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The Xixia mausoleum is the mausoleum of the emperors of the Xixia Dynasty.Although it has been destructively damaged, its shape is destroyed, but itsskeleton still exists. The grand scale, rigorous layout and the remaining moundsstill show the unique flavor and style of the times of the Xixia Dynasty.

Xixia mausoleum is located in the eastern foot of Helan, about fivekilometers from east to west, and about ten kilometers from north to south.Within the area of more than 50 square kilometers, with the natural rise andfall of hills and ridges, there are nine Imperial Mausoleums and more than 200accompanying tombs of princes and princes. The Yellow mausoleums are as tall ashills. They spread out continuously under the Helan Mountain. Under thesunlight, they are resplendent and magnificent. The scale of the Xixia mausoleumarea is similar to that of the Ming Tombs in Beijing. The ground buildings ofthe mausoleum are composed of turrets, gate towers, stele pavilions, outer city,inner city, sacrificial hall, tower shaped mausoleum platform and other buildingunits. The overall layout of the mausoleum area is a longitudinal rectangle, andit is arranged in a left-right symmetrical format according to the traditionalChinese pattern of taking the North-South central line as the axis. Xixiamausoleum is a unique form of Xixia architecture in China.

Xixia museum is the first Xixia royal mausoleum in China, which is a realand vivid reminder of the rise and fall of Xixia kingdom. Covering an area of5300 square meters, the museum imitates the architectural style of Xixia, withunique style. It not only has the momentum of modern architecture, but alsoechoes with the mausoleum site, forming a strong national architectural style.The museum has selected 671 most representative Xixia cultural relics and 413volumes of monographs, papers and magazine articles. In it, you can see carveddragon stone pillars, stone horses, glazed gallstones, Xixia inscriptions, stonestatue seats, Buddhist scriptures, Buddhist paintings, Xixia porcelain, officialseals, etc.; especially the 188kg gilt copper ox is a treasure of Xixia culturalrelics; and the Xixia ancient pagoda before maintenance is copied in a ratio of6:1; On the two floor, there are 8 selected Xixia murals, which show the essenceof Xixia grottoes and let people appreciate the brilliance and brilliance of theXixia kingdom. Many historical mysteries and unique national culture will surelyarouse your infinite reverie.




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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2271 字

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Hometown is always unforgettable for drifters. Harbor is also the eternalhope of people. Looking at the beautiful scenery; listening to the familiarsound of the sea Oh, every bit of my hometown, I am intoxicated, drunk on athousand reef island; drunk on a piece of rich land Yes! The same blue sky,different "square inch" of the land, this may be the nature of the creation andpreference of it.

Pingtan, my hometown, is endowed with enchanting beauty by nature. I amproud of it. Once someone asked: "Pingtan is just a desolate island with onlystones but no grass. What can I be proud of when I eat it up and down?" Ireplied with pride: no! Its just the past

Now in the reform and opening up today, the face of my hometown hasundergone earth shaking changes. Dont you believe it? When you see it with yourown eyes, you may be amazed!

First of all, the living conditions of the people in their hometown havebeen significantly improved. Beautiful environment and new residential areashave sprung up. Most of the people in their hometown have moved out of thebungalows without kitchens, sewers or bathrooms and into the spacious and brightnew buildings. People have constantly improved their civilized behavior, live inharmony and enjoy themselves. When my hometown was still in a poor county, mostof the wardrobes of every family were monotonous colors. Now the wardrobes havebecome larger, and it is not new to have several sets of famous brandclothes.

In addition, one broad and flat concrete road after another has replacedthe stone road of the past, with rows of bright street lamps erected on theroadsides; the rainbow like cross sea bridge has also been opened to traffic.Now, with the unique tourism resources, my hometown is a golden cornucopia

My hometown is not only beautiful but also rich in products. It is not onlya tourist attraction, but also a history textbook. It is the crystallization ofthe hard work and wisdom of more than 300000 parents and villagers. It is abright pearl in the treasure house of the motherland. I long for the rapiddevelopment of my hometown. Today I want to turn my love for my motherland andhometown into a driving force for learning. Tomorrow I will devote my talents tomy hometown and make my hometown look younger and more beautiful.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 5866 字

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Mount Hua is the highest of China’s five sacred mountains. It is 120kilometers east of Xian. It has five peaks that resemble the petals of a flower.The highest peak is 2180 meters (7085 feet).

We had had discussions about going to Mount Hua with some graduate studentsfrom Computer Science. That didn’t work out due to changes in schedules on bothsides. Also, they were planning to do the climb at night to be able to reach thepeak at sunrise. That did not appeal to us. We wanted to spend a night on themountain. Fran’s department arranged a trip for us, making reservations at thesimple hotel on the North Peak. They sent two graduate students to accompany us,though they had not been to Mount Hua before. We met them at 8:00 on Saturdaymorning and took a taxi to the train station. There we asked around and locateda mini-bus. The bus made a couple of stops. One was to see a presentation aboutthe traditional medicines grown on the mountain and a chance to buy some ofthem. It probably would have been interesting if we understood Chinese. Ourguides gave us the general outline about what was said. The other stop was aquick lunch stop.

There are two approaches to Mount Hua. [Chinese proverb: “There is one roadand only one road to Mount Hua,” meaning that sometimes the hard way is the onlyway.] The west entrance involves 10 kilometers of walking on a road before youstart climbing. We went with the east entrance, where the bus brings you to thebase of a cable car that goes up to the 1500 meter North Peak. Our plan was towalk up to the North Peak, then climb to the four other peaks the next day andtake the cable car down.

We started the climb in the early afternoon. The path consists of stonesteps with rough chain link handrails in the narrowest areas (we wore ourbicycling gloves for hand protection). Physically, it is more like climbing thesteps of a skyscraper than trails at home. However, the temperature was about 95degrees and there was not much shade. We brought lots of water, including somebottles that we froze and some Gatorade that we got at the fancy departmentstore in downtown Xian. There are plenty of refreshment stands along the waywhere you can buy bottled water, the Chinese equivalent of Gatorade, and otherdrinks or snacks at a premium price.

We reached the North Peak before 4:00 PM and rested at the hotel. Our roomwas basic, but comfortable and clean enough. Because water is scarce on themountain, there were neither showers nor sinks available for washing. In thatsense the experience felt like camping, but we were sleeping in a big tent!

After dinner at the hotel restaurant, we spent some time talking with ourguides. We were a bit surprised to find that they both think of Japannegatively, but like the U.S. It seems that Japan’s WWII behavior in China hasnot been forgotten, and is emphasized in school.

We saw a beautiful sunset and watched the sky become resplendent withthousands of stars, including the Milky Way galaxy. This was the clearest skythat we have seen in China. The fresh air at Mount Hua is a treat!

Our guides had both been planning to get up at 4:00 AM to watch thesunrise. Fran and I made sleep a priority. We did happen to wake up a bit beforesunrise (our room faced east) and went outside to watch the sky become rosy.Ironically, our guides missed the sunrise because they had stayed up latewatching the European soccer championships on the television in their room

The plan for the day was to climb the other four peaks, but we reserved theright to shorten the route. The first part was a steep climb to Middle Peak.After the low North Peak, all the others are at roughly 20__ meters. There werecrowds on the way to Middle Peak – mostly Chinese hikers but we did see a fewother wai guo (foreigners) as well.

We visited two Taoist temples en route to Middle Peak. Each one had analtar with incense and offerings of fruit. The friendly monks invited us to saya prayer or to send blessings to loved ones. Fran accepted their invitation. Atthe first temple, she lit incense sticks and knelt on a cushion in front of thealtar saying a silent prayer for our safe journey to the various summits ofMount Hua (the prayer was answered). At the second temple, she knelt on acushion in front of the altar and sent silent blessings to several friends whoare experiencing challenging situations in their lives at present. After eachblessing, she leaned forward and the monk struck a drum.

After Middle Peak, the crowds got much thinner. The next was East Peak,which had a steep ladder climbing rock. Fran was dubious about this ascent, butrealized that the ladder wasn’t so bad and went for it. That was a good decisionbecause we were then able to do a loop and the trails got almost empty at thispoint. After skirting the top of a cliff with a steep dropoff on both sides, wehad a pleasant walk to South Peak and West Peak. There was even a small amountof dirt trail! The summit of South Peak was the highest point on Mount Hua, soof course we asked another hiker to take a photo of our guides and us. The viewsfrom the tops of each peak were beautiful. Mount Hua and the surroundingmountains are very rugged and remind us somewhat of hiking in the southwesternUnited States or the Sierras.

We took a route that eventually brought us to the main line returning downfrom Middle to North Peak. We were happy to have ascended each of the five peaks(petals) of Flower Mountain.

By cable car (the longest in Asia), it was just 7 minutes down to the parkentrance. We caught a shuttle bus into town, then transferred to a bus forXian.

Our guides told us that we had walked up and down a total of 4000 stairs!We were glad that we did not have this information when we started. For threedays after returning home, our sore leg muscles instructed us to take theelevator to our fifth floor apartment rather than climbing the stairs.



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百年沧桑,上海政府于1992-1993年间对这一地区进行了大规模的改造。将原来的马路扩建成十车道的宽阔道路,并在北面建起来造型独特的吴淞路闸桥以此减轻外白渡桥的重负。随后又建起了延安东路高架,使该地区的交通更为通畅,更展现了国际化大都市的强劲活力。沿江则修建起防汛墙和绿色长廊,各类雕塑和建筑小品坐落其间更使得外滩诗情画意。站在黄浦江边的观景台上,江风拂面,江面波涛粼粼,百舸争流,江上海鸥高低飞翔,可一览大城市港口的绚丽风光。隔江而立的东方明珠广播电视塔耸入云宵,国际会议中心造型优美,金茂大厦, 中银大厦等跨世纪的摩天大楼更是欲与天工试比高,以及南浦大桥,杨浦大桥宏伟的气魄更使外滩借得美景。





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 13665 字

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Dear friends

hello everyone!

Welcome to Zhangjiajie. Im very glad to visit Huangshi village, thelargest skyscraper in Zhangjiajie. People often say that "not to Huangshi Zhai,to Zhangjiajie in vain", we can see that Huangshi Zhai is the essence of theentire Zhangjiajie landscape. There are two versions of the name of HuangshiVillage: the first is that Zhang Liang, the Han Dynasty Marquis, once lived inthis mountain and built a temple to commemorate his master Huangshi Gong. Theother is that from a distance, the mountain looks like a mighty lion, so it isalso called "Huangshi village".

Huangshi village is located in the middle of Zhangjiajie National ForestPark, with an altitude of about 1200 meters and a top area of more than 200 mu.It is a magnificent, unique and beautiful platform supported by numerous cliffs.Looking around from the top of the village, you can see clouds coveringthousands of valleys, thousands of peaks gathering, trees flying in the air andmist dancing. Huangshi village is the cream of Zhangjiajie scenery. A famouspoet like this is the Huangshi Zhai: "five steps are strange, seven steps areterrified, ten steps away, dumbfounded."

In front of us is a row of steep and tortuous stone steps, vaguely lying inthe dense and quiet fir forest, that is "fir forest path". Since ancient times,there is only one road to mount Huangshi. Todays road was dug by hand more thanten years ago. Up the mountain from the secluded path of fir forest, the scenicspots on both sides compete to stand, which makes people dizzying.

