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Hello, everyone! Welcome to Henan. Im glad to be your guide today. My nameis sun. You can call me sun Dao.

Today we are visiting Yuntai Mountain, which is a national scenic spot, thefirst batch of 5A national tourist attractions and the first batch of globalgeoparks. Yuntai Mountain is located in Xiuwu County, Jiaozuo City, HenanProvince, with a total area of 190 square kilometers. There are 11 scenic spots,including Hongshi gorge, tanpu gorge, quanpu gorge, Qinglong gorge, Fenglingorge, macaque Valley, Zhuyu peak, Diecai cave, Wanshan temple, Zifang lake,Baijiayan and so on. It is a comprehensive scenic spot with rift valleystructure and hydrodynamic effect, supplemented by natural ecology and culturallandscape Scenic Attraction.

Yuntai Mountain is famous for its mountains and water. In spring, it isfull of mountain flowers. In summer, it is full of waterfalls and springs. Inautumn, it is full of red leaves. In winter, it is covered with snow. It issuitable for all seasons. There are unique red stone gorge in the world,Yuntaishan waterfall, the highest drop in Asia, tanpu gorge, the most beautifulgorge in Central China, Zhuyu peak, a famous saying written by Wang Wei, a greatpoet of the Tang Dynasty, that "you are a stranger in a foreign land, and youmiss your relatives in every festival", and Baijiayan, which is praised as "alake in the world, with thousands of sceneries in it". Today we are on thescene, you tourists will be able to feast your eyes.

Now our car has been parked in Yuntai Mountain scenic area. After you getoff, you can enter various scenic spots according to the signs, and visit andtake photos at will. But pay attention to protect the environment of the scenicspot, do not litter. We are still gathering here at 4 p.m. for the return trip.Please observe the time.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2116 字

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我们乘船顺流而下,首先经过的是我们每天都在触摸的瞿塘峡。为什么这么说呢?大家不妨掏出一张10元的人民币,在它的背面就是瞿塘峡峡口的标志——變门。瞿塘峡上自刘备托孤的白帝城,下到古文化的宝库巫山大溪镇,全长只有8公里,是三峡中距离最短、航道最窄、最雄伟壮观的一个峡。瞿塘虽短胜景却不少,像古栈道、孟良梯、风箱峡等风景都错落在峡道两岸;此峡中还有神秘的古代巴人悬棺遗址。船行至瞿塘峡出口处就是大溪古镇了。考古工作者先后对这个只有200多户人家的小镇进行过三次发掘,发现古墓208 座,经碳同位素测定,这是一处距今5000多年的新石器时代遗址。这一发现证明,长江和黄河一样,都是中华文明的摇篮、古文化的发祥地。






巫峡全长45公里,西起巫山大宁河口,东到湖北巴东县官渡口。如果说瞿塘峡像一道闸门,那么巫峡就像长江上一条迂回曲折的画廊。在这一幅幅风景画中,主角当然就是我们的巫山十二峰了。说到十二峰,您一定会问哪个是神女峰吧?请大家顺着我手指的方向看,在江北岸的山顶上有一尊人形的石柱,好像一位亭亭玉立的少女在遥望江面,那就是著名的神女峰了。别看它只是一块只有6米多高的石头,可早在20__ 多年前的战国时期,因为楚国著名辞赋家宋玉的《神女赋》而早已闻名天下了。



从这儿,我们也就进入了长江三峡的最后一个峡——西陵峡,它全长76公里,终点是宜昌的南津关。西陵峡在以前是以险而著称,有句行船谚语说:“青滩、泄滩不算滩,崆岭才是鬼门关。”说的就是西陵峡中最危险的三个滩。不过,新中国成立后,西陵峡经过整治,特别是1970年兴建的葛洲坝工程,抬高水位20 多米,原来的礁石险滩早已沉入江底。再加上1994 年破土动工的三峡大坝二期工程完工后,库区已蓄水至海拔135米,整个西陵峡的航运条件得到了根本性的改善。虽然峡内的风景发生了一些变化,但位于两坝之间一段长约38公里的西陵峡东段却原封不动地保留了下来,它保持着三峡的原汁原味,是唯一永远不被淹没的三峡风光。





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2581 字

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The bell tower is located at the intersection of the East, West, South andNorth streets in Xian. It was used to ring the bell in the early morning inancient times, so it is called the bell tower. Since its completion, the belltower has been regarded as a symbol of the ancient city of Xian and is now akey cultural relic protection unit in Shaanxi Province. It is the largest andbest preserved bell tower left over from ancient China. Xian is an importantmilitary and political town in Northwest China in Ming Dynasty. Its bell towerranks the first in terms of architectural scale, historical value and artisticvalue in China.

The bell tower was built in 1384. The base of the clock tower is square,covering an area of 1377.4 square meters, 8.6 meters high and 35.5 meters wide,all of which are built with green bricks. The building is of brick and woodstructure, 36 meters high. The external eaves have three layers, but theinternal eaves have only two layers. The eaves of the building have fourcorners, and the eaves are decorated with painted brackets. "Dou Gong" is one ofthe characteristics of ancient wooden buildings in China. It is also unique inthe history of world architecture. It can not only make the building stronger,but also more beautiful. Dougong appeared in Shang Dynasty. We can see acomplete picture of Dougong on the patterns of Chinese bronzes.

Features: the bell tower was built in 1384 A.D. in the 17th year of Hongwureign of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of Ming Dynasty. It was named after the iron bellhanging on the tower. When it was first built, it was located at todays Guangjistreet, facing the drum tower. In the 10th year of Wanli reign of emperorShenzong of the Ming Dynasty (1582 AD), Gong Xian, the imperial envoy of xunan,presided over the relocation of the bell tower. The bell tower is a typicalarchitectural style of the Ming Dynasty, with double eaves and Dougong,high-rise and slightly upturned eaves.

Anecdote of giant Bell: on the northwest corner of the bell tower is a MingDynasty iron bell, weighing 5 tons, with eight trigrams patterns cast on theside of the bell. It was built in the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty(1465-1487). But it is much smaller than the bronze bell that hung in the belltower earlier. The huge bell originally hung in the bell tower is the "Jingyunbell" cast in the Jingyun period of the Tang Dynasty (now stored in the forestof Steles Museum). It is said that after moving to the present site, althoughthe style and size of the building have not changed, the Jingyun bell will neverring. No choice but to change.



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Hello, Im your guide, Xiao Gu. First of all, Xiao Gu, on behalf of thepeople of Fuzhou, welcomes you. Today, Xiao Gu will take you to visit threelanes and seven alleys, the ancient architectural treasures of Ming and QingDynasties in Fuzhou.

Sanfangqixiang is located in the center of the city. It is adjacent tobay17 North Road in the East, Tonghu road in the west, Yangqiao road in thenorth, Jibi lane and Guanglu square in the south. It covers an area of about 40hectares and has 3678 households with a population of more than 14000. Threelanes and seven alleys are the abbreviation of ten alleys arranged from north toSouth on both sides of nanhou street. Three lanes are Yijin lane, Wenru lane andGuanglu lane; seven lanes are Yangqiao lane, Langguan lane, Ta lane, Huang Lane,Anmin lane, Gong lane and Jibi lane. Due to the reconstruction of Jibi lane,Yangqiao lane and Guanglu lane into roads, only two lanes and five lanes arepreserved. Even so, in this residential area with a long history, there arestill rich cultural relics and historic sites, including a number of formerresidences of celebrities and buildings of Ming and Qing Dynasties. In thisresidential area, there are many lanes, stone slabs, white walls and greentiles, strict structure, exquisite houses and ingenious craftsmanship, whichembody the characteristics of Minyue ancient city. It is a gathering place ofMinjiang culture, and is regarded as a large-scale museum of Ming and Qingancient architecture by the architectural circles.

