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Ladies and gentlemen

Hello everyone! My name is Li Hugo. What do you call me? Just call medirector Li. Im glad I can accompany you to visit the Forbidden City.

Located in the center of Beijing, the Forbidden City is the imperial palaceof Ming and Qing Dynasties. It is called the "Forbidden City". The Palace Museumexperienced two dynasties of Ming and Qing Dynasties and 24 emperors. The PalaceMuseum is a large-scale, 750 meters wide in the West and East, 960 meters longin the South and North, covering an area of 720000 square meters, with more than150000 square meters of buildings and more than 1000 houses. It is the largestand most complete ancient building in the history of the world. When you enterthe gate of the Forbidden City, you will see five white marble bridges. Why arethey five, instead of seven, eight, or even ten? It turns out that emperors inancient times must have such characteristics as benevolence, righteousness,propriety, wisdom, and faith. Thats why they are five stone bridges.

There are hundreds of stone pillars on the bridge. There are countlesslittle lions carved on the pillars. Some of them nod and frown as if they aresad and unhappy. Some of them open their teeth and claws as if they are showingtheir power. The imperial garden of the Forbidden City, formerly known as thepalace houyao, covers an area of 12000 square meters.

In the center of Weian hall, the garden buildings are built with stonebricks, and the symmetrical lattice bricks are compact. The imperial pavilionwas built on Duixiu mountain in the northeast of the hall. The emperor ascendedhere on the Double Ninth Festival every year.

Well, tourists, lets have a rest here. You can also take pictures of yourfavorite scenic spots and pay attention to health and safety.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1947 字

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Dear visitors! I am reading a guide. Very glad to be with all of you together to visit one of the world natural heritage west lake.

Now we came to the west lake broken bridge by car. Legend of the white snake met xu xian and the white niang son of time is on the bridge! One side broken bridge connecting north road, attached to bai causeway. Some people will ask: broken bridge isnt broken, why called middle-east? Because, this and the west lake, one of the ten views about the "broken bridge can xue". Under the heavy snow in winter, a piece of white on the bridge. Because the bridge side of chaoyang, so that side of the snow melted quickly. At this moment, far look like a broken bridge.

Now we have covered the broken bridge came to the famous bai causeway. Does anyone know why the dike said bai causeway? Tell you, because the bai juyi in hangzhou high rank, in order to prevent the west lake is the lake sediment is full, so they use mud built into the bai causeway. Bai causeway is located in the middle of the west lake, is a very good observation. Visitors look up at the front, please treasure baochu pagoda, like a sword stands in treasure Chu mountain, much like a warrior guarding the west lake. On the bai causeway is the most beautiful plants, look! A peach on a willow, make people feel regretted leaving! Now looking into the my left hand side, the west lake lake like a piece of jade green, quiet like a mirror. Cruise ships and original slip quietly on the surface of the lake. More distant, kam with little tunnel round, its is a famous couplet wrote: jin belt, little tunnel round, round as a mirror, the mirror as the nations jiuzhou. The different of the west lake, is surrounded by mountains all around it, the mountain CengLinJinRan, give a person the aesthetic feeling of painting.

The journey to the west lake is coming to an end, I really a little courage, if you come again next time, I must be your tour guide again.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3090 字

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Everybody is good! I am Forbidden City tourism YanJian you can call me xiaoyan tour guide, I want to go with you today Beijing famous scenic spots: the Forbidden City. We went there today: taihe palace, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace.

I mainly introduce the palace first: Beijings Forbidden City, is one of the worlds largest and best preserved ancient palace complex, is the highest level of ancient Chinese architecture. Beijing the imperial palace, the Ming dynasty yongle four years (1406), was built in the eighteenth year (1420), is the imperial palace during the Ming and qing dynasties, the timely according to the Forbidden City, beginning in 1925, according to the Forbidden City. Ancestor cheng, Beijing from 1421 to 1911 revolution to overthrow the qing government, the last emperor pu yi out of the palace, to end the rule of feudal dynasty in Chinese history, the palace has been the ruling class of the political and cultural center of China, has experienced the 24 emperors.

The Palace Museum covers an area of 720xx0 square meters, construction area of 150000 square meters, the existing buildings of more than 980, have house more than 8700, around the Forbidden City around 10 meters high walls, and there are more than 50 meters wide moat. The middle of the Ming and qing dynasties imperial palace was built in the city, to the north and the south central axis, faces south, which fully reflect the supreme imperial power of the feudal rule, outside the Forbidden City is emperor city, outside the imperial city and Beijing city, the city surrounded by city, shows the guarded hierarchy. In history, the Forbidden City has repeatedly reconstruction for fire and other reasons, but the basic pattern has not changed, the entire palace after the building is divided into north and south power at the two parts. Power with taihe, neutralization, and three main halls, are the three main halls in the Forbidden Citys tallest building, it is the place where the emperor held a major ceremony, is the symbol of the feudal imperial power.

Back to the palace of heavenly purity, tai temple, palace of earthly tranquility of delivery as the center, around something natural to wing, is the emperor, empress, wives, princess lived. Power after the katyn, clear-cut, cannot overstep casually, embodies the ancient Chinese traditional hierarchical, both inside and outside have other ethics. Craftsman will such a large scale of Chinese architecture planning in order to use heavy doors and courtyard to the imperial palace and orderly combination into the magnificent buildings. The Forbidden City planning and construction of the Ming and qing dynasty, not only inherited the tradition of ancient Chinese architecture, the development and innovation, is the ancient Chinese culture and the achievements of the ancient Chinese architectural art. Its indoor and outdoor architectural space combination, the collocation of cubic construction size, the use of materials, the sketch of the display, decoration, the choice of the color are reached the high level, the exciting art effect.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3254 字

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Jianglang Mountain is located in Shimen town of Jiangshan City. It isfamous for its Danxia landform and three giant rocks. It is said that in ancienttimes, three brothers surnamed Jiang climbed to the top of the mountain togetherand made three giant rocks, standing on the hills. In fact, such a magnificentmountain landscape is the result of geological evolution for hundreds ofmillions of years. The violent volcanic fault depression makes it stand aloof,and the slowly eroded weathering makes it magnificent and beautiful.

Standing at the foot of Jianglang Mountain, Langfeng, Yafeng and Lingfengare in front of us. Among the three rocks, Lingfeng is full of strange rocks andold pines. The clouds and haze are scattered and the smoke is lingering, whichis like a fairyland. Yafeng is the most dangerous, almost vertical, and cant bereached. Langfeng has a towering wall, and only a steep stone step dug by handleads to the peak.

Under the leadership of my father, I clenched the iron fence welded intothe cliff with my left hand, pressed it with my right hand, and barely stood ontiptoe to climb along the cliff. When he reached the mountainside, he raised hiseyes straight up, and the narrow stone steps were winding, as if leading to theend of the sky. When he looked down, he could only see that the forest wasundulating, and the sole of his feet was an abyss! "An De, who had wings, cameand went with the king." Standing in a dangerous place, the whole person iscaptured by the transcendent magnificence, just as Bai Juyi said in hispoems!

Although the road to the peak is steep and infinite, my attention is alwaysattracted by the mysterious autumn scenery at the foot of the mountain. Lookingdown, the fog slowly floats up the hill, forming crystal clear dew on thegranite wall; red maple and green moss curl on the steep and smooth rock wall,forming a body with the surrounding gravel; in the abyss, the coniferous forestis dyed golden by the autumn wind, and the forest near the foot of the mountainis slightly red. The field of vision is everywhere, and the gradual change ofwarm color blocks envelop the land. I even felt that in the cool autumn of thecrisp people, my heart beat gradually became warm, and I jumped and trembledagain and again in the cliff against the pulse of the mountains.

