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Juzizhou, also known as Juzhou and shuiluzhou, is located in the center ofXiangjiang River opposite Changsha City. It is one of the many alluvialsandbanks in the lower reaches of Xiangjiang River, and also the largest inlandcontinent in the world. Juzhou, facing Yuelu Mountain in the West and ChangshaCity in the East, is surrounded by water and stretches for tens of miles. It isa long island and one of the important places of interest in Changsha.

In 1920__, Comrade Mao Zedong returned from Guangzhou to Hunan to lead thepeasant movement. In the cold autumn, he revisited Orange Island and wrote"Qinyuan spring · Changsha". Therefore, orange island gained great fame. In1960, Juzhou Park was built in Zhoutou, covering an area of 14.2 hectares. Aspecial branch bridge was built from Xiangjiang River Bridge to the island. Thedyke is surrounded by stone barriers and the weeping willow is used to protectthe dyke. Facing the river, a Wangjiang Pavilion and veranda are built atZhoutou. A huge white marble monument stands face to face, engraved withChairman Maos handwriting "orange Zhoutou" and the word "independent coldautumn, Xiangjiang River north, orange Zhoutou" in his "Qinyuan spring ·Changsha" written in the autumn of 1920__. There are thousands of oranges on theisland. In the golden autumn, there are many oranges. The two beaches under theisland are flat, which are natural swimming grounds. Every midsummer, people gotogether, play in the water, cool summer. Orange Island is about 6 kilometerslong from north to South and 0.5 kilometers wide from east to west. At the endof juzizhouwei, the water is clean and the sand is clear, opening up a naturalswimming pool. Juzizhoutou, with a vast land and broad rivers, has built abeautiful Juzhou park. The huge white marble monument standing in the center ofthe park is particularly eye-catching, with Mao Zedongs handwritten "OrangeIsland Head" on the front and the full text of Qinyuan spring Changsha on theback. At Zhoutou, there is also a pavilion with national characteristics, flyingover the Xiangshui river.

Juzizhou erect 32 meters Young Mao Zedong sculpture

The young Mao Zedong art sculpture was built in February 20__ with theapproval of the general office of the CPC Central Committee. The statue is 32meters high, 83 meters long and 41 meters wide. It is based on the image of MaoZedong in 1920__.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3250 字

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东方明珠塔各观光层柜台里1000多款造型独特、制作精美的各式旅游纪念品琳琅满目,令人目不暇接、留连忘返。东方明珠塔每年接待来自于五洲四海中外宾客280多万人次,是集观光、餐饮、购物、娱乐、游船、会展、历史陈列、广播电视发射等多功能于一体的综合性旅游文化景点。东方明珠塔业已成为上海的标志性建筑,荣列上海十大新景观之一。作为全国旅游热点之一,东方明珠塔又以其优质服务,在20_ 年初被 国家旅游局评为全国首批 AAAA 级旅游景点。







旋转餐厅 --誉名中外的东方明珠空中旋转餐厅,坐落于上海东方明珠广播电视塔267米上球体,是亚洲最高的旋转餐厅。其营业面积为1500平方米,可同时容纳350位来宾用餐。她以得天独厚的景观优势、不同凡响的饮食文化、宾至如归的温馨服务,傲立于上海之巅。旋转餐厅更值得骄傲的是她的贵宾包房,布置着豪华富贵的大圆桌、高背靠椅和休闲沙发,能同时招待20位贵宾,金碧辉煌的背景灯光打在冰花玻璃上,更造就了人间仙境般的效果。宽敞明亮的落地球体玻璃窗外,浦江美景一览无余,自267米高空俯视而下,真有“会当临绝顶,一览众山小”的豪迈感觉。每2小时旋转一圈的设计,让您全方位360度尽收申城的林立高楼、纵横大道、卧波长桥、争流百响。而夜晚灯火辉煌的申城更是流光溢彩、美不胜收,点点繁星、闪闪霓虹衬出勾勒出无与伦比的浦江夜色。友善温馨的服务是空中旋转餐厅鲜明的特色。各位迎宾小姐、往来穿梭的服务生均以典雅的服饰、规范的服务构筑了东方明珠的绰约风采。

电视塔入口 --位于4.2米检票大厅的豪华电梯将以7米/秒的高速把您在40秒内平稳地送至263米观光层,这种绝无仅有、风驰电掣的感觉将是您到东方明珠的难得体验。沿着明亮华贵的弧形梯道拾级而上,登上267米平台,迎面的便是亮丽的迎宾厅,乳白色的墙面连同光可鉴人的黑色大理石反射柔和的灯光,把您环绕在一片尊贵的气氛中。上海东方明珠广播电视塔坐落于上海浦东新区陆家嘴嘴尖上,以其468米的绝对高度成为亚洲第一、世界第三之高塔。东方明珠塔背拥陆家嘴地区崭新的现代化建筑楼群,与隔江的外滩万国建筑博览群交相辉映,展现了国际大都市的壮观景色。

东方明珠游船码头 --位于黄浦江畔,占地面积2200余平方米,乘坐东方明珠浦江游览船沿江畅游,即可尽情领略百业兴旺、百舸争流的都市情怀。东方明珠游船码头外形犹如一只凌波汲水、展翅欲飞的海鸥,清新自然、富有时代气息。乘坐东方明珠浦江观光游览船沿浦江航行,可以让游客饱览两岸现代化都市风景线。

夜色中的明珠 --入夜后,遥望东方明珠塔,则是华灯齐放、色彩缤纷;而在塔上俯瞰都市夜景,更是一派流光溢彩、灯火辉煌。东方明珠塔每年接待来自于五洲四海中外宾客280多万人次,是集观光、餐饮、购物、娱乐、游船、会展、历史陈列、广播电视发射等多功能于一体的综合性旅游文化景点。东方明珠塔业已成为上海的标志性建筑,荣列上海十大新景观之一。

上海城市历史发展陈列馆 -- 上海城市历史发展陈列馆位于东方明珠塔零米大厅内,展示面积超过六千平方米,已于5月12日正式对外开放,是集历史、文化、鉴赏、旅游、娱乐于一体、具有创新理念的历史陈列。徜徉历史长河、追寻海上旧梦、品味文化上海——陈列馆充分注重观赏性与参与性,采用“融物于景”的场景化展示手法,凭借其高科技的技术手段,将文物、道具、模型、音视频多媒体、声光电等表现手法融于一体:静态展示主要以蜡像人物和文物道具为主,而动态的展示以实景和影视相结合,十分逼真。让人既感受到历史文化的底蕴,又领略了现代化高科技的魅力。

上海国际新闻中心 -- 上海国际新闻中心坐落于巍然屹立的东方明珠塔下,是集新闻发布、观光、会展、餐饮等功能于一体的综合性新闻中心。 1100平方米的新闻发布厅配置有最先进的同传、背投、音响与灯光等会务设施,可容纳 800 人规模的新闻发布会或国际会议。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 8632 字

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First of all, on behalf of __ travel agency, Id like to welcome you. Imyour guide. My name is _ _ and you can call me _ _. The driver on my right ismaster Zhao. Today, we will serve you all. If you have any needs or requestsalong the way, please feel free to put forward them. We will try our best tohelp you solve them. May our service make you have a happy journey. It is saidthat in history, Liu Deng marched into the Dabie Mountains and wrote amagnificent epic of blood and fire in the Dabie Mountains. Today, let me leadyou to this red land and express our feelings for this soil. When it comes tothe Dabie Mountains, I just want to ask you, do you know why it is called theDabie mountains? In fact, there is a moving story in it. It is said that in theworld of flood and famine, heaven and earth are integrated, and hundreds ofmillions of creatures are squeezed between the dark heaven and earth. Later, amountain roared up and lifted up the sky with his back, so that all creaturescould get light. Because the mountain separated heaven and earth, day and night,so that heaven and earth are different, it was named Dabie Mountain. Of course,its just a legend. In fact, from the perspective of geographical location, itscalled Dabie Mountain because it separates the Yangtze River and Huaihe River,and separates the state of Wu and the state of Chu, which makes the climate andcustoms of the two places different.

In addition to being the birthplace and base of Chinas red revolution,Dabie Mountain is also a tourist, summer resort and holiday resort. Withbeautiful scenery, fresh air and pleasant climate, it has been developed as"Dabie Mountain eco-tourism area". Here, you can not only enjoy the magic ofstrange peaks, strange rocks and sea of clouds, but also enjoy the charm ofheavens beautiful water. In May 1996, Dabie Mountain was officially approved asa national forest park. Dabie Mountain National Forest Park is divided into fivescenic spots: Tiantangzhai Dabie Xiongfeng natural scenery tourist area,qingtaiguan Guguan famous temple tourist area, bodaofeng summer resort touristarea, Jiuzihe pastoral scenery tourist area and tiantanghu water park. Thesescenic spots have their own characteristics and are integrated, showing theunique charm of Dabie Mountain.

Tiantang lake is surrounded by mountains and waters, beautiful scenery, andwith the changes of the situation, each has its own wonderful, deep "waterlight, sunny side is good, the mountains are empty, rain is also strange"artistic conception. Qingtaiguan scenic spot is located at the junction of Hubeiand Anhui in the north of the main peak of Dabie Mountain, covering an area of106 square kilometers. It is a scenic spot mainly for visiting ancient times andsightseeing. Bodaofeng scenic spot is located in the west of Tiantangzhai,covering an area of 30 square kilometers, with dense vegetation and long historyand culture. Jiuzihe rural scenic area is mainly composed of ancient countryheritage and agricultural landscape.

Today we are visiting the Tiantangzhai Dabie Xiongfeng scenic area. Themost magical landscape in the scenic area is the mountain! Walking in the heavenmountain, the mountains are overlapping, as if dissolved in the embrace ofmountains. Or to see the solitary peaks stand out alone, or to see the two peaksstand against each other, or to see the peaks stand out, blocking the sky andblocking the sun. Climbing up, you can see the mountains competing. Some roarlike a tiger, some roar like a lion, some sit in like Maitreya, some like areclining Buddha heaven. The shape is lifelike and amazing. The Sleeping Buddhain heaven, the philosopher watching the sea (xugongya) and the turtle in Dabieare known as the "three wonders of heaven" and even more spectacular.Tiantangzhai has many ravines, twists and turns, and springs and rocks arescattered in the stream. The trees beside the stream are green, birds aresinging and flowers are fragrant.

Now our place is Shenxian Valley, which is about 1500 meters long and 30-40meters wide. It is characterized by quiet valleys and beautiful waters. It ispicturesque and full of magical colors. The legend of Shenxian Valley is that itis a place loved by Laojun. Look at this huge stone. Its a natural platform.Its called rooftop. There is a deep hole under the boulder and a pool in frontof the hole. There is a two-stage waterfall on the pool. It is said that a pairof carp in the pool were infected by Laojuns immortal Qi. They swam intoShuanglong Lake not far away to listen to Laojun chanting scriptures.Shuanglongtan is actually the largest two wells in the nine wells of heaven, andthe two wells are connected. There is a huge platform between the two pools,namely "chanting platform", which is the platform for taishanglaojun to chantscriptures and preach. Every time Lao Jun devotes himself to preaching, the twocarp also devote themselves to listening. After a long time, they all emerge asJackie Chan. So later generations called the two wells "shuanglongtan".