The scenic spot in front is called "Luohan Yingbin". Please pay attentionto the stone wall on the upper left side. A big bellied arhat is sitting crosslegged near a pine tree. He is wearing a monks hat, with a crooked mouth andsquint eyes. He is staring at the foot of the mountain with a smile on his face.If you look carefully, you will find that he is especially like the "Jigong"monk in folklore.

Leave "Luohan Yingbin", please continue to go up. Now the place is a rockcover, which is about 3 meters high and 20 meters long. There is a rock covermore than 2 meters wide on it, which is called "big rock house". This is notonly a good place for tourists to have a rest, but also a wonderful viewingplatform. To the East, you can see a large area of Huaxi Valley, seed garden andLuogu tower. There are many mountains and peaks in it. It is like a fairylandsurrounded by clouds. Have you noticed the "iron pier" beside the big rockhouse. It is big, small, and square, and it is said that this is a lead stonethrown from the umbrella handle when the eight hole gods pass by, which isdedicated to charcoal burning and old fellow blacksmith to cut firewood and ironfor livelihood.

On the top of the big rock house, there is a mountain that stands out onthe hillside. It is golden and shining in the sun. People call it "half of thecountry". From below, it looks like a huge palm, five fingers extended, and thepalm slightly closed. It stands there, just like the half of the mountain splitby a big axe. Its a marvelous work! No wonder the poets all praise it: "itsjust like a palm on the side of the wall, and its all in the flower. Monk,borrow a mountain axe, and its a thunderbolt."

Please listen, there are lots of songs coming from the front. This is abeautiful Tujia folk song. In front of it is the Tujia girls singing platform.Look, beautiful Tujia girls are singing and dancing to welcome all the guests.Will their beautiful songs arouse your infinite yearning for Tujia folk customs?Will their hospitality and simple kindness bring you a kind of relaxation andhappiness that you have never had before? At this moment, do you realize thetrue meaning of "beautiful mountains, beautiful water, more beautiful people" inZhangjiajie?

We are now halfway up the mountain, only half the way to the top of thevillage. Please see, there is a huge stone in front of us. Under the cliff,there is a continuous forest of fir trees and green waves. This scenic spot is"dianjiangtai". It is said that in order to find the trace of his master, ZhangLiang, the Marquis of the Han Dynasty, came here to live in seclusion, but hewas suspected by Empress Lu, who was in power and tyrannical. In order to dealwith the siege of empress Lu, Zhang Liang trained his troops day and night incase of unexpected events. It is said that this is the place where Zhang Liangstepped on the stage to "point generals".

After the "dianjiangtai", you go up the steps to the right. Above is aconcave cliff viewing platform arched by natural stone walls. This is the"entertainment platform". Here you can have a close look at the "treasure chestof heavenly script", a distant view of huaxiyu, a view of the staggered peaks,and a view of the verdant trees. On the opposite side of the mountain on theright, there is a round stone column about 20 meters high, which stands on itsown. The top is a platform. On it is a stone box about 3 meters long and 1.5meters wide. On the box is a stone cover, half of which is in the air and halfon the box. Around it are five green pines and cypresses. It is said that ZhangLiang once hid the three volumes of the book of heaven in the casket. Later,because of the end of the war, Zhang Liang took out the book of heaven and putit in other places. However, he forgot to close the cover and left a half opencasket. Because the stone box once contained the book of heaven, it was known asthe "treasure box of book of heaven".

Where did Zhang Liang take out the book of heaven? Please look back andlook at the opposite peak. On the flat cliff of the peak, there are even andneat lines from top to bottom, and there are many vague and specious spots onit, which makes people feel mysterious. It is said that this is the book ofheaven which was put up by Zhang Liang again. This scenic spot is called "bookof heaven hanging high" ”。 It is said that after the world was peaceful, ZhangLiang put the book of heaven up here and let all the people who could understandit read it. How much did you understand it? If you look carefully, there are twoturtles under the book of heaven. It seems that they are climbing with the bookof heaven, and they will never stop until they reach the heaven. Everyone callsit "double turtles" or "golden turtles carrying the book of heaven" ”。

After reading the book of heaven, continue to climb. Please look ahead.There is only one passage between the two mountains. It is shaped like a door.It has the momentum of "one man is in charge of the pass and ten thousand peopleare not allowed to open". Here is the "Nantianmen". Please pay attention to thetwo peaks next to them. They are arranged in order, majestic and majestic. Theyare like ancient warriors, one on the left and one on the right. They have beenwaiting beside the Nantianmen gate for many years. People call them "gategeneral". They wear armor, waist hanging sword, back inserted feather arrow, thebody is huge, lifelike shape. It is said that this is the mountain god guardingHuangshi village.

I dont know if you have noticed this towering ancient tree around you.Its over 100 years old. Its called "Qingqianliu" or "money tree". It is aslike as two peas, and is shaped like money, ripe in color, golden, with kernelin its middle and patterns around it, just like the copper coins of ancienttimes. Its roots are divided into big branches from the bottom. In summer, thecrown is like a huge umbrella with luxuriant branches and leaves, which gives usa cool air. In autumn and winter, the leaves turn yellow and the fruits mature.When the wind blows, clusters of fruits fall on the ground, which is likestrings of golden copper coins, hence the name "money tree".

Please look here. Its not far from the "cash tree". In front of it is the"dinghaishen needle". It is tall and straight, towering, it seems to support thewhole mountain with a strong body. "Dinghaishenzhen" and "jinbianyan" are faraway from each other, forming a very spectacular "natural strong scene". Whatsthe scenic spot of the isolated Zhufeng in front of it? It rises straight intothe sky, more than 300 meters high, and its root firmly sticks to the earth.Its really like a giant stone pillar! This is the famous "nantianyizhu" inZhangjiajie, which is named because it stands under Nantianmen. It echoes the"one pillar of the West sky" from afar. It is said that the two were changed bytwo one legged macaques. In order to save Monkey King, they were enlightened byErlang God and had to stand here forever.

"A pillar in the South sky" is a close-up of the whole scenery ofWulingyuan. It is the epitome of the whole "Wulingyuan" quartz sandstone peakforest landscape, and also the emblem and symbol of "Zhangjiajie InternationalForest Protection Festival". Now the scenic spot in front of you is "WangGuangmeis poem carving". On November 30, 1983, Wang Guangmei, the wife offormer Comrade Liu Shaoqi, boarded Zhangjiajie, accompanied by Luo Qiuyue,deputy director of Hunan Provincial Peoples Congress and others. In those days,it was still a small stone road just dug out by hand. Wang Guangmei was shockedby the scenery along the way, which inevitably brought back many memories. Shehas visited four scenic spots and chanted a four character poem: "strange peaksand rocks are the best in the world. Cangsong Qingshan, beautiful Some say itsa pun. One word "strange" is the whole evaluation of Comrade Liu Shaoqi, whilethe other word "beautiful" implies another meaning hidden in her heart that isnot to be said directly.

Now you have successfully boarded Huangshi village. In front of thishanging round stone peak is the "star picking platform". Standing on the stage,you can feel the feeling of "seeing all the mountains at a glance". Here you cansee the main scenic spots such as "double door welcome", "natural murals", "jadebottle peak" and "rabbit watching the moon". Especially at night, there is afeeling of being close to the stars. It seems that once you reach out, you can"pick off" the stars in the sky. Speaking of the star picking platform, it wasstill in the early days of the garden. In the early morning of November 8, 1983,there were still several stars in the sky. Comrade Zhang Jinfu, then statecouncilor and director of the State Economic Commission, could not wait to climbup the platform. Facing thousands of stone peaks, he casually recited a poem:"thousands of peaks compete with each other, thousands of trees are verdant andbeautiful. Though not in the sky, not in the world. Its no exaggeration to usethis as a metaphor. " He named the star picking platform.

In front of this artificial scenic spot is "six odd Pavilion". "Sixwonders" accurately refers to the wonders of mountains, waters, clouds, stones,animals and plants. This is the only man-made landscape in the park. It is madeof marble, reinforced concrete and other materials. It is four stories high,with a sharp top and a prominent double eaves. It is a special pavilionintegrating folk custom, calligraphy and natural landscape. Standing on thethird floor, you can enjoy the magnificent scenery of Zhangjiajie. "We will stayin the mountains and rivers, and our generation will come back to us again", "ifwe want to be poor for thousands of miles, we will go to a higher level".Standing on the top of the pavilion, you can see yuanjiajie, yangjiajie,Tianzishan, chaotianguan and three sister peaks

Next, along the 2200 meter long surrounding line of the mountain top, visitwuzhifeng, qianhuayuan, overpass pier and other scenic spots. Every rock peakhere is an ancient work of art, and every rock peak hides the infinite mysteryof nature. A few years ago, a woman writer from Northeast China stood on theviewing platform of wuzhifeng and sighed, "I really think I can die after seeingthe scenery of Zhangjiajie!" then she said, "I think its more reasonable tolive well after seeing the scenery of Zhangjiajie!" the two sentences seem to bedifferent, but in fact they are not: the first sentence is that its enough tosee such wonderful scenery as Zhangjiajie; Life is so beautiful that we shouldcherish it more. In the face of the fabulous front garden, the poet Ding mangalso issued a "life less than Zhangjiajie, how can a hundred years old be calledan old man" exclamation!

In front of you, there are a row of six peaks with a height of more than200 meters, just like the piers left behind after the collapse of the bridge, soit is called "Overpass pier". Looking to the front left, there is a long andnarrow stone cave under the peak, which is called Feiyun cave. At 8:30 a.m. onSeptember 7, 1984, a colorful halo with a diameter of about 200 meters appearedin the space surrounded by stone peaks. At that time, five eyewitnesses wildand joyful figures were clearly reflected in the center of the halo, and eventhe surrounding strange peaks and rocks were also looming in the halo. Aftermore than 20 minutes, the aura gradually disappeared. This kind ofmeteorological spectacle is commonly known as "Buddha light". On May 15, 1996,the Buddha light spectacle also appeared in Shentang Bay of Tianzi mountain.

Now come to the back Mountain Gate, it is like a stone gate, steep in themiddle, narrow on both sides, the terrain is very dangerous. In the past, thiswas the only access to denghuangshi village. In March 1995, it was from herethat __X went up and down Huangshi village. On the way up the mountain, Jiang__, during the rest, excitedly plays erhu to accompany the local Tujia femalesinger; after climbing the top of the village, he cant help singing the aria of"beating the tiger up the mountain" in the Peking Opera "outwit the mighty TigerMountain" to enjoy with the tourists.



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Wuyishan in Fujian Province was listed in the World Biosphere ReserveNetwork in 1988. It was listed in the world heritage list in December 1999.Wuyishan Scenic Spot is located in Wuyishan City, northwest of Fujian Province,about 15 kilometers south of the urban area and at the southeast foot of thenorthern section of Wuyishan mountains, with an area of about 70 squarekilometers. There is a typical Danxia landform. With hundreds of millions ofyears of natures uncanny workmanship, it has formed a beautiful scenery withsteep peaks, beautiful waters, clear water and Danfeng. The ancients said thatit has three or three wins in water and six or six odd peaks, so it is known asQixiu a. There are 36 peaks, 72 caves, 99 rocks and 108 scenic spots in WuyishanScenic Area. Not only has the scenery throughout the year, the four seasons aredifferent, and the weather is cloudy and sunny, the scenery of the mountains andrivers is also unpredictable and magnificent. Now it is divided into sevenscenic spots: Wuyi palace, Jiuqu River, Taoyuan cave, yunwo Tianyou, yixiantianhuxiaoyan, tianxinyan and shuilian cave. It has the wonders of Huangshan, thebeauty of Guilin, the power of taidai, the danger of Huayue and the beauty ofWest Lake.

