





范文类型:合同协议,全文共 3208 字

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范文类型:合同协议,全文共 6962 字

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地 址:________________ 电话:____________

代理 方:____________

地 址:________________ 电话:____________

出借 行:____________

地 址:________________ 电话:____________

本借款合同于____ 年____ 月____ 日由借款人________公司(简称"借款人"),代理人________银行(简称"代理人"),经理人____ 银行和________银行(简称"出借行"),以及贷款人若干银行与在签名页上列明为银行的金融机构(合称"各行",单称一家为"银行")签署。

鉴于借款人提出从银行借款,各银行分别地但不连带地提出向借款人贷款,总额为____ 万美元,当事人协议如下:

第一条 定义下列术语具有所指明的含义:

(1)"银行工作日"指____ 同业银行市场和各银行在____ 进行美元存款交易的营业日。____ 银行工作日指____ 银行进行美元存款交易日。







(8)"____ 银行同业拆放率":就任何利息期而言,指代理行所决定的任何利率(以年利率表示),以若干参考行(或者,如果该参考行不是一家银行,则由该参考行的附属银行)通知代理行各自利率之后所计算的平均匡算。在某利息期开始前两个____ 银行工作日上午11时整,各参考行按照各自利率向____ 银行同业市场上的主要银行提供期限与上述利息期相同的美元存款,数额与该利息期内预付贷借的、进位到____ 万美元的完整倍数的贷款数额实际相等(不考虑任何权利或义务的让与或转让)。但是,如果任何参考行没有如此通知利率,____ 银行同业拆放率必须以其余参考行通知代理行的利率为基础,确定____ 银行同业拆放率。






(14)"参考银行":指____ 银行、____ 银行以及____ 银行在____ 的总行。


(16)"终止日":指____ 年____ 月____ 日。

(17)"全部贷款承诺"指____ 万美元。

第二条 承诺与付款

2.1 贷款承诺:每个银行按照本合同的条款和条件,分别地但不连带地同意,通过其贷款分行,向借款人提供与该银行的贷款承诺相等的本金数额贷款。

2.2 通知与借款承诺:如果借款人希望借入与全部贷款承诺相等的数额,则应在不迟于它原意指定上述借款日之前5个银行工作日____ 时间下午5时,基本上按照附录3的格式,向代理行发出关于该日("付款日")的通知,该日应为终止日之前的一个银行工作日,并告知其在____ 的账户,贷款的收入贷记入该账户,发送上述通知,构成借款人在付款日借入上述数额的不可撤销的承诺。

2.3 付款:代理行应立即以电传或电报向各行通知付款日。各行应在付款日____ 时间上午____ 时,按照本合同规定的条件,向代理行提供与该贷款承诺相等的资金金额,其方式或通过____ 银行间清算系统结算的资金,或按照代理行其时决定的,为在____ 市用国际银行交易惯用的以美元结算的其他资金,存入其在____ 帐号为____ -____ 的账户,或通知各行已经因此指定的其他账户,代理行应按照本合同规定的条件,在付款日将所收资金贷记入借款人根据第2.2条指定的账户。

第三条 还款

3.1 还款:除本合同另有明文规定外,借款人分____ 个半年期偿还贷款。每期的数额相等于贷款的____ 分之一,但头____ 期每期均应进位到1美元的完整倍数,最后一期为全部清偿尚未偿还的贷款余额所必要的数额,每期贷款应在自第____ 个付息日开始的连续付息日支付。

3.2 自愿提前还款:借款人得在付息日以____ 万美元的完整倍数全部或部分提前还款。如果不迟于借款人愿意提前还款之日前15个银行工作日____ 时间下午5时,借款人应向代理行发出有关上述日期和提前还款数额的不可撤销的通知。所定数额连同到付息日利息应在该日对各行按对其提前偿还数额0.5%支付。部分提前还款应按在贷款中的比例分摊,并按第3.1条规定的分期,按倒序偿还。提前偿还的数额不得根据本合同重新借用。

3.3 非法行为:如果任何银行在任何时间确定,任何法律、条款或条约或其中的任何变动,或其解释或适用的任何变动,使银行进行贷款或继续贷款或索取或收受任何应付数额的行为不合法时,该银行应将上述决定通知借款人,如果在上述贷款支付之后发送,则借款人应在紧接着通知日之后的付息日提前偿还全部贷款;或者,如果该银行确定,在付息日之前需要提前偿还贷款,则根据该银行的要求,应连同支付该贷款提前偿还之日应付的利息,以及借款人应付给该行的所有其他金额。

第四条 利息

4.1 基本利率:

(1)除第4.2条或4.3条另有明确规定外,每笔贷款在第一利息期应付利息,自利息期的第一天起(包括第一天在内),到该利息期最后一天,(不包括最后一天在内),年利相当于该利息期利差加____ 银行同业拆放利率的金额。


(3)代理行应在每次决定____ 银行同业拆放率后,立即通知借款人和各行。

4.2 延迟支付的利息:如果借款人应付的任何金额到期未付,上述金额在利息期内的利息应在适用的法律所允许的范围内支付,自支付日(包括该日在内)到上述金额支付日(不包括该日在内),年利数额相当于该利息期内每天(1)利差,(2)1%,以及(3)下述的最高额:(A)代理行在____ 银行同业市场上述金额美元存款的当日报价(以年率表示);(B)利息期内到期日为付息日的________银行同业拆放率(或者,如果到期日不是付息日,则为该利息日所在利息期内);(C)在该到期日(如果该到期日是利息期的首日)开始的利息期的________银行同业拆放率。

4.3 替代利率:如果代理行在与各行进行实际可行的协商之后,在任何时候确定(1)不可能确定下一利息期的________银行同业拆放率,或(2)该利息期内的________银行同业拆放率不能充分地反映利息期内多数贷款权银行在________银行同业市场获得的美元存款的费用,代理行应立即将这一决定通知借款人和各行,如果通知是在支付贷款之前发出,则银行在本合同项下的贷款义务应在通知发出之日终止。如果通知是在支付贷款之后发出,则每家银行应尽快将利率通知借款人,该利率由上述银行按给该行提供该利息期贷款的有效费用加1%(以年率表示)确定。银行贷款利息应在利息期内,以该行的通知所规定的利率计息。按照该行的请求,借款人应签署并提交为充分有效地实施本款规定所需的单据,包括但不限于为交换该行持有的票据而应由该行签署并交付的新票据。

第五条 费用

5.1 承诺费:借款人每年支付给银行贷款总额0.5%的承诺费,从本合同生效之日起(包括该日在内),到付款日和终止日中较早之日(但不包括该日在内)为止,从其后第3个月的该日起开始按季支付至付款日与终止日中较早之日。

5.2 管理费:借款人应支付给管理行相等于贷款总额1%的管理费,在当日支付。

5.3 代理费:借款人应支付给代理行代理费。

(1)在付款日和终止日两者之中较早之日后的60天内,支付____ 美元;

(2)借款人在提款的周年日应付或应偿还的任何金额未偿还时,则按提款日一周年支付____ 美元。

第六条 税款

6.1 不得抵销、反索或扣交:根据本合同,借款人所应作出的每次付款或开出的票据,均不得抵销或反索,并不得扣交由任何地点或其任何政治分支机构、或税务当局征收的任何性质的、目前或将来的税款,但是,如果法律规定从上述支付额中扣交税款,则借款人应为银行或代理行扣交,并按时支付给主管当局。其后付给各行和代理行另外一笔金额,以保证该行或代理行除去税收的实际所得净值与对该笔支付没有扣交税额时的所得相等。所有上述税款均应由划款人在支付罚金或付息之日前支付。但是,如果上述罚金或利息到期应付,借款人应向政府主管当局立即支付。如果代理行或任何银行应支付上述税款、罚金或利息的任何金额,则借款人一经要求,即应用美元如数补偿代理行或银行。如果借款人应交任何税款,则应在交税后30天之内,将上述的官方税收收据或证明副本交付代理行。

6.2 印花税:借款人应支付与本合同或票据有关的任何管辖地征收的注册税或转让税、印花税或类似的税款以及应付的罚金、利息。如果代理行或任何银行支付了任何上述税款、罚金和利息,则借款人一经要求即应如数补偿代理行或该行。

第七条 付款;计算

7.1 款项的支付



7.2 计算____根据本合同应付的利息与承诺费,应按1年360日和实际过去的天数计算。

第八条 先决条件

8.1 付款日前应满足的条件:各行贷款的义务须根据下列条件而定:即代理行应在不迟于付款日前5个银行工作日的________时间下午________时收到经签署的副本以及经确认的副本若干份,或另外经确认的副本若干份,足以使所有的银行都持有下列文件,每份注明交送日期,其形式和内容均应为代理行所满意:






8.2 付款时或付款之前应满足的额外条件:各行贷款的义务应根据下列额外条件而定:


(2)代理行在贷款付款时或付款之前已收到下述文件:(A)证明各该行贷款承诺的____ 份票据,总额相当于该行贷款总额,而每张票据的金额与贷款的每期偿还金额相等,这些票据基本上按照附录2的格式,并根据第3.1条确定,经正式签署和交付,而且注明支付日期;(B)一份经签署的文本和经确认的文件副本若干份,或额外签署的副本若干份,使所有银行足以得到符合代理行和任何银行合理要求的这种其他文件,其形式和内容应为代理行满意。

