





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2030 字

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Emperor Qianlong once said: if you knew there was Panshan, why go toJiangnan. However, today our family also appreciate the scenery of Panshan.

Panshan was first recorded in the Han Dynasty and flourished in the QingDynasty. It is a tourist resort with mountains and rivers, scenic spots andhistorical sites, Buddhist culture and royal culture. It is one of the top 15places of interest in China. Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty visited Panshan 32times, and many literati left many famous quatrains here.

Early in the morning, we came to the foot of the mountain. Entering thegrand gate, we climbed up the mountain along the rugged path. Apricot trees onboth sides of the road are blooming with snow-white flowers, purple lilies andyellow jasmine flowers. At the corner of the mountain road, a strange stone inthe shape of a gold ingot caught my eye. On it was a strong big word: "here arelofty mountains, strange stones and strange pines." As we continue to walkforward, the mountain spring beside the road is clear and flows down themountain. We come to Tiancheng temple. There are two Ginkgo trees on the leftand on the right in the courtyard. They are tall, straight and towering into theclouds. It is said that they are more than 1000 years old. At this time, themountain road is more rugged and steep. Our grandparents, who are more than 70years old, walk with us, attracting the praise of many tourists. It also givesme more confidence to continue climbing. The deep bell of Wansong Templereverberates in the valley.

In order to pursue speed, I copied the path. I was caught in the middle ofthe stone crack. No matter how I broke free, I was still caught, and the more Ibroke free, the more I sank. At this time, a big brother came to see me pull meup. I just wanted to say thank you. The big brother has gone far away. Its abeautiful place with beautiful mountains, beautiful water and beautifulpeople.

Panshans beautiful scenery, clear water, waterfalls, different shapes ofmountains and rocks, deeply imprinted in my heart.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 11627 字

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The places of historic interest and scenic beauty are the Yu Garden,located in the northeast of Shanghai, old Chengxiang, North Road, Anren street,southwest and Shanghai old temple.

In the park, there are three famous stones of the south of the YangtzeRiver called the jade Linglong, the command point of the 1853 knives uprising,the spring hall, and the tourist attractions of Town Gods Temple and shoppingstreet on the side of the park.

Yu Garden began to open to the public in 1961. In 1982, it was listed as anational key cultural relic protection unit by the State Council.

Yu Garden was originally a private garden in the Ming Dynasty. It was builtin Jiajing and Wanli years. It has been over four hundred years as of 20__.

Pan yunduan, the owner of the garden, was the chief minister of Sichuan.His father pan en, whose name is Zi Ren, was named Lijiang. He was an officialin duchayuan, the censor of zuodou and the Minister of punishment. The panfamily was the wangmen family in Shanghai at that time. In 1553 (the 32nd yearof Jiajing reign of the Ming Dynasty), the nine mile long wall of Shanghai wasbuilt, which gradually calmed down the Japanese invasion along the southeastcoast. For more than 20 years, the people of Shanghai, whose lives and propertywere often threatened, gained a little stability, and the social economyrecovered and began to prosper. The literati built gardens one afteranother.

Pan en resigned in his old age and returned to his hometown. In order tolet his father live in his old age, pan yunduan began to build gardens onseveral vegetable fields in the west of the Shichun Hall of the pan familyshouse in 1559. After more than twenty years of painstaking efforts, Yu Gardenhas been built. "Yu" has the meaning of "peace" and "Antai". It is named "YuGarden" and has the meaning of "Yuyue old relatives".

At that time, the Yu Garden was over 70 acres, designed by Zhang Nanyang, afamous gardener in Ming Dynasty, and personally involved in the construction.The ancients praised Yu Garden "Qi Xiu Jia in Southeast" and "southeast famousgarden crown".

Pan yunduans family declined in his later years. Pan yunduan died in1620__ (the 29th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty), and his family graduallydeclined, unable to bear the huge expenses of garden repair and management. Atthe end of the Ming Dynasty, Yu Garden was made for Zhang Zhaolin. From then to1760 (twenty-five years of Qianlong emperor), in order not to annihilate thisscenic spot, some local gentry merchants gathered money to buy Yu Garden, andspent more than twenty years to rebuild the terrace and build the mountainstone. At that time, the East Garden in Town Gods Temple was East, that is,todays inner garden, and the Yu Garden was slightly West. Shanghai Yu Gardenancient pavilion landscape

In 1842, twenty-two years ago, the first Opium War broke out, and foreigninvaders invaded Shanghai. The British army took over the Yu Garden and ravagedit. In 1853, in response to the Taiping Revolution, Shanghai Xiaodao Societylaunched an uprising in Shanghai. After the uprising failed, the Qing soldiersburned and looted in the city, and the Yu Garden was severely damaged. Thebuildings such as the spring hall, the fragrant snow hall, the osmanthus flowerhall, the moon house and so on were all on fire.

In 1860 (ten years of Qing Xianfeng), the Taiping Army marched intoShanghai. The Manchu government colluded with the British and French invaders,took Town Gods Temple and Yu Garden as a garrison outside the army, excavatedstones and filled pools in the garden, and built western style military houses.After 1875, the whole garden was divided into more than 20 industrial andcommercial industries in Shanghai, such as bean and rice industry, sugarindustry, cloth industry and so on. On the eve of liberation, the Yu Gardenpavilions were dilapidated, the rockery collapsed, the pool dried up, the treeswithered, and the old landscapes were gradually annihilated.

Since 1956, Yu Garden has carried out a large-scale renovation, whichlasted for five years and opened to the public in September 1961. Now Yu Gardenoccupies an area of over thirty acres, with varied pavilions, lofty mountainsand trees, and green trees. It is beautiful and exquisite, exquisitely carvedand long, and has the characteristics of small and medium sized. It reflects theartistic style of the two dynasties Jiangnan garden architecture in Ming andQing Dynasties.

Yu Garden was listed as a municipal cultural relic protection unit in 1959.Yu Garden was opened to the public in 1961. In February 1982, it was publishedby the State Council as a national key cultural relic protection unit.

Cuixiu hall was built in 1760. It is hidden deep in the north foot of therockery. It faces a cliff and faces a high wall in the north. It is surroundedby ancient wood and beautiful flowers. The environment is quiet and elegant. Youcan have a close view of the rockery by pushing the window in the hall. Nowthere is an antique shop.

"Gradually getting better" comes from the biography of Gu Kai in the bookof Jin, which is fascinating. The corridor is paved with stone slabs, with asmall bridge in the middle and geese on both sides. You can watch the scenery ofthe mountains and rivers. In the middle of the corridor stands a Taihu Lakestone peak, about 2.3 meters high and graceful, so it is called "beautywaist".

The iron lion of the Yuan Dynasty is located in front of the corridor of"getting better". Left female and right male, cast in 1290, the base bears theinscription of "Zhao Zhang, craftsman of Tongshan Town, Anyang County, ZhangdePrefecture" and "xigengyin, 27 years old from the state of yuan, October28".

Built with thousands of tons of Huangshi from Wukang, Zhejiang Province,the rockery was carefully designed and built by Zhang Nanyang, a famous mountainmaker in the Ming Dynasty. It is also his only surviving work. The height of themountain is about 14 meters. Pan Yunduans evaluation of the big rockery in thebook of Yu Garden is: "it is very pleasant to watch."

Yangshan hall is composed of five couplets. In the north, there is anambulatory and a curving sill near the pool. You can sit and rest. In the hall,there is a plaque of "here are lofty mountains" recorded in the preface toLanting by Wang Xizhi of Jin Dynasty. The name of juanyu building comes from thepoem "the curtain of pearls is rolling rain in the West Mountain" in tengwanggeby Wang Bo, a poet of the early Tang Dynasty.

Sansui hall was built in 1760 when the west garden was rebuilt. It is 9meters high. It is one of the main buildings in the garden. In the Qing Dynasty,it was a place for official celebrations and "preaching the oracle", and also agathering place for the local gentry.

The "famous Marine Park" was held in May 18, 1999 by Comrade __ of the CPCCentral Committee and __ and __ to celebrate the 440th anniversary issue of YuGarden construction.

Ginkgo tree is 21 meters high, with dense branches and leaves. It is saidthat it was planted by the owner of the garden for more than 400 years.

The four corners of Wanhua building have the pattern of plum, orchid,bamboo and chrysanthemum, and the four windows are leaky. There are many windingsills around the corridor. Beside the white wall, there are stone peaks andgreen bamboos.

There is a small pavilion at the east end of the corridor. When you lookdown on it, you can see the clear spring like a mirror. When you look across thecliff, you can see the stone peak standing on the wall. Facing the mountain andfacing the water, you can see the ancient peoples taste of "two suitable formountain and water". So its called liangyixuan. In the north there is abuilding named Yifang, which is shaped like an ancient boat.

The corridor is separated by a wall in the middle and can walk on bothsides. There are leaky windows of different shapes on the wall. From the leakywindows, you can see the terrace on the left and the peak stone on the right,just like a picture sketch. The west end of the corridor is connected with aSquare Pavilion. There is a plaque in the pavilion, which says "understanding isnot far away".

Around the Yule Pavilion, there are towering ancient trees. You can see thefish swimming in the pool by the fence. The watersheds on XieJian stream reflectthe characteristics of Jiangnan gardens. The stream is only a few feet long. Theflower wall divides the stream into two. There are leaky windows andsemicircular openings on the wall. Next to the fish Pavilion, there is aWisteria tree that has passed more than three hundred years of spring andautumn. In the early spring of each year, its branches are full of small whiteflowers.

Genial hall and Dianchun hall are separated from each other by water. Thehall is square and open around. A set of furniture on display in the hall,including tables, chairs, tables and decorative Phoenix and Kirin, are all madeof banyan roots and have a history of more than 100 years. There are stone stepsleading to the listening Oriole Pavilion.

"Da Chang Tai" is also called "Feng Wu Luan Yin". The stage is close to themountain and water. The eaves in front of the stage are exquisitely carved andpainted with gold and color. On the stone pillars around the stage, there arecouplets depicting the scenery of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

In the southeast of dianchuntang, there are lakes, rocks, rockeries,clouds, water and rocks, and deep caves. On the mountain, there are double-layerpavilions; the upper layer is called Kuailu, and the lower layer is calledYanshuang Pavilion. From Kuailu to the south, there are jingyixuan and TingliPavilion, surrounded by flower walls, forming a small courtyard.

Chuanyun dragon wall is located in the west of Dianchun hall. The dragonhead is made of clay, and the dragon body is made of tiles. There are alsoseveral dragon walls in the garden: Wolong behind the rockery, Shuanglong Xizhuin the west of the genial hall, and mianlong in front of the inner garden.

The whole building of Dianchun hall is a five bay hall with characterscarved on the fans. The beams and columns are of peculiar shapes and decoratedwith gold foil. After the hall, there is a water Pavilion in linchi, on whichthere is a plaque saying "feifeiyue". Dianchun hall was built in the early yearsof Daoguang reign in the Qing Dynasty. It was once the place for Fujian foreignmerchants to worship gods in Shanghai. It is commonly known as "HuatangGongshu". During the Xiaodaohui uprising, this was the headquarters of theuprising army in the north of the city. One of the leaders of the Xiaodaohui,the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, recruited Marshal Chen Alin to work here andissued a decree, which was called "dianchuntang mansion". After the failure ofthe uprising, Dianchun hall was seriously damaged. In 1868, it was rebuilt andcompleted in four years. There is a large traditional Chinese painting "swordview" by Ren Bonian, a painter of the late Qing Dynasty. On both sides of thepainting are couplets written by the calligrapher Shen Yinmo: "courage embracesemptiness, and heart is the source of essence.". The hall also displays theweapons used by the rebel army, self coined coins, sun and moon coins, as wellas the announcement and other cultural relics.