The essence of Wuyishan scenery is in the nine bend brook. Jiuqu Riveroriginates from Sanbao mountain. Its water is blue and clear. It turns aroundthe mountain, forming the victory of Jiuqu mountain. Some of the most famouspeaks in Wuyi Mountain and the mysterious hanging coffin on the cliff are listedbeside Jiuqu River. There are also Yulin Pavilion, porcelain kiln site of SongDynasty, Wuyi palace and other tourist attractions in the scenic area, which areof great humanistic value. Wuyishan also has many places of interest, such asChongyou Wannian palace, Hongqiao and Jiagou boat coffin, as well as rareanimals and plants in the world. It is a national key nature reserve. There isalso a Wuyishan Nature Museum. Wuyi Mountain is also a famous historical andcultural mountain. The ancients said: Confucius and Qiu in the Eastern ZhouDynasty, Zhu Xi in the Southern Song Dynasty, Taiyue in the north and Wuyi inthe south. Zhu Xi, a neo Confucianist of the Southern Song Dynasty, lived herefor more than 40 years. He set up an account to teach disciples and wrote booksand theories, making it the cultural center of Southeast China and known asDaonan Li cave. Taoism also calls it the 16th cave. There are no less than 20__hymns written by literati and scholars in the past dynasties. There are morethan 400 inscriptions on the cliffs. These rich cultural and historical relicsalso add to the style of the famous mountains. The ancient Yue peoples boatcoffins, the ancient city ruins of the Han Dynasty, the ancient porcelain kilnruins of the Song Dynasty and the imperial tea garden of the Yuan Dynasty makeWuyishan a place for people to visit and explore ancient times.

Wuyishan Nature Reserve is the largest and most complete forest ecosystemin Southeast China. It has many peaks, dense primeval forest, magnificent,simple and beautiful scenery, and rich biological resources. It is included inthe United Nations human and nature reserve.



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Dear friends: Good morning, welcome to Zhengding, Hebei Province! You aretired from your journey. I hope the warm sun in winter can drive away the dustand fatigue along the way, Im your tour guide, LV Xiang. I hope I can lead youto soar in the happiness that tourism brings us. Next, Id like to introduce amember of our car who is impolite, because he always faces you with his back. Heis our driver, Master Li. In fact, Master Li is recognized as a driver in ourtourism industry. His steadiness is not only his character Although his car is abit heavy, its still very stable. You will really feel safe and comfortable inhis car. Well, we will arrive at our destination in about 20 minutes. Letsenjoy the scenery outside the window and have a rest!

Today, I have the honor to show you the Longxing Temple, a key culturalrelic protection unit in China. Longxing Temple is one of the famous temples inChina, known as the four treasures of North China. It was built in the sixthyear of kaihuang in Sui Dynasty, and now has a history of more than 1400 years.In fact, the name of Longxing Temple at the beginning of the Song Dynasty was"longzang Temple", that is, longzang with hidden dragon and crouching tiger. Inthe early Song Dynasty, the Tibetan character was changed to Xingxing, and itwas changed to Longxing Temple in the 49th year of Kangxi. From the name, we canalso think of how prosperous our Longxing Temple was in the past dynasties.

Longxing Temple, with Dabei Pavilion as the main body, is a large-scalearchitectural complex in Song Dynasty. The existing area of the temple is 82500square meters. The main buildings are distributed on the North-South centralaxis and its two sides. The whole building complex is high and low, and theprimary and secondary are distinct. It is an important example to study thearchitectural layout of Buddhist temples in the Song Dynasty. After so manyintroductions, you must have a strong interest in this religious complex withthousands of history. Now please follow me to see its mysterious face!

There are six cultural relics in Longxing Temple, which can be regarded asthe best in China. They pass through the Tianwang hall and Dajue Liushi hall.Now in front of you, this magnificent hall is the only one in China that we aregoing to visit today: mani hall. Mani hall was built in the fourth year ofemperor you of Northern Song Dynasty, covering an area of 1400 square meters. Asyou can see, its layout is very unique. The center of the main hall is theXieshan peak with double eaves. In the center of the four sides of the squarehall, there is a mountain flower in each side. The Xieshan Baoxia in front of itmakes the whole building plane form a cross shape.

From the outside, we can see that the whole hall overlaps magnificently andis full of changes, which is the only existing example of Song Dynastyarchitecture in China. If you look at it again, the brackets under the eaves ofthe hall are large, the distribution is sparse, the columns are thick, and thereare obvious rolling brake side corners and rising, which are consistent with theSong Dynastys "building French style". Liang Sicheng, an expert on ancientarchitecture in China, praised the empress of Mani hall. He said that this kindof layout was only seen in Song Dynasty paintings except the turret of theForbidden City in Beijing. Do you have the feeling of crossing time and space tobe in Song Dynasty paintings now? Lets get out of the association quickly.After appreciating the general architecture of this painting from theappearance, lets go in and enjoy it more beautiful Lets go!

Please note that next, Id like to introduce the second one of LongxingTemple, the Chinese beauty of inverted Guanyin. Please look at the colorful claysculpture hanging mountain on the north wall of the inner trough of Mani hall.There are more than 30 existing statues in the hanging mountain, but thestriking one is the colorful Guanyin Bodhisattva in the middle, commonly knownas "inverted Guanyin". Because Guanyin Bodhisattva has the oath of "all livingbeings will never be able to reach the end of universal salvation, and allliving beings will never reach the end of universal salvation", it forms theimage of inverted sitting Guanyin. The statue of Avalokitesvara is 3.4 metershigh. Please look at the eyes with deep wisdom overlooking us. Do you feelshocked? In fact, what is beautiful about her is not only her elegant posture,beautiful face, but also her broad mind and her touching compassion.

Through the archway and the altar, we can see that there are two typicaltwo-story Pavilion style buildings in the Northern Song Dynasty on both sides ofthe central axis. They are zhuanlunzang Pavilion and Cihua Pavilion.

The zhuanlunzang pavilion was built in the Northern Song Dynasty. Thediameter of the zhuanlunzang Pavilion in front of us is 7 meters. It is dividedinto three parts: the Tibetan seat, the Tibetan body and the Tibetan roof. A10.8-meter wooden shaft runs up and down in the middle. You will be interestedto ask what is the use of such a special magic weapon? According to historicalrecords, zhuanlunzang was created for the convenience of illiterate or nonliterate believers in the southern Liang Dynasty. The believers have the samemerit in pushing the wheel for a week as in reading the Scriptures once.Although it has been thousands of years, it only needs two or three people tomake it rotate slowly. Isnt it amazing? As a special form of magic weapon, ithas a history of more than 1400 years since it came into being. However, due tonatural and man-made reasons, there are few existing objects in China. Amongthem, lunzang in Longxing Temple is one of the oldest and most precious Thehistorical remains of the world.

As we all know, in the history of Chinese calligraphy, the Sui Dynasty wasa transitional period from Hanli to Tangkai. The longzangsi stele that I want tointroduce now is the representative work of this period. Its font is dull andbroad, clumsy but elegant, solemn but not dull. It can be said that it is astandard regular script and precious material for studying the history ofChinese calligraphy. Kang Youwei, a famous scholar in modern times, also calledthis stele "Sui stele", and later generations even called it "ancestor ofregular script". Please enjoy it!

What we are seeing now is the Dabei Pavilion, the main building of LongxingTemple. Entering it, we will see a 21.3-meter-high bronze cast iron Guanyin,which was cast in the fourth year of Kaibao in the Northern Song Dynasty. It has42 arms. Besides its two eyes, it has 20 hands on the left and right sides ofits body, holding different magic weapons. Each hand has one eye, which becomes40 hands and 40 eyes. It is said that each hand eye has 25 kinds of mana, and 40hands and 25 eyes become thousands of hands and thousands of eyes. Therefore,this Avalokitesvara is also known as "Avalokitesvara with thousands of hands andeyes". It is worth mentioning that as early as more than 1000 years ago,Longxing Temple was naturally called the "Great Buddha Temple" because of itsexistence. It was only by hand that such a large bronze Buddha was made withoutmechanization, which created a miracle in the history of metallurgy and foundryin the world.

Later we came to the Pilu hall, where a bronze statue of Pilu Buddha wasworshipped in the middle. "Pilu" is the Sanskrit abbreviation of "piluzana",which means "light shines everywhere". Pilu Buddha is Sakyamunis Dharma Buddha.This Pilu Buddha is 6.72 meters high. There is a small Buddha on the Chiba lotuspetals of the three-layer lotus seat, forming a pattern of "Thousand Buddhascircling Pilu". There are also three layers of four Buddhas, a total of 12. EachPilu Buddha wears a five Buddha crown. There are 1072 large and small Buddhastatues on the whole Buddha statue, which has a high historical, scientific andartistic value. It is an isolated case at home and abroad.

The happy time always passed quickly. Our tour was coming to an end. If youhave any opinions and suggestions on me, you must tell me so that I can improveand make better progress. Thank you!



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Suzhou is one of the areas with great influence on Buddhism in China.Chongyuan temple is a famous temple in Suzhou. Chongyuan temple, originallyknown as Chongxuan temple, was built in the second year of Tianjian, Emperor Wuof Liang Dynasty (A.D. 503). It was contemporaneous with Hanshan Temple, Lingyantemple and Baosheng temple. Xiao Yan, Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty, ruled thecountry with Buddhism, and for a time he was superior to others and worshippedBuddhism all over the country. Lu Seng Zan, an official living in the secondmile northwest of Changzhou county government, immediately invited emperor LiangWu to abandon his official residence and rebuild the temple, which was namedchongyun temple. Emperor Liang Wu gladly bestowed a plaque with the title of"Chongxuan temple in Guangde, Daliang". "Chongyun" is mistaken for "Chongxuan",which is an error in the process of copying and delivering memorials. ChongyuanTemple flourished until the middle Tang Dynasty.

In 842 ad, in the second year of Huichang of Wuzong in the late TangDynasty, the biggest "extermination of Buddhism" movement in Chinese historysuddenly broke out. The court persecuted and killed the monks cruelly. A largenumber of temples in Suzhou City were destroyed. Monks moved out of the city oneafter another, and some built new temples elsewhere. There is a new Chongyuantemple in Weiting Town, thirty miles away from Suzhou city. During the qianmiaoperiod (908-932 AD), the Chongyuan temple was repaired on a large scale. Therebuilt Chongyuan temple is still a giant temple. There are two earth mountainsin front of the temple, two different stones standing in front of the court, abronze statue of wuliangshou Buddha standing in the center, and 16 Arhatsstanding on both sides. There are five other hospitals.

