





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 8754 字

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Friends! Now were going to visit Jinbian river. Jinbianxi is named afterjinbianyan, which is 7.5km long and takes about 3 hours to travel. The mainscenic spots along the road are Guanyin Songzi, jinqiyan, wenxingyan, Zicaolake, Qianli meeting, TIAOYU lake, shuirao four gates, etc.

Many tourists insist that Jinbian river is the most beautiful canyon in theworld, which is not a word of praise. As for the evaluation of jinbianxi, westill quote the inscription of Nancy Dick, the female vice governor of Colorado,for Zhangjiajie: "Zhangjiajie is so beautiful, its amazing. People say that theGrand Canyon is magical. (the Grand Canyon is the Grand Canyon of Colorado, anAmerican National Park known as the miracle of nature). I think Zhangjiajie iseven more incredible. " She thinks Zhangjiajie is "the most beautiful place inthe world, and I will always remember it."

(lobster flower) pay attention to the little flowers on the roadside. Thisis the famous lobster flower at home and abroad. It is a specialty of jinbianxi.When it blooms in autumn, the flowers are suspended by a green silk. When thewind blows, they swing left and right, just like a real lobster in the water.Whats more interesting is that when the flower seeds are ripe, as long as youtouch them and snap them, they will "jump" out of your hands. Therefore, manypeople want to collect flower seeds and spread them, but they are disappointed.Is the flower spiritual and unwilling to leave this fairyland?

(Guanyin Songzi) please look to the left. The small stone peak looks like aperson holding a child in his arms and looking ahead. The local people call it"Guanyin Songzi". It is said that long married infertile couples, as long assincerely make a wish here, it is possible to achieve. But whether it works ornot depends on ones own experience. Who among the tourists would like to have atry?

If you want to ask the landmark scenic spot of Zhangjiajie National ForestPark, the answer is ready-made: jinbianyan. As early as the middle of the QingDynasty, some scholars listed the peak forest and Baizhang gorge in Zhangjiajieas the "eight sceneries of Yongding". The first is called "dangerous gorgecrowing ape"; the second is called "layer rock Surge Tower": "Qingya mountain,20 miles west of the county, the first five mountains stand side by side, thelayer faces like a floating picture. Zhongyi peak is more precipitous. It is themost marvelous one, with the Han Dynasty in the sky "One of the peaks" hererefers to jinbianyan. Zhangjiajie is the second of the eight scenic spots. Itcan be seen that our ancestors have insight. The relative height of jinbianyanis more than 380 meters. It rises straight up into the sky. No matter you lookat it from a distance or from a side, its a long whip that pierces the sky! Thepeak on the left side of jinbianyan looks like a ferocious eagle, with its mouthhooked and eyes glaring, wings slightly spread, guarding Jinbian alertly all thetime. Its called "divine eagle protecting whip".

There are many beautiful legends about jinbianyan and shenyinghubian. Themost popular story is that Emperor Qinshihuang was caught in the "beauty trick"of lobster woman on his way to reclaim the sea, and the whip was replaced by afake one. From a scientific point of view, they are formed by weathering andcollapse after cutting rock layers with multiple sets of joints andfissures.

(drunk Luohan) now take a rest and listen to Tujia folk songs. Look at thisstone peak. The base has collapsed into a dome, and the upper part of themountain is at a overlooking angle. Its like a monk who is drunk and is aboutto collapse. So its called "drunk arhat". Have you noticed that this big stonecollapsed from the lower part of zuilohan peak on a summer night in 1983, whichconfirmed the formation of sandstone peak forest from one aspect.

(Huaguo Mountain, shuilian cave) here comes the water curtain cave ofHuaguo Mountain of Monkey King. Its not that Zhangjiajie people are too farfetched to put together the journey to the West. Its a coincidence that YangJie, the guide of the drama group of journey to the west, and the actors of TangSeng, Zhu Bajie, sun Houzi, Sha Seng, etc., once they see this place, they saywith certainty that the location is all over the country. Only Zhangjiajie isreally the world of immortals and demons in journey to the West. You lookforward along my direction. In front of you is the monk Tang with a hat, acassock, and a word in his mouth. The black stone peak immediately behind him isof course monk Sha. The powerful Monkey Sun squats on the back of the monk Tang,putting up a cool awning and observing the enemys situation; Wheres Zhu Bajie?Needless to say, hes either greedy for food and sleep, or hes secretlychatting up with a little girl. Hes a playboy.

There is a kind of "giant salamander" in Jinbian River, which is thelargest amphibian in the world and belongs to the second level nationalprotection animal. The giant salamander is only found in China, Japan and theUnited States. It is called "giant salamander" because it sounds like a childcrying. Sangzhi County in Zhangjiajie City is a famous "hometown of giantsalamanders". The state has invested more than 10 million yuan in theconstruction of giant salamander rescue center in Baofeng lake.

