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1. 请大家一定要注意安全,行车中不要在车厢内走动,不要把头或手伸出车外,以免发生危险。

2. 为了大家的身体健康,请大家保持车内的卫生,不要吸烟。

3. 请您一定要注意我们的车票是往返车费,不含其它的费用,并且全程对号入座。

4. 请您注意我们的返城时间是明年下午1点,请大家准时到指定地点集合,最后祝大家在这次旅游活动中完的开心、愉快。









1. 你在骑马时,不要站在马的前面和后面。最佳位置是马的侧面。

2. 您在骑马时,脚踩在马镫里的三分之一处,这样发生危险能及时跳下来。

3. 大家握好马的缰绳,只要大家记得这些常识骑马就会是一件开心的事了。









内蒙古大青沟是个美丽的地方! 六、七月份正是内蒙古景色最美的时节,我们应朋友的邀请,怀着激动的心情来到了美丽的大草原,这里比想像得还要美! 放眼望去,碧绿的草原一眼望不到边!站在大草原上,耳边仿佛听到了德德玛的悠扬的歌声“美丽的草原,我的家……”草地松松软软的,躺在上面就像躺在地毯上,真舒服!


这些花我都说不出来名字呢!绿色的草地在这些五颜六色的鲜花陪衬下,像漂亮的花地毯,好美啊! 我陶醉在大自然的美景中,导游的笛子声催我们前进了。我们来到了生命锁。这里的地势很低,(听导游说这里原来是个很深的沟)沿着陡峭的台阶往下走,两边是锁满铁锁的铁链子,我们也像其他游客一样每人花十元买了一把锁,把它所在铁链上,同时在心里许个愿,据说很灵验的!

我就祝爸爸妈妈身体健康吧!再往下面走就看到了一个好大的水池,池水清澈见底,偶尔有几条可爱的小鱼游过,听说用这里的池水洗手、洗脸可以去掉晦气呢!咦,前面不远处的树长得可真怪!像两个人抱在一起,更奇怪的是一棵树枝叶繁茂,另一棵却没长枝叶!导游说这事夫妻树,妻子已经死了(是棵枯树)传说丈夫很爱他的妻子,所以才紧紧拥抱在一起的!为了留作纪念,我们在夫妻树旁留了影。 从生命锁走出来,我们来到了马场,远远地我们就看到了有好多的马,个个膘肥体壮,有身材高大的,也有矮种马;皮毛的颜色有的白得一点杂毛都没有,有的黑得油亮亮,有的是花色皮毛……第一次和马儿近距离接触,心里多少有些害怕!只好和爸爸同骑一匹马了。我和姐姐决定比谁的马跑得快,结果我的马跑了一半路竟吃起了青草,可能是马儿饿了,也可能是它在耍起性子,总之,我们被落在了后面,结果我们的马跑了第二名,呵呵,我的屁股都颠疼了也没得第一!

玩累了,也饿了,我们坐着马车去蒙古包吃饭。那边有一些整齐排列的圆柱形的房子,房顶尖尖的,这些一定就是蒙古包了!房子周围涂画着漂亮的花纹,里面没有床也没有炕,我们坐在小垫上就等着品尝蒙古特色喽!不一会,烤全羊端上来了,奶茶、奶酪、牛肉干、马奶酒……摆了满满一桌子。这些都是蒙古特产呢!我要买一些给姥姥、姥爷、爷爷、奶奶。尤其要买牛肉干,它可是我们全家最爱吃的哦! 由于第二天还要上学,晚上的篝火晚会看不成了,我们依依不舍地离开了大青沟,它的美永远地留在了我的记忆中!




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4628 字

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"Zijunxuan" is the birthplace of Mr. Wang Chuanshan, a famous philosopher,thinker, writer and historian in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. Thepresent building is reconstructed according to the records of ancient books.Inside the pavilion, there is a sculpture by Mr. Wang Chuanshan. Wang Chuanshanwas born in wangyaping, ancient Hengzhou Prefecture. He once studied in YueluAcademy in Changsha. In his middle age, he participated in the anti Qing Dynastyand the restoration of Ming Dynasty. After his failure, he lived in seclusion atthe foot of shichuanshan mountain in Hengshan County. He studied astronomy,geography, calendar, mathematics, especially classics, history and literature.His works include historical works Yongli Shilu, philosophical works Zhouyiwaizhuan, zhangzizheng mengfa, Huangshu, siwenlu, etc., 1645 poems and 325poems. Later generations compiled them into Chuanshan Yishu, a total of 358volumes and more than 8 million words. Wang Chuanshan hated the Qing soldiersand vowed not to be an official. Every time he went out of the house, he wouldwear high soled shoes and play bamboo umbrella, which means "not to step on theland of the Qing court, not to share the sky of the Qing court.". In thepavilion, bamboo is used as decoration from guardrails to window lattice, stairsto murals, symbolizing the noble spirit of Mr. Chen. On the walls of thepavilions and corridors, there are also "eight scenes of ancient Hengzhou"inscribed in Wang Chuanshans writings and Xiao Shanqings writings: Yanfengmisty rain, shigujiangshan, Dongzhou taolang, Xihu lotus, Zhuling fairy cave,anther Chunxi, yuepingxueling, Qingcao Yudeng.

Out of this junxuan, up the steps, you can see the Xiangjiang River.Hengyang is the confluence of the Xiangjiang River and the steaming water. Inancient times, every autumn, the water potential subsided, the beach was full ofsnow-white sand, and geese from the South came down one after another. This isthe famous "wild geese falling from the flat sand" in the ancient "eightsceneries of Xiaoxiang". However, due to the changes of time, the scenery ofthat year has been lost, which makes the later generation have infinitereverie.

Nanyue Hengshan is eight hundred Li in length and breadth, among which themost beautiful and concentrated scenic spot is the central scenic spot in NanyueDistrict of Hengyang City, covering an area of about 85 square kilometers.

Nanyue ancient town

After Nanyue Hengshan memorial archway, turn forward and step into Nanyueancient town. The specific formation age of the ancient town can not be tested,but at least in the Tang Dynasty, it has formed a very prosperous Xiangshi. Lookat the bluestone road under your feet. It has been polished for thousands ofyears. The heel of your shoes makes a clear sound on it, just like the woodenfish of Zen bell, beating the soul of every pilgrim!

The streets of Nanyue ancient town are all paved with stone slabs. On bothsides are two-story buildings with the same height. The same color of whitewalls, high raised eaves and carved dragons and painted Phoenix roofs allmaintain the style of is, reflecting the ancient beauty of Nanyue ancient towneverywhere. If you buy a stick of incense in the shop here and taste a cup oftea in the teahouse, you will surely benefit a lot from the comprehensivenessand profundity of Chinese Buddhism and the remote artistic conception oftraditional culture. Another wonder about the streets of the ancient town isthat there is a long corridor under the houses on both sides. In this way, evenin rainy days, you dont need to take an umbrella to walk leisurely along thelong street, which truly realizes the situation described by the famous writerLi Jianwu in "climbing Mount Tai in the rain" which is "interesting in the rainbut not bitter".

Although the ancient town is small, it also has all kinds of internalorgans, such as restaurants, inns, incense shops, shops, Buddhist halls, andeven the study where the smell of ink still exists. In particular, therestaurants here serve local specialties, such as fresh and delicious wildmushrooms, Hengshan tofu with unique taste and nutritious bamboo shoots. If youdont try local dishes in Hengshan, its just like if you dont eat muttonsteamed bun in Xian, 18 Street flowers in Tianjin and hot pot in Chongqing!

After going through the blue stone road full of vicissitudes, the ancienthouses full of history, and the Buddhist halls and incense shops that cleansethe soul, do you have a bright light in your heart? Do you have a differentfeeling for Nanyue? Do you have a meditation on life? This is the real beauty ofthe ancient town!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5382 字

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Dear judges, dear students, good evening. I would like to ask if you have aplace that you cant dream of. If so, please keep it. If not, please look here.The ancient city of Phoenix will be the paradise you dream of returning to yourhometown. Im your tour guide

Fenghuang ancient city is a national historical and cultural ancient city.It was once praised as one of the most beautiful small cities in China by thefamous New Zealand writer Louis Ailey. So where does it get its name?

There are two legends about him: 1. It is said that Phoenix, the god birdof the kingdom of Heaven (ancient India), set himself on fire after he was 500years old. Resurrected from the ashes, delicious, no longer dead. This bird isPhoenix, the king of birds in China. There is a mountain in the southwest ofFenghuang, which looks like a flying phoenix. Therefore, Fenghuang ancient cityis named after it.

2 Wutong also has a beautiful legend: according to legend, there were fivehuge Indus trees in the ancient times, representing five directions in thesoutheast and Northwest China. These Wutong trees once ushered in Phoenixhabitat.

Dear tourists, which statement do you agree with? Anyway, Phoenix is abeautiful name.

Fenghuang ancient city is located in the southwest of Hunan Province,belonging to the Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Western Hunan Province.It is located on the Bank of Tuojiang River, surrounded by mountains andmagnificent passes. The total area is 1759 square kilometers. Its warm inwinter and cool in summer, rich in light and four distinct seasons. Its a goodplace for tourism. Of course, the beauty of Phoenix is not only due to itsclimate.

Next, Id like to introduce my dream back to my hometown, phoenix ancientcity, from three aspects.

Beautiful scenery of Phoenix

The beauty of Phoenix

The custom beauty of Phoenix

First of all, one of the beautiful scenery - Tuojiang River

The green river meanders under the ancient city wall. It is the TuojiangRiver. The water of Tuojiang River is clear, and the water flow is gentle. Youcan see the water plants in the soft waves, gently, supporting a long pole.

The emerald foothills of Nanhua mountain reflect the center of the river,fishing boats count in the river, and the evening drum and morning bell sound inthe mountains. Down the river, across the Hongqiao, a picture of Jiangnan WaterVillage will be displayed in front of you. The slender stilted buildings, theLongevity Palace, the ten thousand pagodas, and the duocui tower are like alandscape that never comes back.

