





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 11026 字

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东方明珠广播电视塔(The Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower)是上海的标志性文化景观之一,位于浦东新区陆家嘴,塔高约468米。该建筑于1991年7月兴建,1995年5月投入使用,承担上海6套无线电视发射业务,地区覆盖半径80公里。下面是小编收集整理的上海东方明珠导游词五篇范文,欢迎借鉴参考。


东方明珠全高468米是现今亚洲第二、世界第四之高塔。仅次于广州新电视塔、加拿大多伦多电视塔和俄罗斯莫斯科奥斯坦金诺广播电视塔。东方明珠电视塔曾是上海最高的建筑物,现在已被环球金融中心取代,但是东方明珠塔依然卓然秀立于陆家嘴地区现代化建筑楼群 东方明珠电视塔位于浦东新区内,与外滩的“万国建筑博览群”隔江相望,与纽约的自由女神、悉尼歌剧院、巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔一样,成为了上海的标志性建筑,与左侧的南浦大桥和右边的杨浦大桥一起,形成双龙戏珠之势。东方明珠塔卓然秀立于陆家嘴地区现代化建筑楼群,与隔江的外滩万国建筑博览群,与后方新耸立而起的金茂大厦和环球金融中心交相辉映,展现了国际大都市的壮观景色。东方明珠塔集观光餐饮、购物娱乐、浦江游览、会务会展、历史陈列、旅行代理等服务功能于一身,成为上海标志性建筑和旅游热点之一。目前,“东方明珠”年观光人数和旅游收入在世界各高塔中仅次于法国的艾菲尔铁塔而位居第二,从而挤身世界著名旅游景点行列。


享誉中外的东方明珠空中旋转餐厅位于东方明珠塔267米上球体,以其得天独厚的景观优势、不同凡响的饮食文化、宾至如归的温馨服务,傲立于上海之巅,作为亚洲最高的旋转餐厅,其营业面积达到 1500平方米,可容纳350位来宾用餐。餐厅同时提供多款豪华套餐和中西结合自助餐,百余种美味佳肴不间断供应,让游客美食与美景共享。

东方明珠塔各观光层柜台里1000多款造型独特、制作精美的各式旅游纪念品琳琅满目,令人目不暇接、留连忘返。东方明珠塔每年接待来自于五洲四海中外宾客 280 多万人次,是集观光、餐饮、购物、娱乐、游船、会展、历史陈列、广播电视发射等多功能于一体的综合性旅游文化景点。东方明珠塔业已成为上海的标志性建筑,荣列上海十大新景观之一。作为全国旅游热点之一,东方明珠塔又以其优质服务,在 20xx 年初被 国家旅游局评为全国首批 AAAA 级旅游景点。



风和日丽时,在上海东方明珠塔上举目远望,外滩的万国建筑博览群,南浦大桥,杨浦大桥全部尽收眼底。 是饱览上海全貌的最佳地。但是一定要在大晴天去哦,阴雨天去的话看出去外面全部是雾蒙蒙的,会感觉白白浪费那么多钱。而且上海东方明珠塔上各种陈列也很具有历史和时代意义!在旋转餐厅里用自助餐虽然感觉有点贵,但却非常值得!美食美景当前,值得留念终生!




旋转餐厅 -- 誉名中外的东方明珠空中旋转餐厅,坐落于上海东方明珠广播电视塔267米上球体,是亚洲最高的旋转餐厅。其营业面积为1500平方米,可同时容纳350位来宾用餐。她以得天独厚的景观优势、不同凡响的饮食文化、宾至如归的温馨服务,傲立于上海之巅。旋转餐厅更值得骄傲的是她的贵宾包房,布置着豪华富贵的大圆桌、高背靠椅和休闲沙发,能同时招待20位贵宾,金碧辉煌的背景灯光打在冰花玻璃上,更造就了人间仙境般的效果。宽敞明亮的落地球体玻璃窗外,浦江美景一览无余,自267米高空俯视而下,真有“会当临绝顶,一览众山小”的豪迈感觉。每2小时旋转一圈的设计,让您全方位360度尽收申城的林立高楼、纵横大道、卧波长桥、争流百响。而夜晚灯火辉煌的申城更是流光溢彩、美不胜收,点点繁星、闪闪霓虹衬出勾勒出无与伦比的浦江夜色。友善温馨的服务是空中旋转餐厅鲜明的特色。各位迎宾小姐、往来穿梭的服务生均以典雅的服饰、规范的服务构筑了东方明珠的绰约风采。

电视塔入口 -- 位于4.2米检票大厅的豪华电梯将以7米/秒的高速把您在40秒内平稳地送至263米观光层,这种绝无仅有、风驰电掣的感觉将是您到东方明珠的难得体验。沿着明亮华贵的弧形梯道拾级而上,登上267米平台,迎面的便是亮丽的迎宾厅,乳白色的墙面连同光可鉴人的黑色大理石反射柔和的灯光,把您环绕在一片尊贵的气氛中。上海东方明珠广播电视塔坐落于上海浦东新区陆家嘴嘴尖上,以其468米的绝对高度成为亚洲第一、世界第三之高塔。东方明珠塔背拥陆家嘴地区崭新的现代化建筑楼群,与隔江的外滩万国建筑博览群交相辉映,展现了国际大都市的壮观景色。

东方明珠游船码头 -- 位于黄浦江畔,占地面积2200余平方米,乘坐东方明珠浦江游览船沿江畅游,即可尽情领略百业兴旺、百舸争流的都市情怀。东方明珠游船码头外形犹如一只凌波汲水、展翅欲飞的海鸥,清新自然、富有时代气息。乘坐东方明珠浦江观光游览船沿浦江航行,可以让游客饱览两岸现代化都市风景线。

夜色中的明珠 -- 入夜后,遥望东方明珠塔,则是华灯齐放、色彩缤纷;而在塔上俯瞰都市夜景,更是一派流光溢彩、灯火辉煌。东方明珠塔每年接待来自于五洲四海中外宾客280多万人次,是集观光、餐饮、购物、娱乐、游船、会展、历史陈列、广播电视发射等多功能于一体的综合性旅游文化景点。东方明珠塔业已成为上海的标志性建筑,荣列上海十大新景观之一。

上海城市历史发展陈列馆 -- 上海城市历史发展陈列馆位于东方明珠塔零米大厅内,展示面积超过六千平方米,已于5 月12日正式对外开放,是集历史、文化、鉴赏、旅游、娱乐于一体、具有创新理念的历史陈列。徜徉历史长河、追寻海上旧梦、品味文化上海——陈列馆充分注重观赏性与参与性,采用“融物于景”的场景化展示手法,凭借其高科技的技术手段,将文物、道具、模型、音视频多媒体、声光电等表现手法融于一体:静态展示主要以蜡像人物和文物道具为主,而动态的展示以实景和影视相结合,十分逼真。让人既感受到历史文化的底蕴,又领略了现代化高科技的魅力。

上海国际新闻中心 -- 上海国际新闻中心坐落于巍然屹立的东方明珠塔下,是集新闻发布、观光、会展、餐饮等功能于一体的综合性新闻中心。 1100 平方米的新闻发布厅配置有最先进的同传、背投、音响与灯光等会务设施,可容纳 800 人规模的新闻发布会或国际会议。








1. 高耸云天的金茂大厦,地标

2. 环球金融中心,更以其中国大陆第一高楼的雄姿成为上海新地标。

3. 东方明珠电视塔,地标。



















第四馆:海上旧踪。 第五馆:建筑博览。上海近代优秀建筑模型组成。





上海海洋水族馆 陆家嘴环路1388号,有中国保利集团和新加坡星雅投资有限公司共同投资兴建,总投资5500万美元。








各位游客朋友,大家下午好,现在我们去的地方是东方明珠景区。 东方明珠景区位于浦东新区的陆家嘴地区,东起浦东南路,南沿东昌路,隔黄浦江与外滩建筑相望。主要景点有:东方明珠广播电视塔、金茂大厦、上海环球金融中心、上海国际会议中心、上海证券大厦、上海海洋水族馆、上海大自然野生昆虫馆、陆家嘴中心绿地、滨江大道,它周边的景点也丰富多彩,有上海科技馆、世纪公园、东方艺术中心、东方体育中心、世纪大道、原上海世博园区等。





1. 高耸云天的金茂大厦,地标

2. 环球金融中心,更以其中国大陆第一高楼的雄姿成为上海新地标。

3. 东方明珠电视塔,地标。




















































东方明珠广播电视塔坐落于黄浦江畔浦东陆家嘴嘴尖上,与外滩的万国建筑博览群隔江相望。塔高468米,位居亚洲第一、世界第三(拿大多伦多的多伦多国家塔 553m, 俄罗斯莫斯科的奥斯坦金诺广播电视塔的高塔540m)和左右两侧的南浦大桥、杨浦大桥一起,形成双龙戏珠之势。






东方明珠塔下的国际游船码头,有“浦江游览”旅游项目,登上邓小平同志当年南巡视察上海时乘座的游船,饱览浦江两岸美景,您将领略到“火树银花不夜城”的意境。国际游船码头里的“海鸥坊”,供应自助餐,您只需花费48元,就能无限畅饮美味和美景。 东方明珠广播电视塔集观光、会议、博览、餐饮、购物、娱乐、住宿、广播电视发射为一体,已成为21世纪上海城市的标志性建筑。目前,“东方明珠”年观光人数和旅游收入在世界各高塔中仅次于法国的艾菲尔铁塔而位居第二,从而挤身世界著名旅游景点行列。 金茂大厦 金茂大厦[1](JinMaoTower),又称金茂大楼,位于上海浦东新区黄浦 金茂大厦江畔的陆家嘴金融贸易区,楼高420.5米,目前是上海第3高的摩天大楼(截至20xx)、中国大陆第3高楼、世界第8高楼。大厦于1994年开工,1998年建成,有地上88层,若再加上尖塔的楼层共有93层,地下3层,楼面面积27万8,707平方米,有多达130部电梯与555间客房,现已成为上海的一座地标,是集现代化办公楼、五星级酒店、会展中心、娱乐、商场等设施于一体,融汇中

国塔型风格与西方建筑技术的多功能型摩天大楼,由著名的美国芝加哥SOM设计事务所的设计师Adrian Smith设计。 遥对东方明珠广播电视塔,毗邻延安东路隧道口,与地铁二号线连通,其主体建筑地上88层,地下3层,高420.5米,占地面积23611平方米,总建筑面积29万平方米。曾为上海第一高楼,大陆第一高楼,20xx年8月29日被比邻的环球金融中心超越。金茂大厦是融办工、商务、宾馆等多功能为一体的智能化高档楼宇,第3-50层为可容纳10000多人同时办公的、宽敞明亮的无柱空间;第51-52层为机电设备层;第53-87层为世界上最高的超五星级金茂凯悦大酒店,其中第56层至塔顶层的核心内是一个直径27米、阳光可透过玻璃折射进来的净空高达142米的“空中中庭”环绕中庭四周的是大小不等、风格各异的555间客房和各式中西餐厅等;第86层为企业家俱乐部;第87层为空中餐厅;距地面340.1米的第88层为国内第二高的观光层(仅次于环球金融中心),可容纳1000多名游客,两部速度为9.1米/秒的高速电梯用45秒将观光宾客从地下室1层直接送达观光层,环顾四周,极目眺望,上海新貌尽收眼底。


上海环球金融中心 Shanghai global financial hub是以日本的森大厦株式会社(Mori Building Corporation)为中心,联合日本、美国等40多家企业投资兴建的项目,总投资额超过1050亿日元(逾10亿美元)。原设计高460米,工程地块面积为3万平方米,总建筑面积达38.16万平方米,比邻金茂大厦。1997年年初开工后,因受亚洲金融危机影响,工程曾一度停工。20xx年2月工程复工。但由于当时中国台北和香港都已在建480米高的摩天大厦,超过环球金融中心的原设计高度。由于日本方面兴建世界第一高楼的初衷不变,对原设计方案进行了修改。修改后的环球金融中心比原来增加7层,即达到地上100层,地下3层,楼层总面积约377,300平方米。










范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2534 字

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访古探幽,回顾历史,我们骄傲我们悠久而灿烂的中华民族文明史,但我们也永远不会忘掉曾沉沦在屈辱中、被世界列强任意撕裂 的历史。在祖国母亲走过了60华诞的今天,我们自豪地仰望鲜艳的五星红旗在天空中高高飘扬,一个崛起的中华民族正在走向强大。我们庆幸我们赶上了一个美好的时代。




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1785 字

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During the summer vacation, I visited the beautiful Qingdao.

On the first day of the tour, my parents took me to the famous Qingdaotrestle. As soon as I got to the seaside, I was fascinated by what I saw. Theblue sea is magnificent. The grand trestle extends into the sea. There is anendless stream of people watching the sea on the bridge. The beach under thebridge is also full of tourists. The bridge and the sea are integrated into one.Its really a strange landscape.

I followed the stone steps to the beach under the bridge, the sea breezecame, blowing away the heat, bringing bursts of cool. There are many shellsscattered on the beach. I picked them up with ecstasy. Some shells are as whiteas snow, some are as red as fire, some are as yellow and black as butterflies.They are really colorful. I picked up many shells and I want to take them hometo enjoy them.

Looking up into the distance, there were some ships moving slowly in thefog on the boundless sea. I took off my shoes, stepped on the high and lowstones, and walked carefully to the sea. A wave came, which was not more than myfeet, so comfortable! I walked around happily, feeling the gentle touch of thesea. The waves hit the rocks layer upon layer, and the water splashedeverywhere. Under the sunshine, it was crystal clear and beautiful.

Urged by my mother, I reluctantly put on my shoes and came to the bridge.Its so busy on the trestle! Standing by the bridge, you can not only enjoy thescenery of the deep sea, but also take a close group photo with the sea. Thereare many tourist souvenirs on the bridge, including all kinds of conches, shellsand pearl necklaces, which dazzle me. I choose many small gifts for my goodfriends.

