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In the beautiful plateau Tibet, there are not only Mount Qomolangma, theroof of the world, but also the mysterious Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple andXiaozhao temple. Today, I will take you to take a look at the supreme positionin Tibetan Buddhism - the Jokhang Temple.

Dazhao temple, also known as "zulakang" and "juekang", is located in thecenter of Lhasas old city. It was built by King Songzanganbu of Tibet and has ahistory of more than 1300 years. Dazhao temple is a Tibetan Buddhist temple, andalso the earliest existing civil structure building in Tibet. It creates aTibetan Hirakawa style temple pattern, and is a building integrating Tang,Tibetan, Nepalese, Indian and other artistic styles. The enthusiastic localguide led us into this temple full of mystery and beautiful legend.

"The Jokhang Temple is an eternal example of Tibetan religiousarchitecture. Now, what we see are tens of thousands of butter lamps that haveleft traces of time and pilgrims. These butter lamps are on day and night, andwill not go out. Why? Because countless devout Tibetans in Tibetan areas keepdonating butter to temples, so as to ensure the continuous use of butter forthese butter lamps worshipped in front of Buddhas platform... " I was thinkingabout why. After listening to the guides explanation, I finally understood why.It seems that devout belief is the strongest support for Tibetans. Buddha hasbecome their spiritual sustenance, carrying their hope and yearning for a betterlife in the future. "Lets go on!" the guides call brought me back to reality.So I took back my mind and quickly followed.

The stone floor is as bright as a mirror because of the friction ofbelievers for many years. There is a huge Buddha statue on the left and right ofthe hall. The one on the left is lianhuasheng, the founder of the red crosssect, and the one on the right is the future Buddha. Further inside, there isthe temple of the sacred goat remjem. Why do you call it this name? Because agoats head naturally grows in the corner of the temple, so Tibetans take thisinteresting name for it. At the same time, the guide also told a fairy talerelated to this hall. It is said that in order to build a palace for theNepalese princess who was married at that time, during the reign of the fifthTibetan king Songzanganbu, he traveled all over Tibet and found many places, butthey all felt that they were not suitable. Songzanganbu decided to leave thematter to God. So he took one of Princess nibbles rings and threw it into theair. Where the ring fell, he built the palace. Unexpectedly, the ring fell in alake, and a white tower appeared in the lake. Songzanganbu, who thought it wasauspicious, decided to fill the lake and build a palace. Because they wereworking in the lake, people and yaks were too heavy to transport the stones tofill the lake, so they took the lighter goats as the main labor force at thattime. After efforts, the lake was finally filled up and the present JokhangTemple was built. However, many goats died in that project. In order tocommemorate the achievements of the goats, the king of Tibet called this place"Reza" (the goat represented by "Reza"). With the passage of time, "Reza" hasgradually been called "Lhasa", so there is a saying in Tibet that there wasJokhang temple first and Lhasa city later.

Next, we will visit the 12-year-old statue of Sakyamuni, the treasure ofJokhang Temple. You must be curious about what an isomorphic statue is? It is aBuddha statue carved according to the height and appearance of Sakyamuni when hewas 12 years old. It is the only one in the world. This Buddha statue wasbrought to Tibet by Princess Wencheng, who married a Nepalese princess. It tookhim more than three years to come to Lhasa. It is the most complete statue ofSakyamuni in the world. When I didnt see it, I thought it should be about thesame height as me, but when I saw it, my chin was startled! Now this Buddha isfour or five meters tall, and its head is like a big washbasin. Puzzled, I askedthe guide, "was Sakyamuni so old when he was 12?" the guide said with a smile,"no, the original statue is the same size as a child about 10 years old, butbecause the monks here are very devout. Every day, I brush the Buddhas bodywith gold powder, from head to toe, and not once a day. Monks will brush theBuddhas body with gold powder on time. After a long time, the Buddhas bodybecomes bigger and bigger God! Its incredible that a Buddha statue as tall as achild can be painted so big with gold by devout believers. Its conceivable thatthis Buddha statue has great weight in the hearts of Tibetans.

Then we visited Maitreya hall, Guanyin Bodhisattva hall, sanfawang hall,Tara hall, Shenbian tower and so on. As the sun sets, the visit is drawing to aclose. In fact, there are many things I want to introduce to you, but I cantdescribe them one by one. But what I want to tell you is that the Jokhang Templehas given me a new understanding of Tibetan Buddhist culture and made me fall inlove with this mysterious and interesting place. Students, I hope you can gothere to have a look and appreciate the mystery and beauty in the future!


Hello, everyone. Im Xiao Li, your tour guide. Welcome to the beautifulsunshine city of Lhasa.

Lhasa, the capital of Tibet Autonomous Region of China, has a history ofmore than 1300 years. It is the political, economic, cultural and religiouscenter of the region

It is located in the middle of the Tibetan Plateau, 3650 meters above sealevel, surrounded by mountains, flat terrain, mild climate, annual sunshine timeof about 3000 hours, so it has the reputation of sunshine city.

In the middle of the seventh century, Songzanganbu established the TuboDynasty here. In the Tang Dynasty, after entering Tibet, Princess Wenchengproposed to build a temple by filling the lake with white goats. After thecompletion of the temple, in order to commemorate the contributions of thetemple and the goat, the temple was named Reza. Later, it became the name of thecity and evolved into Lhasa, which means Yangtu city.

For thousands of years, Lhasa has become the center of political andreligious activities in Tibet several times, so Lhasa has become a truly sacredplace.

In the general impression, Lhasa is composed of Potala Palace, Bajiaostreet, Jokhang Temple, sera temple, Drepung temple and Lhasa River. However,Tibetans believe that strictly speaking, Lhasa only refers to Potala Palace,Jokhang Temple and Bajiao street built around Jokhang Temple. Next, let me showyou around the real Lhasa.

What we are seeing now is the world-famous Potala Palace. Is itshocking.

Potala is a Tibetan translation, namely Putuo. According to legend, TibetanBuddhists think that Hongshan is comparable to Guanyins St. Putra mountain, sothey compare it to the second Putra mountain.

The Potala Palace was built in the 7th century for Princess Wencheng, whomarried in Tibet. A total of 999 rooms and 1000 original red mansions werebuilt. It is the highest and largest palace style building complex in the world,with an altitude of more than 3700 meters and an area of more than 360000 squaremeters.

Having said so much, we still dont know which parts the Potala Palace iscomposed of.

The Potala Palace City consists of four parts: the Red Palace, the WhiteHouse, the Dragon King pool behind the mountain, and the snow at the foot of themountain.

The Red Palace is the ancient pagoda hall and various Buddhist halls, whichis located in the center and the top of the whole building. The White Houseembraces the Red Palace, including palaces, sutra halls, gaxia, the former localgovernment of Tibet, and the school of monks and officials. Longwangtan is theback garden of Potala Palace. There is a large pool in the garden center. Thereis an island in the pool. There are longwanggong palace and elephant house onthe island. Snow is at the foot of Potala Palace, where there are prisons,printing houses, workshops and stables of gaxia, the former local government ofTibet.

At the beginning of its construction, the scale of the Potala Palace wasnot as grand as it is now, but gradually expanded with the continuous expansionin the future. Several generations have participated in the expansion and designof the palace, and the cost is huge. It was not until 1936, when the 13th Lamaspagoda hall was completed, that the Potala Palace became its present scale. Sofar, it is like a mysterious symbol, attracting countless people to come toTibet. Those lucky enough to enter the Potala Palace are very lucky.

If you look at this building, do you think it is extremely dazzling? Thisis the famous Jokhang Temple.

Located in the center of Lhasa, the Jokhang Temple has a history of 1350years. It is the most splendid Tibetan Architecture in Tibet. It was first builtin 647. It was jointly built by Songzanganbu, Princess Wencheng of Tang Dynastyand princess Chizun of Nepal. After many expansion, it has formed a grand scalewith an area of more than 25100 square meters. There are more than 20 halls inthe temple. The main hall is four stories high, with gold-plated copper tiletop, which is magnificent. It has the architectural style of Tang Dynasty, andalso absorbs the artistic characteristics of Nepalese and Indianarchitecture.

There is a legend about the origin of the Jokhang Temple.

That was 1300 years ago, when Lhasa was still a wilderness and lake. TheTibetan king wanted to build a temple here in order to honor the 8-year-oldstatue of Sakyamuni brought by Princess Chizun of Nepal. According to legend,temples were built in the daytime and collapsed at night. The temple has neverbeen built. Later, Princess Wencheng came here. Because she knew the eighttrigrams of yin and Yang, she explained that the whole Qinghai Tibet Plateau wasa Luocha girl lying on her back. The witch was in the shape of a human, with herhead to the East and her legs to the West. The lake where the Jokhang Temple islocated is just the heart of the Luocha woman, and the lake water is her blood.So Princess Wencheng said that if she wanted to build a temple, she had to fillthe lake first, and first she had to calm the heart of the witch. Then she alsorecommended another 12 small temples to build 13 temples in remote areas, whichcould hold the limbs and joints of the witch.

It is worth mentioning that in the middle of the hall is a 12-year-oldgilded bronze statue of Sakyamuni brought by Princess Wencheng from Changan.The 8-year-old statue of Sakyamuni brought by Princess Chizun of Nepal wastransferred to Xiaozhao temple in the 8th century.

Tibetan people call the statue of Sakyamuni wearing a crown "Jue Wo".Pilgrims touch their knees with their foreheads, believing that they can prayfor themselves, for their friends, and even for their friends. Believers fromremote areas present hada to Jue Wo for their fellow villagers, just like takinga message to Jue wo.

Dazhao temple is the belief center of Tibetan Buddhism. The temple is fullof incense all day long. Believers are worshiping devoutly, and thousands ofbutter lamps are always on. All these record the never-ending footprints ofpilgrims.

After visiting the Jokhang Temple, of course, lets have a look at our oldand busy Bajiao street. Have you felt the strong flavor of Tibetan life now?

Bajiao street is the pronunciation of Paco street. Paco means the streetaround the Jokhang Temple.

The octagonal street is round, like a huge clock, and the magnificentJokhang Temple is the clock axis. According to Tibetan Buddhists, a circlearound the Jokhang Temple is called "zhuanjing" to show the worship of SakyamuniBuddha in the temple. Bajiao street is also the main route for Tibetan Buddhiststo turn their Buddhist scriptures. Every day, people who kowtow for three stepscome here to worship the Buddha in front of the Jokhang Temple. Some of thesepilgrims are even teenagers. They often really kowtow to Lhasa from thousands ofmiles away. They not only had a long way to go, but also could not earn money bydoing odd jobs. In order to make pilgrimage, they had to endure a very miserablelife on the way.

Bajiao street is a famous commercial center and an important commoditydistribution center in Tibet. At present, there are more than 120 handicraftshops and more than 200 stalls in Bajiao street. Here you can find all kinds ofgood things, all kinds of Tibetan ornaments, Nepalese jewelry, small crafts,carpets, Thangka, etc. Of course, its also a paradise for delicious food.Tibetan food is the most characteristic. All over the country, there are variousflavors of CAI.

Well, thats the end of my explanation. I hope you have a good time inLhasa.


Ladies and gentlemen

First of all, welcome to Lhasa. Im Wang Bin, the tour guide of Lhasa. Youcan call me Xiao Wang or Xiao bin. My skin is a little dark, which is the reasonwhy Im on the plateau all the year round. But its healthy skin. Sitting nextto me is our guard, master zaxidler. You can call him master zaxidler for short.Zaxidler means -- Good luck and good luck. I hope all the guests who come fromafar will have good luck. Now our destination is Potala Palace, the highest andlargest palace group in the world with the most profound Tibetan culture. Nowthe car is still a short drive away from Potala Palace. You can enjoy theplateau scenery outside the car while listening to Xiao Wangs introduction toPotala Palace.

"Potala" is a Tibetan translation, namely "Putuo". According to legend,Tibetan Buddhists believe that Hongshan is comparable to Guanyins Mount St.Putuo, so they compare it to the second Putuo, hence the name of Potala Palace.Potala Palace is an ancient building group integrating palaces and temples. Themain building is 13 stories high, 113 meters high, 3700 meters above sea level,and covers an area of 120000 square meters. Potala Palace was built in the 7thcentury in order to marry Princess Wencheng of Tang Dynasty. 999 rooms werebuilt and 1000 red mansions were built. 1645 (the year of Muji in Tibetancalendar) V completed the unification of Tibet. In order to announce thereconstruction of the Potala Palace, the Potala Palace has been renovated andrebuilt many times since then, and it has begun to take on todays scale. ThePotala Palace City consists of four parts: the Red Palace, the White House, theDragon King pool behind the mountain and the "Snow" at the foot of the mountain.In Tibetan Buddhism, there is the theory of "three realms". The three realms are"desire", "desire" and "nothingness". We can see the overall layout of thebugong, which divides the Red Palace, the White House and "Snow" into threelevels from top to bottom, and arranges them vertically, which fully embodiesthe theory of "three realms" of Tibetan Buddhism. OK, we are at the front hallsquare of Potala Palace. Please take your luggage and get off with me. Theoverall structure of Potala Palace is made of stone and wood. The outer wall ofthe palace is 2-5 meters thick, and the foundation is directly embedded in therock. All the walls are built of granite, up to tens of meters high. Iron juiceis poured into the middle of the walls every certain distance for reinforcement,which improves the anti-seismic capacity of the walls and makes them firm andstable. Up these stairs, we can get to Sassoon Langjie in Potala Palace. Thereare many stairs and they are on the plateau, so please slow down.

Now we have reached the highest Hall of Potala Palace, which is calledsasonglangjie (meaning Shengjie). Inside the palace is a portrait of EmperorQianlong. In front of the portrait is a memorial tablet of the emperor "longlive". The memorial tablet is written in Chinese, Tibetan, Manchu and Mongolian.To the west, we come to the qimeigandan hall, which was built in 1690 and wasthe Sutra Hall of the sixth emperor Cangyangjiacuo. At the age of 25,Cangyangjiacuo, the victim of the upper ruling class, began his wanderinglife.

