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Huangdi mausoleum, the mausoleum of Xuanyuan family, the ancestor of theChinese nation, is located in Beiqiao mountain, Huangling County. In 1961, theState Council announced the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor as the first batchof national key cultural relics protection units, known as "the first mausoleumin the world". The three characters of "Huangdi mausoleum" before the mausoleumof Huangdi were mentioned by Chiang Kai Shek. The mausoleum of the YellowEmperor was called "bridge mausoleum" in ancient times. It was a place foremperors and famous people to worship the Yellow Emperor. According to records,the earliest sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor began in 442 BC. Mausoleumattractions include: the worlds first mausoleum, Xuanyuan bridge, mausoleumarea, Xuanyuan temple, Yellow Emperors hand planted cypress, sincere Pavilion,guajia cypress, etc.

Qiaoshan mountain is thick and majestic, surrounded by JuShui at the footof the mountain. There are ancient cypresses on the mountain, which areevergreen and lush all the year round. The whole mausoleum is magnificent. Thetomb of the first mausoleum in the world is 3,6 meters high and 48 meters long.It is surrounded by a green brick wall. In front of the mausoleum, there is theinscription "Long Yu in Qiaoshan" in the 15th year of Jiajing reign of the MingDynasty, which means "Long Yu ascends to heaven" of the Yellow Emperor. In frontof the pavilion for a sacrifice, Xie hilltop, cornices up warped, dignified.Inside the pavilion stands the stone tablet of "mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor"written by Guo Moruo. The cemetery area is surrounded by red walls, withLingxing gate on the southeast side and imitation stone towers of Han Dynasty onboth sides.

Just south of the front of the mausoleum, outside the wall of themausoleum, is a high earthen platform, namely "Hanwu Sendai". According to thebook of Fengchan in historical records, "Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty visitedShuofang in the north, and killed more than 100000 soldiers to sacrifice to theYellow Emperors tomb." Hanwu Sendai, which was built by Hanwu emperor tosacrifice to Huangdi, is more than 20 meters high. It has been built with blockstones and has stone steps, cloud plates and guardrails. The front area ofHuangdi temple is magnificent, covering an area of about 10000 square meters.5000 large river pebbles are selected for paving, which symbolizes the 5000 yearcivilization history of the Chinese nation.

The Yellow Emperors hand planted cypress is located in Xuanyuan Temple ofHuangling County in the middle of Shaanxi Province. It is more than 20 metershigh and 11 meters in diameter at breast height. It is vigorous and straight,with a canopy covering the air. Its leaves keep growing all the year round. Itis thick and dense, like a huge green umbrella. It is said that it was plantedby the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan himself, more than 5000 years ago. It is theoldest cypress in the world. There is a local proverb: seven arms eight half, GeGe Ge is not worth it. It is said that seven people are not surrounded by eachother.




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Eight immortals plug the eye of Heaven Gate

There is a stone pillar on the right side of Tianmen cave. Its shape issimilar to that of an old man standing close to the cliff. This is theincarnation of Shugus master.

It is said that when the eight immortals traveled around Tianmen Mountain,they felt that Tianmen cave revealed the aura of heaven and earth, and there wasno big man in it, so they decided to block it up. Everyone showed their magicpower and pushed a big stone to Tianmen cave. When they saw the huge stonefloating into the cave, they suddenly settled in the air. No matter how hardthey tried, the stone would not move. Everyone was wondering, but the huge stonesoared up and fell to the foot of the mountain. When the eight immortals lookedat the entrance of Tianmen, they saw that the master of Guigu was smoothing hisbeard and smiling. At this time, the master of ghost valley began to speak: "youimmortal friends, when you travel around the world, have you ever seen such aplace to connect with heaven? This Tianmen cave is located in accordance withheaven, harmonizing Yin and Yang. Its a wonderful gateway for heaven and earthto guard God. The immortal wind is surging, which is beneficial to peopleslivelihood. If you want to block the gate of heaven and earth, isnt it againstthe will of heaven? "The eight immortals suddenly realized and gave up theidea.

But Shugus master was afraid that other immortals would move the same mindas the eight immortals when they came here, so he took off his orifices andturned into a stone to guard Tianmen cave forever.

Xianren peak footprints

In local legend, Xianren peak is the incarnation of seven fairies. At thefoot of Tianmen Mountain, there is a village with a long history called Dongjiavillage, which is Dong Yongs hometown. The dutiful and kind-hearted Dong Yongmoved the seven fairies in the sky. They became husband and wife, and soon theywere separated by the cruel Jade Emperor. We all know this story. However, theseven fairies, who are affectionate and purposeful, return to the heavenlypalace, but quietly leave their incarnation in the world. They become immortalpeak to accompany Dong Yong and bless Dong Jia village.

It is said that once upon a time, the Xuanwu grandmaster was very excitedand went to Qixing mountain to play chess with other Bodhisattvas. The game wasvery fierce that day, and there was no winner or loser for a long time. Thegrandmaster was worried. It was almost dark. Why didnt he get a result? Theyset the rule of "winner goes up, loser goes down" when they played chess. Untileveryone on the scene played a game of chess, the winner of the last game wasthe real winner. It happened that in the last game of the day, the grandmasterplayed chess with another Bodhisattva who was also very good at chess. Its theso-called match, the fight is inseparable ah; other Bodhisattvas see sky blackpull all have to say, come again. Grandmaster is not willing to give up, thisgame has almost become a classic endgame. At this moment, the little boy whoplayed chess with the Bodhisattva came to ask the Bodhisattva to go back andsaid that he had something urgent to do. The Bodhisattva couldnt but walk, butthe grandmaster refused to walk. The Bodhisattva couldnt but wave his sleeveand mess up the game, saying, "if you dont want to admit that its a draw,youll win.". I really have something to do. I have to go anyway. " Then he gotup and left. The grandmaster didnt finish the last game, so he didnt win, sohe was very depressed. If you think about it, just go to Tianmen Mountain for astroll!

After thinking about master zushi, he walked towards Tianmen Mountain.While walking, he was still speculating about the end of the game. On his way upthe mountain from the south foot of Tianmen Mountain, he had to pass a placecalled Mazongling. There is a wide Canyon in the middle of the place. Mostpeople go by a detour. Because they have been thinking about the game of chess,the grandmaster went to the mouth of the valley and didnt notice. All of asudden, he felt like a foot hanging in the air, facing a gust of wind, cold,that cool feeling, let him suddenly a smart. Because his heart choked a stomachof sullen, just no place to vent, he took advantage of the situation to jumpforward. The grandmasters leap was very important. It was really powerful. Atlast, he fell heavily on a stone slab of about four square meters on themountain. At that time, the earth was shaking. According to the legend, thegrandmaster is a big man with big feet. As a result, a pair of footprintsseveral centimeters deep, about one meter long and about 50 cm wide were left onthe stone slab. Because of this legend, people call it zushiyan footprints.

Heaven Gate meets Immortals

According to the local records of Yongding County written by Guangxu of theQing Dynasty, one day, a child was playing at the entrance of Tianmen cave. Whenhe was tired of playing, he lay down by the stone wall of the cave to have arest. All of a sudden, he felt that he was lifted up by a cloud, slowly risingto a place, and then stopped. I saw an old man with a white beard sorting outthe chess game. It was not surprising to see him appear. He picked up a whitejade chess piece and put it into his hand. Then he waved a hand at him, and hewent back to the place where he used to lie. If it wasnt for the chess piece,it would be as if nothing had happened. The child went home with this piece inhis hand, only to find that three days had passed since he came out to play withhim. This child is Yi Jiade, and everyone calls him Yun Tong. Later, when he wasolder, he went to the mountain to learn magic. When he came down the mountain,he became very good at drinking. He had to get drunk almost every day.Sometimes, when he wanders around the city well, he meets some people whooccasionally ask about personal privacy, disaster and fortune. Generally, hedoesnt say much. And once you open your mouth, every word will hit the mark.Everyone who met him exclaimed that he was a fairy, and then he disappeared.Whether to travel around, or to live in seclusion in the mountains, or to becomean immortal, no one knows.

Qin Shihuang rushed to the mountain to reclaim the sea

There are 48 Matoushan in the south of Tianmen Mountain, which is said tobe the incarnation of the 48 heavenly horses under Qin Shihuangs mountainreclamation. It is said that when Qin Shihuang was in power, he once went toSichuan, where he saw a large area of mountains. He suddenly thought, "if Idivide the mountains here and fill up the East China Sea, my territory will beexpanded again." so Qin Shihuang waved his magic whip and cut Mount Emei in halffrom Jinding. Then he drove his heavenly horse and drove along the Shu Road Themountain is heading for the East China Sea. At that time, our Zhangjiajie areawas still a plain. Qin Shihuang rushed the mountain here and felt a littletired, so he stopped for a rest. Because of the noise of his rushing to themountains, he had already alerted the Dragon Girl in the East China Sea. Ofcourse, the Dragon girl refused to let him rush to the mountains to reclaim thesea and snatch his own territory. Seeing that he was asleep, she took theopportunity to steal the whip. When the whip disappeared, the mountain could notbe driven, so the mountain from Shu had to stay here for a long time and becameWuling Mountain. At the beginning of the split half Jinding, also became ourcloud dream xianding.



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Now we come to the Bund by the Huangpu River in Shanghai. First of all, Iwould like to welcome you to visit the Bund and wish you a pleasant trip.

There are five tourist routes in the new Bund. On your left hand side arethe magnificent buildings and spacious Zhongshan Road known as the "WorldArchitecture Expo". On your right hand side are the sparkling Huangpu River andPudong Lujia financial and trade zone with bright future. In front of you is anew and unique sightseeing area. The buildings, Zhongshan Road, sightseeingarea, Huangpu River and Lujiazui are like the staff in the music score, whilethe industrious Shanghai people are like strings of inter symbol, forming thelatest and most beautiful movement. Welcome to all the guests.

In short, it used to be a grassy wasteland outside the old city ofShanghai.

Although these buildings with European Renaissance style are not designedby the same designer or built in the same era, their architectural style is soharmonious and unified that it seems to be natural. From the the Bund road tothe outer white road bridge, the length of the arc is only 1.5 kilometers, androw upon row of 52 buildings of different styles, including English, French,ancient Greek, etc. At that time, many foreign banks, associations andconsulates gathered here, known as "Wall Street" in the East, forming ahistorical miniature of the semi colonial and semi feudal society in oldShanghai.

Please see, Dongfeng Hotel No.2 on the new Bund used to be a very famousBritish club. It is a typical British classical building. The building is 6stories high (including basement). There is a lookout Pavilion at the north andsouth ends of the roof. The interior decoration is very gorgeous. The firstfloor bar used to be proud of its 110.7-foot bar, which is the longest in theEast. Now KFC is located in the bar.

Before the new Bund 12, it was the famous "HSBC Bank". The building wasbuilt in 1923, which is an antique Greek style dome building. The building is arectangular building close to square, with five stories high and a halfspherical top layer. There are seven stories at the top of the building and asteel frame structure. The interior of the building is decorated with variousreception rooms in the United States, Britain, France, Russia and Japan. Thisbuilding was once regarded by the British as one of the most exquisite buildingsfrom the Suez Canal to the Bering Strait in the Far East.

The building next to HSBC is the Shanghai customs building, a 19th-centuryretro building, built in 1927, which is rare in the world today. The clock onthe top of the building can be seen all around. It plays a short tune every 15minutes. The sound of the bell is melodious and deep, with a sound of 10 Li.

After Wilson, the British designer, the HSBC building and the customsbuilding are affectionately called "sister buildings" in Shanghai, and they arestill one of the important symbols of Shanghai.

The two buildings at the entrance of Nanjing East Road are called peacehotel. The south facing building was built in 1906. It was called Huizhong hotelat that time. It is the earliest existing hotel in Shanghai. It can be used as ahistorical building, belonging to the Renaissance of British culture. Thebiggest feature of the building is that the facade is made of red brick withwaist line and white wall brick with veneer. From a distance, it looks solemnand elegant with unique style, which is a rare masterpiece.

These buildings on the Bund are the crystallization of the industriouswisdom of the Chinese working people, and also reflect the plunder and invasionof Shanghai by the western colonists. Nowadays, in order to let people know thehistory of these buildings, the Chinese and English nameplates are hung in frontof each building.

As for the Bund, the name given to her by Shanghai people has changed withthe passage of time. Shanghai people call the Bund before liberation the oldBund and after liberation the Bund. Now people praise it as the new Bund. Therehave been scenes of seizing the Bund many times in history, but each time has acompletely different historical significance. Since the Third Plenary Session ofthe Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the strategicfocus of Chinas reform and opening up has also changed from south to north. Thedevelopment and revitalization of Pudong has brought Shanghai to the forefrontof Chinas reform and opening up. The spring breeze has awakened Shanghai Bund,which has been sleeping for many years. Chinese and foreign financialinstitutions have also seized the Bund. Shanghai has made a major move to "cleanup the nest and attract Phoenix", replacing the houses on the Bund FinancialStreet, attracting "old customers" at home and abroad to settle down again,showing the style of "Wall Street" in the Far East again.

The Bund is a symbol of Shanghai and a must for Chinese and foreigntourists. But in the past, because of the narrow road and the crowded traffic,the overall image of the Bund was seriously affected. In order to change theappearance of the Bund, the Shanghai Peoples government takes the Bund as a keypoint to transform. The road in front of us is called Zhongshan Road. It isnamed in memory of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the pioneer of Chinas democraticrevolution. It is also part of the comprehensive transformation of the Bund. Theroad is 826m long and 45m wide with 6 to 10 lanes. This wide traffic line is notonly limited to the Bund area, but also extends with the pace of reform andopening up. It starts from Jiangwan Wujiaochang in the north and ends at NanpuBridge in the south. By the beginning of the next century, the North-SouthCorridor will be 15 kilometers long and will become a landmark of Shanghaitourism.

The riverside road we are taking now is quite unique. It not onlyintegrates culture and greening, but also is a good place for people to practicewriting and martial arts in the morning, a place for tourists at home and abroadto visit in the daytime, and an ideal place for lovers to have a love talk inthe evening. It is said that many foreign friends have come to experiencelife.

Ladies and gentlemen, strolling in the new Bund Sightseeing Area, do youfeel that the new Bund not only has a new look, but also has a strong artisticatmosphere in the bustling city. Lets see: an artistic landscape with the themeof "for tomorrow" is set on the Bund of Yanan East Road, embracing with sixcolumns and combining with the meteorological signal station with a history ofmore than 80 years to form a group of scenery. The customs building and theelectronic waterfall clock are also quite new. The electronic waterfall clock isa ladder type, 27 meters long and 3.5 meters high, with 10 full steps. The wholeoperation process is controlled by computer. There are more than 1000 jets ofwater in various colors of Arabic numerals, which makes the world so far awayand so close to each other. The tourist area has become a scenic line ofShanghai style culture that can accommodate hundreds of rivers.

Huangpu Park is facing the famous Huangpu River at home and abroad. "Theyellow water in Huanglongpu on the moon" vividly depicts the color of HuangpuRiver. Jiangpu river is the mother river of Shanghai. It originates from TaihuLake in Wuxi. It is the longest, widest and deepest river in Shanghai, with atotal length of 114 km, an average width of 400 m and a depth of 7-9 M. Itsoriginal name is Dongjiang, also known as chunshenjiang and huangxiejiang. It issaid that in the 20th century___ Many years ago, Shanghai belonged to the stateof Chu at that time. At that time, there was a great general named Huang Xie inthe state of Chu. He was very talented in governing the country. He wasappointed prime minister by the king of Chu and was granted the title of"fengshenjun" to govern the land of Shanghai. Due to the siltation of the upperreaches of Dongjiang River at that time, he led the people of Shanghai to dredgeand modify the waterway, which greatly developed Shanghais water transportationand agriculture. In order to commemorate Huang Xies achievements, latergenerations changed the name of Dongjiang River to "chunshenjiang" and"huangxiepu", which was not officially named "Huangpu River" until the SouthernSong Dynasty.

Overlooking the other bank, Pudong Lujiazui financial and trade zone andPuxi Bund are facing each other. Its functions are finance, trade and foreignservices. It will be the core and symbol of new Shanghai. "East Bund" BinjiangAvenue, with a total length of 2500 meters, integrates tourism, sightseeing andentertainment, along which there are six distinctive squares. Although I canonly smell the rumbling sound of piling, it is the most gorgeous movement on thestaff and predicts a better future for the Bund.



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Hangzhou Songcheng scenic spot is located in the southwest of West Lakescenic spot, with Wuyun mountain in the north and Qiantang River in the south.It is the largest song culture theme park in China, invested and built byHangzhou Songcheng Group Co., Ltd.

Song Dynasty "ad 960-1279" is a mature Dynasty of Chinese feudal society.Its economy, science and technology, and cultural development were in theleading position in the world at that time. Song city is the first theme park inHangzhou, which reflects the cultural connotation of the Song Dynasty. It ismainly divided into three parts: the reappearance area of "Qingming Riversidemap", Jiulong square area, song city square area, Xianshan qiongge area,Southern Song palace area and Southern Song style garden area.

