





范文类型:祝福语,全文共 3581 字

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1. the grand ideal of the dark spirit, a young soul saffron.


2. you will never Zhang Buda is the BaBy, I wish you happy holidays!


3. Zhu: Childrens Day happy holidays! Guai, do not cry, a laugh! ! !


4. Wish a happy Childrens Day


5. the small people I wish you a happy holiday, with the wisdom of age with growth.


6. Who says memories are not good? Although not a holiday, consider also happy: I wish you a happy June 1!


7. I wish the children happy holidays, study well, every day, prossive, roof as a model.


8. the children are most pleased that the day is today, I wish the children happy holidays, learning and proGREss.


9. Childrens happiness, the innocence you forever! Aunt is ready for you to eat the teeth do not hurt the sugar, to taste, welcome to.


10. the biggest desire is to you: the first Childrens Day, another Youth Day, then Guoqinjie, another Mothers Day, another Fathers Day, another Chung Yeung Festival.


11. this is my message to you tomorrow (Do not Read), only to see tomorrow! Peep addiction ah! Naughty! Although still call you Look! Mezhe, you Zhang Buda! Happy Childrens Day!


12. Wukong painting a circle, Tang Seng security; Xiaoping drew a circle, Shenzhen prosperity; you draw a circle, you have a bedwetting. Children, happy holidays!


13. your life has just opened a first page and is willing to rising of the sun shining your beautiful poem years. Tomorrow belongs to you.


14. adults and children with permanent Childlike Innocence, children and adults together to mature.


15. the plants will not be room has a strong vitality. Do not you Fuxiong in the tent sleeping, the times are moving. Keep up with it forward!


16. Happy Childrens Day, the innocence of you forever! You always willing to maintain a Childlike Innocence.


17. Look at themselves in the mirror, hang a happy smiling face and fade away; full clothes, Shan tired to free up ; go around, relax in natural abandoned annoyance; fat send text messages, I wish you have a pure and happy heart! Happy 61!


18. Because of the wind moving the leaves, young seedlings due to soil and long, falls due to flow from the sky and vivid because of the birds, corals and mysterious ocean due to the desert oasis and angry because, due to the young and beautiful life! Happy Childrens Day wish! Happy every day!


19. The annual, all the world blessed in our children a happy Childrens Day of this day, let us return to childhood every adult with the most sincere sentiments of the most pure heart of a happy Childrens Day! Happy holidays!


20. Childrens Day approaching, I, on behalf of the leadership struggling in the chat line to the children expressed the most profound greetings! And hope that we bear in mind when I give you to live the teachings of: a good Internet access, every day online! Happy Childrens Day!





范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:高一,学生,全文共 815 字

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My name is Li Hua. I was born in Dalian, Liaoning province in February 1977. I started school in 1984 when I was seven,and I studied in Guangming Primary School from 1984 to 1990. After that I went to No.6 Middle School of Dalian and graduated this summer.The main subjects ! studied at school included Chinese, Maths, English, Physics, Chemistry and Computer. I like English and Computer best and I am very good at them. Last year I won first prize in the school computer competition. In my spare time I enjoy listening to popular music and collecting stamps. My favourite sports are swimming in summer and skating in winter.





范文类型:自我评介,全文共 747 字

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My name is Li Yang.I graduated from Lanzhou University and majored Mechanical Engineering.

I was once a poor student of English,and it was my biggest headache and trouble-maker.I got sick and tired of learning boring grammar rules and lifeless words.

But through hard work in practicing speaking English and breaking away from the traditional grammar games,I found myself a totally different and exciting new world.Not only did I pass Band four and Band six College English Exams very easily with high marks,but importantly,I began to use English.

Finally,I developed a new Language Cracking System myself,I began to teach German not long after I started to learn this terribly difficult language in my own way.It was a miracle but I made it.To speak



范文类型:口号,提示标语,全文共 2551 字

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1、The good seaman is known in bad weather.惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色。

2、All for one, one for all.我为人人,人人为我。

3、自助者天助。God helps those who help themselves.

4、My journey is long and winding, I will keep on exploring my way far and wide.路漫漫其修远兮,我将上下而求索。

5、酒好不怕巷子深。Good wine needs no bush.

