





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4546 字

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Dear tourists

Hello everyone! We Chinese are all "descendants of the dragon". The dragonis the totem of the Chinese. Do you know where the dragon lives? Yes, you havearrived at the Dragon Palace, the home of the dragon. The Dragon Palace scenicspot we are visiting today is located in the southern suburb of Anshun City,Guizhou Province, adjacent to the famous Huangguoshu scenic spot at home andabroad. It has convenient transportation and is 116 kilometers away from theprovincial capital Guiyang city. The Dragon Palace is the most mature and mostscenic gold tourist spot in Guizhou. It is also a national 5A scenic spot.

As the saying goes, when you come to Guizhou, you have to see three things:the mountains, the water and the caves. The Dragon Palace is famous for itsbeautiful caves. It is a typical karst terrain with five most famous caves inChina: the longest water cave in China, the largest cave Buddha Hall in China,the largest waterfall in the cave in China, the lowest natural radiation doserate in the world, and the most concentrated water and drought caves in theworld, These five are the best, which make the Dragon Palace famous all over theworld. So its a great blessing for you to come to the Dragon Palace today.

Now, lets walk into Longmen waterfall. Its more than 50 meters high and26 meters wide. Its a waterfall in the cave. Its made by the pouring waterfrom Tianchi Lake. The flowing water dries through the mountains and splitsrocks with the momentum of sprinkling. It is magnificent and magnificent. It isjust like ten thousand horses galloping. When we approach the Longmen waterfall,our hearts will be shocked. You can see that the rainbow formed by the flowingwater under the sunlight is like a fairyland, very beautiful. This waterfallgoes down the river, another 30 kilometers, is the famous Huangguoshuwaterfall.

Let me introduce the overall situation of the Dragon Palace. The total areaof the Dragon Palace is 60 square kilometers, which is divided into four scenicspots: the center, Xuantang, rape lake and xianrenqing. The Dragon Palace isvery beautiful and spectacular, showing four characteristics. One is theunderground river cave, which is called "Chinas only beautiful water cave" bytourists. Longgong water cave is 15 kilometers long, ranking first in China. Atpresent, there are two sections of the scenic area open to the public, 1260meters long. There are many kinds of Bell and milk in the cave. Compared withthe northern cave, it is more delicate and exquisite. Compared with the southerncave, it is more mysterious and strange. The structure of the cave Hall is likethe Dragon King Palace in myth, which is why it is called the Dragon Palace. Ofcourse, with the development of the times, I believe that all of them will notbe open for a long time. You are welcome to visit again. Moreover, it is also aparadise for Buddhists, because there is the largest cave temple in China - theDragon Palace Guanyin cave. Its biggest feature is that all the temples arenatural caves. There are 32 artificially carved Buddha statues, of which thestatue of Guanyin is as high as 12.6 meters. On the main hall, there is astalactite with a natural spirit similar to Guanyin. The natural and artificialBuddha statues are integrated. In our country, there are many temples on famousmountains, but the temples in Karst caves can be called the top of the countryin terms of scale and popularity. The third feature is the waterfall in thecave. We have just visited it. I believe you have already had your own feelings.The last feature is the Dragon Palace whirlpool, which is a round pond with anarea of more than 10000 square meters. The water in the pond is rotatingclockwise without wind. You can look at your watch and compare it Its also agood feeling to have a look at Xuantang. Even the science education channel ofCCTV "into science" has explored and reported this strange phenomenon.Therefore, we are very lucky to have come to Xuantang.

After a days play, I believe you are all tired. When you come to Longgong,you can have some good food. Because its Longgong, we dont have many famousfish and shrimp dishes. The more famous ones are Huajiang dog meat, buckwheatjelly, Changwang noodles and fried chicken cake. I believe you will have abetter appetite after enjoying the beautiful scenery, and come to taste the foodof Longgong.

OK, distinguished guests, this dragon palace tour is over. You are welcometo come next time, and you are also welcome to criticize our work. I wish youall good health and happiness!




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 10445 字

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Dear friends

Hello everyone! Welcome to Fenghuang ancient city. Now you are in Fenghuangancient city, Hunan Province, which is praised as one of the two most beautifulsmall cities in China by the famous New Zealand writer Mr. Louis Ailey. It isadjacent to Mengdong River in Western Hunan and Fanjing Mountain in Guizhou. Itis the only way between Huaihua, Jishou and Tongren. It is also the hometown ofShen Congwen, a famous writer. Phoenix has beautiful scenery and many places ofinterest. It has always been a popular tourist attraction. Since ancient times,there have been eight scenic spots, including Dongling Yinghui, Nanhua Diecui,Longtan Yuhuo, Shansi morning bell, Qifeng Tingxiu, Xiqiao night moon, LanjingQiaoge and fange Huitao. In the city, ancient city buildings, ancient courtyardsof Ming and Qing Dynasties and small stone streets are still elegant; Outsidethe city, Nanhuashan National Forest Park, huangsiqiao ancient city built inTang Dynasty, underground art palace, Qiliang cave, magic wind rock, spectacularjianduoduo waterfall, mysterious gaodabu gorge, sanmendong general rock,picturesque tunliang mountain, Fenghuang mountain, Xiangbi mountain, Tianxingmountain and lale mountain all beckon to you《 More than ten films and TV plays,such as the story of suppressing bandits in Western Hunan, the story ofsuppressing bandits in Wulong mountain, the blood drum, and general Suyu, werealso filmed here. Phoenix is not only beautiful scenery, but also outstandingpeople. National heroes such as Zheng Guohong, chief soldier of Chuzhou town inZhejiang Province, Tian Xingshu, governor of Guizhou Province, Xiong Xiling, thefirst premier of the cabinet of the Republic of China, Shen Congwen, a famouswriter, and Huang Yongyu, a famous painter are all Phoenix people. Formerresidence of Shen Congwen

Now follow the stone path to No. 10 Zhongying street, the former residenceof Shen Congwen, a famous Chinese writer and archaeologist.

Shen Congwens former residence was built by his grandfather Shen Hongfu in1866. On December 28, 1902, Mr. Shen Congwen was born in this courtyard with thearchitectural style of Ming and Qing Dynasties, where he spent his childhood andadolescence. In 1917, when Mr. Shen was 15 years old, he joined the local armyin Western Hunan because of his familys decline. He left his hometown andtraveled in the yuan, Li and Youshui river basins. He experienced a full-blownwar, which stimulated his desire for creation. In 1919, Mr. Shen came to Beijingalone and began his hard career as a writer. He created a series of literaryworks, such as "border town", "Xiangxi", and soon became famous in the Chineseliterary world, almost as well as Mr. Lu Xun, who was more than 20 years olderthan him. After the 1950s, Mr. Shen devoted himself to the study of ancientChinese costumes and wrote a masterpiece, the study of ancient Chinesecostumes.

Mr. Shens works and character show a strong consistency: natural, honest,modest, diligent, broad and dignified. Mr. Shens works of more than 5 millionwords are the worlds literary treasures, leaving valuable historical materialsfor future generations to study the old China and the old Xiangxi.

To appreciate and study Mr. Shens works, while appreciating his freshstory, dont ignore the passion behind it; while appreciating his simple words,dont ignore the hidden grief behind it. Now lets go to find the warmth andsweetness in Mr. Shens works, experience the tranquility behind the noise, andvisit the "paradise" - the border town that people yearn for.

Chens ancestral hall

Chaoyang palace, also known as Chenjia ancestral hall, is one of the 24representative ancestral halls of Fenghuang. It is located in ximenpo in theancient city. It was built by the gentry Chen family in 1915. In 1923, the kingof Xiangxi, Chen Quzhen, led the people to expand and renovate it. At that time,the annual ancestor worship assembly was held here.

Chens ancestral hall is divided into main hall, stage, left and right box,etc., forming a courtyard with strong local ethnic characteristics, especiallythe ancient stage at the entrance. Does the old couplet and the eight operamurals on the stage give us a trace of nostalgia for the past?

Xiong Xilings former residence

Follow the gravel path in the alley, pass under the eaves of Dacheng hall,the Confucius Temple, and then come to No. 10 Wenxing street, the formerresidence of Xiong Xiling, the first Prime Minister of the Republic ofChina.

Xiong Xiling, No. bingsan, was born in this bungalow on July 23, 1870. Whenhe was young, Mr. Xiong was known as a child prodigy in Hunan Province. He was ascholar at the age of 15, a candidate at the age of 21, and a Jinshi at the ageof 24. He was awarded the title of the Imperial Academy scholar (commonly knownas dianhanlin).

When he was 9 years old, his private school teacher wrote a couplet: "planta few potted flowers to explore the spring and autumn news." Mr. Xiongimmediately wrote the second couplet: "dig a pool of water to see the sky andthe earth It was a good story. After the mid-term examination, hsinko JurenXiong painted a painting to express his ambition. He painted a humble piece ofcotton and wrote the inscription "this gentleman is warm when he comes out ofthe world", which surprised all four of them.

After becoming famous, Mr. Xiong actively advocated the reform. He oncefounded Xiangbao, Shiwu school and Changde West Road normal school. He was thebackbone of the reform school in Hunan as well as Tan Sitong. Some famousrevolutionaries in our country, such as Xiang Jingyu, Lin Boqu, Teng Daiyuan,Song Jiaoren, a leftist of the Kuomintang, and Jiang Yiwu, commander in chief ofthe Wuchang Uprising, are all students of Mr. Xiong. Later, Mr. Xiong served asthe financial supervisor of the three eastern provinces, Rehe Dutong, and thechief financial officer. In 1913, he became the first Prime Minister of theRepublic of China. At that time, the government was known as the "talentcabinet" by the public opinion circles. Later, because Mr. Xiong opposed YuanShikais dictatorship, he was forced by Yuan Shikai to dissolve the cabinet andresign as prime minister. Since then, Mr. Xiong has devoted himself to industryand charity, opened Xiangshan childrens home and adopted a large number oforphans.

