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In the beautiful plateau Tibet, there are not only Mount Qomolangma, theroof of the world, but also the mysterious Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple andXiaozhao temple. Today, I will take you to take a look at the supreme positionin Tibetan Buddhism - the Jokhang Temple.

Dazhao temple, also known as "zulakang" and "juekang", is located in thecenter of Lhasas old city. It was built by King Songzanganbu of Tibet and has ahistory of more than 1300 years. Dazhao temple is a Tibetan Buddhist temple, andalso the earliest existing civil structure building in Tibet. It creates aTibetan Hirakawa style temple pattern, and is a building integrating Tang,Tibetan, Nepalese, Indian and other artistic styles. The enthusiastic localguide led us into this temple full of mystery and beautiful legend.

"The Jokhang Temple is an eternal example of Tibetan religiousarchitecture. Now, what we see are tens of thousands of butter lamps that haveleft traces of time and pilgrims. These butter lamps are on day and night, andwill not go out. Why? Because countless devout Tibetans in Tibetan areas keepdonating butter to temples, so as to ensure the continuous use of butter forthese butter lamps worshipped in front of Buddhas platform... " I was thinkingabout why. After listening to the guides explanation, I finally understood why.It seems that devout belief is the strongest support for Tibetans. Buddha hasbecome their spiritual sustenance, carrying their hope and yearning for a betterlife in the future. "Lets go on!" the guides call brought me back to reality.So I took back my mind and quickly followed.

The stone floor is as bright as a mirror because of the friction ofbelievers for many years. There is a huge Buddha statue on the left and right ofthe hall. The one on the left is lianhuasheng, the founder of the red crosssect, and the one on the right is the future Buddha. Further inside, there isthe temple of the sacred goat remjem. Why do you call it this name? Because agoats head naturally grows in the corner of the temple, so Tibetans take thisinteresting name for it. At the same time, the guide also told a fairy talerelated to this hall. It is said that in order to build a palace for theNepalese princess who was married at that time, during the reign of the fifthTibetan king Songzanganbu, he traveled all over Tibet and found many places, butthey all felt that they were not suitable. Songzanganbu decided to leave thematter to God. So he took one of Princess nibbles rings and threw it into theair. Where the ring fell, he built the palace. Unexpectedly, the ring fell in alake, and a white tower appeared in the lake. Songzanganbu, who thought it wasauspicious, decided to fill the lake and build a palace. Because they wereworking in the lake, people and yaks were too heavy to transport the stones tofill the lake, so they took the lighter goats as the main labor force at thattime. After efforts, the lake was finally filled up and the present JokhangTemple was built. However, many goats died in that project. In order tocommemorate the achievements of the goats, the king of Tibet called this place"Reza" (the goat represented by "Reza"). With the passage of time, "Reza" hasgradually been called "Lhasa", so there is a saying in Tibet that there wasJokhang temple first and Lhasa city later.

Next, we will visit the 12-year-old statue of Sakyamuni, the treasure ofJokhang Temple. You must be curious about what an isomorphic statue is? It is aBuddha statue carved according to the height and appearance of Sakyamuni when hewas 12 years old. It is the only one in the world. This Buddha statue wasbrought to Tibet by Princess Wencheng, who married a Nepalese princess. It tookhim more than three years to come to Lhasa. It is the most complete statue ofSakyamuni in the world. When I didnt see it, I thought it should be about thesame height as me, but when I saw it, my chin was startled! Now this Buddha isfour or five meters tall, and its head is like a big washbasin. Puzzled, I askedthe guide, "was Sakyamuni so old when he was 12?" the guide said with a smile,"no, the original statue is the same size as a child about 10 years old, butbecause the monks here are very devout. Every day, I brush the Buddhas bodywith gold powder, from head to toe, and not once a day. Monks will brush theBuddhas body with gold powder on time. After a long time, the Buddhas bodybecomes bigger and bigger God! Its incredible that a Buddha statue as tall as achild can be painted so big with gold by devout believers. Its conceivable thatthis Buddha statue has great weight in the hearts of Tibetans.

Then we visited Maitreya hall, Guanyin Bodhisattva hall, sanfawang hall,Tara hall, Shenbian tower and so on. As the sun sets, the visit is drawing to aclose. In fact, there are many things I want to introduce to you, but I cantdescribe them one by one. But what I want to tell you is that the Jokhang Templehas given me a new understanding of Tibetan Buddhist culture and made me fall inlove with this mysterious and interesting place. Students, I hope you can gothere to have a look and appreciate the mystery and beauty in the future!




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1762 字

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First of all, we came to the famous "cier mountain" there. We went inthrough the gate of the mountain. The temples, big and small, were close to eachother, and a steady stream of fragrance came to our nostrils. It turned out thatthe tourists were burning incense to worship Buddha or offering incense to thegreat immortal they believed in. At that time, I wanted to climb the mountainvery much, but because the "blessing Festival" was to be held here in a fewdays, the staff on the mountain were preparing for the festival, so the road tothe mountain was temporarily closed, so I had to stand in the yard and look up,and the mountains continued to stretch to the horizon. Although I really want toclimb up and have a look, I have to give up this time.

Then we drove to dajingmen, the second stop of our trip. My father saidthat there was the reputation of "the first gate of the Great Wall". The fourwords "great rivers and mountains" were powerful. The great wall here was builtaccording to the mountains and climbed up the high and majestic wall along thesteps. I really wanted to climb to the top of the mountain along the wall in onebreath, but I was panting and sweating half way up the mountain I was shakingwith fatigue. But I gritted my teeth and persisted, and finally climbed to thetop of the mountain. Wow, there are exotic flowers and plants, red, yellow, blueIts a fairyland in the world.

Down from the Great Wall, I visited the Baxian cave, Wolong Pavilion andErlang temple. In Erlang temple, I also worshipped the God of wealth, happiness,blessing, longevity and Erlang. The masters there also said that my heaven wasfull and I would be a senior official in the future. I was very happy.

Although I am very tired today, my heart is as sweet as honey!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 973 字

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东林念佛堂开山祖师定西法师(1895-1962)原籍东北海城,俗家姓于,先祖致力耕读,家颇小康,父母皆信佛。法师自幼已好跏跌坐,喜礼寺庙,研读经书。十八岁即入佛教宣讲堂为讲员,时常与友人王福庭(后出家,即倓虚法师)、陆炳南(后出家,即乐果法师)谈-道。1920xx年,定西法师赴南海普陀山,依法雨寺达圆大德受具足戒,后返住上海留云寺。1920xx年,在谛闲大师传千佛大戒0后,被公推为极乐寺第二任住持。定西法师并蒙谛老传授天台正宗法卷,是为天台宗法第四十四世,后来宝一和尚也传他法卷,为临济宗四十二世。法师教演天台,行修净上,特重律学,四众弟子求戒者甚多。1946年移锡于奉天(即今沈阳)南关般若寺,成立念佛堂,每日领众行持不懈。1949年,应倓虚法师之请,与乐果法师一道来港,协助倓公创办华南学佛院,并担任主讲凡三年。第一班学僧毕业后拟结茅蓬习静以弘所学。1952年,荃湾南天竺住持茂蕊法师将其东园菜地借以为庐,并得各方善信集资修建净室,初名东林净舍。是追法东晋庐山,净宗初祖慧远建东林寺事。法师先派圣怀、达成、净真三位法师购料兴工,自己与三位法师各出资五百元,继而永惺、妙境两位法师出资二百元,再而济涛、了一两位法师各出资四百元,并得吴蕴斋居士及各护法帮忙,得以大概完成。岂料同年八月初五,山洪暴发,建筑冲毁将半。各方闻讯纷纷施以援手,同年底复修完成初建。翌年,改净舍为东林念佛堂。之后再得竹林禅院舍后楼地基千余尺;竹林禅院又赠送东林后山地八千余尺,修建大雄宝殿(今极乐宝殿) 。





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 8958 字

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Ladies and gentlemen, Yinchuan, a beautiful and rich oasis in Hetao area ofthe Yellow River, was the first one to be developed. In the Han Dynasty, themeasures of dredging canals and opening up farmland were carried out here, andwater conservancy projects such as Hanyan canal were built. In the Tang Dynasty,Yinchuan had the reputation of "south of the Yangtze River". Since the Ming andQing Dynasties, the folk saying of "the Yellow River enriches Ningxia" hasspread all over Jiuzhou. The ancient Dangxiang people have created a dazzlingXixia Culture here, and the industrious Hui people are constantly striving forself-improvement, showing colorful folk customs. Yinchuan is an important cityin the northwest border of China, the capital of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,and one of the famous historical and cultural cities in China. It has a long andsplendid history, profound cultural heritage, endless stories and endlessbeautiful scenery. Today, lets go into Yinchuan and feel the magic charm ofthis ancient frontier fortress city!