The water is gentle, so the city is so rigid, the second beautiful scenery- the southern Great Wall. Most of the southern Great Wall is located in XiangxiTujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Hunan Province. It was built in the 33rdyear of Jiajing in Ming Dynasty. With a total length of 382 Li, it is one of thelargest ancient buildings in Chinese history. It is known as the Wanli wall inmiaojiang. His aim was to prevent the Miao people from uprising. The ruins ofthe South Great Wall tell us the vicissitudes of hundreds of years of wind andrain, the desolation of the first tomb, and the promise when we stick to it. Itseems that it takes us into an old dream, in which there are wolf smoke, hornhorn horn, Luo Ming and sad homesick flute...

Said the south, that naturally thought of the north. The third scenic spotis located in Qiliang cave in sifangli, north of the county.. In the words ofscience, this cave is a standard carbonate cave, which is famous for its fourcharacteristics: strange, beautiful, broad and quiet. "Mo Yan is the mostbeautiful scenery in China, while the Seven Star reed and grass are inferior,"which can be called the Pearl of cave scenery. The cave is more than 6000 meterslong. There are mountains in the cave. There are caves in the mountains. Thecaves are connected. There is a hall in the cave. There is a stone with a smallhole, whistling against the small hole. The whole hall resounds with the soundof trumpets. In those days, Miao people used this way to send orders.

After seeing so many beautiful sceneries, do you have the feeling ofdreaming back to your hometown? The beautiful sceneries of Phoenix are endless.Phoenix is not only a place with beautiful scenery, but also a place wherepeople are outstanding and famous. The people of Phoenix are beautiful,including Zheng Guohong, the famous anti British general, Shen Congwen, thegreat literary master, Xiong Xiling, the Prime Minister of the Republic ofChina, Huang Yongyu, the master of traditional Chinese painting, song Zuying,the famous singer, he long, the founding marshal, etc.

Of course, Shen Congwens former residence, Xiong Xilings former residenceand Chens ancestral hall are also worth visiting.

You must be tired after all that walking. Go to a bar for a while. Even ifyou never go to a bar, you will be attracted by their names. Every bar has aromantic name: watchman, base area, etc. outside the bar are rows of winebottles. Its no fun just drinking. Fenghuangs snacks are also famous. Thebraised meat powder in the old house under Fenghuang Hongqiao, Furong Town ricetofu and yebaba will make your mouth water. After eating and drinking, you canenjoy the beautiful night scene, the night market or the bonfire. Or put 2stacks of river lights, with your wishes drifting away, you can also think ofthings.

Do you wish to go to Fenghuang ancient city.



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Fengjing ancient town in Shanghai is a famous historical and cultural townin China. It is also one of the eight scenic spots in new Shanghai. It islocated in the southwest. Historically, it is located at the intersection of Wuand Yue, so it is known as a famous town of Wu and Yue. Today, it borders fivedistricts and counties of Shanghai and Zhejiang, and is the most important"Southwest gateway" from Shanghai to southwest provinces. Fengjing is a typicalancient town in Jiangnan. The ancient town is surrounded by water networks,rivers and bridges. There are as many as 52 bridges in the town. Zhihe bridge ofYuan Dynasty is the oldest existing one, which has a history of nearly 720__years. The town has 29 streets and lanes, 84 lanes and lanes. Up to now, thereare four ancient buildings in Heping Street, production street, North Street andYouhao street, with a total area of 48750 square meters (excluding the ancientbuildings preserved in other blocks). It is a large-scale and well preservedancient water town in Shanghai.

Fengjing town was founded in Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty. It is acivilized ancient town with a history of more than 1500 years. It straddles theboundaries of Wu and Yue. Fengjing town is a typical market town in the south ofthe Yangtze River. It is surrounded by water networks and rivers. It is known as"three steps, two bridges and ten ports in one sight". There are many smallpolders in the town, which are shaped like lotus leaves. There are many trees inthe Town, and the scale of houses is small. The clear current is swift and thelotus is planted everywhere. It is elegant and beautiful, so it is also called"qingfengjing", "Fengxi" and "Furong Town".

Cultural characteristics

Fengjing culture is well-developed, which is the birthplace of Jinshanfarmer painting. Fengjing people love life, blue calico, furniture carving,kitchen murals, lantern, paper cutting, embroidery, weaving and other folk arthas a long history. The rich folk culture and art gave birth to Jinshan peasantpainting. Jinshan farmers, who are mainly Fengjing farmers painters, havecreated the Jinshan farmers paintings with strong local flavor and uniqueartistic style, which have a wide influence at home and abroad. There are manyfamous painters in the town. Cheng Shifas ancestral home on Heping Street hasbeen restored and opened. The Ding Cong cartoon exhibition hall on North Streetis located in a two-story Chinese and Western style building. In front of thebuilding, there is an ancient gingko and a cluster of Daba. Ding Congs life andmore than 100 comics are displayed in the museum. Humorous drawing often makespeople linger. The exhibition center of Jinshan peasant paintings in Shengtanglane, South Street, is located in the reading building of CAI Yitai, the numberone scholar in Qing Dynasty. It is elegant, but the pictures reveal a stronglocal flavor. Farmer paintings and Ding Congs comics, Cheng Shifas traditionalChinese paintings and Gu shuirus go, which have considerable influence at homeand abroad, are concentrated in Fengjing, a town, which is a rare local culturalphenomenon in China.

Ancient architecture

Along the xizha river opposite to the town government, there is a 600 meterlong ancient mansion with a construction area of 12000 square meters. To thewest of the ancient stage, the old site of the Qing Dynasty Post Office, locatedat 92 Heping Street, has a solid structure with grey walls and black tiles. Thedoor frames on both sides are stone pillars. The big characters "post andtelecommunications office" stand out above the high door opening. This is one ofthe few existing old sites of the Qing Dynasty Post Office in Shanghai. Due toits developed culture and prosperous economy, Fengjing is also a rare ancienttown with complete Taoism, Buddhism, Catholicism and Christianity. As early asthe first year of Liang Tianjian in the Southern Dynasty (520__), a Taoisttemple had been built in nanzha of Fengjing. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties,Buddhism was very popular, with temples in streets, alleys, Li and Fang. Therewere three temples in the town. In the late Qing Dynasty, Catholicism andChristianity began to be introduced into Fenghua. If you go to xingjue temple,Shiwang temple, Yujia ancestral hall and other cultural landscapes, you can findthe historical traces of Fengjing town, which was divided into North and Southin ancient times, half belonged to Wu area, and half belonged to cross-borderarea.

Simple folk customs

Fengjing people are honest and honest, advocating farming and education,paying attention to education and official selection. It has bred three numberone scholars, 56 Jinshi, 125 Juren, 235 cultural celebrities (including 100county magistrate, 3 ministers of six ministries and 2 prime ministers), and 639celebrities with historical records since the Tang Dynasty. In ancient times,there were Lu Zhi, the Prime Minister of Tang Dynasty; Chen Shunyu, the garrisonofficer of Song Dynasty, and Xu Kechang, the number one scholar; Chen Yicheng,the imperial doctor of Taiyuan hospital who followed Zheng He to the West inMing Dynasty; CAI Yitai, the number one scholar in Qing Dynasty, and Xie Yong,the official to cabinet bachelor and official minister; Shen Rongcheng, the folkpoet. In modern times, there were Zhu xuefan, vice chairman of the NationalPeoples Congress, Gu shuiru, a national go player, Ding Cong, a famouscartoonist, Cheng Shifa, a master of traditional Chinese painting, Yuan Shizhao,Lu Longfei and other revolutionary predecessors. They left precious historicalsites and legends for Fengjing.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 8272 字

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It is located on the Nanlang mountain between Sham Shui Wan and Wong ChukHang on Hong Kong Island, covering an area of 150 acres. The park is dividedinto low land and high land. The low land is called "huangzhukeng Park", whichis the main entrance of Ocean Park. The high land is called "Nanlang MountainPark", which is located in the south of Nanlang mountain. There is an overheadcrane between the high land and the low land for tourists. As early as 1955, theplan for the construction of the park was put forward. At the beginning, thegovernment agreed to allocate 30 acres of land and the Jockey Club invested HK$78 million. Later, the land was allocated to 150 acres and the investmentincreased to HK $150 million. At first, only a "Marine Aquarium" was planned tobe built. Later, it was changed into an ocean park, which was officiallycompleted and opened on January 10, 1977.

There are three pavilions in Nanlang mountain highland of Ocean Park,namely marine animal performance hall, Haitao hall and ocean hall. The marineanimal show hall has a huge pool with a stand for more than 3500 spectators. Theanimals performing here include specially trained sea lions, dolphins and killerwhales. Their wonderful performances often arouse the audiences cheers andcheers. Haitao Pavilion is equipped with rock coast like rockery and pool. Assoon as the electric wave machine starts, the waves roll and rise and fall up toone meter high. There is an underwater glass viewing room here. Through theglass, you can watch all kinds of beauty of marine animals roaming in theunderwater. The aquarium is divided into two parts, the shallow lake and thedeep lake. There are more than 300 kinds of fish, 30000 of which live in thelake, including shark, devil fish, grouper and so on. There are three layers ofglass walls around the lake, outside which visitors can watch the activities ofunderwater fish.

An important symbol of Ocean Park is the aerial cable car (crane), with atotal length of 1.4 km. It connects the lowland at the foot of the mountain withthe highland of Nanlang mountain. When walking at an altitude of 200 meters, thewhole journey can be completed in 6 minutes. Visitors can overlook the sceneryof deep water bay, shallow water bay and lowland park at an altitude. There are250 cranes, each with six seats, which can carry 5000 passengers per hour. Inrecent years, in order to attract more tourists, the park has continuously addednew facilities, including various video games, such as Ferris wheel and rollercoaster, and opened up a large-scale water park.

