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Hello, everyone! Today we are going to visit the Confucius Temple on theBank of Qinhuai River. Speaking of Confucius Temple, we have to talk aboutQinhuai River, the mother river of Nanjing people. Qinhuai River, also known ashuaishui, Xiaojiang and longzangpu, is the ancient origin of Nanjing culture. Itenters the city from dongshuiguan and leaves the city from xishuiguan. It flowsthrough the section about ten li in front of the Confucius Temple, so it iscalled "ten li Qinhuai". From ancient times to the present, both sides of theQinhuai River are a prosperous scene. Du Mus poem in the Tang Dynasty says:"smoke cage, cold water cage, sand cage, Night Mooring Qinhuai near therestaurant. Business women do not know the hatred of national subjugation, butthey still sing "the flowers in the back court" across the river. Afterliberation, with the vigorous construction of Nanjing municipal government,todays ten mile Qinhuai River has become a national 5A scenic spot showing theunique style of Jiangnan.

The Confucius Temple consists of Confucius Temple, Academy and Gongyuan. Inthe Eastern Jin Dynasty, the imperial court built the Academy here; in the SongDynasty, the Confucius Temple was expanded on the former site of the Academy; inthe Southern Song Dynasty, the imperial examination hall Gongyuan was opened.However, the Confucius Temple was destroyed and built five times in history. Thelast one was destroyed in 1937 by the Japanese invaders. Todays ConfuciusTemple was rebuilt after 1984.

Temple Square (2 minutes)

Dear tourists, now we come to the square in front of the Confucius Temple.The integration of temple and market is one of the most remarkablecharacteristics of Confucius Temple. The square is a temple in the verticaldirection and a city in the horizontal direction. The temple and market areintegrated into a unique atmosphere. The red wall behind you is called Zhaobi,which has the functions of shielding, avoiding evil spirits and decoration. Itis 110 meters long and is the largest in China. The semicircular pool in frontof Zhaobi is called panchi. In ancient times, the place where the emperorlectured was called Biyong, the school palace where the princes lectured wascalled panchi, and the school palace of Confucius Temple was equivalent to theplace where the princes lectured. Therefore, this pool is called panchi. Thebridge on the west side of panchi is called Wende bridge, which is named for theConfucian advocating the moral of writing. Because the direction of the bridgeis consistent with the meridian, it is cultivated every year Around the 15th dayof November, the reflection of the bright moon in the sky will be divided intotwo parts by the shadow of the bridge. This spectacle is called "Wende dividingthe moon". There is a star gathering Pavilion on the west side of Wende BridgeSquare, which means "stars gather, talents gather". Facing this large archway,it is the "world Wenshu archway". The shape is four pillars and three doors,which means that it is the center of world culture. There is Kuixing Pavilion onthe south side of the archway. In ancient times, it was said that Kuixing was asign of prosperity of literature and also a symbol of winning the first place inthe imperial examination. Therefore, Kuixing was regarded as a God by studentsof all ages. In the north of the square is the Lingxing gate. It is said thatthe Lingxing gate is the cultural star in the sky and the star cluster in chargeof education. The reason for its name is that it means that the scholars of theworld gather here.

Dachengmen, terrace (1 minute)

Dacheng gate is the main gate of Dacheng hall and the main gate ofConfucius Temple. In the ancient feudal hierarchy, only officials could go inand out from Dacheng gate, while ordinary scholars could only go in and out fromthe side gate. Two big characters, Li and Ren, are engraved on the walls on bothsides behind the door, which are the core of Confucius thought and his lifelonggoal. Behind the Dacheng gate and in front of the Dacheng hall, there is acorridor. On both sides of the corridor, there are eight of the twelve studentsof Confucius. They are all carved from white jade of Han Dynasty. They are minsang, ran Geng, ran Qiu, Duanmu Ci, ran Yong, Zai Yu, Yan Yan Yan and Zhong you.At the end of the corridor is a terrace, which is 1.4 meters high, 21.8 meterslong from east to west, and 14 meters wide from north to south. It is surroundedby stone railings. In front of the terrace are two dragon play pearls and Danbistones, and on both sides are stone lamps. The terrace is a place for sacrifice,singing and dancing. In the middle of the terrace is a bronze statue ofConfucius. In front of the bronze statue is an iron censer, engraved with thetitle of "supreme saint and forerunner". With a height of 4.18 meters and aweight of 2.37 tons, the bronze statue is the largest one in the Confuciantemples in China. On both sides of the terrace, there used to be two verandahs,which were used to worship the memorial tablets of the 72 sages of Confucius andto store sacrificial, ceremonial and dancing utensils. Now they are reduced tosmall two verandahs and changed into stele corridors. There are more than 30steles with ink marks of famous calligraphers such as Zhao Puchu, Lin Sanzhi andWu Zhongqi for tourists to enjoy.