He wandered to Qinghai, Gansu, Mongolia, Sichuan, India, Nepal and otherplaces successively. He once worked as a beggar and sent corpses. His life wasextremely hard. Because of his contact with the working people and rich lifepractice, he wrote a famous collection of poems. This poem is now popular on theInternet, which is "cangyang Jiacuo love song". I remember a soothing poem, "seeor dont see" you see or dont see me, Im not sad or happy there After watchingits beautiful Gandan, lets take a look at the palace corridor. There are alarge number of murals inside the Potala Palace, which constitute a huge Galleryof painting art. Nearly 200 people have participated in the mural painting,which has taken more than ten years. The themes of the murals include thehistory of the development of Buddhism in Tibet, the life of wushida Lama andthe process of Princess Wenchengs entering Tibet. Now we have a generalunderstanding of the function, historical background, status and cultural valueof the main building of Potala Palace. I believe it will leave a deep impressionon you. In fact, according to the value theory of Potala Palace, it is almost apalace made of gold. Its overall layout shows the divine power of Buddhism, andencourages people to avoid contradictions in reality, pursue transcendence andfly to the realm of Buddhism, The architectural art of the Potala Palace mainlyshows the traditional Tibetan architectural form and the style of stone and woodstructure, and also absorbs the characteristics of the Han nationality, such asbeam frame, Dou Gong, Jinding, caisson and so on.

It is not only the crystallization of Tibetan working peoples wisdom, butalso the evidence of Tibetan and Han peoples unity and cooperation. In order tobetter protect the Potala Palace, a national cultural heritage, the StateCouncil listed it as a national key cultural relic protection unit in 1961, andallocated funds for maintenance every year. Especially in 1989, the statecarried out a historic maintenance of the Potala Palace, which lasted for fiveyears, invested 53 million yuan, and sent more than 150 experts and techniciansfrom more than 10 provinces and regions to directly participate in themaintenance project, with more than 100 maintenance parts The scale ofmaintenance is the largest since the reconstruction of the Potala Palace. Inline with the principle of keeping the old as it is, the project has carried outtimely and effective rescue of this national heritage, making the ancient PotalaPalace more attractive.


Dear friends, you have to go to Sakya temple in Shigatse. The art treasuresin the temple are vast and the cultural relics are of high value. Therefore, itis also known as "the second Dunhuang".

Look at the saga basin between the Gangdise mountains and the Himalayas.The purple "Castle" standing in the middle of the valley is the famous sagatemple. It was the political, economic, cultural and religious center of Tibet700 years ago. There is a folk song that says:

A birds-eye view of Benbo mountain,

Sakya is like crystal;

Dame in a crystal bottle

Beauty is better than fairies

Dont despise Sakya,

Buddha Pavilion adds glory to it

In fact, Sakyas Tibetan language means "gray land", that is, the color ofthe local soil. Sakya temple is divided into South Temple and North Temple. TheSouth Temple is built on the flat valley, and the North Temple is built on thenorth slope. Sakya North Temple was founded by gongjuejiebu in 1073, from whichthe famous Sakya sect was formed. Let me briefly introduce the Sakya sect. Thename of the Sakya sect is Sakya Monastery, its main temple. The walls of Sakyastemples are painted with red, white and black ribbons. Red symbolizes Manjusri,white symbolizes Guanyin, black is Vajra holding Bodhisattva, and three colorsturn into flowers. Therefore, Sakya sect is called "flower religion". Among theteachings of the Sakya school, the most unique and important one is "Dao GuoFa". Its teaching method has three procedures: first, to give up the blessing."Not good" is bad. A person always encourages himself to do good and do good,not to do bad, and is expected to incarnate in the "three good interests" ofheaven, Asura and man in the afterlife. 2、 Cut me off. That is to understand theimpermanence of life, everything in the world is made up of karma, which is nota real truth, so as to see through everything in the world, cut off any desire,and relieve pain. 3、 There is no success in all methods. That is to preventarbitrary views in practice, and achieve the realm of understanding the universewith extraordinary insights. There are many differences between the Sakya sectand other sects, one of which is to allow believers to marry and have children,and the political power of the sect is passed on from father to son, while thereligious power is passed on from uncle to nephew.

There are five important ancestors of the Sakya school. His fourthancestor, Saban gonggajianzan, played an important role in bringing Tibet intothe territory of China in the 13th century.

In addition, I would like to introduce the history of Sakya temple and thefamous basiba. After the collapse of the Tubo Dynasty, Tibet fell into 400 yearsof separatist rule and war turbulence. In the early 13th century, Genghis Khanled Mongolian tribes to rise in the north and gradually unified China. Kuo Duan,the grandson of Genghis Khan, once sent General dodanab to lead Mongolianknights to Tibet. Kuo Duan realized that if he wanted to unify Tibet, he mustmake use of the local religious forces. He learned that the Sakya faction, whichrose in the Sakya area of post Tibet at that time, was increasingly powerful,and that the leader of Sakya temple, Gongga jianzan (also known as SakyaBanzhida), had the greatest influence among all the sects in Tibet, so heinvited Gongga jianzan to Liangzhou (now Wuwei, Gansu Province) to meet withhim.

In 1247 ad, Saban and his nephew, basiba, arrived in Liangzhou. On behalfof the local forces in Tibet, they reached the conditions for Tibet to submit tothe Yuan Dynasty with the Mongolian royal family. At this point, Tibetofficially joined the family of the motherland and became a first-classAdministrative Region under the direct jurisdiction of the central government ofthe Yuan Dynasty. As a result, the Sakya faction gained the trust of the YuanDynasty and the leading position in Tibet.

After the death of gonggajianzan, Kublai Khan summoned basiba in 1253 ADand worshipped him as the emperors teacher. In 1260, Kublai Khan declaredhimself Emperor, granted basiba the title of "guanding National Teacher",granted jade seal, and also appointed him to take charge of the affairs of theGeneral Academy established by the central government, which was in charge ofNational Buddhist affairs and Tibetan local administrative affairs, making him asenior official of the central government of the Yuan Dynasty. In 1265, basibawas ordered to return to Tibet, expanded the northern Sakya temple, establishedthe "Benqin" to manage the local regime, and established the Sakya Dynasty, thelocal regime in Tibet. Tibet was officially under the jurisdiction of thecentral government of the Yuan Dynasty. In 1269 A.D., basiba created Mongoliancharacters, for which he was granted the title of "great magic king" by KublaiKhan.

Today, the North Temple has disappeared. At a glance, the vast ruins in thenorth are still as magnificent as they used to be.

Now we are visiting the South Temple, where the Sakya temple is nowlocated. It was built in 1268 by the fifth generation patriarch of the Sakyasect, basiba. You can see that the appearance of sakyanan temple is veryspecial. There are two rings of walls. There are crenels on the walls,watchtowers at the four corners, and a moat outside. The gate is in the shape of"Gong". The whole plan is in the shape of big "Hui" with small "Hui", which hasa little taste of war defense. In addition to purplish red, the walls are alsoblack and white, which is an important symbol of the Sakya sect.

Now the main hall we enter is called "lacanthim", which means the greattemple, with a height of 100 meters and an area of 5500 square meters. There are40 pillars in the hall, four of which are the thickest. It takes three people toembrace them. The thickest one is 1.5 meters in diameter. Each pillar has alegendary story: the first pillar is the pillar of Kublai Khan emperor, named"Ghana seqingawa", which means the pillar sent by Yuan Dynasty. It is said thatat the beginning, basiba served in most of the Yuan Dynasty. When the emperor ofthe Yuan Dynasty knew that he wanted to go back to Sakya to build a temple, hechose a pillar with a diameter of 4 feet and gave it to him. The pillar wasgood, but it was too big to be transported to Tibet. BASBA returned to Sakyawith regret. But when he returned to Sakya, the big pillar was floating on theZhongqu River in the north of the temple. The second pillar is the wild oxpillar, which is called "Chong Bu GA WA" (meaning "pillar transported by wildyak"), the third pillar is the tiger pillar, which is called "Da Bu GA WA"(meaning "pillar transported by male tiger"); The fourth pillar is the blooddrop pillar, which is called "nabuchazagawa" (meaning the pillar sent by the seagod). According to legend, when the Dragon King sent it, he was injured and bledon the pillar, and now we can see the red blood stains on the pillar. Accordingto the research, they come from the Chentang Valley in the south of Sakya countyand belong to the Himalayan nature reserve.

Please see, there are three Buddha statues of Sakyamuni and a white conchin the hall. In the middle of the hall, this Sakyamuni Buddha named "zhamulinYexia" was cast in memory of sakhaban Zhida gonggajianzan and contains the relicof basiba. The one on the left was built in memory of King baspahat. The one onthe south side of the hall was cast in memory of Sakyamuni Sambu. This whiteconch was given to the emperor of China by the king of India. Kublai Khan, theemperor of the Yuan Dynasty, gave it to basiba.

Out of the gate of the main hall, on the south side of the courtyard ispuzhulacan, which is the Sutra Hall of Sakya sect. The Manjusri Bodhisattva inthe temple is excavated from the underground of the North Temple. It is the mainBuddha in the North Temple. It is said that as long as you recite Manjusriseulogy and mantra for seven days in front of the statue, even the stupid peoplecan enhance their wisdom and make Maos life open. This is one of the fourtreasures of Sakya temple, which is revered by the faithful men and women. Onthe north side of the courtyard is oudonglacan, which contains 11 pagodas forangqiang gonggarenqin, king of sagafa in the 16th century, and his descendants.Angqiang defeated "Lhasa zongba", saved the Sakya sect and restored the Nanbeitemple. He is a famous King of the Sakya sect. The temple has a special halldedicated to this historical figure. Through this hall is the "lakangjiang", inwhich there are six mud pagodas of Sakya monk Dade. In the pagoda Hall of PengCuO Po Zhang in Nansi Sutra hall, there are pagodas or commemorative Buddhastatues of nine people in four generations from Gongga Renqin, the founder ofPeng CuO Po Zhang, to Wangqiu in angwang tudao; in the pagoda Hall of Zhuoma PoZhang, there are six pagodas of Wangqiu and his descendants in Baima dundui.

At the back of the hall is the library of Tibetan scriptures, whichcontains more than ten thousand classics. It is a treasure of gold, silver,cinnabar and ink by calligraphers in Wei, Zang, Kang and other areas during thebasiba period. There is also a "Fangjing", also known as "jialongma" or"budjialong" Scripture. The book is 1.34 meters long, 1.09 meters wide and 67 cmthick. The wooden cover of Carving Dragons and phoenixes was originally 41 cmlong, which was carried by four lamas. It is said that this book was completedby basiba. It was written in gold powder juice and is a treasure handed downfrom generation to generation.

On the right side of the hall, there is a 1.5-foot-high jade bell and asquare jade plate, which are called the two treasures of the temple. The jadebell is used to cover the ever burning lamp in front of the Buddha. The jadeplate is engraved with a Chinese poem, which is inscribed as "awakening stone".Around them are the artifacts such as the magic weapons bestowed by Chinesedynasties and the vests, armor and boots bestowed by the emperors of YuanDynasty. Murals are concentrated in the main hall. On the east wall, there areimages of Sakyas ancestors and eminent monks and some Buddhist allusions. Onthe west wall, there are more than 600 years old murals of mandala and more than60 paintings of xijingang (huanxifo). There are hundreds of scroll paintings inthe main hall, which are art treasures of Tibet.

There are many classics in Sakya temple, of which more than 2800 arehandwritten in Yuan and Ming Dynasties. The Baya Sutra originated in ancientIndia and has a history of more than 1000 years is rare in the world. However,there are 3636 Baya sutras preserved in Sakya temple, which are written inTibetan, Han and Mongolian characters. Only Sakya Temple preserved the most ofthe Tripitaka copied with gold powder and cinnabar. In addition, there wereletters and seals from the emperor of Yuan Dynasty to the local officials ofSakya.

Basiba was granted the title of Queen of Sakya, and the Sakya sect reachedits peak. There are more than 40 temples in Sakya temple, which are all over thebanks of Zhongqu river. However, in the 16th century, it was a pity that a firealmost completely flattened the South Temple. It was not until 1948 that theoriginal appearance of the temple was restored after years of continuousrenovation. Now the Beisi site has been rebuilt, but most of the ground is stillcovered with broken bricks and gravel. Near the foot of the mountain, there is anewly restored white pagoda. It is said that there is a relic of a generation ofSakyas ancestors in the pagoda.

Now I would like to briefly introduce the autumn and winter Dharma meetingsof Sakya Monastery. July of the Tibetan calendar is the autumn Dafa meeting.Lama dancers perform the ancient Vajrayana dance, which is very powerful. At theopening ceremony, 150 actors wearing various animal masks rotate and jump. FromNovember 23 to 29 of the Tibetan calendar, it is called the winter Dafa meeting,and its main content is still the divine dance performance. The Three Dharmaprotectors in Sakya temple are all played by monks. They carry the skeleton ofDharma protector on their shoulders and wear giant ferocious masks as long asone meter. They are as high as one story. This is the most attractive part ofSakya dance. Hundreds of armed warriors in armor and spears performed skillssuch as sword dancing, archery and firearm shooting to commemorate the glory ofthe sects rule over Tibet 700 years ago.

This is the end of the visit to Sakya temple. I believe you will have abrief and general understanding of Sakya temple.


