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There is a song called "often go home to have a look". There is a desire togo out and have a look. Welcome to the pure land of Fantian, Taoyuan andTongren. I am the tour guide of this trip to Fanjing Mountain. Next to me ismaster Wang, the driver of our trip to Fanjing Mountain. He has many years ofdriving experience. Guizhou not only has the reputation of "ecological island,song and dance Island, wine Island, culture island", but also "cave world,mountain kingdom". Next, Ill bring you the tour guide of Fanjing Mountain,hoping to help you.

Fanjing Mountain is located at the junction of Jiangkou, Yinjiang andSongtao counties in the east of Guizhou Province. Nature has created the magicalscenery of Fanjing Mountain. To use a poem to describe it, it is full of strangerocks and trees, exotic animals and rare birds. Therefore, it is also one of the26 world nature reserves that have joined the United Nations "man and biosphere"reserve network, known as the "ecological kingdom". The whole Fanjing Mountainis huge, about 21 kilometers wide from east to west, 37 kilometers long fromnorth to south, with a total area of 567 square kilometers. The whole scenicarea has magnificent mountains and streams.

Members of the group, what we see is the longzongchan temple, which is alsothe entrance of the scenic spot. Please take your belongings and come with me toenter this holy land. We are all lucky people. Since April 20__, the ropeway ofFanjing Mountain has been officially opened. Fanjing Mountain, a tourist resortwith 7897 stone steps, is no longer unattainable. Today, we can overlook FanjingMountain through the ropeway cable car. We can have a panoramic view of thebeautiful scenery of Fanjing Mountain. At the same time, we can also overlookall kinds of exotic flowers, trees and rare birds in the forest Animals, becausethere are many rare animals and plants in many countries, such as qiangoldenmonkey, a national first-class protected animal, he is known as "the only childin the world", as well as Davidia involucrata, Abies faxoniana and variousbirds. In fact, we travel to experience the nature and enjoy the excitement andsense of achievement brought by the nature, so its a good choice to walk tenthousand steps to the top of Fanjing Mountain. When we hike to the top ofFanjing Mountain, we will have the feeling of "seeing all the small mountains ata glance". The total length of the trail is 26 kilometers, and its constructionis based on rocks, pebbles, and some other uses The cement is filled withcement, which is carried by the local residents bag by bag. What they have donehas played a role in ensuring our safety. Look at the beautiful farm fieldsnearby, we really deserve to enjoy hiking and sightseeing.

Fanjing Mountain is a famous "ancient Buddha Taoist center". Chengen templeis the best witness. Covering an area of 1200 square meters, Chengen temple isthe main building of Fanjing peak temple group. It is also one of the fivefamous Buddhist mountains. It is also the only Maitreya Buddhist Taoist center,which is similar to Manjusri Bodhisattva Taoist center in Wutai Mountain ofShanxi Province, Puxian Bodhisattva Taoist center in Emei Mountain of SichuanProvince and Guanyin Bodhisattva Taoist center in Putuo Mountain of ZhejiangProvince Buddhist temples began in the Southern Song Dynasty, developedtortuously in the Yuan Dynasty, first flourished in the Yongle period of theMing Dynasty, and flourished in the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty. It has ahistory of at least three or four hundred years. Since its opening, incense hasbeen extremely prosperous, and many people believe in worship

The Rhododendron corridor is the main attraction of Fanjing Mountain inspring, and it is worth visiting. As for Hongyun Jinding, it is a masterpiece ofFanjing Mountain. People pull the chain step by step to climb Hongyun Jinding,the second peak of Fanjing Mountain. For many people, it takes a lot of courageand a challenge. It rises from Fanjing Mountain and rises to the sky 100 metersabove the ground. It can be called "a pillar of heaven". On the top of it areMaitreya hall and Sakyamuni hall. It is said that the two Buddhists traveledhere together. When they saw the summit, they wanted to take it for themselves.Later, after mediation by the Jade Emperor, they took out a golden knife andsplit the golden roof in half. So the two Buddhists did not quarrel with eachother We share the fireworks in the world, so we have a wonderful work scissorsgorge and a classic ancient bridge Tianqiao. If we climb up the Jinding toworship, we will be happy like immortals. You need to refuel.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 635 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2027 字

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Hello, everyone

The towering brick wall in front is Pingyao City, one of the four existingcomplete ancient cities in China. It has a history of more than 2700 years. Sofar, it still retains the basic features of the county town in the Ming and QingDynasties, which can be called the most complete ancient city in the Hannationality region of China.

The biggest feature of Pingyao ancient city is the ancient city wall. Now,please follow me up the city wall and watch the construction of the ancient citywall.

We can see that there are short walls on both sides of the city wall, whichare called "parapets". Why are they called "parapets"? There is a popular storyamong the people: there was no parapet in the city in the early days. Once, anold man was pulled to work, and his little granddaughter, who was dependent onhim, came to the city every day and sat beside him to watch. One day, a verytired migrant worker walked to the edge of the city wall in a daze. The littlegirl was afraid that he would fall and pushed him in. Unexpectedly, the migrantworker was saved, but the little girl fell to death. In memory of her, craftsmenbuilt a parapet in the city and called it a parapet. Its a touching story, butit does illustrate the protective function of the parapet. We have noticed thatevery other section of the city wall has a projecting part, which is called thepier. Whats the pier for? Its for the defense of the city wall. With piers andabutments, a powerful three-dimensional shooting net can be formed from threesides, and the city defense force is greatly strengthened. On each pier there isalso an enemy tower with holes for observation and shooting. There are 3000crenels and 72 enemy towers in the ancient city of Pingyao, which is a symbol ofConfucius three thousand disciples and seventy-two sages.

OK, tourists, its free time. You can take photos. When taking photos, youshould pay attention to your body. Dont go outside the wall. Pay attention tosafety. Dont engrave on the wall. Thank you for your cooperation.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 8808 字

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Hello, everyone, welcome to the southernmost city of Chinese mainland toZhanjiang. Once a great man Deng Xiaopings sentence "Qingdao in the north,Zhanjiang in the South" incisively outlines a charming Zhanjiang which can becompared with Qingdao. Zhanjiang, like Qingdao, is also one of the first batchof open tourist cities in China. At the same time, Zhanjiang has a uniquegeographical location, rich natural resources and beautiful coastal scenery,just like a dazzling pearl, inlaid in the South China Sea.

Zhanjiang has a total land area of 12470.5 square kilometers, which can beillustrated by the following districts and cities.. Four are four urban areas:Chikan District, Xiashan District, Potou district and Mazhang district; threeare three county-level cities: Leizhou City, Wuchuan City and Lianjiang City;two are two counties: Suixi County and Xuwen County; one is a national economicand Technological Development Zone. Zhanjiang is located in the southernmostChinese mainland. The southwest of Guangdong province is located in the LeizhouPeninsula, east of the South China Sea, the west coast of the Beibu Gulf, thesouth facing the sea from Hainan, the North southwest, and the Guangdong,Guangxi and Qiong provinces. It is the necessary place for Hainan Island to goto the mainland, the main outlet for the southwest China, and the NorthwestHepu, Bobai and Lu Chuan county. Adjacent to the northeast, it borders MaonanDistrict, Huazhou City and Dianbai County of Maoming City. It is also theshortest foreign trade port from the mainland of China to Southeast Asia,Africa, Europe, Oceania and the Middle East. It plays an important role in theBeibu Gulf economic circle and Asia Pacific Economic Circle.

Zhanjiang is located in the low latitude zone south of the Tropic ofcancer. It has a North tropical marine monsoon climate. The annual averagetemperature is about 22.8 degrees, and the hottest month is July and August. Theaverage temperature is 30 degrees. The coldest months are January and February,and the average temperature is about 15 degrees. There is no severe cold inwinter and no severe heat in summer. The warm climate makes Zhanjiang green allthe year round, forming a unique North tropical plant ecological landscape.

The design idea of the sculpture is to symbolize Zhanjiang peoples"sailing to the world" with sails, which is known as Zhanjiang City logo "windis flying". Unexpectedly, this group of "three sails" sculptures are more likethree machetes standing on the ground than sails. Whats more bizarre is thatthe sculpture faces the office buildings of the customs, border control and taxauthorities. In the anti smuggling activities of the state a few years ago, thesculpture of this city was like "three knives" that "chopped" the three mainleaders of Zhanjiang customs, frontier defense and tax respectively. Therefore,the local people say that the presence of these three knives is also a wake-upcall for these government units. If they do not abide by the law, they will cutthem off.

Having said so much, how did the name of Zhanjiang come from? Why wasZhanjiang called "Guangzhou Bay" before?

Zhanjiang belongs to Baiyue of Chu state in the pre Qin period. In the QinDynasty, it belonged to Xiang County, and in the Han Dynasty, it belonged toHezhou. In the song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, it belonged to Jun, Lu andFu. In modern history, Zhanjiang was a French colony. After the second OpiumWar, that is, in 1898, France coerced the Qing government to lease Guangzhou Bayin the three counties of South Wuchuan for 99 years. Then, the French colonistswantonly expanded the scope of leased land by force and occupied a large area ofland along the harbor (now Zhanjiang Harbor Area), which was collectivelyreferred to as Guangzhou Bay (Zhanjiang area was formerly known as "GuangzhouBay"). This name was formed in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Some scholarsbelieve that it was named because there are "Guangzhou Bay" villages in thethree southern islands. Others believe that it was named because gaolei mansionis under the jurisdiction of Guangzhou and the map is in the middle of"Guangzhou". In 1897, the French warship Bayard broke into the "Guangzhou Bay"to avoid typhoon, and was moved by this deep-water harbor. The government leasedthe "Guangzhou Bay",

It opened the prelude of the colonial history of Guangzhou Bay. In April1898, the French invaders occupied haitouxun (jinxiashan) and set up theirterritory in the mainland, which was resisted by the local people for more thana year. On November 16, 1899, China and France signed the Treaty of Canton Bayconcession between China and France, which collectively referred to theterritory in the concession as "Canton bay" and leased it to France in 1999. Tocommemorate the Bayard, the French called the central city of Guangzhou Bay"fort Bayard". From the outbreak of the Pacific War to 1943, Guangzhou Bay wasin a stable state and enjoyed a short-term prosperity. On February 21, 1943,Japan and France signed the agreement on joint defense of Guangzhou Bay, whichwas occupied by Japan. After the surrender of Japan, on August 18, 1945, Wuguoframe, chief executive of the Ministry of foreign affairs of the nationalgovernment of China, and Dai Litang, acting office of the French Embassy inChina, signed the "treaty between the national government of the Republic ofChina and the provisional government of France on the handover of the leasedland in Guangzhou Bay" in Chongqing on behalf of the Chinese and Frenchgovernments, and the leased land in Guangzhou Bay was returned to China. OnAugust 22, the Guangdong provincial government, by order of the nationalgovernment, established the leased land in Guangzhou Bay as a provincial city,named Zhanjiang City. Zhanjiang City was liberated on December 19, 1949. )Zhanjiang is called "Zhanjiang City". In fact, there is another saying. BecauseZhanjiang belonged to Shenchuan County in ancient times, and Zhanjiang wassurrounded by the sea on three sides, it was changed into Zhan, which impliedthe sky and the blue sea water of Zhanjiang. There are three main roads inZhanjiang, namely Renmin Avenue, Shenchuan Avenue and Haibin Avenue. These threemain roads are just three parallel lines, On the map, its just like the Chinesecharacter Chuan. Because Chuan means water and river, its changed to "River".The name of Zhanjiang comes from this..