6、Diamond cuts diamond.强中更有强中手。

7、. Truth never grows old真理永存。

8、. Fly my English dream 放飞我的英语梦想。摘自:短美文

9、No way is impossible to courage.勇者无惧。

10、眼见为实。Seeing is believing.

11、Where there is life, there is hope.留得青山在,不怕没柴少。

12、积少成多。Every little helps.

13 、Tomorrow never comes我生待明日,万事成蹉跎。

14、有付出,就没有收获。No pain, no gain.

15 The greatest talkers are always least doers语言的巨人总是行动的矮子。

16、事不忘,后事之师。 The remembrance of the past is the teacher of the future.

17、兮福所依,福兮祸所伏。All the Evils to be considered with the Good, that is in them, and with that worse attends them.

18、何处无芳草。There is plenty of fish in the sea.

19、st time is never found again.光阴一去不复返。

20、ke your whole years plan in the spring and the whole days plan in the morning.一年之计在于春,一天之计在于晨。

21、A big tree falls not at the first stroke.一斧子砍不倒大树。

22、千里之行,始于足下。The longest journey begins with the first step.

23、Knowledge is a measure, but practise is the key to it.知识是珍宝,而实践是获取它的钥匙。

24、. No pains,no gains没有付出,没有收获

25、Mastery of work comes from diligent application, and success deponds on forethought.业精于勤,行成于思。帮会名字

26、. English is the key to the world 英语是打开世界之门的钥匙。

27、. Speak English, sing English We are happy 说英语,唱英语,大家都快乐。

28、Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。

29、一分价钱一分货。You get what you pay off.

30、良药苦口。A good medicine tastes bitter.

31、无风不起浪。Where theres smoke without fire.

32、. Promise little, but do much 少许愿,多行动。

33、. Be the master of study 做学习的主人。

34、真金不怕火炼。True blue will never strain.

35、. To do the most, to show the best 尽力做,秀最佳。

36、必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。You have to believe in yourself。Thats the secret of success.

37、不入虎穴,焉得虎子。Noting venture,noting gain.

38、人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。Judge not a book by its cover.(Never judge from appearances.)

39、未雨绸缪。Provide for a rainy day.

40、Rejoicing in hope, patienting in trabulation.从希望中得到快乐,在磨难中保持坚韧。

41、. Happy English, happy life I believe I can do! 快乐英语,快乐生活。我一定行。

42、Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.宁为鸡头,不为凤尾。

43、Life is not all roses.人生并不都是康庄大道。

44、集思广益。Two heads are better than one.

45、. One never loses anything by politeness讲礼貌不吃亏。

46、少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。A young idler,an old beggar.

47、A rolling stone gathers no moss.滚石不聚苔,转行不聚财。

48、. Nothing is difficult to the man who will try世上无难事,只要肯登攀。

49、. Time past cannot be called back again时间不能倒流。

50、英雄所见略同。Great minds think alike.



范文类型:合同协议,全文共 1305 字

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6.3 在每批技术资料发运后24小时内,乙方应将合同号、空运提单号、空运报单日期、资料项目、件数、重量、航班号和预计抵达日期用电报或电传通知甲方。同时将空运提单和技术资料详细清单各一式2份寄给甲方。

6.4 若技术资料在空运中丢失、损坏、短缺,乙方应在收到甲方书面通知后30天内,免费外寄或重寄给甲方。在甲方收到技术资料后60天内,如果没有以书面形式提出资料不全或增补要求,则视为甲方验收。

6.5 技术资料采用英文,计量单位以公制表示。

第七条 考核与验收

7.1 合同产品的第一台样机,由甲、乙双方组成的联合考核小组,按附件七规定的时间和内容进行考核。如果符合附件一规定的技术要求,即可验收,并由双方代表签署合同产品考核验收合格证书一式4份,双方各执两份。

7.2 如果合同产品的技术性能达不到规定的技术标准,双方应友好协商,共同研究,分析原因,采取措施,消除缺陷,进行第二次性能考核。考核合格后,双方签署考核合格证书。