Hello, everyone! First of all, welcome to our company. Please let me sayhello to you in Tibetan: "zaxidler"! Ill explain to you that it means goodluck. Today we are going to visit the famous Jokhang Temple, which is located inthe center of Lhasas old city. It has a history of 1350 years. It is the mostsplendid building in Tibet during the Tuzhu period. It was built in 647 ad, andwas jointly built by Songzanganbu, Princess Tang Wencheng and princess Chizun ofNepal. After several generations of expansion, it has formed a grand scale ofmore than 25100 square meters. It has five golden roofs and 108 Buddhisttemples. It governs the five major sects of Tibetan Buddhism, such as Bon,Ningma, Sakya, Gaju and Gelu, as well as the statues of Buddha, Bodhisattva,Buddha, patriarch and Dharma protector worshipped by various sects.

Dear tourists, when we walk out of the Sutra library, we can see themagnificent wild goose pagoda. When you see this Tang Dynasty building, you mustbe both surprised and curious. First of all, why is the tower named aftergeese?

Now we come to the important Hall of yongzhonglin temple, tongzhuilakang."Tongzhuilakang" means to see, "zhuilakang" means liberation. Tongzhuilakangcovers an area of 80 square meters. There are a pair of silver lamps and amandala in the hall, each made of 70 silver dollars (cast in 1993). In thecenter of the mural is the portrait of Jiangun dawajenzan, surrounded by thethousand Buddha statues of the Bon patriarch dunbaxinrao. The Lingta hall, withan area of more than 40 square meters, is used for Jiangun dawajenzans Lingta,which is 5 meters high and is embedded in two kilograms of gold; There are alsothousands of dunbaxinrao and Tangka of the original Buddha and Bodhisattva sentby Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province, with the throne of the abbot of the temple;the hall of practice is dedicated to the Dharma God, and there is a coppergilded stupa of Jiangzhong dawajianzan, in which the hands, feet and magicweapons of Jiangzhong dawajianzan are stored.

There is a legend about the origin of the Jokhang Temple. It was 1300 yearsago, when the Lhasa plain was still a wasteland and lake. Chizun, Nepaleseconcubine of the Tibetan king Songzanganbu, tried to build a temple here tosupport the eight year old statue of Sakyamuni Buddha that she brought from herhometown. Her efforts did not succeed: the temple was built in the day andcollapsed at night; it was built today and collapsed tomorrow. Just whenPrincess Ni was distressed and depressed, Princess Wencheng came here fromChangan after many hardships. When Chizun heard that Princess Wencheng knew theeight trigrams of yin and Yang and was good at surveying the terrain, he senthis maid to bring a gift of gold powder to Princess Wenchengs residence foradvice. After surveying and calculating, Wencheng found that the terrain ofTibet is like a huge witch lying on her back. The center of Lhasa city is theheart of the witch, and Wotang Lake (milk Lake) is the work of the witch.Filling the lake and building a temple here can suppress the devil. Historicalrecords: "in order to control the limbs of the female devil lying on her back,people nailed her with 12 nails to fix her." These 12 nails are said to be the12 pillars in the main hall of the Jokhang Temple. In order to build a templededicated to Sakyamuni, it is necessary to mobilize lOOO white goats to carryearth and rock from the gogala mountain in the northern suburbs and fill theWotang lake.

Songzanganbu and the Nepalese Princess adopted the idea of PrincessWencheng, collected many folk men and 1000 white goats, and began to fill thelake to build the temple. At that time, from the lakeside construction site tothe foot of the guogela mountain, there was an endless stream of white goatscarrying earth and rock. The journey was too far and the load was too heavy.Many goats fell by the side of the road, and many more were worn out. When thetemple opened, Songzan Ganbu and his two concubines remembered the merits andsacrifices of the white goat, and ordered the craftsmen to carve a white goatand place it in a corner of the main hall, so that it could enjoy the pilgrimageand sacrifice of believers like other gods in the temple. The temple is alsonamed "raaqulangzulakan", which means "Sakyamuni Temple of the goats negativeland".

Now, in front of the entrance to the main entrance of the Jokhang Temple,there are two stone tablets. This is the Tang fan alliance tablet, also known as"Changqing alliance tablet" or "nephew and alliance tablet". The stele is 342 cmhigh, 82 cm wide and 35 cm thick. It is carved in Chinese and Tibetancharacters. It was built in 823 AD by Zanpu of Tubo to commemorate the Tang Huileague from the first year to the second year of Changqing. According to theinscription, "uncle and nephew are the two masters who discuss the unity of thecountry and establish a great peace treaty. There will never be a replacementfor Chongqing. God and man have been known and praised from generation togeneration." The inscription emphasizes that Tang Wencheng and Princess Jinchengmarried Tubo Zanpu and concluded a good marriage between uncle and nephew;traces the history and achievements of Tang and Tubo, and records the process ofthe alliance, the date of its establishment, and the list of officials whoparticipated in the alliance. It is a valuable cultural relic in the history ofHan and Tibet. The other is the "stone tablet for persuading people tovaccinate". It is 3.3 meters high and 1.2 meters wide. The forehead of the stonetablet is engraved with the pattern of two dragons playing with pearls. It waswritten by He Lin, Minister of Tibet in 1794. During the reign of EmperorQianlong, smallpox was prevalent in Tibet, resulting in many deaths. Theminister and Lin ordered people to build houses in northern Tibet for smallpoxpatients, which made many patients return. He Lin also urged the Dalai Lama andthe Panchen Lama to set aside food rations as a rule, and then set up this "aemonument.". As a result of superstition, the common people often use pebbles tosmash. Over the years, they have been bruised and formed many mortar shapedpits. Most of the characters are damaged and illegible. The famous "tangliu" isplanted on both sides of the Tang fan alliance stele. It is said that PrincessWencheng brought the willow branches given by the empress in Baqiao of Changanto Tibet and planted them around the Jokhang Temple, so it is also called"Princess Liu". Princess Liu has a history of more than 1300 years. Although ithas withered, it is still cherished by people. It is said that there was nowillow in Tibet, but now willows all over the country are developed from theseedlings brought by Princess Wencheng.

Dazhao temple sits east to west, the temple is four stories high, and thetop of the temple is covered with a unique golden roof. Lotus, flying sky andanimals are carved on the border of the hall door, which has the architecturalstyle of the Tang Dynasty. Under the eaves of the second and third floors of themain hall, there are rows of woodcarving Fu beast and mud semicircle sculptureswith Sphinx. Interestingly enough, the nose of the Sphinx is flat. There is alsoa magical legend here: during the construction of the Jokhang Temple, SongzanGanbu personally wielded his axe to the beam, which shocked the nine gods tocome to help. One day, when the maid was delivering tea, she saw that the beamwas full of Songzan dry cloth. She couldnt help but be surprised and quicklytold Princess Chizun. Princess Chizun came to the construction site and yelled"Zanpu". Hearing this, Songzanganbu turned his head and looked down. With an axein his hand, she flattened the nose of the lion on the eaves. As you can see,the whole building is exquisitely carved with flying eaves, which not onlypreserves the traditional Tibetan architectural form and characteristics, butalso integrates the rich and simple style of Tang Dynasty architecture.

At night, when the lights are dim, you can enjoy the beautiful tropicalrainforest square, take a walk on the soft beach along the coast, and listen tothe shallow singing of Dadonghai.

Now we enter from the main gate into the rear gate and clockwise into awide open courtyard. This is the place where Lhasas great Dharma Assembly isheld. Here, I would like to briefly introduce the Church of summoning Dafa.Every year, from the fourth to the 24th day of the first month of the Tibetancalendar, there is a large-scale Dharma Assembly. At that time, tens ofthousands of monks from the three major temples in Lhasa gather in gouzhaotemple to hold a variety of religious activities. The mission of Dafa began in1409, when Tibetan Buddhism was preached

Namco Lake is the largest inland lake in Tibet, which is mainly supplied bynatural precipitation and melting ice and snow. The lake area has lessprecipitation, strong sunshine and large water evaporation. The lake water isbitter and salty, and can not be drunk. It is the second largest salt water lakein China after Qinghai Lake.

In order to commemorate Sakyamuni Buddhas success in defeating six kindsof heretics with the method of divine change, the founder of the Gelug Sect,Zong Kaba, convened monks from various temples to hold a Dharma meeting in theJokhang Temple for 15 days. Prayer and chanting is the main activity of calling.Under the leadership of the master, thousands of monks chant in a well-trainedchest voice. The voice is like the tide of the sea. It has a soul stirring powerand the scene is extremely spectacular. The most winning project is the opendebate of kaogesi in songqure square on the south side of Jokhang Temple. Gexiis the highest degree of Gelug Sect in Tibetan Buddhism. All the monks presentcan take turns to challenge the examinees and argue with him about Confucianclassics. This kind of debate is rhythmic and musical. It is supplemented byhigh fives, shouts, non-stop painting, and long strings of rosary beads flyingwith gestures, which makes a very wonderful scene.

The wall of the colonnade around the courtyard and the wall of the turningcorridor are called thousand Buddha corridor because they are full of Buddhastatues. The mural mainly describes the life stories of Sakyamuni Buddha andzongkaba, the reformer of Tibetan Buddhism and the founder of Gelug Sect. Amural on the west wall depicts the talks between the fifth Dalai Lama, GushiKhan and the second sangjiejiacuo. The rest depicts the 1000 Buddhas to appearin the temple. The murals cover an area of 4400 square meters, coveringreligious stories, biographies of historical figures, commemorative portraits,important historical events, Tibetan customs and folklore, etc. The pictures ofPrincess Wencheng entering Tibet, the construction of the Jokhang Temple, andthe white goat carrying earth are all treasures in the murals of the JokhangTemple.

Now what we are going to do is to turn the Sutra inside. Buddhists turn theSutra clockwise along the Buddhist sacred objects. If the statue of Sakyamuni istaken as the center, Lhasa has three turning paths: inner, middle and outer. Theouter turning road is called "linkuo", which is a turning road along the oldcity of Lhasa. The transit road is called "bakuo", which is the route along theJokhang Temple. The neizhuanjing road is the one around the Jokhang Temple. Thewalls on both sides of the road are painted with 108 stories of Buddha Bensheng.These stories are drawn on the basis of "Ruyi Baoshu", the biography ofSakyamuni, written by Kashmir poet kesmendala, and ordered by the 13th DalaiLama in the early 20th century.

We are now going to visit these important Buddhist temples and sutras hallsin a clockwise direction. Across the inner hall of the Zhaosi temple, there areseveral large statues. On the left is master lianhuasheng, and on the right isMaitreya (future Buddha). A little behind these two statues is the dry handthousand eye Avalokitesvara. On the right side of the main Maitreya Buddha aretwo Maitreya Buddhas facing inward. For example, the smaller one is funded bythe Bashi family, so it is called "Bashi Qiangba", while the larger one isfunded by the noble polamiwang, so it is called "Miwang Qiangba".

Zongkaba and its eight disciples Hall: this Buddhist hall was built inmemory of zongkaba, the founder of Gelug Sect. The main statue in the center ofthe temple is zongkaba. The other eight statues are his eight disciples. The twomost famous disciples, Ke Zhujie and Jia Caojie, are located on the left andright sides of zongkaba statue. When zongkaba grew older and went to the remotecave for seclusion, these eight disciples were there to serve him.

In addition, the Gandan Temple treasures the armor given by EmperorQianlong of the Qing Dynasty and the brocade embroidered Tang Dynasty by EmperorYongle of the Ming Dynasty. The armor inlaid with gold and silver treasures wasgiven to Tibet by Emperor Qianlong in 1757 as a tribute to Zong Kaba, theancestor of the Yellow religion. The helmet is also illustrated in Han, Manchu,Mongolian and Tibetan characters. It is a treasure with high artistic andhistorical value. The brocade Tang Dynasty is a gift given by Emperor Yongle ofMing Dynasty to Shiying Yixi, the king of the great mercy Dharma. There are 24brocade paintings of Sakyamuni Buddha, the eighteen Arhats, and the fourheavenly kings. After the king of the great mercy Dharma returned to Tibet, theywere immediately presented to the supreme master Kaba. These embroidered statuesare displayed for three weeks every year on the 15th of June in the Tibetancalendar, which is called "Gan Dan embroidery Tang Festival". On the morning ofJune 15 of the Tibetan calendar, the monks of the whole temple chanted. Afterthe ceremony, the "Hui Gong Fa Hui" (commonly known as "Chuan Xiao Zhao") washeld. 16 young monks carried the 26 meter long and 10 meter wide Tang Ka ofSakyamuni statue to the exhibition platform for exhibition. Half an hour later,they collected it and sent it back to the yangbaqian Temple for collection. Thenthey took out 24 brocade Tang paintings for the four Buddhists to look forwardto. At the same time, they performed Tibetan opera, song and dance. The festivalatmosphere was very strong.

Shenbian Tower: it is said that in the 7th century, Songzanganbu threw thering into the air, and the site of the Jokhang Temple was determined by theplace where the ring fell. The ring fell into Wotang lake, and a white pagodarose from the lake, indicating that a suitable Temple site had been found. Inthe 13th century, Sakya Banzhida built a white tower according to the appearanceof the illusory white tower. Later, the tower was destroyed. Now the main toweris rebuilt to replace the white tower built by Sakya Banzhida.

Eight pharmacists Buddha Hall: the main hall is dedicated to the eightpharmacists who are respected as the God of medicine. When they are sick orpraying for health, believers think that worshiping this Buddhist temple canhelp them get rid of illness and improve their health.

Western China Film and television city is also known as "OrientalHollywood". It is located in Beibao, a suburb of Yinchuan, two kilometers awayfrom Huaxia rare art city. It used to be an abandoned Ming Dynasty castle in thedesert of Western China, surrounded by many places of interest. The following isa collection of tour guide words about Huaxia western film and Television City,welcome to read!