Zhanjiang is famous for its outstanding people, rich specialties andbeautiful environment. It is the southernmost city in mainland China; GuangdongProvince was first listed as one of the 14 coastal port cities open to theoutside world by the state; the coastline is 1556 km long, accounting for about2 / 5 of the total coastline and 1 / 10 of the whole country, which is thelargest in the whole Province; Zhanjiang port is one of the deep-water ports inChina; Xuwen Coral Reef group, a national nature reserve with an area of 143.7square kilometers, is the coral reef group with the largest area and variety inChina. It has 1.49 million mu of marine beach, accounting for 48% of theprovince, the largest in the province. Donghai Island, with an area of 286square kilometers, is the largest island in the province and the fifth largestisland in the country; Donghai island beach is 28 kilometers long, of which20663 meters is the continuous part, which is certified as "the longest beach inChina" by Shanghai Guinness; the northeast of Leizhou Peninsula in Zhanjiang hasthe largest area in China and the largest low-temperature geothermal field withthermal fluid reserves; Zhanjiang is an important base for offshore oil and gasdevelopment services in South China, and the South China Sea near Zhanjiang isone of the four major offshore oil and gas accumulation centers in the world;Zhanjiangs salt production ranks first in the province, with a productioncapacity of 150000 tons, accounting for half of the provinces sea saltproduction; Zhanjiang is one of the four major sugar industry bases in China,and the largest municipal sugar industry base in China; Zhanjiang has more than180000 Mu pineapple base and more than 140000 Mu mango base, ranking first inthe province.

Zhanjiang is the largest marine pearl breeding base in China. BecauseZhanjiang faces the sea three times, most of the harbors have moderate salinity,small waves and rich bait organisms, which are suitable for pearl breeding. Themain pearl culture areas are Leizhou, Xuwen and Suixi in Leizhou Peninsula.Among the sea pearls, "Nanzhu" has the best quality and the highest grade.Leizhou Peninsula is the main producing area of South Pearl; pearl peoplegathered pearls as early as Qin Dynasty, and pearls were abundant in later HanDynasty. Emperors of all dynasties sent internal supervisors to Zhuchi tocollect pearls and pay tribute to the imperial court.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,翻译,全文共 2340 字

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Beijing, formerly known as Peking, was the capital of the Yuan Dynasty asearly as 1271. Hundreds of years later, Beijing, as the imperial capital, is nowmore prosperous.

People who come to Beijing for the first time by train will feel that therailway station is very busy and the bus is very convenient. It is said that thebus in Beijing has the longest bus length and the most bus routes in China. Butbecause traffic jams are frequent, it is not the best choice to travel inBeijing by bus. Beijings subway line through the city underground, as many as adozen, there is no traffic jam, is the preferred way of travel for the vastmajority of people.

In Beijing, the most worry is playing. There are many scenic spots inBeijing, such as Tiananmen Square, the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, thesummer palace, Xiangshan, Happy Valley, the zoo, Yonghe palace, Prince Gongsmansion, the temple of heaven, the temple of earth, Lugou Bridge, the ChinaWorld Monument, the new site of CCTV, and so on. When I come to Beijing for thefirst time, it is estimated that it will take me a month to enjoy all thesescenic spots. In other cities, it may cost a lot of money to visit places ofinterest, but in Beijing, its not expensive. For example, in the peak season ofBadaling, its 45 yuan, in the zoo, its 50 yuan, and half price for students.Tiananmen Square, China Century Monument and other attractions are free ofcharge. Although admission fees for scenic spots are not high, accommodation inBeijing is very expensive. Generally, the price of a small hotel is tens of yuana night, that of a slightly larger hotel is more than 100 yuan, and that of astandard room in a medium-sized hotel is about 200-300 yuan. If you want to stayin Beijing for a few more days, youd better go together and rent a short-termsuite in advance, which can save a lot of money.






范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3026 字

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Yuejiang tower in Nanjing, Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan, Yueyang Tower inYueyang and Tengwang Pavilion in Nanchang are known as the four famous buildingsin Jiangnan. It is located in the northwest of Nanjing City, adjacent to theYangtze River. The building is 52 meters high and has seven floors. It is one ofthe four famous buildings in the south of the Yangtze River, with blue tiles,Zhuying, cornice, zhufengfei and Tongye. After Zhu Yuanzhang became emperor, heonce again visited Lulong mountain in 1374. He wanted to build a toweringPavilion on the mountain, so he personally wrote Yuejiang Lou Ji, which ismagnificent and full of maneuvers. Because of Lulong mountains "abrupt peak,lingyanxia and invading Han Dynastys exterior, short-sighted from a distance,the real lion dragon (the alias of lion)," he changed its name to lion Zishan.In the spring of that year, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered his officials to write morethan 100 pieces of Yuejiang Lou Ji, among which Song Lian, a great scholar,wrote the most excellent one, and was recorded in Guwen Guanzhi, which washanded down to the world together with Zhu Yuanzhangs Yuejiang Lou Ji. ZhuYuanzhang built "Pingdi" for Yuejiang building, but it was not built for variousreasons.

"One river runs thousands of miles to the sea, two records of hulou sixhundred years.". This wonderful couplet is a true portrayal of the six hundredyears of vicissitudes of Yuejiang building in Nanjing. When you climb theYuejiang tower and look far away, you can see the vast river rolling eastward.Its like a panoramic view of the six hundred years of rain and smoke sinceZheng Hes voyages to the West. Yuejianglou staff said that Zheng He Pang

The big fleet came out of the Xiaguan Longjiang River in Nanjing and sailedfrom here to Liujiagang anchorage in Taicang.

Yuejianglou scenic area covers a total area of 31 hectares, of which wateraccounts for 1 / 3, land accounts for 2 / 3, and the green coverage rate reaches85%. There are more than 30 historical sites in the scenic area, such asYuejiang tower, Wanxian Pavilion, ancient fort, Sun Yat Sens Yuejiang place,Wujun tunnel, ancient city wall, dizang temple, wuse Tu, Jinghai temple, etc. itis a national famous tourist attraction integrating cultural landscape andnatural landscape. It is a national AAAA tourist attraction. Yuejiang building,with the theme of Ming culture, is divided into three main parts of"unification, opening up and development"; it shows the statues of 16 emperorsof Ming Dynasty and the territory of Ming Dynasty. There are also five "nationalbest" porcelain paintings in the scenic area, such as the complete picture ofZheng Hes voyages to the west, the double-sided embroidery of the four famousbuildings in the south of the Yangtze River, the white jade carving of Yuejiangtower, the tripod of Yuejiang tower, and the relief of Shiling Yuejiang, whichare novel in conception, exquisite in workmanship, and unique incharacteristics, fully reflecting the long history and rich cultural heritage ofYuejiang tower.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 11681 字

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Dear tourists

Hello and welcome to Dongguan. Im your guide David.

Dongguan City is located in the south central part of Guangdong Province,the East Bank of the Pearl River Estuary, and the Pearl River Delta in the lowerreaches of the Dongjiang River. It is located in the east of Guangzhou and isrich in guancao. It is between 113 ° 31 ′ - 114 ° 15 ′ E and 22 ° 39 ′ - 23 ° 09′ n. Yinpingzui mountain of Qingxi Town borders Huiyang District of Huizhou Cityin the East; datan township of Zhongtang town borders Guangzhou City, ZengchengCity and BOLUO County of Huizhou City in the north; Shiziyang central route inthe northwest of Xidatan of Shatin town borders Panyu District of Guangzhou Cityin the West; Yantian reservoir of Fenggang town connects Baoan District ofShenzhen City in the south. Adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, in the middle ofGuangzhou Shenzhen economic corridor. It is 59 km from Guangzhou in thenorthwest, 99 km from Shenzhen in the southeast and 140 km from Hong Kong. It isabout 70.45 km long from east to west and 46.8 km wide from north to south. Thecity has a land area of 2465 square kilometers and a sea area of 150 squarekilometers.

[geology? Geomorphology] in terms of geological structure, Dongguan City islocated in the south-west of northeast BOLUO fault and Dongguan fault depressionbasin on the southern edge of northeast Luofushan fault zone. The terrain ishigh in the southeast and low in the northwest. The landforms are mainly hillyplatform and alluvial plain, with hilly platform accounting for 44.5%, alluvialplain accounting for 43.3% and mountainous area accounting for 6.2%. There aremany mountains in the southeast, especially in the East. The mountains are huge,strongly divided, concentrated and undulating. The elevation is 200-600 meters,and the slope is about 30 degrees. The main peak of Yinpingzui mountain is 898.2meters high, which is the highest peak in Dongguan City. The low mountains andhills in the central and southern parts are hilly and platform areas. Thenortheast part is close to the Dongjiang River bank, with developed hillockland, land and valley plains, of which the elevation is 30-80 meters In thenorthwest is the delta plain formed by Dongjiang River, which is a low-lyingarea surrounded by water network; in the southwest is the river alluvial plainnear the Pearl River Estuary, which is flat and low-lying, which is ashaxiantian area greatly affected by the tide.

Dongguan City holds the throat of Dongjiang River and Guangzhou waterway tothe sea. It has 115.94 km coastline (including inner waterway), 53 km mainwaterway coastline and Humen Port, a good deep-water port.

[mineral resources] there are 19 kinds of mineral resources in class VIIand 66 ore deposits in Dongguan. Among them, there are 8 types of metalminerals, 34 deposit spots: 10 ferrous metal minerals (9 iron ore spots and 1ilmenite), 23 non-ferrous metal minerals (4 copper deposits, 4 lead-zincdeposits, 10 tungsten deposits, 4 tin deposits and 1 titanium deposit), and 1precious metal gold mineralization spot. There are 32 non-metallic minerals ofclass VI 11 types: 9 metallurgical auxiliary raw material minerals (4 refractoryclay, 4 peat soil and 1 petroleum), 14 chemical raw material minerals (6 pyrite,3 barite, 4 potash feldspar and 1 halite), 3 building material non-metallicminerals (2 cement limestone and 1 cement clay). It is mainly distributed in themountains and hills in the middle, South and east of Dongguan. The distributionof mineral resources is scattered and irregular.

[animal and plant resources] there are many kinds of wild animals inDongguan City, which are mainly distributed in mountainous and hilly areas. Mostof the larger wild animals live in the southeast mountainous areas, and most ofthem are found in plain and hilly areas. The main wild animals are: mammals,birds, fish (134 species), crustaceans and a variety of shellfish, amphibians,reptiles, insects and so on. The main wild plants are: 1 630 species of vascularplants, belonging to 210 families and 805 genera, including 125 species ofpteridophytes, 37 families and 66 genera; 7 species of gymnosperms, 5 familiesand 5 genera; 1 498 species of angiosperms, 168 families and 734 genera(including 143 families, 556 genera and 1135 species of dicotyledons; 25families, 178 genera and 363 species of monocotyledons). There are 8 phyla and110 genera of plankton in inland waters.

[tourism resources] Dongguan is a famous historical and cultural city inGuangdong Province, the opening place of modern Chinese history, Dongjiangpeoples Anti Japanese base, and the pioneer of reform and opening up. In 20__,Dongguan City selected eight new scenic spots: "Songhu Yanyu" (Songshan Lakehigh tech Industrial Development Zone), "Dadao Zhaohui" (Dongguan Avenue),"Plaza yicui" (Central Square), "gusai Feihong" (Humen Bridge), "Huying Diecui"(Huying country park and the surrounding landscape of Yujing Bay), "BanlingNingfang" (green world, shuilianshan Forest Park and other scenic spots) Thesurrounding landscape, Lianfeng Heron (Changan Lianhuashan scenic spot) andJinsha Yangyue (Shilong Jinsha Bay). In the same year, Dongguan was rated as"Chinas excellent tourism city".