Dacheng Hall (2 minutes)

Dacheng hall is the landmark of Confucius Temple, 16.22 meters high, 27.3meters wide and 27.9 meters deep. The words "Dacheng hall" are written on thesea blue vertical plaque under the front eaves. There is a standing sculpture oftwo dragons playing with pearls on the roof of Dacheng hall, which is the firstof its kind in China. The light and beautiful style of the roof covered withgreen tiles is obviously different from that of the northern Confucius Templewith yellow glazed tiles. It is more easygoing and popular, which is one of themanifestations of Nanjing Confucius Temple closer to folk culture. In the centerof the hall, there is the largest portrait of Confucius in China. On the top ofthe portrait are three plaques, all of which are written by emperors of pastdynasties. They are "model of the world" by Kangxi, "with heaven and earth" byQianlong, and "Si Wen Zai Zi" by Guangxu. In front of the portrait stand fourstudents of Confucius, namely Mencius, Kongji, Zengshen and Yanhui. In front ofthe portrait are ancient musical instruments such as Qin, guzheng and drum. Onthe walls around, there are 38 inlaid murals reflecting Confucius life anddeeds, which are "the picture of Confucius miracles", carved by 200 craftsmenin Yueqing, Zhejiang Province, using famous jade, chicken blood jelly, Shoushanstone, gold, jewelry and other precious ornaments from Zhejiang, Fujian, InnerMongolia, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places. The total investment is 5.8million yuan, and the current value is more than 100 million yuan The 38 muralsare: the picture of the holy trace, the preface of the title, the prayer ofNishan, the book of Qilin jade, the two dragons and five elders, etc.

Inscriptions (1 minute)

From Dacheng hall, the ancient well on the right is Yutu spring. Accordingto records, Yutu spring was discovered and excavated by Qin Hui. Beside thespring stands the stele of raising money for imperial examinations, whichrecords the history of Li Hongzhang and Zuo Zongtangs donation of examineesfees to Beijing in the period of Liangjiang governor. On the other side, thereare four steles, the most famous of which is the stele of Confucius asking forrites, which was carved in the Southern Dynasty. It records the story ofConfucius seeking for rites from Laozi in Luoyang, the city where the emperorlived from the state of Lu to the state of Zhou, when slavery was about tocollapse at the end of the spring and Autumn period. In addition, it is the onlythree steles in Nanjing, namely, the stele of Jiqing Confucius Temple and thestele of fengzhishengfu The stele of man and the stele of FengSi.

A school: school gate (30 seconds), Mingde Hall (1 minute 30 seconds),Zunjing Pavilion and its surroundings (1 minute)

The academy is located in the rear of Dacheng hall. It is inscribed on thelintel of the gate in the south by Zeng Guofan, and on the lintel of the gate inthe north by Qin Dashi, the number one scholar in the southeast. Entering thegate of the Academy, you can see a bell and a drum standing in the two pavilionson the left and right. On the forehead of the pavilions are the words "Xi Li"and "Yang Sheng", which were used by scholars to worship Confucius in ancienttimes.