Because both sides of the pavilion are facing water, the meaning of"flowing cup and flowing water" is taken from preface to Lanting. On the side ofthe pavilion, there are three curved slab bridges, built with water. West ofSanqu Banqiao is Huanyun rockery. The mountain is made of Lake stones, withdeyuelou in the north and Qingquan in the West. There are springs in the cave,and streams flow out of the cave.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1370 字

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Ancient lotus pond is one of the famous ancient gardens in China. As soonas you enter the gate, the first thing you see is a rockery. On the archwaybehind the gate, there are four bright words: "ancient lotus pond". They areplaced in the middle, as if to welcome the guests here.

On the right side of the gate is a row of black stone tablets. Thecharacters on the stone tablets are written by famous calligraphers of differentdynasties. Further on, you can see a white Jiuqu bridge, through which you cometo the water Pavilion. The pavilion has eight corners, and each corner is hungwith a lovely wind chime. As long as mother-in-law Feng blows gently, the littlewind chime will make a pleasant sound. There are six pillars around thepavilion, which are all connected together. Tourists can sit on it and have arest, or look at the wind in the distance.

When I went into the pavilion, I found that it was spacious and cool. Therewere many patterns on the pavilion, and the structure was very fine. There wasnot a nail in the whole pavilion. This shows the wisdom and ability of theancient people.

Standing in the water Pavilion, I saw many lotus leaves and flowers in thelotus pool. Walking back from the water Pavilion, there is a famous library inChina.

Beautiful lotus pool, beautiful water, beautiful scenery, I am very proudof my hometown with such a beautiful scenery.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3864 字

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St. laorenzo church, known as Fengshun church, is one of the three oldestchurches in Macao. It is located in fengshuntang street, just opposite to MacauCiyou middle school. The actual construction year is unpredictable, butaccording to historical records, it is estimated that the church was a woodenchapel founded by Jesuits around 1569. According to the inscriptions on one ofthe stone inscriptions in the church, it was first rebuilt in 1618. As for thescale of the church, it was rebuilt in 1844.

When St. laorenzo church was built in the early years, because it was closeto the wharf, there was a flag pole in the church, which was an importantindicator for Portuguese to decide whether to go to sea or not. "A brief accountof Macao" states: "in the southwest, there is Fengxin temple. Since the Tibetanships came out, the family members came back every day and prayed for Fengxinhere." Therefore, this church is also commonly known as "fengxintang". Later,because of the homonym of "Xin" and "Shun" in Cantonese, perhaps to pray forgood weather, "Feng Xin" became "Feng Shun", and "Feng Shun Tang Street" and"Feng Shun Tang district" got their names. Different from the rose church andSt. Josephs Chapel, St. laorenzos building is towering and imposing. TheEuropean classical style has a baroque flavor. Because the whole building is notlocated in the square (front ground), or out of the position of a certainsection of scenery, in order to highlight the existence of the whole church andserve as the center of a residential area, a high platform with nearly one flooris added below the church to make it more upright and conspicuous. And theprocess of the faithful men and women climbing up the ladder has become a kindof ceremony before they enter the church to worship. Another difference from thefirst two churches is that St. laorenzo church covers a large area, so there isa large courtyard around the church. The courtyard is full of vibrant plants,and it is separated from the residential buildings nearby in space and vision.Therefore, the entrance to the church basically focuses on the building itself,the surrounding plants and the blue sky There is no earthly noise, quiet andpleasant.

Many years ago, Fengshun hall was called Fengxin hall among Chinese people,which means Shunfeng Shunshui. Most of the Portuguese who lived in Australiamade a living by going to sea for business. Their families prayed for the safereturn of their relatives more than this church, hoping for the protection ofthe gods. The hyacinth flagpole set up in the church provided an important indexfor the Portuguese sailing boats which were mainly driven by wind at that time."Fengshun" is the Cantonese homonym of "Fengxin", which makes the church moreChinese.

The Fengshun hall was established as early as 1569, during which it wasrebuilt several times, including one in 1618. The old church was decorated in1979, which added to its splendor. Church design, magnificent, left and rightbell tower and Qi, one is a clock, used to tell the time; one is a bronze bell,used for church mass shaking roar. The roof of the church is covered withChinese style golden tiles, and the interior decoration is full of Orientalcolor and elegant. The hall is spacious and magnificent, with huge beams andexquisite chandeliers, which is quite luxurious and grand.

In the altar, there is a statue of Saint laorenzo, wearing gorgeous robes,holding the Bible in one hand and the staff in the other. It is solemn andsolemn. In the eyes of Portuguese who often sail, it is the God of peace andgood faith.

The church is not far away from the temple of mage. However, in the shortdistance, we can see the echo of Portuguese maritime patron and Chinese sea god,witness the collision and integration of Western and Chinese culture, andappreciate the tolerance of Macao people to different cultures.



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Australian anthropologist Geddes wrote in his book mountain immigrants thatthere are two kinds of miserable immigrants in the world: the Jews who do nothave their own homes in the world, and the Chinese Miao people who have beenmigrating for thousands of years. Xijiang is the main gathering place of thefifth great migration of Miao nationality. Xijiang Miao people first moved hereabout the time of hanwendu in the Western Han Dynasty, and it has a history ofmore than 1800 years, so Xijiang can also be called the Millennium ancientvillage. So far, there are 1288 families in Xijiang, nearly 6000 people, so itis also called Qianhu Miao village. This is the largest Miao Nationality inChina and the largest Miao village in the world.

I gave you a general introduction of Xijiang River. I think you cant waitto talk about it. The viewing platform is in front of us.

Miao nationality is a solemn and stirring nationality. After fivemigrations, they finally fled to settle here. Xijiang Miao nationality came tothis valley surrounded by mountains. The terrain is dangerous, easy to defendand difficult to attack. So choosing to settle down here is also considering acertain strategic role. There is a saying among the Miao people that the biggerthe water bay, the more they can snipe wealth and talents. Lets see if XijiangRiver is in a big water bay. Its surrounded by water in the front, backed bymountains, left Qinglong and right Baihu. Here is a collection of the aura ofheaven and earth. Its really a geomantic treasure land!

It is said that "playing in Xijiang, watching in Xijiang, we should bedrunk in Xijiang." walking through the Miao village is like shuttling throughthe historical time and space of the ancient Miao culture!

In the village, the layers of wooden buildings with hanging feet spread outfrom both sides of the river in accordance with the mountains. In front of thehouse and behind the house, there are luxuriant bamboos; in the foot of thevillage, there are maple leaves on the top. Its so magnificent! Every evening,thousands of families light up their own lights. As the sky gets darker anddarker, the Miao village becomes a sea of lights, and the scene becomes brighterand more intoxicating!

When it comes to Diaojiao wooden building, it is the crystallization of thewisdom of the Miao people. Building close to the mountain not only saves land,but also can resist foreign enemies. The bottom floor is used for storingproduction tools, raising livestock or toilet. The second floor is used asliving room, main room, bedroom and kitchen. The third layer is used to storegrain, feed and other means of production and living. The most important featureof the stilted building is that on the spacious and bright corridor on thesecond floor, there is a typical kind of railing, which is called "meirenkui"and "douxiebai" in Miao language. It is a place for girls to embroider, dressand sing.

Attention, friends. Now the bridge in front of us is Fengyu bridge. Fengyubridge means a bridge to keep out the wind and rain. It can provide a verycomfortable place for pedestrians and people who want to have a cool rest. Thereare many young men and women here at night. You may wonder what "Youfang" is.Let me tell you. "Youfang" means that young men and women of Miao nationalityfall in love. Young men and women who participate in Youfang will dress up toattract admirers. If you are interested in the place where Miao people fall inlove, you might as well invite your sweetheart to come here tonight to feel thewarm and romantic night.

Careful friends may notice the tree at the end of the bridge. What is thetree used for? This is the maple tree in Xijiang. Old tree, let it die, rottento the ground. No one can cut or hurt. This worship of maple also implies thesad history of the Miao people. In the battle for the deer, the Yellow Emperorsenvoy planned to capture Chi you and use Maple to make shackles, so he killedhim. In order to avoid the war, the ancestors of Miao nationality migrated.Everywhere they went, they had to see whether there were Liquidambar trees orancestors.

In Xijiang, there is a saying that "big festival is 369, small festival isevery year", which shows that the folk festivals of Miao people are rich andcolorful. Among them, the most ceremonious is the guzang Festival, also known asthe Drum Festival, which is the most ceremonious ancestor worship ceremony ofthe Miao nationality. Once every 13 years, once in a row for three years. Thesecond is the year of Miao, which is divided into three periods: the first year,the first year and the last year. The year of Miao is a festival for the Miaopeople to celebrate a bumper harvest. They have to eat a "long table banquet"with plenty of food on the table. In addition, "long table banquet" is a grandway for the Miao family to treat guests, so we will have a good time later!

Before Yongzheng of Qing Dynasty, local affairs were mostly managed bynatural leaders. The natural leaders of Miao Nationality in Xijiang mainlyincluded "Fanglao", "Zhailao", "gucangtou", "huolutou", etc. "Fang Lao" is thehighest leader of the natural place; "Zhailao" is the highest leader of eachMiao village; "gucangtou" is responsible for convening and hosting theactivities of sacrifice and ancestor worship. The bronze drum used for sacrificeis placed in gucangtous home; "huolutou" is responsible for arrangingagricultural production and is the Minister of agriculture of Miao village.

Tourists, now we can see that the Diaojiaolou with national characteristicsis our Miao Museum in Xijiang. The items on display here show Miao culture,customs, arts, cultural relics, etc. it is a medium-sized Miao Museumintegrating academic exchanges and performances. Here, you can listen to thefootprints of the Miao ancestors and see the past of the Miao people throughtime and space. Lets go in and feel the magic culture together!

My friends, our journey is coming to an end. Walking through the ancientand mysterious Xijiang Miao village, it seems that our mind has been baptizedand our mind has been purified. At this time of parting, I would like to sendyou a sentence: "we often say that we cant lose our job because of our life. Onthe contrary, we cant lose our life because of our work. Dont forget to leavea space for ourselves after this busy work." Finally, I wish you all the best onyour way home.



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First of all, we came to the famous "cier mountain" there. We went inthrough the gate of the mountain. The temples, big and small, were close to eachother, and a steady stream of fragrance came to our nostrils. It turned out thatthe tourists were burning incense to worship Buddha or offering incense to thegreat immortal they believed in. At that time, I wanted to climb the mountainvery much, but because the "blessing Festival" was to be held here in a fewdays, the staff on the mountain were preparing for the festival, so the road tothe mountain was temporarily closed, so I had to stand in the yard and look up,and the mountains continued to stretch to the horizon. Although I really want toclimb up and have a look, I have to give up this time.

Then we drove to dajingmen, the second stop of our trip. My father saidthat there was the reputation of "the first gate of the Great Wall". The fourwords "great rivers and mountains" were powerful. The great wall here was builtaccording to the mountains and climbed up the high and majestic wall along thesteps. I really wanted to climb to the top of the mountain along the wall in onebreath, but I was panting and sweating half way up the mountain I was shakingwith fatigue. But I gritted my teeth and persisted, and finally climbed to thetop of the mountain. Wow, there are exotic flowers and plants, red, yellow, blueIts a fairyland in the world.

Down from the Great Wall, I visited the Baxian cave, Wolong Pavilion andErlang temple. In Erlang temple, I also worshipped the God of wealth, happiness,blessing, longevity and Erlang. The masters there also said that my heaven wasfull and I would be a senior official in the future. I was very happy.

Although I am very tired today, my heart is as sweet as honey!