Key points of Tour: to the ocean park, you can not but take the cable carto overlook the beautiful scenery of the mountains and the sea. Otherattractions that cant be missed are: aquarium, Ocean theater, Haitao Pavilion,shark Pavilion, crazy roller coaster, mountaineering elevator, Pacific coast,ocean skyscraper, super dynamic cinema, bird paradise, butterfly house, DinosaurTrail, childrens Kingdom, speed trip, adventure in ancient countries and HongKong Jockey Club giant panda Park.

Cable car and elevator: Ocean Park is divided into two parts: lowland andhighland. The two are connected by cable cars. There are 252 cable cars, whichcan carry 4000 people per hour. The whole journey of the cable car is 1.5km longand takes about 8 minutes to complete. From the cable car, visitors can enjoythe beautiful scenery of deep water bay and Aberdeen. In addition to taking thecable car, another way to get to the highland is to take the second longestoutdoor covered escalator in the world from the entrance of Dashu Bay. This 225meter long climbing elevator can carry 4000 people up and down a 30 degree slopeevery hour. I believe that in addition to people who are afraid of heights,taking this elevator is definitely an exciting and interesting program.

Ocean World: most of the exhibitions on marine life are in highlands. TheOcean Museum is one of the most popular places for tourists. After a renovationcost of HK $65 million, the new aquarium takes the coral environment in theIndian Ocean and Pacific Ocean as its new theme. The aquarium is not only hometo more than 4000 fish belonging to 400 species, but also one of the largestsimilar facilities in the world. The aquarium can accommodate up to 600 visitorsat the same time. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful posture of various fish fromdifferent angles through the glass in the four storey aquarium.

Pacific Coast: the newly established Pacific coast of Ocean Park imitatesthe natural environment of California coast in the United States, breedingCalifornia sea lions and spotted seals, composing another "unique ocean worldjourney", bringing unprecedented interactive fun to tourists.

Ocean theater: Ocean theater is a good place for marine mammals to showtheir skills. There are 3500 seats in the theater, providing visitors withseveral wonderful, interesting and lovely dolphin and sea lion performancesevery day.

Shark house: in highland, the shark house, which cost 40 million Hong Kongdollars to build, has raised nearly 70 sharks, with a total of about 35 species,including the fun looking "fat baby" Brown shark. There is an 11.5-meter-longtransparent fiber viewing tunnel, in which tourists feel as if they are in thedeep sea, and the sharks are also within reach.

Motorized Games: Crazy roller coaster is located on the Highlands,extremely exciting and fun, but also the worlds longest and fastest rollercoaster. In addition, other mobile games, such as flying swings, Ferris wheeland flying eagle, are also very exciting, which cant be missed by tourists wholike excitement.

Overlooking the scenery - Ocean skyscraper: in addition to dynamic games,visitors who like to watch can go to the ocean skyscraper built with HK $30million and look around from the tower 72 meters above the ground. Oceanskyscraper tower was built in highland in 1992. With air conditioning, it is thetallest observation tower in Southeast Asia. On the top floor of the skyscraper,visitors can view the charming scenery of Aberdeen, peak, Lantau Island, LammaIsland and Cheung Chau from 360 degrees.

Bird Paradise: located in Dashu Bay, bainiao house is one of the largestbird houses in the world. There are more than 20__ birds belonging to 200species flying in bainiaoju, and visitors can walk around in the forest scenerywithout separation. Bainiaoju also has parrot garden, bird theater, red storkpool and artificial lake.

LVYE Garden: Super Dynamic cinema covers an area of 900 square meters, witha total of 100 seats. With the oil pressure seats, the picture on the 15 meterhigh screen swings up and down, and the lifelike image and high fax soundeffect, visitors will have unlimited exciting "super dynamic feeling" when theyare in it.

Butterfly House: in the green garden of lowland. Butterfly house is acocoon type glass greenhouse, in which the temperature and environment are mostsuitable for butterfly life. There are more than 25 species of butterflies inthe butterfly house, with a total number of more than thousands.

In the Dinosaur Trail, 17 dinosaur models were built. Tourists can followthe footprints of dinosaurs, slowly step into the primitive era, and return tothe world of the jungle Dinosaurs: to see the life of dinosaurs from hatching,growing up to adulthood. In the green garden, the ancient adventure will takeyou back to the ruins of the ancient rainforest. All the wild animals and plantswe met during the journey are real objects, large and lifelike, as well ashigh-altitude diving performance, which will make you refreshing.

Childrens Kingdom: the "childrens kingdom" with an area of 3.5 Mu wasopened in the summer of 1993, providing a new and interesting thing for afamily, especially children. In the childrens Kingdom, there are sightseeingtrains, "sea lion happy station" performance of "happy little theater",remote-controlled cars and boats, technical Games "happy game city", and"Dolphin school" mode.

"Journey at top speed" downer: the "journey at top speed" downer allowspassengers to slowly rise vertically, rise to the top of a 60 meter tower in 20to 25 seconds, then stay in the air for a few seconds, and then make a 40 milesteep descent to the ground. The whole descent is about 30 to 40 seconds, whichis extremely dangerous.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1288 字

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Aujourdhui, je suis allé à Shanghai avec mes parents et, surtout, noussommes allés au Bund de Shanghai dont jai rêvé.Jai entendu dire que le Bundavait la plus belle vue nocturne, alors nous avons choisi la nuit, et jaifinalement atteint ma destination avec impatience.

Le plus remarquable est la tour orientale de perles. Cest vraiment le cielau - dessus de la tête, la station de pied, la lumière de la montagne de la tourchange constamment de couleur, comme un joyau brillant tournant dans lair, sispectaculaire!

Les vagues sur la rivière ne pouvaient pas non plus retenir leur humeur,battaient le rivage sans cesse, nous disant Bonjour, jai pris la main de mesparents, marchant le long de la rivière, marchant inconsciemment jusquà la tourcommémorative des héros du peuple de Shanghai, je

En ce moment, ja I un sentiment innommable, en plus de ladmiration pourles héros morts, plus vaut notre respect et notre émotion!

Je mappuie sur la rampe près de la rivière et jadmire les néonscolorés.De temps en temps, je passais devant des foules détrangers. Le vent dusoir ma légèrement brossé la joue, ajoutant un peu de fra?cheur à la saisonchaude. Le sifflet du bateau a continué à venir sur la rivière. Tout était sicharmant, si enivrant, que les gens ont oublié de revenir!

Je taime, Shanghai!



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Dear visitors:

Everybody is good! Hello everyone and welcome to China Sou springs of the township, national nature reserve - wudalianchi tourism. Very honored to accompany you to appreciate the magic volcanic landscape, and hope my tour guide can provide high quality service for you.

Wudalianchi places of scenic spot, is located in neuilly Hume river, covers an area of 1060 square kilometers. Scenic area is mainly composed of the new period and the old period volcano 14, 5 volcanic lake (five dalian pool), more than 60 square kilometers "shilong" (basalt platform) and has a high health care value of low temperature cold spring. Here is very rich in tourism resources, setting mountains, water, deep and remote, lava qiao fold, magical medicine springs, known as the natural volcanic park, opened the volcanic textbooks and famous tourist resort spa.

14 might wudalianchi volcanoes are arranged "well" glyph, name is: medicine mountain spring, WoHuShan, bijia mountain, north and south mountain, things coke granite ball cloth to the mountains, maura, tail mountain, longmen mountain, the xiaogushan, black dragon mountain and fire mountain, there are 12 remote volcano s, one of the earliest can reach tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years. Two younger volcano is the black dragon mountains and fire, between 1719 and 1721 eruption, history records the heilongjiang, "ning pagodas generations have written records. In with volcanic eruptions, lava put lots of Hume river tributary of rolling, middle cut into five sections, baihe formed five arranged as a string of beads connected to other volcanic lake, both head pool, pool, pool, four, five pool, pool known as wudalianchi. Five pool has a boundary river between communication, running more than 20 kilometers up to 40 m2 kilometers, the lake total capacity of 170 million cubic meters. Five pool of clear water ying ying, the ornament is between 14 volcano, with wide basalt platform together, draw into a set of strange mountain, water, stone landscape.

Wudalianchi volcanic landscape not only unique, but also is rich in a magical efficacy of mineral water.

Of wudalianchi mineral water, there is a beautiful legend. According to legend a long time ago, wudalianchi area, towering old trees, the grass lush. An orogen hunter, looking for a sika deer shot. Deer with arrows in the previous run, chase after the hunter followed the blood. The deer dont run into the mountains, but ran into a pool, the hunter feel a little strange, standing at the edge of the rock to watch, see deer in not washing the wound, tongue licking and landed, blood flow, striding ran into the mountains. He went to the spring took to drink a mouthful of water with the hand, feel refreshed. Later, a hunter as long as a little ailment, small disaster to spring water treatment, are in addition to the water to the disease. It springs from then on, people are regarded as "holy water", after the fifth lunar month every year, people have to drink the water "zero". People drink, it is said, to "zero water" can eliminate the evil illnesses, longer live.

Although it is a legend, but five dalian pool of water does have prevention and cure and fitness function, according to scientific determination: mineral water contains more than 40 essential trace elements, but with the world famous "Vichy France, Russia, the Caucasus" mineral water, and called the world three big cold spring.

Nature guifushengong created wudalianchi unique landscape. Wudalianchi scenic area has been proven there are more than 100 scenic spots, is divided into seven major scenic spots. Has now developed more than 70 sites, the main award in fire mountain scenic area, medicine spring mountain scenic area and focal scenery area.


Welcome to here! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

Beautiful wudalianchi, there are many scenic spots, such as LaoHeiShan etc. Today I want to introduce the scenic spot of wudalianchi.

