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Nanguan mosque in Yinchuan is a building with Arabic style and ethniccharacteristics. It was rebuilt in 1981 and is located in the southeast cornerof Yinchuan city. It is the central place for Hui people to carry out religiousactivities in Yinchuan city. Every year, hundreds of Muslims gather here forpilgrimage and worship.

The mosque in Nanguan has a long history. At the end of Ming Dynasty, theoriginal temple was located in Gongbei Pavilion outside Nanguan, Yinchuan, witha small scale. In 1916, the site of the temple was moved into Nanguan and alarge temple with classical style was built. In the 1960s, temples weredestroyed in the turmoil. In 1981, Muslims raised money to rebuild the site.

The main hall of the reconstructed mosque in Nanguan is 26 meters high,with an area of about 10000 square meters. The main hall has two layers of roundvault, the upper layer is the main hall and balcony, and the square worship hallcan accommodate more than 1300 people. The lower floor has a spacious bath room,Chapel hall, female chapel hall, Arabic school, Imams bedroom, office,reception room, etc., all connected by cloisters.

In the center of the roof stands a large and four small green domedecoration. The large one is in the center, with a diameter of 9 meters. Thecrescent moon is hanging at the top, and the small one is 3 meters in diameter.It is distributed in the four corners of the roof. Looking from afar, the greendome is shining and magnificent. There are stairs leading to the upper floor infront of the main building, and flower beds are planted on both sides. In themiddle of the front of the hall is a 15 meter diameter fountain, surrounded byflowers and trees, with 30 meter high "minarets" on both sides. Many preciouspines and cypresses, trees and flowers are also planted in the temple. The wholebuilding has a strict layout, compact structure and grand scale.

With its unique, elegant and solemn characteristics, and strong Islamicarchitectural art style, Nanguan mosque has become one of the key religiousactivity sites and Tourism Landscapes in the autonomous region. In recent years,leaders, envoys and friends from more than 90 countries and regions havevisited. Many overseas Muslims also come here to worship.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1614 字

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Shanghai Xintiandi is a city tourist attraction with strong "Shanghaistyle" style in Shanghai. Its predecessor is one of the symbols of modernarchitecture in Shanghai the dilapidated Shikumen residential area in Shanghai.It is a leisure pedestrian street integrating catering, commerce, entertainmentand culture based on the unique old Shikumen building area in Shanghai. Afterthe transformation, Shanghai Xintiandi was injected into many fashionablecommercial elements creatively, and became an international leisure, culturaland entertainment center with functions such as dining, shopping andentertainment. It is an urban tourist attraction with Shanghais historical andcultural features. It integrates the traditional Shikumen Lane in Shanghai withthe modern new buildings based on the integration of China and the West and thecombination of the old and the new.

Shanghai Xintiandi is located in the center of Luwan District and adjacentto the Huaihai Road. On the south side of Huaihai Middle Road, between HuangpiSouth Road and Madang Road, it is adjacent to the intersection of Huangpi SouthRoad subway station and north-south, east-west elevated roads. ShanghaisXintiandi has become an international well-known gathering place, and has beenincluded in the list of Shanghai tourist attractions. It has also become aclassic case of Chinas real estate regional transformation.

This is the photo of Shanghai Xintiandi. In May, I went to ShanghaiXintiandi. I took some photos to show you. After that, Shanghai might as well goand have a cup of coffee in the open air to feel the unique charm of ShanghaiXintiandi.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1089 字

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内蒙古鄂尔多斯遗鸥国家级自然保护区(简称鄂尔多斯保护区)位于内蒙古东胜市和伊金霍洛旗境内,距东胜市 50km,距伊金霍洛旗政府 40km。属于野生动物类型保护区,主要保护对象是遗鸥繁殖地及内陆湖泊。保护区属内陆湿地,主要湿地类型包括盐湖、淡水湖泊和人工湿地等,符合《湿地公约》国际重要湿地指定标准的 1、2、3、5、6。1998 年内蒙古自治区人民政府批准建立鄂尔多斯遗鸥自然保护区, 20xx年被列入 《国际重要湿地名录》 。鄂尔多斯保护区内记录到的湿地鸟类共计 83 种,主要有天鹅、白琵鹭、赤麻鸭、蓑羽鹤等。遗鸥数量最多时达到 16 000 只,约占自然界遗鸥数量的60%,繁殖巢数最多达到 3600 余个,承载了繁殖种群中 90% 以上的个体。保护区位于鄂尔多斯高原由典型高原向荒漠化草原过渡地带,植被稀疏,多为沙生植物。草原上以长芒草、糙隐子草、萎蒿、百里香、冷蒿等为主;沙地上以油蒿、中间锦鸡儿作为建群种;流沙上以沙米、沙竹、白沙蒿等为先锋群落;滩地植被类型有以寸草苔为建群种的湿滩地,以沙柳、乌柳等为主要建种的柳湾林地,以芨芨草、碱蓬、红柳等为建群种的盐化滩地等。湖中的水生植物主要有眼子菜、刚毛藻、转板藻、绿藻以及蒲、苇类等。

鄂尔多斯保护区属于温带大陆性气候,主要受西北环流与极地冷空气的影响,春季、夏季温热,秋季凉爽,冬季寒冷。季度更替明显,冬长夏短,四季分明。光照资源丰富,年日照时数 3200h,年日照率大于 70%。年太阳辐射能量平均 686.83kJ/cm2。太阳辐射能量最高值在5月份,最低值在12月份。年平均气温 5.2℃,最热的 7 月份平均气温 21.3℃,最低的 12 月份平均气温-12.9℃, 10℃的年积温为 2580.3℃。平均地面温度 8.1℃。土壤冻结日数达7个月左右。 无霜期多年平均116天。 降水一般集中在每年7~8月份,占全年降水量的 65%,年平均降水量 325.8mm,蒸发量为 2501mm,春夏两季蒸发量很大。

鄂尔多斯保护区境内主要湖泊有桃-阿海子、侯家海子和苏家圪卜海子。其中最大的湖泊桃-阿海子位于泊江海子乡南部与伊金霍洛旗交界处,呈驼峰状,湖面开阔,景色迷人。水质偏碱性,pH8.4 ~ 8.6,常水位水域面积10km2,湖水平均水深 2.5m,最深处超过 9m。桃-阿海子是东胜唯一不干涸的内陆湖,山泉水及局部深水区为桃-阿海子提供水源,保证湖水不干涸,但水面面积很不稳定。雨季到来,扎日格沟河 ( 鸡沟河 )、乌尔图河、活页乌素河、根皮沟和孟家河等季节性河流雨水大量涌入湖内,使其水质、水量得以充分保证。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 5171 字

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Welcome to Xinxian, the old revolutionary base area. Geographically, theold revolutionary base area is generally located in remote areas, withinconvenient transportation, poor natural conditions and peoples livingdifficulties. The county is no exception. After liberation, especially after thereform and opening up, what changes have taken place in the old revolutionarybase areas? Today, Id like to introduce to you the contributions made by thenew counties in the old revolutionary base areas to the Chinese revolution andthe great changes since the reform and opening up.