Song city is the natural combination of song culture and song culture onthe Bank of Xizi lake, which also makes the song culture tourism in Hangzhou getpositioning. The construction of scenic spots in Songcheng city is based on thecombination of realism, romanticism and functionalism. According to ZhangZeduans "Qingming Riverside painting" and strictly in accordance with the SongDynastys "construction method", it reproduces the prosperous scene of the cityin the Song Dynasty. In the landscape, it creates a travel space with layers,charm, rhythm and deep sense of history. On the basis of Chinese traditionallandscape architecture, it absorbs the western theme parks cheerful, elegantand functional art processing techniques, which makes it not only simple,dignified and rigorous in the "Qingming Riverside" reappearance area, but alsohas the collection and distribution function of the axial flow of people inJiulong square, Chenglou square and Songcheng square, as well as theinclusiveness and impact of the big landscape. Dougong cornice, traffic,permeated with a strong style of the Ancient Song Dynasty. The large-scalewaterfalls in Yingzhou create a legendary atmosphere, which makes the ancientsong city full of vitality. It is a marvelous scene of the Song Dynasty.

Culture is the soul of song city. It has made its own exploration inexpressing the beauty of natural landscape, landscape architecture, folkcustoms, social humanities, culture and art. It blurs the concept of space-timeand shortens the space-time distance. Song city is a kind of recollection andexpression of ancient Chinese culture. It should become a historical city witheducation and entertainment. ——Give me a day and give you a thousand years.



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天街最东端就是碧霞祠了,我给大家讲讲碧霞元君的故事。碧霞元君的前身是泰山女神,在民间被称作“天仙玉女碧霞元君”是百姓心目中的泰山主神,并被称作“泰山奶奶”、“泰山老母”。民众对泰山老母的候信仰与喜爱,是一种历史积淀下来的埋藏在人们心灵深层的对母亲的爱。多少年来,碧霞元君赢得了百姓的爱戴,至今仍高踞泰山之巅,接受着善男信 女的香火,召唤着去乡离国的游子。



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Now let me introduce Mount Everest to you. Qomolangma means "the thirdgoddess" in Tibetan. Mount Everest is the main peak of the Himalayas, with analtitude of 8848 meters. It is the highest peak in the world. The mountain is inthe shape of a huge pyramid, with steep terrain and complex environment. Thereare various types of glaciers with a total area of 1500 square kilometersdistributed between the ridges and cliffs. On top of the glaciers, there are avariety of beautiful and rare ice pagoda forests. Within 20 kilometers aroundMt. Everest, there are many peaks. Among the 14 peaks above 8000 meters in theworld, there are 5. The peaks of 6-7 kilometers are all around, forming amagnificent landscape with many peaks. According to the analysis of geologicalstructure, in ancient times, the whole Himalayas and the vast area nearby werestill a corner of the sea. From about the late Tertiary of Cenozoic era, thedeep rock strata under the sea were affected by the strong Himalayan orogeny,rising to the top and the youngest "roof of the world". Standing on the top ofthe earth, Qomolangma itself is the most typical fault block mountain in theHimalayas. Its pyramid shaped peak is composed of Ordovician brown marble andcrystalline limestone. According to the determination of scientists, Everest isstill rising, with an average annual speed of 3.2 mm to 12.7 mm, continuing toset a new world record.

Now let me tell you two myths about Mount Everest. It is said that whenSongzanganbu was king of Tibet, the Himalayas and Mount Everest were beautifulplaces with flowers in full bloom. Songzanganbu ordered that this place shouldbe specially used for raising a hundred birds. Its original name was"rozamarang", which means "the place for raising birds in the South". In the 8thcentury, the Tibetan king chisongdezan sent people from India to welcome thelotus grandmaster into Tibet to preach Buddhism, and Buddhism graduallyprevailed in Tibet. There are five goddesses sitting in the monthly sacrificesto the gods. Each of the five goddesses has its own name. This is the earliestTibetan name for the five peaks of the Himalayas in China. They are known as the"five sisters of longevity", and Qomolangma ranks third. They are the goddess ofdefending and reproducing the race. The other four peaks are Fushou fairy,Zhenhui fairy, guanyong fairy and Shiren fairy. People think that the thirdgoddess is the most beautiful. She is called zhumulangsangma in Tibetan, so sheuses her name to call Mount Qomolangma, the highest mountain in the world.

There is also a beautiful legend. Once upon a time, it was a sea. On theseashore, there were flowers and trees, flowers that never withered and neverwithered. On the hillside, there were forests and fruit trees. In the forest andflowers, there are many birds and other animals. Its a rich and beautifulplace! But one day, a group of monsters suddenly came to occupy this good place.The demons are coming, catching birds and animals, destroying flowers and trees.At this time, a five color auspicious cloud came from the sky. On the cloudstood a fairy in a plain dress. She was the goddess of snow mountain -zhumulangsangma. With her boundless magic power, she subdued the demons andspirits, and pressed them under a mountain. At the same time, in this area,cattle and sheep were raised, plant seeds were sown, and ice lakes were dug.From then on, she not only restored the original appearance, but also made itmore beautiful. The goddess subdued the demons and ghosts, and poured snow waterfrom the snow mountain and ice lake to irrigate the surrounding land. So, beforeand after the mountain, cattle and sheep are fat, crops are flourishing, and ahundred flowers are blooming. Therefore, people living in this area have greatrespect for the goddess and often praise her in various beautiful words.

From the summit of Rongbu temple, we have to pass through two importantsections, namely the well-known Beiao and the second step. Beiao is the gatewayto climb Mount Qomolangma from the north slope. It is a saddle shaped ice wallwith an altitude of 7007 meters. There are ice cracks all over it. It is a verydifficult natural obstacle to overcome. The second step is more than 300 metersaway from the peak. In 1960, it took eight days for the national mountaineeringteam to reach the top from the base camp, including six days from Beiao to thetop. The last 50 meters took 19 hours to reach the top without oxygen. Beforeand after the national mountaineering teams opened up five routes to climbEverest. In 1953, the British mountaineering team ascended along the southeastridge from the south slope; in 1960, the Chinese national mountaineering teamascended along the North Ridge from the north slope over Beiao; in 1975, theBritish mountaineering team ascended from the south slope; in 1980, the Japanesemountaineering team ascended from the vertical cliff on the front of the northslope, which is the most difficult route to climb Mount Everest. In 1988, China,Japan and Nepal jointly formed a team to climb from the north and south sides ofQomolangma at the same time, realizing a "double leap" in human history. In1990, China, the United States and the Soviet Union joined forces to climb MountEverest. In 20__, it reached the summit again.

The most interesting thing on Mount Everest is the cloud floating on thetop of the peak, which seems to be a flag flying on the top of the peak, so thiskind of cloud is vividly called flag cloud or flag cloud. The shape and postureof the flag cloud on Mt. Everest are various, sometimes like a flag flutteringin the wind; sometimes like the rough waves; sometimes it turns into a curlingsmoke; just like a galloping horse; for a while, it is like a gently flutteringveil. All this adds a lot of magnificent scenery to Mount Everest, which can becalled one of the worlds major wonders.

What causes the formation of flag clouds on Mt. Qomolangma? It turns outthat the flag clouds are formed by convective cumulus clouds. According to theposition and height of the cloud, we can infer the size of the wind force on thepeak. If the flag cloud moves upward, it means that the upper air wind issmaller; if it tilts downward, the wind will be stronger; if it is level withthe peak, the wind will be about level 9. Therefore, the flag cloud of MountEverest is also known as "the highest wind vane in the world".

Let me introduce Mount Everest National Nature Reserve to you. MountEverest Nature Reserve was designated as a National Nature Reserve in 1993. Thereserve is located at the junction of Tibet Autonomous Region and the kingdom ofNepal, with a total area of 3.38 million hectares and a population of more than70000. The area is divided into 7 core protection areas, namely tuolonggou,rongha, xuebugang, Jiangcun, gongdang, Zhufeng and Xixiabangma, and 4 scientificexperimental areas, namely Chentang, Nyalam, Jilong and gongdang.

At the southern foot of the Himalayas, the nature reserve is the highest inChina. It has one of the worlds top ten landscapes, the Kama Valley, with analtitude of 2300 meters, a length of 55 kilometers from east to west, an averagewidth of 8 kilometers from north to south, and an area of 440 square kilometers.There are 2101 species of angiosperms, 20 species of gymnosperms, more than 200species of pteridophytes, more than 600 species of bryophytes and lichens, andmore than 130 species of fungi in the reserve; there are more than 50 species ofmammals in the wild animals, among which there are more than 10 species ofnational first-class protected animals, such as langur, Tibetan wild donkey,Tarr sheep, leopard, snow leopard, black pheasant, etc. Snow leopard is thesymbol animal of Everest nature reserve.

The original forest is dense, including Abies himalayana, larch, birch,juniper, shrub, Fargesia, alpine pine, spruce, Nepalese sandalwood, Magnolia,arbor pine, Rhododendron and other major tree species, as well as wild plantswith high ornamental value and medicinal value such as magnolia, Panaxnotoginseng and Coptis chinensis.

In the upper part of the vast forest sea, altitude: 3800 meters to 4500meters is alpine grassland, with Artemisia, fleas and other plants. The area5500-6000 meters above the snow line is covered with permanent snow. Glaciersare formed year by year due to non melting ice and snow. Rongbu glacier is thelargest glacier in the reserve. In addition, there are iceberg glaciers andsuspended glaciers.



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Today we go to the old city of the sea, that is, the location of Yu Gardenand Yu Garden shopping malls.

Our car is driving on the Bund. On your left is the famous Huangpu River.Well be here later.

To save time, I would like to talk about Chinas gardens and Yu Gardenbefore I get to Yu Garden.

In China, gardens are divided into three categories: Royal Gardens, privategardens and temple gardens. Yu Garden belongs to private gardens. There are manyskills in Chinese garden, such as borrowing scenery, blocking scenery and so on.But they are all made up of four basic factors. The four factors are water,plants, architecture and rockery. Most of the private gardens are in the southof the Yangtze River, because there are many water sources and rocks suitablefor rockery. Yu Garden was built more than 400 years ago in the Ming Dynasty.The owner of the garden, whose surname is pan, is a senior official. He builtthe garden to please his parents and let them enjoy their old age. Therefore,the word "Yu" of Yu Garden takes the meaning of Yuyue. It is a pity that hisparents could finally see the death of Yu Garden. In the late Qing Dynasty, thepan family was weak, and their descendants sold the garden to local guilds.There is another reason why Yu Garden has become a place of interest. In 1853,an uprising broke out in Shanghai, and a hall in the garden was used as aheadquarters. Today Yu Garden is a must. So I suggest that we dont getseparated when we get there. Its better for us to stay together, OK?

This is the parking lot. In case someone gets separated, please rememberthat the last three digits of the train number are 121. I think its better notto do that. I will hold the little red flag, and you will all accompany Mr.Zhang to the rear of the hall. Are you ready? Lets go. Please pay attention toyour bike when you get off.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the famous Jiuqu bridge. Why nine? Becauseits the highest number of Yang. Walk on the bridge and stay for a long time.You can also enjoy the scenery from different angles. Also, it is said thatghosts can only walk in a straight line, so you dont have to worry aboutmeeting ghosts.

In the middle of the bridge, there is a pavilion, which was built in theQing Dynasty and was converted into a teahouse about 80 years ago. Old peoplelike to come here in the morning, meet friends, make a pot of tea and chat.Generally, they drink a kind of green tea called "Longjing". This teahouse isalso a popular place for foreign leaders. For example, when Queen Elizabeth IIcame to Shanghai in 1986, she also visited teahouses for tea.

Indeed, its a pleasure to drink a pot here. Just imagine, one summer, youcome to a teahouse and sit by the window, overlooking the green pool full oflotus. There was a cool breeze in front of me. In the elegant sound of JiangnanSilk and bamboo, you bring up the purple clay pot and slowly sip a sip oflukewarm "Longjing" tea. Youll feel like a fairy.

Would you like a drink, too? Sorry, I still cant let you go. Lets make adecision after we finish Yu Garden, OK?

This is the entrance to Yu Garden. When you walk into a private garden,your sight will always be blocked by something, sometimes rockery, sometimes thewall. This is a skill of landscape architecture, which is called barrierlandscape. It doesnt let you know in a day, but let you see part of it, andthen achieve the effect of "step by step Jingyi".

This hall is called Yangshan hall. As we all know, Shanghai is located inan alluvial plain, with no mountains or forests. So this "mountain" refers tothe rockery opposite. It is 12 meters high and weighs 80 tons. It was, and is, amiracle. Because there was no cement or plaster of Paris more than 400 yearsago, people used cooked glutinous rice, alum and lime to stick the stonestogether. So far, Im safe and sound. See the pavilion on the top of themountain? 400 years ago, it was the highest point in Shanghai. From there youcan see fishing boats and sailboats on the Huangpu River, but these can only beseen in movies today. You can only see their heads moving up. Because thecircling paths are covered by trees and stones. This is really the masterpieceof Zhang Nanyang, a great horticultural master. It is also recognized as thebest rockery in the area.

Behind the rockery, there is a dragon wall. This is a special feature ofour garden. There are five dragon walls. This way, Ill take you to a placewhere you can see another Dragon Wall clearly.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the dragon wall I just mentioned. Dragons areactually imaginary animals. We call ourselves the descendants of the dragon. Idont know if you have read Pearl Bucks Dragon seed. If you have seen it, thereare a lot of things here that you feel familiar with. Look at this dragon, youwill find that it is a complex of many animals. You see, its head is like a cow,its eyes are like shrimp, and its horns are like I dont think it looks like acow. We usually say that the horns are like deer, the body is like snake, thescales are like fish, and the claws are like chicken or eagle. Please tell mehow many toes you see. Three yes. But generally a dragon should have five toes.Why three? One of them is a story. Before, only the emperor and the royal familyhad dragon designs. Pan yunduan, the owner of the garden, uses a dragon as awall. He is ambitious. Somehow, when the emperor learned about it, he sentsomeone to investigate. When pan yunduan learned about it, he immediately madepeople knock off two toes. As soon as the officials arrived, the gardener said,"look, this is not a dragon, only three toes." What a smart man, or helldie.

Here we can see three stones. The one in the middle is called "yulinglong".Its not jade, but its very famous. Its called Taihu stone. Its appearance iseroded by water. It turned out to be a tribute to song Weizong. Song Weizongcollected many rare flowers and stones, which were called "huashigang". But howdid you come here? Originally, it was lost in Kyoto at that time. Many yearslater, it became a plaything for local officials and gentry. Later, he gave thestone to pan yunduan as a dowry because Pans brother married his daughter.Yulinglong is famous for its thin, transparent, wrinkled and leaky features. Ifyou pour water from top to bottom. Its 72 holes are like a waterfall; if youburn incense below, its 72 holes are misty and beautiful. The master of thegarden used to gaze at the stone for a long time. This is also one of thefunctions of the garden. A scene makes you meditate, and the result is thecombination of emotion and night.

This is the end of the Yu Garden tour. I hope the children will love it.Finally, you have to make a choice: tea or shopping. I think its a show ofhands. How many people want to taste tea? Ha, all of them want to go? What?Would I like to? To tell you the truth, thats just what I want. So what are wewaiting for? Lets go!



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Ladies and gentlemen:

To hangzhou before, you must have heard of "above there is heaven, there are suzhou and hangzhou" this famous saying! In fact, to compare hangzhou to heaven on earth, largely because the west lake. For one thousand years, the west lake scenery with charm, the charm of those she does, is love at first sight. Even the great tang dynasty poet bai Ju yi still remember when you leave the hangzhou west lake, "failed to have to go to hangzhou, stay half is the lake." Poet said he was reluctant to leave hangzhou, the main reason is because hangzhou has a beautiful west lake. "The west lake 36, medium is hangzhou" best!

Friends: here are from YueMiao harbor by boat to visit the west lake with me. Before the ship did not start, I introduce the situation of the west lake: first is located in the west of hangzhou, west lake, surrounded on three sides by mountains and faces the east near downtown, north and south 3.2 kilometers long, about 2.8 km wide from east to west, almost a week 15 kilometers around the lake. Area of about 5.68 square kilometers, including the lake island 6.3 square kilometers, 1.55 meters, the average water depth in 2.8 meters or so, most the most shallow place less than one meter, the storage capacity between 8.5 million to 8.7 million cubic meters. Su causeway and bai causeway will be divided into the lake, lake in the north, outside the kiosk YueHu and small lake nanhu five parts. On history of the west lake has wonderful scenery everywhere, in addition to the "qiantang ten scene", "west lake 18 scene", one of the most famous is the southern song dynasty named "west lake ten scene", mother: su causeway chunxiao, qu yuan prescribed by ritual law, pinghu harvest moon, broken bridge cx, flower view fish, nanping bells, twin peaks piercing the clouds, the world sea smell Niao afterglow, just, OARS. At every word to as connotation, which is: spring, summer, autumn and winter flowers, clouds late evening willow. No matter spring, summer, autumn and winter, the author points out whether MingHui terminator, the west lake scenery is constantly, everywhere in the feature. In 1985 was named the "new xihu ten scene". At 60 square kilometers to the west lake as the center of the garden scenic spot, there are more than 40 awarded the main scenic spots, there are more than 30 key cultural relics. In summary the west lake scenery mainly one lake, two peaks, triple falls, four temple, five, six, seven holes tomb, eight, nine streams, ten views for victory. The state council on November 8, 1982 to the west lake as one of the first batch of national key scenic spot. In 1985, in "China top ten scenic spots" in the west lake was named the third.