Our first stop is LaoHeiShan. This is an active volcano, heard that it is the tallest of wudalianchi volcano. The mountains, there are a lot of volcano volcano is every volcano lava flow, to stop a volcano erupts, magma accumulation. Get to the point, the most spectacular LaoHeiShan is crater. There were lots of fire aspen crater, some moss, looks very beautiful. The LaoHeiShan trip to aspen my biggest feeling is to fire. It stands in the volcanic fissure, in when a volcano erupts, it faced with speed, no fear, also can be in baidu, survive, its a tough life. And have strong ability to adapt, this also is worth me to learn.

The next station is ice. Although here is very cold, but very beautiful natural ice sculpture. Here is the most beautiful ice sculpture is the number of pagoda ice sculptures. Pagoda ice sculpture is orange, the top very chic, here and there are a lot of small, every door has a different color, the most beautiful in the fence, also very chic.


My hometown is in the black dragon river, here a beautiful all the year round, the charming scenery.

And connect to the spring, all things recovery, woke up again, and connect with a yawn, hard to stretch, shaking the 708 put on ice. Skyline river ice countless large and small, like a hammering, crowded on a highway. After a few days of ice melt, along the river "slip away". Has disappeared, only "a spring waters flow east" mighty, ran to the distance.

At this time of the plants and trees along the Banks of the changed a lot, they are on the river under the "moisture", so the fruit. If the came to the river, youll see the sun, water, Jiang Ou with trees and flowers of a beautiful "landscape painting".

Summer, spring dolls took a spring, summer girl here.

Far, heilongjiang like a white "twisted", it is in our country and Russia on the border of the country.

Close look, broad river, ship, including patrol boats, ornamental ship, cargo ship, a...

River of tourists, some people in swimming, some people in fishing, the fish is much, much like the big fish games. On the beach, some people fear of hot is marked by the sun umbrellas, some have set up a shed.

Li jiang, solid, so spectacular, flowers everywhere. He said that heihe this paragraph! A smooth floor tile on the riverbank.

Along the park, the flowers, grass green, tree leaves, light so bright, water fountain, young children playing together with fountains. When I see these, can make people have a feast for the eyes, linger.

Summer girl took a summer, autumn girl came to our side with a crayon.

After the beginning of autumn day turned blue, autumn girl herself a suit of crayons are used in the leaves and the road, as a result, the leaves yellow, fell from the tree is, far see like handfuls of ingots, really likeable.

The autumn wind blows, let people feel of cool and refreshing. Autumn is a good season, especially for farmers, agriculture development of uncle hard depends on the arrival of the autumn girl. The crops mature, let people are particularly happy.

Fall girl took a beautiful autumn, winter girl brought a lovely winter.

In winter, it is a beautiful season, already can do ice sculptures, and can do ice lanterns.

The pairs of hands of workers get ice sculpture lifelike, lifelike, a large palace, there is a castle in the town, some like China, varied.

Even more interesting is ice lanterns, all lifelike, is the so-called "I port view". People are praised.

Cold in the winter, although, it is a place where tourists have been yearning for.

Ah! Heilongjiang, you with clear water, irrigation with fertile farmland, along with the Chinese people here. You all the year round, only forward, never retreat, your character not just as the Chinese descendants of the Chinese nation?



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Panshan is a beautiful place, but also a place to make people relaxed andhappy. Every holiday, people go to climb the mountain and enjoy the beautifulscenery.

Panshan is a beautiful mountain in Tianjin. After entering the gate andpassing through a section of S-shaped mountain path, you come to the hangingmoon cableway. The thick and long steel wire and colorful cable car are verybeautiful. From the cable car, you can see that the rolling mountains look likea giant dragon. Its magnificent! After getting off the cable car, you come tothe highest peak of the mountain, the hanging moon peak.

Up to the middle wall, the stone in the middle wall wins. There are hugestones standing there, which are strange and strange. There are suspendedstones, rocking stones, egg stones I cant count. There are many strange rocksall over the mountains. Some are like a sheep sleeping, some are like a tigersquatting on the ground, and some are like arrows. Its amazing.

To the hanging wall, the hanging wall of the pine is really called astrange pine. The pines of Panshan are long on the cliffs, some in the crevices,some hanging upside down, some like a huge umbrella, and some like anoutstretched arm Climb the main peak of Panshan - the moon peak. Looking downthe mountain, the other peaks of Panshan have become hills. At the top of thepeak, dense pines and cypresses cover the back of the mountain. Below the moonpeak is yungai temple, which was built in the Tang Dynasty. Because it isshrouded in clouds, it is called yungai temple.

If after watching, back to the footwall, footwall water win is beautiful,the warm current, let peoples hearts ignite the flame.

This is how beautiful Panshan attracts tourists from all over the world andmakes people feel its beauty. Although it is beautiful, we should maintain ittogether and make it more beautiful!



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Erhai Lake is named for its momentum like a sea and shape like a human ear.It is a fault lake formed by crustal movement. It is the second largest plateaufreshwater lake in Yunnan Province. It was once known as "yeyuze" and"kunmichuan" in ancient literature. The water surface is about 1972 meters abovesea level. It starts from Jiangwei township of Eryuan County in the north andends at Xiaguan town of Dali City in the south. It is shaped like a crescentmoon. It is 41.5 kilometers long from north to south, 3 to 9 kilometers widefrom east to west. The water depth of Pingge is 105 meters, and the deepestreaches 20.5 meters. ·Erhai Lake has a vast water area with a circumference of116 kilometers and an area of 251 square kilometers. Erhai lake belongs tolancangkou water system, with Miju River in the north; Donghui BOLUO River, XinaCangshan eighteen streams, in addition, submarine faults also continue to havediving gush, thus forming an inexhaustible lake, rich in water, catchment areaof 2565 square kilometers, the average water capacity of 2.82 billion cubicmeters, the lake water from the West Er River, and Yangbi River confluence intoLancang River, and finally into the Pacific Ocean, due to the inflow and outflowof Erhai water, Erhai Lake water flow out The quality of sea water is excellent,which is suitable for the reproduction and growth of all kinds of fish, shrimpand shellfish. At the same time, Erhai Lake is rich in aquatic resources.

Now our cruise ship has been driving in the rippling Erhai Lake.

Known as the "Pearl of the plateau", Erhai Lake is the main scenic resourceof Dali scenic spot and the most important birthplace of Bai ancestors. So far,more than 30 Neolithic sites have been found in Erhai Lake and its surroundinghillside platform. Jinsuo island in Haidong is a famous Neolithic site.Recently, it was discovered that Yuji island in Shuanglang is also an importantsite of Neolithic age and bronze age. In addition to a large number of stonetools and pottery for daily use, there are also mountain shaped sword, ironblade sword with copper handle and pottery models for casting these weapons. Itcan be inferred that it may be the production base for the ancient Bai ancestorsto smelt and cast bronzes until the iron age. There are historical heritages inevery era here. It seems that we can hear the footsteps of Bais ancestors fromancient times to civilization. Therefore, it can also be said that Erhai Lake isthe cradle of Bai nationality.

Now our boat is passing by Guanyin Pavilion. The name of Guanyin Pavilionin your guide map is Tianjing Pavilion, which was called LUOQUAN temple inancient times. This LUOQUAN temple is closely related to Wangfu cloud, a cloudin Cangshan Mountain. The legend of wangfuyun is a household name in Dali. Hereis a brief introduction to the legend of Wangfu cloud.

It is said that the king of Nanzhao had a smart and beautiful princess. Shemet a young and handsome hunter at the grand meeting of "around the threespirits". They loved each other and secretly made a lifelong commitment. Theprincess confided her true feelings to her father and asked for permission.After hearing this, the king was very angry and put the princess in the deeppalace. The princess was very sad. She was depressed all day and didnt thinkabout food and tea. She was looking forward to the hunter to help her out. Theprincess asked her maid to go to Cangshan to find the hunter and tell hersituation and miss. The hunter was very worried when he heard about it, but theprincess was imprisoned in the deep palace, so he couldnt get close to it. Heran wildly on Cangshan Mountain and called out the name of the princess. Theirpure love moved the mountain god. The mountain god gave the hunter a pair ofwings. With wings, the hunter flew into the palace quietly and took the princessout of the palace wall. Here, Nanzhao King couldnt find his daughter. He wasangry and anxious. He invited master Luo Quan from Haidong. Master Luo Quan usedthe sky mirror to show that the princess was in the cave of Yuju peak, and heused the poison of snow to threaten the princess to return to the palace. Thehunter ventured to fly to LUOQUAN temple and stole master LUOQUANs eighttreasures cassock to protect the princess from the cold. When he flew over ErhaiLake, the hateful master LUOQUAN knocked him down into Erhai Lake and turned himinto a rock - a stone mule. When the princess heard the news, she died ofsadness. After the death of the princess, her essence turns into a white cloud.Every year in the severe winter, the white cloud rises to the top of Yuju peakand looks out at Erhai Lake. As soon as this white cloud appears, the Erhai seawill be windy and the waves will not stop until the stone mule on the bottom ofthe sea appears. It is said that at this time, the princess wants to blow awaythe sea and have a look at the lover on the bottom of the sea. However, it istrue that once Wangfu cloud appears, even on a fine day, it will suddenly bewindy and stormy, so fishing boats will not be able to travel on the sea.Therefore, local fishermen also call Wangfu cloud "no ferry cloud", which meansno ferry.

In fact, Wangfu cloud is just a meteorological cloud. It usually appears insunny days in winter and spring, and is formed by the high-speed flow of air.This is related to the special geographical location of Erhai Lake in Cangshanand the steep mountain of Yuju peak. Its appearance indicates the coming of dryand strong monsoon in India. It is an alarm for safe navigation of ships inErhai Lake. Stone mule is a reef in Erhai Lake, which is also called Dinghaipile. Now this reef has been exposed to the sea and used as a navigation mark byboatman. But the imaginative Bai people gave it such a moving legend, whichnaturally linked wangfuyun, the reef on the sea and LUOQUAN temple. To turn acloud, a stone and a temple into a vivid, vivid and substantial beauty alsomakes Wangfu cloud more magical and interesting in everyones mind.

