawling, lookingat Jiuhua street, only palm so big. Looking from afar, heaven and earth areintegrated, and the Yangtze River is indistinctly visible. The clear mountainwind brings waves of pines and bamboos, which makes people intoxicated. Thesurrounding rocks are strange in shape and mostly dark. There is a huge stoneengraved with the word "non human". At this moment, it really makes people feellike they are in the fairyland of Penglai. It is said that watching the sunriseon the rooftop is no less magnificent than watching the sunrise on Mount Tai.Therefore, "Tiantai xiaori" is listed as one of the "ten sceneries ofJiuhua".

Well, my friends, the short journey to Jiuhua Mountain is over in a hurry.I hope you can fulfill your wish. When you come to Jiuhua Mountain, I can stillserve you.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1540 字

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Dear tourists, Hello! Im your guide. My name is Lin. please call me Linguide. Nice to meet you. Now Im going to show you around the Forbidden City inBeijing and enjoy our cultural heritage.

Now let me give you a brief introduction to the Forbidden City: theForbidden City is the imperial palace of Ming and Qing Dynasties in China, andit is also the largest and most complete ancient architectural complex. I hopeyou will be civilized tourists when you visit. Do not litter, do not touchobjects, so that we can enjoy the historical atmosphere of the ForbiddenCity.

Now we enter the gate of the hall of Supreme Harmony, and the grand palacesare at the banquet. The biggest wooden building in front of us is the hall ofsupreme harmony. It is a symbol of imperial power, whenever there are majoractivities, the emperor held here.

In the back of this row of resplendent palaces are Zhonghe hall and Baohehall. After touring the magnificent Taihe hall, you must be tired. Lets have arest here. You can walk around and have a look. Well gather at the gate of theRoyal Garden in 20 minutes.

Its time for a break. Everyones here. I want to ask if you can feel thestrong flavor of life here? All the daily necessities here were first-class atthat time, and the outdoor place in the harem was the imperial garden. Itspattern, compact layout, antique, dotted with flowers and trees. Very beautiful.Pavilions and pavilions depend on each other. Its a nice place with pure heart,elegant and pleasant.

This is the end of the tour. Have a good time! Thank you!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 13577 字

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Hello, friends! Welcome to the beautiful "Rongcheng" Fuzhou. Im __ tourguide of __ travel agency.

There is an old saying in Fuzhou that "Left Banner and right drum are thebest in Fujian". Today, we will visit Gushan, one of the best in Fujian. GUSHAN,located in the southeast of Fuzhou, is a famous cultural mountain with a longhistory in our province and one of the top ten scenic spots in the province. Itis said that there is a huge stone at the top of the peak, which is like a drum.Whenever there is wind and rain, the rain will make a sound like a drum, so itis called Gushan. Do you remember the drum rock we saw yesterday on GulangyuIsland in Xiamen? It was also named after the "thumping" drum sound of the wavesbeating on the rocks. Zhu Xi, a famous Neo Confucianist of the Southern SongDynasty, left a literary story of "the wind of heaven and the waves of the sea"in Gushan, and Lin Zexu also left a masterpiece of "the sea is boundless, thesky is the shore, the mountain is the top, I am the peak". Since the SongDynasty, there have been more than 480 cliff inscriptions left on the mountainby the literati of all dynasties. There are all kinds of fonts, which are like anatural treasure house of stone calligraphy. It is known as the "forest ofsoutheast steles".

My friends, now lets enter this magnificent hall of calligraphy art tohave a good look! Look! The four words "deep in the spiritual source" at theentrance of the cave are written by Yuan Xian, a monk living in the mountains inthe Qing Dynasty. The surface meaning indicates the place name, while the innermeaning tells later generations that the inscriptions in this area are theemotional expression of the predecessors hearts and the exhibition of theelegant cultural palace.

Down the steep stone steps, you can see that the surrounding mountains arevery different and the scenery is quiet. It seems that you have arrived at afairyland and a paradise. Do you feel relaxed and happy when you take a deepbreath?