Tourists, Yinchuan city is located in the Hetao Plain formed by thealluvial of the Yellow River, facing the Yellow River in the East, with flat andopen terrain; the Helan Mountain in the west, adjacent to the mountains of AlxaLeft Banner in Inner Mongolia; the Qingtongxia gorge in the South; and PingluoCounty in the North. The total area of the city is 3499 square kilometers, andthe urban area is 1277 square kilometers. It has jurisdiction over threecounty-level districts of urban area, new urban area and suburb, and twocounties of Yongning and Helan. According to statistics__ At the end of theyear, the citys total population was about 1039100. Yinchuan is a multi-ethnicarea, inhabiting 25 ethnic groups, such as Hui, Han, Manchu, Mongolian andKorean. It is also a city where the Hui population is concentrated, with about223100 Hui people.

It is said that a long time ago, seven sisters of Phoenix lived in thesouth of the Yangtze River, bringing happiness to people. Among them, theyoungest seven sisters came to Ningxia, where the land is thin and the peopleare poor, and opened a canal to divert water, bringing the scenery of the southof the Yangtze River. Later, in order to prevent the invasion of alien tribes,Fenghuang Qimei became a city to protect the people in Ningxia, which was laterYinchuan. Now, "Phoenix City" has become the reputation of Yinchuan.

Yinchuan is flat and open. The terrain trend is gradually inclined fromsouthwest to northeast. "Helan is the screen, the Yellow River is around, thefertile fields are thousands of miles, and the lakes are inlaid" is the featureof Yinchuan landform pattern. Yinchuan terrain is divided into mountain andplain. In the west is Helan Mountain, which forms a trapezoidal shape andgradually decreases from the south of quanqigou, with an altitude of 20__-2500meters. The main peak, aobaogeda, is 3556 meters. It is a natural barrier toprevent the cold air and sandstorm from driving into the northwest. In the Eastis the Yellow River alluvial plain. The Yellow River flows from 16 kilometerseast of Yinchuan city to 30 degrees south of the city to Shizuishan, with atransit length of 78.4 kilometers and a water surface of 124700 mu, forming avast and boundless alluvial plain of the Yellow River, in which there arehundreds of fertile fields, ditches, lush vegetation, scattered with hundreds oflakes and marshes, including the famous "72 Lian Lake". Since ancient times, ithas been the main agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheryproduction area.

Yinchuan is located in the middle temperate arid climate zone, whichbelongs to the middle temperate continental climate. The main features are: lessrain and snow, strong evaporation, sufficient sunshine, moderate heat, strongwind and sand; cold in winter, hot in summer, short and changeable in spring.Yinchuan is located in the northwest inland, far from the sea, coupled with adry climate, less rainfall and long sunshine, so most of the year is sunny.According to statistics, the annual sunshine time is 17.5 hours more than thatof "sunshine city" Lhasa.

The temperature difference between day and night in Yinchuan is very large,with an average daily temperature difference of 13.1-14.4 degrees in the wholeyear. This continental climate, coupled with the unique natural conditions, isvery suitable for the growth of all kinds of crops. It is easy to store thesugar content of melons and fruits, and the sugar content of melons and fruitsis 15% - 20% higher than that of Central Plains. According to the records ofshuijingzhu written by Li Daoyuan, a famous geographer in the Northern WeiDynasty, Yinchuan plain was called "Guocheng" as early as 1500 years ago. It isrich in peach, plum, apricot, jujube, apple, grape and watermelon. The fruit isbig, sweet, tender and colorful. Yinchuan has been planting rice for more than2100 years. After careful cultivation and improvement by the working people,Yinchuans rice has become a famous variety in China. The main food crops arewheat, buckwheat, white pea and so on. Vegetables are Ningxia cabbage, pepper,tomato, scallion. In addition, fern, seabuckthorn and honey are alsowell-known.

There are many soil types and diverse vegetation in Yinchuan area. Theforest covers an area of one million mu, half of which are plantations,including timber forest, shelter forest and fruit forest. With the developmentof afforestation and other greening projects, the forest area and greening areaare increasing year by year. In 1988, the State Council approved Helan Mountainas a national forest nature reserve with wildlife types. There are 183000 mu ofnatural secondary forest and 177 species of wildlife on the mountain, including16 species of rare animals under state protection.

Yinchuan is located in the north of the depression belt in the westernmargin of Ordos, with rich mineral resources. The mineral products stored in theHelanshan section of Yinchuan are mainly coal, hematite, limestone, dolomite,apatite, quartz sandstone, diabase, ceramic clay, etc., which provide favorableconditions for the development of metallurgy, chemical industry, buildingmaterials and other industries in Yinchuan, especially the high storage ofphosphate rock.

Yinchuan has a long history. As early as 20__ years ago in the period ofEmperor Wu of Han Dynasty, it was the habitat of Xiongnu, Xianbei and othernomadic peoples. With the development of the Yellow River irrigation area, somecastles have sprung up in Yinchuan plain. At that time, the castles, which werecalled Yinhan City, were the predecessor of Yinchuan city. Yinchuan county wasestablished in the northern and Southern Dynasties in the three years of Jiande(574), which was called Huaiyuan County. In 1020 ad, Li Deming, the leader ofDangxiang nationality, moved here and changed to Xingzhou. In 1038, the capitalof Xixia was established here, which lasted 189 years. After the change ofdynasties, it was renamed zhongxingfu, Ningxia, Ningxia Fu and Ningxia city. Itwas not until 1945 that Yinchuan city was established.

The term "Yinchuan" comes from the description of this section of theYellow River and its coastal plain irrigation area as "Yinchuan" in the lateMing Dynasty. This famous cultural city with a long history of more than 1000years is characterized by Xixia Culture. Xixia Mausoleum scenic spot is anational key scenic spot. Helan Mountain Nature Reserve is a national key naturereserve. Xixia mausoleum, baisikou twin pagoda and Haibao pagoda are the keycultural relics protection units in China. Yinchuan is one of the mostattractive cities in Western China because of its attractive water scenery,peculiar scenery of Saishang and colorful Hui customs.

Tourists, Yinchuan city is divided into three parts: the old city, the newcity and the new city. The old city was formerly Ningxia Fucheng in the QingDynasty, about 15 kilometers east of the Yellow River. Both the regionalgovernment and the Municipal Peoples government are located here. It is also acommercial district. The new city is located in the east of the railway station,7.5 kilometers away from the old city in the East. It was developed on the basisof the new Manchu city where Qianlong lived in the Qing Dynasty. After 1958, anew urban area was built on the vast desert grassland to the west of BaotouLanzhou railway. Once upon a time, in Yinchuan City, except for the drum tower,Yuhuangge, nanmenlou and other ancient buildings, most of them were low yellowmud Adobe houses. Nowadays, the ancient and new appearance of Yinchuan Citycomplement each other. Around those ancient buildings, there are many modernbuildings. At night, the lights are bright, the neon lights are flashing, andthe broad streets are full of light. When you enter Yinchuan, you can enjoy thebeauty of Ningxias unique tradition and the present. This ancient frontierfortress city is welcoming guests from all over the world with a newattitude.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4292 字

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At the head of Tangyue village, there are seven magnificent ancientarchways. These archways are arranged in the order of "loyalty, filial piety andrighteousness". It tells the rise and fall of this village for hundreds ofyears. These beautiful stone squares and the male and female ancestral halls inthe village have become an important tourist attraction in Huangshan City.