At dusk, Jianglang Mountain goes further and further away. The setting sunwarms the peaceful Shimen Town, surrounded by golden rice fields. The buscarried us on the highway that was full of Wutong trees and was inadvertentlymerged into the yellow rice waves. Looking around, there is a low wooden housefloating in the rice wave in the distance. There are several hedges beside thewooden house. The hedges are full of trembling white pear blossoms - pearblossoms? No! There are hundreds of yellow billed egrets. They are heavilycovered with branches, like clusters of pear blossoms in full bloom on theridge. Batu floated across the sea of rice, and the "pear flower" turned intosnow flakes and floated to the sky, and then flew back. Silver wings flying,white light fleeing, leaving a string of high pitched sound. Looking at the footof the mountain in autumn, my recent irritability has been calmed, and I amreally moved by everything in front of me.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 566 字

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鸭绿江风景名胜区是国务院于一九八八年批准的国家重点风景名胜区。她地处鸭绿江下游,浑江口至大东港之间,与朝鲜的碧潼、清水、义州和新义州隔江相望,全长210公里,面积824.2平方公里,由绿江、水丰、太平湾、虎山、大桥、江口六大景区100多个景点组成,以自然风光旖旎、人文景观荟萃、地理位置独特、环境质量优越而驰名中外,是一览两国风光,凭吊历史遗迹,兼容渡假修养、科学考察和异国旅游于一体的河川风景名胜区。 汉称马訾水,唐始称鸭绿江,因水色 深绿如鸭头得名。源于长白山主峰白头山南麓海拔2300 米处。上流经崇山峻岭,坡陡流急,谷宽50~150米。中 游自临江以下,转向西南,坡度变缓,谷宽200~20xx米。 下游自水丰以下,河谷开扩,两岸有低山丘陵和较窄平 原,江心多沙洲。江中岛屿近200个,以文安滩为最大。 丹东附近江宽5公里,流到东沟分两支入黄海,全长795 公里,流域面积6.3788万平方公里,中国境内约占一半。 水系发达,支流受构造控制,多与干流成直交。北侧主 要支流有浑江、蒲石河、□河等,南侧主要支流有虚川 江、长津江、秃鲁江、忠满江等。全流域气候凉湿, 分布以红松、 枫桦为主的针阔叶混交林,下游多栎林。有多种野生动、 植物。 江水含沙量和输沙量小。 鸭绿江流经长白山地, 河谷陡窄,比降大,水力资源230万千瓦。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 824 字

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从史籍考证看,蔚州的设置和辖境是有变化的、有移徙的。追溯蔚州最 早建置于东魏永安中(公元528-530年)改怀荒、御夷二镇(分别在张北县与赤城县北)置,寄治并州邬县界。《中国历史地图集》北朝·东魏图(武定四年,公元546年)中蔚州治,即标定在此。正如清朝顺治十六年版《蔚州志·古迹》载:“蔚州废城:在平遥西北二十五里,后魏迁蔚州民居此,州废。”当时领郡有三:即始昌郡、忠义郡、附恩郡。领县有七;即于门县、兰泉县、苇池县、西凉县、利石县、化政县。今之蔚州,东魏孝静帝天平二年(公元535年)始置蔚州(治今蔚县城),蔚自此始,北周宣帝时(公元579年)又置蔚州,是著名的“燕云十六州”之一,置大昌县州治在灵丘(今山西省灵丘县)蔚县地属之。





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1325 字

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各位朋友大家好,欢迎来到莲花佛国——九华山旅游,我是安徽旅行社导游王萍,大家可以叫我小王或者王导,坐在旁边的是司机吴师傅,他有着多年的驾驶经验,坐他的车大家可以尽管放心。接下来的几天就有我们为大家服务。我们会尽自己最大的努力给大家带去最好的服务,希望大家有一个开开心心的九华山之旅 ,现在呢我先想大家介绍一下我们九华山的概况:





好的,各位游客朋友请跟紧小王,注意脚下,由天王殿向外走,就来到了大雄宝殿。这里供奉着三尊身高12米的大佛,中间的是释迦牟尼,两边分别是阿弥陀佛和药师佛,而大殿两边上,想必大家一定都猜到了,对!供置着的就是十八罗汉塑像。大家再随我往后走,大殿后侧呢,供奉着的是文殊、普贤菩萨坐像。 这幅“海岛观音”大型立体浮雕,是雕在释迦牟尼佛像背后的,这是一幅浓缩中国佛教诸佛菩萨的全图。





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 4463 字

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On the west side of Changchun City, there is a movie theme park integratingthe most advanced special effects movies in the world. It is a unique andamazing movie theme park in the world - Changying century city. Located by thebeautiful Jingyuetan in Changchun City, Jilin Province, Changying century cityis the first world-class film theme Entertainment Park in China, and a landmarkproject of Changying reform and second pioneering. At the end of last century,under the new historical conditions, Chinas film industry met severe challengesfrom the socialist market economy and other aspects. The famous Changyingstudio, known as the cradle of new Chinas film, also faced unprecedenteddifficulties in survival and development. Under the guidance and care of therelevant central departments and under the leadership of the Jilin provincialParty committee and the provincial government, Changying has actively andsteadily promoted the system reform and mechanism innovation, and established amodern enterprise system that is compatible with the socialist market economy,the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, and the laws of filmcreation and production. On the basis of the success of the reform, Changyinggroup draws lessons from the successful experience of the international filmindustry, combines the modern film industry with the tourism industry, extendsthe film industry chain, creates the first world-class film theme EntertainmentPark in China, and creates a new model of Chinas big film era.

Standing on the shoulders of two giants of world theme parks, ChangyingCentury City has become the "Oriental Hollywood" of Chinese people. As a filmtheme Entertainment Park, Changying Century City has developed a series ofentertainment projects around the film theme. Special effects film is the mostcharacteristic tourism and entertainment product of Changying century city. InChangying Century City Park, there are five special effect cinemas, including 3Dgiant screen, 4D special effect, laser suspension, dynamic ball screen andthree-dimensional water screen. Hollywood and Disney failed to gather the mostadvanced special effects movies in one park. Therefore, Changying century cityis also known as the "capital of special effects movies in the world".

The climate of Changchun City is located in the transition zone between theeastern mountainous humid area and the western plain semi-arid area, whichbelongs to the temperate continental semi humid monsoon climate type. Althoughthe East and the south are not far from the sea, due to the barrier of ChangbaiMountains, the effect of summer heat is weakened, so summer is cooler. SongliaoPlain is located in the West and north of China. The air mass of Siberian polarcontinent is unobstructed, and the influence of monsoon is very big. Therefore,the climate characteristics are that the annual temperature changessignificantly, and the four seasons are distinct. In winter, the snow is flying,the spring is sunny, the summer is windy and sunny, and the autumn is cool andpleasant. The best travel time is spring, summer and autumn.

The film and television culture theme of Changying century city is brightand prominent. It has rich connotation of film culture and national culture. Ittakes film and television programs as the carrier to uncover the mystery of filmproduction, so that the audience can fully enjoy the high-grade spiritualpleasure brought by film art and excellent Chinese national culture. People whohave visited the Changying century city know that there are not only the realmovie scenes but also the beautiful bubbles in the fairytale world. This showsthe essence of the world theme park giant Universal Studio Hollywood and DisneyPark, the most advanced and the most complete special effects movie. Asimportant as entertainment products, colorful Park activities are alsounforgettable.

The Samba dance company of Brazil has performed more than 180 consecutiveperformances, which ignited the "Oriental Hollywood" with enthusiasm; the flowerof Russian art dance company has brought strong Russian customs; the filmcharacters who show Changchuns profound film heritage are big; the wonderfulAcrobatic Art Tour; Funny and humorous "clowns Day", "Bachelors Day","Valentines Day", "happy childrens Day", "Chinese stunt Carnival", "MagicFestival" and "water Olympic Games" and so on, wonderful programs are like alandmark, which deeply engraves Changying century city into Changchun.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4451 字

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Good morning ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to Qingdao. My name is Miao Meng. I am very pleased to be your service as a tour guide today. The first sight we are going to see this morning is Zhanqiao Land Stage, which is in the gulf of Qingdao. It is the symbol of Qingdao. And it is about a 10-minute bus ride to get there. Before we arrive, shall I give you a brief introduction of the city?

Situated on the south coast of Shandong peninsula, Qingdao is a famous tourist city in China. Known as “ pearl on the Yellow sea”, the city backs mountains and faces the sea, the topography here is special, the scenery beautiful and the climate pleasing. A poem alludes to this beautiful city. It reads as follow,

Green mountains stand still

In-between, clear water flowing

Red roofs glisten in the sun

Kissing your cheeks, soft sea wind blowing

Sea gulls fly, we are not sure

Whether in azure sky, or on blue sea

Peaks are, as in ink drawings, peculiar

And the best, the sight here must be

Founded in 1891, Qingdao has a history of more than 100 years. It is one of the earliest 14 opening door cities of China. Because of its incomparable geographic position, the transportation means here are convenient. Its a good tourist destination and an ideal city to make an investment. I wish your could know better about the city, and it would give you a great impression through my guide and commentary.