Avalokitesvara: Avalokitesvara is compassionate. His hands and eyes are farfrom meeting the needs of saving all living beings. Therefore, in order toimprove his efficiency in doing good deeds, he has transformed intoAvalokitesvara. It is said that this Guanyin with dry hands and eyes appearedmiraculously in the period of Songzanganbu. Another way of saying is that afterSongzanganbu and his two princesses died, their gods were inhaled into thisBuddha statue. This temple is the most sacred one except Shizun hall.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3575 字

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Dear tourist friends

Today, let me show you around the Forbidden City.

Located in the center of Beijing, the Forbidden City is the imperial palaceof Ming and Qing Dynasties, also known as the Forbidden City. The Palace Museumwas built from the 4th to 18th year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty, which is nowknown as 1406 to 1420. The Forbidden City in Beijing is the top five palaces inthe world. The other four palaces are the palace of Versailles in France, thepalace of Buckingham in England, the Kremlin in Russia and the White House inthe United States. The Palace Museum is 961 meters long from north to South and753 meters wide from east to west, covering an area of 725000 square meters. Thebuilding area is 15. 50000 square meters. Is the Forbidden City big enough!

It is said that there are 9999 people in the Forbidden City. Five rooms,someone has made a figurative metaphor: if someone starts living from the birth,they can live until they are 27 years old. According to 1973 experts, there are8704 rooms in the Palace Museum.

The Palace Museum has four gates. The main gate is called Meridian Gate.There are five holes in the Meridian Gate. Its plane is concave, magnificent.Behind the Meridian Gate, there are five exquisite white jade arch bridgesleading to the Taihe gate. The east gate is named Donghua gate, the west gate isnamed Xihua gate, and the north gate is named Shenwu gate. The four corners ofthe Forbidden City have exquisite turrets, which are 27 meters high. 5 meters,Cross Ridge, triple eaves, surrounded by mountains, multi angle crisscross, isthe structure of the building.

The back door is Shenwu gate, which was called Xuanwu Gate in Ming Dynasty.Xuanwu is one of the four sacred beasts in ancient times. In terms of location,the left green dragon, the right white tiger, the front rosefinch, the backXuanwu, and Xuanwu dominates the north. Therefore, the north gate of theImperial Palace is mostly named Xuanwu. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi ofQing Dynasty, it was renamed "shenwumen" because of taboo. Shenwu gate is also agate tower form, with the highest level of double eaves veranda roof, but itsmain hall has only five bay plus Gallery, no left and right forward extension ofthe two wings, so in the form of a lower level than Meridian Gate. Shenwu gateis the entrance guard for daily access to the palace. Now Shenwu gate is themain gate of the Palace Museum.

Donghuamen and xihuamen correspond to each other. There are Xiama stelesoutside the gate. The golden water inside the gate flows to the north of HenanProvince. There is a stone bridge on the top of the gate, and there are threegates in the north of the bridge. Donghua gate and Xihua gate have the sameshape, with rectangular plane, red platform, white jade xumizuo, and threecoupons in the middle. The coupons are square outside and round inside. On theplatform of the city, there is a tower with yellow glazed tiles and double eaveson the top of the hall. The tower is 5 rooms wide and 3 rooms deep, withcorridors on all sides.

The first three halls are the largest buildings in the palace, covering anarea of 8 square meters. 50000 square meters, which is 12% of the palace city,while the latter three temples are 25% of the former three palaces, which areexpected to decrease in turn, mainly highlighting the main position of theformer three palaces and the latter three palaces. In 1961, it located the firstbatch of national key cultural relics protection units in China.

Well, you can move freely. Pay attention to safety and keep the scenicspots clean. Have a good time.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,翻译,全文共 11350 字

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Hello everyone! Welcome to Badaling scenic spot for sightseeing. Im veryglad to accompany you today. I hope you can have a good time in Badaling.

The Great Wall is a magnificent defensive building in ancient China. Itstarts from Shanhaiguan in the East and ends at Jiayuguan in the west, and runsacross the north of China. Winding more than 12000 Li, it is famous for the"Great Wall". It was listed in the world cultural heritage list in 1987. It iscalled "the longest defensive wall in the world" by experts and scholars.

The first time that China built the Great Wall was in the spring and AutumnPeriod in the 7th century BC, and the earliest country to build the Great Wallwas the state of Chu. The great wall of the state of Chu is called "Fangcheng"in historical records, with a length of nearly a thousand li. Qi was also one ofthe earliest states to build the Great Wall. The great wall of Qi started fromPingyin in Shandong Province in the West and entered the sea in the East. It isthe most preserved site of the Great Wall in the spring and Autumn period.

Qin Shihuang was born in 220 BC__ After the unification of China in 1949,the old Great Wall in the north of Qin, Zhao and Yan was first repaired. At thecost of "building a city of thousands of miles and building a people ofthousands of miles", he began to build the Great Wall, which is more than 7000kilometers long, from Lintao in the west to Liaodong in the East. Since then,the Great Wall has stood in the east of the world, experiencing thousands ofyears of wind, frost, rain and snow.

In the early Western Han Dynasty, in order to resist aggression and protectthe newly developed "Silk Road". It has built a great wall of more than 10000kilometers from Lop Nor in Xinjiang in the west to Liaodong in the East. This isalso the longest Great Wall in the history of our country.

After the establishment of Ming Dynasty, it faced the threat of Mongoliaand Jurchen. From the beginning of Zhu Yuanzhang, General Xu Da was sent northto build the Great Wall. Until the end of Ming Dynasty, it was overhauled 18times, lasting more than 260 years. Until Hongzhi 20__ In, it was completed fromthe Yalu River in the east to Jiayuguan in the West. Through Liaoning, Hebei,Beijing, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Gansu and other provinces andautonomous regions. The Great Wall is more than 12700 Li long. And along theGreat Wall is divided into nine defense areas, known as "nine sides and ninetowns". Moreover, in many important pass areas, especially in the north ofBeijing City, multiple walls were built. These are the Badaling Great Wall wesee now.

The scale of the Great Wall built in the Qin, Han and Ming Dynasties is thelargest compared with other dynasties. So the three construction climaxes inhistory are the Qin Dynasty, the Han Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty.

Now, let me introduce the Badaling Great Wall. Badaling Great Wall islocated in Yanqing County, northwest of Beijing. It is the best preservedsection of the Great Wall in Beijing with the best engineering quality and themost rigorous structure. This section of the great wall takes the urn city asthe center, reaching the seventh floor in the South and the twelfth floor in thenorth, with a total length of 4770 meters. It is the only channel leading to theoutside of the Great Wall in Beijing area and the front position of Juyongguan.From here, you can reach Yongning and Sihai in the East, Xuanhua and Datong inthe west, Jingcheng in the south, Yanqing in the north and Badaling in alldirections. Badaling pass was built in 1520__ The city is 7.5 meters high and 4meters thick. There is a plaque on each of the East and West gates, with "JuyongWai Town" in the East and "north gate lock key" in the West. At the entrance ofGuancheng, there is a cannon with a length of 2.85 meters and a caliber of 10.5cm, which is called "Shenwei general". Now lets look at the wall of the GreatWall in Badaling. This section of the city wall is about 5.8 meters narrow atthe top and 6.5 meters wide at the bottom. It consists of four basic structures.1、 City wall, two, city tower, three, pass, four, beacon tower. There is aticket door in the wall and a stone ladder in the middle. The top can hold 5horses in parallel. Beacon tower is also known as beacon, beacon, wolf Yantai.It is independent of the city wall, almost every other mile there is a, composedof the Great Wall defense alarm system.

Whenever enemy troops invade, the beacon towers burn beacon fires to conveymilitary information. Burning smoke during the day is called beacon. At night afire is called a flint. And because wolf dung is often used as fuel, the smokeis high and hard to dissipate, so it is also called "wolf smoke". Moreover, itwas stipulated in the Ming Dynasty. More than 100 of the invading soldiers lit acigarette and fired a gun, about 500 soldiers fired two cigarettes and two guns,more than 1000 soldiers fired three cigarettes and three guns, more than 5000soldiers fired four cigarettes and four guns, if more than 10000 soldiers wereinvolved, five cigarettes and five guns.

From Badaling to the south is the famous Xiongguan, Juyong Pass. JuyongPass is one of the most famous passes of the great wall and an important barrierto the northwest of ancient Beijing. It got its name from Qin Shihuangsconstruction of the Great Wall. That is to say, the prisoners and the people whohave been punished in the palace are caught here to let them build the GreatWall. And lived. Juyongguan was called juyongsai in Han Dynasty and junduguan inSui Dynasty. When it was rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty, it became the strongestsection of the Ming Great Wall. There are both military headquarters andadministrative organizations here. Juyong Pass in ancient times was also lushwith extraordinary scenery. Juyong jucui, one of the eight famous scenic spotsin Yanjing, refers to this place. In addition, there are many places ofinterest, such as Yang LIULANGs Shuanmazhuang, Mu Guiyings dianjiangtai, andbaifengzhong, where dragons and phoenixes play. Not only that, but also JuyongGuanzhong has a white jade platform, called Yuntai, which was built in 1345.Because there were three Tibetan pagodas built on the stage and the couponsunder the stage, it was originally called "crossing the street pagoda". In theearly Ming Dynasty, the pagoda was destroyed, and then the Taian temple wasbuilt. In the early Qing Dynasty, the temple was destroyed again, and now thereare only pillar bases and watchposts. There are also six kinds of seal cuttingscriptures in Sanskrit, Tibetan and basiba on the inner wall, which areimportant objects for studying ancient Chinese characters.

Having said so much, let me tell you a story to relax. The name of thestory is called "Meng Jiangnu crying the Great Wall". Its about Qin Shihuangbuilding the Great Wall. At that time, in order to speed up the project, itbegan to draw civil servants from all over the country. Meng Jiangnus husband,fan Qiliang, was also transferred to build the Great Wall soon after herwedding.

In the twinkling of an eye, three years later, fan Qiliang never heard fromhim. Meng Jiangnu couldnt eat well and sleep well. Suddenly, one night. MengJiangnu had a dream that her husband was hungry and cold, and his clothes didntcover her body. She kept shouting "Im cold, Im hungry!" Meng Jiangnu woke upand decided to go to her husband, and brought him dry food and warm clothes. Allthe way along the Great Wall in search of his husband. She went to Shanhaiguanto find out that many people had died to build the Great Wall. Her husband, fanQiliang, was also tired to death and buried under the Great Wall. This news islike a bolt from the blue, Meng Jiangnu immediately began to cry, crying earthshaking, sections of the great wall collapsed, eight hundred miles long. Now theproject manager was in a hurry to report to Qin Shihuang who was coming here toinspect the progress of the project. The first emperor of Qin sent someone toarrest Meng Jiangnu to find out the reason. After seeing her, Qin Shihuang wasfascinated by her beauty and insisted on calling her "empress Zhenggong".Although Meng Jiangnu was full of anger, she still held down her hatred and hadan idea. She had to ask Qin Shihuang to agree to her three conditions before shecould become the "Empress of the palace". The first is to find the body of hishusband fan Qiliang; the second is to hold a state funeral for his husband; andthe third is to ask the first emperor of Qin to wear mourning and flag for fanQiliang. After listening to the three conditions proposed by Meng Jiangnu, thefirst emperor of Qin thought for a moment. In order to get the beautiful MengJiangnu, he insisted. Meng Jiangnu, wearing filial piety, paid homage to thetomb of fan Zhaliang, who died for the construction of the city. Her longcherished wish was fulfilled. Facing the rolling Bohai Sea, she jumped up andthrew herself into the sea.

At the end of the story, do you think Qin Shihuang is fatuous andoverbearing? Lets ignore him first. Start climbing the great wall and be ahero!!
















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On August 27, Dad finally finished his work and fulfilled his promise totake me to Daming Lake in Jinan. The long-awaited wish also accelerated with thehigh-speed railway. His excited mood was like the tree shadow beating outsidethe car window, more like a string of active notes.

The first stop to Jinan is Daming Lake. The first thing you can see is theglazed tiles, vermilion painted pillars, and a row of antique gate buildings.Through the gate buildings, you can see the magnificent Daming Lake and the lushlotus leaves blooming on the shoal, just like a green paper umbrella on thelake. If you look carefully, there is another one A lotus pod, and a fewbeautiful lotus, is really "connected to the sky lotus leaves infinite blue,reflecting the sun lotus another red", echoing with the classical pavilions,feel like watching TV in the south of the Yangtze River.

Whats more amazing is the stone Museum in Daming Lake scenic area. Thereare various kinds of stones in different shapes, such as jade, Taishan stone andso on,

At noon, my father and I went boating on the lake, feeling the quiet andpeaceful atmosphere. Sitting on the boat, we watched the water waves quietly.Occasionally, a few red fish came to the surface, and occasionally a few waterbirds flew out of the island in the center of the lake.

In the afternoon, we went to visit Baotu Spring, which is known as "thebest spring in the world". As soon as we entered the gate, I saw the plump Koiunder the small bridge and flowing water. Some of them were glittering with goldand some of them were charmingly naive. Along the Qingshiban Road and the flowdirection of the spring, we came to the memorial hall of Master Li kuchan.Master kuchan had heard of them for a long time This is the most attractiveplace for those who are interested in calligraphy and painting. It is majesticand lifelike. Let me look at it with new eyes.

After turning around the kuchan master memorial hall, and passing thememorial hall of poetess Li Qingzhao, we come to Baotu Spring. There are a lotof people watching it. From a distance, there are three spring eyes, and thespring water is surging, like three blooming flowers,

Spring clear bottom, fish in groups in the water swimming, carefree is veryhappy.

Perhaps in this beautiful environment, time will pass quickly, thetwinkling of an eye is dusk, my father and I with a reluctant mood, set foot onthe return train.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 1888 字

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My hometown is in the beautiful Ningbo, which is a coastal city with a longhistory and developed economy.

There are sweet and sour red bayberry, juicy Fenghua peach, delicious newyear cake, fragrant dumplings and seafood.