第九条 声明与保证


9.1 借款人是根据________地法律正式成立并有效存在的公司,有权拥有自己的财产,从事目前从事的营业,并完成本合同预定的交易。

9.2 借款人已经采取一切必要的行动,授权签署和递交本合同以及与本合同有关的其他文件,并履行其在本合同以及票据项下的义务,完成本合同预定的交易。

9.3 本合同已经借款人正式签署和提交,与经过借款人签署和交付的票据均构成借款人合法的、有效的和有拘束力的义务,并按各该条款可对借款人执行。

9.4 批准贷款或本合同或票据的有效或强制执行所必需的所有的政府许可和措施,已经取得或得到履行,并仍继续有效。

9.5 没有发生和没有继续存在任何违约事件,没有由于发出通知或时间届满,或由于上述两者而可能构成违约事件,借款人作为一方当事人的合同中包含有对所借款项的义务或提供信贷的义务时,没有违约事件,而且在贷款时亦将不发生上述违约事件。

9.6 借款人或作为借款人的任何子公司,作为一方当事人的任何合同的条款,不需要借款人的债权人或任何子公司的债权人同意或批准,也不需要向其通知本合同或票据的签署、提交、本合同或票据项下的义务的履行,及本合同预定的交易的进行。上述签署、提交、履行和进行,不会违反对借款人或任何子公司的公司章程、细则和任何合同文件,以及对借款人或子公司财产适用的判决、命令、法律法规或条例,也不会构成违约行为。

9.7 借款人目前没有尚未结案的或将提起的诉讼、审理程序或索赔要求。此项诉讼案件或索赔要求,一旦败诉,可能对借款人以及子的公司的综合财务状况具有重大不利影响或损害借款人履行本合同或票据项下义务的能力,或影响本合同或票据的有效性或强制执行力。

9.8 除第10.6条所指的留置权类型,借款人对其财产拥有完好的和可以出售的所有权,在其财产上,没有一切留置权和其他抵押权。借款人在本合同和票据项下的义务,至少与借款人或所借款项或发放信贷的保证人的所有其他义务处于比例平等的排列次序。

9.9 借款人和子公司在________年________月________日及截至该日为止的会计年度综合财务报表是完整和准确的,并且为独立会计师事务所证明的公正地反映了该日借款人和子公司综合财务状况以及在该会计年度经营活动的综合结果。

9.10 借款人和子公司在________年________月________日以来的综合财务状况和借款人履行其在本合同或票据项下义务的能力没有重大不利的变化。

9.11 无论借款人或是其财产均不得根据主权或其他事由,就本合同有关的任何诉讼或审理程序享有不受管辖,在判决前后不受扣押或强制执行的豁免权。

9.12 在此之前提交给代理行或任何银行的有关借款人的与合同有关的所有情况,在一切重要方面是完整而准确的。

9.13 重复声明与保证:第九条所规定的每一项声明与保证,视同在支付贷款之日当日和在每一利息支付日当日所作出声明与保证一样。

第十条 约定事项

10.1 收入的利用:借款人应将贷款的收入用作________。

10.2 政府许可:借款人应获得并充分有效地持有和实施与本合同或票据有关的所有政府许可和向政府部门进行的登记。

10.3 财务报表:




10.4 检查权:借款人应使代理行的代表或任何银行能够在任何合理时间审查其财产和记录。

10.5 违约通知:借款人应将每一构成违约的事件,或由于发生通知或时间届满,或由于二者而可能构成的违约事件,以及对其履行本合同或票据义务的能力具有重大不利影响的每一其他事件,立即通知代理行。

代理 方:____________

地 址:________________ 电话:____________

出借 行:____________

地 址:________________ 电话:____________




范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:个人,全文共 2584 字

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│ 借 款 合 同 │

│(封面) │

合同编号:                        年 字 号

借款人:                                     贷款人:

住 所:                                       住 所:

电 话: 法定代表人(或授权代理人) │

│邮政编码: 电 话: │

│开户金融机构及账号: 邮政编码: │





第一条 借款金额


第二条 借款用途


第三条 借款期限


第四条 贷款利率和利息



第五条 用款计划


________年_______月_______日_______元 ________年_______月_______日_______元

________年_______月_______日_______元 ________年_______月_______日_______元


第六条 提款方式


第七条 还款方式



第八条 还款计划




第_______年每月________元 第_______年每月________元

第_______年每月________元 第_______年每月________元

第_______年每月________元 第_______年每月________元


第九条 贷款的偿还



第十条 合同的变更和解除


第十一条 借款担保


第十二条 甲乙双方的主要权利和义务







第十三条 违约责任




3.1 甲方未按合同规定用途使用贷款;

3.2 甲方拒绝或阻挠乙方对贷款使用情况进行监督检查;

3.3 甲方向乙方提供虚假的证明材料;

3.4 甲方与其他法人或经济组织签订有损乙方权益的合同和协议;

3.5 设有第三方保证或(和)抵押(质押)的借款合同,保证人违反保证合同或丧失承担连带责任能力,或(和)抵押人(出质人)违反抵押合同(质押合同),或抵押物(质物)因意外毁损不足以清偿本合同项下的本息时,甲方无法落实符合乙方要求的新保证或(和)新抵押(质押);

3.6 甲方发生其他足以影响其偿债能力或缺乏偿债诚意的行为。


第十四条 本合同争议解决方式


第十五条 甲、乙双方同意约定的其他事项。

第十六条 本合同未尽事宜,甲、乙双方按国家有关法律、法规和金融规章执行。

第十七条 本合同自甲、乙双方签字、盖章后生效,至合同项下贷款本息全部清偿完毕后终止。

第十八条 本合同正本一式__________份,甲、乙双方各执一份,有保证人或(和)抵押人(出质人)的,提供保证人或(和)抵押人(质押人)一份;副本__________份。

甲方:(签字、盖章) 乙方:(公章)


年 月 日 年 月 日



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范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:中介,全文共 685 字

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贷 款 方:(以下简称:乙方):

乙方因建设 项目需要,委托甲方策划引进人民币项目贷款。甲方接受乙方委托。经协商,双方就下列问题取得一致,协议如下:

1. 贷款用途:此款只能用于建设 项目需要,不得挪作它用。

2. 贷款金额:人民币 万元(大写: )

3. 贷款期限:以操作银行规定的文件为准。

4. 贷款年息:按国家银行规定的年利息率支付。

5. 乙方以 给银行作为贷款抵押。

6. 乙方保证遵守关于银行贴息和咨询服务非的承诺。

7. 乙方保证如实提供企业有关文件及企业资产负债情况,积极配合甲方对项目的调查,考察和核实工作。

8. 乙方保证向甲方支付信誉保证金50万元/项。此款将在贷款成功后,从甲方所得的咨询服务费中扣除。(此款由湖北海外联谊咨询中心代管)

9. 自本协议签字之日起,乙方保证90天内不得通过其它渠道进行本项目;不得退出与甲方的合作。否则,甲方有权没收乙方所交的信誉保证金,并保留进一步向乙方追讨损失的权利。

10. 如90天内,甲方无法安排放款方进行实质性操作(除非乙方同意继续运作),甲方应将信誉保证金全数退还乙方。

11. 乙方同意支付甲方人员的往返交通及操作期间的膳宿费用。

12. 未尽事宜,双方友好协商解决。

13. 本协议一式四份,甲方贰份,乙方三份。本协议签字即生效。

甲方(公章):_________ 乙方(公章):_________

法定代表人(签字):_________ 法定代表人(签字):_________

_________年____月____日 _________年____月____日



范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:银行,全文共 1517 字

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借款人(甲方):____________ 学号:________________ 身份证号码:_________________

住所:______________________ 编码:____________ 住所电话:___________________

首次就业单位:______________ 编码:____________ 联系电话:___________________

手机号码:__________________ 常用邮箱:___________________________________________

原籍地址:__________________ 原籍邮编:____________ 原籍电话:___________________

联系人:____________________ 有效证件名称:________ 号码:_______________________

住所:______________________ 固定电话:____________ 与借款人关系:_______________

工作单位:__________________ 单位邮编:____________ 手机号码:___________________

单位地址:__________________________________________ 单位电话:___________________




贷款人(乙方):____________ 联系电话:__________

地址:______________________ 编码:__________





(一)等额本息还款法 □

(二)等额本金还款法 □












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甲方(盖章) ___________

法定代表人(签章) ___________

乙方(签章) ___________

____ 年 _____ 月 _____ 日



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范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:企业,全文共 4157 字

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借 款 人:



电 话:




账 号:

贷 款 人:



电 话:




第一条 贷款

1.1 币种: 。

1.2 金额(大写): 。

1.3期限:自 年 月 日至 年 月 日。

1.4本合同项下的贷款仅限用于 。

第二条 利率及利息的计付

2.1 利率执行: 。该利率系中国人民银行现行相应期限档次贷款的基准利率上浮 %。

2.2 本合同项下,借款人以 (大写)个月为一期,按期还款,首期自放款日起计算。计算一期的正常利息采用月利率,本合同项下的月利率为:□月利率=年利率/12;日利率=年利率/360。

2.3 本合同签订后、放款前,如遇中国人民银行调整法定利率的,贷款人将按相应利率档次执行调整后的利率,利率浮动水平按2.1条约定执行。


2. 5 利息的计算

2.5.1 借款人每月还息额=当月贷款余额×贷款天数×日利率。

2.5.2 逾期贷款和挪用贷款的罚息依逾期或挪用的金额和实际天数计算。逾期贷款的罚息利率按本合同约定利率上浮 %,挪用贷款的罚息利率按本合同约定利率上浮 %;浮动利率贷款逾期或挪用后遇人民银行调整基准利率的,贷款人有权相应调整本合同罚息利率,自人民银行利率调整日起适用新的罚息利率。

2. 6本合同项下的贷款按下列第 种方式结息,贷款最后到期时利随本清。结息日为付息日:



第三条 贷款的发放与偿还

3. 1借款人以本公司名义在委托银行开立存款帐户,账号:  ,作为贷款人发放贷款的账户。



放款日 放款金额

年 月 日; (大写金额)

