





范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:翻译,全文共 528 字

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Hello, everyone! My name is JooZone. I am x years old. I am from China.I can speak Chinese and a little English. My favorite subject is English, because I think it is very interesting. I like going to the movies, playing sports and reading books. I like summer best, because it is very relaxing and we have a long hollday. I love my life. I think I am a happy girl. Do you want to make friends with me?






范文类型:慰问信,全文共 553 字

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Dear Frank:

How things going on?

I was worried when I heard from TV that you were recently involved in a car accident. What a relief you were not hurt. You must be frightened, are you feeling better now? I am so sorry that I can’t go to see you because I am on a business trip. I promise I will come to see you as soon as I am back.

By the way, with more and more cars on the roads, you should drive the car as carefully as possible and dont drink before driving, for the life is only once. Safe is better than sorry.

Best wishes to you!

Sincerely Yours,




范文类型:自我评介,全文共 800 字

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Good morning, everyone! I am glad to be here to introduce myself. Although I’m a litter nervous , but I believe that I can make a good

performance . and hope that through this simple introduction, we will be friends in no distant future。

My name is MGZ and I am 25 years old, this year is my year, I born in beautful city cangzhou,which in HEBEI province. My major is Safety Engineering. I learn from a good teacher and hope have more opportunities to application of my learning .

In addition ,I like swimming ,on one hand, .swimming can exercise my body: on the other hand ,I enjoy the feeling in the water.it can make me relax,and reduce the pressure of learning. What’s more,and the most

important,it can help me lose weight .anyone who want to swim I think we can go to together.

Thats all, thank you!



范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:翻译,全文共 3015 字

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第一条 定义







第二条 协议期限

2.1 本协议有效期为_________年,自双方签订之日起至_________年_________月_________日止;

2.2 如有特殊原因,在不影响翻译和制作工作的前提下,提前一个月通知甲方,在乙方处理好应该负责的后续服务后,可以解除此合同;但是如果由于乙方的过错给甲方及其翻译原始委托方造成损失,甲方将依然拥有根据本协议及有关管理条例追究赔偿的权利。

第三条 服务费用标准及支付

3.1 甲方付给乙方的工作酬金为甲方所得费用的6%,其它4%作为甲方的广告、管理、较审、翻译作品制作、技术创新、工商管理和税务费用、通讯费用等条项的开支。

3.2 笔译工作酬金支付:



3.3 本中心对于在我处连续工作一年的兼职翻译采取年终奖励的办法,予以奖励;奖励额度为完成翻译金额的2%。兼职翻译介绍的业务可以参照兼职业务员的管理条例获得业务费用。

3.4 本中心对于在我处连续从事兼职翻译三年以上的人士,采取优先参股或者赠送股份的办法,予以鼓励。

第四条 甲方义务、权利

4.1 甲方负责提供完整无缺的原文内容(书面及电子版本)。

4.2 甲方负责提供资料的相关版权事宜,承担与之有关的各类权利义务。

4.3 甲方负责提供必要的工具书、通信工具和办公设备,协助乙方和专业人士取得联系,顺利完成翻译任务。

第五条 乙方义务、权利

5.1 乙方应按甲方要求完成委托工作,按时、保质、保量交稿;

5.2 乙方按甲方要求的格式提交文件;

5.3 乙方应对甲方提供的原文件资料保密;