In front of us, the exquisite Island you can see is little Putuo, thesmallest but most famous island in Erhai Lake. In Erhai Lake, little Putuo canbe said to be a "pocket island". Although the island is small, it is well-known,and it is indispensable in the picture books that introduce Dali.

Xiaoputuo is only more than 200 meters in circumference. It is composed oflimestone and covers a total area of about 70 square meters. Why is it calledlittle Putuo? Putuo is the abbreviation of putuoluojia mountain in Sanskrit,which means little white flower mountain or little flower tree mountain. It issaid that it is the place where Guanyin practices in India. Therefore, most ofthe holy places of Guanyin are called Putuo Mountain. For example, PutuoMountain in Zhejiang Province, one of the four famous Buddhist mountains inChina, is named "little Putuo" because its appearance is more like the legendaryTaoist temple of Guanyin, but its scale and terrain are relatively small.

From a distance, little Putuo looks like a natural bonsai in Erhai Lake. Itis said that when Guanyin came to Dali, she saw the beautiful scenery, pleasantclimate, hardworking and kind-hearted Bai people. She loved this land very much.In addition, she also saw that there were many dragons in Erhai Lake, whichoften caused violent waves. So she put a Zhenhai seal in Erhai Lake, hoping thatit would always keep Dali safe. This reef is the seal used by GuanyinBodhisattva to suppress Jiaolong. Therefore, "little Putuo" is also known as"Haiyin", so the nearby fishing village is also named "Haiyin village".

Xiaoputuo is a scenic spot with beautiful scenery in Erhai, and also aplace with rich Buddhist culture. It was probably during the reign of Chongzhenin the Ming Dynasty that fishermen nearby donated money to build this two-storyPavilion on the island. The pavilion below is dedicated to Dadu Maitreya, andthe pavilion above is dedicated to Guanyin. Dali Buddhism has a remarkablefeature, that is, it is close to Bodhisattva rather than Buddha. Therefore, mostof the Bai people in Dali worship Guanyin in temples. There are male and femalefaces in Guanyin, and the female one is offered in little Putuo of Erhai Lake.This is the obvious difference between Dali and Hinayana Buddhism inXishuangbanna and Dehong.

In the eyes of Bai people, little Putuo is the most spiritual island. EverySpring Festival or any happy event, the Bai people in the nearby villages haveto go to little Putuo for sacrifice to celebrate or for peace. Every time thebride and groom get married, the groom will take the bride around the Islandthree times in a boat, hoping that little Putuo can bring them: Happiness andauspiciousness.

Today, all of you come to Dali from afar to feel the history, culture,customs and peoples feelings here. We also hope that little Putuo can bring youhappiness and peace.



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Tourists: hello and welcome to Zhangjiakou. Im your tour guide.Zhangjiakou City is located at the junction of Beijing, Shanxi, Hebei and InnerMongolia, about 180 kilometers away from Beijing, where the terrain isdangerous, known as "mountain city beyond the Great Wall". Zhangjiakou hasjurisdiction over 4 districts and 13 counties with a total area of 37000 squarekilometers and a population of 4.5 million. Beijing Baotou, fengsha and Daqinrailways cross the East and West. Beijing Zhangjiakou, Xuanda expressways andnational highways 109, 110, 112 and 207 cross the city. Beijing Xizhimen busstation starts from 6 am, and there is a fast passenger bus to Zhangjiakou everyhalf an hour, which is very convenient for transportation and travel.

There are many ancient sites in Zhangjiakou, which are widely distributed.The "big mirror gate" of the ancient Great Wall is not only the pass of theGreat Wall, but also the symbol of Zhangjiakou City. Fanshan in Zhuolu county isthe ancient battlefield of "the Yellow Emperor fighting Chiga", and one of thebirthplaces of the Chinese nation. Every year, many Chinese people come here toseek their roots and worship their ancestors. In addition, there are Han Tombsin daiwangcheng of Yuxian County, Han Tombs in Huaian County, painted tombs inliaobi of Xuanhua, jellyfish palace, Yunquan temple and Qingyuan building in theurban area, all of which are worth visiting. Zhongdu grassland, located inZhangbei Zhongdu, is a natural grassland close to Beijing. In summer, theclimate is cool and the grassland is luxuriant. You can also experienceMongolian customs here. It is a summer resort.

Zhangjiakou has a long history and is rich in cultural relics. There is aworld-famous Nihewan site in Yangyuan County, which is one of the earliestplaces for human beings to set foot. It is an important base for the study ofpaleostratigraphy, paleontology, paleoanthropology and paleogeography from 2million to 3 million years ago in China and even in the world. Zhuolu YellowEmperor city is one of the birthplaces of the Chinese nation. Jiming mountain inXiahuayuan District embodies the culture of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism.Jiming post, as the first post station to Beijing, was the place whereconfidential information of yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties was transferred. TheZhongdu site of the Yuan Dynasty in Zhangbei was once a transportation hub and amilitary important place connecting Mobei grassland in the north and CentralPlains in the south. Qingyuan tower (bell tower) in Xuanhua is known as "thesecond yellow crane tower". The rutting in Quandong more than 500 years ago is ahistorical witness of the ancient city of Xuanhua. Dajingmen witnessed the riseand fall of tea horse market in "dry dock" in Ming Dynasty. In 1920__, theopening of Chinas first railway, Beijing Zhangjiakou Railway, which wasdesigned and built by Zhan Tianyou, made foreign businessmen gather in Pidu,Zhangjiakous koupi, kouyang and Koufu famous all over the world, and became afamous commercial port in North China. Zhangjiakou was recaptured by the EighthRoute Army in 1945. It was the first big city captured from the Japanese army.It became the political, military, economic and cultural center of Shanxi ChaharHebei border area, and thus enjoyed the reputation of "the second Yanan","cultural city" and "Oriental model city". In 1948, after the second liberation,Zhangjiakou became the capital city of Chahar province.

Surrounded by mountains on three sides and the Great Wall to the north,Zhangjiakou is a place for military strategists in history. Over the past 50years since the founding of the peoples Republic of China, Zhangjiakou hasgradually become an industrial city with machinery, metallurgy, chemicalindustry and textile industry as its pillar and wool and leather industry as itscharacteristics. Zhangjiakou is rich in mineral resources, and has extensivetransportation and communication networks. The environment here is beautiful,the appearance of the city is clean, the folk customs are simple, the climate iscool in summer, and the scenery is pleasant. There are more than 30 places ofinterest in the city, such as the great wall of Ming Dynasty, dajingmen, Yunquantemple, jellyfish palace, Qingyuan building, zhenshuo building, etc. Zhangjiakouis an old revolutionary base area with many revolutionary historical sites forsightseeing.

The continuation and development of ancient and modern history provides arich cultural landscape. In the citys 36800 square kilometers of land, vast,green waves, wild flowers bloom Bashang natural grassland, and lakes, mountains,water and sky of the "northern South" North-South echo; towering meaningfulbeautiful, green dense cover, layers of forest dye the original forest, andsprings, beautiful scenery of hot springs. There are not only the sites of earlyPleistocene ancient human, but also the ancient battlefield where the ancestorsof Chinese culture started their own business. Unique style, differentlandscapes, natural and simple scenery, is a good place for summer tourism.

Qingyuan tower, also known as the bell tower, is located in the middle ofXuanhua city. It was built in 1482 A.D. in the 18th year of Chenghua in MingDynasty. It is a tall building with multi angle cross ridge. The building isbuilt on the 8-meter-high cross hole, connecting Changping in the south,Guangling in the north, Anding in the East and Daxin in the West. It forms anaxis with zhenshuo tower and Gongji tower in the city. The ruts of 520__ yearsago can be seen clearly. The exterior of the building is three stories, and theinterior is two stories. The height of the building is 25 meters, and the heightof the pavilion is 17 meters. It has three bays, six tower rafters, and thefront and back of the building are open. There are 24 large porches and pillarsaround it. The upper enamel is green glazed tile top, the waist enamel and thelower enamel are cloth tile top. The beam frame and bucket arch are exquisiteand beautiful. They fly along the angle and are full of vitality. On the upperfloor, there are four pieces of "yuanlou" in the south, "tongtianying" in thenorth, "gaozhiyanjiang" in the East, and "zhenjingbianfeng" in the West. Insidethe building, there is a "Xuanfu Zhencheng bell" cast in the 18th year ofJiajing reign of the Ming Dynasty (1539 AD). It is 2.5 meters high, 1.7 metersin diameter and weighs about ten thousand jin. It is erected in the middle ofthe upper layer of the building with four sky columns. The sound of the bell ismelodious and loud. It can be spread for more than 40 Li, which is quite famous.The building is unique in shape and precise in structure. It can be comparedwith the Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan, which is rare in China. It is called "thesecond yellow crane tower". The building has a unique style and is one of theexquisite art buildings in ancient China. Qingyuan building has gone throughmany vicissitudes. In 1986, the Ministry of culture allocated 390000 yuan tocarry out a comprehensive restoration of Qingyuan building. After restoration,Qingyuan building looks simple, elegant, majestic and spectacular, with greentiles and blue bricks, golden dragons, jade beasts, flying angles, red arches,carved beams, magnificent buildings, high bells and jingle bells.

Heping Forest Park is 65 kilometers away from Zhangjiakou City and 10kilometers away from Chongli county. The total area is more than 20__ hectares.It is one of the largest natural forest landscapes in Hebei Province. The forestpark is mountain by mountain and ridge by ridge, with dense and luxuriantforests. There are 70% of the natural forest, and 12 tree species such as Larchand spruce. In the scenic area, there are many peaks, green buildings, lushgrass and green ropes, pleasant trees and green cages, winding paths, which aremagnificent, precipitous and beautiful. The air in the forest is fresh, the wildfragrance is fragrant, birds are contending, and the spring water is tinkling.Tibetan vegetables and mushrooms grow all over the hillside, rabbits andsquirrels jump through the trees. When you are good at everything, you will feelhappy. It has opened up five scenic spots and dozens of scenic spots, and hasbecome a tourist attraction integrating tourism, accommodation andentertainment.

