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Good morning! Ladies and gentlemen! Today, with such great joy, on behalfof Anhui Travel Agency. I’d like to extend our warm welcome to all of you, ourdistinguished guest from the other side of the Pacific. Please allow me tointroduce myself. My name is Li Xin and I work for Anhui Travel Agency .Duringyour short stay in jiuhuashan, I’ll be your local guide. It’s my honor to be ofyour service. If you have any request, go ahead! I’ll try my best to help youand make your stay comfortable!

It’s my honor to be of your service. If you have any special interest,please let me know, and I highly appreciate your understanding andcooperation.

Ok, now we are heading for Mt.Jiuhua, which is known as one of the fourBuddhist Mountains in China. It’s about 30 minutes’ bus ride. On the way you canenjoy the beautiful scenery and I’d like to give you a brief introduction aboutMt.Jiuhua.

Mt.Jiuhua was originally known as Jiuzi (Nine-Peak) Mount. Li Bai, a famousChinese poet over 1300 years ago wrote of the mountain: ”sailing on the YangtzeRiver, watching Mt.Jiuhua from after, green water falls from the sky, ninelotuses appear in the air.” This expresses the poet’s great admiration forMt.Jiuhua. From then on, the mountain was renamed as Mt.Jiuhua.

Mt.Jiuhua covers more than 100 square kilometers in area, which has beenknown to have 99 peaks, and the main peak of the Shiwang Peak is 1342m above sealevel. Mt.Jiuhua is full of waterfalls, streams, exotic-looking boulders,ancient caves, old pines and exuberant bamboo. With the richly variegatedlandscape, the ancient temples are tucked away amid the dense woods and the airreverberates with the tolling of the bells at dawn and dusk. Mt.Jiuhua isusually known as the No.1 Mountain of the southeast.

Ok, I have said too much about the Mt.Jiuhua, and I expect you have got ageneral idea about it. Seeing is Beliving. I’m sure you will learn a lot aboutChinese culture and Buddhism after the visit, and you will also be impresseddeeply by the wonderful scenery. Let’s get off the bus and bring your camera.I’ll show you around the scenic areas.

Look! So many monks, why? Yes, that’s it! Because Mt.Jiuhua is a Buddhistmountain. Especially on July 30th of Chinese Lunar is the birthday of EarchBuddha, and a great Buddhist ceremony is held on this day. Around that day everyyear, the mountain is the site of a temple fair. A large number of monks, nuns,pilgrims and visitors come to burn incense, chant and sacrifice food. Theactivities of each year are different. Though today is not the festival, we canalso enjoy the beautiful scenery. They are: Sunrise at Tiantai Platform, Eveningbell of Huacheng Temple, Sitting on East Stone with pleasure, Fairy mark ofTianzhu, Taoyan waterfall, clouds around lotus peak and Phoenix Pine.

Ok, here we are, this is Huacheng Temple of Jiuhua Street. It was the firstand oldest of all the temples of Mt.Jiuhua. Over 1500 years ago, Monk Beidubuilt a simple temple here. Then after 300 years it was reconstructed and namedHuacheng Temple.

You see it lies a round plaza. Look at the center! What do you see? Yeah!It is a crescent shaped lotus pond named “Crescent Moon Pond” you can go towardsit, what do you see? It is believed that Monk Jin Qiaojue used to free captivefish. Ok, now I say some brief introduction about it and then you can go aroundit. We’ll gather here after one hour, ok? The temple consists of four parts: thelobby, the grand hall, the back hall and the Scripture Tower. The ground slopesup with each part and the whole layout is natural. The doors, windows, brackets,beams, columns, steps and the cornerstone are carved with exquisite designs. Inthe hall are preserved horizontal boards inscribed by emperor in ancienttime.

Ok! Is everyone here? 1, 2, 3… Ok, now, let’s go to see the Phoenix Pine,in Minyuan Scenic Area. Phoenix Pine is over 1400 years old, and is one of thefour decorative trees in Anhui Province.

After seeing Phoenix Pine, we’ll finish our travel, and on behalf of mycompany, my Chinese colleagues and myself, I’d like to take this opportunity toexpress my thanks for your consideration, understanding, tolerance andcooperation.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1905 字

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当时的木兰围场,根据地形和禽兽的分布,划分为72围。每次狩猎开始,先由管围大臣率领骑兵,按预先选定的范围,合围靠拢形成一个包围圈,并逐渐缩小。头戴鹿角面具的清兵,隐藏在圈内密林深处,吹起木制的长哨,模仿雄鹿求偶的声音,雌鹿闻声寻偶而来,雄鹿为夺偶而至,其他野兽则为食鹿而聚拢。等包围圈缩得不能再小了,野兽密集起来时,大臣就奏请皇上首射,皇子、皇孙随射,然后其他王公贵族骑射,最后是大规模的围射,承德避暑山庄博物馆内有一幅《乾隆木兰秋 图》,生动地描绘了清代围猎的壮观情景。每次围猎,一般要进行二十几天。围猎结束以后,以张三营行宫(现隆化县境内)举行盛大的庆功告别宴会,饮酒歌舞,摔跤比武。并宴请蒙古等王公,按军功大小,予以奖赏。











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步入景区您迎面看到的宏伟建筑群是碧峰峡度假休闲区,它由接待中心、中高档客房、别墅区、夜总会、茶楼和篝火区共同组成。接待中心位于山顶平台之上,视野极其开阔,建筑面积达 25000平方米,集餐饮、会议、 娱乐、住宿、篝火、儿童游乐为一体,还配有1000多个车位的大型停车场。在您游览累了之后,这里将为您提供尽善尽美的服务,从浪漫帐蓬到五星级别墅应有尽有。让您在自然的怀抱中充分享受度假休闲的乐趣。