5.4 乙方在本中心指定的时间内完成翻译任务,承担因为翻译质量引起的责任。工作积极主动,能以高度的责任心完成本中心分派的翻译任务。

第六条 保密条款



第七条 协议的变更和解除


7.1 本协议期间,任何一方违反本协议的相关规定,且经另一方书面通知其改正之日起一周内仍未改正的,另一方有权终止本协议。

7.2 甲乙双方中任何一方未履行本协议条款,导致协议不能履行、不能完全履行或者协议履行成为不必要,未违约的另一方有权变更、解除本协议。

7.3 乙方的特殊条款见


7.4 甲方的特殊条款见不可抗力条款。

7.5 除非另有规定,合同变解除后,依照合同规定和有关条例规定甲乙双方为履行完毕的责任应该继续履行完毕。

第八条 译者的职业道德

8.1 乙方不得利用为甲方提供委托翻译服务的机会和客户联系,并率开甲方为客户提供翻译业务,否则甲方可以采取扣除质量保障金和酬金、并进一步追究损失的权利。

8.2 除非乙方告知甲方主要负责人,并经得甲方许可,否则乙方不得利用为甲方提供委托翻译服务的机会接受或者索要的小费和酬金。

8.3 乙方不得利用为甲方提供委托翻译服务的机会和客户发生不得体或者违反中心、政府有关法律法规的行为,否则甲方拥有扣除质量保障金和酬金、并进一步追究损失的权利。

8.4 在甲方没有过错的情况下乙方不得利用甲方管理上的漏洞和业务的特殊性中途违反合同或施加压力,否则甲方拥有扣除质量保证金和酬金、并进一步追究损失的权利。

第九条 译者对翻译作品质量的保证

9.1 乙方应该自觉地尽自己最大的努力保证翻译件的质量,必须严格遵守甲方提供的有关规定、国家公布的质量保证规定。主要文件有:

1) 《翻译作业流程和质量控制》、《客户须知》、《翻译资费标准》和《确认单》;





9.2 乙方从甲方领取的标准和规范资料必须签字表示以接受9.1条的管制,其领取材料清单和签字将成为本协议的附件,具有法律证明作用。

9.3 由于乙方的责任导致翻译件质量的问题导致客户不满或者造成损失,甲方可以采取扣除质量保障金和酬金、并进一步追究损失的权利。

9.4 兼职翻译必须向本中心交纳质量保证金以杜绝以下情况:

1) 兼职翻译取走原稿件不译,甚至不再归还原稿和不再联系:





第十条 不可抗力


第十一条 知识产权和署名权


第十二条 管辖法律和争议解决

12.1 因本协议而产生的或与本协议有关的任何争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。不能通过协商解决的争议,就提交_________仲裁机构(如劳动部门)按其仲裁程序在_________仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均具有约束力;

12.2 本协议受中华人民共和国法律管辖。

第十三条 其它

13.1 协议经甲乙双方的签字并加盖公章(乙方可以免此项)之日起生效;

13.2 本协议之附件构成本协议的有效组成部分并且与本协议具有同等的法律效力;

13.3 本协议一式三份,乙双方各执一份,便于财务和业务管理甲方执两份,具有同等法律效力;

13.4 本协议到期前一个月,甲乙双方可再进行续签协议;

13.5 本协议未尽事宜,双方应本着互惠互利、友好协商的原则另行约定,并应以附件或补充协议等形式体现。

甲方(签章):_________ 乙方(签章):_________

_________年____月____日 _________年____月____日



范文类型:辞职信,全文共 5269 字

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Supplementary Agreement



(1)              L.L.C. (                  ”授权方”)

地址:1000 Flower Street, Glendale, Galifornia 91201

L.L.C. ( ”Licensor”) a Delaware limited liability company, with its principal office located at              Glendale, California 91201; and

(2)              LIMITED COMPANY(              被授权方”)


GUANG ZHOU CAMSING LIMITED COMPANY ( ” Licensee”) with its principal office located at                     Guangzhou, China.



(A) 20__年3月12日,             与           就            事宜达成一致意见,签署了《品牌授权协议》(以下称“原协议”),协议有效期间自20__年1月1日起至20__年12月31日止;

On March 12, 20__ ,              and                  entered into a Merchandise License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Initial Agreement”) for “Kung Fu Panda 2”, with the period starts from January 1, 20__ to December 31, 20__;

(B) 原协议约定的授权使用费为27万美金,并应于20__年8月31日前全额付清。于签约时向支付了2.5万美金预付款,剩余款项24.5万美金至今未付;

According to Initial Agreement, USD $270,000 shall be fully paid by Camsing to as Licensing Royalty on or before August 31, 20__. has paid USD $25,000 as Advance as of the singing date of Initial Agreement, while the remaining USD $245,000 is still unpaid;

(C) 多次向催讨未付款项,结合自身对授权品牌的实际使用情况,请求从未付款项中减免部分授权使用费。

has contacted Camsing many times to collect remaining payments, while, considering about its actual application of merchandise license, requests for a deduction from the unpaid amounts.