Xinxian is located in the southernmost part of Henan Province, thehinterland of Dabie Mountains and the junction of Hubei, Henan and Anhuiprovinces. The total population is 330000. From the east to the west ofhengdouxin County in the Dabie Mountains, the Beijing Kowloon railway runsthrough the north and south, and the national highways 106 and 312 pass through.It is 160 kilometers away from Wuhan in the south, Zhengzhou in the north, Hefeiin the East and Xinyang in the south. It is known as the "thoroughfare of thethree provinces" and the "south gate of the Central Plains". Xinxian is the landof red, the cradle of generals. She was the source of "jute uprising", the firstbase of Dabie Mountain area, and the center and capital of Hubei Henan AnhuiSoviet area. The Fourth Front Army of the Red Army, the 25th army of the RedArmy, the fourth detachment of the New Fourth Army and the Central Plains fieldarmy were born here. Lenin, the first plane of the Red Army, flew into the bluesky from here. In the small county with less than 100000 people in those years,55000 people gave their precious lives to the revolution. Deng Xiaoping, DongBiwu, Xu Qianqian, Liu Bocheng, Li Xiannian and other party and state leadershave worked and fought here. New county has 43 generals, known as "generalscounty" known throughout the country. The people of Xinxian county made greatcontributions to the victory of the Chinese revolution.

Dear friends, although Xinxian is located in a remote area, it is rich inproducts. It is known as "gold grows on the mountain, silver is buriedunderground", and has strong advantages of sustainable development. The ruralpillar industry of Xinxian county has formed a scale. The fine forestry,ecological forestry, high-efficiency forest and fruit industry have reached 1.5million mu, and the forest coverage rate has reached 58.2%. Xinxian county is anational key forestry county and ecological demonstration county. It is a famoustown of Ginkgo biloba and Gastrodia elata in China. The output and quality ofchestnut, Camellia oleifera, wild kiwi and tea all rank first in Henan Province.The reserves of rutile, mica, ferrotitanium, granite, quartzite and porcelainclay are very rich and have high mining value. At present, more than 40 kinds ofmineral deposits have been proved. Xinxians annual export of foreign laborservices amounts to tens of millions of US dollars, ranking first in theprovinces export of foreign military affairs.

Xinxian is the transitional zone of North-South climate, and theintersection of the three major plant areas of East China, central China andNorth China. There are many kinds of suitable animals. At present, there aremore than 190 species of various plants and 530 species of wild animals, whichare the treasure house of traditional Chinese Medicine.

During the Ninth Five Year Plan period, more than 900 kilometers of roadswere newly built in Xinxian County, raising 2.3 billion yuan, excavating 12.04million cubic meters of earth and stone, and adding 140.7 kilometers of asphaltroads, which fundamentally changed the backward traffic situation of Xinxiancounty. The road is smooth, the mountain gate is wide open, and the farmersideas have a fundamental change. The forest and fruit industry alone has anannual per capita income of 800 yuan, and the mountain village has finallyopened up a road to prosperity.

Electric power, telecommunication, radio and television also developedrapidly. In 1998, every village in the county was electrified. In the past twoyears, there has been no television. In the past two years, the TV user rate hasreached 80%. The whole county has also realized the program-controlled telephonein every village, forming a modern digital communication network of urban andrural integration.

The social undertakings of Xinxian county have developed in an all-roundway, and the construction of spiritual civilization has achieved fruitfulresults. It has won the title of "advanced county of civilization construction"for four consecutive years.

When it comes to tourism, there are many special tourism resources inXinxian. She has revolutionary monuments such as the branch of the CPC CentralCommittee in Hubei, Henan and Anhui, the Hubei, Henan and Anhui military region,the tomb of General Xu Shiyou, the capital museum, the martyrs cemetery, andother national forest parks such as Tiantai Mountain, Liankang mountain, Jinlanmountain, Baiyun Mountain, Xianglu mountain, huangmaojian, Xizhai, etc. Withbeautiful scenery, birds singing and flowers fragrance, it attracts thousands oftourists from home and abroad.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 8754 字

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Friends! Now were going to visit Jinbian river. Jinbianxi is named afterjinbianyan, which is 7.5km long and takes about 3 hours to travel. The mainscenic spots along the road are Guanyin Songzi, jinqiyan, wenxingyan, Zicaolake, Qianli meeting, TIAOYU lake, shuirao four gates, etc.

Many tourists insist that Jinbian river is the most beautiful canyon in theworld, which is not a word of praise. As for the evaluation of jinbianxi, westill quote the inscription of Nancy Dick, the female vice governor of Colorado,for Zhangjiajie: "Zhangjiajie is so beautiful, its amazing. People say that theGrand Canyon is magical. (the Grand Canyon is the Grand Canyon of Colorado, anAmerican National Park known as the miracle of nature). I think Zhangjiajie iseven more incredible. " She thinks Zhangjiajie is "the most beautiful place inthe world, and I will always remember it."

(lobster flower) pay attention to the little flowers on the roadside. Thisis the famous lobster flower at home and abroad. It is a specialty of jinbianxi.When it blooms in autumn, the flowers are suspended by a green silk. When thewind blows, they swing left and right, just like a real lobster in the water.Whats more interesting is that when the flower seeds are ripe, as long as youtouch them and snap them, they will "jump" out of your hands. Therefore, manypeople want to collect flower seeds and spread them, but they are disappointed.Is the flower spiritual and unwilling to leave this fairyland?

(Guanyin Songzi) please look to the left. The small stone peak looks like aperson holding a child in his arms and looking ahead. The local people call it"Guanyin Songzi". It is said that long married infertile couples, as long assincerely make a wish here, it is possible to achieve. But whether it works ornot depends on ones own experience. Who among the tourists would like to have atry?

If you want to ask the landmark scenic spot of Zhangjiajie National ForestPark, the answer is ready-made: jinbianyan. As early as the middle of the QingDynasty, some scholars listed the peak forest and Baizhang gorge in Zhangjiajieas the "eight sceneries of Yongding". The first is called "dangerous gorgecrowing ape"; the second is called "layer rock Surge Tower": "Qingya mountain,20 miles west of the county, the first five mountains stand side by side, thelayer faces like a floating picture. Zhongyi peak is more precipitous. It is themost marvelous one, with the Han Dynasty in the sky "One of the peaks" hererefers to jinbianyan. Zhangjiajie is the second of the eight scenic spots. Itcan be seen that our ancestors have insight. The relative height of jinbianyanis more than 380 meters. It rises straight up into the sky. No matter you lookat it from a distance or from a side, its a long whip that pierces the sky! Thepeak on the left side of jinbianyan looks like a ferocious eagle, with its mouthhooked and eyes glaring, wings slightly spread, guarding Jinbian alertly all thetime. Its called "divine eagle protecting whip".

There are many beautiful legends about jinbianyan and shenyinghubian. Themost popular story is that Emperor Qinshihuang was caught in the "beauty trick"of lobster woman on his way to reclaim the sea, and the whip was replaced by afake one. From a scientific point of view, they are formed by weathering andcollapse after cutting rock layers with multiple sets of joints andfissures.

(drunk Luohan) now take a rest and listen to Tujia folk songs. Look at thisstone peak. The base has collapsed into a dome, and the upper part of themountain is at a overlooking angle. Its like a monk who is drunk and is aboutto collapse. So its called "drunk arhat". Have you noticed that this big stonecollapsed from the lower part of zuilohan peak on a summer night in 1983, whichconfirmed the formation of sandstone peak forest from one aspect.

(Huaguo Mountain, shuilian cave) here comes the water curtain cave ofHuaguo Mountain of Monkey King. Its not that Zhangjiajie people are too farfetched to put together the journey to the West. Its a coincidence that YangJie, the guide of the drama group of journey to the west, and the actors of TangSeng, Zhu Bajie, sun Houzi, Sha Seng, etc., once they see this place, they saywith certainty that the location is all over the country. Only Zhangjiajie isreally the world of immortals and demons in journey to the West. You lookforward along my direction. In front of you is the monk Tang with a hat, acassock, and a word in his mouth. The black stone peak immediately behind him isof course monk Sha. The powerful Monkey Sun squats on the back of the monk Tang,putting up a cool awning and observing the enemys situation; Wheres Zhu Bajie?Needless to say, hes either greedy for food and sleep, or hes secretlychatting up with a little girl. Hes a playboy.