The cave in front of you is said to be the place where taishanglaojun livesand eats, so people call it immortal cave. Xianren cave is close to mountainsand waters, with beautiful environment. There is a space of about 10 squaremeters in the cave. There is a huge bed like stone in the cave. It is said thatit is the place where taishanglaojun stayed. Not far away, there is a legendthat taishanglaojun played chess in the "immortal chess cave". In front of thecave, there is a magnificent landscape - "two dragons come out of the valley".Since then, the river of Shenxian Valley has been divided into two parts by ahuge stone. It flows down from both sides, like two silver dragons running outof the valley happily, and the momentum is particularly magnificent.

The tourist route of the main peak of the Dabie Mountains is eitherisolated or confronted by two peaks. The main scenic spots are Xiaohua mountain,Zheren peak, Foguang cliff, etc. Now the place we are going to is thephilosopher peak. Zheren peak is 1518 meters above sea level. Please take acloser look. The cliff is about 100 meters high, which looks like a big head,broad forehead, thick eyebrows, high nose and rich lips. The shape is lifelikeand lifelike. You can see it contemplating the north, as if thinking about amajor philosophical proposition. This is one of the three wonders of heaven, the"philosopher watching the sea.". My friends, the mountain road is rugged. Pleasebe careful of the slippery road and pay attention to safety.

Now we come to the Foguang cliff, which is 1609 meters above sea level.Its named after the occasional magical Buddha light. It has been a holy land ofBuddhism since ancient times, with "old temple", "Maitreya Temple" and othersites. In front of us, the mountains are in various shapes, like immortalsmeeting here, so it is called "gathering of immortals". Here, there is a veryspecial mountain with three Buddhas in one mountain. There are three stoneBuddhas: Sleeping Buddha, Maitreya Buddha and monk. Among them, "Sleeping Buddhain heaven" is known as one of the three wonders of heaven.

We continue to climb along the ridge at the border of Hubei and Anhuiprovinces, and then we can reach the main peak of Dabie Mountain. The ridgerises and falls, long and gentle. There is a stone like a turtle on the ridge,so it is named "Dabie turtle", which is also one of the three wonders of heaven.Well, tourists, after our long journey, we come to the top of Tiantangzhai, themain peak of Dabie Mountain. With an altitude of 1729.13 meters, Tiantangzhai isknown as "the first peak in the Central Plains".

Here, when you look around the world, you can see 100000 mountainsembracing and worshiping you. To the north, you can see the mountains and riversof Wu and Anhui, and to the south, you can see the boundless scenery of Jingchu.Watching the sunrise in the early morning seems to be nine days away, andwatching the sunset in the evening is like walking in the fairy palace. Its apity that we dont have a good time to enjoy the beautiful scenery together. Ifyou have a chance to visit Dabie Mountain next time, you must not miss thebeautiful scenery!

Well, tourists, its getting late. Please come down the mountain with me.When you go down the mountain, please pay attention to safety.

Dear tourists, we are about to break up. The tour of Dabie Mountain iscoming to an end. Thank you all for your support to my work. Thank you! Whiletaking away the good impression, please leave your valuable opinions. Imlooking forward to our next reunion. If there is any chance, Id like to provideyou with better service. Goodbye, friends.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1805 字

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Hello, everyone! Welcome to Henan. Im glad to be your guide today. My nameis sun. You can call me sun Dao.

Today we are visiting Yuntai Mountain, which is a national scenic spot, thefirst batch of 5A national tourist attractions and the first batch of globalgeoparks. Yuntai Mountain is located in Xiuwu County, Jiaozuo City, HenanProvince, with a total area of 190 square kilometers. There are 11 scenic spots,including Hongshi gorge, tanpu gorge, quanpu gorge, Qinglong gorge, Fenglingorge, macaque Valley, Zhuyu peak, Diecai cave, Wanshan temple, Zifang lake,Baijiayan and so on. It is a comprehensive scenic spot with rift valleystructure and hydrodynamic effect, supplemented by natural ecology and culturallandscape Scenic Attraction.

Yuntai Mountain is famous for its mountains and water. In spring, it isfull of mountain flowers. In summer, it is full of waterfalls and springs. Inautumn, it is full of red leaves. In winter, it is covered with snow. It issuitable for all seasons. There are unique red stone gorge in the world,Yuntaishan waterfall, the highest drop in Asia, tanpu gorge, the most beautifulgorge in Central China, Zhuyu peak, a famous saying written by Wang Wei, a greatpoet of the Tang Dynasty, that "you are a stranger in a foreign land, and youmiss your relatives in every festival", and Baijiayan, which is praised as "alake in the world, with thousands of sceneries in it". Today we are on thescene, you tourists will be able to feast your eyes.

Now our car has been parked in Yuntai Mountain scenic area. After you getoff, you can enter various scenic spots according to the signs, and visit andtake photos at will. But pay attention to protect the environment of the scenicspot, do not litter. We are still gathering here at 4 p.m. for the return trip.Please observe the time.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7338 字

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Ladies and gentlemen: hello and welcome to Qingxiling. Im your guide.Located at the foot of Yongning mountain, Yixian County, Hebei Province, 125kilometers away from Beijing. It is the mausoleum group of four emperorsmausoleums, three queens mausoleums and some princesses, princesses andconcubines gardens in the Qing Dynasty. With more than 50000 square meters ofmausoleum buildings, more than 1000 temples and more than 100 stone buildingsand carvings, the Xiling mausoleum is one of the largest, best preserved andmost complete Imperial Mausoleums of the Qing Dynasty in China. It is the mostoutstanding representative of mausoleum architecture in China for 20__ years. Inthe 8300 hectare protection area of the Western Qing mausoleum, there are fouremperor mausoleums, three empress mausoleums, four Royal, Princess and elderbrothers dormitories, a total of 14 mausoleums and two ancillary buildings(yongsifu and Xinggong). There are 78 people buried, including four emperorsYongzheng, Jiaqing, Daoguang and Guangxu, nine queens, 57 concubines, twoprinces and six elder brothers. There are more than one thousand palacebuildings and more than one hundred stone buildings in the mausoleum area, whosearchitectural form and regulations clearly reflect the feudal social rules andregulations. Four Imperial Mausoleums and three rear mausoleums are covered withyellow glazed tiles, while concubines, princesses and princes dormitories arecovered with green glazed tiles or grey cloth tiles. These ancient buildings aresurrounded by green pines and cypresses, competing for glory in the vast forest.There is also Yongning mountain with five colors of auspicious clouds, standingbehind the mausoleum. The Yishui River, which traces back to the spiritualsource of Bagong, flows slowly in front of the dahongmen, which makes the QingDynastys western mausoleum more beautiful and grand. Among them, the largestYongzheng mausoleum, located in the center of the mausoleum area, is theearliest and largest building in the Western mausoleum. The rest of themausoleums are distributed in the East and West. The Shinto of the tailingmausoleum is made of three layers of huge bricks. On both sides of the Shintoare green pines and cypresses. From south to north, there are more than 40 largeand small buildings. The first building is a five arch bridge entering themausoleum area. There are three tall stone archways in the north of the bridge.The architecture of the memorial archway is solemn and beautiful with harmoniouscolors. The three stone squares, all in the form of five rooms, six columns andeleven floors, are built with blue and white stones, and engraved withmountains, water, flowers, grass, animals and other graphics. Their vivid formsare regarded as representative works of Xiling architectural art. The tomb ofJiaqing is called Changling. Changling and tailing are juxtaposed, with the samescale as tailing. Jiaqing was the 15th son of Emperor Qianlong. When EmperorQianlong passed on the throne to him, he selected the site of his mausoleum onekilometer south of the tailing mausoleum. The longen Hall of Changling is verydistinctive. The ground is paved with precious yellow mottled stones. The stoneslabs are also decorated with purple patterns. They are smooth and dazzling, andseem to be full of gems. The pillar is covered with gold and decorated withclouds and dragons. Daoguang mausoleum with exquisite craftsmanship is calledMuling mausoleum. The mausoleum is characterized by its small scale, withoutFangcheng, minglou, dabeiting, shixiangsheng and other buildings, but itsengineering weight is stronger than that of the two mausoleums of Tai and Chang.The whole wall, brick to brick joints, dry grouting, wall flush solid. Thebuilding technology of longen hall is exquisite. The main hall is made of Phoebeand is not decorated with oil paint. The original color of logs is maintained.When the door is opened, the aroma of Phoebe comes. There are dragons in eachsmall square on the ceiling, and purlin Fang, queti, also carved with upstreamdragons and flat dragons. These dragons open their mouths and puff their clouds.Chongling is the mausoleum of Guangxu, 5 kilometers east of the tailingmausoleum. It is the last existing mausoleum in China. The whole mausoleum areahas luxuriant trees and pleasant scenery. The ancient buildings in the imperialpalace where the emperor lived can accommodate tourists. At the end of the QingDynasty, Chen Zengrong, commander-in-chief of Taining Town, loved the beautifulmountains and rivers in his spare time, and determined eight sceneries of theWestern mausoleum, which were "Jingguan Ziqi", "resisting horses and rushingwaves", "clouds and emeralds", "Qifeng sunset", "Emei evening bell", "Fushanholding the sun", "Huagai Yanlan" and "Yishui cold current" . It is because ofthese pleasant natural scenery, which set off the auspicious land of "tenthousand years of dragon and tiger, every night of ghosts and gods", thatYongzheng, the third generation emperor of the Qing Dynasty, left his father andancestors and opened the first Xiling in Yizhou, in order to make the QingDynasty more prosperous. On March 2, 1737, Emperor Qianlong Fengan his father inthe underground palace of tailing. Later, Emperor Qianlong came up with a way tomake the best of both sides in order to make the eastern and Western mausoleumslast forever. Later emperors were buried in the eastern and Western mausoleumsof the Qing Dynasty in the way of "Zhaomu order and alternate generations".Therefore, he first built his own Yu mausoleum in shengshuiyu, which is withinthe boundary of the eastern Mausoleum of the Qing Dynasty. He was accompanied byhis grandfather Kangxi, and his son Jiaqing built a Chang mausoleum beside theTai mausoleum to accompany his grandfather Yongzheng. According to the system ofZhaomu, Daoguangs mausoleum was originally built in baohuayu of the easternmausoleum. After seven years of mausoleum construction and burial in empressXiaomu, he found that the underground palace was seeping continuously. Daoguanghad to choose a high and flat place in the Western mausoleum to demolish themausoleum of baohuayu and build a Mausoleum in the Western mausoleum. After theemperors of Xianfeng and Tongzhi, Guangxu also built the tomb in Xiling. If itis said that the mountains and rivers in the Western mausoleum are all made bynature, then after 185 years from the construction of the tailing mausoleum tothe completion of Chongling mausoleum, the ingenious combination of humanlandscape and natural landscape has been formed, and the cosmology of "makingman and nature in one" has been fully reflected in the mausoleum architecture.As sun dinglie said in Yongning mountain retinue Ji Cheng, "the mountains aretowering and vigorous from Taihang. The mountains are lofty and steep. They archfar out. The Lingyan is green and the environment is clean. There are countlesshills down there. It is like a finger in the hand. There is a flat developmentbetween the two hills. The tombs are in the place where the petals of flowersand the bamboo shoots are protected layer by layer." the dragon is flat and thePhoenix is bright. It has a long history The front and back arches are like"jade shoots in Jincheng". Well, dear tourists, the Qingxiling is here for you.Thank you for your support!