年 月 日; (大写金额)

年 月 日; (大写金额)

年 月 日; (大写金额)

3. 3在下列条件全部符合前,贷款人有权拒绝放款:





3. 4实际的放款日和放款金额以《借款凭证》的记载为准。

3. 5借款人应按第1.3条约定的到期日和下列计划按时还款,《借款凭证》记载的到期日与本合同约定不一致时,以《借款凭证》的记载为准:

到期日 还款金额

年 月 日; (大写金额)

年 月 日; (大写金额)

年 月 日; (大写金额)

年 月 日; (大写金额)




4.1 借款人是依法设立并合法存续的民事主体,具备所有必要的权利能力,能以自身名义履行本合同的义务并承担民事责任。

4.2 签署和履行本合同是借款人真实的意思表示,并经过所有必须的同意、批准及授权,不存在任何法律上的瑕疵。

4.3 借款人在签署和履行本合同过程中向贷款人提供的全部文件、报表、资料及信息是真实、准确、完整和有效的,未向贷款人隐瞒可能影响其财务状况和还款能力的任何信息。

第五条 贷款人的权利与义务

5.1 贷款人有权按照本合同约定收回贷款本金、利息(包括复利、逾期及挪用罚息),收取借款人应付的费用,行使法律规定或本合同约定的其他权利。

5.2 对借款人提供的财务、经营资料及信息保密,但法律另有规定或本合同另有约定的除外。

第六条 借款人的义务

6.1 借款人应当按本合同约定的时间、金额和币种偿还本合同项下的贷款本金并支付利息。

6.2 借款人不应将本合同项下贷款挪作他用。

6.3 借款人应承担本合同项下的费用支出,包括但不限于公证费、鉴定费、评估费、登记费、保险费等。

6.4 借款人应遵循贷款人与办理贷款业务相关的业务制度及操作惯例,包括但不限于配合贷款人对贷款使用情况和借款人经营情况的监督检查,及时提供贷款人要求的一切财务报表、其他资料及信息,并保证所提供文件、资料和信息是真实、完整、准确的。

6.5 借款人有下列任一事项时,应当至少提前30天书面通知贷款人,并且,在清偿本合同项下贷款本息或提供贷款人认可的还款方案及担保前不应采取行动:



6.6 借款人应当在下列事项发生或可能发生之日起7日内书面通知贷款人:









6.7 本合同项下的担保发生不利于贷款人债权的变化时,借款人应按贷款人的要求及时提供贷款人认可的其他担保。


第七条 其他约定事项


第八条 贷款的提前到期






第九条 违约及违约责任

9.1 借款人未按时足额偿还贷款本金、支付利息或未按本合同约定用途使用贷款的,贷款人按逾期贷款的罚息利率或挪用贷款的罚息利率计收利息,并对应付未付利息计收复利。

9.2 借款人未按时足额偿还贷款本金、支付利息的,应当承担贷款人为实现债权而支付的催收费、诉讼费(或仲裁费)、保全费、公告费、执行费、律师费、差旅费及其他费用。

9.3 借款人有逃避贷款人监督、拖欠贷款本金及利息、恶意逃废债等行为时,贷款人有权将该种行为向有关单位通报,并在新闻媒体上公告。

第十条 扣划约定

10.1 借款人有到期应付的贷款本金、利息、罚息、复利或其他费用时,授权贷款人扣划借款人在委托银行开立的任一账户中的资金用于清偿。

10.2 扣划后,贷款人应将扣划所涉账号、借款合同号、《借款凭证》编号、扣划金额及剩余的债务金额通知借款人。

10.3 扣划所得款项不足以清偿借款人全部债务时,应首先用于抵偿到期未付的费用。本金及利息逾期不足90天的,抵偿费用后的余额先用于抵偿到期未付的利息或罚息、复利,再用于抵偿到期未付的本金;本金或利息逾期90天的,抵偿费用后的余额先用于抵偿到期未付的本金,再用于抵偿到期未付的利息或罚息、复利。

10.4 扣划所得款项与需抵偿的债务币种不一致的,按委托银行在扣划日公布的汇率折算为抵偿债务的金额。

第十一条 争议解决



(2)由 仲裁委员会依申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则仲裁,仲裁裁决是终局的,对各方均有约束力。

第十二条 其他条款




12.4本合同正本一式 份,签约双方及担保人各执一份。


借款人(公章) 贷款人(单位印章)

(负责人)或授权代表 负责人或授权代表

(签字或盖X) (签字或盖X)

签署日: 年 月 日 签署日: 年 月 日



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甲方(盖章):_________ 乙方(盖章):_________

法定代表人(签字):_________ 法定代表人(签字):_________

_________年____月____日 _________年____月____日

签订地点:_________ 签订地点:_________



范文类型:合同协议,全文共 64359 字

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This LOAN AGREEMENT, dated as of the later of the two signature dates below, is made by and among AAA CORPORATION ("AAA"), a _________(PLACENAME) Corporation, _________(address) ("Lender"), and BBB CORPORATION ("BBB"), a _________(PLACENAME) corporation, _________(address) ("Borrower").


A. Borrower develops and markets computer software products, including without limitation a "search engine" software for searching and indexing information accessible through the Internet.

B. Lender develops, manufactures, distributes and markets computer software products and services.

C. Borrower and Lender desire to enter into a business relationship pursuant to which, among other things, (i) Borrower would (a) develop software for Lender to implement desired features for a Lender search engine, (b) provide search results for Lender using Borrowers search engine customized with, among other elements, the features developed for Lender, (c) provide software hosting and maintenance services for Lenders benefit, and (d) purchase additional hardware and software necessary or desirable to service Lenders needs, and (ii) Lender would make certain payments to Borrower, and provide loans to Borrower to facilitate Borrowers purchase of additional hardware and software necessary or desirable to service Lenders needs.

D. This Loan Agreement and a Security Agreement between the parties of even date, are intended to set forth the terms and conditions applicable to the loan aspects of such business relationship.

NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows:


1. Loan to Borrower. Pursuant to the terms and conditions of that certain Software Hosting Agreement between Borrower and Lender of even date herewith (the "Hosting Agreement"), Borrower may be required, after consultation with and approval by Lender, to purchase additional Hosting Servers, as that term is defined in the Hosting Agreement. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Lender shall from time to time make advances ("Advances") to Borrower during the period from the date hereof until the termination of this Agreement. In no event shall Lender have any obligation to make Advances to Borrower following the occurrence of any Event of Default as defined in section 11 of this Agreement.

A. Advances. Advances shall be made only in amounts separately agreed between Lender and Borrower to be sufficient to purchase the additional Hosting Servers required by Lender. Each such Advance shall be evidenced by a promissory note (the "Promissory Note") with a term of [*] ([*]) [*] in substantially the form of the sample note attached hereto as Exhibit A. The terms of all such Promissory Notes are by this reference incorporated in this Agreement. The proceeds of each Advance shall only be used by Borrower to purchase the additional Hosting Servers for which that Advance is made.

B. Persons Authorized. Lender is hereby authorized by Borrower to make Advances only upon the written requests (including requests made by telex, telegraph or facsimile), of any one of the following persons (the "Responsible Officers" and each a "Responsible Officer"): Dave Peterschmidt, Jerry Kennelly and Randy Gottfried; each of whom is and shall be authorized to request Advances and direct the disposition of any Advance until written notice by Borrower of the revocation of such authority is received by Lender. Any Advance shall be conclusively presumed to have been made to or for the benefit of Borrower when made in accordance with such a request. Requests for Advances shall be on the Borrowing Notice form attached hereto as Exhibit B. Any such Borrowing Notice shall be directed to the following Lender representative (or such other person as Lender may direct from time to time) for approval prior to disbursement: Shirish Nadkarni.

C. Assumption of Risk. It is important to Borrower that Borrower have the privilege of making requests for Advances by e mail, telex, telegraph or facsimile. Therefore, to induce Lender to lend funds in response to such requests, and in consideration for Lenders agreement to receive and consider such requests, BORROWER ASSUMES ALL RISK OF THE VALIDITY, AUTHENTICITY AND AUTHORIZATION OF SUCH REQUESTS, WHETHER OR NOT THE INDIVIDUAL MAKING SUCH REQUEST HAS AUTHORITY IN FACT TO REQUEST ADVANCES ON BEHALF OF BORROWER. UNLESS AN UNAUTHORIZED OR INVALID ADVANCE IS MADE AS A RESULT OF GROSS NEGLIGENCE ON THE PART OF LENDER, LENDER SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE, UNDER PRINCIPLES OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, FOR ANY LOSS SUSTAINED BY BORROWER RESULTING FROM ANY UNAUTHORIZED OR INVALID ADVANCE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE AMOUNT OF ANY ADVANCE. Borrower agrees to repay any sums, with interest as provided herein, that Lender so advances. Borrower agrees to give Lender prompt written confirmation of all e mail, telex, telegraph or facsimile requests for Advances; but Borrowers failure to do so, or the failure of such confirmation to reach Lender, shall not affect Borrowers assumption of the risk with respect to such Advance or reduce in any way the obligation of Borrower to repay with interest all amounts theretofore or thereafter advanced by Lender pursuant thereto.

D. Request for Advance. Each request for an Advance shall set forth the amount of such Advance and the date such Advance is to be made, such request to be received by Lender by 9:30 a.m., _________(PLACENAME), WA, USA time ten (10) full business days before such Advance is to be made. Any proposed Advance shall be made and effected only on a business day and may be disbursed only after a separate Promissory Note for such Advance is properly executed by Borrower, and delivered to and accepted by Lender. If the date of the proposed Advance is not a business day, such Advance shall be effected on the next succeeding business day. Each request for an Advance shall be irrevocable and binding on Borrower.

