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现在咱们来到的是九华山的肉身宝殿,说到九华山的肉身宝殿,不能不提一个人。这个人叫金乔觉,是一个外国人,他来自古新罗,也就是今天的朝鲜半岛东南部。据史料记载,金乔觉是新罗国的一个王子, 24 岁时削发为僧,并从新罗国航海来到中国。他遍游中国的名山大川,最后落脚九华山,结庐修行。并遵照地藏菩萨的誓愿:“ 地狱未空,誓不成佛” 。在九华山修行期间,金乔觉降伏猛兽,采集药草,一边为山上百姓治病,一边传经布道,广施佛法,深得广大民众的爱戴。金乔觉渐渐声名远播,收了不少弟子。连当地的地方官也上山来听取佛法,并把他的事迹奏明了朝廷。

于是,追随金乔觉的人越来越多。由于山高林密土地少,粮食不能维持山上众僧的生计,他们不得不食用观音土。因为长期营养不良,当时的人们把金乔觉称为“ 枯槁僧” ,称其徒众为“ 枯槁众” 。但越是艰难困苦,金乔觉越是信念坚定,更加赢得众人的敬重,连新罗国僧众,也相继渡海前来跟随 。金乔觉九十九岁圆寂后,尸体历经三年都没有腐烂,面容跟生前一模一样,这些超自然的现象正和佛经上记载的地藏王菩萨相似。正好金乔觉法名金地藏,于是,佛门确认他为地藏王菩萨转世,人们修建塔墓供奉,顶礼膜拜。自此,九华山便声名远播,成了地藏王菩萨的道场。

现在我来为您解释一下这“肉身宝殿”所供奉的“肉身”的含义。肉身,原意是父母所生血肉之躯。佛门所谓的“ 肉身” 是指高僧圆寂后, 其身体虽经久远的年代, 却没有腐朽溃烂,保持着原形而栩栩如生。只有修行到非常高深境界的僧尼,才可以形成肉身。肉身不同于埃及的“ 木乃伊” 。在古埃及,殡葬仪式非常简单,只需在沙漠上挖个浅坑掩埋,由于沙漠气候干燥,遗体接触到热沙非常快脱水,细菌被杀死,自然作用形成木乃伊。后来的人工木乃伊是在人死后,将内脏、大脑等组织取出,然后把尸体用药物处理保存。 在中国新疆等地也曾经出土过木乃伊。 而九华山地处长江南岸,山中四季湿润,气候潮湿,不存在产生“ 木乃伊” 的自然条件,肉身也未经过任何药物处理。这种奇特的肉身现象,至今没有得到科学的解释。





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 960 字

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Its snowing again in Zhangjiakou. The snow is crystal clear, pure, naturaland unsophisticated. It is curling like a swans plumage and a jades pearblossom.

Snow fell to the ground, gently, quietly, for the earth covered with alayer of quilt. Sometimes, the snow is a little bit smaller, and it floats downlike reed catkins, covering the ground, thin, like gauze clothes on theearth.

The snow fell on the roof, and the red roof soon turned white. The wall isyellow, with a touch of white, gentle and elegant. After a while, it snowedheavily. There was too much snow on the roof. Some of them were squeezed down,floating and falling under the eaves.

The snow fell on the tree, and the tree was shaken by the wind. Althoughthe snow is sticky, it cant be swayed violently. It slowly flies down and makesa layer of small snowflakes under the tree. After a while, it mysteriouslydisappears.

Zhangjiakou, my hometown, your snow is so beautiful, your winter is sobeautiful!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2298 字

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During the winter vacation, I went back to my hometown Zhangjiajie andvisited the world-famous scenic spot Tianmen Mountain.

Tianmen Mountain cableway entrance is located in Zhangjiajie City, only 40minutes drive from my home. After buying the tickets, we took the cableway upthe mountain. The whole ride in the cableway lasted about 20 minutes. The morewe went to the top of the mountain, the more exciting it was.

Finally, we arrived at the top of the mountain. We started along the Shanxiline of Tianmen. The steep mountain road along the way, coupled with the coldwinter and the fog, made us feel as if we were in a fairyland. The more you goto the east line, the lower the temperature is. There are strings of icicles onthe cliff surface, and even the water droplets on the leaves form ice. At aglance, it looks like countless crystal clear ornaments. My family and I alljoked that it was like Japan in winter, even more beautiful.

Walking on the glass plank road built on the cliff, looking at the bottomof the foot, you can see that the whole plank road is built on the stone walllike a knife cut, which is covered with thick ice and snow, and then down, it isshrouded in white fog, you cant see anything clearly, which adds a mystery tothe beautiful scenery.

We walked from the west line to the east line like flying through theclouds. Along the way, some people are lamenting the magic of nature, whileothers are glad that the fog has covered the foot of the cliff, otherwise thetourists who are afraid of heights will not be so comfortable along the way.

We stop and go, about three hours later, we came to the most famous Tianmencave. But this time, because of the ice and snow weather at the top of themountain, the entrance has been closed. We cant go down the stairs to thebottom of Tianmen cave, we can only look down at Tianmen cave from the top ofthe mountain. Although I just looked down and far away, I was already amazed athow such a big natural cave was formed! My aunt who had been to Tianmen cavetold me that the cave is very big, and people would feel very small when theystand under it! The cave is so big that even a plane stunt once flew throughit!

If you want to experience the magic and mysterious Tianmen Mountain, pleasecome to my hometown Zhangjiajie, I can be your guide!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2137 字

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Referred to as "Beijing, Beijing is the capital of China, the countrys political and cultural center and international communication hub, is also a famous historical and cultural city, filled with the gas of the emperor, and honor. As early as 700000 years ago, in the Beijing choukoution area the primitive community "Peking person". Beijings first recorded name is "ji" (thistle). In 1045 BC, become the thistle, the capital of yan ducal states. From 221 BC, qin shi huang unified China to 937 AD, Beijing has always been a town in the north of China and the capital city of the local authority. In A.D. 938, the rule of liaoning in the north of China in Beijing (called yanjing) for capital; Later, jin, yuan, Ming and qing to every generation in the capital, more than 650 years before and after.

On October 1, 1949 of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, Beijing as the capital of new China. Here is the worlds largest, aross, heavily guarded palaces of the Forbidden City, shows the tolerance of the Summer Palace royal gardens, temple of heaven worship temple, imperial gardens in the north sea, badaling and mutianyu, simatai Great Wall and the worlds largest courtyard respectful wang fu and other places of interest. All appearing more magnanimouses vigour. As a cultural ancient capital, thousands of years, precipitated the rich history and culture here, not to mention the royal architectural style is elegant, the objects in the alley alone, a brick in the courtyard, the summer in a moment, had told us that its long. That the past residence of celebrities all the sections of vigorous historical stories, that these sites, all in recounting a deep-rooted historical events.