Qitai Mountain Scenic Area (namely Dengshan mountain area) includes fivescenic spots: Qitai mountain, Xuankong cave, shuangshiben, Qingliang Pavilionand Hufu peak. Qitai mountain rises from the ridge, with high mountains andravines. There is a hanging hole 17 meters below the stage. Visitors can shuttlefreely, which is very interesting. You can go up to the top of Qitai to see themountains. Couple peak, double lion mountain also let people linger. Cuiyunmountain forest tourist area, the main area of the forest, rippling blue waves,flowers like brocade, wood Xinxin to prosperity, spring tears Wei and thebeginning flow, so that the mountains colorful. There are also fishing area,piic area, shooting, hunting, archery and other entertainment. The park alsohas a service area with restaurants, guest houses, shops and other servicefacilities. With its unique majestic posture and Kuili to welcome the arrival oftourists from Beifang.

Chinese ancestor culture village

On the Loess source in the east of Zhuolu County, Hebei Province, 100kilometers northwest of Beijing, stands the oldest capital of China - Huangdicity and its related historical and cultural relics. The Yellow Emperor Xuanyuanis the ancestor of Chinese civilization. He is famous both at home and abroad inthe field battle Hall of Zhuolu.

Zhuolu Wolong pine

Sima Qian once said in historical records of the five emperors that themain political, military and cultural activities of the Yellow Emperor were inZhuolu. First, he "fought with Emperor Yan in the field of selling spring", then"fought with Tang you in the field of Zhuolu, so he captured and killed ShiYou". Then he toured all over the country, reaching the sea in the East,Kongtong in the west, Jiang in the south, and meat porridge in the north, thusensuring the peace of the north and the south. As a result, the Yellow Emperorwas respected as the son of heaven by the leaders of various tribes, and "he wasin line with Busan, and his capital was in Zhuolu.". Impromptu built the firstcapital in Chinese history. The activities of the Yellow Emperor in Zhuolucreated a new era of the development of Chinese national culture, which made itfrom "barbarism" to "civilization".

Well, tourists, Zhangjiakou is here to explain the home. Thank you for yoursupport!



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Wuhan Central Cultural District is located in the core area of Wuhan City,Hubei Province, between East Lake and Shahu Lake in Wuchang District, which isthe geometric center of Wuhan city. With a planning area of 1.8 squarekilometers and a total construction area of 3.4 million square meters, theproject is a world-class cultural tourism project with the core of culture andthe functions of tourism, commerce, business and residence invested by WandaGroup with 50 billion yuan. The overall planning of the project is led by WandaCommercial Planning Institute, and the design is completed with theparticipation of top design companies in various industries at home and abroad.Chuhehan street in Wuhan Central Cultural District phase I is an important partof the whole project. It is also the start-up project of Wuhan Dadong lakeecological water network construction project and the core project ofcommemorating the 100th anniversary of the 1911 Revolution.

On September 30, 20__, chuhehan Street opened, with a total constructionarea of 210000 square meters. It took only eight months from the commencement tothe opening. The construction speed has set a record in the industry, and theconstruction quality and investment promotion brand are leading in the country.It has been highly praised by leaders at all levels in Hubei Province and WuhanCity, and has been widely recognized by all walks of life.

After the opening of chuhehan street, the National Day holiday attractedmore than 2 million people, becoming the top three hot spots of holiday flow inChina. The Han street of Chu River is a modern picture of Qingming River.Chuhehan street is not only a commercial project, but also an urban historical,cultural and ecological landscape project. The comprehensive economic and socialeffects are very significant. "Chu River" runs through the East and west ofWuhan Central Cultural Area and is the soul of the cultural area. With a totallength of 2.2 km, Chuhe River connects East Lake and Shahu Lake, which is thefirst project of "six lake connected water network treatment project" approvedby the State Council in Wuhan. The width of the water surface is 40 to 70meters, and the width of riverside greening and road is 150 meters. RiversideLandscape with tree shade, step-by-step landscape change, provide a beautifulleisure place for Wuhan citizens.

Wanda Group has invested heavily in building five luxury, low-noise, zeroemission environmental protection cruise ships for water tourism in Wuhan EastLake, Shahu Lake and Chuhe River. "Han Street" commercial pedestrian street islocated on the South Bank of Chu River. It is built along the river, with atotal length of 1500 meters and a total area of 210000 square meters. Itincludes shopping, catering, culture, leisure, entertainment and otherbusinesses, and gathers more than 200 first-class businesses at home andabroad.

Han street is mainly built in the style of the Republic of China. Modernarchitecture and European architecture with fashionable elements areinterspersed in it. Tradition and modern are in harmony. The planning and designorientation of Wuhan Central Cultural District is "the first in China, the firstin the world, and a place of worship in the industry", which will become a newbrand of world culture. Chuhehan street, phase I of Wuhan Central CulturalDistrict, is an important part of the whole project. The perfect combination ofchuhehan street can be called the modern "Qingming River map".



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Xiangxi tujia miao contains the rich folk culture and folk art, tujia waving dance, autumn festival, the diaojiao building, sealand karp, merchant lusheng, MuGuWu is famous for. Tujia embroidery, merchant batiks is dramatic. Tujia miao song of the sea. Everyones anthem, nowhere not song, song sea of folk songs, overflow the stronghold. Have a song, songs, folk songs, Ru grass such as gongs and drums, vivid image, phonological harmony, QingZhenYiZhi, graceful melodious. Smell of such as dry syrup, such as the spring breeze. Look at tujia and miao unique diaojiao building, diaojiao building belongs to the wood structure, has a unique design of the corner hanging around, brush tung oil, province work, beautiful and easy, xiangxi a spectacle.

Miao costumes, colorful, full of rich people put characteristics. In ancient times, men and women are "color striped cloth", on wearing a blouse and a pleated skirt, hair, BaoHe headscarf, wear boat double nose embroidered shoes, wearing a silver. In the qing dynasty, after the "gai-tu-gui-liu policy" man gradually substitute pants skirt, trousers short, wide, wearing her fruit plaid double-breasted garment. The elderly in black cloth head scarf, leggings, waistband. Womens clothing, chest and sleeves and hems, piping embroidery, too large and long waist, large and short sleeve, all are full jin, no collar. Clothes are pipa breasted, sets of garment, the four dig cloud, four fork. But there are also two arms are white coat and short jacket, is not the dress green red and white, since the written. Also have embroidered flowers, coat under the skirt to the layer number of the bulls.

Since the republic of China, tujia men and women scarves all year round, the man is given priority to with green, blue, white, or stripes, two or three meters long, going round wrapped around the head, pack adult word way; Women are mostly QingSiPa or white printing head scarf, silk handkerchief as thin as cicada, up to seven or eight meters, is a lifelong companion, women will to palmer wrapped head buried after his death. Clothing is given priority to with green, blue, white, calico, mens wear the bra, double row seven to eleven clasp, commonly known as the centipede clasp, cuffs, neckline and trousers add lace end; Women are right cardigan, large and short sleeve, lace, on silver copper accessories, commonly known as "full jin", has a heritage of qing dynasty; Spinster girl with a blouse, pay attention to gaudy; Children like bodhisattva cap, shoes; Mens shoes is the blue cloth more, women wear embroidering shoe; Girls get married will wear "dew", on the bright colourful lace embroidery clothing, under the eight of the skirt of thin silk, with soil and old eight skirt of thin silk painting has the same effect.

The diaojiao building as the xiangxi the people of all ethnic groups in a kind of traditional building form, also called "son house projecting over the water." The diaojiao building as the wild type floor balcony, single eaves cantilever, roofing anti become warped, "cornices, ventilation xiangyang, dry and fresh. With amidst a glyph, also has 90 ℃ rectangular shape. Diaojiao building peripherals corridor, two side called "turrets", three sides according to "cooks floor". Baluster more beautiful case, county column called "potyvirus" or for six ling, octagon, or carved into a spherical, gourd shape. Column, has carved with dragons, magpie, wind, flowers, etc. Much on folk the diaojiao building as the boudoir, bedroom or brocade, take place, the underlying for barns, wood room, also have the bottom near streams, springs ding-dong, interest. Shanzhai diaojiao building in the green trees and bamboo, framed by a rich nature scenery is beautiful. Suggestions for part of the town a canal houses also have built the diaojiao building, such as jishou yao river street, phoenix tuojiang river coast border town, wang village, town, tea hole and longshan washing river, great interest has always caused the Chinese and foreign tourists.



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In henan province is located in the Middle East, middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, hereinafter referred to as "yu", named for its most are located in the south of the Yellow River, the provincial capital zhengzhou, east and neighbouring jiangsu, shandong, anhui, southern hubei, shaanxi west, north and shanxi, hebei, linking the east to the west, south, north Henan is the cradle of Chinese civilization and the Chinese nation, the central plains hilo-systems, three business culture has a long history, Chinese culture, surname culture, cultural affinity, poetry and profound culture and martial arts culture; Many cultural relics, scenic spots in the province, the shaolin temple, longmen grottoes, yinxu, qingming shanghe garden, hometown of the yellow emperor, shangqiu city, songshan, yuntai mountain, baiyun mountain funiu, shiren mountain, jigong mountain, danjiangkou reservoir, wuhou temple is famous at home and abroad. Henan is one of the main birthplace of the Chinese nation, is the place where our ancestors lives and entrepreneurship. Dynasty to the northern song dynasty, there are 20 dynasty capital or moved the capital to the company, but so is henan war and disaster in the history of Chinese one of the most concentrated area. Of the eight rge ancient capitals in China, has accounted for four of henan province, xia shang ancient capital of zhengzhou, are respectively anyang, ten dynasties ancient capital luoyang and seven dynasties kaifeng. In addition to shangqiu, nanyang, such as the national famous historical and cultural city. As far back as four thousand years ago the neolithic age, the central plains people created the famous "PeiLiGang culture", "yangshao culture" and "longshan culture". Henan province is the important cradle of the Chinese surnames, China roots in henan province in 300, 171, there are "Chen along while, Huang Zheng row streets," said the overseas four surnames are originated from henan.