7.3 如果第一次考核不合格是乙方责任,乙方应自费再次派遣技术人员进特第二次考核。

7.4 经过第二次考核仍不能合格验收,若责任在于乙方,刚乙方须赔偿甲方遭受的直接损失。并采取措施艄除缺陷,进行第三次考核。

7.5 经过第三次考核仍不合格,如系乙方责任,则甲方有权终止合同,并接第九条的规定处理。若系甲方责任,则由双方协商合同进一步执行的问题。

第八条 技术改进

8.1 乙方提供的技术资料,如有不适合甲方生产条件的(如设计标准、原材料、外购配件及共他生产设备等一,乙方有责任帮助甲方修改技术资料,闪加以确认。在不影响合同产品性能情况下,应采用中国产的原材料、配套元器件和设备。

8.2 在合同有效期内,双方对合同产品的任何改进和创新,都免费将改进或创新的技术资料提供给对方。

8.3 改进或创新的技术所有权属于改进或创新一方,另一方不得对其申请专利或将其转让给第三者。

第九条 保证和索赔

9.1 乙方保证所提供的技术资料是乙方经过实际使用的最新技术资料,并保证向甲方及时提供任何改进和发明的技术资料。

9.2 乙方保证所提供的技术资料是完整的、正确的、清晰的,并保证按时交付。

9.3 如果乙方提供的技术资料不符合第六条规定,乙方必须在收到甲方书面通知后30天内免费将所缺的技术资料,或清晰、正确的资料寄给甲方。

9.4 如乙方的技术资料不能按本合同附件二规定的时间交付,乙方则须按下列比例支付罚款给甲方:




9.5 乙方按本条规定被罚款时,并不解除其继续交付技术资料的义务。

9.6 如果动方迟交技术资料6个月以上,甲方有权终止合同。乙方须将甲方已给交付的全部金额,并加年利_________%的利息,一并退还甲方。

9.7 由于乙方责任,验收不合格,造成甲方有能正常投产而终止合同时,乙方应退还甲方已经支付给乙方的全部金额,并加年利_________%的利息。




范文类型:招聘,自我评介,全文共 1714 字

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My name is . Im a graduate of clinical medicine at medical college. Now I am going to graduate from Chifeng Hospital in Inner Mongolia. Im going to face graduation

In this knowledge and information as the background of the era, in the face of many highly educated job seekers, as a college student job seekers, I know: only have proficiency in a particular line, proficient in their professional skills, in order to gain a foothold in society. Therefore, more than three years, the school motto "learned to fine, Mingde Zhishan" under the guidance of, I constantly enrich and improve themselves.

The school actively participate in school all kinds of recreational activities and social practice, and has made some achievements: in the first and second summer social practice, where the teams were awarded the "outstanding school team" title; at the same time, my physical quality is excellent, good at many sports.

Clinical medicine is the most active one, in twenty-first Century, the most dynamic development, in addition, it is a very practical subject, since 20xx 8 in Chifeng Hospital hospital internship, I work hard to learn the theoretical knowledge into practice, to find their own inadequacies, and continue to the teacher ask, continues to help colleagues and teachers and their own unremitting efforts, I have mastered some basic methods of clinical work.

Clinical medicine is a noble profession, we need to redouble our efforts in exploration and development, I love this occupation, sincerely hope you can give me a stage to show their talent, I will dedicate myself to work, let oneself grow continuously in practice, let us work together to contribute the cause of the development of clinical medicine!



范文类型:邀请函,适用行业岗位:商务,全文共 2248 字

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Dear Professor _____________

We are so pleased that you will be visiting Stanford to speak at our _______ Research Workshop on [date]. To show our appreciation for your willingness to share your research, we would like to offer you a modest $_______ honoraria, assuming your visa and tax status allow you to accept this. Please be aware that honoraria payments may be subject to up to 37% withholding. In order to process this, we will need you to complete some paperwork; we will be in touch shortly about this. If you would like our assistance securing a visa to enter the United States, or an ITIN (tax identification number required to receive honoraria payments), please let us know—we will be glad to help with this. We are also prepared to cover the costs (up to $______) for your travel to and accommodations in the Stanford area. We can make and pay directly for travel arrangements for you, or, if you prefer, we can reimburse your for reasonable expenses (i.e. coach-class airfare for flights under eight hours in length, no entertainment or alcohol-related expenditures, tips 15% or less). If you choose the latter option, we will provide you with the forms and information necessary to be reimbursed by Stanford.