We are going to leave, I reluctantly waved to the trestle: "goodbye,beautiful trestle!"



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1857 字

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Jinggangshan, located in the southwest of Jiangxi Province, is located inthe middle of Luoxiao mountains at the junction of Hunan and Jiangxi provinces.It connects Taihe and Suichuan counties in Jiangxi Province in the East, YanlingCounty in Hunan Province in the south, Chaling County in Hunan Province in theWest and Yongxin County in Jiangxi Province in the north. It is the gateway ofSouthwest Jiangxi Province. Before liberation, there was no independentcounty-level administrative system in Jinggangshan. After liberation, under thekind care of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, Jinggangshanspecial district was established in Ciping in 1950. In 1959, JinggangshanAdministrative Bureau under the provincial jurisdiction was established. In1981, the Bureau was removed to establish counties. In 1984, the county wasremoved to establish cities with the approval of the State Council. In May 20__,the former Jinggangshan City and the former Ninggang county were merged to forma new Jinggangshan City with the approval of the State Council. The city now has21 Township farms and sub district offices, with a total population of more than149700 and a total area of 1308.58 square kilometers.

Jinggangshan is a typical mountain city, with an average altitude of 381.5meters and the highest peak in the city, jiangxiao, at an altitude of 1841meters. Jinggangshan, with its glorious history, beautiful natural scenery andrevolutionary cultural landscape, is an ideal summer resort integrating scenictourism and traditional education. After decades of development andconstruction, all social undertakings have been fully developed, and thenational economy is growing. No matter yesterday, today, or tomorrow, the peopleof Jinggangshan are moving forward with great enthusiasm, so that the world canclearly see the unique charm of this red land.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6271 字

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Dear tourists, we are now seeing Mount Everest, the highest peak in theworld. Qomolangma means "the third goddess" in Tibetan. Everest is the main peakof the Himalayas, with an altitude of 8848 meters. It is located on the borderbetween China and Nepal, with the north in Dingri County, Tibet, China, thesouth in Nepal, and the peak in China. Mount Qomolangma is a huge pyramid shapedmountain with steep terrain and complex environment. There are various types ofglaciers with a total area of 1500 square kilometers distributed between theridges and cliffs, and there are various kinds of beautiful and rare ice towerforests on the glaciers. Within 20 kilometers around Mt. Everest, there are manypeaks. Among the 14 peaks above 8000 meters in the world, there are 5. The peaksof 6-7 kilometers are all around, forming a magnificent landscape with manypeaks.

According to the analysis of geological structure, in ancient times, thewhole Himalayas was still the sea. From about the late Cenozoic tertiary, thedeep rock strata under the sea were affected by the strong Himalayan orogeny,and the sea floor rose and emerged, gradually rising to become the highest andyoungest "roof of the world". Standing on the top of the earth, Qomolangmaitself is the most typical fault block mountain in the Himalayas. Its pyramidshaped peak is composed of Ordovician brown marble and crystalline limestone.According to the determination of scientists, Everest is still rising, with anaverage annual speed of 3.2 mm to 12.7 mm, continuing to set a new worldrecord.

Dear tourists, there are many beautiful legends about Mount Everest. It issaid that when Songzanganbu was king of Tibet, the Himalayas and Mount Everestwere beautiful places with flowers in full bloom. Songzanganbu ordered that thisplace should be specially used for raising a hundred birds. The original namewas "luozamarang", which means the place for raising birds in the south. In the8th century, the Tibetan king chisongdezan sent people from India to welcome theancestor of lianhuasheng to spread Tibetan Buddhism, and Buddhism graduallyprevailed in Tibet. There are five goddesses seats in the monthly sacrifice tothe gods. Each of the five goddesses has its own name. This is the earliestTibetan name for the five peaks of the Himalayas in China. They are known as the"five sisters of longevity", and Qomolangma ranks the third, named Cuiyan fairy,who is the goddess of defending and reproducing the race. The other four peaksare respectively Fushou fairy, Zhenhui fairy, guanyong fairy and Shiren fairy.People think that the third goddess is the most beautiful. She is calledzhumulangsangma in Tibetan, so she uses her name to call Mount Qomolangma, thehighest mountain in the world.

Dear tourists, the most interesting thing about Mt. Everest is the cloudsfloating on the top of the peak, which seems to be a flag flying on the top ofthe peak, so this kind of cloud is called flag cloud or flag cloud. The shapeand posture of the flag cloud on Mt. Everest are various, sometimes like a flagfluttering in the wind; sometimes like the rough waves; sometimes it turns intothe rising smoke; just like a galloping horse, and then like a gently flutteringveil. All this adds a lot of magnificent scenery to Mount Everest, which can becalled one of the worlds major wonders. What causes the formation of flagclouds on Mt. Qomolangma? It turns out that the flag clouds are formed byconvective cumulus clouds. According to the position and height of the cloud, wecan infer the size of the wind force on the peak. If the flag cloud movesupward, it means that the upper air wind is smaller; if it tilts downward, thewind will be stronger; if it is level with the peak, the wind will be aboutlevel 9. Therefore, the flag cloud of Mount Everest is also known as "thehighest wind vane in the world".

Dear tourists, Everest National Nature Reserve, established in 1988, islocated at the border between Tibet and Nepal. It is the most uniquebiogeographical region in the world. Everest nature reserve is a comprehensivenature reserve, which is composed of three parts: core reserve, scientificexperimental zone and economic development zone. The alpine Canyon and glaciersnow peak in the reserve are very spectacular. The ecosystem types in thereserve are diverse, and the rare and endangered species are extremely rich.There are more than 10 national first class protected animals, such as langur,bearmonkey, Himalayan tal sheep, etc. among them, snow leopard is the landmarkanimal in Zhumulangma National Nature Reserve. The reserve is also rich inwater, light and wind energy resources. When the sun rises to the East, the hugepeaks are colorful in the red light. In addition, many peculiar naturallandscapes have attracted a large number of domestic and foreign tourists.

Dear tourists, Mount Everest is a place that the worlds mountaineers yearnfor. At the foot of Mount Everest is Rongbu temple, the highest temple in theworld. From the summit of Rongbu temple, we have to pass through two importantsections, namely the well-known Beiao and the second step. Beiao is the gatewayto climb Mount Qomolangma from the north slope. It is a saddle shaped ice wallwith an altitude of 7007 meters. There are ice cracks all over it. It is a verydifficult natural obstacle to overcome. The second step is more than 300 metersaway from the peak. In 1960, Chinas national mountaineering team crossed Beiaofrom the north slope to the top along the North Ridge. This is the mostdifficult route to climb Mount Everest, creating an unprecedented miracle in thehistory of mountaineering in the world. It took 8 days for the nationalmountaineering team to reach the top from the base camp, including 6 days fromBeiao to the top, and the last 50 meters took 19 hours without oxygen. Themountaineering teams of various countries have opened up many routes to climbEverest. In 1953, the British mountaineering team ascended from the south slopealong the southeast ridge. In 1988, China, Japan and Nepal jointly formed a teamto climb from the north and south sides of Qomolangma at the same time,realizing a "double leap" in human history. Dear friends, lets pay homage tothese warriors who use their lives to create miracles on the roof of theworld!



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Linyi city is located in the southeast of Shandong Province, with Rizhao inthe East, the Yellow Sea in the west, Zaozhuang, Jining and Taian in the west,and Zibo and Weifang in the north. It spans 117 degrees 24 seconds to 119degrees 11 seconds east longitude and 34 degrees 22 seconds to 36 degrees 22seconds north latitude. It has a maximum distance of 228 kilometers from northto South and a maximum width of 161 kilometers from east to west, with a totalarea of 17184 square kilometers. It is the largest city in ShandongProvince.

The traffic of Linyi city is very convenient. It has formed athree-dimensional network of sea, air, highway and railway. Linyi airport, whichhas resumed flights, is a national second-class airport and the largest civilaviation airport in southern Shandong. It can take off and land Boeing 737,McDonnell 82 and other aircraft. It has initially opened 15 routes to all partsof the country. There are mainly 4 transit national roads and 14 provincialtrunk roads in the territory, forming a highway network extending in alldirections. The overall level and density of highways per square kilometerexceed the national average. Yanzhou shisuo railway, Pingshang Lanshan railwayand the coastal railway corridor from Harbin to the Yangtze River Delta will bebuilt soon, which will run through the East, West, North and south. Thecompleted Beijing Shanghai Expressway and Rizhao Dongming Expressway form across in Linyi City, with 340 km of traffic mileage.

Linyi is located in the southeast of the low mountains and hills in themiddle and south of Shandong Province and the south of the hills in the east ofShandong Province. The terrain is high in the northwest and low in thesoutheast. From north to south, there are Lushan, Yishan, Mengshan and Nishan,which extend from northwest to Southeast, controlling the flow direction of theupper reaches of Yishu River and its main tributaries. With Yishu River Basin asthe center, it is surrounded by mountains in the north, West and East. It formsa fan-shaped alluvial plain to the south. The terrain is complex and thedifference is obvious. There are many mountains, thousands of peaks, hills,plains, rivers and clear water. Mountains, hills and plains each account for onethird of the total area.

The mountainous areas are concentrated in Yishui, Yinan, Mengyin, Pingyi,Feixian, Junan and other counties. The terrain is relatively high, generallyabove 400 meters above sea level. Mountain vegetation is relatively dense, isthe main base for the development of forestry, fruit industry, animal husbandry,yellow tobacco, peanut, wheat, sweet potato and other crops are also planted.Hills are mainly distributed in the periphery of mountainous areas, such asYishui, Yinan, Junan, Lanshan, Cangshan, Linshu, Tancheng, Pingyi, etc., withthe most widely distributed in the east of Shuhe River, with an altitude of200-400 meters. The soil in hilly area is sandy, suitable for cultivation, thinsoil layer and poor ability of water and fertilizer conservation. It is suitablefor developing protective forest and economic forest. It is the main producingarea of peanut, sweet potato, corn, yellow tobacco and other crops. There areYishu River alluvial plain, valley plain and waterlogged plain in the plain. Thealluvial plain of Yishu river is mainly distributed in the south of Yishui, theeast of Yinan, Hedong, Lanshan, Luozhuang, Cangshan and Tancheng. Lintan Cangplain has deep soil layer and fertile soil. It is the main producing area ofgrain and vegetable, and is known as "granary". The Intermountain valley plainis mainly distributed in the middle of Feixian and Pingyi, the flat valley infront of Mengshan mountain, and the Intermountain valleys in Mengyin, Yinan,Yishui and other counties. It has deep soil layer, moderate texture, and avariety of wheat, corn and other crops. The waterlogging depression plain ismainly distributed in Cangshan and the south of Tancheng. The soil is sticky,the drainage is not smooth, and it is easy to waterlog. There are many kinds ofwheat, rice, vegetables and other crops.

From Archean to Cenozoic, except for the upper Ordovician, Zhigu, Devonian,lower Carboniferous, Triassic, middle and lower Jurassic, Paleocene and Neogenestrata, other fault zones extend northeastward through Tancheng and run throughthe whole city.

There are Lushan, Yishan, Mengshan and Nishan mountains from north tosouth. There are more than 800 large mountain tops, generally 200-500 metersabove sea level. There are more than 500 peaks with an altitude of more than 500meters, and more than 10 peaks with an altitude of more than 1000 meters. Theyshow the cloud surface and have magnificent scenery. Mengshan, 1156 meters abovesea level, is the second highest mountain in Shandong Province. It is known as"the second peak of Daizong" and a famous religious and cultural mountain inancient times. Yishan, 1032 meters above sea level, was called Dongzhen inancient times, ranking first among the five towns with beautiful mountains andquiet scenery. The two mountains have enjoyed a long-standing reputation both athome and abroad. Mazong mountain, Yushan Mountain, Tianbao mountain, Wenfengmountain, Jiazi mountain, Yinque mountain, Maling mountain, Mengyin mountain,Cangshan Mountain and Aishan mountain are all famous for their respectivecharacteristics of grandeur, miracles, historical events, characters, legendsand products. There are many table shaped mountains eroded by flowing water inYimeng, which are called "Gu" locally. In fact, there are more than 100 Gu inYimeng, which are not only a great spectacle in China, but also extremely rarein the world. The famous ones are Meng Lianggu, Baodu Gu, Nanbei daigu, LongxuGu, Liaoyang Gu, Moyun Gu, Sujia Gu, shichonggu, Jiwang Gu, Zhuzhu Gu, etc.During the war of liberation, General Chen Yi leaped from Mengshan to Yishui andwrote the magnificent poem "a beautiful scenery, seventy-two can be loved".

The climate is warm temperate monsoon continental climate with fourdistinct seasons, abundant rainfall and mild climate. The annual averagetemperature is 14.1 ℃, the extreme maximum temperature is 36.5 ℃, the minimumtemperature is - 11.1 ℃, the annual precipitation is 849 mm, and the annualfrost free period is more than 200 days. There are more than 300 rivers morethan 10 kilometers in Linyi City, including 287.5 kilometers in Yi River and 253kilometers in Shu River. The city has 90 large and small reservoirs with acapacity of 3.4 billion cubic meters and rich water resources.



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Dear friends

Hello, everyone. Im the tour guide of __ travel agency. Id like tointroduce the scenic spots and folk customs of Zhangjiajie tourism, Fenghuangancient city, Changsha, Shaoshan and other places. It is said that Phoenix, thegod bird of the kingdom of Heaven (ancient India), after reaching the age of500, set incense wood on fire and revived from the ashes. It is delicious and nolonger dies. This bird is Phoenix, the king of birds in China. There is amountain in the southwest of Fenghuang that looks like a flying phoenix, so itis named after it. Fenghuang, formerly known as Zhengan, is located in thesouthwest of our state, with a total area of more than 1700 square kilometersand a population of 370000. It is a county inhabited by Miao and Tujia ethnicminorities. Fenghuang has a long history. During the spring and Autumn periodand Warring States period, it belonged to Chu, Qin to Qianzhong County, WeiyangCounty in Tang Dynasty, Wuzhai chief executive department in Yuan and MingDynasty, and qingtongting, Zhen and Daofu. It became the military and politicalcenter of Western Hunan. Fenghuangs tourism resources are mainly rich inhistory and culture. The special history here has left many historic sites, andthe special historical culture has shaped a group of celebrities.