The west lake is so beautiful, of course, pregnant with many wonderful and moving legends. Legend in a long time ago, the sky has jade dragon and her on the silver river island found a piece of white jade, they are thinking about for years, white jade became a radiant pearl, pearl according to where the orb, where trees are evergreen, flowers are blooming. Message to the heavenly palace, the day after tomorrow will send heavenly queen mountain god will come to snatch a pearl. Yulong jinfeng and hurried to SuoZhu, was she refused, so he fight and she is down, with a loose, the pearl will fall to the earth, into a crystal clear lake, and subsequent landing, yulong jinfeng and turned into a jade dragon mountain (namely YuHuangShan) and phoenix mountain, forever guardian in shore of the west lake.

Just some friends ask why water is so clear and pure of the west lake? The cause of this is from the west lake about: west lake in 120xx years ago or shallow bay of communion with the qiantang river, long in wushan and stone mountain, north and south, the west lake, is a two way around the bay. Later, due to the impact of the tide sediment silting, separating the bay and the qiantang river, the western han dynasty (206 BC - AD 24 years) of the west lake lake have been fixed, the west lake really is fixed in the sui dynasty (581-618), by shallow bay on the geology evolution of lakes called lagoon. Since the west lake bear mountain spring of living water wash, and then experienced all previous dynasties by bai juyi, su dongpo, Yang Mengying, RuanYuan governance, such as five times launched large-scale artificial dredging, finally from a natural lake become beautiful semi-enclosed shallow lakes scenery.

There are many names in the history of the west lake. The han dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD) when called wulin, Taurus, Ming sacred lake lake water; The tang dynasty (618-907) called Shi Han lake, qiantang lake. In addition to Gao Shihu, sage lake, lake, longchuan, money, etc. In the northern song dynasty (960-1127), su dongpo when making hangzhou local officials, wrote a poem of praise to the west lake: "above the billow sunny side, mountains, emptiness rain also, for the west lake than west, c plus always right." Poet fancy compare west lake to Chinese ancient beauty xi shi, as a result, the west lake has a "scenery" bills.

As the famous west lake landscape, many Chinese and foreign celebrities have a special liking to this. Life of the communist party of China MAO zedong 40 times to hangzhou, the longest lived for seven months, he put the hangzhou as a "second home". MAO tse-tung often praised the beautiful west lake, but he was never formally published about the poetry of the west lake. A great man like the west lake in China, international friends of the west lake is linger. The former US President Richard Nixon to hangzhou twice, he praised: "Beijing is the capital of China, and hangzhou is the heart of the country, I will come again." Nixon also the hometown of the California redwood to hangzhou.

Our ship has slowly started. I look over the whole trip on the lake trip simply introduce: around the scenic spots have mountain and two dike of the week. Mountain butte, referring to the isolated hill scenic area scenic spot and historic resort up to more than 30, the lake can appreciate to go on to a bridge, qiu jin tomb, xileng printing society, building outside the building, zhongshan park, etc. After isolated hill is bai causeway, from pinghu harvest moon, finally broken bridge cx, bridge and the famous stone, and landscape flow chardonnay. Watching the lake scenery, we go to the lake three island, a cruise ship shore finally in the su causeway.

The ship is now moving from west to east, everybody is in xiaogushan area scenery. Solitary shanxi go on bridge, east bai causeway, 35 meters, covers an area of 20xx00 square meters. Isolated hill scenery between tang and song dynasty has been known, south the Confucian cases in the construction of large-scale palace of the western Pacific b, the most isolated hill is divided into the imperial. The qing dynasty emperor kangxi was built in the palace, the yongzheng emperor palace instead holy temple, and the time of the lingyin temple, net Keats temple, according to their temple said "four big jungle" west lake. Some friends may ask: isolated hill is the biggest island in the west lake, why the name "isolated hill"? This is because the mountain scenery especially beautiful in history, has been called the emperor alone possession, so for the butte. Tell from the geology, butte is composed of the rhyolitic volcano, the bird is and land together, so "xiaogushan not solitary, middle-east, longbridge not long" quiet is known as the west lake.

You see in front of the seat ring hole in the stone bridge, is located in the west xiaogushan, named go on bridge. It is known as the west lake and middle-east, longbridge ancient three big bridge.

Go on to the bridge, after isolated hill foot of green leaves with white marble statues, see the heroine akimbo, left hand right hand by the sword, eyes, head to look at the front, like exploring the revolutionary truth. Who is she? She is the pioneer of Chinese womens liberation movement, to overthrow the qing dynasty, the struggle for national independence and heroic sacrifice of "no woman" qiu jin. Tomb this statue is 2.7 meters high, 2 meters high, positive monument there the sun on the calligraphy "heroine" four big word. Qiu jin martyr statue, gives us an inspiration: is famous for its west lake, is not only of the landscape, it is more because of many historical figures and multiplication. Within the west lake scenic area, is known as "three jie" on the lake of yue fei, Yu Qian, Zhang Cang water, and together with qiu jin for the revitalization of the Chinese modern hair to the revolutionaries Xu Xilin, TaoChengZhang, buried the west lake.

We ship to continue driving slowly to the east, you see in front of a white wall, courtyard is famous xileng printing society. Mid-stream and the right, this match well of Chinese and western architecture, is a one hundred - year - old building outside the building. Building outside the building, founded in 1848, the name is taken from the southern song dynasty poet Lin Sheng "mountain castle peak building outside the building" a sentence. Building outside the building, geographical and human conditions and that has received many Chinese and foreign celebrities. Building outside the building on the number of take charge of famous west lake vinegar fish, it is the choice of the west lake culture within the prescribed scope of grass carp, first hungry a second day, the fish in clean water to remove dirt, and then cooking. Into cooking after west lake vinegar fish, colour and lustre is red, the meat is tender, sweet and delicious, with a crab flavor, is the most representative flavor dishes in hangzhou.

Now the ship is heading to zhongshan park, the main gate of xiaogushan right here. "The mountain is not high, with fairy is name", isolated hill is a famous mountain scenery, is a famous mountain culture. Isolated hills status in the west lake scenic area is so important, because it is rich in historical and cultural connotation, there are the famous "west lake scenery all over the world," still memory of the northern song dynasty poet reclusion and Lin jing put crane pavilion. These sites were we went to visit.

Near the zhongshan park, we saw a group of architecture is a newly built completion "museum" of zhejiang province. Then surface display up to 7000 years ago the hemudu culture, down to the modern exhibits more than 1700 pieces of cultural relics. Museum is at the back of the ancient buildings in the qing dynasty royal library Wen Lange, it is our country for collection "ku" of one of the seven book cabinet.

See that highlight the cement of the lake in front of the platform faced pavilion has show before our eyes, this building was built in the qing dynasty emperor kangxi years, named pinghu harvest moon. It is the starting point of bai causeway, is also one of the three largest moon resort in hangzhou. In the history of hangzhou people Mid-Autumn moon have three options: just one of the first three islands in the lake, the mountains should be lunar phoenix mountain scenic spot, as to the shore, is the number that the beautiful and quiet night, water days of the pinghu harvest moon!

Now you see the front the between willow of peach "between" causeway to travel is bai causeway. When our ship sailed to here, the west lake is the most beautiful scenery appeared in front of everyone. Look! On each side has a line of willows, prunus persica, especially in music, willow green, peach purples, a TaoGongLiuLu scenery, visitors to this, as if in the fairyland. Bai causeway formerly known as "white sand dam", as early as one thousand years ago in the tang dynasty, is famous for its beautiful landscapes. Although it with white in the host bai causeway is not in a position of the building, but as a reminder of the hangzhou people made outstanding contributions in hangzhou in "the old mayor", still put it named bai causeway. Built it with su dongpo presided over the two jin su causeway is like lake zone, colorful, hand in photograph reflect. Everyone to see, bai causeway in the middle of the bridge is called jin belt, is a wooden bridge before, "green bridge" in the name, now renamed the stone bridge. At the end of bai causeway, the broken bridge, 1 km of the bai causeway is the "break".

Broken bridge name originally taken in tang dynasty, song dynasty said treasure Hu bridge, also called period of yuan dynasty home know, used to be a moss was the ancient stone bridge. Although we now see the bridge arch is a very common, but its name and "white snake" story relates in together, thus became one of the most famous bridge in the west lake.

At this point, I saw some friends already in careful observation, maybe you will ask right away: the bridge is not broken, why the name "broken bridge"? Let me to answer this question. Broken bridge is one of the famous west lake ten views, because of the broken bridge position in the back of mountain city, is in the north outside the lake and lake water points, in the field of vision is open, is the best place to watch the west lake snow scenery in winter. When snow attendance, the positive aspect has deglaciation snow bridge, and the shadow of the bridge still snowy, from a distance, the bridge seems broken broken, hence the name "broken bridge can xue". Also, the broken bridge and the end of bai causeway, bai causeway that runs from the foundation to the interruption. At this point, you may have understood, the original is "dam broken bridge".

Everybody look at broken bridge behind the mountain called stone mountain, elevation 78 meters. The rocks of the mountain and hills west lake, mainly composed of igneous rock in the flow lines and tuff, one is called "gem" jasper, embedded in the purple grey stone, in the sunlight, attention, this is the origin of stone mountain is named. The mountains that tall and straight, stand high tower, full names baochu pagoda. The early baochu pagoda will unveil for nine stupas, now was rebuilt in 1933. It is made into solid structures, minus eight arrises type, 45.3 meters high, and well-balanced, soft beautiful lines, in the lake in the tower, baochu pagoda will unveil the modelling of the most handsome, the most gentle and graceful shape. History and baochu pagoda will unveil the and a corresponding coasts, in the west lake landscape layout, and located in a central axis, north island and south island, on the other side of the lake, a sincere and elegant, a slender and pretty. Before both coasts not collapsed, the west lake was presented on the north-south confrontation, one lake "hit the twin towers of the places, so people have" world such as na, protect Chu such as beauty ", says the when the coasts and baochu pagoda will unveil the different charm.

Each friend: along the coast of the west lake landscape is introduced here, and then we go to watch the three islands in the lake.

First of all, lets take a look at the big island in the west lake "just", also called small ying state. This is a "lake island, island in lake" garden on the lake. The whole area of 70000 square meters, of which the water accounted for 60%. Island is "tian" glyph, something even the willow embankment, the civil building winding and winding side and plant with large red, white and all kinds of water lilies. In addition, in the history of three pools of money month also famous for planting the west lake water shield.

Below please island tour with me, just the island, in the early build-up in thirty-five years Ming wanli (1607), is made of dredging lake mud accumulation. Its essence lies in three stone tower, south of the island. See: three elections tower on the lake, 2 meters high tower, the towers are spherical, lined with five small round hole, the top of the tower a gourd shape, beautiful modelling. Every night, especially in the Mid-Autumn festival, bright, people light candles in the tower, along the mouth with tissue paper, candles, outside the "shadow, cloud and shadow" dissolved into a piece, "candlelight, moonlight, lake" hand in photograph reflect, in the refraction of light, tower lights through 15 round hole projection on the surface of the water, with a total of 30 moon, plus 1 early a water in the sky, the lake can be reflected in 32 small moon, present "the day round last month, the lake shadow into three" the beautiful scenery, is "one lake jinshui to dissolve in the autumn," unspeakable poetic.

Then we look at the lake the cornice of the newborn pavilion, named lake. It is the largest of the west lake a pavilion. Is also part of one of the earliest construction in west lake three island island, built during Ming jiajing thirty-one years (1552 years), from reading has a history of 440 years. "Central plain jams" is one of the ten views qiantang. Stand in lake place overlooking the lake, cloud-covered mountains, panoramic view, the west lake scenery, take in everything in a glance.

Lake in the northwest of the island, called RuanGong pier. The west lake three island, the smallest one, has an area of only 5561 square meters. It is in the qing dynasty jiaqing years (in 1800), the governor of zhejiang RuanYuan with dredging silt after the west lake together. Nguyen pier fishing has become a good place for hangzhou citizens holiday leisure, nguyen pier rides are for the tourists around the grand launch of a feature of the west lake in the summer.

Visited the three islands in the lake, our ship has been to the dock in direction - su causeway. You see: this article from the south and in front of the weak across the lake, 2.8 km long beach of the lake is the su causeway. Pangde, a total of six stone arch Bridges are reflected wave, lock rings, wangshan, dike, dongpu, across a rainbow, bank planting peach willow, lotus, form "the west lake scenery, six bridge a willow a peach" view. Said to the su causeway, people will naturally think of the northern song dynasty poet su dongpo, su dongpo had twice as a magistrate in hangzhou, the west lake, he organized 20xx00 migrant workers dredging then use mud fenchyl grass lake, built the from nanping mountain foot of qixia ling long beach, later generations to commemorate his great deeds, named "su causeway". Now the southern tip of dike built "su dongpo memorial" for people to visit, honoring the achievements of su dongpo.

Friends: people often put the hangzhou west lake and lake Geneva, Switzerland lemmon compared to the east and the west reflect two stars in the world of bead, it is because of the west lake, just for the Italian Marco Polo to hangzhou classics as "the worlds most beautiful city of showily. The west lake as a famous scenic spot, received of the heads of state of the world. As a result, not only is the pearl of hangzhou west lake, is the Oriental pearl, the pearl of the world.

"Yi jiangnan, most have is hangzhou. Find out the laurel blossoms filled the air. Yamadera months, county kiosk pillow watching tide. When more revisit?" This is bai juyi for the praise of the west lake to leave aftertaste endless song. My dear friends, when we the end of the west lake when do you feel the same? I hope see you soon, we meet again, full sleep (An reward the laurel blossoms filled the air. And the qiantang river on the tide, mountains and rivers, to the west lake always retain fond memories of you.



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Friends! Now were going to visit Jinbian river. Jinbianxi is named afterjinbianyan, which is 7.5km long and takes about 3 hours to travel. The mainscenic spots along the road are Guanyin Songzi, jinqiyan, wenxingyan, Zicaolake, Qianli meeting, TIAOYU lake, shuirao four gates, etc.

Many tourists insist that Jinbian river is the most beautiful canyon in theworld, which is not a word of praise. As for the evaluation of jinbianxi, westill quote the inscription of Nancy Dick, the female vice governor of Colorado,for Zhangjiajie: "Zhangjiajie is so beautiful, its amazing. People say that theGrand Canyon is magical. (the Grand Canyon is the Grand Canyon of Colorado, anAmerican National Park known as the miracle of nature). I think Zhangjiajie iseven more incredible. " She thinks Zhangjiajie is "the most beautiful place inthe world, and I will always remember it."

(lobster flower) pay attention to the little flowers on the roadside. Thisis the famous lobster flower at home and abroad. It is a specialty of jinbianxi.When it blooms in autumn, the flowers are suspended by a green silk. When thewind blows, they swing left and right, just like a real lobster in the water.Whats more interesting is that when the flower seeds are ripe, as long as youtouch them and snap them, they will "jump" out of your hands. Therefore, manypeople want to collect flower seeds and spread them, but they are disappointed.Is the flower spiritual and unwilling to leave this fairyland?

(Guanyin Songzi) please look to the left. The small stone peak looks like aperson holding a child in his arms and looking ahead. The local people call it"Guanyin Songzi". It is said that long married infertile couples, as long assincerely make a wish here, it is possible to achieve. But whether it works ornot depends on ones own experience. Who among the tourists would like to have atry?

If you want to ask the landmark scenic spot of Zhangjiajie National ForestPark, the answer is ready-made: jinbianyan. As early as the middle of the QingDynasty, some scholars listed the peak forest and Baizhang gorge in Zhangjiajieas the "eight sceneries of Yongding". The first is called "dangerous gorgecrowing ape"; the second is called "layer rock Surge Tower": "Qingya mountain,20 miles west of the county, the first five mountains stand side by side, thelayer faces like a floating picture. Zhongyi peak is more precipitous. It is themost marvelous one, with the Han Dynasty in the sky "One of the peaks" hererefers to jinbianyan. Zhangjiajie is the second of the eight scenic spots. Itcan be seen that our ancestors have insight. The relative height of jinbianyanis more than 380 meters. It rises straight up into the sky. No matter you lookat it from a distance or from a side, its a long whip that pierces the sky! Thepeak on the left side of jinbianyan looks like a ferocious eagle, with its mouthhooked and eyes glaring, wings slightly spread, guarding Jinbian alertly all thetime. Its called "divine eagle protecting whip".