现在我们光要去的是碧峰峡野生动物园。它是西南的首家生态型野生动物园,占地3000亩,海拔800一1100米,总投资达2 亿元。碧峰峡野生动物门由观赏猛兽车行区和观赏温驯动物的步行观光区组成,其中车行观赏区分为散放狮区、散放熊区、散放虎区;步行观光区又分为水生爬行沟、猴谷、百鸟极乐园、动物表演场、骆驼散放区、鸵鸟散放区、象馆、生态蝴蝶园、小熊猫散放区、杂食动物区、非洲之角、鹦鹉散放区、鳄鱼池、蛇沟和极品动物区。在这里散放喂养着260少多种野生动物,其中属国家一、二级的保护动物有80多种,极品珍稀动物有四种。






















缓缓地走过“飞瀑流辉”斜坡,徜徉在五颜六色的彩池群畔,不知不觉到了黄龙沟第二级台阶前。横亘在游人面前的是一堵宽约40余米、高约10米的乳黄色崖壁,崖壁表面厚厚的钙化层似围幔、似悬瀑,十分壮美。崖壁表面溪水漫 流,像一层薄薄的轻纱飘飘洒洒地铺展在崖壁上,跌落在金黄色的池盆里。岩壁下端有一溶洞,高级约1米,宽约1.5米,洞前帘瀑似串串珍珠悬垂,洞内景物隐约可见。进洞1米处这密密麻麻的钟乳石挡住了去路,还没有人去探测此洞到底有多深。据地质学者考证,该洞是古代冰川的一个出水口。因其古老、神秘,于是当地藏民传说它是古时候仙人们净身的地方,因取名“洗身洞”。传说,凡人如想修行得道,必须先赤身进洞净身,就像汉族地区流行的斋戒前必须沐浴净身一样。这“至圣至洁”的洗身洞,由钙化物质结晶而成,足在洞内让自然流淌下来的泉水洗涤,可以洗刷掉过去的罪孽和全身的疾病,获得圣洁的身躯。由于洗身洞富有神秘色彩,当地藏民中又传说不育妇女进洞洗身后可喜得贵子。此传说颇富吸引力,因而进去尝试者还大有人在,不仅有中国人,甚至还有外国人。不过我奉劝各位,身体不壮实者千万不要轻易进洞去试,因洞内虽然洁净,但潮湿、阴冷、寒气逼人,经不起此“考验”者,不但达不到“净身”的目的,反而会遭致疾病缠身。

翻越钙化崖壁,眼前豁然开朗,展现在游人面前的是偌大一片坡状钙化景观。这就是被人们称为“金沙铺地”的钙化流。它长约1500米,宽100米左右,据有关专家认定:这是目前世界上发现的同类形态景观中面积最大,色彩最丰富的一处。坡面的岩溶层凹凸不平,色调以金黄色为主,间或有乳白色、灰色、暗绿色板块镶嵌其中。坡面上荡漾着一层薄薄的清流。由于 水流受坡面鳞状的钙化层而形成变幻莫测的银色涟漪,好似金河泻玉。零零散散生活在钙化坡地上的一簇簇水柳、灌木丛,以极其顽强的生命力与强风、劲流抗争,诉说着景观的古老历史。爬上金沙铺地顶端,俯视整个钙化坡面,竟是两侧低、中间一溜脊梁且表面呈鳞状,宛如一条黄色的蛟龙俯卧在坡面。到此,诸位一定已经想到,关于“黄龙”的传说故事,不正是源于这条坡状钙化流吗!






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The Great Wall, like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal(1) in India and the Hanging Garden of Babylon(2), is one of the great wonders of the world. Starting out in the east on the banks of the Yalu River in Liaoning Province, the Wall stretches westwards for 12,700 kilometers to Jiayuguan in the Gobi desert, thus known as the Ten Thousand Li Wall in China. The Wall climbs up and down, twists and turns along the ridges of the Yanshan and Yinshan Mountain Chains through five provinces-Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Gansu--and two autonomous regions--Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, binding the northern China together.

Historical records trace the construction of the origin of the Wall to defensive fortification back to the year 656 B.C. during the reign of King Cheng of the States of Chu. Its construction continued throughout the Warring States period in the fifth Century B.C. when ducal states Yan, Zhao, Wei, and Qin were frequently plundered by the nomadic peoples living north of the Yinshan and Yanshan mountain ranges. Walls, then, were built separately by these ducal states to ward off such harassments. Later in 221 B.C., when Qin conquered the other states and unified China, Emperor Qinshihuang ordered the connection of these individual walls and further extensions to form the basis of the present great wall. As a matter of fact, a separate outer wall was constructed north of the Yinshan range in the Han Dynasty(206 BC--1644 BC.), which went to ruin through years of neglect. In the many intervening centuries, succeeding dynasties rebuilt parts of the Wall. The most extensive reinforcements and renovations were carried out in the Ming Dynasty (1368--1644) when altogether 18 lengthy stretches were reinforced with bricks and rocks. it is mostly the Ming Dynasty Wall that visitors see today. The Great Wall is divided into two sections, the east and west, with Shanxi Province as the dividing line. The west part is a rammed earth construction, about 5.3 meters high on average. In the eastern part, the core of the Wall is rammed earth as well, but the outer shell is reinforced with bricks and rocks. The most imposing and best preserved sections of the Great Wall are at Badaling and Mutianyu, not far from Beijing and both are open to visitors. The Wall of those sections is 7.8 meters high and 6.5 meters wide at its base, narrowing to 5.8 meters on the ramparts, wide enough for five horses to gallop abreast. There are ramparts, embrasures, peep-holes and apertures for archers on the top, besides gutters with gargoyles to drain rain-water off the parapet walk. Two-storied watch-towers are built at approximately 400-meters internals. The top stories of the watch-tower were designed for observing enemy movements, while the first was used for storing grain, fodder, military equipment and gunpowder as well as for quartering garrison soldiers. The highest watch-tower at Badaling standing on a hill-top, is reached only after a steep climb, like "climbing a ladder to heaven". The view from the top is rewarding, hoverer. The Wall follows the contour of mountains that rise one behind the other until they finally fade and merge with distant haze. A signal system formerly existed that served to communicate military information to the dynastic capital. This consisted of beacon towers on the Wall itself and on mountain tops within sight of the Wall. At the approach of enemy troops, smoke signals gave the alarm from the beacon towers in the daytime and bonfire did this at night.