(nanmuping) this place is called nanmuping. The plants in ZhangjiajieForest Park are vertically distributed. In jinbianxi area, evergreen anddeciduous broad-leaved forests are mainly distributed, while Phoebe is the maintree species. There are 16 species of Phoebe in Zhangjiajie, such as Phoebe,Machilus lichuanensis, Phoebe rubra, Phoebe glabrata, Phoebe Hupi, Phoebevillosa, Phoebe macranthoides, Phoebe iridescens, Phoebe bambusoides and so on,especially Phoebe is the most precious. There is also a strange kind of Nanmu inZhangjiajie. One year, Liu Kailin, the director of the forest farm, felled aPhoebe and sawed it into a board to make a box. However, he found that therewere very strange patterns on the board: mountains, running water, grass,flowers, sun, moon, flying birds and running beasts. Some people say that thesepictographic patterns are formed by the long-term effect of the surroundingenvironment, so they call them "yinghuanan". As early as the Han Dynasty, nanmuin Zhangjiajie began to be conquered by the imperial court; it was designated asa tribute in the Ming Dynasty. During the Zhengde period of the Han Dynasty(1515-1520), the chieftain of Qin family in Maogang paid tribute to the imperialcourt for more than 400 big nanmu trees and built a palace destroyed by fire. Asa result, the chieftain king was promoted by the emperor and was granted by theQin family, which was known as the "Qin Royal School" in history.

Friends, 15 Li Jinbian river is almost finished. Wulingyuan is known as"three thousand peaks, eight hundred waters", "three thousand Cuiwei peaks,eight hundred glazed waters". And the water is represented by Jinbian River,which is known by the people as long drought and long rain. Moreover, the waterfrom jinbianxi doesnt need soap for bathing, shampoo or washing powder forwashing. Nancy, deputy governor of Colorado, said: if Golden Whip Creek sellsair, it is definitely an invaluable income!

Jinbian stream, together with Longwei stream, Tianzi stream and kuangdongstream, runs through four mountain gates in the southeast and northwest, andjointly supports a beautiful sandbar. The name of Shazhou is tianzizhou. It wasthe place where Wang jiantianzi kingdom was called to him. You see, there arethree stone peaks in the opposite row, and dozens of stone peaks standing allaround. They were called "signboard, pen holder, long live card, four generalrock" in ancient times. It is said that they were all left to the emperorWang.

It is said that Zhang Liang, the Marquis of the Han Dynasty, was buriedhere. Looking at the top left, it is said that the top of the mountain is thesite of Zhang Liangs ancient tomb. Long Bingwen, a ethnologist, wrote: "if yougo all over the green mountains to search for the ancients, you will find abeautiful city surrounded by four gates of water; if you go to the old earthenfort on xiangluyan, you will find Zhang Liangfen, the Marquis of the HanDynasty."

In May 1992, two officials sent by UNESCO to inspect the Jinbian River, Dr.sansel, who seldom spoke along the way, finally made a speech. He said: clearstream water, good vegetation, such a long section of no people, which is rarein Asia!

Water around the four doors radiates and connects with the scenic spots. Tothe right, you can take a bus to Zhangjiajie park or go down the mountain to thecity through longweicun; to the front, you can take a bus to Shili Gallery,Tianzishan cableway station, jundiping, Huanglongdong and Baofeng lake.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 788 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7845 字

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【醉罗汉】现在请大家转过身来,回头看看我们背后有一座摇摇欲坠的石峰,恰似一位喝醉了酒的和尚,我们叫它醉罗汉。在这座石峰的底部,空缺的部分很大,从而使倾斜度本来就大的醉罗汉要倒下来的可能性更大,这其实是石块自然崩塌形成的。崩塌得最厉害的一次据说是 1976年9月9日毛主xi逝世的那个晚上,天上的巨星殒落了,凡间的山石都有感应,游道两旁的那几块巨石就是那次掉下来的。







【长寿泉】我们现在到了长寿泉,首先我声明,长寿泉绝对卫生,绝对干净,大家不妨先喝几口试试味道。这股泉水里面因为含有多种有益于身体健康的矿物质,喝了它能够延年益寿,长命百岁,所以叫它长寿泉。长寿泉是世界上最好的矿泉水,大家赶快把手中的水杯利用起来,灌上长寿泉。不出30秒,你的水杯就会漫上一层晶莹剔透的水雾,信不信?尝一口吧,你会找到阔别多年,你当年初恋那种甜丝丝的感觉。越喝越甜,越喝越有味。并且我们的长寿泉还有泡茶的奇效,我们当地有一首情歌就叫《冷水泡茶慢慢浓》。 (唱)