Phoenix, with its beautiful scenery and numerous places of interest, hasalways been a popular tourist attraction. Since ancient times, there have beeneight scenic spots, such as Dongling Yinghui, Nanhua Diecui, Longtan Yuhuo,Shansi morning bell, Qifeng Tingxiu, Xiqiao night moon, Lanjing Qiaoge and fangeHuitao. It has the world-famous style of the ancient city, the most completestone city left by the Tang Dynasty - huangsiqiao, the historical witness of theisolation between Miao and Han, the border wall of Miao, the great wall ofsouthern China, and the Qiliang cave, which is known as the king of Huaxia cave.Fenghuang ancient city is located on the Bank of Tuojiang River, surrounded bymountains and magnificent passes. The green Tuojiang River meanders under theancient city wall. The verdant foothills of Nanhua mountain reflect the centerof the river. There are fishing boats and pleasure boats in the river. There arestilts on the cliff, row upon row. The girls washing clothes with hammers besidethe dock are laughing. The east gate and the north gate by the Tuojiang Riverare magnificent. The streets paved with bluestone slabs extend in alldirections. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the houses with wooden structurewere well arranged. All of these make the ancient city like a Chinese landscapepainting with thick ink and light color. After visiting Phoenix, New Zealandfriend Louis Ailey said that there are two most beautiful small cities in China:Changting in Fujian and Fenghuang in Hunan.

The beauty of Phoenix lies not only in its natural landscape, its localconditions and customs, its cultural relics and its beautiful legends, but alsoin its glorious tradition and its fighting spirit. In the words of Mr. ShenCongwen, the chivalrous spirit of combining personal romantic emotion withhistorical religious emotion has become another model of personality andmorality in this place. Once this kind of chivalry spirit is combined withpatriotism, as long as it is properly led, it will be able to fight against theenemy when the country and the nation need it, and create earth shakingachievements. Indeed, we can see that some of the major events in modern Chinawere attended by Fenghuang people, and they were always at the forefront of thestruggle. Zheng Guohong, the third commander in chief of Dinghai who sacrificedhis life to serve the country in the first film war, Tian Xingshu, thecommanding commander of Guizhou in Qingyan and Kaizhou missionary cases in thesecond film war, Tian Yingzhao, who was awarded the rank of Army lieutenantgeneral by Dr. Sun Yat sen in Yuhuatai during the 1911 Revolution, and TianYingzhao, who fought in Jiashan and Changsha during the Anti Japanese war.Although the place is small, Xiong Xiling, the first people of the Republic ofChina, Shen Congwen, known as the father of local literature and influential allover the world, and Huang Yongyu, a famous painter, have been selected here.

Now we come to No.10 Zhongying street along Shiban road. This is the formerresidence of Shen Congwen, a famous Chinese writer. This is a typical SouthernCourtyard. There is a small patio in the middle. Around the patio is an ancienthouse with wooden tile structure. There are three main rooms, two wing rooms andthree vestibules. Although there is no carved dragon and painted Phoenix in thisancient courtyard, it is small and exquisite with antique flavor, especially thecarved wooden windows with Xiangxi characteristics.

Shen Congwens former residence was built by his grandfather Shen Hongfu inthe fifth year of Tongzhi in Qing Dynasty. On December 28, 1920__, Mr. ShenCongwen was born here. In 1920__, Mr. Shen was 15 years old. Because of hisfamilys decline, he joined the aboriginal army in Western Hunan. He left hishometown and traveled in the Yuanshui and Youshui river basins. Several years ofarmy experience enabled him to witness a life in dire straits and experienced awar in full swing, which stimulated Mr. Shens desire for creation.

In 1920x, Mr. Shen came to Beijing alone and began his hard career as awriter. From 1928 to 1930, Mr. Shen worked as a teacher in Shanghai middleschool and chief editor of literature supplement of Ta Kung Pao and Yi Shi Bao.1930-1933, lecturer in Wuhan University and Qingdao University. From 1934 to1939, he edited Chinese textbooks for primary and secondary schools in China.From 1939 to 1949, he was a professor in the Chinese Department of SouthwestAssociated University. In his 27 years of writing career, Mr. Shen hassuccessively created a series of literary works, such as border town, duck, loveof witches, life of an actress, Xiangxi essays, Xiangxi, autobiography of ShenCongwen, heifengji, Changhe, bajuntu, essays of Shen Congwen, essays of ShenCongwen, etc., which are well-known in Chinese literary circles Almost as famousas Mr. Lu Xun, who is more than 20 years older than him. After the 1950s, Mr.Shen became a researcher of the Chinese Museum of history and the Institute ofhistory of the Chinese Academy of social sciences. He devoted himself to thestudy of Chinese cultural relics and wrote a series of works on cultural relics,such as the study of ancient Chinese costumes, bronze mirrors of Tang and SongDynasties, Ming mirrors, dragon and Phoenix Art, and lacquerware of the WarringStates period. Mr. Shens works and character show a strong consistency,natural, honest, modest, diligent, broad and dignified.

Mr. Shens works of more than 5 million words in his life are the literarytreasures of the world, and also leave valuable historical documents for futuregenerations to study China and Xiangxi.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 12314 字

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Dear members, the scenic spot we are going to visit today is ZhongshanMausoleum. Zhongshan Mausoleum is located at the southern foot of Xiaomaomountain, the second peak of Nanjing. It is the mausoleum of Dr. Sun Yat Sen,the great pioneer of Chinas democratic revolution. It is a famous building inNanjing during the period of the Republic of China. It has become the name cardand symbol of Nanjing and one of the first 5A scenic spots in China. First ofall, lets get to know Dr. Sun Yat Sen. Dr. Sun Yat Sen was named Sun Wen andnamed Yixian. Because he used the pseudonym of "Zhongshan Qiao" when he wasengaged in revolutionary activities in Japan, he was honored as Dr. Sun Yat senin China, while foreign friends often called him Dr. Sun Yat Sen.

Born in 1866, he studied in Honolulu, Hong Kong and other places when hewas young. After graduation, he practised medicine in Guangzhou, Macao and otherplaces, and later abandoned medicine and went into politics. In 1905, heorganized and established the Chinese Alliance in Japan, and put forward theprogram of "expelling the Tartars, restoring China, establishing the Republic ofChina, and averaging land rights", as well as the three peoples principles of"democracy, peoples livelihood, and civil rights"; After the 1911 Revolution,he was elected as the provisional president of the Republic of China; after YuanShikai was sworn in on New Years day in 1912, he successively led the "secondrevolution", "national defense movement" and "Law Protection Movement"; he diedof illness in Beijing on March 12, 1925.

The tomb site of Zhongshan Mausoleum was selected by Dr. Sun Yat Sen duringhis lifetime. On April 1, 1912, the day after Dr. Sun Yat Sen resigned aspresident in order to seek the peaceful reunification of the north and thesouth, Dr. Sun Yat Sen and Hu Hanmin went hunting in Zijin Mountain. He lookedaround the terrain and said with a smile, "when I die in the future, I amwilling to beg the people for this land to settle my body.". Zhongshan Mausoleumis designed by young architect Lu Yanzhi. It is built close to the mountain,facing south in the north, next to Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum in the West andLinggu Temple in the East. The cemetery is in the shape of "alarm bell".Zhongshan Mausoleum was built from 1926 to 1929. On June 1, 1929, the "fenganceremony" was held at noon. Dr. Sun Yat Sens coffin was never opened when itwas buried in the tomb. Pre Mausoleum: (2 minutes)

Now we come to the half moon square of Zhongshan Mausoleum. On theoctagonal stone platform in the south of the square, there is a red coppertripod, 4.25 meters high, 1.23 meters in diameter, and weighing 5000 kg. It isone of the memorial buildings of Zhongshan Mausoleum. This tripod was donated byDai Jitao, President of Guangzhou Sun Yat sen University, and all teachers andstudents in the autumn of 1933. The three words "wisdom, benevolence, courage"are engraved on the belly of the tripod, which is the motto of Sun Yat senUniversity This tripod is also called Xiaojing tripod.

Located in the middle of the front row of the tomb Road, this is a fourcolumn and three eaves skyscraper. It was built in 1930. It is 12 meters highand 17.3 meters wide. It is built in the form of Fujian granite imitatingancient wooden structure. The banner is covered with blue glazed tiles. The footof the column is surrounded by drum stones. The bottom of the column is arectangular stone base. Lotus petal clouds and ancient architectural colorpaintings are carved on the archway Because there is a stone plaque in themiddle of the banner, which is engraved with two gold-plated inscriptions of"fraternity" written by Sun Yat Sen, it is called "fraternity square".

The term "fraternity" comes from "fraternity is benevolence" in TangHanyus Yuandao. It is said that Dr. Sun Yat Sens favorite topic in his life isa gift, which has become an excellent summary and portrayal of his life. Passingthrough the memorial archway, there is a 480 meter long and nearly 40 meter widegraveway. The graveway is divided into left, middle and right. The middlegraveway is 12 meters wide, with 9 meter wide lawns on both sides. Cedars,cypresses and other evergreen trees are planted in it. The graveways on the leftand right sides are 4.6 meters wide, and there are turf in their East andWest.

The design of the passage not only conforms to the spirit of traditionalChinese architecture, but also has a unique style. The strict central axissymmetry gives people a sense of strict law. The symmetrical cedars, cypresses,gingko, red maple and other trees are used to replace the common stone man andstone beast in front of ancient emperors tombs, symbolizing the essence of Dr.Sun Yat Sen God is as green as pine and cypress.

Mausoleum gate and stele Pavilion:

Walking through the tomb path, we now come to the concrete platform infront of the mausoleum gate. This is the second largest square of ZhongshanMausoleum, about 70 meters wide. Many evergreen trees, such as pine and cypress,are planted on both sides. In the north of the square, you can see the mausoleumgate. The mausoleum gate is a single eaves building with three arches in theSouth and the north. The top of the mausoleum is covered with blue glazed tiles.It is all made of Fujian granite, with corner beams and eaves The rafters aremade of red copper, and the three door openings in the south are equipped with apair of hollow out Plaid Antique Iron doors. On the stone forehead in the southof the middle door is the four words "the world is for the public" written byDr. Sun Yat Sen himself, which is taken from the book of rites · Liyun: "thejourney of the great road, the world is for the public". This is a kind of greatharmony social ideal expounded by Confucianism, an idea opposite to the familyand the world, and "civil rights" in the three peoples principles It is thiskind of thought that is expounded.

The semi-circular stone walls on both sides of the mausoleum gate areconnected with the wall of the mausoleum, which outlines the lower end of the"Liberty Bell" designed by Lu Yanzhi. The pavilion is about 12 meters wide and17 meters high. It is a double eaves peak with blue glazed tiles. The pavilionis made of granite. There are two arches in the East and south, and a verticalwindow in the north. There is a granite tombstone in the center of the pavilion,8.1 meters high and 4 meters wide, with the inscription "China Pavilion"___ OnJune 1, the 18th of the Republic of China, Mr. Sun, the Prime Minister of theCommunist Party of China, was buried here in 24 gold-plated characters inregular script. The characters were written by Tan Yankai, former chairman ofthe national government and President of the Executive Yuan.

There are inscriptions on the forehead___ Party emblem, this monumenthighlights the funeral of Dr. Sun Yat Sen for the party. From the pavilion tothe memorial hall above, there are eight large stone steps, each of which has aplatform. The design implies "three principles of the people, five powerconstitution". These eight stone steps have 290 steps, 392 steps from Boaisquare, which means 392 million compatriots in China at that time. The steps aredivided into 10 platforms. When you look up from the bottom, you can only seethe steps, but not the platforms, However, when we climb up to the top and lookdown, we can see only the platform but not the steps, implying that although therevolutionary road is tortuous, it is a hopeful and smooth road to the victoryof the revolution.

On the platform of the fifth section, there is a pair of bronze tripodsengraved with four big characters in seal style of "fengan Dadian"___ Two holesin the belly of the tripod on both sides were left when the Japanese armyshelled Zijin Mountain in December 1937. They always remind us not to forget ournational humiliation.

Sacrificial hall and tomb chamber:

Climbing up the steps, we came to the platform in front of the sacrificialhall. There are stone railings in front of the platform, and there are amagnificent watch on both sides, up to 12.6 meters high. The sacrificial hall isin the middle of the platform. The palace style building, which integratesChinese and Western architectural styles, is 30 meters long, 25 meters wide and29 meters high, with all external walls

It is made of Hong Kong granite and surrounded by Fortress Buildings. Theroof of the memorial hall has double eaves and nine ridges, covered with blueglazed tiles. Under the eaves, there are stone brackets and copper rafters.Between the two eaves, there is a straight forehead of "heaven and earth healthyqi" written by Dr. Sun Yat Sen The six big characters of "nationality","peoples livelihood" and "civil rights" are___ The handwriting of ZhangJingjiang, a veteran of the Communist Party of China.

Entering the memorial hall, the interior of the memorial hall is paved withwhite marble made in Yunnan. Around the hall, there are 12 black stone columns,0.8 meters in diameter, four hidden and eight obvious. On the walls on bothsides of the memorial hall, the full text of the outline of the founding of thepeoples Republic written by Sun Yat Sen is engraved. The top of the memorialhall is in the form of a bucket, and the algae well in the middle is inlaid withmosaic___ The design of the party emblem shows the meaning of the party. In themiddle of the memorial hall is a full-length sitting statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen,dressed in a long robe and mandarin jacket. His feet are close to each other,and the unfolded scroll is spread on his knees. His eyes are staring forwardwith a concentrated expression. The sitting statue is carved from Italian whitemarble by the French Polish sculptor Paul randowski in Paris, France. Around thebase of the sitting statue are six pictures reflecting Sun Yat Sensrevolutionary activities.