There are many beautiful legends about jinbianyan and shenyinghubian. Themost popular story is that Emperor Qinshihuang was caught in the "beauty trick"of lobster woman on his way to reclaim the sea, and the whip was replaced by afake one. From a scientific point of view, they are formed by weathering andcollapse after cutting rock layers with multiple sets of joints andfissures.

(drunk Luohan) now take a rest and listen to Tujia folk songs. Look at thisstone peak. The base has collapsed into a dome, and the upper part of themountain is at a overlooking angle. Its like a monk who is drunk and is aboutto collapse. So its called "drunk arhat". Have you noticed that this big stonecollapsed from the lower part of zuilohan peak on a summer night in 1983, whichconfirmed the formation of sandstone peak forest from one aspect.

(Huaguo Mountain, shuilian cave) here comes the water curtain cave ofHuaguo Mountain of Monkey King. Its not that Zhangjiajie people are too farfetched to put together the journey to the West. Its a coincidence that YangJie, the guide of the drama group of journey to the west, and the actors of TangSeng, Zhu Bajie, sun Houzi, Sha Seng, etc., once they see this place, they saywith certainty that the location is all over the country. Only Zhangjiajie isreally the world of immortals and demons in journey to the West. You lookforward along my direction. In front of you is the monk Tang with a hat, acassock, and a word in his mouth. The black stone peak immediately behind him isof course monk Sha. The powerful Monkey Sun squats on the back of the monk Tang,putting up a cool awning and observing the enemys situation; Wheres Zhu Bajie?Needless to say, hes either greedy for food and sleep, or hes secretlychatting up with a little girl. Hes a playboy.

There is a kind of "giant salamander" in Jinbian River, which is thelargest amphibian in the world and belongs to the second level nationalprotection animal. The giant salamander is only found in China, Japan and theUnited States. It is called "giant salamander" because it sounds like a childcrying. Sangzhi County in Zhangjiajie City is a famous "hometown of giantsalamanders". The state has invested more than 10 million yuan in theconstruction of giant salamander rescue center in Baofeng lake.

(nanmuping) this place is called nanmuping. The plants in ZhangjiajieForest Park are vertically distributed. In jinbianxi area, evergreen anddeciduous broad-leaved forests are mainly distributed, while Phoebe is the maintree species. There are 16 species of Phoebe in Zhangjiajie, such as Phoebe,Machilus lichuanensis, Phoebe rubra, Phoebe glabrata, Phoebe Hupi, Phoebevillosa, Phoebe macranthoides, Phoebe iridescens, Phoebe bambusoides and so on,especially Phoebe is the most precious. There is also a strange kind of Nanmu inZhangjiajie. One year, Liu Kailin, the director of the forest farm, felled aPhoebe and sawed it into a board to make a box. However, he found that therewere very strange patterns on the board: mountains, running water, grass,flowers, sun, moon, flying birds and running beasts. Some people say that thesepictographic patterns are formed by the long-term effect of the surroundingenvironment, so they call them "yinghuanan". As early as the Han Dynasty, nanmuin Zhangjiajie began to be conquered by the imperial court; it was designated asa tribute in the Ming Dynasty. During the Zhengde period of the Han Dynasty(1515-1520), the chieftain of Qin family in Maogang paid tribute to the imperialcourt for more than 400 big nanmu trees and built a palace destroyed by fire. Asa result, the chieftain king was promoted by the emperor and was granted by theQin family, which was known as the "Qin Royal School" in history.

Friends, 15 Li Jinbian river is almost finished. Wulingyuan is known as"three thousand peaks, eight hundred waters", "three thousand Cuiwei peaks,eight hundred glazed waters". And the water is represented by Jinbian River,which is known by the people as long drought and long rain. Moreover, the waterfrom jinbianxi doesnt need soap for bathing, shampoo or washing powder forwashing. Nancy, deputy governor of Colorado, said: if Golden Whip Creek sellsair, it is definitely an invaluable income!

Jinbian stream, together with Longwei stream, Tianzi stream and kuangdongstream, runs through four mountain gates in the southeast and northwest, andjointly supports a beautiful sandbar. The name of Shazhou is tianzizhou. It wasthe place where Wang jiantianzi kingdom was called to him. You see, there arethree stone peaks in the opposite row, and dozens of stone peaks standing allaround. They were called "signboard, pen holder, long live card, four generalrock" in ancient times. It is said that they were all left to the emperorWang.

It is said that Zhang Liang, the Marquis of the Han Dynasty, was buriedhere. Looking at the top left, it is said that the top of the mountain is thesite of Zhang Liangs ancient tomb. Long Bingwen, a ethnologist, wrote: "if yougo all over the green mountains to search for the ancients, you will find abeautiful city surrounded by four gates of water; if you go to the old earthenfort on xiangluyan, you will find Zhang Liangfen, the Marquis of the HanDynasty."

In May 1992, two officials sent by UNESCO to inspect the Jinbian River, Dr.sansel, who seldom spoke along the way, finally made a speech. He said: clearstream water, good vegetation, such a long section of no people, which is rarein Asia!

Water around the four doors radiates and connects with the scenic spots. Tothe right, you can take a bus to Zhangjiajie park or go down the mountain to thecity through longweicun; to the front, you can take a bus to Shili Gallery,Tianzishan cableway station, jundiping, Huanglongdong and Baofeng lake.



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In the beautiful plateau Tibet, there are not only Mount Qomolangma, theroof of the world, but also the mysterious Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple andXiaozhao temple. Today, I will take you to take a look at the supreme positionin Tibetan Buddhism - the Jokhang Temple.

Dazhao temple, also known as "zulakang" and "juekang", is located in thecenter of Lhasas old city. It was built by King Songzanganbu of Tibet and has ahistory of more than 1300 years. Dazhao temple is a Tibetan Buddhist temple, andalso the earliest existing civil structure building in Tibet. It creates aTibetan Hirakawa style temple pattern, and is a building integrating Tang,Tibetan, Nepalese, Indian and other artistic styles. The enthusiastic localguide led us into this temple full of mystery and beautiful legend.

"The Jokhang Temple is an eternal example of Tibetan religiousarchitecture. Now, what we see are tens of thousands of butter lamps that haveleft traces of time and pilgrims. These butter lamps are on day and night, andwill not go out. Why? Because countless devout Tibetans in Tibetan areas keepdonating butter to temples, so as to ensure the continuous use of butter forthese butter lamps worshipped in front of Buddhas platform... " I was thinkingabout why. After listening to the guides explanation, I finally understood why.It seems that devout belief is the strongest support for Tibetans. Buddha hasbecome their spiritual sustenance, carrying their hope and yearning for a betterlife in the future. "Lets go on!" the guides call brought me back to reality.So I took back my mind and quickly followed.

The stone floor is as bright as a mirror because of the friction ofbelievers for many years. There is a huge Buddha statue on the left and right ofthe hall. The one on the left is lianhuasheng, the founder of the red crosssect, and the one on the right is the future Buddha. Further inside, there isthe temple of the sacred goat remjem. Why do you call it this name? Because agoats head naturally grows in the corner of the temple, so Tibetans take thisinteresting name for it. At the same time, the guide also told a fairy talerelated to this hall. It is said that in order to build a palace for theNepalese princess who was married at that time, during the reign of the fifthTibetan king Songzanganbu, he traveled all over Tibet and found many places, butthey all felt that they were not suitable. Songzanganbu decided to leave thematter to God. So he took one of Princess nibbles rings and threw it into theair. Where the ring fell, he built the palace. Unexpectedly, the ring fell in alake, and a white tower appeared in the lake. Songzanganbu, who thought it wasauspicious, decided to fill the lake and build a palace. Because they wereworking in the lake, people and yaks were too heavy to transport the stones tofill the lake, so they took the lighter goats as the main labor force at thattime. After efforts, the lake was finally filled up and the present JokhangTemple was built. However, many goats died in that project. In order tocommemorate the achievements of the goats, the king of Tibet called this place"Reza" (the goat represented by "Reza"). With the passage of time, "Reza" hasgradually been called "Lhasa", so there is a saying in Tibet that there wasJokhang temple first and Lhasa city later.

Next, we will visit the 12-year-old statue of Sakyamuni, the treasure ofJokhang Temple. You must be curious about what an isomorphic statue is? It is aBuddha statue carved according to the height and appearance of Sakyamuni when hewas 12 years old. It is the only one in the world. This Buddha statue wasbrought to Tibet by Princess Wencheng, who married a Nepalese princess. It tookhim more than three years to come to Lhasa. It is the most complete statue ofSakyamuni in the world. When I didnt see it, I thought it should be about thesame height as me, but when I saw it, my chin was startled! Now this Buddha isfour or five meters tall, and its head is like a big washbasin. Puzzled, I askedthe guide, "was Sakyamuni so old when he was 12?" the guide said with a smile,"no, the original statue is the same size as a child about 10 years old, butbecause the monks here are very devout. Every day, I brush the Buddhas bodywith gold powder, from head to toe, and not once a day. Monks will brush theBuddhas body with gold powder on time. After a long time, the Buddhas bodybecomes bigger and bigger God! Its incredible that a Buddha statue as tall as achild can be painted so big with gold by devout believers. Its conceivable thatthis Buddha statue has great weight in the hearts of Tibetans.

Then we visited Maitreya hall, Guanyin Bodhisattva hall, sanfawang hall,Tara hall, Shenbian tower and so on. As the sun sets, the visit is drawing to aclose. In fact, there are many things I want to introduce to you, but I cantdescribe them one by one. But what I want to tell you is that the Jokhang Templehas given me a new understanding of Tibetan Buddhist culture and made me fall inlove with this mysterious and interesting place. Students, I hope you can gothere to have a look and appreciate the mystery and beauty in the future!


Hello, everyone. Im Xiao Li, your tour guide. Welcome to the beautifulsunshine city of Lhasa.

Lhasa, the capital of Tibet Autonomous Region of China, has a history ofmore than 1300 years. It is the political, economic, cultural and religiouscenter of the region

It is located in the middle of the Tibetan Plateau, 3650 meters above sealevel, surrounded by mountains, flat terrain, mild climate, annual sunshine timeof about 3000 hours, so it has the reputation of sunshine city.

In the middle of the seventh century, Songzanganbu established the TuboDynasty here. In the Tang Dynasty, after entering Tibet, Princess Wenchengproposed to build a temple by filling the lake with white goats. After thecompletion of the temple, in order to commemorate the contributions of thetemple and the goat, the temple was named Reza. Later, it became the name of thecity and evolved into Lhasa, which means Yangtu city.

For thousands of years, Lhasa has become the center of political andreligious activities in Tibet several times, so Lhasa has become a truly sacredplace.

In the general impression, Lhasa is composed of Potala Palace, Bajiaostreet, Jokhang Temple, sera temple, Drepung temple and Lhasa River. However,Tibetans believe that strictly speaking, Lhasa only refers to Potala Palace,Jokhang Temple and Bajiao street built around Jokhang Temple. Next, let me showyou around the real Lhasa.

What we are seeing now is the world-famous Potala Palace. Is itshocking.

Potala is a Tibetan translation, namely Putuo. According to legend, TibetanBuddhists think that Hongshan is comparable to Guanyins St. Putra mountain, sothey compare it to the second Putra mountain.

The Potala Palace was built in the 7th century for Princess Wencheng, whomarried in Tibet. A total of 999 rooms and 1000 original red mansions werebuilt. It is the highest and largest palace style building complex in the world,with an altitude of more than 3700 meters and an area of more than 360000 squaremeters.

Having said so much, we still dont know which parts the Potala Palace iscomposed of.

The Potala Palace City consists of four parts: the Red Palace, the WhiteHouse, the Dragon King pool behind the mountain, and the snow at the foot of themountain.

The Red Palace is the ancient pagoda hall and various Buddhist halls, whichis located in the center and the top of the whole building. The White Houseembraces the Red Palace, including palaces, sutra halls, gaxia, the former localgovernment of Tibet, and the school of monks and officials. Longwangtan is theback garden of Potala Palace. There is a large pool in the garden center. Thereis an island in the pool. There are longwanggong palace and elephant house onthe island. Snow is at the foot of Potala Palace, where there are prisons,printing houses, workshops and stables of gaxia, the former local government ofTibet.

At the beginning of its construction, the scale of the Potala Palace wasnot as grand as it is now, but gradually expanded with the continuous expansionin the future. Several generations have participated in the expansion and designof the palace, and the cost is huge. It was not until 1936, when the 13th Lamaspagoda hall was completed, that the Potala Palace became its present scale. Sofar, it is like a mysterious symbol, attracting countless people to come toTibet. Those lucky enough to enter the Potala Palace are very lucky.

If you look at this building, do you think it is extremely dazzling? Thisis the famous Jokhang Temple.

Located in the center of Lhasa, the Jokhang Temple has a history of 1350years. It is the most splendid Tibetan Architecture in Tibet. It was first builtin 647. It was jointly built by Songzanganbu, Princess Wencheng of Tang Dynastyand princess Chizun of Nepal. After many expansion, it has formed a grand scalewith an area of more than 25100 square meters. There are more than 20 halls inthe temple. The main hall is four stories high, with gold-plated copper tiletop, which is magnificent. It has the architectural style of Tang Dynasty, andalso absorbs the artistic characteristics of Nepalese and Indianarchitecture.

There is a legend about the origin of the Jokhang Temple.

That was 1300 years ago, when Lhasa was still a wilderness and lake. TheTibetan king wanted to build a temple here in order to honor the 8-year-oldstatue of Sakyamuni brought by Princess Chizun of Nepal. According to legend,temples were built in the daytime and collapsed at night. The temple has neverbeen built. Later, Princess Wencheng came here. Because she knew the eighttrigrams of yin and Yang, she explained that the whole Qinghai Tibet Plateau wasa Luocha girl lying on her back. The witch was in the shape of a human, with herhead to the East and her legs to the West. The lake where the Jokhang Temple islocated is just the heart of the Luocha woman, and the lake water is her blood.So Princess Wencheng said that if she wanted to build a temple, she had to fillthe lake first, and first she had to calm the heart of the witch. Then she alsorecommended another 12 small temples to build 13 temples in remote areas, whichcould hold the limbs and joints of the witch.

It is worth mentioning that in the middle of the hall is a 12-year-oldgilded bronze statue of Sakyamuni brought by Princess Wencheng from Changan.The 8-year-old statue of Sakyamuni brought by Princess Chizun of Nepal wastransferred to Xiaozhao temple in the 8th century.

Tibetan people call the statue of Sakyamuni wearing a crown "Jue Wo".Pilgrims touch their knees with their foreheads, believing that they can prayfor themselves, for their friends, and even for their friends. Believers fromremote areas present hada to Jue Wo for their fellow villagers, just like takinga message to Jue wo.

Dazhao temple is the belief center of Tibetan Buddhism. The temple is fullof incense all day long. Believers are worshiping devoutly, and thousands ofbutter lamps are always on. All these record the never-ending footprints ofpilgrims.

After visiting the Jokhang Temple, of course, lets have a look at our oldand busy Bajiao street. Have you felt the strong flavor of Tibetan life now?

Bajiao street is the pronunciation of Paco street. Paco means the streetaround the Jokhang Temple.

The octagonal street is round, like a huge clock, and the magnificentJokhang Temple is the clock axis. According to Tibetan Buddhists, a circlearound the Jokhang Temple is called "zhuanjing" to show the worship of SakyamuniBuddha in the temple. Bajiao street is also the main route for Tibetan Buddhiststo turn their Buddhist scriptures. Every day, people who kowtow for three stepscome here to worship the Buddha in front of the Jokhang Temple. Some of thesepilgrims are even teenagers. They often really kowtow to Lhasa from thousands ofmiles away. They not only had a long way to go, but also could not earn money bydoing odd jobs. In order to make pilgrimage, they had to endure a very miserablelife on the way.

Bajiao street is a famous commercial center and an important commoditydistribution center in Tibet. At present, there are more than 120 handicraftshops and more than 200 stalls in Bajiao street. Here you can find all kinds ofgood things, all kinds of Tibetan ornaments, Nepalese jewelry, small crafts,carpets, Thangka, etc. Of course, its also a paradise for delicious food.Tibetan food is the most characteristic. All over the country, there are variousflavors of CAI.

Well, thats the end of my explanation. I hope you have a good time inLhasa.