【文星岩】溪流的对岸最靠近我们面前的这座石峰的上部极像一位中年男人的头部朝着右边,据说这是天上的一位文曲星降落到我们张家界变成的一座石峰,所以我们叫它文星岩。我们仔细地看看,这位中年男人的头发是不是寸头,根根竖立?是不是留着八字胡,眉毛高挑呀?我们猜一猜、想一想,这位文曲星到底是谁呀?对,鲁迅,是鲁迅。那刚直不阿,横眉冷对千夫指的神态像极啦。还有一个小问题要大家猜一猜:鲁迅的鼻子上面为什么长了一棵小松树呀? (片刻之后)对,是因为鲁迅原名周树人,俗话说得好:十年树木,百年树人。鲁迅的一生本来就是我们为人处世的典范,尽管他变成了一座岩石,他还不忘提醒我们做人的道理。

【双龟探溪】在我们面前不远的地方,那座石峰顶部的两块大石叠在一起,就像两只乌龟重叠起来,头部朝着溪流方向探头探脑,似在侦察溪流里的敌情,我们叫它双龟探溪。有个小问题需要大家回答:这两只乌 龟,哪只是龟公,哪只是龟母? (土家语言语序为定语后置)






在我们的正前方,有两座突出的石峰一高一矮紧紧地簇拥在一起:左边的高,似一位戴着头盔的英俊小伙子;右边的矮,如一位苗条可爱的姑娘。据说一位名叫阿郎的(客人来自何处便说何处,以抬高客人)小伙子被东海龙王的三女儿看中了,但门不当,户不对,东海龙王坚决反对,没有办法,两个人一个从而来,一个从东海而来,千里迢迢地来到张家界的金鞭溪偷偷约会。如果是云雾缭绕的天气,你仔细地看,就会发现东海龙王三女儿的神态是半喜半忧的,喜的是和自己的情郎相会了,忧的是怎么回去向老爸交待。她的担忧并不是多余的,请大家的目光随着我的手指移到右边来,在我们面前这座巨大石峰两个侧面的转角处,靠下边有一块长条状的石块紧紧地贴着主体,这难道不是 一个和尚吗?对,这正是东海龙王派来跟踪女儿的间谍,大家说这和尚可恨不可恨?我们都是过来人,我们都知道“人约黄昏后,月上柳梢头”是春宵一刻值千金,所以我提议大家向可恶的贼和尚吐一口唾沫以后赶快悄悄地继续前进,不要破坏你们老乡的好事啦!


有一个小问题需要大家猜一猜?为什么细小老实的丈夫能够打败高大英俊的第三者? (片刻之后)对,回答得很棒,是爱情的力量。所以在这里我奉劝大家不要错过这个好机会,结婚成家的朋友请到这里来,请到重欢和好的部分多摸一摸,沾沾仙气。摸了以后,如果原来感情就好的会好上加好,好得不得了;如果原来两个人感情有点摩擦的会抛弃前嫌、破镜重圆。但这个分开的部位千万不要乱摸,摸了以后,说不定你在这里旅游而家里会后院起火哩。 (笑)













范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 12493 字

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(jinbianxi stele) friends, now lets begin to visit jinbianxi. Jinbianxi isnamed after jinbianyan, which is 7.5km long and takes about 3 hours to travel.Along the main scenic spots are Songzi, jinqiyan, wenxingyan, zicaotan, Qianlimeeting, TIAOYU pool, shuirao four doors, etc.

Many tourists think that Jinbian river is the most beautiful canyon in theworld, which is not a word of praise. As for the evaluation of jinbianxi, westill quote the inscription of Nancy Dick, the female vice governor of Colorado,for Zhangjiajie: "Zhangjiajie is so beautiful, its amazing. People say that theGrand Canyon is magical. (the Grand Canyon is the Grand Canyon of Colorado, anAmerican National Park known as the miracle of nature). I think Zhangjiajie iseven more incredible. " She thinks Zhangjiajie is "the most beautiful place inthe world, and I will go there."

(lobster flower) please pay attention to the little flower beside. This isthe famous lobster flower at home and abroad. It is a specialty of jinbianxi.When it blooms in autumn, the flowers are suspended by a green silk. When thewind blows, they swing left and right, just like a real lobster in the water.Whats more interesting is that when the flower seeds are ripe, as long as youtouch them and snap them, they will "jump" out of your hands. Therefore, manypeople are disappointed when they want to collect flower seeds. Does the flowerwant to leave this fairyland?

(seeing off a child) please look to the left. The humble little stone peaklooks like a person holding a child in his arms and looking ahead. The localpeople call it "seeing off a child". It is said that long married infertilecouples, as long as here to make a wish, it is possible to achieve. But whetherit works or not depends on our own experience. Who among the tourists would liketo have a try?