E. Disbursement of Advances. Advances made and effected by Lender shall be disbursed by wire transfer in immediately available funds to the depository account set forth in Exhibit E hereto, or such other account as Borrower may designate from time to time by written notice to Lender signed by a Responsible Officer.

2. Term and Termination. This Agreement shall terminate upon the termination of the Hosting Agreement ("Maturity Date"); provided that all rights and remedies to which Lender is entitled under this Agreement and at law shall survive any such termination of the Agreement until all amounts advanced or otherwise due Lender under this Agreement have been repaid or otherwise satisfied according to the terms of this Agreement.

3. Interest. The outstanding principal balance of the Loan shall bear interest at the lowest appropriate applicable federal rate, as determined by AAA, when each Promissory Note (or the New Note described in section 4) is issued. All computations of interest shall be based on a 360 day year for the actual number of days passed.

4. Payment of Principal and Interest.

A. Monthly Payments. Payment of principal and interest for each Advance shall be made in immediately available funds, by 10:00 a.m., _________(PLACENAME) time, at such location designated by Lender or the holder of the applicable Promissory Note, on the date each payment is due as provided in the Promissory Note. The payments of principal and interest shall be separately calculated for each Advance and shall be payable in immediately available funds on the first business day of each month until paid in full. Each installment payment shall be in an amount sufficient to cause the principal balance of each Advance to be repaid within three years. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any amounts accrued but not paid at the time of termination of this Agreement shall be payable or otherwise satisfied in accordance with the following subsections.

B. Roll over or Acceleration. Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement:

(i) If this Agreement is terminated due to the mutual agreement of the parties, due to termination of the Hosting Agreement by Lender pursuant to section 10.2 of the Hosting Agreement, or due to termination of the Hosting Agreement by Borrower pursuant to section 10.1 of the Hosting Agreement, then immediately prior to the effective date of such termination Lender shall cancel all outstanding Promissory Notes and Borrower shall simultaneously execute a new promissory note ("New Note") for all outstanding principal, interest and other amounts under such Promissory Notes owed or owing to Lender by Borrower on that date, in substantially the form attached as Exhibit C satisfying and replacing all outstanding Advances and other amounts due under this Agreement. A New Note issued pursuant to this subsection shall carry the same interest rate and be subject to the same terms and conditions as all Advances under this Agreement, except that the term of the New Note shall be two (2) years, and each installment payment shall be in an amount sufficient to cause the principal balance of the New Note to be repaid within two (2) years. Installment payments for the New Note shall be made in immediately available funds, by 10:00 a.m., _________(PLACENAME) time, at such location designated by Lender or the holder of the New Note, on the date each payment is due as provided in the New Note. Prior to execution of the New Note, Borrower shall satisfy all conditions precedent and make all representations and warranties required for Advances under this Agreement.

(ii) If termination of this Agreement is due to any other reason (other than due to a material breach of this Agreement or the Hosting Agreement by Lender), such termination shall be considered an Event of Default and subject to any and all remedies available to Lender for an Event of Default as provided in section 12 of this Agreement.

C. Prepayment. Borrower may prepay each Advance in whole or in part, at any time without penalty. Any repayments of the amounts due under this Loan Agreement shall be made in immediately available funds and shall be applied first against any amounts owed to Lender under the Security Agreement, then to the payment of past due interest on any outstanding Advance, and any remaining amount shall reduce the outstanding principal amount of each Advance.

5. Overdue Payments; Default Rate. If any amount due under this Agreement is not paid when and as due, such amount shall bear interest from the date such payment was due until and including the date such payment is received by Lender at a rate per annum equal to eighteen percent (18 %) per annum (the "Default Rate"), provided that in no event shall the rate of interest exceed that permitted by applicable law.

6. Security for the Loan. This Loan is secured by a purchase money security interest in the Hosting Servers purchased by each Advance, pursuant to the terms of a security agreement of even date ("Security Agreement"). Lender shall have a first priority security interest in all of the collateral described in the Security Agreement (the "Collateral").

7. Representations and Warranties. Borrower hereby represents and warrants to Lender as follows:

A. Corporate Existence. Borrower is a corporation, duly organized and validly existing, in good standing under the laws of its state of incorporation, and is duly authorized and qualified under all applicable laws, regulations, ordinances and orders of public authorities to carry on such business in any state or county where such qualification is necessary and to own and hold property.

B. Corporate Power. Borrower has full right, power and authority to enter into and perform this Agreement, each Promissory Note, the New Note, and the Security (collectively, the "Documents"), and to grant all of the rights granted and agreed to be granted pursuant to this Agreement and the Documents.

C. Authorization. Borrower has taken all necessary corporate action to authorize the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the other Documents, including but not limited to, all necessary corporate action required by its articles of incorporation and bylaws.

D. No Conflict, Violation or Consent Required. The execution, delivery and performance of, and the compliance with the provisions of each of the Documents do not and will not violate any provision of an applicable law or any provision of Borrowers articles of incorporation and bylaws, and will not conflict with, require consent under any provision of, result in any breach of any of the terms, conditions or provisions of, result in the creation or imposition of any lien, charge or encumbrance upon any of the properties or assets of Borrower pursuant to the terms of, or constitute a default under or conflict with, any other indenture, contract, mortgage, deed of trust or other agreement or instrument to which Borrower is a party or by which Borrower is bound. Borrower shall not enter into other contractual obligations which will restrict or impair its obligations under this Agreement or any other Document.

E. Binding Effect. This Agreement constitutes, and the Promissory Note and each of the other Documents, when executed and delivered by Borrower, will constitute, valid obligations of Borrower and are binding and enforceable against Borrower in accordance with their respective terms, except as hereafter may be limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, or similar laws affecting the enforcement of creditors rights and the availability of specific performance.

F. Familiarity With Terms. Borrower is fully familiar with all of the terms, covenants and conditions of the Documents.

G. Legal Proceedings. Except as disclosed on Schedule 1 attached hereto, there is no action, suit or proceeding pending or, to the knowledge of Borrower, threatened, at law or in equity or before or by any federal, state, municipal or other governmental department, commission, board, bureau, agency or instrumentality, domestic or foreign, that might result in a material adverse change in Borrowers ownership or title to any of the Collateral or in its financial condition or operations. As used in this subsection, the phrase "to the knowledge of Borrower" shall mean the current actual knowledge of the executive officers and directors of Borrower.

H. No Governmental Approvals. No registration with or approval of any governmental agency or commission is necessary for the due execution and delivery of any of the Documents or for the validity or enforceability thereof with respect to any obligation of Borrower hereunder or thereunder, except acts to be performed by Lender in order to perfect Lenders security interest in the Collateral.

I. Liens and Encumbrances. Borrower shall keep the Collateral purchased with each Advance free and clear of all liens, claims, encumbrances and rights of others and at the request of Lender from time to time, shall obtain an agreement, in a form satisfactory to Lender in its sole discretion, from any of its general creditors or lien holders to subordinate their interests in the Collateral to Lenders interest pursuant to this Agreement and the Security Agreement.

J. Compliance With Laws. Borrower has complied with all laws, regulations, ordinances and orders which affect in any material respect its right to carry on its operations, perform its obligations under the Documents or meet its obligations in the ordinary course of business.

K. Outstanding Debt. There exists no default under the provisions of any agreement or instrument evidencing any outstanding indebtedness of Borrower and/or its subsidiaries to any party or any material agreement to which Borrower and/or its subsidiaries is currently a party.

L. Disclosure. This Agreement does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact and does state all material facts necessary in order to make the statements contained herein not misleading in light of the circumstances under which they were made. There is, to the knowledge of Borrower, no fact that would materially adversely affect its business, prospects, condition, affairs or operations or any of its properties or assets.

M. No Consents. The execution, delivery and filing of the Security Agreement and any financing statements, and the creation of the lien, mortgage, encumbrance, preference or security interest contemplated thereby, will not require the consent or approval of any person or entity not a party to this Agreement.

N. Perfection of Liens and Security Interest. As of the date hereof, Lender will have a valid and perfected first priority lien on and security interest in all of the Collateral (whether now owned or hereafter acquired), which lien and security interest will be enforceable against the applicable grantor thereof and all third parties and will secure the obligations stated therein. All filings, recordations and other actions necessary under any laws to perfect and protect such liens and security interests as first priority liens and security interests in the Collateral have been, or will on the Closing Date be, duly taken.

8. Affirmative Covenants. Until all amounts owed under the Documents have been paid in full or otherwise satisfied under the terms of this Agreement, Borrower, at its own expense, covenants and agrees at all times to comply with the terms of this paragraph 8.

A. Financial Information.

(i) Borrower shall furnish or cause to be furnished to Lender, as soon as practicable and in any event within forty five (45) days after the close of each fiscal quarter, the following unaudited financial statements of Borrower for each such quarter, all in reasonable detail and certified by a Responsible Officer of Borrower to be true and correct: balance sheet, statement of income, and statement of cash flows.

(ii) Borrower shall furnish or cause to be furnished to Lender, as soon as the same are available, and in any event within ninety (90) days after the end of each of each fiscal year Borrowers consolidated balance sheet, statement of income and a statement of cash flows, all as of the end of such fiscal year (together, in each case, where applicable, with the comparable figures for the prior fiscal year), all in reasonable detail. Annual consolidated financial statements shall be prepared and audited (without any qualification or exception deemed material by Lender) in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistently maintained throughout the period involved (except as disclosed in the notes to the financial statements) by independent certified public accountants of recognized national standing or otherwise reasonably acceptable to Lender.

(iii) Concurrently with the information described in (i) and (ii) above, a certificate of a Responsible Officer of Borrower stating that the consolidated financial statements delivered to Lender are properly stated and that there exists no Event of Default, or event which with notice or lapse of time, or both, would constitute an Event of Default, or, if any such event exists, specifying the nature and period of existence thereof and what action Borrower proposes to take with respect thereto.