Chongyuan temple was renamed Chengtian temple in Song Dynasty. During thereign of Xuanhe in Song Dynasty (1119-1125 AD), it was renamed "Nengren Temple"because the imperial court prohibited the temple, temple and bridge from beingnamed after "heaven, saint, emperor and King". From Yuan Dynasty to shun Dynasty(1330-1333), Chongyuan temple was destroyed by fire. During the reign of YuanZhizheng (1341-1368 AD), it was rebuilt by the Chu monk in Yuenan and restoredto a new level. At that time, in addition to the bronze statue of wuliangshouBuddha, there were pangou great saint temple, Lingyou temple and Wanfo Pavilion.In the Qing Dynasty, because of avoiding the taboo of Emperor Kangxi Xuanye,"Xuan" was changed to "Yuan", and the name of Chongyuan temple has been used upto now. Chongyuan temple was finally destroyed during the cultural revolution inthe 1970s. Poets such as Bai Juyi, Wei Yingwu, PI Rixiu, Lu guimeng and FanChengda all chanted it.

In November, in order to further implement the partys religious policy,build a socialist harmonious society, carry forward the traditional Buddhistculture, and meet the religious needs of Buddhist believers, the restoration andreconstruction of Chongyuan temple was approved by the peoples Government ofJiangsu Province, and the abbot of Hanshan Temple, Qiu Shuang, was also theabbot. On November 17, __X, the grand opening ceremony was held. The restorationand reconstruction of Chongyuan Temple fills the gap that there is no temple inthe east of the ancient city of Suzhou. After completion, Chongyuan temple hasbecome a beautiful scenic spot in Suzhou Industrial Park.

According to the five principles of "classics have basis, history hasinheritance, art has innovation, convenience has characteristics, and functionhas induction", the newly built Chongyuan temple has made careful planning.Chongyuan temple, which reappears in front of peoples eyes, covers an area ofmore than 300 mu and is located in the beautiful Yangcheng Lake peninsula. Thewater Guanyin Pavilion and the main temple area echo each other, showing thecharacteristics of the largest Guanyin Taoist temple in Jiangdong. The statue ofgreat mercy Guanyin in the Guanyin Pavilion is 33 meters high. It is made of 88tons of bronze. The surface of the statue is covered with gold. Its Dharmaappearance is extremely solemn. It is the highest indoor Guanyin in China.Besides the outdoor Guanyin in Emei Mountain, it is the second highest in China.There is the largest Mahatma hall in China. The first Sanskrit bell of the TangDynasty is suspended in the bell tower, and the largest copper cavity leatherdrum in China is placed in the drum tower. There are a large number of Buddhas,Bodhisattvas and Vajrayana in the temple, which reproduces the elegant demeanorof Chongyuan temple in that year, and makes it a Buddhist temple with threetreasures of Buddha, Dharma and monk.

Puji bridge, Lianhua Island, Guanyin Pavilion and liuguanyin Templeconstitute the pure land world, which is solemn and complete. Buddhistactivities should be prepared in time. It is an ideal place for believers tomake vows, repent and pray. In the Guanyin Pavilion, there are 9999 smallGuanyin that can be provided for. The dizang hall and nihongcangdian hall offermemorial tablets for the dead and the extended life for many years, andregularly hold Buddhist and Dharma meetings. Every year, the "global Chinesereunion" in the Mid Autumn Festival and the "head worship" in the SpringFestival are both large-scale activities that Chongyuan Temple strives to build,such as Li Ru FA, which are deeply praised by the majority of tourists andbelievers.

Reconstruction of Chongyuan Temple

In November, the general office of Jiangsu Provincial Peoples governmentand Suzhou Municipal Peoples Government approved the reconstruction ofChongyuan temple. The reconstructed Chongyuan temple is located in Chenyan Bay,Yangcheng Island, Weiting Town, Suzhou Industrial Park. The newly builtChongyuan temple will respect history, display culture, adjust measures to localconditions, make scientific and flexible planning and layout by using theexisting water network, vegetation and other topography, and try to retain thenatural landscape, so as to reflect the existing rural scenery andcharacteristic waterscape of the base. The planning layout is in line with theBuddhist concept and traditional habits, while taking into account the needs ofmodern Buddhist temples in educating the public, personnel training, Buddhistresearch and other uses.

The design and construction orientation of the whole project is thecombination of religion and tourism, history and reality, retro and innovation,environmental protection and development, culture and research. As the largesttemple complex in the south of the Yangtze River, Chongyuan Temple aims to beexcellent and pass down from generation to generation, providing a broader spacefor communication and development for the inheritance and development ofBuddhism and traditional culture and charity in Suzhou. The design of Chongyuantemple has a high starting point, ancient architectural form, novel creativity,and strong participation in architectural space. The reconstruction plan andconstruction of Chongyuan temple have achieved five principles: classics havebasis, history has inheritance, righteousness has innovation, convenience hascharacteristics, and function has induction.

The reconstructed Chongyuan temple covers an area of more than 300 mu. Thewhole project is divided into four parts: temple area, Guanyin island area,Buddhist Culture Park area and commercial area. Guanyin island will present thelargest 33 meter high Guanyin statue in China. After the reconstruction of theChongyuan temple, the water Guanyin temple, the Chongyuan Zen temple and thepharmacist tower echo each other, and cooperate with the Buddhist culturalattractions to build a Buddhist cultural area with the purpose of caring forlife and living and protecting Dharma, showing the characteristics of theGuanyin Taoist temple of the lotus Kingdom and the solemn unique style of TenThousand Buddhas.

Master Qiushuang, the abbot of Hanshan Temple, has officially moved intoChongyuan temple to carry out the construction of Buddhist legal affairs andBuddhist culture. According to master Qiu Shuang, Chongyuan temple will take"Zen and pure cultivation" as its main development idea, cultivate Buddhisttalents, and promote social harmony with charity. In the middle of September,Mr. Qiu Shuang and Mr. Wang Peng, chairman of Shanghai Tianyu Media Co., Ltd.shook hands to celebrate and formally signed the cooperation agreement on thecompletion ceremony of Chongyuan temple and the whole hall Buddha statueKaiguang Dharma Association project. "Charity is a social cause. Its developmentneeds a kind of social atmosphere, the support of citizens charityconsciousness and social charity values, and the formation of this atmosphereand support needs the guidance of charity publicity and the participation andpromotion of leaders at all levels." The great monk Qiu Shuang said that it isnecessary to stimulate the enthusiasm of all sectors of society to participatein charity by vigorously publicizing the model of charity among the people; itis necessary to stimulate the sense of social responsibility of enterprises andinstitutions to participate in charity and build a harmonious society byvigorously publicizing the model of enterprises and institutions participatingin and supporting charity. This is also one of the significance of thereconstruction of Chongyuan temple. To contribute to the construction of socialspiritual civilization. Moreover, the construction of Chongyuan temple hascreated some of the best in the south of the Yangtze River, one is the largesttemple group in the south of the Yangtze River, the other is the giant leatherdrum. The drum is made of bronze with a diameter of 2.19 meters of cowhide atboth ends. The height and width of the drum are 2.8 meters and it weighs 4 tons.It took more than 100 workers more than 4 months to make the drum, and theconstruction lasted more than 9 months.

Introduction to scenic spots

Entering the Chongyuan Temple scenic area, the first thing we see is the200 meter long Buddha Road. The stone murals of Amitabhas 48 great wishes areengraved on the north and south sides of the road. There are also seven sevenlotus praying pillars on the road of worshiping Buddha, each of which is carvedwith relief. The first six pillars show the six degrees of Buddhist practice,and the seventh pillar shows the scene of worshiping Buddha. The design conceptand construction method of the seven lotus praying column are unique toChongyuan temple.

At the end of the LIFO Avenue is an imitation ancient gate. The threecharacters of Chongyuan temple on the middle gate were written by Zhao Puchu,the late vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese peoplesPolitical Consultative Conference, President of the Chinese BuddhistAssociation, a famous poet and calligrapher. On the left and right city gates,"Jiangnan grand view, Xiao Liang relics" is written by Ji Xianlin, a famousmaster of Chinese culture and former vice president of Peking University.

Chongyuan Temple faces south from the north. In front of the three gates ofthe temple, there are two sutras engraved with the Sutra of Zunsheng on the topof the Buddha.

When you enter Chongyuan temple, the first thing you see is Tianwang hall.The plaque of Tianwang hall was inscribed by the late famous calligrapher Mr.Sha Menghai. Maitreya Buddha is in the middle of Tianwang hall, and WeituoBodhisattva is in the back, facing north. There are four heavenly kings on bothsides.

To the west of Tianwang hall is the drum tower. The plaque was inscribed byelder Jinghui, vice president of the Buddhist Association of China. The diameterof the drum hanging from the drum tower is 2.19 meters, which is the largestcopper cavity leather drum in the world.

To the east of the temple is the bell tower. The plaque was inscribed bythe former abbot of Hanshan Temple and the elder of the Dharma Master of HanshanTemple. The clock tower is about 12 tons in weight, 3.8 meters in height and2.19 meters in diameter. The sound of this bell is the first tone in the TangDynasty. The sound is powerful and thick, and the remaining sound is around theears. So the name of the big bell is "the first law of the Tang Dynasty, thefirst Sanskrit bell".

To the north of Tianwang hall is the release pool. There are three bridgeson the pond, namely Nengren bridge, wisdom bridge and Ford bridge. Nengrenbridge was inscribed by Feng Qiyong, a master of Chinese culture and an expertof Redology. Wisdom bridge and Ford bridge are inscribed by the abbot Qiu Shuangof Hanshan Temple and Chongyuan temple.

To the north of the release pool is a wide granite square. To the west ofthe square is the hall of Da Xing Pu Xian Bodhisattva. The plaque of PuxianBodhisattva hall was inscribed by elder Weixian, vice chairman of advisorycommittee of China Buddhist Association and President of Chongqing BuddhistAssociation.

To the east of the square is the great wisdom Manjusri Bodhisattva hall.The plaque of Manjusri temple was inscribed by elder Yicheng, the currentpresident of China Buddhist Association.

The main hall is in the middle of the square. The main hall is the mainbuilding of the temple and the main hall of the Buddhist temple. It is built ona high platform in the center of the central axis. The main hall of Chongyuantemple is 36 meters high and has a construction area of 2100 square meters. Itis the largest main hall in China. The hall is dedicated to Wang III Buddha. Thefour characters of "Da Xiong Bao Dian" were inscribed by the old president ZhaoPuchu, "supreme cool" is the handwriting of the modern eminent monk Hongyi, and"Hengshun sentient beings" is the handwriting of the modern Buddhist eminentmonk Dade Mingshan elder. There are eighteen Arhats on both sides of the mainhall. At the back of the main hall, there are group sculptures of Guanyin on theisland, which mainly tells the story of the good fortune boy 53 Shen. Guanyingroup sculptures on the island are made of traditional lacquer, with a totallength of 25.8 meters and a height of 12.2 meters. The group sculpture covers anarea of nearly 300 square meters, the largest in China.

There are two side halls in the north of the main hall. In the west is theBodhisattva Hall of the great wish. The plaque of dizang Bodhisattva hall waswritten by the great monk Mingxue, the current Vice President of China BuddhistAssociation and the abbot of lingyanshan temple in Suzhou.

On the east side is the hall of vainly hidden Bodhisattva. The plaque onthe hall of Bodhisattva in void is the handwriting of elder benhuan, a hundredyear old monk and a contemporary Zen master.