Historical sites include the Ming Dynastys private library "TianyiPavilion", which has a splendid stage and thousands of ancient books. Someancient books you cant even find a second one in the whole world. There arealso drum towers that are still well preserved, on which there is a huge clock,which tirelessly tells people the time every day and rings the bell for peopleto make progress; there are Tianfeng pagodas built in the Tang Dynasty, whichhave four floors underground, in which there are valuable treasures; There isalso the Baoguo temple built in the Qing Dynasty, in which there is a woodenBuddhist hall with complex and exquisite structure. Even spiders cant weavewebs in it, and mice dare not go in. There are also Tiantong temple, Asokatemple and other places of interest.

Come to the busy street, the long road, a car come and go, stream. The tallbuildings are almost to the top of the sky. Come to the shopping mall TianyiSquare, there are all kinds of goods in it. If anyone goes in, he will come outwith a big bag of clothes. Tianyi Square is surrounded by music fountains ofdifferent shapes, and the square is surrounded by colorful beauties, likegraceful beauties. There is a big screen in the middle of the square, which isplaying animation. In the evening, the square lights up, each fountain isflashing colorful lights, playing moving music. Ningbo also has a piano bridgelike a lyre. Cars come and go on the bridge like playing wonderful music.Qinqiao is also connected with beautiful Haishu and tidy Jiangdong.

There are so many places of interest in Ningbo, and there are more materialgoods. I love my beautiful and prosperous hometown Ningbo.



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All visitors:

Hello, everyone! Welcome to Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain.

Baiyun Mountain is located in Baiyun District of Guangzhou City, since ancient times, is a famous scenic spot, Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou Enlai have been here, and in the mountain summer office. Baiyun Mountain can be said to be one of the best places in Guangzhou city. Halfway up the mountain we can take the cable car to Baiyun Mountain.

Came to the hillside, we first see is Yuntai garden, there are many exotic flowers and rare herbs. In Yuntai garden, there is a huge clock, which is composed of 12 kinds of different time open flowers, every moment, there will be a flower open, tell you it is a few minutes. Is not particularly magical ah?

Now, we can climb to the top of the mountain with a sightseeing bus. Along the way, we saw a lot of valleys and trees, there are a lot of birds singing to us, there are a lot of flowers. Finally, we came to mount davis.

Davis is the highest peak of the Baiyun Mountain, standing here, we can see the panoramic view of the Guangzhou City and Pearl River and above the cruise. Here, you can see the tallest building in Guangzhou Citic Tower, it has 88 floors; and the Pearl River Bridge, also see very clear.

Standing on the mountain, the most comfortable is the fresh air. Guangzhou four seasons temperature is very high, but standing on Baiyun Mountain, breezy, but feel very comfortable.

I explained it to everyone. Please introduce the Baiyun Mountain to your friends, so that they can also come here to travel!



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Hello, everyone! Im very glad to be your guide. I hope my service canbring you convenience and happiness. Now, you can see Chengde Mountain Resort inHebei Province, which has been included in the world heritage list.

The summer resort, also known as Chengde Li palace or Rehe palace, islocated in the north of Chengde City Center in Hebei Province. It is a placewhere emperors of Qing Dynasty spent summer and dealt with government affairs.The summer resort was built in 1703, after three emperors of Qing Dynasty:Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong. It took about 90 years to complete. Summerresort is divided into palace area, Lake area, plain area and mountain area. Thepalace area is located on the South Bank of the lake, with a flat terrain. It isthe place where the emperor deals with government affairs, holds celebrationsand lives. It covers an area of 100000 square meters and consists of four groupsof buildings: the main palace, songhezhai, wangoufeng and the east palace. Thelake area is in the north of the palace area. The area of the lake includes ZhouIsland, which accounts for about 43 hectares. There are eight small islands. Thelake area is divided into different areas of different sizes with distinctlevels. The Zhou island is scattered and rippling, which is full of thecharacteristics of the land of fish and rice in the south of the YangtzeRiver.

I hope this tour will leave a deep impression on you.



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Dear tourists

As we all know, the hottest place in the country is Turpan, and the hottestplace in Turpan is fangdangtui Huoyan mountain. In summer, the highesttemperature of Huoyanshan is above 47.8 ℃. In midsummer, when the sun is red,the earths atmosphere is transpiration and the clouds are shrouded, which isvery spectacular.

The name of Huoyanshan → mountain characteristics

Tourists, through the window, we can see that the thing in front is like afire dragon lying in the middle of Turpan Basin. The red mountain isYanshan.

The name of Huoyanshan mainly comes from its appearance. Look! The bedrockof Huoyanshan is exposed, the reddish brown sandstone glows in the hot sun, andthe hot air is rolling up, just like thousands of flames burning. The name of"Huoyanshan" comes from this. Huoyanshan is called chishi mountain in ancientbooks, and kiziltag in Uighur language, which means red mountain. CEN Shenci, apoet of the Tang Dynasty, passed through Huoyanshan and wrote "the volcanostands out at the mouth of chitingkou, and the fire clouds are thick in May.".The mountains are full of volcanoes and the birds are flying far away. "Dare notcome". Chen Cheng, a traveler in the Ming Dynasty, once wrote a poem to describeit: "a piece of smoke and a piece of red, burning to the sky. At the end ofspring, its half as clear as summer. Who knows that there is Zhu Rong in thewest? " It can be called a vivid portrayal of Huoyanshan.

Huoyanshan is a long and narrow mountain in east-west direction, with atotal length of 98 km and a north-south width of 9 km. The general height isabout 500 meters, and the highest peak is 831.7 meters. Despite the fact thatthere is no grass on the surface of Huoyan mountain, due to crustal movement andriver cutting, there are many picturesque gullies and canyons hidden in themountain, such as Putaogou, tuyugou, taoergou, mumugou, shengjinkou Canyon, etc.In these valleys, the streams linger, the melons and fruits are fragrant, theflowers and trees are verdant, and the scenery is charming, just like the"flower and fruit dock" scene in "Huozhou".

The formation of Huoyanshan → the best observation point is shengjinkou

Perhaps some tourists will ask: How did the flame mountain form? How manyyears ago? The answer to these two questions can be traced back to 140 millionyears ago. At that time, due to the short and small folds in the front of Bogdamountain in the east of Tianshan Mountain, the crust changed, and after theHimalayan orogeny, the rudiment of the mountains gradually formed. Since then,it has experienced a long geological period, spanning several geological periodsof Jurassic, Cretaceous and tertiary, together with the special climateenvironment, showing the current geological shape.

Tourists, the best place to observe the structure of Huoyanshan isshengjinkou. Please get out of the car and take photos in front of the stonepedestal with the sign of "Huoyanshan", and then listen to my explanation.

Shengjinkou is 30 kilometers away from Turpan City in the west, connectingXinjiang with the mainland of 312 national highway, and crossing the Huoyanshanby the mugou river. Shengjinkou mountain is a precipitous place for militarystrategists since ancient times. As for the name of shengjinkou, there isanother origin: in the past, the local people called shengjinkou "seepingmouth". Thats because after the water from mutugou flowed out of TianshanMountain, it became less and less. When they arrived at the Gobi desert nearshengjinkou, the water almost seeped clean, so they called it "seeping mouth".Later, people thought the name was not very auspicious, so they changed itshomonym to "shengjinkou", so it has been used to this day.

[story of Huoyanshan: myth of journey to the West → Uyghur folklore]tourists, Huoyanshan is named not only because of its unique appearance andstructure, but also because of its legendary mythology.

Journey to the west is one of the stories in which the master andapprentice of Tang monks and disciples of the Tang Dynasty are hindered fromlearning from the Buddhist scriptures in Huoyan mountain. In the 59th and 60thchapters of journey to the west, "Tang Sanzang road blocks Flame Mountain, andsun Xingers three tune banana fan," it is written: "there is a state of Sri onthe Western Road, which is the place where the sun sets. It is commonly called"the end of the sky. ". There is a flame mountain here. It is hot all the yearround. The Flame Mountain has a flame of 800 Li, surrounded by nothing. If youcross the mountain, you will turn your copper skull and iron body into juice. "Although this description is exaggerated, the basic characteristics of hotseasons and barren grass are completely consistent with the actual situation ofHuoyanshan. It can be seen that the author did not invent it out of thinair.

In the eyes of the common people, good is the highest beauty, so the endingof the story in Huoyanshan is that justice will defeat evil, which has beendescribed in detail in Uygur folklore. It is said that a long time ago, therewas a dragon in the depths of Tianshan Mountain, which ate only boys and girls.The local top leader was determined to kill the dragon for the people, so hesent a warrior named Hala and Zhuo to subdue the dragon. After a thrillingbattle, Hara and Zhuo beat the dragon with their swords and finally subdued thedragon. After the dragon was injured, it rotated along the mountain, and thewhole mountain was dyed red by blood. Therefore, Uighur people called thismountain "Red Mountain".

Beautiful legend, profound meaning, reverie. Tourists, when we stop andthink about the flame mountain, we will feel that the wonders of Flame Mountainare not enough, and the story of Flame Mountain is endless. In order to makesure that you dont have any regrets, the next time you visit the old city ofGaochang and the thousand Buddha cave in bozikrik, you have to pass by the flamemountain. Therefore, we can fully enjoy the wonderful scenery of the flamemountain from different directions. I hope the trip to flame mountain will leaveyou a good memory.



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The Bund, located on the West Bank of the Huangpu River, has been a symbolof Shanghai for more than 100 years.

The symbol of Shanghai --- Huangpu River. Pujiang tour has always been atraditional tourism program in Shanghai tourism. Every day, you sail from the"light of Pujiang" Wharf on the Bund of Shanghai, taking you from the bustlingurban area of Shanghai to the "three water clips" outside Wusongkou, where theHuangpu River and the Yangtze River, the third largest river in the world,converge into the sea. Driving in the middle of the river and overlooking thebuildings separated by the river and spanning the vicissitudes of a century, wecant help feeling.

Water has aura and wealth. Water is pregnant with vigorous vitality.Huangpu River, the mother river of the city, the golden waterway of Shanghai.The Huangpu River "qingyoujiang" cruise ship sails from dada wharf to the north.The world-famous Bund complex in Puxi and Lujiazui financial center in Pudong,which stands at the end of the sky, gradually come into view. At night, thelights on both sides of the Strait are brilliant. The classical and modernarchitectural styles of the prosperous city complement each other and complementeach other, showing the beautiful scenery of the river bank. Looking from afar,architecture is the beauty of solidification, river water is the beauty of flow;the noise on both sides of the Strait is the beauty of prosperity, and thetranquility in the river is the beauty of elegance. The Huangpu River inShanghai can enjoy the existence of beauty everywhere.



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Longgong, located 27 kilometers southwest of Anshun City, Guizhou Province,more than 30 kilometers away from Huangguoshu waterfall, belongs to LongtanVillage, Matou Township, Anshun county. The Dragon Palace was discovered in1980. It is called a strange cave in the dark lake. Boating on the lake can beused as the midstream of the cave.

The Dragon Palace is more than 3000 meters long and consists of five groupsof caves connected by an underground river. The masses used to call it "WujinDragon Palace". The first entrance to the Dragon Palace is from the gate to bengKe Yan, the second from Beng Ke Yan to Hua Yu Tang, the third from Hua Yu Tangto Qing Yu Dong, the fourth from Qing Yu Dong to Feng Shu Dong, and the fifthfrom Xuantang to xiaocaihua lake. The deepest part of the dark river is 28meters, the widest part is more than 30 meters, and the narrowest part can onlyaccommodate a small boat.

In front of the Dragon Palace is an open deep pool, named "Tianchi", alsoknown as "Longtan". It is a small high mountain lake, covering an area of morethan 10000 square meters, with clear water and a depth of 43 meters. On the edgeof the pool, there are cliffs and rocks, which are covered by ancient trees andvines. When you enter the palace gate, you will be faced with a group ofdragons. More than ten stalactites hang down from the Green Cave top, whichlooks like a dragon. The underground river is stable and dignified, deep andunpredictable, and the water port is tortuous and confusing.

Dragon Palace is different from ordinary dry cave, it is immersed in a poolof blue water. Boating through the caves is like boating in the Dragon KingCrystal Palace.

In the Longgong scenic area, which covers an area of about 8 squarekilometers, there are more than 20 large and small dry caves formed by karstdevelopment, including Xinzhai cave, Longqi cave, Tianjian cave and Huxue cave.Among the four caves, Xinzhai cave is the largest, also known as "Yuzhu cave".The cave is about one kilometer deep, with seven cave halls and colorful karstlandscape. Yuzhu cave, Longqi cave and Tianjian cave are named for theirpeculiar stone pillars, stone curtains and stalagmites, which are similar inshape to Yuzhu, Longqi and Baojian. Tiger cave is named because there is amountain nearby that looks like a fierce tiger.

The scenic spots outside the Dragon Palace include Longmen waterfall,bengyan flying swallow, Huayu Taoyuan, Yunshan stone forest, Wolong pool,Bashang bridge, etc. Longmen waterfall is near the gate of the Dragon Palace. Itis formed by the water from the Tianchi Lake pouring down through the cavewindow. The waterfall is about 25 meters wide and 34 meters high. The sound ofthe waterfall is like avalanche and thunder. The width and height of thewaterfall in the cave are rare. Local people call this scene "white dragon outof nest". There is a stone forest park on the mountain behind Tianchi.

Xuantang is located near Qingshui cave, which is called "sijinlonggong". Itis a pond name, and it is the name of the village. The diameter of the whirlpoolis 120 meters. The water in the pond rotates all the year round from the edge tothe center of the pond. The reason for the continuous rotation is that there isa water dissipation pit in the center of the pond, and the water is rapidlydiving, forming a unique landscape. There are two beautiful stone mountains inthe stockade. The mountains, water and stockade are picturesque.