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Tourist friends:

Hello! In here, please allow me on behalf of the Aba 820,000 Tibet,Qiang, to return to, the Chinese various races people zealouslywelcome you the arrival, and hoped our service can swim for yoursJiuzhaigou increases warmly, a joy. The tourist friends, enter Jiuzhaigou, you are in the ditch more than1,000 Tibetan nationality compatriot most honored visitor, is in aJiuzhaigou fairy tale world princess and the prince, hoped you playhappy in the ditch, play warmly, play 尽Is popular.The tourist friends, Jiuzhaigou is China only has "the world naturalheritage" and "the world biosphere protectorate" two internationallaurel crowns natural scenery scenic spot areas. It is locatednortheast the Chinese Sichuan a pa Tibetan nationality qiang nationalminority autonomous is south central the within the boundariesJiuzhaigou county, south the Mount Minshan sierra north the section尕 your natrium peak the foothill, is the Yangtze River river systemJialing River source a ditch. Jiuzhaigou because of has nine Tibetannationality stockaded village to acquire fame. Jiuzhaigou scenerybeautiful wonderful colorful, the world is rare, also can maintain theso perfect mysterious natural illusion picture in the modern society,this the Tibetan Buddha all center benzene wave which believes in withJiuzhaigou Tibetan nationality compatriots teaches to have the verybig relations. The Tibetan believes in the God, they thoughtJiuzhaigou the every bit of property, the mountain and river all arethe God gracious gift, therefore we respect Jiuzhaigou people thecustom are to Jiuzhaigous biggest respect, also is to the JiuzhaigouTibetan nationality peoples biggest respect. We believed you whileenjoy natural, also can achieve does not smoke in the ditch, notrandomly throws trash, does not throw the food to feed the fish, notto climb the tree to pick flowers. Thank your cooperation in here meon behalf of Jiuzhaigou person and the support which works to us!

The Jiuzhaigou protectorate total area 720 square kilometers, theperiphery protectorate 600 square kilometers, protect the buffer are110 square kilometers, the traveling opening area are 140 squarekilometers. Take promises Japan to be bright as the center, by treeditch, date then ditch and then the dregs hollow ditch composes, wenow are walking this ditch is called the tree the ditch, long 14kilometers, other two ditches, then dregs hollow ditch long 18kilometers, date then ditch long 17 kilometers. Scenic area one-way 49kilometers.

We arrive the next scenic spot is enters the ditch the first Tibetstronghold -- lotus leaf stronghold, is in Jiuzhaigou one of livelystockaded villages, in the stockaded village Tibetan as soon asreforms moves about in search of pasture with the agriculture andreclamation life style, settles down in the stronghold, the originalancient wood construction house all has now become the family hotel,they use the fragrant buttered tea, the sweet Tibetan barley liquorwarmly to receive cordially each position as necessary to come to seea famous person with admiration Jiuzhaigous distant place honoredguest, this also is because the government protects Jiuzhaigou torequest them to take back from agriculture which also Lin Erwei theyseeks to make a living the road, The such similar situation also hasthe tree stronghold and then dregs hollow stronghold. Lotus leafstronghold behind has hundred year great pines, solitary independent,vigorous is great, that then was receives a guest the pine, the fableis Saar same year comes when Jiuzhaigou FallsMonster removed harmful things,once turns a MaleHawk fight, this orphaned pine was he captures the evilspirit to fly from the sky obsolete fans the symbol which the wingstayed behind, we now arrived the lotus leaf stronghold.



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Dianchi Lake is also called Kunming Lake and Kunming Lake. The great lakein Yunnan Province of China, located in the southwest of Kunming City, togetherwith Xishan on the west side of the lake, is a famous resort for sightseeing andrecuperation. Dianchi Lake is formed by tectonic subsidence, which is injectedby Panlong River and other rivers. Dianchi Lake is the source of Pudu River, atributary of Jinsha River.

Dianchi Lake is very magnificent with broad water surface. Standing on thedragons gate, you can have a panoramic view of Dianchi Lake, known as "thePearl of the plateau". Its charm lies in that it changes with the change of skycolor and cloud in one day.

Dianchi Lake is the sixth largest inland fresh water lake in China. In thepast, there were frequent floods in the areas around the lake. Songhua Dam wasbuilt on the Panlong River and Haikou river was dug to increase the discharge ofDianchi Lake, reduce the floods around the lake, relieve the floods, and ensurethe irrigation of farmland, urban industry and domestic water. The lake producescarp, crucian carp, goldfish, etc.

The origin of the name of Dianchi Lake can be summarized into three kinds.First, from the perspective of geographical morphology, Chang Yu, a native ofJin Dynasty, said in the south central chronicle of Huayang state: "Dianchicounty is governed by a county, so Dianchi is also a state; there are rivers,200 Li around the water, which are deep and wide, shallow and narrow, such asbackward flow, so it is called Dianchi." Another view is to search for sound andstudy meaning, that "Dian Dian is also the highest peak of speech." Some peoplethink that it is the Yi die (Dian), that is, dabazi. The third one is based onthe national appellation. It is recorded in the biography of Southwest Yi inhistorical records that "dian" was the largest tribal name in this area inancient times. After entering Dian, Zhuang Qiao, the general of Chu, became theking of Dian. Therefore, the name of Dian Lake came from Dian Lake tribe.



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Park and sit in maple forest at night, frost leaves are red in Februaryflowers

Hello, tourists. Welcome to Beijing Xiangshan Park. Im Xiao Zhang, thetour guide. Todays tour in Xiangshan will be served by me. Here, I hope you canenjoy the elegant maple leaves of Xiangshan and the beauty of classical gardenculture, but also bring you a happy mood and good memories. Now lets start ourtour today. Xiangshan Mountain is located at the east foot of Xishan Mountain inthe northwest suburb of Beijing. The mountain is covered with Cotinus coggygriatrees and turns purple after frost. Chen Yis poem "the red leaves in Xishan aregood, the frost is heavy, the color is thicker", which refers to the leaves ofCotinus coggygria. During the frost season, Xiangshan has tens of thousands ofacres of sloping land, which is as red as fire. From a distance, it is thoughtthat it is a piece of petals, but from a closer look, it is clear that it is apiece of oval leaves. Xiangshan is the best place to enjoy the red leaves. It islocated in the pavilion of senyuhu peak. From the pavilion, you can see far awayfrom the mountain and near the slope. It is bright red, pink, scarlet and peach.It has distinct layers, like red clouds, and full of interest. It has become afamous autumn resort in northern China.

There are two huge stones at the top of Xiangshan Mountain, called Rufengstone. Its shape is similar to the "incense burner", and there are often cloudsaround it, such as the curl of cigarettes in the air, from which Xiangshan getsits name. Xiangshan has beautiful scenery, scenic spots all over the country,beautiful scenery, rich in natural and wild interest. In autumn, the YellowCotinus coggygria has changed its clothes and become popular all over themountains. This is called "Xiangshan Hongye", which is one of the eight scenicspots in Yanjing. The scenery of Xiangshan Mountain in winter is also verycharming. When the snow is clear in the early winter, a piece of silver make-upis wrapped in plain clothes, which is particularly enchanting. One of the eightsceneries in the old Yanjing, the "clear snow on the West Mountain" refers tohere. Xiangshan temple, in Xiangshan Park, toad peak north. Built in the 26thyear of Jin Dading (1186), Jin Shizong granted the name of dayongan temple, oneof the 28 sceneries of "Jingyi garden". Later, it was burned by the Alliedforces of Britain, France and the eight countries. Only stone steps, stonepillars, stone screens and other remains remain. Only the temples "tingfasong"still stands. Xianglu peak is commonly known as guijianchou. In the west ofXiangshan Park. The peak is steep and difficult to climb. You can have apanoramic view of Xiangshan at the top. In recent years, cable car cableway hasbeen built to pull mountain climbing. Shuangqing villa is under Xiangshan templein Xiangshan Park. There are two original springs here, which are said to bemenggan spring in the reign of emperor Zhangzong of Jin Dynasty. Qianlong of theQing Dynasty inscribed "Shuangqing" on the cliff beside the spring. Xiong Xilingbuilt a villa here in 1917, which was named after it. The villa is elegant andquiet, and the landscape, trees and stones are natural. There is a pool inQingquan. There is a pavilion beside the pool, a house behind the pavilion andbamboo beside the house. The bamboo shadow is very beautiful. In this place, youcan enjoy flowers in spring, summer, red leaves in autumn, snow in winter, andbeautiful scenery in four seasons. It is called "garden in garden" in Xiangshan.Glasses lake, in the north gate of Xiangshan Park. The two tranquil lakes areconnected by a white stone arch bridge, which looks like glasses, hence thename. On the north side of the lake, there are mountains and rocks, and peaksrise. A hole above, flowing spring straight down, just like the Pearl curtainhanging water curtain hole. Mountain flowers and grass compete in the crevice ofthe gully and beside the stream, and ancient cypresses and pines, old locusttrees and weeping willows meet to form a clear shade. Jianxinzhai is on the westside of the north gate of Xiangshan Park, adjacent to Jingjing lake. It wasbuilt in the Jiajing period of Ming Dynasty. After several repairs, it is acourtyard with Jiangnan flavor.

Xiangshan courtyard center is a flat round pool, clear spring water fromthe stone dragon into the mouth, summer new Lotus Ting Li, goldfish play. Thepool is surrounded by three corridors in the East, South and North, with a smallpavilion extending into the pool. There are three pavilions in the west of thepool, that is, the heart room. After zhaihou, the mountains are rugged and thepines and cypresses are green. The whole courtyard is quiet and elegant, whichmakes people forget to return. At that time, Emperor Qianlong studied here andgave banquets to his officials.

Xiangshan Park has a long history and many cultural relics. As early as1186, the human landscape appeared. Xiangshan temple was once the highest templein the west of Beijing. Xiangshan has beautiful scenery all the year round. Ifwe compare the western suburbs of Beijing to the "back garden" of Beijingsmodern metropolis. Then, Xiangshan Park, which has a long history, has becomethe Green Valley "oxygen bar" in the western suburbs of Beijing with its naturallandscape of "brilliant mountain flowers in spring, refreshing and pleasantsummer, red leaves floating in late autumn and silver makeup in winter". Thereare many trees in the park, with a forest coverage rate of 96%. There are morethan 5800 ancient and famous trees alone, accounting for a quarter of the urbanarea of Beijing. The park has unique resources of "mountains, famous springs,ancient trees and red leaves". Xiangshan red leaf is well-known at home andabroad. In 1986, it was rated as one of the "Sixteen sights of new Beijing" andbecame the most beautiful landscape in the capital in autumn. Every late autumn,tens of thousands of Chinese and foreign tourists gather in Xiangshan to enjoythe autumn scenery.

Time flies. Today our tour is coming to an end. I believe you must lead theway to Danfeng brilliant brocade make-up, to fight with the spring flowers,eye-catching red leaf beauty. Thank you for your support. I wish every day inthe future can be as happy as today, like the red leaves in full swing! Lookingforward to our next goodbye!



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The humble administrators garden in suzhou in jiangsu Lou door. Is one of the four great ancient gardens in suzhou. Early as the tang dynasty poet Liu Guimeng house, yuan for the macro temple. MingZhengDe years with empire Wang Xianchen resign home, buy temple, transformed into home garden, pan yue, and borrow the jin dynasty "heir ju fu" : "...... and this is compensated with the force of the government "semantics, take" compensated "2 words for YuanMing. In 1860 ~ 1863 was part of the taiping heavenly kingdom zhong wang fu. Opening to the outside world in 1954.

Humble administrators garden, garden, east park, west park in three parts.

East park and mountain pool, adorned with Shu incense pavilion, LanXueTang construction, etc. Western water circuitous, compact layout, mountain built pavilions, main architecture of the mandarin duck hall was the garden owner treating guests and listen to music, display hall. Sunny day by indoor looking at outside through the blue glass window scenery is like a piece of snow. Garden "sit with who xuan" is fan pavilion, sector on both sides of the real open two fan empty window on the wall, one of the "mandarin duck hall", and then the window and just reflected in the aspects of mountain Dai li kiosks, into the mountain, and dai li pavilion of exactly match into a complete fan. "Sit with who, the bright moon, the wind, I", so the sight of plaques, will think of su dongpo, and immediately felt here can enjoy the water of the month, is affected by the wind of the great.