(iv) Borrower shall also furnish or cause to be furnished, from time to time, such additional financial and other information as Lender may reasonably request in order to monitor the financial condition of Borrower.

B. Notice of Default. Immediately upon obtaining knowledge of the occurrence of any event that constitutes an Event of Default, or that with notice or lapse of time, or both, would constitute an Event of Default, Borrower shall give written notice thereof to Lender, together with a detailed statement of the steps being taken by Borrowers to cure such event.

C. Maintenance of Existence. Borrower shall cause to be done all things necessary to maintain and preserve the corporate existence, rights and franchises of Borrower and shall comply with all related laws applicable to Borrower and/or its subsidiaries.

D. Payment of Taxes. Borrower shall pay, indemnify and hold Lender harmless from (i) all taxes, assessments and charges lawfully levied or imposed by the United States, any state or local government, any taxing authority or any political or governmental subdivision of any foreign country on or with respect to the Collateral or any part thereof, and (ii) any other claims which, if unpaid, might become by law a lien upon Borrowers property; except, and only to the extent that any such taxes, assessments, charges or claims are being contested in good faith (and for the payment of which adequate reserves have been provided) by appropriate proceedings conducted diligently and in good faith so long as such proceedings do not involve a material danger of the sale, forfeiture or loss of all or a material portion of the Collateral.

E. Maintenance of Property and Leases. Borrower shall keep its properties in good repair and condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted, and from time to time make all necessary and proper repairs, renewals, replacements, additions and improvements thereto. Borrower shall at all times comply with the provisions of all leases to which it is a party so as to prevent any loss or forfeiture thereof or thereunder.

F. Insurance. Borrower shall maintain with responsible companies reasonably acceptable to Lender liability insurance and insurance with respect to the Collateral in amounts and covering risks as is customary among companies engaged in businesses similar to that of Borrower. Each liability insurance policy maintained pursuant to this paragraph shall name Lender as additional insured. Each such policy other than liability policies shall name Lender as named insured and loss payee as its interest may appear. The parties agree that such interest of Lender shall be equal to the total of all amounts owed under the Documents to Lender. Borrower shall maintain insurance against any other risks as is customary among companies engaged in businesses similar to that of Borrower. All required insurance shall (a) be in form and amount reasonably satisfactory to Lender and (b) contain a Lenders Loss Payable Endorsement. Each insurer shall agree by endorsement upon the policies issued by it, or by independent instrument furnished to Lender, that it will give Lender thirty (30) days written notice before the policy is materially altered or canceled. The proceeds of any public liability policy shall be payable first to Lender to the extent of its liability, if any, and the balance shall be payable to Borrower. Borrower hereby irrevocably appoints Lender as Borrowers attorney in fact to make claim for, receive payment of, and execute and endorse all documents, checks or drafts for loss or damage under any insurance policy.

G. Notice of Litigation. Borrower shall promptly notify Lender in writing of the initiation of any litigation against Borrower that in Borrowers good faith judgment might materially and adversely affect the operations, financial condition, property or business of Borrower. If any suit is filed against any of the Collateral or if any of the Collateral is otherwise attached, levied upon or taken in custody by virtue of any legal proceeding in any court, Borrower shall promptly notify Lender thereof by telephone, confirmed by letter, and within sixty (60) days (unless otherwise consented to in writing by Lender) cause the Collateral to be released and promptly notify Lender thereof in the manner aforesaid.

H. Accounts and Reports. Borrower shall keep true and accurate records and books of account in which full, true and correct entries shall be made of all dealings or transactions in relation to its business and affairs in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

I. Compliance With Laws. Borrower shall duly observe and conform to all valid requirements of governmental authorities relating to the conduct of its business or to its property or assets.

J. Inspection. Borrower shall permit Lender or its designated representative, at all reasonable hours upon reasonable advance notice, to visit and inspect Borrowers properties, offices, facilities and the Collateral, and to examine Borrowers books of account, solely to monitor the status of the Collateral and financial condition of Borrower. Lender agrees that any such visitation or inspection may be escorted and monitored by Borrower.

K. Filing and Execution of Documents. Borrower shall from time to time do and perform such other and further acts and execute and deliver any and all such further instruments as may be required by law or reasonably requested by Lender to establish, maintain and protect Lenders security interest in any of the Collateral as provided in this Agreement.

L. Anti forfeiture. Borrower shall not have committed or commit any act or omission affording the federal government or any state or local government the right of forfeiture as against the property of Borrower or any part thereof or any moneys paid in performance of its obligations under this Agreement, any Promissory Note or under any of the other Documents. Borrower covenants and agrees not to commit, permit or suffer to exist any act or omission affording such right of forfeiture. In furtherance thereof, Borrower hereby indemnifies Lender and agrees to defend and hold Lender harmless from and against any loss, damage or injury by reason of the breach of the covenants and agreements or the warranties and representations set forth in the preceding sentence. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the filing of formal charges or the commencement of proceedings against Borrower, Lender, or all or any of the property of any Borrower under any federal or state law for which forfeiture of such property or any part thereof or of any moneys paid in performance of any Borrowers obligations under the Documents shall, at the election of Lender, constitute an Event of Default hereunder without notice or opportunity to cure.

M. Meeting. The Responsible Officers of Borrower (and such other officers and employees of Borrower as Lender may reasonably request) shall meet at least once per year with Lenders designated representatives to review Borrowers consolidated financial statements and such other information regarding the operation of Borrowers business as may be reasonably requested by Lender to monitor the financial condition of Borrower and status of the Collateral.

9. Negative Covenants. Until all amounts owed under this Agreement, the Promissory Note and the other Documents have been paid in full or otherwise satisfied under the terms of this Agreement, Borrower, without the prior written consent of Lender, covenants and agrees that it shall not sell all or any portion of the Collateral, nor relocate the Collateral. Borrower shall not encumber the Collateral, assume any debt secured by the Collateral or subject the Collateral to any unpaid charge or claim of any third party. Lender may give its prior written consent to any sale or encumbrance of any of the Collateral upon the express terms and conditions set forth in such consent of Lender.

10. Conditions Precedent to Loan Advances. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, the obligation of Lender to make any Advance to Borrower, is expressly conditioned upon the following:

A. Representations and Warranties. All representations and warranties of Borrower contained in this Agreement, in the Documents and in any certificate or other instrument delivered pursuant to the provisions hereof, or in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby, shall be and remain true and correct in all material respects throughout the term of this Agreement, including without limitation on the date of each request for an Advance with the same force and effect as though such representations and warranties had been made on the date of the Advance.

B. Covenants. Borrower shall have performed and complied with all material terms, covenants and conditions of this Agreement and the Documents to be performed or complied with by it on or before execution of this Agreement or on or before the date of each Advance, as the case may be.

C. No Event of Default. There shall exist no Event of Default, or event which with notice or lapse of time, or both, would constitute an Event of Default, under this Agreement or the other Documents.

D. Subordination of Prior Interests/Release of Liens. If Lender so requests, for any prior security interest, lien or encumbrance in the Collateral or in the general assets of the Borrowers business, Borrower shall obtain a subordination agreement from its creditor or lien holder in favor Lender or shall obtain the release and discharge of such security interest, lien or encumbrance, including any financing statement or recorded lien filed to perfect such interest, lien or encumbrance.

E. Delivery of Documentation. Borrower, at its sole cost and expense, shall have delivered to Lender the following documents, duly executed by the appropriate party, in form and substance satisfactory to Lender:

(i) the applicable Promissory Note executed by Borrower prior to disbursement of each respective Advance;

(ii) the Security Agreement executed by Borrower on the date of this Agreement;

(iii) the Hosting Agreement executed by Borrower, on the date of this Agreement;

(iv) a certificate of Borrowers corporate secretary, to be dated as of the date of this Agreement, certifying as true and accurate and in full force and effect as of that date, copies of current resolutions of Borrowers Board of Directors authorizing (i) Borrower to enter into and perform this Agreement and to execute, deliver and honor and perform the other Documents, and (ii) the persons who have executed or will execute this Agreement, the Promissory Note and the other Documents to do so;

(v) a certificate, as of the most recent date practical, of the secretary of state of Borrowers state of incorporation as to the good standing of Borrower;

(vi) certificates issued in favor of Lender evidencing the insurance policies required by Lender in accordance with Section 8F hereof;

(vii) UCC financing statements executed by Borrower, in form and substance satisfactory to Lender, evidencing Lenders security interest in the Collateral designated thereon to be filed in each jurisdiction in which Borrower is or may be doing business;

(viii) officers certificates executed by a Responsible Officer of Borrower, dated the purchase date for each purchase of each item of Collateral, certifying that on that date (i) Borrower has good title to all Collateral described in the Security Agreement, (ii) no Event of Default, or event which with notice or lapse of time, or both, would constitute an Event of Default, has occurred, and is continuing, and (iii) the representations and warranties contained in the Documents are true and accurate on and as of that date;

(ix) such other agreements, certificates or other documents as shall be deemed necessary or desirable, in the good faith opinion of Lender or its counsel, in order to fully and completely perfect, preserve or protect Lenders interests hereunder and Lenders security interest in the Collateral;

(x) a valid and authorized Borrowing Notice containing a request for an Advance approved by Lenders designated representative.

11. Events of Default. The occurrence of one or more of the following events (herein called "Events of Default") shall constitute a default under this Agreement.