Ladies and gentlemen

First of all, welcome to Lhasa. Im Wang Bin, the tour guide of Lhasa. Youcan call me Xiao Wang or Xiao bin. My skin is a little dark, which is the reasonwhy Im on the plateau all the year round. But its healthy skin. Sitting nextto me is our guard, master zaxidler. You can call him master zaxidler for short.Zaxidler means -- Good luck and good luck. I hope all the guests who come fromafar will have good luck. Now our destination is Potala Palace, the highest andlargest palace group in the world with the most profound Tibetan culture. Nowthe car is still a short drive away from Potala Palace. You can enjoy theplateau scenery outside the car while listening to Xiao Wangs introduction toPotala Palace.

"Potala" is a Tibetan translation, namely "Putuo". According to legend,Tibetan Buddhists believe that Hongshan is comparable to Guanyins Mount St.Putuo, so they compare it to the second Putuo, hence the name of Potala Palace.Potala Palace is an ancient building group integrating palaces and temples. Themain building is 13 stories high, 113 meters high, 3700 meters above sea level,and covers an area of 120000 square meters. Potala Palace was built in the 7thcentury in order to marry Princess Wencheng of Tang Dynasty. 999 rooms werebuilt and 1000 red mansions were built. 1645 (the year of Muji in Tibetancalendar) V completed the unification of Tibet. In order to announce thereconstruction of the Potala Palace, the Potala Palace has been renovated andrebuilt many times since then, and it has begun to take on todays scale. ThePotala Palace City consists of four parts: the Red Palace, the White House, theDragon King pool behind the mountain and the "Snow" at the foot of the mountain.In Tibetan Buddhism, there is the theory of "three realms". The three realms are"desire", "desire" and "nothingness". We can see the overall layout of thebugong, which divides the Red Palace, the White House and "Snow" into threelevels from top to bottom, and arranges them vertically, which fully embodiesthe theory of "three realms" of Tibetan Buddhism. OK, we are at the front hallsquare of Potala Palace. Please take your luggage and get off with me. Theoverall structure of Potala Palace is made of stone and wood. The outer wall ofthe palace is 2-5 meters thick, and the foundation is directly embedded in therock. All the walls are built of granite, up to tens of meters high. Iron juiceis poured into the middle of the walls every certain distance for reinforcement,which improves the anti-seismic capacity of the walls and makes them firm andstable. Up these stairs, we can get to Sassoon Langjie in Potala Palace. Thereare many stairs and they are on the plateau, so please slow down.

Now we have reached the highest Hall of Potala Palace, which is calledsasonglangjie (meaning Shengjie). Inside the palace is a portrait of EmperorQianlong. In front of the portrait is a memorial tablet of the emperor "longlive". The memorial tablet is written in Chinese, Tibetan, Manchu and Mongolian.To the west, we come to the qimeigandan hall, which was built in 1690 and wasthe Sutra Hall of the sixth emperor Cangyangjiacuo. At the age of 25,Cangyangjiacuo, the victim of the upper ruling class, began his wanderinglife.

He wandered to Qinghai, Gansu, Mongolia, Sichuan, India, Nepal and otherplaces successively. He once worked as a beggar and sent corpses. His life wasextremely hard. Because of his contact with the working people and rich lifepractice, he wrote a famous collection of poems. This poem is now popular on theInternet, which is "cangyang Jiacuo love song". I remember a soothing poem, "seeor dont see" you see or dont see me, Im not sad or happy there After watchingits beautiful Gandan, lets take a look at the palace corridor. There are alarge number of murals inside the Potala Palace, which constitute a huge Galleryof painting art. Nearly 200 people have participated in the mural painting,which has taken more than ten years. The themes of the murals include thehistory of the development of Buddhism in Tibet, the life of wushida Lama andthe process of Princess Wenchengs entering Tibet. Now we have a generalunderstanding of the function, historical background, status and cultural valueof the main building of Potala Palace. I believe it will leave a deep impressionon you. In fact, according to the value theory of Potala Palace, it is almost apalace made of gold. Its overall layout shows the divine power of Buddhism, andencourages people to avoid contradictions in reality, pursue transcendence andfly to the realm of Buddhism, The architectural art of the Potala Palace mainlyshows the traditional Tibetan architectural form and the style of stone and woodstructure, and also absorbs the characteristics of the Han nationality, such asbeam frame, Dou Gong, Jinding, caisson and so on.

It is not only the crystallization of Tibetan working peoples wisdom, butalso the evidence of Tibetan and Han peoples unity and cooperation. In order tobetter protect the Potala Palace, a national cultural heritage, the StateCouncil listed it as a national key cultural relic protection unit in 1961, andallocated funds for maintenance every year. Especially in 1989, the statecarried out a historic maintenance of the Potala Palace, which lasted for fiveyears, invested 53 million yuan, and sent more than 150 experts and techniciansfrom more than 10 provinces and regions to directly participate in themaintenance project, with more than 100 maintenance parts The scale ofmaintenance is the largest since the reconstruction of the Potala Palace. Inline with the principle of keeping the old as it is, the project has carried outtimely and effective rescue of this national heritage, making the ancient PotalaPalace more attractive.


Dear friends, you have to go to Sakya temple in Shigatse. The art treasuresin the temple are vast and the cultural relics are of high value. Therefore, itis also known as "the second Dunhuang".

Look at the saga basin between the Gangdise mountains and the Himalayas.The purple "Castle" standing in the middle of the valley is the famous sagatemple. It was the political, economic, cultural and religious center of Tibet700 years ago. There is a folk song that says:

A birds-eye view of Benbo mountain,

Sakya is like crystal;

Dame in a crystal bottle

Beauty is better than fairies

Dont despise Sakya,

Buddha Pavilion adds glory to it

In fact, Sakyas Tibetan language means "gray land", that is, the color ofthe local soil. Sakya temple is divided into South Temple and North Temple. TheSouth Temple is built on the flat valley, and the North Temple is built on thenorth slope. Sakya North Temple was founded by gongjuejiebu in 1073, from whichthe famous Sakya sect was formed. Let me briefly introduce the Sakya sect. Thename of the Sakya sect is Sakya Monastery, its main temple. The walls of Sakyastemples are painted with red, white and black ribbons. Red symbolizes Manjusri,white symbolizes Guanyin, black is Vajra holding Bodhisattva, and three colorsturn into flowers. Therefore, Sakya sect is called "flower religion". Among theteachings of the Sakya school, the most unique and important one is "Dao GuoFa". Its teaching method has three procedures: first, to give up the blessing."Not good" is bad. A person always encourages himself to do good and do good,not to do bad, and is expected to incarnate in the "three good interests" ofheaven, Asura and man in the afterlife. 2、 Cut me off. That is to understand theimpermanence of life, everything in the world is made up of karma, which is nota real truth, so as to see through everything in the world, cut off any desire,and relieve pain. 3、 There is no success in all methods. That is to preventarbitrary views in practice, and achieve the realm of understanding the universewith extraordinary insights. There are many differences between the Sakya sectand other sects, one of which is to allow believers to marry and have children,and the political power of the sect is passed on from father to son, while thereligious power is passed on from uncle to nephew.

There are five important ancestors of the Sakya school. His fourthancestor, Saban gonggajianzan, played an important role in bringing Tibet intothe territory of China in the 13th century.

In addition, I would like to introduce the history of Sakya temple and thefamous basiba. After the collapse of the Tubo Dynasty, Tibet fell into 400 yearsof separatist rule and war turbulence. In the early 13th century, Genghis Khanled Mongolian tribes to rise in the north and gradually unified China. Kuo Duan,the grandson of Genghis Khan, once sent General dodanab to lead Mongolianknights to Tibet. Kuo Duan realized that if he wanted to unify Tibet, he mustmake use of the local religious forces. He learned that the Sakya faction, whichrose in the Sakya area of post Tibet at that time, was increasingly powerful,and that the leader of Sakya temple, Gongga jianzan (also known as SakyaBanzhida), had the greatest influence among all the sects in Tibet, so heinvited Gongga jianzan to Liangzhou (now Wuwei, Gansu Province) to meet withhim.

In 1247 ad, Saban and his nephew, basiba, arrived in Liangzhou. On behalfof the local forces in Tibet, they reached the conditions for Tibet to submit tothe Yuan Dynasty with the Mongolian royal family. At this point, Tibetofficially joined the family of the motherland and became a first-classAdministrative Region under the direct jurisdiction of the central government ofthe Yuan Dynasty. As a result, the Sakya faction gained the trust of the YuanDynasty and the leading position in Tibet.

After the death of gonggajianzan, Kublai Khan summoned basiba in 1253 ADand worshipped him as the emperors teacher. In 1260, Kublai Khan declaredhimself Emperor, granted basiba the title of "guanding National Teacher",granted jade seal, and also appointed him to take charge of the affairs of theGeneral Academy established by the central government, which was in charge ofNational Buddhist affairs and Tibetan local administrative affairs, making him asenior official of the central government of the Yuan Dynasty. In 1265, basibawas ordered to return to Tibet, expanded the northern Sakya temple, establishedthe "Benqin" to manage the local regime, and established the Sakya Dynasty, thelocal regime in Tibet. Tibet was officially under the jurisdiction of thecentral government of the Yuan Dynasty. In 1269 A.D., basiba created Mongoliancharacters, for which he was granted the title of "great magic king" by KublaiKhan.

Today, the North Temple has disappeared. At a glance, the vast ruins in thenorth are still as magnificent as they used to be.

Now we are visiting the South Temple, where the Sakya temple is nowlocated. It was built in 1268 by the fifth generation patriarch of the Sakyasect, basiba. You can see that the appearance of sakyanan temple is veryspecial. There are two rings of walls. There are crenels on the walls,watchtowers at the four corners, and a moat outside. The gate is in the shape of"Gong". The whole plan is in the shape of big "Hui" with small "Hui", which hasa little taste of war defense. In addition to purplish red, the walls are alsoblack and white, which is an important symbol of the Sakya sect.

Now the main hall we enter is called "lacanthim", which means the greattemple, with a height of 100 meters and an area of 5500 square meters. There are40 pillars in the hall, four of which are the thickest. It takes three people toembrace them. The thickest one is 1.5 meters in diameter. Each pillar has alegendary story: the first pillar is the pillar of Kublai Khan emperor, named"Ghana seqingawa", which means the pillar sent by Yuan Dynasty. It is said thatat the beginning, basiba served in most of the Yuan Dynasty. When the emperor ofthe Yuan Dynasty knew that he wanted to go back to Sakya to build a temple, hechose a pillar with a diameter of 4 feet and gave it to him. The pillar wasgood, but it was too big to be transported to Tibet. BASBA returned to Sakyawith regret. But when he returned to Sakya, the big pillar was floating on theZhongqu River in the north of the temple. The second pillar is the wild oxpillar, which is called "Chong Bu GA WA" (meaning "pillar transported by wildyak"), the third pillar is the tiger pillar, which is called "Da Bu GA WA"(meaning "pillar transported by male tiger"); The fourth pillar is the blooddrop pillar, which is called "nabuchazagawa" (meaning the pillar sent by the seagod). According to legend, when the Dragon King sent it, he was injured and bledon the pillar, and now we can see the red blood stains on the pillar. Accordingto the research, they come from the Chentang Valley in the south of Sakya countyand belong to the Himalayan nature reserve.

Please see, there are three Buddha statues of Sakyamuni and a white conchin the hall. In the middle of the hall, this Sakyamuni Buddha named "zhamulinYexia" was cast in memory of sakhaban Zhida gonggajianzan and contains the relicof basiba. The one on the left was built in memory of King baspahat. The one onthe south side of the hall was cast in memory of Sakyamuni Sambu. This whiteconch was given to the emperor of China by the king of India. Kublai Khan, theemperor of the Yuan Dynasty, gave it to basiba.

Out of the gate of the main hall, on the south side of the courtyard ispuzhulacan, which is the Sutra Hall of Sakya sect. The Manjusri Bodhisattva inthe temple is excavated from the underground of the North Temple. It is the mainBuddha in the North Temple. It is said that as long as you recite Manjusriseulogy and mantra for seven days in front of the statue, even the stupid peoplecan enhance their wisdom and make Maos life open. This is one of the fourtreasures of Sakya temple, which is revered by the faithful men and women. Onthe north side of the courtyard is oudonglacan, which contains 11 pagodas forangqiang gonggarenqin, king of sagafa in the 16th century, and his descendants.Angqiang defeated "Lhasa zongba", saved the Sakya sect and restored the Nanbeitemple. He is a famous King of the Sakya sect. The temple has a special halldedicated to this historical figure. Through this hall is the "lakangjiang", inwhich there are six mud pagodas of Sakya monk Dade. In the pagoda Hall of PengCuO Po Zhang in Nansi Sutra hall, there are pagodas or commemorative Buddhastatues of nine people in four generations from Gongga Renqin, the founder ofPeng CuO Po Zhang, to Wangqiu in angwang tudao; in the pagoda Hall of Zhuoma PoZhang, there are six pagodas of Wangqiu and his descendants in Baima dundui.

At the back of the hall is the library of Tibetan scriptures, whichcontains more than ten thousand classics. It is a treasure of gold, silver,cinnabar and ink by calligraphers in Wei, Zang, Kang and other areas during thebasiba period. There is also a "Fangjing", also known as "jialongma" or"budjialong" Scripture. The book is 1.34 meters long, 1.09 meters wide and 67 cmthick. The wooden cover of Carving Dragons and phoenixes was originally 41 cmlong, which was carried by four lamas. It is said that this book was completedby basiba. It was written in gold powder juice and is a treasure handed downfrom generation to generation.

On the right side of the hall, there is a 1.5-foot-high jade bell and asquare jade plate, which are called the two treasures of the temple. The jadebell is used to cover the ever burning lamp in front of the Buddha. The jadeplate is engraved with a Chinese poem, which is inscribed as "awakening stone".Around them are the artifacts such as the magic weapons bestowed by Chinesedynasties and the vests, armor and boots bestowed by the emperors of YuanDynasty. Murals are concentrated in the main hall. On the east wall, there areimages of Sakyas ancestors and eminent monks and some Buddhist allusions. Onthe west wall, there are more than 600 years old murals of mandala and more than60 paintings of xijingang (huanxifo). There are hundreds of scroll paintings inthe main hall, which are art treasures of Tibet.

There are many classics in Sakya temple, of which more than 2800 arehandwritten in Yuan and Ming Dynasties. The Baya Sutra originated in ancientIndia and has a history of more than 1000 years is rare in the world. However,there are 3636 Baya sutras preserved in Sakya temple, which are written inTibetan, Han and Mongolian characters. Only Sakya Temple preserved the most ofthe Tripitaka copied with gold powder and cinnabar. In addition, there wereletters and seals from the emperor of Yuan Dynasty to the local officials ofSakya.

Basiba was granted the title of Queen of Sakya, and the Sakya sect reachedits peak. There are more than 40 temples in Sakya temple, which are all over thebanks of Zhongqu river. However, in the 16th century, it was a pity that a firealmost completely flattened the South Temple. It was not until 1948 that theoriginal appearance of the temple was restored after years of continuousrenovation. Now the Beisi site has been rebuilt, but most of the ground is stillcovered with broken bricks and gravel. Near the foot of the mountain, there is anewly restored white pagoda. It is said that there is a relic of a generation ofSakyas ancestors in the pagoda.

Now I would like to briefly introduce the autumn and winter Dharma meetingsof Sakya Monastery. July of the Tibetan calendar is the autumn Dafa meeting.Lama dancers perform the ancient Vajrayana dance, which is very powerful. At theopening ceremony, 150 actors wearing various animal masks rotate and jump. FromNovember 23 to 29 of the Tibetan calendar, it is called the winter Dafa meeting,and its main content is still the divine dance performance. The Three Dharmaprotectors in Sakya temple are all played by monks. They carry the skeleton ofDharma protector on their shoulders and wear giant ferocious masks as long asone meter. They are as high as one story. This is the most attractive part ofSakya dance. Hundreds of armed warriors in armor and spears performed skillssuch as sword dancing, archery and firearm shooting to commemorate the glory ofthe sects rule over Tibet 700 years ago.

This is the end of the visit to Sakya temple. I believe you will have abrief and general understanding of Sakya temple.


Hello, everyone! First of all, welcome to our company. Please let me sayhello to you in Tibetan: "zaxidler"! Ill explain to you that it means goodluck. Today we are going to visit the famous Jokhang Temple, which is located inthe center of Lhasas old city. It has a history of 1350 years. It is the mostsplendid building in Tibet during the Tuzhu period. It was built in 647 ad, andwas jointly built by Songzanganbu, Princess Tang Wencheng and princess Chizun ofNepal. After several generations of expansion, it has formed a grand scale ofmore than 25100 square meters. It has five golden roofs and 108 Buddhisttemples. It governs the five major sects of Tibetan Buddhism, such as Bon,Ningma, Sakya, Gaju and Gelu, as well as the statues of Buddha, Bodhisattva,Buddha, patriarch and Dharma protector worshipped by various sects.

Dear tourists, when we walk out of the Sutra library, we can see themagnificent wild goose pagoda. When you see this Tang Dynasty building, you mustbe both surprised and curious. First of all, why is the tower named aftergeese?