THEREFORE, both Parties, through amicable negotiation, agree upon the payment of remaining unpaid USD $245,000 as following:

1.        同意免除自20__年1月1日起至20__年12月31日的授权使用费81,666美金;减免之后,Camsing应付的款项为163,334美金(计算方式:245,000 -81,666=163,334)。同意,按本协议约定支付减免后的授权使用费163,334美金后,不再向主张任何费用,包括但不限于授权使用费、违约金等。

agrees to exempt license royalty USD $81,666 of the period from January 1, 20__ to December 31, 20__, that is shall pay USD $163,334 to after the exemption. In the event that has fully paid the remaining license royalty USD $163,334 after exemption according to provisions hereunder, agrees that it will not claim any ge against , including but not limited to license royalty, penalty, etc.

2.        支付方案:应自20__年7月1日起至11月30日止的5个月内分五期还清全部款项163,334美金,具体付款方案如下:

20__年7月17日前 20__年8月15日前 20__年9月15日前 20__年10月15日前 20__年11月15日前

USD $30,000 USD $30,000 USD $30,000 USD $30,000 USD $43,334

合计 USD $163,334

Payment Scheme: shall pay off the remaining USD $163,334 by five payments within the period from July 1, 20__ to November 30, 20__, the payment scheme is as following (all payments should be made on or before corresponding stipulated dates):

July 17, 20__ August 15, 20__ September 15, 20__ October 15, 20__ November 15, 20__

USD $30,000 USD $30,000 USD $30,000 USD $30,000 USD $43,334

Total Amount USD $163,334

3.        前述款项的支付均应汇入指定的如下账户:


收  款  人:

账         号:

ABA     号:


联  系  人:


The stated payments shall be paid to the following ac specified by :

Bank Information: Bank of America


Ac No.:

ABA No.:

Swift Code:


Contract Currency: United States Dollars.

4.       应严格按照分期付款计划执行,如有一期逾期支付则视为违约,届时剩余应付款项的支付期限立即到期,并且原先减免的20__年度81,666美金的授权使用费不再减免,将一同并入应付款项由立即一次性全额支付,同时,还应按未付款项总金额每日万分之五的标准向支付逾期付款违约金。

shall strictly abide by the payment scheme, otherwise, even one payment delay shall be deemed as breach of contract, upon the payment term of remaining amounts shall expire immediately, besides, the exemption of USD $81,666 for year 20__ shall be cancelled and calculated into the remaining unpaid amounts, which shall be fully paid in a lump sum by Camsing promptly. Meanwhile, shall pay a penalty at a rate of 0.5‰ per day of due total amount for late payment.

5.        法律适用及争议解决:本协议适用中国法律。凡因本协议引起的或与本协议有关的任何争议,均应提交至深圳国际仲裁院(SCIA)按照其仲裁规则进行仲裁,届时败诉方应承担对方为解决本争议而产生的一切合理费用,包括但不限于仲裁费、律师费、差旅费、评估费、调查费、鉴定费等相关费用。

Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of China. Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Agreement shall be submitted to Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration (SCIA) for arbitration according to SCIA’s Arbitration Rules, and the losing party shall bear all reasonable ges of the other party concerning dispute resolution, including but not limited to arbitration fees, lawyer’s fees, business trips costs, evaluatioges, investigation fees, appraisal costs, etc.);

6.        本协议生效后,即成为原协议不可分割的组成部分,与原协议具有同等法律效力。除本协议对于剩余应付款项的约定外,原协议的其余部分应完全继续有效。如本协议与原协议发生冲突时,以本协议为准。

This Agreement, after its entry into force, becomes an integral part of the Initial Agreement and has the same legal effect. Except for the provisions about the remaining unpaid payment stipulated herein, other provisions of the original agreement shall remain in full effect. In case of any discrepancy, this agreement shall prevail.

7.        本协议为中英文版本,如有不符,以中文版本为准。

This Agreement is written in Chinese and English. In case of any discrepancy, the Chinese version shall prevail.

8. 本协议一式贰份,经双方盖章及代表人签字后生效,双方各执壹份,具有同等法律效力。

This Agreement is prepared in duplicate and shall enter into force upon chops and signatures of the authorized representatives; each party holds one copy, with the same legal effect.

(Signing Page with No Text Below)

SIGNED by   )

duly authorised for and on behalf of  NAME )


Date: )



SIGNED by   )

duly authorised for and on behalf of  NAME )







范文类型:祝福语,适用行业岗位:新人,全文共 2698 字

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May I wish that all Jacks shall have Jills, all shall be well.


Wish your Mr.Right/Miss Right will appear soon.


May you two linger on each other every day and night till the end of time.


I can be myself when I am with you.


You and me together, we can make magic.