But all this did not prevent it and the cohesion and blending of the modernization, broad changan avenue traffic, crisscross road overpass, the wangfujing walking street flashing neon, sanlitun bar street due, bright lights, swaying the colour of profusion, with "Chinas silicon valley," said the noisy zhongguancun, became the capital is the pride of the people. Development of Beijing is moving toward a more brilliant tomorrow ran into.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6590 字

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Dear members, we have come to Tengwang Pavilion, the most famous historicalscenic spot in Jiangxi Province. Together with Yueyang Tower in Hunan Provinceand Yellow Crane Tower in Hubei Province, Tengwang Pavilion is known as the"three famous buildings in the south of the Yangtze River". Now please follow mysteps to appreciate the first floor of Xijiang. Tengwang pavilion was built in653 A.D. when Li Yuanying, son of Li Yuan, Emperor Gaozu of Tang Dynasty, wasappointed as the governor of Hongzhou. It is the only royal building in thesouth. Because Teng King Li Yuanying was granted the title of Tengzhou inZhenguan years, he became Teng king. He built a loft in Tengzhou and named it"Tengwang Pavilion". Later, he transferred to Hongzhou in Jiangnan and built apowerful Pavilion, which is still called "Tengwang Pavilion". This is also knownas Tengwang Pavilion in Jiangxi. The Tengwang pavilion that we can see at aglance is three stories, but in fact it is nine stories. Why is this? In fact,it is an imitation of Song Dynasty architectural style, adopting thearchitectural style of "three bright and seven dark". The so-called "threebright and seven dark" means that from the outside, there are only three storeyswith cloisters. In fact, there are seven storeys inside, plus two basements, atotal of nine storeys. Zhenzhen is an ancient mansion. In 1942, the reason whyTengwang Pavilion today is a Song Dynasty style building was that Mr. LiangSicheng, a master of ancient architecture, together with his disciple MoZongjiang, drew eight "plans for rebuilding Tengwang Pavilion" according to theOld Song Dynasty paintings of "Tianlai Pavilion". In the 29th reconstruction,the architects used this as a basis. On the occasion of celebrating the 40thanniversary of the founding of the peoples Republic of China, the 29threconstruction of Tengwang pavilion was successfully completed on October 8,1989 on the Double Ninth Festival, which not only adds luster to the ancientcity Nanchang, but also attracts a large number of Chinese and foreign touristswith its unique charm. Tengwang Pavilion is the pride of Nanchang, the symbol ofthe ancient civilization of Yuzhang, and the treasure of the cultural heritageof the Chinese nation.

Now we come to the gate, the green tiles and red pillars of Tengwangpavilion are magnificent. The roaring lions on both sides hold their heads upand shake their tails, lifelike. It fully shows the style of the famousbuilding. After stepping on the stone steps, we came to the gate on the firstfloor, and entered the pavilion from the main gate of dongbaoxia. A4.5-meter-long stainless steel arch couplet was hung on the red column in frontof the gate: "sunset and lone ducks fly together, autumn water grows in the samecolor.". This was written by Comrade Mao Zedong in his lifetime. This is one ofthe reasons why tengwangge, a famous poet in the early Tang Dynasty Wang Bospreface to tengwangge, is so popular. Step into the first floor. The first flooris the third floor of Tengwang Pavilion, which is the preface hall. What is ondisplay here is a white jade relief work "when the wind comes to send TengwangPavilion", which is created according to the story of the famous piece "when thewind comes to send Tengwang Pavilion" in Ming Dynasty Feng Menglongs XingshiHengyan. It records the origin of Tengwang Pavilion in the form of relief.

On the second floor, there is a dark layer. The theme of this layersfurnishings is "outstanding people". On the walls of the main hall, there is alarge acrylic mural "outstanding people", 2.55 meters high, It is more than 20meters long and vividly depicts Jiangxi celebrities from pre Qin to the end ofMing Dynasty. Although these people are different in times, costumes, status,age, occupation, quality and personality, they are harmoniously united in thesame picture.

Now we arrive at the third floor, which is a Ming floor surrounded bycorridors, and also an important level in the pavilion. Under the eaves, thereare four huge gold lettered plaques, all of which were designed by Cai Shiyingwhen he rebuilt Tengwang Pavilion. On both sides of the east hall are "luanqia"ritual vessels. On the north side of the hall are Jiangxi craft exhibits famousfor "natural treasures". The North ear hall is a teahouse, which is a place fortea and rest in the pavilion. There is a 2.8m × 5.5m acrylic mural "Linchuandream" on the screen wall of the central hall, which is based on the story ofTang Xianzu rehearsing "Peony Pavilion" in Tengwang Pavilion. In 1599, TangXianzu rehearsed "Peony Pavilion" in tengwangge for the first time, creating aprecedent for tengwangge to perform opera. From then on, tengwangge changed fromsinging and dancing stage to opera stage. Then come to the fourth floor. Thefourth floor is similar to the second floor, which is also a dark floor. Thislayer mainly reflects the theme of "Earth Spirit". On the walls of the mainhall, the wall is now in the "land map", which reflects the essence of Jiangxiswell-known mountains and rivers.

On the fifth floor, we can see that on the central screen wall of thecentral hall, there is a stele of Wang Bos preface to Tengwang Pavilion, whichis made of brass plate. It is nearly 10 square meters. It is written by SuDongpo. After being copied and enlarged, it is hand carved by craftsmen. On theeast wall of the West Hall, there is a polished lacquer painting "the paintingof a hundred butterflies and flowers". This theme is selected in memory of LiYuanying, the king of Teng, for his love and painting of butterflies. The fifthfloor is also the highest bright floor, the best place to climb the range rover.Here you can go to the corridor to experience the beautiful scenery of "sunsetand lone ducks flying together, autumn water growing in the sky".

Finally, on the sixth floor, which is actually the ninth floor, we can seethe West Hall, which is called "antique exhibition hall". It is a small stage.There are extremely precious copies of ancient musical instruments on the stage,implying the meaning of singing and dancing. On the three walls of the hall,there is a large-scale Tri Color mural of the Tang Dynasty, dance music of theTang Dynasty. At the same time, there are singing and dancing performances onthis floor. You can watch large-scale artistic performances here.