Facing the gate of the school is Mingde hall, whose name is inscribed byWen Tianxiang. Mingde hall is the place where students gather. After thepilgrimage every month, students gather here to teach their tutors to preach theholy doctrine and the imperial edict, so as to cultivate their loyalty andpatriotism. Ming De Tang was originally named "Ming Lun Tang". When the yuanarmy was about to conquer Nanjing, Wen Tianxiang changed "Ming Lun Tang" to"Ming De Tang" by hand in order to show his determination to die rather thansurrender and his ambition to serve the country and the people.

The Zunjing Pavilion behind Mingde hall is three stories high, with doubleeaves and T-shaped ridges on the top of the mountain. It was a lecture hallwhere Confucian classics were stored and lectures were given. Now it is a museumof folk customs. Standing side by side with Zunjing pavilion are Chongshengtemple and Qingyun tower. Zunjing academy is divided into two sides behindZunjing Pavilion. Chongsheng temple was originally dedicated to Confuciusancestors, but now it is pear garden. Qingyun building was changed into alibrary in the Qing Dynasty. Zunjing academy is a place for lectures, which isequivalent to the present classroom. The small highland behind Zunjing Pavilionis called Weishan, with Jingyi pavilion built. The so-called "Jingyi" is thedevotion to Confucianism.

Other (1 minute)

Ladies and gentlemen, the Confucius Temple is prosperous during the day,and the Confucius Temple at night is even more colorful! As early as thenorthern and Southern Dynasties, there was a Jinling Lantern Festival on theQinhuai River, and it reached its peak in the Ming Dynasty. The Qinhuai River inthe sound of oars and lights is unique in the world. Todays Confucius Templefollows the Huizhou architectural style of "blue brick, small tile, horse headwall, cloister with falling flowers and windows". When tourists come here, theycan not only appreciate the traditional culture, but also taste the uniqueQinhuai snacks, explore the legend of Qinhuai Bayan, enjoy the scenery on bothsides of the Strait by Qinhuai boat, or explore the traces of celebrities suchas Wuyi lane, former residence of Wang Dao xiean and former residence of LiXiangjun. This is the end of my explanation. Thank you!

B Gongyuan front street, Mingyuan building (1 minute 30 seconds)

Now we come to the front street of Gongyuan. There are six statues standingin the street. They are all talented people from all dynasties. They are TangYin, Wu Chengen, Zheng Banqiao, Wu Jingzi, Lin Zexu and Zhang Jian. On the eastside of the sculpture, there are 11 stone tablets, which record the rise andfall of the Gongyuan, as well as the praise, evaluation and chanting ofemperors, ministers and celebrities. In front of the front street is theGongyuan, on which there are couplets inscribed by Li Yu. It was built in theSouthern Song Dynasty and is specially used for holding imperial examinations.At first, the number of examinees was small and the scale was not large. It wasonly used for the examination of government and county schools. When the numberof examinees increased, it even needed to borrow temples as temporaryexamination rooms. In the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, the Gongyuan wasrebuilt. Later, the scale of Nanjing Gongyuan continued to expand. When it wasofficially named "Jiangnan Gongyuan" in the Qing Dynasty, it reached anunprecedented trend, starting from yaojiaxiang in the East, In the west, thereare more than 20000 houses, bordering on the Qinhuai River in the South andJiankang road in the north. After the Republic of China, Gongyuan was neglected.Until today, only Mingyuan building has been preserved as a historical relic.Mingyuan building was used for warning and giving orders in the past imperialexaminations. In the arch on the first floor, there are stone tablets of Ming,Qing and Republic of China, which record the rise and fall of Jiangnan Gongyuanin detail and effectively preserve the scene of imperial examination hall infeudal times. In the 1980s, the relevant departments established "JiangnanGongyuan exhibition hall" here.

Dormitory (1 minute)

Now more than 40 houses have been restored in Gongyuan. In the order ofthousand characters, the houses are 6 feet high, 4 feet deep and 3 feet wide,with an area of no more than 1.5 square meters. There are only two boards ondisplay. Examinees have to stay in it for 9 days and have three exams. Eating,drinking and sleeping are all here. During the day, they answer questions on thechopping board, and at night, they close their clothes and sleep on the choppingboard. We can imagine the hardships of the examination in those years. In thewest side of Gongyuan, wax figures were used to show the examinees attitudes.In the east side was the tourist experience area. Interested friends canexperience it.