In the feudal society, in order to commend the officials who had madeoutstanding contributions to the prosperity of the imperial court, thegovernment often approved the construction of "Gongde memorial archway" at thehead of their hometown village, in order to call on people to take this as anexample to serve the imperial court. The Tangyue memorial archway group inShexian county has changed the previous characteristics of wood structure,almost all of them are made of stone, and the "Shexian green" stone with goodquality is the main one. This kind of blue stone archway is solid, tall,magnificent and dignified. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the art of archwayarchitecture was also improving.

Tangyue memorial archway group is the representative works of architecturalart in Ming and Qing Dynasties. There are seven buildings in a row, and thearchitectural style is integrated. Although the time span is as long as severalhundred years, they are in the same shape. According to architectural experts,Tangyue memorial archway is of great value to the study of politics, economy,culture, architectural art, the formation and development of Huizhou merchants,and even the folk custom of dwellings in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The first mahogany archway: it was built in the Jiaqing period of MingDynasty, more than 450 years ago. The four pillars of the archway fall down onthe pier, which is simple and magnificent. On the "dragon and Phoenix board"under the overhanging eaves, two "imperial edicts" are inlaid in it. There is apair of relief lions on both sides of the crossbeam, which is extremely heroic.According to reports, Bao can, who was praised by the emperor, had never been anofficial in his whole life. Because of his ability to educate his descendants,his grandchildren made many wonderful achievements in defending the MingDynasty. He was honored by the emperor for three generations and established asquare for his ancestors.

The second archway: the "cixiaoli" archway, which was built in the Yongleperiod of the Ming Dynasty, was approved by the Emperor himself. Its highpolitical treatment can be seen. The "Ci Xiao poem" engraved on the archwayrecords a touching story. When a son of the Bao family saw that his father wouldbe killed, he asked to die instead. The father for the Bao family continue toincense, asked to kill themselves, do not harm their children. Baos father andsons kindness and filial piety moved the world and the robbers. When EmperorQianlong went down to the south of the Yangtze River, after hearing this story,he happily wrote down that "cixiaoli is unparalleled in the world and the mostbeautiful town in the south of the Yangtze River", and allocated money torenovate the memorial archway of "cixiaoli". And add its old system, engrave theimperial couplet on it. It is rare in Chinese history that a memorial archwaywas sealed by emperors in several dynasties.

The third, the fourth and the fifth archways: the "Li Jie Wan Gu" archway,"Le Shan Hao Shi" archway, "Jie Jin San Sheng" archway and so on. Each archwayhas many touching stories. It is worth mentioning that the "thrifty threewinters" square was built for a stepmother. It is said that after the death ofher husband, the stepmother went through all kinds of womens ways and put theson of her ex-wife before her own. When she was old, she poured out her familyproperty to repair the ancestral grave for her dead husband. This move moved thelocal officials, breaking the convention that the stepwife of "Confucius andMencius" was not allowed to set up a memorial archway, and making an exceptionto build a memorial archway of the same scale for her. In spite of this love, itleft a foreshadowing on the festival of "thrifty and thrifty" on the archforehead. The grass head of the festival and the "zhe" below are wrongly carvedon it to show that the stepmother and the original mate can never be equal instatus.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 942 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7383 字

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Hello everyone! Welcome to Star City Changsha. Now we are in the XiangjiangRiver Bridge. Standing on the bridge, the scenery of Changshas "mountains,waters, continents and cities" can be seen at a glance. This "mountain" is thelush Yuelu Mountain in front of it, which is known as the tail of Nanyue 72peak. Naturally, this "water" is the mother river flowing quietly under thebridge - Xiangjiang River. Across the river is Juzizhou, which is known as"unsinkable aircraft carrier". Of course, the "city" is Changsha City. Next, Iwill talk about it in detail from near to far.

Xiangjiang River, originated from Haiyangshan, Lingchuan County, GuilinCity, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, has a total length of 856 km. It entersHunan from Yongzhou, flows through Hengyang, Chenzhou, Zhuzhou, Xiangtan,Shaoyang, louerdi, Changde and Yueyang, and flows into Dongting Lake at thehaohekou of Xiangyin County, with a drainage area of 85300 square kilometers inHunan. It is the largest river in Hunan and also the mother river Xiang is namedfor it. The word "Xiang" in Xiangjiang comes from the sentence "in the book ofsongs, Zhaonan, Caiping" that is "to build and cauldron with Xiang". "Xiang"originally means "cooking food", which is extended to refer to the appearance offog transpiration. Xiangjiang River in Hunan Province, from south to north, nineileum, clouds, so take such a name.

You see, Juzizhou in the middle of the river looks like a long belt, about5 kilometers long from north to south, and about 100 meters wide from east towest. Mr. Guo Moruo once described it as "an unsinkable aircraft carrier". Inthe Western Jin Dynasty, it got its name because of the orange production on theisland. In Tang and Song Dynasties, Orange Island had become a famous scenicspot at that time. One of the famous "eight sceneries of Xiaoxiang" is "theevening snow on the river", which refers to the evening scenery of snowy dayshere. Many famous poets have come here to chant, leaving poems and essays handeddown through the ages. Mao Zedongs "Qinyuan spring · Changsha" makes Juzizhou aplace that the world yearns for.

Yuelu Mountain, located on the West Bank of the Xiangjiang River, is 300.8meters above sea level and the tail of the 72 peaks of Nanyue Mountain."Southwest clouds come to Hengyue mountain, and the sound of the river goes downDongting day and night" is a wonderful summary of the situation of YueluMountain. Yuelu Mountain is a huge "Botanical Museum", where ancient and famoustrees can be seen everywhere. Yuelu Mountain is a famous cultural mountain,which integrates Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in ancient China. At the footof the mountain is Yuelu Academy, which is the first of Chinas four academiesand promotes Confucian Neo Confucianism; at the back of the mountain is Lushantemple, which is "the first scenic spot in Han and Wei dynasties and the firstTaoist temple in Hunan"; at the top of the mountain is Yunlu Palace, which islisted as one of the seventy-two blessed places of Taoism. In addition,aiwanting, baihequan, yuwangbei, relic tower and so on are also attractiveplaces. Yuelu Mountain is also a place where we look forward to people withlofty ideals. The cemeteries of Huang Xing, Cai E, Jiang Yiwu and Chen Tianhuaare hidden in the green pines and cypresses.

Next, lets talk about the city. Changsha, with beautiful ecologicalenvironment and rich human resources, is one of the first batch of historicaland cultural cities announced by the State Council, and one of the first batchof "Chinas excellent tourism cities" awarded by the state. In 20__, Changshawas also rated as "National Forest City". As the capital of Hunan Province,Changsha is the political, economic, technological, cultural, commercial andtransportation center of Hunan Province. The city covers an area of 11800 squarekilometers with a total population of 6.31 million, including 556 squarekilometers of urban area and more than 2 million urban population. It hasjurisdiction over Furong district, Tianxin District, Yuelu District, KaifuDistrict and Yuhua District, Liuyang City and Changsha, Wangcheng and Ningxiangcounties.

Changsha has a superior geographical position, known as "Jingyu lips,Guizhou and Guangdong throat". Changsha, located in the middle of China, has astrategic position of connecting the East and the West. At present, the trafficin Changsha is very convenient. The Beijing Zhuhai Expressway and ChangshaChangzhou expressway are connected here. The national highways 107, 319 and 1016are connected in the territory. The Beijing Guangzhou railway and ShijiazhuangChangzhou Railway pass through the city. Through Yueyang, the inland riverterminal can reach Chongqing, Wuhan and Shanghai. Huanghua International Airportis one of the largest airports in central and South China. Its route network hasspread to more than 40 large and medium-sized cities in China. It has openedflights to Hong Kong and Macao, as well as international flights to Bangkok,Thailand and Seoul, South Korea.