Well, members of the group, so far my explanation is over. You can seizethe time to visit the scenic spots you are interested in. In an hour, we willgather at the exit of the first floor to go to the next scenic spot. I hope youcan have a good memory in Tengwang Pavilion.



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The Erlong Mountain Ecotourism Zone is located in the north of Yangkouscenic spot, adjacent to Yangkou scenic spot and Laoshan National Forest Park inthe south, wanggezhuang office and Qingdao seaside sightseeing Avenue in thenorth. The scenic spot has pleasant climate, beautiful scenery, completeinfrastructure and superior geographical location. There are two Xiaowangreservoir and tangziguan reservoir, which are the birthplace of high-qualityLaoshan water. Binyang highway traverses it, and the traffic and communicationconditions are very convenient.

Erlong mountain is the hinterland of Laoshan National Forest Park. In theplanning scenic area, there are towering ancient trees, many strange stones, andmisty clouds all the year round. The greening rate of the mountain is more than90%. Tangziguan reservoir is surrounded by stone carvings from the Northern SongDynasty, Ming and Qing Dynasties and poems written by calligrapher Zhaomenglaiyou of the Song Dynasty. Xie Lidong, where the two princesses lived whenthe Song Dynasty was in trouble, has more than 50 scenic spots, such asxingshishan, xianrenbai, huanglinghou, Hutou mountain, thumb, guangguanggu, etc.There is a long tea culture in this area. Laoshan tea has been planted forthousands of mu, and the oldest tea tree has been more than 30 years. Withabundant water resources, the Xiaowang river basin covers an area of 16 squarekilometers. A 1.5 million cubic meter Xiaowang reservoir and a 120000 cubicmeter tangziguan reservoir have been built. The underground water is moreabundant and of high quality. Now eight Laoshan water production plants havebeen put into operation. There are countless rivers and streams in the touristarea. The reservoirs overlap and flow all the year round.

Erlong mountain scenic spot is an eco-tourism industry vigorously developedby Xiaowang community in Laoshan District. Xiaowang community is located in theeast foot of Laoshan Mountain, Yangkou Bay, wanggezhuang street, with apopulation of more than 3100 and a total area of about 12.2 square kilometers.It has beautiful scenery, pleasant climate, convenient transportation and richproducts. With the deepening of rural economic restructuring, Xiaowang communityhas made full use of its resource advantages and location advantages, vigorouslydeveloped urban agriculture and eco-tourism tourism industry, and its economicand social benefits have been greatly improved. Xiaowang community has beenawarded "national agricultural tourism demonstration site", Shandong Province"tourism characteristic village", and Erlongshan eco-tourism area "AA" It hasbeen awarded the titles of "grade a scenic spot", "Qingdao pollution-freeagricultural products production base", "Qingdao science popularizationeducation base", "Qingdao science popularization demonstration base", Qingdao"one village, one product" demonstration village, "Shandong Tea CultureAssociation group member unit" and "economic development advanced village".

Over the years, Xiaowang community has made great efforts to develop Valleyeco-tourism sightseeing, Laoshan Tea Culture Festival, tea town custom tour,peasant feast, tea town family and other characteristic projects with mountaineco-tourism characteristics, forming a relatively perfect folk eco-tourismsystem. It has successively invested in the construction of China Tea CultureMuseum, Laoshan tea Museum, Laoshan Taoist Culture Museum, Erlong mountainscenic spot and tourism park Thousand mu tea garden and other projects havedeveloped the eco-tourism area into a comprehensive tourism area integratingtourism, vacation, sightseeing, leisure, entertainment and shopping.



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Located in the southeast of Zhapo Town, Hailing Island, Yangjiang ZhapoDajiao Bay is surrounded by peaks on three sides and faces the vast South ChinaSea. The beach is 2.5km long and 100m wide. It looks like an ox horn, so it iscalled "Dajiao bay". It is the most famous scenic spot in Hailing Island.

As the saying goes, the mountain is not beautiful without water, the peakis not beautiful without clouds, the wind and waves in the Bay are soft, and thepeak is sometimes surrounded by clouds. Dajiao Bay is sunny, the beach is evenand soft, the sea is clear and pure, the air is fresh and oxygen rich, which isa good place for tourism and vacation.

After development and construction, dajiaowan scenic area has graduallyformed into three major areas: the east of the scenic area has become a sportsarea, and has become a training base for the national beach volleyball team. Ithas hosted International Beach Volleyball invitational tournament, Asian BeachVolleyball Championship, national 9th National Games beach volleyballtournament, National flipping board championship, national windsurfingchampionship and other events; To the west of the scenic spot is a leisure area,with beach garden bar and plant garden view. Tourists can listen to the waves,taste tea and fish here to enjoy the natural elegance;

In the middle of the scenic spot is the public bathhouse, with surfing, seasurfing, motorboats, power umbrellas, flying gliding, beach vehicles, ancientgun shooting range, field battlefield, sea paradise and folk show.

Dajiaowan scenic spot has developed into a southern seaside resortintegrating tourism, sightseeing, leisure, culture and sports. Dajiao Bay islocated in the southeast of Zhapo Town, Hailing Island, Yangjiang City,Guangdong Province, with its back against the green mountains and greenmountains. It is famous for its sunshine, sand beach, waves and seafood. It isthe most famous tourist attraction in Hailing Island and even Yangjiang area.The scenic spot is called "sister bay" together with Yangxi Shaba Moon Bay.

In recent years, with the opening of dalinggeng tunnel, vehicles can drivestraight along the ring road. When I saw the shining conch sculpture in the sun,I arrived at dajiaowan. The beautiful beach of dajiaowan is 2.45 kilometers longand 100 meters wide. The spiral shaped beach looks like a huge ox horn, so it iscalled dajiaowan.

Dajiao Bay is surrounded by peaks on three sides, facing the vast SouthChina Sea. On both sides of the Bay, Dajiao mountain and wangliao ridge arearched. The wind and waves in the Bay are soft, and the peak is sometimessurrounded by clouds and fog. The so-called mountain is not beautiful withoutwater, the peak is not beautiful without clouds, and the landscape level isrich.



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The Bund city sculpture group is located in the green corridor on the Bundof East Jinling Road in Shanghai. According to Chinese Taiwans guide, the beauty of thecity should have three components: architecture, sculpture and greening. Urbansculpture, also known as "urban eyes", is an important part of beautifying thecity. The Bund city sculpture group consists of three stainless steelsculptures: "light of the Pujiang River", "sail" and "wind". It is located inthe green corridor on the Bund of Jinling East Road, shining in the sun. "Thelight of the Pujiang River" has a novel shape. It is composed of vertical waterwaves and water drops, such as jumping notes on the staff. With a relaxed andcheerful melody, it sings the music of Huangpu River, the mother river ofShanghai. "Sail" shows that there are many sail walls on the Huangpu River, andthe fleet is sailing to the whole country; the connection between sails andsails, and the multi curve floating, increase the three-dimensional dynamic."Wind" is characterized by sharp and obtuse angles, arcs and broken lines, andfold fluctuation. The east wind blows vigorously and has a myriad ofappearances.