If you want to ask the landmark scenic spot of Zhangjiajie National ForestPark, the answer is ready-made: jinbianyan. As early as the middle of the QingDynasty, some scholars listed the peak forest and Baizhang gorge in Zhangjiajieas the "eight sceneries of Yongding". The first is called "dangerous gorgecrowing ape"; the second is called "layer rock Surge Tower": "Qingya mountain,20 miles west of the county, the first five mountains stand side by side, thelayer faces like a floating picture. Zhongyi peak is more precipitous. It is themost marvelous one, with the Han Dynasty in the sky "One of the peaks" hererefers to jinbianyan. Zhangjiajie is the second of the eight scenic spots. Itcan be seen that our ancestors have insight. The relative height of jinbianyanis more than 380 meters. It rises straight up into the sky. No matter you lookat it from a distance or from a side, its a long whip that pierces the sky! Therock peak on the left side of jinbianyan looks like a fierce eagle, with itsmouth hooked and eyes glaring, wings slightly spread, guarding jinbianyan allthe time. Its called "Shenying protecting whip".

There are many beautiful legends about jinbianyan and shenyinghubian. Themost popular story is that Emperor Qinshihuang was caught in the "beauty trick"of lobster woman on his way to reclaim the sea, and the whip was replaced by afake one. From a scientific point of view, they are formed by weathering andcollapse after cutting rock layers with multiple sets of joints andfissures.

(drunk Luohan) now take a rest and listen to Tujia folk songs. Look at thisstone peak. The base has collapsed into a dome, and the upper part of themountain is at a overlooking angle. Its like a monk who is drunk and is aboutto collapse. So its called "drunk arhat". Have you noticed that this big stonecollapsed from the lower part of zuilohan peak on a summer night in 1983? Thisevent has explained the formation of sandstone peak forest from one aspect.

(Huaguo Mountain, shuilian cave) here comes the water curtain cave ofHuaguo Mountain of Monkey King. Its not that Zhangjiajie people are too farfetched to put together the journey to the West. Its a coincidence that YangJie, the guide of the drama group of journey to the west, and the actors such asTang Seng, Zhu Bajie, sun Houzi and Sha say with certainty when they see thisplace: the location is all over the country. Only Zhangjiajie is really theimmortal world of journey to the West. You look forward along my direction. Inthe front left is the monk Tang with a hat, a cassock, and a word in his mouth.The black stone peak behind him is of course sand. The majority of Monkey Sunsquats behind the monk Tang with a cool awning and is observing the enemyssituation; Wheres Zhu Bajie? Needless to say, hes either greedy for food andsleep, or hes secretly chatting up with a little girl. Hes a playboy.

(Wen Xingyan) please look at the front left. Does Shi Feng look very muchlike Lu Xun? Mr. Lu Xun is a literary superstar, so people call him Wen Xingyan.Lu Xun is the greatest writer and thinker in modern China and an unprecedentednational hero. Zang Kejia, a poet, wrote a poem in memory of Lu Xun called "somepeople". The first two sentences are: some people live, but they are dead; somepeople die, but they are still alive. Mr. Lu Xun has been living in China, andalso in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, China. Some say its like Gorky. Either LuXun or Gorky, they are all world literary stars.

(zicaotan) this is the famous zicaotan. As you can see, the pool is clearand bright, just like the small stone pool depicted by Liu Yuan of Tang Dynasty,"there are hundreds of fish in the pool, all of which are empty and bright andhave no place to depend on", "the sun is shining down on the stone", and thepatterns on the stones at the bottom of the side pool are clear andrecognizable!

Lets pay attention to the stone bridge. Is it a self born bridge or anartificial bridge? Lets look at the doggerel carved on the bridge: Ten spiritsfrom heaven, each holding a Golden Whip, sing only once, and the purple grasspool is on the bridge. The stone bridge is 2 meters wide, 4 meters long andweighs 6 tons. It was built by ten Sangzhi stone workers in 1983. As a rule, a6-ton boulder will be erected above a 4-meter-wide pool. There must be liftingequipment, but at that time there was no such possibility. So how did tenmigrant workers get it up? It turned out to be very simple. The equipment forerecting the bridge was ten steel rods!

The stream on the left, called shataogou, is a deserted Grand Canyon. Alongthe way, there are many beautiful sceneries, such as stone pagodas, fivegenerals, xiaotianmen and Bainiaoyuan. From this stream, you can go straight toyuanjiajie, Tianzishan and Yangjiazhai.

(meeting thousands of miles) if you are destined to meet thousands ofmiles, there will always be love in thousands of rivers and mountains. Look,brother in armor and sword is coming, sister in all kinds of love is coming,there is no time to shake off the dew with eyebrows, there is no time to brushaway the clouds around the temples, so affectionate and eager... The creator issimply a highly skilled photographer, setting the most moving moment into one.Wang Lang Feng is like this, husband and wife rock is like this, meetingthousands of miles is like this: love makes time slip away, but time cant letlove slip away, the clouds meet in the clouds, the rain meet in the rain. Ahundred years of life, who is not eager to predestined fate "a thousand years towait for a return"!