"Changsha star in the sky, Changsha City on the earth." The name ofChangsha comes from the stars in the sky. The ancients divided the stars in thesky into 28 constellations, and each constellation corresponds to a certain areaon the earth. Among the twenty-eight constellations, there is a one called Fusu,which corresponds to Jingzhou. Changsha used to be the city of Jingzhou. Thereis also a small star in charge of human life, also known as Changsha star."Astronomical records of the Ming Dynasty" said: "Changsha Xiaoxing, down toChangsha." Therefore, the ground corresponding to Changsha star is calledChangsha, so Changsha is also called "Xingsha".

Changsha is a "famous city of Chu and Han Dynasties" with a history of morethan 3000 years. The name "Changsha" first appeared in the Western Zhou Dynasty.During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, Changsha hadbecome an important economic, cultural and military town in the south of Chu.After Qin Dynasty unified China, there were 36 counties in the world, andChangsha and its surrounding 9 counties were Changsha counties. In the HanDynasty, Wu Rui was granted the title of king of Changsha and established thestate of Changsha. Since the Tang Dynasty, Changsha has become the political,economic and military center of Hunan Province.

"Xiaoxiang Zhusi, the hometown of qujia", which is a historical gift toChangsha. The CI and Fu handed down by Qu Yuan and Jia Yi, the cultural relicsunearthed from Han tombs, the bamboo slips of the Three Kingdoms, ZhangZhongjings treatise on febrile diseases, and the underglaze color of Changshakiln are all shining with the glory of Changshas history and culture. Changsha,known as the "cradle of revolution", has produced many great people in moderntimes. It has nurtured Huang Xing, Li Weihan, Xu Teli, Yang Kaihui, Tian Han andother people with lofty ideals. It is also the hometown of Party and stateleaders Hu Yaobang, Zhu Rongji and Li Tieying.

Changsha is rich in products, known as "the land of fish and rice", "theland of fireworks", "the land of Xiang embroidery", "the land of pottery" and"the land of non-ferrous metals". It has been one of the four tea markets, fourrice markets and five pottery capitals in China since ancient times. Richproducts have created Changshas unique catering culture. Hunan cuisine andsnacks are made of exquisite materials.



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Hello, everyone. Im the tour guide who is responsible for taking you tovisit Macaos famous place of interest, mage temple. I hope my explanation willgive you a pleasant journey. First of all, let me introduce Mazu temple.

Mage temple was called niangma temple, Tianfei temple or haijue temple inthe early period; later it was named "Mazu Temple", which is commonly known as"mage Temple" in Chinese. Mazu means "mother" in Fujian dialect. The temple isbuilt along the cliff with a back mountain and a sea. It is surrounded bytowering ancient trees. There is a pair of stone lions at the entrance of thetemple. It is said that they are masterpieces of the Qing Dynasty 300 years ago.The temple is composed of four buildings: the main hall, the stone hall, theHongren hall and the Guanyin Pavilion.

The best time to visit mage temple is during the Spring Festival, becausethis time is the most popular, and many traditional activities will be held.Many faithful men and women come to pray for the gods. A large bamboo shed willbe built in front of the temple as a temporary stage for performing miraculousarts.

Mage temple is composed of "the first temple in Shenshan mountain", Hongrentemple, Zhengjue Buddhist temple, Guanyin Pavilion and other parts. Although thescale of each building is small and crude, it can fully integrate nature and thelayout is well arranged.

Entrance gate

You can see the granite building at the entrance gate. It is 4.5 meterswide and has only one door opening. The lintel has the word "Mazu Pavilion" andcouplets on both sides. The three parts are decorated with glazed tile roof. Thetop of the lintel has a cornice shaped ridge with porcelain beads and fish onit.

Memorial Gateway

Immediately behind the gate of MAGE temple is a three room four columnarch, also made of granite, with four stone lions on the capitals.

Hongren Hall

You have now come to the smallest Hongren hall, which is only about 3square meters.

Buddism godness Guanyin Temple

Guanyin hall, located at the highest place, is mainly made of brick andstone. Its architecture is simple and hard mountain style.

Zhengjue Buddhist temple

You are now in the Zhengjue Buddhist temple. This Buddhist temple pays moreattention to both the scale and the architectural form. The building is composedof a temple dedicated to the queen of heaven and a retreat area. The building inthe repair area is a common folk house with a hard Hill brick structure, whilethe temple is a four frame beam structure. There is an inner courtyard in frontof the main hall. The side porches on both sides are shed roofs. The main hallarea is divided into three bays by two rows of three columns. The roof is glazedtile slope top, and the top of the side walls on both sides is a gold shaped"wok ear" gable, which has the meaning of fire prevention and strong southernFujian characteristics. It is located in the front of the inner courtyard, Fromleft to right, it can be divided into five parts. The middle part is the highestand the two sides are gradually lower. The wall is decorated with claysculpture. The top of the wall is decorated with glazed tiles. Under the eavesof the glazed tiles, there are three layers of flowers symbolizing the bucketarch. In addition, there is a circular window opening with a radius of 1.1meters in the middle part. The eaves and porcelain beads on the top of theglazed tiles also show the importance of this hall.

Mazu Pavilion is always full of incense. Every year, on the new years eveof the lunar calendar, the birthday of Mazu on March 23, and the Double NinthFestival on September 9, it is full of people.

Witness the flame

On the afternoon of May 3, 20__, the Beijing Olympic flame passes throughMacaos mage temple. The Olympic flame from Olympia will meet the incense frommage temple, and Macao will show the characteristics of Chinese and Westerncultures in the most representative way of welcoming the Olympic flame.

Well, thats the end of todays tour. I hope this interpretation has left adeep impression on you. Please pay more attention to more Macao scenic spots.Goodbye.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2012 字

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Hello, tourists! Im your guide, Xiao su. Today, Id like to take you toHuguangyan, a 4A scenic spot in Zhanjiang City.

Huguangyan is located in the southwest of Zhanjiang City. Huguangyan is oneof the eight scenic spots in Zhanjiang, and is also a famous Crater tourist areain China. The air is rich in negative ions, so it is called "natural oxygenbar"___ It was also named "World Geopark" in. In the morning, a layer of whitefog shrouded Huguangyan, like a little girl in white clothes. At noon,Huguangyan was golden, as if it had been sprinkled with gold dust. At night, thelake is as quiet as a mirror.

Tourists, Huguangyan not only has beautiful scenery, but also has abeautiful legend. Legend has it that there is no lake here, only a smallvillage, the village has a pair of dependent mother and son. Unfortunately, herson died when he went to the mountain to collect firewood. The old mother criedto death. In the haze, the old mother saw a calf coming to farm for her son.From then on, grain grows automatically in the field. One year there was asevere drought, and the calf brought food to his mother. When the villagersfound the white cow, they seized it, slaughtered it and distributed the beef toeach household to satisfy their hunger. The old mother cried and threw the beefover the sky. The beef soared to the outside of the village, and the old motherstumbled to catch up. A bamboo branch suddenly fell from the sky for her. Whenwe got to Sangtian, the beef suddenly disappeared. Then the sky collapses andthe earth collapses, thunder and lightning suddenly rises, and the villagebecomes Jiangze. In a hurry, the old mother inserts the bamboo branch into thefield. Suddenly, the flood receded, leaving only one lake, which is todaysHuguangyan. Of course, this is just a myth. In fact, according to theinvestigation of geologists, Huguangyan was formed by a volcanic eruption 200000years ago.