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Welcome to here, let me to introduce for everybody!

In northwest China, the beautiful city of xi an is a famous ten dynasties ancient capital. A landmark tower, Ming Great Wall ruins, huaqing pool and so on. Can be the most magnificent, the most famous is the wild goose pagoda.

Since the tang dynasty of great wild goose pagoda, built by master xuan zang, used to store the scriptures pagoda. Day it was built in the temple, historically, intact, for visitors to visit and tour, and now is the famous tourist attractions in our country, the symbol of the famous ancient city of xi an. Xi an ever central is printed on the wild goose pagoda, the wild goose pagoda is a sign of worthy of xi an.

The origin of the wild goose pagoda magic the occult. According to legend, in India the ogre tuo, a temple monks believe in hinayana, eats three net (that is, the wild goose, deer, calf meat). One day, a group of geese fly sky. A monk saw group of geese, letter said: "everybody not to eat today, bodhisattvas should know we are hungry!" Taking a wild geese fell dead in his word, the monk in front, he was pleasantly surprised, all times against temple monks, all think that this is the tathagata in educating them. Hence in the place where wild goose fell to the solemn ceremony was buried goose a tower, and called the wild goose pagoda. Xuan zang in the allusions, built the wild goose pagoda.

The earliest due to insufficient financial resources, wild goose pagoda is a building five floors, afterwards because of wu zetian believe in Buddhism, it built the ten layers. Unfortunately, five generations of war and down to seven layers, today is the seven layers of the blue brick flies in the tower. 64.5 meters high tower, each have a door on the ground, modelling concise, magnificence, is a rare masterpiece of buddhist art in our country.

From a distance, you will find that the wild goose pagoda is slightly tilted, this but there is a lot of. Xian a few times in the past, earthquake, earthquake tower like side slightly tilted, later, the tower body part for soil and groundwater is not uniform, the settlement of wild goose pagoda accelerated the tilt, now gradually recover the groundwater, the wild goose pagoda "right".

Wild goose pagoda is the first batch of national key protected cultural relics, after repeated repairs, the seven layers of blue bricks tower become solid, wild goose pagoda in the protection of cultural relics, social construction in the future, dont reduce the beauty of the classical past, this layer charming, mysterious veil. Attracts the world search for buddhist culture and the ancient Oriental civilization.



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Now we come to Shanghai Huangpu River bank Bund, first, I tour to everybody visit Bund to express the welcome, and wishes in advance each traveling to be happy.

New Bund altogether has five traveling routes, nearby yours left hand is by the reputation is Wan Guo constructs reads extensively the magnificent architectural complex and spacious Zhongshan Road, nearby your right hand is the wave light clear Huangpu River as well as the future resembles the brocade the Pudong land to embellish the financial trade area, at present for is novel uniquely goes sightseeing the tour area. This architectural complex, Zhongshan Road, go sightseeing the area, the Huangpu River, Lu Jiazui in the as if music five spectra, the industrious Shanghai people seem between the string string the symbol, is composing most newly the most gorgeous music movement, is welcome fellow guests presence.

The powder can call Bund? Simple saying, it passed once was the desolate beach place which outside the Shanghai old city the reed grew thickly together.

In 1840 after first Opium War, the tight lock entrance to a country has been driven out by the colonizing ocean artillery, Shanghai also is compelled to ward off for the commercial port. Since then, all kinds of west foreign style construction hastens to ground along with colonizing but towers in abundance, to this century the beginning of 30s, Shanghai as soon as leapt into the far east biggest metropolis from seashore small Yi.

At present these have the Europe Renaissance time style the construction, although stems from hand of the identical design, also is not constructs at an age, but their construction style is such harmonious unification, the day becomes. From Jinling east road Bund to outside white temporary bridge long only 1.5 kilometer arcs in,height scattered about, is standing erect row after row 52 styles each different construction, has England -like, France -like, ancient Greece -like and so on. Same year many foreign banks, the general meeting, the consulate and so on converged to this, some East Wall Street the name, formed the old Shanghai semicolonial and semifeudal society a historical miniature.

Everybody please looked that, the new Bund 2 east winds hotels, in the past once were the English general meetings which extremely is well-known, it is a model English ancient canonical expression constructs. The building high has 6 (continually basement), the roof north and south beginnings and ends respectively suppose □t look pavilion, the interior decoration are extremely magnificent. Inside a yet higher goal bar same year once because of has 110.7 foot Eastern longest bar cabinet but to be arrogant for a while, now USS Kentuckey quick dining room is located in.

New Bund 12 before are famous the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, this building constructed in 1923, was in the style of antiquity Greece -like dome construction. The building for approaches the square the rectangular construction, high 5, a crown hemispheroid level goes against the vegetable to have 7 in addition, the steel portal frame construction. In the building decorates extremely is fastidious, is equipped with country each kind of reception room and so on America, England and France, Russia, date. This place constructed the English once to brag for from The Suez Canal to far east Bering Strait most was fastidious construction.

Nearby close neighbor Hongkong and Shanghai Bank that building is the Shanghai customs building, is 19th century restores the old the principle construction, constructed in 1927, is now the world institute rarely is ominous. Above the building bell all around worthy of looking at arrives is in luck, each 15 minutes play sound section of short tunes, melodious are deep, reputation 10 miles.

After the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank building and the customs building all stem from English designer Wilson, Shanghai kindly called they are the sisters building, at present was still one of Shanghais important symbols.

East Nanjing the street intersection two buildings are called the peaceful hotel. Sat north the Southern Dynasty this Lou Jianyu in 1906, at that time the name collected the hotel, was a Shanghai extant earliest hotel. It may take a historical construction, is the English Chinese world renaissance. This building most major characteristic is sets up the surface color red brick to make the waist line, Bai Qiangzhuan makes the cover, looks by far both gravely is elegant, and other style, the reality is a rare excellent work.

Bunds these constructions, all are the China working people industrious wisdom crystallization, simultaneously has also reflected western colonizing to Shanghais plundering and the aggression. Now in order to let the people understand these constructions the history, in front of each big front door hangs has the data plate which the Chinese and English compares.