"Three lanes and Seven Alleys" is the main symbol of Fuzhou, a famoushistorical and cultural city of China. It is known as the Museum of ancientarchitecture of Ming and Qing Dynasties. Chen Yan, a modern poet, said: "whoknows that the five willows are solitary pines, but they live in three lanes andseven alleys." This is about the origin of "three lanes and Seven Alleys".

The folk customs of three lanes and seven alleys are also therepresentative of Fuzhou folk customs. Many festival and custom centers areoften concentrated in three lanes and seven alleys, which include folk beliefs,festival activities at the age of, folk customs in buildings, etc.

"Moonlight shines on the pond; riding a bamboo horse across the pond; itshard to cross the depth of the pond. Wait for my sister to take a boat to meetLang. Ask long Lang, short Lang, when will Lang return? "This is a folk songwritten by Chang Gung, the observation envoy of the Tang Dynasty. It has broughtmany childhood memories to generations of people living in three lanes and sevenalleys. Until now, especially the older generation is still excited to hear thiscatchy folk song.

Well, our journey of three lanes and seven alleys is coming to an end.Next, you can move freely for one hour. You can walk around and have a look. Ifyou have any questions, you are welcome to come and ask me. Gu must knoweverything!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4136 字

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Dujiangyan is located in the town of dujiangyan irrigation mouth chengdu city, sichuan province, is China construction in the ancient and use of large water conservancy project, known as "the ancestor of the world water conservancy culture", is the national famous tourist resort. Usually think, dujiangyan water conservancy project is by the state of qin shu satrap bing and his son leads to built around 256 BC, is so far, all over the world s most long, the only thing left, is characterized by no dam diversion of water conservancy project, is also a national key cultural relics protection units.

Scenic spot dujiangyan water conservancy project makes full use of local geographical conditions of high northwest, southeast low, according to the mountain rivers in special terrain, water vein, water potential, return pattern, no dam diversion, gravity irrigation, the embankment, water, water, sand, curtains on interdependence, for system, to ensure the water flood control, irrigation, water transportation and social comprehensive benefits into full play. After the completion of dujiangyan, the chengdu plain lies thousands of miles, "province.with from people, do not know famine, when no famine," tianfu ". Culture has a great development of the economy in sichuan province. Its greatest dam was built two thousand years enduring, and it plays a more and more big. Dujiangyan to create, in order to does not destroy the natural resources, make full use of natural resources for human services for the premise, change for profit. Hub of dujiangyan irrigation system is mainly composed of fish mouth, fly sand dam, BaoPingKou three major projects. All organic coordination and restraining each other, coordinated operation, water diversion irrigation fields, the flood disaster reduction, with the effect of "hexagon, flat flow drought". The best travel time dujiangyan annual temperature is higher, annual average temperature 12 ~ 20 ℃, in hot summer and warm winter, the four seasons is not obvious, the four seasons are suitable for tourism.

History and culture of dujiangyan to create, not to destroy the natural resources, make full use of natural resources for human services for the premise, change for profit, make the person highly synergistic, land, water, the world has so far only a great "ecological engineering". Ushered in a new era in the history of Chinese ancient history of water conservancy, marked the history of water conservancy in China has entered a new stage, wrote a glorious chapter in the history of water conservancy. The dujiangyan irrigation project, is the crystallization of the wisdom of ancient people in China, is an epoch-making masterpiece of Chinese culture. The dujiangyan irrigation project. Long after 2260 years, the worlds very long time, the only thing left, is characterized by no dam diversion of water conservancy project. It is the most successful in the history of Chinese ancient water conservancy works, especially the ancient water conservancy project in use today, "the past", only the wonders. With the construction of roughly the same time than the irrigation system, the family of ancient Egypt and Cuba and Chinas shaanxi zhengguo canal and guangxi, the efficacious canal and the passage of time, because of the sea change or annihilation, or failure, only the town of dujiangyan, with the construction of long standing and well established, fertile land, white still moistens land of abundance.

By the dujiangyan with a strong local color of dujiangyan water culture including hydrology, water, water theology relics, such as "two Kings temple", "FuLong view" and "viewing" in cultural landscape; Bing of the eastern han dynasty unearthed stone mining and rebuilding fish mouth "shown" stone carving; Sing psalms to bing and his son dragon harnessing of folklore and has certain religious theology color ritual activities; And the resulting offering water, offering god, offering people the poem, ci, calligraphy and painting of hydrology and so on, forming the unique dujiangyan water culture. Dujiangyan, a stone tablet, engraved with "deep pan beach, low weir" words.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 567 字

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东方明珠塔各观光层柜台里1000多款造型独特、制作精美的各式旅游纪念品琳琅满目,令人目不暇接、留连忘返。东方明珠塔每年接待来自于五洲四海中外宾客280多万人次,是集观光、餐饮、购物、娱乐、游船、会展、历史陈列、广播电视发射等多功能于一体的综合性旅游文化景点。东方明珠塔业已成为上海的标志性建筑,荣列上海十大新景观之一。作为全国旅游热点之一,东方明珠塔又以其优质服务,在20__ 年初被 国家旅游局评为全国首批 AAAA 级旅游景点。





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hello everyone! Welcome to Wuyishan. Im your little guide. You can call meXiao Zheng. Today, I will take you to visit Wuyi Mountain.

Now we come to Sangu Town, the starting point of Wuyishan Scenic spot. Youcan see the three rocks on the opposite mountain. They are like three girlsstanding quietly, so they are called Sangu town. Because there is such amagnificent rock standing on the top of the mountain, it is called Dawang peak.It is the first of the thirty-six peaks of Wuyi Mountain. We park there for 20minutes, and you can get off to visit and take photos.

Lets get in the car. Lets sit down. Next, we go to Jiuqu River rafting toappreciate the charm of Wuyi Mountain.

Jiuqu stream is the core scenic spot of Wuyi Mountain, with Shili stream,Jiuqu River Bend and the famous jade girl peak by the river. Please put on yourlife jackets, sit on the bamboo rafts, follow the instructions of the raftersalong the way, do not stand up at will, pay attention to safety, and ensure thatthere is no accident.

This place is called star village, which is the starting point of ourdrifting. The rafting will take about an hour. The Jiuqu River is ten milesaway. The water is clear, the pool is deep, the beach is fast, and there aremany bays. In the water, there are many beautiful army fish; on both sides,there are many strange peaks and rocks; looking up, there are ancient hangingcoffins on the cliff. On the raft, you can listen to the rafters talk about thescenery and legends on both sides of the Strait. Ill wait for you at therafting Wharf under the jade girl peak. I wish you a good taste of Jiuqurafting.

hello everyone! Just now, you must have seen that there is a mountain peakon the left, which is made up of a whole rock. The flat rocks incline to thebottom one by one. The raft Union told you that it is called shaibuyan. We aregoing to visit Tianyou peak next to it now.