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Jianglang Mountain is located in Shimen town of Jiangshan City. It isfamous for its Danxia landform and three giant rocks. It is said that in ancienttimes, three brothers surnamed Jiang climbed to the top of the mountain togetherand made three giant rocks, standing on the hills. In fact, such a magnificentmountain landscape is the result of geological evolution for hundreds ofmillions of years. The violent volcanic fault depression makes it stand aloof,and the slowly eroded weathering makes it magnificent and beautiful.

Standing at the foot of Jianglang Mountain, Langfeng, Yafeng and Lingfengare in front of us. Among the three rocks, Lingfeng is full of strange rocks andold pines. The clouds and haze are scattered and the smoke is lingering, whichis like a fairyland. Yafeng is the most dangerous, almost vertical, and cant bereached. Langfeng has a towering wall, and only a steep stone step dug by handleads to the peak.

Under the leadership of my father, I clenched the iron fence welded intothe cliff with my left hand, pressed it with my right hand, and barely stood ontiptoe to climb along the cliff. When he reached the mountainside, he raised hiseyes straight up, and the narrow stone steps were winding, as if leading to theend of the sky. When he looked down, he could only see that the forest wasundulating, and the sole of his feet was an abyss! "An De, who had wings, cameand went with the king." Standing in a dangerous place, the whole person iscaptured by the transcendent magnificence, just as Bai Juyi said in hispoems!

Although the road to the peak is steep and infinite, my attention is alwaysattracted by the mysterious autumn scenery at the foot of the mountain. Lookingdown, the fog slowly floats up the hill, forming crystal clear dew on thegranite wall; red maple and green moss curl on the steep and smooth rock wall,forming a body with the surrounding gravel; in the abyss, the coniferous forestis dyed golden by the autumn wind, and the forest near the foot of the mountainis slightly red. The field of vision is everywhere, and the gradual change ofwarm color blocks envelop the land. I even felt that in the cool autumn of thecrisp people, my heart beat gradually became warm, and I jumped and trembledagain and again in the cliff against the pulse of the mountains.

At dusk, Jianglang Mountain goes further and further away. The setting sunwarms the peaceful Shimen Town, surrounded by golden rice fields. The buscarried us on the highway that was full of Wutong trees and was inadvertentlymerged into the yellow rice waves. Looking around, there is a low wooden housefloating in the rice wave in the distance. There are several hedges beside thewooden house. The hedges are full of trembling white pear blossoms - pearblossoms? No! There are hundreds of yellow billed egrets. They are heavilycovered with branches, like clusters of pear blossoms in full bloom on theridge. Batu floated across the sea of rice, and the "pear flower" turned intosnow flakes and floated to the sky, and then flew back. Silver wings flying,white light fleeing, leaving a string of high pitched sound. Looking at the footof the mountain in autumn, my recent irritability has been calmed, and I amreally moved by everything in front of me.



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Good morning! Welcome to Changsha, the beautiful star city. First of all,on behalf of all the staff of the travel agency, please allow me to extend mywarmest welcome to you. Welcome to the "red sun Tour" organized by thisorganization, because we are taking the red route,. Shaoshan is also the placewhere the sun rises, so our journey is called the journey of the red sun.

Let me introduce myself. Im the tour guide of the red sun tour. My name isZhao. For your convenience, you can call me Xiao Zhao. On the left side of XiaoZhao is our director master X. master X has good driving skills, rich experienceand friendly treatment. So we can rest assured when we take his car. If you haveany problems during the journey, you can put forward them. Xiao Zhao and masterx will do their best To serve you, well, lets have a wonderful journeytogether!

Our journey has begun. Now at our feet is the famous Wuyi Avenue, alsoknown as Wuyi Road, which has "the first road in Sanxiang". It represents thefuture of Changsha. The prosperous area of Changsha radiates from here. It wasbuilt on May 1, 1951, so it gets its name. It is the first asphalt road at thattime. The road width is only 9 meters, but with the development of the times,the traffic is getting better Developed, 9 meters wide is far from enough tomeet the shuttle vehicles. Until 20__, it took five months to renovate, which iswhat we see now

Wuyi Avenue, which starts from the railway station in the East and ends atXiangjiang bridge in the west, has a total length of 4138 meters and a width of60 meters. It is a double ten lane road. The traffic on Wuyi Road is orderly,but most drivers are reluctant to take this road. Why? There are three sets ofTV monitoring equipment and six electronic eyes on this road. Its easy to becopied if you are not careful, so drivers love and hate each other!

Where is the source of Wuyi Avenue? It is Changsha railway station behindyou. It was built in 1975 and completed in 1977. Together with Shanghai railwaystation and Beijing railway station, it is known as Chinas three major railwaystations. There is a bell tower in the middle of the railway station, which is63.7 meters high. The bell tower will play the excellent music "Dongfanghong" onthe hour, as if to tell you that you have come to Dai Wei Hunan, the hometown ofChairman Mao. And there is a building above the clock tower. What does Xiao Zhaothink she looks like? Yes, she is the red torch. Some people may ask, since itis a torch, why not fly with the wind? Instead, why rush straight to the bluesky? Xiao Zhao has to explain this question to everyone, because before thecompletion of the railway station, during the period of the cultural revolution,when the designer designed her to fly to the left, there would be the saying ofleaning to the left; When it was designed to lean to the right, I was afraidthat there would be Rightists, so the designer simply designed her as a torchthat went straight up into the sky. In fact, she is very similar to a specialtyof Hunan: Chaotian pepper, which is a favorite food of Chairman Mao. It alsosymbolizes the hot passion of Hunan people. Isnt there such a saying: Sichuanpeople are not afraid of spicy food, Guizhou people are not afraid of spicyfood, Hunan people are not afraid of spicy food.

Well, now we go to Yuanjialing overpass. Why is it called Yuanjialingoverpass? Its not called lijialing zhangjialing overpass because its said thatthere is a family named yuan living on this large area of land. Therefore, theconstruction of this bridge is named after the yuan family. It is builtdownward, in addition to beautiful, but also play a role in mitigating theearthquake. But there are both advantages and disadvantages. Hunan is a rainyprovince. If it rains, rain will accumulate under the bridge, which will causeinconvenience and trouble for pedestrians. Im afraid its time to goboating!

On the right hand side of Xiao Zhao is Shaoshan Road, because there was noroad leading to Shaoshan at that time, and later this road was built; it wasnamed Shaoshan road.

OK, lets take a look at the trees on both sides of the tour bus. Its thecity tree of Changsha: Cinnamomum camphora. The leaves of Cinnamomum camphoraare small but there are many leaves. Its a good place to enjoy the cool underthe big camphor tree. The camphor balls extracted from the camphor tree candrive away mosquitoes and ants. Take off a few leaves of Cinnamomum camphora,clean them, chew them in the import, and wake up. About camphor tree,

There is also a local custom in Changsha, that is, parents give theirmarried daughter a set of furniture made of camphor wood, which is very decent.On Zhaos left is Yingbin Road, a road built in 1972 to welcome PresidentNixons visit to China. On the opposite side of Yingbin Road is a red and whitebuilding, which is the second courtyard of Hunan provincial government.

Just now Xiao Zhao mentioned the city tree. Now lets learn about theprovincial tree in Hunan Province. Its Magnolia grandiflora. Its a treespecies introduced from Guangzhou. The city flower of Changsha City isRhododendron. If you look at the Rhododendron, you have to go to thecountryside. In March and April, the red Rhododendron blooms all over themountain, not to mention how beautiful it is. The provincial flower of HunanProvince is hibiscus. Since ancient times, Hunan has been known as Hibiscuscountry. Chairman Maos poem says well that "the lotus country is full ofsunshine.". Hibiscus is also divided into wood hibiscus and water hibiscus. XiaoZhao asked: "what is water Hibiscus? What is wood Hibiscus?" ha ha! WoodHibiscus is magnolia, water Hibiscus is lotus.

OK, now lets go to Furong Road. Next to Furong Road is the newly builtFurong square in Changsha. You can see a sculpture in the middle, that is thedaughter of Liuyang River. You must be attracted by her long hair. The hair ofthe daughter of Liuyang River has nine bends, which symbolizes the nine bends ofLiuyang River. This can not help but remind us of the beautiful "Liuyang River",that Xiao Zhao here to make a fool of himself, sing a song "Liuyang River", Ihope you can like it.

Well, now we see the building with white doves on the ground floor is thefamous Pinghetang business building. Peace means peace in Japanese, which meansharmonious development. Here is a Sino Japanese joint venture shopping mall.Japanese shareholders account for 60% of the shares, while Chinese shareholdersaccount for 40%. Before the completion of Pinghetang, the largest number ofbamboo slips in China were unearthed here, which recorded the history of theChu, Han and Three Kingdoms periods. Now there is an exhibition on the sixthfloor of Pinghetang. You can visit it after shopping.

In front of the peace hall is the May day square. There is a huge musicfountain in the middle of the square. At eight oclock every night, the musicfountain will dance with the music. Now, please look at the top of May daysquare. You can see a small house like eyes. There is the big eye studio, thevoice of the Golden Eagle.



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In the evening, after the drizzle, the air was so fresh, the sky was dyedorange, flowers and crystal clear beads, just like little girls holding shiningpearls. Looking at the beautiful scenery, my family decided to take a walk inBeigu mountain.

When I got to Beigu mountain, it was more beautiful than I thought. Thedancers came and went, and it was crowded here. Colorful lights, like a bunch ofmeteors from the sky. Even the branches are covered with green lights, somysterious.

Walking further inside, it seems to be a fairyland. The sparkling riversets off the blue light. In the light of the moonlight, silver white moonlighton the lake, is so quiet. All of a sudden, the silver dance clothes of thebright moon and the Yingying lights are blending The call of willow swinging andwillow twigs and the soothing feeling of breeze came to my ears. Unconsciously,we came to the river, a winding bridge across the river. I went to the bridgeand looked at the beautiful scenery of the river, but who knew I met"Charlotte". Seeing that it is not afraid of wind and rain, and persisting inweaving the net on the bridge, I seem to understand something from theadventure.

Walk down the bridge and come to the famous Baoding in Zhenjiang. Althoughthere are no stars tonight, the ground is full of stars. They twinkled, shiningso brightly in the center of the dark square. At this time, I suddenly turned myeyes to Baoding, and saw that it was tall and towering, just like a giant withindomitable spirit.

Late at night, the whole square is no longer so busy, the dancers left, thefishermen left. But there is still the call of the north wind and the deepsinging of the cicada in my ears. The river under the moonlight is still soquiet and beautiful.



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Ladies and gentlemen, through the dalinggeng tunnel, its Zhapo town.

As for the origin of Zhapos name, some people say that once upon a time,when men went out to sea, the women in their families often stood on the highslopes and waited for their husbands to come back, so they called it "zhanpo";ganmin in Yangjiang pronounced "Zhan" and "Zhapo", so they called it "Zhapo";others said that Zhapo was originally built on a very messy hillside, so it wascalled "zapo" In fact, the origin of Zhapos name comes from the couplets at thegate of Mayuan temple.

In ancient times, on the island along the coast of Yangjiang, fishermenlived happily and peacefully.

It is said that since then, an evil dragon has been swimming in the sea,often making waves, and the fishermens life is not peaceful.

When the tsunami came, families were destroyed and devastated.

Later, Ma Yuan, the Fubo General of the Eastern Han Dynasty, passed throughYangjiang. Knowing this, he called for a big stone from the sea to suppress thewaves.