Regarding Bund, the Shanghai person also passes for hers name along with the time changes. Shanghai persons is called old Bund, after the liberation liberation before Bund to be called as Bund, now the people approve her are new Bund. In the history occurs has seized Bund many times the scene, but each time all has the completely different historical significance. Since partys 11 sessions of three CCP plenary conferences, the China reform and open policy strategic center of gravity also from the south but north, Pudongs development and the promotion enable Shanghai to walk the nation reform and open policy most front. The spring breeze blew awakes the deep sleep many year Shanghai Bund, the Chinese and foreign financial organ in abundance has also seized Bund. Shanghai has made the clear nest directs the phoenix the significant action, the Bund finance street house big replacement, will attract everywhere the old customer reto come to settle down, again will reveal the far east Wall Street elegant demeanour.

Bund is Shanghais symbol, also is the Chinese and foreign tourists must arrive place. But in before because the path narrow, the pedestrian vehicles are packed like sardines, seriously has affected the Bund overall image. For the change place beach appearance, the Shanghai peoples government performs Bund as the key point to transform. At present this street called, also is Bund which Zhongshan a group, is for commemorate pioneer Mr. Sun Yat-Sen which China democratic revolution names synthesizes the transformation a part. This group span 826 meters, the width 45 meters, suppose 6 to 10 traffic lanes. This broad line of communication not merely is restricted in area Bund, it follows the reform and open policy step unceasingly to extend, north the Jiangwan five jiao fields, south arrive at the Nampo bridge. To the next the beginning of century, this north and south corridor long amounts to 15 kilometers, will become the sign landscape which the Shanghai traveling will go sightseeing.

We now walk this Bin Jiang main road quite has the characteristic. It not only collection culture, afforestation to a body, moreover the morning is the people practices the good place which the article practices martial arts,daytime is domestic and foreign goes sightseeing the tour world, evening is the ideal place which talks love to the lover, heard has many foreign friends all in admiration of somebodys fame to come to experience the life.

Fellow guests, stroll in new Bund to go sightseeing the area, whether you do feel, new Bund not only appearance changed beyond recognition, moreover in lively is lively passes the rich artistic breath. Everybody please looked that, In the Yenan east road Bund establishment subject will be for tomorrow the artistic landscape,will hug by 6 columns, with will have more than 80 years historical meteorological signal to become a group to the scenery. The customs building and the electronic waterfall clock also is quite has the fresh idea to the scenery. The electronic waterfall clock assumes the steps and ladders type, the length 27 meters, the height 3.5 meters, supposes 10 entire stairs. The entire operating process by the computer control, approximately some more than 1,000 nozzles water column is composed each kind of color the Arabic numeral, causes world each place since such remoteness, double is how being intimate with. Went sightseeing the area worthily to become to hold hundred Sichuan, is compatible Shanghai school characteristic culture scenery line which and gathered.

Strolls Bund, we unconsciously entered the Whangpoo River park. In mentioned this park, each Chinese all could not forget the former days foreign country big powers to hang the Chinese people and the dog did not have to enter in park entrance that block the sign, that notorious sign, let then Chinese people suffer the enormous shame! Now, looked at present that 60 meter high Shanghai people outstandingly talented monument, stands erect is facing the water place. The military might magnificent sight three columns yellow hillocks body in has told the people as if, the people forever cherishes the memory of since the Opium War, 54 movements and the war of liberation, is the scrubbing nationality shame, devotes the heroes for Shanghais revolutionary business.

The Whangpoo River park faces is well-known everywhere Huangpu River. On month Huanglong waters edge water yellow, extremely vividly described the Whangpoo River river water color. Improves Pujiang is Shanghais mother river, it originates to the Wuxi Tai Lake, is within the boundaries of Shanghai longest, is widest, deepest rivers, the span 114 kilometers; The mean breadth 400 meters, are deep 7 to 9 meters. Its original name calls Dong Jiang, also has the spring Shenjiang river, alternate name and so on Huang Xiejiang. Hands down before more than 2,000 years, Shanghai was Chu at that time, at that time Chu country has a senior general yellow to call to rest, he had very much rules a nation ability, is appointed by Chu king as prime minister, and sealed for presents Mr. Shen, had jurisdiction over Shanghai this land. At that time because upstream Dong Jiangs clogged with silt, he led the Shanghai people to carry on scours, and revised the route, caused Shanghai the aquatic transportation and the agriculture obtains the very big development, the posterity for commemorate Huang Xie the merit, renamed Dong Jiang as the spring Shenjiang river and yellow , only then officially chose a name until the Southern Song Dynasty time as the Huangpu River.

The Huangpu River has two the child, calls Pudong, another calls Puxi. Before new China is born, their whole family deeply three mountains oppressions, on the mother river body is anchoring is the outside warship and the merchantman, two children also are pressed have not gasped for breath. Jumps Whangpoo River my sentence Shanghai persons pet phrase, refers to the common people which the old society really is unable to live,throws the river to here to commit suicide.

Looks out into the distance the opposite shore, Pudong Lu Jiazui the finance trade area and Puxi Bund distantly faces one another, its function for the finance, the trade and foreign serves, it will be the new Shanghais core and the symbol. East Bund the Bin Jiang main road, the total length 2,500 meters, the collection traveling, go sightseeing with the entertainment and so on are a body, is equipped with 6 multi-faceted squares along the road. Although the present only rumble cuts in line the sound, but the sound sound , is in five spectra the most magnificent music movement, will be forecasting a Bund more glorious future.



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In my "11" holiday, the most unforgettable thing for me is to go to Beigumountain, which is known as "the best River and mountain in the world".

It was a sunny morning. There was a big fireball like sun hanging in thesky. The sun was warm and comfortable.

Entering Beigu mountain, it is more lively than I imagined. I saw the waterin the Phoenix pool singing happily, as if to say hello to us. All of a sudden,fountains gushed out, and the crystal clear water jumped playfully on my face.Next to the Phoenix pool were clusters of bright wild flowers. I saw them andthought they were very beautiful. So I bent down and picked a bunch of them. Icarefully tied them with the ribbon in my backpack. Mother said: "you look atyou, usually all day shouting to protect flowers and plants, now?" I spit out mytongue, mischievously said: "well, my fault."

I took Mom and dads hand and went to a place where a hundred flowers wereblooming and fragrant. I saw a high staircase. So we climbed to the "riverworship Pavilion" on the top of the mountain. From the pavilion, we can see thatBeigu mountain looks like a dragon with head raised, tail raised and backarched. When we are on the mountain, we have the momentum of "looking at all thesmall mountains".