The most famous cliff inscription in Lingyuan cave is the handwriting ofCAI Xiang, one of the four greatest calligraphers in Song Dynasty. Look at this"forget to return stone", which is also the earliest stone inscription inGushan. Cai Xiang was born in Xianyou, Fujian Province. He was a famousstatesman and calligrapher in the Northern Song Dynasty. When he was themagistrate of Fuzhou, he liked to visit Gushan very much and often forgot toreturn. Once, he wandered through the beautiful scenery in the mountains,forgetting the time. When he was urged repeatedly, he realized that it wasgetting late, so he wrote "forget to return stone". These three words havealready expressed his reluctant feelings. If any tourist forgets to returnlater, he cant find a stone to leave his calligraphy!

Well, now we see three big characters engraved on this rock wall. Who canrecite them? The child said its too simple. Its a place to drink water. Healso asked why there is no water. In fact, if the word doesnt recite water,why? Let me tell you a little story: its said that master Yan, the founder ofYongquan temple in ancient times, recited scriptures here. He thought that thesound of the spring influenced the chanting Stop the running water with a bigdrink. Since then, the stream has been diverted to the East, and the stream herehas dried up. Therefore, these three words read "drinking water rock". Ofcourse, its just a folk legend. In fact, the terrain at this time is a rockfracture zone geologically. Due to the crustal movement, a fracture surface isformed, and the surface water seeps down the fracture surface. Of course, thereis no water, not one who can drink water back. Is it better to have water or nowater here? A hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contendhere. Xu Xizhi, a scholar of the Song Dynasty, expounded his point of view inhis stone carving poem. Looking at this stone tablet, he wrote: "the mountainsare heavy, the mountains are complex, the lock is loose, only the sound of thespring is not enough. If I had been at my teachers side in those years, I wouldnot have taught to drink water to cross other mountains." He thought that therewere so many mountains here that there was no water. If he had been there, hewould have advised the master not to change the way of the stream. Yu Dafu, amodern litterateur, once expressed great emotion here. He said, "its strangethat he came from the source of his liveliness and never came back for athousand years." We are here today. I dont know if you all feel the same.However, in order to make up for this great regret, I dont know which ancientsage has a unique idea. The inscription "without water is also good" beside thestone really makes the tourists look back and smile, which means a lot.

Lingyuan cave in Gushan has a deep stone Valley, which is a valley invalley landscape. In the spring of 1982, when Master Liu Haisu was 87 years old,he visited Lingyuan cave and wrote four big words: "better than Tianzhu",praising the scenery and forest of Steles here.

My friends, due to the limited time, there are still many scenic spots notseen. I hope you have a chance to come to Gushan again, listen to the endlessstories, watch the endless beautiful scenery, and share a happy moment again!Thank you.

Fuzhou Gushan tour guide 3:

When it comes to Fuzhou, we have to mention Gushan. As early as the EasternJin Dynasty, the saying of Fengshui "zuogu in the Right Banner, two unique inFujian" was spread among the people in Fuzhou. This zuogu refers to Gushan,which stands in the eastern suburb of Fuzhou and on the North Bank of MinjiangRiver, covering a total area of about 48 square kilometers. It is divided intofive scenic areas: Gushan, Guling, Yixi, Moxi and Fengchi Baiyun cave. GUSHAN isone of the top ten scenic spots in Fujian Province. It stands far away from theQishan mountain in Fuzhou. It is full of mountains and green all the year round.There are strange rocks everywhere on the mountain. There are caves on the peak.The main peak is more than 900 meters above sea level. It plays an importantrole in Fuzhous geomantic omen.

Qinglong Gushan benefits peoples health

Since ancient times, Fuzhou people in the choice and organization of livingenvironment, there is a tradition of using closed space. In order to strengthenthe closeness, we often adopt the method of multiple closures. For example, thequadrangle house is a enclosed space; the multi entrance courtyard housestrengthens the level of closure, and the Lifang uses walls to close manycourtyard houses (such as the structure of three lanes and seven alleys inFuzhou). As a city, its the same. From the Central Government Office (or thepalace of the capital city) to the inner city, and then to the Kuocheng, itsalso a multi enclosed space. In the periphery of the city, according to thegeomantic pattern, the main mountain is used as the barrier behind the basesite, and the mountain extends to the Qinglong and Baihu mountains, forming atrend of encircling the left and right shoulder arms. The left and right sidesof the mountain are green dragons and white tigers (for example, in Fuzhou,Jinji mountain is green dragon, Dameng mountain is white tiger, and Yushan andWushan hold the south gate to encircle the left and right shoulders and arms).In front of the base site, there is a mountain to block it. Along with the leftand right veins, the front is also closed, and the gap of water flow is left.There is also Shuikou mountain to guard it, which forms the first closed circle.If there are Shaozu mountain and Zushan mountain behind the main mountain, andthe mountain protection on the side of Qinglong and Baihu mountain (for example,Gushan Mountain on the side of Qinglong in Fuzhou and Qishan mountain on theside of Baihu mountain). Chaoshan outside the case mountain, which formed asecond closed circle. It can be said that Fengshui pattern is a natural closedenvironment outside the closed man-made building environment.