There is a kind of "giant salamander" in Jinbian River, which is thelargest amphibian in the world and belongs to the second level nationalprotection animal. The giant salamander is only found in China, Japan and theUnited States. It is called "giant salamander" because it sounds like a childcrying. Sangzhi County in Zhangjiajie City is a famous "hometown of giantsalamanders". The state has invested more than 10 million yuan in theconstruction of giant salamander rescue center in Baofeng lake.

(nanmuping) this place is called nanmuping. The plants in ZhangjiajieForest Park are vertically distributed. In jinbianxi area, evergreen anddeciduous broad-leaved forests are mainly distributed, while Phoebe is the maintree species. There are 16 species of Phoebe in Zhangjiajie, such as Phoebe,Machilus lichuanensis, Phoebe rubra, Phoebe glabrata, Phoebe Hupi, Phoebevillosa, Phoebe macranthoides, Phoebe iridescens, Phoebe bambusoides and so on,especially Phoebe is the most precious. There is also a strange kind of Nanmu inZhangjiajie. One year, Liu Kailin, the director of the forest farm, felled aPhoebe and sawed it into a board to make a box. However, he found that therewere very strange patterns on the board: mountains, running water, grass,flowers, sun, moon, flying birds and running beasts. Some people say that thesepictographic patterns are formed by the long-term effect of the surroundingenvironment, so they call them "yinghuanan". As early as the Han Dynasty, nanmuin Zhangjiajie began to be conquered by the imperial court; it was designated asa tribute in the Ming Dynasty. During the Zhengde period of the Han Dynasty(1515-1520), the chieftain of Qin family in Maogang paid tribute to the imperialcourt for more than 400 big nanmu trees and built a palace destroyed by fire. Asa result, the chieftain king was promoted by the emperor and was granted by theQin family, which was known as the "Qin Royal School" in history.

Friends, 15 Li Jinbian river is almost finished. Wulingyuan is known as"three thousand peaks, eight hundred waters", "three thousand Cuiwei peaks,eight hundred glazed waters". And the water is represented by Jinbian River,which is known by the people as long drought and long rain. Moreover, the waterfrom jinbianxi doesnt need soap for bathing, shampoo or washing powder forwashing. Nancy, deputy governor of Colorado, said: if Golden Whip Creek sellsair, it is definitely an invaluable income!

Jinbian stream, together with Longwei stream, Tianzi stream and kuangdongstream, runs through four mountain gates in the southeast and northwest, andjointly supports a beautiful sandbar. The name of Shazhou is tianzizhou. It wasthe place where Wang jiantianzi kingdom was called to him. You see, there arethree stone peaks in the opposite row, and dozens of stone peaks standing allaround. They were called "signboard, pen holder, long live card, four generalrock" in ancient times. It is said that they were all left to the emperorWang.

It is said that Zhang Liang, the Marquis of the Han Dynasty, was buriedhere. Looking at the top left, it is said that the top of the mountain is thesite of Zhang Liangs ancient tomb. Long Bingwen, a ethnologist, wrote: "if yougo all over the green mountains to search for the ancients, you will find abeautiful city surrounded by four gates of water; if you go to the old earthenfort on xiangluyan, you will find Zhang Liangfen, the Marquis of the HanDynasty."

In May 1992, two officials sent by UNESCO to inspect the Jinbian River, Dr.sansel, who seldom spoke along the way, finally made a speech. He said: clearstream water, good vegetation, such a long section of no people, which is rarein Asia!

Water around the four doors radiates and connects with the scenic spots. Tothe right, you can take a bus to Zhangjiajie park or go down the mountain to thecity through longweicun; to the front, you can take a bus to Shili Gallery,Tianzishan cableway station, jundiping, Huanglongdong and Baofeng lake.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1924 字

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Dear tourists

Hello everyone! Welcome to Qufu, the Holy Land! Im Chen Kerun, your guide.Just call me Xiao Chen. Today, I will take you to visit the three famousConfucius: Confucius Mansion, Confucius Temple and Confucius forest. Confuciushas a famous saying: "is it a pleasure to have friends from afar?" I am veryhappy to be a tour guide. I will try my best to serve you well. If there are anyshortcomings, please point them out, and I will try my best to correct them!

The entrance to the Confucius Mansion can be divided into three roads: theEast Road has Yiguan hall, Musi hall, etc.; the west road is the place where theConfucius Mansion received distinguished guests and studied in those years,including Zhongshu hall, anhuatang, Huating hall, etc.; the middle road ismostly the main building of the Confucius Mansion, the first half of which isthe government office, and the second half is the inner house.

The Confucius Temple was originally the family temple of the Kong family.There are cypress trees planted by Confucius himself in the temple. The mainbuilding is Dacheng hall. In front of the hall are the famous Jiulong column andapricot altar. Later, because Confucius was respected, many feudal emperors camehere to worship him. Now, the annual "International Confucius Culture Festival"held by Jining Municipal government is also the prelude here.

Kong Lin is a special cemetery for Confucius family. It is also thelongest and largest family cemetery in the world, covering an area of more than3000 mu. There are hundreds of trees and more than 100000 trees in the forest.Among the trees, there are many steles and stone statues, which are veryspectacular!

Well, now we can start free activities for three hours. You can visitfreely, play games, shop and so on. However, we must ensure hygiene and notlitter.

This is the end of the visit to San Kong. Thank you for your support. Ilook forward to your coming again!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 11012 字

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fellow friends:

hello! toured the dali old city, initially has feltthis humanities landscape profoundness; now we watch the cangshanerhai, understands the dalis america of scenery.

first, we ride the yacht to go to the erhai park. the erhai park othername group mountain park, is l ocated the hsiakuan city northeast 2kilometers place groups mountains. north it near ocean waves wan qingerhai, west and cangshan southend setting sun peak relative. whennanzhao country, here is kings deer park. in 1976 here newly wardedoff for the park, occupiesdi 1,600 chinese acres. on the mountain has thezoo and the plant nursery flower-bed, broadly plants the dali areaeach kind of precious flower different plant, is very good rests placeof the tour.

now the pleasure boat to the erhai park near the sea causeway, we cameashore to the ship, this is under the group foot of a hill binhai tourarea along 270 multistage stone steps ascendslevel on, we arrive the summit.everybody looked that, this curls upwardsangle upturned eave pavilion is looks thesea building, the eave hangs from above the plaque, submits a writtenstatement: jade er silver dark green ", the black bottom goldcharacter, vigorous is classically elegant, it is the chinese inadmiration of somebodys fame painter wu zuorens writing skill. looksthe sea building is understands "the jade er silver dark green"happiest extent, leans against a railing looks out into the distance:east side erhai vast, boundless, west cangshan is continuous,luxuriant is gray.

fellow friends, let us go on board once more, roams through to erhaiin. but i first must to everybody introduction be actually amcangshan. formerly, we in the dali city, under on the dark green footof a hill road, have not been able to look at carefully the cangshangrand appearance well. just like the ancient said "does not know thetruth about the matter, only reason body in this mountain"; looks thesea building in the erhai park, the angle of view inclines, also onlycan see the cangshan terminal. now, unceasingly leads the way alongwith the pleasure boat, in our eye cangshan is not clearer? somepeople said that, a hengduan pulse condition great arm, the tibetplateau extended west yunnan from "the roof of the world" to thesouth, cangshan was in this world famous sierra a cloud range branch.