In the humble administrators garden is the best part of the overall layout for the center with pool, pavilions are built by the water, some TingXie is straight out of the water, has the characteristic of jiangnan. Body building hong tong in south bank pool, on the other side of the pool and observe things two mountain island, the water clear, broad mind lotus, tree-lined everywhere on the island, mountain water bank vines mixed and disorganized, two mountain valleys panel has a little bridge, mountain to build a pavilion on the island, west of snow YunWeiTing, east to be frost pavilion, the four seasons scenery because of time inconsistency. Far to the west of hong tongs "lean on jade xuan" with the west ship matter form "xiangzhou", is relatively and both its northern "Dutch wind all pavilion" into the potential of the tripartite confrontation, can with the potential of the reward. Lean on jade porch west of a southern song deep water bay in the house, there are three ShuiGe "small" blue waves, the north of it covered Bridges "small flying" disjunctive space, form a quiet water, and xiangzhou bay is located in the monohydrate on both sides of the mouth. The layout of the humble administrators garden in the garden on lotus pond, far hong tong as its main body construction, two islands as its main feature in the pool, and other buildings are mostly over the water surface To far hong tong, from the point of building name, is mostly related to the lotus. Wang Xianchen are touted to lotus, mainly to express his exclusive group of noble character. This garden is given priority to with water, the water accounts for three 5 of buildings by the water, keep the clear and the landscape of of primitive simplicity style of Ming dynasty, is the representative works of the jiangnan gardens in our country. On December 4, 1997, included in the "world heritage list".



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Dear tourists, we are now here to Tiananmen Square, the largest city centersquare in the world, with an area of 440000 square meters. Moreover, thegeographical location of Beijing in the world is determined by the longitude andlatitude of the square (east longitude: 116 ° 23 ′ 17 ″, north latitude: 39 ° 54′ 27 ″),. It is located in the center of Beijing and has been watching thehistorical changes of Beijing since ancient times. In the Ming Dynasty, it wasonce called chengtianmen square. There was a T-shaped square. Of course, it isno longer there. In the Qing Dynasty, it was changed to Tiananmen Square. Afterthe revolution of 1911, Tiananmen Square became the best gathering place formass movements. The famous May 4th movement, the 129 student movement and so ontook place here. The most famous event here, I believe you all know, was thefounding ceremony on October 1, 1949, when 300000 people gathered here tocelebrate the founding of new China. After liberation, the T-shaped square wasdemolished and large buildings such as the monument to the peoples heroes, theGreat Hall of the people, the history museum and the revolutionary museum werebuilt. In 1976, after the death of the president, the memorial hall of thepresident was built on the original position of the Chinese gate, thus formingthe architectural pattern of the square today. In the 50th anniversary of thenational day, Tiananmen Square has undergone a series of renovation, making thesquare more beautiful, spectacular and clean. You must be looking forward to theTiananmen Square I described. It doesnt matter. I will introduce it to you oneby one in the next tour.

During the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, it was called Chengtian gate.It was just a wooden archway, which means "to carry out the transportation fromheaven, to be ordered by heaven". However, it was burned down in the MingDynasty. Later, the city building with nine wide faces and five deep faces wasbuilt, which truly reflected the emperors respect of 95. But at the end of MingDynasty, it was destroyed again. During the reign of emperor Shunzhi of the QingDynasty, after the reconstruction of the city tower, it was renamed Tiananmen,the other three imperial city gates were renamed daian, and the three mainhalls of the Forbidden City were renamed daihe, which reflected the good wishesof internal and external security. This is what we are looking at now. It iscomposed of three parts: the foundation, the platform and the tower. The base iswhite marble xumizuo, which is the highest level base in ancient China, with aheight of 1.59 meters. The platform is 14.6 meters high. And the double eaves ofthe city tower rest on the top of the mountain, which was also the highest levelof the temple roof at that time. The whole building is 33.7 meters high. After70 years of renovation, it has risen by one meter.

This is a very high-grade building, and its role is also very important. Inthe Ming and Qing Dynasties, whenever there was a national ceremony, theceremony of "Jinfeng imperial edict" was held on the city tower. After theimperial edict was announced, a wood carved Golden Phoenix was put on the yellowsilk thread machine. The Golden Phoenix carried the imperial edict down thewall. The officials of the Ministry of rites caught it with a cloud tray, andthen put it into the Dragon Pavilion to praise the Ministry of rites, and thenpromulgated it. )And whenever the emperor went out of the palace to sacrifice,this was the only way. The most important moment for new China was also bornhere. The chairman solemnly announced the founding of new China on the TiananmenGate Tower, and personally angered the first five-star red flag of new China.The portrait of the chairman on the city floor is replaced every year before thenational day.

The river in front of Tiananmen tower is called Jinshui River. Then why isit called Jinshui River? Because this river is drawn from the northwest ofBeijing, and in the Yin Yang and five elements, the West belongs to Jin and theNorth belongs to water, so this river is named Jinshui River, and the sevenwhite jade bridges on the river are Jinshui bridge. The two bridges next to themare called Gongsheng bridge, which correspond to the Taimiao temple and thesheji altar, which are now the Cultural Palace of the working people andZhongshan Park. The one in the middle is the royal road bridge, which isspecially used by the emperor and queen. The two bridges beside it are royalbridges, which are used by the royal princes. The two bridges beside them aregrade bridges, which can only be passed by officials above grade three.

In front of Jinshui bridge, there is a stone lion on the left and right.The one on the left is the master, and the one on the right is the lioness. Howcan we tell the male from the female? Because the male masters foot is on thehydrangea, while the female lion is the cub. Now in order to protect thecultural relics, the lions have been fenced up. There were a pair of Huabiaobefore and after Tiananmen Square. In fact, the original name of Huabiao was FeiMu. It was set up by the emperor to show that he could accept and acceptopinions, and gradually evolved into todays Huabiao. The monster at the top ofit is called Hou. The one on the North China watch is called wangjunchu, whichmeans to let the emperor go out of the palace to observe the peoples feelings.The one on the south end is called wangjungui, which means that the emperorshould not be nostalgic for the world outside the Palace, but should go back tothe palace in time to deal with government affairs.

Now please turn back. Behind us is Tiananmen Square. In the Ming and QingDynasties, it was T-shaped, with a north-south royal road in the middle. On bothsides of the royal road, there were Qianbu corridor, with 110 corridors on bothsides. On the south side of Changan Street, with the red wall extending to theEast and West, there were 34 corridors, so Qianbu corridor had 228 corridors. Atthe southernmost end of the imperial Road, damingmen was in the Ming Dynasty,but it was changed to daqingmen in the Qing Dynasty; The gates on the East andwest sides are Changan left gate and Changan right gate, which are also calledLongmen and Humen respectively. After the scientific examination, Huang Bangannounced in the left gate of Changan that the Jinshi in the examination wouldenter the imperial city from here, so they are called Longmen. The reason forHumen is that after the frost falls every year, the imperial court has toexamine the prisoners, and the prisoners who are examined and approved are takenout of the right gate of Changan, which is tantamount to falling into thepalace Hukou is called Humen. These are all related to the five elements.

In ancient China, there was a saying of "wendongwuxi", so on the East andwest sides of qianbulang is the location of Wufu Liubu. On the east side of thesquare, the area around the present history museum is basically the centralcivilian organs, while on the west side, that is, the area around the Great Hallof the people, are the five army governors office and the secret service royalguards. In order to facilitate these officials to enter the Imperial City, anorth-south gate, donggongsheng gate and xigongsheng gate, were built outsideLongmen Humen.

Now we cant see the trace of that time. Instead, we have modern buildingswith more historical significance and political characteristics.

On the west side of the square is the Great Hall of the people. It startedconstruction in October 1958 and lasted for one year. It was completed beforethe National Day in 1958, covering an area of 171800 square meters. The wholebuilding is like a "mountain". The highest point in the center is 46.5 meters,which is the highest building in Tiananmen Square. The great hall is dividedinto three parts: in the center is the auditorium of the ten thousand peoplesCongress, with a total area of 36000 square meters and 10000 seats. There is ahuge red five pointed star on the top of the auditorium, giving off 70 to 70rays of light. The decoration layout of the whole dome is not only magnificent,but also a symbol of the unity of the people around the Party Central Committee;in the north is the banquet hall, with a total area of more than 7000 squaremeters, which is the largest banquet hall in China; In the south is the officebuilding of the National Peoples Congress, which includes the conference hallsof 37 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the centralgovernment, such as Chongqing hall, Hong Kong hall, etc.

In the northeast of the square is the Museum of the Chinese revolution,which was officially opened to the public on July 1, 61. The main exhibits arerevolutionary materials since the May 4th movement, and the contents of theexhibits in the museum are extremely rich. Southeast of the square is theChinese history museum. Its predecessor is the Beijing History Museum. In 26, itwas changed into the National History Museum. Four years later, it was changedinto the Beiping History Museum of Academia Sinica. In April 34, it was changedinto the Preparatory Office of the Central Museum and the Beiping HistoryMuseum. Its exhibits cover more than 300000 pieces of cultural relics, coins,pictures, etc. with thousands of years of history from the slavery society ofXia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties to the end of Qing Dynasty.

Facing the Tiananmen Gate Tower is the monument to the peoples heroes.According to the resolution of the first plenary session of the Chinese peoplesPolitical Consultative Conference in September 49, the monument to the peoplesheroes was built in Tiananmen Square. More than 240 design schemes werecollected from the whole country, and three schemes were selected. Finally, itwas decided that Liang Sichengs design scheme should be taken as the main one,and the other three schemes should be integrated. Thats what we see today.52.8.1 was officially built, completed in 58.4 and ceremoniously unveiled in5.1. The 100 ton core stone was transported from Qingdao to Beijing. After aseries of processing and carving, the finished product is 14.7 meters high, 2.9meters wide, 1 meter thick and weighs 60 tons. The body of the stone is composedof 413 pieces of granite. The base of the stele is composed of more than 17000pieces of granite and white marble, covering an area of more than 3000 squaremeters.

The front of the monument faces Tiananmen Square and is inlaid with goldplate. The chairman wrote "the peoples heroes are immortal". On the back is a158 character inscription drafted by the chairman and written by Premier Zhou(over the past three years, the peoples heroes who died in the peoplesLiberation War and the peoples revolution are immortal) Over the past 30 years,the peoples heroes who died in the peoples Liberation War and the peoplesrevolution are immortal, which dates back to 1840 years. Since then, in order tofight against internal and external enemies, strive for national independenceand peoples freedom and happiness, the peoples heroes who died in previousstruggles are immortal. There are eight reliefs around the pedestal, 2 metershigh and 40.68 meters long. From the East, the order is: Humen tobacco, thedestructed opium, the Wuchang movement, the 54 Movement, the May 30 movement,the Nanchang uprising, the Anti Japanese War, and the victory across the river.On both sides of the victory crossing, there are two decorative patterns, whichare: supporting the front line and welcoming the peoples Liberation Army. Thereare 180 characters in all the reliefs.

To the south of the monument to the peoples Heroes is the chairmansmemorial hall. The construction of the memorial hall started on November 24,1976, and it took only six months to complete. Officially opened on the firstanniversary of the chairmans death. In front of the north gate of the memorialhall are two groups of clay sculptures, both of which are based on revolutionaryepics. The South Gate of the main building is to inherit the will of thepresident and show the confidence of the people of all ethnic groups. The 30 redflags outside the South Gate represent 30 provinces and autonomous regions inChina. The platform foundation of the memorial hall is built with jujube redgranite from the Dadu River. Around the foundation stone are stones from MountEverest and water from the Chinese Taiwan Strait. The main building of the memorial hallis composed of three parts: one enters the stele hall, facing a three meter highstatue of the chairman, where commemorative activities are held; one enters fromthe golden Phoebe gate on the south side of the North Hall, where the chairmansbody is placed; the South Hall is on the south side of the hall, where thechairmans poem "Manjianghong" is engraved. On the East and west sides of thethree halls are the rest hall and the memorial room of the old revolutionary.Now the memorial room of Deng Xiaoping has been added.