Sponsored by a grant form the Mellon Foundation, the Research Workshops at Stanford are unique spaces where scholars from a variety of disciplines and professional cohorts meet to discuss work in progress in their fields of interest. I think you will enjoy a lively exchange of ideas with a diverse audience of faculty and graduate students in your workshop. We will most certainly enjoy the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with you in this informal, collegial atmosphere.

If there are specific scholars at Stanford you would like to invite to your talk, please feel free to do so. We will be back in touch soon to coordinate the logistics of your visit. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact myself or __________, our workshop’s Graduate Student Coordinator (insert contact info here). The Stanford Humanities Center, the research center on campus that manages the Mellon Workshop Program, may also contact you.

Best wishes,

Faculty Coordinator

Name of Workshop

Stanford University



范文类型:合同协议,全文共 2306 字

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Supplementary agreement

In order to guarantee the interests of the school and the foreign teacher and facilitate the smooth development of teaching and the foreign teacher’s safe and orderly life, we clarify our respective responsibility further and add additional terms listed as follows: Party a:Party b:

1, the rented accommodation is only for the teacher. The foreign

teacher shouldn’t allow others to live in the apartment in order to avoid accidents.

2, during the work, the foreign teacher should have the civilized words and deeds and won’t develop any improper friendship or relationship (such as love, etc.) with students.

3, the foreign teacher will bear the cost of utilities (such as water bill) and Internet flow fee (90yuan per month). The school is only

responsible for the accommodation expenses, not including other living expenses.

As the foreign teacher first comes to Beijing, he is not familiar with a lot of things. To show humanistic care, the school has paid the power bill (600 yuan for 1200 degrees). By November 30, if the actual

consumption power number is more than 1200 degrees, the foreign teacher should pay the rest. If the foreign teacher continues to teach in CuiWei middle school, the school will bear the cost of 200 degrees per month, but the excess part is borne by the foreign teacher. The school has installed the broadband network and the foreign

teacher should burden Internet flow fee (about 90 yuan ) every month. So the foreign teacher will pay 270 yuan for the cost of 3 months.

4, the foreign teacher shall observe the school’s work system and regulations concerning administration of subject teachers such as job duties, classroom norms, work discipline, school group activities. Also, the foreign teacher shall complete the tasks agreed on schedule and guarantee the quality of work. At the same time, the school will also ensure his corresponding welfare.

Party a: Party b:

Signature: Signature:

In September of 20xx


合同编号:项目名称:合同名称:甲 方:乙 方:签订时间:签订地点:合同补充协议 河北达辉建筑工程有限公司 年 月日


2、其他合同条款调整。 3、其它事项说明。






甲方:乙方: 委托代理人:委托代理人: 代表人: 代表人: 开户行: 开户行: 账号: 账号: 电话: 电话:

地址: 地址: 日期:日期:



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 265 字

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I am enthusiastic, confident, self-motivated, serious and responsible, good team spirit and good personal affinity; elegant, nice, energetic, methodical work, strong sense of responsibility; has excellent thinking, communication and ability to learn, love teamwork.



范文类型:辞职信,汇报报告,全文共 3673 字

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The writer of the novel is Jane Austen . Jane Austen was born at Steventon on December 16, 1775, the youngest of seven children. She received her education—scanty enough, by modern standards—at home. Besides the usual elementary subjects, she learned French and some Italian, sang a little, and became an expert needle-woman. Her reading extended little beyond the literature of the eighteenth century, and within that period she seems to have cared most for the novels of Richardson and Miss Burney, and the poems of Cowper and Crabbe. Dr. Johnson, too, she admired, and later was delighted with both the poetry and prose of Scott. The first twenty-five years of her life she spent at Steventon; in 1801 she moved with her family to Bath, then a great center of fashion; after the death of her father in 1805, she lived with her mother and sister, first at Southampton and then at Chawton; finally she took lodgings at Winchester to be near a doctor, and there she died on July 18, 1817, and was buried in the cathedral. Apart from a few visits to friends in London and elsewhere, and the vague report of a love affair with a gentleman who died suddenly, there is little else to chronicle in this quiet and uneventful life.