Now we come to the important Hall of yongzhonglin temple, tongzhuilakang."Tongzhuilakang" means to see, "zhuilakang" means liberation. Tongzhuilakangcovers an area of 80 square meters. There are a pair of silver lamps and amandala in the hall, each made of 70 silver dollars (cast in 1993). In thecenter of the mural is the portrait of Jiangun dawajenzan, surrounded by thethousand Buddha statues of the Bon patriarch dunbaxinrao. The Lingta hall, withan area of more than 40 square meters, is used for Jiangun dawajenzans Lingta,which is 5 meters high and is embedded in two kilograms of gold; There are alsothousands of dunbaxinrao and Tangka of the original Buddha and Bodhisattva sentby Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province, with the throne of the abbot of the temple;the hall of practice is dedicated to the Dharma God, and there is a coppergilded stupa of Jiangzhong dawajianzan, in which the hands, feet and magicweapons of Jiangzhong dawajianzan are stored.

There is a legend about the origin of the Jokhang Temple. It was 1300 yearsago, when the Lhasa plain was still a wasteland and lake. Chizun, Nepaleseconcubine of the Tibetan king Songzanganbu, tried to build a temple here tosupport the eight year old statue of Sakyamuni Buddha that she brought from herhometown. Her efforts did not succeed: the temple was built in the day andcollapsed at night; it was built today and collapsed tomorrow. Just whenPrincess Ni was distressed and depressed, Princess Wencheng came here fromChangan after many hardships. When Chizun heard that Princess Wencheng knew theeight trigrams of yin and Yang and was good at surveying the terrain, he senthis maid to bring a gift of gold powder to Princess Wenchengs residence foradvice. After surveying and calculating, Wencheng found that the terrain ofTibet is like a huge witch lying on her back. The center of Lhasa city is theheart of the witch, and Wotang Lake (milk Lake) is the work of the witch.Filling the lake and building a temple here can suppress the devil. Historicalrecords: "in order to control the limbs of the female devil lying on her back,people nailed her with 12 nails to fix her." These 12 nails are said to be the12 pillars in the main hall of the Jokhang Temple. In order to build a templededicated to Sakyamuni, it is necessary to mobilize lOOO white goats to carryearth and rock from the gogala mountain in the northern suburbs and fill theWotang lake.

Songzanganbu and the Nepalese Princess adopted the idea of PrincessWencheng, collected many folk men and 1000 white goats, and began to fill thelake to build the temple. At that time, from the lakeside construction site tothe foot of the guogela mountain, there was an endless stream of white goatscarrying earth and rock. The journey was too far and the load was too heavy.Many goats fell by the side of the road, and many more were worn out. When thetemple opened, Songzan Ganbu and his two concubines remembered the merits andsacrifices of the white goat, and ordered the craftsmen to carve a white goatand place it in a corner of the main hall, so that it could enjoy the pilgrimageand sacrifice of believers like other gods in the temple. The temple is alsonamed "raaqulangzulakan", which means "Sakyamuni Temple of the goats negativeland".

Now, in front of the entrance to the main entrance of the Jokhang Temple,there are two stone tablets. This is the Tang fan alliance tablet, also known as"Changqing alliance tablet" or "nephew and alliance tablet". The stele is 342 cmhigh, 82 cm wide and 35 cm thick. It is carved in Chinese and Tibetancharacters. It was built in 823 AD by Zanpu of Tubo to commemorate the Tang Huileague from the first year to the second year of Changqing. According to theinscription, "uncle and nephew are the two masters who discuss the unity of thecountry and establish a great peace treaty. There will never be a replacementfor Chongqing. God and man have been known and praised from generation togeneration." The inscription emphasizes that Tang Wencheng and Princess Jinchengmarried Tubo Zanpu and concluded a good marriage between uncle and nephew;traces the history and achievements of Tang and Tubo, and records the process ofthe alliance, the date of its establishment, and the list of officials whoparticipated in the alliance. It is a valuable cultural relic in the history ofHan and Tibet. The other is the "stone tablet for persuading people tovaccinate". It is 3.3 meters high and 1.2 meters wide. The forehead of the stonetablet is engraved with the pattern of two dragons playing with pearls. It waswritten by He Lin, Minister of Tibet in 1794. During the reign of EmperorQianlong, smallpox was prevalent in Tibet, resulting in many deaths. Theminister and Lin ordered people to build houses in northern Tibet for smallpoxpatients, which made many patients return. He Lin also urged the Dalai Lama andthe Panchen Lama to set aside food rations as a rule, and then set up this "aemonument.". As a result of superstition, the common people often use pebbles tosmash. Over the years, they have been bruised and formed many mortar shapedpits. Most of the characters are damaged and illegible. The famous "tangliu" isplanted on both sides of the Tang fan alliance stele. It is said that PrincessWencheng brought the willow branches given by the empress in Baqiao of Changanto Tibet and planted them around the Jokhang Temple, so it is also called"Princess Liu". Princess Liu has a history of more than 1300 years. Although ithas withered, it is still cherished by people. It is said that there was nowillow in Tibet, but now willows all over the country are developed from theseedlings brought by Princess Wencheng.

Dazhao temple sits east to west, the temple is four stories high, and thetop of the temple is covered with a unique golden roof. Lotus, flying sky andanimals are carved on the border of the hall door, which has the architecturalstyle of the Tang Dynasty. Under the eaves of the second and third floors of themain hall, there are rows of woodcarving Fu beast and mud semicircle sculptureswith Sphinx. Interestingly enough, the nose of the Sphinx is flat. There is alsoa magical legend here: during the construction of the Jokhang Temple, SongzanGanbu personally wielded his axe to the beam, which shocked the nine gods tocome to help. One day, when the maid was delivering tea, she saw that the beamwas full of Songzan dry cloth. She couldnt help but be surprised and quicklytold Princess Chizun. Princess Chizun came to the construction site and yelled"Zanpu". Hearing this, Songzanganbu turned his head and looked down. With an axein his hand, she flattened the nose of the lion on the eaves. As you can see,the whole building is exquisitely carved with flying eaves, which not onlypreserves the traditional Tibetan architectural form and characteristics, butalso integrates the rich and simple style of Tang Dynasty architecture.

At night, when the lights are dim, you can enjoy the beautiful tropicalrainforest square, take a walk on the soft beach along the coast, and listen tothe shallow singing of Dadonghai.

Now we enter from the main gate into the rear gate and clockwise into awide open courtyard. This is the place where Lhasas great Dharma Assembly isheld. Here, I would like to briefly introduce the Church of summoning Dafa.Every year, from the fourth to the 24th day of the first month of the Tibetancalendar, there is a large-scale Dharma Assembly. At that time, tens ofthousands of monks from the three major temples in Lhasa gather in gouzhaotemple to hold a variety of religious activities. The mission of Dafa began in1409, when Tibetan Buddhism was preached

Namco Lake is the largest inland lake in Tibet, which is mainly supplied bynatural precipitation and melting ice and snow. The lake area has lessprecipitation, strong sunshine and large water evaporation. The lake water isbitter and salty, and can not be drunk. It is the second largest salt water lakein China after Qinghai Lake.

In order to commemorate Sakyamuni Buddhas success in defeating six kindsof heretics with the method of divine change, the founder of the Gelug Sect,Zong Kaba, convened monks from various temples to hold a Dharma meeting in theJokhang Temple for 15 days. Prayer and chanting is the main activity of calling.Under the leadership of the master, thousands of monks chant in a well-trainedchest voice. The voice is like the tide of the sea. It has a soul stirring powerand the scene is extremely spectacular. The most winning project is the opendebate of kaogesi in songqure square on the south side of Jokhang Temple. Gexiis the highest degree of Gelug Sect in Tibetan Buddhism. All the monks presentcan take turns to challenge the examinees and argue with him about Confucianclassics. This kind of debate is rhythmic and musical. It is supplemented byhigh fives, shouts, non-stop painting, and long strings of rosary beads flyingwith gestures, which makes a very wonderful scene.

The wall of the colonnade around the courtyard and the wall of the turningcorridor are called thousand Buddha corridor because they are full of Buddhastatues. The mural mainly describes the life stories of Sakyamuni Buddha andzongkaba, the reformer of Tibetan Buddhism and the founder of Gelug Sect. Amural on the west wall depicts the talks between the fifth Dalai Lama, GushiKhan and the second sangjiejiacuo. The rest depicts the 1000 Buddhas to appearin the temple. The murals cover an area of 4400 square meters, coveringreligious stories, biographies of historical figures, commemorative portraits,important historical events, Tibetan customs and folklore, etc. The pictures ofPrincess Wencheng entering Tibet, the construction of the Jokhang Temple, andthe white goat carrying earth are all treasures in the murals of the JokhangTemple.

Now what we are going to do is to turn the Sutra inside. Buddhists turn theSutra clockwise along the Buddhist sacred objects. If the statue of Sakyamuni istaken as the center, Lhasa has three turning paths: inner, middle and outer. Theouter turning road is called "linkuo", which is a turning road along the oldcity of Lhasa. The transit road is called "bakuo", which is the route along theJokhang Temple. The neizhuanjing road is the one around the Jokhang Temple. Thewalls on both sides of the road are painted with 108 stories of Buddha Bensheng.These stories are drawn on the basis of "Ruyi Baoshu", the biography ofSakyamuni, written by Kashmir poet kesmendala, and ordered by the 13th DalaiLama in the early 20th century.

We are now going to visit these important Buddhist temples and sutras hallsin a clockwise direction. Across the inner hall of the Zhaosi temple, there areseveral large statues. On the left is master lianhuasheng, and on the right isMaitreya (future Buddha). A little behind these two statues is the dry handthousand eye Avalokitesvara. On the right side of the main Maitreya Buddha aretwo Maitreya Buddhas facing inward. For example, the smaller one is funded bythe Bashi family, so it is called "Bashi Qiangba", while the larger one isfunded by the noble polamiwang, so it is called "Miwang Qiangba".

Zongkaba and its eight disciples Hall: this Buddhist hall was built inmemory of zongkaba, the founder of Gelug Sect. The main statue in the center ofthe temple is zongkaba. The other eight statues are his eight disciples. The twomost famous disciples, Ke Zhujie and Jia Caojie, are located on the left andright sides of zongkaba statue. When zongkaba grew older and went to the remotecave for seclusion, these eight disciples were there to serve him.

In addition, the Gandan Temple treasures the armor given by EmperorQianlong of the Qing Dynasty and the brocade embroidered Tang Dynasty by EmperorYongle of the Ming Dynasty. The armor inlaid with gold and silver treasures wasgiven to Tibet by Emperor Qianlong in 1757 as a tribute to Zong Kaba, theancestor of the Yellow religion. The helmet is also illustrated in Han, Manchu,Mongolian and Tibetan characters. It is a treasure with high artistic andhistorical value. The brocade Tang Dynasty is a gift given by Emperor Yongle ofMing Dynasty to Shiying Yixi, the king of the great mercy Dharma. There are 24brocade paintings of Sakyamuni Buddha, the eighteen Arhats, and the fourheavenly kings. After the king of the great mercy Dharma returned to Tibet, theywere immediately presented to the supreme master Kaba. These embroidered statuesare displayed for three weeks every year on the 15th of June in the Tibetancalendar, which is called "Gan Dan embroidery Tang Festival". On the morning ofJune 15 of the Tibetan calendar, the monks of the whole temple chanted. Afterthe ceremony, the "Hui Gong Fa Hui" (commonly known as "Chuan Xiao Zhao") washeld. 16 young monks carried the 26 meter long and 10 meter wide Tang Ka ofSakyamuni statue to the exhibition platform for exhibition. Half an hour later,they collected it and sent it back to the yangbaqian Temple for collection. Thenthey took out 24 brocade Tang paintings for the four Buddhists to look forwardto. At the same time, they performed Tibetan opera, song and dance. The festivalatmosphere was very strong.

Shenbian Tower: it is said that in the 7th century, Songzanganbu threw thering into the air, and the site of the Jokhang Temple was determined by theplace where the ring fell. The ring fell into Wotang lake, and a white pagodarose from the lake, indicating that a suitable Temple site had been found. Inthe 13th century, Sakya Banzhida built a white tower according to the appearanceof the illusory white tower. Later, the tower was destroyed. Now the main toweris rebuilt to replace the white tower built by Sakya Banzhida.

Eight pharmacists Buddha Hall: the main hall is dedicated to the eightpharmacists who are respected as the God of medicine. When they are sick orpraying for health, believers think that worshiping this Buddhist temple canhelp them get rid of illness and improve their health.

Western China Film and television city is also known as "OrientalHollywood". It is located in Beibao, a suburb of Yinchuan, two kilometers awayfrom Huaxia rare art city. It used to be an abandoned Ming Dynasty castle in thedesert of Western China, surrounded by many places of interest. The following isa collection of tour guide words about Huaxia western film and Television City,welcome to read!

Avalokitesvara: Avalokitesvara is compassionate. His hands and eyes are farfrom meeting the needs of saving all living beings. Therefore, in order toimprove his efficiency in doing good deeds, he has transformed intoAvalokitesvara. It is said that this Guanyin with dry hands and eyes appearedmiraculously in the period of Songzanganbu. Another way of saying is that afterSongzanganbu and his two princesses died, their gods were inhaled into thisBuddha statue. This temple is the most sacred one except Shizun hall.



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Welcome to the Bund of Shanghai. Im your tour guide today_________ You cancall me little. Todays itinerary will be provided by me for you. I hope myservice can get your satisfaction. I also wish you have a good time today.

The Bund was originally a place along the river beach outside Chengxiang,Shanghai (Town Gods Temple). Formerly known as "Huangpu Beach", after theopening of Shanghai in 1843, the first consul of British Consul in Shanghai tookthe place of the Bund, and designated the Bund.

In the 1920s and 1930s, Linjiang built towering classical style buildingsaround the world, and opened more than 110 financial institutions. It became the"Wall Street of the Far East". In the 1990s, the tide of Chinas reform andopening up came to Shanghai, and the municipal government began to carry outlarge-scale transformation of the Bund, forming the city we see today The Bundscenic spot is like a wonderful staff. It is composed of "solidified music"World Architecture Expo and "flowing music" Huangpu River. Our friends to watchthese western classical style buildings, not only to pay attention to itsexternal beauty. And we should appreciate them as sculpture art.

In this "solidified music" music, 26 buildings, the buildings arescattered, just like the beating keys on the piano. The music is composed ofprelude, three climaxes, epilogue and other movements.

Its prologue is undertaken by the weather signal station in front of theflood control wall on the Bund. This weather signal station is an ancientarchitecture of "atuonupo" style. Its main functions are as follows: first, wecan have a look at the signs of various shapes hanging on the mast on the top ofits tower. This is to play the role of weather forecast. According to themeteorological information measured by Xujiahui weather station, it will be usedfor the fifth time in the day In order to ensure the safety of navigation, thechessmen of different colors are hung on the mast to announce the wind, wavesand other meteorological information outside Wusongkou to the ships. Second, wecan observe that there is a big ball on the mast that can rise and fall up anddown. At 11:45 on the next day, the ball rises to half the height of the mast.At 11:55, the ball rises to the top again. At 12:00, the ball falls back to itsoriginal position. I dont want to say that we all know what we do. By the way,he is the time desk. But with the development of modern informationcommunication science, there are so many kinds of clocks that they can onlyretire. In October 1993, in the second phase of the comprehensive renovationproject of the Bund, in order to protect this ancient building with more than 80years of history, it was moved 20 meters from its original position to thenortheast as a whole, and it was decorated to make it look new. At night, withthe light of blue and white, such as a huge crystal clear "Yuzhu", beautiful andmoving.

The climax in the solidified music is divided into three parts: the firstpart is composed of three buildings: Asia building, Shanghai Federation andChina Commercial Bank building. Due to the time constraint, I would like tointroduce the Shanghai Federation. It is located at No. 2, East 1st Road,Zhongshan, and was built in 1920___ It costs 450000 taels of silver. It wasoriginally a place for British expatriates to have leisure and entertainment.The building is Renaissance style. In the East facade of the building, threehorizontal sections are adopted, and the front door is taken as the verticalaxis. The decorative patterns of the left and right doors and windows aresymmetrical, making the whole building harmonious, symmetrical and stable. Inaddition, we can see that the third and fourth floors of the building aresupported by six Ionic columns, which are slender, about 9 to 10 times as highas the bottom diameter. The columns are banded, and there are curled up vorticeson their heads. They are the symbol of "female beauty". There are Baroque towerpavilions at the north and south ends of the top floor of the building,enhancing the height and luxury of the whole building. From a distance, he lookslike a perfect work of art in the hands of a sculptor. In addition, the interiordecoration of the building is also very elegant and luxurious. There is a 34meter long wine bar covered with Italian marble, which is known as the longestbar in the Far East. There is also a semicircular iron fence elevator on thenorth side of the lobby. This is also the earliest elevator in Shanghai at thattime. Now many TV dramas reflecting old Shanghai are shot here. The decorationof the building imitates the style of the British palace, so it is known as the"Royal Society".