Henan rich tourism resources, many places of interest. Henan province there are 189 national key cultural relics protection units, and collections of cultural relics in the countrys first underground cultural relics. Henan province consists of 15 cities, every city has its unique tourism resources.



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Shenzhen Window of the world is a large cultural tourist attraction locatedin the overseas Chinese town, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, GuangdongProvince, China. It is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Shenzhen.The window of the world cultural tourist attraction in Shenzhen covers an areaof 480000 square meters. It is a man-made theme park composed of world square,world sculpture garden, Paris spring shopping street and Jurassic world.

Shenzhen Window of the world is located in Shennan Avenue, shenzhenwancommunity, Nanshan District. With the purpose of promoting world culture, itbrings together world wonders, historical sites, ancient and modern scenic spotsand folk song and dance performances to create a wonderful world. Divided byfive continents, the window of the world scenic area, together with the worldsquare, the world sculpture garden, the international street and the Jurassicheaven and earth, forms an amazing man-made theme park.

The window of the world in Shenzhen includes the world famous landscapessuch as Egyptian pyramid, Amun temple, Angkor Wat in Cambodia, Grand Canyon ofthe United States, triumphal arch of lion in Paris, St. Peters Cathedral inVatican, Taj Mahal in India, Sydney Opera House in Australia, leaning tower ofPisa in Italy, etc. These scenic spots are built in different proportions of1:1, 1:5 and 1:15, which are exquisite and lifelike. Some scenic spots are veryspectacular. For example, the Eiffel Tower in France, which has shrunk to onethird of the total, stands 108 meters high. Visitors can take the sightseeingelevator to the top of the tower to enjoy the scenery of Shenzhen and Hong Kong.The narrow Niagara Falls are more than 80 meters wide, with a drop of more than10 meters. The water is flowing down and roaring. As the activity center of thescenic spot, the world square can accommodate more than ten thousand tourists.There are ten world-famous sculptures on the front, 108 large stone columns ofdifferent styles and nearly two thousand square meters of relief walls aroundthe square, as well as six giant gates symbolizing the birthplace of the worldsancient civilization. A gorgeous stage will have artists from all over the worldperform wonderful programs, let tourists enjoy in the cultural and artisticatmosphere. In a rich lychee garden, there are more than 50 world-famoussculptures, such as "John Strauss monument", "discus thrower", "Apollo Sun God","thinker", etc. The scenic area has complete transportation facilities,including tour buses, ancient European style carriages, Gypsy caravans, oldcars, single paddled wooden boats and rubber rafts, providing tourists with avariety of interesting viewing facilities.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1589 字

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呼和浩特市( 蒙语为"青色的都市" )位于内蒙古自治区中部。地处东经110°46′--112°10′,北纬40°51′--41°8′。1949年9月19日,绥远省僻静解放。12月9日,绥远省军政委员会归绥市事变团进入归绥。从1954年4月25日起,将"归绥市"改称为"呼和浩特市"。1960年前,呼和浩特市辖新城区、回民区、玉泉区和郊区。1960年,原属乌兰察布盟的土默特旗划归呼和浩特市统领。1971年,原属乌兰察布盟的托克托县划归呼和浩特市统领。1995年11月21日,经国务院核准,乌兰察布盟的和林格尔县、净水河县划归呼和浩特市统领。1996年5月18日,经国务院核准,乌兰察布盟武川县划归呼和浩特市统领.呼和浩特市现行政区划共辖9个旗县区,20个街道服务处,96个州里,412个居委会和1 095个村委会,土地面积17 224千方公里。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 16141 字

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Welcome to Fenghuangshan scenic area! Im your guide. My name is X. you cancall me Xiao X. In order to make it convenient for you to visit, let me firstintroduce Fenghuangshan scenic area.

Fenghuang mountain is located 60 kilometers northwest of Dandong City. Inancient times, it was "the first famous mountain in Eastern Liaoning". Duringthe reign of Daoguang and Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty (1821-1860), Fenghuangmountain, together with Yiwulu Mountain, Qianshan Mountain and Yaoshan mountain,was known as the four famous mountains in Fengtian province (now LiaoningProvince). Now it is known as "the famous mountain of the country" and "thefirst famous mountain of the Great Wall", with an area of 216.875 squarekilometers. Now the road we take is Shendan Road, that is, the road from Dandongto Shenyang. Shendan highway is about 280 kilometers long, and Fenghuangmountain is just next to Shendan highway. It is 60 kilometers from Dandong toFenghuang mountain, and 220 kilometers from Fenghuang mountain to Shenyang.

It takes about an hour to get to Fenghuang mountain from the entrance ofShendan highway. Id like to use this time to tell you something about Fenghuangmountain. We say that Fenghuang mountain is "the first famous mountain of theGreat Wall". To connect Fenghuang mountain with the Great Wall is not to boastFenghuang Mountain in the name of the Great Wall. Fenghuang mountain is indeedthe first beautiful mountain at the starting point of the east end of the GreatWall. Experts on the Great Wall have already proved that the starting point ofthe east end of the Great Wall is not Shanhaiguan, but Hushan in Dandong. Thenyou may ask, since the starting point of the Great Wall is Hushan, Hushan shouldbe "the first mountain of the Great Wall". And Hushan focuses on the Great Wall.I think you will agree with me.

Fenghuang mountain once had several names in history. As early as in thenorthern and Southern Dynasties, there was a "Wugu city" built here, and themountain was called "Wugu mountain". In the late Sui and early Tang Dynasties,when the "Bear Mountain City" was built, the mountain was changed to "BearMountain". Now we call Fenghuang mountain not because it looks like a Phoenix,but according to a legend: it is said that during the reign of emperor Zhenguanof Tang Dynasty, Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of Tang Dynasty came to visit. ThePhoenix on the mountain danced, stood on the "ancestor worship stone" and noddedto Taizong of Tang Dynasty. Taizong of Tang Dynasty was very happy andimmediately gave this mountain the name of "Fenghuang Mountain". We all knowthat the emperor is a "golden mouthed jade tooth". Since then, more than 1300years have passed. It has been called Fenghuang mountain. The hole whereFenghuang flies out is called Fenghuang cave.

Fenghuang mountain is located in the remaining vein of Changbai Mountain,covering an area of more than 120 square kilometers. The highest peak is Zanyunpeak, with an altitude of 836.4. Fenghuang mountain is divided into Xishan,Dongshan, Miaogou, Gucheng, Yulong lake and other scenic spots. It is often saidthat Fenghuang Mountain has the characteristics of Taishan, Huashan, Huangshanand Emei. Among them, "laoniubei", "tiantianjue", "arrow eye" and other wondersare rare in the world; "Phoenix cave", "three churches", "Yipin cave" and otherancient caves are deep; "shanyunpuhai", "Tianchi in sight" and other tenlandscapes are changeable; "crane shadow on the stone wall", "Shenniang Wangfu"and other strange rocks are lifelike; "La tussah LIANLI", "Shenniang tussah" andother ancient trees are swaying; "Danquan", "Fengdong" and other springs areinexhaustible in the four seasons; "Magnolia", "Yuling", "azalea" and otherprecious flowers are fragrant in the four seasons; "Ziyang Temple", "DoumuTemple", "Guanyin Pavilion" and other ancient temples are solemn and simple;"Kublai tower", "liberation memorial tower", "ancient city base" and otherhistorical sites still exist; Seven peaks, such as "Jiangjun peak", "Shenmapeak" and "Jianyan peak", soar up to the sky; more than 40 cliff inscriptions,such as "high mountains and long waters" and "eternal Zhongtian", are quitepowerful. In this way, Fenghuang Mountain has become a natural and artificialbeauty, interwoven into a beautiful, harmonious and spectacular Chineselandscape painting. In spring, the mountain is verdant and the azalea is red. Insummer, you can enjoy the sea of clouds and listen to the sound of waterfalls.In autumn, the wind is beautiful. In winter, the snow and ice cover the pines.This poem is a true portrayal of Fenghuang mountain.

Because of the time constraint, we cant visit every scenic spot ofFenghuang mountain today. Id like to visit several representative scenic spotsof Xishan Mountain with you, so that we can have a glimpse and see the wholepicture. Now we stop here. Please get ready for climbing.

What we see in front of us is Ziyang temple. In the book, the origin of thename of Ziyang temple is explained as follows: "when you get up in the morning,you are exposed to the light of the sun. In the early days, the light of Xiyangwas purple. It was said that Ziqi came from the East. Taoism called XiyangZiyang and said that Ziyang was auspicious, so the Taoist concept was named"Ziyang". Today, we also come to Ziyang Temple early. Its a good opportunityfor us to "come from the East". It seems that this will bring us good luck andgood luck.

Ziyang temple is hosted by Fenghuang mountain, also known as Sanguan hall.It was first built in the early years of Hongzhi in Ming Dynasty, formerly knownas "Daning Temple". Later, it was also known as "Xiaoyao Temple". At first,monks lived in the temple. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, due to constantwars and chaos, there was only one old monk in Yongzheng period. After the oldmonk died, the temple belonged to Taoism. In the early years of Qianlong, TaoistLi Yongyi changed the temple to build a temple, and then called "Ziyang Temple".The Taoist temple was rebuilt in the 13th year, which was composed of Sanguanhall, dongxipeidian hall, bell and Drum Tower.