A. Borrowers failure to pay any portion of any installment of principal or interest due under any Promissory Note or any other amount under any of the other Documents when and as the same shall become due and payable as therein or herein expressed, if such failure continues for a period of ten (10) days after Lender has notified Borrower (regardless of whether Borrower actually receives such notice) that such payment has not been received;

B. Borrowers failure to comply with and duly and punctually observe or perform, any of the covenants of Borrower contained in Sections 8B, 8C, 8D, 8E and 8H and Section 9 of this Loan Agreement;

C. Borrowers failure to maintain insurance as required in accordance with Section 8F hereof; which failure shall continue for a period of ten (10) days after the earlier of the giving of notice of such failure by Lender to Borrower, or the date Lender is notified of such failure by Borrower or should have been so notified pursuant to section 8B hereof.

D. Borrower applies for, consents to or acquiesces in the appointment of a trustee, receiver, liquidator, assignee, sequestrator or other similar official for Borrower or for any of Borrowers property, or makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, or files a petition or an answer seeking reorganization in a proceeding under any bankruptcy law (as now or hereafter in effect) or a readjustment of its indebtedness or an answer admitting the material allegations of a petition filed against it in any such proceeding, or seeks relief under the provisions of any bankruptcy or similar law; or, in the absence of any of the foregoing, a trustee, receiver, liquidator, assignee, sequestrator or other similar official is appointed for Borrower or for a substantial part of any of the property of Borrower and is not discharged within sixty (60) days; or any bankruptcy, reorganization, debt arrangement or other proceeding under any bankruptcy or other insolvency law or common law or in equity is instituted against Borrower and is not dismissed within sixty (60) days; or, in the absence of any of the foregoing, if, under the provisions of any law providing for reorganization or winding up which may apply to Borrower, any court of competent jurisdiction shall assume jurisdiction, custody or control of Borrower or of any substantial part of any of Borrowers property and such jurisdiction, custody or control shall remain in force unrelinquished, unstayed or unterminated for a period of sixty (60) days;

E. any material representation or warranty made by Borrower and contained in any of the Documents, or otherwise made by Borrower to Lender, proves or becomes untrue in any material respect, provided that any cure period (if any) available to remedy the inaccuracy has passed;

F. Borrower is in material default in the payment or performance of any material obligation under any promissory note, indenture, contract, mortgage, deed of trust or other instrument to which Borrower is a party or by which Borrower is bound and the applicable cure period shall have expired;

G. any provision of any Document, including, without limitation, the Security Agreement, shall for any reason (except for acts to be performed by Lender) cease to be valid and binding on any signatory thereto, or such signatory shall so allege, or any Security Agreement shall for any reason (except for acts to be performed by Lender) cease to create a valid and perfected first priority lien, mortgage, encumbrance or security interest except to the extent permitted by the terms thereof, in any of the property purported to be covered thereby, or the signatory to such Security Agreement shall so allege;

H. the termination of the Hosting Agreement by Lender due to the material breach thereunder by Borrower; or

I. Borrowers failure to duly and punctually observe or perform, in any material respect, any other of the covenants, conditions or agreements to be performed or observed by Borrower contained in this Agreement or any of the Documents and, except as may otherwise be specifically provided in the Documents, such failure continues for a period of thirty (30) days after the earlier of the giving of notice of such failure by Lender to Borrower, or the date Lender is notified of such failure by Borrower or should have been so notified pursuant to section 8B hereof.

J. Borrowers material breach under the Hosting Agreement and/or any of the following agreements between the parties (which remains uncured after the applicable core period, if any, thereunder): the Software Development Agreement of even date herewith; and the Information Services Agreement of even date herewith (and the Escrow Agreement referred to therein).

12. Remedies. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default and while any Event of Default is continuing, Lender may at its option elect to pursue any or all of the following remedies, which are cumulative and in addition to any other right or remedy provided by applicable law:

A. without further demand, protest or notice of any kind to Borrower, declare any or all sums and obligations due under the Documents to be due and immediately payable, and upon such declaration the same shall become and be immediately due and payable;

B. terminate Lenders commitment to make Advances hereunder;

C. If Borrower fails to perform any act that it is required to perform under this Agreement or the Security Agreement, Lender may, but shall not be obligated to, perform, or cause to performed, such act, provided that any reasonable expense thereby incurred by Lender and any money thereby paid by Lender, shall be a demand obligation owing by Borrower and Lender shall promptly notify Borrower of the amount of such obligation, which obligation shall bear interest at the Default Rate from the date Lender makes such payment until repaid by Borrower; and Lender shall be subrogated to all rights of the person receiving such payment;

D. enforce Lenders rights under the Security Agreement;

E. terminate the Hosting Agreement;

F. institute one or more legal proceedings at law or in equity for the:

(i) specific performance of any covenant, condition, agreement or undertaking contained in the Documents, or in aid of the execution of any powers granted therein and/or to recover a judgment for damages for the breach hereof, including, without limitation, any amount due under the Documents, either by their terms or by virtue of such declaration, and collect the same out of any property of Borrower;

(ii) foreclosure of its security interest in the Collateral and the sale of all or any part of the Collateral under the judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction;

(iii) enforcement of such other appropriate legal or equitable remedy as may in the opinion of Lender be necessary to protect and enforce Lenders rights under the Documents;

G. assert such other rights and remedies of a secured party and of a mortgagee under the laws of the United States or the state of _________(PLACENAME) (regardless of whether such law or one similar thereto has been enacted in the jurisdiction where the rights or remedies are asserted), including, without limitation, all rights of a secured party under the UCC, whether or not this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby are determined to be governed by the UCC.

13. Costs and Expenses of Collection and Enforcement. Borrower shall pay to Lender on demand all reasonable attorneys fees and other costs and expenses reasonably incurred by Lender in protecting the Collateral or in exercising Lenders rights, powers or remedies under this Agreement or the Documents, together with interest on such sums at the Default Rate from the date when the costs and expenses are incurred until fully paid. If because of Borrowers default the Lender consults an attorney regarding the enforcement of any of its rights under any Document, or if suit is brought to enforce any Document, Borrower promises to pay all costs thereof, including attorneys fees. Such costs and attorneys fees shall include, without limitation, costs and attorneys fees incurred in any appeal, forfeiture proceeding or in any proceedings under any present or future federal bankruptcy or state receivership law.

14. Allocation of Proceeds. The (a) proceeds of any sale, (b) proceeds of any insurance received by Lender under any insurance policy obtained by any Borrower hereunder, and (c) any and all other moneys received by Lender with respect to the Documents, the application of which has not elsewhere herein been specifically provided for, shall, except as otherwise specified in any applicable Document, be applied as follows

(i) first, to the payment of all expenses and charges, including expenses of any sale or retaking, reasonable attorneys fees, court costs and other expenses or advances reasonably made or incurred by Lender, or on Lenders behalf, under the Documents upon an Event of Default, and to the payment of, and provision for adequate indemnity for, any taxes, assessments or liens prior to the lien of Lender;

(ii) second, to the payment of all accrued and unpaid interest under the Promissory Notes or New Notes;

(iii) third, to the payment of the unpaid principal balance under the Promissory Notes or New Note;

(iv) fourth, to the payment of all other amounts due to Lender under the Documents; and

(v) last, any residue shall be paid to Borrower, or as otherwise required by law, or, directed by a court having jurisdiction.

If the proceeds and other sums described in this section 14 are insufficient to pay in full all amounts due to Lender under the Documents, Borrower shall immediately pay such deficiency to Lender.

15. Modifications, Consents and Waivers. No failure or delay on the part of Lender in exercising any power or right hereunder or under the Promissory Notes or New Notes or under any other Document shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right or power preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right or power. No amendment, modification or waiver of any provision to this Agreement, the Notes or any other Document, nor consent to any departure therefrom, shall in any event be effective unless the same shall be in writing and consented to by Lender, and then such amendment, modification, waiver or consent shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the purpose for which given. No notice to or demand on Borrower in any case shall entitle Borrower to any other or further notice or demand in similar or other circumstances.

16. Notices. All notices and requests in connection with this Agreement, the Promissory Notes, the New Note or any other Document shall be in writing and may be given by personal delivery, registered or certified mail, telegram, facsimile or telex addressed as follows:

to Borrower: BBB Corporation


Attn: _________

and to:

BBB Corporation


Attn: _________

to Lender: AAA Corporation


Attn: _________

and to:

AAA Corporation


Attn: _________

or to such other address as the party to receive the notice or request shall designate by notice to the other. The effective date of any notice or request shall be five (5) days from the date on which it is sent by the addresser if mailed, or when delivered to a telegraph company, properly addressed as above with charges prepaid, or when telexed, sent by facsimile or personally delivered. Borrowers hereby agree that such notice shall be deemed to meet any requirements of reasonable notice contained in the UCC.

17. Costs and Expenses of Perfecting Security Interests and other Rights. Borrower shall pay in a timely manner all costs and expenses incurred by Lender, including the reasonable fees and expenses of legal counsel, in connection with the approval, preparation, negotiation, filing, or recording of any financing statements, pledge agreements, waivers, subordination agreements, and assignments (as well as any amendments or extensions thereto) reasonably required to protect or perfect Lenders interest in the Collateral or any other rights granted by the Documents.

18. Survival of Covenants. All covenants, agreements, representations and warranties made by Borrower hereunder shall survive the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the disbursement of any Advances made pursuant to this Agreement. All statements contained in certificates or other instruments delivered by Borrower pursuant to this Agreement shall constitute representations and warranties made by Borrower hereunder, as the case may be.