The terrain of Tianyou peak is high, and there are often clouds. Themountain road is steep and rugged, the stream is deep and the rock is dangerous.Only by carefully following the stone steps and climbing the iron chain canpeople reach the top of the mountain. Standing at the top of the peak, the JiuquRiver twists and turns from its feet. Cool wind, white clouds near; clear water,green mountains, in front of you, at this time, people really have the feelingof touring the sky, the upper reaches of the sky. Tianyou peak at the foot ofthe cloud nest, tea hole and other attractions. Yunwo is a deep narrow valleysurrounded by cliffs. People in a valley, such as at the bottom of a well, aresurrounded by streams and clear springs; there are caves and ravines in themountains, where clouds grow and fog gather, so people call it cloud nest. Deepin the valley, there are tea trees, green bamboos, caves on the stone wall, andclear water in the mountain stream. Its a famous tea Cave Scenic Spot, and itsalso the place where fairy lives in legend. You have to go in and have a goodlook.

On the left side of Tianyou peak is Taoyuan Cave Scenic Area, where thereare Laozis big stone statue, Shoutao stone and Sanqing temple. You can go downthere from the top of Tianyou peak and come out along the valley to Jiuqu River.Ill wait for you there first. On the road, we must pay attention to the foot,safety first! In two hours, we have to gather by the stream. OK, lets go to thesky now.

Thank you for being there on time. I would like to tell you that Mr. Zhu Xiof the Song Dynasty lived for more than 40 years at the foot of Tianyou peak andJielu by Jiuqu stream, making Wuyishan the cultural center of the whole countryat that time. Now his memorial is built there. Lets go and have a look.

Well, todays journey is coming to an end. I hope you will have a good resttonight. If you have time, you can go to Sangu town and buy some localspecialties like tea, root carving, oranges and so on. Tomorrow well go to thefamous rock tea Dahongpao tea tree, yixiantian, shuijiandong and otherplaces.

Thank you very much! See you tomorrow.



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Each group, we now come to the second peak of nanjing purple mountain, small maoshan foothill, here is the great pioneer of Chinese democratic revolution sun yat-sens tomb is located - sun yat-sens mausoleum.

Of sun yat-sens mausoleum burial site was selected. Sun yat-sen alive in March 1925, Mr. Sun. Dying, he asked about "after my death, can be buried in nanjing zijin foothills, for nanjing interim government was established, so dont forget the xinhai revolution."

Lv Yanzhi designed by sun yat-sens mausoleum, flat as a "MuDuo" form, shape such as clock, a symbol of the sun spirit, such as a loud bell, no far, this design is the most accord with "arouse people" meaning. In Mr Will be "buried in Shanghai" think "simple solid and completely according to the spirit of ancient Chinese architecture", to "unanimously decided to adopt", mausoleum first anniversary of the death of sun yat-sen founded on June 1, 1926, was completed in the spring of 1929.



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Have you even been to Hong kong ? This summer holiday, I had travelled toHong Kong with many other students. We went to Hong Kong by plane. Hong Kong isvery small, but there are many people living there.

In Hong Kong, all of the buildings are very tall. There are lots of shopsthere and you can go shopping until about 11:00 at night. In Hong Kong, thingsare very expensive, so we only bought a few souvenirs.

We went to lots of places, such as the Avenue of Stars and Ocean Park. Ilike Ocean Park best. The park is very big. Sitting in the cable car, you cansee two hills, lots of different flowers and the sea. Some students were afraidof sitting in the cable car!

We stayed in the Shu Ren College. There are many big trees around it. Wehad meals in the restaurants, but I didn’t like the food.

Hong Kong is very beautiful. I like Hong Kong and I hope to go there againsome day.



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In my "11" holiday, the most unforgettable thing for me is to go to Beigumountain, which is known as "the best River and mountain in the world".

It was a sunny morning. There was a big fireball like sun hanging in thesky. The sun was warm and comfortable.

Entering Beigu mountain, it is more lively than I imagined. I saw the waterin the Phoenix pool singing happily, as if to say hello to us. All of a sudden,fountains gushed out, and the crystal clear water jumped playfully on my face.Next to the Phoenix pool were clusters of bright wild flowers. I saw them andthought they were very beautiful. So I bent down and picked a bunch of them. Icarefully tied them with the ribbon in my backpack. Mother said: "you look atyou, usually all day shouting to protect flowers and plants, now?" I spit out mytongue, mischievously said: "well, my fault."

I took Mom and dads hand and went to a place where a hundred flowers wereblooming and fragrant. I saw a high staircase. So we climbed to the "riverworship Pavilion" on the top of the mountain. From the pavilion, we can see thatBeigu mountain looks like a dragon with head raised, tail raised and backarched. When we are on the mountain, we have the momentum of "looking at all thesmall mountains".

Then we went to Ganlu temple, a famous scenic spot in Beigu mountain. Whenyou enter the temple, you will first see the sculptures of Wu Guotai, Sun Quan,Liu Bei, Zhao Yun and others. They are all lifelike and lifelike, representingthe historical scene of Liu Beis recruitment. Lets enter into the story of theromance of the Three Kingdoms, infatuated and marvelous.

Magnificent Beigu mountain, how many poets marvel at your style!



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,翻译,全文共 3510 字

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Beijing is a national historical and cultural city with a history of 3000years. Beijing used to be the capital of Six Dynasties in history. In more than20__ years since the state of Yan, many magnificent palace buildings have beenbuilt, making Beijing the city with the largest number of imperial palaces,gardens, temples and tombs and the richest content in China. Among them, theImperial Palace in Beijing was called the Imperial Palace in the Ming Dynastyand the Forbidden City in the Qing Dynasty. It used to be the imperial palace ofthe Ming and Qing Dynasties, and lived in 24 emperors. The magnificent buildingsperfectly reflect the traditional Chinese classical style and Oriental style. Itis the largest existing palace in China and even the world, and is a preciouscultural heritage of the Chinese nation. The temple of heaven is famous both athome and abroad for its reasonable layout and exquisite construction

Siheyuan is the general name of the traditional northern houses with themain house, inverted seat house and east-west wing house around the middlecourtyard. Beijing siheyuan, originated from the courtyard style houses of YuanDynasty, is the most important residential building in old Beijing. The narrowalleys between the green tile and grey brick quadrangles are the famous oldBeijing Hutong.

The religious temples in Beijing are all over the capital. The existingfamous ones are: Fayuan temple, Tanzhe Temple, Jietai Temple, Yunju temple,Badachu temple, etc. The White Cloud View of Taoism. Beijing Niujie worshipTemple of Islam, etc. Tibetan Buddhism (Lamaism), such as the Yonghe temple, theCatholic Xishiku Catholic Church, Wangfujing Catholic Church, etc. There aremany Christian churches, such as gangwa city church and Chongwenmen church.

The central axis of Beijing refers to the central axis of Beijing in yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties. The urban planning of Beijing has the characteristicsof symmetry with the palace city as the center. The central axis of Beijingstarts from Yongdingmen in the South and ends at Zhonggulou in the north, about7.8 km long. From south to north are Yongdingmen, Qianmen Jianlou, Zhengyangmen,Zhonghuamen, Tiananmen, Duanmen, Wumen, Forbidden City, shenwumen, Jingshan,Dianmen, houmenqiao, Gulou and bell tower. From Yongdingmen, the south end ofthe central axis, there are Tiantan, xiannongtan, Taimiao, sheji altar,Donghuamen, xihuamen, Andingmen and Deshengmen, which are symmetricallydistributed along the central axis. Mr. Liang Sicheng, a famous Chinesearchitect, once said: "the unique magnificent order of Beijing is produced bythe establishment of this central axis." Yongdingmen, Zhonghuamen and Dianmenwere demolished after the founding of the peoples Republic of China. In recentyears, Yongdingmen tower has been rebuilt.