In 1925, Fenghuang County was hit by a severe drought, and most of the landwas not collected. After Mr. Xiong knew the news, he sent a relief fund of100000 yuan to Dayang (among which the famous Peking opera performing artist MeiLanfang donated 40000 yuan to Dayang), helping many victims. In his later years,Mr. Xiong became the president of the Red Cross Society of the Republic of Chinaand actively participated in the battlefield rescue of the Anti Japanese war. OnDecember 5, 1937, Xiong Xiling died in Hong Kong at the age of 67.

To appreciate and study Mr. Shens works, while appreciating his freshstory, dont ignore the passion behind it; while appreciating his simple words,dont ignore the hidden grief behind it. Now lets go to find the warmth andsweetness in Mr. Shens works, experience the tranquility behind the noise, andvisit the "paradise" - the border town that people yearn for.

Chens ancestral hall

Chaoyang palace, also known as Chenjia ancestral hall, is one of the 24representative ancestral halls of Fenghuang. It is located in ximenpo in theancient city. It was built by the gentry Chen family in 1915. In 1923, the kingof Xiangxi, Chen Quzhen, led the people to expand and renovate it. At that time,the annual ancestor worship assembly was held here.

Chens ancestral hall is divided into main hall, stage, left and right box,etc., forming a courtyard with strong local ethnic characteristics, especiallythe ancient stage at the entrance. Does the old couplet and the eight operamurals on the stage give us a trace of nostalgia for the past?

Xiong Xilings former residence

Follow the gravel path in the alley, pass under the eaves of Dacheng hall,the Confucius Temple, and then come to No. 10 Wenxing street, the formerresidence of Xiong Xiling, the first Prime Minister of the Republic ofChina.

Xiong Xiling, No. bingsan, was born in this bungalow on July 23, 1870. Whenhe was young, Mr. Xiong was known as a child prodigy in Hunan Province. He was ascholar at the age of 15, a candidate at the age of 21, and a Jinshi at the ageof 24. He was awarded the title of the Imperial Academy scholar (commonly knownas dianhanlin).

When he was 9 years old, his private school teacher wrote a couplet: "planta few potted flowers to explore the spring and autumn news." Mr. Xiongimmediately wrote the second couplet: "dig a pool of water to see the sky andthe earth It was a good story. After the mid-term examination, hsinko JurenXiong painted a painting to express his ambition. He painted a humble piece ofcotton and wrote the inscription "this gentleman is warm when he comes out ofthe world", which surprised all four of them.

After becoming famous, Mr. Xiong actively advocated the reform. He oncefounded Xiangbao, Shiwu school and Changde West Road normal school. He was thebackbone of the reform school in Hunan as well as Tan Sitong. Some famousrevolutionaries in our country, such as Xiang Jingyu, Lin Boqu, Teng Daiyuan,Song Jiaoren, a leftist of the Kuomintang, and Jiang Yiwu, commander in chief ofthe Wuchang Uprising, are all students of Mr. Xiong. Later, Mr. Xiong served asthe financial supervisor of the three eastern provinces, Rehe Dutong, and thechief financial officer. In 1913, he became the first Prime Minister of theRepublic of China. At that time, the government was known as the "talentcabinet" by the public opinion circles. Later, because Mr. Xiong opposed YuanShikais dictatorship, he was forced by Yuan Shikai to dissolve the cabinet andresign as prime minister. Since then, Mr. Xiong has devoted himself to industryand charity, opened Xiangshan childrens home and adopted a large number oforphans. In 1925, Fenghuang County was hit by a severe drought, and most of theland was not collected. After Mr. Xiong knew the news, he sent a relief fund of100000 yuan to Dayang (among which the famous Peking opera performing artist MeiLanfang donated 40000 yuan to Dayang), helping many victims. In his later years,Mr. Xiong became the president of the Red Cross Society of the Republic of Chinaand actively participated in the battlefield rescue of the Anti Japanese war. OnDecember 5, 1937, Xiong Xiling died in Hong Kong at the age of 67.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2051 字

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Hello, everyone. Welcome to Suzhou. My name is Hua Hantao, and you call meXiao Hua or tour guide Hua. There are many gardens in Suzhou, among which theHumble Administrators garden is one of the "four famous gardens" in China, andit is also a masterpiece of Jiangnan classical gardens. Today, I will take youto visit the Humble Administrators garden for about two hours.

Zhuozheng garden is a representative work of private gardens in China. Inthe list of the first batch of national key cultural relics protection unitsissued by the State Council on March 4, 1961, it is a treasure of Chinasnational cultural heritage, known as the "mother of gardens in the world".

now, we have come to the main gate of Zhuozheng garden. You can see thatthere are three big words "Zhuozheng garden" above the main gate. Zhuozhenggarden was built in the fourth year of Zhengde in the Ming Dynasty. WangXianchen, the imperial censor, returned to his hometown because of hisfrustration in officialdom. He built the garden on the original site of Dahongtemple, with pavilions, small bridges, flowing water and towering ancient trees.The name of Humble Administrators garden is abbreviated from the sentence of"this is also humble, it is political".

the hall house with three doors we see now is Lanxue hall. The word "LanXue" comes from Li Bais sentence "spring breeze sprinkles Lan Xue", whichsymbolizes the noble sentiment of the host, who is as natural and unrestrainedas spring breeze and as clean as Lan Xue. There is a lacquer carving on themiddle screen door, which is a panoramic view of the Humble Administratorsgarden.

next, well visit "wuzhu secluded residence". Its located in theeasternmost part of the garden, commonly known as "moon to wind Pavilion". Itsshape is very unique. Four big round openings remind us of the moon on the nightof August 15. If you stand in the pavilion and look out, the four round openingsare like four huge frames.

This is the world-famous Humble Administrators garden in Suzhou. You arewelcome to visit Suzhou in the future. Goodbye.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2116 字

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我们乘船顺流而下,首先经过的是我们每天都在触摸的瞿塘峡。为什么这么说呢?大家不妨掏出一张10元的人民币,在它的背面就是瞿塘峡峡口的标志——變门。瞿塘峡上自刘备托孤的白帝城,下到古文化的宝库巫山大溪镇,全长只有8公里,是三峡中距离最短、航道最窄、最雄伟壮观的一个峡。瞿塘虽短胜景却不少,像古栈道、孟良梯、风箱峡等风景都错落在峡道两岸;此峡中还有神秘的古代巴人悬棺遗址。船行至瞿塘峡出口处就是大溪古镇了。考古工作者先后对这个只有200多户人家的小镇进行过三次发掘,发现古墓208 座,经碳同位素测定,这是一处距今5000多年的新石器时代遗址。这一发现证明,长江和黄河一样,都是中华文明的摇篮、古文化的发祥地。






巫峡全长45公里,西起巫山大宁河口,东到湖北巴东县官渡口。如果说瞿塘峡像一道闸门,那么巫峡就像长江上一条迂回曲折的画廊。在这一幅幅风景画中,主角当然就是我们的巫山十二峰了。说到十二峰,您一定会问哪个是神女峰吧?请大家顺着我手指的方向看,在江北岸的山顶上有一尊人形的石柱,好像一位亭亭玉立的少女在遥望江面,那就是著名的神女峰了。别看它只是一块只有6米多高的石头,可早在20__ 多年前的战国时期,因为楚国著名辞赋家宋玉的《神女赋》而早已闻名天下了。



从这儿,我们也就进入了长江三峡的最后一个峡——西陵峡,它全长76公里,终点是宜昌的南津关。西陵峡在以前是以险而著称,有句行船谚语说:“青滩、泄滩不算滩,崆岭才是鬼门关。”说的就是西陵峡中最危险的三个滩。不过,新中国成立后,西陵峡经过整治,特别是1970年兴建的葛洲坝工程,抬高水位20 多米,原来的礁石险滩早已沉入江底。再加上1994 年破土动工的三峡大坝二期工程完工后,库区已蓄水至海拔135米,整个西陵峡的航运条件得到了根本性的改善。虽然峡内的风景发生了一些变化,但位于两坝之间一段长约38公里的西陵峡东段却原封不动地保留了下来,它保持着三峡的原汁原味,是唯一永远不被淹没的三峡风光。





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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 5171 字

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Welcome to Xinxian, the old revolutionary base area. Geographically, theold revolutionary base area is generally located in remote areas, withinconvenient transportation, poor natural conditions and peoples livingdifficulties. The county is no exception. After liberation, especially after thereform and opening up, what changes have taken place in the old revolutionarybase areas? Today, Id like to introduce to you the contributions made by thenew counties in the old revolutionary base areas to the Chinese revolution andthe great changes since the reform and opening up.

Xinxian is located in the southernmost part of Henan Province, thehinterland of Dabie Mountains and the junction of Hubei, Henan and Anhuiprovinces. The total population is 330000. From the east to the west ofhengdouxin County in the Dabie Mountains, the Beijing Kowloon railway runsthrough the north and south, and the national highways 106 and 312 pass through.It is 160 kilometers away from Wuhan in the south, Zhengzhou in the north, Hefeiin the East and Xinyang in the south. It is known as the "thoroughfare of thethree provinces" and the "south gate of the Central Plains". Xinxian is the landof red, the cradle of generals. She was the source of "jute uprising", the firstbase of Dabie Mountain area, and the center and capital of Hubei Henan AnhuiSoviet area. The Fourth Front Army of the Red Army, the 25th army of the RedArmy, the fourth detachment of the New Fourth Army and the Central Plains fieldarmy were born here. Lenin, the first plane of the Red Army, flew into the bluesky from here. In the small county with less than 100000 people in those years,55000 people gave their precious lives to the revolution. Deng Xiaoping, DongBiwu, Xu Qianqian, Liu Bocheng, Li Xiannian and other party and state leadershave worked and fought here. New county has 43 generals, known as "generalscounty" known throughout the country. The people of Xinxian county made greatcontributions to the victory of the Chinese revolution.