Now everybody, here we are on the coast of the gulf. Look! Do you see that long bridge reaches into the sea? Yes, this is the famous Zhanqiao Landing Stage. It is 10 meters wide, 440 meters long. Standing on the south end of bridge in the sea is a two-story pavilion. Its called “Huilange”(which means pavilion of returned billows)。 Looking from afar, it is just like a rainbow hanging above the sea. Isnt it magnificent? In fact, as early as in the 1930s, this Landing Stage was named NO.1 among the ten most famous scenic spots of Qingdao. Now here we are on the landing stage.

Founded in 1892, Zhanqiao Landing Stage witnessed the history of Qingdao city. In 1891, the Qing Government sent Zhang Gaoyuan to garrison in Qingdao village. They built forts and camps here and made Qingdao an important town. In the second year, for the purpose of sea transportation, they built a 200-meter long iron dock with stone foundation in the south coast. That was the predecessor of the Landing Stage. And in 1894, minister Li Hongzhang reported this to the Qing Government. Since then, it has been the symbol of Qingdao.

On Nov. 14, 1897, German troops landed from Qingdao and occupied the city. This bridge was a witness of Germans invasion. In 1900, it was destroyed by a typhoon and was rebuilt as long as 350 meters long by the Germans. It became a sight-seeing spot after Dagang Port was built in 1905.

From September 1931 to April 1934, Zhanqiao Landing Stage was again reconstructed by the Guomindang government. It was prolonged to 440 meters, with reinforced concrete piers and paved road. On the south end of the bridge, a semi-round embankment was constructed, and on the embankment, they built a two-story pavilion in traditional Chinese style.

Look, it is in a shape of octagon and it has eight extending eaves, with yellow glazed tiles on the roofs. From the pavilion, you can enjoy the upcoming billows in layers, and this scene is called “ Feigehuilan”。 When night falls, all the lights on both sides of the bridge are on, they look like the blossoms of magnolia. Since then, Zhanqiao has became the NO 1 scenic spot in Qingdao.

After new China was founded in1949, Zhanqiao has been well preserved and experienced many times of renovation. It has became a place that tourists will never miss to pay a visit whenever they come to Qingdao

Now we are in the pavilion. Shall we go up and enjoy the beautiful scenes here? What a view! This is the real Qingdao, blue seawater, white sand beaches, green mountains and red roofs. Look across from here, that small green island is the “little Qingdao”。 On the island, there is a beacon tower, which is a navigation mark for the ships sailing in the Bay.

And look back to the shore, that street in one line with the bridge is the most flourishing street, which is called Zhongshan Road. The railway station is just near the shore, at a distance of only 500 meters.

Ok, everybody. Would you like to have your pictures taken here? Ill give you a 15-minute break. Well gather on the shore 15 minutes later. See you in a moment.



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Tangshan Nanhu Park is located in the south of the city center, in the coalmining subsidence area. The total area is 1300 hectares and the water surface is165 hectares. [it turns out that there are few people and weeds in the collapsearea, and the ecological environment and natural landscape have been seriouslydamaged. The barren scene of black water overflowing and fly ash blocking thesun is everywhere. 】At the beginning of 1997, Tangshan Municipal Party committeeand government began to implement the ecological greening project, planning tobuild this place as a large-scale comprehensive ecological park integratingrecreation and water activities. At present, 400 hectares of green area, 300000trees and 200000 square meters of lawn have been completed. The park is full oftrees, green lawns and clear water. It has become a place for leisure andentertainment.

In the future, Nanhu Park will focus on "green" and rely on environmentalforests. It will make full use of the existing land resources and water surfaceto build a city of transportation and entertainment, three golf courses, horseriding range and military shooting range, four parks of upstream water park, wetland ecological park, waterfowl park and water fishing park; Six areas:comprehensive recreation area, youth activity area, Earthquake Memorial area,agriculture and mulberry area, plant landscape area and management area. Travelroute: Nanhu Park Gate - fishing area - voluntary tree planting base - waterrecreation area (motorboat, water boating, battery boat) - racecourse.Sightseeing items: at present, you can carry out recreational activities such asfishing and boating in Nanhu Park. After the park is completed, you can ridehorses, shoot and play golf here.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7370 字

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Welcome to Meizhou Island, known as "Mecca in the East, Potala Palace onthe sea". Im Xiao Li, the tour guide. Now, please follow me to pay a visit tothe goddess Mazu and the ancestral temple.

In order to let you know more about Meizhou Island during your tour, Idlike to introduce the general situation of Meizhou Island by boat: it covers anarea of 14.3 square kilometers. Because its shaped like a human eyebrow andembedded in thousands of blue waves, its named "Meizhou". Its not only theplace where Mazu lived since childhood, but also the place where Mazu templesare famous at home and abroad. My friends, Meizhou Island has arrived. Pleasetake your luggage and belongings with you and follow me to get off the ship.Please be careful at your feet and pay attention to safety!

Looking ahead, there are groups of pilgrims. They include Chinese Taiwancompatriots and overseas Chinese from across the sea, as well as pilgrims fromthe mainland. Have you noticed that there is a statue of Mazu in front of theseteams? Are your friends very curious? In fact, these statues were sent out fromthe ancestral temple before. Now they send her back, also called "Mazu back toher mothers home". This phenomenon is often seen here, which proves that thefragrance of Meizhou Island is very strong.

Please look at this magnificent building in front of us. Does it look likethe Potala Palace in Tibet? This is Mazu temple. Now we are at the first gate ofthe ancestral temple, the mountain gate. Because Mazu is "the virgin of heaven",is the supreme goddess, so its specifications are built according to the royalpalace. In the mountain gate, there are two gods, Qianliyan and shunfenger. Itis said that Qianliyan and shunfenger were sea monsters recovered by Mazu.

We walked up the stone steps and saw the second gate of the ancestraltemple, Yimen. You see, there is a plaque on the top of this instrument door,which says "imperial edict", so it is also called "imperial edict door". Thesquare we see now is the place where large-scale music and dance performancesare performed at every memorial ceremony. On my left and right are the belltower and the drum tower. Friends, lets continue to go up. Now we come to the"Prince hall", which was built by Yao Qisheng, governor of Fujian Province. Youmay be surprised that this is the Mazu temple. How can there be a prince hall?It is said that Yao Qisheng was sheltered by Mazu and successfully completed thetask assigned to him by the emperor. He was granted the title of "PrinceShaobao" by the emperor. Yao Qisheng wanted to thank his mother Zu built the"Prince hall" here. At the beginning of the construction of this hall, it wasintended to become the main hall, but the folk custom is still willing to followthe ancient system. I only think that the building next to me is the mostprimitive main hall. Now lets visit the main hall with me.

This is the holy place in the hearts of hundreds of millions of Mazubelievers. Before we go to visit, lets take a look at the couplet on the gatepost. Do you know what the couplet means? In fact, the couplet skillfully usesthe characteristics of ancient Chinese interchangeable words, so it should beread like this: "qizhai, qizhai, qizhai, qiqizhaijie; Chaochao, Chaochao,Chaochao, Chaochao, Chaochao sound "the first couplet introduces the culturallandscape of Meizhou, where visitors sincerely worship Mazu, while the secondcouplet introduces the natural scenery of Meizhou, which mainly highlights theChaoyin of Meiyu, one of the 24 scenic spots in Putian, Meizhou Island. Afterreading the couplet, please follow me into the hall. There are two halls in thehall, which are connected by a patio in the middle. You can see that there is aplaque hanging on the main beam, which is issued by the Emperor himself!Friends, have you noticed that this hall is very special. There are two Mazuworshipped here, the one in front is called "visiting Mazu", and the one behindis called "Zhendian Mazu" When Matsu went on a tour, Matsu in the town hall wasworshipped by believers. As you can see, the shrines on both sides are full ofMazus accompanying gods, known as the 18 Shuique immortal class. Some of themare sea gods worshipped in other places in ancient times, and some are waterdemons and sea monsters recovered by Mazu.