cangshan, also names the diancang, is green because of its mountaincolor, the mountain apex acquires fame in vain. cangshan altogetherhas 19 peaks. this 19 peaks from the north to the south order are: thecloud makes, green, five, the lotus flower, the white clouds, thecrane cloud, three positive, the blue peak, the snowman, should behappy, the goddess of mercy, center and, longquan, the jade bureau,malone, the saint should, buddha go against, ma er, the setting sun.in 19 peaks, the malone peak is highest, elevation 4,122 meters. thecangshan 19 peaks, two peaks clamp a brook, altogether 18 brooks; eastthe mountain stream flows, pours into erhai, 18 brooks from north tosouth, the base arrangement is: south the rosy cloud moves, wan hua,the positive brook, the awn wells up, the brocade brook, the spiritspring, the white stone, the double mandarin duck, hides the immortal,mei xi, the peach brook, center the brook, the emerald, longxi, clearblue, remnant, pavilion mouth, is not positive.

the cangshan scenery by the snow, the cloud, springstone is famous. i firstintroduce cangshan to everybody the snow. after the summer needlesscangshan snow, is dali "the love affair" four given names scenery. thesnow white cangshan snow, all previous dynasties article literatiapproves the refined language quite a lot, the folklore also many. thethe ming dynasty writer li yuanyang once praised: "date li cangshansnow, precioustai 19 peaks".

cangshans cloud is the famous biography is far and wide. the cloudgathers the cloud to disperse, sometimes the pale like light smoke,sometimes is thick like splashes ink. in fluctuates varied center, what is most mysterious is "looks the husband cloud" and "thejade belt cloud". so-called "looks the husband cloud" is referswhenever the winter spring the season, the cangshan jade bureau peakregular meeting appears a lonely cloud, suddenly remembers suddenlyfalls, about flutters, if hoped if attends to. unusual occupying to anits appearance, the diancang then suddenly gets up the storm, blows toerhai. so-called "jade belt cloud", is refers whenever at the end ofthe summer fallinitially, after rainfirst clear, between the cangshan 19 peakshalfways up the mountainside often can appear white clouds, the cloudsgatherscollects, slowly pulls open, if the pure white jade belt horizontallyties the green mountainside. is continuous dozens of miles,unexpectedly the date does not dissipate. marvelous is, "the jade beltcloud" meets the omen agriculture abundant harvest: it appears thenumber of times to be many, same year on good crop weather. local painationality has the farmers proverb: "cangshan is the jade belt, thehungry dog eats the rice".

cangshans spring very is also famous. in 19 peaks the elevation hasmany mountains moraine lake in 3,800 meter above peak, this is thequaternary period glacier stays behind. also has that 18 brooks themountain stream, flies the waterfall to fold the spring, the fourseasons rushes down, in under clear sweet water seepage nourishing,cangshan fills the vitality. the moraine lakeside, the densely coveredvirgin forest and many precious forests, the strange flowers andplants, specially should tell everybody are, cangshans flowers andplants already fine reputation far broadcasts, moreover it also causescangshan to be famous far and wide. american professor luo lancasteronce said that, "has 1000000 in us to know the chinese yunnan the dalicangshan, because they all plant have many beautiful dali cangshan theindian azalea."

cangshans stone, renowned at home and abroad. guo moruo has "chantsmarble" the poem: "three towers are high ancient, along thinksloyalview year. the cangshan rhyme love affair, the wonderful stone spitsthe mist. outside the heart, coolly lives elbowarmpit. the day meritmanpower generation, the overseas compete the treasure biography."

cangshan has bred the marble, the marble is cangshans soul. this kindof magnificent wonderful stone, world many places all have, the alonedalis most wonderful america, also opens the people early, therefore,world every this wonderful stone is called "the marble", "dali" alsoraises the world because of shi erming.

fellow friends, our pleasure boat vanguard, now should introduce thisocean waves wan qing to everybody erhai itself.

erhai, ancient name kunming pond, er river, ye yu ze and so on;because it resembles the person ear, therefore erhai. its north andsouth long 42 kilometers, the thing extends 3-9 kilometer, the lakewaterfront long 117 kilometers, the area more than 250 squarekilometers; the hydraulic mean depth 10.5 meters, the deepest 21.5meters, the water-holding capacity 2.88 billion cubic meters, the areaand the water-holding capacity arrange in order the yunnan lakesecond, occupies seventh in the national fresh water lake.

south erhai has makes up the river and so on to pour into, westnatriumthe cangshan 18 mountain streams, east collect the polo river, dig thecolor river, the south side west er river are the only estuaries,after ripples red circles into lanchan river. erhai is the tectoniclake, the lake shore thing are many cliffwall, north southwest three arethe sandbars.

everybody looked, erhai water depth limpid, if the non- flaw beautifuljade, is beautiful incomparably, it is welcome each position by thebroad mind to come from the distant place guest. erhai is the chinafamous high land moor, as early as it has carried the annals in thehan dynasty.

"er sea month" is dali one of four given names scenery. if goes boatingerhai in the lunar calendar ten in may bright nights, its monthespecially bright, especially circle, its scenery elated: in thewater, the month circle like wheel, floats the light to swing thegold; the sky, the jade mirror high hangs, the clear splendor isshining, the bath leaves from erhai. looks that, looks, the water andsky shines, you unexpectedly cannot distinguish clearly are the daymonth fall the sea, or seamonth ascends to heaven. is er seamonth so whybright? the scientific conclusion is: first, erhai water qualityspecially pure, the transparency is quite high, its reflection greatlystrengthened; second, erhai sea level dust less, air fresh, causes thewater and sky to serve as contrast, the moonlight is brighter. inaddition, er seamonth is famous, but also lies in the pure white non-flaw the cangshan snow to produce an inverted image in erhai, seamonthenhances one anothers beauty with as pure as driven snow er, aconstitution silver dark green jade ers big marvelous sight.

with the cangshan snow, the er seamonth connected dali four given namesscenery also have guan hua, the hsiakuan wind. between erhai andcangshans dam, is a long shape silting alluviation plain. whennanzhao country, nearby two respectively builds a xiaocheng in thisstrip north and south, holds the important location, defends the kingsall safety. north name long shouguan, also called closes; southernregion name dragons tail pass, at once hsiakuan. on so-called closesthe flower, is refers closes "ten mile fragrant wonderful tree", thisflower originally shapings the street and shan sinei in on pass, itsflowered big like lotus, the year opens several hundred, the fragranceoverflows the four directions, the flower opens the season, the viewlike cloud. also therefore the tree ties the husk to be firm, may dofaces the bead, therefore the flower called "faces the pearl headornament". afterwards, this flower vanished. the first years, somepeople had it is said found it in the cangshan forest. west thehsiakuan wind refers to the er river valley to inject hsiakuan thewind, continues all year long, you takedong as is spring abundant, youas soon as enter hsiakuan to be allowed to feel the hsiakuan wind theexistence. it roars nearly every day, sweeps the street to put on thelane, holds up the bottom of garment uncovers the hat, caused hsiakuanobtained "the wind city" the nickname.

dalis love affair four given names scenery, has poem its string inthe same place, is advantageous for remembered, also quite has theappeal: the hsiakuan wind, on closes the flower, the hsiakuan windblows closes the flower; cangshan snow, er seamonth, er seamonth accordingto cangshan snow. speaks of here, asks each position to look our painationality girls embroider flowered baotou. you might not despise it,it have manifested the dali four given names scenery. please lookedthat, the breeze blows, nearby the ear snow white ear with the windfloatingly sprinkled, has appeared hsiakuans wind; in baotou gorgeousflowers, has represented the flower which on closes; the peak this is white silkhead, looked by far likes cangshan the snow; the entirebaotous shape same bright is moving on like erhais in crescent moon.