Dear friends, although Xinxian is located in a remote area, it is rich inproducts. It is known as "gold grows on the mountain, silver is buriedunderground", and has strong advantages of sustainable development. The ruralpillar industry of Xinxian county has formed a scale. The fine forestry,ecological forestry, high-efficiency forest and fruit industry have reached 1.5million mu, and the forest coverage rate has reached 58.2%. Xinxian county is anational key forestry county and ecological demonstration county. It is a famoustown of Ginkgo biloba and Gastrodia elata in China. The output and quality ofchestnut, Camellia oleifera, wild kiwi and tea all rank first in Henan Province.The reserves of rutile, mica, ferrotitanium, granite, quartzite and porcelainclay are very rich and have high mining value. At present, more than 40 kinds ofmineral deposits have been proved. Xinxians annual export of foreign laborservices amounts to tens of millions of US dollars, ranking first in theprovinces export of foreign military affairs.

Xinxian is the transitional zone of North-South climate, and theintersection of the three major plant areas of East China, central China andNorth China. There are many kinds of suitable animals. At present, there aremore than 190 species of various plants and 530 species of wild animals, whichare the treasure house of traditional Chinese Medicine.

During the Ninth Five Year Plan period, more than 900 kilometers of roadswere newly built in Xinxian County, raising 2.3 billion yuan, excavating 12.04million cubic meters of earth and stone, and adding 140.7 kilometers of asphaltroads, which fundamentally changed the backward traffic situation of Xinxiancounty. The road is smooth, the mountain gate is wide open, and the farmersideas have a fundamental change. The forest and fruit industry alone has anannual per capita income of 800 yuan, and the mountain village has finallyopened up a road to prosperity.

Electric power, telecommunication, radio and television also developedrapidly. In 1998, every village in the county was electrified. In the past twoyears, there has been no television. In the past two years, the TV user rate hasreached 80%. The whole county has also realized the program-controlled telephonein every village, forming a modern digital communication network of urban andrural integration.

The social undertakings of Xinxian county have developed in an all-roundway, and the construction of spiritual civilization has achieved fruitfulresults. It has won the title of "advanced county of civilization construction"for four consecutive years.

When it comes to tourism, there are many special tourism resources inXinxian. She has revolutionary monuments such as the branch of the CPC CentralCommittee in Hubei, Henan and Anhui, the Hubei, Henan and Anhui military region,the tomb of General Xu Shiyou, the capital museum, the martyrs cemetery, andother national forest parks such as Tiantai Mountain, Liankang mountain, Jinlanmountain, Baiyun Mountain, Xianglu mountain, huangmaojian, Xizhai, etc. Withbeautiful scenery, birds singing and flowers fragrance, it attracts thousands oftourists from home and abroad.



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Ladies and gentlemen,

hello everyone! Im very glad to meet you in Nanping, the "North Gate" ofFujian Province. First of all, on behalf of Fujian longxingtianxia travelagency, I welcome you all. Im the general manager of the travel agency My nameis Chen. You can call me Xiao Chen. Sitting in front of us is our driver masterLiu. Although Master Liu is young, his driving skills are first-class. I believethat with his escort, our journey will be more comfortable and safe. Today, ouritinerary is Wuyishan, the beautiful blue water and Danxia. If you need any helpin this trip, you can tell Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen also wishes you a happy and fulljourney.

Its about 10 minutes drive from your hotel to JIUQUXI scenic spot. NowId like to introduce the general situation of Wuyishan and JIUQUXI: Wuyishan isone of the first batch of key scenic spots announced by the state in 1982, andit was listed in the world cultural and natural heritage list by UNESCO inDecember 1999. Wuyi Mountain belongs to Danxia landform. In the past tens ofthousands of years, due to the crustal movement, the landform has beenconstantly changing, forming the unique "three three", "six six", "seventy-two"and "ninety-nine". Three three three "refers to the Jiuqu River we will visitnext," six six "refers to thirty-six peaks, seventy-two caves and ninety-ninemountains, Wuyi Mountain, blue water and Danshan, Wuyi Mountain is known as"qixiujia Southeast". There is no intense heat in summer and no severe cold inwinter. The warm and humid climate provides superior water and heat conditionsfor the plants in Wuyi Mountain. Therefore, Wuyi Mountain has dense forests,flourishing flowers and fragrant flowers. It is suitable for tourism all theyear round. Wuyi Mountain is the most important landscape in central Fujian. Thesoul of Wuyi mountain lies in Jiuqu stream, which originates from Huanggangmountain in Wuyi Mountains. The stream twists and turns around the mountain,forming nine curves. Each curve has its own unique style. Visitors can not onlyenjoy the thrill without danger by riding bamboo rafts and rushing down thestream, but also see the mountain scenery when they look up and enjoy the watercolor when they look down You can listen to the sound of the stream and reachfor the clear stream. I believe the journey will be very pleasant.

OK, members, now we have arrived at the wharf of Jiuqu River. Beforegetting off the bus, Id like to introduce the precautions for taking a bambooraft: first, six people should take a bamboo raft, please assemble freely;second, they should be modest and give way to each other to avoid falling intothe water; third, they should follow the instructions of the rafters and dontwalk on the bamboo raft.

Well, friends, just now we have visited nine to three of the Jiuqu streams.Now we are in the second of the Jiuqu stream. The tall and straight mountain infront of us is Yunv peak. Yunv peak is the most famous landscape in WuyishanScenic Area and also the symbol of Fujian tourism. The jade girl peak and themajestic King peak face each other across the river, like a pair of loyallovers. The peak on the left is called "tiebanzhang", which lies between the twopeaks. It may be a scene of emotion. There is a moving folk story here. It issaid that long ago, Wuyishan was a place full of floods and wild animals. Thecommon people suffered a lot. One day, a young man came from afar to witness thedisaster. He led the people to cut the mountain, cut the stone and dredge theriver. After unremitting efforts, the flood was finally cured, and the dredgedriver course is todays Jiuqu River. The excavated sand and stones are stackedto form thirty-six peaks and ninety-nine rocks. Once upon a time, the jade girlin the sky was fascinated by the beautiful scenery of Wuyi Mountain when she wastraveling. So she secretly stayed in the world and fell in love with thishardworking and brave young man who was called the king. Unfortunately, the ironghost knew about this. He told the jade emperor about it. The Jade Emperor wasso angry that he ordered to arrest the jade girl and return to the heaven, TheJade Emperor had no choice but to turn them into stones and separate them on thetwo banks of the Jiuqu River. In order to please the Jade Emperor, the ironghost turned into a big stone and watched their actions day and night. Theycould only look at each other with tears in their eyes.

Under the jade girl peak is a clear and green bath pool. It is said that itis the place where the jade girl bathes. There is a huge stone in the pool. Itis said that it is a token of love given by the king to the jade girl. The rockon the right side of the jade girl peak is engraved with the word "Jingtai",which is five feet square. The font is neat and handsome. You can see it severalmiles away. It is the largest cliff stone carving in Wuyishan Scenic Area.

Rafting over tiebanzhang, you will arrive at a bend of Jiuqu River. Undertiebanzhang, there is a huge stone, which is called "shuiguangshi". It is aboutseveral feet high. Every sunny evening, the setting sun is reflected on the rockwall, and its reflection will be reflected on the clear and green stream. Thereare many inscriptions on the rock, especially the inscription of Qi Jiguang, afamous Anti Japanese general in Ming Dynasty. The peak behind shuiguangshi isDawang peak, while the lion like peak on the right is lion peak.

Well, dear friends, todays tour has come to an end. Thank you very muchfor your support and cooperation. I hope my service can satisfy you. If there isanything not thoughtful in the service, please forgive me. You are also welcometo put forward more valuable opinions and suggestions. Thank you and welcome tocome again.



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Park and sit in maple forest at night, frost leaves are red in Februaryflowers

Hello, tourists. Welcome to Beijing Xiangshan Park. Im Xiao Zhang, thetour guide. Todays tour in Xiangshan will be served by me. Here, I hope you canenjoy the elegant maple leaves of Xiangshan and the beauty of classical gardenculture, but also bring you a happy mood and good memories. Now lets start ourtour today. Xiangshan Mountain is located at the east foot of Xishan Mountain inthe northwest suburb of Beijing. The mountain is covered with Cotinus coggygriatrees and turns purple after frost. Chen Yis poem "the red leaves in Xishan aregood, the frost is heavy, the color is thicker", which refers to the leaves ofCotinus coggygria. During the frost season, Xiangshan has tens of thousands ofacres of sloping land, which is as red as fire. From a distance, it is thoughtthat it is a piece of petals, but from a closer look, it is clear that it is apiece of oval leaves. Xiangshan is the best place to enjoy the red leaves. It islocated in the pavilion of senyuhu peak. From the pavilion, you can see far awayfrom the mountain and near the slope. It is bright red, pink, scarlet and peach.It has distinct layers, like red clouds, and full of interest. It has become afamous autumn resort in northern China.