But quiet and uneventful though her life was, it yet supplied her with material for half a dozen novels as perfect of their kind as any in the language. While still a young girl she had experimented with various styles of writing, and when she completed "Pride and Prejudice" at the age of twenty-two, it was clear that she had found her appropriate form. This novel, which in many respects she never surpassed, was followed a year later by "Northanger Abbey," a satire on the "Gothic" romances then in vogue; and in 1809 she finished "Sense and Sensibility," begun a dozen years before. So far she had not succeeded in having any of her works printed; but in 1811 "Sense and Sensibility" appeared in London and won enough recognition to make easy the publication of the others. Success gave stimulus, and between 1811 and 1816, she completed "Mansfield Park," "Emma," and "Persuasion." The last of these and "Northanger Abbey" were published posthumously.

The most remarkable characteristic of Jane Austen as a novelist is her recognition of the limits of her knowledge of life and her determination never to go beyond these limits in her books. She describes her own class, in the part of the country with which she was acquainted; and both the types of character and the events are such as she knew from first-hand observation and experience. But to the portrayal of these she brought an extraordinary power of delicate and subtle delineation, a gift of lively dialogue, and a peculiar detachment. She abounds in humor, but it is always quiet and controlled; and though one feels that she sees through the affectations and petty hypocrisies of her circle, she seldom becomes openly satirical. The fineness of her workmanship, unexcelled in the English novel, makes possible the discrimination of characters who have outwardly little or nothing to distinguish them; and the analysis of the states of mind and feeling of ordinary people is done so faithfully and vividly as to compensate for the lack of passion and adventure. She herself speaks of the "little bit (two inches wide) of ivory on which I work," and, in contrast with the broad canvases of Fielding or Scott, her stories have the exquisiteness of a fine miniature.

we are always pride and think something in our mind but not right,we assess the others only depend on their background or their color of skin , we hide our true heart and pretend ,we dispise the others without any reason.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 2852 字

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Hello Everyone, my Name Is Lee. This Is Really A GREat Honor To Have This Opportunity, and I Believe I Can Make Good Performance Today. Now I Will Introduce Myself Briefly.

I Am 20 Years Old, born In Guangdong Province, south Of China, and I Am A Senior Student At Guangdong University. My Major Is English. And I Will Receive My Bachelor DeGREe After My Graduation In June.

In The Past Four Years, I Spent Most Of My Time On Study. I Passed CET4 And CET6 With A Ease And Acquired Basic Theoretical And Practical Knowledge Of Language.

I’m very happy and I like to make friends with others. I also like singing but traveling is my favorite, I have been to many interesting places in China but I haven’t been to other countries. What a pity!

At school, I study Chinese,math, English, history, politics and so on. I like all of them. I often help my teacher take care of my class and I think I am a good helper. I live with my parents and we go home on time every day.

That’s all, thank you.


Hello. My name is one minute self introduction English, from Shandong, 23 years old. In this year, I graduated from University, majored in Business English, I work in the Xinhua Bookstore outlets, have certain experience of good customer service. Good my English foundation, has obtained the university English four levels of certificates, but also practice in foreign trade company.

I adhere to the principle of attitude decide everything, I believe that as long as the down to every detail, good customer service, through their own unremitting efforts, will be in with excellent performance.

Here for your companys * * position, is to have learned to their full play, and learn and grow here. I hope to have this opportunity, and you can become colleagues.


My first job was a net supervisor in a small company. Although I worked there for only six months, I had wide experiences in 术语. But I gradually focused on(术语). So I took part in the Red Hat Authorization test and passed it with honor. In 20xx, I was accepted by the Information Department, China Unicom,in charge of专业.To be honest, this position brings me good salary and a promotion opportunity, however, I decided to apply for the Master of 术语… And that s why I m here.

Being open to new theories and new ideas is important, especially in telecommunications. Knowledge from field work tells others what you can do, but that from theoretical studies tells others how you re inventive, creative and sensible. I think postgraduate studies at this university can give me a mental power and realistic approach.

The team had to work round the clock and checked it up from time to time. In this way, the whole system wouldn t crash. Other feedback mechanism includes术语(如一些常用的设备或者零部件名称:如servers, data base as well as hard disc)



范文类型:祝福语,全文共 4828 字

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1. Kindergarten teacher, said: a fine three bed-wetting, the second five yuan, three times seven dollars. I would like to ask the teachers how much money monthly, we see you a show of hands, said: teacher, I would like to do the year VIP membership card! I wish you a Happy Childrens Day!