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夏秋季节是游览达里诺尔湖的黄金季节。也许轻风拂柳的南方使您感到那里的山山水水都带有女子的脂粉气,而达里诺尔湖却分明显现着海的气息,海的韵味,海的博动。那粗犷、豪迈、无拘无束洒脱自然,分明显示着海的特有气息。这里迷人的日出日落,每一寸土地甚至每一个波涛,都毫不忸捏地向你发出直率质朴的邀请和挽留,令你难以回绝。你可以在这里品味浓郁民族风情的美味佳肴,可以骑马、划船、垂钓或者投入到蔚蓝的湖中,洗去一身烦恼和疲倦。 达里诺尔湖区盛产鲫鱼和当地俗称华子鱼的瓦氏雅罗鱼。这些鱼都以肉鲜味美名誉四方。传说当年康熙大帝幸临草原,从达里诺尔湖捕鱼后,又在草原上采集了白蘑、山花椒一起烹制,鲜香美味使康熙帝胃口大开,并说吃了这里的鱼,朕便不想天下的鱼了。回到京城后,仍念念不忘,以后又多次派人来捕鱼,飞马送入京城。的确,华子鱼鳞细肉丰,煎、炖、炸、烹味道鲜美。从传说到品尝全鱼宴,人人都说味美,但为什么呢?达里诺尔湖水质是苏达型半碱水质,而这些鱼都是耐碱性鱼类,加之湖水含有其他的成份,使这些鱼在湖里生活就添加了佐料。



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民国以来,土家男女一年四季都戴头巾,男人以青、蓝、白或条纹布为主,长二三米,一圈圈地缠绕在头上,包成人字路;女人则多为青丝帕或白印花头巾,丝帕薄如蝉翼,最长达七、八米,是妇女终生陪伴之物,死后必以帕缠头入葬。衣服以青、蓝、白、印花布为主,男穿对胸衣,双排七至十一扣,俗称蜈蚣扣,袖口、领口及裤管末端加花边;女人则右开襟,袖大而短,饰花边,拄银铜佩饰,俗称“满襟”,有满清遗风;未出阁少女着花衣,讲究大红大绿;小孩喜戴菩萨帽,虎头帽;男鞋多为青蓝布,女人穿绣鞋;姑娘出嫁时必穿“露水衣”,上着鲜 艳挑花绣衣,下着八幅罗裙,与土老司八幅罗裙有异曲同工之妙。

吊脚楼为湘西各族人民一种传统建筑形成,又称"吊楼子"。吊脚楼为山野式"楼阳台",单檐悬挑,屋面反翘,名"飞檐",通风向阳,干爽清新。有与正屋成一字形,也有成90℃直角形。吊脚楼外设走廊,二面称"转角楼",三面称"走马楼"。栏杆多花格, 县柱称"吊瓜"或为六陵、八棱,或雕成球形、金瓜形。柱、防还雕有龙风、喜鹊、花卉等。民间吊脚楼上多为闺房,卧室或织锦、打花之处,底层为谷仓、柴房,也有底层下临溪流,泉水叮咚,别有情趣。山寨吊脚楼掩映在绿树翠竹中,富有大自然风光美。湘西州部分镇临河民居也建有吊脚楼,如吉首峒河街,凤凰沱江沿岸、王村古镇、茶洞边城及龙山洗车河等,历来都引起中外旅游者极大兴趣。



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首先请允许我做一下自我介绍,我是呼伦贝尔市全景旅行社的导游员,大家可以叫我X导或者小X,这位是我们的司机师傅,此次旅行将由X师傅为我们保驾护航,我们很高兴为大家服务,希望能与大家共同度过一次愉快的旅程。 机场景观大道
















大家看车窗左侧,这里就是苏联红军烈士陵园, 它的前身是海拉尔公园,是为了纪念在解放战役中牺牲的苏联红军烈士,里面有红军烈士纪念塔。苏联





前面我们看到的就是当地著名的立交桥,它位于市区的北部,横跨滨州铁路,螺旋展线的造型简洁明快。 现在请大家往我们的车窗的右侧看,大家猜一下我们看到的这个绿色的管道是什么?如果猜对了 我会给大家一些小奖励,品尝一下海拉尔的大雪糕。(议论出结果中)。好了 刚刚听到了很多答案,有的说是煤气管道,有的说是石油管道,而我们坐在坐位上的那位先生/女士,答对了。它是输送暖气的。而我们现在车行右侧看到的这个建筑呢就是海拉尔的热电厂。这个热电厂对于呼伦贝尔来说起到了一个至关重要的作用,呼伦贝尔属寒温带和中温带大陆性季风气候,其特点是:冬季寒冷漫长,夏季温良短促,春季干燥风大,秋季气温聚降。霜冻早,可以说我们呼伦贝尔的供暖期长达8个月之久。呼伦贝尔冬天特别的寒冷,最冷的时候能达到零下四十二度左右,根河市能达到零下五十度左右。而现在呢很多人都在说,热电厂建的位置离城区这么近到底合不合理,主要还是污染问题,但是呼伦贝尔市政府对环保这一块做的还是比较好的。


现在请大家往我们车窗的左前方看,我们看到的这个就是海拉尔的北山,北山上有一个世界反法西斯纪念园,当年呢,日本人在这里发动了侵华战争,我们看到北山上有很多的树,这些树就是当年日本人栽种的,可能有的团友就会想到日本人终于在中国做了一件好事,如果这么想就大错特错了。日本人当年在北山的地下建立了日伪工事,它是日本关东军17处要塞中规模最大、军事设备保存最完整的要塞。北山的树木可以为他们所建的工事做一个掩护,因为当时这场战争可以说是一个国际性质的战争,其中有中国、蒙古国、苏联 联合抗击日本侵略者,当我们的空军在北山飞行时由于树木做掩护很难发现日本人的军事所在地。当年日本人在北山修建日伪工事是有原因的;海拉尔这个城市在军事上来讲是属于易守难攻的城市,海拉尔是三山环山一水中流,三山就是我们飞机场的所在地东山、我们看到的北山还有一个是西山,一水就是我们刚刚桥下看到的伊敏河。现在我们的旅游车已经行驶到海北一桥,海北一桥流淌的就是伊敏河,伊敏河从海拉尔的城区缓缓流过汇入前方不远处的海拉尔河。那么现在我们的旅游车马上就要行驶到海北二桥了,这里是伊敏河与海拉尔河的交汇处。大家可以看到的桥下流淌的这条河流,这条河流就是海拉尔河,那么这一路上我不只一次的和大家提到过海拉尔,海拉尔具体是什么意思呢?请大家看这条河,海拉尔的名称就是因这条河而得名,当时在这条河的两岸长满了野韭菜。而野韭菜的蒙语“哈里亚尔”意为汉语很像海拉尔,而蒙古族有以动植物的名称给山川河流命名的习俗,所以就把这条河称为海拉尔河。那么在清朝末年东清铁路修建到海拉尔的时候建立了铁路,有了铁路就一定要有一个火车站、火车站建立了之后、就要有一个名字,所以当时蒙古族就以海拉尔河的名字给这个火车站命名。当时,这个城市叫做“呼伦贝尔城”,那么随着火车站的建立,客流量越来越大,很多山西、河北的商人来此做贸易,海拉尔的火车站就越来越出名,逐渐替代了它原来的名字“呼仑贝尔城”。而蒙古族也有以山川河流的名称给城市命名的习俗,所以就把这座小城叫做海拉尔,海拉尔的名字也就是这么来的。



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Good morning, dear friends. My name is __X. Im your tour guide. If youhave any difficulties or problems during your trip, please ask director Wang.You are welcome. I will try my best to help you. I wish my friends have a goodtime in Tiantangzhai, sleep well and eat well!