There are two huge stones at the top of Xiangshan Mountain, called Rufengstone. Its shape is similar to the "incense burner", and there are often cloudsaround it, such as the curl of cigarettes in the air, from which Xiangshan getsits name. Xiangshan has beautiful scenery, scenic spots all over the country,beautiful scenery, rich in natural and wild interest. In autumn, the YellowCotinus coggygria has changed its clothes and become popular all over themountains. This is called "Xiangshan Hongye", which is one of the eight scenicspots in Yanjing. The scenery of Xiangshan Mountain in winter is also verycharming. When the snow is clear in the early winter, a piece of silver make-upis wrapped in plain clothes, which is particularly enchanting. One of the eightsceneries in the old Yanjing, the "clear snow on the West Mountain" refers tohere. Xiangshan temple, in Xiangshan Park, toad peak north. Built in the 26thyear of Jin Dading (1186), Jin Shizong granted the name of dayongan temple, oneof the 28 sceneries of "Jingyi garden". Later, it was burned by the Alliedforces of Britain, France and the eight countries. Only stone steps, stonepillars, stone screens and other remains remain. Only the temples "tingfasong"still stands. Xianglu peak is commonly known as guijianchou. In the west ofXiangshan Park. The peak is steep and difficult to climb. You can have apanoramic view of Xiangshan at the top. In recent years, cable car cableway hasbeen built to pull mountain climbing. Shuangqing villa is under Xiangshan templein Xiangshan Park. There are two original springs here, which are said to bemenggan spring in the reign of emperor Zhangzong of Jin Dynasty. Qianlong of theQing Dynasty inscribed "Shuangqing" on the cliff beside the spring. Xiong Xilingbuilt a villa here in 1917, which was named after it. The villa is elegant andquiet, and the landscape, trees and stones are natural. There is a pool inQingquan. There is a pavilion beside the pool, a house behind the pavilion andbamboo beside the house. The bamboo shadow is very beautiful. In this place, youcan enjoy flowers in spring, summer, red leaves in autumn, snow in winter, andbeautiful scenery in four seasons. It is called "garden in garden" in Xiangshan.Glasses lake, in the north gate of Xiangshan Park. The two tranquil lakes areconnected by a white stone arch bridge, which looks like glasses, hence thename. On the north side of the lake, there are mountains and rocks, and peaksrise. A hole above, flowing spring straight down, just like the Pearl curtainhanging water curtain hole. Mountain flowers and grass compete in the crevice ofthe gully and beside the stream, and ancient cypresses and pines, old locusttrees and weeping willows meet to form a clear shade. Jianxinzhai is on the westside of the north gate of Xiangshan Park, adjacent to Jingjing lake. It wasbuilt in the Jiajing period of Ming Dynasty. After several repairs, it is acourtyard with Jiangnan flavor.

Xiangshan courtyard center is a flat round pool, clear spring water fromthe stone dragon into the mouth, summer new Lotus Ting Li, goldfish play. Thepool is surrounded by three corridors in the East, South and North, with a smallpavilion extending into the pool. There are three pavilions in the west of thepool, that is, the heart room. After zhaihou, the mountains are rugged and thepines and cypresses are green. The whole courtyard is quiet and elegant, whichmakes people forget to return. At that time, Emperor Qianlong studied here andgave banquets to his officials.

Xiangshan Park has a long history and many cultural relics. As early as1186, the human landscape appeared. Xiangshan temple was once the highest templein the west of Beijing. Xiangshan has beautiful scenery all the year round. Ifwe compare the western suburbs of Beijing to the "back garden" of Beijingsmodern metropolis. Then, Xiangshan Park, which has a long history, has becomethe Green Valley "oxygen bar" in the western suburbs of Beijing with its naturallandscape of "brilliant mountain flowers in spring, refreshing and pleasantsummer, red leaves floating in late autumn and silver makeup in winter". Thereare many trees in the park, with a forest coverage rate of 96%. There are morethan 5800 ancient and famous trees alone, accounting for a quarter of the urbanarea of Beijing. The park has unique resources of "mountains, famous springs,ancient trees and red leaves". Xiangshan red leaf is well-known at home andabroad. In 1986, it was rated as one of the "Sixteen sights of new Beijing" andbecame the most beautiful landscape in the capital in autumn. Every late autumn,tens of thousands of Chinese and foreign tourists gather in Xiangshan to enjoythe autumn scenery.

Time flies. Today our tour is coming to an end. I believe you must lead theway to Danfeng brilliant brocade make-up, to fight with the spring flowers,eye-catching red leaf beauty. Thank you for your support. I wish every day inthe future can be as happy as today, like the red leaves in full swing! Lookingforward to our next goodbye!



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Three Gorges people are picturesque: traditional Three Gorges stilts aredotted in the mountains and rivers, ancient sailing boats and awning boats thathave not been seen for a long time are quietly moored in front of the ThreeGorges peoples doors, girls by the stream are washing their clothes with clubhammers, and leisurely fishermen on the river are casting nets to catch fish Allkinds of customs and customs that have been handed down for thousands of yearsreflect the simple hospitality of Xiajiang people. When you enter XiajiangDiaojiaolou, Xiajiang girl is singing and dancing, and the red Hydrangea in herhand is floating. At this time, the beautiful Three Gorges girl holds a cup ofxiazhou tea for you, and you will feel dreamlike and kind.

The beauty of the stone tablets in the Three Gorges lies in "the urgency ofthe Bay, the strangeness of the stone, the seclusion of the valley, the Jue ofthe cave and the sweetness of the spring". It includes longjinxi, the fourthspring in the world, yepoling, Dengying cave, anti Japanese War Memorial Hall,Shipai ancient town, yangjiaxi military drifting and other scenic spots. Itstourism connotation can be summarized as "one two three four", namely: oneMuseum (Shipai Anti Japanese War Memorial Hall), two special projects (ThreeGorges folk custom project and yangjiaxi military drifting project), and threefirsts (Three Gorges first bay Mingyue Bay, yangjiaxi military drifting project)Shilingpai, the first magic card in China, dengyingshi, the first stone in theYangtze River, and Toad spring, the fourth spring in the world. Among them, theThree Gorges family style projects are divided into water family, stream family,mountain family and todays family. Since ancient times, scholars and poets ofall ages have written many beautiful poems, such as Li Bai in Tang Dynasty,Ouyang Xiu, Su Zhe and Huang Tingjian in Northern Song Dynasty, Lu You inSouthern Song Dynasty, Zhang Zhidong in Qing Dynasty, and Guo Moruo, a greatmodern poet. Poets use their spiritual pen to write about the people in theThree Gorges, the sound of sculls, the sweet spring of toads, the greenmountains and waterfalls, and the beautiful peaks and rocks After reading thesepoems, I feel as if I am on the scene, enjoying the magical scenery and richamorous feelings of the Shipai of the Three Gorges people.

The Three Gorges people integrate the essence of the Three Gorges culture,the Ba style and Chu rhyme, and have a panoramic view of the Xiajiang river. Themagnificent Yangtze River has nurtured the culture of the Three Gorges. It isthe cream of Bachus traditional national art. Bachu culture is blending,multiplying and developing here. When broadness and mystery get married,brilliance and massiness get married, Three Gorges people are destined to be thelegend of Three Gorges tourism.

Sanxiarenjia is located in Xiling Gorge, the most fantastic and magnificentof the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River. Between the Three Gorges Dam and theGezhouba Dam, it spans both sides of the beautiful Dengying gorge, covering anarea of 14 square kilometers. People in the Three Gorges are picturesque.

With the completion of the world-famous Three Gorges Dam, the water levelin the dam area will rise 175 meters. The magnificent and beautiful scenery ofthe Three Gorges in the past will be greatly improved. Only the Dengying gorgebetween the two dams maintains the original scenery of the gorge.



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Is the bIrthplace of ChInese CIvIlIzatIon and one of the sIx ancIentcapItal cItIes In ChIna. DurIng the last 3000 years It served as a capItal forseveral dynastIes. It Is the second largest cIty In ChIna wIth a populatIon ofmore than 11 mIllIon. Is neIther cold In wInter nor very In summer. The bestseasons In are SprIng and Autumn. BeIjIng Is Indeed an Ideal place to vIsIt allround the year.

Temple of Heaven In the southern part of BeIjIng Is ChIna`s largestexIstIng complex of ancIent sacrIfIcIal buIldIngs. OccupyIng an area of 273hectares, It Is three tImes the area of the ForbIdden CIty. It was buIlt In 1420for emperors to worshIp Heaven. The prIncIple buIldIngs Include the Altar ofPrayer for Good Harvests, ImperIal Vault of Heaven and CIrcular Mound Altar.

ForbIdden CIty, so called because It was off lImIts to commoners for 500years, Is the largest and best-preserved cluster of ancIent buIldIngs In ChIna.It was home to two dynastIes of emperors -the MIng and the QIng - who dIdntstray from thIs pleasure dome unless they absolutely had to.

Great Wall of ChIna, Also know n to the ChInese as the 10,000 LI Wall, theGreat Wall of ChIna stretches from ShanhaIguan Pass on the east coast toJIayuguan Pass In the Desert. Standard hIstorIes emphasIze the unIty of thewall.



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Hello, everyone. Im very glad that Im here to show you around thebeautiful Jianglang Mountain. Im honored to be your guide.

Now, we are at the foot of Jianglang Mountain, which is a typical DanxiaLandform in China. Jianglang Mountain is 824 meters above sea level. The threestone peaks are arranged in Sichuan characters, which are called Langfeng,Yafeng and Lingfeng respectively. The stone peak is 369 meters high, shaped likea pillar in the sky, with skyscrapers rubbing clouds. There are big lanesbetween the three peaks, and small lanes can go in and out. Xiaonong is 312meters high, 298 meters long and only 3 meters wide. It is rated as "the top ofthe sky in China" by 56 geologists in East China.

The average slope of Langfeng is 88 degrees, and no one has ever been ableto climb it, which makes countless tourists think about it. Bai Juyi said in hispoem, "you can live in peace, and you will be drunk with the emperor." Now,there are more than 3500 stone steps along the stone wall, which can reach thepeak one kilometer up. Standing on the top of the mountain, there are whiteclouds passing by. Overlooking the foot, you can have a panoramic view of themountains and rivers, which makes you feel relaxed and happy.

Come with me. This is the first sky in Jianglang Mountain. It is 312 metershigh and 298 meters long. It is 4 meters wide at the widest and 3.5 metersnarrow at the narrowest. It has been rated as "the largest sky in China" bygeologists in East China. In different angles, you can see different scenes of"a line of sky", sometimes Arabic numeral "1", sometimes Chinese "one",sometimes a semicircle, just like the sky is cut into a strip by twomountains!