On the front, there is a picture of "Ru Bao Chi Zi", on the East, there aretwo pictures of "going abroad propaganda" and "discussing revolution", on thewest, there are two pictures of "enlightening the deaf" and "discussing yuanHuguo", on the back, there is a picture of "seal of parliament". The mainmaterial in the hall is black marble, which sets off a solemn mourningatmosphere together with the pure white stone statues. The sacrificial hall isconnected with both ends of the tomb. The tomb door is divided into twosections. The outer door is two opposite copper doors, which are decorated withdoornails and headband. On the forehead of the door is engraved with the fourcharacters of "eternal glory". It is taken from the inscription of sun Yat Senon the tomb of martyr Huang Huagang.

The second door is a single copper door, on which Zhang Jingjiangs sealscript "the tomb of Dr. Sun Yat Sen" is engraved. Only when the door is closedcan the characters on the door be seen. The tomb chamber is a hemisphericalclosed building, about 18 meters in diameter and 11 meters in height, with adome shaped roof and mosaic inlaid on it___ The central part of the tomb is amarble round Kuang with a diameter of 4.3 meters and a depth of 1.6 meters. Theopening of the Kuang is protected by marble railings, and a marble sarcophagusis built in the Kuang. On the surface of the sarcophagus lies a white marblestatue of Sun Yat Sen, carved by Czech sculptor Gao Qi. Sun Yat Sen is dressedin Zhongshan costume, hands on his chest, sleeping peacefully.

The ratio of the statue to the real person is 1:1. Mr. Sun Sealed withsteel and cement, Mr. Suns body was placed in the tomb after the ceremony, andhas never been opened or moved.

Attached Memorial Building:

Dear tourists, this is the end of the explanation of the main building ofZhongshan Mausoleum. There are many ancillary buildings in Zhongshan Mausoleum,such as the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall, and the memorial hall of the overseasChinese in San Francisco___ The music platform donated by the party headquartersof Liaoning Province; the marble octagonal pavilion and Guanghua Paviliondonated by overseas Chinese; the Xingjian Pavilion donated by Guangzhougovernment, whose name comes from "the heaven is healthy, the gentleman isconstantly striving for self-improvement"; Zhongshan Botanical Garden is thebotanical garden of the former premiers Mausoleum; there are tombs of LiaoZhongkai and He Xiangning, Tan Yankai, Zixia Lake Zhengqi Pavilion, etc. you canvisit them freely first!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6870 字

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Today we go to the old city of the sea, that is, the location of Yu Gardenand Yu Garden shopping malls.

Our car is driving on the Bund. On your left is the famous Huangpu River.Well be here later.

To save time, I would like to talk about Chinas gardens and Yu Gardenbefore I get to Yu Garden.

In China, gardens are divided into three categories: Royal Gardens, privategardens and temple gardens. Yu Garden belongs to private gardens. There are manyskills in Chinese garden, such as borrowing scenery, blocking scenery and so on.But they are all made up of four basic factors. The four factors are water,plants, architecture and rockery. Most of the private gardens are in the southof the Yangtze River, because there are many water sources and rocks suitablefor rockery. Yu Garden was built more than 400 years ago in the Ming Dynasty.The owner of the garden, whose surname is pan, is a senior official. He builtthe garden to please his parents and let them enjoy their old age. Therefore,the word "Yu" of Yu Garden takes the meaning of Yuyue. It is a pity that hisparents could finally see the death of Yu Garden. In the late Qing Dynasty, thepan family was weak, and their descendants sold the garden to local guilds.There is another reason why Yu Garden has become a place of interest. In 1853,an uprising broke out in Shanghai, and a hall in the garden was used as aheadquarters. Today Yu Garden is a must. So I suggest that we dont getseparated when we get there. Its better for us to stay together, OK?

This is the parking lot. In case someone gets separated, please rememberthat the last three digits of the train number are 121. I think its better notto do that. I will hold the little red flag, and you will all accompany Mr.Zhang to the rear of the hall. Are you ready? Lets go. Please pay attention toyour bike when you get off.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the famous Jiuqu bridge. Why nine? Becauseits the highest number of Yang. Walk on the bridge and stay for a long time.You can also enjoy the scenery from different angles. Also, it is said thatghosts can only walk in a straight line, so you dont have to worry aboutmeeting ghosts.

In the middle of the bridge, there is a pavilion, which was built in theQing Dynasty and was converted into a teahouse about 80 years ago. Old peoplelike to come here in the morning, meet friends, make a pot of tea and chat.Generally, they drink a kind of green tea called "Longjing". This teahouse isalso a popular place for foreign leaders. For example, when Queen Elizabeth IIcame to Shanghai in 1986, she also visited teahouses for tea.

Indeed, its a pleasure to drink a pot here. Just imagine, one summer, youcome to a teahouse and sit by the window, overlooking the green pool full oflotus. There was a cool breeze in front of me. In the elegant sound of JiangnanSilk and bamboo, you bring up the purple clay pot and slowly sip a sip oflukewarm "Longjing" tea. Youll feel like a fairy.

Would you like a drink, too? Sorry, I still cant let you go. Lets make adecision after we finish Yu Garden, OK?

This is the entrance to Yu Garden. When you walk into a private garden,your sight will always be blocked by something, sometimes rockery, sometimes thewall. This is a skill of landscape architecture, which is called barrierlandscape. It doesnt let you know in a day, but let you see part of it, andthen achieve the effect of "step by step Jingyi".

This hall is called Yangshan hall. As we all know, Shanghai is located inan alluvial plain, with no mountains or forests. So this "mountain" refers tothe rockery opposite. It is 12 meters high and weighs 80 tons. It was, and is, amiracle. Because there was no cement or plaster of Paris more than 400 yearsago, people used cooked glutinous rice, alum and lime to stick the stonestogether. So far, Im safe and sound. See the pavilion on the top of themountain? 400 years ago, it was the highest point in Shanghai. From there youcan see fishing boats and sailboats on the Huangpu River, but these can only beseen in movies today. You can only see their heads moving up. Because thecircling paths are covered by trees and stones. This is really the masterpieceof Zhang Nanyang, a great horticultural master. It is also recognized as thebest rockery in the area.

Behind the rockery, there is a dragon wall. This is a special feature ofour garden. There are five dragon walls. This way, Ill take you to a placewhere you can see another Dragon Wall clearly.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the dragon wall I just mentioned. Dragons areactually imaginary animals. We call ourselves the descendants of the dragon. Idont know if you have read Pearl Bucks Dragon seed. If you have seen it, thereare a lot of things here that you feel familiar with. Look at this dragon, youwill find that it is a complex of many animals. You see, its head is like a cow,its eyes are like shrimp, and its horns are like I dont think it looks like acow. We usually say that the horns are like deer, the body is like snake, thescales are like fish, and the claws are like chicken or eagle. Please tell mehow many toes you see. Three yes. But generally a dragon should have five toes.Why three? One of them is a story. Before, only the emperor and the royal familyhad dragon designs. Pan yunduan, the owner of the garden, uses a dragon as awall. He is ambitious. Somehow, when the emperor learned about it, he sentsomeone to investigate. When pan yunduan learned about it, he immediately madepeople knock off two toes. As soon as the officials arrived, the gardener said,"look, this is not a dragon, only three toes." What a smart man, or helldie.

Here we can see three stones. The one in the middle is called "yulinglong".Its not jade, but its very famous. Its called Taihu stone. Its appearance iseroded by water. It turned out to be a tribute to song Weizong. Song Weizongcollected many rare flowers and stones, which were called "huashigang". But howdid you come here? Originally, it was lost in Kyoto at that time. Many yearslater, it became a plaything for local officials and gentry. Later, he gave thestone to pan yunduan as a dowry because Pans brother married his daughter.Yulinglong is famous for its thin, transparent, wrinkled and leaky features. Ifyou pour water from top to bottom. Its 72 holes are like a waterfall; if youburn incense below, its 72 holes are misty and beautiful. The master of thegarden used to gaze at the stone for a long time. This is also one of thefunctions of the garden. A scene makes you meditate, and the result is thecombination of emotion and night.

This is the end of the Yu Garden tour. I hope the children will love it.Finally, you have to make a choice: tea or shopping. I think its a show ofhands. How many people want to taste tea? Ha, all of them want to go? What?Would I like to? To tell you the truth, thats just what I want. So what are wewaiting for? Lets go!



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Geography overview

Jiulong cave, a national scenic spot, is located in Yangtou Town, 17kilometers to the east of the city, the north end of Liulong mountain range andthe Grand Canyon on the South Bank of Jinjiang River. There are many peaks,overlapping peaks, deep valleys, verdant bamboo trees and intact vegetation inthe scenic spot. There are magnificent karst caves, magnificent and dangerousJinjiang Canyon, beautiful Jinjiang (Yangtou) reservoir area and new stones withhigh archaeological value The ancient cultural sites of primitive people in theage of pottery are a tourist attraction integrating appreciation and scientificresearch. Jiulong cave is the main scenic spot of the scenic spot, located inthe middle of the scenic spot. The cave is spacious, majestic and numerous. Themain cave is 2284 meters long, 100 meters wide, 75-80 meters high and covers anarea of more than 70000 square meters.

Overview of scenic spots

Jiulong Cave Scenic Spot mainly includes Jiulong cave, Jinjiang Canyon,Jinjiang reservoir area and other scenic spots

(1) Jiulong cave

Jiulong cave is the main scenic spot of the scenic spot, located in themiddle of the scenic spot. The cave is spacious, majestic and numerous. The maincave is 2284 meters long, 100 meters wide, 75-80 meters high and covers an areaof more than 70000 square meters. The whole cave is divided into 8 halls and anunderground river. The hall is divided into two layers, 6 halls on the upperlayer and 2 halls on the lower layer. There are small holes connecting the upperand lower halls and the cave, which is unfathomable. Inside the cave are greendragon, lobster, conch, turtle, Kaiping peacock, lion, camel team, monkey group,ancient temple, god Buddha, fairy and the crowd of children nestling together;The cave is full of stalagmites, stone pillars, stone curtains, stonewaterfalls, stone curtains, stone flowers, stone needles and so on. Some of themare like a sea of clouds, some of them are like birds and animals, and some ofthem are like exotic flowers and plants. The three giant pillars in the thirdhall are tall and majestic. The most prominent one is the "jiulongpan pillar",which is 39.9 meters high and 13.5 meters in circumference. There are nine stonedragons winding around the pillar body, which is powerful and lifelike.

According to legend, there are six green dragons and three yellow dragonsin Liulong mountain meeting here. Seeing that this cave is more like a fairylandin heaven, they all want to own it. They fight for each other and are unwillingto leave. When the rooster crows and the day breaks, they cant get out of thecave, so they turn into nine stone dragons and plate them on the pillars in thecave. Hence the name of Jiulong cave. One kilometer to the left of Jiulong cave,there is a very strange cold and hot wind tunnel. One is cool and cold, and theother is warm and warm. Its amazing and memorable.

(2) Jinjiang Gorge

Located in the Jiulong Cave Scenic Area, it stretches for ten miles. Thereare many isolated peaks and caves, which are very spectacular. Here we mainlyintroduce the Guanyin Mountain and liantai peak in the canyon, which integratetourism and Buddhism. Guanyin Mountain, located on the right side of Jiulongcave, is majestic and majestic, with a total area of 2 square kilometers. Therewere Lotus Temple, Guanyin hall, Qiuzi temple and other ancient buildings, allpainted pillars and carved beams, looking from the fence. The Jinjiang River islike a belt, the canyon is flowing green, the smoke is vast, the cloud riverdances together, and the scene is extremely magnificent; Liantai peak is themain peak of Guanyin Mountain. You can have a birds-eye view of the clear andshining river near, and you can see the mountains from afar to the Golden Summitof Fanjing Mountain. On a foggy morning after rain, you can also encounter thevast sea of fog and the colorful "Buddha light".

{Guizhou tour guide · Huangguoshu waterfall tour guide · zhijindong tourguide · Xianglushan tour guide

(3) Jinjiang (Yangtou) reservoir area

From lujiadong hydropower station down the river to Yangtou hydropowerstation, the flow is 24 kilometers, covering an area of 417 hectares. The greenbamboo cages on both sides of the river make the lake crystal clear. It is aman-made lake with beautiful mountains and trees.

(4) Huangla cave, Qingming cave, swan cave and squid cave are located nearJiulong cave. Another Huangla cave is located in Daping Township, southwest ofthe city.


Liuzhi special zone is a key coal producing area in China. It is the eastgate of Liupanshui City, the "Liangdu of China" and the "Jiangnan coal capital".It is known as the "Jiangnan coal sea". Transportation is very developed,mineral resources are rich, and biological resources are extremely rich.

The tourism resources of Liuzhi special zone are unique. It is a uniquetourist area integrating ethnic culture, natural scenery and historical sites.Among them, there are Peach Blossom Park, jiutoushan Park, Antarctic MountainPark and natural cave Moon Palace Cave (Guanyin cave) in the central part; thereare Langdai ancient city, stele of Langdai wood City, Tomb of Langdai riotmartyrs and mysterious Laowang mountain (Gulang mountain) in the South; thereare Dixi Forest Park in the southeast, waterfall group on Baishui River andkarst cave landscape centered on Luobie River; there are many caves in thesouth; In the north, there are the scenery of Yanjiao ancient town, laogaoqiaoscenic spot, langlongqiao scenic spot (chuangzidong), laobudi scenic spot andSuoga ecological museum scenic spot.