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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5157 字

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Ladies and gentlemen

Hello everyone! The scenic spot we are going to visit today is Huangguoshuwaterfall.

Huangguoshu waterfall is the first waterfall in China and one of the mostfamous waterfalls in the world. In November 1982, Huangguoshu waterfall wasapproved by the State Council of the peoples Republic of China as a nationalkey scenic spot. Huangguoshu waterfall is 137 kilometers away from Guiyang City,the provincial capital. It is located on Baishui River, a tributary of DabangRiver, which borders Zhenning County and Guanling County in western GuizhouProvince. It takes about an hour and a half to get to Huangguoshu by bus fromGuiyang.

Huangguoshu waterfall has arrived. You see, this is the most famouswaterfall in China. Huangguoshu waterfall is 68 meters high, and the upperwaterfall is 6 meters, with a total height of 74 meters and a width of 81meters; Due to the strong impact of the current, the splashed water mist candiffuse for more than hundreds of meters, so that the stockade and markets onthe top of the cliff on the left side of the waterfall are often covered by thesplashed water mist. Visitors call it "silver rain sprinkles Golden Street".When the water is small in winter and spring, the waterfall will be divided intothree or five strands and hung down from the top of the bank. From a distance,the white curtain of water will float down like silk, fairys face and ladysraccoon.

For hundreds of years, the majestic appearance of Huangguoshu waterfall hasbeen marveled by many scholars. In the Qing Dynasty, Yan yinliang, a famouscalligrapher in Guizhou Province and the inscriber of the word "Summer Palace",wrote a couplet in "wangshuiting": "white water is like cotton, it doesnt needto bow and bounce to disperse. The magnificent scenery of Huangguoshu waterfallis vividly summarized.

Now we come to Rhinoceros Pool, where the waterfall falls. This pool isnamed after the legend that there is a rhinoceros hidden under the water. No onehas ever seen a rhinoceros, but the mystery of the pool is still deep. Anyonewho stops by the pool will think about it. If its 10 am or 4 pm on a sunny day,due to the refraction of the sun, you can also see the seven color rainbowrising from the deep pool through the rain and fog splashed by the impact of thewaterfall, which makes you feel majestic and gorgeous.

Why is this waterfall called Huangguoshu waterfall instead of otherwaterfalls? According to folklore, there is a tall Huangjue tree beside thewaterfall. According to the local accent, "Jue" and "Guo" have the samepronunciation, so people are used to call it Huangguoshu. This is a kind ofsaying. There is another saying. It is said that long ago, farmers near thewaterfall liked to grow yellow fruits. There was a large yellow orchard besidethe waterfall, so the waterfall was called Huangguoshu waterfall.

Compared with other famous waterfalls in the world, Huangguoshu waterfallis not as wide, deep and magnificent as Victoria waterfall in Africa, niagarawaterfall in North America and anher waterfall in Venezuela. However,Huangguoshu waterfall has its own peculiarities. It is the most popular andspectacular waterfall in karst areas in the world. This waterfall is like astrange magnet. It has a series of magnificent sceneries on the ground,underground, water and water. One of the most magical places is the cliffcorridor cave hidden half of the waterfall. Because of the climbing of vinesoutside the cave and the Pearl curtain hanging on the water, it is called "watercurtain cave". This is a unique sight that no other waterfall in the worldhas.

Ladies and gentlemen, "water curtain cave" has arrived. The water curtaincave is 134 meters long and consists of six windows, three Gudong springs andsix passageways. This is the scene of Shuiliandong in the large-scale TV seriesjourney to the West adapted from Chinese mythology. This is the first cavewindow, which is the lowest, only 40 meters away from the water surface ofRhinoceros Pool, but the cave window is the widest, more than 10 meters wide,located in the middle of the first and second waterfalls. When the water isheavy, the two waterfalls connect to form a curtain to seal all the cavewindows; when the water is small, it opens again and again, ranging from a fewmeters to more than 10 meters. Min likes a curtain that can be opened and closedat will. This is the second window. Its only about 4 meters away from the firstwindow. This is a quiet world, known as crystal palace. It is the heart of thewater curtain cave, 11 meters long, 9 meters high and 3 meters wide. There is aspring beside the road, clear and clean, and the water level is kept at the samelevel for a long time. There are many stalactites hanging on the top of thecave, and there are valuable curly stones on the straw stalactites. There arecountless stone curtains and stone curtains hanging on the wall of the cave.This is the third hole window. It protrudes outwards, much like a balcony. Thewindow is 1 meter high and 3 meters long. There is a guardrail outside. Visitorscan reach for the waterfall when standing behind the guardrail, so people callit "touch the waterfall platform".



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Hello, everyone! My name is Chen. You can call me director Chen. Welcome toLangshan Scenic Spot for sightseeing.

You see, its summer. Langshan is full of green trees. Its like weveentered a green fairy tale world.

Now, please get ready, we are going to start climbing!

Before that, Id like to introduce the peak of Langshan. First, Id like totalk about the "chili peak", which is 180 meters high. The "head" is big and the"foot" is small, just like a giant chili; Its said that before 20__, no onecould climb chili peak, not only because there was no way to climb chili peak,but also because it was impossible for ordinary people to climb up from the footof the mountain. In 20__, the French "Spiderman" actor climbed the chili peakfor the first time. Lets see, is chili peak really dangerous? There is camelpeak, 187 meters high, 8 meters long, 273 meters long, with two protrudingparts, just like the camels back, lifelike!

OK, I wont say more. Start climbing. Now we come to the "yixiantian". Myfriends, the "yixiantian" is more than 240 meters long. The widest place is 0 or8 meters, and the narrowest place is only 0 or 33 meters. One can only pass bysideways. There are cliffs on both sides. Please pass carefully

Come on, everyone. Were almost at Shanxiang. Heres one of the six wondersof Langshan: ten thousand whales make trouble in the sea. This scenic spot cantbe seen casually. It usually only appears in the early morning. Its not easy tosee this landscape. Friends who want to see it must come early. You see, thereare countless huge stone peaks and floating clouds, like thousands of whalesplaying in the sea.

Now, lets take a look at the Fuyi river with a bamboo raft. Look there.Its the general stone. Its very powerful and full of general spirit. Peopleliving in Langshan think that the general stone is the incarnation of a hero.Besides, there are woodpecker stones beside the general stone. Theres anotherstory about the general stone: once, a group of fierce enemies came from theSouth and slaughtered and plundered here. The "Zhennan general" guarding here isgreedy for life and afraid of death. At this time, a hero rose up and led thevillagers to fight by the Fuyi river with a hoe. They fought bravely and killedthe enemy to death. So the villagers here let him be the new "Zhennan general".This story has been widely spread.

Do you think Langshan is fun? If its fun, you should come here often!