Your love gives me the feeling that the best is still ahead.


Your undying faith is what keeps the flame out of love alive.


Every time I look at you, my heart misses a beat.


Sending you a kiss to say I’m glad that you are mine. Happy the day!


You mean everything to me. Please say yes.Happy Valentine’s Day, Honey!


May this Valentine bless us with the cupid of love and warmth of romance. Happy Valentine’s Day Honey!


You stepped out of my dreams andsintosmy arms. I can’t let you go. Happy Valentine’s Day.


I didn’t think that I could ever trust happiness. Then I met you.


I didn’t think that I could ever trust happiness. Then I met you.

Happy Valenti ne’s Day, Dear.


May this Valentine bless us with the cupid of love and warmth of romance. Happy Valentine’s Day Honey!


Sending you a kiss to say I’m glad that you are mine. Happy the day!


Our love grows stronger with every passing year. Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetie.


I want to hold your hand on Valentine’s Day. Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetie.


Happy Valentines Day!!


As always ,I hope the sweetheart festival to be joyful!


I want to hold your hand on Valentine’s Day. Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetie.


May all of our wishes come true this Valentine’s Day.


Our love grows stronger with every passing year. Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetie.


Sending you a kiss to say I’m glad that you are mine. Happy the day!


You mean everything to me. Please say yes.Happy Valentine’s Day, Honey!


May this Valentine bless us with the cupid of love and warmth of romance. Happy Valentine’s Day Honey!


You stepped out of my dreams andsintosmy arms. I can’t let you go. Happy Valentine’s Day.


I didn’t think that I could ever trust happiness. Then I met you.


Be genuine and conceal noting.I write every wiod I wand to say on this small card.I wish my honey a happy Valentine’s day.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 716 字

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Good moring, my name is ……,it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview. We come from Shijiahuzang City Hebei Province. I am a graduate from hebei university of science and techonogy, majoring in internationation and trade.

I have already acquired university English four class certificate, the customs declaration certificate, the calculator second class certificate, the ability well-trained operation transcants software. My the outside’s professional knowledge is firm, can carry on outside work. English make use of fluent, can carry on outside business dialogue, can translate outside text data.

I hope you can give me this opportunity, let me prove the better than language of my ability.



范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:翻译,全文共 510 字

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范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:班长,全文共 5763 字

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20 years is coming to an end, look at yourself a year of work, a summary of the gain and loss of a year, feeling a lot. Over the past year, Im keen on the labor of duty, strict with oneself, adjust our work position, keep "modest", "cautious", "self-disciplined" attitude. In the leadership of care, cultivation and colleagues with the help of the support, always be diligent, positive enterprising, efforts to improve self, always working hard, to complete the task seriously, fulfill their post responsibility. As a security guard, but in my heart, constant treasure is my home village, leadership is my parents, colleagues are my brothers and sisters, community business is my own business, I want to guard my home carefully, to make it in a safe environment. I understand that as a family member, a security officer "guard, guard my responsibility is significant.

Security is a special and very dangerous work, but I have no fear, fear. Remember a celebrity once said, "we are not at work for a boss, not simply to make money, I was working for your dream, for their great future. We can only improve yourself in the performance." Therefore, we must adhere to the serious working attitude, good seemingly mundane daily work, to get, all done. Determined to complete the higher leadership to our each task, make the leadership rest assured.

Under the guidance of department manager li, we successfully completed the tasks of this year, has been living/tenants satisfaction, but also get the recognition of leadership. Our work this year is more cumbersome, have lived/tenant decorate construction, the personnel in and out of the multiple and complex, and increasingly intensified due to the influence of the wave of the current financial turmoil of the current form of severe public security, increase the pressure on all of this to our work, in this case we have strengthened in and out of the personnel, construction personnel regulation and registration, strengthen the patrol floor, to complete the accident in the bud, ensure the safety of the community.

In the work, under the departments deployment, physical training, we had a security officer included, queue training, we, etc. Stick to target, to complete the training plan with good quality, I also like players have complained at the very beginning, feel all day training this is necessary, but in the end I understand if you want to have the overall quality of professional skills and strong physical quality, has not played at his hard training critical moment how can we "find one thousand days, fighting for the" role? So we always insist on.