Combined with the rich and mysterious ethnic customs, such as the Buyipeoples watch catching, the Miao peoples moon drying, the Yi Peoples mountaincatching Festival, and the Gelao peoples new year eating, Liuzhis uniquetourism landscape has attracted a large number of tourists at home and abroad,as well as ethnic culture experts and scholars. At present, Liuzhi special zoneis actively carrying out the construction of Dixi ecological park, yueliangheyelangbuyi cultural ecological park, yuelianghe Provincial Forest Park, etc. thewater area behind the dam of azhu hydropower station is square kilometers, andthe water area behind the dam of Guangzhao Hydropower Station is 51.54 squarekilometers. The line along the river will become a beautiful landscape.

Liuzhi special zone is suitable for tourism in all seasons. Liuzhi specialzone has a pleasant climate. The annual average temperature is 13.5-15.2 ℃, nosevere heat in summer and no severe cold in winter.

Liuzhi special zone is 172 kilometers away from Guiyang, the provincialcapital, and 98 kilometers away from the downtown area of Liupanshui. Itconnects Zhenning and Puding counties in the East, Guanling in the south,Shuicheng in the west, Zhijin and Nayong in the north, and Qinglong and Puancounties in the southwest. Liuzhi is located in the watershed between theYangtze River Basin and the Pearl River Basin. In the south, there is feijiangRiver in the upper reaches of Beipan River, in the north, there is Sancha Riverin the upper reaches of Wujiang River, and in the East, there is Baishui River,the source of Huangguoshu waterfall. There is a large drop of water flow andabundant water energy resources.

Liuzhi special zone is a combination of Liuzhi special zone and LangdaiCounty in the period of "three line construction". There are 32 ethnic groupsincluding Han, Yi, Miao, Buyi and Gelao living in the area, and the minoritypopulation accounts for 30.52% of the total population of the region. Minorityculture is very long.



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Hello, Im your guide, Xiao Gu. First of all, Xiao Gu, on behalf of thepeople of Fuzhou, welcomes you. Today, Xiao Gu will take you to visit threelanes and seven alleys, the ancient architectural treasures of Ming and QingDynasties in Fuzhou.

Sanfangqixiang is located in the center of the city. It is adjacent tobay17 North Road in the East, Tonghu road in the west, Yangqiao road in thenorth, Jibi lane and Guanglu square in the south. It covers an area of about 40hectares and has 3678 households with a population of more than 14000. Threelanes and seven alleys are the abbreviation of ten alleys arranged from north toSouth on both sides of nanhou street. Three lanes are Yijin lane, Wenru lane andGuanglu lane; seven lanes are Yangqiao lane, Langguan lane, Ta lane, Huang Lane,Anmin lane, Gong lane and Jibi lane. Due to the reconstruction of Jibi lane,Yangqiao lane and Guanglu lane into roads, only two lanes and five lanes arepreserved. Even so, in this residential area with a long history, there arestill rich cultural relics and historic sites, including a number of formerresidences of celebrities and buildings of Ming and Qing Dynasties. In thisresidential area, there are many lanes, stone slabs, white walls and greentiles, strict structure, exquisite houses and ingenious craftsmanship, whichembody the characteristics of Minyue ancient city. It is a gathering place ofMinjiang culture, and is regarded as a large-scale museum of Ming and Qingancient architecture by the architectural circles.

"Three lanes and Seven Alleys" is the main symbol of Fuzhou, a famoushistorical and cultural city of China. It is known as the Museum of ancientarchitecture of Ming and Qing Dynasties. Chen Yan, a modern poet, said: "whoknows that the five willows are solitary pines, but they live in three lanes andseven alleys." This is about the origin of "three lanes and Seven Alleys".

The folk customs of three lanes and seven alleys are also therepresentative of Fuzhou folk customs. Many festival and custom centers areoften concentrated in three lanes and seven alleys, which include folk beliefs,festival activities at the age of, folk customs in buildings, etc.

"Moonlight shines on the pond; riding a bamboo horse across the pond; itshard to cross the depth of the pond. Wait for my sister to take a boat to meetLang. Ask long Lang, short Lang, when will Lang return? "This is a folk songwritten by Chang Gung, the observation envoy of the Tang Dynasty. It has broughtmany childhood memories to generations of people living in three lanes and sevenalleys. Until now, especially the older generation is still excited to hear thiscatchy folk song.

Well, our journey of three lanes and seven alleys is coming to an end.Next, you can move freely for one hour. You can walk around and have a look. Ifyou have any questions, you are welcome to come and ask me. Gu must knoweverything!



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Baiyun district is one of the six municipal district of guiyang city, islocated in the middle of guiyang city, the north by the county, east, west,south and adjacent wudang district, southeast and yunyan district adjacent,connected with gold-sun new district in the west and western borders qingzhencorner. Is one of the nations largest aluminum industrial base. Rich in naturalresources, beautiful scenery.

Baiyun district rich in tourism resources. Baiyun park is one of the famouspark in guiyang city, the environment here is invigorating, top 10 landscapepark is blue. As the site of the international kite festival, she attracted manytourists from home and abroad, to baiyun district won the "China kite of thetownship", "weifang are north, south have white clouds" of reputation. Baiyunpark also hosted the world orchids expo bodybuilding championships and thenational fitness, the 19th Asian championships, international flower arrangingflowers firsthand and the first flower arranging grand prix and theinternational tea art, tea ceremony performance in guizhou and guizhous teaart, tea ceremony, grand prix, etc., make the baiyun district greatly increasedvisibility. Since the garden package for shanxi coal bosses open playground,from free to closed-end management of people in the park was missing a shade ofthe holy land at rest garden it shall not come into people. Long PoLing nationalforest park is also a must-see tourist destination. Park a total area of 1075hectares, is an important part of guiyang city green belt around the city,baiyun district and gold-sun is the new "green barrier", it has the best qualityin southwest of natural forest grassland, forest coverage rate is as high as82.96%, is called "ecological museum" guiyang, fresh air and made it a naturaloxygen bar "forest".

Park distribution for five scenic area, respectively, cherry blossoms lake,forest lawn, streams forest farm, two ethnic minority villages. Park set ofmountain, forest, water, grass, monuments to a body, with a quiet, beautiful,wild, kuang, ancient landscape features, such as is the ideal leisure vacation,popular science education, tourism, sports good place. Baiyun district also hasthe national AA level scenic spot of swan lake forest park (lake, willow droop,refresh. Billow the lake blue waves, Lin Ying cloud print, birds suddenly over,to leave a daydream. Spring, cherry blossoms in full bloom, red and white,tender is about to drip, inspiring --), jinshan temple and the Buddha, adultmountain ecological park (construction), air strange car site and otherwell-known scenic spot. New build mic stand township green fruits andvegetables, flower production base trip (such as baiyun district near the rosegarden is located in guizhou normal university, is the recent rise of thepopular and attractive leisure tourism resort, visitors here can hand-pickeddifferent design and color of the rose, is romantic and unique, the price ofeach flower is less than 0.5 yuan, very cheap) and aluminum plant tour ofindustrialization is also healthy and fashionable leisure tourism.

Baiyun district four seasons all appropriate travel. Baiyun districtsubtropical climate zone, changes in temperature air current strong alternately,monsoon plateau climate, summer without heat and winter without cold, in theannual average temperature around 14 ℃. The extremely pleasant climate, theenvironment is very beautiful, the four seasons is not clear, small temperaturedifference, is an ideal summer cold for many tourists.

In 1959, guiyang city government to set up McCauley, equivalent tomunicipal district level administrative units, baiyun district building resumedin 1973. Baiyun district history, although less than fifty years, the humanitiesatmosphere. This culture education career development quick, productivity wasfierce to increase science and technology, talent, a high efficiency. Guizhounormal university is located in baiyun district dam. Baiyun district there aremany famous schools and scientific research institutions, such as the fourfamous schools: baiyun 2, sug gested, baiyun no.6 middle school, and the whiteclouds in middle school.



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Mount Qomolangma is distributed in Tibet and Pakistan, India, Nepal,Sikkim, Bhutan and other countries. Its main part is at the junction of Chinaand Nepal. The north slope is in Tibet and the south slope is in Nepal."Qomolangma" in Tibetan means "virgin". In Tibetan, "Qomolangma" means goddess,and "Langma" means the third. Because there are four mountains near MountQomolangma, which ranks the third, it is called Mount Qomolangma. Everest is8848 meters above sea level. It is the main peak of the Himalayas and thehighest peak in the world.

The Himalayas is one of the youngest mountains in the world, with an age of10-20 million years. It is composed of many parallel mountains, with a totallength of 2450 km from east to west and a width of 200-300 km from north tosouth. It is a young folded mountain range with complex structure. From north tosouth, it can be divided into four zones: chaisik mountain, Ladakh mountain,great Himalaya mountain, little Himalaya mountain and siwalik mountain. The mainvein is the great Himalaya mountain, which is the highest, about 50-90 km wideand mainly composed of crystalline rocks. The great Himalayan mountains aretraditionally divided into three sections: the western Himalayas from aripulanto Parbat in Nagaya, India; the Middle Himalayas from namnina to Yadongchuomorali in the east of Pulan; and the great Himalayas from Yadong to YarlungZangbo River in the east of Yadong

At the corner, Namjagbarwa peak is the eastern Himalayas. The averagealtitude of the great Himalayan Mountains is more than 6000 meters, with manypeaks. There are more than 50 peaks over 7000 meters, and 16 peaks over 8000meters. Mount Everest, the worlds highest peak, stands on the border betweenChina and Nepal. Within 5000 square kilometers around Mount Qomolangma, thereare 4 peaks above 8000 meters and 38 peaks above 7000 meters. This phenomenon ofpeak concentration is the only one in the world, so it is called "the roof ofthe world". Under the erosion and cutting of many rivers, the Himalayas haveformed many gorge channels with a depth of several kilometers, which has becomea shortcut for trade and cultural exchanges between Tibet and its surroundingareas.

Mount Qomolangma is an approximately East-West arc-shaped mountain system.The pyramid shaped peak is clearly visible from a hundred kilometers away,giving people a solemn and sacred feeling. Everest is covered with ice and snowall the year round. There are several large glaciers in the canyon. The famousRongbu glacier is formed by the confluence of three glaciers: East, West andmiddle Rongbu. The mountain top glacier covers an area of 10000 squarekilometers, and the snow line (4500-6000 meters) is low in the South and high inthe north.

The natural conditions of Mount Qomolangma are extremely complex, theclimate is harsh and the terrain is steep. The south slope of Mt. Qomolangma isrich in precipitation, with tropical monsoon rain forest below 1000 meters,subtropical evergreen forest between 1000-20__ meters, temperate forest above20__ meters and alpine meadow above 4500 meters. The north slope is mainlyalpine meadow, and there are forests and shrubs in the valley below 4100 meters.There are peacock, gibbon, Tibetan bear, snow leopard, Tibetan antelope andother rare animals and a variety of mineral deposits in the mountains.

Everest, known as the top of the earth, has become the "holy temple" in theminds of mountaineers all over the world, which is the long cherished wish ofevery mountaineer. Since the 18th and 19th centuries, explorers and mountaineersfrom some countries have come to Everest to explore its mystery. But it was notuntil after the 1950s that people climbed Mount Everest from the south slope.From 1921 to 1938, British explorers tried to climb Mount Everest from the northslope seven times, but they all failed, and some even lost their lives.Therefore, they call the north slope "the route of no climbing" and "the routeof death".

Mount Qomolangma was established as a nature reserve in 1989. In 1993, itwas designated as a national nature reserve with a total area of 3.38 millionhectares. Mount Qomolangma has become the highest altitude Nature Reserve inChina. In 20__, Mt. Everest was listed as a national AAAA scenic spot.


Mount Qomolangma, which means "Virgin Mary" in Tibetan, is the highest peakin the world at an altitude of 8848 meters. It is located on the border betweenChina and Nepal in the middle section of the Himalayas and just south of DingriCounty in Xigaze, Tibet. The peak is covered with snow all the year round, aholy scene. Mount Qomolangma area has four peaks more than 8000 meters and 38peaks more than 7000 meters, which is known as the third level of the earth.

At the foot of Mount Qomolangma, there is Rongbu temple, the highest templein the world. At the same time, Rongbu temple is also the best place to watchMount Qomolangma, with a straight-line distance of 25 km.

Mount Qomolangma is a typical fault block rising peak. There is a thrustbelt between the basement of Precambrian metamorphic rock series and theoverlying sedimentary rock series. The upper part of the peak is the earlyOrdovician or Cambrian Ordovician calcareous rock series (the peak is graycrystalline limestone), and the lower part is the Cambrian argillaceous rockseries (such as phyllite, schist, etc.), with the intrusion of granite andmigmatite dikes. The strata incline to NNE with gentle dip angle. Since the endof transgression in the middle Eocene, Mt. Qomolangma has been rising rapidly,and it has risen about 3000 meters since the late Pliocene. Because the Indianplate and the Asian plate take 5. The speed of 08cm compresses each other, sothat the whole Himalayas are still rising, and Mount Everest also rises by about1. 27 cm. The valley glaciers of Mt. Qomolangma are well developed. There aremany large-scale valley glaciers distributed radially around the mountain. Thereare 18 glaciers with a length of more than 10 km, and the end elevation is3600-5400 M. Among them, the three major glaciers in the north slope, namely,zhongrongbu, xirongbu and dongrongbu glaciers, and their more than 30 small andmedium-sized glaciers, are the most prominent. The glacier covers an area ofabout 1600 square kilometers within 5000 square kilometers around MountQomolangma. In the tongue region of many large glaciers, there are also icetower forests. Ancient glacial activity remains such as ancient ice bucket,glacial trough valley, glacial or glacial water erosion accumulation platform,lateral moraine and final moraine ridge are also common. It is characterized bystrong cold and frost weathering, jagged rocks at the summit, towering anddangerous corner peaks and edge ridges, and rock debris slopes or sea. Specialperiglacial landforms such as stone ring and stone fence are formed by repeatedthawing and freezing of soil surface.