Behind the chairmans memorial hall is the main gate of the inner city,Zhengyang gate. In the past, Zhengyang gate was the tallest building in thecountry, which meant that the LORD was in the sun, the sun was in the sky, andall nations were looking forward to it. Now its the only complete preservedtower and arrow tower in Beijing.

In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the traffic hub between Xicheng andNancheng was Qipan street. Now it is probably located in the square between thechairmans memorial hall and Zhengyangmen tower.

In fact, Tiananmen Square also has a very famous landscape, which is theflag raising and flag lowering ceremony. Tens of thousands of people come towatch the ceremony every day. Zeng Liansong, the designer of Chinas nationalflag design, is the first national flag maker. This super large national flag ismore than 5 meters long and 3 meters wide. At the founding ceremony, thepresident personally raised this national flag, which symbolizes the birth ofnew China.

The original flagpole base of Tiananmen Square was closed, which made itinconvenient to raise and lower the flag, and the equipment was old. So the newbase and flagpole were rebuilt on February 25, 1991. The plane of the new baseis three layers. The first layer is made of white marble, and there arepassageways all around. The second layer is reddish brown granite, whichsymbolizes the red of the people. The third layer is green belt, whichsymbolizes the prosperity of the socialist motherland. In addition, there are 56golden copper separation piers around, which symbolize the unity of 56nationalities hand in hand and heart in heart under the national flag.

The new flagpole is made of seamless steel pipe made by Shougang. It isdivided into four sections, weighing 7 tons and 32.6 meters high. It will notrust in 20 years.

The flag raising and lowering ceremony should be held on the first day ofevery ten days or important national celebrations, and the flag raising andlowering ceremony should also be held on other days. Every day, the time ofraising the flag is based on sunrise, and the time of lowering the flag is basedon sunset. The national anthem is played. During festivals, the military bandplays live, while at ordinary times, the recording is played. If you areinterested, you can also watch this important landscape at your convenience.



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蒲牢鸣天 神龟引月(海狮吞月、神龟)

















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Good morning, friends! Now, I will take you to visit Wuhou Ci, which islocated in WoLonggang, the western suburb of Nanyang city. The temple of marquisWu in Nanyang, also known as Zhuge cottage, is the former site of Zhuge Liang, afamous statesman and militarist in the Three Kingdoms period, who "worked hardin Nanyang". The place where uncle Liu visited three times in those days wasalso the place where people in the past dynasties paid homage to and sacrificedZhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang (181-234), whose name is Kongming, was born in Yangdu, LangyaCounty, Shandong Province (now the south of Yishui County, Shandong Province) atthe end of Han Dynasty. He lost his father when he was young, and then went toMu Liubiao in Jingzhou with his uncle zhugexuan. After Zhuge Xuans death, ZhugeLiang and his younger brother Zhuge all worked in Jielu, WoLonggang, Nanyang,and lived a life of cloth clothes that "lived in troubled times and did not seekfame and fame from Princes". However, he made friends with famous people allover the world. He was full of wisdom and good intentions. He lived in seclusionand pursued ambition. Mr. pound, a famous scholar at that time, compared him toa "Wolong" waiting for time to take off. In 207, Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Feipaid homage to Zhuge Liang in Maolu. Since then, Zhuge Liang, 27, leftWoLonggang, where he had been working for ten years, and joined Liu Beispolitical group. Later, he became the Prime Minister of Shu Han and became theMarquis of Wuxiang. After his death, he became loyal to the marquis. Therefore,Zhuge Liangs ancestral temple is called "Marquis Temple".

According to the records of longgangzhi written by Kangxi of Qing Dynasty,Wuhou Temple was built in the late Wei and Jin Dynasties. It has beencontinuously repaired and added to form its present scale. Today, the WuhouTemple, which we see, covers an area of more than 200 mu, has more than 150halls, more than 70 procuratorial couplets and more than 300 inscriptions. It isthe largest ancient architectural complex in memory of Zhuge Liang in China.Todays Wuhou Temple maintains the layout style of the yuan and Ming Dynasties,and its wooden buildings are mostly rebuilt or added in the Ming and QingDynasties. The ancestral temple is built in accordance with the hillock, withBaihe River in the South and Zishan mountain in the north. The courtyard issurrounded by bamboo trees, pines and cypresses, clear water and pleasantscenery. The beautiful natural scenery and popular cultural landscape complementeach other, making people forget to return.

Well, members of the group, now we have come to the population of WuhouTemple. Look at this "Eternal Dragon" stone square, which is 9 meters high and13.5 meters wide. It has three doors and four columns and is full of carvings."Eternal Dragon" means that Zhuge Liang is the dragon among the people,metaphorically WoLonggang is the land of Hidden Dragon and crouching tiger. Youcan see that the second Daofang is called "Sangu Fang". It was set up during thereign of Emperor Daoguang of the Qing Dynasty. On both sides, it is engravedwith "Sangu Chu, Emperor zhaolie of the Han Dynasty" and "true God Man". It isto commemorate Liu Beis three talents. It is because of Liu Beis sincereconsideration that Zhuge Liang left WoLonggang, where he had lived in seclusionfor ten years, to assist Liu Bei. He devoted his whole life to the army anddied. Only when he died, could Liu Bei divide the world into three parts andachieve the imperial career. Therefore, Zhuge Liangs achievements areunparalleled. Liu Beis respect for knowledge and talents is real, not justverbal. This advantage is really worth learning from some of our leaders today!The three words "true God and man" come from Su Shis Wu Hou Miao Ji, whichpraises Zhuge Liangs saying: "human, God, immortal, I dont know, true Wolong."Take a look at wolongtan in the north of Shifang. There are three ancientcatalpa trees on those sides. It is said that they were the trees that Liu, Meiand Zhang Sangu used to tie horses in those days. Now there is another one.Guess whos horse was tied to the trees more than 1700 years ago?

Through sangufang and Xianren bridge, this road leads to the mountain gate.The mountain gate is the main gate of Wuhou Temple, which is simple anddignified. The three characters "Wuhou Temple" engraved on the stone plaque onthe forehead of the central gate are inscribed by Mr. Guo Moruo. After themountain gate, the first courtyard to enter Wuhou Temple is spacious, withancient cypresses covering the sun and green bricks covering the ground, whichis simple and natural. The stone square of "three generations of talents" on thecorridor in the courtyard corresponds to the hall of worship. This is to praiseZhuge Liangs talent and moral character, which can be compared with Yiyin, LVShang, Fu Shuo and so on. Lets turn around and look at the four big words"master of military strategy". Military strategy originally refers to theancient Chinese military books "six Taos" and "three strategies". Latergenerations used it to refer to military strategy. Here is also a praise forZhuge Liangs military strategy.



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(Infront of the meridian gate)

This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City. It isthe largest and most well reserved imperial residence inChinatoday. Under MingEmperor Yongle, construction began in 1406. It took 14 years to build theForbidden City. The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Zhudi.For five centuries thereafter,it continued to be the residence of 23 successiveemperors until 1911 when Qing Emperor Puyi was forced to abdicate the throne .In1987, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizationrecognized the Forbidden City was a world cultural legacy.

It is believed that the Palace Museum, orZi Jin Cheng (Purple ForbiddenCity), got its name from astronomy folklore, The ancient astronomers divided theconstellations into groups and centered them around the Ziwei Yuan(North Star).The constellation containing the North Starwas called the Constellation ofHeavenly God and star itself was called the purple palace. Because the emperorwas supposedly the son of the heavenly gods,his central and dominant positionwould be further highlighted the use of theword purple in the name of hisresidence. In folklore, the term ”an eastern purple cloud is drifting” became ametaphor for auspicious events after apurple cloud was seen drifting eastwardimmediately before the arrival of anancient philosopher, LaoZi, to the HanghuPass. Here, purple isassociated with auspicious developments. The word jin(forbidden) isself-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded andoff-explanatoryas the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-limits toordinary people.

The red and yellow used on the palace wallsand roofs are also symbolic. Redrepresents happiness, good fortune and wealth.Yellow is the color of the earthon the Loess Plateau, the original home of the Chinese people. Yellow became animperial color during the Tang dynasty, whenonly members of the royal familywere allowed to wear it and use it in their architecture.

The Forbidden Cityis rectangular in shape. It is 960 meters long from northto south and 750meter wide from east west. It has 9,900 rooms under a total roofarea 150,000square meters .A 52-meter-wide-moat encircles a 9.9-meter―high wallwhich enclosesthe complex. Octagon ―shaped turrets rest on the four corners ofthe wall.There are four entrances into the city: the MeridianGate to the south,the Shenwu Gate(Gate of Military Prowess) to the north, andthe Xihua Gate(Gateof military Prowess) to the north, and the Xihua Gate(Western Flowery Gate )tothe west ,the Donghua (Eastern Flowery Gate) tothe east.

Manpower and materials throughout thecountry were used to build theForbidden City.A total of 230,000 artisans and one million laborers wereemployed. Marble wasquarried from fangshan Country Mount Pan in Jixian County inHebei Province.Granite was quarried in Quyang County in Hebei Province. Pavingblockswere fired in kilns in Suzhou in southernChina. Bricksand scarletpigmentation used on the palatial walls came from linqing in Shandong Province.Timber was cut ,processed and hauled from the northwestern and southernregions.

The structure in front of us is the Meridian Gate. It is the main entranceto the forbidden City. It is also knowsas Wufenglou(Five-Phoenix Tower). Mingemperorsheld lavish banquets here on the 15th day of the first month of theChinese lunar year in hornor of their counties .They also used this place forpunishingofficals by flogging them with sticks.

Qing emperors used this building toannounce the beginning of the new year.Qing Emperor Qianglong changed the original name of this announcement ceremonyfrom ban li(announcement ofcalendar)to ban shou(announcement of new moon )toavoid coincidentalassociation with another Emperor` s name, Hongli, which wasconsidered a tabooat that time. Qing Dynasty emperors also used this place tohold audience andfor other important ceremonies. For example,when the imperialarmy returnedvictoriously from the battlefield ,it was here that the Emperorpresided overthe ceremony to accept prisoners of war.

(After entering the Meridian Gate andstanding in front of the Five MarbleBridges on Golden Water River)

now we are inside the Forbidden City.Beforewe start our tour, I would liketo briefly introduce you to the architectural patterns befour us .To completethis solemn, magnificent and palatial complex,a variety of buildings werearranged on a north-south axis, and8-kilometer-long invisible line that hasbecome an inseparable part of the Cityof Beijing. The Forbidden City coversroughly one ?third of this central axis. Most of the important building in theForbidden City weree arranged along this line. The designand arrangement of thepalaces reflect the solemn dignity of the royal courtand rigidly ?stratifiedfeudal system.

The Forbidden Cityis divided into an outer and an inner count.We are nowstanding on the southern most part of the outer count. In front of us lies theGate of supreme Harmony .The gate is guarded by a pair of bronze lions,symbolizing imperial power and dignity. The lions were the most exquisite andbiggest of its kind.The one on the east playing with a ball is a male, and ballis said to represent state unity. The other one is a female. Underneath one ofits foreclaws is a cub that is considered to be a symbol of perpetual imperialsuccession. The winding brook before us is the Golden Water River. It functionsbothas decoration and fire control .The five bridges spanning the riverrepresentthe five virtues preached by Confucius :benevolence, righteousness,rites,intellence and fidelity. The river takes the shape of a bow and thenorth-southaxis is its arrow. This was meant to show that the Emperors ruled thecountryon behalf of God.