From this, we can see that Gushan is the Qinglong mountain of Fuzhou,guarding this rare treasure land of Fuzhou, and blessing the state with goodweather and peoples well-being.

GUSHANs "drum" is of great significance

GUSHAN is the Qinglong mountain in Fuzhou. It has its own magic. It isnamed after its peak, which is like a huge drum stone. It is said that this drumwas specially left by the general of beating drum in the sky to suppress thedragon. Every time there is a storm, the stone drum will have the sound ofturbulence, that is, the drum general beat the drum in the face of the invasionof the Dragon King on the sea at the top of the Drum Mountain, calling on thethree armies to prepare for battle.

Drum, in the book of changes for the earthquake, for the East. According tothe book of changes, zhenzheheng. Shock, smile dumb. Shocked a hundred Li, notlost dagger. It means that the heavy thunder is sent to the direction, and thesound is heard from thousands of miles. It has the appearance of no danger, andit also has the meaning of change.

The book of changes "Zhengua" symbolizes the drum sound of vibration: itcan be prosperous. When the thunder stirs up, all things in the world areafraid, but the gentleman can be calm and smile as usual. Even if the thundershakes a hundred miles away, the gentleman can be calm, which means that the manis powerful and unyielding, so he can achieve great things. The stone drum atthe top of Gushan Mountain is also enlightening the people living in Fuzhou.Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of every man. Whenever the countrychanges, we should go out and work for the country.

Nine mountain pavilions have secrets

Yongquan temple, located in Gushan, is even more famous in the world. It isthe pride of Fuzhou. It is known as "if you come to Fuzhou, you must visitGushan".

Yongquan temple is integrated with the natural landscape. The originalmountain springs and cliffs and rocks in the hillside are cleverly inlaid in it.Around the front and back of the temple, there are ancient trees. It can be saidthat "when you enter the mountain, you cant see the temple. When you enter thetemple, you cant see the mountain". Its just like the temple was created byPangu, and heaven landed here. This typical Tang Dynasty building, facing southfrom the north, is a group of three-level palaces, rising along the mountain.Over the high threshold, a burst of Buddhism quiet elegant fragrance will come.Many people go into the hall and burn incense to pray and bless, which makespeople feel at ease.

Yan, the founder of the temple, is even more legendary. Because the templeis built on the swallows nest cave in Gushan, and the swallows nest is theoffspring of the swallow, Yongquan temple can live in the monks and the masses,and steam at the mouth. It is said that after Yongquan temple was built, Gushanincense became more and more popular. In order to make it convenient forpilgrims to go up the mountain, the monks decided to build a road up themountain. After 49 days of hard work, a winding stone mountain road has beenpaved from the foot of Gushan to the gate of Yongquan temple.

The founder Shen Yan was very happy to see this stone road. But after a fewdays, I couldnt be happy. Because the monks of this stone road temple are sickand dead. The pilgrims are also afraid to go up the mountain when they hear thatthere is a plague in Yongquan temple. For a time, the monks of Yongquan templein Gushan fled everywhere, with few Pilgrims.

In order to find out the reason, Shen Yan went to the top of Baiyun peak inGushan and looked at the stone road. From a distance, vaguely, he found that thewhole stone road was surrounded by a fierce air. He quickly and carefully toidentify one by one, this was so frightened that he almost lost control andcried out. The stone road from the foot of the mountain to the gate of Yongquantemple is like a giant python winding up. The stone slabs on the mountain roadare like scales on the python. The snakes head is facing the gate of Yongquantemple. Its opening its mouth and swallowing the swallows in the birds nest.This stone road is clearly "snake fleeing the birds nest"! It clearly showsthat the fengshui of Yongquan temple is destroyed by this stone road.