This big stone is now the "Butterfly Island" in front of Zhapo town.

From then on, the sea did not raise waves, and fishermen moved in one afteranother, making it a new fishing port.

In memory of the Fubo General Ma Yuan, people built a Ma Yuan Temple on theseaside mountain. A couplet was written at the entrance of the temple: "chishisilently protects the stability of the boat, and the gate wave maintains thepeace of Hailing." it means: General Ma Yuan moved the big stone here to protectthe safety of the fishing boat; the big stone blocked the waves, and the windand waves were calm from then on, maintaining the peace of Hailing Island.

Later, the local fishermen were grateful and nostalgic for General MaYuans kindness of "chishizhapo", so they named the new port "Zhapo".



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现在就让我们沿着三峡大坝的路线开始游览吧,请大家跟我走。三峡大坝最高观察点——“坛子岭”。 “坛子岭”是这个三峡大坝风景区的美景之一。每当节假日,在这里游人如织,有来自国内的游客,也有高鼻子,红头发,黄头发,白头发的外国游客。




再看远处那西陵大桥吧,它位于三峡大坝右岸下游的截流纪念公园,在截流纪念公园里,展示了当年三峡截流施工场地的遗迹。在截流时,从江底捞起的形状各异的古石和使用过的大型机械,还有从被淹的三峡库区移植来的珍稀古树,进入千里三峡纪念馆,一幅巨型画卷吸引住我,它真实记录了截流之前千里三峡的秀丽风光。 大家很想去公园游赏吧,请随我到公园里的亲水平台吧。看那一条条水柱好像大坝泄洪时喷出的水柱,不时变换着形状,我们尽情地在这里戏水。我们来到公园里正对泄洪口的江边,我听到巨大的泄洪声和惊涛拍岸声,水雾随风飘来,带来阵阵清凉。




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天街最东端就是碧霞祠了,我给大家讲讲碧霞元君的故事。碧霞元君的前身是泰山女神,在民间被称作“天仙玉女碧霞元君”是百姓心目中的泰山主神,并被称作“泰山奶奶”、“泰山老母”。民众对泰山老母的候信仰与喜爱,是一种历史积淀下来的埋藏在人们心灵深层的对母亲的爱。多少年来,碧霞元君赢得了百姓的爱戴,至今仍高踞泰山之巅,接受着善男信 女的香火,召唤着去乡离国的游子。



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Hello, tourists. Im tour guide. Today, Id like to accompany you to visitthe Yalu River. Now we come to the Yalu River, the boundary river between Chinaand North Korea.

Yalu River is the second largest river in Liaoning Province. It flowsdirectly into the Yellow Sea. Along the coast, there are many green mountains,dozens of deep and mysterious canyons, numerous islands in the river, as well asthe river bank with peculiar folds, luxuriant vegetation and rare birds andanimals. All of these constitute a natural landscape with water scenery as thefocus, mountain scenery as the echo, clear mountains and rivers, and colorfulscenery in North Korea.

The Yalu River scenic spot has a colorful natural landscape on this side ofour country. The great wall of Hushan, the ruins of modern Japanese Russian war,modern bridges and large-scale water conservancy projects constitute a richcultural landscape. Now it is divided into six scenic spots, namely Jiangkou,Daqiao, Hushan, Taipingwan, Shuifeng and lvjiang scenic spots (for moreinformation about the six scenic spots, please refer to walking into the YaluRiver).

Dandong is located by the beautiful Yalu River and on the coastal plain ofthe core scenic spot. It is known as "the first border city of Wanli sea border"- the starting point of the east end of Wanli sea border (the east end of 18000km coastline and the west end of Beilun estuary); it is the largest border cityin China.

The Yalu River section, which flows through Dandong City, starts fromHunjiang estuary in the East and ends at dadonggang in the west, with a totallength of 210 km (please note that the Yalu River originates from ChangbaiMountain, with a total length of 795 km, and the upstream section is located inJilin Province). The total drainage area is 61900 square kilometers, 32500square kilometers on the Chinese side and 11700 square kilometers inDandong.

Yalu River gets its name because of its color. The green water is just likethe shining green of a male ducks neck. People call it Yalu River. It has beenfollowed up to now. Long ago, the ancient name of Yalu River was Mazi water.

You see: on the right bank is Dandong business and Tourism Zone, which hasa history of ten years. The modern urban construction has given new vitality toChinas largest border city. The tens of miles of urban buildings make peoplemore aware of Jiangcheng peoples preference for water.

On the right bank, there is the longest riverside sightseeing road in theworld, which is the Yalu River landscape Avenue in Dandong City. This roadparallel to the Yalu River extends up to the foot of Hushan mountain. Toweringtiger mountain stands by the river, overlooking the beautiful Yalu River,witnessing a long history.

On the right bank, people either walk in the beautiful square beside theriver, or play on the river; people enjoy playing with water in various ways,enjoying the unique beauty of Jiangcheng endowed by nature, and creating a newera of songs of triumph!

You see: the left bank is Sinuiju of North Korea. Dandong City facesBitong, Qingshui, Yizhou and xinyizhou across the river.

Its a country that attracts the eyes of the world. Its a land that usedto burn. Hundreds of thousands of outstanding sons and daughters of new Chinaspilled their blood on that land, condensed their blood into Sino Koreanfriendship, and exchanged their blood for peace.

People in the upper reaches of the river, river boats downstream. It is theYalu River that creates the beautiful scenery on both sides of the Strait, andit is the Yalu River that nurtures the hardworking people on both sides. Whenyou see the Yalu River with clear water, you may ask, which is the largest riverin northern China (the second largest river in Liaoning, the largest river inthe area north of the Yellow River the basin is the place with the mostprecipitation in northern China)? What is the difference between the Yalu Riverand the famous rivers in China? The difference is that the Yalu River flowswestward. As long as you open the map of China, you can see the differencebetween the Yalu River and the famous rivers in China The starting point of theeast end is the Yalu River Estuary (it is 18000 kilometers away from thesouthernmost Beilun estuary). Due to the construction of several largereservoirs in the upper reaches, the water level of Yalu River is low now, so itis difficult to use large vessels.

Cruise ships carry us to walk as close as possible to each others shore,which is a major feature of Yalu River Tourism - as long as we dont get on theother bank, we dont cross the boundary, which is rare in all boundaryrivers.

Lets see: the "Sino Korean friendship bridge" flying across the Yalu Riverin front is the iron bridge from Dandong to xinyizhou. It started constructionin April 1937 and was completed in May 1943, with a total length of 940.8meters. Next to it is a broken bridge - the Yalu River Bridge.

The Yalu River broken bridge is the first bridge on the Yalu River. It wasstarted in May 1909 and completed in October 1911. It was built by the RailwayBureau of the Korean governors office at that time. It is a railway bridge with12 holes and 944.2 meters in length. The fourth hole from the Chinese side isthe opening and closing beam, with the fourth pier as the axis, which can rotate90 ° to facilitate the navigation of passing ships.

During the puppet Manchukuo period, the Japanese built the second railwaybridge (todays Sino Korean friendship bridge) upstream of the bridge, which wasopened in April 1943 and gradually changed into a highway bridge. From November1950 to February 1951, US aircraft bombed the Chinese side for many times. Theremaining four holes of the bridge remain today.

As you can see, the bullet holes shot by the US aircraft are still on thebridge. Its a witness of history. Now the broken bridge is a cultural relicprotection unit at the municipal level, and it is also a national patrioticeducation base. Lets think about it. Why is the bridge painted light blue?Thats to keep the war in mind and hope for peace.

Thank you for visiting the Yalu River. We will continue to visit otherscenic spots of the Yalu River scenic area.



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Dear tourists, good morning. My name is Zhu Minjia. You can call me ZhuDao. Welcome to the "paradise on earth" West Lake. We are about to start a tourof the West Lake. We are going to visit Gushan, Duanqiao and three poolsreflecting the moon. I wish you a happy trip! Please dont litter andscribble.

The West Lake is so beautiful, of course, there are many wonderful legends.It is said that many years ago, there were jade dragons and golden phoenixes inthe sky. They found a piece of jade on the fairy island next to the Milky way.After they pecked together for many years, the jade turned into a shining pearl.Where the light of the Pearl shines, the trees will be evergreen and the flowerswill bloom. Later, the news spread to the heavenly palace, and the queen mothersent heavenly soldiers to take the jewels away. Yulong and Jinfeng rush toSuozhu. When the queen mother refuses, they fight. When the queen mother wasknocked down and her hands were loosened, the jade fell into the world andbecame the Golden West Lake, while the jade dragon and the Golden Phoenix becameFenghuang Mountain and Yuhuang mountain to guard the West Lake.

Look East, its a broken bridge! It is the most famous bridge in the WestLake. Its very interesting: the broken bridge is the dividing point betweenBeili lake and Waihu lake. When the snow is clear, the sunny side of the bridgehas been frozen, while the shady side of the bridge is still covered with snow.From a distance, the bridge seems to be broken, so "broken bridge" gets itsname.

Now please look ahead. This is "three pools reflecting the moon", alsoknown as "Xiaoying state". This is a lake garden with "island in the lake, Lakein the island". The island is in the shape of "Tian", connecting Liuti in theEast and West, and a curved bridge is built in the north and south. On bothsides of the curved bridge, large areas of red, white and colorful water liliesare planted.

Next, please visit the island. Please see: the three towers stand on thelake, with a height of 2 meters. The body of the tower is spherical, with 5small round holes arranged. The top of the tower is gourd shaped, with beautifulshape. During the Mid Autumn Festival, when the bright moon is in the sky,people light candles in the tower and cover their mouths with tissue paper tomake the candle light transparent. At this time, "tower shadow, moon shadow,cloud shadow" dissolved into a piece. Candlelight, moonlight and lake lightcomplement each other. In the refraction of light, the lights of the threetowers are projected on the water through 15 circular holes. There are a totalof 30 small moons. Plus one in the sky and one in the lake, there are 32 smallmoons. It presents the beautiful scenery of "one moon in the sky, three shadowsin the lake". Its really: "a lake of golden water wants to dissolveautumn"!

Go ahead, there is a famous mountain by the West Lake! Why is it called"Gushan"? This is because the mountain is very beautiful in history and has beenoccupied by the emperor, so it is called "Gushan".

The West Lake is a poem, a painting, a charming girl. "Recalling Jiangnan,Hangzhou is the most beautiful. Looking for Guizi in the mountain temple in themiddle of the month, looking at the tide on the pillow of the County Pavilion.When is it more likely to revisit? " This is Bai Juyis eternal masterpiece ofpraising the West Lake and leaving endless aftertaste for futuregenerations!

Dear friends, we are coming to the end of this trip to the West Lake. Ihope that the mountains and waters of the West Lake will stay in your goodmemories forever!



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"The west lake, thirty six", but the west lake of yangzhou, the formation of the lake, with its delicate and pretty beautiful charm of a fitting "thin" words.

West lake scenic area is shu he - the core and essence of west lake national key scenic spot. A song of water just like brocade belt, such as gone with the wind, such as breeze, when closed, when compared with hangzhou west lake, another thin verve. Sui and tang dynasties, the west coast is established in succession. When the qing dynasty, because the two emperors kangxi and qianlong six degrees of "southern", formed a "two dike flower LiuQuan depends on water, gazebo all the way until the mountain". The qiantang river in the qing dynasty poet wang kang hang to yangzhou west lake with the hangzhou west lake, wrote: "chueiyang constantly meet the residual weeds, wild goose tooth hongqiao yanyan drawing. Also pin a pot of gold, reason should be called west lake." West lake, hence the name and approval by people, was the Chinese and foreign.