OK, after visiting the main hall of Mazu temple, lets take a look at thelegendary place where Mazu ascended to heaven - the historic site. Here we are.While you are visiting, I will tell you about the legend of Mazus life. It issaid that Mazu never cried from birth to the full moon, so her parents named her"Lin Mo". Mo Niang was smarter than other children since she was a child. It issaid that she could recite sutras at the age of 8, and was called "filialdaughter" because she saved her relatives at sea. After Lin Mos death, it issaid that she emerged and soared in Meifeng. It is said that the imperial courtsent an emissary Lu Yundi to Korea, and the ship encountered wind and waves whenit was in the East China Sea. In the face of danger, I saw red lights on the topof the ship, and then there was no wind and waves. Lu Yun was surprised, so heasked his subordinates what kind of deity appeared to rescue him. It happenedthat there was a Putian man on board, who said that Meizhou goddess rescued him.Later, when Lu Yundi returned to the court, he played the emperor. This is thefirst time that Mazus deeds came from the people to the court.

Now that the story is finished, lets go to Chaotian Pavilion, the highestpoint on the central axis. Have you noticed that the Mazu worshipped in it isdifferent from other halls? By the way, the Mazu worshipped in it is blackfaced. Friends who have been to Chinese Taiwan must find that all Mazu worshipped inMazu temple in Chinese Taiwan are black faced Mazu. Do you want to know why? It is saidthat during the voyage of Fenling Mazu in Chinese Taiwan for several months, believersburned incense day and night to worship, and devout incense blackened Mazusface, so all Mazu worshipped in Chinese Taiwan are black faced, because ChaotianPavilion is the Chaotian Palace in Lukang, Chinese Taiwan So Mazu is black faced. Now,lets go to the top of the mountain to see the stone statue of Mazu. It takes 99steps to get there, and the axis from the archway of Mazu temple at the foot ofthe mountain to the statue of Mazu at the top of the mountain is 323 meterslong. 99 is the day of Mazus ascent on the 9th day of September. Lets guesswhat 323 meters stands for. By the way, its Mazus birthday.

Well, friends, this is the highest point of Mazu mountain. This statue is14.3 meters high and made of 365 chopsticks of granite. It symbolizes that Mazublesses the residents of 14.3 square kilometers Meizhou Island 365 days a year,happy and safe. Look, Mazus face is kind, looking at the sea. As like as twopeas, the Mazu goddess looks at Chinese Taiwan, and there is a statue of Mazu in Chinese Taiwan.We are jointly maintaining peace and tranquility on both sides of the Straits.There are countless believers in Mazu all over the world. In fact, they have astrong sense of not forgetting their ancestors. Maybe this is the key to thelong-lasting spread of Mazu belief.

Friends, if you have the chance, I hope you can visit Meizhou again.Welcome to visit this strange woman. At that time, please come to Meizhou withyour friends. Thank you!



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Zhujiajian is a national scenic spot, located in the southeast of Zhoushanarchipelago in Zhejiang Province. It is also known as Putuo Mountain Nationalkey scenic spot with a distance of 1.35 nautical miles. It is an important partof Putuo golden triangle, the core tourist area of Zhoushan Archipelago. It isthe fifth largest island of Zhoushan Archipelago, with an island area of 72square kilometers.

Zhujiajian has a superior geographical location and convenienttransportation. Zhoushan civil aviation airport, located in the northwest ofZhujiajian, has opened more than 10 air routes including Beijing, Shanghai,Nanjing, Xiamen, Jinjiang, Jinan and Shantou. It is 1.35 nautical miles awayfrom Putuo Mountain in the north, and can reach Zhujiajian in five minutes byboat from Putuo Mountain; It is only 1km away from Shenjiamen fishing port, oneof the four famous fishing ports in the world. A cross sea bridge connectsZhujiajian with Shenjiamen (and the whole Zhoushan Island). Tourists fromHangzhou, Shanghai, Ningbo and other land routes can directly drive intoZhujiajian.

Zhujiajian island has unique natural landscape and rich tourism resources.The development of Zhujiajian tourism area was started in 1988. In 1993,Zhujiajian development and construction management committee was established,which is responsible for the implementation of the protection, planning andconstruction of 28.8 square kilometers of national scenic spots. In 1998, theZhujiajian Scenic Tourism Management Committee was established and worked withthe Zhujiajian town government. Under the leadership of the municipal anddistrict governments, the integrated management of the whole island wasimplemented. The tourism system was straightened out and the Zhujiajian touristarea entered the stage of all-round development.

In order to develop Zhujiajian scientifically, Zhejiang Institute of urbanand rural planning and design was entrusted in March 1993 to compile the masterplan of Zhujiajian, Putuo District, Zhoushan City. In November 1998, the tourismdevelopment plan of Putuo Zhujiajian national island ecological park wascompiled. In 20__, Shanghai Tongji University was entrusted to compile themaster plan of Zhujiajian from 20__ to 2030. Since then, Zhujiajian scenic spothas embarked on a scientific development path of combining the development andutilization of scenic spots with the reasonable protection of resources.

The scenery of Zhujiajian island is beautiful and charming. On the island,there are continuous sands, rippling blue waves, steep rocks, staggered cavesand reefs, enchanting sea light, wide forests, endless tides and fresh air. The6300 meter long nine person beach stretches across the island, like a goldnecklace, inlaid between the green mountains and the blue sea. The cliffs aresteep, the caves are deep and secluded, and the sea erosion landform is all overthe southeast coast of the island. The rocks are beautiful, the stone scenery iscolorful, and the magic work is vivid. The Wushi gravel beach is rare in China,with the sound of the tide and the sound of nature. The fishing boats sing late,the sea fire is shining, and the Dongsha is surging in the sun; There are lotsof seagulls, silverfish, fishing village customs and modern fishery landscape;the trees are green and quiet, the air is fresh, there is no heat in summer, theclimate is pleasant, the products are rich, and there are many aquaticproducts.

Zhu Jiajian adheres to the strategy of implementing high-quality tourismproducts, accelerating the promotion of high-end hotels, leisure villas,large-scale tourism commodity shopping centers, China Buddhist College, yacht,sea fishing club, beach sports and entertainment city, Island InternationalConference Center and other major industrial clusters, so as to make it acoastal city in the Yangtze River Delta with international standards, excellentfacilities, first-class service, beautiful environment and distinct image Thefirst choice for fake tourism.



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Bienvenue à Shanghai.Je suis le Guide de lAgence de voyage de Shanghai,vous pouvez mappeler petit X, ou X - Guide.Maintenant, nous sommes dans la zonetouristique du Bund.Maintenant, je vais vous donner un aper?u de la zonetouristique du Bund.

La zone touristique du Bund est située à lintersection de la Rivière mèreHuangpu et de la rivière Suzhou à Shanghai, en face de la zone touristique de laperle orientale à Pudong. Elle commence au nord par le pont Waibaidu et setermine au Sud par les deux c?tés de la route Zhongshan East 1st, dune longueurtotale de 1300m, sur la route Yanan est.

Les principales attractions de la zone touristique du Bund sont le plushaut b?timent des douanes connu sous le nom de ? Groupe dexposition delarchitecture universelle ?, le b?timent de la banque HSBC avec la plus largeporte, la plus grande superficie et le plus grand volume sur le Bund, leb?timent de la Banque de Chine et Le pont Waibaidu rempli déléments chinois, laRivière mère de Shanghai, la rivière Huangpu et le parc Huangpu, ainsi que lesquatre places achevées avant lexposition mondiale.(les attractionsenvironnantes sont Broadway Building et Bund source, qui sont en cours derénovation complète.

Bund, à lorigine est Shanghai Chengxiang c?té nord - est de la plage lelong de la rivière, communément appelé "Huangpu Beach".Après louverture du portde Shanghai en 1843, le Premier consul britannique à Shanghai, M. bafur, sestintéressé à lendroit. En 1845, sur la base de la ? Charte foncière de Shanghai? publiée par la plate - forme routière de Shanghai, il a délimité 800 mu deterres à lintérieur du Bund comme concession britannique et a construit desroutes le long de la rivière, appelées ? Huangpu Road, Huangpu Beach Road ?.Versle début du siècle dernier, il y avait des banques au pays et à létranger, etprogressivement développé en "Wall Street oriental".Ce nest quen 1945 quil aété rebaptisé Zhongshan East Road.