19. Binding Effect and Assignment. This Agreement, the Promissory Notes and all other Documents shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of Borrower and Lender and their respective successors and assigns, except that, subject to Exhibit D hereto, Borrower may not assign or transfer its rights hereunder, or delegate its obligations hereunder, without the prior written consent of Lender, which may be withheld in Lenders sole and absolute discretion. From and after any assignment, transfer or delegation of obligation by Lender of its interest hereunder, Lender shall be released from all liability to Borrower hereunder arising after the date of such assignment, transfer or delegation of obligation; provided, however, that any assignee of Lender shall expressly assume all of the obligations of Lender hereunder. For purposes of this Agreement, an "transfer" under this Section shall be deemed to include, without limitation, the following: (a) a merger or any other combination of an entity with another party (other than a reincorporation of BBB from the State of _________(PLACENAME) to the State of Delaware), whether or not the entity is the surviving entity; (b) any transaction or series of transactions whereby a third party acquires direct or indirect power to control the management and policies of an entity, whether through the acquisition of voting securities, by contract, or otherwise; (c) in the case of BBB, the sale or other transfer of BBBs search engine business or any other substantial portion of BBBs assets (whether in a single transaction or series of transactions), or (d) the transfer of any rights or obligations in the course of a liquidation or other similar reorganization of an entity (other than a reincorporation of BBB from the State of _________(PLACENAME) to the State of Delaware).

20. Headings. Article and paragraph headings used in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the construction of this Agreement.

21. Severability. The unenforceability or invalidity of any provision or provisions of this Agreement, the Promissory Notes, the New Note, or any other Document shall not render any other provision or provisions hereof or thereof unenforceable or invalid. If any rate of interest provided for herein is greater than that permitted under applicable law, such rate shall be automatically reduced to be the maximum permitted by law.

22. Additional Documents. Borrower shall at Lenders request, from time to time, at Borrowers sole cost and expense, execute, re execute, deliver and redeliver any and all documents, and do and perform such other and further acts, as may reasonably be required by Lender to enable Lender to perfect, preserve and protect Lenders security interest in the Collateral and Lenders and Lenders rights and remedies under this Agreement or granted by law and to carry out and effect the intents and purposes of this Agreement.

23. Integration. This Agreement and the other Documents shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter of this Loan Agreement and shall supersede all other agreements, written or oral, with respect thereto. In the event of any conflict between this Agreement and the other Documents, the provisions of this Agreement shall control.

24. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original if fully executed, but all of which shall constitute one and the same document.

25. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of _________(PLACENAME).

26. Confidentiality.

A. The parties hereby agree that all terms and conditions of that certain AAA Corporation Non Disclosure Agreement between them dated _________,_________,_________(M/D/Y), shall govern the disclosure of confidential and proprietary information made under this Agreement. In this connection, the parties hereby agree that the terms of this Agreement and any information provided to Lender hereunder shall be treated as confidential in accordance with the terms of said Non Disclosure Agreement.

B. Without having first sought and obtained Lenders written approval (which Lender may withhold in its sole and absolute discretion), Borrower shall not, directly or indirectly, (i) trade upon this transaction or any aspect of Borrowers relationship with Lender, or (ii) otherwise deprecate AAA technology.

C. Neither party will issue any press release or make any public announcement(s) relating in any way whatsoever to this Agreement or the relationship established by this Agreement without the express prior written consent of the other party. However, the parties acknowledge that this Agreement, or portions thereof, may be required under applicable law to be disclosed, as part of or an exhibit to a partys required public disclosure documents. If either party is advised by its legal counsel that such disclosure is required, it will notify the other in writing and the parties will jointly seek confidential treatment of this Agreement to the maximum extent reasonably possible, in documents approved by both parties and filed with the applicable governmental or regulatory authorities.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written.

Lender: Borrower:

AAA Corporation BBB Corporation

By: _________ By: _________

Name: _________ Name: _________

Title: _________ Title: _________

Date: _________ Date: _________



US$,_________ _________(address)


FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned, BBB CORPORATION ("Maker"), hereby promises to pay to the order of AAA CORPORATION ("Lender"), at such place as Lender may designate in writing from time to time, the principal sum of _________ and No/100 United States Dollars (US$ _________) together with interest and costs as herein provided.

Interest. The outstanding principal balance of the Loan shall bear interest at the rate of _________ percent (_________%) per annum. All computations of interest shall be based on a 360 day year for the actual number of days passed.

Term/Note Maturity Date. The term of this Note shall be three (3) years. The Note Maturity Date shall be _________,_________,_________(M/D/Y).

Loan Agreement. This Note is given pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Loan Agreement, dated as of _________,_________,_________(M/D/Y) between Maker and Lender (the "Loan Agreement"). Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning given to them in the Loan Agreement.

Payments of Principal and Interest. Maker shall make monthly principal and interest payments of _________ on the first day of each month during the term of this Note. Maker shall pay all remaining principal and accrued interest on or before the Note Maturity Date.

Prepayment. Maker may repay all or any portion of the amount due under this Note without premium or penalty.

Events of Default; Acceleration. Upon occurrence of an Event of Default, at the option of Lender the entire outstanding principal, interest and costs hereunder shall be immediately due and payable and shall thereafter bear interest at a rate equal to eighteen percent (18%) per annum (the "Default Rate"), until payment in full of all amounts due to Lender. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the interest paid under this Note shall never be greater than the maximum rate of interest permitted under applicable law.

Liability and Waiver. Maker hereby waives diligence, presentment, demand, protest and notice of any kind whatsoever. The non exercise by Lender of its rights hereunder in any particular instance shall not constitute a waiver thereof in that or any subsequent instance.

Costs of Collection. Maker, together with all sureties, endorsers and guarantors of this Note, jointly and severally promise to pay: (a) all costs and expenses incurred by Lender, including without limitation attorneys fees, in the event that Lender consults an attorney regarding a default by Borrower, even though suit is not instituted; (b) attorneys fees, and all other costs, expenses and fees incurred by Lender, including costs on appeal, in the event that suit is instituted on this Note; (c) all costs and expenses provided for in the Loan Agreement or in any other instrument given as security for this Note and/or incurred by or on behalf of Lender in connection with collecting or otherwise enforcing any right of Lender under this Note, the Loan Agreement or any other instrument given as security for this Note; and (d) all costs and expenses, including, without limitation, attorneys fees, incurred by Lender in connection with any bankruptcy, forfeiture, insolvency or reorganization proceeding or receivership in which Maker is involved, including, without limitation, those incurred in making any appearances in any such proceeding or in seeking relief from any stay or injunction issued in or arising out of any such proceeding.


Applicable Law. This Note shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of _________(PLACENAME).


BBB Corporation, a _________(PLACENAME) corporation

By: _________

Name: _________

Title: _________

Exhibit B

Notice of Borrowing

To: AAA Corporation


ATTN: _________

The undersigned, BBB CORPORATION ("BBB"), hereby refers to the Software Hosting Agreement and Loan Agreement, both dated _________,_________,_________(M/D/Y), and hereby requests to borrow the sum of $ _________ pursuant to said Loan Agreement and that such funds be sent by wire transfer to the account specified in the Loan Agreement.

Pursuant to said Software Hosting Agreement, you and BBB agreed, on or about _________, that the AAA Search Engine would be increased to accommodate up to _________ hits per day, and that BBB would purchase _________ new Hosting Servers to satisfy such capacity requirement. BBB certifies that all amounts loaned by you in response to this request will be used only to purchase _________ new Hosting Servers for the cluster servicing the AAA Search Engine.

BBB further certifies that as of the date hereof: (i) all representations and warranties made by BBB under said Loan Agreement remain true; (ii) BBB is in full compliance with all of its affirmative covenants under said Loan Agreement; and (iii) no event has occurred and is continuing which constitutes an Event of Default under said Loan Agreement.

All capitalized terms used in this Notice will have the meanings ascribed to them under said Loan Agreement or Software Hosting Agreement (whichever is applicable).


By: _________

Printed Name: _________

Printed Title: _________

Date: _________(M/D/Y)



US$ _________ _________(address)


FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned, BBB CORPORATION ("Maker"), hereby promises to pay to the order of AAA CORPORATION ("Lender"), at such place as Lender may designate in writing from time to time, the principal sum of _________ and No/100 United States Dollars (US$ _________) together with interest and costs as herein provided.

Interest. The outstanding principal balance of the Loan shall bear interest at the rate of _________ percent (_________%) per annum. All computations of interest shall be based on a 360 day year for the actual number of days passed.

Term/Note Maturity Date. The term of this Note shall be two (2) years. The Note Maturity Date shall be _________,_________,_________(M/D/Y).

Loan Agreement. This Note is given pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Loan Agreement, dated as of _________,_________,_________(M/D/Y) between Maker and Lender (the "Loan Agreement"). Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning given to them in the Loan Agreement.

Payments of Principal and Interest. Maker shall make monthly principal and interest payments of _________ on the first day of each month during the term of this Note. Maker shall pay all remaining principal and accrued interest on or before the Note Maturity Date.

Prepayment. Maker may repay all or any portion of the amount due under this Note without premium or penalty.

Events of Default; Acceleration. Upon occurrence of an Event of Default, at the option of Lender the entire outstanding principal, interest and costs hereunder shall be immediately due and payable and shall thereafter bear interest at a rate equal to eighteen percent (18%) per annum (the "Default Rate"), until payment in full of all amounts due to Lender. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the interest paid under this Note shall never be greater than the maximum rate of interest permitted under applicable law.

Liability and Waiver. Maker hereby waives diligence, presentment, demand, protest and notice of any kind whatsoever. The non exercise by Lender of its rights hereunder in any particular instance shall not constitute a waiver thereof in that or any subsequent instance.