Walking out of Chongyuan temple, you can see the memorial archway of"Shuitian Buddha kingdom" inscribed by elder Mingshan. Then there is a 19 holeapproach bridge, called Puji bridge. It was written by elder Jue Guang,President of the Hong Kong Buddhist Association. After crossing this bridge, wecame to the lotus kingdom. The traditional copper forging process is used forthe side wall of the underground palace of Guanyin Pavilion. With a height of 46meters, Guanyin Pavilion is the highest water Guanyin Pavilion in China. Theplaque is the handwriting of elder benhuan. The 33 meter (total height) YangzhiAvalokitesvara in Guanyin Pavilion (26 meters high) is the highest indoorAvalokitesvara in China, with an area of 1160 square meters. At the same time,this bronze bodied Avalokitesvara is also the heaviest indoor Avalokitesvara inChina. The whole body is made of 80 tons of bronze and gilded. There are 9999small Guanyin statues 33 cm high cast from the same furnace of copper water.

In the east of the main hall, there is a Suzhai hall called Xiangjikitchen. There are 180 dining places in the hall on the first floor, servingplain noodles, dim sum and vegetarian food. There are 12 boxes on the secondfloor. Each box can accommodate 8 to 10 people. You can order dishes, set mealsor drink at will. There are 48 guest rooms on the east side of Tianwang hall,which can solve the accommodation problem of tourists. On the west side ofTianwang hall, there is a law logistics office, in which there are various kindsof Kaiguang law objects for you to choose.



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With a long history and beautiful scenery, Fenghuang mountain is one of thefamous tourist attractions at home and abroad. Fenghuang mountain is a natural,harmonious and spectacular Chinese landscape painting with natural beauty andhumanistic beauty. The characteristics of natural landscape include "male","dangerous", "quiet", "strange" and "beautiful". All the famous mountains andrivers in the world have their own characteristics. Fenghuang Mountainintegrates the magnificence of Mount Tai, the precipitousness of Mount Hua, thequietness of Mount Lu, the strangeness of Mount Huangshan and the beauty ofEmei. Fenghuang Mountain belongs to Changbai mountain range, covering an area of216.875 square kilometers, with the highest peak "Zanyun peak" at an altitude of836.4 meters.

According to legend, Fenghuang mountain is famous for its eight beautifulsceneries, which began in the Jin Dynasty. Visitors came to visit the famousmountains, built temples, and became a place for burning incense. It flourishedin the Ming and Qing Dynasties with inscriptions carved on the cliffs byliterati. Fenghuang Mountain combines natural beauty with artificial beauty, andhas become one of the top ten beautiful sceneries in the world. FenghuangMountain melts the magnificence of Mount Tai, the precipitousness of MountHuashan and the beauty of Mount Emei. It can be said that it can lead touriststo enjoy the scenery. Once they enter the mountain, they will show the sceneryof "the blue and blue thousand feet of paintings in the gully rock, the SeaCloud fairy Pavilion and the river poem".



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Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Its been a hard journey!

In recent years, under the leadership of governments at all levels, manynew scenic spots have been added, such as memorial archway Cultural Square. Whennight falls, neon lights shine, visitors are like crucian carp, and the largestopen-air music fountain in China is launched, seven star rock memorial archwaysquare is even more spectacular. Every weekend or holiday, you can enjoy avariety of artistic programs, which is really intoxicating Crazy. Fairy Lake,located in the east of Xingyan, can also enjoy the natural wonder of wofotunriwhen the sun goes down to the West. The new Buddhist Grand View Garden on thelake between Xiannv lake and Xingyan, the Oriental Zen forest, can alsoappreciate the mystery of Zen. Recently, a 3-kilometer-long "Hehua waterway" hasbeen newly excavated, which has increased the tourist area of the star lakescenic spot by five times and integrated the land scenic spot with the waterlandscape. If you take a cruise around the lake, you will have a newfeeling.

Lengyan temple was first built in the Sui Dynasty with a history of morethan 1480 years. In 1126, the seventh year of Jingkang in the Northern SongDynasty, the Buddhist monk Shizong built a thatched nunnery here to worship thethree treasures of Buddha, known as "baiyunxiang nunnery". In the Qing Dynasty,the temple was renamed "Lengyan Temple". The word "Lengyan" is derived from theBuddhist Sutra of Lengyan, which shows the strong meaning of Buddhism.

Welcome to Xiamen, a beautiful coastal city. First of all, lets introduceourselves. Our drivers surname is Chen. Im the guide of Xiayu travel agency.My surname is ×, and my name is ×! Im very glad to be your guide and serve you.I hope you can feel happy during our time together. I wish you all have a goodtime, eat well, live comfortably, and walk well I also hope that our work canget your support!

Now, we are going to visit riguangyan scenic spot, which is located onGulangyu Island with beautiful scenery and beautiful environment. The highestaltitude is 92.7 meters, covering an area of 53000 square meters. It passed theISO14001 international environmental management system standard certification onJanuary 7, 20__, and was also rated as a national 4A scenic spot in this year.Today, we visit for one and a half hours.

Stepping into the newly built Mountain Gate, ladies and gentlemen, pleaselook up at the cliff inscriptions above the cliff in front of you. Guess howmany people inscribed these words? No one seems to have answered correctly.Lets see, there are "Tianfeng Haitao" engraved horizontally and "GulangDongtian" and "Lujiang No.1" engraved vertically. These three words areinscribed by three people respectively. Can anyone guess which one Whats thelongest history? By the way, just as this one said, "Gulang Dongtian" waswritten by Ding Yizhong, the Tongzhi of Quanzhou Prefecture in the first year ofWanli (1573) of Ming Dynasty. It has a history of more than 400 years and isalso the earliest inscription on Gulang island. "Dongtian" means "Dongtian Fudi"in Taoism, which means that Gulang island is just like the Dongtian Fudi whereimmortals live, Its up to you to experience it yourself. Lets look at "LujiangNo.1", which was written by jinshilin P of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty. It hasa history of more than 100 years, while "Tianfeng Haitao" was written by XuShiying, the governor of Fujian Province, in 1915. These four words aredrenched, and the terrain contains the unique scenery of Gulangyu. We can feelthem when we get on tianfengtai!

This cliff stone carving is sunlight temple, formerly known as LotusTemple. Maybe some friends have long wondered why it is called sunlight rock? Inthe late Ming Dynasty, Chi Xianfang, a famous scholar in Xiamen, built a privatehouse at the foot of the mountain, named "Huangyuan". This mountain was called"Huangyan" because the morning sun rose from behind the Wulao peak in Xiamen,and Lianhua nunnery was the first to shower in the sun. Therefore, it was named"Yangguang Temple". This mountain is also known as "Yangguang rock". It is alsosaid that Zheng Chenggong came to Huangyan that year, and felt that the scenerywas much better than that of Japan If you take the word "Huang" apart, itbecomes "sunlight rock". The sunlight temple is actually a cave with a stonetop, also known as "a tile". It is a delicate and small temple. Due to thegeographical factors, its main hall and Mituo hall are set up together, which isthe only one in the country. However, despite the small size of the temple, thefamous master Hongyi of our country has also been here, and he compiled theJapanese quarter here Master Hongyi, commonly known as Li Shutong, studied inJapan in his early years and was proficient in oil painting, music, drama,poetry, calligraphy, gold and stone. He was invited to Xiamen by Minnan BuddhistCollege in 1932 to give lectures until 1938, and was closed here for eightmonths in June 1936.

Riguangyan, also known as "Longtou mountain", faces Hutou mountain inXiamen across the sea. Xiamen port is guarded by one dragon and one tiger, whichis called "dragon and tiger guarding the river". This "nine summers producecold" is Huang Zhongxuns title, and his signature "Tie Yi" is his name. Thesefour words were completed together when riguangyan was built in 1918. The "ninesummers produce cold" shows that it is very cool here, and the cool comes from"Lu" Its said that there were five dragons on Gulangyu Island. Please follow meup the stone steps. This is the place where Zheng Chenggong stationed histroops. Please turn around and look at the stone carvings on the right cliff.This is the seven wonders written by general Cai Yankai, commander and deputycommander of the 19th route army, when he saw Jing Shengqing here: "I have onlyone hand to mend the sky, and the troops stationed in Bamin are the same todayand the same in the past In this poem, I remember heroes under sunlight rock.Then I turn around and look at the seven unique poems inscribed by Cai Yuanpei,a former president of Peking University, which are all about ZhengChenggong.

Due to historical reasons, the temple was destroyed. At present, the Sutrahall has been basically restored according to the original scale of 118 pillars.Now we come to the Dukang hall, which is the Sutra hall. It covers an area of800 square meters, with two floors up and down. Its a huge scale. Itsdifficult to understand that the two Buddhist scriptures, ganzhur and danzhur,have also become important collections here. There are "Ganzhuer hall" and"danzhuer hall" on both sides of the hall. In the temple, we can see that thedirection of the people who turn the Scriptures and the wheel holding the tubeare completely opposite to the direction of Buddhism, which is the so-called"Bon religion reverses the non Buddhist way".

As you climb up the stairs, you can see the inscription on the right, whichis written by he Shaoji, a great calligrapher of the Qing Dynasty. He is eagerto rush to the peak. In front of him is the "Gubi summer cave". Lets see whatthe round hole on the left cliff is used for? Can anyone guess? This is whatsoldiers used to set up tents in those days! Look, the Gubi summer cave is builtby huge stones The air vent, the wind through the hole, cool!



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Dear tourists

Welcome to Yueyang Tower, one of the three famous buildings inJiangnan.

Now standing in front of you is Yueyang Tower. The three characterhorizontal plaque of "Yueyang Tower" hanging on the top of the building wasproposed by Chairman Mao Zedong in 1961 and asked to be inscribed by Mr. LiMoruo. Yueyang Tower is 21.35 meters high, with four columns, three floors,cornice, helmet top and pure wood structure. In the middle, the big nanmu columncarries most of the gravity from the ground to the top, and then 12 "goldcolumns" are used as the inner wall to support the second floor. Around theperiphery, 20 eaves columns are used to restrain each other and form a whole.The cornices and the roof use umbrella shaped frame to transfer the load. Thethird floor is lined with Ruyi Dou arches, which support the roof. There is nota single brick in the whole building. All of them are made of wood. The doorjoints and tenons are made of strict structure, exquisite workmanship and solemnmodeling. Eaves and roof, are covered with yellow glazed tiles. There are fourridges on the eaves of each layer. The first ridge is decorated with lotus andlotus pods, and the head up is Phoenix; the second one is the head up tap; thethird one is decorated with rolled grass, and the head up is Huiwen RuyiXiangyun. The whole pavilion has double eaves, locked windows, carved beams andpainted buildings, red pillars and colorful couplets, which are resplendent andmagnificent. In particular, the top of the third floor is very similar to thehelmet of an ancient general, which is called the helmet top, which is quiterare in the ancient architecture of this country. The whole Yueyang Tower hasmade amazing achievements in aesthetics, mechanics, architecture and technology,so it has been known as "Yueyang World Tower" since ancient times.