2. Do not move, robbery! This is a robbery! Understand? Quickly come up with your sad, to hand over your heart, out of your troubles off your sorrow, Well! Change this, I sent you! I wish a happy Childrens Day 61!


3. Notice: Tomorrow is your day. I wish you happy holidays in advance! Please click here to a kindergarten for Bangbang Tang, a silk Sassafras tsumu the nose, a Kaidang pants, urine is not a wetland. We would like to inform! !


4. Ignorance was young, had rash juvenile; silent over the years in the fingers, when the Childrens Day walk in the street, realized that the past does not look back. Expenditure of red wine, for this does not belong to our holiday cheers! Happy Childrens Day


5. The annual, all the world blessed in our children a happy Childrens Day of this day, let us return to childhood every adult with the most sincere sentiments of the most pure heart of a happy Childrens Day! Happy holidays!


6. Aspiration is the wind, is a fan happy, blessed is the ship. Aspiration of the wind, blowing fan happy, the children carrying the blessing of the boats, drift to the happiness of you, gently greetings: Happy 61!


7. Childrens Day approaching, I, on behalf of the leadership struggling in the chat line to the children expressed the most profound greetings! And hope that we bear in mind when I give you to live the teachings of: a good Internet access, every day online! Happy Childrens Day!


8. Do not move, robbery! This is a robbery! Understand? Quickly come up with your sad, to hand over your heart, out of your troubles off your sorrow, Well! Change this, I sent you! I wish a happy Childrens Day 61!


9. The day hope you are happy like a teapot on the stove, although small Pipi burned the boiling hot, but still happy blowing whistles, braving the well-being of the bubble, the music Pidianpidian! I wish you a happy Childrens Day!


10. your life has just opened a first page and is willing to rising of the sun shining your beautiful poem years. Tomorrow belongs to you.


11. Under the sun butterflies fluttering all over the sky, remember that you can be in. This time playing chase? The smiling faces of naive like flowers attract butterflies away! Childrens Day is approaching, you would like to spend as smile! Happy Childrens Day!


12. Childrens Day is approaching, I wish you had children: youth are not old, and maintain pure heart, has a sweet smile, a child-like skin, carefree life, have no illusions about the future and look forward to! Happy holidays!


13. Rose would also like to thank opened, the Childrens Day will never Viiv!


14. when the peony in full bloom, swallows flying; legitimate Rose Michelia, Cherry cooked, the best time of year! Peony the United States less than you, than you cherry red, Xiaodi young girl, a happy Childrens Day!


15. text messaging to so happy with you gently hugging, difficult to see you Guaiguai Road, secretly Zoudiao trouble, particularly auspicious for your attention, so you always happy smile! 61 Happy!


16. adults and children with permanent Childlike Innocence, children and adults together to mature.


17. the small people I wish you a happy holiday, with the wisdom of age with growth.


18. youth is the hope of life, but the wisdom of age to growth.


19. Today is Childrens Day, the fun do not you play phone, play your collection on the other messages received on your reading of this article do not. Hey, you read. In addition, I wish you a happy holiday, the just want to say: listen to your children so?




范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:出纳,全文共 1582 字

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In the factory in charge of leadership and workshop under the correct leadership of the party and government departments in the various functions of the sincere cooperation and support, and always adhere to the success of this principle, the priority of efficiency, focus on " Principle, and make joint efforts to explore, making this years coking plant operating conditions and related management work more good and standardized.

1, as a party member cadres, can be strict demands on themselves. Actively participate in various political studies, focusing on the promotion of political theory.Self-respect, self-reflection, self-encouragement, alarm bells to plant regulations, factory discipline for their own actions, set the public servant consciousness.

2, can be placed in position, and other team members live in harmony. In charge of the work of the mouth to do work in place not offside, the courage to not shirk responsibility, respect for everyones work, truth-seeking and pragmatic, and establish a good style of work.

3, based on their own, do a good job in the workshop equipment management. First of all, in accordance with the standards of mechanical and electrical equipment to upgrade standards, and gradually improve the workshop equipment management system. Second, in their daily work, adhere to the daily maintenance and planned maintenance of the principle of combining.Third, do a good job overhaul of plant equipment management. Fourth, to strengthen the spare parts repair old and waste work. Fifth, strengthen the workshop energy conservation management work



范文类型:慰问信,全文共 610 字

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June 16, 20xx

Dear Tom,

I just can’t tell you how sorry I was to learn of your accident. Your family tells me that your are progressing nicely, and that you’ll be out of the hospital in about ten days, I’m certainly relieved to know that!