Administrative division

On May 1, 20__, Dongguan city governed four streets and 28 towns: Guanchengstreet, Nancheng street, Dongcheng Street, Wanjiang street, Shijie Town, ShilongTown, Chashan Town, Shipai town, Qishi Town, Hengli Town, Qiaotou town, XiegangTown, Dongkeng Town, Changping Town, Liaobu Town, Dalang Town, Huangjiang Town,Qingxi Town, Tangxia Town, Fenggang town, Changan Town, Humen Town, Houjie Townand Shatin town , Daocheng Town, Hongmei Town, Machong Town, Zhongtang Town,Gaocheng Town, Zhangmutou town, Dalingshan Town, Wangniudun town.

[historical evolution]

Dongguan county was established in the sixth year of Xianhe in the EasternJin Dynasty (331 A.D.), initially named Baoan, under the jurisdiction ofDongguan county. In 757, it was renamed Dongguan, and the county government wastransferred from Wucheng (now Baoan Nantou) to Yongcheng (now Guancheng). In the22nd year of Shaoxing in the Southern Song Dynasty (1152), Xiangshan town inDongguan was established as Xiangshan County (now Zhongshan City); in the firstyear of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1573), Dongguan was established as XinanCounty (now Baoan District, Shenzhen City) with a total of 56 Li households.The Qing Dynasty was ruled by the Ming Dynasty. During the period of theRepublic of China, it successively belonged to Guangdong Province, GuangdongProvince, Guangdong central administrative region, the first administrativeregion and the fourth administrative region.

On October 17, 1949, Dongguan was liberated. At the beginning, it was underthe jurisdiction of Dongjiang administrative region.

In March 1950, Dongguan county was attached to the Pearl River specialzone.

In 1952, the Pearl River region was abolished, and Dongguan county wassubordinate to the central Guangdong administrative region.

In February 1956, the central Guangdong administrative region was abolishedand Dongguan county was subordinate to Huiyang District.

In November 1958, Dongguan county was once attached to Guangzhou City for ashort time.

In January 1959, Huiyang District was abolished and Dongguan county wasassigned to Foshan district.

In June 1963, Huiyang District was restored, and Dongguan county wassubordinate to Huiyang District.

In 1985, Dongguan county was approved by the State Council as the PearlRiver Delta economic development zone. In September of the same year, Dongguancounty was abolished and Dongguan City was established;

In January 1988, it was upgraded to a prefecture level city. Dongguan Cityis one of the four prefecture level cities without municipal jurisdiction,directly under Guangdong Province. (the other four cities are Zhongshan City,Guangdong Province, Sanya City, Hainan Province and Sansha City, HainanProvince)

In 1986, Dongguan city began to withdraw districts and build towns,implementing the system of villages under the jurisdiction of towns;

On February 4, 1986, with approval, Dongguan City and three districtoffices, including Huangcun District, Wanjiang district and Fucheng District,were abolished, and Dongguan City sub district office, Wanjiang District subdistrict office, Fucheng District sub district office and Huangcun District subdistrict office were established.

In March 20__, the sub district office of Fucheng District was abolishedand the Dongcheng sub district office was established;

In October 20__, (Hu á ng) Huangcun District sub district office wasrenamed Nancheng sub district office;

In January 20__, the sub district offices of the inner and outer districtsof the city, which were set up separately since January 1988, were abolished,and the sub district offices of Guancheng were merged and re established;

In November 20__, Wanjiang District sub district office was renamed asWanjiang sub district office.

In September 20__, Dongguan City has 28 towns and 4 streets, and each town(street) has 383 villages and 214 communities. The village has a number ofvillagers groups and the community has a number of residents groups. DongguanCity, town (street), village (community) three-level administrative districtmanagement; street administrative agencies for the sub district office; villageadministrative agencies for the villagers committee, community administrativeagencies for the community residents committee.

General situation of climate in Dongguan City

[rivers] the main rivers in Dongguan are Dongjiang River, Shima River andHanxi river. 96% of the territory belongs to the Dongjiang River Basin. The mainstream of the Dongjiang River flows from BOLUO county and Huiyang District ofHuizhou City in the northeast, and then along the northern border from east towest to Qiaotou xinkaihekou. It flows into Shima River, which originates fromBaoan District of Shenzhen City, and into Qishi River, which flows into Qishicity. After Shilong is separated from the South tributary, the north main streamflows to Shitan, converges with the tributary from Zengcheng City, Guangzhou,and flows into Shiziyang through Dasheng city. The South tributary flowsobliquely southwest through Shijie and Wanjiang River, and receives Hanxi waterfrom the middle of Shiziyang city at the gorge. Below the gorge, there are threesmaller tributaries, Niushan River, gedishui River and Xiaosha River, which flowfrom east to west, and then flows to Sisheng and flows into Shiziyang . Betweenthe north main stream and the South Branch is the river network area ofDongjiang Delta.

[climate] Dongguan has a subtropical monsoon climate, with long summer andno winter, abundant light, abundant heat, warm climate, small temperaturevariation, abundant rainfall and obvious dry and wet seasons. In 20__, theprecipitation was low, the temperature was low, and there was no positive attackof tropical cyclone. The annual average temperature is 22.1 ℃, 0.5 ℃ lower thanthe annual average; the coldest is January (monthly average temperature is 10.6℃), the hottest is August (monthly average temperature is 29.3 ℃), and the hightemperature (daily maximum temperature ≥ 35 ℃) lasts for 8 days. The annualextreme maximum temperature was 36.2 ℃ (appeared on July 25, 20__), and theannual extreme minimum temperature was 3.2 ℃ (appeared on January 12, 20__). Theannual total rainfall in 20__ was 1298.6 mm, 29.1% less than the annual average;the total rainfall in flood season (April September) was 1014.9 mm, 32.8% lessthan the annual average. During the year, there was no positive attack oftropical cyclones, only affected by the circulation of "Haima" and "Nasha",which did not cause obvious disasters.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4484 字

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Its a pleasure to have friends from afar. Welcome to Qingyan. Id like totake you to Qingyan to experience the vicissitudes and connotation of Qingyanancient town in Ming Dynasty, and understand the impact of modern civilizationand ancient culture.

Qingyan ancient town is one of the four ancient towns in Guizhou Province.The other three are Zhenyuan ancient town, bingan ancient town and Longliancient town. Qingyan ancient town was built in 1378 A.D., the 11th year ofHongwu in Ming Dynasty. It has a history of 635 years. It was built before thefounding of Guizhou Province, witnessing the vicissitudes of Guizhou.

As a historical and cultural ancient town in Guizhou Province, Qingyan hasmore than 100 cultural relics sites, 23 of which have been included in the atlasof Chinese cultural relics. Guizhou volume. Walking in Qingyan, you can see theancient towns famous places everywhere. There are 37 ancient buildings of Mingand Qing Dynasties crisscrossed in the town, including nine temples, eighttemples, five pavilions, three caves, two ancestral halls, one palace and onecourtyard. Among them, there are three stone steles in eight stone steles. Theseancient buildings are masterpieces of exquisite design and craftsmanship. Forexample, the stone carving of Ciyun Temple and the wood carving of shoufo templeare the only exquisite works in Guiyang.

The "zhaolilun centenary square" in front of us was built in the Guangxuperiod of the Qing Dynasty, with unique shape and exquisite workmanship. Themost interesting is the "down mountain lion" on the stone pillars on both sides,which is the most ingenious. Most of the lion shapes in China are standing orsquatting. The design of this kind of down hill lion breaks the traditionalconcept and fully reflects the attention of the builders at that time and thesuperb skills of the craftsmen. Mr. Liu Haisu, a famous architect in China,praised this kind of craft as "really rare". Opposite to baishuifang isdingguangmen, which is the South Gate of Qingyan ancient town. It was built inthe reign of emperor qiangqi and has a history of more than 300 years. The citywall is built in accordance with the mountain situation, with a zigzag length ofmore than 20__ meters, which is very rich in the characteristics of southernmountain fortress. The city wall is 4.5 meters high and 3.5 meters thick, andthe three character plaque "dingguang gate" inscribed by Zhao Xilin is inlaidabove the gate hole. Dingguang gate upper enemy tower is a three Bay, doubleeaves and top wood structure gate tower with stoplog roof truss. Standing on thecity tower, you can see the smoke curling and the vegetation flourishing, whichis a harmonious and peaceful scene, reflecting the smoke of gunpowder and thenoise of war drums.

The most famous person in the ancient town is Zhao yijiong, the number onescholar in Yunnan and Guizhou. The existing former residence of Zhao yijiong wasbuilt in the middle and late Qing Dynasty. It is a wooden structure with twoentrances and four courtyards on the top of the mountain. It sits south andNorth. It has a facing door, two chambers, main room, back room, whole well,garden and so on. It covers an area of 828 square meters and a construction areaof 500 square meters. Chaomen is a double vertical flower gate, 4 meters highand 2.1 meters wide. The wooden plaque was inscribed with the word "Wenkui". Onthe inner wall of the north courtyard wall, there are 100 "Shou" characterswritten in various colors, and there are more than 30 existing "Shou"characters. Now Zhao yijiongs former residence is a cultural relic protectionunit in Guizhou Province.

The charm of Qingyan lies in the coexistence of Confucianism, Buddhism,Taoism, Catholicism and Christianity in its small town. Walking in Qingyanancient town, you can appreciate the different Charms brought by differentcultures.

After such a long tour, you must be hungry. Qingyans delicious food willsatisfy your stomach and your heart. Qingyans stewed pigs feet are fat but notgreasy, thin but not firewood, which will surely make you enjoy yourself.Huangs Rose candy, which is sweet, crisp and delicious, is a good gift forrelatives and friends. Qingyans double flower vinegar with thick bowl, moderatesour and sweet, and long aftertaste will open your stomach and intoxicate yourheart.

Thank you for your visit. I hope the trip to Qingyan will bring you joy andbeauty. Welcome to Qingyan ancient town again! Qingyan and I are waiting for youto get together again!



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"As soon as the half acre square pond is opened, the sky is full of light,clouds and shadows. I ask where the canal is so clear, because there is a sourceof fresh water." Zhu Xi, a famous Neo Confucianist in the Southern Song Dynasty,praised his hometown Wuyuan.

Wuyuan is an ancient county with a long history in Jiangxi Province, whichis under the jurisdiction of Anhui Province in history. It is one of the sixcounties in ancient Huizhou, the hometown of Zhu Xi and Zhan Tianyou, the fatherof Chinese railway. The folk customs here are simple, the style of writing isprosperous, and the places of interest are all over the county. There areperfect Ming and Qing ancient buildings, pastoral atmosphere and scenery.

The ancient dwellings with beautiful mountains and clear waters, continuouspine and bamboo, and cornices winding between the green mountains and rivers, orclose to the mountains, looming between the ancient trees and forests, or nearthe water, reflecting on the clear springs of the streams, pools, and layers ofterraces and clouds, are picturesque. The scenery of the four seasons isdifferent, especially in spring and autumn. The red maple leaves all over themountains and the red maple leaves all over the mountains are like clusters offlames. Being in this kind of scenery makes you feel relaxed and happy.

Wuyuan is famous for its beautiful mountains and rivers, fertile land, richproducts, and wide popularity.