Next to the Shanghai general meeting is the China Commercial Bank building,which is located at No. 6 on the Bund. It is a Gothic building with a classicalcolonnade at the front door. This is the first climax of solidified music.

The second climax of solidified music is composed of HSBC building andcustoms building. It is the most representative building in the WorldArchitecture Expo Group. The HSBC building, located at No. 11, East 1st Road,Zhongshan, was built in 1923. From 1955 to 1995, it was the seat of ShanghaiPeoples government and then used by Pudong Development Bank. The British claimthat this building is the most exquisite one from the Suez Canal to the BeringStrait. It covers the widest area, has the widest facade and is the largestbuilding. The whole building presents the classical style of Europe in the 17thand 18th centuries and is an ancient Roman building. On the ground floor of thebuilding are three Roman stone arches. From the second floor to the fourth floorof the building, there are six Greek Corinthian pillars. This kind of columnappeared in the prosperous city of Corinth in the Greek era. On the top of thecolumn, there is a bunch of leaves and flower vines, which is shaped like aflower basket and beautifully carved. It is a symbol of "the rich". On the topof the column, there is a Baroque spire. The most noteworthy thing is that italso has three rare treasures: the first one is a pair of bronze lions on bothsides of the gate, sitting north facing south, one with a big mouth open,sitting on the back The one in the South Dynasty and the one in the NorthDynasty is closed, which has the meaning of bank funds. It is said that themodel was destroyed after it was cast in England, making it out of print in theworld. The second one is a huge mosaic mural on the roof of the room, which israre in the world, with a total area of 200 square meters. The third is thatthere are 28 Italian marble pillars 13 meters high in the lobby of the building,which are all formed naturally. Four of them, if not spliced, are carved out ofpure natural boulders. It is said that there are only six in the world. Thereare four here, which shows its value. (the other two are in the Louvre inFrance). So that the whole building palace, which commands more than 20buildings nearby, showing a gorgeous and solemn style. It makes it the mosteye-catching in the whole Bund complex.

The customs building was built in 1920___ It costs 4.3 million taels ofsilver in 20__. The building is eclectic. The big clock at the top of thebuilding is made in imitation of the big clock of the parliament building inLondon, with a silver price of 20 yuan___ The remaining two. It is the largestclock in Asia and the world famous clock. The big clock has a diameter of 5.Its four meters long and three minutes long. 17 meters, 2 hours long. Threemeters. There are three pendulums of up to two tons in the clock. The clockopens three times a week, and it takes four people to wind each time for onehour. In addition, every day at a quarter of an hour, a piece of "Dongfanghong"will be played, and at the same time, a whole piece of "Dongfanghong" will beplayed.

The two buildings, known as sister buildings, are Shanghais landmarkbuildings. The HSBC building is graceful and elegant, while the customs buildingis vigorous and straight. The two buildings stand side by side and complementeach other. They share the second climax of solidified music.

The third climax of solidified music is composed of Huizhong Hotel, Shaxunbuilding and Bank of China building. The theme of this movement ismodernism.

Huizhong hotel is located at the intersection of Zhongshan East Road andNanjing Road. Its sixth floor is at 23 Nanjing East Road. 1920___ Built in, ithas a beautiful appearance, with white fair faced brick as the wall and redbrick as the waistline. It is known as "Bund beauty". This was the site of threeimportant meetings. First, 1920___ The second is the 1996 Shanghai InternationalConference, and the third is 1920___ Representatives of 17 provinces of Chinaheld a meeting to welcome Dr. Sun Yat Sen back to China to take up the post ofinterim president.

Shaxun building and Bank of China Building Shaxun building were called "thefirst building in the Far East" because of the luxurious interior decoration atthat time. Now its the North Building of the peace hotel. The outer image iscapitalized with the English letter A. The Bank of China building is the onlyone built by Chinese in the World Architecture Expo. It is 60 cm lower thanShaxun building. There is another story. When the Chinese capitalists thoughtthat the Bund was full of high-rise buildings of different forms built byWestern powers, which reflected the strong economic strength of the powers ofvarious countries, in order not to let us Chinese lose face, the Chinesebureaucratic capitalism also decided to build a building, which was higher thanthat of other countries, so the original plan was to build 34 floors, but laterthe owner of Shaxun building was also affected He said, "you Chinese peopledont have any status. How can you build a building higher than ours?" so hefiled a lawsuit in London, England. As you can imagine, the Chinese people lostthe lawsuit. Later, they could only build 15 floors, 60 cm lower than the Shaxunbuilding. But the Chinese are still unconvinced that "there are policies at thetop and there are countermeasures at the bottom". Your building wont let mesurpass you. I put up two national flags on the bottom of the building. Thesetwo chess sticks are higher than your Shaxun building. You should have nothingto say this time? So the two chess sticks we see now are authentication. Theshape of Bank of China building has Chinese national characteristics, the bottomof the building is slightly tilted, and the cornice is decorated with a bucketarch. The window frame is a deformed form of Chinese coins.

The finale of solidified music is played by the Oriental Bank and Shanghaibuilding.

The Oriental Bank is a baroque building. The whole building is full ofconcave convex feeling and strong contrast. Now it is the building protectionunit in Shanghai. Broadway building is a modern style, and it is the best placeto enjoy the scenery of Huangpu River, Bund and Pudong. Premier Zhou onceaccompanied many foreign heads of state and distinguished guests to visit. Inthe 1990s, the company won the title of "top ten safety units" for foreignhotels.

Well, dear friends, this is the end of the whole explanation of what iscalled the frozen music Bund. I hope I can leave you good memories.



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上饶市位于江西省东北部,素有“豫章第一门户”之称;全市辖有10县1市1区,有中国博士之乡——玉山县、中国最美的乡村——婺源县、鱼米之乡——鄱阳县、叠山故里志敏家乡——弋阳县、武夷山麓的明珠——铅山县、中国铜都——德兴市、政治经济文化中心——信州区 ;全市总面积2.28万平方千米,总人口有648.99万,以香樟为市树、后头杜鹃为市花,鸳鸯为市鸟。



大自然的秀丽风光和祖辈们的文明历史,造就了上饶市众多特色鲜明的风景名胜和文物古迹。拥有世界自然遗产三清山、龟峰;中国最美的乡村——婺源,道教胜地——灵山;全国红色旅游经典景区——上饶集中营;中国最大的淡水湖——鄱阳湖等; 下面具体介绍下三清山。三清山景区位于上饶玉山县和德兴市交界处,这里有着浓厚的道教历史,是道家洞天福地之一,且花岗岩地貌奇特无比,奇峰怪石数不胜数,因此有“天下无双福地、江南第一仙峰”的美誉。全山由三清宫、玉京峰、西海岸、东海岸、石鼓岭等十大景区组成。三清山景色优美,尤以“三清三绝”——巨蟒出山、司春女神、观音赏曲最佳,苏轼、朱熹、王安石、陆游、徐霞客等文人墨客先后到此旅行游览。




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Tourists friend you are good!


Now we came to Shanghai bund across the huangpu river, first of all, I to your visit welcomed the bund, and wish every travel time.


New bund article were five travel route, on your left is known as the "all nations building expo" grand buildings and spacious zhongshan road, your right hand side is the shimmering huangpu river and the beautiful pudong lujia ornament financial and trade zone, the eyes for novel and unique tourism recreational area. This complex, zhongshan road, sightseeing area, the huangpu river, as if the music lujiazui, Shanghai people are industrious staff like clusters of operators, is between the latest and most colorful movement, welcome to the guests.


The bund it used to be Shanghai residences of the a ruined reed land.


1840 years after the first opium war, keep the doors were opened, the colonists shelling Shanghai also forced to bi commercial port. From then on, all kinds of western architecture with the colonists were "" subordinate to the stands, 30 s, from Shanghai has little beach towns have had become the far east. The largest cities


With these eyes of European Renaissance period style of architecture, though not by the same design of the hands, is not built in a s, but their architectural style is so harmony, "tiancheng. From the east to the bund jinling BaiDuQiao only 1.5 kilometers long arc, on any account is strewn at random, rows 52 house stands in different style of architecture, a British, French, ancient Greek, etc. When many foreign Banks, always, consulate, etc, have gathered here from the Oriental "Wall Street", which is a form of old Shanghai semi-colonial and semi-feudal society of a miniature history.


You see, the new bund 2 # dongfeng hotel, in the past, it was very famous British always, it is a typical British greco-roman architecture. The high building have 6 layers (even in the basement), the roof at each end north and south have looked out on a pavilion, interior is gorgeous. One floor to bar was 110.7 feet of the east because it has the longest bar and a proud, ark of KFC fast-food restaurants in America today inside.


New bund 12 # before is famous "HSBC bank", the building was built in 1923, is in the Grecian domes archaize. Building is close to the rectangular building, high square five layers, plus the top half spherical layer top food have seven layer, steel frame structure. Inside the building adornment is very exquisite, with the United States, Britain, France, Russia, Japan and other countries all kinds of the reception room. The building britons called himself "from the Suez Canal to the far east the bering strait" a most exquisite architecture.


Close to HSBC side of the building is the Shanghai customs house, for the 19 th century of socialist construction, restore ancient ways was established in 1927 to todays world has to Abraham fierce. The building of the above all can see around the clock, as every 15 minutes played a short melodious song, bell deep, the voice to 10 kilometers away.


HSBC bank building and customs building was out of British designer after Wilson, Shanghai affectionately called them "sisters floor", now still is one of the important signs of Shanghai.


Nanjing east road two building mouth are called the peace hotel. Sit in the north of the building was built in 1906, was called in, is the Shanghai hotel remit the existent earliest a hotel. It can be used as a historic buildings of the Renaissance, British text type. The biggest characteristic is to make the color red brick facade make lumbar line, white wall brick stick a face, do the long distance is grave and elegant, and unique style, is really a rare excellent work.


The bund of these buildings. Is Chinas labor people are industrious and the crystallization of wisdom. At the same time also reflect the western colonists on Shanghais rob and aggression. Now in order to make people know about the history of these buildings. Each building door hang in both Chinese and English are against the nameplate.


For the bund. From Shanghai to her call also with the passage of time and change. From Shanghai to the bund called old bund before liberation. After liberation. Now people called the bund praise for her new bund. History happened DuoCi race to the scene of the bund. But every time has a totally different historical significance. Since the third plenary session of the since Chinas reform and opening up. Also the strategic focus south to north. The development of pudong and revitalize the make Shanghai came to the forefront of the reform and opening up the sleepy. When the spring breeze blows of the bund of Shanghai DuoNian. Chinese and foreign financial institutions have also preempted the bund. Shanghai made "qing nest YinFeng" major step. Will the bund financial street houses big replacement. The "old customers to attract both at home and abroad to come to settle." far east "Wall Street" to show the elegant demeanour.


The bund is the symbol of Shanghai. It is also the place of both Chinese and foreign visitors will come to. But in the past due to the narrow road. The traffic from the crowded. Serious impact on the overall image. In order to change the bund in the face of the beach. The Shanghai peoples government to try to transform the bund as the key. Eyes of the road says all the way is to commemorate the zhongshan. Chinas democratic revolution pioneer of dr. Sun yat-sen named after the comprehensive reform. Also the bund. Which part of the length of 826 m. 45 meters wide. Set 6 to 10 lanes. That is a broad transit not limited to the bund area. It along with the reform and opening-up continues to expand. North up jiangwan wujiaochang. South is worth Nanpu Bridge. To the next century. This article 15 kilometers north and south corridor. Will become the symbol of the Shanghai tourism landscape.


We go now it the binjiang avenue have characteristics. It not only set culture. Green in a body is in the morning. And people exercise is a good place. The day sightseeing tourists at home and abroad is the heaven and earth. Night is the lovers love ideal place. Heard that there are many foreign friends have traveled to come to experience life.


Ladies and gentlemen, walking in new the bund sight-seeing area, do you feel, new bund face not only look brand-new, and prosperity in a lively gives fully in rich artistic breath. You see: the yenan east road with the theme of "in order to set up the bund tomorrow" art landscape, with six columns phase, and has 80 DuoNian embrace of history as a combined meteorological beacon towers in coastal areas DuiJing group. Customs houses building and electronic waterfall clock also is quite new DuiJing. Electronic waterfall is staged, long clock, 27 meters 3.5 meters tall, set all the steps. The whole operation process are controlled by the computer, about 1000 DuoGe shower nozzle of water all sorts of color, Arabic Numbers across the world is so far away, how close to double. Sightseeing areas to become a real hold all rivers of Shanghai regional culture characteristics as well as within the scenery line.


Walking the bund. We know it has entered the huangpu park. Mentioned the park. Every Chinese people forget former foreign powers in the park gate hang the piece of "Chinese and the dog not allowed" sign. The piece of notorious brand. Let the then Chinese people suffered great shame!!!!! Now. See those 60 meters high sight of Shanghai peoples handsome monument stands in the face. The place of water. Terrible spectacular three column HuangGang rock tower body as if to tell people. People always remember the opium war. The may fourth movement and the liberation war. For national shame since wash. For Shanghai to the cause of revolution and dedicated heroes.


Huangpu park in the face of the well-known at home and abroad is the huangpu river. "Month HuangLongPu on water yellow". Very vivid picture of the huangpu river water color. Improve the mother river of the huangpu river of Shanghai is. It originates from wuxi taihu. Is the longest. The most wide territory of Shanghai. The deepest a river. (114 km). The average width of 400 meters. Deep 7 to 9 m. Its name was dongjiang. And there ShenJiang spring.


In 20xx DuoNian down from generation to generation ago. At that time, at that time of Shanghai chu chu a general is called the rest. Hes statecraft. Be the king appointed prime minister. And the "in" Shanghai shen jun. Over the land. It was the dongjiang river upstream siltation. He led the Shanghai peoples on dredging. And fixed channel. Make the water transportation and agriculture of Shanghai got a lot of development. Later generations for memorial yellow jehiel the merit of the dongjiang. Renamed "spring ShenJiang" and "yellow rest." during the song dynasty until miura was officially named as "the huangpu river".


The huangpu river with two "child". One is called Pudong, another called Puxi. New China before birth. They family by three big mountains on the oppression. Mother river anchor is in the ships and merchant ships. "two children" is being overwhelmed. "jump huangpu" me sentence from Shanghais catch phrase is refers to the old days. It cant live people. Here to throw himself into a river.


Overlook the other side, pudong lujiazui financial and trade zone and the bund of Shanghai city, its function is a financial, trade and foreign service, it will be the core of the new Shanghai and symbolism. "East bund" binjiang avenue, a total length of 2500 meters, with travel, tourism and entertainment, as one, along the way with six characteristic square. Although now only smell the rumble, but sound piling into sound, is one of the most magnificent on staff movement, the forecast the bund better future.



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Tourists, no matter which city you come from, every city will have somecommon places, such as rush hour, smoke from big chimneys, river pollution, foodsafety concerns, continuous noise at night, constant temperature of office airconditioning; our city residents are like fighting machines, bearing thepressure and helplessness of city life every day. We gradually lose the feelingof getting along with nature unconsciously.

So many friends hope to go to a pure place, looking for some of theancients simple life fun. As a result, ancient towns, small towns and villageshave become temporary paradise for our tired body and mind. Many friends chooseto go to Tibet, because there are holy snow mountains and mysterious customs.However, the long journey, high altitude reaction and high cost may delay ourplan for the time being.

But at this time, you came to Guizhou, I said: This is your wisechoice!

First of all, you dont have to worry about the thin air and cold climate,because we all feel the mild and humid climate here. The pure air makesbreathing a kind of enjoyment. Although there is no endless snow mountain, it isfull of verdant forests. If you want to experience the rich customs of ethnicminorities, you can get it everywhere in our mountains, rivers, restaurants andwindows.

Referring to the 17 ethnic minorities living in Guizhou, I would like toask you which ethnic groups you know? (after listening to the tourists answers,add: Miao, Dong, Buyi, Shui, Yi, Gelao, Zhuang, Yao, Tujia, man, Bai, Hui, she,Mongolia, Maonan, Qiang, Mulao)

You may not have thought that in Bijie and Dafang areas of NorthwestGuizhou, there are Mongolian and Manchu nomads who can live here. In fact, themost representative Miao people in Guizhou came here more than __ years ago. AsI have said before, Guizhou is a province composed of political parties of allages, and the Miao compatriots can be said to be the earliest political partiesin Guizhou.

Miao is an ancient nationality, which originated from the "Jiuli" tribe inthe Yellow Emperor Period more than 5000 years ago. At that time, "Jiuli" livedin the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. In the war with Huangditribe, Huangdi and Yandi United. Chiyou, the leader of Jiuli, was captured andkilled by Huangdi. The rest of the tribe retreated to the middle and lowerreaches of the Yangtze River, forming "Sanmiao" tribe and establishing Sanmiaostate.