Now lets go into the Sanguan hall and have a look. In the hall of threeofficials, there are statues of heaven, earth and water. In the middle is TianGuan Yao, who can bless; on the right is di min Shun, who can forgive sins; onthe left is Shui Guan Yu, who can punish evils. If devout people worship infront of the three official statues, they will get rid of their sins and enjoythe blessings of heaven.

On the left side of the statue is the group sculpture of "yaochi jinnv"(legend), and on the right side is the group sculpture of "Eight Immortalscrossing the sea" (legend). On the east side of the main hall is the "Dharmaprotector Lingguan", warning the world that everyone is equal before the law,and the prince is guilty of the same crime as the common people. On the westside is the "Dharma protector land". The pictures painted on the walls are "Maguxianshou", "Dayu Zhishui", "emperor zhanchiyou" respectively“ Shennong taste ahundred herbs "(legend), these legends can take you to the distant ancienttimes, lift your continuous nostalgia. As the partners of Ziyang temple, thelegends of the four ancient pines outside the temple have been guarding Ziyangtemple for half a century. The ancient pines and the ancient temples reflecteach other, making Ziyang Temple more solemn and simple.

The Liberation Monument was built in 1947 to commemorate the liberation ofNortheast China. Climbing from the tower to the mountain, there are "one hundredsingle eight pairs" of stone steps. The road to the top is divided into twopaths. Along the road to the right, we come to the "three churches". The door ofthe "three churches" is made up of two big stones, and the top of the church isa whole stone slab which is stuck on the two walls. Now lets go to see what isextraordinary about these three immortals and saints? What is the light ofwisdom of Chinese philosophers shining on the foreheads of Laozi and Confucius?We can see that the main hall in the hall is paved with stone steps, whichgradually go up. When the steps are put up, there is a huge stone standing ontop of the statue of "Three Religions". It turns out that Buddhism and Taoismcant be believed at the same time, but "three religions have the same origin"has its historical reasons. At the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, Huizong ofthe Song Dynasty worshipped Taoists and called himself "the Lord of Taoism, theemperor of Taoism".

Although the emperors of Yuan Dynasty believed in both Buddhism and Taoism,the mixture of Buddhism and Taoism began to decline in the early Ming Dynasty.After the middle of the Ming Dynasty, because of the emperors advocacy, thepreaching of alchemists and monks, and the participation of Buddhists,Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism became a huge, complex and chaotic polytheism.It can be seen that the "three churches" were built after the end of theNorthern Song Dynasty. There are two holes on the left and right in the threechurch cave. To the left is the "tongxuan cave". After drilling through the"tongxuan cave" and passing through the "Tongtian Biequ", after getting out ofthe cave, climbing the hanging wall is the "Guanyin Pavilion".

At the top of this huge stone, there was a chair like depression that couldonly accommodate one person, which is the Guanyin seat. Why does Guanyin sithere? Because there are many deities and Buddhas living in its cave, and thereare many different sects, it is inconvenient for her to practice the skillsthere, so she changed the place of meditation to here. Over time, the rock wasset in a pit. Guanyin Bodhisattva often teaches magic, preaches scriptures andpreaches to the flute here. The believers feel very uneasy. In order to begrateful and praise virtue and show the sincerity of respecting the teacher, atemple has been built on the rock on the right, which is now the GuanyinPavilion. From then on, faithful men and women went back and forth likeshuttles, worshiping and offering incense.

Guanyin pavilion was built in the reign of emperor Shenzong of MingDynasty. It is divided into two layers, one for Guanyin and the other forWeituo. "Guanyin" is the name of a Buddhist Bodhisattva. According to theBuddhist "Dharma Sutra · Pu men pin", if all the dead people recite their name,that is "Guanyin", the Bodhisattva immediately observes their voice and goes torescue and extricate themselves. According to this statement, "Guanyin" isparaphrased. Later, Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty, taboo the word"Shi", so he had to omit "Shi" and change it to "Guanyin". It is said thatGuanyin was originally male and female. Guanyin began in the northern andSouthern Dynasties, and there are many legends about Bodhisattvas with thousandsof hands and thousands of eyes and giving away children and wealth. As for the"pure water bottle" and the "willow branch" in Guanyins hand, they wereoriginally the meaning of universal Buddhism and a symbolic "prop".

Later, it became a magic weapon to control the weather in the world, apanacea to treat all kinds of diseases. Wei Tuo is a Buddhist God. His surnameis Wei and his name is Hun. He is one of the Eight Generals of the southernChangtian king, ranking first among the 32 generals of the four heavenly kings.Now we come to Phoenix cave. There is a doggerel when visiting FenghuangMountain: "come to Fenghuang mountain, explore Fenghuang cave, climb arrow eyepeak, and enjoy endless scenery.". When it comes to Fenghuang mountain, you haveto experience the interesting Fenghuang cave and climb the famous "arrow eyepeak".

It seems that climbing arrow eye peak is too difficult. As the saying goes,"the mountain is not high, there are Fairy Spirit.". We have worshipped manyimmortals. It can be said that the aura of Fenghuang Mountain has beenappreciated. Now we go into Fenghuang cave to find out. I dont think we haveany regrets. It is said that Phoenix cave is the habitat of Phoenix, whichcontains phoenix eggs. When Emperor Taizong visited Fenghuang mountain,Fenghuang flew out of the cave to worship his ancestors. Phoenix cave is about200 meters long. After entering the cave, the sky is bright, and the darker yougo, you need to hold a candle. OK, now we have the lighting tools ready. Letsexperience the Phoenix cave. The temple between Guanyin Pavilion and Doum palaceis Bixia palace, also known as Niangniang Temple. The palace was built in 1824and restored in 1982. It is called "three Notre dames", "Empress of descendants"and "Empress of vision".

"Three Notre dames" refer to the goddess of heaven, that is, thegrandmother of King Wen of Zhou; the goddess of heaven, that is, the mother ofKing Wen of Zhou; the goddess of heaven, that is, the wife of King Wen of Zhou,and the mother of King Wu of Zhou, that is, the "virtuous wife Liang Ping", whoenjoys a position among the faithful men and women. Many people come to paytribute and burn incense for good luck. The temple built on guanshengtai isDoumu palace. Doumu palace was built in the Ming Dynasty. It is said that it wasdonated by women. It was rebuilt in 1753. It contains an eight handed statue of"Yuanming Daomu Tianzun". It is said that it is the mother of the Big Dipper.This kind of three eyed and eight armed statue is very common in Buddhism, butit is rare among Taoist gods, which makes it very different.

According to Beidou benmingjing, no matter how poor, humble and unlucky youare, as long as you sincerely worship Doumu and recite her name, you will beable to eliminate disasters and diseases, prolong your life and be blessed. Thenext item on our agenda today is to have dinner at Fenghuang villa in Dongshanscenic area.

(return) it is called "Phoenix does not fall without treasure". It seemsthat Fenghuang mountain is indeed a treasure land. Otherwise, how couldFenghuang live here? How could the emperor admire the name of touring? Fenghuangmountain is a mountainous tourist scenic spot with natural landscape as the mainbody, peak caves, temples and historic sites as the main features. The charmingscenery has formed a natural tourist attraction since ancient times. Monkstravel around, emperors and generals travel around, celebrities travel inFenghuang mountain, leaving behind historical relics and beautiful legends.

In recent years, with Dandong speeding up the pace of opening up, FenghuangMountain has also attracted more and more visitors to Dandong. At ordinarytimes, the peak number of tourists can reach more than 200000. At present, ithas received tourists from more than 30 countries and regions. Every April 28 ofthe lunar calendar, people are everywhere at the root and the top of Fenghuangmountain. Its really a sea of people. When the flow of people is the most, itcan reach four or five hundred thousand people a day. They all come to rush tothe mountain and visit the temple, also known as Fenghuangshan temple fair. Onceupon a time, the annual "medicine king temple fair" was held in FenghuangMountain by Qing Kai envoys. That is to say, on April 28 of the lunar calendar,Sun Simiao, a famous pharmacist of the Tang Dynasty, was sacrificed.

On the 27th, the statue of the "king of medicine" toured the streets. Onthe 28th, people visited the mountains and temples to pray for his earlyrecovery or safety. As more and more people entered the temple to burn incense,the merchants took advantage of this opportunity to start business. Artists alsocome to show their skills. At this time, the spring is warm and the flowers areblooming, and the mountains and rivers are different. The people who visit thespring also choose this day to enjoy themselves.

This tradition has been carried on for a long time. Whats different isthat this activity has become a large-scale mass material exchange meeting,which lasts from April 26 to April 30 of the lunar calendar. Today, although wehavent finished the tour of Fenghuang mountain, we all have a certainunderstanding of the general situation of Fenghuang mountain. After a hardmorning and just having lunch, we have a short rest. Lets learn from each otherif you have any problems. Ill learn from you. OK, thank you.



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Weishan lake is the most attractive place in summer, I want to see, even in the dream thought dad holiday this year, said hed take me there.

We took a steamboat quickly open, boat rowed out after two long splash, really like two hoses in playing. I took my dads hand on the bow, and lifted up his eyes, only to see the white dots, the fleet around and fishing boats from all side in a hurry. After a while, we came to endless lotus pond.

Going to see a lotus, pick the lotus, the ship was helpless, our kayak on the fishermens soil, into the lotus flowers. Lotus leaf out of the water, standing in the water, like a sentry duty, standing beside the lotus. Tall, short, big and small lotus, ornament in the middle of the lotus leaf, sway with the breeze, really like a picture of a vivid landscapes.

Beauty in this world, surprised everyone along while didnt speak. Then I cant help leads to "pick up day endless blue lotus, video on lotus another red" of the ancient verse, suddenly, a dragonfly landed in it is not open on the lotus leaf, I suddenly thought of a poem: "xiao-he only expenses furore, had a dragonfly made above.

Ah! Its very beautiful weishan lake in summer.