Friends, do you feel it? We are in a huge forest park. It is a forest parkfull of desolation. There are luxuriant trees in the four fields, fragrantmountain flowers, white clouds floating in the blue sky and silver flowing inthe valley. Apart from the occasional birdsong, there is a silence. Please takea deep breath! Sweet, it will make you feel refreshed; please drink green springwater, it will make your eyes clear and refreshing. This is the enjoyment ofreturning to nature. This is the pleasure of returning to nature.

Tiantangzhai National Forest Park is the last primeval forest in EastChina, located in the southwest corner of Jinzhai County, Anhui Province,adjacent to Luotian County and Yingshan County, Hubei Province. The total areaof Tiantangzhai Forest Park is 120 square kilometers. There are 15 kilometers ofpeaks in Tiantangzhai. The main peak of Tiantangzhai is 1729.13 meters above sealevel. It was called "the first pass in the southeast of Wu and Chu" in ancienttimes. There were countless wars here, the most famous of which was the "redscarf army" uprising led by Xu Shouhui in the early Ming Dynasty, which made therulers of the Yuan Dynasty scared. In modern times, Liu Dengs army marchedthousands of miles into the Dabie Mountains in 1947, which opened the prelude ofthe strategy. Dim the light and shadow of the sword, far away from the drumclang. Todays Tiantangzhai has become a National Forest Park and a famoustourist attraction.

The forest landscape varies from season to season. Flowers are blooming inspring, green in summer solstice, forest in autumn and snow in winter.Tiantangzhai is located in the hinterland of the Dabie Mountains. It is locatedin the mountainous area. It has no advantage of large market distribution centerand industrial development, but it has extremely rich natural resources.Tiantangzhai, a magnificent and vast Tiantangzhai, has formed a beautiful andunparalleled natural landscape because of its abundant clouds, heavy fog, highmountains, dense trees and green water. It is known as a famous ecologicalmountain, a famous resource mountain, a famous cultural mountain and a treasuremountain of medicinal herbs. Its forest coverage rate is as high as 96.5%,ranking first among all scenic spots in China, and is the last virgin forest inEast China.

In the past extensive economic environment, the traffic was not smooth, sothe local people had to rely on the mountains to make a living. Now, with theprotection of forest resources, the concept of local people has also changedunder the influence of "red tourism" advocated by the state. They are also"relying on mountains to eat mountains". But now they are making great effortsto protect the green mountains and waters, to explore the tourism market, and torely on tourism to drive local development.

In the nature reserve, the peaks, rocks, trees, flowers and sea of cloudsform an interesting contrast and the scenery is pleasant. Walking intoTiantangzhai is like walking into a charming picture. Under the verdant pines,beside the stream, and in the misty rain, people feel "misty mountains, mistywater, misty sky, misty earth, misty moon, and misty birds". It really means "Itravel in the mountains, better than being an immortal".

Tiantangzhai is the hometown of the "Red Army". It once dedicated countlessbrave soldiers and many generals to the liberation of the Chinese nation and theChinese people. It has the reputation of "Jiangjun county". The Mashi primaryschool in Tiantangzhai was built in the early 1970s. Because it is located onthe hillside with an altitude of more than 1000 meters, it suffered frommountain torrents many times and was destroyed several times. But the mountainpeople still do not want to give up, tenaciously preserved only a few damagedschool buildings. After the 1990s, the outside world found her almost deserted.While visiting revolutionary relics and enjoying the magnificent scenery, groupsof people have brought their love into them, making them "Hope Primary School".At present, Mashi primary school has four teachers and 43 students. We welcomethose who intend to subsidize hope primary school and offer their love. We willvolunteer to provide help for similar activities.



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Dear friends

Hello everyone! After visiting the ancient city of Dali, we have apreliminary experience of the profound cultural landscape here. Now we go toenjoy Cangshan and Erhai Lake and enjoy the beauty of Dalis landscape.

First of all, we go to Erhai Park by yacht. Erhai Park, also known asTuanshan Park, is located in Tuanshan, 2km northeast of Xiaguan city. It facesErhai Lake in the north and Xieyang peak in the south of Cangshan Mountain inthe West. During the Nanzhao Kingdom, this was the kings deer garden. In 1976,it was newly established as a park, covering an area of more than 1600 mu. Thereare zoos and nursery flower beds on the mountain, and all kinds of famousflowers in Dali area are widely planted. It is a good place to rest andvisit.

Now the boat has arrived at the long seawall of Erhai Park. We leave theboat and go ashore. This is the coastal tourist area at the foot of Tuanshan. Weclimb up 270 stone steps and reach the top of the mountain. You can see that thepavilion with the cornice is Wanghai tower. Under the eaves, there is a plaque,which reads "yuer yincang", with gold characters on the black background,vigorous and elegant. It is the work of Wu Zuoren, a famous Chinese painter.Wanghai tower is a wonderful place to appreciate the "silver Cang of yuer". Youcan see the vast Erhai Lake in the East and the vast expanse of green water inthe West.

Dear friends, lets board the boat again and travel in Erhai Lake. Butfirst I want to introduce Cangshan. Previously, we were in Dali City, on theroad at the foot of Cangshan Mountain, and we didnt have a good view ofCangshan Mountain. Just as the ancients said, "I dont know the true face ofLushan Mountain, only because I am in the mountain"; in the Wanghai tower ofErhai Park, I can only see the end of Cangshan Mountain from a slantingperspective. Now, with the cruise going on, is Cangshan more real in our eyes?Some people say that Hengduan Mountain is like a giant arm, stretching southwardfrom Tibet Plateau, the "roof of the world", to Western Yunnan. Cangshan is abranch of Yunling, one of the worlds famous mountains.

Cangshan Mountain, also known as Diancangshan mountain, is named because ofits green color and white top. There are 19 peaks in Cangshan. The order of the19 peaks from north to south is yunnong, Canglang, Wutai, Lianhua, Baiyun,Heyun, Sanyang, Lanfeng, snowman, yingle, Guanyin, Zhonghe, Longquan, Yuju,Malong, Shengying, Fuding, Maer and Xieyang. Among the 19 peaks, Malong peak isthe highest, with an altitude of 4122 meters. There are 19 peaks in CangshanMountain, two peaks with a stream, a total of 18 streams; the stream flowseastward and flows into Erhai Lake, and the 18 streams are arranged from northto South: Xiayi, Wanhua, Yangxi, mangyong, Jinxi, Lingquan, Baishi, Shuangyuan,Yinxian, Meixi, Taoxi, Zhongxi, Lvyu, Longxi, Qingbi, mocan, tingpeng andYangnan.

Cangshan Mountain is famous for its snow, cloud, spring and stone. Let mefirst introduce the snow in Cangshan. Cangshan snow is the most famous sceneryin Dali. The snow covered Cangshan Mountain is full of praise from the literatiand the Mohists in the past dynasties, as well as folklore. Li Yuanyang, alitterateur of Ming Dynasty, once praised: "RI Li, Cangshan snow, Yaotai 19peaks".