Now let me introduce Mount Everest to you. Qomolangma means "the thirdgoddess" in Tibetan. Mount Everest is the main peak of the Himalayas, with analtitude of 8848 meters. It is the highest peak in the world. The mountain is inthe shape of a huge pyramid, with steep terrain and complex environment. Thereare various types of glaciers with a total area of 1500 square kilometersdistributed between the ridges and cliffs. On top of the glaciers, there are avariety of beautiful and rare ice pagoda forests. Within 20 kilometers aroundMt. Everest, there are many peaks. Among the 14 peaks above 8000 meters in theworld, there are 5. The peaks of 6-7 kilometers are all around, forming amagnificent landscape with many peaks. According to the analysis of geologicalstructure, in ancient times, the whole Himalayas and the vast area nearby werestill a corner of the sea. From about the late Tertiary of Cenozoic era, thedeep rock strata under the sea were affected by the strong Himalayan orogeny,rising to the top and the youngest "roof of the world". Standing on the top ofthe earth, Qomolangma itself is the most typical fault block mountain in theHimalayas. Its pyramid shaped peak is composed of Ordovician brown marble andcrystalline limestone. According to the determination of scientists, Everest isstill rising, with an average annual speed of 3.2 mm to 12.7 mm, continuing toset a new world record.

Now let me tell you two myths about Mount Everest. It is said that whenSongzanganbu was king of Tibet, the Himalayas and Mount Everest were beautifulplaces with flowers in full bloom. Songzanganbu ordered that this place shouldbe specially used for raising a hundred birds. Its original name was"rozamarang", which means "the place for raising birds in the South". In the 8thcentury, the Tibetan king chisongdezan sent people from India to welcome thelotus grandmaster into Tibet to preach Buddhism, and Buddhism graduallyprevailed in Tibet. There are five goddesses sitting in the monthly sacrificesto the gods. Each of the five goddesses has its own name. This is the earliestTibetan name for the five peaks of the Himalayas in China. They are known as the"five sisters of longevity", and Qomolangma ranks third. They are the goddess ofdefending and reproducing the race. The other four peaks are Fushou fairy,Zhenhui fairy, guanyong fairy and Shiren fairy. People think that the thirdgoddess is the most beautiful. She is called zhumulangsangma in Tibetan, so sheuses her name to call Mount Qomolangma, the highest mountain in the world.

There is also a beautiful legend. Once upon a time, it was a sea. On theseashore, there were flowers and trees, flowers that never withered and neverwithered. On the hillside, there were forests and fruit trees. In the forest andflowers, there are many birds and other animals. Its a rich and beautifulplace! But one day, a group of monsters suddenly came to occupy this good place.The demons are coming, catching birds and animals, destroying flowers and trees.At this time, a five color auspicious cloud came from the sky. On the cloudstood a fairy in a plain dress. She was the goddess of snow mountain -zhumulangsangma. With her boundless magic power, she subdued the demons andspirits, and pressed them under a mountain. At the same time, in this area,cattle and sheep were raised, plant seeds were sown, and ice lakes were dug.From then on, she not only restored the original appearance, but also made itmore beautiful. The goddess subdued the demons and ghosts, and poured snow waterfrom the snow mountain and ice lake to irrigate the surrounding land. So, beforeand after the mountain, cattle and sheep are fat, crops are flourishing, and ahundred flowers are blooming. Therefore, people living in this area have greatrespect for the goddess and often praise her in various beautiful words.

From the summit of Rongbu temple, we have to pass through two importantsections, namely the well-known Beiao and the second step. Beiao is the gatewayto climb Mount Qomolangma from the north slope. It is a saddle shaped ice wallwith an altitude of 7007 meters. There are ice cracks all over it. It is a verydifficult natural obstacle to overcome. The second step is more than 300 metersaway from the peak. In 1960, it took eight days for the national mountaineeringteam to reach the top from the base camp, including six days from Beiao to thetop. The last 50 meters took 19 hours to reach the top without oxygen. Beforeand after the national mountaineering teams opened up five routes to climbEverest. In 1953, the British mountaineering team ascended along the southeastridge from the south slope; in 1960, the Chinese national mountaineering teamascended along the North Ridge from the north slope over Beiao; in 1975, theBritish mountaineering team ascended from the south slope; in 1980, the Japanesemountaineering team ascended from the vertical cliff on the front of the northslope, which is the most difficult route to climb Mount Everest. In 1988, China,Japan and Nepal jointly formed a team to climb from the north and south sides ofQomolangma at the same time, realizing a "double leap" in human history. In1990, China, the United States and the Soviet Union joined forces to climb MountEverest. In 20__, it reached the summit again.

The most interesting thing on Mount Everest is the cloud floating on thetop of the peak, which seems to be a flag flying on the top of the peak, so thiskind of cloud is vividly called flag cloud or flag cloud. The shape and postureof the flag cloud on Mt. Everest are various, sometimes like a flag flutteringin the wind; sometimes like the rough waves; sometimes it turns into a curlingsmoke; just like a galloping horse; for a while, it is like a gently flutteringveil. All this adds a lot of magnificent scenery to Mount Everest, which can becalled one of the worlds major wonders.

What causes the formation of flag clouds on Mt. Qomolangma? It turns outthat the flag clouds are formed by convective cumulus clouds. According to theposition and height of the cloud, we can infer the size of the wind force on thepeak. If the flag cloud moves upward, it means that the upper air wind issmaller; if it tilts downward, the wind will be stronger; if it is level withthe peak, the wind will be about level 9. Therefore, the flag cloud of MountEverest is also known as "the highest wind vane in the world".

Let me introduce Mount Everest National Nature Reserve to you. MountEverest Nature Reserve was designated as a National Nature Reserve in 1993. Thereserve is located at the junction of Tibet Autonomous Region and the kingdom ofNepal, with a total area of 3.38 million hectares and a population of more than70000. The area is divided into 7 core protection areas, namely tuolonggou,rongha, xuebugang, Jiangcun, gongdang, Zhufeng and Xixiabangma, and 4 scientificexperimental areas, namely Chentang, Nyalam, Jilong and gongdang.

At the southern foot of the Himalayas, the nature reserve is the highest inChina. It has one of the worlds top ten landscapes, the Kama Valley, with analtitude of 2300 meters, a length of 55 kilometers from east to west, an averagewidth of 8 kilometers from north to south, and an area of 440 square kilometers.There are 2101 species of angiosperms, 20 species of gymnosperms, more than 200species of pteridophytes, more than 600 species of bryophytes and lichens, andmore than 130 species of fungi in the reserve; there are more than 50 species ofmammals in the wild animals, among which there are more than 10 species ofnational first-class protected animals, such as langur, Tibetan wild donkey,Tarr sheep, leopard, snow leopard, black pheasant, etc. Snow leopard is thesymbol animal of Everest nature reserve.

The original forest is dense, including Abies himalayana, larch, birch,juniper, shrub, Fargesia, alpine pine, spruce, Nepalese sandalwood, Magnolia,arbor pine, Rhododendron and other major tree species, as well as wild plantswith high ornamental value and medicinal value such as magnolia, Panaxnotoginseng and Coptis chinensis.

In the upper part of the vast forest sea, altitude: 3800 meters to 4500meters is alpine grassland, with Artemisia, fleas and other plants. The area5500-6000 meters above the snow line is covered with permanent snow. Glaciersare formed year by year due to non melting ice and snow. Rongbu glacier is thelargest glacier in the reserve. In addition, there are iceberg glaciers andsuspended glaciers.


Mount Qomolangma is 8848 meters above sea level. It is the highest peak inthe world. It is located on the border between China and Nepal in the middlesection of the Himalayas and just south of Dingri County in Xigaze Prefecture,Tibet. The peak is covered with snow all the year round, a holy scene. MountQomolangma area has four peaks more than 8000 meters and 38 peaks more than 7000meters, which is known as the third level of the earth.

"Qomolangma" in Tibetan means "mother of the earth". In Tibetan, Jo Mo"Zhumu" means goddess, and glang Ma "Longma" should be understood as motherelephant (in Tibetan, glang Ma has two meanings: High Mountain willow and motherelephant). According to the myth, Mount Everest is the palace where the tshering mched lnga lives. It is generally called Mount Everest in the west tocommemorate George Everest, the director of the Survey Bureau of India, who wasresponsible for surveying the Himalayas when the British occupied Nepal. Themost recent measurement of Mount Everest was made in 1999 by the NationalGeographic Society of the United States using the global positioning system.They believed that the altitude of Mount Everest should be 8850 meters. Thealtitude of Mount Everest, now recognized by the peoples Republic of China, wasdetermined by the mountaineering team of the peoples Republic of China in 1975,which is 8848.13 meters. But the outside world also has 8848 meters, 8840meters, 8850 meters, 8882 meters and other statements. Recently, on May 22,20__, the mountaineering team of the peoples Republic of China successfullyclimbed to the top of Mt. Everest to accurately measure the height of Mt.Everest again. The new height of Mt. Everest is 8844.43 meters. At the sametime, 8848.13m in 1975 was stopped. Interestingly, although Mount Everest is thehighest peak in the world, its peak is not the farthest point from the earthscenter. This particular spot belongs to the Chimborazo mountains in SouthAmerica. The towering image of Mount Everest has been influencing the local andeven the whole world. The back of the fourth edition of RMB 10 is MountEverest.

At the foot of Mount Qomolangma, there is Rongbu temple, the highest templein the world. At the same time, Rongbu temple is also the best place to watchMount Qomolangma, with a straight-line distance of 25 km.

Most of the mountains in Western China are long and steep. Located on theborder of Chinas Tibet Autonomous Region with Nepal, India and other countries,the Himalayan Mountains stretch for more than 2400 kilometers, with an averageelevation of more than 6000 meters. They are the most magnificent mountains inthe world.

In the Himalayas, there are more than 50 peaks at an altitude of more than7000 meters, 16 peaks at an altitude of more than 8000 meters, and the famousones are Nanfeng, Xisha Bangma and Gancheng Zhangjia. "Himalaya" means "land ofice and snow" in Tibetan. It is covered with ice and snow all the year round.The ice peaks are like swords leaning on the sky, and the glaciers are likesilver snakes winding. The most towering is Mount Qomolangma, which is locatedon the border between China and Nepal. It is 8844.43 meters high and is thehighest peak in the world.

Mount Qomolangma has a high potential and unique geographical environment.The lowest temperature at the top of the mountain is minus 30-40 ℃ all the yearround. In some parts of the mountain, snow does not melt all the year round, andglaciers, ice slopes and ice pagodas can be seen everywhere. The oxygen contentof the air is only a quarter of that of the eastern plain area, and there areoften strong winds of magnitude 7-8. Strong winds of force 12 are not uncommon.Wind blowing snow, flying everywhere, filled the sky. Mount Qomolangma is ofgreat scientific research value, which has been noticed for a long time. In1960, Chinese mountaineers and scientists overcame many difficulties and madethe first ascent to the top of Mount Everest from the north slope, creating anunprecedented miracle in the history of mountaineering in the world. Since the1960s, Chinese scientists have carried out a comprehensive investigation of theEverest region, and obtained rich and valuable data in many aspects, such aspaleontology, physical geography, alpine climate, modern glaciers and landforms.In 1975, with the cooperation of the Chinese mountaineering team, Chinesesurveying and mapping workers climbed Mount Everest again, measured its heightaccurately, and drew a detailed map of the area. All these provide an extremelyimportant scientific basis for China to develop and utilize the naturalresources of the Tibetan Plateau.

The Himalayan region where Mount Qomolangma is located used to be an ocean.In a long geological period, a large amount of gravel and sand were washed fromthe land and accumulated in the Himalayan region, forming a marine sedimentaryrock layer with a thickness of more than 30000 meters. Later, due to the strongorogeny, the Himalayas were squeezed and uplifted violently. According to thecalculation, the average elevation is about 20-30 meters every 10000 years. Upto now, the Himalayas are still rising.

Ma Alin, Zhu Mu Lang, was written in the complete map of Huangyu (1717) inthe 56th year of Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty. In 1855, under the leadershipof the British, the Bureau of survey of India named this peak after the surnameof S.G. erfield, the director of the Bureau. In 1952, the government of thepeoples Republic of China renamed the peak Qomolangma. Nepal is called SakyaMata. On May 25, 1960, the mountaineering team of the peoples Republic of Chinaclimbed the peak from the north slope for the first time. The Academy ofSciences of the peoples Republic of China has also organized many large-scalecomprehensive scientific expeditions and obtained a large number of importantscientific data.

In March 1989, Mount Everest National Nature Reserve was established. Thereserve covers an area of 33800 square kilometers. The area is rich in rare andendangered biological species, including 8 species of national first classprotected animals, such as langur, bear monkey, Himalayan tal sheep, leopard,etc. There are more than 600 glaciers at the top of the mountain, covering anarea of 1600 square kilometers. The longest glacier is 26 kilometers. When thesun rises to the East, the huge mountain peak is gorgeous under the red light.In addition, many peculiar natural landscapes often appear, attracting a largenumber of domestic and foreign tourists.

Mt. Qomolangma is a huge pyramid shaped mountain, majestic and majestic,with extremely steep terrain and extremely complex environment. The height ofsnow line is 5800-6200m on the north slope and 5500-6100m on the south slope.There are three steep cliffs (North, East and southwest) in the middle ofnortheast ridge, Southeast ridge and west ridge. There are 548 continentalglaciers between them, with a total area of 1457.07 square kilometers and anaverage thickness of 7260 meters. The glaciers are mainly supplied by themetamorphism of snow cover in the Indian Ocean monsoon belt. On the glacier,there are a variety of magnificent and rare ice pagoda forests, ice cliffs ashigh as tens of meters, light and dark ice fissures with step-by-step traps, anddangerous ice avalanche and avalanche areas.