West lake scenic area as the representative of lake landscape in our country, the classical garden group combines south show north male, combination is clever, are due to borrow, constitutes the common space, a west lake as the scene outside view, garden art realm, the garden are twenty scene in the history of famous throughout the world. Graceful zigzag a lake water, the list with volume Shi Dongtian, west park water, hongqiao evoque, causeway spring willow, pu misty rain, a warm southerly breeze, four bridge MeiLing spring depth, water clouds - almost, cloud, spring the bright moon, three white pagoda shine leave a trace, shu gang WanZhao, Wan Song jade green, flower island double spring the wins, pearl inlaid burging mixed on the jade belt, formed a picture of a thorn natural stereoscopic landscape picture scroll, and small jinshan 24 bridge scenic spot, the five pavilion bridge, is this picture of the pen.

The beauty of the west lake scenery, very early for people to yearn for. Qing liu observatory said: "to shop at lake mountain - hangzhou, suzhou, yangzhou garden house wins". Another qing Shen Fu in of SCFL (six chapters of a floating shout: "odd illusions, natural ornament, namely LangYuan jade pool, a fabulously rich residence, we trust this though. The beauty in the garden house one of more than ten, contact to mountain, imposing manner consistent." In the history of li bai, tu mu, ouyang xiu, liu yuxi, bai juyi, su shi, Wang Yuyang, pu songling, direction, wu ching-tzu, yu dafu, zhu zi-qing cultural celebrities such as leave or deep or shallow footprints in this area and a large number of popular discourse. "March fireworks yangzhou", "garden is more curtilage, horses and chariots, less than ship", "twenty-four bridge moon night, jade where people teach flute", "bead curtain volume spring breeze", "green eroilor guo is yangzhou" countless words such as lovers, eternal, added dazzling part for west lake.

West lake scenic area is due to its long history, rich cultural landscape, beautiful natural charm of elegance, already become the ancient and modern Chinese and foreign guests is a famous tourist attraction. West lake scenic area is the first important external window of China excellent tourist city of yangzhou, with national key scenic area, the national "AAAA level tourist area, the national civilized scenery tourist area demonstration site. In recent years, the west lake scenic area to develop the construction of scenic areas, attractions, has amounted to 168.32 hectares, food, travel, tour, shopping, entertainment, tourism increasingly perfect supporting facilities, with the ISO9001 international quality system certification, for the sustainable development of the new century and to inject new connotation of the international tourism market.

Ten mile lake, clear pale green garden, garden pond, sweeping dicui, pavilions, strewn at random have send. Humanities landscape, unique charm. West lake is eight visitors with open arms, warmly welcome the distinguished guests gaopeng. Five pavilion bridge The lake is unique among the national garden, five pavilion bridge is a sign of west lake, there is a place for in garden in the country. Its biggest characteristic is the perfect combination of masculine, feminine and southern north male organic harmony. The bridge was built in the lotus pangde, qing qianlong is twenty-two years (1757) tour salt empire built by emperor youzhu of northern qi, because was built in the lotus pangde, or because is shaped like a blooming lotus flower, so it is also called the lotus bridge.

To this, it is said that emperor qianlong southern lamented it is like spring QiongDao Yin scene, it points out the view of the bridge is draw lessons from Beijing in the north sea. Indeed, the bridge is affected by the north sea the five dragon pavilions, deep five pavilions built by the water, the five dragon pavilions longtzer, China and Japan faced on the bottom round, symbol looks; West for chung red, emerald green, chung is square double-hipped roof, floating cui is square single eaves; East is auspicious, zi xiang, chengcheng auspicious is square double-hipped roof. Five pavilions are green glazed tile roof, pavilion and pavilion Shi Liang connected between the two, tactfully if flying, another longtzer, zi xiang, floating cui three kiosks have single-arch stone bridge into the rock bank, draw bead column building, shining ripples. Yangzhou five pavilion bridge without the north sea open water, of course, cant put the five dragon pavilions. But clever craftsman dont make up, combine the pavilions, Bridges, form the pavilion bridge, for the five pavilions of cluster on a bridge, pavilion and pavilion with a short corridor, between form complete roof.

Bridge pavilion, poured male, both how to configure the harmonious? The key here is how to put the bridge construction so dainty, with bridge pavilion ratio, appropriate configuration harmony. ZaoQiaoZhe rolled the arch bridge built form, made up of three different roll contact hole, span a total of 15, center span is the largest, span of 7.13 meters, a large semicircle, direct injection, next to a dozen span arrangement on bridge based on three sides, can connect the north and the south, also a small semicircular, bridge hole for the fan, can pass. Positive, along with reflections, five hole formation, sizes and shapes their forms, thus on the bridge foundation of massiness, arranged the ethereal arch volume, placed in the straight line of the seam Angle curve little tunnel, and the bridge pavilion configuration naturally harmonious. No wonder the posterity to bridge foundation than into northern mighty men of valor, and compares the bridge pavilion south beautiful girl, this is combination of force and beauty, the harmony of zhuang and show.

The white

Yangzhou still circulating "night made white pagoda" story. The story of the qing dynasty grand view "unofficial history. One day, emperor qianlong tour in the west lake, ship to five pavilion bridge, suddenly to yangzhou accompanying officials said: "here is much like a city in the north sea QiongDao spring Yin ah, but a poor white tower". Early the next morning, the emperor xuan open a look, and see five pavilion bridge beside a white pagoda standing, thought it was from the sky, the eunuch hurriedly knelt beside play a way: "upstream of the west lake is a salt merchants who, to make up for the regret, rushed into the" overnight.

, is said to be one of the eight salt merchants, qianlong about the stories with describe, please graphed, and then the voice of night package with salt as the foundation, to push into the surface of the paper. Hyperopia, although only can close to climb, but the qianlong regrets ground say: "humanitarian yangzhou salt merchants rich of guilin, really liked".



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Wuhu has a long history. In the spring and Autumn period, Wuhu was namedjiuchanyi of Wu state. As a county name, Wuhu began to be named 120 BC__ 20years ago__ Many years of history.

In recent years, stone tools, bone implements and mammal fossils of variousspecies made by ancient human beings have been discovered in Renzi cave in Wuhu,dating from about 2 million to 2.5 million years ago, tracing back the historyof human activities in Asia to 4.5 million years. Dagongshan ancient copper minesite is the largest copper production base in China during the spring and Autumnperiod, Han and Tang Dynasties. In 1996, it was listed as a national keycultural relic protection unit by the State Council.

In 1876, the Sino British Treaty of Yantai established Wuhu as a foreigntrade port. Since 1877, Wuhu has gradually become one of the four major ricemarkets in China. Because of its superior location and prosperous business, itwas once known as "the backbone of Anhui" and "the giant port of the YangtzeRiver".

Wuhu has a long history. It is an important commercial port city in theYangtze River Basin. Paleolithic cultural relics and ancient copper smeltingsites prove that the metallurgical and manufacturing technology level of ancientWuhu was very developed. The textile industry of Ming Dynasty has formed aconsiderable scale, and there are records of "weaving is still in Songjiang,pulp dyeing is still in Wuhu". Wuhu was one of the four major rice markets inmodern China. It was opened as a foreign trade port in the late Qing Dynasty andwas one of the birthplaces of modern industry in the lower reaches of theYangtze River.

Wuhu City is located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, asubtropical humid monsoon climate, mild climate, abundant rainfall, fourdistinct seasons. The annual average temperature is 15-16 ℃, the annual averagefrost free period is 219-240 days, and the annual sunshine hours is 20__ Theaverage annual rainfall is 1200-1400mm.

Wuhu is rich in agricultural resources, water resources and mineralresources. Fertile land, rich in rice, oil, cotton and so on. The Yangtze Riverflows through the western edge of the city. The Qingyi River, Shuiyang River andZhanghe River run through the city. Heisha lake, Longwo lake and Kui lake arescattered among them. The water surface area of the city is 478 squarekilometers, accounting for 14.4% of the total area. There are many kinds ofaquatic products, among which shad, swordfish and crab are the famous "threedelicacies". The mountain area has the precious Chinese medicinal materialCortex Moutan and so on.

A total of 55 kinds of mineral resources have been found in Wuhu, of whichlimestone reserves reach 4.2 billion tons. Wuhu, located in the lower reaches ofthe Yangtze River, has an open surface and abundant water flow, which isespecially suitable for the development of industrial projects with large waterconsumption and transportation capacity.


Wuhu is an important communication hub in the Yangtze River economic belt.Nanjing Wuhan, Nanjing Wuhu trunk line optical cable and Beijing ShanghaiHangzhou coaxial cable pass through Wuhu. The total installed capacity of thecitys program-controlled telephone is 306000. Modern communication facilitiessuch as mobile communication and wireless paging are advanced. The Internet Wuhuwebsite has been officially opened.


Wuhu airport has opened routes from Wuhu to Beijing and from Wuhu toFoshan. It is 119 km away from Luogang airport in Hefei and 58 km away from thenewly built Lukou International Airport in Nanjing.


Wuhu is an important hub of highway network along the river. The totalmileage of highways in the city is 1530 km, including more than 100 km in theurban area. National highways 205 and 318 cross the border. The expressway fromWuhu to Hefei has been put into use. The Wuhu section of the high-grade highwayalong the Yangtze River has been completed. The construction of the expresswayfrom Wuhu to Hangzhou has started. The construction of the expressway from Wuhuto Hangzhou is about to start.

Starting from Wuhu, with the same day round trip as the radius, it covers atotal of 200 million people, which is the most densely populated and the highestconsumption level area in China.


Wuhu port is the last deep-water port up the Yangtze River. The width ofthe main channel is 400-500m, and the annual water depth is more than 9m. Thereare more than 70 berths in Hong Kong, with an annual capacity of 23 milliontons. Zhujiaqiao foreign trade terminal has two Wharton berths, and can alsorely on three 5000 ton seagoing ships at the same time. It also has a specialrailway line with an annual throughput of 1.52 million tons and a maximumlifting capacity of 200 tons. Yuxikou port is the largest in China and the firstmodern inland coal transfer port on the Yangtze River, with an annual handlingcapacity of 6 million tons. There are 14 seasonal navigable rivers in Wuhu City,with a navigable mileage of 429 km. After the completion of Qingyi River,Shuiyang River and Wuhu Taihu tributary canal under repair, Wuhu Shenyun canalcan be directly navigable, connecting with the Yangtze River Delta and Hangjiahuarea in southern Jiangsu.


Wuhu is an important hub of the second passage in East China. Wuning,Wutong, Anhui Jiangxi, Huainan and Xuanhang railways meet and connect here tocommunicate with all parts of the country. At 20__ The Wuhu Yangtze RiverBridge, opened to traffic in October 20__, integrates the north-south traffic ofthe Yangtze River. The Huainan line connects the Beijing Kowloon Line and theLonghai line in the north, and Hangzhou, Ningbo and Xiamen in the south.Xiaoyangcun marshalling station, which is built for the second passage of EastChina Railway, has 38 tracks of grade I, three yards, 70 trains per day and 7000cars per day.