Après la libération, en particulier dans les années 1990 et à la veille delExpo 20__, le Bund a subi deux transformations à grande échelle.Il convient dementionner quà la veille de lexposition mondiale, la zone touristique du Bunda amélioré la qualité de lenvironnement de la zone riveraine du Bund, mis enévidence le style historique et culturel et les caractéristiques de ?larchitecture universelle ?, déduit pleinement le thème de lexpositionmondiale ? une ville meilleure, une vie meilleure ? et fait du Bund la zone depaysage urbain la plus emblématique et la plus classique de Shanghai.

En 20__, la zone touristique du Bund a été nommée "Bund Morning Bell" et aété nommée lune des "Huit vues sur le nouveau Shanghai".

En un mot, nous disons: Bund Tourism Area combine le paysage humain et lepaysage naturel, le style classique occidental et le style moderne chinois secomplètent mutuellement, est Shanghai City Tourism a une longue histoire desites touristiques classiques.Cest une attraction touristique incontournablepour les touristes nationaux et étrangers qui visitent Shanghai.

Très bien, les visiteurs.En raison de la relation temporelle, la vuedensemble de la zone touristique du Bund est brièvement décrite ici.Allonsvisiter les attractions.



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In henan province is located in the Middle East, middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, hereinafter referred to as "yu", named for its most are located in the south of the Yellow River, the provincial capital zhengzhou, east and neighbouring jiangsu, shandong, anhui, southern hubei, shaanxi west, north and shanxi, hebei, linking the east to the west, south, north Henan is the cradle of Chinese civilization and the Chinese nation, the central plains hilo-systems, three business culture has a long history, Chinese culture, surname culture, cultural affinity, poetry and profound culture and martial arts culture; Many cultural relics, scenic spots in the province, the shaolin temple, longmen grottoes, yinxu, qingming shanghe garden, hometown of the yellow emperor, shangqiu city, songshan, yuntai mountain, baiyun mountain funiu, shiren mountain, jigong mountain, danjiangkou reservoir, wuhou temple is famous at home and abroad. Henan is one of the main birthplace of the Chinese nation, is the place where our ancestors lives and entrepreneurship. Dynasty to the northern song dynasty, there are 20 dynasty capital or moved the capital to the company, but so is henan war and disaster in the history of Chinese one of the most concentrated area. Of the eight rge ancient capitals in China, has accounted for four of henan province, xia shang ancient capital of zhengzhou, are respectively anyang, ten dynasties ancient capital luoyang and seven dynasties kaifeng. In addition to shangqiu, nanyang, such as the national famous historical and cultural city. As far back as four thousand years ago the neolithic age, the central plains people created the famous "PeiLiGang culture", "yangshao culture" and "longshan culture". Henan province is the important cradle of the Chinese surnames, China roots in henan province in 300, 171, there are "Chen along while, Huang Zheng row streets," said the overseas four surnames are originated from henan.

Henan rich tourism resources, many places of interest. Henan province there are 189 national key cultural relics protection units, and collections of cultural relics in the countrys first underground cultural relics. Henan province consists of 15 cities, every city has its unique tourism resources.



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"The west lake, thirty six", but the west lake of yangzhou, the formation of the lake, with its delicate and pretty beautiful charm of a fitting "thin" words.

West lake scenic area is shu he - the core and essence of west lake national key scenic spot. A song of water just like brocade belt, such as gone with the wind, such as breeze, when closed, when compared with hangzhou west lake, another thin verve. Sui and tang dynasties, the west coast is established in succession. When the qing dynasty, because the two emperors kangxi and qianlong six degrees of "southern", formed a "two dike flower LiuQuan depends on water, gazebo all the way until the mountain". The qiantang river in the qing dynasty poet wang kang hang to yangzhou west lake with the hangzhou west lake, wrote: "chueiyang constantly meet the residual weeds, wild goose tooth hongqiao yanyan drawing. Also pin a pot of gold, reason should be called west lake." West lake, hence the name and approval by people, was the Chinese and foreign.

West lake scenic area as the representative of lake landscape in our country, the classical garden group combines south show north male, combination is clever, are due to borrow, constitutes the common space, a west lake as the scene outside view, garden art realm, the garden are twenty scene in the history of famous throughout the world. Graceful zigzag a lake water, the list with volume Shi Dongtian, west park water, hongqiao evoque, causeway spring willow, pu misty rain, a warm southerly breeze, four bridge MeiLing spring depth, water clouds - almost, cloud, spring the bright moon, three white pagoda shine leave a trace, shu gang WanZhao, Wan Song jade green, flower island double spring the wins, pearl inlaid burging mixed on the jade belt, formed a picture of a thorn natural stereoscopic landscape picture scroll, and small jinshan 24 bridge scenic spot, the five pavilion bridge, is this picture of the pen.

The beauty of the west lake scenery, very early for people to yearn for. Qing liu observatory said: "to shop at lake mountain - hangzhou, suzhou, yangzhou garden house wins". Another qing Shen Fu in of SCFL (six chapters of a floating shout: "odd illusions, natural ornament, namely LangYuan jade pool, a fabulously rich residence, we trust this though. The beauty in the garden house one of more than ten, contact to mountain, imposing manner consistent." In the history of li bai, tu mu, ouyang xiu, liu yuxi, bai juyi, su shi, Wang Yuyang, pu songling, direction, wu ching-tzu, yu dafu, zhu zi-qing cultural celebrities such as leave or deep or shallow footprints in this area and a large number of popular discourse. "March fireworks yangzhou", "garden is more curtilage, horses and chariots, less than ship", "twenty-four bridge moon night, jade where people teach flute", "bead curtain volume spring breeze", "green eroilor guo is yangzhou" countless words such as lovers, eternal, added dazzling part for west lake.

West lake scenic area is due to its long history, rich cultural landscape, beautiful natural charm of elegance, already become the ancient and modern Chinese and foreign guests is a famous tourist attraction. West lake scenic area is the first important external window of China excellent tourist city of yangzhou, with national key scenic area, the national "AAAA level tourist area, the national civilized scenery tourist area demonstration site. In recent years, the west lake scenic area to develop the construction of scenic areas, attractions, has amounted to 168.32 hectares, food, travel, tour, shopping, entertainment, tourism increasingly perfect supporting facilities, with the ISO9001 international quality system certification, for the sustainable development of the new century and to inject new connotation of the international tourism market.

Ten mile lake, clear pale green garden, garden pond, sweeping dicui, pavilions, strewn at random have send. Humanities landscape, unique charm. West lake is eight visitors with open arms, warmly welcome the distinguished guests gaopeng. Five pavilion bridge The lake is unique among the national garden, five pavilion bridge is a sign of west lake, there is a place for in garden in the country. Its biggest characteristic is the perfect combination of masculine, feminine and southern north male organic harmony. The bridge was built in the lotus pangde, qing qianlong is twenty-two years (1757) tour salt empire built by emperor youzhu of northern qi, because was built in the lotus pangde, or because is shaped like a blooming lotus flower, so it is also called the lotus bridge.

To this, it is said that emperor qianlong southern lamented it is like spring QiongDao Yin scene, it points out the view of the bridge is draw lessons from Beijing in the north sea. Indeed, the bridge is affected by the north sea the five dragon pavilions, deep five pavilions built by the water, the five dragon pavilions longtzer, China and Japan faced on the bottom round, symbol looks; West for chung red, emerald green, chung is square double-hipped roof, floating cui is square single eaves; East is auspicious, zi xiang, chengcheng auspicious is square double-hipped roof. Five pavilions are green glazed tile roof, pavilion and pavilion Shi Liang connected between the two, tactfully if flying, another longtzer, zi xiang, floating cui three kiosks have single-arch stone bridge into the rock bank, draw bead column building, shining ripples. Yangzhou five pavilion bridge without the north sea open water, of course, cant put the five dragon pavilions. But clever craftsman dont make up, combine the pavilions, Bridges, form the pavilion bridge, for the five pavilions of cluster on a bridge, pavilion and pavilion with a short corridor, between form complete roof.