Fortunately, Shenyan is worthy of being a great master. He returned toYongquan temple and gathered monks to build nine mountain pavilions on the newlybuilt stone road, from the foot of the mountain to the gate. The nine mountainpavilions in the middle of the stone road turned into "boa constrictor" are thefirst Pavilion in Fujian mountain, Dongji Pavilion, Yangzhi Pavilion (nowabandoned), waterfall viewing Pavilion (also known as Shimen Pavilion), ChengyunPavilion, Banshan Pavilion, tea pavilion, songguan Pavilion and dressingPavilion. These nine mountain pavilions, like nine iron nails, are firmly nailedto the stone road turned by the python, cutting the "Python" into sevensections, so that it can no longer make trouble. After that, a stone road wasbuilt from shuishuiyan and paved with stones to the gate. The road is wugonglingRoad, meaning seven inches of centipede Ding. Snakes are afraid of centipedes,so this poisonous snake cant be revived. After the wugongling road was paved,the uphill road became accessible in all directions.

Now the boa constrictor cant move. And the stone road that turned into aboa constrictor was forever frozen there and trampled by thousands of people.Since then, Yongquan temple has become more and more famous, and has become afamous Buddhist holy land in the south. In Gushan, its cliff carvings are alsovery famous.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1205 字

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Everybody is good! I am your tour guide, my name is zhou, you can call me weeks tour guide.

Dear visitors, walked into the door to the Summer Palace, around the hall, came to the famous promenade, endless promenade workers more than seven hundred meters, is divided into 273 rooms, each between the horizontal bar has a colorful picture, it draw, figures, flowers and plants, landscape. No two of the painting so many picture is the same.

Go to the end of the corridor, came to the foot of longevity hill, please look up, a three layer architecture of anise pyramid stand in the hillside, that is the Buddha incense. The following rows of resplendent and magnificent palace, is the cloud temple.

Now we will go to the kunming lake. Lake island in the center. As long as the visitors through the resin stones can play on the island, the bridge is seventeen little tunnel, call the marble seventeen-arch bridge which, railing pillars, above the pillar carved with a lion, so many lions, have different attitude, no two are just the same.

My explanation is over, now you can free activities, collection 3:30pm here! But beware: 1, no littering, 2, pay attention to safety, finally I wish you all a happy journey!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6233 字

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Lujiazui is an important financial center of Shanghai, the largest city inChina. It is located on the Bank of Huangpu River in Pudong New Area, facing theBund across the river. As one of the two financial core areas (Shanghai Lujiazuiand Chongqing jiangbeizui) of the national financial and trade zone and thenational strategic economic belt "Yangtze River Economic Belt" in the new era,it is a symbol of Chinas reform and opening up. Lujiazui is the headquarters ofmany multinational banks in Greater China and East Asia. In 1990, the StateCouncil announced the development of Pudong and established the first nationalfinancial development zone in Lujiazui; Foreign financial institutions operatingRMB business must set up offices in Lujiazui financial and trade zone.Therefore, at present, there are many foreign financial institutions setting upoffices in Lujiazui, among which foreign banks operating RMB business includeHSBC, Citibank, Standard Chartered Bank, Bank of East Asia, etc.

Lujiazui street is located in the northwest of Pudong New Area. It startsfrom Pudong South Road and Taidong road in the East, follows lujiadu road in thesouth, and the night view of Lujiazui at the angle of the Bund in the West andnorth is close to Huangpu River. It has a land area of 2.10 square kilometers,more than 25300 households and 69000 people. It has 24 Residents Committees. Theoffice is at 55 Fushan Road, Pudong New Area. Lujiazui area is also known asLujiazui, XiaoLuJiaZui and Lujiazui financial and trade zone. Small Lujiazui:"Pudong South Road, Dongchang Road", Lujiazui financial and Trade Zone: "NanpuBridge Longyang Road, Yangpu Bridge Luoshan road", namely the inner part ofPudong. Lujiazui Street: in 20__, Meiyuan Xincun street was renamed Lujiazuistreet. The office is located at No. 12, Lane 1177, shenjianong Road, and latermoved to the current address, No. 55, Fushan Road (Rushan Road intersection),postcode 20x20.