(In front of the Gate of Supreme Harmony)

The Forbidden Cityconsists of an outer countyard and an inner enclosure.The out count yardcovers a vast space lying between the Meridian Gate and theGate of HeavenlyPurity. The “three big halls” of Supreme Harmony, CompleteHarmony and Preserving Harmony constitute the center of this building group.Flanking themin bilateral symmetry are two groups of palaces: Wenhua (ProminentScholars)and Wuying (Brave Warriors) . The three great halls are built on aspacious“H”-shaped, 8-meter-high, triple marble terrace, Each level of thetripleterrace is taller than the on below and all are encircled by marblebalustradescarved with dragon and phoenix designs. There are three carved stonestaircases linking the three architectures .The hall of supreme Harmony is alsothetallest and most exquisite ancient wooden-structured mansion in all ofChina.From thepalace of Heavenly Purith northward is what isknown as the inner court,which is also built in bilaterally symmetrical patterns. In the center are thePalaceof Heavenly Purity, the Hall of Unionand Peace and Palace of EarthlyTranquility, aplace where the Emperors lived with their families and attended tostateaffairs. Flanking these structures are palaces and halls in whichconcubinesand princes lived. There are also three botanical gardens within theinnercount, namely, the imperial Garden, Caning garden and Quailing garden. Aninner Golden Water Riverflows eastwardly within the inner court. The brook windsthrough three minorhalls or palaces and leads out of the Forbidden City.It isspanned by the White Jade Bridge.The river is lined with winding, marble ?carvedbalustrades.

Most of thestructures within the Forbidden City haveyellow glazed tileroofs.

Aside from giving prominence to thenorth-south axis, other architecturalmethods were applied to make every groupof palatial structures unique in termsof terraces, roofs, mythical monstersperching on the roofs and colored, drawingpatterns. With these, the grandcontour and different hierarchic spectrum of thecomplex were strengthened.Folklore has it that there are altogether 9,999room-units in the Forbidden City. Since Paradiseonly has 10,000 rooms, the Sonof Heaven on earth cut the number by half aroom. It is also rumoured that thishalf ?room is located to the west of the Wenyuange Pavilion (imperial library).As a matter of fact, although the Forbidden City has more than 9,000 room-units,this half-room is nonexistent.The Wenyuange Pavilion is a library where “Si KuQuan Shu”- China `s first comprehensive anthology-was stored.

(After walking past the Gate of SupremeHarmony)

Ladies and Gentlemen, the great hall we are approaching is the Hall ofSupreme Harmony, the biggest and tallest of its kingin the Forbidden City. Thisstructure covers a total building space of 2,377 square meters, and is know forits upturned,multiple counterpart eaves . The Hall of Supreme Harmony sits on atriple“H”-shaped marble terrace the is 8 meters high and linked by staircases.The staircase on the ground floor has 21 steps while the middle and upperstairways each have 9.

The construction of the Hall of Supreme Harmony began in 1406. It burneddown three times and was severely damaged onceduring a mutiny. The existingarchitecture was built during the Qing Dynasty.On the corners of the eaves aline of animal-nails were usually fastened to thetiles. These animal-nails werelater replace with mythical animals to ward offevil spirits. There arealtogether 9 such fasteners on top of this hall. The number nine was regarded bythe ancients to be the largest numeral accessibleto man and to which only theemperors were entitled.

There was a total of 24 successive emperorsduring the Ming and Qingdynasties who were enthroned here. The ball was alsoused for ceremonies whichmarked other great occasions: the Winter Solstice,The Chinese Lunar New Year,the Emperor` s birthday, conferral of the title ofempress, the announcement ofnew laws and policies, and dispatches of generalsto war .On such occasions, theEmperor would hold audience for his courtofficials and receive theirtributes.

This area is called the Hall of Supreme Harmony Square, which covers atotal of 30,000 square meters, Without a single tree or plant growing here, thisplace inspires visitors to feel its solemnity and grandeur. In themiddle of thesquare there is a carriageway that was reserved for the Emperor.On both sides ofthe road the groud bricks were laid in a special way sevenlayers lengthwise andeight layers crosswise, making up fifteen layers in all.The purpose of this wasto prevent anyone from tunneling his way into thepalace. In the count yard thereare iron vats for storing water to fight fires.In the whole complex there arealtogher 308 water vats. In winter time, charcoal was burned underneath the vatsto keep the water from freezing .

Why so vast asquare? It was designed to impress people with the hall` sgrandeur andvastness. Imagine the following scene. Under the clear blue sky, theyellowglazed tiles shimmered as the cloud-like layers of terrace, coupled withthecurling veil of burning incense, transformed the hall of supreme Harmony intoafairyland. Whenever major ceremonies were held, the glazed,crane-shapedcandleholders inside the hall would be it, and incense and pinebranches burntin front of the hall. When the Emperor appeared, drums were beatenand musicalinstrument played. Civilian officials and generals would kneel knowinsubmission.

The last Qing emperor Puyi assumed the throne in 1908, at the age of three,His father carried him to the throne. At the start of the coronation, thesuddendrum-beating and loud music caught the young emperor unprepared .He wassoscared that he kept crying and shouting,"I don’t want to stay here."



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Hello, fellow passengers. Im the tour guide responsible for explaining toyou. You can call me Xiao Fan. First of all, thank you and welcome you for thistour. Ill serve you sincerely and let you have a wonderful and unforgettableexperience. Before starting this tour, Id like to briefly introduce Baiheliangto you.

Baiheliang is located on the Bank of the Yangtze River in the center ofFuling District, Chongqing. It is a national key cultural relic protection unit.It is a historical and cultural cultural cultural scenic spot. It is a naturalrocky and sandy stone beam in the vast river water. It extends from the west tothe East, parallel to the river, with a slope of 14.5 degrees to the center ofthe river. It submerges in the river all the year round. Only at the turn ofwinter and spring each year, when the water level is low, part of it will comeout of the water. There are more than 160 stone inscriptions on the beam (someinscriptions are submerged in the water). The calligraphy of the inscriptions ishighly accomplished and the carving is exquisite. However, due to the high waterstorage of the Three Gorges, an underwater museum was built to protect theinscriptions. It was started in February 20__ and completed at the end of20__.

Baiheliang was called baziliang in ancient times. There is a saying aboutthe origin of his name, because the white crane group gathered on the beam, itwas named Baiheliang,. There is also a beautiful legend about Baiheliang. Asearly as the Northern Wei Dynasty, there was a Hezhou (now Hechuan) man namedErzhu who was an official in the imperial court. Because he lost the throne withhis brother, he hated the emperors evil identity and decided to abandon hisofficial position and go to folk Alchemy to sell in Hezhou. Erzhus Dan wasfinally bought by the state officials, and the price was increased by 10 times.After finding out the details, Houzhou official was very angry. He stabbed Erzhuto death with his sword and threw the corpse into Jialing River in a bamboobasket. Because Erzhu daogao was able to bring the dead back to life, he driftedto the edge of Fuzhou City on the Yangtze River like a sleepwalker after hisdeath. Fortunately, a fisherman found him, rescued him and put him on the stonebeam to guard him. The next day, he was awakened by the roaring bell from FuzhouCity. He was very grateful to the fishermen, so he gave him the elixir, and theybecame brothers from then on. After drinking, he walked hand in hand on thestone beam and told his life experience. One day, a silver crane came to thebeam and lifted Er Zhus camel to the sky. There was no trace of pengque.

Although its a legend, its still more mysterious. It is a natural stonebeam in the Yangtze River in Fuling City, 1600 meters long and 15 meters wide onaverage. Since the first year of Guangde in Tang Dynasty, many poems andpatterns and low water level of the Yangtze River have been inscribed on thestone beams. It has a history of more than 1200 years. It is known as "theworlds first ancient hydrological station" and "underwater forest of Steles".The stone fish carved on the stone is the symbol of ancient hydrologicalobservation, and the inscription on the stone is the record of ancienthydrological observation, which is an extremely important hydrologicalhistorical data. Its inscriptions and images record the historical low waterlevel of 72 years in more than 1200 years, which is of great historical valuefor the study of low water law, shipping and production in the middle and upperreaches of the Yangtze River. At the International Conference on hydrology heldin Paris in 1974, the Chinese delegation submitted a report entitled"inscription on Fuling stone fish" to the conference, and the scientific valueof Baiheliang was recognized by the world. On Baiheliang, there are many poemsand inscriptions written by Huang Tingjian, Zhu Xi, Pang Gongsun, Zhu ang, WangShizhen and other poets in the past dynasties. Seal, official script, line andgrass are all available. Yan, Liu, Huang and Su are presented together. Thereare also low relief, deep relief, line carving, ah pattern, lace, etc One of theworlds underwater wonders.

Due to the construction of the Three Gorges project, the inscription onBaiheliang, which is located under the submerged water level, will sink at thebottom of the river forever. In order to protect this underwater treasure, theunderwater protection project of Baiheliang inscription was approved by theState Administration of cultural relics to build an underwater Museum. Theproject consists of four parts: "underwater Museum", "connecting trafficcorridor", "underwater anti-collision pier", and "on shore exhibition hall". Theengineering design of the protective cover of the underwater museum is called"dome", which is located directly above the inscription and is oval in shape tocover the whole inscription plane. There are three ways for visitors to visit:through the glass of the corridor, through the underwater camera and wearingdiving suit.

Time is like flowing water. Ill talk about the introduction before thetour. Well start the formal journey soon. Lets get ready. OK, now please comewith me and witness with your own eyes.



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Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I am todays tour guide. Today I willaccompany you to visit the Dabie Mountains.

Dabie Mountain is located at the junction of Hubei, Henan and Anhuiprovinces. It has high mountains and overlapping peaks. It connects Huaihe Riverin the north and Yangtze River in the south. It is of great strategicsignificance to overlook the Central Plains. Therefore, it has been a must formilitary strategists since ancient times. It has always been said that those whoget the Dabie Mountains get the Central Plains, and those who get the CentralPlains get the world.

As early as in feudal society, the cruel exploitation and oppressionaroused the peoples resistance to the ruling class. At the end of Qin Dynasty,yingbu led the peasants to fight against Qin peasants. At the end of the YuanDynasty, Xu Shouhui, the leader of the peasant uprising, established the Tianhuiempire in Qingquan town of Xishui based on the Dabie Mountains, and then dividedthe troops into four groups. The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom revolutionary movementwas in full swing here for several years.

Dabie Mountain is a famous mountain in the history of Chinese revolution.This is because the people of Dabie Mountain, under the leadership of theCommunist Party of China, fought bravely and made great contributions to theestablishment of new China.

During the agrarian revolution, "jute uprising", one of the three majoruprisings in China, took place here; the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army, oneof the three main forces of the Red Army, was also born here; during the war ofliberation, Liu Dengs army leaped into the Dabie Mountains and fought here.

Jute uprising is an event of great significance in todays Huangan andMacheng. On November 11, 1927, according to the spirit of the "August 7th"meeting of the CPC Central Committee and the autumn harvest riot plan of theHubei provincial Party committee, the CPC jute special committee held a meetingof the Communist Party and League activists in Huangan and Macheng at Wenchangpalace in Qiliping, Huangan County, and decided to launch the "September riot"in Huangan and Macheng On the night of November 11, more than 20000 peasantsled by the general headquarters of the uprising, with the support of thousandsof people, captured Huangan County in the early morning of the next day. Twentyone days later, because the Kuomintang troops attacked Huangan city secretly,the enemy was outnumbered, and Huangan City, which was not liberated long ago,fell back into the enemy again Hands. The Eastern Hubei army also withdrew fromthe county seat and arrived at Mulan mountain to carry out guerrilla activities.On January 1, 1928, it was reorganized into the seventh army of the Chineseworkers and peasants revolution. In July of the same year, it was reorganizedinto the Chinese workers and peasants Red Army, and created the firstrevolutionary base in the region of Hubei, Henan and Anhui.

On November 7, 1931, the Fourth Front Army of the Chinese workers andpeasants Red Army was established in Qiliping, Huangan. Its commander-in-chiefYu Qianxiang and political commissar Chen Changhao had more than 30000 peopleunder the jurisdiction of the fourth and 25th Red Army. Before itsestablishment, the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army had achieved the goal ofsmashing the enemys three "suppression" campaigns, two "encirclement andsuppression" campaigns and going south, The victory of the battle and theestablishment of the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army marked the growingstrength and maturity of the Dabie Mountains. It trained and trained a largenumber of excellent senior military leaders and commanders for Chinasrevolutionary cause.