Costs of Collection. Maker, together with all sureties, endorsers and guarantors of this Note, jointly and severally promise to pay: (a) all costs and expenses incurred by Lender, including without limitation attorneys fees, in the event that Lender consults an attorney regarding a default by Borrower, even though suit is not instituted; (b) attorneys fees, and all other costs, expenses and fees incurred by Lender, including costs on appeal, in the event that suit is instituted on this Note; (c) all costs and expenses provided for in the Loan Agreement or in any other instrument given as security for this Note and/or incurred by or on behalf of Lender in connection with collecting or otherwise enforcing any right of Lender under this Note, the Loan Agreement or any other instrument given as security for this Note; and (d) all costs and expenses, including, without limitation, attorneys fees, incurred by Lender in connection with any bankruptcy, forfeiture, insolvency or reorganization proceeding or receivership in which Maker is involved, including, without limitation, those incurred in making any appearances in any such proceeding or in seeking relief from any stay or injunction issued in or arising out of any such proceeding.


Applicable Law. This Note shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of _________(PLACENAME).


BBB Corporation, a _________(PLACENAME) corporation

By: _________

Name: _________

Title: _________


Transfer of BBB

If BBB requests AAAs consent to a transfer as described in clause (a) of Section 19 of this Loan Agreement to which this Exhibit D is appended, and AAA reasonably withholds its consent to such transfer (an "Unconsented Transfer"), then BBB will nevertheless have the right to transfer this Agreement in connection with its proposed Unconsented Transfer subject to the following conditions precedent to the Unconsented Transfer:

(i) BBB, at its sole cost and expense, and without any financing supplied by AAA, will create a separate cluster of Hosting Servers for AAA required to service AAAs reasonably anticipated needs for a period of twelve months after the commencement of operation of such new and relocated cluster (provided however that AAA will purchase, or fund (in accordance with this Loan Agreement) BBBs purchase of (whichever AAA elects) any new hosting servers beyond the Hosting Servers purchased by BBB under the Software Hosting Agreement of even date herewith necessary to service AAAs reasonably anticipated needs as set forth above);

(ii) BBB will relocate, at its sole cost and expense (including, without limitation, indemnifying AAA and holding it harmless against any and all Taxes that arise as a direct or indirect result of the relocation of the Hosting Servers), all Hosting Servers referred to in clause (i) to a location designated by AAA, in its sole discretion;

(iii) BBB, at its sole cost and expense, will provide training to AAA personnel to the extent requested by AAA, to enable such personnel to use and maintain the AAA Search Engine, and to create enhancements thereto, with reasonable competence (all as determined by AAA in its sole discretion);

(iv) BBB will grant to AAA an irrevocable, non exclusive, royalty free license to use the Product (and all required underlying BBB Technology) solely in connection with AAAs operation of the AAA Search Engine (which license shall include the right to create enhancements and other derivative works based thereon for use in conjunction therewith) for such period as AAA may require to transition its search engine services to non BBB technology (the "Transition Period"), and BBB will waive all royalties otherwise payable pursuant to the Software Development Agreement and/or the Information Services Agreement of even date herewith; for the purposes of this clause (iv), the Transition Period will commence at such time as AAA assumes control over said separate cluster and begins itself operating the AAA Search Engine, and will continue thereafter for eighteen months (18) or until the termination of said Software Development Agreement and Information Services Agreement (whichever is longer);

(v) BBB will direct the Escrow Agent to release to AAA all Confidential Materials held by the Escrow Agent, subject to AAAs agreement to use such Confidential Materials only in connection with its licensed rights under clause (iv) above;

(vi) BBB will agree to reimburse AAA for all reasonable costs incurred by AAA in transitioning its search engine to non BBB technology (whether created by AAA or by a third party); and

(vii) BBB will cause the applicable proposed assignee, transferee or delegatee of obligation of this Agreement to assume, jointly and severally with BBB, all of BBBs obligations hereunder.

AAA will cooperate with BBB and use its reasonable best efforts so as to enable BBB to satisfy the foregoing conditions precedent in a timely manner. Upon satisfaction of the foregoing conditions precedent, said Software Hosting Agreement shall be deemed terminated pursuant to Section 10.1 thereof.

Upon expiration of the Transition Period, all rights granted to AAA to use the Product (other than AAA Technology, Joint Derivative Technology and the AAA Derivative Technology) and/or any BBB Technology under the transitional license referred to in clause (iv) or otherwise shall cease, and AAA shall immediately return to BBB all Confidential Materials (and all copies thereof), provided however that, notwithstanding any provision of the Ancillary Agreements to the contrary, the undertaking by BBB to indemnify AAA and hold it harmless against Taxes as provided in clause (ii) above shall survive any such terminations.

Capitalized terms used in this Exhibit D and not otherwise defined in this Loan Agreement shall be defined in the same manner as in the applicable agreement among the following agreements between Lender and Borrower of even date herewith: Software Development Agreement; Information Services Agreement; and/or Software Hosting Agreement.


BBB Depository Account Information

All Advances should be sent to Borrowers account by wire transfer as follows, unles



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第一条 乙方同意贷给甲方外汇(大写)_________,其中:本金________,建设期利息_________;人民币(大写)_________元,其中:本金_________元,建设期利息_________元(以下简称“贷款”)。


第二条 贷款期限自___________年_________月_________日起至___________年________月________日止,其中宽限期自_________年_________月_________日至_________年_________月_________日。

第三条 甲方按本合同所借的外汇和人民币贷款,都必须在乙方开立帐户。本合同签署后_________月内,甲方应向乙方提送本年度“投资贷款年度用款计划”(以下简称“用款计划”);并在项目用款期内每一会计年度终了_________前,提送下年度“用款计划”,经乙方审查同意后按季存入甲方开立的存款帐户使用,自转存之日起,乙方计收贷款利息,同时对未支用部分的存款,向甲方支付存款利息。

第四条 乙方按审查同意的用款计划,保证及时向甲方提供贷款资金。如未按期提供,乙方应按未提供的贷款数额和延期天数,付给甲方违约金。违约金数额按第六条规定的固定年息或浮动年息(按起息日的年息计算)加百分之_________计付。

第五条 甲方用款需要超过本合同规定的贷款总额时,由甲方提出申请,经乙方审查同意后追回贷款,并签订书面补充贷款协议。作为原合同不可分割的组成部分。

第六条 乙方向甲方提供的外汇贷款,甲方必须用外汇还本付息,人民币贷款用人民币还本付息。贷款利息在合同规定的还款期内,人民币贷款为年息百分之_________,外汇贷款实行固定利率为年息百分之_________%浮动,利率按_________个月浮动一次,本次基期利率为年息百分之_________。

第七条 实行浮动利率的外汇贷款,同时实行分摊汇率损益。甲方同意按《中国投资银行外汇贷款利率和汇率损益分摊试行办法》承担损益。


第八条 对乙方提供的贷款,甲方保证从_________年_________月_________日至_________年_________月_________日止的期限内还清全部本息。



第九条 还本付息的资金来源按国家有关规定执行。为减少乙方贷款风险,甲方同意提交“按期偿还外汇贷款本息担保书”和“按期偿还人民币贷款本息担保书”作为本合同附件。甲方提交的按期偿还外汇贷款本息担保书如果只是外汇额度担保的,在人民币担保书内应包含购买等值外汇所需的人民币数额。甲方不能履行合同时,由担保单位承担偿还本息的责任。




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第二条:合伙期限为五年,自 年 月 日起至 年

月 日止。


1、合伙人 以现金方式出资,计人民币 万元;合伙人以现金方式出资,计人民币 万元;

2、各合伙人的出资,于 年 月 日以前交齐,逾期不交或未交齐的,应对应交未交金额数计付银行利息并赔偿由此造成的损失。

3、本合伙出资共计人民币 万元。合伙期间各合伙人的出资为共有财产,不得随意请求分割。合伙终止后,各合伙人的出资仍为个人所有届时予以返还。






2、退伙:退货需提前 3个月告知其他合伙人并经全体合伙人同意;退伙后以退伙时的财产状况进行结算,不论何种方式出资,均以金钱结算;未经合伙人同意而自行退伙给合伙造成损失的,应进行赔偿。



1、 为合伙负责人。其权限为:对外开展业务,订立合同;对合伙事务进行日常管理;负责经营、购进常用物品;支付合伙债务。












合伙人(签章): 合伙人(签章):

签约时间: 年 月 日




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第一条 甲方声明:




第二条 乙方声明:


第三条 甲乙双方同意上述房产的交易价格为人民币(大写)____________________________元整(¥____________________________元)。

第四条 付款








第五条 产权过户



第六条 房屋交付





第七条 甲、乙双方应相互配合向房屋所在区(县)房地产交易所申请办理上市批准及房屋买卖权属过户相关手续,按有关规定申领房屋所有权证。办理上述手续时产生的税费及相关费用,由甲、乙双方依书面约定办理,没有书面约定的,依照国家规定缴纳。

第八条 乙方交付甲方定金后,双方依据合同法定金规定承担违约责任,甲方悔约应当双倍返还乙方定金,乙方悔约定金不予返还。同时,甲乙双方如未按照约定履行义务的,导致合同履行迟延或无法履行,违约方应承担违约责任,赔偿给他方造成的损失。因迟延履行合同义务,违约方每逾期一日应赔偿相当于成交价格的万分之二的违约金。

第九条 因履行本合同所产生的争议,双方应协商解决。协商不成的,双方均有权向人民法院提起诉讼。

第十条 本合同自双方签字之日起生效。

第十一条 备注(如备注条款与本合同前述条款有冲突的,与本备注条款为准)






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根据与贵公司签署的___________________贷款(贷种)借款合同,合同编号为___________________ ;本人现将相关事项承诺如下:




四、本人已知晓此笔贷款每月还款日及还款金额,并承诺在每月还款日当天按时 将当月应还贷款本息存入相应还款账户(还款账号:


五、本人已同意并签署借款合同,且全部知晓并充分理解合同中规定应尽的责任及相关义务。 本人已了解并承诺遵守上述事项,如违反以上事项,本人愿意承担相应的法律责任。





签约日期: 年 月 日



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