Then we went to Ganlu temple, a famous scenic spot in Beigu mountain. Whenyou enter the temple, you will first see the sculptures of Wu Guotai, Sun Quan,Liu Bei, Zhao Yun and others. They are all lifelike and lifelike, representingthe historical scene of Liu Beis recruitment. Lets enter into the story of theromance of the Three Kingdoms, infatuated and marvelous.

Magnificent Beigu mountain, how many poets marvel at your style!



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Qingdao trestle is one of the scenic spots in Qingdao seaside scenic area.It is one of the first national scenic spots announced by the State Council in1982, and also one of the first 4A national tourist areas. Qingdao trestle iscomposed of Huilan Pavilion, Zhongshan Road, little Qingdao, bathing beach andother scenic spots.

Qingdao trestle is located at the south end of Zhongshan Road, which isfull of tourists. The bridge is for tourists to visit and stop at the touristship, from which you can see Qingdao on the sea.

Qingdao trestle was built in 1892. It is the earliest military Wharf inQingdao. Now it is an important landmark and a famous scenic spot inQingdao.

Qingdao trestle is 440 meters long and 8 meters wide, with steel-concretestructure. A semicircle breakwater is built at the south end of the bridge. Inthe breakwater, there are two national octagonal buildings, named HuilanPavilion. Visitors stand beside the pavilion to enjoy the huge waves coming.Feige Huilan is known as one of the "ten sceneries of Qingdao". Along the NorthBank of the bridge, there is a "trestle Park" with sparse flowers and trees,green pines and green grass, and stone chairs for visitors to sit and enjoy thesea and sky scenery.



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My hometown is in Baoding. There are many places of interest in Baoding,including Mancheng Han tombs, Yixian Xiling, ancient lotus pond Among them, I ammost impressed by the ancient lotus pond.

Spring came, I followed my grandfather to the ancient lotus pond. As soonas you enter the gate, the first thing you see is a grotesque rockery. Some looklike lively and clever little monkeys with their hands in front of theirforehead to look into the distance. Some look like the mighty king of beasts,the tiger with vigorous steps. Some look like exquisite and beautiful fairiescoming down to earth, scattering beautiful flowers

Go ahead, you will see an antique Zhuojin Pavilion. The red and browndoorposts, the colorful pictures on the eaves, the singing of birds and thefragrance of flowers, the landscape, the mandarin ducks playing in the water,the pavilions and pavilions, all of them are so lifelike and fascinating. Thewhole pavilion is perfect.

Then, on the right, you come to the stele gallery. There are 94 stonetablets, some of which are engraved with ancient characters, which I cantunderstand.

Step on the bridge and look around, ah! Although its not the season forlotus to bloom, the breeze is passing over the water, sparkling, and the sun isshining on the water. You can vaguely see a small fish and a small insectswimming in the water. This kind of scenery cant be compared. Its morecharming than the most charming painting in the world!

I love every plant in my hometown, I love the ancient lotus pond in myhometown, but I love my beautiful hometown Baoding, Hebei more.



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东方明珠塔各观光层柜台里1000多款造型独特、制作精美的各式旅游纪念品琳琅满目,令人目不暇接、留连忘返。东方明珠塔每年接待来自于五洲四海中外宾客280多万人次,是集观光、餐饮、购物、娱乐、游船、会展、历史陈列、广播电视发射等多功能于一体的综合性旅游文化景点。东方明珠塔业已成为上海的标志性建筑,荣列上海十大新景观之一。作为全国旅游热点之一,东方明珠塔又以其优质服务,在20__ 年初被 国家旅游局评为全国首批 AAAA 级旅游景点。




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Dear friends, you have to go to Sakya temple in Shigatse. The art treasuresin the temple are vast and the cultural relics are of high value. Therefore, itis also known as "the second Dunhuang".

Look at the saga basin between the Gangdise mountains and the Himalayas.The purple "Castle" standing in the middle of the valley is the famous sagatemple. It was the political, economic, cultural and religious center of Tibet700 years ago. There is a folk song that says:

A birds-eye view of Benbo mountain,

Sakya is like crystal;

Dame in a crystal bottle

Beauty is better than fairies

Dont despise Sakya,

Buddha Pavilion adds glory to it

In fact, Sakyas Tibetan language means "gray land", that is, the color ofthe local soil. Sakya temple is divided into South Temple and North Temple. TheSouth Temple is built on the flat valley, and the North Temple is built on thenorth slope. Sakya North Temple was founded by gongjuejiebu in 1073, from whichthe famous Sakya sect was formed. Let me briefly introduce the Sakya sect. Thename of the Sakya sect is Sakya Monastery, its main temple. The walls of Sakyastemples are painted with red, white and black ribbons. Red symbolizes Manjusri,white symbolizes Guanyin, black is Vajra holding Bodhisattva, and three colorsturn into flowers. Therefore, Sakya sect is called "flower religion". Among theteachings of the Sakya school, the most unique and important one is "Dao GuoFa". Its teaching method has three procedures: first, to give up the blessing."Not good" is bad. A person always encourages himself to do good and do good,not to do bad, and is expected to incarnate in the "three good interests" ofheaven, Asura and man in the afterlife. 2、 Cut me off. That is to understand theimpermanence of life, everything in the world is made up of karma, which is nota real truth, so as to see through everything in the world, cut off any desire,and relieve pain. 3、 There is no success in all methods. That is to preventarbitrary views in practice, and achieve the realm of understanding the universewith extraordinary insights. There are many differences between the Sakya sectand other sects, one of which is to allow believers to marry and have children,and the political power of the sect is passed on from father to son, while thereligious power is passed on from uncle to nephew.

There are five important ancestors of the Sakya school. His fourthancestor, Saban gonggajianzan, played an important role in bringing Tibet intothe territory of China in the 13th century.

In addition, I would like to introduce the history of Sakya temple and thefamous basiba. After the collapse of the Tubo Dynasty, Tibet fell into 400 yearsof separatist rule and war turbulence. In the early 13th century, Genghis Khanled Mongolian tribes to rise in the north and gradually unified China. Kuo Duan,the grandson of Genghis Khan, once sent General dodanab to lead Mongolianknights to Tibet. Kuo Duan realized that if he wanted to unify Tibet, he mustmake use of the local religious forces. He learned that the Sakya faction, whichrose in the Sakya area of post Tibet at that time, was increasingly powerful,and that the leader of Sakya temple, Gongga jianzan (also known as SakyaBanzhida), had the greatest influence among all the sects in Tibet, so heinvited Gongga jianzan to Liangzhou (now Wuwei, Gansu Province) to meet withhim.