As a security guard or a compulsory firefighters, in organized several times this year when fire safety training and fire emergency processing scheme, to seriously study records, knowledge of fire, fire equipment, facilities of the residential area, organize regular inspections and maintenance personnel for equipment, with the principle of "prevention first, extinguish combined with prevention", ensure security and living/life and property of the tenant.

In the work life of himself in a years summary is as follows:

1, resolutely obey the leadership, comprehend and seriously implement companys management strategy and the instruction spirit, and implement the to post actual work always put the interest of the company in the first place.

2, seriously and firmly to complete the various work tasks assigned by department, actively assist supervisor to finish the daily work of the team, and for the construction of the team.

Burden 3, job involvement does not fear endures hardship, carry, find another dry, take the initiative to do "eyes, mouth, hardworking, leg attendance", actively adapt to the hard environment, hone their will in the heavy work, increase their own talent; And have the courage to discover and correct the shortcomings in their work, and constantly adjust their way of thinking and working method, is put forward by stages of higher learning and working target, continuously pursue greater progress.

4, strengthen learning, have the courage to practice, accumulating, brave in exploitation. In theoretical study and pay attention to pay attention to learning methods, learning attitude, improve the efficiency of learning, efforts to develop a solid theory foundation of basic skills, correct ideas, solid work style, meticulous organization, intelligent analysis and determination of competence, a wide range of social skills; And modesty and eagerness to learn, and constantly ask head of scriptures, learn their successful experience, constantly push ourselves to study the direction and goals.

5, adhere to the "prevention first, extinguish combined with prevention," the fire control policy, improve the fire fighting equipment inspections and maintenance measures, and strengthen the fire control knowledge training, raise awareness of fire prevention and control of fire fighting equipment operation method, ensure the safety.

Above is I do well in a year, throughout a year of work, the objective self-assessment, there are also shortcomings, with his begging leadership of correct and criticism, for in the future work to further strengthen and improve them.

1, the work of slack.

2, work experience and related management knowledge still needs further study, accumulation.

20 years will soon the past, we will be enthusiastic in 20 years, New Year means new opportunities and new challenges. "Today modes of life and bloom than ever, is expected to have more red flowers" tomorrow, I believe, in the company leadership under the wise decision of the companys tomorrow will be better, as a member of the company, in next years work, I will, as always, wholeheartedly for the companys growing contribute an own meager strength.



范文类型:辞职信,申请书,适用行业岗位:职员,全文共 440 字

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范文类型:介绍信,适用行业岗位:职员,全文共 825 字

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范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:翻译,全文共 1052 字

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Hello, everybody,


Im glad to meet all of you。


Let me tell you a little bit about myself。


Be patient with me, Im a little bit nervous。

我有点紧张, 期望大家多包涵。

My name is Louis。 Im reaIly excited to have the chance

我的名字叫路易斯, 有机会加入到李阳疯狂 英语的团队

to join the team here at Li Yang Crazy English。


Im looking forward to getting to know all of you。

我热切地盼望着认识大 家。

I recently graduated from Harvard with a degree


in political science。 My hobbies are watching TV

获得了政治学学位, 我的嗜好是看电视

and painting watercolors。 My favorite sport is volleyball。

和画水彩画。 我最喜欢的运动是排球。

Being the new guy here makes me feel a little bit out of place。

在那里我是个新手, 有点无所适从。

Im trying to remember everybodys name

我会尽力记住每个人的 名字,

so I wont embarrass myself by calling Mr。 Lee by someone elses

不至于张冠李戴而闹笑 话。

name。 If I do make a mistake, please forgive me。

如果真出了错, 敬请原谅。

Ive studied the reports of past meetings,

我学习了以往的会议记 录,

and Ive asked Mr。 Lee for his guidance。


I hope that I can make a worthwhile contribution to the pany。

我期望我能为公司做出 卓有成效的贡献。

Thank you for your warm wele。




范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:初中,中学,学生,全文共 885 字

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Hello, everyone. I’m very happy to stand here to introduce myself.


My name is Wang Xiaoming. I’m 14 years old, from Zhen Jiang Zhong Shan Road Primary School. It’s a beautiful school, and I love it very much.


I’m a happy and talented boy. I like to make friends with others, and I get on well with my classmates. Basketball is my favorite sport. I always play basketball in my spare time. Through this game, I get many benefits.


At school, I study Chinese, Math, English, History, and so on. I like all of them. And I’m doing well in my study. I’m interested in learning English very much. I believe that I will do well in future. I won’t let you down.