Emergency signals could be relayed to the capital from distant places within a few hour long before the invention of anything like modern communications. There stand 14 major passes (Guan, in Chinese) at places of strategic importance along the Great Wall, the most important being Shanghaiguan and Jiayuguan. Yet the most impressive one is Juyongguan, about 50 kilometers northwest of Beijing. Known as "Tian Xia Di YI Guan" (The First Pass Under Heaven), Shanghaiguan Pass is situated between two sheer cliffs forming a neck connecting north China with the northeast. It had been, therefore, a key junction contested by all strategists and many famous battles were fought here. It was the gate of Shanghaiguan that the Ming general Wu Sangui opened to the Manchu army to suppress the peasant rebellion led by Li Zicheng and so surrendered the whole Ming empire to the Manchus, leading to the foundation of the Qing Dynasty. (1644-1911) Jiayuguan Pass was not so much as the "Strategic pass Under the Heaven" as an important communication center in Chinese history. Cleft between the snow-capped Qilian Mountains and the rolling Mazong Mountains, it was on the ancient Silk Road. Zhang Qian, the first envoy of Emperor Wu Di of the Western Han dynasty (206 B.C-24 A.D), crossed it on his journey to the western regions. Later, silk flowed to the west through this pass too. The gate-tower of Jiayuguan is an attractive building of excellent workmanship. It has an inner city and an outer city, the former square in shape and surrounded by a wall 11.7 meters high and 730 meters in circumference. It has two gates, an eastern one and a western one. On each gate sits a tower facing each other. the four corners of the wall are occupied by four watch towers, one for each. Juyongguan, a gateway to ancient Beijing from Inner Mongolia, was built in a 15-kilometer long ravine flanked by mountains. The cavalrymen of Genghis Khan swept through it in the 13th century. At the center of the pass is a white marble platform named the Cloud terrace, which was called the Crossing-Street Dagoba, since its narrow arch spanned the main street of the pass and on the top of the terrace there used to be three stone dagobas, built in the Yuan Daynasty(1206-1368). At the bottom of the terrace is a half-octagonal arch gateway, interesting for its wealth of detail: it is decorated with splendid images of Buddha and four celestial guardians carved on the walls. The vividness of their expressions is matched by the exquisite workmanship. such grandiose relics works, with several stones pieced together, are rarely seen in ancient Chinese carving. The gate jambs bear a multi-lingual Buddhist sutra, carved some 600 years ago in Sanskrit(3), Tibetan, Mongolian, Uigur(4), Han Chinese and the language of Western Xia. Undoubtedly, they are valuable to the study of Buddhism and ancient languages. As a cultural heritage, the Wall belongs not only to China but to the world. The Venice charter says: "Historical and cultural architecture not only includes the individual architectural works, but also the urban or rural environment that witnessed certain civilizations, significant social developments or historical events." The Great Wall is the largest of such historical and cultural architecture, and that is why it continues to be so attractive to people all over the world. In 1987, the Wall was listed by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site.

Notes:1. the Taj Mahal in India 印度的泰姬陵2. the Hanging Garden of Babylon 巴比伦的空中花园3. Sanskrit 梵语4. Uigur 维吾尔语

There stand 14 major passes (Guan, in Chinese) at places of strategic importance along the Great Wall, the most important being Shanghaiguan and Jiayuguan. Yet the most impressive one is Juyongguan, about 50 kilometers northwest of Beijing.

Known as "Tian Xia Di YI Guan" (The First Pass Under Heaven), Shanghaiguan Pass is situated between two sheer cliffs forming a neck connecting north China with the northeast. It had been, therefore, a key junction contested by all strategists and many famous battles were fought here. It was the gate of Shanghaiguan that the Ming general Wu Sangui opened to the Manchu army to suppress the peasant rebellion led by Li Zicheng and so surrendered the whole Ming empire to theManchus, leading to the foundation of the Qing Dynasty. (1644-1911)

Jiayuguan Pass was not so much as the "Strategic pass Under the Heaven" as an important communication center in Chinese history. Cleft between the snow-capped Qilian Mountains and the rolling Mazong Mountains, it was on the ancient Silk Road. Zhang Qian, the first envoy of Emperor Wu Di of the Western Han dynasty (206 B.C-24 A.D), crossed it on his journey to the western regions. Later, silk flowed to the west through this pass too. The gate-tower of Jiayuguan is an attractive building of excellent workmanship. It has an inner city and an outer city, the former square in shape and surrounded by a wall 11.7 meters high and 730 meters in circumference. It has two gates, an eastern one and a western one. On each gate sits a tower facing each other. the four corners of the wall are occupied by four watch towers, one for each.

Juyongguan, a gateway to ancient Beijing from Inner Mongolia, was built in a 15-kilometer long ravine flanked by mountains. The cavalrymen of Genghis Khan swept through it in the 13th century. At the center of the pass is a white marble platform named the Cloud terrace, which was called the Crossing-Street Dagoba, since its narrow arch spanned the main street of the pass and on the top of the terrace there used to be three stone dagobas, built in the Yuan Daynasty(1206-1368). At the bottom of the terrace is a half-octagonal arch gateway, interesting for its wealth of detail: it is decorated with splendid images of Buddha and four celestial guardians carved on the walls. The vividness of their expressions is matched by the exquisite workmanship. such grandiose relics works, with several stones pieced together, are rarely seen in ancient Chinese carving. The gate jambs bear a multi-lingual Buddhist sutra, carved some 600 years ago in Sanskrit(3), Tibetan, Mongolian, Uigur(4), Han Chinese and the language of Western Xia. Undoubtedly, they are valuable to the study of Buddhism and ancient languages.