Bridge pavilion, poured male, both how to configure the harmonious? The key here is how to put the bridge construction so dainty, with bridge pavilion ratio, appropriate configuration harmony. ZaoQiaoZhe rolled the arch bridge built form, made up of three different roll contact hole, span a total of 15, center span is the largest, span of 7.13 meters, a large semicircle, direct injection, next to a dozen span arrangement on bridge based on three sides, can connect the north and the south, also a small semicircular, bridge hole for the fan, can pass. Positive, along with reflections, five hole formation, sizes and shapes their forms, thus on the bridge foundation of massiness, arranged the ethereal arch volume, placed in the straight line of the seam Angle curve little tunnel, and the bridge pavilion configuration naturally harmonious. No wonder the posterity to bridge foundation than into northern mighty men of valor, and compares the bridge pavilion south beautiful girl, this is combination of force and beauty, the harmony of zhuang and show.

The white

Yangzhou still circulating "night made white pagoda" story. The story of the qing dynasty grand view "unofficial history. One day, emperor qianlong tour in the west lake, ship to five pavilion bridge, suddenly to yangzhou accompanying officials said: "here is much like a city in the north sea QiongDao spring Yin ah, but a poor white tower". Early the next morning, the emperor xuan open a look, and see five pavilion bridge beside a white pagoda standing, thought it was from the sky, the eunuch hurriedly knelt beside play a way: "upstream of the west lake is a salt merchants who, to make up for the regret, rushed into the" overnight.

, is said to be one of the eight salt merchants, qianlong about the stories with describe, please graphed, and then the voice of night package with salt as the foundation, to push into the surface of the paper. Hyperopia, although only can close to climb, but the qianlong regrets ground say: "humanitarian yangzhou salt merchants rich of guilin, really liked".



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Zhengding Longxing Temple:

Longxing Temple, a thousand year old temple, has attracted generations ofpeople with its strong artistic charm. Since 1974, more than 70 nationalleaders, including Tian Jiyun, Bo Yibo, Li Peng, Li Ruihuan, Wu Jieping, PengChong, Peng Peiyun, Qian Qichen, Chi Haotian and Jiang Chunyun, have visitedLongxing Temple. On November 5, 20__, when Secretary Jiang inspected LongxingTemple, he highly praised its profound historical and cultural accumulation andwrote a memorial inscription. Longxing Temple of Northern Song Dynasty inZhengding, Hebei Province - this temple was originally built in Sui Dynasty andwas originally called longzang temple. It was only rebuilt in the early SongDynasty when its current name was used. Its general layout still retains thestyle of Song Dynasty, and it is a narrow rectangle with north-south centralaxis. There is a screen wall on the opposite side of the gate and a stone bridgeand archway in front of it. The bell and drum towers on the left and rightinside the gate and the hall of the sixth division of Dajue on the front havebeen destroyed. Then there are the East-West hall and the mani hall. Behind thehall are the altar (the corridor around and the Weituo hall at the back end nolonger exist), the Cishi Pavilion and the zhuanlunzang hall. Then there are theEast-West stele Pavilion and the Buddha incense Pavilion. Finally, there is theMituo hall. The abbot and the monks house are in the east of the BuddhistPavilion, with kitchen and stable. Due to the use of the change of buildingvolume and courtyard space, the axis is long but not rigid.

Longxing Temple covers an area of 82500 square meters. The main buildingsfrom south to north are Zhaobi, Shiqiao, Tianwang hall, Dajue Liushi Hall(site), Mani hall, pailou, jietan, Cishi Pavilion, zhuanlunzang Pavilion, DabeiPavilion, yushulou, Jiqing Pavilion, Mituo hall and Pilu hall. There are sixcultural relics in the temple, which can be rated as the best in the country:the Song Dynasty building mani hall, which is regarded as an isolated example ofthe worlds ancient daozuo Guanyin building by Mr. Liang Sicheng, an expert inancient architecture; the daozuo Guanyin hall, which is regarded as the"Oriental beauty God" by Mr. Lu Xun; the largest runner collection in the earlyperiod of China; the longzang Temple stele, which is praised as the first stelein the Sui Dynasty; the tallest bronze Buddha in ancient China; and the mostexquisite bronze Pilu Buddha in ancient China. In addition, in the northeast ofthe temple, there is a Ming and Qing Dynasty garden, Longteng garden, whichintegrates cultural relics display, tourism and leisure. The statue ofAvalokitesvara with thousand hands is a 21.3-meter-high bronze statue ofAvalokitesvara made in Kaibao fourth year of the Northern Song Dynasty at theorder of Zhao Kuangyin. Together with Cangzhou lion, Dingzhou tower and ZhaozhouDashiqiao, they are called "four treasures of Hebei". The thousand handedAvalokitesvara in Dabei pavilion was cast in the fourth year of Kaibao (971) ofthe Northern Song Dynasty. The lower xumizuo was built after the bronze statuewas cast. The plane of xumizuo is in the shape of "Le Yi", with a total lengthof 30.49 meters. It is 12.52 meters long in front, 5.54 meters long in the East,5.36 meters long in the west, 3.62 meters long in the East and 3.45 meters longin the West. It is composed of Shangfang, Shangxiao, Shuyao, Xiaxiao, Xiafangand Guijiao, with a height of 2.23 meters. According to the different positionand content, it adopts a variety of techniques, such as low relief, high relief,round carving and openwork carving, which makes the overall performance not onlygorgeous and changeable, but also rigorous and symmetrical.

2. The original statue of the four heavenly kings was destroyed in 1966,and the existing statue of the four heavenly kings was rebuilt in 1982. Like 4.8meters high, dressed in armor, stepping on the night fork, the name and image ofthe four heavenly kings are: the southern growth heavenly king, "growth" meansto be able to command all living beings, increase good roots, and protectBuddhism. He holds a sword, because the wind is generated by sword dancing, soit is called "wind"; in the East, he holds the kingdom of heaven, and "holdingthe kingdom" means to be compassionate and to protect all living beings. Heholds a Pipa in his hand, which is called "Diao" because it can transfer itspronunciation; in the north, he hears a lot about the heavenly king, which meanshappiness and virtue, and is well-known all over the world. He holds a preciousumbrella, which is called "rain" because it can block rain; In the west,"Guangmu" means to be able to observe the world at any time and protect allliving beings with a pure eye. He twines a snake in his hand, which means tosurrender and surrender. It means "Shun", which is collectively known as "Feng,Diao, Yu and Shun".

3. Sakyamuni and his two disciples The statue of Sakyamuni and his twodisciples in the middle of the hall of Mani is a clay sculpture of the SongDynasty. The statue of Sakyamuni in the middle is 9.28 meters high. It has adignified appearance. It has a bun and hair, a cassock on the shoulder, a skirton the lower body, a broad seat covering the skirt, and a hand seal. It isdecorated with a head light on the back. The body light and the shape have alarge backlight of bodhi tree branches and leaves, lions, elephants, sheep andmoye. But the upper part is incomplete, with a height of 9.28 meters.Sakyamunis name is Siddhartha, and his family name is Qiao Damo, which meansthe sage of Sakyamuni. Sakyamuni stands on the east side of the statue of hisdisciple Kaya. He holds his fist with both hands. He is mature and prudent. Heis 4.8 meters tall. The statue of disciple Ananda standing on the west side,hands together, faithful and devout, 4.9 meters high.



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Tourists, no matter which city you come from, every city will have somecommon places, such as rush hour, smoke from big chimneys, river pollution, foodsafety concerns, continuous noise at night, constant temperature of office airconditioning; our city residents are like fighting machines, bearing thepressure and helplessness of city life every day. We gradually lose the feelingof getting along with nature unconsciously.

So many friends hope to go to a pure place, looking for some of theancients simple life fun. As a result, ancient towns, small towns and villageshave become temporary paradise for our tired body and mind. Many friends chooseto go to Tibet, because there are holy snow mountains and mysterious customs.However, the long journey, high altitude reaction and high cost may delay ourplan for the time being.

But at this time, you came to Guizhou, I said: This is your wisechoice!

First of all, you dont have to worry about the thin air and cold climate,because we all feel the mild and humid climate here. The pure air makesbreathing a kind of enjoyment. Although there is no endless snow mountain, it isfull of verdant forests. If you want to experience the rich customs of ethnicminorities, you can get it everywhere in our mountains, rivers, restaurants andwindows.

Referring to the 17 ethnic minorities living in Guizhou, I would like toask you which ethnic groups you know? (after listening to the tourists answers,add: Miao, Dong, Buyi, Shui, Yi, Gelao, Zhuang, Yao, Tujia, man, Bai, Hui, she,Mongolia, Maonan, Qiang, Mulao)

You may not have thought that in Bijie and Dafang areas of NorthwestGuizhou, there are Mongolian and Manchu nomads who can live here. In fact, themost representative Miao people in Guizhou came here more than __ years ago. AsI have said before, Guizhou is a province composed of political parties of allages, and the Miao compatriots can be said to be the earliest political partiesin Guizhou.