"Flying swallow of clam shell" is located in clam shell rock. The clamshellrock is a huge partial rock, the upper part of which inclines forward and lookslike a clamshell. There are caves, big and small, in which swallows nest. Thereare thousands of swallows competing up and down. At the foot of bengke mountain,a "tiger cave" is opened, in which there are many landscapes, such as "heavymountains", "panoramic scenery", "shangyaotai" and so on.

Longgong Longgong is a national scenic spot, 27 kilometers away from AnshunCity, the western tourism center of Guizhou Province. There is a high-gradehighway directly to the scenic spot.

The Longgong scenic spot is mainly composed of karst caves. It alsointegrates karst caves, waterfalls, canyons, peaks, cliffs, lakes, rivers,ethnic customs and religious culture, forming a picture of a wonderland onearth.

Longgong scenic spot is famous for its wonderful scenery, especially thewater cave in the central scenic spot is the longest in the country, thewaterfall in the cave is the highest in the country, and the natural radiationrate is the lowest in the country, which is called the "three best" by expertsand tourists in China. The adjacent Xuantang scenic area is also famous for its"three wonders", namely, the wonder of Xuanshui, the number of short rivers andthe size of the Buddha Hall in the cave. Stepping into the Dragon Palace is likeentering a fairyland and a paradise, which makes people forget to returnhome.



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Junction of the Yangtze river and wujiang river within the territory of chongqing is an ancient city, the country make a fuling. In ancient times known as is located in north latitude 29 ° 43 , longitude 107 ° 24 . Total length of 1600 meters, 10 to 15 meters wide, stretching from west to east, show a glyph parallel to the river. Water level elevation 81 meters, 137 beam ridge above the lowest water level 2 meters, 30 meters below the highest water level. 100 meters from south of the Yangtze river, stands at the junction of the Yangtze river and wujiang river in the east. Since the tang dynasty at more than 1200 years of over 170 words inscribed copy engraved on it, this is the famous built inscribed copy.

Built, why the poetic name, although opinions vary, but are associated with a person called er Zhu Tong micro. According to legend, when the northern wei dynasty, er Zhu Tong reluctant to usurp the throne and cousin, Zhu Rong confluence, abandoned the family, as, number, zhu reality. , zhu, an city, to close state, proud satrap. The satrap anger, will cage zhu jiang. Bamboo cage is not heavy, but, down the river to crane fucheng states gathered Shi Liang, encounter a fisherman for network and white stone. , zhu is a deep sleep, fishermans long should not be, qing fang su, hence to alter ego. Fisherman still cloth net, canoe, Zhu Jixu fix true blast; Knee is relatively late chat, tired foot LAN rivers dream. Bamboo flute fishermans song, copper qing scripture, each had its interest, a special love between both sides. Day, take Dan zhu with baishi fisherman and alcoholic drink, drunk after, take the fairy to crane. Built so named.

Built in tang dynasty inscribed copy the beginning moment GuangDe first year (AD 763), the existing 165 segments, 30000 words, 18 stone fish tail, 1, 2 statue of guanyin, crane, which involves the value of the hydrological 108 period, is the worlds only be sharpening the fish as the "water mark", ancient hydrological stations and observation records of hydrology. In the Yangtze river in China than in 1865 set up the first draft - wuhan jianghan shut hydrologic water level observation records 1100 years earlier, so the first ancient hydrological station of the world ".

According to the relevant departments of the observation, built in the tang dynasty stone fish belly, roughly equivalent to fuling district of modern the average of the calendar year low water level, and 24 years of the reign of emperor kangxi burring fish fish eye height, and roughly the same familiar channel department of the local water level zero. In August 1988, published by the state council as one of national key cultural relics protection units.

20xx by the state administration of cultural heritage in the Chinese world heritage tentative list. 175 meters after the impoundment of the three gorges dam, built inscribed copy will always drown in nearly 40 m recently. From central to local leaders at all levels attach great importance to built inscribed copy protection work, to built inscribed copy protection or not, is directly related to the world that the key to whether the three gorges project belongs to the civilization construction. Built protection engineering has produced a total of seven protection plan, more than 10 member of Chinese academy of engineering, academy of sciences has participated in the built in the evaluation of protection scheme. After 10 years of repeated proof, according to the international "Venice charter" in mobile give priority to the principle of protection of cultural relics in situ, 20xx countries have adopted the academy of engineering ge XiuRun offered to "no pressure vessel" way of protection, creatively built the worlds only built with a depth of 40 meters underwater museum. Built the site protection underwater engineering is first of the four cultural relics protection project of three gorges project. Built to protect the project started in 20xx to build, officially opened on May 18, 20xx, the first prize of science and technology innovation by state administration of cultural heritage, and a total investment of about 200 million yuan.

Built underwater museum in April 20xx during the first three gorges international tourism festival official trial opening to the outside world.



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Fangshan in Luzhou is a famous mountain in Sichuan. In the Han Dynasty,Fangshan was honored as Hangao (the highland beside the water in the HanDynasty); in the Tang Dynasty, Fangshan was nicknamed "xiaozhongnanshan"; in theQing Dynasty, Fangshan was also known as "ebantang" and "xiaoemei"; in addition,because it stands on the Bank of the Yangtze River and is surrounded by cloudsand fog all the year round, it has won the nickname of "Yunfeng" among thepeople; now it is also known as "the first mountain in Jiangyang".

Fangshan scenic spot is located at the junction of Fangshan Town,Kuangchang town and Danlin Township in Jiangyang District, 16 kilometers awayfrom Luzhou city. The scenic spot is about 4.7 km long from east to west and 1.6km wide from north to south. The planning area of the scenic spot is 75 squarekilometers. The landform is hilly and low in Sichuan Basin, with an altitude of649 meters and a fall of 405.5 meters. The main features of the scenic spot arehills and round hills. The natural landscape and cultural landscape of Fangshanare wonderful.

Yunfeng temple in the scenic spot is a famous ancient temple in southernSichuan, Northern Guizhou and eastern Yunnan. It is famous for its grandplanning, magnificent shape, lush forest, dense ancient trees, quietenvironment, frequent Buddhist activities and prosperous incense. Poets, elegantscholars, spring and autumn Buddhists, good men and women worshippers come in anendless stream, especially in February 19, June 19 and September of the lunarcalendar On the 19th Guanyins birthday, a grand party will be held, especiallyon February 19th.

The annual pear blossom festival in Luzhou is in Fangshan Zhengshan,located in Danlin township. In March every year, there is an endless stream ofpeople who go to enjoy pear flowers, climb mountains and taste special products.It is a good place for leisure and outing.



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Rime island is a small island on the Songhua River, located in Wula StreetManchu Town, Longtan District, Jilin City, Jilin Province. Hantun, zengtongtunand other villages in Wula Street Manchu town are the most concentrated placesof rime, and also the best places to watch and photograph rime. Especially inzengtong village, there is a saying that "enjoy rime, to zengtong". The bestviewing season of rime island is from late December to the end of February ofthe next year, and the best shooting time is between 10:00-11:30.

Jilin city is famous for its rime. However, most people know about the tenmile long dike in the urban area. Few people know that there is a rime island inthe lower reaches of the Songhua River, 35 kilometers away from Jilin City. Rimeisland is named for its many and beautiful rime. The trees on both sides of theSonghua River are luxuriant and the branches are numerous. In winter, the watermist rising from the unfrozen river water condenses into frost flowers on thetrees when encountering the cold air. It is called "Wusong" by meteorology and"shugua" by local people. Wusong in Jilin Province, together with Guilinmountains and waters, Shilin in in Yunnan Province and the Three Gorges of theYangtze River, is known as Chinas four natural wonders. Since 1991, Jilin Cityhas held a "Wusong ice and Snow Festival" every year.

Since 1991, Jilin City has held a "Wusong ice and Snow Festival" everyyear. Jilin City has long been famous for its rime. However, most people knowabout the ten mile long dike in the urban area. Few people know that there is arime island in the lower reaches of the Songhua River, 35 kilometers away fromJilin City. Rime island is named for its many and beautiful rime. Zengtongtun onthe island is the best place to enjoy Wusong. There was a saying that "toappreciate Wusong, to zengtong". The trees here are peculiar in shape. Theweeping willows along the river are covered with white and crystal frostflowers. The river breeze blows and the silver wire flickers. The scenery isboth wild and beautiful. Rime, commonly known as shugua, is one of the fourwonders in China. There is a saying that "at night to see the fog, morning tosee the hanging, until near noon to enjoy the falling flowers", which is theprocess of rime from nothing to have, from there to nothing. The most famousscenic spots of rime are Jilin, Lushan and Huangshan, among which "Jilin rime isa wonder in the world".

The rime of Jilin is unique in the world. Together with Guilin landscape,Yunnan Stone Forest and Yangtze River Gorge, Jilin rime is known as Chinas fournatural wonders. Rime is not snow or ice, but frost on the branches. Along thebanks of the Songhua River, the pines and willows are covered with frost andsnow, and the jade is covered with silver. To see rime in Jilin, the best placeis rime island in the lower reaches of Songhua River. Most of the people whocome here are photography enthusiasts, but now, more and more tourists knowit.



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The birth of the University of Macao can be traced back to March 1981. Atthat time, Ricci Island West Limited obtained the land lease from the Macaogovernment and founded the first university in Macao, the private East AsianUniversity, which is also the predecessor of the University of Macao. Theestablishment of the University of East Asia marks the beginning of Macaosmodern higher education.

In the early years of the University of East Asia, most of its studentscame from Hong Kong. Later, in order to meet the needs of human resources duringthe transition period of Macaos regime transfer, in 1988, the Macao Foundationacquired and reorganized the University of East Asia, established the school ofArts, School of business administration, School of social and human sciences andSchool of science and technology, changed the three-year curriculum to four-yearcurriculum, and then established the school of law and School of education.English is still the main teaching language.

In 1991, the constitution of the new university was formulated, and theUniversity of East Asia was officially renamed as the public university ofMacao, with the goal of cultivating talents in Macao. After the reorganizationof the University, the number of students has risen sharply, from hundreds atthe beginning to more than 5000 at present, and the proportion of local studentsin Macao has increased from 39% when the University was founded to 90% atpresent.

After more than 20 years of transformation, the University of Macau hasestablished a complete teaching system, including the school of businessadministration, the school of social and Human Sciences, the school of scienceand technology, the school of law, the school of education, the preparatorycourse center, and the off campus courses and special programs center. Confersbachelors degree, masters degree, doctors degree and junior college degree.The University of Macau has a faculty of more than 350 people with rich teachingand professional experience. Some of them graduated from famous universities inCanada, China, Europe, Hong Kong, Japan, Chinese Taiwan, Britain and the United States.They have published hundreds of papers in a number of international seminars andinternational academic journals, and three scientific research achievements havebeen patented. At present, the University of Macau has participated in andcompleted ten scientific research projects funded by the National NaturalScience Foundation of China and four Eureka research and development projectsorganized by the European Union.

There are more than 1000 computers and more than 100 workstations andservers with powerful computing power on the campus of the University of Macau,and the largest wireless campus network in Macao has been established. More than40 laboratories are set up to meet the needs of teaching and research. TheInternational Library of the University of Macau is committed to the developmentof electronization. Although there are only more than 180000 books in itscollection, the number of electronic materials is increasing. The library hasthe largest collection of international organizations in Southeast Asia.

The University of Macau is a member of many international universityorganizations, such as the International Association of universities, theInternational Association of university presidents, the Asia Pacific UniversityAssociation, etc. it started international exchanges in 1991. At present, it hassigned academic cooperation or exchange student agreements with more than 90universities in more than 20 countries and regions, including China, Europe,Japan, New Zealand and the United States. More than 100 foreign exchangestudents come to the university every year . In addition to recruiting studentsfrom Hong Kong, Macao and Chinese Taiwan, the university has been able to recruitstudents from 14 provinces and cities in mainland China since 20__. As thepioneer of higher education in Macao, the University of Macao aims at providinghigh-quality higher education in Macao. In response to the requirements ofsocial development in the future, the university will expand teaching buildings,laboratories, offices, research centers, student activity centers anddormitories, and set up courses to meet the needs of social development.

The University of Macau attaches equal importance to teaching andscientific research. In the future, it will continue to make progress towardsthese two goals and be fully prepared to meet all challenges, so as to make theUniversity of Macau an important institution of higher learning withinternational level in the region.



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Hello, passengers! Now lets visit Baotu Spring Park, the most famousspring in the world.

Baotu Spring Park was built in 1956, located in the center of Jinan City.The area is 10. 5 hectares, is a famous cultural garden with spring water as themain part, is the symbol of Jinan, known as "you cant visit Jinan, you cantvisit Baotu Spring". Emperor Qianlong once canonized Baotu Spring as "the firstspring in the world" during his southern tour.

Passengers, now you are in Baotu Spring Park, one of the most famous scenicspots: Guanlan Pavilion. The pavilion was built in 1461, the fifth year ofTianshun in the Ming Dynasty. It has a history of more than 500 years. The word"Guan" carved on the stone slab inside the pavilion adds to the beauty of thepavilion. Outside the pavilion, there are couplets on two pillars facing thepool: three feet of snow on the ground, four hours of thunder in the air. On theright side of the pavilion, there is a semi submerged stone tablet engraved with"Baotu Spring", which was written by Hu zuanzong, governor of Shandong Provincein the Ming Dynasty. On the left side, there is also a stone tablet engravedwith "the first spring", which was written by Wang Zhonglin in the Tongzhiperiod of the Qing Dynasty.

Looking this way, the water here is very clear. The water from the threesprings never stops, and the one in the middle has the largest displacement. Thebottom of the spring is paved with stones and sand. How happy the goldfish swimin the spring.

Passengers, now please enjoy the style of Baotu Spring and pay attention tosafety.