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Wuyishan in Fujian Province was listed in the World Biosphere ReserveNetwork in 1988. It was listed in the world heritage list in December 1999.Wuyishan Scenic Spot is located in Wuyishan City, northwest of Fujian Province,about 15 kilometers south of the urban area and at the southeast foot of thenorthern section of Wuyishan mountains, with an area of about 70 squarekilometers. There is a typical Danxia landform. With hundreds of millions ofyears of natures uncanny workmanship, it has formed a beautiful scenery withsteep peaks, beautiful waters, clear water and Danfeng. The ancients said thatit has three or three wins in water and six or six odd peaks, so it is known asQixiu a. There are 36 peaks, 72 caves, 99 rocks and 108 scenic spots in WuyishanScenic Area. Not only has the scenery throughout the year, the four seasons aredifferent, and the weather is cloudy and sunny, the scenery of the mountains andrivers is also unpredictable and magnificent. Now it is divided into sevenscenic spots: Wuyi palace, Jiuqu River, Taoyuan cave, yunwo Tianyou, yixiantianhuxiaoyan, tianxinyan and shuilian cave. It has the wonders of Huangshan, thebeauty of Guilin, the power of taidai, the danger of Huayue and the beauty ofWest Lake.

The essence of Wuyishan scenery is in the nine bend brook. Jiuqu Riveroriginates from Sanbao mountain. Its water is blue and clear. It turns aroundthe mountain, forming the victory of Jiuqu mountain. Some of the most famouspeaks in Wuyi Mountain and the mysterious hanging coffin on the cliff are listedbeside Jiuqu River. There are also Yulin Pavilion, porcelain kiln site of SongDynasty, Wuyi palace and other tourist attractions in the scenic area, which areof great humanistic value. Wuyishan also has many places of interest, such asChongyou Wannian palace, Hongqiao and Jiagou boat coffin, as well as rareanimals and plants in the world. It is a national key nature reserve. There isalso a Wuyishan Nature Museum. Wuyi Mountain is also a famous historical andcultural mountain. The ancients said: Confucius and Qiu in the Eastern ZhouDynasty, Zhu Xi in the Southern Song Dynasty, Taiyue in the north and Wuyi inthe south. Zhu Xi, a neo Confucianist of the Southern Song Dynasty, lived herefor more than 40 years. He set up an account to teach disciples and wrote booksand theories, making it the cultural center of Southeast China and known asDaonan Li cave. Taoism also calls it the 16th cave. There are no less than 20__hymns written by literati and scholars in the past dynasties. There are morethan 400 inscriptions on the cliffs. These rich cultural and historical relicsalso add to the style of the famous mountains. The ancient Yue peoples boatcoffins, the ancient city ruins of the Han Dynasty, the ancient porcelain kilnruins of the Song Dynasty and the imperial tea garden of the Yuan Dynasty makeWuyishan a place for people to visit and explore ancient times.

Wuyishan Nature Reserve is the largest and most complete forest ecosystemin Southeast China. It has many peaks, dense primeval forest, magnificent,simple and beautiful scenery, and rich biological resources. It is included inthe United Nations human and nature reserve.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 9374 字

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Welcome to Putian South Shaolin Temple! Im your guide. My name is X. youcan call me Xiao X. In order to facilitate your visit, let me first introducethe history of Putian South Shaolin Temple.

Wushu is the national treasure of our country. Putian is the hometown ofWushu. Since Wu Zetian of Tang Dynasty opened the first martial artsexamination, Putian has 12 top martial arts scholars, 28 martial arts scholarsand 22 Military ministers. South Shaolin Temple is the birthplace of Nanquan andthe martial arts center along the southeast coast. Its "Buddhist boxing", "Anhaiboxing" and "yizhichan" are well-known throughout the country and are widelyspread in Japan and Southeast Asia. Since 1990, it has held five consecutiveSouth Shaolin traditional boxing competitions. All the boxers performed 51different kinds of boxing instruments and more than 110 routines, and discovereda new kind of boxing "Buddha boxing" for the first time. There are 88 year oldelders and 5-year-old children practicing martial arts, which reflects thelegacy of martial arts in the hometown of South Shaolin.

South Shaolin Temple, formerly known as linquanyuan, was built in the firstyear of Chen Yongding in the Southern Dynasty (557 AD). It is said that after LiShimin, Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty, ascended the throne, Lu Decai, theAssistant Minister of Tang Dynasty, gathered in the southeast coast and became abandit. He gathered at night and scattered in the morning, which made the peopledestitute. Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty ordered tanzong, the abbot ofShaolin Temple, who had been appointed as a general, to lead monks and soldiersto punish pirates. Monk Daoguang, sengguang and sengman, one of the thirteenmonks of tanzong sect, brought 500 Seng soldiers into Fujian to fight againstviolence. They accepted many Zen disciples in the local area, and the coastalpeople retained these living bodhisattvas. Daoguang was also embarrassed, so hewent back to the ancestral court of Shaolin in Songshan Mountain and told abbottanzong to send him a verse to build a South Shaolin Temple in Fujian, which issimilar to Jiuding Lianhua Mountain in Songshan Mountain: one is to show that hewill not forget the ancestral court; the other is to spread Mahayana Zen alongthe coast.

It is said that "the sun and the moon are long near the sea, and there isSutou at the foot of Jiulian Mountain; the South and the North Shaolin share thesame temple, and Mahayana remains in the heart.". For this reason, when monkDaoguang came back to Fujian, according to the Abbots mantra, his brothersfound the famous linquanyuan temple, which is similar to Songshan Mountain, toexpand the temple and settle down. Like Songshan Shaolin Temple, he raised monksand soldiers and participated in political affairs, so linquanyuan Temple becamea shaolinfen Temple in the south of the Yangtze River. Around Linshan village,where the temple is located, there are nine mountains in a circle, shaped like anine petaled lotus. The temple is located in the center of the flower, so it iscalled Jiulianshan Shaolin Temple, commonly known as South Shaolin Temple. TheSouth Shaolin Temple has a close relationship with the heaven and Earth Societyin the struggle against the Qing Dynasty and the restoration of the MingDynasty. The strong loyalty and righteousness spirit of the South Shaolin Templemonks, who are fighting against the evil like hatred and fighting against thetyrant, has been highly praised by the people. In the struggle against the QingDynasty and the restoration of Ming Dynasty, Putian South Shaolin Temple wasburned by the Qing soldiers. Due to the blockade of public opinion by the Qinggovernment, this solemn and stirring history is little known, but quietly spreadamong the people. South Shaolin Temple is the birthplace of Nanquan. At thattime, the practice of Shaolin Nanquan in this temple was very popular and widelyspread among the people.

People who have been to North Shaolin know that the Songshan Shaolin Templeis near wurufeng in the north, and there is a small stream (Shaoxi River) infront of the temple that flows from right to left. On the opposite side of theriver is Shaoshi mountain. On the right side of the temple is the talin, on theright front is wofoshan, and on the left front is Jiuding Lotus Village. TheLinquan courtyard in Linshan is backed by several small hills such as Zuzhumountain. In front of the courtyard, there is also a stream flowing from rightto left (now called Husi River). On the right side of the temple, there arepagodas (todays Tali, tahi natural village). In front of the temple, there isalso a "wofoshan" (locally called Maitreya Xiantu mountain and shimiantong). Infront of the temple, there is Jiuye lotus peak.