This magical land is connected with two ancient Shanghainese. These twoShanghainese are Lu Shen, a great literary scholar of the Ming Dynasty, and hiswife, Mei Shi. According to the local chronicles of Shanghai, the meanderingHuangpu River has made a 90 degree bend here, leaving a prominent alluvialbeach. Looking from the west of the river to the other bank, this beach is likea giant golden horned beast, stretching out its head and opening its mouth todrink water. On this beach, Lu Shens former residence and Lus ancestral tombswere all built here, so it is called Lujiazui.

During the Yongle period of Ming Dynasty, the Huangpu River system wasformed. After converging with Wusong River from south to north, the river turnedto the East and formed a mouth shaped alluvial beach on the east bank. Lu Shen,a scholar of the Imperial Academy of the Ming Dynasty, was born and died here,so this beach is called Lujiazui. There are many rivers in the territory,including gaoxiangbang, xiejiabang, dongyangjingbang, Lujiazui port, etc. At theend of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, there were scatteredfishermen in the southwest and middle of the territory, and later formed Pengshouse. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, a pond wasbuilt to prevent flood and salt tide. There was a barren beach outside the pondand a ditch inside the pond. Boat people from Jiangsu and other places came tosettle here and gradually formed natural village houses such as yangjiamao,yujiamen, huayuanshiqiao and yefangqiao. Wangjiamen village was formed inJiaqing period of Qing Dynasty. In the light years of the Qing Dynasty, naturalvillages such as Zhangjiayan, wujianong and jiangjianong were formed.

After 1862, Britain, the United States, France, Japan and Germanysuccessively built warehouses, docks, stacks and factories in Lujiazui FinancialCenter complex. In the 10th year of Tongzhi, the Qing government established theship Merchants Group, the North Wharf in lannidu and the South trestle inLujiazui. British businessmen built Taigu Inn in lannidu. In lujiadu, there areYongxing Inn, Ruiji, huoyouchi, etc. Along the river, Lujiazui successivelybuilt yingshangxiang pig iron factory, Japanese Huangpu shipyard, Rihua yarnfactory, yingshangmaosheng yarn factory, British and American tobacco factory,etc. National industry and commerce also set up tianzhang paper mill, Yingchangmatch mill, hongxiangxing ship repair and manufacturing plant, etc. The commercein lannidu area is becoming more and more prosperous. A large number ofhousehold appliances, building materials such as brick, tile, bamboo and wood,and all kinds of local products are taking this as the distribution center,gradually forming a commercial street. During the Anti Japanese War, thecommerce in the territory gradually moved from lannidu road and Lujiazui road toDongchang Road. From the south to the north, there are eight sampan boats,including lujiadu, lannidu, youlonglu, longmaozhan, Chunjiang, fenshan,xiaonanyang and taitongzhan. At present, most of the ferries are occupied byfactories and warehouses. There are only three ferry stations, Dongchang Road,taitongzhan and Lujiazui. After liberation, Dongchang Road became the mostprosperous commercial street in Pudong area. There are century old Songsheng oilsauce shop, dahongyun restaurant, Dongfang mutton noodle shop, dexingguan andother famous and special shops, as well as other kinds of shops. Dongning roadand Lujiazui market were newly established. After liberation, through socialreform and rectification, the organization of residents committee in China hasbeen continuously improved. Since 1958, the streets have organized housewives toparticipate in collective productive labor. In 1960, more than 1000 housewivessuccessively went to work and organized a number of neighborhood collectiveenterprises and institutions, such as the production group of lane, nurseries,canteens and processing farms. In May 1984, they were all assigned to thedistrict administration of collective undertakings. In 1979, the streetcooperative was founded, with service, catering and other industries. It hasdeveloped to more than 20 households. In the second half of 1984, the streetindustrial and commercial enterprises were set up, and now there are 47.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4170 字

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Huiyan peak is located on the Bank of Xiangjiang River in the south ofHengyang City, with a height of 96.8 meters. Although Huiyan peak is not high,it is said in ancient times that "the North geese fly to the south, and thenstop flying back". Therefore, it has become the dividing point of thenorth-south temperature difference line in China since the southern and NorthernDynasties. The name of Huiyanfeng also comes from this, and Hengyang City isalso called "Yancheng" because of it. The famous sentence in the preface toTengwang Pavilion written by Wang Bo, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty, "thewild geese are startled by the cold, and the sound breaks the HengyangRiver".