As a cultural heritage, the Wall belongs not only to China but to the world. The Venice charter says: "Historical and cultural architecture not only includes the individual architectural works, but also the urban or rural environment that witnessed certain civilizations, significant social developments or historical events." The Great Wall is the largest of such historical and cultural architecture, and that is why it continues to be so attractive to people all over the world. In 1987, the Wall was listed by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site.
















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澳门渔人码头坐落于外港新填海区海岸,是澳门首个集娱乐、购物、饮食、酒店、游艇码头及会展设施于一体,结合不同建筑特色及中西文化的主题是综合娱乐旅游新景点,游客在此犹感超越地域的鸿沟,体验不同空间风格的感受。它占地  100多万平方 ,分为唐城区、东西汇聚区及励骏码头3 个主题区。


















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good morning ladies and gentlemen:

my name is . i’m very honored to be youre guide. i do hope all of you could like my guiding and enjoy everything on your pleasant day. this morning we are going to visit the summer palace. the summer palace is located on the northwest suburbs of beijing, about 20 kilometers away from the center of the city. so it will take us about 1 hour to get there. before we arrived at the summer palace, i would like to introduce you a brief introduction of the woderful imperial garden. the summer palace is the most beautiful and the largest imperial garden existing in chinan, and it is the best-preserved imperial garden in the world. in 1998, it was placed on the list of world cultural heritage by the unesco.

the summer palace was first built as an imperial garden at the beginning of 12th century in the jin dynasty. the construction continued to the yuan and ming dynasties. in the qing dynasty, the building of imperial gardens reached its culmination. during emperor qianlong’s reign, the famous ‘three hills and five gardens’ were built on the northwest suburbs of beijing. the summer palace was a part of it and at that time was called the garden of clear ripples. in 1860, the anglo-french allied forces invaded beijing. the ‘three hills and five gardens’ were burnt down to ashes.

in 1888, the empress dowager cixi spent the navy fund having the garden of clear ripples rebuilt. and then she renamed it the garden of nurtured harmony (summer palace).

in 1900, the allied forces of eight powers invaded beijing. the summer palace was once again severely damaged. it was rebuilt again in 1902.

in 1924, the last emperor puyi was driven out of the palace, after that, the summer palace was turned into a public park.

ladies and gentlemen, please look over there, in front of us is an archway. it is called “emptiness and the collection of excellence”, and it is the first scenery of the summer palace. the two chinese words on the front side of the archway mean emptiness and refer to everything in nature and in the scenery. the two words on the back side mean collection of excellence and refer to the tranquility of the beautiful scenery just within the garden.

(outside the east palace gate)

now, we have arrived at the east palace gate. it’s the main entrance of the summer palace. on top of the gate there is a plaque with three chinese characters ‘the summer palace’ in emperor guangxu’s handwriting. the gate that we are now entering was used by the emperor, the empress only in the old days.

(inside the east palace gate)

now we are inside the summer palace. in front of us is the second gate of the summer palace— the gate of benevolence and longevity. the annex halls on both sides were used for officials on duty and the offices of the privy council. well, before we start our tour in the garden, i will briefly introduce you the layout of the summer palace and our tour route. o.k., ladies and gentlemen, may i have your attention please? let’s look at the map together, from it we can see the summer palace covers an area of 290 hectares, which the lake occupies the three-fourths. the whole garden can be divide into three parts: the area was for political activities, resting places of the emperor and empress, and sightseeing areas. our tour will start from the area of the political activities, and end off the marble boat. on the way, we will visit the main constructions of the summer palace, such as the hall of jade ripples, the hall of happiness and longevity, the long corridor, the hall of dispelling clouds and so on. it will take us about two hours to visit the summer palace. please attention, we won’t walk back and our driver will pick us up at the north gate. should you get lost or separated from the group, please meet us at the north gate.

ok, everyone, let’s start our tour from the emperors’ office --- the hall of benevolence and longevity. follow me please.

(inside the courtyard of the benevolence and longevity)

passing through the gate of benevolence and longevity, we have already entered the courtyard of the hall of benevolence and longevity. the huge rock in front of us is taihu rock. it was quarried from taihu lake in jiangsu province, so it was known as taihu rock. please look around the courtyard and you can see there are four grotesque shaped rocks placed in each corner of this courtyard, representing the four seasons of the year. the taihu rocks are usually used as decoration for beautifying gardens and they are thin, crease, leak and penetration in characters.

the bronze mythical animal behind the taihu rock is known as suanni or some people call it qilin. according to ancient chinese mythology, the dragon had nine sons, but none of them became a real dragon. suanni was one of the nine sons of the dragon. it was an auspicious animal that could avoid evil spirits in ancient lengeds. suanni has the head of dragon, the antlers of dear, the hooves of ox and the tail of lion.