It is said that after the defeat of Wang Tianzi, the main forces retreatedto the yuan family and entered Tianzi mountain. At this time, the officers andsoldiers came up. The soldiers in the ambush cut off the kudzu vine with aknife, and the rolling wood and stone fell down like a tide. The officers andsoldiers scurried around. Later, they called this slope "scurrying slope". FromLuanchuan slope, you can visit yuanjiajie, a famous scenic spot. There are backgarden, enchanting platform, the first bridge in the world, tianxuanbailianwaterfall, Zishan and Yangjiazhai. We look up and see that this isolated peak,called Yangzhai, is a primeval forest.

(shangyaozizhai fork) look across the stream. From the stone slab, you cango to the yaozizhai sightseeing line. Yaozi village is surrounded by cliffs. Thestone plank road of Yuna mountain climbing is the most dangerous, which issecond only to Huangshi villages super "viewing platform". The main scenicspots are eagle mouth, rabbit moon, overpass, mangsong, Pigeon Flower, etc. Ifyou are interested, you must visit Zhangjiajie next time.

(tiaoyutan) every spring when the "peach blossom water" rises, all kinds offish in tiaoyutan vie to jump and surf from here, hence the name of tiaoyutan.According to folk custom, this is called "carp leaping over the dragonsgate".

There is a kind of "giant salamander" in Jinbian River, which is thelargest amphibian in the world and belongs to the second class animal of thestate. The giant salamander is only found in China, Japan and the United States.It is called "giant salamander" because it sounds like a child crying. SangzhiCounty in Zhangjiajie City is a famous "hometown of giant salamanders". Thestate has invested more than 10 million yuan in the construction of giantsalamander rescue center in Baofeng lake.

(Ping) this place is called Ping. The plants in Zhangjiajie Forest Park arevertically distributed. In jinbianxi area, evergreen and deciduous broad-leavedforests are mainly distributed, while the main tree species are mainlydistributed. There are 16 species in Zhangjiajie, such as Photinia, Machiluslichuanensis, Photinia rubra, Photinia glabra, Photinia hupehensis, Photiniavillosa, Photinia densiflora, Photinia macrophylla, Photinia butterfly, PhotiniaBambusa and so on. Photinia rubra is the most precious. Zhangjiajie also has astrange atmosphere. One year, Liu Kailin, the director of the forest farm, cut atree and sawed it to make a box. But he found that there were very strangepatterns on it: mountains, running water, grass, flowers, sun, moon, flyingbirds and running beasts. Some people say that these pictographic patterns areformed by the long-term action around them, so they call them "yinghuanan". Asearly as the Han Dynasty, Zhangjiajie was attacked by the imperial court; it wasa tribute in the Ming Dynasty. During the Zhengde period of the Han Dynasty(1515-1520), the chieftain of Qin family in Maogang paid more than 400 tributeto the imperial court. The chieftain king was promoted by the emperor and wasgranted by the Qin family. In history, he was called the "Qin Royal School".

Friends, 15 Li Jinbian river is almost finished. Wulingyuan is known as"three thousand peaks, eight hundred waters", "three thousand Cuiwei peaks,eight hundred glazed waters". And the water is represented by Jinbian River,which is known by the people as long drought and long rain. Moreover, the waterfrom jinbianxi doesnt need soap for bathing, shampoo or washing powder forwashing. Nancy, deputy governor of Colorado, said: if Golden Whip Creek sellsair, it is definitely an invaluable income!

Jinbian stream, together with Longwei stream, Tianzi stream and kuangdongstream, runs through four mountain gates in the southeast and northwest, andjointly supports a beautiful sandbar. The name of Shazhou is tianzizhou. It wasthe place where Wang jiantianzi kingdom was called to him. You see, there arethree stone peaks in the opposite row, and dozens of stone peaks standing allaround. They were called "signholder, penholder, card, four general rock" inancient times. It is said that they were all left to the emperor Wang.

It is said that Zhang Liang, the Marquis of the Han Dynasty, was buriedhere. Looking at the top left, it is said that the top of the mountain is thesite of Zhang Liangs ancient tomb. Long Bingwen, a ethnologist, wrote: "if yougo all over the green mountains to search for the ancients, you will find abeautiful city surrounded by four gates of water; if you go to the old earthenfort on xiangluyan, you will find Zhang Liangfen, the Marquis of the HanDynasty."

In May 1992, two officials sent by UNESCO to inspect the Jinbian Riverfinished walking, and Dr. sansel, who rarely spoke, finally spoke. He said:clear stream water, good vegetation, such a long section of no people, which israre in Asia!