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Dear tourists

Hello everyone! Welcome to Yan Emperor Mausoleum.

Yandi mausoleum is one of the world-famous Three mausoleums of the firstancestors. It is located in xiluyuanpi, Yanling County, Hunan Province. Themausoleum area is 5 square kilometers. It is a popular place for worshippingancestors and sightseeing for the Chinese people at home and abroad.

Emperor Yan Shennong, the founder of Chinese farming culture, made greatcontributions to the rise and development of the Chinese nation. Emperor Yan wasborn in Suizhou, Hubei Province, and grew up in Jiangshui, Baoji. His name wasJiang Shinian. In his later years, he visited the south, observed the situationof the people, and publicized medical treatment for the people. Due to eatingheartbroken grass by mistake, luyuanpi, Yanling County, was "buried at the endof Changsha Tea Town". According to historical records, there was an imperialmausoleum before the Han Dynasty, which was worshipped in Yichang in the TangDynasty. In 967 ad, Emperor Taizu of the Song Dynasty ascended the throne anddreamed of Emperor Yan at night. So he found the imperial mausoleum in luyuanpi,where he "erected a temple in front of the mausoleum and worshiped it with aportrait". By the end of the Qing Dynasty, the emperors of all dynasties offeredsacrifices to Emperor Yans Mausoleum more than 200 times. After more than 1030years and more than 20 major repairs, the main hall and Xingli Pavilion of YanEmperors Mausoleum were all burnt down in the Spring Festival of 1954 due tothe fire of pilgrims.

The main hall of Yan Emperors mausoleum was renovated in 1986 and listedas a key cultural relic protection unit in 1996.


Ladies and gentlemen: hello and welcome to Yan Emperor Mausoleum.

Yan Emperors mausoleum is one of the world-famous Three mausoleums of thefirst ancestors. It is also a popular place for the Chinese people to worshiptheir ancestors and for sightseeing at home and abroad.

Emperor Yan Shennong was the founder of Chinese farming culture. He madegreat contributions to the rise and reproduction of the Chinese nation.

Dear tourists, we are now in the sacrificial square, where ancestor worshipis generally held. What we are seeing now is the main building Shennong hall.Shennong hall imitates the ancient architecture of Qing Dynasty, with doubleeaves resting on the top of the mountain. It looks very similar to thearchitectural features of the Forbidden City in Beijing.

Well, what we see now is the eight great achievements of Shennong of YanEmperor. The first great achievement of Shennong is "managing hemp for cloth andmaking clothes", which makes human society take a significant step towards thedevelopment of civilization. What we see now is the second great achievement:"the sun is the market, opening up the market for the first time". Shennongadvocates trading and exchanging needed goods to meet the needs of peoples lifeand production. "The string wood is an arc, and each tree is a arrow", whichrefers to the bow and arrow created by Shennong, which improved the huntingtools and productivity; the fourth great achievement is "starting to make LeiLei, teaching the people to cultivate". In order to facilitate planting andimprove efficiency, Shennong invented the early farm tools, and taught everyoneto cultivate, thus solving the great event of "food for the people"; "Taste allkinds of herbs and invent medicine" is his fifth great achievement. In order toremember this great achievement, later generations called the first medical bookin the history of Chinese medicine "Shennongs herbal classic"; this is "makingpottery as utensils and making Jin axes". He made the earliest pottery andgreatly improved the living conditions of human beings; What we can see here isthe seventh great achievement of "cutting the tongs into Qin and connecting thewires into strings". After the improvement of the material life of theancestors, they had a strong pursuit of spiritual life. In labor practice, theyinvented the five stringed Qin, also known as Shennong Qin; The last greatachievement is "building houses and living in Pavilions". The construction ofMingtang originates from bird nests. Birds fly out to look for food in thedaytime and return to their nests to rest in the evening. Shennong thought: ifpeople have such a fixed "nest", they can work at sunrise and rest at sunset,and they are no longer drilling holes. We can learn from the eight meritoriousfigures that Emperor Yans inventions are closely related to our lives.

Well, the main hall of Yan Emperors mausoleum is divided into five parts.The first part is the Meridian Gate. Through the Meridian Gate, you can see thistall white jade tablet of Han Dynasty, which is engraved with three bigcharacters "Yan Emperors Mausoleum". This is the inscription of Yan EmperorsMausoleum by President Jiang Zemin on September 4, 1993. On the left side of thestone tablet lies a beautiful and gentle deer, and on the right side stands aneagle spreading its wings to fly. These are the other two mothers of thelegendary Emperor Yan. The second entrance is the salute Pavilion. Zhou Peiyuan,vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese peoples PoliticalConsultative Conference (CPPCC), wrote the plaque "the ancestor of the nation,shines on the world" hanging above the Xingli Pavilion. Were now in the mainhall. The main hall is the tallest building of Yan Emperors mausoleum. Acouplet is hung on the two big stone pillars: "making Leifu to lay thefoundation of agriculture and industry, tasting a hundred herbs to open aprecedent of medicine". This couplet summarizes the three most importantachievements of Yan Emperor in his life. A horizontal plaque is also hung on thefront door of the hall: "the descendants of the Yellow River, do not forget theancestors", which was inscribed by Comrade Chen Yun at the age of 83. The mainhall is the site of the statue of Emperor Yan. You see, laozong Duan is sittingon the magnificent altar with a kind face and a smile. He holds a bunch of ricein his left hand and two Ganoderma lucidum in his right hand. Between his legsis a bamboo basket filled with herbs he picked by himself. This is exactly theembodiment of Yan Emperors three great achievements in laying the foundation ofagriculture and industry and making a precedent in medicine. Now we have reachedthe fourth entrance - Tomb Pavilion. On the white jade stele, there are sevencharacters: "Tomb of Emperor Yan Shennong". You may ask: why is Emperor Yan alsocalled Shennong? Because Emperor Yan began to make Leifu, which is a kind ofprimitive agricultural tool. He taught people to plant grain and eat it, so itis called Shennong. He is the founder of Chinas agricultural culture, listed asthe three emperors and five emperors in ancient China, and called the emperor ofagriculture. For thousands of years, China has built its country by agriculture.The monument was inscribed by Hu Yaobang, then general secretary of the CPCCentral Committee, on May 15, 1985, for Shennong, Emperor Yan. Behind this isthe mausoleum of Emperor Yan Shennong. Our ancestors, Emperor Yan Shennong, havebeen resting here for thousands of years. OK, next, lets go to the imperialstele garden. Every time the emperors of past dynasties finished their ancestorworship, they would carve a royal stele as a memorial. Well, thats all fortodays visit. Emperor Yans pioneering, innovative and selfless spirit is thefoothold of the Chinese nation. Through the inheritance and development ofcountless ancestors, it has developed into todays national spirit of hard workand self-improvement of the Chinese nation.

Thank you!



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Hello, everyone! First of all, welcome to our company. Please let me sayhello to you in Tibetan: "zaxidler"! Ill explain to you that it means goodluck. Today we are going to visit the famous Jokhang Temple, which is located inthe center of Lhasas old city. It has a history of 1350 years. It is the mostsplendid building in Tibet during the Tuzhu period. It was built in 647 ad, andwas jointly built by Songzanganbu, Princess Tang Wencheng and princess Chizun ofNepal. After several generations of expansion, it has formed a grand scale ofmore than 25100 square meters. It has five golden roofs and 108 Buddhisttemples. It governs the five major sects of Tibetan Buddhism, such as Bon,Ningma, Sakya, Gaju and Gelu, as well as the statues of Buddha, Bodhisattva,Buddha, patriarch and Dharma protector worshipped by various sects.

Dear tourists, when we walk out of the Sutra library, we can see themagnificent wild goose pagoda. When you see this Tang Dynasty building, you mustbe both surprised and curious. First of all, why is the tower named aftergeese?

Now we come to the important Hall of yongzhonglin temple, tongzhuilakang."Tongzhuilakang" means to see, "zhuilakang" means liberation. Tongzhuilakangcovers an area of 80 square meters. There are a pair of silver lamps and amandala in the hall, each made of 70 silver dollars (cast in 1993). In thecenter of the mural is the portrait of Jiangun dawajenzan, surrounded by thethousand Buddha statues of the Bon patriarch dunbaxinrao. The Lingta hall, withan area of more than 40 square meters, is used for Jiangun dawajenzans Lingta,which is 5 meters high and is embedded in two kilograms of gold; There are alsothousands of dunbaxinrao and Tangka of the original Buddha and Bodhisattva sentby Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province, with the throne of the abbot of the temple;the hall of practice is dedicated to the Dharma God, and there is a coppergilded stupa of Jiangzhong dawajianzan, in which the hands, feet and magicweapons of Jiangzhong dawajianzan are stored.

There is a legend about the origin of the Jokhang Temple. It was 1300 yearsago, when the Lhasa plain was still a wasteland and lake. Chizun, Nepaleseconcubine of the Tibetan king Songzanganbu, tried to build a temple here tosupport the eight year old statue of Sakyamuni Buddha that she brought from herhometown. Her efforts did not succeed: the temple was built in the day andcollapsed at night; it was built today and collapsed tomorrow. Just whenPrincess Ni was distressed and depressed, Princess Wencheng came here fromChangan after many hardships. When Chizun heard that Princess Wencheng knew theeight trigrams of yin and Yang and was good at surveying the terrain, he senthis maid to bring a gift of gold powder to Princess Wenchengs residence foradvice. After surveying and calculating, Wencheng found that the terrain ofTibet is like a huge witch lying on her back. The center of Lhasa city is theheart of the witch, and Wotang Lake (milk Lake) is the work of the witch.Filling the lake and building a temple here can suppress the devil. Historicalrecords: "in order to control the limbs of the female devil lying on her back,people nailed her with 12 nails to fix her." These 12 nails are said to be the12 pillars in the main hall of the Jokhang Temple. In order to build a templededicated to Sakyamuni, it is necessary to mobilize lOOO white goats to carryearth and rock from the gogala mountain in the northern suburbs and fill theWotang lake.

Songzanganbu and the Nepalese Princess adopted the idea of PrincessWencheng, collected many folk men and 1000 white goats, and began to fill thelake to build the temple. At that time, from the lakeside construction site tothe foot of the guogela mountain, there was an endless stream of white goatscarrying earth and rock. The journey was too far and the load was too heavy.Many goats fell by the side of the road, and many more were worn out. When thetemple opened, Songzan Ganbu and his two concubines remembered the merits andsacrifices of the white goat, and ordered the craftsmen to carve a white goatand place it in a corner of the main hall, so that it could enjoy the pilgrimageand sacrifice of believers like other gods in the temple. The temple is alsonamed "raaqulangzulakan", which means "Sakyamuni Temple of the goats negativeland".

Now, in front of the entrance to the main entrance of the Jokhang Temple,there are two stone tablets. This is the Tang fan alliance tablet, also known as"Changqing alliance tablet" or "nephew and alliance tablet". The stele is 342 cmhigh, 82 cm wide and 35 cm thick. It is carved in Chinese and Tibetancharacters. It was built in 823 AD by Zanpu of Tubo to commemorate the Tang Huileague from the first year to the second year of Changqing. According to theinscription, "uncle and nephew are the two masters who discuss the unity of thecountry and establish a great peace treaty. There will never be a replacementfor Chongqing. God and man have been known and praised from generation togeneration." The inscription emphasizes that Tang Wencheng and Princess Jinchengmarried Tubo Zanpu and concluded a good marriage between uncle and nephew;traces the history and achievements of Tang and Tubo, and records the process ofthe alliance, the date of its establishment, and the list of officials whoparticipated in the alliance. It is a valuable cultural relic in the history ofHan and Tibet. The other is the "stone tablet for persuading people tovaccinate". It is 3.3 meters high and 1.2 meters wide. The forehead of the stonetablet is engraved with the pattern of two dragons playing with pearls. It waswritten by He Lin, Minister of Tibet in 1794. During the reign of EmperorQianlong, smallpox was prevalent in Tibet, resulting in many deaths. Theminister and Lin ordered people to build houses in northern Tibet for smallpoxpatients, which made many patients return. He Lin also urged the Dalai Lama andthe Panchen Lama to set aside food rations as a rule, and then set up this "aemonument.". As a result of superstition, the common people often use pebbles tosmash. Over the years, they have been bruised and formed many mortar shapedpits. Most of the characters are damaged and illegible. The famous "tangliu" isplanted on both sides of the Tang fan alliance stele. It is said that PrincessWencheng brought the willow branches given by the empress in Baqiao of Changanto Tibet and planted them around the Jokhang Temple, so it is also called"Princess Liu". Princess Liu has a history of more than 1300 years. Although ithas withered, it is still cherished by people. It is said that there was nowillow in Tibet, but now willows all over the country are developed from theseedlings brought by Princess Wencheng.

Dazhao temple sits east to west, the temple is four stories high, and thetop of the temple is covered with a unique golden roof. Lotus, flying sky andanimals are carved on the border of the hall door, which has the architecturalstyle of the Tang Dynasty. Under the eaves of the second and third floors of themain hall, there are rows of woodcarving Fu beast and mud semicircle sculptureswith Sphinx. Interestingly enough, the nose of the Sphinx is flat. There is alsoa magical legend here: during the construction of the Jokhang Temple, SongzanGanbu personally wielded his axe to the beam, which shocked the nine gods tocome to help. One day, when the maid was delivering tea, she saw that the beamwas full of Songzan dry cloth. She couldnt help but be surprised and quicklytold Princess Chizun. Princess Chizun came to the construction site and yelled"Zanpu". Hearing this, Songzanganbu turned his head and looked down. With an axein his hand, she flattened the nose of the lion on the eaves. As you can see,the whole building is exquisitely carved with flying eaves, which not onlypreserves the traditional Tibetan architectural form and characteristics, butalso integrates the rich and simple style of Tang Dynasty architecture.