Please enjoy the beautiful scenery of Huguangyan carefully. I hopeHuguangyan can leave good memories for you.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,翻译,全文共 2025 字

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Beijing, the ancient capital of Six Dynasties in China, has a long historyand a relatively complete architectural pattern. Beijing, the capital of thepeoples Republic of China, is the center of Chinas politics, culture andinternational exchanges. Therefore, Beijing has a rich and colorful ancient andmodern cultural landscape and profound cultural heritage.

Beijing covers an area of 16807.8 square kilometers, with Jundu mountain inthe north and Xishan Mountain in the West. Dongling Mountain at the junction ofHebei Province is 2303 meters above sea level, the highest peak in Beijing.There are Miyun reservoir, Huairou reservoir and Ming Tombs Reservoir in theterritory; there are five other rivers, namely Chaobai River, Beiyunhe River,Yongding River, Juma River and Tanghe River.

Beijings climate is temperate continental monsoon climate with distinctseasons: a little sandstorm in spring and low temperature. Summer is hot withshowers. In autumn, the weather is sunny, mild and crisp, which is the goldenseason for tourism; but in late autumn, it is cooler in the morning and evening,and hot at noon. In winter, the climate is dry and cold with less snow.

When you come to Beijing for sightseeing, you cant miss the snacks withBeijing characteristics and the famous food with a long history. Famous dishesinclude Beijing roast duck, instant boiled mutton and court dishes.

Beijings specialties are: Wang Mazi scissors, Angong Niuhuang Pill, Qiulipaste, preserved fruit, Poria cocos cake, Liubiju pickles. Local products are:Jingbai pear, Gaishi, Liangxiang chestnut, hawthorn, walnut, Miyun jujube,apricot.








范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6356 字

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Hello, everyone!

Today, we are going to Wuyuan, the hometown of Zhu, a famous NeoConfucianist in the Southern Song Dynasty. Ill be your guide. I hope that youwill have a good memory through the tour. In order to give you a generalunderstanding of Wuyuan, let me first introduce the situation of Wuyuan CountyWuyuan County is located in the northeast corner of Jiangxi Province. To theeast of Wuyuan County is Quzhou, a famous historical and cultural city of China.To the west of Wuyuan County is Jingdezhen, the porcelain capital. To the northof Wuyuan County is Huangshan, a tourist attraction in southern Anhui Province.To the south of Wuyuan County is Sanqing mountain, a national scenic spot.Wuyuan County is a green pearl inlaid at the junction of Jiangxi, Zhejiang andAnhui provinces. With a total area of 3900 square kilometers, the county governs11 towns and 15 townships, with a population of 330000. The county seat islocated in Ziyang town. Wuyuan County was founded in the 28th year of Kaiyuan inTang Dynasty (740 A.D.), which has a history of 1200 years. Wuyuan, the name ofthe county, got its name because "land is the source of water". There is a riverin the county called Wushui, which means "the source of Wushui". There are manymountains in the county. It is known as "eight parts of the mountain, one partof the field, half of the waterway and Manor". It is a typical mountainouscounty in the south of the Yangtze River.

When it comes to Wuyuan, we must introduce its four famous specialties athome and abroad. These four specialties are represented by four colors, namely"red, green, black and white": Red refers to the "treasure in the water" redpurse fish. It is tender and delicious. It is a good variety of freshwater fishin China and is selected as a state banquet. When American President Nixon andJapanese Prime Minister Tanaka visited China, they all tasted the red fish fromWuyuan. You can enjoy this delicious local specialty when you have dinner today;Green refers to "Wuyuan green tea", which was recorded in the tea classic in theTang Dynasty and called "top quality" in the Song Dynasty. In the Ming and QingDynasties, it was awarded Silver Medal by Jiajing emperor and gold medal byPanama International Exposition for its "Tangbi, high fragrance, thick juice andmellow taste"; Black is the "Pearl of inkstone country" - Longwei inkstone. Asearly as in the Tang Dynasty, it was famous for its "sound like copper, colorlike iron, strong and smooth nature, and good at solidifying ink". Later in theSouthern Tang Dynasty, Li Yu praised it as the "crown of the world"; white isJiangwan Sydney, with large fruit body, thick flesh, crisp and sweet, whichbelongs to the top grade of the fruit.

In ancient times, Wuyuan belonged to the boundary between Wu and Chu. Sincethe establishment of the county in the Tang Dynasty, Wen Fen has flourished,bringing up a generation of celebrities such as Zhu Xi, a master of NeoConfucianism in the Southern Song Dynasty, Jiang Yong, a Confucian scholar inthe Qing Dynasty, and Zhan Tianyou, a master of modern railway engineering. Fromthe Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, 550 Jinshi were admitted to the county. Inthe Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was said that there were nine Jinshi in oneschool and six four Shangshu.

Today, we are going to visit the famous ancient villages and Hui stylebuildings in Wuyuan. Speaking of this, our group members may have a question,that is, why we use the word "Hui" in Anhui to name Wuyuan. This is becauseWuyuan was originally owned by Jiangxi Province when the county was built in theTang Dynasty, but later it was assigned to Anhui in the change of Dynasty, butit was re assigned to Jiang River in modern times West. Although the place iszoned back, whether it is Wuyuan natives or tourists from other provinces, theyhabitually call these buildings and living habits Hui Style Architecture and Huistyle culture. There are many features of these Hui style buildings we are goingto visit, which can not be explained clearly in a few words. However, any houseabides by the basic style of "white walls, dark tiles, cornices and berms".White wall, black tile, both sides are high seal fire wall, also known as "horsehead wall". And the owners of these houses are generally two kinds of people:one is "official", Huizhou has many scholars since ancient times, so it isnecessary to study when the place is poor. After ten years of hard work, mostofficials will build official residences in their hometown to honor theirancestors. The other is businessmen. Because there are too many mountains andtoo few fields in this area to support so many people. When men are 12 or 3years old, many of them go out to make a living and do business. Because of thepopularity of the ceremony of Zhu Zi in Wuyuan, many celebrities have beenfamous since ancient times. They have been influenced by culture and moralitysince childhood. They pay great attention to honesty and diligence when doingbusiness abroad. Many of them have become rich. After they get rich, they willgo back to their hometown to build houses and integrate their dreams into theconstruction of houses. But in ancient times, the status of businessmen was verylow. As the saying goes, "people are divided into three schools and nineschools". Businessmen are not even nine schools. Therefore, their houses werebuilt with luxurious style, which is quite different from those of officials.These differences can make people distinguish the identity and status of thedirector at a glance from the gate. Well leave these to the scenic spots toexplain one by one. Having said that, I have a question for all of us. As I saidbefore, Wuyuan has had many officials since ancient times, so who is the biggestofficial? This person is Jiang Zemin, who is very familiar with our leaguemembers and who we often see on TV - the third generation leader of our country.You must think strangely: isnt Jiang Zemin from Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province?This topic has to start with Jiang Zemins grandfathers grandfather. At thattime, after his ancestor got the title, he took office in Yangzhou and stayed inYangzhou without coming back. However, on May 29, 20__, Jiang Zemin went all theway back to his hometown, Wuyuan, where he inspected the ecological and culturalenvironment, and went to Jiangwan to visit many of Jiangs relatives.



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Hello, everyone. Im the tour guide of NiMo tourist agency. Today Im goingto take you on a trip to the Sun Moon Lake, the largest lake in Taichungcity.