You cant help but ask, since its a famous building in the world, why onlythree floors were built? Its said that the builders at that time chose thetime, the location and the harmony of people. The predecessor of Yueyang Toweris Yuejun tower of Lu Su, a general of the Three Kingdoms. More than 1700 yearsago, in the 20th year of Jianan in the Eastern Han Dynasty, in order to competewith Liu Wu for Jingzhou, Sun Quan of the eastern Wu Dynasty sent Lu Su to leadten thousand soldiers to garrison the strategic area of Bachu, which is todayYueyang. Lu Su practiced the water army in Dongting Lake, built a strong city inthe west of the city near the mountains and rivers, and built the Yuejun towerto command and inspect the water army, which is the predecessor of YueyangTower. During the Tang Dynasty, Yuejun building was expanded, which basicallyhad the original architectural art and historical style. Now, please follow meinto yuelou.

Dear tourists, the first thing that catches our eyes here is the carvedscreen of Yueyang Tower, which is composed of 12 pieces of red sandalwood. As wesaid earlier, the name of Yueyang Tower was only used in the Tang Dynasty.During this period, Li Bai, Du Fu, Liu Yuxi, Li Shangyin and other talentedcelebrities, or uninhibited emigrants came one after another. They went up tothe building to look into the distance, went boating in Dongting, and workedhard to write.

However, Yueyang Tower was really famous in the world after Teng Zijingrebuilt it in the Northern Song Dynasty and Fan Zhongyan wrote Yueyang Tower. Inthe fourth year of Qingli period, Teng Zijing, who was falsely accused, wasdemoted to be the magistrate of Yuezhou. After he took office, he organizedthree major events: first, he built Yanhong dike under Yueyang Tower Lake toprevent the waves of Dongting Lake; second, he set up county school to cultivatetalents; third, he rebuilt Yueyang Tower. The rebuilt Yueyang Tower ismagnificent in scale. Teng Zijing is a man of both culture and martial arts. Hethinks that "Louguan is not a reporter for a long time without words.". Such apavilion, you must have a title record, in order to be immortal. So he thoughtof Fan Zhongyan, a good friend of his own. Then he wrote a Book of Qiuji, whichintroduced the structure and momentum of Yueyang Tower after repair, poured outhis eagerness to ask Fan Zhongyan to write a record, and asked someone to draw apicture of autumn evening in Dongting, which transcribed the poems and Odes ofYueyang Tower chanted by celebrities of all dynasties, and sent them toDengzhou, Henan Province, where Fan Zhongyan was demoted at that time. FanZhongyan is a famous statesman, litterateur and militarist in the Northern SongDynasty. Like Teng Zijing, he was rejected and attacked for advocatinginnovation politics and was demoted to Dengzhou. After receiving Teng Zijingsletter, he read it again and again, conceived it carefully, and finally wrotethe famous story of Yueyang Tower. Although the full text of this article isonly 368 words, it is broad in content, profound in philosophy, majestic inmomentum, and sonorous in language. Among them, "first worry about the world,then enjoy the world" has become a famous sentence handed down from generationto generation. As a matter of fact, the reason why Yueyang Tower can be praisedin the past dynasties is that it skillfully and vividly integrates a majorideological proposition into the description of beautiful scenery. It enlightenspeople: "dont be happy with things, dont be sad", and shows the loftyphilosophy of life that "worry about the world first, and enjoy the worldlater". The authors noble sentiment and broad mind can not help but make peoplesigh. It inspires people from generation to generation to think about life,honor and disgrace, and know their mission. As an accumulation of the noblepersonality culture of the excellent intellectuals of the Chinese nation, thestory of Yueyang Tower, with its supreme ideological content and artistic charm,has been handed down for thousands of years and is immortal, nourishing peopleshearts. Since then, Yueyang Towers fame has been greatly publicized both athome and abroad. This is what people call "the text is preserved by thebuilding, and the building is named by the text". It is said that Teng Zijingwas overjoyed when he received Fan Zhongyans Yueyang Tower. He immediatelyasked Su Shunqin, a great calligrapher, to write it and Shao song, a famoussculptor, to carve it on a wooden plaque. As a result, Lou, Ji, calligraphy andsculpture are all called "four wonders". Unfortunately, what we see now is notthe "four unique plaque". It was destroyed in the fire in the Shenzong period ofthe Song Dynasty. The carving screen we see is written by Zhang Zhao, a famouscalligrapher and Minister of punishment in Qianlong period of Qing Dynasty.

Now, lets pay attention to the four big nanmu pillars in the first floor.The four columns run from the bottom of the building to the top of the building,supporting the whole weight of the building. Then, 12 columns replace the innerring to support the second floor. Around 20 wooden columns, they restrain eachothers bolt joints and tenons, forming a whole. The whole Yueyang Tower is ofpure wood structure, and no iron nail can be found. You can also see that on thefour walls of the building, there are many pairs of wooden plaques, which arecouplets of Yueyang Tower chanted by ancient and modern masters. The couplethanging in the middle of the hall was written by he Shaoji, a great calligrapherin the Qing Dynasty. It is the longest couplet in Yueyang Tower. This coupletis:

On the first floor, whats strange? Du Shaolings five charactermasterpiece, fan Xiwens two words about love, Teng Zijings all kinds of waste,and LV Chunyangs three times will make him drunk. Shiye? Ruye? Liye? Xianye? Noancients before, which makes me sad.

Please have a look: Dongting, jixiaoting, Hunan, the Yangtze River to thenorth of wuxia, baling to the west of laishuangqi, Yuezhou to the east ofYanjiang. He who keeps _, who flows, who stands, is the town. There is a realmeaning in it. Who can understand it.

The first couplet starts with "whats strange on the first floor", whichlists the achievements and traditions of poets, famous Confucians, virtuousofficials and wine immortals left in Yueyang Tower, expressing the authorsregret for the past and the present; the second couplet introduces the famousmountains, Dachuan, Xiongguan and dangerous towns of baling. If you write downthis couplet, you will have a general understanding of Yueyang Tower.

(on the second floor of Yueyang Tower)

As soon as we came to the second floor, we immediately found that a carvedscreen of Yueyang Tower was also hung on the second floor. Why? There is a realstory in it. During the reign of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty, a magistratesurnamed Wu came to Yueyang. As soon as he took office, he took a fancy to thescreen carving of Yueyang Tower. He bribed a folk art sculptor with a large sumof money. He spent 17 months carefully copying and secretly copying the screencarving. Two years later, taking advantage of the opportunity of beingtransferred from Yueyang Tower, Wuzhi county took advantage of the opportunityto steal the beam and change the column, and fled on a stormy night with thecarved screen of Jiaxiao and Zhang Zhao. I didnt expect that soon after theboat was sailing, the wind and rain were so strong that the boat was overturnedin the jiumazui section of Dongting Lake. The carved screen also drifted withthe waves. Because it was made of red sandalwood, it all sank into the water.Later, the lake was dry and shallow, and the original carving screen of YueyangTower was salvaged by local fishermen. During salvage, the word "Gehu" on theeighth screen and the word "Le" on the tenth screen were damaged. After hearingthe news, Wu Minshu, a local scholar, bought back the carved screen from thefishermen with 120 grain silver. It took three years to copy Zhang Zhaoshandwriting before he added the damaged three words. As you can see, there areobvious mending marks on the carving screen. Nearly 120__ later, when theYueyang Tower was renovated again, local officials used 120 pieces of ocean toredeem the screen from the descendants of the Wu family and hang it on thesecond floor of the Yueyang Tower. As for the one on the first floor, althoughit is a fake, it has a history of 120__ years. Of course, it is a culturalrelic. Two sets of carved screens, one true and one false, are just like a listof merits and demerits, revealing to future generations, which is worthpondering.

(upper third floor)

Now we are on the third floor of Yueyang Tower. In the middle of the hall,there is a woodcut screen of Chairman Mao Zedongs poem "climbing Yueyang Tower"written by Du Fu. Dus poem reads: "once I heard the Dongting water, now I amgoing to Yueyang Tower. In the southeast of Wu and Chu, heaven and earth floatday and night. There is no certainty between relatives and friends. The armypasses the mountain north, depending on the Xuan tears Si flow His calligraphystyle is bold and unrestrained, rigorous layout, vigorous and straight, and hasboth form and spirit. His brush strokes are similar to those of wild grass ofhuaisu in Tang Dynasty. This is an impromptu book written by Chairman Mao on thetrain in the autumn of 1964 when he returned to Beijing by train from Changshaand passed by Yueyang. On both sides of the screen, there is the shortestcouplet of Yueyang Tower, only eight characters. The first couplet is "the samecolor of water and sky", and the second couplet is "boundless wind and moon".Signed as "Chang Geng Li Bai". When we stand on the third floor and look outfrom the window, we can see that the water and sky of Dongting Lake are in thesame color. When the wind is clear and the moon is boundless, and the mountainsand lakes gather in the building, can we get the feeling that "the water and thesky are in the same color, and the wind and the moon are boundless"? Finally,please look up at the roof again. The color of the roof is rich in national andlocal characteristics. The Ruyi Dougong is stacked against each other. It bearsthe load. The arch supports the roof and uses the umbrella frame to carry theload. Like the helmet top structure, it is also rare in our existing ancientbuildings.

In order to deepen the connotation of the famous building and enrich thecontent of the scenic spot, Yueyang Tower is speeding up the construction of thescenic spot and has made plans. Ill explain the introduction of Yueyang Towerto you. Welcome to Yueyang next time. I wish you a pleasant journey and apleasant journey!



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Fellow friends:

Hello! Sincerely welcome you to come to Taishan, today I and everybody willmount the summit together from the Taishan east road.

This big, ancient Taishan has contained the rich nature and culturalaccumulating, has been included by the United NationsEducational,Scientific andCultural Organization the world natureand the culturalheritage name list. Now,we still had such to ask "like ancient;Dai Zong husband how " Then, marches intotogetherwith me themountain, understands Taishans charm.

Here is daimiao. From daimiao the start, after the Dai Zong workplace,afontanel, the red gate, center the fontanel, rises theimmortal workplace to thesouth fontanel, is the road which ancienttimes emperorancient rite of makingsacrifices Taishan passedthrough, now iscalled by the well-known person "Ascends to heavenscenic area" Also calls the east road, is in thepresentTaishanmountaineering 6 roads most ancient. We will mount fromthisroadGoes against Extremely.

Everybodynoted has been palatial daimiao front, but also somesmallertemple,this was " Remote senate pavilion " Was same yearemperortheancient rite of making sacrifices Taishans initialstation. Sameyear the kingcame when Taishan held the ancient rite ofmakingsacrifices Standard Offers asacrifice to, all first must in herehold simply paysrespect to the ceremony,therefore before MingDynasty, called thiswas " Grass senate pavilion " . Whenthe MingDynastyperforms the extension, changes name is " Remote senatepavilion". Although is a character is easy, the base wasreverentactually contains.

The friends,Chinas ancient architecture has the unique status intheworldconstruction history, this remote senate pavilionconstructionideaalready will stem from the ancient rite of makingsacrificesgrandceremony from this but step by step to enter the high tidefortheprelude the need, after also will be esthetics thoughtmanifestingwhichChina ancient times first damped raises.