In the next day or so you’ll receive a little package from Margaret and me. I hope you like it, and that it will help to pass the time more pleasantly.

With every good wish for your swift recovery.













范文类型:自我评介,全文共 3179 字

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First, as the grass-roots managers, in the entire workshop management activities in a dominant position in the objective conditions,

Decide the key to good management is the manager, the saying goes: "The train runs fast, thanks to the leading belt." Therefore, the ability of managers to ensure that our production line organization objectives and management efficiency improvement, plays a decisive role.

Second, I am deeply aware of the essence of management is the pursuit of efficiency, therefore, I think the management capacity fundamentally speaking

Is to improve the efficiency of the organization, production needs to focus on deepening the effectiveness of innovation management, so I think the need to dig from within the potential to fully mobilize the entire department team collaboration, and jointly explore the cost of this gold mine.

Third, the workshop director of this post has its own specific work and the work of the region reasonable arrangements and management

Rational responsibility, it is a multi-level, multi-role posts. There are more than 100 employees in the workshop. There are more than 10 jobs in production management, maintenance, finished warehousing, material handling and so on, which involve a wide range of roles. Therefore, they should be the five roles in front of the employees, namely, managers,Coaches, transformers and performance partners, in the face of loose management to take advantage of every opportunity to enhance the influence and ability to instantly manage.

Fourth, a grass-roots management must lead by example, love and respect their jobs, all starting point and the final results to the cause

The Department and the interests of the company as the highest principle, I believe I can use their words and deeds to influence and lead you to better complete the companys plans for the company to pursue higher efficiency.

The second part: individual self-evaluation

I have a strong ability to communicate with a group of fighting in the front line of staff to get along well, but also horizontal and vertical to the various departments to communicate effectively. Wide knowledge, willing to learn and accept new things, there is work passion. Consider the problem Focus on the long term, mastered some advanced management tools.Willing to constantly improve themselves, and constantly optimize the quality structure.

Part III: Personal recommendations

On the 8S, ERP and other management systems knowledge of the unified training

Management system as a management tool, should be to provide management services for the company. It must allow all people to understand the meaning of its existence, know how to go with its management awareness. In this regard, many employees are stumbled, so the implementation will not achieve the desired effect, so that the existence of the management system to lose its original meaning, in turn, the company has become the management system service. Therefore, the company should be training for the basic knowledge in this regard, so that employees know how to go with the companys management, with the leadership of the management thinking of mutual cooperation brewing a team fighting spirit.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:教师,全文共 1108 字

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good morning everyone!

im nickole. im 24. i graduated from hunan normal universaty on shuda campus. my major is english education. after graduation, i have worked for one year in li yang听kids engish. my students are between 5 and 12 years old.

im outgoing and open-minded. in my spare time, i have broad interests. such as reading, surfing the internet, listening to music and even chatting with foreign friends online if possible. i like children very much. i think children are active, innocent and pure. with them, i feel very relaxed, plesant and younger. therefore, i learned a lot from my one year working experence.

teaching children english is very interested but it is also challeging. because children are always active, even sometimes very naughty. so teachers need a lot of patience to deal with children. the most important that i have learned from my one year teacing experence is that a teacher should have the kind of听the mind that always wants to go on learning. teaching is a job at which one will never be perfet. if i have the chance, i will try my best to be a good primary english teacher.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:个人,全文共 2190 字

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I came to although only one day, but in this short day, and X in total X, total , executive general manager, X, communication, let me feel the company leadership to the work of excellence, continuous innovation, meticulous, staff let me feel joining is lucky. To become a member of the company, I am proud, I believe that this sense of pride will make me more passion into work.

As a new employee into a new work environment, although in the past work had some work experience, but just entering the company, is still a little pressure. So in the later work inevitably to the leaders and colleagues a lot of advice. In order to make their own as soon as possible to enter the working state and work the environment, I will study hard, and constantly improve the level of their business to the company. Although only one day, but I feel very full and happy in the future work, is again tired is worth it! I will as soon as possible to adapt to the environment, and threw himself into work as! I understand that X is concerned about each of your employees, give every employee enough space to show their own!