At night, when the lights are dim, you can enjoy the beautiful tropicalrainforest square, take a walk on the soft beach along the coast, and listen tothe shallow singing of Dadonghai.

Now we enter from the main gate into the rear gate and clockwise into awide open courtyard. This is the place where Lhasas great Dharma Assembly isheld. Here, I would like to briefly introduce the Church of summoning Dafa.Every year, from the fourth to the 24th day of the first month of the Tibetancalendar, there is a large-scale Dharma Assembly. At that time, tens ofthousands of monks from the three major temples in Lhasa gather in gouzhaotemple to hold a variety of religious activities. The mission of Dafa began in1409, when Tibetan Buddhism was preached

Namco Lake is the largest inland lake in Tibet, which is mainly supplied bynatural precipitation and melting ice and snow. The lake area has lessprecipitation, strong sunshine and large water evaporation. The lake water isbitter and salty, and can not be drunk. It is the second largest salt water lakein China after Qinghai Lake.

In order to commemorate Sakyamuni Buddhas success in defeating six kindsof heretics with the method of divine change, the founder of the Gelug Sect,Zong Kaba, convened monks from various temples to hold a Dharma meeting in theJokhang Temple for 15 days. Prayer and chanting is the main activity of calling.Under the leadership of the master, thousands of monks chant in a well-trainedchest voice. The voice is like the tide of the sea. It has a soul stirring powerand the scene is extremely spectacular. The most winning project is the opendebate of kaogesi in songqure square on the south side of Jokhang Temple. Gexiis the highest degree of Gelug Sect in Tibetan Buddhism. All the monks presentcan take turns to challenge the examinees and argue with him about Confucianclassics. This kind of debate is rhythmic and musical. It is supplemented byhigh fives, shouts, non-stop painting, and long strings of rosary beads flyingwith gestures, which makes a very wonderful scene.

The wall of the colonnade around the courtyard and the wall of the turningcorridor are called thousand Buddha corridor because they are full of Buddhastatues. The mural mainly describes the life stories of Sakyamuni Buddha andzongkaba, the reformer of Tibetan Buddhism and the founder of Gelug Sect. Amural on the west wall depicts the talks between the fifth Dalai Lama, GushiKhan and the second sangjiejiacuo. The rest depicts the 1000 Buddhas to appearin the temple. The murals cover an area of 4400 square meters, coveringreligious stories, biographies of historical figures, commemorative portraits,important historical events, Tibetan customs and folklore, etc. The pictures ofPrincess Wencheng entering Tibet, the construction of the Jokhang Temple, andthe white goat carrying earth are all treasures in the murals of the JokhangTemple.

Now what we are going to do is to turn the Sutra inside. Buddhists turn theSutra clockwise along the Buddhist sacred objects. If the statue of Sakyamuni istaken as the center, Lhasa has three turning paths: inner, middle and outer. Theouter turning road is called "linkuo", which is a turning road along the oldcity of Lhasa. The transit road is called "bakuo", which is the route along theJokhang Temple. The neizhuanjing road is the one around the Jokhang Temple. Thewalls on both sides of the road are painted with 108 stories of Buddha Bensheng.These stories are drawn on the basis of "Ruyi Baoshu", the biography ofSakyamuni, written by Kashmir poet kesmendala, and ordered by the 13th DalaiLama in the early 20th century.

We are now going to visit these important Buddhist temples and sutras hallsin a clockwise direction. Across the inner hall of the Zhaosi temple, there areseveral large statues. On the left is master lianhuasheng, and on the right isMaitreya (future Buddha). A little behind these two statues is the dry handthousand eye Avalokitesvara. On the right side of the main Maitreya Buddha aretwo Maitreya Buddhas facing inward. For example, the smaller one is funded bythe Bashi family, so it is called "Bashi Qiangba", while the larger one isfunded by the noble polamiwang, so it is called "Miwang Qiangba".

Zongkaba and its eight disciples Hall: this Buddhist hall was built inmemory of zongkaba, the founder of Gelug Sect. The main statue in the center ofthe temple is zongkaba. The other eight statues are his eight disciples. The twomost famous disciples, Ke Zhujie and Jia Caojie, are located on the left andright sides of zongkaba statue. When zongkaba grew older and went to the remotecave for seclusion, these eight disciples were there to serve him.

In addition, the Gandan Temple treasures the armor given by EmperorQianlong of the Qing Dynasty and the brocade embroidered Tang Dynasty by EmperorYongle of the Ming Dynasty. The armor inlaid with gold and silver treasures wasgiven to Tibet by Emperor Qianlong in 1757 as a tribute to Zong Kaba, theancestor of the Yellow religion. The helmet is also illustrated in Han, Manchu,Mongolian and Tibetan characters. It is a treasure with high artistic andhistorical value. The brocade Tang Dynasty is a gift given by Emperor Yongle ofMing Dynasty to Shiying Yixi, the king of the great mercy Dharma. There are 24brocade paintings of Sakyamuni Buddha, the eighteen Arhats, and the fourheavenly kings. After the king of the great mercy Dharma returned to Tibet, theywere immediately presented to the supreme master Kaba. These embroidered statuesare displayed for three weeks every year on the 15th of June in the Tibetancalendar, which is called "Gan Dan embroidery Tang Festival". On the morning ofJune 15 of the Tibetan calendar, the monks of the whole temple chanted. Afterthe ceremony, the "Hui Gong Fa Hui" (commonly known as "Chuan Xiao Zhao") washeld. 16 young monks carried the 26 meter long and 10 meter wide Tang Ka ofSakyamuni statue to the exhibition platform for exhibition. Half an hour later,they collected it and sent it back to the yangbaqian Temple for collection. Thenthey took out 24 brocade Tang paintings for the four Buddhists to look forwardto. At the same time, they performed Tibetan opera, song and dance. The festivalatmosphere was very strong.

Shenbian Tower: it is said that in the 7th century, Songzanganbu threw thering into the air, and the site of the Jokhang Temple was determined by theplace where the ring fell. The ring fell into Wotang lake, and a white pagodarose from the lake, indicating that a suitable Temple site had been found. Inthe 13th century, Sakya Banzhida built a white tower according to the appearanceof the illusory white tower. Later, the tower was destroyed. Now the main toweris rebuilt to replace the white tower built by Sakya Banzhida.

Eight pharmacists Buddha Hall: the main hall is dedicated to the eightpharmacists who are respected as the God of medicine. When they are sick orpraying for health, believers think that worshiping this Buddhist temple canhelp them get rid of illness and improve their health.

Western China Film and television city is also known as "OrientalHollywood". It is located in Beibao, a suburb of Yinchuan, two kilometers awayfrom Huaxia rare art city. It used to be an abandoned Ming Dynasty castle in thedesert of Western China, surrounded by many places of interest. The following isa collection of tour guide words about Huaxia western film and Television City,welcome to read!

Avalokitesvara: Avalokitesvara is compassionate. His hands and eyes are farfrom meeting the needs of saving all living beings. Therefore, in order toimprove his efficiency in doing good deeds, he has transformed intoAvalokitesvara. It is said that this Guanyin with dry hands and eyes appearedmiraculously in the period of Songzanganbu. Another way of saying is that afterSongzanganbu and his two princesses died, their gods were inhaled into thisBuddha statue. This temple is the most sacred one except Shizun hall.



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There are islands in the lake, and the shape of the moon lake becomes likea maple leaf, with a total of 365 steep stone steps. On the third floor of thetemple, there is a small tower with beautiful scenery. Who is beautiful? It hasbeen built into a mountain cultural village, which can be called the crown ofthe Pearl and the king of the sea dragon. From the foot of the lake to thetemple gate, it is known as "another cave overseas", about one third larger thanthe West Lake in Hangzhou. Among them, the most attractive are Xuanzang templeat the foot of Qinglong mountain in the south of Tan and Wenwu temple on thehillside in the north of tan. The blue waves and the moon shine together. It isan excellent place to enjoy the beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains. Thewater in shuishe village, Yuchi Township, Nantou County, to the south of themountains, radiates beautiful colors. Tourists often compare it with the WestLake, which is worthy of being the outstanding representative of Chinese Taiwansbeautiful scenery. When the sun goes down in the west, it is called "the road toheaven".

The lake is made of stagnant water, and its surface is even wider. It iscalled "zhuziyu". Every time you see the beautiful clothes, the tourists rush toopen the screen. In the sunny spring, it can be said that it is a holyachievement. It is 45-78 meters high and is located to the north of AliMountain. The average water depth is 30 meters. The mainland compatriots arealso proud of its wonderful scenery of "Mingtan emerging from the mountains". Itis also known as the Jade Emperor. It is also known as shuishe Li, including thevillages with beautiful scenery. It is quiet and elegant.

Diefeng, rich in national characteristics, the king of Yue, the scenery ofMingtan, the water spray from the water inlet, appears particularly clean andgloomy, and looks like a bead floating on the water from afar. The beautifulscenery of "the surrounding mountains are like washed by the ground, and theMing Lake embraces Green Pearls" is dedicated to master Xuanzang, an eminentmonk of the Tang Dynasty, but its scenery is still poetic and picturesque,especially in the autumn night! The Sun Moon Lake is not only the pride of thepeople of Chinese Taiwan, but also the four seasons of the year. After the victory ofthe Anti Japanese war.

There are many pavilions and pavilions built at the foot of the mountain,but they reflect peoples yearning for the motherland. They are different. Themountain people are singing and dancing, and the Sun Moon Lake is called themoon lake. It adds more light to the tourists when the sky is high and theclouds are light. It is the largest natural fresh water lake in Chinese Taiwan. Thetemple also worships emperor Shennong and changes its name to "Guanghua island"by flying eaves and picking corners. The poem praises Sun Moon Lake as "greenmountains and green waters". This is the water from the 18 km long tunnel in theupper reaches of the chuoshui river. It is not beautiful. The City God hascolorful feathers, which makes it more elegant. At the top of Qinglong mountainbehind the temple is an octagonal pagoda, which is as powerful as a dragonspitting water. It is called "Cien pagoda". The beautiful natural sceneryaround is dotted with six theme parks, such as temples, pagodas, religions,water society, peacocks and butterflies. Some people say that the name of theSun Moon Lake is not worthy of the name. The top of the building is the waterinlet of the Sun Moon Lake. On the top of the tower, you can see the spire ofthe Six Harmonies tower on the Bank of Xizi lake. Xuanzang temple is built atthe foot of the mountain. West of Sun Moon Lake. There are six theme parks inthe area. In the Qing Dynasty, it was selected as one of the eight scenic spotsin Chinese Taiwan. In fact, there are dozens of peacocks in the two service areas ofDehua society and Dehua society. In the southwest, the lake is like the moon,and everything is quiet. The temple buildings are very gorgeous, and the sceneryis beautiful in the morning and dusk. So that the Sun Moon Lake has a continuousand sufficient source of water. Although the lowlands by the lake are flooded,Sun Moon Lake

hello everyone. In front of the temple, there is a gatehouse with whitepillars and the great emperor of three officials. The spiritual bones of masterXuanzang are worshipped on the top of his head. The mist like gossamer floats onthe lake. The pagoda imitates the style of the ancient pagodas of Liao and Songdynasties. A few years ago, a nine storey tower was built, which is the firstheaven of the Yuan Dynasty and the mountains and rivers of the motherland. Thereis a small island in the Sun Moon Lake.

Qun and Guan Yu. In the northeast of the island, the lake is as round asthe sun. In the temple, there is a plaque of "national mage". It is a uniquePeacock Garden. It is located in the old shuishalian, surrounded by emeraldmountains, with small bells hanging at the end of each eaves. When the morninglight rises, it suddenly changes into a reservoir of hydropower station.

From a distance, you can hear the roar of the current like thunder. Thereare mountains in the water. Some people jokingly say that it will take "a year"to get there. The moon shines brightly on the lake. In order to celebrateChinese Taiwans recovery and nature, the embankments are winding and mysterious. Zengzuolin, a native of the Qing Dynasty, once used the phrase "water in themountains, water in the mountains, panoramic view of the mountains; the vastlake, especially the performance of chunmis" Pestle Dance "to attract manytourists. Although similar to myth, it is lovely green, overlooking the towerand waterfowl. With a circumference of 35 kilometers, there are eight specialscenic spots around the lake. The water of the lake is blue. Now the dam isbuilt beside the lake, with a water area of more than 900 hectares. In case ofdrizzle, the water is as flat as a mirror, which is collectively referred to asSun Moon Lake, which is like a fairyland



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Dear friends hello, I am your tour guide today, I called Chang Yujie, below I will lead you to the world cultural heritage - in zhouzhuang to visit in suzhou.

This is the door zhouzhuang, you all have a look, if found the hotel around the roof has a flower bowls, you see there is a huge inside the pigs feet. Theme is the most delicious food here, especially in the three thousand hoofs of the most famous. He has a horizontal interesting story! Now I will tell you, before, zhouzhuang lived a man named shen three thousand richest, is very kind, favorite food is eating pigs feet. One day, zhu yuanzhang visit shen three thousand, shen three thousand hospitality he eating pigs feet, but cunning confused by zhu yuanzhang a problem, the question is, whats the name of the meat? Shen three thousand think, say pigs feet, shen will be over three thousand, made a deceit gentleman, because is the emperor zhu yuanzhang, so shen three thousand a brainwave, say Wan Santi. This is the origin of Wan Santi. For a while, you can taste.

Zhouzhuang is build and name, now let us come for a walk! You look at the build reflection in the water, the bridge is linked together, like a key, then draw a picture of Chen in the United States memory of hometown, build picture is beautiful, the people were charmed by the dreamy scenery, from then on, zhouzhuang known, build is also famous.

Ok, now please walking around, please pay attention to protect its clean, want to tour by boat to the dock, please. So you dissolve go sightseeing tour of the beauty of water - zhouzhuang!!!!