(in front of the hall of benevolence and longevity)

this grand hall is the hall of benevolence and longevity. it was first built in 1750. the name of this hall taken from a book entitled ‘lun yu’ by confucius doctrine means, “ those who are benevolent can enjoy a long life.” this hall was the place where emperor guangxu and empress dowager cixi held audience and handled state affairs when they were in the summer palace. for protecting the historical cultural relic, we couldn’t enter the hall. so i would like to briefly introduce you the decorations in the hall of benevolence and longevity. the arrangement of the hall has been left untouched. in the middle of the hall stands an emperor’s throne carved with nine dragons on design. there are two big fans on both sides behind the throne which are made of peacock feathers. behind the throne there is a big screen with red sandalwood frame and glass mirror inlaid. on the mirror there are 226 chinese characters of the word ‘longevity’ written in different styles. there are two scrolls on each side of the wall with a big chinese character ‘longevity’ written on it. it was said that the word ‘longevity’ written by empress dowager cixi. there are 100 bats painted at the background of the scroll symbolizing happiness.

well, please look up the two pairs of incense burners in the shape of a dragon and a phoenix in front of the hall. they were used to burn incense sticks to create the appropriate atmosphere. in the old days, the dragon and phoenix were the symbol of the emperor and empress. according to ritual, the dragons should be placed in the center while phoenixes were to either side in front of the hall.however, here, the dragons are off to the sides and the phoenixes are in the middle. this was a product of the end of qing dynasty when empress dowager cixi handled state affairs behind the screen.

(at the entrance of garden of virtuour harmony)

we are now visiting the garden of virtuous harmony, where emperor qianlong and empress dowager cixi were entertained with bejing opera performances. it mainly consists of the dressing house, the grand theater building and the hall of pleasure smile. the grand theater building was known as the ‘cradle of beijing opera’ was uniquely laid out and magnificently decorated. there are 7 exhibition halls with articles of daily use on display here.

(in front of the grand theater building)

this is the grand theater building. of the three main theater buildings of the qing dynasty, the grand theater building is the tallest and largest one. the other two are changyin pavilion in the forbidden city and qingyin pavilion in the mountain resort in chengde. the grand theater building, a three-storied structure, has a double roof with upturned eaves. it is 21 meters high and 17 meters wide. performances could be staged simultaneously on three levels. the top one was a symbol of happiness, the middle level was emolument level and the bottom stage was named longevity stage. each level has the entrance and the exit. there are some trapdoors in the ceiling and below the floor for ‘celestial being’ to fly down from the sky and the ‘devils’ to appear from the earth to set off a certain atmosphere on the stage. there is also a well and five ponds built under the stage for a good effect of water scenes. the stage is open to three sides.

well, please look at the construction that stands right opposite the grand theater building, it’s the hall of pleasure smile. the empress dowager cixi used bo sit inside the hall to watch and enjoy the peking opera.

(a lakeside walk from the garden of virtuous harmony to the hall of jade ripples)

we are now standing in the middle of a rockery behind the hall of benevolence and longevity. it appears that there’s nothing special ahead. however, after we clear the rockery, we will reach kunming lake. this is an application of a specific style of chinese


now, we are walking along the bank of the kunming lake. look over there, not far away in the lake there is an islet. it’s called the spring heralding islet. the pavilion on the islet is called the spring heralding pavilion. a number of willow trees and peach trees were planted on this islet. in early spring, when the ice begins to melt, peach trees are red in pink blossoms, willow trees turn a tender green signaling that the early spring has returned. hence the name ‘heralding sping pavilion’.

(in front of the hall of jade ripples)

this group of special and quiet courtyard dwellings is the hall of jade ripples. the words “jade ripples” came from a verse “gentle ripples gushing out of jade spring”, which refers to the rippling water in the lake. it was first used by emperor qianlong to attend to state affairs. in the late qing dynasty, it was where emperor guangxu was put under house arrest.

this hall is a hallmark of the movement of 1898. emperor guangxu was emperor dowager cixi’s nephew. after emperor tongzhi died, emperor dowager cixi made her nephew, who was at that time four years old a successor in order to continue her hold on imperial power. she ‘handled state affairs behind the screen’. after emperor guangxu ‘managed state affairs personally’ at the age of 19, a political conflict occurred between the conservatives and the reformers. in 1898, the reform movement took place with the aim of sustaining the core principles of the qing dynasty while reforming outdated laws. the movement lasted for103 days until it was suppressed by empress dowager cixi. it was called the ‘hundred-day reform’. after the reform failed, emperor guangxu was put under house arrest here. for the strict control of him, empress dowager cixi ordered to build many brick walls in the front, back, and on the right and left of the hall of jade ripples. at that time the hall was entirely sealed up, just like a prison. today only the hidden walls in the east and west annex room still maintain its original appearance. it is open to visitors as the relic related to the 1898 reform movement.

(in front of the chamber of collecting books)

this is the chamber of collecting books. in chinese, it’s called “yi yun guang”. “yun” was a kind of fragrant weed. in ancient times, it was usually used as termite repellent in rooms where books were stored.in the emperor qianlong’s reign, the purpose of the hall was for collecting books. later it was converted into a residence. there used to be the residence of guangxu’s empress longyu, and his favorite concubine zhenfei.

(in the hall of happiness and longevity)

this group of courtyard is the hall of happiness and longevity. it was the major architectural structure in the living quarters and the residence of empress dowager cixi. the whole compound was basically made of wood, which is ideal for ventilation and lighting. with its quiet and tasteful layout, the hall of happiness and longevity made life very easy and convenient. in front of the hall of happiness and longevity there is a huge rock placed in the middle of this courtyard named “qing zhi xiu” and nicknamed as “family bankruptcy rock”. this huge rock was discovered in fangshan district by a ming official mi wanzhong. he wanted to transport it to his own garden “shaoyuan”. in the old days, transporting such rock was very difficult. after spending all his money to ship it, he still could not succeed in doing this. the big rock was then left on the roadside somewhere near liangxiang county, 30 kilometers southwest of beijing. hence it was nicknamed “family bancruptcy rock”. later emperor qianlong discovered it and transported to the garden of clear ripples and laid in front of the hall of happiness and longevity. the colorful glass chandeliers hanging inside the hall was introduced from germany in 1903. it is one of the earliest electric lights in china.