The mountain tops around the South Shaolin Temple rebuilt on thelinquanyuan site are about 600 meters above sea level. The highest peak isZushan in the North (also known as Zhushan, which is related to Prince Zhu, thespiritual leader of anti Qing Dynasty and restoration of Ming Dynasty who wassupported by the local society after the death of Ming Dynasty). It is 642.1meters high, 600.2 meters high in the Western dance village, 576.6 meters highin the East, 595.5 meters high in the south, 559 meters high in the Zixiao peak,and the huge rock "shimiantong" (Reclining Buddha) opposite the South ShaolinTemple 576.6 M. Standing on the hillside of Zhushan mountain, we can count ninemountain tops, which are just like lotus. Therefore, Qianlong Putian Countyannals is called "Jiulian peak".

Linquan courtyard is located in the heart of lotus, in the middle of Jiuhuamountain range, near which there are nine piles of natural boulders, also in theshape of lotus, commonly known as "Lotus cave". The base of linquanyuan is morethan 20000 square meters. Surrounded by kuzhu temple, xiawu temple, jiulianyantemple and other large and small temples, surrounded by Linquan temple to form agrand temple group, the magnificent momentum of the ten square jungle can beimagined.

Most of the buildings in the nearby Zifu temple have been destroyed. Theexisting one room, built in 1898, contains a pair of stone couplets: "on thecloud day, I wish you the longest life, heaven and man are happy to perform thebest Zen", which is written by Chen Baochen, the teacher of emperor Xuantong.There is a "Red Flower Pavilion" in the north, which was founded in 1646 by LuQi and Zheng Ying in the third year of Shunzhi reign of the Ming Dynasty. Thereis a stone lotus pattern in front of the Gods case. On the hengzhu there is acouplet of "all things belong to three foot sword, and seven star flag appearswhen five clouds appear." the title implies that Wan Yunlong, the general of theheaven and earth society, and the five ancestors of the South Shaolin Temple arefighting against the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty. It is agathering hall for the heaven and earth society to fight against the QingDynasty.

The South Shaolin Temple is an ideal place for military strategists. Thereare more than 10 copycat villages around Zhushan, Zhangjiang, Suqi, Li Wei,Wutong, zanhao, Zhai tou, Shan Tou Wei, Tai Jian, Hongdu, Tai Wu, and stonebucket. At present, all the ruins of the walled villages are still preserved.Stone carving around the Zhangjiang village proves that the village was built inthe late Ming Dynasty (1645). Hilltop tails and Wutong Mountain also have highthree, four meters of ghost pool waterfall and bottomless pit burst cloth.

A large number of place names related to the temple have been preserved inLinshan village, such as the place in front of the temple, the place behind thetemple, the entrance of the temple, Tali, TASI, fangshengchi, liangongcheng,mangao, etc. there are also gusaoying, Nanying, Houying, Weiying, Jiangjuntemple, qigangping, etc. which are related to martial arts training. They are226cm long and 100cm wide stone troughs with the words of "zhuluohan yujianchaSan" for monks and soldiers to treat injuries and more than 7000 mu of stonetroughs The remains of the tea garden show the prosperity of the golden age.

There is a big stone in the small bay at the foot of Jiulian Mountain,which is engraved with "Seng Jiyan Zao". It is said that the four characterswere written by a monk named Jiyan with his fingers. It is said that a martialarts expert disguised as you Seng came to Linquan courtyard to steal Shaolinsword. After seeing through Jiyan, he intercepted by the stream, but he didntuse force. He only said that he wanted to build a stone bridge for him. Afterthat, he picked up a big stone and put it on the stream, wrote the four wordswith his fingers, and politely gave way. The fake monk saw that his skill wasinferior He put down his burden and ran away quickly. Monk Jiyan is famous forhis one finger zen skill. It is said that he can use one finger to cure people.There is a "one finger Zen Stone" near the Linquan courtyard. It looks like ahand, and the index finger points to the West. It looks like the standardgesture of Nanquan. It has become a heavenly creation for practicing meditationaccording to the Enlightenment of this stone.

In addition, the stories handed down here, such as "the great master ofQianling built kuzhu temple with mandrills", "the Buddha founded xiawucourtyard", "the bodyguard of lucky star" and "five hundred monks wash andrebel", tell a lot of historical allusions.



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The ancient lotus pond is located in the ancient city of Baoding. It hasattracted many tourists with its unique antique color and various classicbuildings.

Walking into the ancient lotus pond, the first thing you see is a rockery,which is surrounded by the East Canal connecting the north and South ponds.There are many strange rocks on the mountain. From a distance, some are likeexquisite pagodas, some are like cranes neck, some are like apes ears, andsome run with horses. Im intoxicated with all kinds of strange shapes.

Around the rockery, I came to the beautiful lotus pool. The lotus pool islarge, accounting for almost a quarter of the park. The lotus leaves aresqueezed like big jade plates. The lotus in the pool is even more colorful: somejust have buds, green and green; some have pink flowers, ready to bloom; somehave one or two petals, like a shy little girl, shy to speak; some stretchpetals, reveal yellow stamens, like a beautiful girl, graceful. It can be saidthat the lotus in the sun is so red!

The ancient lotus pond not only has beautiful scenery, but also has alegend: "lotus leaves supporting peach". It is the unique shape of the paviliontop in the garden. In the middle of the green rolled lotus leaf is a big redpeach. This structure is novel and natural. It is said that Empress Dowager Cixidisguised herself as a village woman and fled overnight when the eight nationallied forces entered Beijing. An old craftsman designed the pavilion top styleof "lotus leaf supporting peach" in Lianchi, which is harmonious with the soundof "escape in the night". The purpose is to expose Empress Dowager Cixisdisgraceful behavior. Empress Dowager Cixi passed by Baoding when she returnedto Beijing. When she saw "lotus leaves supporting peach", she became angry andimmediately sent a decree to kill the old craftsman.

There are also world-famous stele corridor, Lianchi academy and somebuildings in the ancient lotus pond. The ancient lotus pond is rich in historyand culture, contributing to the ancient city of Baoding.



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Hello, everyone! Welcome to Shanghai. Im a tour guide of Shanghai travelagency. You can call me Xiao X or director X. Now, we are in the Bund area.Next, Id like to give you an overview of the Bund tourist area.

The Bund tourist area is located at the junction of Huangpu River andSuzhou River in the mother river of Shanghai. It looks across the river from thePearl River scenic spot in Pudong. It is located on the 1300 sides of theZhongshan East Road.

The main tourist attractions in the Bund are known as the highest customsbuilding in the "World Architecture Expo". The largest building in the Bund isthe HSBC building with the largest width, the largest and the largest volume.The Bank of China Building and the outer white bridge are full of Chineseelements, the mother river, the Yellow River Pujiang, the Whampoa Park inShanghai, and the four square completed on the eve of World Expo. (thesurrounding attractions include Broadway building and Bund source which isundergoing comprehensive renovation. )

The Bund, formerly known as "Huangpu Beach", was a beach along the river inthe northeast of Chengxiang, Shanghai. After the opening of Shanghai port in1843, the first British Consul in Shanghai, Balfour, took a fancy to this place.In 1845, according to the so-called "Shanghai land charter" published byShanghai Daotai, 800 mu of land including the Bund was designated as the Britishconcession, and the roads along the river were called "Huangpu Road and HuangpuBeach Road". Around the beginning of last century, there were domestic andforeign banks moving in, and gradually developed into "Oriental Wall Street". Itwas not until 1945 that it was renamed zhongshangdong 1st road.