To court (1 minute 30 seconds)

The imperial examination began in the Sui and Tang Dynasties and ended inthe late Qing Dynasty, which lasted for 1300 years. In the Ming and QingDynasties, it gradually formed four levels of examination, namely, childrensexamination, rural examination, general examination and palace examination. The"Zhigong hall" you can see in front of you used to be the public land run by theexaminers. The word "Zhigong" means "fair, just and equal". Now it is theimperial examination exhibition room, which is divided into three exhibitionhalls: East, West and East. In the middle of the exhibition hall is the imperialexamination culture exhibition room, in which there is a sculpture of Kuixingsfighting and monopolizing the first place. The horizontal shape next to it showsthe situation of No Its often spectacular. The pictures and materials on thewalls around introduce the origin and development of Chinas imperialexamination system. The number one scholar hall on the east side displays a listof the number one scholar in China. On the west side is the hall of fame, whichdisplays celebrities related to Jiangnan Gongyuan, as well as some pictures andmaterials related to the imperial examination.

This concludes the explanation of Confucius Temple. Thank you!



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Dear visitors, everybody! Welcome to our lotus buddhist - the jiuhua mountain tourism! I am the guide from you on this trip, my name is wang ping, you call me xiao wang. First of all, introduce below an overview of our jiuhua mountain. Jiuhua mountain is located in chizhou anhui province, anhui "two mountain lake" gold tourist area of the main scenic area, where has beautiful scenery, ancient forest, and mount emei in sichuan province, wutai mountain in shanxi, zhejiang mount putuo and four major buddhist mountains in China.

The jiuhua mountain was not called the jiuhua mountain, at the time of the tang dynasty is called nine mountain, because beautiful jiuhua mountain, the clouds above the mountain there are nine, so nine mountain nine children. Began years, by Li Baiceng twice visited here, has written "miao have two gas, lingshan jiu hua, tianhe hangs green water, showing nine lotus" etc historic lovers, jiuhua mountain hence the name, and has been used to this day.

The jiuhua mountain has a long history of religious activity, Taoism in jiuhua mountain development first, Buddhism more flourish. Between kai-yuan tang, woosong kingdom prince Jin Qiao sailing east, visited famous mountains, the jiuhua practice in our chosen. Night camped out in the hills of the cave, thirsty drink mountain spring hill, hungry eat the mountain of wild plants. Finally he died at the age of 99. The Buddhism thought penance before his death, passed away with records in the sutras like ksitigarbha bodhisattva, as should like ksitigarbha bodhisattva, because of his surname gold without becoming a monk, so also known as the heart of gold. Jiuhua mountain is since then all kept like ksitigarbha bodhisattva dojo. After the tang dynasty, jiuhua Buddhism statement, past dynasties after repair, to the whole of the temple in the qing dynasty already has more than 150 seats, only garden temple, east cliff temple, centenarians palace, ganlu temple four big jungle, incense of guilin.

Below we first enter the jiu hua street scenic area, first see is a cross lane. It is carved marble, 9 meters high, is the imitation of buildings has been gloriously enrolled. Banners on the engraved royal emperor kangxi book "nine Chinese scenic spot" four characters. Below the door in the north and south two column carved stone lions. Gate dignified elegance, the gate lane welcomed everyone to see is the fairy bridge, the bridge is built in the qianlong years, is a single-arch stone bridge, the following will set foot on this ancient bridge together, please follow me, into the wonderland of together!

Everyone see, across the bridge is only positive garden temple hall. Garden temple is only key national temple, the scale is one of the largest the jiuhua mountain four big jungle, by the gate, the great hall, Ursa major, guest room, lecture hall and the scripture-stored tower and so on more than 10 monomer building, is a typical modular architecture, its inside deviate from the central axis of the hall, you know why? Because ah, tilt the gate is quite exquisite, way to ward off bad luck, and secondly is the door to the city of toward the mountain temple temple. Ursa coloured glaze tile, cornices, newborn status is very outstanding. On the front wall of the temple there is a stone carving, the top "taishan shigandang" five characters very eye-catching, everyone to guess what is this used for? Actually this is only unique garden temple, is used to ward off bad luck town demon.