The glory island in the center of the Sun Moon Lake divides the Sun MoonLake into two parts. In the north, it looks like a round sun, which is calledthe sun Lake; in the south, it looks like a curved jade wheel, which is calledthe moon lake. Therefore, people call it "the Sun Moon Lake". There are manylegends about the Sun Moon Lake. Today I will tell you one of them. In the past,there were two young people, one was the bold big brother, the other was themagnificent sister of shuishe. They often date under a big tree near the pool,but it is said that there are still two dragons in the pool. One day at noon,the sun was shining high, and the Dragon galloped up and devoured the sun. Inthe evening, the jade wheel came, and the mother dragon swallowed the jade wheeljust like the male dragon. Two dragons in the water swallow a spit, a bump, playin the water. They only think about themselves, but they dont think that ifthere is no jade wheel and sun in this world, then people cant survive. Thevillagers on all sides reported the incident to Dajian and shuishe, so theyvowed to take back the sun and Yulun. Today, two people heard outside the rockhouse where the Dragon lived. They were most afraid of the gold scissors andaxes buried under the four stone tablets. So the two men went through all thehardships, and finally found the stone tablet, and dug out the gold scissors andthe gold axe. When the two men went back, they saw two dragons playing again.Big brother Jian chopped both dragons to death with an axe. Sister shuisheopened the dragons stomach and took out the jade wheel and the sun. So they putthe jade wheel and the sun into the sky. This time, the world has regained itsvitality, and these two individuals have become two magnificent mountains.

After listening to the story, I will introduce the beautiful scenery of SunMoon Lake. The Sun Moon Lake is very deep and the lake is green. There are manybeautiful scenery around, so there are many Chinese and foreign tourists totravel. Its 12 oclock at noon, and everyone can see clearly. If everyone comesin the morning, the Sun Moon Lake will be covered with mist, like coming to theYao Lake. If it rains again, it will be the Yao Lake in the Yao Lake



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Hello, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Huangshan scenic area. Im XieKaizheng, the tour guide of Huangshan Travel Agency. Im very glad to serve youtoday. Ill try my best to provide you with satisfactory service. Pleasecriticize and correct the deficiencies.

Before visiting Huangshan scenic spot, please allow me to introduceHuangshan Scenic Spot: Huangshan scenic spot is one of the famous scenic spotsin China and a world tourist attraction. It is located in Huangshan City in thesouth of Anhui Province. Its main peak is Lianhua peak, with an altitude of 1864meters. Huangshan is located in the subtropical monsoon climate zone. Due to thedeep valley, the climate changes vertically. At the same time, because the northand south slopes are greatly radiated by the sun, the local topography plays aleading role in the climate, forming the climate characteristics of more clouds,higher temperature and more precipitation. The Ming Dynasty travelers whovisited Huangshan left behind the famous saying "dont look at the mountainswhen the five mountains return, and dont look at the mountains when theHuangshan Mountains return.". Huangshan is famous for its sea of clouds, hotsprings, strange pines, strange rocks, and four wonders.

Lets talk about the "strange stone" of Huangshan first. The most famous"Xiantao stone" is just like a peach flying down from the sky and landing on ahuge stone plate on the top of the mountain. "Immortal guides the way" is moreinteresting. From a distance, it seems that it is pointing out the direction ofthe exit to me.

Well, in order to make you have a good time, I wont say so much. Pleasedont litter, be a polite tourist and dont go to dangerous places. Have a goodtime. Bye!







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Hello, everyone

Im your tour guide today. You can call me Xiao _! Today, Im going tovisit Qianling mountain park with you. Here, Xiao _ wish you a happy trip!

Dear tourists, the Qianling mountain park we visited today is a large-scalecomprehensive park in Guiyang City, known as "the first mountain in SouthernGuizhou". It is said that in the 20__ year of Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty(1672 A.D.), monk Chisong, the founder of Hongfu temple, planted ancient pinesupside down on the mountain and survived. Therefore, it got its name, whichmeans "it must be a place of outstanding people to gather the spirit ofGuizhou.". Qianling Park integrates mountain, water, forest, cave, spring,temple and monkey. It is a famous urban forest park in China. It mainly includesHongfu temple, Guanzhu Pavilion, Qianling Lake, zoo, Qilin cave and other scenicspots. Now lets appreciate the beauty of each scenic spot one by one!

Dear tourists, now the winding path under our feet is called "Jiuqu path",which is named for its nine big curves. Stepping on the stone path, the ancientBuddha cave not far away is dedicated to an ascetic monk, which probably existedbefore the opening of Chisong mountain. So Xu Xiake, a great traveler in thelate Ming Dynasty, mentioned this ancient Buddha cave in his diary of travelingto Guizhou. Along the stone wall beside the mountain road, there are many stonecarvings, from "the first mountain", "Qianling scenic spot" to "Amitabha Buddhain the South" Guide people to approach Buddhism and feel the state of "heart isBuddha". When Mr. Dong Biwu visited this place, he felt that he had left behind"the first mountain in Southern Guizhou, which was praised by my waist andfeet.". The spring is clear, the trees are ancient, the leaves are slightlydetached, and the two peaks outside the temple stand like a pass.

All the way hard, finally came to the famous ancient temple Hongfu templein Central Guizhou. Members, this large stone sculpture on my right hand iscalled "Jiulong bathing Buddha". It is said that when Sakyamuni was born, ninedragons spat water to bathe him. On the left side is Hongfu temple. The gate ofHongfu temple is a archway building with three gateways. The inscription "thefirst mountain in Southern Guizhou" is written by former vice president DongBiwu. The inscription "Hongfu Temple" is written by Zhao Puchu, President ofChina Buddhist Association. Do you know why there are always three openings inthe mountain gate? It symbolizes the "three liberation gates" of Buddhism,namely, the empty gate, the Wuxiang gate and the Wuzuo gate. Therefore, if thedoor in the middle is opened, it is to escape and become a monk. Hongfu templewas built in 20__ of the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty. It has a history ofmore than 300 years. It is located on the flat ground where Xiangwang mountain,zhangbo peak and Baota peak intersect. It is surrounded by mountains on threesides and covered with green shade. The whole temple sits in the West and faceseast. The whole layout is like a character. In the temple, the first hall isTianwang hall, the second hall is Guanyin hall, and the third hall is the mainhall, Daxiong hall. Behind the Daxiong hall is the Jade Buddha Hall. There aremore than ten jade Buddhas, all of which are invited by Honghui, a Chinese monkand Nun, from Yangon, Myanmar.

Members of the group, this is the pavilion of view building! BecauseGuiyang is also known as "building a city", and you can see the panoramic viewof Guiyang from here. Climbing the pavilion from afar is like eclosion andimmortality, so this pavilion is also called "Pavilion of view building". Thethree words of "Pavilion of view building" were written by Master Liu Haisu inthe spring of 1986. Chairman Zhu De also went to the pavilion in March 1962 andwrote a poem praising Guiyang: "looking at Guiyang from Qianling mountain, wewill change our clothes after ten years of construction. Many young people arebrave and handsome, and they are eager to build their hometown. "

Dear tourist friends, it is said that it is easy to go up the mountain butdifficult to go down. Please rest assured that it is the opposite on Qianlingmountain. If you dont believe we can experience it, lets go down to QianlingLake, zoo and Qilin cave together!

Members, the water lake we see is Qianling Lake. It used to be a smallriver, but later a dam was built to form Qianling Lake. The lake has a surfacearea of about 20 hectares and a storage capacity of 1 million cubic meters. Youcan fish, swim and row. There are teahouses, promenades and waterside pavilionsbeside the lake, which is a good place for leisure.

Dear tourists, on our way to the zoo, I believe you have seen macaquesgathered by the roadside. There are many such macaques living in Qianlingmountain park. In 1984, the zoo put more than 100 macaques in captivity onQianling mountain for wild breeding. In 20__, the number of macaques hasincreased to more than 500. People in Guiyang often take macaques favorite foodto visit the elves in this group of cities. People in the park play and enjoythemselves, which has become a major feature of the park.

Members of the group, the cave in front of us is the Qilin cave. Thisnatural cave is named for its huge stalagmite, which looks like a qilin. Infront of the cave, there are luxuriant Lagerstroemia indica and three hundredyear old pomegranate trees. This "water moon nunnery" beside the cave, duringthe Anti Japanese War, once held two famous Anti Japanese patriotic generals,Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng. It has left many stories and has now beenturned into an exhibition room.

Dear tourist friends, todays tour of Qianling mountain park is over. Thankyou for your support to my work. Welcome to Qianling Mountain Park again! I wishyou a better life and work!