In the rightnoon time gate was daimiao, was even is a mysteriousside.daimiaohas the like this charm, decides to it own characteristic.First,itsfence then is different with the general temple, the fenceweek1,300 meters, 5cornerstones, on build Blue Big the brick,assumesthe trapezoid, gets down thewidth 17.6 meters, on the width11meters, the high approximately 10 meters,altogether have 8gates:Center is the right noon time gate, is daimiao mainentrance.Enters bythe right noon time gate daimiao comes, the frontsurfacematches thefontanel, takes " which Kong Zi said; Germany matchesworld"Meaning. Matches the fontanel two sides, east for WorksThree the marquispalace,west for too , between three palaces tothe wall isconnected, the constitutiondaimiao among as soon asenters thecourtyard.

Crossed thekernel peaceful gate, then is grand big Song Tiankuang, itcallsthetowering extremely palace, is this temple main body. Day palacesurfaceextravagant 9, 643.67 meters, depth of a house 5,17.18meters, pass the height23.3 meters. Everybody looked that,the day palace is situated above the spaciouswhite

stationbase,periphery the stone carving fence surrounds, the cloudshapelooksthe column uneven row, caused the day palace to havethemarvelouseffect with all around environment.

Around theday palace serves with the winding corridor, has formedabigcourtyard, in Chinas construction, the porch plays enable thespaceto havethoroughly, collects was mad, close, is rigorous andalso isrich in the changethe role, this is in the worldconstructionhistory all performs to praise.daimiao the windingcorridor closely issurrounding a double-eaved roofPalacebigbuilding, straight and thelofty contrast has aroused the people todaypalace revering. Ourcountry the ancient architecture fullyrealized in worldnotabsolutely greatly absolutely small, the sizeis produces from thecontrast,besides all around Even Low thewinding corridor, in front ofthe day palace inthe platform hasalso repaired two exquisiteimperial tablets pavilions, bothhashighlighted the day palace,and to the grand center house holdstranquilly iscomfortable,therefore the day palace certainly wasnot the grand twocharactersmay summarize.

slanders theback door from the day to leave, has the bricks andstones roadandthe latter imperial palace is connected. When songzhenzong sealsTaishan,because Taishan will seal will be "Emperor " The emperormust have " Latter "Thereuponthen has matched Madame " for it; Shunext two " . Lookedlike from thispoint, daimiao if said is theTaoism god governmentoffice, but also was inferiorto said likesthe imperial palace, thiskind of layout had further disclosedthefeudal ruler uses daimiaocarries on the political activity theutilitygoal.

A momentago, we were along daimiao main spool thread tour, butadvocatesthespool thread two sides, originally in addition has 4individualcourtyards,around the east side two courtyards, first is" Chinesecypress courtyard " Handsdown 6 copals whichMartial emperor of Handynasty plants on in this courtyard;Latter is" East imperial place" Is emperor offers a sacrifice to theplace whichTaishanstays.



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Hello, tourists! Im your guide, Xiao su. Today, Id like to take you toHuguangyan, a 4A scenic spot in Zhanjiang City.

Huguangyan is located in the southwest of Zhanjiang City. Huguangyan is oneof the eight scenic spots in Zhanjiang, and is also a famous Crater tourist areain China. The air is rich in negative ions, so it is called "natural oxygenbar"___ It was also named "World Geopark" in. In the morning, a layer of whitefog shrouded Huguangyan, like a little girl in white clothes. At noon,Huguangyan was golden, as if it had been sprinkled with gold dust. At night, thelake is as quiet as a mirror.

Tourists, Huguangyan not only has beautiful scenery, but also has abeautiful legend. Legend has it that there is no lake here, only a smallvillage, the village has a pair of dependent mother and son. Unfortunately, herson died when he went to the mountain to collect firewood. The old mother criedto death. In the haze, the old mother saw a calf coming to farm for her son.From then on, grain grows automatically in the field. One year there was asevere drought, and the calf brought food to his mother. When the villagersfound the white cow, they seized it, slaughtered it and distributed the beef toeach household to satisfy their hunger. The old mother cried and threw the beefover the sky. The beef soared to the outside of the village, and the old motherstumbled to catch up. A bamboo branch suddenly fell from the sky for her. Whenwe got to Sangtian, the beef suddenly disappeared. Then the sky collapses andthe earth collapses, thunder and lightning suddenly rises, and the villagebecomes Jiangze. In a hurry, the old mother inserts the bamboo branch into thefield. Suddenly, the flood receded, leaving only one lake, which is todaysHuguangyan. Of course, this is just a myth. In fact, according to theinvestigation of geologists, Huguangyan was formed by a volcanic eruption 200000years ago.

Please enjoy the beautiful scenery of Huguangyan carefully. I hopeHuguangyan can leave good memories for you.



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好啦!各位来宾,现在我们所处的位置,小地名原来叫老磨湾,现在叫大氧吧广场,因为在我们的四周青山叠翠、绿树成荫、空气清新,是一个好得不能再好的天然氧吧。从这里开始,我们将沿着旁边这条潺潺的溪流进行今天上午(或下午)的旅程。这条小溪就是著名的金鞭溪,她原来是—条无名小溪,因为流经著名景点金鞭岩而得名,隶属于张家界国家森林公园,全长5 84公里,需要两个半小时的游览时间。金鞭溪所流经的峡谷两岸陡崖并立、险岩突生,在游览途中,请大家改变一下游览黄石寨时的心态,调整为散步或者逛街好吗?黄石寨顶是一览众山小,是俯视;而现在的金鞭溪则只要缓缓地走、慢慢地看,是仰视。我国现代著名诗人梁上泉来我们张家界后曾为我们金鞭溪写下了一首通俗易懂、脍炙人口的诗,我们今天游览金鞭溪时完全可以按照诗中的意境去品味我们的金鞭溪,去享受我们的大自然。诗是这样说的,请听好:清清流水青青山,山如画屏人如仙;仙人若在画中走,一步一望一重天。




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Hello, everyone! Today I will take you to Lijiang River.

Do you know that the most beautiful place in Guilin is Lijiang River, whichis the largest and most beautiful karst landscape browsing area in the world.There are not only "clear mountains, beautiful waters, strange caves andbeautiful rocks", but also "green continents, dangerous beaches, deep pools andflying waterfalls".

The Lijiang River originates from the "No.1 peak in South China" MaoerMountain in northern Guangxi. It flows through Guilin, Yangshuo and Chachengestuary in Pingle County, with a total length of 170 km. It is the most typicalsection of karst landform. Like a Qingluo belt, it winds through the tenthousand odd peaks. People call it "Baili Lijiang River, Baili Gallery". Theback of the new version of RMB 20 is a section of the Lijiang River.

When browsing the Lijiang River, there is a wonderful place. The landscapeis not affected by the time, the place and the climate, but has its own uniquefeatures. The Lijiang River has its own flavor in different weather: sunny day,the reflection of Qingfeng peak; cloudy day, the mountain is covered withclouds; rainy day, the Lijiang River is misty and rainy. Even rainy days, butsee the vast river, mountains looming, floating through the peaks, rain likesand over the mountains, like a variety of ink paintings. It is "the bestlandscape in Guilin, the wonderful picture of Lijiang River in autumn".

From the Guilin to the 83 km Lijiang river reach of Yangshuo, it is calledthe essence of the Li River. It has the beautiful scenery of deep pools,dangerous shoals, flowing springs, and waterfalls. It is a typical, rich andconcentrated area of karst topography, which concentrates the essence of GuilinScenery. It makes people swim in the water and people feel tired in thepaintings.

Today I will talk about this. I wish you a happy journey and have a goodtime.



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La région autonome zhuang du guangxi BeiHaiShi situé à cet effet à l’extrémité sud du golfe beibu,. Ville de 11 km de long entre le nord et le sud, 20 kilomètres de large. Ouverture de fer sur le territoire du nord, 209, 325, autoroutes publique touchent directement à nanning, sur un pied d’égalité avec les hommes, de la mer du nord et de guilin, chongqing, canton, chengdu, dans des villes importantes telles que la région sud-ouest de Chine a été facile de routes par voie maritime. La Chine ancienne maritime du «route de la soie, port de gaza dans l’ouest de la Chine seule villes littorales ouvertes, ainsi que dans l’ouest de la Chine, est le seul à disposer de l’aéroport et du port maritime, des routes et des chemins de fer, dans des expositions de tourisme et de loisirs comme un luxe.

BeiHaiShi du guangxi, situés au large du nord-est. ° oe 108 50 km à 109 ° 47 45 km ° 21», 28 tendent à 29 ° 55 km à 21 km au nord-ouest de 34», à nanning 206 km à l’est, au sud-est du guangdong 198 km à haikou 147 à hainan. West nord-sud dans trois cîtés par continent, propositions (24,74 km2), soleil à son déclin (1,8 km2) deux propositions du continent sur une île, mais proches de zones urbaines contre environ. BeiHaiShi et à l’asie du sud-est de la province de hainan, à proximité de YunGuiChuan, dos, DaXiNa dans les gouvernorats de DaXiNa, hainan et du sud-est, occupe une position géographique pôles. Une superficie totale de 35 kilomètres carrés la superficie urbains 957 kilomètres carrés. GePuXian relevant de la ville, les zones urbaines, les zones maritimes, la banque TieShanGang. Le domicile de la fin de l’année 20xx, la municipalité 161,75 millions d’habitants, dont la population (à l’exception GePuXian en dehors de 59,3 millions).

BeiHaiShi menacés par mer municipalités du nord, on tire destinée à l’origine du JiaQing engagements, depuis l’année. Le long appelée Sur les années yantai 1876 britannique du traité de commerce de vestiges immuables. Le 4 décembre 1949, dans la ville de libération à l’époque, la juridiction GePuXian appartenant à canton (sud), avant janvier 1951 d’importance régionale du guangdong, guangxi en mai de la même année, a officiellement transféré mars 1952, guangxi, avant mai 1955 du guangdong, 1956 à 1958 échelons, à la GePuXian communes populaires (genre) à zhanjiang. Au niveau des districts, en 1959, à la ville de 1964 échelons entre janvier et juin 1965, des opérations de maintien de la paix dans la région autonome du guangxi. En 1982 par le tourisme, l’ouverture des villes. Octobre 1983 DeJiShi pour reprendre. Avril 1984 département d’état sur l’extérieur de quatorze l’un des villes côtières. Du 1er juillet 1987 GePuXian BeiHaiShi des opérations de maintien de la paix. En 20xx, la mer du nord, le 9 novembre pour vagabonds culturelles historiques du conseil des affaires d’etat.

La mer du nord, est un paysage Urbain, avec le climat. Situé au soleil, la mer du nord, précipitations tropicales, la végétation luxuriant. YeLu tout au long de l’année, quatre saisons GuaGuo consacré beaucoup compliqué. Le milieu naturel sont bien protégés dans de nombreux pays du continent et les îles côtières naturels, bonne température des plages, Vincent paronnaud nette à flot souple, comme la capacité nette de tapis, la qualité de l’eau au niveau national. Riche en ressources marines, la mer du nord FuYang fraiche, air pur à forte teneur en Chine d’ions, les plus grandes villes de la Chine, YangBa «villes plus vivables», il s’agit là de villes vivables peut être un «trois» (c’est -à-dire en mer du nord, zhuhai, weihai, xiamen). Un Un beau pays qu’est BeiHaiShi, quatre saisons RuChun, dans la ville côtière pittoresque, “ maritime dans la Chine ancienne de la soie» ne sont pas dans leur pays d’origine, sont l’un des ports à l’un des 14 villes littorales ouvertes, ainsi que dans la région autonome du guangxi zhuang, BeiHaiShi, situés au large du nord-est, du viet nam, du guangdong, sur la côte de la province de hainan, et à DaXiNa, hainan et du sud-est, sud-ouest pivot du commerce extérieur est plus facile d’accès territorial à la mer, dans la région de l’asie et du pacifique du sud-ouest de la Chine, et l’économie unique de ses avantages géostratégiques dans le nord du pays, WanPan une perle.