Miao is an ancient nationality, which originated from the "Jiuli" tribe inthe Yellow Emperor Period more than 5000 years ago. At that time, "Jiuli" livedin the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. In the war with Huangditribe, Huangdi and Yandi United. Chiyou, the leader of Jiuli, was captured andkilled by Huangdi. The rest of the tribe retreated to the middle and lowerreaches of the Yangtze River, forming "Sanmiao" tribe and establishing Sanmiaostate.

Four thousand years ago, the northern Chinese tribes headed by Yao, Shunand Yu fought against the "Sanmiao" again and again; finally, the state ofSanmiao was destroyed by Xiayu. Some of them were expelled to southern Sichuan,Northeast Yunnan, Northwest Guizhou and other places, forming the Miaonationality with Western dialect; some of them were integrated with Chinese; theother part was called "Nanman" in Shang and Zhou Dynasties; because they livedin the middle reaches of Han River, they were called "Jingchu barbarians".Later, the advanced part of Jingchu barbarians gradually developed into Chunationality and established Chu state, while the backward part continued to moveto Hunan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Hubei and other mountainous areas, most of whichstayed in Southeast Guizhou and developed into Miao compatriots living in thedepth of Miaoling in Guizhou Province.

According to the fifth census, there are 8.9 million Miao people in China,and more than 70% of them live in Guizhou. Over the past few years, our Hancompatriots have been converging and developing into a modern society, withoutany traces of ancient ancestors. The trace of slash and burn cultivation hasbeen preserved by this group of Miao people in the mountains of Guizhou. TheMiao culture has a long history, and its strong cultural charm is reflected fromthe Miao familys clothing, food, housing and transportation, song and danceentertainment, weddings and funerals.

Miao is a hospitable people, toast is the best courtesy Miao people use toentertain guests, so no matter which Miao village you visit, Miao people willuse the cup filled with wine to sing a toast song for you. After drinking theMiao rice wine and entering the Miao village, the Miao compatriots will welcomethe guests with their thousand year old songs and dances. Among them, woodendrum dance is the most famous in Fanpai village of Taijiang County in SoutheastGuizhou. Whenever there are sacrificial activities and festivals, the wholevillage will dance with wooden drum accompaniment. This dance is bold and fullof rhythm, which is called "Oriental disco" by European and Americantourists.

Most of the songs and dances of Miao people are hip twisting, which isrelated to their living environment. Miao tribes are basically in the mountains,along the way are mountain paths, and Miao costumes, women are wearing thickskirts, when carrying items on their shoulders, in order to walk conveniently,they have to carry skirts and twist waist to walk, so their crotch is relativelydeveloped, so dance is mainly to twist crotch.

In addition to the colorful long skirt Miao, there are also short skirtMiao. For the convenience of walking, in the short skirt Miao village of DatangVillage, Leishan County, Southeastern Guizhou, the super short skirt is not arecent international fashion, but a womans clothing that has been handed downfrom generation to generation. They like to wear it as super short skirt, whichis very convenient to go up and down the mountain. The short skirt Jinji danceis also a classic dance. Wearing short skirts, the women imitate the brisk paceof the natural golden pheasant in the accompaniment of Lusheng, which is verybeautiful. When dancing, the silver ornaments and bells on the body are ringing,full of youthful vitality. originate

Miao people have their own language and no culture. Their history and lifeare often passed on from generation to generation through clothing embroiderypatterns and songs. When it comes to our Miao peoples singing, its amazing! Weknow that song Zuying, a famous Chinese singer, is Miao people, but his familyis Guzhang County in Xiangxi, Hunan Province, which is closely connected withQiandongnan. She has sung the "flying song of the earth" we are very familiarwith, flying song is our Miao unique singing form. But why is it called "Feige".This has something to do with where our Miao compatriots live. When we come tothe center of Miao peoples settlement, the Balahe River Valley, Leishan County,Taijiang county and other places in Southeast Guizhou, we will find that mostMiao villages are built on the mountain. It takes a lot of effort to transferinformation between villages. In the past, there was no modern communicationtool, so it took a lot of effort to go up and down the mountain. Smart Miaocompatriots found that the intensity of singing is greater than that ofspeaking, and the transmission is far away, so they use singing to transmitinformation. Lets think about it. Its like flying when singing in themountains. So this kind of dynamic and energetic singing form is gradually leftbehind. Now the Miaos flying songs have gone across the sea. The sweet and highpitched songs of a Youduo, a Miao singer from Guizhou, have been sung in theyouth song competition of CCTV, the Golden Hall of Vienna and the concert hallof the United States.

Speaking of which, let me dedicate a flying song of our Miao nationality toyou. Thank you again for your coming. The singing is not necessarily authentic,just to give you more feelings. Thank you for your encouragement.

When we go to the village, we will see the neat farmland and the clearriver. The environment of the village is elegant and the layout is reasonable.The clean stone path in the village winds to every household. Miao people need alot of wood to build houses, but they have a strong sense of sustainabledevelopment. Every child is born, they have to plant a forest. Every tree is cutdown, they have to get the approval of the whole village. Every village issurrounded by dense forests, and every village will have the largest ancienttree as its patron saint. Miao people live in a house called Diaojiaolou, whichis not as solid and closed as Fujian Tulou, nor as slim and transparent asYunnan bamboo building, but has a kind of simplicity and persistence rooted inmountains. Diaojiaolou is generally built on the hillside, using the local wholefir log support structure, the support is combined by wood wedge, without nails.Then the wooden groove is carved on the bracket, and the wooden plate is used asthe wall. In the past, the roof was made of fir bark, but now it is made ofsmall green tiles. This kind of Miao folk house is generally built with threefloors. The bottom floor is used to pile up sundries and feed livestock; thesecond floor is used for the living of the owner; and above the third floor isthe roof for stacking grain. On the second floor, there is a place similar tothe balcony, which is the place where our Miao girls communicate with theoutside world. Its called "meirenrely". When a Miao girl grows up, she willembroider her dowry and sing folk songs while waiting for a lover.

There is a fixed festival for young Miao men and women to fall in love -sister meal day. On March 15 of the lunar calendar, unmarried girls go up to themountain to pick leaves and flowers, which are used to dye red, yellow, white,blue, black and other colors into "colorful glutinous rice". This is sistersrice. The girls set up tables and displayed meals. Several or more peoplegathered together to warmly receive the young men who came to beg for "sistersdinner". Young men from other places who go to any family to express theircongratulations and admiration to the girls and ask for "sister meal" from themcan be warmly treated. After dinner, the girl and the young man make anappointment to go to the square or other places in the village to sing lovesongs and fall in love all night. Through the festival of "sister meal", youngmen and women can choose their favorite person and form a lifelong partner.Therefore, their marriage is relatively open.

If we visit the Miao family for dinner, we may not be used to their specialdishes. However, if you can eat the most famous sour soup fish, it is ablessing. Sour soup is fermented by Miao family with rice soup and wild redpersimmon. Every family has prepared it. Fish, of course, are wild fish from theriver. Fish in sour soup tastes sour and sweet. The fish is tender anddelicious. Then cook some tofu and vegetables. Its appetizing and nutritious.During the meal, when everyone sits around the fire pool, the host will sing atoast song and offer sweet rice wine to the guests, which will make you feelhappy and forget to return.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7577 字

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Today we are going to visit Fenghuang Mountain scenic spot.

Fenghuang mountain, located 60 kilometers northwest of Dandong City, hasbeen known as "the first famous mountain in Eastern Liaoning" since ancienttimes. During the reign of Daoguang and Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty, Fenghuangmountain, together with Yiwulu Mountain, Qianshan Mountain and Yaoshan mountain,was known as the "four famous mountains in Fengtian province". Now it is knownas "the famous mountain of the country" and "the first famous mountain of theGreat Wall".

Now the road we take is Shendan Road, that is, the road from Dandong toShenyang. The highway is about 280 kilometers long, and Fenghuang mountain isjust next to Shendan. It is 60 kilometers from Dandong to Fenghuang mountain,and 220 kilometers from Fenghuang mountain to Shenyang. It takes about half anhour from here to Fenghuang mountain. Id like to use this time to tell youabout Fenghuang mountain.