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Hometown is always unforgettable for drifters. Harbor is also the eternalhope of people. Looking at the beautiful scenery; listening to the familiarsound of the sea Oh, every bit of my hometown, I am intoxicated, drunk on athousand reef island; drunk on a piece of rich land Yes! The same blue sky,different "square inch" of the land, this may be the nature of the creation andpreference of it.

Pingtan, my hometown, is endowed with enchanting beauty by nature. I amproud of it. Once someone asked: "Pingtan is just a desolate island with onlystones but no grass. What can I be proud of when I eat it up and down?" Ireplied with pride: no! Its just the past

Now in the reform and opening up today, the face of my hometown hasundergone earth shaking changes. Dont you believe it? When you see it with yourown eyes, you may be amazed!

First of all, the living conditions of the people in their hometown havebeen significantly improved. Beautiful environment and new residential areashave sprung up. Most of the people in their hometown have moved out of thebungalows without kitchens, sewers or bathrooms and into the spacious and brightnew buildings. People have constantly improved their civilized behavior, live inharmony and enjoy themselves. When my hometown was still in a poor county, mostof the wardrobes of every family were monotonous colors. Now the wardrobes havebecome larger, and it is not new to have several sets of famous brandclothes.

In addition, one broad and flat concrete road after another has replacedthe stone road of the past, with rows of bright street lamps erected on theroadsides; the rainbow like cross sea bridge has also been opened to traffic.Now, with the unique tourism resources, my hometown is a golden cornucopia

My hometown is not only beautiful but also rich in products. It is not onlya tourist attraction, but also a history textbook. It is the crystallization ofthe hard work and wisdom of more than 300000 parents and villagers. It is abright pearl in the treasure house of the motherland. I long for the rapiddevelopment of my hometown. Today I want to turn my love for my motherland andhometown into a driving force for learning. Tomorrow I will devote my talents tomy hometown and make my hometown look younger and more beautiful.



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Hello everyone, my name is hong, are you the lijiang tour guide, I hope you have fun in the tour.

I told you so much, everybody also saw so many, but is coming into the city, how didnt see the gate? Actually is invisible to the guests, this is also the one of the ancient city of lijiang, cant see the gate, could not see the wall, because there is no ancient city walls and gates, because the head of the naxi nationality name is "wood" if built walls and gates became "trapped" word, so ancient city without walls, also does not have the gates.

Into the old town of lijiang, see the square street. Square street, like the spider web, southeast of the northwest each have a way to it. Sifang street was paved by the multicolored, heels, on a multicolored sounds dont have a new idea, the sound is ringing, somewhat like the sound of a bell. Sifang street is the center of the city square, natural adornment beautiful and distinctive, even the inn is very beautiful. Sifang street inn is located in the center of the lijiang ancient city square street plaza, has a unique environmental advantages. Inn garden Bridges, lush flowers and trees, inherited the naxi ethnic aesthetic temperament and interest, one thousand years is harmony, harmonious concept of natural life. Inn each room design is unique, you can walk in the square street, absolutely no two rooms are the same.

The old town of lijiang have to put the light! Lijiang has a very special custom, is light. Put the lamp is old town of lijiang river of an ancient custom. It is said that each night, the dragon king of ying tan will follow the ancient city of jade river cruise, put a river light points to the dragon king the lighting, not only can protect the ancient city of peace, can make oneself and family get the dragon king bless and luck, success in the coming days. This legend. Put a river light, make a wish.

In many parts of lijiang is very beautiful, said also said not net, I hope you have a chance to be touring. This time you have fun? The answer is yes!!!! The chance next time I will take you to see the scenery of the ancient city of lijiang again!



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Ladies and gentlemen: qufu is our country ancient times a great thinker, politician and educator Confuciuss hometown, one of the first batch of 24 historical and cultural cities published. Confucius had a famous saying: "there is companion come from afar, joy." Today, I had the privilege to you as a tour guide, very happy. I will do my best to provide satisfactory service for you, the deficiency, please correct me criticism.

Qufu overview before a visit to the "three holes", please allow me to introduce qufu overview:

Qufu is situated at in and plain of shandong province at the junction, north depends on mount tai, south Yi mountain, the east river bank Mongolia mountains, west plains of over thousand domain. Terrain east west high low, domestic SiHe, YiHe river flows from east to west, from ancient times there is "the saint door back water". Products rich, pleasant scenery. Great poet qufu Li Baiceng describes: "smile boast a friend refers to despair, the graceful green such as LAN".

Qufu has a long history, as early as fifty-six thousand years ago, our ancestors would thrive here, created the early human civilization. Many ancient books, and the yan emperor, wu migration are less in qufu, the yellow emperor was born in longevity hill (qufu east eight miles), shun in life for what sorts of records. Visible, China ancient times the most influential in the existence of four people left traces in qufu. Although this is a legend, but also is not groundless. From more than 20 section of the preserved in dawenkou culture and longshan culture sites still remains visible to our ancestors conquering nature. "One of the earliest qufu" in rites > >. The eastern han dynasty YingShao explained: "east lu mound, winding in the seven or eight long, therefore qufu." The early stage of the shang dynasty, qufu I, is one of the important vassal shang dynasty. "Duke of sealing in qufu" since the zhou dynasty for over 800 years, qufu for lu capital, and was an important political, economic and cultural center. The wind of spring and autumn period, Confucius pioneering private teaching, "three thousand disciples, the sage three thousand two" throughout all over the country, and became the center of education. Lu is a golden period in the history of qufu, well known for its "formal state", so is still in use in shandong province "lu" as referred to. In 249 BC, chu lu, lu county, qin dynasty Xue Jun, the western han dynasty to lu, when the wei jin southern and northern dynasties to crewe. Sui emperor sixteen years (596), the first pronounce qufu county name. Song called fairy source county, jin recover qufu county name today. 1986 withdraw XianZhi, called qufu. Now covers an area of 890 square kilometers and a population of more than 60. Long history, splendid culture, left a large number of cultural relics to qufu, mainly there are more than 110, the Confucius temple, Confucius, konglin was suggested and lu cultural site is listed as one of the first key cultural relics protection units by the national, 11 listed as the provincial key cultural relics protection units. "Three holes" in 1994 by the United Nations as a world cultural heritage.

After the founding of new China, especially since the third plenary session of the eleventh party and state leaders of great concern, qufu monuments in countries has budgeted more than 3000 3000 yuan on the "three holes" chopped comprehensive repair. In recent years, in order to develop the tourism, qufu company development and construction of the memorial garden city of six arts, analects of Confucius, a batch of new tourist attractions such as lu shengshi huaxia culture city, the formation of humanities and natural landscape, the old and new scenic spots one integrated mass, synergies of new pattern of tourism resources, become the culture of Chinese and foreign tourists yearning resort.



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Dear tourists

How do you do!

Welcome to the beautiful Sanqing mountain. First of all, let me introducethe general situation of Sanqing mountain

Sanqingshan is located at the junction of Yushan and Dexing in thenortheast of jiubei. The main peak, Yujing peak, is 1817 meters above sea leveland is located on the top of the Huaiyu mountains. Sanqing mountain is namedafter the towering peaks of Yujing, Yuhua and yuxu, just like the three gods ofYuqing (Yuanshi Tianzun), Shangqing (Lingbao Daojun) and Taiqing (TaishangLaojun) worshipped by Taoism, and the ancient Sanqing palace.

Sanqing mountain is located in the subtropical climate zone, but it has thecharacteristics of alpine climate. The annual average temperature is between10-12 ℃, the average temperature in July is 21.8 ℃, and the average annualprecipitation is about 20__ mm.

The scenery of the Fourth Committee of Sanqing mountain is beautiful, withazaleas in full swing in spring and flowers in full bloom; at the turn of springand summer, with flowing springs and clouds; in midsummer, with thick shade, itis cool and pleasant; around mid autumn, with thousands of peaks competing andlayers of forests flying; in the cold of March, with ice flowers and jadebranches, it is like a glass fairyland.