In the county, the rivers, streams and streams are densely distributed,blue and clear, and the grotesque rocks and peaks, the tea pavilion of ancienttrees, the corridor bridges and post roads are magnificent, open-minded anddelicate. Famous scenic spots include Dazhang mountain and Lingyan cave group inthe northwest, Zheling mountain and Shier mountain in the northeast, Fushanmountain in the middle and Dayou mountain in the West. They have been touristattractions since Tang and Song dynasties. Su Dongpo, Huang Tingjian, Zongze,Yue Fei and Zhu Xi left many praising poems here.

Rainbow bridge, an ancient bridge in Song Dynasty, is a masterpiece ofWuyuan corridor bridge. There are green hills and green water under the bridge.There are pavilions on both sides of the bridge. There are stone tables andbenches on both sides of the pavilions. You can enjoy tea, play chess or browsethe scenery here to feel the leisure and tranquility of the world.

In Wengong mountain, about 30 kilometers southwest of the county seat,there are 24 ancient Chinese fir trees planted by Zhu Xi himself when he wentback to his hometown to sweep his tomb. Up to now, they have been growingvigorously for more than 800 years. The giant ancient Chinese fir trees are rarein China.

Yuanyang Lake with beautiful ecological environment, groups of pairs ofYuanyang, such as flowers blooming in the lake, inseparable.

Wuyuan not only has beautiful scenery, but also has profound culturalconnotation. It has always enjoyed the reputation of the hometown of books.There are outstanding people, many celebrities, nine scholars and six fourbooks, which shows the flourishing style of writing. Wuyuan is rich in naturalresources. It has the famous tea "Wulu" at home and abroad, which can be calledthe top grade of Chinese green tea; the delicious red fish in the purse is knownas "the natural things in the world"; the "dragon tail inkstone" (She inkstone)in Shiguan mountains is one of the four famous inkstones in China.

Wuyuans natural landscape is composed of mountains, water, bamboo, stone,trees, trees, bridges, pavilions, streams, beaches, caves, waterfalls, boatferry and ancient dwellings. It has the artistic conception of a peach garden,just like a landscape painting with endless charm. It forms a unique andbeautiful rural scenic spot, giving people a feeling of returning to nature andtranscendence. For those people who have experienced the noise of the city for along time and those art workers who love tourism, fine arts and photography, itis not a kind of beautiful enjoyment and wise choice to visit Wuyuan or collectcreative materials.



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My hometown is in jiangxi, where beautiful scenery, the scenery pleasant, specialty is rich, is a beautiful and rich place.

In jiangxi jiujiang region, there is a danger yan stands of lushan mountain, where there is a sea of clouds five-old-man peak of sea fog, swallowing wave HanPoKou waves, steep steep dragon cliff, rapids rumble of shimen ravine waterfall, a new modified donglin temple, through the "fairy cave of yunfei, majestic Triassic springs. ... They are all with their own appearance beautiful condition attracts many tourists. As if to say: "come on, friends all over the world, we welcome you!"

Home not only mountain the United States, water is more beautiful. The dragon is the national key scenic spot, has the mystery hanging coffins, past hanging coffins hanging on a steep cliff, puzzling, thought-provoking. But the most beautiful is the water there, hill carry water, water around the mountain, we sat on a bamboo raft, enjoying the beautiful scenery, listening to the fish to play, as they say, the dragon of water bow can enjoy water, give ear to hear sound stream, stretched out his hand to touch the desire, in this, let a person find the scenery pleasing to both the eye and the mind.

Ah! I love my hometown mountain, love hometown more water. Advice I determined to study hard and make the home more beautiful, rich.



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Dear tourists

How do you do!

Welcome to the beautiful Sanqing mountain. First of all, let me introducethe general situation of Sanqing mountain

Sanqingshan is located at the junction of Yushan and Dexing in thenortheast of jiubei. The main peak, Yujing peak, is 1817 meters above sea leveland is located on the top of the Huaiyu mountains. Sanqing mountain is namedafter the towering peaks of Yujing, Yuhua and yuxu, just like the three gods ofYuqing (Yuanshi Tianzun), Shangqing (Lingbao Daojun) and Taiqing (TaishangLaojun) worshipped by Taoism, and the ancient Sanqing palace.

Sanqing mountain is located in the subtropical climate zone, but it has thecharacteristics of alpine climate. The annual average temperature is between10-12 ℃, the average temperature in July is 21.8 ℃, and the average annualprecipitation is about 20__ mm.

The scenery of the Fourth Committee of Sanqing mountain is beautiful, withazaleas in full swing in spring and flowers in full bloom; at the turn of springand summer, with flowing springs and clouds; in midsummer, with thick shade, itis cool and pleasant; around mid autumn, with thousands of peaks competing andlayers of forests flying; in the cold of March, with ice flowers and jadebranches, it is like a glass fairyland.

Sanqing mountain scenic spot is rich in tourism resources, with largescale, complete types and many scenic spots. The area of the scenic spot is morethan 220 square kilometers, and the central scenic spot is 71 square kilometers.It is divided into seven scenic spots: Sanqing palace, tiyunling, sandongkou,Yulingguan, xihuatai, shiguling and Yujingfeng. Shandong Province in the threeQing Dynasty is unique in the west, North and south. It has the characteristicsof "the grandeur of Mount Tai, the precipitousness of Huashan, the smoke andclouds of Hengshan, and the waterfall of kuanglu". It has the characteristics ofQifeng and Yishi, Yunwu and Foguang, Cangsong and ancient trees, canyons andcaves, Xiquan waterfall, ancient buildings, stone carvings and stone carvings,which are wonderful and lifelike.

Next, lets visit the above scenic spots everywhere!



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Good morning! Welcome to Changsha, the beautiful star city. First of all,on behalf of all the staff of the travel agency, please allow me to extend mywarmest welcome to you. Welcome to the "red sun Tour" organized by thisorganization, because we are taking the red route,. Shaoshan is also the placewhere the sun rises, so our journey is called the journey of the red sun.

Let me introduce myself. Im the tour guide of the red sun tour. My name isZhao. For your convenience, you can call me Xiao Zhao. On the left side of XiaoZhao is our director master X. master X has good driving skills, rich experienceand friendly treatment. So we can rest assured when we take his car. If you haveany problems during the journey, you can put forward them. Xiao Zhao and masterx will do their best To serve you, well, lets have a wonderful journeytogether!

Our journey has begun. Now at our feet is the famous Wuyi Avenue, alsoknown as Wuyi Road, which has "the first road in Sanxiang". It represents thefuture of Changsha. The prosperous area of Changsha radiates from here. It wasbuilt on May 1, 1951, so it gets its name. It is the first asphalt road at thattime. The road width is only 9 meters, but with the development of the times,the traffic is getting better Developed, 9 meters wide is far from enough tomeet the shuttle vehicles. Until 20__, it took five months to renovate, which iswhat we see now

Wuyi Avenue, which starts from the railway station in the East and ends atXiangjiang bridge in the west, has a total length of 4138 meters and a width of60 meters. It is a double ten lane road. The traffic on Wuyi Road is orderly,but most drivers are reluctant to take this road. Why? There are three sets ofTV monitoring equipment and six electronic eyes on this road. Its easy to becopied if you are not careful, so drivers love and hate each other!

Where is the source of Wuyi Avenue? It is Changsha railway station behindyou. It was built in 1975 and completed in 1977. Together with Shanghai railwaystation and Beijing railway station, it is known as Chinas three major railwaystations. There is a bell tower in the middle of the railway station, which is63.7 meters high. The bell tower will play the excellent music "Dongfanghong" onthe hour, as if to tell you that you have come to Dai Wei Hunan, the hometown ofChairman Mao. And there is a building above the clock tower. What does Xiao Zhaothink she looks like? Yes, she is the red torch. Some people may ask, since itis a torch, why not fly with the wind? Instead, why rush straight to the bluesky? Xiao Zhao has to explain this question to everyone, because before thecompletion of the railway station, during the period of the cultural revolution,when the designer designed her to fly to the left, there would be the saying ofleaning to the left; When it was designed to lean to the right, I was afraidthat there would be Rightists, so the designer simply designed her as a torchthat went straight up into the sky. In fact, she is very similar to a specialtyof Hunan: Chaotian pepper, which is a favorite food of Chairman Mao. It alsosymbolizes the hot passion of Hunan people. Isnt there such a saying: Sichuanpeople are not afraid of spicy food, Guizhou people are not afraid of spicyfood, Hunan people are not afraid of spicy food.

Well, now we go to Yuanjialing overpass. Why is it called Yuanjialingoverpass? Its not called lijialing zhangjialing overpass because its said thatthere is a family named yuan living on this large area of land. Therefore, theconstruction of this bridge is named after the yuan family. It is builtdownward, in addition to beautiful, but also play a role in mitigating theearthquake. But there are both advantages and disadvantages. Hunan is a rainyprovince. If it rains, rain will accumulate under the bridge, which will causeinconvenience and trouble for pedestrians. Im afraid its time to goboating!

On the right hand side of Xiao Zhao is Shaoshan Road, because there was noroad leading to Shaoshan at that time, and later this road was built; it wasnamed Shaoshan road.

OK, lets take a look at the trees on both sides of the tour bus. Its thecity tree of Changsha: Cinnamomum camphora. The leaves of Cinnamomum camphoraare small but there are many leaves. Its a good place to enjoy the cool underthe big camphor tree. The camphor balls extracted from the camphor tree candrive away mosquitoes and ants. Take off a few leaves of Cinnamomum camphora,clean them, chew them in the import, and wake up. About camphor tree,

There is also a local custom in Changsha, that is, parents give theirmarried daughter a set of furniture made of camphor wood, which is very decent.On Zhaos left is Yingbin Road, a road built in 1972 to welcome PresidentNixons visit to China. On the opposite side of Yingbin Road is a red and whitebuilding, which is the second courtyard of Hunan provincial government.

Just now Xiao Zhao mentioned the city tree. Now lets learn about theprovincial tree in Hunan Province. Its Magnolia grandiflora. Its a treespecies introduced from Guangzhou. The city flower of Changsha City isRhododendron. If you look at the Rhododendron, you have to go to thecountryside. In March and April, the red Rhododendron blooms all over themountain, not to mention how beautiful it is. The provincial flower of HunanProvince is hibiscus. Since ancient times, Hunan has been known as Hibiscuscountry. Chairman Maos poem says well that "the lotus country is full ofsunshine.". Hibiscus is also divided into wood hibiscus and water hibiscus. XiaoZhao asked: "what is water Hibiscus? What is wood Hibiscus?" ha ha! WoodHibiscus is magnolia, water Hibiscus is lotus.

OK, now lets go to Furong Road. Next to Furong Road is the newly builtFurong square in Changsha. You can see a sculpture in the middle, that is thedaughter of Liuyang River. You must be attracted by her long hair. The hair ofthe daughter of Liuyang River has nine bends, which symbolizes the nine bends ofLiuyang River. This can not help but remind us of the beautiful "Liuyang River",that Xiao Zhao here to make a fool of himself, sing a song "Liuyang River", Ihope you can like it.

Well, now we see the building with white doves on the ground floor is thefamous Pinghetang business building. Peace means peace in Japanese, which meansharmonious development. Here is a Sino Japanese joint venture shopping mall.Japanese shareholders account for 60% of the shares, while Chinese shareholdersaccount for 40%. Before the completion of Pinghetang, the largest number ofbamboo slips in China were unearthed here, which recorded the history of theChu, Han and Three Kingdoms periods. Now there is an exhibition on the sixthfloor of Pinghetang. You can visit it after shopping.