In 1247 ad, Saban and his nephew, basiba, arrived in Liangzhou. On behalfof the local forces in Tibet, they reached the conditions for Tibet to submit tothe Yuan Dynasty with the Mongolian royal family. At this point, Tibetofficially joined the family of the motherland and became a first-classAdministrative Region under the direct jurisdiction of the central government ofthe Yuan Dynasty. As a result, the Sakya faction gained the trust of the YuanDynasty and the leading position in Tibet.

After the death of gonggajianzan, Kublai Khan summoned basiba in 1253 ADand worshipped him as the emperors teacher. In 1260, Kublai Khan declaredhimself Emperor, granted basiba the title of "guanding National Teacher",granted jade seal, and also appointed him to take charge of the affairs of theGeneral Academy established by the central government, which was in charge ofNational Buddhist affairs and Tibetan local administrative affairs, making him asenior official of the central government of the Yuan Dynasty. In 1265, basibawas ordered to return to Tibet, expanded the northern Sakya temple, establishedthe "Benqin" to manage the local regime, and established the Sakya Dynasty, thelocal regime in Tibet. Tibet was officially under the jurisdiction of thecentral government of the Yuan Dynasty. In 1269 A.D., basiba created Mongoliancharacters, for which he was granted the title of "great magic king" by KublaiKhan.

Today, the North Temple has disappeared. At a glance, the vast ruins in thenorth are still as magnificent as they used to be.

Now we are visiting the South Temple, where the Sakya temple is nowlocated. It was built in 1268 by the fifth generation patriarch of the Sakyasect, basiba. You can see that the appearance of sakyanan temple is veryspecial. There are two rings of walls. There are crenels on the walls,watchtowers at the four corners, and a moat outside. The gate is in the shape of"Gong". The whole plan is in the shape of big "Hui" with small "Hui", which hasa little taste of war defense. In addition to purplish red, the walls are alsoblack and white, which is an important symbol of the Sakya sect.

Now the main hall we enter is called "lacanthim", which means the greattemple, with a height of 100 meters and an area of 5500 square meters. There are40 pillars in the hall, four of which are the thickest. It takes three people toembrace them. The thickest one is 1.5 meters in diameter. Each pillar has alegendary story: the first pillar is the pillar of Kublai Khan emperor, named"Ghana seqingawa", which means the pillar sent by Yuan Dynasty. It is said thatat the beginning, basiba served in most of the Yuan Dynasty. When the emperor ofthe Yuan Dynasty knew that he wanted to go back to Sakya to build a temple, hechose a pillar with a diameter of 4 feet and gave it to him. The pillar wasgood, but it was too big to be transported to Tibet. BASBA returned to Sakyawith regret. But when he returned to Sakya, the big pillar was floating on theZhongqu River in the north of the temple. The second pillar is the wild oxpillar, which is called "Chong Bu GA WA" (meaning "pillar transported by wildyak"), the third pillar is the tiger pillar, which is called "Da Bu GA WA"(meaning "pillar transported by male tiger"); The fourth pillar is the blooddrop pillar, which is called "nabuchazagawa" (meaning the pillar sent by the seagod). According to legend, when the Dragon King sent it, he was injured and bledon the pillar, and now we can see the red blood stains on the pillar. Accordingto the research, they come from the Chentang Valley in the south of Sakya countyand belong to the Himalayan nature reserve.

Please see, there are three Buddha statues of Sakyamuni and a white conchin the hall. In the middle of the hall, this Sakyamuni Buddha named "zhamulinYexia" was cast in memory of sakhaban Zhida gonggajianzan and contains the relicof basiba. The one on the left was built in memory of King baspahat. The one onthe south side of the hall was cast in memory of Sakyamuni Sambu. This whiteconch was given to the emperor of China by the king of India. Kublai Khan, theemperor of the Yuan Dynasty, gave it to basiba.

Out of the gate of the main hall, on the south side of the courtyard ispuzhulacan, which is the Sutra Hall of Sakya sect. The Manjusri Bodhisattva inthe temple is excavated from the underground of the North Temple. It is the mainBuddha in the North Temple. It is said that as long as you recite Manjusriseulogy and mantra for seven days in front of the statue, even the stupid peoplecan enhance their wisdom and make Maos life open. This is one of the fourtreasures of Sakya temple, which is revered by the faithful men and women. Onthe north side of the courtyard is oudonglacan, which contains 11 pagodas forangqiang gonggarenqin, king of sagafa in the 16th century, and his descendants.Angqiang defeated "Lhasa zongba", saved the Sakya sect and restored the Nanbeitemple. He is a famous King of the Sakya sect. The temple has a special halldedicated to this historical figure. Through this hall is the "lakangjiang", inwhich there are six mud pagodas of Sakya monk Dade. In the pagoda Hall of PengCuO Po Zhang in Nansi Sutra hall, there are pagodas or commemorative Buddhastatues of nine people in four generations from Gongga Renqin, the founder ofPeng CuO Po Zhang, to Wangqiu in angwang tudao; in the pagoda Hall of Zhuoma PoZhang, there are six pagodas of Wangqiu and his descendants in Baima dundui.

At the back of the hall is the library of Tibetan scriptures, whichcontains more than ten thousand classics. It is a treasure of gold, silver,cinnabar and ink by calligraphers in Wei, Zang, Kang and other areas during thebasiba period. There is also a "Fangjing", also known as "jialongma" or"budjialong" Scripture. The book is 1.34 meters long, 1.09 meters wide and 67 cmthick. The wooden cover of Carving Dragons and phoenixes was originally 41 cmlong, which was carried by four lamas. It is said that this book was completedby basiba. It was written in gold powder juice and is a treasure handed downfrom generation to generation.

On the right side of the hall, there is a 1.5-foot-high jade bell and asquare jade plate, which are called the two treasures of the temple. The jadebell is used to cover the ever burning lamp in front of the Buddha. The jadeplate is engraved with a Chinese poem, which is inscribed as "awakening stone".Around them are the artifacts such as the magic weapons bestowed by Chinesedynasties and the vests, armor and boots bestowed by the emperors of YuanDynasty. Murals are concentrated in the main hall. On the east wall, there areimages of Sakyas ancestors and eminent monks and some Buddhist allusions. Onthe west wall, there are more than 600 years old murals of mandala and more than60 paintings of xijingang (huanxifo). There are hundreds of scroll paintings inthe main hall, which are art treasures of Tibet.