Sanqing mountain scenic spot is rich in tourism resources, with largescale, complete types and many scenic spots. The area of the scenic spot is morethan 220 square kilometers, and the central scenic spot is 71 square kilometers.It is divided into seven scenic spots: Sanqing palace, tiyunling, sandongkou,Yulingguan, xihuatai, shiguling and Yujingfeng. Shandong Province in the threeQing Dynasty is unique in the west, North and south. It has the characteristicsof "the grandeur of Mount Tai, the precipitousness of Huashan, the smoke andclouds of Hengshan, and the waterfall of kuanglu". It has the characteristics ofQifeng and Yishi, Yunwu and Foguang, Cangsong and ancient trees, canyons andcaves, Xiquan waterfall, ancient buildings, stone carvings and stone carvings,which are wonderful and lifelike.

Next, lets visit the above scenic spots everywhere!



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Geography overview

Jiulong cave, a national scenic spot, is located in Yangtou Town, 17kilometers to the east of the city, the north end of Liulong mountain range andthe Grand Canyon on the South Bank of Jinjiang River. There are many peaks,overlapping peaks, deep valleys, verdant bamboo trees and intact vegetation inthe scenic spot. There are magnificent karst caves, magnificent and dangerousJinjiang Canyon, beautiful Jinjiang (Yangtou) reservoir area and new stones withhigh archaeological value The ancient cultural sites of primitive people in theage of pottery are a tourist attraction integrating appreciation and scientificresearch. Jiulong cave is the main scenic spot of the scenic spot, located inthe middle of the scenic spot. The cave is spacious, majestic and numerous. Themain cave is 2284 meters long, 100 meters wide, 75-80 meters high and covers anarea of more than 70000 square meters.

Overview of scenic spots

Jiulong Cave Scenic Spot mainly includes Jiulong cave, Jinjiang Canyon,Jinjiang reservoir area and other scenic spots

(1) Jiulong cave

Jiulong cave is the main scenic spot of the scenic spot, located in themiddle of the scenic spot. The cave is spacious, majestic and numerous. The maincave is 2284 meters long, 100 meters wide, 75-80 meters high and covers an areaof more than 70000 square meters. The whole cave is divided into 8 halls and anunderground river. The hall is divided into two layers, 6 halls on the upperlayer and 2 halls on the lower layer. There are small holes connecting the upperand lower halls and the cave, which is unfathomable. Inside the cave are greendragon, lobster, conch, turtle, Kaiping peacock, lion, camel team, monkey group,ancient temple, god Buddha, fairy and the crowd of children nestling together;The cave is full of stalagmites, stone pillars, stone curtains, stonewaterfalls, stone curtains, stone flowers, stone needles and so on. Some of themare like a sea of clouds, some of them are like birds and animals, and some ofthem are like exotic flowers and plants. The three giant pillars in the thirdhall are tall and majestic. The most prominent one is the "jiulongpan pillar",which is 39.9 meters high and 13.5 meters in circumference. There are nine stonedragons winding around the pillar body, which is powerful and lifelike.

According to legend, there are six green dragons and three yellow dragonsin Liulong mountain meeting here. Seeing that this cave is more like a fairylandin heaven, they all want to own it. They fight for each other and are unwillingto leave. When the rooster crows and the day breaks, they cant get out of thecave, so they turn into nine stone dragons and plate them on the pillars in thecave. Hence the name of Jiulong cave. One kilometer to the left of Jiulong cave,there is a very strange cold and hot wind tunnel. One is cool and cold, and theother is warm and warm. Its amazing and memorable.

(2) Jinjiang Gorge

Located in the Jiulong Cave Scenic Area, it stretches for ten miles. Thereare many isolated peaks and caves, which are very spectacular. Here we mainlyintroduce the Guanyin Mountain and liantai peak in the canyon, which integratetourism and Buddhism. Guanyin Mountain, located on the right side of Jiulongcave, is majestic and majestic, with a total area of 2 square kilometers. Therewere Lotus Temple, Guanyin hall, Qiuzi temple and other ancient buildings, allpainted pillars and carved beams, looking from the fence. The Jinjiang River islike a belt, the canyon is flowing green, the smoke is vast, the cloud riverdances together, and the scene is extremely magnificent; Liantai peak is themain peak of Guanyin Mountain. You can have a birds-eye view of the clear andshining river near, and you can see the mountains from afar to the Golden Summitof Fanjing Mountain. On a foggy morning after rain, you can also encounter thevast sea of fog and the colorful "Buddha light".

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(3) Jinjiang (Yangtou) reservoir area

From lujiadong hydropower station down the river to Yangtou hydropowerstation, the flow is 24 kilometers, covering an area of 417 hectares. The greenbamboo cages on both sides of the river make the lake crystal clear. It is aman-made lake with beautiful mountains and trees.

(4) Huangla cave, Qingming cave, swan cave and squid cave are located nearJiulong cave. Another Huangla cave is located in Daping Township, southwest ofthe city.


Liuzhi special zone is a key coal producing area in China. It is the eastgate of Liupanshui City, the "Liangdu of China" and the "Jiangnan coal capital".It is known as the "Jiangnan coal sea". Transportation is very developed,mineral resources are rich, and biological resources are extremely rich.

The tourism resources of Liuzhi special zone are unique. It is a uniquetourist area integrating ethnic culture, natural scenery and historical sites.Among them, there are Peach Blossom Park, jiutoushan Park, Antarctic MountainPark and natural cave Moon Palace Cave (Guanyin cave) in the central part; thereare Langdai ancient city, stele of Langdai wood City, Tomb of Langdai riotmartyrs and mysterious Laowang mountain (Gulang mountain) in the South; thereare Dixi Forest Park in the southeast, waterfall group on Baishui River andkarst cave landscape centered on Luobie River; there are many caves in thesouth; In the north, there are the scenery of Yanjiao ancient town, laogaoqiaoscenic spot, langlongqiao scenic spot (chuangzidong), laobudi scenic spot andSuoga ecological museum scenic spot.

Combined with the rich and mysterious ethnic customs, such as the Buyipeoples watch catching, the Miao peoples moon drying, the Yi Peoples mountaincatching Festival, and the Gelao peoples new year eating, Liuzhis uniquetourism landscape has attracted a large number of tourists at home and abroad,as well as ethnic culture experts and scholars. At present, Liuzhi special zoneis actively carrying out the construction of Dixi ecological park, yueliangheyelangbuyi cultural ecological park, yuelianghe Provincial Forest Park, etc. thewater area behind the dam of azhu hydropower station is square kilometers, andthe water area behind the dam of Guangzhao Hydropower Station is 51.54 squarekilometers. The line along the river will become a beautiful landscape.

Liuzhi special zone is suitable for tourism in all seasons. Liuzhi specialzone has a pleasant climate. The annual average temperature is 13.5-15.2 ℃, nosevere heat in summer and no severe cold in winter.

Liuzhi special zone is 172 kilometers away from Guiyang, the provincialcapital, and 98 kilometers away from the downtown area of Liupanshui. Itconnects Zhenning and Puding counties in the East, Guanling in the south,Shuicheng in the west, Zhijin and Nayong in the north, and Qinglong and Puancounties in the southwest. Liuzhi is located in the watershed between theYangtze River Basin and the Pearl River Basin. In the south, there is feijiangRiver in the upper reaches of Beipan River, in the north, there is Sancha Riverin the upper reaches of Wujiang River, and in the East, there is Baishui River,the source of Huangguoshu waterfall. There is a large drop of water flow andabundant water energy resources.

Liuzhi special zone is a combination of Liuzhi special zone and LangdaiCounty in the period of "three line construction". There are 32 ethnic groupsincluding Han, Yi, Miao, Buyi and Gelao living in the area, and the minoritypopulation accounts for 30.52% of the total population of the region. Minorityculture is very long.