The reason why Fenghuang mountain is called Fenghuang mountain is notbecause it looks like a Phoenix, but according to a legend: during the reign ofemperor Zhenguan of Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty,came to visit the mountain in admiration of his name. The Phoenix danced on the"ancestor worship stone" and nodded to Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty. EmperorTaizong of Tang Dynasty was very happy and immediately gave the mountain"Fenghuang Mountain". Fenghuang mountain is located in the remaining vein ofChangbai Mountain, covering an area of more than 120 square kilometers. Thehighest peak is Zanyun peak, with an altitude of 836.4. Fenghuang mountain isdivided into Xishan, Dongshan, Miaogou, Gucheng, Yulong lake and other scenicspots. It is often said that Fenghuang Mountain has the characteristics ofTaishan, Huashan, Huangshan and Emei. Because of the time constraint, we cantvisit every scenic spot of Fenghuang mountain today. Id like to visit severalrepresentative scenic spots of Xishan Mountain with you, so that we can have aglimpse and see the whole picture.

Now we stop here. Please get ready for climbing.

We are now at the gate of Fenghuang mountain. This is an antique stylebuilding. On the left is Phoenix, male bird, on the right is Phoenix, femalebird.

What we see in front of us is Ziyang temple. It is said that Ziyang isauspicious in Taoism, so the Taoist temple takes this as its name. Today, wealso come to Ziyang Temple early. Its a good opportunity for us to "come fromthe East". It seems that this will bring us good luck and good luck. Ziyangtemple is hosted by Fenghuang mountain, also known as Sanguan hall. It was firstbuilt in the early years of Hongzhi of Ming Dynasty. It is composed of Sanguanhall, dongxipeidian hall, bell and Drum Tower.

Now lets go into the Sanguan hall and have a look. In the hall of threeofficials, there are statues of heaven, earth and water. In the middle is TianGuan Yao, who can bless; on the right is di min Shun, who can forgive sins; onthe left is Shui Guan Yu, who can punish evils. If devout people worship infront of the three official statues, they will get rid of their sins and enjoythe blessings of heaven. On the left side of the three official statues are thegroup sculptures of "jinnv in yaochi" (legend), on the right side are the groupsculptures of "Eight Immortals crossing the sea" (legend), and on the east sideof the main hall are the "Dharma protector Lingguan" (legend) Everyone is equalbefore the law. The prince is guilty of the same crime as the common people. Onthe west side is the "law protecting land". The pictures on the wall are "Maguxianshou", "Dayu Zhishui", "emperor zhanchiyou", "Shennong tasted a hundredherbs" (Legends). These legends can bring you to the distant past and arouseyour continuous nostalgia for the past. As partners of Ziyang temple, thelegends of the four ancient pines have been guarding Ziyang temple for more thanhalf a century. The ancient pines and the ancient temples complement each other,making Ziyang Temple more solemn and simple.

There are two holes on the left and right in the three church cave. To theleft is the "tongxuan cave". After drilling through the "tongxuan cave" andpassing through the "Tongtian Biequ", after getting out of the cave, climbingthe hanging wall is the "Guanyin Pavilion". At the top of this huge stone, therewas a chair like depression that could only accommodate one person, which is theGuanyin seat. Why does Guanyin sit here? Because there are many deities andBuddhas living in its cave, and there are many different sects, it isinconvenient for her to practice the skills there, so she changed the place ofmeditation to here. Over time, the rock was set in a pit. Guanyin Bodhisattvaoften teaches magic, preaches scriptures and preaches to the flute here. Thebelievers feel very uneasy. In order to be grateful and praise virtue and showthe sincerity of respecting the teacher, a temple has been built on the rock onthe right, which is now the Guanyin Pavilion. From then on, faithful men andwomen went back and forth like shuttles, worshiping and offering incense.Guanyin pavilion was built in the reign of emperor Shenzong of Ming Dynasty. Itis divided into two layers, one for Guanyin and the other for Weituo. "Guanyin"is the name of a Buddhist Bodhisattva. According to the Buddhist "Dharma Sutra ·Pu men pin", if all the dead people recite their name, that is "Guanyin", theBodhisattva immediately observes their voice and goes to rescue and extricatethemselves. According to this statement, "Guanyin" is paraphrased. Later, LiShimin, Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty, taboo the word "Shi", so he had to omit"Shi" and change it to "Guanyin". It is said that Guanyin was originally maleand female. Guanyin began in the northern and Southern Dynasties, and there aremany legends about Bodhisattvas with thousands of hands and thousands of eyesand giving away children and wealth. As for the "pure water bottle" and the"willow branch" in Guanyins hand, they were originally the meaning of universalBuddhism and a symbolic "prop". Later, it became a magic weapon to control theweather in the world, a panacea to treat all kinds of diseases. Wei Tuo is aBuddhist God. His surname is Wei and his name is Hun. He is one of the EightGenerals of the southern Changtian king, ranking first among the 32 generals ofthe four heavenly kings.

Now we come to Phoenix cave. There is a doggerel when visiting FenghuangMountain: "come to Fenghuang mountain, explore Fenghuang cave, climb arrow eyepeak, and enjoy endless scenery.". When it comes to Fenghuang mountain, you haveto experience the interesting Fenghuang cave and climb the famous "arrow eyepeak". It seems that climbing arrow eye peak is too difficult. As the sayinggoes, "the mountain is not high, there are Fairy Spirit.". We have worshippedmany immortals. It can be said that the aura of Fenghuang Mountain has beenappreciated. Now we go into Fenghuang cave to find out. I dont think we haveany regrets. It is said that Phoenix cave is the habitat of Phoenix, whichcontains phoenix eggs. When Emperor Taizong visited Fenghuang mountain,Fenghuang flew out of the cave to worship his ancestors. Phoenix cave is about200 meters long. After entering the cave, the sky is bright, and the darker yougo, you need to hold a candle.

OK, now we have the lighting tools ready. Lets experience the Phoenix cavepersonally?

Everybody, Phoenix cave is really good ~!

OK, I think everyone is a little tired now. Lets have a rest here. If youhave any questions, lets learn from each other, and Ill learn from you. OK,thank you.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2329 字

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My name is __X. Im the tour guide of the ship. On my left is our captainand on my right is the purser. We are here to extend a warm welcome to all thetourists!

Lijiang River is a demonstration scenic spot of national civilization. Ifyou have any difficulties and requirements, you can put forward them to us atany time, and we will deal with them seriously. Well, our ship is about toleave. I wish you a pleasant journey and all the best.

The Lijiang River is as green as a huge Jasper and as quiet as a mirror.Next, lets walk into the beautiful Lijiang River and enjoy the beautifulscenery. No smoking on board, no children on board.

Dear tourists, our boat will go down the river and soon you will see thelandscape of huangniuyan, which is the first batch of AAAA scenic spots inChina. Huangniuyan is on both sides of the Lijiang River, south of MopanMountain, facing Biya across the river, about 30 kilometers away from Guilin.There are many strange stones on the gorge, such as green lotus, lion tiger, batand cattle group, which get their names. At this point, the Lijiang river turns90 degrees, and the current is divided into two parts. It beats the Zhuzhou androlls south. The folk saying goes: "nine cattle against three continents, theriver flows two times; five horses block the river, and two lions rollembroideries."

Now, please take a look at my left side. This is "thumb mountain". It issaid that the Buddhas thumb became it. You can take photos here at will. Aftera short walk, we arrived at the well-known "monkey eat Xiantao" mountain. OK,now you all see a huge stone in front of you? Is it like a little monkey? Thereis a smaller stone beside the huge stone. Is it like a peach? The monkey is themonkey king, and the peach is the fairy peach of the queen mother, so thismountain is called "monkey eat Fairy peach mountain".

The scenery of Lijiang River is also very beautiful. In spring, snow melts,mountain springs tinkle, trees flourish in summer, melons and fruits fragrancein autumn and snow in winter. Now we are at Camel Mountain. You can see that themountains on my right side are like rows of camels. You can take pictures on thetop of the boat. Children, be careful not to fall into the water.

The terminal is here. Thank you for your cooperation. Lets have a happyday. Welcome to Lijiang any time. Goodbye!