(in front of the gate of inviting the moon of the long corridor)

ladies and gentlemen, you may have visited some of the best museums in the world, such as the louvre in france and the museum of great britain. now i will show you a special gallery in the palace—the long corridor. in 1990, the long corridor was listed in the guinness book of world records as ‘the longest painted corridor’ in the world’. it would be a pity if we leave the summer palace without visiting the long corridor and the marble boat. now, here we go, the long corridor first!

(strolling along the long corridor)

the long corridor starts from the gate inviting the moon to the shizhang gate. it is 728 meters long and consists of 273 sections. the long corridor is one of the major structures of the summer palace. since the corridor was designed to follow the physical features of the southern slope of longevity hill, four multiple-eaved, octagonal pavilions ( retaining the goodness pavilion, living with the ripples pavilion, autumn water pavilion, clear and far pavilion) were placed at bends and undulation, they represent four seaons of a year. thus visitors will hardly notice the rise and fall of the terrain. as a major part of the architectural style of the summer palace, the long corridor serves as an ingenious connector between the lake and the hill. scattered buildings on the southern slope were linked to create a unified complex.

the long corridor is the longest covered veranda in any chinese garden. on the purlins and beams of the covered veranda, there are over 14,000 suzhou style paintings. among them, there are 546 color paintings relating to the scenes of west lake in hangzhou, zhejiang province. beside the colorful paintings of natural scenery, there are also scenes of flowers, birds, fish, insects, mythology and figures. the paintings of figures are mainly adapted from ancient chinese classical literature, such as ‘pilgrimage to the west’, ‘the romance of the three kingdoms’, ‘the western chamber’, “water margin’, and ‘the dream of the red mansion’.

(in front of the gate of dispelling clouds)

now we are approaching the central part of the structures on the lakeside slope, the tower of buddhist incense within the hall of dispelling clouds. the central axis line starts from the wharf next to the lake to the sea of wisdom on top of the hill. the main architectural structures here are the gate of dispelling clouds, hall of dispelling clouds, tower of buddhist incense and the sea of wisdom, which altogether form a splendid three-dimensional landscape. the layout of this group of architectures was based on scenes described in buddhist sutras. this group of structures are among the most magnificently constructed here in the summer palace. this is a good place to taking photos, we will stay here for about 15 minutes.

now we are walking continuely along the long corridor, the next scene we are going to visit is marble boat.

look over there! halfway up the slope there stands the hall of listening to orioles. it was the place for emperor and empress to enjoy opera and court music. it is said the singing of orioles is very pleasing. before the garden of virtuous harmony was built, empress dowager cixi enjoyed opera and music here. now the hall is one of the most famous restaurants in china, featuring imperial dishes and desserts.

this is the famous marble boat. a famous scientist of china’s eastern han dynasty once said, “water can float the boat, but it can also tip it over.” a prime minister of tang dynasty wei zheng once used these words to persuade li shimin, the emperor of the tang dynasty. he said people are water and the emperor is the boat. people can support a good emperor. however, they also can overthrow the dynasty. emperor qianlong built this huge boat in the garden in order to make the allusion concrete. on one hand, emperor qianlong encouraged himself to run the country well. on the other hand, he wanted to show that his rule of the qing dynasty was as firm as the marble boat and there was no fear of overturning the boat. the marble boat was the place for emperor qianlong to sample tea and enjoy the scenery of kunming lake. emperor qianlong once came here to engage in the freeing of captive animals. in the times of qianlong, the marble boat was a chinese styled stone boat with a chinese style wooden superstructure on the top of it. when it was rebuilt in the times of guangxu, a foreign and chinese elements mixed resulting in two wheels to be added to the boat, one on each side. the floor was paved with colored bricks. all of the windows were inlaid with multiple-colored glass. a big mirror was installed on the superstructure for viewing rain.

our tour is drawing to a close after we visited the marble boat. today we only visited the major scenic spots of the summer palace. i have left other spots of interest for your next visit. i will now show you out through the ruyi gate. our coach is waiting for us outside the gate. i do hope you enjoyed today’s tour. thank you.



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Originally the peony is Chinas famous traditional flowers, wild plants, and thorns, mainly from the qinghai-tibet plateau in China, the Yellow River basin, bashan qinling of zhongtiao mountains, shanxi, henan, funiu and MangShan and other regions, the original peony community can be traced back to 3000 years ago.

In luoyang peony cultivation, according to historical records: began in sui and sheng in the tang dynasty. "Name of guilin" in northern song dynasty period "SuiZhi · plain question" in a "qingming festival times 5, peony China". Since sui, peony on the basis of folk culture, begin to enter the royal garden, become a pet palace. In 604 AD, emperor yangdi capital luoyang company, monarch xiyuan weeks in 200, a variety of royal peony peony became the first in the history of Chinese. When tang and song dynasty, luoyang has been in the capital, capital position, cultivation, ornamental peony FengRi sheng. The tang dynasty poet bai juyis "flower bloom 20, if people are crazy" of a city is true portraiture of the situation at that time. Royal today, temples garden, private garden, with the song dynasty neo-confucianism shao yung has written "festival only two world, the world famous heavy luoyang" of a sentence, can want to at that time, the luoyang garden house, the flower of the spectacular. Each to bloom "emperor city spring sunset, cry cry chariots and horses, a total of the peony, hand to buy flowers." Become a beautiful landscape city of luoyang. Poet liu yuxi "but the peony true national color, the blossoms to move the capital" and the song dynasty scholar sima guang "luoyang spring the most prosperous, red and green among 10 m, who is the flower, like the splendid, people will be splendid study group spent." All paint luoyang people eat during tang and song dynasties frenzy.