For me, is a different from the new environment in the past, the people and things are all new. As a new employee, I will take the initiative to understand and adapt to the environment, but also aspects of their own to show superiority to the company, on the basis of trust and cooperation on the establishment of interpersonal relationship good. In addition, I would also like to keep a high passion to learn, continue to add knowledge, improve skills, in order to adapt to the development of the company. In my work there may be confusion and pressure, but I believe that as long as the correct attitude, full of Xin Xinyong dare to go, it will be a success.

With the development of society, information on growth, challenge has intensified. I not only want to play their own advantages, but also to learn through the experience of others, to improve their own development goals of quality of. company is ambitious and long-term development, the development of the company is each one of us, I believe I have the ability to grasp the opportunity. Together with to meet the challenges!



范文类型:祝福语,全文共 596 字

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1. 松龄长岁月,皤桃捧日三千岁。

2. 嘉宾旨酒,笑指青山来献寿。百岁平安,人共梅花老岁寒。今天,这里高朋满座,让寒冷的冬天有了春天般的温暖。

3. 祝老寿星日月昌明、松鹤长春。

4. 文明享大年,逍遥鸠杖天保九如。

5. 先开北海樽,学到知非德器纯。

6. 祝老寿星万事如意、晚年幸福。

7. 春秋迭易,岁月轮回,当甲申新春迈着轻盈的脚步向我们款款走来的时候,我们欢聚在这里,为先生的母亲--我们尊敬的*老妈妈共祝八十大寿。

8. 福如东海长流水,寿比南山不老松。

9. 祝老寿星笑口常开、天伦永享。

10. 鹤语寄春秋,古柏参天四十围。

11. 祝老寿星事事顺心、幸福长伴。

12. 如月之恒,如日之升,如南山之寿,不骞不崩。如松柏之茂,无不尔或承。

13. 祝爷爷万寿无疆长命百岁,年年有今日,岁岁有今朝.老如松柏.

14. 体明身健可活百岁犹少,茶甘饭软尽享千乐以多。

15. 福如东海、寿比南山;日月昌明、松鹤长春;笑口常开、天伦永享。

16. 这一季的花开得格外娇艳,你可知,那是因为我用情感在浇灌只等你的生日赠与你,愿你喜欢。

17. 愿你在充满希望的季节中播种、在秋日的喜悦里收获!生日快乐!

18. 在你生日来临之即,祝您身体壮如虎,金钱不胜数,干活不辛苦,快乐非你莫属!

19. 身体健康、长命百岁;生日快乐、后福无疆。吉祥如意、富贵安康;

20. 让美丽的朝霞、彩霞、晚霞一起飞进您的生活,这就是我的祈愿!



范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,全文共 1231 字

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Four years of marketing expertise to study and part-time real estate market rich practical experience, so Im interested in real estate marketing career and skills benefit.

I compromise came step by step from the rugged song, from the naive, impulsive and unrealistic, psychologically more mature, firm, professional foundation more solid.

Professional: to grasp a lot of theoretical and real estate marketing professional marketing skills, while the level of computer applications, English proficiency, the ability to have a large degree of social progress; qualities: hardworking hard, proactive, able to work independently, independent thinking, hard-working honest , with team spirit, good health and full of energy, can adapt to high-intensity work.

Four years of university study and more than a year of real estate marketing trainee positions temper, I trained a good team spirit and work style, such as multi-angle understanding and awareness of customer purchasing needs, omni-estate customer service, buried truth-seeking spirit of hard work and resourcefulness of dumping capacity.

I believe that in future work, I will work closely with the company sales needs, hard work to become a competent real estate marketing experts.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 905 字

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I love reading books is a boy, I have read many books, "Charles ix" dream king "the Wolf" the little prince, "the braggadocio adventures" read, remember once, I had finished my homework, it took a book that oneself like began to read it, just as I read with relish, dad came over and said to me: "jias son should have a meal," I said: "know Ill be right with you, you eat first". Father shook her head and said: "true take you cant, hurry to eat".

There is a saying "has its own beautiful woman in the book, the book has its own gold room" whenever I immersed in the sea, I will forget everything. Books are my mentor in my life, accompany me to grow healthy and happy every day...





范文类型:祝福语,全文共 1424 字

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