Enter the gate, is lingguan temple, temple, that take the door stand see shrine is ChiMian red iron scourge, wide-open, exalted Wang Lingguan. Wang Lingguan guardian deity of Taoism, is how to protect the dharma? The original legend of buddhist dharma wei tuo "killing" mistake, is "dismissal" like ksitigarbha bodhisattva, let Wang Lingguan top class, this reflects the "cooperation" the great meaning of Buddhism and Taoism, is afraid is just a place in the country.

From lingguan temple in a small courtyard, there is a square pavilions type double-hipped roof, from the top of the mountain, for the four major Kings like, according to the great hall. Sits in the middle shrine "smile, pot-bellied inclusive" maitreya. "A great bowl of thousands of rice, wan lixing" the alone, is his two ket. On either side for the four heavenly Kings statues.

Lingguan temple and great in the same stylobate, while up layer on the stylobate is Ursa major. Ursa major, the positive standing about 12 meters high Buddha iii, next is green lotus, under 须弥座 (also called Jin Gangtai), fine carving. Sweets positive cross engraved with the "personality" of the story of bedding face relief. The Buddha, worship for hosts will monk run course.

Good, swim only garden temple, we now come to the center of the street, is nine China we see is the jiuhua mountain temple temple in the city. Buddhist scriptures have "refers to the geochemical city". City temple is located in jiuhua mountain, peak city southwest of the city center, hence the name the city temple. City temple has a long history, it built in the jin dynasty, is Lord also of the jiuhua mountain temple, the temple of the building layout according to the mountain, reflect the superb architectural art. Temple has a higher consisting, weighing about 20xx pounds of clocks, casting, loud noise, use the hammer impact, dignified realisation of the bell, echoed in the valley, often make the person has the feeling of free from vulgarity. "The city production" became one of the ten views "of" nine China.

Temple after waste, still stands in the years long river. Existing four into the residential house, former SanJin for qing dynasty architecture: a into lingguan temple, two into the great hall, SanJin Ursa major. Second, there was a huge four water between SanJin patio, meaning "four water belongs to the hall". Ursa all wood door, lintel carved on the icy veins window lattice. The cuhk sunk panel "Kowloon dish bead" relief for the art treasures. Four into the scripture-stored tower as the jiuhua mountain unique buildings in Ming dynasty, recently according to the original repair. Temple according to the terrain gradually rise, the city structure is rigorous, of primitive simplicity and elegant, basic preserved the mountain temple original character.

The city shishi pair of song dynasty, under the temple steps of monogamous, like vigorous. Before have a free life pond, crescent, reportedly is golden heart leads the ACTS of building city temple during excavation, both for the temple of fire prevention, and monks and pilgrims and set them free. Before the pool is flat, open city square, the square one with the stone in the base of "empress" base, is hid in the mothers memorial gold. Allegedly hid mother learned that gold stashed ZhuoXi jiu hua, wanli trek to mountain son back, found a long time, eager, and combined with all the way wind and frost, nearly blind eyes. Gold heart with square edge mother washed for a well in the spring eye, healed mother eye diseases, CiJing Ming eyes say "spring". Gold heart attentively to wait on her mother and asked her to elaborate buddhist karma, mother is feeling, finally leave mountain to help protect the Buddha, and later generations built in the square tower, tower "called" empress. But the jiuhua mountain also has said "empress" tower is commemorative gold hid in the wifes before becoming a monk. Both mother and wife, "the legend of empress tower is beautiful.

Ok, we the jiuhua mountain tour to this end, thank you for your support and cooperation for the work of wang, hope I still have a chance to continue to service for you, I wish you all a pleasant journey! Thank you very much!



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The jiuhua mountain in the territory of the county in the south of anhui,is one of the four famous buddhist mountains in China. Astronomers liu yuxi intang dynasty, after the jiuhua mountain, the admiration, think long and famousall cant contend with the jiuhua mountain. Li Baiceng jiuhua mountain on three.The characteristics of the jiuhua mountain is the mountain show, the buddhisttemple many.