All is Chinas famous hundreds of flowers, long, enlisted qunfang, but only the peony high grade. It flowers gigantic, wide variety, the myriad of feminine beauty, crown recalled. Concept of "ancient and modern florilegium, more than 360 kinds of beauties, none but with peony comparison. Therefore, known as" the king of flowers ". And the luoyang is located in the central plains, mild climate, rainfall is moderate, suitable for the growth of peony. The song dynasty writer ouyang xiu in luoyang high rank, he enjoyed the luoyang places of interest, have a special liking to the luoyang peony, author of "luoyang peony". His "luoyang ley spent the most appropriate, particularly heaven" peony verse says the luoyang peony growing advantageous natural conditions.

It is said that long time ago, wild peony on MangShan people not expensive, often cut the wood, a young very pity, transplanting it hospital, elaborate care. In a handkerchief, embroidered peony flowers. The young man wondered, was about to ask girls suddenly disappeared. XiuPa, but see a top have a poem: "name of luoyang, Mang range for my home. Are you feeling heavy, spring to see the wonderful work." In the second year spring, the youth was certainly rich gorgeous peony trapped in the home, graceful, from then on he would make a living by planting peony, family became more and more abundant. Point of view, the legendary the epigenetic the luoyang is the earliest "peony growing expert".

Since the tang dynasty, thousands of years, made a number of cultivation of luoyang peony skillful craftsman. Liuzhou, record the recorded: "song single parent, word ZhongRu, poetry, good plant. All peony one thousand kinds, red and white color, people do not know its operation,d called to mount li (li) plant ten thousand copies, individual color, give daughter, imperial secretary call division for flowers." All previous dynasties scholars intone the luoyang peony flow spit relapsed, KuangDai unique appearance of verse. Tang wang also really write the luoyang peony, "peony enchanting disorderly, a country such as crazy do." Great poet bai juyi wrote in a poem "flowers", "ten households in a clump of dark flower, fu", "fan of every acquisition for customs, all in one", the poem says the luoyang peonys precious and peoples love of the peony. It is said that tang tai years, spring, on the day of li han Leon, the temple to watch the peony, asked the painter Cheng Xiu f: "sung today Beijing city peony poems, who headed?" Cheng answer: "in the book scheeren lee cloud: freed national color to the wine, day sweet night dyed garments." Leon listen to praise, he said the luoyang peony "amusement", so the peony has the reputation of "amusement".

Thousands of years, luoyang peony beautiful, various, gorgeous and charming. Ouyang xius "guest said recent years old take specific, often conjure up a hydraulic-powered tree-trimmers" speaks the truth. In the history of sheng peony varieties of up to 119 a. Now has more than 500 varieties, in a nutshell, can be divided into three, nine, ten. Three categories, namely, single head, start and mixed type. This is according to the classification in the number of flowers, flower for single headdress flower, flower for double flowers, three for three peony flowers. Nine color is red, pink, purple, blue, yellow, white, green design and color, such as this are classified according to the color of the peony. Ten type mainly based on what the luoyang peony petals, size, flower arrangement and the morphological characteristics of classification. In the 19th century, British scholar evolution Darwin in his masterpiece "on the origin of species" quoted ecological variation of luoyang peony, as proof of his theory of "evolution". The song dynasty, luoyang yao yao peoples yellow and developing the erros of prime minister Wei Renbo home Wei Zi known as kao, flower after respectively. "Yao yellow one, and the brilliant breath is like cutting". Candidates.if your years, luoyang has pressed the song god yao yellow flower, flower large feet 2 inches, he excited, regardless of the reigns of his identity, and placed it over his head, visible, the emperors obsession in the peony, and from then on famously.

Since the tang and song dynasty, many bookman at a magnificently for peony poem writing, form a plethora of peony culture, and deduces many myths and legends about peony, soft smell things.

Legend, lunar month two years should, xiking changan heavy snow, wu zetian drinking poetry, on an impulse drunk pen write fen book: "swim Ming dynasty garden, rushing harbinger, stamen overnight, mo monring winds to blow." Flowers not this life, open overnight, peony not violations in season alone, shut the core. Wu zetian rage, peony fall out of changan, sent in luoyang, and to the stake. Peony has been the rule, the body such as coke; But branch do not come loose, standing still in the freezing cold, next year when the spring breeze blow, more brilliant flowers, known as "focal bone peony".

Another legend of peony, it is tang clear huang lung-chi lee kai jade bracelet ChenXiangTing vigil changan palace, the "harem of three thousand people, three thousand pet in a" your princess, hearing the luoyang peony has been in full bloom, and the wood in the JinYuan peony is at the end of the bud, then make the imperial secretary drum rush, flowers are still does not open, she was in a rage, will all fall to luoyang peony. Luoyang peony in Tokyo, in a flash, bright flowers branches, blooming together. In fact, with scientific attitude, xi an and luoyang on the same latitude line, but the temperature and humidity are slightly lower than luoyang, luoyang, west across the mountains, and in the MangShan Yang, the chang an early spring. Therefore, generation by Li Baiyou "qingping tune" word "taken two phase huan pour countries, often have the Kings grinned see, explain the infinite hate, dongfeng ChenXiangTing north lean on a railing" flea in jade bracelet, is the imperial concubine bear a grudge, derogatory generation by hyperbole, lifelong grief may not be the volunteers.

These legends show peony jubilant, unwavering in style, it is also the clank iron character of the Chinese nation and integrity.