Un grand nombre de paysages culturels du yangzi disponibles, dont les principales sont les suivantes:

YinTan du continent, propositions, le soleil à son déclin, XingDaoHu, les réserves naturelles, les mangroves qu’a fournie le parc forestier national, la mer du nord (zhuhai), LaoJie du parc beihai, société evergreen trading corporation, la mer du nord compte avenue, le monde sous-marin, la mer du nord, la mer du nord, pose de nouveaux vitrages, fruits à l’étranger, à la musique BeiHaiShi fontaine, en face du monument du parc beihai, school of business, sun yat sen BeiHaiShi des travaux, la sculpture, la mer du nord, la mer du nord de l’église catholique de la bibliothèque, la mer du nord, l’allemagne SenBao firme étrangère ciea ses propositions de vacances, le port de baignade continents GePuXian l’église catholique, musées, monuments, la mer du nord, la mer du nord NaZhu PiaoYuan QiLou, ZhenZhuQuan pont, HuiAi, GePu guzm á n, composé de pavillon HanMu, la mer du nord, les mangroves, de l’aquaculture, des versants PuDu boulversé trincomalee, trincomalee, au cap, WenChang BaiLong sites, dont ZhenZhuCheng résistance ChenMingShu colombier, telles que le lac chant camphrier six.

YinTan situés dans la mer du nord du pays YinTan un endroit pittoresque du tourisme en vacances, parcs et YinTan plages parc. À partir de la mer du nord ouest, YinTan QiaoGangZhen par grand port, dans le chapeau par zones, dans les secteurs est et le district de plage s’étendant sur environ 24 kilomètres, et 3 000 mètres dans 30 — largeur entre 12 kilomètres carrés, la superficie terrestre, d’une superficie totale d’environ 38 kilomètres carrés. D’une superficie de plus de dalian, yantai, qingdao, BeiDaiHe au bord de la plage de xiamen et la somme de baignade en moyenne seulement 0,05 pente. Grève des ShiYingSha par l’accumulation envisageait, sous le soleil, la plage, pur et FanChu fluorescent peut YinTan, la mer du nord, appelée ainsi pour la YinTan plages de sable, M. Jean ping; XiBai fortes vagues, la conservation et la gestion des requins, non», «un banc ciaprès». Guangxi YinTan beihai, sous la présidence de l’ancien président YangShangKun pays en 1997 le 4 janvier à dessiner la candidature d’un banc ci-dessous "jours".

Propositions de BeiHaiShi dans la province du guangxi continents au 21 milles du littoral dans la mer du nord, à 36 jeunes, est un des plus populaires de Chine, guangxi des îles volcaniques plus tenu à sea island (États-Unis). Propositions du continent et à l’accumulation des éruptions volcaniques et d’intégrer des sédiments, chihuahua, au sud de l’île du nord de la JunXian tirent leur offre un contraste frappant avec les eaux côtières du vivant de l’île, les cîtes particulières et des fonds marins, les coraux en eau profonde, précieux et de la diversité des espèces merveilleux merveilleux. Il l’appelle paradis sur terre, et il en direction du sud-est environ neuf milles du littoral de l’île, sous le soleil à son déclin. En outre, les catholiques (hakkas religieuses, telles que KeGu unique, nos côtes et du folklore, coexistence pacifique en touristes ne sont pas les mêmes que les sentiments et lui.

XingDaoHu GePuXian situées dans le nord-ouest BeiHaiShi 24 kilomètres du fleuve HongChao réservoirs, municipalités, 50 kilomètres environ une heure. Dans les districts des collines préhimalayennes, en en relief atteignait diverses formes, la sylviculture, quelle que soit leur 026 verdoyant, îles YiKeKe étoiles pour ressembler à un rayon de tous SaLa 600 km2 BiBo XingDaoHu verte, d’où son nom.

La CCTV XingDaoHu sont grandes, dans la ShuiHuChuan ShuiBo poutre fortin dans la montagne» de l’une des bases photographié extérieur.

Les BeiHaiShi est du golfe beibu, ont été d’une grande richesse de ressources marines. Pêche chinoise «quatre». Haïti est principalement spécialités hippocampes, perles, concombre de mer, ceinture, la plupart des ailerons de requin,,,, ShiBan crabes, Pierre squale, calmars, seiche, grand huître, crevettes et les crustacés.

Qui sont les plus célèbres perles, il ne faut pas oublier la mer du nord peut acheter bouquet, examiner et dont elle tirerait de plusieurs proches est le meilleur moyen de dons offerts. Perles n’est pas toujours bien moins cher, est d’environ 10 fois et, si elle est étrangère est ne voit pas, en tant que GuiJian les cadeaux et face aux proches et amis. Également Même si de nombreux ZhenZhuBei perles de congé, pouvait acheter à des millions ont été soigneusement. Type et considérablement les ZhenZhuBei essentiellement sous forme de poudre.

La mauvaise situés dans les régions subtropicales, riche lingnan de fruit. Pêche douce comme le miel, pommes, sont parmi les raisins, les poires, pastèques, etc. Propositions de continents des bananes, plus MuBoLuo. GePu ont fait l’objet d’une LongYan, dans un SuDongPo millénaire intègre à l’état sur le site de la mine LongYan qualité vise à faire des vers l’état arô différent est dépourvue de toute ambiguïté et ne peut la reconnaissance litchi. La transformation en LongYan viande (également connue sous le nom de viande, intègre longane), sur la LiShiZhen herboristerie titres et sous-titres affirme que «la viande intègre, sexuelle, agrément peut compléter, AnShen plus de sang». La résidence est Li RouZhi l’oriole de bouche, agrément doux, 1957 nucléaires a envoyé du président mao.

Un JiaoDiao: produits d’artisanat, tissage, coquillages d’artisanat.

Mon pays a été l’un des premiers du commerce extérieur et aux points de passage de la «route de la soie» est l’un des points de départ, YunGui l’histoire, takahisa Xiang, société, osmanhe, des provinces et du commerce extérieur, l’un des principaux produits de base géographique plaque tournante.

Port de mer dans la mer du nord anciennes étapes dans les zones TieShanGang ridge et du fleuve. Port de mer des ports, on pourrait envisager la construction d’un grand nombre de différentes formes de mouillage portuaire. De la récente principalement en chaîne de montagnes et de TieShanGang.

La mer du vieux: 1 000 mètres du littoral, de la planification à l’intention des petites et moyennes. Compte actuellement 7 postes à quai plus fiables, 1 000 tonnes, dont 1 000 tonneaux. Un rouliers tonnes

La nouvelle étape du long parcours ridge: 1, 4 000 mètres au-dessus du niveau de la WanDunJi mouillage 2, 2 millions de tonnes et 1 350 WanDunJi mouillage. La nouvelle étape du ridge proposé comprend trois la digue, le port de quatre ports du littoral, de tirer pleinement parti des terrains à bâtir WanDunJi mouillage passagers embarqués contenant 25 (1 poste). Plus spécialement: le port d’un port, ii ChiJian neuf ChiJian comprend sept, trois, quatre port six comprend trois port. 30 décembre 20xx, le port de la chaîne de montagnes trois étapes officiellement la capacité de concevoir, 2 millions de tonnes et s’achever en 20xx.

TieShanGang creek: le long du littoral du flot bathymétriques paisible, de bonnes conditions d’entrée de bay, dans le golfe arabique, à ShunChe citernes bouche d’eau naturelles 5 mètres au-dessus du niveau de la mer, dont les eaux 217000 mètres au-dessus de 10 mètres au-dessus du niveau de la mer, un 9000 mètres au-dessus du niveau de la planification à long terme peut être un port en eau profonde; West bay ports naturels directe, citernes d’eau naturelles tranchées profondes, 10 mètres au-dessus du niveau de la mer, dont les eaux de 6 mètres de long de plus de 15 mètres au-dessus de 2 mètres au-dessus du niveau de la mer dans les eaux. 30 décembre 20xx de 10 WanDunJi du TieShanGang, un quai public, la production officielle. Le même jour, TieShanGang réouverture officielle du guangxi, 10 WanDunJi officiellement un quai public annuel, 6 millions de tonnes.

En outre TieShanGang du district no 3 4 terminaux échappent en 30 juillet 20xx, les travaux de construction dans la zone de la mer du nord TieShanGang 1 à 4 du projet XuJian terminaux embarqués et qui est principalement conçue pour 10 produits WanDunJi 2 se concevoir, annuel prévu à près de 8 millions de tonnes, censés s’achever à la fin de l’année. TieShanGang port 5 à 10 du 10 WanDunJi embarqués, 15 WanDunJi proposé pour les trois terminaux, 40 millions de tonnes de pétrole brut, les capacités d’accueil des plans mis en chantier en septembre 20xx. D’ici à 20xx, les secteurs de 1 à 20 TieShanGang échappent à quai, le port de mer complète du domaine sera considérablement sa capacité opérationnelle pour parvenir à plus de 120 millions de tonnes, le port de chargement du reprochés millions de tonnes. Planification des TieShanGang conformément à leur capacité d’enlèvement, devrait s’élever à 4 millions de tonnes, ce qui donne à la mise en place des premiers villes littorales ouvertes en tant qu’institution nationale de la mer du nord a réellement servi de l’association du port au sud-ouest, le circuit économique importante artère et l’asean.

En cisjordanie LuoKou bay i du 10 au Yin mordre la ShenCao mètres au-dessus du niveau de la mer peut être longue, 6 000 mètres de 10 à 20 WanDunJi administrateurs, comme le charbon, le pétrole, tels que l’acier embarqués. Long parcours industriel réservé 18600 mètres, en prévoyant des terrains à bâtir entre 60 et 85. La pente du départ de la Pierre, environ 700 mètres au-dessus du niveau de la mer peut être entreprises moyennes mouillage de 25 à 35.

Quatre vents du fleuve et de consolidation de la paix: 5 000 tonnes et que les récents embarqués qui n’a pas fait une telle déclaration.

Plusieurs dialectes du passage, notamment KeGu mandarin, langue parlée, etc. Des états avaient initialement dialectes sont répartis dans les langues vernaculaires; il GePuXian intègre, dans la ville de villes de comté a, dans les zones urbaines, BeiHaiShi akashi cap haïtien, une banque GaoDeZhen, dans la zone de la mer BaiHu. Le GePuXian d’églises, pertuis, tandis que les villes de chant camphrier KeGu de passage. En ce qui concerne la circulation en mer du nord sur la langue parlée dans la mer du nord, sont aujourd’hui plus officielle, les dialectes le cantonais. Ouverture probe Selon les experts YueFangYan l’université jinan ChenTao critique, la mer du nord, a été KeGu langue parlée par le cantonais, explore YuXiang du golfe beibu, des côtes-du-rhône. Depuis la réforme et l’ouverture, la mer du nord en raison de l’arrivée d’un grand nombre de migrants, mandarin sur le terrain est de plus en plus répandue.