Thank you for your listening.




范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1174 字

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It s my pleasure to be here to introduce myself. That s a difficult question. I think all the night. How to introduce myself? Tell you who I am?

You all know my name is Liu Xiaonao. Tell you what my major is or what I am doing now? You all know I study ink-jet paper, and yesterday you all my examiners. So today I ll tell you my characters and favorites. I m an open-minded, kind and smart girl.

I like dancing, especially national and classical dancing, waltz is also my love. Dancing can make me relax when I study tired. But about two years I have no chance to dance because my study subject is more attractive than dancing.

Last month I began to study play piano. But till now I only can play one song jasmine flower . Maybe I m a slow learner.

I also like drama. I had participated in the exam of actress. I m very luck I succeed in the exam. But make me surprised the director asked me to give him 50,00yuan.

So I went back to my study. Now I realize what I really like. That s my major printing and paper making. It s the place which can actualize my own personal worth. That s my life, wonderful life and interesting life. I hope the sun is always in my life. Thank you.



范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,全文共 873 字

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Dear Sir:

Good morning/afternoon everyone! It is my honor to be here and I really appreciate you offer me the chance of interview .Now I will introduce myself first .My name is……from Xiangfan in Hubei province. Im an honest, responsible, and warm-hearted person. I can adapt different environments quickly .Second I like this kind of field very much and I take it as my career .Till now I have one year experience in this field. As a 21 years man, Id like to experience more to enrich myself and then it can help me to laid good foundation for my future career .There is no use doing what we love ,we must love we do just like the field. At the same time, I am really proud of myself applying for this job. I hope you can give me a chance and I will try my best to do it better. Finally , I hope your hotel can become the best one among hotel industry。 Thanks for your time.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:空乘,全文共 1075 字

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Good morning/afternoon, my name is ,you can call me yanzi. I like the feeling flying in the sky like a swallow.

It is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview, I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today.

Now I will introduce myself briefly. I am 20 years old, born in shandong province.I grow up in a sweet family,composed of my dad,mom,brother and myself. I am an optimistic and confident girl. I have full confidence in a bright future,and I believe I can do well in caac.Punctuality and diligence are crucial to most future careers,I will try my best. Altough i just graduated from school, I have confidence to venture my funture.

Scoaring in the sky as an airhostess has been a dream for me since childhood, this is why im longing for a job on a plane, and this is why Im standing here for this interview. I hope my application will be granted ,so that i will delive my best servies throughout the world as a airhostess member of caac and my dream can come ture.

Thats all. Nice talking to you .Thanks.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:翻译,全文共 2460 字

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I am a professional Graphic Design Art Institute of university students. I especially love the design, I hope every wonderful moment for real life from the daily design. Also hope to use this opportunity to be able to find a stage to show their strength.

I am cheerful enthusiasm, can deal with good interpersonal relationships, can better adapt to the new environment; I am good at observation, attention to detail; strict with oneself, broad-minded toward others is my motto; willing to endure hardship, hard work is my attitude; innovation, not afraid of failure, never give up is my evaluation of my friends; strong learning ability, love study, the greater the pressure the greater power.

In addition, I also on the computer and English learning interest, through the efforts of the systematic study of the VI corporate image planning, copywriting, graphic design, poster design, packaging design, book design, photography and other professional knowledge; familiar with graphic design software Photoshop, CorelDRAW, InDesign; CAD software; video post Premiere software; in the study, I focus on the combination of theory and practice, has had quite practical ability, can independent advertising planning, advertising design work ability: fluent with occupation. Word, Excel and other office software, dedication and sense of responsibility that I can face any difficulties and challenges; I also actively participate in school activities and social practice, do not let any one can exercise their own opportunities.

Before entering the social occasion, in order to better adapt to the society, I hope I can do a is a state of other people in need, as do what is, in practice, constantly learning, constantly exercise. In that your company is actively seeking to develop fresh talent. I sincerely hope to join your company, your companys growth with my talents.



此外,我还对计算机和英语学习有着浓厚的兴趣,经过努力,系统学习了vi企业形象策划、广告文案写作、图形创意、招贴设计、包装设计、书籍装帧设计、摄影等专业知识;熟习平面设计软件Photoshop 、CorelDRAW 、InDesign;制图软件CAD;影视后期软件Premiere; 在学习中,我注重理论与实践的结合,己具备了相当的实践操作能力,可独立进行广告策划、平面广告设计工作。 职业能力:熟练操作Word 、Excel等办公室软件,事业心和责任感使我能够面对任何困难和挑战;我还积极主动参加学校各种活动和社会实践,不放过任何一个能锻炼自己的机会。




范文类型:祝福语,全文共 3581 字

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1. the grand ideal of the dark spirit, a young soul saffron.