Since luoyang peony enjoys a good reputation at home and abroad, to buy an endless stream, sui and tang dynasties frequent exchanges between China and Japan, luoyang peony spread to Japan, the Japanese peoples distribution of wealth. Neighbor north Korea, South Korea is also widely cultivated in China, then, the americas, Europe, many countries have successively introduced, called the luoyang peony flower "China" or "flower days god". Soldiers in song dynasty, the central plains, luoyang today, peony cultivation, breeding and subsequently fails, moved to the southern city of hangzhou. Jing and bright state, tsaochow people since the law transplant peony, become the new peony resort. Sichuan day peng are luoyang peony famous plant, jiangsu yancheng, since then, luoyang peony throughout China. After the founding of new China, due to the experienced the vicissitudes of life, luoyang peony only more than 30 varieties. In the autumn of 1959, prime minister Zhou Si to luoyang tractor factory, and specifically about the situation of the luoyang peony. Premier zhous concern caused the luoyang city government attaches great importance to, quickly return to expand acreage, one after another in the city park, the peony park; Xiyuan, can garden, open up the peony viewing area, and the new mail mountain national color peony, los pu park formed ten kilometers peony promenade, and built one thousand mu of peony gene pool; The peony as the city flower of luoyang NPC standing committee and was started in 1983 the annual peony show. From then on, the peony everywhere, every family, every day, to more than 500 peony varieties development. Yellow flowers every year, yao, Wei Zi, tsing lung lie the inkwell, drunken beauty peony famous brand, such as the charming attitude, see the flower heads, such as chi, like drunk, like a dream, like magic. Luoyang city park has set a record of every nearly 300000 people a day. Flower stage, residents rushed to view the city, town. Is: "watching flowers peony, everything all forget since I dont know."

With the peony show set each other off becomes an interest is luoyang peony Lantern Festival. Luoyang colored, gu sui, tang, more than 1000 years, has become a big people festival festival custom. In recent years, luoyang lanterns excellent reputation, become one of the three big Lantern Festival in China. Day to watch the peony night view of light, the annual peony show to a climax. Peony Lantern Festival every year, thousands of dye flow xia tao drunk all over the sky stars, wanjiadenghuo shook silent night sky. Such as lights, such as poetry. Painting colorful, make you dont know is oneself or human fairyland. More it is worth mentioning, winter 1994, national campaign "national flower" leadership team through the press candidates spent solution is: a country - the peony flower. At this point, an early nine dynasties rong snow clothe with silver, and luoyang refractory research institute a peony flower bed is a proud timely snow in full bloom, people sell, all without exception. Xinhua news agency and other dozens of news media scramble to report, exclaim, "national flower spread good news, the peony should know the snow laugh" wonders in one hundred.

In recent years, luoyang peony not only out of the country, but also sold to Japan, the United States, France, Singapore and other countries and Hong Kong, Macao and Chinese Taiwan regions, the end of the peony "can see cant buy" history. Peony have also made a series of scientific research achievements, the technology has the new breakthrough, basically achieved the "flowers bloom as well, spring to autumn to irrelevant", which laid a foundation for further development of luoyang peony.

Poets in lee ge fei has: "the world of governing revolution, hou to rise and fall of luoyang, rise and fall of luoyang, hou xing in garden waste." Temporal change, things change, all without exception shows people with a philosophy: goodsky flower glory. Today, our country is coruscate gives new vitality, the peony like rosy clouds in the east, adorn the expeditions of the earth. Peony, this eternal soul, telling us hard to think of the Chinese nation as an epic. Luoyang, luoyang peony to dress for the peony. The peony and the ancient capital of blame. Song times flowers, flower pregnant vitality; Luoyang peony is out of the country, go to the world of tie and bridge, peony, is the ancient capital of aesthetic badge, it will accompany the onward march of luoyang, towards a new brilliance.



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Ladies and gentlemen!

Hello everyone! My name is Yiming. Im your guide. Today, I will take youto visit the "three Confucius": Confucius mansion, Confucius temple andConfucius forest.

Sage Confucius has a famous saying: "its a pleasure to have friends fromafar." Im very happy to be a tour guide. I will try my best to serve you.Please criticize and correct the shortcomings.

Before visiting Sankong, please allow me to introduce Qufu. Qufu is locatedat the junction of Luzhong district and southwest plain of Shandong Province. LiBai, a great poet, once described Qufu as "laughing and boasting of old friends,pointing to a desperate situation, with mountains and waters as green asorchids". Now lets visit the Confucius Temple. Confucius Temple is located inthe center of Qufu City. It is a charming building built by ancient people forthe great thought and broad spiritual quality of Confucius. It covers an area of327.5 mu, with a length of 1 km from north to south. There are 466 buildings and54 gateways. In addition, there are more than 1700 ancient trees in the temple,one by one rushing into the sky. It is said that anyone who dares to cut downone will be beheaded. Every tree, every doors name contains the thought ofConfucius benevolence.

The Confucius Mansion is adjacent to the Confucius Temple. It is theresidence of the eldest son of the sage Confucius. It has three roads and ninecourtyards. It has 463 buildings and a back garden, covering an area of 240 mu.Confucius Mansion, also known as "Yansheng mansion". "Yan Sheng" means that"Sheng Dao" and "Sheng Yi" can reproduce and continue,

After entering the gate of Confucius mansion, there are three roads to theback of Confucius mansion. On the East Road, there are Yiguan hall, muen hall,Confucius family temple, etc.; on the West Road, there are red calyx hall,Zhongshu hall, Anhuai hall, flower hall, etc.; on the Middle Road, there are themain buildings of Confucius mansion, the first half of which is the governmentoffice, and the second half is the inner house.

Konglin is a special cemetery for the family of Confucius, the oldest andlargest family cemetery in the world. It covers an area of more than 3000 mu.The surrounding walls are 3 meters high, 1.5 meters thick and 14.5 Li long.There are more than 100000 trees and hundreds of plants in the forest. Among thetrees, there are many steles and statues, which are very spectacular.

Now free activity for 3 hours, you can visit the "three holes" by yourself,you can also play games, piics and other activities, but you must ensurehealth.

This is the end of the visit to "three holes".



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