Water around the four doors radiates and connects with the scenic spots. Tothe right, you can take a bus to Zhangjiajie park or go down the mountain to thecity through longweicun; to the front, you can take a bus to Shili Gallery,Tianzishan cableway station, jundiping, Huanglongdong and Baofeng lake.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 762 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 265 字

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黄龙洞是个很大的溶洞,洞内共分四层,上三层是旱路,底层是水路,里面冬暖夏凉。洞里有亿万年时间变迁形成的钟乳石奇观,有像动物的、人物的、植物的,惟妙惟肖、形态各异… …





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1658 字

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At 8 oclock in the morning, my mother and I went to jinbianxi inZhangjiajie to play. The main scenic spots along the road are Guanyin Songzi,jinbianyan, etc.

Eh! What kind of flower is it? Its said that its the famous Golden shrimpflower. Its a specialty of Zhangjiajie. When it blooms in autumn, the flowersare suspended by a green silk. When the wind blows, they swing left and right,just like a real lobster in the water. Whats more interesting is that when theflower seeds are ripe, as long as they are touched and snapped, "shrimp seeds"will "jump" out of their own hands. Its really interesting! At this time, Iinadvertently looked to the left. There is a small stone peak, just like aperson holding a child in his arms and looking ahead from a distance. The localpeople call it "Guanyin Songzi". It is said that long married infertile couples,as long as sincerely make a wish here, it is possible to achieve.

Eh? Isnt that jinbianyan? This jinbianyan, no matter what my mother and Ithink, is like a long whip that pierces the sky. The rock peak on the left sideof jinbianyan looks like a fierce eagle. It looks at us with its mouth and eyesopen, as if its afraid that well steal it. Thats funny! Thats why the localpeople call it "Eagle whip".

Finally I got out of the car with my mother. I ran to jinbianxi and playedin the water for a while. As for my mother, I went shopping nearby. At thistime, a furtive tortoise swam past me, so I grabbed it quickly, and even calledmy mother to come. My mother came to see the tortoise, quickly pulled out a bag,put the tortoise in the bag, and finally we sorted it out a little bit, happilywent back to the hotel.



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大家好!一路辛苦了!欢迎各位来到风景秀美、气候宜人、美女如云、帅哥成林的中国优秀旅游城市--人间仙境张家界大家可以叫我向导,真是深感荣幸,做个简单的介绍,我呢是湖南张家界中国国际旅行社的专职导游,也是大家这次张家界之行的地接导游,我的名字是邵佳怡,大家可以叫邵导 我想朋友们应该都是第一次来咱们张家界旅游了,非常感谢大家把第一次献给张家界,借此机会呢,我就给大家简单的介绍一下张家界的概况。 张家界市位于湖南省的西北部、武陵山脉的腹心地段。它东接明末农民起义领袖李自成的最后归隐之地---常德石门县。张家界市全市总面积为9653平方公里,相当于全国领土面积的1000分之一。


眼福而流恋忘返 好了,今天就游玩到这里,我们明天继续。



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Dear friends

Hello everyone! Welcome to Tianmen Mountain, the national AAAAA scenic spotand National Forest Park. Tianmen Mountain, 1518.6 meters above sea level, isthe highest mountain in Zhangjiajie. It is named after Tianmen cave, a naturalwonder. It is known as "the soul of Zhangjiajie" and "the first holy mountain inWestern Hunan" for its profound historical culture and colorful cultural relics.Tianmen Mountain is divided into four scenic spots, namely "Tianmen dongkai","Biye Yaotai", "fairyland" and "Tianjie Buddhist kingdom". There are only winterand spring in four seasons. Summer is a good place to cool off and winter is agood place to ride on ice and snow. The mountains are foggy, with an average of230 days a year. The sea of clouds and waterfalls often appear, which isamazing.

Tianmen Mountain is not only unique in natural scenery, but also has manyof the worlds most artificial wonders. From the worlds longest high mountainpassenger ropeway, Tongtian Avenue, the worlds first highway wonder, toZhangjiajies first high-altitude viewing cable car, to Guigu plank road andglass plank road above the cliff, every landscape facility can give you adifferent surprise.

With a total length of 7455 meters, Tianmen Mountain ropeway is the longestpassenger ropeway in the world. From the cableway station out, in front of thistwo-story building is Li Na villa. In 1997, Li Na, a famous singer, came toTianmen Mountain. She saw that the mountains and rivers here are strange, thewater is clear, and the human relationship is simple. For many years, she hasbeen deeply attracted by the religious culture of Tianmen Mountain, so she movedto Zhangjiajie to pursue her ideal state of Zen.

Lingxiaotai is one of the best scenic spots in Tianmen Mountain. Theterrain here is extremely high and the vision is vast. You can have a panoramicview of the mountains, rivers, countryside and cities. Sometimes there areclouds and fog around your feet, which makes you feel like a fairy. This sceneis just like overlooking the mortal scenery in the mythical Lingxiao hall, so itis named Lingxiao terrace.