Water and electricity

Wuhu is one of the cities with the richest water supply per capita inChina, with a daily water supply capacity of 750000 tons. The national backbonepower transmission and transformation lines are connected with Wuhu Power Plant,and the power supply is sufficient. The citys daily gas supply capacity is360000 cubic meters. Wuhu City is the center of liquefied gas storage andtransportation in southern Anhui, with a total gas storage capacity of more than12000 tons. The urban gasification rate is 89.14%, which can provide sufficientgas for residential and industrial use.

Science and Technology Education

There are 71 scientific research institutes of various types in Wuhu City,with more than 40000 professional and technical personnel, including more than10000 senior and middle professional and technical personnel. Wuhu is a nationalexperimental city for comprehensive reform of secondary city education, and apilot city for "dual system" Vocational Education of Sino German cooperationproject. There are 8 institutions of higher learning such as Anhui NormalUniversity and College of mechanical and electrical engineering, 8 secondaryprofessional schools, 6 technical schools, 17 vocational high schools and 129ordinary middle schools in the city, which can provide abundant labor force andprofessional and technical talents with good technical quality and relativelylow wage level for Wuhus economic development.

Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge Economic Park covers an area of 9.15 squarekilometers. In order to build science and technology-based, sightseeing typescenic spots, scenic spots, supporting modern business, culture, sports,entertainment and other service facilities, to form a new area with modernbusiness and tourism combination, good ecological environment as the maincharacteristics.

Wuhu agricultural science and technology demonstration zone is underconstruction, covering a total area of 80 square kilometers, including 66000 muof arable land, 42000 mu of water surface and 4000 mu of mountain farm. Theagricultural science and technology demonstration park is divided into fivefunctional areas: urban agricultural sightseeing area, efficient vegetableindustry area, efficient fishery economic area, efficient grain and oilproduction area and village and town economic and cultural area.



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Dear passengers: Hello, everyone! First allow me on behalf of the SunshineTravel sincerely welcome the arrival of everyone. My name is Jessica, your guideof the tours in Qingdao. This is our driver Mr. Ma. Adhere to guest first,service first, We will try our best to supply best services. Meanwhile, I hopethat you will support and cooperate positively with us, arrive in high spirits,leave with satisfaction. I wish you all happy and healthy during our trip.

Shandong is one of the most important coastal provinces in our country,located in the lower reaches of the Yellow River, and borders Hebei Henan AnhuiJiangsu four provinces. The province land is about 700 kilometers long from eastto west, and 400 kilometers wide from north to south. The total land area is15.7 square kilometers, and the total of sea is 17 square kilometers.

Shandong is referred to Lu. The name of Shandong first appearing as anadministrative region name is in Jin Dynasty. The Ming dynasty roughly laid theregion today.

Due to the impact of two kingdoms to the Chinese history in the WarringStates Period and the Spring and Autumn Period, Shandong is also called “QiluZhi Bang” ?The Earth of Qilu?.

In 1949, the people?s government of Shandong is set up at Ji?nan. Atpresent, the province is divided into 17cities, with nearly one hundred millionof resident population. Shandong is a big province of economy and industry ofChinese eastern coast, and has a large number of national well-known brands,such as Hisense, Haier, Tsingtao etc. Meanwhile, the insdustrial economy ofShandong is getting stronger.

The agriculture has been taken as the foundational industry of the economicdevelopment. Agricultural added value ranks first in the country. The productionof grain and cotton ranks second. Shandong is also the largest peanut productionareas in China. Apples, pears, peaches and other output ranked first in thecountry. For that ,Shandong get the name of the country?s largest vegetablebasket.

Shandong Peninsula is located in the east of China, one of the sources ofChinese civilization. Towering Mount Tai, surging Yellow River, bright QiliCulture, rich in wise and sage, Shandong obtain the reputation of ?Home town ofKong Meng? ?State of Ceremonies? “Red Holy Land” and “Fairyland on earth”. MountTai, the first of China?s Five Mountains, is regarded as the ?holy mountain?,the national mountain, and has a word of ?the world is settled, while the MountTai is stable.

Shandong is also famous as a holiday paradise. She has prolific marinetourism resources richly endowed by nature, a more than 3000 kilometerscoastline, an average temperature of 24 degrees. She is the most suitabletemperate Gold Coast for summer in China. The advantages of climate, sea, beach,seafood in the summer season is particularly prominent in Qingdao.

Shandong has a splendid coastal culture and beautiful coastal sceneries.There are ?The City of Sails? Qingdao, beautiful Weihai, Harbor City Yantai and?The Yellow River Estuary? Dongying, ?The First Famous Sea Mountain? Mount Lao,the ?Oriental Cape of God Hope? Chengshantou, and the ?Fairyland on Earth?Penglai, which is stunning for its mirage.

As a rare treasure trove of traditional Chinese medicine, Shandong has beencalled ecological paradise. Hills stretch thousands of miles, with an averagealtitude of more than 800 meters, which constitute the skeleton of Shandong. Theforest coverage rate is higher than 80%.

Qingdao is located in the southern part of Shandong Peninsula, southeastnear the Yellow Sea, northwest connecting the inland, backed Mount Lao,surrounded by the ?Internal Sea? Jiaozhou Bay, neighboring South Korea, NorthKorea and Japan. The total area of the city is 11282 square kilometers. Thereare six districts Shinan, Shibei, Licang, Laoshan, Huangdao, Chengyang and fourcities Jimo, Jiaozhou, Pingdu, Laixi. At the end of 20__, the city?s residentpopulation is nearly 9 million. Qingdao has a maritime climate, and the averagetemperature here is 12.7 degrees here. Qingdao is an old and young city. Asearly as five or six thousand years ago, our ancestors Dongyi created splendidDawenkou Culture, Longshan Culture and Dongyueshi Culure. From the establishmentin 1891 to now, Qingdao is only 123 years old. In June 14th, 1891, the Qinggovernment sent troops to fortify in Kiaochow, which is considered as thebeginning of establishment. The next year, Tengchow commander Zhang Gaoyuan ledhis army move to Kiaochow. In order to expand its sphere of unfluence, in 1897,Germany forced the occupation of Qingdao with an excuse of ?Juye ReligiousCase?. In 1914, when the first World War broke out, Japanese invaded andoccupied Qingdao replace the German. In 1919, the sovereignty of Qingdao led toMay 4th Movement. In 1930, Kiaochow was renamed Qingdao. In 1938, Qingdao wasinvaded the second time. 1945, received by the Nanjing national government,Qingdao became the U.S military naval base. June 2nd, 1949, thoroughliberation.

Up to 20__, the GDP achieved 800.66 billion. The pattern of industrialdevelopment ?Two, Three, One? had been formed. The throughput of Qingdao Port is450 million tons and more than 15 million TEUs. In 20__, Qingdao successfullyhosted the 29th Olympic and the 13th Paralym///picpetition, wherehad 11 Olympic gold medals and the first award ceremony at sea.

The scenery of the Zhanqiao Pier, Luxun Park, little Qingdao isle, Xiaoyuhill, Badaguan, the seashore and the Mayfouthsquare are all beside the sea andconstitute the famous scenic sights of Qingdao. Red roves and green trees,sapphire sea and blue sky in the scenic resort will make you feel happy andfresh.



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Danxia Mountain (China Red Stone Park), located in Renhua county andZhenjiang District, Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province, is a World Geopark, worldheritage site, world natural heritage site, etc. With an area of 292 squarekilometers, Danxia Mountain is the largest and most beautiful scenic spot andnatural heritage site in Guangdong Province, with Danxia landform as the mainlandscape. Together with Dinghu Mountain, Luofu Mountain and Xiqiao Mountain, itis known as the four famous mountains in Guangdong Province. Since 1988, DanxiaMountain has been awarded five national brands, including national scenic spot,National Nature Reserve, National Geopark and national AAAAA scenic spot. It wasapproved as the first batch of world geoparks in 20__.

Danxia Mountain is the worlds "Danxia landform" named. Danxia Mountain iscomposed of more than 680 red gravel rocks with flat top, steep body and gentlefoot, "the color is like wodan, the color is like bright Xia", and it ischaracterized by red cliff in Chibi. According to the research of geologists,among more than 1200 Danxia landforms discovered in the world, Danxia Mountainis the most typical, complete, rich and beautiful concentrated distribution areaof Danxia landforms.

There are more than 80 sites of Buddhist biezhuan temple and grotto templein Danxia Mountain. Many legends, poems and cliff stone carvings have been lefthere by scholars of all ages, which has great historical and cultural value.

Danxia Mountain products include Shatian pomelo, Baimao tea, Auriculariaauricula, fruit cane, water chestnut, Shankeng snail, dried bamboo shoots,mushrooms, etc.

Danxiashan pomelo

Danxiashan Shatian pomelo is the best among pomelo. It belongs to Rutaceae.It is an evergreen tree with thick leaves, wide wings and large clusters offlowers. The fruit is broad obovate, mature at the end of autumn, light orangeand storable. The flesh is sweet but not sour. Because the climate and soilquality here are the same as those of Shatian pomelo in Guangxi, the shape,flesh, sweetness and fragrance of the fruit are comparable to those of Shatianpomelo in Guangxi. Now a large number of species have been introduced to DanxiaMountain and surrounding villages, especially Xiafu village.

Baimao tea

Renhua county is the hometown of Lingnan Baimao tea. The "Yunwu Baihao" teafrom huanglingzhang, Hongshan, Renhua was once a tribute to the court of JiaqingDynasty in Qing Dynasty. This kind of green tea Yinhao is covered with Baimaotea syrup, with light color, sweet taste and natural orchid fragrance, rankingfirst among the three Baimao teas in China. It also has many functions, such asproducing fluid to quench thirst, refreshing brain, eating and appetizing,preventing vomiting, preventing dental caries, dispelling halitosis, reducingblood pressure and so on. Regular drinking can improve health and longevity."Baimaojian" tea is a treasure in tea. It is named because of its thick bud andsilver hair. The processed tea buds are as white as snow, and the tea soup isclear and lasting. According to the biochemical determination of steamed greentea samples, tea polyphenols 42.84%, amino acids 1.47%, dry tea samplesanalysis, tea polyphenols 38.31%, caffeine 5.5%, water extract 45.03%.

Danxiashan mushroom

The Lentinus edodes of Danxia Mountain is a traditional export product withthe characteristics of short handle, thick meat, tender and smooth. Lentinusedodes is rich in nutrition and contains seven essential amino acids. It canreduce blood pressure, cholesterol, prevent liver disease and assist in thetreatment of gastric cancer.

Stir fried snails

You cant go to Danxia Mountain without eating fried snails. Shankeng snailis small, sharp and long, conical in shape. It is the size of Shankeng snailfried with fingers, and can be found in all seasons. But cooking is veryparticular, the best way is: before cooking, you should soak the Shankeng snailin a clean way, remove the sand and debris in the snail body, and then put itinto the chicken soup at room temperature to make its meat fat, fresh and sweet,and then clamp off the tip of the snail tail. When frying, add some seasoningssuch as shredded green pepper, perilla, ginger and scallion, and master theheat, so that you can make fresh, sweet and cool Shankeng snail.

Danxiashan tofu

In a three legged shallow disc of fine porcelain with a slightly convexcenter, there is a white, tender and crystal tofu cake. On the surface, it ispoured with a spoonful of eight fresh shrimps. It is full of color, fragranceand taste. The food is as tender as fat, fresh and smooth. In fact, the tenderand white bean curd paste is not bean products, but steamed Danxiashan bean curdwith fresh Dun egg white and seasoning.