Now tour by yourself, dont Scribble, dont destroy the beautiful scenicspots. Gather in place in two hours.



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Ancient lotus pond is one of the famous ancient gardens in China. As soonas you enter the gate, the first thing you see is a rockery. On the archwaybehind the gate, there are four bright words: "ancient lotus pond". They areplaced in the middle, as if to welcome the guests here.

On the right side of the gate is a row of black stone tablets. Thecharacters on the stone tablets are written by famous calligraphers of differentdynasties. Further on, you can see a white Jiuqu bridge, through which you cometo the water Pavilion. The pavilion has eight corners, and each corner is hungwith a lovely wind chime. As long as mother-in-law Feng blows gently, the littlewind chime will make a pleasant sound. There are six pillars around thepavilion, which are all connected together. Tourists can sit on it and have arest, or look at the wind in the distance.

When I went into the pavilion, I found that it was spacious and cool. Therewere many patterns on the pavilion, and the structure was very fine. There wasnot a nail in the whole pavilion. This shows the wisdom and ability of theancient people.

Standing in the water Pavilion, I saw many lotus leaves and flowers in thelotus pool. Walking back from the water Pavilion, there is a famous library inChina.

Beautiful lotus pool, beautiful water, beautiful scenery, I am very proudof my hometown with such a beautiful scenery.



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The ancient city of Phoenix, a national historical and cultural city, wasonce praised as one of the most beautiful small cities in China by the famousNew Zealand writer Louis Ailey. It is adjacent to Dehang Miao village in Jishou,Mengdong River in Yongshun and Fanjing Mountain in Guizhou. It is the only waybetween Huaihua, Jishou and Tongren. National Highway 209 and Hunan Guizhouprovincial highway pass through the county. Tongren Daxing airport is only 27kilometers away from the county, with convenient transportation. Phoenix hasbeautiful scenery, long history and many places of interest. Inside the city,the elegant demeanor of ancient city buildings and Ming and Qing ancientcourtyards remains. The ancient and simple Tuojiang River flows quietly. Outsidethe city, there are Nanhua Mountain National Forest Park, Qiliang cave, an artpalace under the city, huangsiqiao ancient city built in the Tang Dynasty, andthe world-famous southern Great wall Here is not only a beautiful scenery, butalso a place of outstanding people, famous and virtuous.

Fenghuang Mountain City, a beautiful small city, is located on the Bank ofTuojiang River, surrounded by mountains and magnificent passes. The green rivermeanders under the ancient city wall, and the verdant foothills of Nanhuamountain reflect the center of the river. Fishing boats count in the river,drums and bells ring in the mountains, the stilted building on the cliff issmoking, and the Huansha girl beside the wharf is laughing Ah, Phoenix is like"a Chinese landscape painting with thick ink and light color". When you strollthrough the ancient citys stone lined Yanban street, the ancient buildings onboth sides embrace the terrain, row upon row, and the pavilions and pavilionsoverlap, like a dragon flying, like a fish spreading its wings. In the sound ofdrizzle, it seems that the cowhide spiked shoes of pilgrims knock on the street,making people feel isolated

Shen Congwens former residence is located in nanzhongying street, which isa typical southern Sihe ancient courtyard. There is a small patio in the middleof the ancient courtyard, which is paved with red stone slabs. The courtyard issurrounded by an ancient house of brick and wood structure, with three mainrooms and four wing rooms, a total of more than ten rooms. The house is smalland small. Although there is no carved dragon and painted Phoenix, it is smalland chic with antique flavor. In particular, the carved wooden windows withXiangxi characteristics are particularly eye-catching.

Shen Congwen was born here on December 28, 1902. It was here that he spenthis childhood. The former residence, which lasted more than 100 years, waspurchased by Shen Congwens grandfather Shen Hongfu. Due to the historicalevolution and several changes of ownership, in order to show respect for the oldman Shen Congwen, we should learn from his self-study spirit of diligentlearning, self-reliance, hard work and outstanding contribution to the nationalliterary cause, so as to inspire future generations. In 1988, the countypeoples government decided to buy back the house and renovate it. He took thedesign to Beijing and sent it to Shen Congwen for approval. Shen Congwen was illand gave opinions on the design. He said: "if the house is rotten, its betterto repair it, but you have to make do with it. It doesnt cost a lot of money.Your hometown is still very poor, so you should try to save as much aspossible.".

After renovation, the hundred year old courtyard reappeared its originalappearance. Now there is a plaque of "Shen Congwens former residence" on thedoor. The first room on the right is a photo of Shen Congwens life, the secondroom is Shen Congwens manuscripts, and the left wing displays various versionsof his works. Shen Congwens sketch is hanging in the middle of the main room.The left room is the bedroom, where Shen Congwen was born. The room on the rightdisplays desks with marble tabletops.

Xiong Xilings former residence is located in an alley in beiwenxing streetof Fenghuang ancient city. 200 meters to the east of his former residence is thebeautiful Tuojiang River. The former residence is a Siheyuan, a southern ancientstyle wooden tile structure, which is relatively small but very exquisite. Theexisting four houses in the former residence are basically the originalappearance, which is rich in Miao flavor. It is a key cultural relic protectionunit in the county. In the summer and autumn of 1917, there was a serious floodin Beijing and Tianjin. He was responsible for supervising the rehabilitation offlood river works, and presided over the fund-raising to relieve the victims. In1918, with the approval of the government, Xiangshan Jingyi garden wastransformed into a childrens home for adoption and education of homelesschildren. He was in charge of the hospital for 20__ years. He wrote a poem:

Ten thousand trees and peach blossoms are planted by their own hands.

Childrens month and flower are both long, and each of them twists theflower and laughs.

The ancestral hall of Yang family was built in 1836. It is a quadranglecourtyard with wooden structure. It covers an area of 770 square meters andconsists of a gate, a stage, a hall, a gallery and a main hall. The stage is asingle eaves Xieshan, under the eaves decorated with Ruyi Dougong, 16 metershigh, with four pillars carved with dragons and phoenixes. The stage is of theChuandou type, and the main hall is of the beam type. The whole building is offine workmanship and rich in national characteristics. It is a key culturalrelic protection unit of the county.

The ancestral hall of Yang family is located on the wall of the ancientcity in the north east of the county. Prince Shaobao, marquis Guo Yong and YangFang, commander of Zhengan, donated money to build it in 1836. The ancestralhall is composed of gate, stage, pavilion, gallery, main hall and wing room. Itis a typical quadrangle building, covering an area of 770 square meters. Thestage is a single eaves Xieshan, with a structure of crossing a bucket. It is 16meters high, 7 meters wide and 8 meters deep. Under the eaves, it is like a jadebucket arch, and the pillars are carved with dragons and phoenixes. The mainhall is a beam lifting building, and the gable is cat back arch, which isdivided into one bright room, two dark rooms. There are wing rooms on bothsides. The ancestral hall of Yang family is exquisitely designed and made. Thewindow, door and eaves ornaments are carved out. The whole building hasdistinctive national characteristics and high architectural art value.

The southern Great Wall of China is located in the border area of Hunan andGuizhou, from Tongren of Guizhou Province to Baojing of Hunan Province, with atotal length of more than 380 Li. It was built in the 43rd year of Wanli of MingDynasty (Park 1615). After several renovations, it was shaped in the Jiajingperiod of Qing Dynasty. Its blockhouse wall is generally 2.3 meters high, 1.7meters wide at the base and 1 meter wide at the top. The wall is made of localmaterials, stones and shale. The middle is filled with rocks and mud, windingaround mountains and streams, Most of them were built on steep mountains. Alongthe way, there were 1232 flood fortresses, TUNKA, sentry posts, blockhouses,battery, box, gate and countless stone barracks for garrison. At that time,there were about 8000 garrison troops. Today, some place names such as alaying,tianxingying, huanglianhe, wangpotun, Desheng, qianshiying, Zhenwu, etcNiudouying and other places with the word "Ying" are the main points of garrisonbeside the Great Wall.



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Dear friends, the wall we see now is the Wuyi jingshe site. Wuyi jingshewas an academy built by Zhu Xi in 1183. According to Dong Tiangongs records ofWuyi Mountains, Wuyi jingshe was a big building in Wuyi Mountain at that time,which was called "the Grand View of Wuyi". There are Renzhi hall, Yinqiu room,zhisuliao, shimenwu, guanshanzhai, Hanqi hall, wandui Pavilion and TiediPavilion. Those who come from all over the world sigh for their success. Zhu Xiwrote books in Wuyi jingshe, advocated Taoism and lecturing for ten years, andcultivated a large number of Neo Confucianism talents. Therefore, Wuyi jingshe,which he founded, was attached great importance to by feudal rulers and wasrepaired and expanded in all dynasties. At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty,the expanded Wuyi jingshe was renamed "Ziyang academy", which was allocated bythe government to Gongtian to support scholars. Then he set up the teaching postof "mountain head" to preside over the teaching affairs. In the early YuanDynasty, Shanchang was changed to "Professor". In 1365, Wuyi jingshe wasdestroyed by the war. In 1448, after Zhu Xun and Zhu Shu, the eighth grandsonsof Zhu Xi, invested in the reconstruction, they were also called "Zhu WengongTemple" to worship Zhu Xi. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the QingDynasty, the plaque of "XueDa Xingtian" was granted, which was rebuilt. In 1708,the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang often called on Luo manbao to donate hissalary and advocate the repair of jingshe, which has a history of more than 200years.