Lingxiao platform for Yihong pass. There is a red pine peak here, which wasnamed after the rain master of Shennong, chisongzi, who practiced here. There isa bottomless Canyon in the middle of Chisong peak. There is a natural stonebridge on the canyon, which is like a rainbow connecting the two ends. It iscalled "Duanshan Hongqiao", and the name of yihongguan comes from it. Its anatural echo wall. Especially, you have to wait patiently for 5 seconds to hearthe echo here.

The ghost Valley plank road under your feet is named because it issuspended above the ghost Valley cave. Because of its high risk and wide fieldof vision, it has become a star scenic spot of Tianmen Mountain, which has beenpraised by people all over the world. With a total length of 1600 meters and anaverage altitude of 1400 meters, the trestle road is an unforgettable cliffexperience.

Tianmenshan temple, known as the Buddhist Center in Western Hunan, wasbuilt in the Ming Dynasty. After the fusion of Confucianism, Taoism andBuddhism, the temple has been prosperous ever since. Now the temple is rebuiltin the original site, covering an area of more than 20000 square meters. It isthe highest Buddhist building complex in Hunan at present. The whole templeadopts the official style of ancient China, and is composed of the main hall,Guanyin Pavilion, sutra Pavilion and other buildings. The temple also worshipsthe real body relic of Sakyamuni, his two disciples muqianlian and the relicBuddha. It is also the only temple in Hunan Province to offer the Buddharelic.

Next, we are going to challenge the glass plank road, which is known as"the road of Oriental sky". The plank road is 60 meters long and the highestaltitude is 1430 meters. In addition to the trestle road every one meter or sowith reinforced concrete to build a section of support, all are highlytransparent tempered glass, each piece of glass can withstand 1000 kg, sopersonal safety is completely guaranteed.

Tianmen cave formed in the Three Kingdoms period, is the essence ofTianmenshan Mountain attractions. To get to Tianmen cave, you have to passthrough the Tongtian Avenue, which is known as "the first highway wonder in theworld". With a total length of 11 kilometers and sharp curves, Tongtian Avenueis also known as "Tianlu" because of its unique and high risk. After 99 bends ofTongtian Avenue, you can enjoy the style of Tianmen cave from a short distance.The towering cliffs on both sides make the Tianmen cave particularlyspectacular. There is no human landscape in the cave, only blue sky, whiteclouds and wisps of mist. It seems that you can reach the heaven directly afteryou step over. Before and after the rain, when the water vapor is abundant, thewind and cloud in Tianmen cave are surging, and the transpiration fog is like awhite dragon circling in and out of the cave, forming a unique and spectacular"Tianmen spitting fog".

Tianmen cave is the highest natural karst cave in the world. It runs fromnorth to south. The gate is 131.5 meters high, 57 meters wide and 60 metersdeep. In 1999, the worlds aerobatic master once flew through Tianmen cave,achieving another feat of human challenging nature. The performance caused asensation in the world, with 800 million viewers watching the live broadcast,and Tianmen Mountain has become the focus of the world since then.

Well, thats all for the explanation of Tianmen Mountain. Please give usmore valuable opinions on the shortcomings. Thank you!



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好啦!各位来宾,现在我们所处的位置,小地名原来叫老磨湾,现在叫大氧吧广场,因为在我们的四周青山叠翠、绿树成荫、空气清新,是一个好得不能再好的天然氧吧。从这里开始,我们将沿着旁边这条潺潺的溪流进行今天上午(或下午)的旅程。这条小溪就是著名的金鞭溪,她原来是—条无名小溪,因为流经著名景点金鞭岩而得名,隶属于张家界国家森林公园,全长5 84公里,需要两个半小时的游览时间。金鞭溪所流经的峡谷两岸陡崖并立、险岩突生,在游览途中,请大家改变一下游览黄石寨时的心态,调整为散步或者逛街好吗?黄石寨顶是一览众山小,是俯视;而现在的金鞭溪则只要缓缓地走、慢慢地看,是仰视。我国现代著名诗人梁上泉来我们张家界后曾为我们金鞭溪写下了一首通俗易懂、脍炙人口的诗,我们今天游览金鞭溪时完全可以按照诗中的意境去品味我们的金鞭溪,去享受我们的大自然。诗是这样说的,请听好:清清流水青青山,山如画屏人如仙;仙人若在画中走,一步一望一重天。




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Hello, everyone. Welcome to Huatian travel agency, the beautiful tour ofHunan. On behalf of our travel agency, I would like to extend my warmest welcometo you. I am your tour guide this time. My name is Yangsha. Im very glad tomeet you on such a beautiful day. In the next few days, how about your food,accommodation, transportation, travel, enough, entertainment, and six I will trymy best to arrange for you. First of all, I want to introduce an importantperson to you, that is our driver brother ~ ~ brother pony. Brother pony hasmany years of driving experience, so you can rest assured in terms of safety. Inthe next few days, we will serve you wholeheartedly, and I will provide you witha guide First of all, I wish you a happy trip to Hunan. I hope the goodmountains and water in Hunan can bring you a good mood. Finally, I wish you apleasant meal, a pleasant time and a pleasant stay in Hunan. Thank you!