After liberation, especially in the 1990s and 1920s___ On the eve of theWorld Expo 20__, the Bund experienced two large-scale renovation. It is worthmentioning that: after the transformation on the eve of the World Expo, the Bundtourist area has comprehensively improved the environmental quality of the Bundwaterfront area, highlighted the historical and cultural features of "universalarchitecture", and fully interpreted the theme of "Better City, better life",making the Bund the most iconic and classic urban landscape area inShanghai.

20___ In, the Bund tourist area was named "Bund morning bell" as one of the"Eight Sights on new Shanghai".

In a word, we can say that the Bund tourist area is a classic scenic spotin Shanghai urban tourism, which integrates human landscape and naturallandscape, complements western classical customs and Chinese modern customs. Itis a must for domestic and foreign tourists to visit Shanghai.

Good, ladies and gentlemen. Due to the time limit, the general situation ofthe Bund tourist area is here for the time being. Next, lets visit the scenicspots.



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Hello, everyone. Welcome to Sanqing mountain. Im the guide of Sanqingmountain. You can call me Xiaojiang.

Sanqing mountain is located at the junction of Yushan County and DexingCity in Shangrao City, in the middle of Huaiyu mountain range. Yujing, yuxu andYuhua are named after the "three steep peaks" of Yujing, yuxu and Yuhua. It is anational 5A scenic spot, a world natural landscape and a World Geopark. Sinceancient times, it has enjoyed the special reputation of "clearing away thehustle and bustle, the most blessed place in the world, and the highest mountainin the south of the Yangtze River in the Han Dynasty".

Sanqing mountain has the characteristics of "dangerous in the East andstrange in the west, beautiful in the South and beautiful in the north". It hasthe grandeur of Mount Tai, the precipitousness of Huashan, the smoke and cloudsof Hengshan, and the waterfall of kuanglu. The most peculiar landscape is"Qifeng, Gusong, Xiangyun, Caibao and Shengguang". Oh, speaking of this, I cantwait to show you. Lets go.

Today, the first stop we visit is the famous Nanqing garden scenic spot,which is a collection of the worlds three unique landscapes, namely "goddessSichun", "Python out of the mountain" and "Guanyin enjoying music". Look here,this is the goddess Sichun. The shape of the whole mountain is like a girl withbeautiful hair and shawls. The heaven and the earth are made by nature, and itsuncanny. Legend has it that the goddess is the 23rd daughter of Queen Mother ofthe west, named Yaoji. People think that she is the embodiment of spring, so sheis called "goddess of spring".

Next we see the shape of the python dragon, clouds, earth shaking peak isthe second peak "Python out of the mountain.". The boa constrictor emerges fromthe mountain in the deep valley with an altitude of about 1200 meters. Itsvertical height is 128 meters. Its peak end is slightly thick and looks like aboa constrictors head. Its peak waist is slender and looks like a snakes body.When the clouds are flying and the fog is swirling around, the boa constrictorshead moves and the snakes body shakes slightly. It looks like a giant boaconstrictor dragon. It wants to soar into the sky, which makes people sigh andsigh.

The first peak is sharp at the top and round at the bottom. It looks like apipa. The second peak is like a monk meditating with his left leg slightlystilted. He puts the pipa on his leg as if he is playing. Some people say thatthe monk is Ge Hong. The third peak is like Guanyin in the South China Sea, witha solemn and merciful look. It is said that Ge Hong, a Taoist of the JinDynasty, was deeply moved by the sufferings of the people and told heaven withhis pipa. The sound of Qin moved the heaven, and Guanyin came down to visit theheaven. He ten listened and left this dharma picture. Guanyin here is also oneof the Three Dharma phases of Guanyin in Sanqing mountain.



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Friends: I believe you are not unfamiliar with Tianmen Mountain. The worldaerobatics Grand Prix held in November 1999 completed the feat of human flyingthrough natural karst caves for the first time, and the name of Tianmen Mountainsuddenly entered the worlds vision. How many people hope to have a glimpse ofTianmen Mountain. Today, you finally get what you want!

Tianmen Mountain is about 8 kilometers away from the south of ZhangjiajieCity. The top of the mountain is 1.93 kilometers wide from north to South and1.96 kilometers long from east to west. It covers an area of 2.2 squarekilometers and has an altitude of 1518.6. It is different from Wulingyuanssandstone peak forest landscape by its well-developed karst landform. It is aplatform shaped isolated mountain surrounded by cliffs.

Tianmen Mountain was called Songliang mountain in the Han Dynasty. In theThree Kingdoms period, a door was opened on the wall of the mountain. Sun Xiu,king of Wu, regarded it as an auspicious omen and renamed it Tianmen Mountain.Tianmen Mountain is a masterpiece of nature. In the long geological history, ithas experienced marine sedimentation rising to continental sedimentation,forming a high mountain, and suffered hundreds of millions of years of wind andrain erosion, especially the Triassic Yanshan movement. At the end of theCretaceous, the large-scale Himalayan orogeny further uplifted the TianmenMountain, which was cut into isolated mountains by two fault canyons, resultingin a great height difference between the high mountains and the valley, with aheight difference of more than 1300 meters within a few kilometers, thuscreating the majestic momentum of the isolated peaks of the TianmenMountain.

Tianmen Mountain is a mysterious carrier of historical culture and Buddhismculture, and a perfect combination of natural landscape and human landscape.

In order to speed up the process of tourism development in Zhangjiajie,Tianmen Mountain is in the process of large-scale development and construction.Some scenic spots have not been officially opened; the worlds longest ropewayand Tianmenshan temple are under construction.

(Tianmen cave) on the 1264 meter high cliff of Tianmen Mountain, there is anatural gate cave from north to south. It is 131.5 meters from the bottom to thetop, 37 meters wide and 30 meters deep. On the top edge of the north side of thecave, there is an inverted dragon head bamboo with roots like dragon head andleaves like phoenix tail, so it is also called Phoenix Tail Bamboo. On the eastside is a trench more than 200 meters high, with spring water flowing from aboveand falling plum blossom rain. It is said that anyone who can open his mouth toreceive 48 drops of plum blossom rain can become an immortal. At the entrance ofTianmen cave, you can often see rock swallows flying and mountain Eaglescircling. With the change of weather, Tianmen cave sometimes breathes clouds,sometimes it is clear like a mirror, which forms a cyclic and ever-changingmeteorological landscape.

So, how did Tianmen cave form? Geologist Mr. Qin gongjiong thought that itwas the result of "funnel" dissolution. He thinks that the terrain on the eastside of Tianmen cave inclines slightly to the west, while the terrain on thewest side inclines slightly to the East, and the core of syncline is facingTianmen cave road. The East and west walls are cut by two joints with a strikeof about 320 degrees, and a joint with a strike of 40 degrees intersects withthem at Tianmen cave. Two karst funnels at the top of the cave also play animportant role in the karst process. After the rain falls, the surface waterflows along the slope to the funnel, and part of the water flowing into the soilflows down the interlayer cracks of the stratum towards the core of thesyncline. The long-term continuous dissolution process makes the local collapse,and finally makes the two groups of caves merge into one, forming the Tianmencave.

However, some people disagree with this: the Tianmen cave was formedaccording to this principle. Why is the base of the cave a huge platform? Canthese rocks "collapse" out of the cave? Therefore, the formation of Tianmen caveis still an unsolved mystery.