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Dear tourists

hello everyone!

Now, please look to the left. On our left is the administrative building ofTaizhou Municipal government, which is the seat of our Taizhou Municipalgovernment. Taizhou Municipal government administration building, with aconstruction area of 49510 square meters, 18 stories high and 62.9 meters high,has won the national quality project, namely Luban Award. Taizhou is located inthe central coast of Zhejiang Province, in the middle of the mainland coastline,between Ningbo and Wenzhou, facing the vast east China Sea. The land area is9411 square kilometers, the sea area is 80000 square kilometers, and there are691 islands over 500 square meters. Taizhou has a population of 5.46 million, ofwhich the urban population is 1.4 million. As early as the Neolithic age, theOuyue tribe lived and multiplied in Taizhou. Huipu township was set up by thefirst emperor of Qin Dynasty. Huipu county was established in the second year ofthe first Yuan Dynasty (85 BC) of the Western Han Dynasty. It is the earliestCounty in Taizhou. Its jurisdiction is roughly equivalent to the present-dayTaizhou, Wenzhou, Lishui and other places, as well as the vast area north ofMinjiang River in Fujian Province. Its area is five times larger than thepresent-day Taizhou city. In the second year of Taiping (257 A.D.) of Wu Shaodiin the Three Kingdoms, Linhai county was established. The fourth year of Wude inTang Dynasty (620 AD)___ The name of Taizhou was changed from Linhai to Haizhouthe following year because of the Tiantai Mountain in the territory. Since then,the name of Taizhou has been used to this day. Since the founding of new China,it has been established as an administrative office. In 1949, Taizhouestablished the sixth Office of the Zhejiang provincial Commissioner, laterrenamed Taizhou Office of the Commissioner, commonly known as Taizhou district.In 1978, Taizhou administrative office was established, known as Taizhoudistrict. It was not until August 22, 1994 that the State Council officiallyapproved the withdrawal of land to build Taizhou into a city. With the rapideconomic development, the political center of Taizhou has moved from the ancienthistorical and cultural city Linhai to the economically developed "GoldenTriangle" zone of Jiaojiang, Huangyan and Luqiao, where the municipal governmentis located. Taizhous climate belongs to subtropical marine humid climate, withmild climate, abundant rainfall, four distinct seasons and an average annualtemperature of 16. 6-17。 Between three degrees Celsius. Taizhou is an area withmore mountains, more water, more sea and less land. We can use seven rivers, twomountains and one field to summarize its geographical characteristics.Therefore, Taizhou has a vast sea area with a coastline of 745km, accounting for28% of Zhejiang Province. Taizhou now governs nine counties, cities anddistricts, namely Yuhuan, Tiantai, Sanmen and Xianju, Jiaojiang, Huangyan andLuqiao, and Wenling and Linhai. Apart from Tiantai and Xianju, the other sevencounties, cities and districts are close to the East China Sea, which forms amajor feature of Taizhou, with many harbors and convenient shipping.

Now we see Taizhou daily. The newspaper now publishes three newspapers,Taizhou daily, Taizhou evening news and Taizhou business daily, with colorprinting every day. The average daily circulation of the three newspapers is300000. There is a relatively complete distribution network system, with morethan 500 issuers, undertaking all kinds of delivery, publicity, investigationand marketing business. So that the people of Taizhou can see the newspapersthey want to read in time. These three newspapers mainly publish thecomprehensive news of Taizhou local news, play the function of externalcommunication and information exchange, and serve Taizhou to go to the world andunderstand Taizhou. It can be said that they are an important window forTaizhous external communication.

Jiefang Road, where we are now, is one of the main commercial streets inTaizhou city. Jiefang Road and Zhongshan Road are both commercial streetscharacterized by fashion shopping. At the intersection of Jiefang Road andZhongshan Road, which is called Taizhou Commercial prime area, there is a largeshopping center, Jinjiang department store. Jinjiang Department store has abusiness area of 23000 square meters and operates medium and high-end businessesIt is one of the fastest-growing and largest modern department stores in Taizhoucity. Here, for the first time in Taizhou, you can enjoy the youth of Giordanoand esprit, the classic of X -- moon and E +, and the noble flavor of Omega andLongines. Here, you can enjoy the fun of one-stop shopping integrating shopping,leisure and entertainment. With brand-new brand, brand-new management, brand-newimage and brand-new service, Jinjiang department store sincerely looks forwardto performing the brand-new dynamic charm of urban life with you.

How can I feel like Im advertising for Jinjiang department store? Ha ha,lets move on.

Now we are on Jiefang North Road. At the end of this road is the passengerterminal, that is, terminal 7. It is mainly sent to Shipu, the ancient city offishing port, and Dachen Island, the marine forest park. Haimen port is thethird largest port in Zhejiang Province. There are many terminals. In additionto the terminal 7 we see, terminal 1 is a special coal terminal, terminal 3 is aspecial general cargo terminal, and Taizhou cargo terminal The wharf of stateowned Assets Management Bureau, the self provided oil wharf of Taizhou oilcompany, and the self provided Coal Wharf of Taizhou Power Plant.

Taizhou has a long coastline of 745 kilometers and many deep-water ports.It has always been a maritime gateway for foreign exchanges. As early as 230 ad,Sun Quan, who was sent by the Chinese mainland, dispatched general Wei Wei andZhuge to the army for more than 2 thousands of people. Starting from Zhang an,Zhang an is the opposite of the passenger ferry pier we just saw, and it isdirectly to the Yizhou and Chinese Taiwan. This also marks the beginning of the exerciseof jurisdiction by the Chinese mainland to Chinese Taiwan. At present, the city has 21ports, including Haimen port in Taizhou Bay, Jiantiao port in Sanmen Bay andDamaiyu port in Yueqing Bay. 20___ In, the Ministry of communications of thepeoples Republic of China approved the unified designation of Taizhou port asTaizhou port, and determined that Taizhou port is a multi-functional,comprehensive and modern international port with Haimen port as the center andbarley island port and Jiantiao port as the north and South wings.

The road we are on now is Jiangbin West Road. On your right hand side, youcan see Jiangbin Park, which is the Bund of Taizhou. Every night, when thelights are on, there are lots of tourists. As we all know, Taizhou is a placethat is often disturbed by strong typhoons. After the strong typhoon of November1997, the provincial Party committee and the provincial government made up theirminds and issued the call of "all the people mobilize to develop waterconservancy and build seawalls with one mind". They are determined to smash thepot and sell iron, tighten their belts, and build 1000 km important seawallswith low coastal standards into high standard Seawalls in three to four years.This decision has won the support of the people and received positive responsesfrom all over the province. In only three years, the province has invested 4.5billion yuan to build 1020 km of standard seawall. A "Great Wall on the sea"against Chinese Taiwan and tide lies on the coast of the East China Sea. The monument infront of it is the "monument to the Qianli seawall in eastern Zhejiang"inscribed by Chai Songyue, former governor of Zhejiang Province and now chairmanof the State Electric Power Regulatory Commission. The monument is cylindricaland high It is 21 meters in diameter and 5 meters in diameter. It is 3 meterslong and has a bronze head at the top, weighing 4 meters. The 5-ton buffalooverlooks the sea. Why is buffalo at the top? From the perspective of yin andYang and five elements, cattle belong to earth and earth controls water, whichalso expresses peoples good wishes for conquering nature.

What we are seeing now is Taizhou Power Plant, the backbone power plant inEast China, with a total installed capacity of 1.44 million kilowatts. It is anational super large enterprise, a national first-class thermal power plant, andthe main power plant in Zhejiang Province. It is known as "the wings of economictake-off in Southeast Zhejiang".

Taizhou is a big power and energy city. At present, Taizhou Baycomprehensive energy community, which integrates thermal power, hydropower andwind power, has been initially built. In addition to the Taizhou Power Plant wejust saw, there are Wenling Jiangxia tidal test power station, which ranks firstin China and third in the world; Cangshan wind power station, which is thelargest wind power plant in East China and the highest relative altitude in theworld; Sanmenwan nuclear power base with a total investment of about 25 billionyuan and an installed capacity of 2 million kilowatts; Huaneng Yuhuan thermalpower plant with a total investment of 20 billion yuan and an installed capacityof 3.6 million kilowatts and an investment of 48 billion yuan. Tiantai TongbaiPumped Storage Power Station, a state key project with an installed capacity of1.2 million kilowatts and a total investment of 700 million yuan. In the future,Taizhou will become the largest and most important energy base in East China,with nuclear power as the main source, thermal power and hydropower as theauxiliary, pumped storage power generation as the supporting, wind power andtidal power as the complementary.

Now the car has entered the Ferry Road, and there are many characteristicleisure streets in Jiaojiang. For example, beixinjiao street is a century oldstreet, the architectural style of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic ofChina is organically blended with Western and modern architectural styles,showing the regional customs and folk culture of Jiaojiang, providing localsnacks, etc.; Zhongshan Road and Jiefang Road are mainly for fashion shopping;Gongren road is mainly for entertainment and leisure; Gongren road is mainly forleisure; The Ferry Road where we are now is dominated by seafood and local brandshopping. You can see that there is a haizhimen hotel in front of us. The TVplay haizhimen, which is now on the air, is the longest series and the largestscale of investment in domestic reform and reality TV series. Its creativebackground is the history of reform and opening up in Taizhou, which ishistorically short of state investment The vigorous development of more than 20years has been compared to "grassroots" economy by economists, and the firstjoint-stock cooperative enterprise in China has been born here. The GDP has beengrowing at a high speed of more than 13% on average. The comprehensivecompetitiveness of Taizhou has ranked 35th among large and medium-sized citiesin China, and the industrial competitiveness has ranked 16th; 20___ In, thedisposable income of residents ranked second in the Yangtze River Delta, up to18313 yuan, only 300 yuan less than that of Shanghai; Taizhou now has 12national capitals and bases, 8 Chinese famous brand products, 5 Chinese famoustrademarks, 20 national quality inspection free products, and 48 industrialproducts, ranking first in China. Famous enterprises include China leap Groupfounded by Qiu Jibao, who is praised as national treasure by Zhu Rongji, ChinaGeely Group, which makes its own cars for China, and China Qianjiang Group,which has the largest motorcycle manufacturing base in Asia.

On the left side of the window is Taizhou Telecom Building, which is alsothe original Telecom Building. In the New Telecom Building, we can see that overthe years, as the main force of information construction, Taizhou Telecom hasbeen committed to the information construction in Taizhou. On the constructionof Taizhous Informatization___ The goal of the plan is that the broadbandbackbone network should cover the whole city, with 800000 Internet users, 500000broadband users, 42% of the main line of fixed telephone per 100 people, 70mobile phones per 100 people, 70 computers per 100 people, digital TV basicallyrealized, and 95% of the enterprises Internet access rate. Therefore, the taskof Taizhou Telecom is quite arduous . As for the logo of China Telecom, you maybe familiar with it no more. Whats the meaning of it? The white pattern ofChina is the trend line of the first letter C of China Telecom. It looks like anopen arm, an energetic bulls head and a flying dove. It has a strong sense ofthe times and visual impact. It conveys the self-confidence and enthusiasm ofChina Telecom, which symbolizes that the smooth and efficient telecom networkconnects every corner and serves more users. It also strongly expresses theservice concept of "customer first, service with heart", and embodies the goodfeelings of connecting with users hand in hand and heart in heart. The maincolor of the logo is blue, which represents high technology, innovation andprogress. Calligraphy style is adopted in the writing, which shows vitality,appeal and affinity. It matches with the international logo, making theclassical and modern integrated, and the tradition and fashion complement eachother.