In front of the peace hall is the May day square. There is a huge musicfountain in the middle of the square. At eight oclock every night, the musicfountain will dance with the music. Now, please look at the top of May daysquare. You can see a small house like eyes. There is the big eye studio, thevoice of the Golden Eagle.



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Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Xiannv lake, a love holy land ofChina, a national key scenic spot and a national 4A tourist area.

Fairy Lake is the mother lake of Xinyu people, and the love lake of "sevenfairies come down to earth" is the birthplace of Chinese Valentines day. Morethan 1600 years ago, Gan Bao, a writer of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, wrote thelegend of "seven fairies come down to earth". The full text is "there are six orseven women in Yuzhang county. They all wear sweaters. They dont know if theyare birds. They crawl to get one of the womens sweaters and collect them. Thenthey go to all the birds. Every bird flies away, but no one can. A man is awoman and has three daughters. His mothers servant daughter asked his father,knowing that the clothes were under the accumulated rice, he got them and flewaway. After that, they met the three women, and the women had to fly away. "This story is the earliest record of "feather man" in ancient books. The placewhere the story happened is fairy lake, which we are going to visit today. Nowlet me take you to lift the mysterious and charming veil of Fairy Lake and enjoyher natural beauty!

Xiannv lake is located 16 kilometers southwest of Xinyu City, JiangxiProvince. It is famous for four unique sceneries: love holy land, islands Canyonmeandering water, Millennium underwater ancient city and subtropical plant genetreasure house. With beautiful natural scenery and cultural relics, the scenicarea covers an area of 198 square kilometers and water area of 50 squarekilometers. There are more than 100 islands in the lake, more than 60 bays, andmore than 40 springs and waterfalls. There are two types of scenery: lake typeand mountain type. The lake type scenery is mainly composed of Wulong lake,Zhongshan gorge, Qianyang lake, Jiulong Mountain, natural oxygen bar, PhoenixBay and Dagang mountain. It can be said that sightseeing and leisure in Xiannvlake is undoubtedly an excellent health and fitness trip. Next, I will give youa detailed introduction one by one.

Wulong Lake Scenic Spot: located in the lower reaches of Fairy Lake, withmore than 20 square kilometers of lake bay island as the core, it is graceful.The water potential here is complex and changeable. Longwang island is thehighest island of Wulong lake. Standing on the top of Longwang Pavilion, you canexperience the meaning of "seeing all the mountains and waters". You can clearlyoverlook the overall picture of Wulong lake and see that the scenic spot ofWulong lake is like a dancing dragon. Ruohong islands, Liuhe islands, LongwangIsland, Muyu Island, Snake Island, turtle island and so on are interspersedamong them, and five flying dragons are playing in the water. The water here isgraceful. The five Great Lakes, such as the singing of herons, Jingmeng,Jiulong, yuankeng and Yangtian, are like the diving of five dragons and theplaying of dragons. Among the beautiful scenery of Wulong lake, more than tenscenic spots have been developed, including Huixian Island (Water Park), Bailuvilla, Huayuan villa, daoshan huohai, songbird garden, Longwang Island, mengzangamusement park, Dai holiday village, lover Island, celebrity Island, XianlaiIsland, Taohua Island, snake Culture Expo Garden, etc.

Zhongshan Gorge Scenic Spot: located in the middle reaches of Fairy Lake,with a 3-kilometer-long high mountain gorge as the core, "the two sides faceeach other, leaning against Xiaohan, holding their heads high, there is only aline of sky." The gorge is surrounded by clouds and fog, and the ancient treesare towering; among them, there are many grotesque rocks, and the walls aredisorderly and empty; the current is turbulent and winding. Together with Jiuqugorge and Changshan gorge, it is called "small Three Gorges". On the North Bankof Zhongshan gorge, there are many landscapes, such as stone boat, ancient stoneseal script, Shamao stone, Zhuxin stone, Xiban bridge, rest Pavilion, Zhongshancave, stone anvil, Xiaogong temple and so on. In addition, there are otherplaces of interest, such as the stone carving of Zhongshan gorge, Lu Zhaoreading platform, Beishan temple, and xiaojiadu, the former site of the Red Armycrossing the river. They are the places with the best ecological protection inthe Central Plains of all scenic spots. The peoples Government of Xinyu Cityonce made a postcard of scenery from this natural landscape as a beautiful giftfor domestic and foreign guests.

Qianyang Lake Scenic Spot: located in the upper reaches of Xiannv lake,with more than 20 square kilometers of inland lake as the core, the watersurface is "ten thousand hectares of lake, blue sky, one star flying egretwhite". Qianyang Town, an ancient city of Fenyi, sleeps under the water forthousands of years, which forms a landscape with vast expanse, the same color ofwater and sky, flashing humanity and mottled historic sites. Qianyang lake isfamous for its scenic spots and historic sites, which can be summarized as fiveancient: Wannian bridge (Yansong bridge), underwater ancient city Fenyi ancientcounty, waterside ancient temple Changshan Temple (Notre Dame temple, LonglaoTemple), lakeside ancient cave Hongyang Cave (Yansong cave, fox cave),underwater ancient hydraulic structure Changshan weir. The main landscapes are:Changshan temple, Hongyang cave, Xigang Donghan ancient pottery cave site,Xiamaling Neolithic site, Huxin Island, ancestral hall of Yan Songs hometown,Yan Songs tomb, wannianqiao, Qianlu academy, qiangangling, Changshan gorge,Danjiang Shuifu temple, etc. After the tour, people will have the imagination oftracing the past and the present.

Jiulongshan scenic spot: located in the southeast, it is an importantactivity area in the southwest Soviet Area of Jiangxi Province. The scatteredrevolutionary sites here are not only an important base for revolutionarytradition education, but also an ideal place for sightseeing. Jiulong Mountainis high in mountains and dense in forests, with many obstacles. It is full ofclouds, green like dye, birds singing and flowers smelling. It is full ofmountains and rivers. Myths and legends and revolutionary sites complement eachother, and tourism and leisure and rafting exploration complement each other. Itis also a newly developed tourism new area in Xiannu lake, which mainly includesthe former site of Huaqiao branch, the first party branch of the Communist Partyof China in Xinyu, Red Army trench site, monument to revolutionary martyrs,martyrs Mausoleum, Red Army cave, Guanyin cave Laiyu temple, Hongbaoshu,xiangutan (hongjunquan), Huaqiao riot site, longshoushi, Longtan tiger cave,Tianfeng viewing platform, Shili red drift, Jiuli lake Dragon Internationalhunting ground and other attractions.

Fenghuang Bay scenic spot: located in the south end of Xiannv lake, it hasrich vegetation, rich animal and plant resources, and integrates colorfulecological landscape, profound cultural landscape, beautiful and charminghydrological landscape and changing astronomical landscape. In January 20__,Fenghuang mountain was approved as a provincial forest park by JiangxiProvincial Forestry Department, becoming another beautiful scenery of fairyHunan gate.

Dagang Mountain Scenic Spot: located 30 kilometers southwest of Xiannvlake, with a total area of 126 square kilometers, is a part of the mountain typeof Xiannv lake, known as "Xiaolu mountain", known as "Jiuzhaigou in Jiangxi".The main peak of Dagang mountain is 1096 meters, which is the highest peak inXinyu. It is crisscross with beautiful scenery and pleasant climate. Beautifulnatural scenery and magical cultural relics complement each other. Waterfalls,Longtan, exotic flowers, exotic grasses and orchid trees make you forget toreturn. Ancient roads, ruins, broken steles, broken bridges and stone carvingsmake you feel the vicissitudes of history. There are high mountains and deepvalleys, dense forests, many waterfalls and deep pools. There are more than tenwaterfalls with development and ornamental value. Their shapes are strange. Theyare different from each other in four seasons. Some of them float like fog, rainand wind; some of them fly straight down to the world and turn into colorfulrainbow, which makes the world beautiful.

Fairy Lake is a beautiful place with outstanding people. This magicallandscape not only nourishes the pure and beautiful love in the world, but alsonourishes countless talents and celebrities. Lu Zhao, the first number onescholar in Jiangxi Province in Tang Dynasty, Wang qinruo, a famous scholar inSong Dynasty, Yan Song, the Prime Minister of Ming Dynasty, Liang Yin, a neoConfucianist, Huang Zicheng, a hero of Zhongliang, song Yingxing, a greatscientist in Ming Dynasty, Zhang Chunfa, a famous patriotic general in QingDynasty, Fu Baoshi, a master of contemporary Chinese painting, and he Dayi, amedical giant Chinese American These names, which are as bright as stars, havebeen bathed in the maternal brilliance of fairy lake. There are more than 20unique scenic spots in the scenic area, such as Lu Zhao reading desk, Hongyangcave, Changshan temple, Wannian bridge, Longwang island and Bailu villa.

Fairy Lake has a splendid glory, which we should be proud of. In 1995,Xiannv lake was listed as a provincial scenic spot; on May 17, 20__, it wasofficially approved as a national key scenic spot by the State Council; onDecember 26, 20__, it was rated as a national AAAA tourist area by the NationalTourism Administration; in 20__, it successively won the honorary titles of "56tourist scenic spots with national characteristics" and "top 10 best scenicspots in Jiangxi"; In May 20__, it won the title of "one of the top 100 honesttourism units in the whole province". These shining brands and business cardsmake Xiannu Lakes mountains and waters shine brightly.

In recent years, Xiannv lake has carefully consolidated the status of"seven fairies come down to earth" and "Chinese Valentines Day" as the sourceof love, and built a tourism and cultural brand of "love Holy Land". It hasapplied for registration of the tourism trademark of "love Holy Land" with theState Administration for Industry and commerce, becoming the first scenic spotin China to register love cultural brand. The legend of "seven fairies come downto earth" has also officially declared the national intangible culturalheritage. In the past few years, we have successively shot TV and film dramassuch as "happy seven fairies", "talking kite" and "all over China" in Xiannvlake, and broadcast them all over the country. In order to make Xiannv lake thebirthplace of Chinese Valentines day, four Chinese Qixi Valentines day and two"seven fairies" Miss image competitions have been held. 20__ "Jiangxi Fairy LakeCup" the first World Tourism Ambassador Champion International Finals alsoopened in fairy lake. At the same time, Xiannv lake has also been identified asa creative base by China essayist Association. And so on, these series ofcultural events greatly enrich and enhance the culture and brand awareness ofFairy Lake, and pave the way for fairy lake to go to the world.

There are more than 100 scenic spots of Fairy Lake, each with its owncharacteristics. Now, Id like to introduce you to some of the main exquisitescenic spots.

Longwang Island: located in the center of Wulong Lake scenic area, coveringan area of 51 hectares. Its plane is like an olive, but also like the motherlandof Chinese Taiwan Island; facade isosceles triangle, quite the charm of Japans MountFuji. Longwang island is the highest island in the scenic area of Fairy Lake anddragon dance, which is suitable for the style of king. On the island, rare pinesand thin bamboos compete for beauty, while green vines and wild flowers competefor beauty. On the East and west sides of the hillsides stand the Ning XiuPavilion and the Shu Ying Pavilion. The ridge top of Longwang island is as flatas a rock, and it is winding and deep. From south to north, there are sixsceneries: Lingshui cliff, Longwang temple, shenhuai Pavilion, Tongya Pavilion,guanri stone and Longwang Pavilion. On the left side of the island is anoctagonal stone pavilion with a double eaves of stone carvings and imitationtube tiles. The pavilion is named shenhuai Pavilion. From the deep Huai pavilionto the south, there is the Dragon King Temple, which is a Xieshan style temple.From the south end of the island top back to the north of the island istongyating. From the north of Tongya Pavilion, you can climb the sunken andancient stone at the bottom, watch the sunset in the West and sunrise in theEast, and have a panoramic view of fairy lake. The Longwang Pavilion, completedon April 26, 20__, is a landmark antique building with scientific design,first-class quality, elegant taste and beautiful shape. It is the best place toenjoy the panoramic view of the whole Wulong Lake scenic area. When you climbthe pavilion, you can have a panoramic view of the fairy lake.