Hundreds of meters from Wuyi jingshe, there are more than 10 caves underthe xibiyan of jiezhufeng. In the morning and evening of winter and spring,light clouds often emerge from the cave and wander gently between the peaks androcks. Sometimes they gather together, sometimes they disperse, freely andunpredictable. Therefore, the name of the cave is "cloud nest". Cloud nest issurrounded by sound rock, Danlu rock, Xianji rock, Tianzhu peak, dressing table,shaibuyan, Tianyou peak, cangping peak, Jiezhu peak, etc. The stone gate you seein front of you is the site of Shugui jingshe. "Shugui jingshe" is clearlyvisible on the forehead. Shugui, surnamed Jiang Mingzhi, was born in theNorthern Song Dynasty. He was an official of Xiaolian. There used to be anexquisite ancient building built in the early Qing Dynasty to commemorate JiangZhi. Now this stone gate is the only one left. I pass the stone gate of Shuguishouse, but I feel suddenly enlightened. The pavilion on the left, which is onthe edge of Jiuqu River, is called Shimao Qinglian Pavilion. The peak on theright is Yinping peak, which is attached to Yinping peak. There are three markson the waist of the peak, as if it were broken and connected together. It iscalled jiezhufeng. The pavilion under Yinping peak is called Shuiyue Pavilion.It is said that the moon is bright and the stars are rare. When you enjoy themoon with wine in the pavilion at night, the wind can reach four moons. Pleaseguess which four moons are there? One in the sky, one in the water, one in thecup, and one in the heart. The dark rock in the middle of the cloud nest lookslike a reclining elephant, commonly known as iron elephant rock. There is acrack in the middle of the iron elephant rock. People walk through it, but theyfeel that the sky is like a line. In order to distinguish Xinan Lingyanyixiantian, it is called "xiaoyixiantian". Yunwo is bounded by tiexiangyan,which is divided into upper and lower yunwo. Yunwo boulder leaning, back rocknear the water, is located in Wuhan

Yishan essence zone is the first win area for Wuyi. It has always been aplace where ancient scholars and famous officials lived in seclusion. In 1583,Chen Sheng, the Minister of the Ministry of war, built "Youxi cottage" betweenthe upper and lower cloud nests. There were more than 10 pavilions, platforms,buildings and pavilions, including binyun hall, Qiyun Pavilion, ChaoyunPavilion, Shengyun terrace and chiyun Pavilion. Unfortunately, these buildingshave been abandoned for a long time. Some cliff inscriptions left on the cliffcan still vaguely remind people of the prosperity of the past. There is aninteresting story about Youxi thatched cottage and Wuyi jingshe. It is said thatwhen Chen built Youxi cottage in yunwo, Ziyang academy built by Zhu Xi was veryold. On the one hand is the elegant environment and exquisite architecture; onthe other hand is the academy which is in disrepair and about to collapse. Whena scholar saw this scene, he wrote a poem on the wall: "Ziyang academy againstQingbo, broken the wall and half a female bamboo shoot. I love the pavilion andpavilion next to each other, and the painting column and the Zhugong are thecloud nest. " When Chen saw the poem, he said with a smile: This is obviouslyexciting. Today, the Ziyang academy has been renovated by donating money andemploying workers.

The peak on the left side of tiexiangyan is the sun cloth we saw on thebamboo raft. Please pay attention to it. There are spots in the middle of thewall of the sun cloth rock, which looks like the palm of a man. There are dozensof lines more than ten feet long. It is said that this is left by an immortal,so the sun cloth rock is also called "Xianzhang peak". As a result of years ofwater erosion, shaibuyan is covered with hundreds of straight water tracks.Whenever the West slanting sun shines on the wall, it can be seen more clearly.Overlooking the stream, you can see that the shadow is at the bottom of thestream and rippling with the waves, just like countless flowing black and whitesnakes running straight down from the bottom of the stream. If it rains, therain will fall down from the top of the rock along the straight track, as if theSu Lian is in the air, and thousands of silver dragons are flying, which can becalled a wonder. There is a popular story about the origin of shaibuyan andxianzhangfeng: it is said that a long time ago, the weaver girl of Tiangongcarried brocade bags and sang songs to collect colorful brocade every day. Thesebrocade, together with strands of gold and silver thread, are woven into silksand satins for the queen mother. One morning, when the tiaotan Dajiao fairy, whowas in charge of the transportation, was walking on the cloud road throughyunwo, Wuyi Mountain, carrying a load of silk and brocade woven by the weavinggirl, he inadvertently looked down and was immediately fascinated by the wonderof "blue water and Danshan". He then put down the brocade to play. When he heardthe drum of the heavenly palace, he thought of the brocade. He saw that the silkhad been wet. He was afraid of the Queens reproach. So he shook away thebrocade and put it on the wall of the rock. But the brocade was too long, and italways fell to the edge of the Liuqu stream. He pulled and pulled until it wassmooth. After several times of hard work, the immortal Bigfoot was in a state ofdistress and found a yin

Cool place then snore big sleep. As soon as I wake up, the sun has gonewest. When he got up and looked at it, there was a golden glow in front of him.Originally, it was made of damask, shining in the sun, which made the blue waterand Danshan more beautiful. Big foot fairy touched with his hand, and the rockwall was hot. He was flustered and rushed to collect the cloth. However, theribbons and satins have been melted into the smooth stone wall, and even thepalm of dajiaoxians cloth has been embedded into the rock wall forever. "Nowthere are fairy palms on the stone, green moss on the green fingers." This isthe view of Xianzhang peak.

Please note that the word "Fu Hu" is engraved on the front wall. The authorof the inscription is Chen Sheng, the owner of Youxi cottage. In the 11th yearof Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1583), Chen province was excluded because of hisdisagreement with the prime minister Zhang Juzheng. Although the Emperor gaveseveral gifts, he still resigned and returned to Fujian. Its only with deepfeelings that we dont meet. Its built in Wuyi Mountain. There is a rock inshiyunwo that looks like a crouching tiger. The word "Crouching Tiger" is usedto describe him as a crouching tiger in Wuyi Mountain, hoping to make a comebackone day. The bamboo cluster on the right of fuhuyan is the square bamboomentioned by Mr. Guo Moruo in his poems about Wuyi. This kind of bamboo looksround, but it is very strange to touch. If you dont believe it, you can feelit. From the stone path in front of Fuhu rock, you can see a stone gate with theword "towering deep lock" engraved on its forehead. When you enter the stonegate, you suddenly see a bright future. This is known as tea production "a Wuyi"said the tea hole. Looking from the cave, you can see jiesun peak, Yinping peak,Qingyin rock, Tianyou peak, Xianzhang peak, and Xianyou rock far away in Sanqu.The cliffs are like tall walls. The only way to surround them is a rock in theWest. People in the cave, which covers an area of 67 mu, look up and see onlythe blue sky. Just as Xu Xiake wrote in his travels to Wuyi Mountain: "all thepeaks are steep on the top, but the bottom is complex. There is no Dengdaooutside, and only the West leads to a ridge, which is more correct than theMingyan of Tiantai." Therefore, there are scholars in the past dynasties whobuilt a seclusion in the cave, such as Liu Hengs small seclusion in the SongDynasty, Li Zhongdings Zhuxia residence in the Ming Dynasty, and Dong maoxunsLiuYun Library in the Qing Dynasty. Now these ancient buildings

Most of them are missing, except the former site of Dong maoxuns Liuyunbookstore. This pool in the north of Chadong is called "Xianyu pool", where thesnowflake spring falling from Tianyou peak and Qifeng is gathered. It is saidthat there was a fairy bathing in this pool, so it is named. Look at the stonepath leading to Yinping peak in the south. More than ten meters away from ourlocation, there is a stone gate with the word "Liuyun bookstore" engraved on theforehead. This is the former site of LiuYun Bookstore built by Dong maoxun. Morethan 200 years ago, the author of Wuyi Mountain records, Gong Tiangong,completed the compilation of 24 volumes of Wuyi Mountain records in his fatherDong maoxuns Liuyun library, leaving a valuable cultural heritage for Wuyipeople. Through the stone gate, through the "chicken breast" and "Dragon Ridge",we can see the inscription "immortal world" on the cliff, which means that thereis the dividing line between the human world and the fairyland. Only those whohave the courage and knowledge to cross the dangerous path of Wuyi Mountain -"chicken breast" and "Dragon Ridge" can enter the peak fairyland. Standing atthe top of the peak, this pavilion is called "Xianyi Pavilion". Climb a few moremeters to the top of Yinping peak. The original Mosque at the peak was built inthe third year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1577) and is now abandoned. Fromthe top to the south, there is a hole in the half wall, which is called"nanmingjing". Liu Duanyang, a Taoist of Ming Dynasty, was born here, and thereare still stone tombs and mirages. Dear friends, please get ready for climbing.Now we begin to climb Tianyou peak. From Chadong to Tianyou peak, there are morethan 800 stone steps. If you are interested, you may as well count them whileclimbing to see who has the most accurate number.

At this moment, we finally boarded the Tianyou peak viewing platform. Wehave worked hard all the way. According to the figures just reported by you, Mr.Zhang and Mr. Li are the most accurate. There are 826 stone steps. Thank you foryour cooperation. Tian swimming pool peak is connected with Xianyou rock in theEast and Xianzhang peak in the West. It is surrounded by thousands of highpeaks. When its sunny after the rain and the first morning dew, the vast whiteclouds cover the mountains and valleys; the wind blows the clouds, ups anddowns, just like the waves of the sea, surging and surging. Standing on theviewing platform and looking at the sea of clouds, its like being in afairyland of Penglai. You are invited to visit qiongge in Tiangong, so itscalled "Tianyou". Located in the center of the scenic spot, it is an excellentWuyi landscape viewing platform. With the circulation of time sequence, you canenjoy the sunrise, clouds, Buddha light, sunset, bright moon, etc. from theviewing platform, you can rent a column to look far away, but you can see a fewpeaks. The peak in the west is Baqus Sanjiao peak, and the peak in the East isYiqus Dawang peak. Overlooking the nine winding, bamboo rafts gently swing,Wuyi landscape panoramic view, it is open-minded, forget home. Xu Xiakecommented: "it is not near the river, but can make the best of Jiuxi, and canmake the best of Jiuxi. This peak should be the first."