Cangshans clouds are even more famous. Clouds gather and disperse,sometimes as light as smoke, sometimes as thick as ink. Among the changeableclouds, the most magical are "Wangfu cloud" and "Yudai cloud". The so-called"Wangfu cloud" means that every winter and spring, a lonely cloud often appearson the top of Cangshan Yuju peak, which is full of ambition, fluttering up anddown, looking forward and looking forward. The strange thing is that as soon asit appears, there will be a storm in Diancangshan, blowing towards Erhai Lake.The so-called "jade belt cloud" refers to that every time in the late summer andearly autumn, when it is sunny after rain, white clouds often appear in themid-19th peak of Cangshan Mountain. The clouds gather and slowly pull apart,just like a white jade belt across the green hillside. It stretches for tens ofmiles, but it never dissipates. Whats wonderful is that "jade belt cloud" canforetell a good harvest in agriculture: it appears many times, and it was ingood weather that year. The local Bai people have a farming proverb: "Cangshanis a jade belt, hungry dogs eat white rice.".

Cangshan spring is also very famous. There are many glacial moraines andlakes at the top of the 19th peak, which is more than 3800 meters above sealevel. These are left by Quaternary glaciers. There are also the streams of theeighteen streams, waterfalls and springs, which flow all the year round.Nourished by the pure and sweet spring water, Cangshan is full of vitality. Onthe Bank of the moraine lake, there are many primeval forests, many rare treesand exotic flowers. In particular, we should tell you that Cangshans flowershave long been famous, and it also makes Cangshan famous all over the world.American professor Luo Lancaster once said: "more than one million people in theUnited States know about Cangshan Mountain in Dali, Yunnan, China, because theyall grow many beautiful azaleas from Cangshan Mountain in Dali."

Cangshans stone is famous at home and abroad. Guo Moruo wrote a poem onmarble: "the three pagodas are high and ancient, thinking about Zhenguan year.Cangshan rhymes with wind and moon, and strange stones spit clouds and smoke.Phase in the heart, cool elbow armpit. Tiangong is the representative of humanresources, and overseas competition is precious. "

Cangshan breeds marble, which is the soul of Cangshan. This kind ofmagnificent stone is found in many parts of the world. Dudali is the mostbeautiful one, and it was founded early. Therefore, all these stones are called"marble" all over the world, and "Dali" is also famous for its stones.



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Dear tourists

hello everyone.

Now we come to the Bund by the Huangpu River in Shanghai. First of all, Iwould like to welcome you to visit the Bund and wish you a pleasant trip.

There are five tourist routes in the new Bund. On your left hand side arethe magnificent buildings and spacious Zhongshan Road known as the "WorldArchitecture Expo". On your right hand side are the sparkling Huangpu River andPudong Lujia financial and trade zone with bright future. In front of you is anew and unique sightseeing area. The buildings, Zhongshan Road, sightseeingarea, Huangpu River and Lujiazui are like the staff in the music score, whilethe industrious Shanghai people are like strings of inter symbol, forming thelatest and most beautiful movement. Welcome to all the guests.

After the first war in 1840, the locked door was opened by the colonists,and Shanghai was forced to become a commercial port. Since then, all kinds ofwestern style buildings have sprung up with the colonists "seizing the beach".By the early 1930s, Shanghai had leapt from a coastal town to the largest cityin the Far East.

Although these buildings with European Renaissance style are not designedby the same designer or built in the same era, their architectural style is soharmonious and unified that it seems to be natural. From the the Bund road tothe outer white road bridge, the length of the arc is only 1.5 kilometers, androw upon row of 52 buildings of different styles, including English, French,ancient Greek, etc. At that time, many foreign banks, associations andconsulates gathered here, known as "Wall Street" in the East, forming ahistorical miniature of the semi colonial and semi feudal society in oldShanghai.

Please see, Dongfeng Hotel No.2 on the new Bund used to be a very famousBritish club. It is a typical British classical building. The building is 6stories high (including basement). There is a pavilion at the north and southends of the roof. The interior decoration is very gorgeous. The first floor barused to be proud of its 110.7-foot bar, which is the longest in the East. NowKFC is located in the bar.

Before the new Bund 12, it was the famous "HSBC Bank". The building wasbuilt in 1923, which is an antique Greek style dome building. The building is arectangular building close to square, with five stories high and a halfspherical top layer. There are seven stories at the top of the building and asteel frame structure. The interior of the building is decorated with variousreception rooms in the United States, Britain, France, Russia and Japan. Thisbuilding was once regarded by the British as one of the most exquisite buildingsfrom the Suez Canal to the Bering Strait in the Far East.

The building next to HSBC is the Shanghai customs building, a 19th-centuryretro building, built in 1927, which is rare in the world today. The clock onthe top of the building can be seen all around. It plays a short tune every 15minutes. The sound of the bell is melodious and deep, with a sound of 10 Li.

After Wilson, the British designer, the HSBC building and the customsbuilding are affectionately called "sister buildings" in Shanghai, and they arestill one of the important symbols of Shanghai.

The two buildings at the entrance of Nanjing East Road are called peacehotel. The south facing building was built in 1906. It was called Huizhong hotelat that time. It is the earliest existing hotel in Shanghai. It can be used as ahistorical building, belonging to the Renaissance of British culture. Thebiggest feature of the building is that the facade is made of red brick withwaist line and white wall brick with veneer. From a distance, it looks solemnand elegant with unique style, which is a rare masterpiece.

These buildings on the Bund are the crystallization of the industriouswisdom of the Chinese working people, and also reflect the plunder and invasionof Shanghai by the western colonists. Nowadays, in order to let people know thehistory of these buildings, the Chinese and English nameplates are hung in frontof each building.

As for the Bund, the name given to her by Shanghai people has changed withthe passage of time. Shanghai people call the Bund before liberation the oldBund and after liberation the Bund. Now people praise it as the new Bund. Therehave been scenes of seizing the Bund many times in history, but each time has acompletely different historical significance. Since the Third Plenary Session ofthe Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the strategicfocus of Chinas reform and opening up has also changed from south to north. Thedevelopment and revitalization of Pudong has brought Shanghai to the forefrontof Chinas reform and opening up. The spring breeze has awakened Shanghai Bund,which has been sleeping for many years. Chinese and foreign financialinstitutions have also seized the Bund. Shanghai has made a major move to "clearthe nest and attract Phoenix", replacing the Bund Financial Street houses,attracting "old customers" from home and abroad to settle down again, showingthe style of "Wall Street" in the Far East.

The Bund is a symbol of Shanghai and a must for Chinese and foreigntourists. But in the past, because of the narrow road and the crowded traffic,the overall image of the Bund was seriously affected. In order to change theappearance of the Bund, the Shanghai Peoples government takes the Bund as a keypoint to transform. The road in front of us is called Zhongshan Road. It isnamed in memory of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the pioneer of Chinas democraticrevolution. It is also part of the comprehensive transformation of the Bund. Theroad is 826m long and 45m wide with 6 to 10 lanes. This wide traffic line is notonly limited to the Bund area, but also extends with the pace of reform andopening up. It starts from Jiangwan Wujiaochang in the north and ends at NanpuBridge in the south. By the beginning of the next century, the North-SouthCorridor will be 15 kilometers long and will become a landmark of Shanghaitourism.