Mount Everest is not only magnificent, but also magnificent. Within 20kilometers of it, there are many peaks and mountains. There are more than 40peaks with an altitude of more than 7000 meters. The most famous ones are "Luozipeak" (8463 meters above sea level, the fourth highest peak in the world) andZhuo Qiong peak (7589 meters above sea level), which are 3 kilometers south. Inthe southeast is Makalu peak (8463 meters above sea level, the fifth highestpeak in the world), in the north is Zhangzi peak (7543 meters above sea level),in the West are Nuzi peak (7855 meters) and pumoli peak (7145 meters). On theperiphery of these huge peaks, there are some world-class peaks facing eachother from afar: ganchengjia peak, the third highest peak in the world (8585meters above sea level, the boundary peak between Nepal and Sikkim), in thesoutheast; gechongkang peak, 7998 meters above sea level, zhuoyou peak, 8201meters above sea level, and Xisha Bama peak, 8012 meters above sea level, in theWest. Formed a group of peaks, peak head of the surging magnificent scene.

Mount Qomolangma is a pyramid shaped mountain with glaciers, the longest ofwhich is 26 km. The top of the mountain is covered with ice and snow all theyear round, and the terrain is steep and high. It is a place that attracts theattention and yearns of mountaineering in the world. The climate of MountEverest is bad, and there are few sunny days. Its often violent weather, andthe wind comes with snow and sand. There are two seasons in a year to climb Mt.Everest: May and September to October. During these two periods, the wind speedat an altitude of more than 8000 meters was low, and there was little rain andsnow.

In fact, Rongbu temple and the Everest base camp are about 8 kilometersaway. If you have camping equipment, you can also live in the Everest base camp.You need to bring your own stove to cook. During the mountaineering season, thebase camp has liaison officers from the Tibet Mountaineering Associationstationed here. At that time, a small amount of food and water can be boughtfrom the liaison officers, but the price is more expensive, about three timeshigher than Lhasa. Beer costs 10 yuan per tin.

Not far from Mount Everest is the mountaineering checkpoint. After checkingthe procedures for entering the mountain, they let them go straight. After 40kilometers, you can reach a small village called zhaxizong. There are two orthree small restaurants with few vegetables. You can make do with some food. Ifyou continue to walk about 30 kilometers, you can see four snow capped mountainsover 8000 meters in a row when you cross the Cuola pass. You can get to the basecamp of Mount Everest by walking more than 20 kilometers downhill from here.

In the base camp of Mount Everest, you can find the manager of the postoffice of Mount Everest. For two yuan, you can build a commemorative postmark ofMount Everest, and then leave the postcard in the post office for delivery.After more than half a month, friends in the mainland can receive this valuablepostcard.


Dear tourists, we are now seeing Mount Everest, the highest peak in theworld. Qomolangma means "the third goddess" in Tibetan. Everest is the main peakof the Himalayas, with an altitude of 8848 meters. It is located on the borderbetween China and Nepal, with the north in Dingri County, Tibet, China, thesouth in Nepal, and the peak in China. Mount Qomolangma is a huge pyramid shapedmountain with steep terrain and complex environment. There are various types ofglaciers with a total area of 1500 square kilometers distributed between theridges and cliffs, and there are various kinds of beautiful and rare ice towerforests on the glaciers. Within 20 kilometers around Mt. Everest, there are manypeaks. Among the 14 peaks above 8000 meters in the world, there are 5. The peaksof 6-7 kilometers are all around, forming a magnificent landscape with manypeaks.

According to the analysis of geological structure, in ancient times, thewhole Himalayas was still the sea. From about the late Cenozoic tertiary, thedeep rock strata under the sea were affected by the strong Himalayan orogeny,and the sea floor rose and emerged, gradually rising to become the highest andyoungest "roof of the world". Standing on the top of the earth, Qomolangmaitself is the most typical fault block mountain in the Himalayas. Its pyramidshaped peak is composed of Ordovician brown marble and crystalline limestone.According to the determination of scientists, Everest is still rising, with anaverage annual speed of 3.2 mm to 12.7 mm, continuing to set a new worldrecord.

Dear tourists, there are many beautiful legends about Mount Everest. It issaid that when Songzanganbu was king of Tibet, the Himalayas and Mount Everestwere beautiful places with flowers in full bloom. Songzanganbu ordered that thisplace should be specially used for raising a hundred birds. The original namewas "luozamarang", which means the place for raising birds in the south. In the8th century, the Tibetan king chisongdezan sent people from India to welcome theancestor of lianhuasheng to spread Tibetan Buddhism, and Buddhism graduallyprevailed in Tibet. There are five goddesses seats in the monthly sacrifice tothe gods. Each of the five goddesses has its own name. This is the earliestTibetan name for the five peaks of the Himalayas in China. They are known as the"five sisters of longevity", and Qomolangma ranks the third, named Cuiyan fairy,who is the goddess of defending and reproducing the race. The other four peaksare respectively Fushou fairy, Zhenhui fairy, guanyong fairy and Shiren fairy.People think that the third goddess is the most beautiful. She is calledzhumulangsangma in Tibetan, so she uses her name to call Mount Qomolangma, thehighest mountain in the world.

Dear tourists, the most interesting thing about Mt. Everest is the cloudsfloating on the top of the peak, which seems to be a flag flying on the top ofthe peak, so this kind of cloud is called flag cloud or flag cloud. The shapeand posture of the flag cloud on Mt. Everest are various, sometimes like a flagfluttering in the wind; sometimes like the rough waves; sometimes it turns intothe rising smoke; just like a galloping horse, and then like a gently flutteringveil. All this adds a lot of magnificent scenery to Mount Everest, which can becalled one of the worlds major wonders. What causes the formation of flagclouds on Mt. Qomolangma? It turns out that the flag clouds are formed byconvective cumulus clouds. According to the position and height of the cloud, wecan infer the size of the wind force on the peak. If the flag cloud movesupward, it means that the upper air wind is smaller; if it tilts downward, thewind will be stronger; if it is level with the peak, the wind will be aboutlevel 9. Therefore, the flag cloud of Mount Everest is also known as "thehighest wind vane in the world".

Dear tourists, Everest National Nature Reserve, established in 1988, islocated at the border between Tibet and Nepal. It is the most uniquebiogeographical region in the world. Everest nature reserve is a comprehensivenature reserve, which is composed of three parts: core reserve, scientificexperimental zone and economic development zone. The alpine Canyon and glaciersnow peak in the reserve are very spectacular. The ecosystem types in thereserve are diverse, and the rare and endangered species are extremely rich.There are more than 10 national first class protected animals, such as langur,bearmonkey, Himalayan tal sheep, etc. among them, snow leopard is the landmarkanimal in Zhumulangma National Nature Reserve. The reserve is also rich inwater, light and wind energy resources. When the sun rises to the East, the hugepeaks are colorful in the red light. In addition, many peculiar naturallandscapes have attracted a large number of domestic and foreign tourists.

Dear tourists, Mount Everest is a place that the worlds mountaineers yearnfor. At the foot of Mount Everest is Rongbu temple, the highest temple in theworld. From the summit of Rongbu temple, we have to pass through two importantsections, namely the well-known Beiao and the second step. Beiao is the gatewayto climb Mount Qomolangma from the north slope. It is a saddle shaped ice wallwith an altitude of 7007 meters. There are ice cracks all over it. It is a verydifficult natural obstacle to overcome. The second step is more than 300 metersaway from the peak. In 1960, Chinas national mountaineering team crossed Beiaofrom the north slope to the top along the North Ridge. This is the mostdifficult route to climb Mount Everest, creating an unprecedented miracle in thehistory of mountaineering in the world. It took 8 days for the nationalmountaineering team to reach the top from the base camp, including 6 days fromBeiao to the top, and the last 50 meters took 19 hours without oxygen. Themountaineering teams of various countries have opened up many routes to climbEverest. In 1953, the British mountaineering team ascended from the south slopealong the southeast ridge. In 1988, China, Japan and Nepal jointly formed a teamto climb from the north and south sides of Qomolangma at the same time,realizing a "double leap" in human history. Dear friends, lets pay homage tothese warriors who use their lives to create miracles on the roof of theworld!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1918 字

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Hello, everyone!

Im a tour guide in the historic district of Macao. You can call me XiaoZhang. I hope you can understand the charm of Macaos historical city from myexplanation.

Let me give you a brief introduction to the historic district of Macao. Thehistoric district of Macao is a historic district with the old urban area ofMacao as the core, including square space in front of the convention hall,lobby, pigeon nest, and 20 scenic spots, such as mage temple, Port Authoritybuilding, Zhengjia house, all of which are listed in the world heritage list.The historic district of Macao has preserved the historical essence of Macaoscultural exchanges between China and the West for more than 400 years. It is theoldest, largest and best preserved historic district in China, with westernarchitecture as the main part and Chinese and Western architecture reflectingeach other. It is an important witness of the spread of Western religiousculture in China.

Now were going to the Da Sanba memorial archway. Lets start from thefountain in front of the meeting hall and walk north along the wavy gravel road.Ah! Its not a wide street. There are many artistic buildings on both sides ofthe street, which make us dizzy. Good! Almost to the highest point of thehillside, tourists, dashanba memorial archway stands in front of them. The mostfamous place of interest in Macao, the Da San Ba memorial archway, has long beena symbol of Macaos history and culture. I tell you that it is not actually amemorial archway, but the front wall of St. Pauls church. In 1835, St. PaulsUniversity, which is adjacent to the church, caught fire, and the church wasdamaged. The front wall of the main gate and the large stone steps built againstthe mountain are made of solid stones, which cant be destroyed by the fire, sothey are preserved to this day.

Please visit the memorial archway carefully, and do not litter, protect thememorial archway.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2481 字

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Believe that everyone heard of bao zheng, he is a impartial officials, to be honest and clean, many animated films, TV show him. This summer holiday, my parents and I went to visit his hometown - hefei, feeling his special charm.

In hefei, I must go to hatosy park to take a look at. Into the hatosy park, will meet head-on guided a group of tourists. Guides to show visitors: "we in the river, called hatosy, a total of 15 hectares of the water. The fish in the water, the back color is black, called tough fish; the lotus root, in the water cut is said to have to pull out silk, called selfless lotus root. These together is called the untouchables. The river a vivid interpretation of baos character and quality." I listen to the tour guide also beside the introduction, I understand the knowledge, also enable me to further understand the significant influence to the later generations "bao zheng" spirit.

Those who go after, we continue to move forward. I saw a gate hanging on a plaque, it reads "BaoXiaoSu male shrine". Began to also dont understand what meaning, listen to the mothers explanation, I didnt know, "filial piety mood is bao died people addressed to him. The male temple, a golden bao zheng big statue stands in the center of the hall, both sides still stand dynasty, mahan, get, yan-fang. In the left of "leading", "tiger", "dog" three Zha, is dark and solemn. Take photos with people here. In addition, on the statue and hanging five tablets, and inscription respectively for "guang Yang vital qi", "color is cold mountain", "straight" of the century, clean "justice" and "cool breeze bright day", they gave praise baos personality and sentiment.

Then, we went to the "CV 23", "liufang pavilion", "rings back porch" and "the wind pavilion". Standing on the "wind pavilion" overlooking the distant scenery is really good.

By the way, we also went to "packet cemetery". Into the tomb, a chill. Cliff in QiYou side wall on each side, with 24 filial piety stories, I was particularly impressed with the carp lying ice o, cry bamboo raw bamboo shoots, traces of "orange", they are both in the interpretation of the meaning of "filial piety", praising bao zheng is a model of filial piety family, elders. Burial chamber head on a glass door, there are baos coffin and relics, many people came to visit. Looked at bao zheng had left by the ruins, we also miss the impartial "bao zheng".

Visited hatosy park, I think, we all should learn to zheng make a man of integrity.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5782 字

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Hello, everyone

Im your tour guide today. You can call me Xiao _! Today, Im going tovisit Qianling mountain park with you. Here, Xiao _ wish you a happy trip!

Dear tourists, the Qianling mountain park we visited today is a large-scalecomprehensive park in Guiyang City, known as "the first mountain in SouthernGuizhou". It is said that in the 20__ year of Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty(1672 A.D.), monk Chisong, the founder of Hongfu temple, planted ancient pinesupside down on the mountain and survived. Therefore, it got its name, whichmeans "it must be a place of outstanding people to gather the spirit ofGuizhou.". Qianling Park integrates mountain, water, forest, cave, spring,temple and monkey. It is a famous urban forest park in China. It mainly includesHongfu temple, Guanzhu Pavilion, Qianling Lake, zoo, Qilin cave and other scenicspots. Now lets appreciate the beauty of each scenic spot one by one!

Dear tourists, now the winding path under our feet is called "Jiuqu path",which is named for its nine big curves. Stepping on the stone path, the ancientBuddha cave not far away is dedicated to an ascetic monk, which probably existedbefore the opening of Chisong mountain. So Xu Xiake, a great traveler in thelate Ming Dynasty, mentioned this ancient Buddha cave in his diary of travelingto Guizhou. Along the stone wall beside the mountain road, there are many stonecarvings, from "the first mountain", "Qianling scenic spot" to "Amitabha Buddhain the South" Guide people to approach Buddhism and feel the state of "heart isBuddha". When Mr. Dong Biwu visited this place, he felt that he had left behind"the first mountain in Southern Guizhou, which was praised by my waist andfeet.". The spring is clear, the trees are ancient, the leaves are slightlydetached, and the two peaks outside the temple stand like a pass.