(Tianmenshan Temple) Tianmenshan temple was first built in the TangDynasty. It was called Yunbo temple, Lingquan courtyard and Songliang hall inancient times. In the Ming Dynasty, due to improper site selection, it wasrepeatedly destroyed by wind and often suffered from water shortage, soTianmenshan temple was moved from the eastern peak. It used to be a place withtowering ancient trees and thick shade. The lintel of the ancient temple isengraved with the four characters "Tianmen Xianshan". The couplet on both sidesof the gate is: "there is no night in the sky, and there is no mountain on themountain. It is said that Li Zicheng wrote a book by Ye Fu. The entrance is theGreat Buddha Hall, behind which is the Guanyin hall, with six bungalows on bothsides. The last one is the ancestral hall, which is of great scale. Folk can besummarized as "three into the hall, six ear room, brick wall, iron pot, such asKuang". The original architecture of the temple is very particular, withcornices and angles, carved dragons and painted phoenixes, and statues ofBuddhas and Bodhisattvas. There is also a big drum, a big bell, a seven levelstone tower and a Dahua money stove. According to the inscriptions, Tianmenshantemple was repaired seven times during the 163 years from the Qianlong period ofthe Qing Dynasty to the fifth year of the Republic of China. At that time, therewas an endless stream of believers from more than ten counties along the borderof Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan and Guizhou. Now Tianmenshan Tourism Co., Ltd. isrepairing Tianmenshan temple on a large scale, and the former prosperity willreappear.

(longtouyan) its called longtouyan. In the past, there were stone tapsthat could be turned on the collapse. Longtou rock faces a cliff. It is saidthat in the past, many pilgrims, in order to show their sincerity in praying forGod and worshiping Buddha, held the dragons head in their hands and made acircle around the cliff. As long as they were sincere, they would guarantee younothing. Later, the dragon head was lifted off the cliff. Now we can only seethe stone pit where the dragon head was placed. Longtou rock is the best viewingplatform for sunrise. Li Jing, the magistrate of Yuezhou in the Ming Dynasty,wrote a poem praising Tianmen Mountain

The mountain reaches its peak, and the gate of heaven is within reach.

Looking up at Penglai under the red sun, looking forward to Lufu whiteclouds.

Cangya abrupt pine fir ancient, Qujing remote horse trace empty.

If you want to build the highest peak, flying must rely on the skywind.

(chisongfeng gold pool) this small pool is about 1.3 meters long, 0.6meters wide and only a few centimeters deep. No matter how dry it is, the waterwill not dry up all the year round. It is said that this is the gold pool ofchisongzi, the rain master of Shennong emperor in ancient times. Under thenorthern cliff, there is a peak like Danzao peak, which is called Danzao peak.At the top of the peak, there are clouds and mist, like the smoke rising fromthe stove. It is said that it is a stove used by red pine nuts for alchemy.There is a poem by predecessors: "in the past, there were immortal places. Therelics are left in Danzao, and they often come and go. " There are thunder caveand electricity cave under the peak of Danzao. It is said that in addition tousing the water from the golden pool, the red pine nut can reach a certaindegree of fire with the help of thunder and electricity.

There are many strange things in Tianmen Mountain, but the way is notclear. Among them, there are four ancient mysteries, which have been handed downfrom generation to generation. The first is the mystery of Tianmen opening, thesecond is the mystery of developing sweet potato millet, the third is themystery of turning water on the top of the mountain, and the fourth is themystery of wild Buddhas treasure. It is said that under the beech tree is thetreasure house of the wild Buddha. In the chapter "Tianmen Mountain" in thelocal records of Yongding County written by Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, it issaid that "in the Ming Dynasty, the wild Buddha flew to this mountain fromJiashan temple. The wild Buddha was a bandit. After the incident, he cut off hishair and became a monk. He escaped from heaven. "

(ghost Valley cave) it is said that when Li Zicheng took Yefu up themountain, he took more than 100 people and horses and many gold and silvertreasures, hired nine wooden boats to sneak into Dayong secretly against the LiRiver, and went up Tianmen Mountain unconsciously. This time Yefu became a monk,he didnt really want to become a Buddha. Instead, he "sleeps" every day and"draws his sword to the altar" to "restore the Central Plains" and "wipe out thewhole world" one day. However, the situation took a sharp turn, the peasant armycollapsed, the Qing government was established, and Yefu finally died ofanxiety. It is said that before he died, he scattered all the treasures he hadbrought and hid them in several secret places in Tianmen Mountain. And poisonedall the migrant workers to death. For hundreds of years, I dont know how manybandits, pilgrims and mysterious monks of Tianmen Mountain have come to Tianmento worship. In fact, they have come back empty handed to peep at the terrain andsearch for treasure. Where the treasure is hidden is always a mystery.

Standing on the cliff 300 meters away, there is an inverted trapezoidalcave with trees at the entrance and waterfalls flying out of the cave. It issaid that Gui GuZi, a famous scholar in the Warring States period, once studiedthe book of changes in the cave wall, and devoted himself to practicing martialarts, creating the world-famous "ghost Valley magic skill". There is also asecret collection of Wulin, Tianmen 36 Tianchi, which is called Guigu cave bylater generations. Guiguzi was the founder of the Political Science in theWarring States period. His main work, maneuvering tactics, is known as awonderful book, which studies how to defeat each other by means of union ordivision in politics and diplomacy. Historians say that a history of the WarringStates period chaos is derived from Guigu cave, which shows that Guigu Zi isvery good. Luo Fuhai, a man of Qing Dynasty, wrote a poem entitled "ghost Valleycave": "peach blossom and flowing water go floating, smile into the clouds, andvisit the cave deeply. Hermit flow more buried surname Yu, vertical andhorizontal skills actually immortal. On the wall of the Dao script, sealcharacters are left, and lead is cremated in the furnace. I heard Jun playingmusic in my ears, and a waterfall fell to the top of ten thousand peaks. "Xixiping and guanliping at the foot of the mountain are famous places for hardQigong. Qigong master Zhao Jishu has visited many European countries withnational leaders and won honor for his motherland.

From the end of 1980s to the 1990s, Li Guangyu, a veteran of Chisongvillage at the southern foot of Tianmen Mountain, had been let down for sixtimes to investigate the cave. Once, when exploring the cave, he occasionallytook pictures of Guiguzis face studying the book of changes with his camera.This is a profile image with a five sense organ Gallery, which is clearlydistinguishable. It is similar to the picture of Guiguzi, which has been widelyspread so far. Whether the image of Guiguzi is so vivid is accidental orcoincidence, or Gods intentional arrangement, which has become a mystery ofTianmen Mountain.

(aerial garden) please note that there are many exposed stone buds andstone forests on both sides of the trail. They are high and low in differentshapes, like a line to welcome us. This is another remarkable feature of thekarst landform in Tianmen Mountain. There are many stone buds and stone forestson the top of the mountain, which are distributed in the middle of the denseforest, forming a unique and primitive air garden. They are like labyrinths oneby one, and they are also like the eight array pictures of Pushuos confusionand changes. Tourists travel through it with unlimited interest. Folk legend hasit that anyone who can successfully pass through these labyrinths will be ableto pass through the so-called forty-eight gates of all living beings. Myfriends, you may as well have a try now. I wish you a smooth life.