From the viewing platform, there is a palace like building in front of you,which is Tianyou temple. On the wonderful stage after watching, you can see thatthe tree with the brand of ancient and famous trees is the rare red bean tree.Whenever the mature season, mountain breeze, pods have been scattered on theground, rolling out of the red beans, crystal clear, bright and lovely.

Wang Wei, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote: "red beans are born in thesouth. How many branches will spring bring? I hope you can pick more. This isthe most Acacia. " I hope you can find a few more grains under the tree and takethem home to become the perfect memorial of Wuyishan. The stream beside the redbean tree is called Hu Ma stream. On the stone wall beside the stream, there aremore than one cliff stone of past dynasties. Among them, the largest "firstmountain" is inscribed by Xu Qingchao, general of dongwuxian, Renchen, Daoguang.It means that Tianyou peak is "the first resort of Wuyi", so it should be called"the first mountain". It is also explained that Wuyi Mountain is a famous Taoistmountain, which ranks the 16th among the 36 caves. The founder of Taoism isLaozi, who is the first in the world. Therefore, the famous mountain he occupiedshould be the "first mountain" in the world. After enjoying the cliff stonecarvings and climbing the rugged hill, the memorial archway in front is thememorial archway of Zhongzheng park. The original memorial archway was engravedwith the word "Zhongzheng Park", which was knocked out during the culturalrevolution. Now the relevant departments are in charge of restoring thislandscape.

Dear friends, this is the end of Tianyou peak tour. Please have a rest.Next stop is Taoyuan cave.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2842 字

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Jilin city located in the hinterland of the northeast changbai mountain, the songhua river to the transition zone of songnen plains, surrounded on three sides by mountains. Face around the water, East longitude 125 "40 ~ 127" 56, north latitude 42 "31 40 ~ 44". Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture in the east, west near changchun, siping, north to heilongjiang province borders on with HunJiang city, tonghua city, adjacent to the south. With a total area of 27120 square kilometers. Among them, the city of 3636 square kilometers.

Features: jilin city has "far face beard, near around the songhua" situation. Due to the different periods of tectonic movement, and river erosion, erosion and accumulation, the formation of the zhongshan mountain - low hilly land - canyon lake district - valley plains landforms, terrain from southeast to northwest gradually reduce the geographical landscape.

In the zhongshan mountain, located in jilin area, the east and southeast, is the citys main forest and specialty area. Longgang mountains south of changbai mountain, gear south darfur have -odd arteries longgang mountains ridge, northeast and hulan ridge. Songhua koto laoye mountain, west lake has motenlin, south tower mountains, zhao chicken, are in the mountains. In the mountainous area more than 1000 meters peak in 110. The highest mountain in the south tower mountain, 1404.8 meters above sea level.

Low hilly land, distribution in the dumpling river, birch and shulan, YongJi County central. Mountains, 300400 meters above sea level, a peak, 600-700 meters high, is to develop earlier. The forest had gradually decreases. In addition to the covers an area of 1748 square kilometers of jilin city, stand area is the important agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry, fisheries, and industrial and mining areas.

Canyon lake area, distribution in fengman hydropower station dam to baishan reservoir upstream, gold and silver and other lake area, along the area is plump, redstone, baishan three cascade hydropower stations built after the formation of the landscape area, beautiful environment, landscape view, is a promising energy, specialty, fisheries, tourism is a comprehensive economic open area and establish a good ecological environment of the important ecological economic zone.

Valley plains, located in the songhua river middle reaches, YongJi County northern and central shulan, partial section of songhua river tributaries. Generally 170-220 meters above sea level, cultivated land, fertile soil, suitable for crop cultivation, is an important agricultural economic zone.

Jilin city is an area of 27120 square kilometers, jurisdiction over 4 areas (changyi district, ship the camp, longtan area, full area), 5 counties (YongJi County, shulan, panshi, jiaohe, birch midian city). Over 78 villages and towns, 71 neighborhood offices.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2859 字

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"Sunset and lone flocks fly together, autumn water grows in the same colorin the sky." this is an eternal sentence that I will recite long ago. Thissummer vacation, I went back to my hometown Nanchang, and finally got a chanceto board the famous Tengwang Pavilion.

Tengwang pavilion was first built in Tang Dynasty. It has been destroyedand built for more than a thousand years. Up to now, it has been built 28 times.It is said that "prosperity of the country means prosperity of the building.".Tengwang pavilion has unique architectural features, with the momentum of"flying Pavilion, flowing elixir, facing no land". Therefore, it is famous allover the world and well known by the public, attracting many celebrities tovisit here and recite poems. Wang Bos "preface to Tengwang Pavilion" brokethrough the sky and made a great success. It has won the favor of more than tengenerations and is regarded as a rare masterpiece through the ages. Han Yu, alitterateur, wrote: "the south of the Yangtze River is full of beauty, andTengwang Pavilion is the first, which is called magnificent and unique."Therefore, it has the reputation of "the first building in Jiangxi". Because itsheight and area are better than other lofts, it is listed as the first of thethree famous buildings in Jiangnan.

The basement of Tengwang Pavilion is divided into nine floors. Each floorhas more than ten eaves, which are tilted upward. It looks like a lone duckspreading its wings to fly. Entering the attic is like being in an art palacewith the theme of Tengwang Pavilion. In the main hall on the first floor, thereis a large-scale white jade relief "when the wind comes to send tengwangge",which shows Wang Bos "preface to tengwangge", skillfully integrates the movinglegend of tengwangge with historical facts. The main hall on the second floor isa large-scale meticulous heavy color mural "portrait of outstanding people",which depicts 80 Jiangxi celebrities from the Qin Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty.This is as the acme of perfection, the fourth floor of the Jiangxi mountain andthe earths soul. The fifth layer is the best place to show the history oftengwangge with pen and ink, in which the famous preface to tengwangge writtenby Wang Bo written by Su Dongpo. When you climb to the top floor, you can feelthe river flowing through the bottom of the building. Although you dont see themagnificent scenery of "sunset and lone ducks flying together, autumn water isthe same color in the sky", you can get a panoramic view of the whole NanchangCity: the straight and majestic Bayi Bridge, the wide and beautiful QiushuiSquare, and the high-rise and modern Honggutan Development Zone This is myhometown of outstanding people!

The magnificent Tengwang Pavilion is changing with each passing day. Youwill witness the take-off of Nanchang, the ancient city. I wish you alwaysbeautiful!



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Each group, we now come to the second peak of nanjing purple mountain, small maoshan foothill, here is the great pioneer of Chinese democratic revolution sun yat-sens tomb is located - sun yat-sens mausoleum.

Of sun yat-sens mausoleum burial site was selected. Sun yat-sen alive in March 1925, Mr. Sun. Dying, he asked about "after my death, can be buried in nanjing zijin foothills, for nanjing interim government was established, so dont forget the xinhai revolution."

Lv Yanzhi designed by sun yat-sens mausoleum, flat as a "MuDuo" form, shape such as clock, a symbol of the sun spirit, such as a loud bell, no far, this design is the most accord with "arouse people" meaning. In Mr Will be "buried in Shanghai" think "simple solid and completely according to the spirit of ancient Chinese architecture", to "unanimously decided to adopt", mausoleum first anniversary of the death of sun yat-sen founded on June 1, 1926, was completed in the spring of 1929.



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hello everyone! My family name is Zhang. You can call me tour guide Zhang!Ill explain it to you now.

Wuyishan in Fujian Province was listed in the World Biosphere ReserveNetwork in 1988. It was listed in the world heritage list in December 1999.

Wuyishan Scenic Spot is located in Wuyishan City, northwest of FujianProvince, about 15 kilometers south of the urban area and at the southeast footof the northern section of Wuyishan mountains, with an area of about 70 squarekilometers. There is a typical Danxia landform. With hundreds of millions ofyears of natures uncanny workmanship, it has formed a beautiful scenery ofQifeng, Xiushui Juhui, Bishui Danfeng and absolutely beautiful scenery. Theancients said that it "has three or three wins in water and six or six strangepeaks", and is known as "Qixiu a Southeast".

There are 36 peaks, 72 caves, 99 rocks and 108 scenic spots in WuyishanScenic Area. Not only has the scenery throughout the year, the four seasons aredifferent, and the weather is cloudy and sunny, the scenery of the mountains andrivers is also unpredictable and magnificent. Now it is divided into sevenscenic spots: Wuyi palace, Jiuqu River, Taoyuan cave, yunwo Tianyou, yixiantianhuxiaoyan, tianxinyan and shuilian cave. It has the wonders of Huangshan, thebeauty of Guilin, the power of taidai, the danger of Huayue and the beauty ofWest Lake.

The essence of Wuyishan scenery is in the nine bend brook. Jiuqu Riveroriginates from Sanbao mountain. Its water is clear and twists and turns aroundthe mountain, which forms the victory of Jiuqu. Some of the most famous peaks inWuyi Mountain and the mysterious hanging coffins on the cliffs are listed besideJiuqu River. There are also Yulin Pavilion, porcelain kiln site of Song Dynasty,Wuyi palace and other tourist attractions in the scenic area, which are of greathumanistic value. Wuyishan also has many places of interest, such as ChongyouWannian palace, Hongqiao and Jiagou boat coffin, as well as rare animals andplants in the world. It is a national key nature reserve. There is also aWuyishan Nature Museum.

Wuyi Mountain is also a famous historical and cultural mountain, theancients said: "Confucius and Qiu in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, Zhu Xi in theSouthern Song Dynasty, Taiyue in the north, Wuyi in the south.". Zhu Xi, a neoConfucianist of the Southern Song Dynasty, lived here for more than 40 years. Heset up an account to teach disciples and wrote books, which made it the culturalcenter of Southeast China and known as "Daonan Li cave". Taoism also called it"the 16th cave". There are no less than 20__ hymns written by literati andscholars in the past dynasties. There are more than 400 inscriptions on thecliffs. These rich cultural and historical relics also add to the style of thefamous mountains. The ancient Yue peoples boat coffins, the ancient city ruinsof the Han Dynasty, the ancient porcelain kiln ruins of the Song Dynasty and theimperial tea garden of the Yuan Dynasty make Wuyishan a place for people tovisit and explore ancient times.