Huixian Island: also known as water park, it is located in the east ofWulong Lake scenic area, covering an area of 250 square meters. It is thesmallest island in the development of Fairy Lake, and also the landmark scenicspot of fairy lake. Its said that a long time ago, a Tanlang of Xinyu metYuxian here by chance and made a perfect match with one of the youngest and mostbeautiful fairies. Thats why Huixian island got its name. The island iscomposed of two parts: huixiantai and the group sculpture of "sweater girl comesdown to earth". Huixiantai is about 9 meters high and has a circular plane. Itis a domed Art Pavilion with a brake. It is divided into two parts: the pavilionand the upper and lower parts of the pavilion. The pavilion is surrounded by a2-meter-wide corridor outside. It is a good place for tourists to watch egrets.In front of huixiantai stands a group sculpture of "sweater girl down to earth".On the base of the sculpture is engraved the full text of Tanaka Sweater Girl,Volume 14 of Soushenji written by Gan Bao of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The groupsculpture adopts the technique of combining round sculpture and high reliefsculpture, and sculptures seven fairies from top to bottom. They are blue,shining, clean, waving their arms and stepping on the auspicious clouds, as iffalling from the sky. The island is equipped with water motorcycle, water plane,water swimming pool and other hydrophilic self entertainment projects.

Wannian bridge: it is one of the "Seven Bridges and one road" donated byYan Song in the 35th year of Jiajing reign of Ming Dynasty. In autumn andwinter, the water level drops. Standing on the Bank of Qianyang lake, it isclear that Wannian bridge, which has experienced 478 years, is majestic andmajestic floating between the two banks. The bridge hole is still countless,just like a dragon playing in the water. Wannian bridge is 386 meters long and 8meters wide, with a total of 10 piers and 11 arches. According to textualresearch, Wannian bridge is one of the earliest and longest used bridges inJiangxi Province. It is also the first ancient bridge with specific date inJiangxi Province in Ming Dynasty and the fourth largest stone bridge in JiangxiProvince. In the 1980s, when cultural relic experts visited the bridge, theyexpressed their feelings that a museum could be built on the Wannian bridgealone.

Hongyang Cave: located at the waist of Yuanling mountain on the northwestBank of Qianyang lake, it belongs to karst karst landform. Because Ge Hong andLou Yang, two famous Daoists in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, once practiced makingpills in the cave, they named it Hongyang cave. Because this cave is only a fewmiles away from Jieqiao Yans family, Yan Song, the Prime Minister of MingDynasty, once studied in the cave when he was a child, so it is also called YanSong cave. Up to now, there are still fairy tales about "Fox fairy accompanyingreading" and "swallowing the night pearl", which are also called fox fairy cave.According to the records of Fenyi county annals, this cave "has 17 stonechambers and 72 stone caves", which stretches for more than ten li and isdivided into two parts, East and West. The East is tall and spacious, and thewest is dark and deep. The grotesque rocks in the cave stand on the wall, andthe bells and breasts are jagged. When someone entered the 72nd cave in thepast, they heard the sound of poles coming from changshandu outside the cave.The stone wall facing the entrance is engraved with five simple and vigorouscharacters of "Hongyang ancient cave", and the travel notes and poems left bypredecessors are engraved on both sides. At the entrance of the cave, there werestatues of two Taoist masters, Ge Hong and Lou Yang. On the stone couch inclinedto the top on the east side, there is a pool as hollow as a chickens heart.Beside it lies a black stone like a pot stove. It is said that this is theDanchi Danzao of Gehong and Louyang. When you put your hand on the top of theDanchi Danzao, you can also feel a rush of heat. Its said that this is thewaste heat that hasnt been dissipated after alchemy.

The tour of Fairy Lake is coming to an end. I hope this tour will leave youunforgettable memories. On the occasion of parting, I take advantage of thefairy spirit of fairy lake to wish you good health and good luck!



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访古探幽,回顾历史,我们骄傲我们悠久而灿烂的中华民族文明史,但我们也永远不会忘掉曾沉沦在屈辱中、被世界列强任意撕裂 的历史。在祖国母亲走过了60华诞的今天,我们自豪地仰望鲜艳的五星红旗在天空中高高飘扬,一个崛起的中华民族正在走向强大。我们庆幸我们赶上了一个美好的时代。




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Ladies and gentlemen

There are many scenic spots in Qixingyan, among which the big ones are thearch Range Rover, Pinghu Youdi, Langfeng sunset, jade screen emerald, stoneforest qiaogu, Hongqiao Xuelang, shuiyueyanyun, Songtai range moon,shishicangqi, Millennium poetry Gallery, Bixia yingyu, Tianzhu Jiexing, Lianhuboating, apoyongquan, guixuan liuzui, Beifeng floating green, Kaitian cave,Yuepu Songtao, Xianzhang autumn wind, waves and sea Zhaohui Ten scenes.

Before we knew it, we arrived at the foot of the sun rock. In fact, when wegot here, we had already climbed half of the mountain. That is to say, we hadalready climbed the mountain before we knew it. How about it? Its notdifficult.

Through this flat grassland, the towering tower in front of it is calledthe relic tower, which is modeled after the Liuhe tower in Hangzhou and theBaoen temple tower in Nanjing. The tower has nine floors and eight sides. It is67 meters high. We Chengde people call it "Liuhe tower". There are shibaquangates on the north and south sides of the first floor. You can climb to the topof the tower along the spiral steps. There are Buddhist statues in the tower.When Qianlong lived in the villa, he sometimes went to the pagoda in the morningto worship Buddha. The towering pagoda, with its green fields, is magnificentand eye-catching.

The first part of riguangyan is riguangyan temple. The Mountain Gate infront of it was written by the late Buddhist president Qu Puchu. Its coupletdescribes the special geographical location and beautiful scenery ofriguangyan.

Enter the third gate (if they want to shoot, let them shoot, and then tellthem to concentrate under the mango tree)

Just now, you have photographed (or seen) the Moya stone carving in frontof you. It doesnt look very impressive, but its the first scene of riguangyan.At first glance, you will find that there is only one person named Lin Yu (thesame as "needle"), and you often think it must be written by him. In fact, itsnot. The earliest one is more than 400 years away from the latest one. You cansee that "Gulang Dongtian" is the earliest one found on riguangyan The stonecarving was written in 1573 by Ding Yizhong, the magistrate of Quanzhou inFujian Province in the Ming Dynasty. It has been more than 400 years since now."Gulang" refers to "Gulangyu" and "Dongtian" in Taoism, it often refers to theplace where the immortals live, that is to say, "Dongtianfudi" in Taoism;"Lujiang No.1" was written by Lin Yu, a gifted scholar of the Qing Dynasty,which is more than 100 years ago. "Lujiang" refers to the Strait we passed inthe morning ferry year; "Tianfeng Haitao" was written by Xu Shiying, thegovernor of Fujian Province, in 1915. These three inscriptions respectivelydescribe the beautiful scenery of riguangyan as fairyland. Now we mainlyappreciate "Tianfeng Haitao". To appreciate it, we need to go to the top ofriguangyan mountain.

Im looking at the sunlight rock temple. It was built in the Ming Dynastyand was initially called "Lianhua nunnery". It is one of the four famousnunneries in Xiamen. The other three nunneries are either destroyed or in thearmy. Only this nunnery is open to the outside world. It was originally a cave,with a huge stone as the top, so it was called "a tile". Then why is it alsocalled riguangyan temple? There are two versions: first, whenever the sun risesfrom the opposite Wulao peak, it is the first to bathe in the sun, so it iscalled riguangyan temple; Second, there are two characters "Huang Yan" on theright side of the rock. (1647) when Zheng Chenggong, a national hero, came here,he found that the scenery here was better than that of the sun mountain inJapan, so he split the word "Huang" into two characters "Sunlight", hence thename. If you look at the architecture of this temple, you may have been to manyplaces, but its still the first time to see this kind of architecture. You cansee that the Maituo hall and the Daxiong hall are opposite, which cant be seenelsewhere. The reason is very simple. Its because of the small site. This kindof structure is rare in the whole country. So its also a small and exquisitetemple. Although he is small, what he worships inside is the authentic GuanyinBodhisattva in Yunmen. Because of the beautiful scenery, master Hongyi (LiShutong), one of Chinas top ten eminent monks, closed for eight months in June1936 to review the book "the true prescription of Guanyin Bodhisattva", that is"Pu men pin". (next to the temple is the Xuting Pavilion. On the stone is carvedthe record of Xuting written by Shi Guoqiu, a Chinese Taiwanese. The article describesthe magnificent scenery of riguangyan, which is "surrounded by mountains andsea, the first Tianjin in the southeast of the polar eye, the water and lightconnecting the sky, and the flood bathing in the sun.". )

Riguangyan is a famous place of interest in Xiamen. It is not only famousfor its beautiful scenery, but also has many famous stone carvings, such as"jiuxia Shenghan" (whats the name of their signature? Tieyi is the pen name ofHuang Zhongxun, a wealthy businessman on Gulangyu Island and an overseas Chinesein Vietnam. "Jiuxia" refers to 90 days in summer, where is the cool meaning inhot summer? It is the main source of confrontation between the two mountains"Lujiang Dragon Cave" was written by the famous calligrapher Zhang Dahe. It issaid that Xiamen once believed that there were five dragons, and this is thelegendary residence of a dragon, so riguangyan is also known as Longtou mountain[since ancient times, there has been a 16 character folk rhyme: "dragon andtiger are in charge of the pass, God and elephant lay a foundation, gold andsilver are reflected far away, clouds and clouds rise to the sky." "Dragontiger" refers to Longtou mountain and Hutou mountain, "Dangguan" refers to theconfrontation between the two mountains; "God image diedian" refers to Songyuisland and Xiangbi mountain; "gold and silver Yuanying" refers to Jinmen andTongan (old well-known person Yintong) "; and" cloud clouds "refers toyundingyan in Xiamen and Danxia in Zhangzhou. This rhyme vividly shows thatGulangyu is located in "Dangguan", "diedian", "Yuanying" and "Lingxiao". It is afairyland resort. Therefore, it used to be known as "paradise", but now it isknown as "sea garden". On the other hand, the mountain across the sea is alsoknown as "Hutou mountain" In November 1962, when I was swimming in the sea byboat, I saw the scenery on both sides of the Strait, and immediately recited thepoem "the dragon head frequently points and the tiger head shakes". Therefore,there is a folk saying that "one dragon and one tiger guard Xiamen Port".



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Henan Museum is one of the earliest museums in China. Its predecessor wasHenan Provincial Museum. 1920__ The Preparatory Committee for Henan Museum wasset up in July, 1956 under the strong support of general Feng Yuxiang. Themuseum is located in sanshengmiao street, Kaifeng City. 1920__ It was renamed asthe Museum of nationalities in May, 20__. In October of the same year, thenational model exhibition was held and officially opened to the public. OnDecember 1, 1930, it was renamed "Henan Museum". On January 20, 1931, HenanProvincial Department of Education promulgated the "Regulations on theorganization of Henan museums", which defined the nature of museums and set upinstitutions.