In June 1947, Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping led 120000 troops to cross theYellow River from the southwest of Shandong Province with superhuman courage andcourage in accordance with the strategic principles of the Party CentralCommittee, breaking through the Kuomintangs hundreds of thousands ofencirclement and interception, and leaping from the Yellow River to the DabieMountains, which successfully opened the prelude of the PLAs strategiccounterattack. In October, Chiang Kai Shek sent troops to prevent the PLA fromcrossing the river. Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping decided to seize thisfavorable opportunity and concentrate their superior forces to annihilate it. OnOctober 1, under Liu Dengs personal deployment, the main force of the fieldarmy annihilated the Kuomintangs integrated 40th division and the 82nd brigadeof the integrated 52nd division. In this battle, 12600 people were annihilated,70 guns of various kinds, more than 4800 long and short guns were seized, andone plane was shot down. We have achieved great success in gaoshanpu. Thisbattle laid the foundation for Liu Dengs army to rebuild the Dabie mountainbase, and realized the strategic policy of the Party Central Committee andChairman Mao on leading the war from the liberated area to the enemys war zone.In the Central Plains area to the north of the Yangtze River, it formed a pinshaped strategic layout with the brother main forces advancing into the areas ofJiangsu, Shandong, Henan, Anhui and Henan, Shaanxi and Hubei, which directlythreatened the security of the Nanjing Kuomintang government. It fundamentallyshook the Kuomintangs reactionary rule in the Central Plains and greatlyaccelerated the liberation process of the whole country. It took only one yearand eight months from August 1947 to the liberation of the whole territory ofHubei, Henan and Western Anhui. In this short period of 20 months, Liu Dengsfield army, who was brave and good at fighting, not only led the war from thenorth of the Yellow River to the Yangtze River basin with a leap forward actionrarely seen in ancient and modern Chinese and foreign history In other words, itpushed forward 1000 kilometers southward, and at a speed much faster than peopleexpected, it won the vast area with the Dabie Mountains as the center, andsuccessfully achieved the goal of stabilizing the overall situation of theCentral Plains and then marching into the south. As the front position of thestrategic counter offensive, the Dabie liberated area has also become animportant base for our army to move forward. In its glorious history, a newchapter has been added to support the battle of crossing the Yangtze River andthe liberation of the southern half of China.

Located in Luotian County, Hubei Province, Tiantangzhai, the main peak ofDabie Mountain, is 1729 meters high, known as the first peak in the CentralPlains. When you climb the main peak and look around the world, you can see100000 mountains embracing and worshiping you. Looking at the Central Plains inthe north and Jingchu in the south, there is a poem that says: "there is a peakstraight up, and all things are dense. When you look at it, your mind is stillwide, and the Phoenix is like heaven." Watching the sunrise in the early morningis like walking in the fairy palace. When the rain is over and the sky is clear,climbing the main peak in the morning to view the sea of clouds is even morespectacular. The green and black mountains are like fishing boats in the whitesea, sometimes looming and sometimes appearing. They are also like black dragonsflying, dancing and swallowing clouds.

On the west side of the main peak, large and small scenic spots can be seeneverywhere, with nine hoops and monks more eye-catching. As soon as visitors getclose to the park management office, they can see a cliff hundreds of metershigh when they look up to the East. They are born like a monk with a big stomachand a smiling face. It is said that this cliff was changed by Maitreya Buddha.There is a yellow aperture on the top of the cliff.

We go up the ladder, and here is the famous gathering of immortals. Withina half kilometer radius, there are 90 peaks, large and small, most of which areformed by weathering and denudation of ancient rock strata. Looking up from therock, you can see the clouds directly; looking down from the top, you can seethe past like smoke. The magic of its shape, uncanny workmanship. One of themost famous is Zheren peak. In a small view, the cliff is about 100 meters high,like a huge head, broad forehead, thick eyebrows, high nose, fleshy lips,contemplating the north, as if thinking about a major philosophical proposition,visitors stop, marvel and ponder.

"Benevolent people enjoy mountains, wise people enjoy water.". ParadiseForest Park can also let you enjoy the charm of Paradise water. The water ofheaven is "divine water". On the mountain peak with an altitude of more than1700 meters, there is a spring. The spring is always clear and sweet. There isanother square meter pool in front of us. It is said that Xu Shouhui, the leaderof the peasant uprising at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, once bathed in public inthis pool and put a purple light on his body. All the believers thought MaitreyaBuddha was born, and they embraced him as the Lord. They gathered millions ofpeople at one stroke.

Fairy Valley is also full of magical colors. Less than 200 meters west ofthe pedestrian road from the park management office, you enter the picturesquefairy valley. The legend of Shenxian Valley is a place loved and frequentlymoved by taishanglaojun. A huge stone stands at the entrance of the valley, onwhich a flat roof is naturally formed. There is a deep hole under the boulder.There is a pool in front of the hole. There are two cascades on the pool. It issaid that a pair of carp in the pool are infected by taishanglaojuns immortalQi. They swim into shuanglongtan not far away and listen to Laojuns chantingand preaching. Shuanglongtan is actually the biggest two "Wells" in the ninewells of heaven, and the two wells are connected. There is a huge platformbetween the two pools, namely "songjingtai", which is taishanglaojun A platformfor chanting and preaching. Every time Lao Jun devotes himself to preaching, thetwo carp also devote themselves to listening. After a long time, they all emergeinto Jackie Chan and achieve the right results. Therefore, they are later called"shuanglongtan".

OK, Ill explain it to you. If you have anything else you want to know, youcan bring it up to me. Lets discuss it together. The rest of the time is foryou to take photos. Please dont have to return to the hotel before 5:30. Youcan take the road on the left or return the same way.



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Dear passengers

Hello, everyone. Your journey has been hard. Im the tour guide of Jinzhouinternational travel service. My name is Zhang Chenchen. Just call me XiaoZhang. On behalf of all employees of CITS, please allow me to sincerely welcomeyou to Jinzhou. Its my wish and my goal to work hard. If you have anydifficulties and requirements during the journey, please contact me in time.Ill try my best to meet your requirements. At the same time, I hope you can putforward suggestions and criticisms on my service. I wish you all the best in thefuture Jinzhou end of happy, happy, a brief introduction to todays itinerary,we today to the penholder with the scenic spot, about half an hour ride.

Jinzhou City is located in the west of Liaoning Province, covering an areaof 10301 square kilometers, which is equivalent to 10 urban areas as large asHong Kong (with an area of 1070 square kilometers), covering an area of 440square kilometers, with a population of 2.968 million and a population of 756million. There are 26 ethnic groups including Han, Manchu, Mongolian, Hui andKorean. Jinzhou has a long history and splendid culture. According to research,tens of thousands of years ago, human beings lived and multiplied here. Jinzhouwas first called tuhe, and it is said that the city was built when Yushun was inpower. Many sites, tombs and historical relics have been left in Jinzhou.Jinzhou is a strategic place for military strategists of all dynasties, the mainbattlefield of Ming and Qing Dynasties, and the main battlefield of Liaoshencampaign during the war of liberation. Jinzhou Development Zone is one of themost convenient entrances and exits of Northeast China Development Zone. It isthe window and frontier of opening to the outside world in western Liaoning. Itsplanned development area is 58 square kilometers, and the first phasedevelopment area is 7 square kilometers. It mainly attracts all kinds of fundsto set up technology intensive industrial enterprises facing the internationalmarket, and build high-grade hotels, hotels, shopping malls, villas, amusementcenters, among which Bijia Shanfeng is the best Bijia mountain scenic spot islocated in the coastal area of Southern Jinzhou, 37 kilometers away from thecity center. Bijia mountain is 76 miles in height and 4 li in length from northto south. Its scale is obviously inferior to that of the famous mountains in themainland. However, because its danger lies in the vast Bohai Sea, it has aspecial feeling to look into the distance. If its sunny, the waves are calm,the sky is golden, if its early in the morning, the smoke is hazy, red, orange,yellow and green, and there are many changes For a long time, the mind is asmagnanimous as the sea, and there is indeed the beauty of "bright moon in thepavilion, clouds in the window".

In the scenic area, there are natural scenery composed of big Bijiamountain, small Bijia mountain, overpass and bathing beach. On the mountain,there are also some scenic spots such as Bifeng Mountain Gate, lvzuting, Wumupalace, Sanqing Pavilion and yixiantian. Each scenic spot has wonderful myths,legends and generations of recitation, which make people think about it. So howcan Bijia mountain be formed? It is said that in ancient times, it wasoriginally a vast ocean, and then two Lang Shen took two mountains and put theminto the sea to form two big and small islands, which are todays big and smallBijia mountains. Well, today we mainly visit big and small Bijia mountain. OK,our destination is here. Please get off and follow me.

Look, there is an island near the sea. It stands in the vast sea,surrounded by clouds and fog. Its named Bijia mountain because it looks like apenholder. When the rising sun shines on the sea, Bijia mountain is covered withthousands of rays, and is coaxed and held by the golden sea. From a distance,the commander looks like a long hair of Xiang Tianli, who is waving it? The bookis magical. Lu Shanlin, a member of the QingHan forest academy, once wrote apoem praising the day: the tip of the pen towering blue sky, the clouds risingafter the rain on the top of the peak, the reflection in the ocean, the wavesturning and the river flowing. Dabijia mountain is more than 1600 meters awayfrom the coast, and the overpass is the link between the mountain and the coast,so it is known as "Bifeng plunges into the sea". In addition to Bifeng plungesinto the sea, Jinzhou eight sceneries include: Stone shed pine, Bauhiniasunrise, rainbow snail evening photo, Jinshui Huiwen, Tangshui Dongyu, LingheYanyu, ancient pagoda dusk crow, which are Jinzhou eight sceneries from theearly Qing Dynasty.

If you look at the statues of the two fairies behind us, there are four bigwords "bridge built by fairies" beside them. I think you will guess that thebridge must have been built by fairies. Then why dont you ask these two lying,while the other is standing, what is still in his hand. This starts from acharming legend: it is said that long ago, two nine immortals drove colorfulauspicious clouds to visit the sky above the big and small Bijia mountain (2.5kilometers northeast of the big Bijia mountain, and another small island, thefamous little Bijia mountain). Looking down, they were immediately attracted bythe beautiful water and wanted to connect the land and the island for thebenefit of the world, so their sister was there My sister built a bridge inxiaobijiashan and agreed to repair it before five oclock. My sister was strongin nature and was not afraid of difficulties. Her sweat fell into the sea andturned into stones. Finally, she repaired the bridge before dawn. My sisterworried about my sister and went to see her. She fell asleep tired after half ofthe repair. As the day was coming, she quickly took the soil and sprinkled it onthe unfinished road So far, the overpass of dabijia mountain is made of stone,while half of the overpass of xiaobijia mountain is made of earth. Of course,this is a legend, not for evidence, but people still carve door statues for themin memory of the two sisters. According to this legend, the industrious sisteris standing, and the sleepy sister is lying. Well, I now tell you that the realbuilder of the overpass is the waves, which is a natural passage formed by theimpact of the waves, and it rises and falls with the tide Now and then, it isthe result of tidal movement. The period of sea water rising and falling isabout 24 hours and 50 minutes. Here, the sea water rises and falls twice. Youcan see that the fresh water well not far from the statue is about 4 meters deepand 1 meter in diameter. Dont underestimate this well. You can see that itsonly 50 meters away from the shore. The well water is not salty like sea water,but sweet and refreshing. Its from the nearby residents The main water sourceis also the fresh water well nearest to the sea. It is said that this well wasbuilt in 1912. When there was not enough fresh water, the Taoist priest who wasin charge of the mountain repair went down to look for water. He found a springby the sea and built a well. The southeast corner of the well bottom wasconnected with the sea, and the well digger blocked it with boulders to preventthe sea water from pouring in. The wall of the well is built of bluestone on themountain, and the well water is collected from the spring water on the northernhillside. The fresh water well so close to the sea can be regarded as the"unique" of Bijia mountain.