All the way hard, finally came to the famous ancient temple Hongfu templein Central Guizhou. Members, this large stone sculpture on my right hand iscalled "Jiulong bathing Buddha". It is said that when Sakyamuni was born, ninedragons spat water to bathe him. On the left side is Hongfu temple. The gate ofHongfu temple is a archway building with three gateways. The inscription "thefirst mountain in Southern Guizhou" is written by former vice president DongBiwu. The inscription "Hongfu Temple" is written by Zhao Puchu, President ofChina Buddhist Association. Do you know why there are always three openings inthe mountain gate? It symbolizes the "three liberation gates" of Buddhism,namely, the empty gate, the Wuxiang gate and the Wuzuo gate. Therefore, if thedoor in the middle is opened, it is to escape and become a monk. Hongfu templewas built in 20__ of the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty. It has a history ofmore than 300 years. It is located on the flat ground where Xiangwang mountain,zhangbo peak and Baota peak intersect. It is surrounded by mountains on threesides and covered with green shade. The whole temple sits in the West and faceseast. The whole layout is like a character. In the temple, the first hall isTianwang hall, the second hall is Guanyin hall, and the third hall is the mainhall, Daxiong hall. Behind the Daxiong hall is the Jade Buddha Hall. There aremore than ten jade Buddhas, all of which are invited by Honghui, a Chinese monkand Nun, from Yangon, Myanmar.

Members of the group, this is the pavilion of view building! BecauseGuiyang is also known as "building a city", and you can see the panoramic viewof Guiyang from here. Climbing the pavilion from afar is like eclosion andimmortality, so this pavilion is also called "Pavilion of view building". Thethree words of "Pavilion of view building" were written by Master Liu Haisu inthe spring of 1986. Chairman Zhu De also went to the pavilion in March 1962 andwrote a poem praising Guiyang: "looking at Guiyang from Qianling mountain, wewill change our clothes after ten years of construction. Many young people arebrave and handsome, and they are eager to build their hometown. "

Dear tourist friends, it is said that it is easy to go up the mountain butdifficult to go down. Please rest assured that it is the opposite on Qianlingmountain. If you dont believe we can experience it, lets go down to QianlingLake, zoo and Qilin cave together!

Members, the water lake we see is Qianling Lake. It used to be a smallriver, but later a dam was built to form Qianling Lake. The lake has a surfacearea of about 20 hectares and a storage capacity of 1 million cubic meters. Youcan fish, swim and row. There are teahouses, promenades and waterside pavilionsbeside the lake, which is a good place for leisure.

Dear tourists, on our way to the zoo, I believe you have seen macaquesgathered by the roadside. There are many such macaques living in Qianlingmountain park. In 1984, the zoo put more than 100 macaques in captivity onQianling mountain for wild breeding. In 20__, the number of macaques hasincreased to more than 500. People in Guiyang often take macaques favorite foodto visit the elves in this group of cities. People in the park play and enjoythemselves, which has become a major feature of the park.

Members of the group, the cave in front of us is the Qilin cave. Thisnatural cave is named for its huge stalagmite, which looks like a qilin. Infront of the cave, there are luxuriant Lagerstroemia indica and three hundredyear old pomegranate trees. This "water moon nunnery" beside the cave, duringthe Anti Japanese War, once held two famous Anti Japanese patriotic generals,Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng. It has left many stories and has now beenturned into an exhibition room.

Dear tourist friends, todays tour of Qianling mountain park is over. Thankyou for your support to my work. Welcome to Qianling Mountain Park again! I wishyou a better life and work!



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Hello, everyone! First of all, welcome to Dalian, a coastal city.

Here is a brief introduction of Dalian: Dalian is a beautiful coastal city,surrounded by the sea on three sides and supported by mountains on the otherside. It only spans two of Chinas four seas (Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East ChinaSea and South China Sea), Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea. Therefore, the climate ispleasant, the air is fresh, the summer is not hot, the average temperature inAugust is 24 degrees, the winter is not cold, the average temperature is - 5 to- 10 degrees, just suitable for skiing, and it is not cold. Dalian is not big,with a total area of 13600 square kilometers, a population of 6 million and anurban population of 2.8 million. Its total economic volume is the largest innortheast mountain province, with per capita disposable income of 13350 yuan.Dalian is divided into Zhongshan, Xigang, Shahekou, Ganjingzi, Lushun andJinzhou. Wafangdian, Pulandian, Zhuanghe, three county-level cities, and anisland county in Changhai.

Although you have been in Dalian for a long time, only two days, it is yourwish and my wish to see more Dalian and know more about Dalian in just two days.So I want to lead you to have a comprehensive understanding and highlight thekey points to lead you to play. On the one hand, I will try to talk as much aspossible. I will talk about what I see and what I dont see. On the other hand,in the arrangement of tour routes, we should try our best to show you the mostrepresentative side of the city. Sunshine, beach and sea are the most popularand romantic tourism slogans in the world, and also the most fashionable pursuitof healthy life. Therefore, watching, playing and eating the sea have become themost popular tourism projects in Dalian.

The so-called comprehensive understanding is to let everyone have acomprehensive understanding of Dalian. The tour is mainly composed of severalparts: first, to understand the citys features. Dalian was first built by theRussians in 1899, but now it has a history of more than 100 years. It has gonethrough several stages, such as tsarist Russia leasing, Japanese occupation, andSoviet Red Army garrison, for more than half a century. Therefore, the city hasa strong external cultural atmosphere. The mode and construction style of thewhole city are different from other traditional cities, but the square is thecenter, the road is radial, and the buildings are mainly European style. Thesecond is to understand history, which is mainly concentrated in Lushun.

Dalian is a famous coastal city. If you dont look at the seaside scenery,you cant be regarded as Dalian. There is a national tourist resort in Dalian,which is Jinshitan. There is a national tourist resort in Dalian, which isJinshitan. It is not only the representative of the coastal scenery of Dalian,but also a collection of many modern cultural landscapes. Because of manyprecious rocks and reefs, it has been rated as the National Geopark and naturalgeological museum.

The fourth is to watch the panorama of Dalian, which includes watching thenight scene of Dalian. We have a saying there that "there is heaven above andSuzhou and Hangzhou below, which is not as brilliant as the night scene ofDalian." Dalian is also the third pearl of China --- the Pearl of the north.There are two ways to see the panorama. One is to look at it from a height,which is the most effective way. The other is to jump out of Dalian to seeDalian. There is a saying that "I dont know the true face of Lushan Mountain,but I am only in Lushan Mountain."

What I said just now is a comprehensive understanding, so what is the keypoint? Let me ask you how much you know about Dalian, that is, the mostrepresentative of the level of Dalian tourism projects are presented to you, sothat you will be deeply impressed by Dalian. Its like going to Taiping mountainin Hong Kong, going to Mazu temple in Macao, going to Pattaya in Thailand,watching the human demon show, and climbing the Great Wall in Beijing.Otherwise, its the same as not going to this country or region. So what isDalians tourism boutique? Where is Dalians brightest eye? I will also focus ongiving you a few with the word "most".

The first, the most powerful and emotional tourism project, Tiger Beachpolar marine animal museum. This project is not only the best in China, but alsothe only one in China, and it is the worlds best certified by Guinness. Theso-called sensational, that is to say, no matter how unhappy you are at thistime, how introverted your personality is, you will be excited immediately whenyou enter the Polar Museum, and Dalian people are very confident, no matter howmany places you walk on the road and how many scenic spots you have seen, onlythere can you reach the climax of your excitement. Its like a condensed polarworld where you can enjoy the best performances of many animal stars. I wontsay how wonderful it is. You can imagine it.

The second is the most magical and wonderful tourism project, the sea worldof Saint Asia. This is the worlds largest and the only situational ocean themepark in the world. Introduce the creative concept of Dinis Park in the UnitedStates. The scene design of the whole journey is full of rich imagination andmystery like science fiction. It can be said that every step is a story, andevery step is a legend.

The third most romantic tourism project is the coral Pavilion in tigerbeach, which is the largest in Asia and has the largest variety of exhibits inAsia. Romance refers to the mermaid performance, underwater ballet and weddingperformance. The most popular tourism projects in Dalian are far more thanthese, such as the happy theater and sea animal museum, the largest ocean parkand snake Museum in Asia, the largest forest park in China, and the largestfour-dimensional cinema in Asia. When we passed by these tourism projects, Iexplained them to you carefully.

Maybe my friends will ask why there are so many tourism projects with thebest in Dalian, which also reflects the characteristics of Dalian people. If youdont do anything, you should do the best. Presumably, my friends will do thesame. If you dont look at it, you should look at it. Travel is to have fun andincrease your knowledge. Only in this way can you travel. Right

My friends, can you tell me the basic impression of Dalian when you come toDalian? Yes, there are three more and three less in Dalian. According to yourobservation of Dalian, lets see what the three more and three less are. Thereare more squares, more green spaces and more European style buildings in Dalian.There are more than 50 large squares in Dalian, which are of different shapesand distributed in all districts.

Square is originally an organic part of the city. Just as a high-gradehotel must have a spacious and luxurious lobby, and a modern living room cannotdo without a comfortable living room, the square is also known as the "livingroom of the city". Bo Xilai, then mayor, once described such a blueprint for us:Dalian should not build the garden in the city, but build the city in the gardento let the people go out You can go into the garden. Dalian is the most greencity in North China with more than 42% green coverage.

Lvshun introduction: Lvshun is 46.8 km from Dalian, 40 minutes by car.

Having said so much, you already have a basic impression of Dalian! Now Iwill gradually let you know more about Dalian. To understand Dalian, we shouldstart from its history. According to the research, people lived in Dalian 6000years ago. In the early Tang Dynasty, Dalian was called sanshanpu. In theEastern Jin Dynasty, Lushun was called mashijin. In the Yuan Dynasty, it wasrenamed SHIZIKOU. After the outbreak of Sino Japanese War of 1894-1895, theruling power of Dalian and Lushun always overlapped between Japan, Qinggovernment and Russia. They were not liberated until 1945. At the beginning ofliberation, Dalian and Lushun were once two cities, and then merged into LvDacity.

In 1981, it was renamed Dalian. Lushun is mainly a relic of modern history,known as the Museum of modern Chinese history. Lushun is located in the "throat"zone of Bohai Sea, the only inland sea in China. Once foreign warships captureLushun, Beijing, the capital of China, will open its doors. Therefore, Lushun isalso called "Beijing Tianjin gateway". It is a must for imperialists to invadeChina. Lushun military port is not frozen or silted all the year round. The portopens to the southeast, facing the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea, surrounded bymountains. The terrain is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Itwas recognized as one of the five largest military ports in the world at thattime.

However, this did not stop the tsarist Russia and Japans ambition forLushun. In order to further achieve the goal of invading China, Japan, at thecost of thousands of soldiers lives, fought two major wars there one afteranother, which plundered Lushun. The two battles were Sino Japanese War andRusso Japanese war. The outbreak of Sino Japanese war in 1894. More than 30000Japanese aggressors landed from Zhuanghe, captured Lushun and massacred innocentpeople for four days and four nights. At that time, there were about 20000people in Lushun and 36 survivors.

There is a Wanzhong tomb in Lushun, which is the cemetery where the victimswere buried together. In order to remember the history of blood forever, afterthe liberation of Lushun, people began to build the tomb of Wanzhong and wrotefour big words on it: never forget. After the Sino Japanese War of 1894-1895,Japan forced the Qing government to sign the Treaty of Shimonoseki, one of whichwas the surrender of Liaodong Peninsula to Japan. The Treaty of Shimonosekihindered Russias strategic plan of dominating Liaodong and Northeast China, soit united Germany and France to force Japan to withdraw from Liaodong. Japanwithdrew as a last resort, and asked the Qing government for 30 million yuan toredeem Liaodong. Soon, the Russian army took advantage of the situation. After10 years of training, it made a comeback in 1904, so the Russo Japanese warbroke out in Lushun. The Russo Japanese war ended with the defeat of the Russianarmy, and Japan once again occupied Lushun for 10 years.



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Dear tourists

Hello, everyone. Im Hu Keyi, the tour guide of Sanqing mountain. Today, Iwill take you to visit Sanqing mountain, which is known as "the first fairy peakin the south of the Yangtze River and the most blessed place in the world".

Sanqing mountain, located in Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, is a famousTaoist mountain in China. It has beautiful scenery. It was listed as a nationalkey scenic spot in August 1988 and listed in the world natural heritage list inJuly 20__. Sanqing mountain scenic area covers a total area of 229 squarekilometers, which is "dangerous in the East and strange in the west, beautifulin the north and unique in the South".

First of all, Id like to show you the unique scenery of Sanqing mountain,goddess Sichun. Friends, please follow the direction of my fingers: the Qifengin front of me is more than 80 meters high. She looks like a dignified andbeautiful girl with high nose, cherry mouth, round chin and shoulder lengthhair. She is sitting upright, holding two pines in her hands, looking down onthe earth gently, as if to spread spring on the earth. It is said that thisgoddess is the 23rd daughter of Queen Mother of the west, named Yaoji. Peoplethink that she is the embodiment of spring, so she is called "goddess ofspring".

Next, Im going to show you another wonderful scenery of Sanqing mountain.Look, what does that stone peak look like? Yes, it looks like a python. It ismore than 120 meters high, leaping out of the deep canyon, holding its headhigh, guarding Sanqing mountain, which is the famous "Python out of themountain". My friends, if you look at it from another angle, what does it looklike? The lower half of it looks like an old man on his way in a hurry, and theupper half looks like a child about 10 years old, riding on the old mansshoulder and staring at the front with two eyes. The whole huge peak is like afather carrying his son to the examination room. The local people call it"looking forward to success". Its really a masterpiece of nature, and itsamazing.

There are many wonderful landscapes in Sanqing mountain, such as sea lionswallowing the moon, Guanyin listening to pipa, turtle exploring the sea, fairydrying shoes Dear tourists, if you have enough time, you can stay in Sanqingmountain for two days. I will take you all over Sanqing mountain to enjoy thebeautiful scenery of Sanqing mountain.



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