In 1937, the Japanese aggressors launched a war of aggression againstChina. The collection of 5678 major cultural relics was transported toChongqing. During the Japanese puppet period, Henan Museum was renamed "HenanProvincial Museum". It was renamed "Henan Provincial Museum" in 1940. On the eveof Chongqings Liberation in 1949, the Kuomintang carried 5119 cultural relicsto Chinese Taiwan.

In 1948, after the liberation of Kaifeng, our museum gained a new life andheld some special exhibitions. In 1953, the Ministry of culture of the CPCCentral Committee defined the museum as a local museum. In 1961, HenanProvincial Museum moved from Kaifeng to Renmin Road in Zhengzhou with theprovincial capital. From the 1960s to the 1980s, Henan Provincial Museum hasfurther enriched its cultural relics collection through donation, excavation andallocation. In order to coordinate with the socialist construction, it has heldmany exhibitions and made remarkable achievements in scientific research. It hasbecome one of the famous museums in China. In the early 1990s, with thecontinuous development of reform and opening up, with the care and support ofleaders at all levels, the state invested a huge amount of 300 million yuan tobuild a new museum in nongnongnong Lu, Zhengzhou, and renamed it Henan Museum.The new museum was officially opened to the public on May 1, 1998. In the pastfive years since its opening up, under the leadership of the Party committee andthe efforts of all staff, the Institute has made remarkable achievements inexhibition, cultural relics collection, scientific research and mass work, andhas made positive contributions to socialist spiritual civilization.



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Welcome to visit the world natural heritage site (on July 8, 20__, the 32ndWorld Heritage conference held in Quebec, Canada included Sanqing mountain inthe world heritage list. Sanqing mountain became the Seventh World NaturalHeritage in China and the first World Natural Heritage in Jiangxi. )WorldGeopark (at 2:00 a.m. on September 21, 20__, at the 11th World Geopark Congressheld in Aloka, Portugal, Sanqing mountain, as the only declaration unit of Chinain 20__, was officially listed in the list of world geoparks by UNESCO, becomingthe 27th World Geopark in China), and national 5A scenic spot (September 6,20__)!

Sanqing mountain is located in Zihu Town, Huaiyu Township, Nanshan Townshipand Bada township of Dexing City. Sanqingshan Jinsha cableway is located inJinsha village of Sanqingshan (Eastern Service Area) to the north of Zihu Town,Yushan County, and the Nanshan cableway of Sanqingshan is located in Shuangxi(Southern service area) outside Dongao village, Nanshan Township, Yushan County.Shandong is 90 kilometers away from Quzhou, Zhejiang, 115 kilometers away fromWuyishan, Fujian, 78 kilometers away from Shangrao, and 263 kilometers away fromHuangshan, Anhui. The total area of the scenic spot is 229 square kilometers,and the central scenic spot is 71 square kilometers.

Why is it called Sanqing mountain? "Sanqing" is the three highest godsworshipped by Taoism in China - Yuqing, Shangqing and Taiqing. It is said in theTaoist Scripture that "Yujing is the king of gods", which means that Yujing iswhere they live. The main peak of Sanqing mountain is Yujing, 1816.9 metersabove sea level. The three peaks of Yujing, yuxu and Yuhua stand at the sametime, just like the three forefathers of Taoism, so Sanqing mountain gets itsname. Since Gehong first made alchemy in Sanqing mountain 1600 years ago, it hasbecome a famous Taoist mountain. There is a couplet in Sanqing palace, whichsays: "the Qing Dynasty is the most prosperous place in the world; Gao Lingyunis the first fairy peak in the south of the Yangtze River in the Han Dynasty",which means the special position of Sanqing mountain in Taoism.

Sanqing mountain is 229 square kilometers in length, dangerous in the Eastand strange in the west, beautiful in the north and unique in the south. Atpresent, more than 500 landscapes have been developed, including strange peaksand rocks, ancient trees and famous flowers, flowing springs and waterfalls, andsea of clouds and mists

Sanqing mountain was named as the world natural heritage site in 20__ forits unique geography and geology. It is called "the World Natural Museum ofgranite micro landform" by international experts. The history of the formationof this peculiar and valuable geological landform is very long. In the past 1.4billion years, Sanqingshan has undergone tremendous changes. It has beenimmersed in the sea for three times and sank to the bottom of the sea twice for500-600 million years. Due to the action of submarine volcanoes and theHimalayan orogeny in the late Jurassic period 180 million years ago and later,the mountains kept rising, the faults were densely distributed, and the verticalgranite bodies were eroded by weathering for a long time. Coupled with thegravity disintegration, the mountain wonders of Sanqing mountain today werefinally created.

The micro geomorphic types of granite peak forest in Sanqing mountain arecomplete, which can be said to record the evolution process of geomorphology.For example, the macro geomorphic evolution series is from "peak range - peakwall - peak cluster - Stone Forest - peak column - Stone Cone", plus "cliff,peak valley and molding stone". These nine kinds of landforms can be seen inSanqing mountain. In the core scenic area, there are 48 Qifeng, 89 moldingstones, 384 scenery and landscapes, among which two are rare in the world, thePython and the goddess Sichun. After seeing this, Paul, President of theNational Park Foundation of the United States, exclaimed: Sanqing mountain isone of the few boutiques in the world and a treasure of all mankind.

Sanqingshan is also a "natural laboratory" for studying the paleogeology,paleogeography and paleontology evolution of East Asia and North America.According to the theory of continental drift and seafloor spreading platetectonics, during the Triassic period, the world continent was once a unifiedancient land. It formed its present shape through drift 6.5 million years ago,and the seed plants on the ancient land also migrated with the drift of theancient land. Based on the analysis of the flora of Sanqing mountain, it isfound that Liriodendron in Sanqing mountain and Liriodendron in North Americaform a corresponding relationship, and it is the representative of thecorresponding components. Another example is that the East China yellow fir inSanqing mountain is the American Citi fir, which also forms a correspondingrelationship. All these can prove that the Sanqingshan mountains and the NorthAmerican continent were originally linked together.

Sanqing mountain is also known as an important "biological refuge" for EastAsia during the Quaternary ice age. During the Quaternary glacial period, due tothe global temperature decline, many plants were devastated. However, due to thewarm and humid climate of Sanqing mountain and the complex terrain environment,it became a refuge for many ancient plants. Now there are 2373 species of higherplants in Sanqing mountain, many of which are rare. Like Taxus chinensis, Taxuschinensis, Ginkgo biloba, tiannvhua and so on, Sanqingshan is also thedistribution center of hemlock. Especially in the warm spring season, thousandsof acres of Alpine Rhododendron trees are in full bloom. Its fascinating. OnSeptember 26, 20__, the rare plant species of Sanqing mountain were launchedinto space with the "Shenqi" experimental module. There are 25 kinds of plantspecies, 200 grams in total, including rare and endangered species ofshuanghuamu and Acer pulcherrima, Chinese endemic species of Cyclocaryapaliurus, Ilex zingiberensis, Yingchun cherry, etc., East Asia North Americainterspecific species of Ailanthus altissima, national key protected species ofCamellia Cheung, and dominant species of pear, Phoebe bournei, Carpinusleigongensis, etc. The seeds of endangered plants in Sanqing mountain, whichhave traveled in space, have been sent to Sun Yat sen University forcultivation. After successful cultivation, they will be transplanted to Sanqingmountain endangered botanical garden. Sanqing mountain is a world naturalheritage site with rich plant species, including 33 rare and endangered plants.At present, the Sanqing Mountain Management Committee has acquired 1000 mu ofland in Lingtou mountain for the establishment of an endangered botanicalgarden, and plans to introduce North American plants of the same genus, rare andendangered plants, ornamental plants and flowers. During the tour, you will seethat these plants are hung with signboards, so you can have a look at theirstyle.

Sanqingshan is also a national animal protection base. 1728 species of wildanimals have been identified, of which 54 species are under state keyprotection. For example, seven species are under state first-class keyprotection, including black muntjac, clouded leopard, leopard, white necked longtailed pheasant, yellow bellied horned pheasant, Chinese merganser duck andgolden spotted pheasant. There are 47 species of wildlife under the second levelnational key protection.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Sanqingmountain as well as the fascinating scientific investigation of geology, botanyand zoology.



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As an old Chinese saying goes, "the north of the mountain is Yin, and thesouth of the mountain is Yang", the city is named "Guiyang" because it islocated in the south of Guizhou mountain. At the same time, ancient Guiyang isrich in beautiful bamboo, so Guiyang is called "Zhu" for short. It is located inthe mountains and hills, so it is also known as "the capital of mountaincountry". Moreover, the natural landscape, cultural relics and ethnic customs ofthe city are scattered all over the world, so it is also known as "bonsai city"of "Park province".

Guiyang is another spring city in China, with mild and humid climate,abundant heat, abundant rainfall and pleasant four seasons. Spring, summer andautumn are the golden seasons for tourism. Here, there is no severe cold inwinter and no intense heat in summer. The hottest is in late July, and theannual average temperature is 24 ℃. The coldest is in the first ten days ofJanuary, and the annual average temperature is 4.6 ℃. The annual averagetemperature is 15.3 ℃. The air is not dry, and there is no sand in all seasons.It is widely praised that "there is heaven above, Suzhou and Hangzhou below, andGuiyang is the best climate.".

Here, the karst landform is very peculiar, and the terrain is diverse. Onthe ground, there are Qifeng and cuigu, surrounded by mountains and water;underground, there are karst cave communities, with unique caves. Mingshan,Xiushui, Youlin, Qidong and Gusi are integrated to form a magnificent and uniqueplateau natural landscape. Among them, there are 1 national scenic spot(Qingzhen Hongfeng Lake), 4 provincial scenic spots (Huaxi, Baihua Lake, XiuwenYangming scenic spot, Xifeng scenic spot).

Among the numerous cultural relics and historic sites in Guiyang, there isa national key cultural relics protection unit Xifeng concentration camp; thereis the only wooden structure with three stories and three eaves and unequalsides of jiujiaozanjianding attic in China; Wenchang Pavilion built in 1610, the38th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty; Jiaxiu Pavilion, as the current symbolof Guiyang City, built in 1598, the 26th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty;There are the largest Buddhist jungle in Guizhou, Hongfu temple built in 1672,and Yangming temple built in 1794 in memory of Shou Ren, a famous philosopherand educator of the Ming Dynasty.

Guiyang is a multi-ethnic city with the Han nationality as the mainpopulation. Its long history has bred the splendid national cultures of 38ethnic groups in this land, and formed a strong national customs. There areyoung men and women of ethnic minorities through affectionate songs and dances,and "April 8", "March 3", "June 6" and "dance field" festivals to find theirfavorite people; Nuo opera and local opera, known as the rudiment and "livingfossil" of Chinese drama, trace the long history of Chinese culture and recordthe blend of Central Plains culture and Guizhou national culture.

Embroidery and cross stitch are two wonderful flowers blooming in thehundred flower garden of Guiyang National traditional crafts. Batik productscontain the artistic charm of national culture. They are favored by friends athome and abroad, just like the rough, simple Nuo masks and other nationalcultural products.