In the early years of the eastern (401), has built the temple hill, thenbuild, expansion, the formation of "three mile a small temple, the five to atemple," temple throughout the whole, is said to be thriving period up to morethan 300, one thousand monks four or five. Now intact 五六十座 are temples.

Jiuhua, first of all to jiu hua street, here more than 600 meters above sealevel, is the center of jiuhua mountain, temples are mainly concentrated inhere, therefore is called "lotus buddhist". Here is actually a mountain villagesand towns, in addition to the temple, there are shops, schools, hotels,farmhouse, visitors can stay here, and as a starting point, to visit the sightsof the mountain. Jiu hua in the street of the city temple, ancient temples,jiuhua mountain is the oldest of jin dynasty is Lord also of the jiuhua mountaintemple, the temple of the building layout according to the mountain, reflect thesuperb architectural art. Temple has a higher consisting, weighing about 20__pounds of clocks, casting, loud noise, use the hammer impact, dignifiedrealisation of the bell, echoed in the valley, often make the person has thefeeling of extraordinary to take off the vulgar. "The city production" becameone of the ten views "of" nine China.

From jiu hua street walk far east, there is a palace built on the cliff, isthe famous "hundreds of years old palace". Saying is its plaques "qincentenarians palace, participated in ten thousand the temple" ten gold. It issaid that in the Ming wanli years, monk, too, was a 26-year-old arrived injiuhua mountain, in a solitary penance for 100 years in the cave. Three yearsafter the death, people found his body in the cave. The mountain monk thinks heis the living Buddha reincarnation, hence the body with gold. After the Mingemperor chongzhen know seal him as "bodhisattva" should be. So consecrate hissmall temple incense, temple extension, become one of the four big jungle jiuhuamountain. Visitors can see it in the flesh temple temple wearing mitral, wearinghis red robes, seated on a lotus of the monks gold body.

Jiu hua scene in tiantai. Tiantai peak is the jiuhua mountain, 1300 metersabove sea level. "Tiantai, the not equal to didnt come". From the rooftop injiu hua street, about 15 li mountain, after a lot of scenic spots along the way.When you are panting, reached the tiantai is top, the view, will give you abroad-minded, fatigue elimination. To look around the mountains prostrate, jiuhua street, is the size of a slap. Atop the, heaven and earth one integratedmass, the Yangtze river such as faintly visible. Cool wind sent the pines,bamboo is raging, intoxicating. The surrounding rock, strange, takes the tans.There is a "the human" three characters carved on stone. At this moment, reallymake the person were in penglai fairyland feeling. See the sunrise on the roof,it is said that the magnificent scenery as RiGuanFeng on mount tai see thesunrise. So "tiantai xiao day" is listed as one of the ten views "9".



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二是水清湖碧,水为蛟龙藏身之处,自古就有“龙游曲涧”`蛟龙飞瀑”,景区由下天湖 中天湖 上天湖 串成的三叠湖 分别具有观赏 垂钓 休闲等功能。

三是佛教兴盛,“自古名山僧占多”,历史上天湖景区曾接纳了智者这样的一代宗师,如今尚有如来古洞,智者宴座 观音峰 济公岩等遗迹胜景。

四是名人荟萃,历代名人对天湖景区都情有独钟,词赋大家苏东坡 书法大家米芾 风流倜傥的唐伯虎清高宗弘历都曾游历此地,并留下了珍贵的墨宝。下面请大家随我进入景区尽情欣赏




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华山古称陵阳山、九子山,因有九峰形似莲花,唐天宝年间(742∼756)改名九华山。为皖南斜列的三大山系(黄山、九华山、天目山)之一。位于安徽省池州市青阳县境内,西北隔长江与天柱山相望,东南越太平湖与黄山同辉,是安徽“两山一湖 ”(黄山、九华山、太平湖)黄金旅游区的北部主入口、主景区。方圆120 公里,总面积334平方公里,最高峰海拔1342米,中心位置九华街地理坐标为东经 117°,北纬30°。






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