Wuyishan Nature Reserve is the largest and most complete forest ecosystemin Southeast China. It has many peaks, dense primeval forest, magnificent,simple and beautiful scenery, and rich biological resources. It is included inthe United Nations "man and nature" reserve.



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Hello! Welcome to Hengshan, Nanyue! Zhangjiajie

Hengshan is located in the central and southern part of Hunan Province. Itis one of the five famous mountains in China. It is one of the first batch ofnational key scenic spots, the first batch of national 4A tourist areas and theonly "national civilized scenic spot demonstration site" in Hunan Province.Hengshan is known as "the most beautiful five mountains" and "the longevitymountain of China". Hengshan has 72 peaks, which start from Hengyang City in thesouth, Huiyan peak in the South and Yuelu Mountain in Changsha City in thenorth. The peaks are beautiful, magical, winding eight hundred Li and powerful.Just as Wei Yuan, a famous scholar in Qing Dynasty, described in Hengyue Yin,"only Nanyue is like flying."

The origin of the name of Nanyue Hengshan has been discussed in three wayssince ancient times. One is that Pangu created a new world. After his death, heturned into mountains and trees. His head turned into Mount Tai in the East, hisfoot into Mount Hua in the west, his right arm into Mount Heng in the north, hisabdomen into mount song in the middle, and his left arm into mount Heng in thesouth. Another theory is that Emperor Yan, one of the ancestors of China,pursued the immortal bird and beat it down with a magic whip, which turned itinto Nanyue. Now Hengshans emblem "zhuniao" is derived from it. There is also asaying that the ancients divined the human fortune according to the sky andstars. It is the so-called "the sky has stars, and the earth has cities.".Hengshan, the southern mountain, corresponds to the wing of the star in the sky.It can weigh the weight of heaven and earth like a scale, so it is calledHengshan. There is also a "Changsha star" beside the star, which is in charge ofthe longevity of ordinary people. Hengshan is also called "Shouyue" because itbelonged to Changsha in ancient times. "Nanshan" in "longevity is better thanNanshan", which people often say, refers to Hengshan.

The reason why Nanyue Hengshan can stand out among many famous mountains inthe country is due to its beautiful scenery, rich and diverse species andmagnificent weather.

Nanyue is known as "the unique beauty of the five mountains", with "show"as the main landscape feature. There are so many mountains, so many trees, somany clouds and so on. Its really "different scenery in five li, double sky inten li". The scenery of Hengshan is so beautiful and countless. Among them, themost famous are the "four wonders of Hengshan", the beauty of Sutra collectionhall, the depth of Fangguang temple, the height of zhurong peak and the wonderof shuilian cave.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7539 字

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Yuejiang building is an L-shaped building with the main wing facing northand the secondary wing facing west. Both wings can enjoy the scenery of theYangtze River. The main building is located at the horns of the two wings, fouron the outside and three on the inside, with a total height of 51 meters and atotal construction area of more than 5000 square meters.

In the middle of the hall on the third floor of the bell tower is decoratedwith the largest porcelain painting of Jingdezhen in China. The painting is 12.8meters high and 8 meters wide. It consists of 12 parts, colorful andmagnificent. It describes the glorious history of Zheng Hes voyages to theWestern Ocean from 1405 to 1433, including the construction of treasure ships,scientific navigation, ocean conquest, peaceful diplomacy, good neighborlinessand friendship, the spread of civilization, equal economy and trade, culturalexchanges, and other grand events of western countries local customs andpractices.

The huge porcelain painting also reflects the scene that Emperor Yonglebuilt "Jinghai Temple" and "Tianfei Palace" and set up "Tianfei Palace" to prayfor safety for Zheng Hes navigation. There is a copy of Zheng Hes treasureship and a huge rusty anchor in the hall. These two objects vividly andconcretely prove that Nanjing was the main shipbuilding site of Zheng Hesvoyages to the West and the largest shipbuilding base in the world at thattime.

On the second floor of Yuejiang tower, there are 16 portraits of Zheng Hesemperors during and after his voyages to the West. The top ones are ZhuYuanzhang, Ming Taizu, and Zhu Di, Ming Chengzu. At the same time, it also showsthe splendid culture of the Ming Dynasty, including the territory of the MingDynasty, famous calligraphers and painters, science and technology, andintroduces in detail Chinas advanced science and culture during Zheng Hesvoyages to the West.

The internal layout of Yuejiang building centers on the political opinionsof the two emperors, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di. At the bottom of the building,what is most worth seeing is a chair, a wall and a plaque. Placed in front ofthe wall is a "Zhu Yuanzhang dragon chair". Although it is an imitation, it ismade of high-quality mahogany and weighs more than 1000 Jin. There are ninedragons carved on the back of the Dragon chair, which are exquisite and vivid. Aplaque on the east side, "Zhilong Tang Song", was written by Kangxi. There was aboat and a painting on the second floor. Zhu Di, Emperor Yongle of Ming Dynasty,lifted the sea ban and expanded trade and cultural exchanges. At that time,there was a shipyard in Xiaguan area of Nanjing. Many ships were built in theshipyard. The longest ship was 138 meters long and 56 meters wide. It had ninemasts and 12 sails when sailing. Its carrying capacity was 7000 tons, which wasthe highest in the world 600 years ago. This giant porcelain painting reflectsthe history of Zheng Hes seven voyages to the west between 1405 and 1433. Thepicture is composed of 12 parts. It describes in detail the grand occasion ofZheng He, a navigator, who built treasure ships according to Emperor Yongleswill and went to western countries to publicize Chinese civilization. Thepicture also reflects the Emperor Yongles imperial edict to build "JinghaiTemple" and "Tianfei Palace" and personally bestow "Tianfei palace stele",ringing Jinghai temple bell to commemorate the sea god Tianfei empress whoprotects the safety of navigation.

On the top floor of Yuejiang tower is a Panlong caisson. The Golden Dragonon the roof is carved from the whole camphor wood. The dragon is made of 24 Kgold and Jiangning gold foil. The inside and outside of this building share 11kg of 24 K pure gold, so it is particularly brilliant.


The original intention of building Yuejiang tower began more than 600 yearsago by Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Before he becameemperor, Zhu Yuanzhang used red and yellow banners as his name on the lionmountain to command tens of thousands of ambushes and defeat the powerful enemyChen Youliangs 400000 strong attack, which laid the foundation for theestablishment of the Ming Dynasty. Fourteen years later, in 1374, that is, inthe spring of the seventh year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang built a pavilion inShizishan and named it Yuejianglou. Taking Yuejianglou as the title, he orderedthe officials in the dynasty to write a story of Yuejianglou. There are threearticles that have been handed down to the present: Yuejianglou Ji written bySong Lian, a famous writer and academician in the late Yuan Dynasty and earlyMing Dynasty, and Yuejianglou Ji and youyuejianglou Ji written by Zhu Yuanzhanghimself. Zhu Yuanzhang also used prisoners in prison to build a "flat stone" forbuilding on the top of the lion rock, which is the foundation.

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly decided to stop the construction of Yuejiangbuilding after he wrote the story of the building and laid the foundation, andexplained the reasons for stopping the construction in his story of the buildingagain: first, God entrusted him with a dream to warn him not to rush to buildthe Yuejiang building; second, after careful consideration, he felt that theconstruction of Yuejiang building should be delayed. In fact, another reason isto concentrate money and manpower to build the city walls of Nanjing andFengyang, the capital of China. Later, even the city walls of Fengyang, thecapital of China, were stopped because of the huge cost.

When the building was completed in 20__, it is worth mentioning that due tothe lack of many ancient materials and the differences in modern buildingspecifications and techniques, the newly-built Yuejiang building does not usethe traditional wood structure, but uses the modern reinforced concretestructure instead, which makes the famous building lack a trace of ancientcharm.

Yuejianglou scenic spot creates five best in China

1. Stone lions -- this is the largest pair of male lions in China, with aheight of 4. It is 8 meters long and weighs about 30 tons. It is carved fromJinshan stone in Suzhou. The style is in the period of emperor Taizu of MingDynasty, and it is carved according to the gate guard lion in the mausoleum ofemperor Mingzu of Xuyi county. The two lions are powerful and royal.

2. Yuejianglou Ji written by Zhu Yuanzhang, a white jade tablet in HanDynasty, was copied by contemporary calligraphers. On the back of the tablet wasYuejianglou Ji written by Song Lian, which was selected as Guwenguanzhi. Hanbaijade is mined from Fangshan, Beijing, gaolv 3. 1 meter, 4 meters wide. 8 meters,weighing 15 tons, is the largest white marble tablet in China.

3. Yuejiang Lou Ding, the largest Simuwu Ding of the Western Zhou Dynastyin China, weighs 4 tons and is engraved with seal characters: "the lion dreamsof Xi Xiang Zhang, the son and grandson of Jiao takes Yanhuang and the mountainas the backbone, reads the Yangtze River of ancient times, the river goes to thesea and the soup is vast, the Lou paiyun is generous and generous, and the dingis built in this hall forever." The first word of each of these seven sentencesis "Yuejiang Pavilion in lion mountain"

4. Zheng Hes porcelain painting in the West -- this is the largestporcelain painting in China, 12.8 meters high and 8 meters wide. Behind themurals are the works of Tang Bohu and Zhu Zhishan.

5. Bronze relief is the largest bronze relief in China. It is 2 meters highand 8 meters wide. It was made by Wu Weishan, a master sculptor. Yuejiangbuilding is one of the four famous buildings in Jiangnan.