Once back to Yanfeng, the first thing you see is Yanyu pool. Yanyu poolused to be a deep pool under Huiyan peak. When it is going to rain, the watervapor in the pool rises slowly, like smoke and fog, and appears and disappearsfrom time to time, so it is named "Yanyu pool". In the past, when wild geesecame to the south, they stopped here to recuperate. When spring returns to theearth, they set out to return to the north. Later, Yanyu pool was graduallyabandoned, and Yanfeng Park was restored in the 1980s.

Please look at the rocks beside the Yanyu pool, which are engraved withsome poems and calligraphy works of famous artists in the past dynasties. Thestone in the middle is engraved with the three characters of "Huiyanfeng"written by general Tang Tianji. The old general was 83 years old when he wrotethese three words, but his handwriting is still vigorous and powerful, whichshows his solid foundation. Next to them are Wang Bos "wild geese are cold andthe sound breaks Hengyangs PU" in "preface to Tengwang Pavilion" and Chenzongqis "seventy-two Hibiscus in the blue sky, the first peak of geese comingback to the South" in "Ode to Nanyue".

Around the Yanyu pool to the right is the "Shangda archway". The archwayused to be the entrance gate of Yanfeng temple on the mountain. It has a longhistory, but it was destroyed in the war.

After SHANGDA memorial archway, we boarded the "Wangyue terrace". Here youcan have a panoramic view of the whole Hengyang City. In the west, it was thebattlefield of Hengyang during the Anti Japanese war. Looking to the north ofYueping mountain, the Zhuhui tower and Laiyan tower at the confluence ofXiangjiang River, Zhengshui River and Leishui River echo each other; looking tothe East, there are a lot of sails in Xiangjiang River. During the Double NinthFestival, there are always many Hengyang people supporting the old and carryingthe young. They come here to look far and cultivate their temperament.

Turning around, the magnificent temple in front of us is Yanfeng temple, athousand year old temple. Yanfeng temple, formerly known as Chengyun temple, wasfirst built in the 12th year of Liang Tianjian in the Southern Dynasty, that is,in 5L3 ad. The temple was renamed "Yanfeng Temple" in Sui Dynasty, "ShanmenTemple" in Tang Dynasty, and "shoufo Temple" in Ming and Qing Dynasties. It wasofficially named "Yanfeng Temple" when it was rebuilt in 1980s. It has a historyof nearly 1500 years. In the past, monks from all over the world would come hereto worship, and many eminent monks and Zen masters started their talks here toenlighten the world. There is an endless stream of pilgrims here every year.Until today, every morning on the first day of the first lunar month, many localpeople come to burn "toujixiang"!

On the main gate of the temple, there is a clay and gold plaque with threecharacters "Yanfeng Temple" inscribed by Zhao Puchu. On both sides of thecouplets, it reads: "look at the open heart, and wash away the common dust withthe words" Yanfeng Temple "on a sunny day and the bells on a moonlit night. Whenyou go to the scenic spot, you can see the river, mountains and the rain by thepool, all of which are collected from the Vatican."

Yanfeng temple is divided into two parts. In front of it is the Guanyinhall, where the statue of Guanyin is worshipped. She holds a pure bottle and hasa dignified Dharma. Next to her are the good fortune boy and the Dragon Girl. Itseems that she is about to sprinkle the happiness to the world.



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Dear passengers, Hello!