On our right is Taizhou Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. Theancient Chinese medicine not only blooms in China, but also is highly praised inmany countries and places in the world. Traditional Chinese medicine is ahistorical heritage, so it has to reproduce the history. Why is it so prosperousin the long history of traditional Chinese medicine? The main way is to realizeit by the way of teacher leading apprentice and father passing on son. Whatsthe origin of traditional Chinese medicine? As early as in ancient times, ourancestors created primitive medicine in the struggle with nature. In the processof searching for food, people found that some food can alleviate or eliminatesome diseases. This is the origin of the discovery and application oftraditional Chinese medicine. The theory of traditional Chinese medicine mainlycomes from practice, and has been constantly enriched and developed in practice.As early as 20__ years ago, the earliest monograph of traditional Chinesemedicine theory in China, Huangdi Neijing, summarized the previous treatmentexperience and medical theory. Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing in Qin and Han Dynastieswas the earliest monograph on pharmacology. Zhang Zhongjing, a famous doctor inEastern Han Dynasty, wrote treatise on febrile diseases, which laid thefoundation for the development of clinical medicine. Later generations praisedthis book as the "ancestor of Prescriptions". Sun Simiao, a doctor of the TangDynasty, wrote a Book of prescriptions for thousands of gold, which is a greatcollection of prescriptions before the Tang Dynasty. The Song Dynasty paid moreattention to the education of traditional Chinese medicine. The Song governmentset up the "Taiyi bureau", as the highest institution to cultivate talents oftraditional Chinese medicine. Li Shizhen, a pharmacist in the Ming Dynasty,wrote compendium of Materia Medica, which made outstanding contributions to thedevelopment of Chinese and world pharmacology. To sum up, we can see thattraditional Chinese medicine is an important part of the splendid culture of theChinese nation, and the academic degree of traditional Chinese medicine is veryimportant For thousands of years. It shows its own strong vitality, and togetherwith modern medicine, it constitutes the socialist health cause in China.

Jiazhen street is located in Taizhou new city, where the key projects areconcentrated and the infrastructure is improving day by day. Jiaojiang bridge,Taizhou Central Avenue, 82 provincial road and other backbone roads run throughit, including Taizhou gymnasium, Taizhou passenger transport center, Jiaojiangcampus of Taizhou University, Taizhou Branch of Graduate School of ZhejiangUniversity, Taizhou Branch of Graduate School of Zhejiang University, Jiazhenstreet Jing cultural corridor, Oriental Sun City and other cultural and sportsfacilities are scattered, which will be the high-grade cultural plate of Taizhouin the future, with strong humanistic atmosphere, and will play an extremelyimportant role in promoting the development of new Taizhou in the future. Howdoes the word "Jia" come from? "Jia" is the reed beside the water, and "Wei" isthe depression beside the water. Jiawei is located by the river and formed bythe alluvial of Jiaojiang River. It used to be low-lying and full of reeds.Jiawei got its name from this. It is mainly marine plain, accounting for morethan 80% of the total area There are advantages of mountains and seas, forming aunique natural environment. Jiaji has a long history. It is said that Zhao Gou,king of Kang, once stayed in Jiaji in the Southern Song Dynasty. Up to now,there are still relics on the riverside facing jinqia mountain, an ancient townof Zhangan across the river. Jiaji is located at the estuary of JiaojiangRiver, with convenient transportation. As early as the Ming and Qing Dynasties,Jiaji was a famous coastal town in central Zhejiang, where merchants gathered,people gathered, agriculture, fishing and business flourished. Zhejiangfisheries school was once located in Jiaji, where folk activities such assending off heatstroke were very characteristic. Now many experts compare thedevelopment of Jiaji with that of Hong Kong, because Hong Kong was also a smallfishing village. As an important part of Jiaojiang, Taizhou is striving to builda national health city, a national excellent tourism city and a nationalecological demonstration city.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5270 字

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Hello, friends! Welcome to the beautiful "banyan city" Fuzhou, I am __travel agency tour guide __.

There is an old saying in Fuzhou that "Left Banner and right drum are thebest in Fujian". Today, we will visit Gushan, one of the best in Fujian. GUSHAN,located in the southeast of Fuzhou, is a famous cultural mountain with a longhistory in our province and one of the top ten scenic spots in the province. Itis said that there is a huge stone at the top of the peak, which is like a drum.Whenever there is wind and rain, the rain will make a sound like a drum, so itis called Gushan. Do you remember the drum rock we saw yesterday on GulangyuIsland in Xiamen? It was also named after the "thumping" drum sound of the wavesbeating on the rocks. Zhu Xi, a famous Neo Confucianist of the Southern SongDynasty, left a literary story of "the wind of heaven and the waves of the sea"in Gushan, and Lin Zexu also left a masterpiece of "the sea is boundless, thesky is the shore, the mountain is the top, I am the peak". Since the SongDynasty, there have been more than 480 cliff inscriptions left on the mountainby the literati of all dynasties. There are all kinds of fonts, which are like anatural treasure house of stone calligraphy. It is known as the "forest ofsoutheast steles".

My friends, now lets enter this magnificent hall of calligraphy art tohave a good look! Look! The four words "deep in the spiritual source" at theentrance of the cave are written by Yuan Xian, a monk living in the mountains inthe Qing Dynasty. The surface meaning indicates the place name, while the innermeaning tells later generations that the inscriptions in this area are theemotional expression of the predecessors hearts and the exhibition of theelegant cultural palace.

Down the steep stone steps, you can see that the surrounding mountains arevery different and the scenery is quiet. It seems that you have arrived at afairyland and a paradise. Do you feel relaxed and happy when you take a deepbreath?

The most famous cliff inscription in Lingyuan cave is the handwriting ofCAI Xiang, one of the four greatest calligraphers in Song Dynasty. Look at this"forget to return stone", which is also the earliest stone inscription inGushan. Cai Xiang was born in Xianyou, Fujian Province. He was a famousstatesman and calligrapher in the Northern Song Dynasty. When he was themagistrate of Fuzhou, he liked to visit Gushan very much and often forgot toreturn. Once, he wandered through the beautiful scenery in the mountains,forgetting the time. When he was urged repeatedly, he realized that it wasgetting late, so he wrote "forget to return stone". These three words havealready expressed his reluctant feelings. If any tourist forgets to returnlater, he cant find a stone to leave his calligraphy!

Well, now we see three big characters engraved on this rock wall. Who canrecite them? The child said its too simple. Its a place to drink water. Healso asked why there is no water. In fact, if the word doesnt recite water,why? Let me tell you a little story: its said that master Yan, the founder ofYongquan temple in ancient times, recited scriptures here. He thought that thesound of the spring influenced the chanting Stop the running water with a bigdrink. Since then, the stream has been diverted to the East, and the stream herehas dried up. Therefore, these three words read "drinking water rock". Ofcourse, its just a folk legend. In fact, the terrain at this time is a rockfracture zone geologically. Due to the crustal movement, a fracture surface isformed, and the surface water seeps down the fracture surface. Of course, thereis no water, not one who can drink water back. Is it better to have water or nowater here? A hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contendhere. Xu Xizhi, a scholar of the Song Dynasty, expounded his point of view inhis stone carving poem. Looking at this stone tablet, he wrote: "the mountainsare heavy, the mountains are complex, the lock is loose, only the sound of thespring is not enough. If I had been at my teachers side in those years, I wouldnot have taught to drink water to cross other mountains." He thought that therewere so many mountains here that there was no water. If he had been there, hewould have advised the master not to change the way of the stream. Yu Dafu, amodern litterateur, once expressed great emotion here. He said, "its strangethat he came from the source of his liveliness and never came back for athousand years." We are here today. I dont know if you all feel the same.However, in order to make up for this great regret, I dont know which ancientsage has a unique idea. The inscription "without water is also good" beside thestone really makes the tourists look back and smile, which means a lot.

Lingyuan cave in Gushan has a deep stone Valley, which is a valley invalley landscape. In the spring of 1982, when Master Liu Haisu was 87 years old,he visited Lingyuan cave and wrote four big words: "better than Tianzhu",praising the scenery and forest of Steles here.

My friends, due to the limited time, there are still many scenic spots notseen. I hope you have a chance to come to Gushan again, listen to the endlessstories, watch the endless beautiful scenery, and share a happy moment again!Thank you.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 3509 字

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The second largest city of jilin province, is also the only one in ourcountry and province name repetition of the city. Jilin formerly known as "ula"jilin, manchu means "of the city along the river". Through the city jilin cityhas a long history, the songhua river water, gave birth to the ancient peoplesand cultures. Jilin city was named "Chinas famous historical and cultural city"of the state council, class a open city and one of 32 large cities in China.

Jilin city has a long history and a pleasant climate. 14 to 19 century AD,the jilin northeast region is important political, economic and military center.In the late qing dynasty, the republic of China, and the early liberation, jilincity is the capital of jilin province city.

Jilin city rich in natural resources, abundant around the products. Land,water, minerals, forests, wild animals and plants resources were higher than thenational average, especially the water resources reserves is bigger, is one ofthe rare water cities in China, water resources per capita volume of 3679 cubicmeters. After 50 years of development, jilin has become mainly chemicalindustry, electric power, etc, solid foundation, all kinds of modern industrialcity. Jilin city is one of the main commodity grain base, grain output reached2.61 million tons. In recent years, with the rapid economic development at thesame time, the city appearance with each passing day. Jilin city show shanlingshui xiu, the scenery beautiful city style as the overall goal of the urbanconstruction, is set in the natural landscape, with historical development vein,with the buildings of chic modelling in the ornament, as a whole to promotejilin city image, to show the vitality of the old river and colorfulglamour.

Distinctive landscape features and rich culture and history of jilin city,rich in tourism resources, tourism broad development space. Lower back slowlyturn, songhua river in an s-shaped type through the city. Surrounded LongTanshan, small white, rosefinch mountain ridge, xuan day, such as mythology,blue dragon, white tiger, rosefinch, xuanwu four vault. God has west mountains,the east group two sites of ancient culture, landscape, one another. Surroundedby mountains and river of rotary, form "green hills on three sides by water allaround, a city of mountains half city jiang" natural beauty.

Advantageous natural conditions, the jilin city has a unique naturallandscape and human landscape, plump, white, redstone three hydropower stationis completed, formed "one river lakes" beauty, songhua lake is classified asnational tourist area, jilin rime is regarded as one of Chinas four naturalwonders, Long Tanshan area were classified as state-level touristattractions.

Jilin city is a famous historical and cultural city, built in 1742 indowntown the northeasts largest Confucian temple, Confucian temple; jilin Amixed Buddha, Taoism and Confucianism, Taoism rubbing of beishan temple; Ashfield of cliff stone carvings of Ming dynasty left; There are full of mysterious"most of the world" JiLinShi meteorites, full-bodied traditional folk customsand local characteristics.

Jilin city is typical of ice and snow sports tourism city in China, thecity sports center inside the ice, beishan, rosefinch mountain tourism skiresorts, songhua lake skiing and north lake. Breezily in fallen snow.wheremountains, when you will see the decoration of the mountain, the romantic snow,flying volley, ski slopes and mountainous, the gray. Into the arms of thenature, like silvery dream.