Guiyangs snacks are really mouth watering. There are more than 100 kindsof local traditional snacks. No matter day or night, there are lots of snackstalls in the streets of Guiyang. Some hotels include some special snacks intheir banquets, and there are special snack banquets to offer. Guiyangs mostfamous snacks are Changwang noodles, love tofu fruit, Leijia tofu balls, cakeporridge, "Siwa", Heye Ciba, Wujia Tangyuan, Bijie Tangyuan, etc.



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Hello everyone! Im your guide. My name is tan. Please call me DirectorTan. "A stream runs through the mountains, and the clear and shallow scenerylingers in the nine twists and turns. A stream to rock Xiu, reflection immersioncold green Today, Im going to take you to Wuyishan Scenic Spot, which has thereputation of "qixiujia Southeast".

The first scenic spot we arrived at was the poetic Jiuqu River. First ofall, I would like to briefly introduce the general situation of Jiuqu River: inthe world, Wuyi Mountain is the first, and the soul of Wuyi is in Jiuqu River.This stream originated from the main peak of the Wuyi Mountains -- the southernfoot of Huanggang mountain. It is clear and clear. It passes through the WuyiMountain Scenic Area from west to East through Xingcun town. It is full of waterand turns into nine curves, so it gets its name. Jiuqu River covers an area of8.5 square kilometers, with a total length of about 9.5 kilometers. Each songhas a different landscape.

You can take a bamboo raft and meander down the Jiuqu River. The clearwater will make you forget all your troubles. The craggy peaks and craggy rockson both sides of the Strait will give you all kinds of reverie. Id like tobriefly introduce some precautions for taking a bamboo raft

1、 According to six people on a bamboo raft, we are free to combine;

2、 On the bamboo raft, please dont rush to make a speech before steppingon two bamboo. To avoid slipping into the water;

3、 When the bamboo raft is moving, you should follow the instructions ofthe rafters. Please dont take photos from the chair or walk on the raft.

Dear friends, the bamboo raft drives up to the shoal. The mountain on theright is called Xianyan. Please pay attention to whether this huge stone on therock looks like a banana fan. The three peaks close to Xianyan are not like aball in the middle, and the peaks on both sides are like two male lions,commonly known as "two lions playing ball". The rock on the right side of thestream has a sharp mouth and thin legs, and its back is covered with vines andflowers, commonly known as "peacock Kaiping stone".

Look at the two peaks on the right, one is danluyan, the other isxianjiyan. The former is named for its resemblance to the alchemy furnace of thelegendary taishanglaojun, while the latter has two round stone nests on therocks. It is said that it is the knee nests left by Wuyi immortal kneeling downto worship the emperors grandmother, so it is also called "xianxiyan". The twocaves beside the stream are called Micang and Yancang. Further on, the peak thatcatches our eyes is Tianzhu peak, commonly known as "JiuTan peak".

The second scenic spot we arrived at was the wonder of the world "a line ofsky". It is the most strange cave in Wuyi Mountain. The one on the left isLingyan cave, the one in the middle is wind tunnel, and the one on the right isFuxi cave. A line of sky is a crack in the middle of a mountain, just like asharp axe. Its less than a foot long, about 100 meters long, and leaks into theskylight line. This is the miracle of "uncanny workmanship". The first line ofthe sky is about 100 meters long and less than 90 cm wide. The narrowest part ofthe first line of the sky is only 50 cm. Some fatter tourists should be carefulnot to get stuck. Now please follow me from Fuxi cave into the cave, you can seea ray of sky light, just like a rainbow across the sky. Its very wet in a lineof days, and theres water in some places. Please be careful not to slip! Lookup, you can see bats passing overhead from time to time, and you may be hit bythe droppings of bats at any time. Tourists generally jokingly call people whoare stained with bat dung "lucky" and call them lucky people.

Dear friends, we have arrived at the third scenic spot, Tianxin scenicspot. The stream we see now is called Zhangtang stream. Zhangtangjian is thelongest mountain stream in the north of Wuyishan Scenic Area, about 7.5km long.Please follow the direction I pointed out. There are several adjacent caves onthe half wall of Danxia Mountain. There are several small wooden buildings inthe caves, which are built on the cliff. They are either hidden in the cave orclose to the cliff. They are up and down the hanging ladder and around thefence. I dont know if you have found a problem. Why is it called Tianjia framewhen the county building is built between the cliffs? This is because in orderto save time, the construction materials used in the construction at that timewere directly lifted from the rock bottom. Do you see that the fir trees thatwere erected outside the cave were the ones that installed the crane, a kind oflifting machinery. So the local people call this scene "sky frame". Go on, crossthe stone bridge in front of Huiyuan temple and turn left into Liuxiang stream.Liuxiangjian, formerly known as daoshuikeng, is located at the northern foot oftianxinyan. Strange to say, all the streams and springs in Wuyishan Scenic Spotrun from west to east to Xiakou and join Chongyang stream. Only this mountainstream, since the origin of the North Valley of Sanyang peak, flows to thenorthwest and flows back to the mountain, so it is named. Along the way, theflowing water and the flying flowers come together, and the faint fragrancecomes from time to time. Xu Xun, a poet of the Ming Dynasty, traveled here andcould not bear to leave, so he changed the name of the stream to "liuxiangstream". There is an alley Valley in the stream, with dangerous rocks standingon both sides, and only one person is allowed to flow between them. It is coolin summer, so it is called Qingliang gorge. A long way out of Qingliang gorge,you can see a black mountain peak, on top of which stands a huge stone leaningforward, just like a farmer wearing a hat. It is said that this huge stone camefrom afar, so it is called feilaifeng. Around Feilai peak, you can see that thismountain is called "Yuzhu peak". From Yuzhu peak to jiulongke. Jiulongke is asecluded and deep gorge. The rugged peaks of jiuren are like nine dragonssoaring into the sky. From jiulongke to Lixu, you can see the rock calledtianxinyan. The temple under the rock is Yongle temple, the largest existingtemple in Wuyi Mountain. After reconstruction, Yongle temple is 170 meters longfrom north to South and 150 meters wide from east to west, covering an area ofabout 26000 square meters. Yongle Temple flourished in the Qing Dynasty, withmore than 100 monks. Since the reform and opening up, especially in the 1990s,the relevant departments have decided to restore Yongle temple. At present, theconstruction of the main hall is in progress. Beside the mountain path leadingto the Zen temple, a new rock carving of Maitreya Buddha has been chiseled. Itis 19 meters high and 13 meters wide. The huge "Buddha" character behind therock is written by Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. It is 11 meters high and9 meters wide, with a total area of 99 square meters, which means "nineauspicious".

Pay close attention to whether your eyes are tired. Take a rest. Next stopis Shuiliandong.

Dear friends, the cave we see now is the water curtain cave. Located in theeast of danxiazhang, shuilian cave was formerly known as Tangyao cave.Therefore, there are two flying springs on the top of ruiquan rock peak, flowingdown with the wind, just like a brilliant water curtain, so later generationschanged it to water curtain cave. The cave is the largest in Wuyishan ScenicArea, with a height of more than 100 meters and a width of more than 100 meters.The roof of the cave is obliquely covered, just like a cornice, covering half ofthe sky. In front of the entrance of the cave, the clear spring flows on bothsides all the year round, falling down from the top of the rock more than 100meters high. Where the breeze passes, the water drops are swaying and opening.With the wind, as if tiannu scattered flowers, as well as two hanging beadcurtain. Water curtain cave, Xuan Shuang bright, can accommodate hundreds ofpeople. The teahouses along the cliff are the sites of the Sanxian temple, whichwas originally dedicated to the great Confucians Liu Ziyun, Zhu Xi and Liu Gongof the Song Dynasty, and the three churches, which were dedicated to Confucius,Laozi and Sakyamuni. The curtain of water poured into the pool, splashingcontinuously, and then rippling again. It was so beautiful that it was like adragon playing in the water.

Please have a good look. Now were going to the fifth scenic spot, Wuyipalace. Now the building we see is Wuyi palace. Wuyi palace, also known asHuixian temple, Chongyou temple and Wannian palace, is a place where emperors ofthousands of generations worship Wuyi kings. It is also one of the six famousscenic spots in Song Dynasty. It is the oldest palace in Wuyi Mountain, with ahistory of more than 1000 years. Although the Wuyi palace, which has a longhistory, has been repaired in the past dynasties, it cant withstand severalfires and soldiers, leaving only a few empty rooms and broken walls. In the late1980s, with the support of relevant departments, the main hall of Wuyi palacewas restored. The restored Wuyi palace has been turned into Zhu Xi MemorialHall. The museum mainly displays the life stories of Zhu Xi, Cai Yuanding, youJiuyan, Liu Lun, Huang Gan and Zhen Dexiu. The five big words "Zhu Xi MemorialHall" on the front door plaque are the ink treasures left by former vice memberof the National Peoples Congress Comrade Fang Yi during his inspection of WuyiMountain. The two osmanthus trees in the courtyard are said to have been plantedby Zhu Xi himself, and they are eight or nine hundred years old.

Time flies like a meteor! Our trip to Wuyishan is coming to an end! Thereare many beautiful scenery in Wuyishan, such as Tianyou peak, Longchuan GrandCanyon, Taoyuan cave of "dongtianjiejie" and the charming hero slope. I hopethat this wonderland in the world, Wuyishan, with its gorgeous scenery, canleave you a good impression. At the same time, thank you for your support to mywork. Its really a pleasure to visit Wuyishan with you. Thank you again!



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Hello everyone! Welcome to Nanchang. Im wang zuorei, the tour guide. Next,I will show you the scenic spots of Tengwang Pavilion.

Do you know the origin of Tengwang pavilion? By the way, Tengwang Pavilionis the first floor of Xijiang River. Together with yellow crane tower andYueyang Tower, it is known as the three famous towers.

Tengwang pavilion was built by Li Yuanying, son of Li Yuan, Emperor Gaozuof Tang Dynasty, when he was the governor of Hongzhou. Hongzhou refers toNanchang now. During the reign of Zhenguan, Li Yuanying was granted the title ofTeng Wang. Of course, the loft he built was named after his title, so it wascalled Teng Wang Pavilion. It has been more than 1300 years since Tengwangpavilion was first built. In the past thousand years, it has been up to 29 timesof alternation. The foundation was laid in 1983, the ground was broken in 1985,and the main Pavilion of Chongyang Festival was completed on October 8, 1989.Now we can see the plaque of Tengwang Pavilion is the cursive calligraphy ofhuaisu, the calligrapher of Song Dynasty, which is known as "the first cursiveplaque in the world". These four words highly summarize the unique features ofTengwang Pavilion. It is taken from Han Yus poem "when I was young, I heard thebeauty of Jiangnan, and Tengwang Pavilion is the first, which is calledmagnificent and unique". Therefore, Tengwang pavilion has the reputation of thefirst floor of Xijiang River .

Now we are going to visit the main Pavilion of Tengwang Pavilion. Pleasepay attention to your safety when you play. Dont stick your head out of therailing; dont climb. We will gather at tengwangge at 12:00 noon. Tengwangpavilion has 89 steps, which means: the 29 generation Tengwang pavilion wasrebuilt in 1989, and "89" refers to this time. The main Pavilion of TengwangPavilion is 57.5 meters high and has nine floors, but now you can see only threefloors! How can it become nine floors?

This is because the structure of Tengwang Pavilion is bright three darkseven, plus two base, is nine. On both sides of the main Pavilion, there are twopavilions named "Yajiang" and "yicui". If you look at Tengwang pavilion from ahigh altitude, you will find that it looks like a giant Kunpeng trying to spreadits wings. Well, Ive finished my introduction. Please continue to watch if youhavent finished. Now its disbanded!