Its a pleasure to introduce our Hunan Province. Hunan is a country ofFurong with a long history, vast territory, outstanding people and abundantresources. It is located in the South Bank of the middle reaches of the YangtzeRiver, and most of the area is in the south of Dongting Lake, the secondfreshwater lake in China.

Hunan is located in the east of Eurasia, with subtropical monsoon climate.It is cold in winter and hot in summer, with four distinct seasons and abundantheat The climate is relatively warm, just like the hot pepper in Hunan. Its hotenough. In summer, the heat conduction can be 40 ° for a period of time. Itsbecause of the regional climate that Hunan has a cold winter and hot summerclimate. Especially at the turn of spring and summer, there is a long-term plumrain season. The humidity is heavy, and fungi are easy to grow. So we Hunanpeople have created the custom of eating hot pepper and foot bath...

Well, just now we have a brief introduction to Hunan. Our trip to Hunanstarts from Changsha. Im a real girl from Hunan~ Changsha, the capital of HunanProvince, is the political, economic and cultural center and tourist gatheringplace of Hunan Province. It is one of the first batch of excellent touristcities in China. It is also a famous historical and cultural city with beautifulscenery and beautiful environment. Changsha is also a "famous city of Chu andHan" with a history of more than 3000 years. The name of Changsha first appearedin the Western Zhou Dynasty. The origin of the name is mentioned Its dazzlingand romantic. Its named for the stars in the sky. Heaven, earth and man are inone. The ground corresponding to Changsha star is called Changsha, also known asXingsha.

Changsha is located in the lower reaches of Xiangjiang River in thenortheast of central Hunan. Xiangjiang River, like a pair of scissors, dividesthe city into East and West banks. Hedong is a developed commercial andindustrial area, while Hexi is a university area and a high-tech developed area.Hedong is a prosperous city, while Hexi is a quiet Academy~

Ha ha, next, lets introduce our food in Changsha. I know that Changshasfood culture is quite rich. I wont mention the famous stinky tofu, spicychicken in Yulou East, wonton in shuangyanlou, Baozi in Deyuan, Gan Changshunand Yang Yuxings noodles Today, Id like to introduce you to the new food hotspots in Changsha. Later, Ill take you to have a taste of authentic Hunancuisine. The yellow duck in Orange Island is called Ningxiang, and the localchicken in shesifangping is old Zhaobi. Lets have a taste of the hot characterof our Changsha people~



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如果是中午或者黄昏,不想吃大排挡,又不想吃宾馆菜,去一个叫银满斗的地方吃酸菜牛肉,好吃得不 行,25一个火锅,够吃三人。地点在航校下来的那个巷子里面,紧挨着步行街。实在找不到的话,去凤湾大桥边上的胡师傅三下锅吃顿张家界特色菜--干煸肠子和核桃肉火锅,10元一份,味道盖世,来了不吃?白来张家界了!












下午去杨家界,知道北宋杨家将的故事吧?听说这里是因当年他们的后人曾在这一带居住过而得名的,不过里面的景色可是和他们没什么关连哟!跟这里有关的是[乌龙山剿匪记]这部电影,其中的乌龙寨据说是以前土匪活动的重要场所,当年解放军费了很大的劲才把他们给歼灭的。里面的地势非常险要,天波府的风景更是别具一格,另如果你还没累的话,再来回花个二个半小时去看看一步登天和空中走廊吧。 但你也要看看时间是否够,别搞到六点钟以后回来环保车下班了就得走着回袁家界了。















总体来说在凤凰吃住可真叫物美价廉了,素菜3-5元、荤菜5-10元、汤圆1元1碗(20多个呢)、罐罐菌炒肉(10元)、血粑鸭(20-40元)、酸菜鱼等是比较有名的菜。小吃有冰米虾(1元)、凉粉(0.5-1元)、炸小龙虾(1元1只)、苗家泡菜(1元)等,都是很有特色的地方风味; 在夏季,还可以吃到这里的冰汤圆(0.5-1元/碗),酸酸甜甜很好吃。在建设路上的“大使饭店”和老街上作家马蹄声的“老街饭馆”不可错过。虽然当地人的口味偏重,但是由于旅游客人越来越多,他们做菜都会考虑客人口味,服务热情、周到。

















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