There are many classics in Sakya temple, of which more than 2800 arehandwritten in Yuan and Ming Dynasties. The Baya Sutra originated in ancientIndia and has a history of more than 1000 years is rare in the world. However,there are 3636 Baya sutras preserved in Sakya temple, which are written inTibetan, Han and Mongolian characters. Only Sakya Temple preserved the most ofthe Tripitaka copied with gold powder and cinnabar. In addition, there wereletters and seals from the emperor of Yuan Dynasty to the local officials ofSakya.

Basiba was granted the title of Queen of Sakya, and the Sakya sect reachedits peak. There are more than 40 temples in Sakya temple, which are all over thebanks of Zhongqu river. However, in the 16th century, it was a pity that a firealmost completely flattened the South Temple. It was not until 1948 that theoriginal appearance of the temple was restored after years of continuousrenovation. Now the Beisi site has been rebuilt, but most of the ground is stillcovered with broken bricks and gravel. Near the foot of the mountain, there is anewly restored white pagoda. It is said that there is a relic of a generation ofSakyas ancestors in the pagoda.

Now I would like to briefly introduce the autumn and winter Dharma meetingsof Sakya Monastery. July of the Tibetan calendar is the autumn Dafa meeting.Lama dancers perform the ancient Vajrayana dance, which is very powerful. At theopening ceremony, 150 actors wearing various animal masks rotate and jump. FromNovember 23 to 29 of the Tibetan calendar, it is called the winter Dafa meeting,and its main content is still the divine dance performance. The Three Dharmaprotectors in Sakya temple are all played by monks. They carry the skeleton ofDharma protector on their shoulders and wear giant ferocious masks as long asone meter. They are as high as one story. This is the most attractive part ofSakya dance. Hundreds of armed warriors in armor and spears performed skillssuch as sword dancing, archery and firearm shooting to commemorate the glory ofthe sects rule over Tibet 700 years ago.

This is the end of the visit to Sakya temple. I believe you will have abrief and general understanding of Sakya temple.



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How do you do! Im your little guide: Li Xinyu. Welcome to Chengde summerresort. Located in the north of Chengde City, the summer resort is the largestclassical Royal Garden in China.

The summer resort is a symbol of the heyday of Kangxi and Qianlong in QingDynasty. As the founders of the villa, Kangxi and Qianlong visited the south ofthe Yangtze River for six times, traversing the beauty of the scenery in theworld. In the construction of the summer resort, the advantages of many familieswere learned, and the style of Chinese north and south gardens was integrated,so that the summer resort became the summary and sublimation of Chineseclassical garden art. Chinese garden experts say that the whole summer resort isthe epitome of the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland. Why doexperts say that? I would like to ask ladies and gentlemen to answer thisquestion after visiting the summer resort. However, I would like to remind youthat the reason is related to the topography of the summer resort. Ladies andgentlemen, the summer resort is here. Please get out of the car. Now Ill showyou her style.

The antique door in front of us is the main door of the summer resort,which is called the Li main door. It is the entrance of the Qing emperor. Today,I invite you to be the "emperor" and experience the emperors life.

People who come to Chengde usually go to the mountain to touch Bangchuimountain, because there is a popular saying in Chengde: "if you touch Bangchuimountain, you can live one hundred and three years." If you are interested, youmay as well go up the mountain and have a look.

This is the Chengde summer resort Ill show you.



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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. How was your sleep last night? Great.Im sorry for the late delivery of luggage last night. Because the luggage cartbroke down, we had to ask for another one. By the way, have you opened yourluggage? No wonder its sunny outside. Our tour guide often says, "the guestshave brought sunshine in their bags." I thank you for that. Well, lets get backto business. I have announced the schedule for breakfast. Today we go to the oldcity of the sea, that is, the location of Yu Garden and Yu Garden shoppingmalls.

Our car is driving on the Bund. On your left is the famous Huangpu River.Well be here later.

To save time, I would like to talk about Chinas gardens and Yu Gardenbefore I get to Yu Garden.

In China, gardens are divided into three categories: Royal Gardens, privategardens and temple gardens. Yu Garden belongs to private gardens. There are manyskills in Chinese garden, such as borrowing scenery, blocking scenery and so on.But they are all made up of four basic factors. The four factors are water,plants, architecture and rockery. Most of the private gardens are in the southof the Yangtze River, because there are many water sources and rocks suitablefor rockery. Yu Garden was built more than 400 years ago in the Ming Dynasty.The owner of the garden, whose surname is pan, is a senior official. He builtthe garden to please his parents and let them enjoy their old age. Therefore,the word "Yu" of Yu Garden takes the meaning of Yuyue. It is a pity that hisparents could finally see the death of Yu Garden. In the late Qing Dynasty, thepan family was weak, and their descendants sold the garden to local guilds.There is another reason why Yu Garden has become a place of interest. In 1853,an uprising broke out in Shanghai, and a hall in the garden was used as aheadquarters. Today Yu Garden is a must. So I suggest that we dont getseparated when we get there. Its better for us to stay together, OK?

This is the parking lot. In case someone gets separated, please rememberthat the last three digits of the train number are 121. I think its better notto do that. I will hold the little red flag, and you will all accompany Mr.Zhang to the rear of the hall. Are you ready? Lets go. Please pay attention toyour bike when you get off.



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Dear visitors:

Everybody is good! Welcome to visit our country one of the most famous four gardens, suzhou the humble administrators garden. Is the representative of private gardens in our country, and the humble administrators garden is known as "the mother of all the gardens.

Ok, now let us into the garden. Humble administrators garden is divided into three parts, of which the essence parts in the middle part. Why is named for the humble administrators garden? Because the owner of the humble administrators garden is Wang Xianchen, meaning: "I dont fit, an officer I am a silly person. After the humble administrators garden doors and "remote" door "interesting" waist, we came to the east of the humble administrators garden. In the south of the garden in the east there is a three studio room, called "LanXueTang". "LanXue" two words written by li bai "the spring wind is aspersed LanXue", a symbol of the master natural and unrestrained like spring breeze, such as clean LanXue noble sentiment. In addition to "LanXueTang", and "Shu incense pavilion", "day spring pavilion", "lotus pavilions", etc.

Now we will enter essence part. Some kinds of grilles, corridor wall to see if, will see 25 different styles of painting. Now, we continue to walk forward, front is reflection "floor". In front of the "inverted floor" is a path winding, spanning the water of the gallery. Ripples on the surface of the pool. Look at the top, as a fan, the roof of the tile surface like a folding fan fan, "dai li pavilion" spire behind like fan fan, simply connect seamlessly.

The visit to this end, tourists friends goodbye!



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