2. you will never Zhang Buda is the BaBy, I wish you happy holidays!


3. Zhu: Childrens Day happy holidays! Guai, do not cry, a laugh! ! !


4. Wish a happy Childrens Day


5. the small people I wish you a happy holiday, with the wisdom of age with growth.


6. Who says memories are not good? Although not a holiday, consider also happy: I wish you a happy June 1!


7. I wish the children happy holidays, study well, every day, prossive, roof as a model.


8. the children are most pleased that the day is today, I wish the children happy holidays, learning and proGREss.


9. Childrens happiness, the innocence you forever! Aunt is ready for you to eat the teeth do not hurt the sugar, to taste, welcome to.


10. the biggest desire is to you: the first Childrens Day, another Youth Day, then Guoqinjie, another Mothers Day, another Fathers Day, another Chung Yeung Festival.


11. this is my message to you tomorrow (Do not Read), only to see tomorrow! Peep addiction ah! Naughty! Although still call you Look! Mezhe, you Zhang Buda! Happy Childrens Day!


12. Wukong painting a circle, Tang Seng security; Xiaoping drew a circle, Shenzhen prosperity; you draw a circle, you have a bedwetting. Children, happy holidays!


13. your life has just opened a first page and is willing to rising of the sun shining your beautiful poem years. Tomorrow belongs to you.


14. adults and children with permanent Childlike Innocence, children and adults together to mature.


15. the plants will not be room has a strong vitality. Do not you Fuxiong in the tent sleeping, the times are moving. Keep up with it forward!


16. Happy Childrens Day, the innocence of you forever! You always willing to maintain a Childlike Innocence.


17. Look at themselves in the mirror, hang a happy smiling face and fade away; full clothes, Shan tired to free up ; go around, relax in natural abandoned annoyance; fat send text messages, I wish you have a pure and happy heart! Happy 61!


18. Because of the wind moving the leaves, young seedlings due to soil and long, falls due to flow from the sky and vivid because of the birds, corals and mysterious ocean due to the desert oasis and angry because, due to the young and beautiful life! Happy Childrens Day wish! Happy every day!


19. The annual, all the world blessed in our children a happy Childrens Day of this day, let us return to childhood every adult with the most sincere sentiments of the most pure heart of a happy Childrens Day! Happy holidays!


20. Childrens Day approaching, I, on behalf of the leadership struggling in the chat line to the children expressed the most profound greetings! And hope that we bear in mind when I give you to live the teachings of: a good Internet access, every day online! Happy Childrens Day!




范文类型:求职应聘,全文共 656 字

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To Whom It May Concern,

I have learnt fromyesterday’s newspaper that you are employing . I wish to be considered as anapplicant for the position, and beg to state my qualifications as follows:

I am years old, a major student of University / College. During my academic years,I have shown excellent performance and have been awarded first-classscholarship each year. In addition to my educational background, I have therich work experience in the fields of . Therefore, I believe I can be ofvalue to your company.

For furtherinformation please refer to my attached resume. I should be please to attendfor an interview at your convenience.

Yours sincerely,




范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:翻译,全文共 814 字

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Everybody is good, my name is called He xuan, my English name is called Angle. Everybody knew that Angle is the angel meaning, I hoped that I forever can look like the angel equally happily, joyful, is carefree all day! I in the sixth grade, faced with rose the middle school now, father and mother, grandfather paternal grandmother, teacher schoolmates place the very big expectation to me, I will certainly not disappoint their expectation, will study diligently, passes an examination junior middle schools key class! In the future will become social a person of great ability and tremendous potential, will make the contribution for the motherland!




范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:初中,全文共 377 字

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I am a Chinese girl.My name is Luxy.I am twelve years old.I was born on April 28.I study in the class of 266 in the Fifth Middle School.My favorite color is yellow.My hobby is playing computer games.I like to eat egg and pear and drink milk for my breakfast.For lunch I like to eat chicken,radish(红萝卜)and apple.I like to take hamburger,fried potato and ice cream for my supper.