Taohuayuan, also known as Taoyuan mountain, is also known as "paradise".During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, the areafirst belonged to the state of Chu and then to the state of Qin. According tothe book of the later Han Dynasty, Qianzhong county was renamed Wuling County inthe fifth year of emperor Gaodi of the Han Dynasty (202 BC), "two thousand andone hundred Li south of Luoyang". Tao Yuanmings "Tukou" poem said: "far away toNanjing", that is. According to Du Guangtings Dongtianfudi Ji of Tang Dynasty,Taoyuan mountain is located in Wuling County, Langzhou. Song Dynastys Yu DiGuang Ji says: "in the first year of Qiande (963), Wuling county was establishedas Taoyuan County. There is Taoyuan mountain. According to Yi Tong Zhi of theMing Dynasty, Taoyuan mountain is 30 Li southwest of Taoyuan County in ChangdePrefecture, where there is Taoyuan cave. It is also called Qinren cave. NearShuixi, Changde City, Hunan Province, facing Yuanshui River and leaning againstmountains, the scenery is beautiful. Taohuayuan is a part of Hunan Jiangxi hillyregion, located in the northeast of Xuefeng mountain and Wuling mountain upliftbelt, and the southwest corner of the Mesozoic West Dongting lake depression.According to the report on the investigation and evaluation of Taohuayuan scenicresources in Hunan Province, the geographical location of the main scenic spotsin Taohuayuan is 110 ° 25 - 27e and 28 ° 47 - 49n.

Taoyuan County is the natural medium area of Taohuayuan. It bordersYuanling County of Huaihua City, Cili County and Yongding District ofZhangjiajie City in the west, linli County and Dingcheng District of ChangdeCity in the East, Shimen County of Changde City in the north and Anhua County ofYiyang City in the south. Taohuayuan landscape is hammer shaped, inclined to thesouthwest of Taoyuan County. The scenic area is 157.55 square kilometers. Amongthem, Taohuayuan main scenic area is 15.8 square kilometers, Taohuayuan Yuanshuiscenic area is 44.85 square kilometers, and the peripheral protection area is96.9 square kilometers. The landscape boundary generally exceeds the districtboundary. The main scenic spot of Taohuayuan is located in the east of Chongqiuand yaotianping township of Dingcheng District, the west of Yuanshui and Jianshitown of Taoyuan County, Zhangjiang Town of Taoyuan County in the north andTaohuayuan town of Taoyuan County in the south. It includes state-owned HunanTaoyuan Taohuayuan Linyang, Taohuayuan town Taohuayuan village, Sanhe Village,Chazhuang village, Shuangfeng Village, Qingshan village and Taohuayuan residentscommittee. Taohuayuan Yuanshui scenic area, along the way, you can see theindependent scenic spots of Taoyuan County, such as Zou city, mutangyuan, maple,chehuyuan, Qinglin, Zhangjiang River, Taohuayuan, zhengjiayi, Siping, Jianshi,Lingjintan, Xinglong Street, yanjiaping, etc.

According to the landscape trend and geomorphic characteristics, the mainscenic area of Taohuayuan is divided into five natural areas: the place ofavoiding Qin (Qinren Village), Lingjing lake, Taohua mountain, Taoyuan mountainand Taoxian mountain; the water area of Taohuayuan Yuanshui scenic belt isroughly divided into four natural sections: the first line of sky scenicsection, yiwangxi scenic section, Lingjintan scenic section and wulingchuanscenic section. It is located in the southwest of Zhangshan mountain, includingshijiachong natural village. Lingjing Lake scenic area is located in thesoutheast of Zhangshan mountain, including jiangjiachong and aijiachong naturalvillages.

Taohua mountain scenic area is located in the west of Guihe peak inZhangshan mountain, including tianzunya and yejiawan natural villages. Taoyuanmountain scenic area is located in Huangwen mountain, including the main body ofthe mountain and the remaining parts of badaipo, Baimadu mountain, qinglongzui,baihuzui, etc. Taoxianling scenic area, including Hongyan mountain valley in theupper part of wangjiachong natural village. Yixiantian scenery section islocated in Gaodu post of yanjiaping Township, including yixiantian andshangtianlong. Yiwangxi scenic section, located in the lower reaches ofyiwangxi, contains stone landscapes such as liyutiaolong and shuixinyan. LingjinBeach Scenic section is located in the North Bank of Lingjin beach and wengzibeach, including rock landscape such as CHUANSHI and Qinshan. Wulingchuan scenicsection is located from baipingzhou to Yangzhou of Zou city. It contains famouscultural and natural landscapes such as sanri Tonghui, Baima Xuetao, lvluoqing,Meixi Yanyu, Chushan Spring Festival Gala, Zhangjiang Yeyue, Xunyang ancienttemple, Fufang Wandu and "three pavilions" (Baifo pavilions, Wenchang pavilions,Zhangjiang pavilions), "three pagodas" (Huifeng pagoda, Chuwang pagoda, Wenxingpagoda)



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