Well, tourists, now the nailed pebble passage under our feet is theoverpass. You see, its the ebb tide now, and the sea water has slowly recededfrom both sides. From a distance, it looks like a dragon winding like a dragon,hidden in the vast sea. You can see that those anxious tourists in front of ushave walked in the vast sea on the waves of the blue sea, and the scene is like"Eight Immortals crossing the sea" with their respective magic powers. You canwalk along this pebble passage to the mountain gate. During this period, you canplay while walking, collect shells, catch crabs, find conches, watch the waves,and enjoy the beauty of the magic overpass.

After crossing the overpass, the note that is now in front of us isbifengmen. You can see that its a stone gate, which is on the back of"glorifying the country" and "valuing Taoism and pro morality". This is writtenby he Baojiang, the Taoist who presided over the mountain building at that time.On the left side of the mountain gate, a stone statue of the monkey king made ofwhite marble has disappeared. You walk along the mountain road, but Lu Zuting,you see, it is like a small tower, 10 meters high, two floors, outside thePavilion there are 15 stone steps, the upper layer has a white marble stoneBuddha, the lower layer has two sides of white marble stone Buddha, themessenger said that this is Lu Dongbins resting place when the eight immortalscross the sea, so it is named Lu Zuting. In the south of Lu Zuting is the fivemother palace. The original business was five two-story stone houses. Later, themiddle and upper floors were destroyed. There was a stone Buddha in each of thelower floors. Five female Buddhas sat in the south, some with books in theirhands, some with pomegranates in their hands. All of them were peaceful andbeautiful. In other pavilions, there were many female Buddhas. It turns out thatin the past, there were all nuns here. For a long time, there were more than 120nuns, which can be called the kingdom of nuns. Therefore, the palace isspecially designed for womens memorial day. In front of the gate of the fifthmother palace, there are two stone pillars carved with giant dragon climbingpillars. The carving is exquisite and vivid. In the south of Wumu palace,located at the highest point of Bijia mountain, is Sanqing Pavilion. It is a sixstory stone building, 26.2 meters high. It has a single color stone wall, StoneGallery, stone wall, stone gate, stone ladder. Even the murals and door god arecarved in stone. There are no wooden or iron objects. There are corridors in thepavilion. The upper and lower paths are connected. The location and layout ofthe palace and attic are changed in symmetry and connected in dispersion Theingenious design and excellent combination can be regarded as the best ofarchitecture. The stone carvings at the entrance and window are exquisite,lifelike and ecological. There are 43 stone Buddhas in the pavilion. Among them,the sun light Buddha Lisheng Pangu new moon statue on the top floor of SanqingPavilion is the most. Please see, this new moon statue is made of white marble,which is unique in China. It was built in 1912 and has experienced 85 years ofups and downs. The auspicious island on the top of Pangus head, the lotus seat,and its left side The eyebrow represents the sun, the right eyebrow representsthe moon, and the eyes are wide open, the light is as vast as a torch, its eyescan only be meaningful, but not verbal. Holding fire in the left hand and waterin the right hand, the whole statue is carved with six dragons in differentshapes, which contains the mystery of the five elements of gold, wood, water,fire and earth. Its shape and sculpture style are unique. The most attractivething about climbing sanqingge is to look at the sea from the platform. You cannot only enjoy the scenery of the sea, but also find historical sites. You cansee, not far from Bijiashan, there is a port. The letter is Jinzhou port, whichis the northernmost port in Chinas Bohai economic circle. It is also the onlycommercial port open to the outside world on the nearly 400 km coastline ofwestern Liaoning. There are five berths for "four miscellaneous and one oil",including one 10000 ton oil berth with an annual throughput of 5.5 million tons.Six to eight more berths will be built by the end of this century In addition,in October 1996, the TV series "love Bijiashan" was shot on the spot andbroadcast in Jinzhou TV station, cable TV station and Liaoning TV station oneafter another. According to the standard of CCTV, the TV series "love Bijiashan"was refined The series is 11 episodes, which will be broadcast to CCTV, so thatpeople all over the country can understand Jinzhou and Bijia mountain. Thehospitable Jincheng people welcome people from all over the country to visitJinzhou and Bijia mountain. Well, tourists, my explanation will come to an endhere. You can play by yourself in the rest of the time. You can blow the seabreeze and see the waves here Or pick up some shells at the foot of the mountainand take a sea bath. Well meet at the gate at 3 oclock.

Time flies, now just a few small crabs, tied so my shell, well, my tourguide work is over, with you also, its time to say goodbye. Well, thank you foryour strong support for my work. Welcome to Jinzhou and Bijia mountain again.Goodbye!


Bijiashan scenic area gate, also known as Haimen. Designed by BeijingTsinghua University Institute of architecture, it is divided into North andsouth parts. On the south side is a 20 meter high rainbow arch gate, whichsymbolizes the "Overpass" connecting the shore island. On the north side is a 22meter high golden key with east-west symmetry, which means that the two goldenkeys open the gate of the scenic spot, allowing tourists to open the gate of thescenic spot, and let tourists cross the overpass to mount Bijia.



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Hello, everyone! My name is Rowling, you can call me Xiao Luo. Im glad tobe your tour guide. Today Im going to visit Yuelu Mountain with you. We willhave a good day together.

This is Yuelu Mountain, with an altitude of 300. 8 meters, is one of the 72peaks of Nanyue. It is like a natural barrier across the west of ChangshaCity.

We are now at the foot of Yuelu Mountain. Please look with me. This oldhouse with moss on the tiles here is the famous Yuelu Academy. Yuelu Academy isa bright pearl in the long river of Chinese history and culture. Together withBailudong academy, Songyang academy and Yingtian academy, it is known as Chinasfour major academies. It has a long history and was built in 976. Zhu Xi, afamous Neo Confucianist and educator in the Southern Song Dynasty, once gavelectures here.

Lets keep going up and see, this is the "love Pavilion". Four red pillars,like a pine tree, stand straight in front of us, supporting the two green roofs.From a distance, it looks like a big tree. It is perfectly combined with thebeautiful scenery. On the top of the pavilion, there are three glittering goldencharacters of "aiwanting".

The original name of aiwanting was "hongyeting". Later, it was renamed as"aiwanting" because of the poem in "a journey to the mountains" written by thefamous poet Du Mu of the Tang Dynasty: "stop and sit in the maple forest atnight, frost leaves are more red than February flowers". It is also known as oneof the four famous pavilions in China.

There are many scenic spots in Yuelu Mountain. Lets have a rest first, andthen well go to more beautiful and wonderful scenic spots together. Please payattention to "during the rest, do not run too far away, just rest nearby; inorder to avoid the team, pay attention to safety, we will gather here in 20minutes!



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Longxing Temple was originally the Longteng garden of yanmurongxi in theSixteen Kingdoms period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. In 586, Emperor Wen of theSui Dynasty rebuilt the temple in the garden, which was called longzang temple.It was renamed Longxing Temple in Tang Dynasty.

In the second year of Kaibao (969) of the Northern Song Dynasty, ZhaoKuangyin, the song Taizu, came to Hedong and stayed in Zhenzhou (laterZhengding). When he went to the Dabei temple in the west of the city, which wasfounded by the eminent monks of the Tang Dynasty, he learned that the originalbronze Bodhisattva was four feet and nine feet high, and that there were twocalamities in the later Han Dynastys Khitan invasion and the Later ZhouDynastys destruction of the Buddha to cast money In Longxing Temple of thecity, the body of the great compassion Bodhisattva was recast and the greatcompassion pavilion was built. The project was started in the fourth year ofKaibao (971) and completed in the eighth year of Kaibao (975). With this as themain body, the central axis layout was adopted for Daxing expansion, forming aSong Dynasty architectural complex with north-south depth, large-scale andmomentum.

In 1858, the palace on the west road was occupied by the Catholic Church,and the buildings on the middle and East roads were also damaged. There are fewvisiting monks in the temple, and the gate is deserted.

In 1961, it was announced by the State Council as a national key culturalrelics protection unit.



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The scenic spot we came to is called "strange garden and strange building",which is a strange place. Strange rare is called strange, strange alone iscalled strange. Strange is strange, not strange is strange. Qiyuan is a new parkbuilt in 1991, but strange building has a real history.

The owner of the strange building is w. J. sinbeson, a Californian born in1898. He graduated from Yale University, a famous university in the UnitedStates, and is a doctor of forestry specializing in horticulture. In 1928, hewas sent to Beidaihe seaside by American Protestant church and founded Dongshanhorticultural farm. He worked and lived in Beidaihe for 12 years. During thisperiod, he introduced more than 20 kinds of excellent fruit trees, such asapples, grapes, plums, cherries, and other excellent livestock, such as Dutchcows, Yorkshire pigs, Leghorn chickens, and introduced and promoted Amorphafruticosa, the pioneer shrub of North China greening. Simpson worked hard everyday, often sweating heavily, and his clothes were covered with soil; heseriously carried out scientific research, wrote many scientific papers andbooks on the promotion of agricultural technology. He set up a "volunteerresearch association" and trained many technicians. Until the liberation of thewhole country, some of the key garden technicians in Jingdong and Beidaihe werestill students of Simpson. His forthright character, humorous language, profoundknowledge and practical spirit made him establish a deep friendship with thepeasants and intellectuals in Beidaihe. He is an emissary of Sino US friendship,a mentor of science and technology, and a founder of modern horticulture inBeidaihe. Beidaihe will never forget anyone who is full of kindness, love andcontribution. Simpsons name, like the flowers and trees he cultivated, willtake root in the land of Beidaihe and spread his eternal fragrance.

In 1936, Simpson designed a villa with unique external shape and internalstructure, which was built by local architect Su Quanren. Simpsons villa, as awhole, belongs to European Gothic architecture. It has three floors, five roofs,seven corners and eight sides. Every corner of the roof is made of granite. Itsvery beautiful. There are 44 doors and 46 windows in the building, but there isno square room. Inside the villa, house to house, suite to suite, big and small,connected. When a stranger comes in, its hard to find the door that just camein. When you enter the middle hall, there are big glass mirrors all around. Whenyou go to the pawnshop, there are people everywhere. When you turn around, itshard to find the door to go out. There is a well in the middle of the basement.Around the well head, a spiral staircase is built to run up and down. This wellis the natural temperature and humidity regulator in the villa: it is used toreduce the temperature in summer and increase the humidity in winter; thisstaircase is made of vines and dried branches of fruit trees. Its reallyinteresting to walk up, flickering, soft and trembling. This strange villa soonwon the reputation of "strange building". In 1940, on the eve of the outbreak ofthe Pacific War, Dr. Simpson returned to the United States, but his "strangebuilding" became even more famous. It became a magnificent and mysteriouslandscape of Beidaihe and attracted many tourists to enjoy and investigate.However, more than 30 years ago, an innocent and strange building could notescape. Finally one day, the strange building was demolished artificially.

Today, the strange building in front of us was redesigned and rebuilt in1991 according to the original architectural style of the strange building. Mr.Hua Junwu, a famous cartoonist in China, inscribed "strange garden and strangebuilding", which makes people feel more humorous and relaxed. Qiyuan covers anarea of 90 mu, with a building area of 999 square meters and 99 wonderfulscenes. Why do you choose so many "9"? Because "9" is a big number, I just wantto explain to you: when you come here, you can appreciate what is called bigstrange, big strange and special strange. The designer has made every effort tocreate the wonderful, the strange and the happy in the strange garden and thestrange building. Strange garden and strange building is a monument set up bythe people of Beidaihe for Dr. Xin Baisen. It is also a paradise for thousandsof tourists to experience the wonderful and strange. Please enjoy yourself hereand have a long laugh. There is a "Fang directory" in Qiyuan strange building.Please write down your feelings here and leave your name.