The riverside road we are taking now is quite unique. It not onlyintegrates culture and greening, but also is a good place for people to practicewriting and martial arts in the morning, a place for tourists at home and abroadto visit in the daytime, and an ideal place for lovers to have a love talk inthe evening. It is said that many foreign friends have come to experiencelife.

Ladies and gentlemen, strolling in the new Bund Sightseeing Area, do youfeel that the new Bund not only has a new look, but also has a strong artisticatmosphere in the bustling city. Lets see: an artistic landscape with the themeof "for tomorrow" is set on the Bund of Yanan East Road, embracing with sixcolumns and combining with the meteorological signal station with a history ofmore than 80 years to form a group of scenery. The customs building and theelectronic waterfall clock are also quite new. The electronic waterfall clock isa ladder type, 27 meters long and 3.5 meters high, with 10 full steps. The wholeoperation process is controlled by computer. There are more than 1000 jets ofwater in various colors of Arabic numerals, which makes the world so far awayand so close to each other. The tourist area has become a scenic line ofShanghai style culture that can accommodate hundreds of rivers.

Walking on the Bund, we unconsciously entered Huangpu Park. When it comesto the park, everyone in China cant forget the sign "Chinese and dogs are notallowed to enter" hung by foreign powers at the entrance of the park. Theinfamous sign brought great shame to the Chinese people at that time. Now, the60 meter high Shanghai Peoples handsome monument stands in front of the water.The majestic three pillar huanggangyan tower seems to tell people that thepeople will always remember the heroes who sacrificed their lives for thenational humiliation and Shanghais revolutionary cause since the war, the May4th Movement and the liberation war.

Huangpu Park is facing the famous Huangpu River at home and abroad. "Theyellow water in Huanglongpu on the moon" vividly depicts the color of HuangpuRiver. Jiangpu river is the mother river of Shanghai. It originates from TaihuLake in Wuxi. It is the longest, widest and deepest river in Shanghai, with atotal length of 114 km, an average width of 400 m and a depth of 7-9 M. Itsoriginal name is Dongjiang, also known as chunshenjiang and huangxiejiang. It issaid that more than 20__ years ago, Shanghai belonged to the state of Chu. Atthat time, there was a great general named Huang Xie in the state of Chu. He wasvery talented in governing the country. He was appointed prime minister by theking of Chu and was granted the title of "fengshenjun" to govern the land ofShanghai. Due to the siltation of the upper reaches of Dongjiang River at thattime, he led the people of Shanghai to dredge and modify the waterway, whichgreatly developed Shanghais water transportation and agriculture. In order tocommemorate Huang Xies achievements, later generations changed the name ofDongjiang River to "chunshenjiang" and "huangxiepu", which was not officiallynamed "Huangpu River" until the Southern Song Dynasty.

Overlooking the other bank, Pudong Lujiazui financial and trade zone andPuxi Bund are facing each other. Its functions are finance, trade and foreignservices. It will be the core and symbol of new Shanghai. "East Bund" BinjiangAvenue, with a total length of 2500 meters, integrates tourism, sightseeing andentertainment, along which there are six distinctive squares. Although I canonly smell the rumbling sound of piling, it is the most gorgeous movement on thestaff and predicts a better future for the Bund.



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Taizhou is a young coastal city on Chinas Gold Coast, located in themiddle of Zhejiang coast and the southernmost wing of Shanghai Economic Zone.Taizhou City Center is 122 degrees east and 28 degrees north, which belongs tosubtropical monsoon climate. Jiaojiang, Huangyan and Luqiao are three districtsin the urban area. Under the jurisdiction of Linhai, Wenling two cities, Yuhuan,Tiantai, Xianju, Sanmen four counties. The city has a land area of 9411 squarekilometers, a sea area of 80000 square kilometers and a population of 5.46million. The urban area is 1536 square kilometers with a population of 1.4million.

Taizhou, with a long history, is the birthplace of pterosaur fossils andXiatang culture in the Neolithic age more than 5000 years ago. After QinShihuang unified China, Huipu township was set up, Huipu county was set up inthe Han Dynasty (85 BC), Linhai county was set up in the Three Kingdoms period(257 AD), and Huipu county was set up in the Tang Dynasty (620 BC)___ Taizhoucity has been known since 1949. Since the founding of new China, it has beenestablished as an administrative office. In August 1994, Taizhou city wasestablished with the approval of the State Council.

Taizhou enjoys the advantages of both mountains and sea, and has been knownas "famous mountain on the sea" in history. Taizhou is one of the main grainproducing areas in Zhejiang Province. It is the first place in China where therice yield per mu exceeds 1000 Jin and 20__ Jin. Taizhou is also Chinas mainfruit Town, famous fruit Huangyan Mandarin and Yuhuan Wendan are famous at homeand abroad. Chinese Taiwan is one of the main fishing areas in China, with a vast andrich fishing ground in the East China Sea, and its fishery output ranks first inZhejiang Province.

Taizhou is the birthplace of Chinas stock cooperative system withdeveloped economy and prosperous market. 20 years of reform and opening up___ Inrecent years, the people of Taizhou have emancipated their minds, worked hardand blazed new trails. They have found a road suitable for the economicdevelopment of the city and initially established a distinctive socialist marketeconomy pattern. As a result, a relatively backward pure agricultural area hascompleted the initial stage of industrialization and entered the ranks ofcoastal cities with relatively developed economy.

Taizhou has convenient transportation and advanced communication. Haimenport has always been an important port for foreign exchanges. In 230 ad, thefirst route between the mainland and Chinese Taiwan was opened. Todays Taizhou has aport, an airport, a national highway 104 and coastal expressways, and hasinitially built a three-dimensional transportation system of sea, land andair.

Taizhou has a prosperous style of study since ancient times. The people arehonest and the society is stable. There are many scenic spots and historicsites. Education Science and technology are developed, and talents emerge inlarge numbers. It is a rich land on the gold coast of China.

In 1999, with the approval of the State Council, Taizhou city wasidentified as a big city and the center of the first level economic sub regionin the urbanization pattern of Zhejiang Province. 20___ In, Taizhou MunicipalParty committee and government put forward the strategic goal of "developing bigindustry, developing big port, building big transportation and building a bigcity", positioning Taizhou as a prosperous, civilized and beautiful modern portcity.

The goal of Taizhous second take-off is: in 20 years___ It will be builtinto a modern coastal city with developed science, industry and trade.

Taizhou is mountainous and coastal, with both mountain and sea scenery.Since the Han and Jin Dynasties, Taoism and Buddhism have flourished, andtemples have sprung up in the mountains and valleys, adding many culturallandscapes. After the founding of the peoples Republic of China, a number ofscenic spots have been opened up. The scenic spots in the region can be roughlydivided into three categories: the mountain scenic spots mainly located inTaishan and Kuocang mountains, including the mountains in Huangyan City andWenling County, and the natural scenery is integrated with many historicalsites; Taozhu in Linhai City, Shepan island and Xianyan cave in Sanmen County,Shitang fishing village in Wenling County, Dalu island in Yuhuan County, Dachenisland in Jiaojiang city and other coastal scenic spots have great developmentpotential; most of the scenic spots in cities, counties and suburbs have beenturned into parks. Tiantai Mountain was declared as a provincial scenic spot bythe provincial peoples Government in August 1985 and approved as a national keyscenic spot in August 1988. Taozhu scenic spot has been recorded in the recordsof Tainan cave forest by Feng gengxue in the Qing Dynasty. It began to attractattention in the 1980s, and there are many new discoveries. There are still manyscenic spots to be developed in all parts of the region.



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