Four thousand years ago, the northern Chinese tribes headed by Yao, Shunand Yu fought against the "Sanmiao" again and again; finally, the state ofSanmiao was destroyed by Xiayu. Some of them were expelled to southern Sichuan,Northeast Yunnan, Northwest Guizhou and other places, forming the Miaonationality with Western dialect; some of them were integrated with Chinese; theother part was called "Nanman" in Shang and Zhou Dynasties; because they livedin the middle reaches of Han River, they were called "Jingchu barbarians".Later, the advanced part of Jingchu barbarians gradually developed into Chunationality and established Chu state, while the backward part continued to moveto Hunan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Hubei and other mountainous areas, most of whichstayed in Southeast Guizhou and developed into Miao compatriots living in thedepth of Miaoling in Guizhou Province.

According to the fifth census, there are 8.9 million Miao people in China,and more than 70% of them live in Guizhou. Over the past few years, our Hancompatriots have been converging and developing into a modern society, withoutany traces of ancient ancestors. The trace of slash and burn cultivation hasbeen preserved by this group of Miao people in the mountains of Guizhou. TheMiao culture has a long history, and its strong cultural charm is reflected fromthe Miao familys clothing, food, housing and transportation, song and danceentertainment, weddings and funerals.

Miao is a hospitable people, toast is the best courtesy Miao people use toentertain guests, so no matter which Miao village you visit, Miao people willuse the cup filled with wine to sing a toast song for you. After drinking theMiao rice wine and entering the Miao village, the Miao compatriots will welcomethe guests with their thousand year old songs and dances. Among them, woodendrum dance is the most famous in Fanpai village of Taijiang County in SoutheastGuizhou. Whenever there are sacrificial activities and festivals, the wholevillage will dance with wooden drum accompaniment. This dance is bold and fullof rhythm, which is called "Oriental disco" by European and Americantourists.

Most of the songs and dances of Miao people are hip twisting, which isrelated to their living environment. Miao tribes are basically in the mountains,along the way are mountain paths, and Miao costumes, women are wearing thickskirts, when carrying items on their shoulders, in order to walk conveniently,they have to carry skirts and twist waist to walk, so their crotch is relativelydeveloped, so dance is mainly to twist crotch.

In addition to the colorful long skirt Miao, there are also short skirtMiao. For the convenience of walking, in the short skirt Miao village of DatangVillage, Leishan County, Southeastern Guizhou, the super short skirt is not arecent international fashion, but a womans clothing that has been handed downfrom generation to generation. They like to wear it as super short skirt, whichis very convenient to go up and down the mountain. The short skirt Jinji danceis also a classic dance. Wearing short skirts, the women imitate the brisk paceof the natural golden pheasant in the accompaniment of Lusheng, which is verybeautiful. When dancing, the silver ornaments and bells on the body are ringing,full of youthful vitality. originate

Miao people have their own language and no culture. Their history and lifeare often passed on from generation to generation through clothing embroiderypatterns and songs. When it comes to our Miao peoples singing, its amazing! Weknow that song Zuying, a famous Chinese singer, is Miao people, but his familyis Guzhang County in Xiangxi, Hunan Province, which is closely connected withQiandongnan. She has sung the "flying song of the earth" we are very familiarwith, flying song is our Miao unique singing form. But why is it called "Feige".This has something to do with where our Miao compatriots live. When we come tothe center of Miao peoples settlement, the Balahe River Valley, Leishan County,Taijiang county and other places in Southeast Guizhou, we will find that mostMiao villages are built on the mountain. It takes a lot of effort to transferinformation between villages. In the past, there was no modern communicationtool, so it took a lot of effort to go up and down the mountain. Smart Miaocompatriots found that the intensity of singing is greater than that ofspeaking, and the transmission is far away, so they use singing to transmitinformation. Lets think about it. Its like flying when singing in themountains. So this kind of dynamic and energetic singing form is gradually leftbehind. Now the Miaos flying songs have gone across the sea. The sweet and highpitched songs of a Youduo, a Miao singer from Guizhou, have been sung in theyouth song competition of CCTV, the Golden Hall of Vienna and the concert hallof the United States.

Speaking of which, let me dedicate a flying song of our Miao nationality toyou. Thank you again for your coming. The singing is not necessarily authentic,just to give you more feelings. Thank you for your encouragement.

When we go to the village, we will see the neat farmland and the clearriver. The environment of the village is elegant and the layout is reasonable.The clean stone path in the village winds to every household. Miao people need alot of wood to build houses, but they have a strong sense of sustainabledevelopment. Every child is born, they have to plant a forest. Every tree is cutdown, they have to get the approval of the whole village. Every village issurrounded by dense forests, and every village will have the largest ancienttree as its patron saint. Miao people live in a house called Diaojiaolou, whichis not as solid and closed as Fujian Tulou, nor as slim and transparent asYunnan bamboo building, but has a kind of simplicity and persistence rooted inmountains. Diaojiaolou is generally built on the hillside, using the local wholefir log support structure, the support is combined by wood wedge, without nails.Then the wooden groove is carved on the bracket, and the wooden plate is used asthe wall. In the past, the roof was made of fir bark, but now it is made ofsmall green tiles. This kind of Miao folk house is generally built with threefloors. The bottom floor is used to pile up sundries and feed livestock; thesecond floor is used for the living of the owner; and above the third floor isthe roof for stacking grain. On the second floor, there is a place similar tothe balcony, which is the place where our Miao girls communicate with theoutside world. Its called "meirenrely". When a Miao girl grows up, she willembroider her dowry and sing folk songs while waiting for a lover.

There is a fixed festival for young Miao men and women to fall in love -sister meal day. On March 15 of the lunar calendar, unmarried girls go up to themountain to pick leaves and flowers, which are used to dye red, yellow, white,blue, black and other colors into "colorful glutinous rice". This is sistersrice. The girls set up tables and displayed meals. Several or more peoplegathered together to warmly receive the young men who came to beg for "sistersdinner". Young men from other places who go to any family to express theircongratulations and admiration to the girls and ask for "sister meal" from themcan be warmly treated. After dinner, the girl and the young man make anappointment to go to the square or other places in the village to sing lovesongs and fall in love all night. Through the festival of "sister meal", youngmen and women can choose their favorite person and form a lifelong partner.Therefore, their marriage is relatively open.

If we visit the Miao family for dinner, we may not be used to their specialdishes. However, if you can eat the most famous sour soup fish, it is ablessing. Sour soup is fermented by Miao family with rice soup and wild redpersimmon. Every family has prepared it. Fish, of course, are wild fish from theriver. Fish in sour soup tastes sour and sweet. The fish is tender anddelicious. Then cook some tofu and vegetables. Its appetizing and nutritious.During the meal, when everyone sits around the fire pool, the host will sing atoast song and offer sweet rice wine to the guests, which will make you feelhappy and forget to return.



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Big Wave Bay refers to big wave Bay in Sai Kung, new territories. Locatedin Sai Kung country park, it is a good place for windsurfing. The sea area hereis open and the wind is strong, so that a wide beach and many small bays areformed (Dalang bay includes four bays, namely East Bay, Dawan Bay, Xiantian Bayand Dalang West Bay). Dalangwan is an excellent beach tourist destination, wherethe beach surface is wide, the sand is fine and soft, the sea water is clean,and the waves are turbulent, which are unmatched by other beaches. In the southof dalangwan, there is a bay named langqia Bay, which is adjacent to Wanyireservoir in the West. The bay is deep and concave. The bay is large and narrow.The headlands on both sides face each other, resisting the wind and waves fromthe open sea into the bay. Therefore, langqia Bay is calm and quiet, which issuitable for ordinary tourists to take a sea bath.

Qingshuiwan Peninsula beach, with long beach, shallow bay, fine sand andclear water, is not only a first-class bathing beach, but also the best placefor camping and piics. Clear water bay peninsula beach, including big cutstone, white water bowl, small clear water, Bisha Bay, small palm forest, clearwater bay, betel nut Bay, Acacia Bay and lobster Bay, etc!



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Ladies and Gentlemen:

Welcome to Tai’an. Welcome to Mt. Taishan.

Being a symbol of the Chinese nation, Mt. Taishan has all along beenesteemed as the first of the Five Sacred Mountains in China, a divine mountain,and a holy mountain, and other hills or mountains never enjoy such a status.With a height of 1545 meters, its majesty and splendor is incomparable. There isa famous “saying, “Scaling Mt. Taishan makes one feel superior to the wholeworld”, as it creates a feeling of regal dignity and imperial majesty.

Mt. Taishan is mainly made up of natural sights as well as man-made sights.There are four scenic areas on Mt. Taishan, the East and West Routes, theMid-heaven Gate----junction of the two routes, and the Jade Emperor Summit.

“Serenity” characterizes the east routes. It is the best option to take fora climb up Mt. Taishan. Many cultural relics and historic sites bear witness ofthe past history. Attractions include Daizong Archway the place where Confuciushad visited, Jingshi Valley, Hutian Pavilion, Mid-heaven Gate, Five PinesPavilion and Eighteen Bends.

“Vastness” characterizes the west route, famous for its natural scenery.The winding highway forms the main path. Beautiful ridges and peaks form asilhouette speckled with long and narrow valleys, enigmatic and charmingwaterfalls and crystal-clear rippling streams. The International Mt. TaiClimbing Festival is held there annually, and people from many differentcountries come to participate in, and enjoy the event. The main sights of thewest route include Longevity Bridge, Black Dragon Pool, Remains of Tian ShengFort and Fan Cliff.

With a height of 847 meters, the Mid-heaven Gate forms the crossing of theeast and west routes. In the “Sacrifices-to-Heaven Hall”, people can get afantastic view of the mountain. On the east lies the pretty Mid-stream Mountain;to the west is the wandering Phoenix Valley; in the south is the wispy and mistyWen River and to the north is the hanging cloud ladder, a scenic spot calledFive Pines Pavilion.

This is the highest peak of Mt. Taishan. At the peak lies the Jade EmperorTemple, where a bronze statue of the Jade Emperor is worshipped. You can enjoythe beauty of sunrise in the mornings in the east pavilion and the golden beltsof Yellow River in the west pavilion. The most spectacular feature of the JadeEmperor Summit is the carpet of snow---indeed a marvelous spectacle tobehold.

In China, we often use Mt. Taishan to glorify a person’s devotion to thecountry. And as one Chinese saying goes, “Though death befalls all men alike, itmay be weightier than Mt. Taishan or lighter than a feather”, and the longexisting Chinese idioms “as firm as Mt. Taishan” and “as weighty as Mt.Taishan”. Thus Mt. Taishan is of significant importance in Chinese minds.



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Baotou Nanhai is located in the south of Baotou Donghe District. It used tobe an old section of the Jiuqu Yellow River. The water surface and beachgrassland were formed after the diversion of the river to the south. The totalarea of the development zone is 20 square kilometers___ The water area is 480hectares, which is divided into water activity area and lakeside sightseeingarea. The South China Sea is surrounded by green mountains in the north andYellow River jade belt in the south. The lake is rippling with green waves, thewater and grass are rich, the gulls are flying in the sky, and the scenery isunique. In 1985, it was turned into a tourism development zone. After carefulplanning and development in recent years, it has begun to take shape. TheDevelopment Zone integrates the natural beauty and artificial beauty here, whichmakes it not only have the characteristics of thick and rough outside the GreatWall, but also have the charm of Jiangnan Water Town. It enjoys the reputationof "West Lake outside the Great Wall" and becomes one of the unique touristscenic spots in grassland steel city. To travel here, you can not only goboating on the water, fish in the lake, explore pudang, have a rest in thegarden, and enjoy the pleasant scenery of the South China Sea.

Baotou Nanhai is one of the largest inland lake scenic spots in China,close to the Yellow River, covering an area of 1585 hectares, including 333hectares of water area and 15000 mu of wet grassland. More than 200 kinds ofwild animals and plants live here.

Baotou Nanhai is known as the "flood and drought wharf", among which thewater wharf is the Haizi wharf. It was a shipping port on the Bank of the YellowRiver during the reign of Kangxi. It has a history of more than 330 years. In1850, the Yellow river changed its course, and the town of nanhekou in Tuoketuocity was flooded. From then on, Nanhaizi ferry became a water transportation huband fur distribution center in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River.The economic status of laobaotou in Northwest China changed greatly. Theprosperity of economy made Nanhaizi ferry famous all over the world. The vastriver witnessed the prosperity of the "rafts" of Nanhaizi ferry in history andthe decline of the river.

Baotou Nanhai Park, formerly known as Baotou fish station, has a longhistory of fishery production. The varieties include wild yellow river carp,silver carp, silver carp, crucian carp, grass carp and other traditionalvarieties, as well as Chinese mitten crab, Yellow River catfish, blunt snoutbream (Wuchang fish), beautiful white shrimp and other valuable aquaticproducts. The rich aquatic products have attracted people who taste the "wholefish feast" in the South China Sea, and also attracted the majority of fishingenthusiasts.



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Its a pleasure to have friends from afar. Welcome to Qingyan. Id like totake you to Qingyan to experience the vicissitudes and connotation of Qingyanancient town in Ming Dynasty, and understand the impact of modern civilizationand ancient culture.

Qingyan ancient town is one of the four ancient towns in Guizhou Province.The other three are Zhenyuan ancient town, bingan ancient town and Longliancient town. Qingyan ancient town was built in 1378 A.D., the 11th year ofHongwu in Ming Dynasty. It has a history of 635 years. It was built before thefounding of Guizhou Province, witnessing the vicissitudes of Guizhou.

As a historical and cultural ancient town in Guizhou Province, Qingyan hasmore than 100 cultural relics sites, 23 of which have been included in the atlasof Chinese cultural relics. Guizhou volume. Walking in Qingyan, you can see theancient towns famous places everywhere. There are 37 ancient buildings of Mingand Qing Dynasties crisscrossed in the town, including nine temples, eighttemples, five pavilions, three caves, two ancestral halls, one palace and onecourtyard. Among them, there are three stone steles in eight stone steles. Theseancient buildings are masterpieces of exquisite design and craftsmanship. Forexample, the stone carving of Ciyun Temple and the wood carving of shoufo templeare the only exquisite works in Guiyang.

The "zhaolilun centenary square" in front of us was built in the Guangxuperiod of the Qing Dynasty, with unique shape and exquisite workmanship. Themost interesting is the "down mountain lion" on the stone pillars on both sides,which is the most ingenious. Most of the lion shapes in China are standing orsquatting. The design of this kind of down hill lion breaks the traditionalconcept and fully reflects the attention of the builders at that time and thesuperb skills of the craftsmen. Mr. Liu Haisu, a famous architect in China,praised this kind of craft as "really rare". Opposite to baishuifang isdingguangmen, which is the South Gate of Qingyan ancient town. It was built inthe reign of emperor qiangqi and has a history of more than 300 years. The citywall is built in accordance with the mountain situation, with a zigzag length ofmore than 20__ meters, which is very rich in the characteristics of southernmountain fortress. The city wall is 4.5 meters high and 3.5 meters thick, andthe three character plaque "dingguang gate" inscribed by Zhao Xilin is inlaidabove the gate hole. Dingguang gate upper enemy tower is a three Bay, doubleeaves and top wood structure gate tower with stoplog roof truss. Standing on thecity tower, you can see the smoke curling and the vegetation flourishing, whichis a harmonious and peaceful scene, reflecting the smoke of gunpowder and thenoise of war drums.

The most famous person in the ancient town is Zhao yijiong, the number onescholar in Yunnan and Guizhou. The existing former residence of Zhao yijiong wasbuilt in the middle and late Qing Dynasty. It is a wooden structure with twoentrances and four courtyards on the top of the mountain. It sits south andNorth. It has a facing door, two chambers, main room, back room, whole well,garden and so on. It covers an area of 828 square meters and a construction areaof 500 square meters. Chaomen is a double vertical flower gate, 4 meters highand 2.1 meters wide. The wooden plaque was inscribed with the word "Wenkui". Onthe inner wall of the north courtyard wall, there are 100 "Shou" characterswritten in various colors, and there are more than 30 existing "Shou"characters. Now Zhao yijiongs former residence is a cultural relic protectionunit in Guizhou Province.

The charm of Qingyan lies in the coexistence of Confucianism, Buddhism,Taoism, Catholicism and Christianity in its small town. Walking in Qingyanancient town, you can appreciate the different Charms brought by differentcultures.

After such a long tour, you must be hungry. Qingyans delicious food willsatisfy your stomach and your heart. Qingyans stewed pigs feet are fat but notgreasy, thin but not firewood, which will surely make you enjoy yourself.Huangs Rose candy, which is sweet, crisp and delicious, is a good gift forrelatives and friends. Qingyans double flower vinegar with thick bowl, moderatesour and sweet, and long aftertaste will open your stomach and intoxicate yourheart.

Thank you for your visit. I hope the trip to Qingyan will bring you joy andbeauty. Welcome to Qingyan ancient town again! Qingyan and I are waiting for youto get together again!
