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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 515 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4688 字

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昭君墓,又称“青冢”,蒙古语称 “特木尔乌尔虎" ,意为“铁垒”,是史籍记载和民间传说中汉朝明妃王昭君的墓地。下面是第一范文网为大家带来的内蒙古昭君墓导游词范文,希望可以帮助大家。











这里要从匈奴这一部落说起。匈奴是游牧在蒙古高原最早的少数民族,它是古荤粥(xūn yù)即严狁(xiǎn yǚn)的后裔,秦汉初之际,匈奴首领冒顿单于统一各部,统一大漠南北广大地区。汉初,不断骚扰汉朝北部边界一带。由于当时西汉政权初建,国力微弱,再加上“异姓诸王”努力的存在,中央集权还没有巩固,不足以和匈奴对抗。公元前220xx年,高谊刘邦,发兵30多万抗击匈奴,不想被匈奴40万精兵围困在平城白登陆山,就是今天山西省大同市郊外,长达7天7夜,这就是历史上有名的“白登山之围”。面对困境,刘邦采纳谋士陈平的计策,向单于的瘀氏,就是妻子,贿赂珠宝,才得以逃脱。






所以,用历史唯特主义的观点看待这一历史事件,就是它顺应了时代发展的趋势,反映了人民和平安定的愿望,推动了社会生产的发展,缓和并稳定了民族关系,在两千年的封建社会中, 这不失为一种明智之举。








关于这一点还有一段传说: 相传汉宫画师毛延寿给后宫美女画像,元帝通过画像选召宫女,对一般宫女来说,她们入后宫后最大的心愿就是得到皇上的恩典,在后宫争得“三千宠爱集于一身”的优势,因此她们纷纷用财物贿赂毛延寿,请他们把自己画漂亮些。毛画师受人吹捧惯了,而昭君对这种不正之风深有不满,没有贿赂毛延寿。





昭君墓位于呼和浩特市南9公里的大黑河南岸冲积平原上,。墓身为人工夯筑的封土堆,矗立在一片平畴中,更显其巍峨高耸,姿态雄伟。远望陵墓呈青黛色,唐朝诗人杜甫到此游览时,曾留下过“一去紫台连朔漠,独留青冢向黄昏” 的诗句。据说每年“凉秋九月,塞外草衰”的时候,唯有昭君墓上草色青青,因此,历代相传称为“青冢”;还有一种说法,蒙语称“特本儿乌尔虎”,古时称“青冢”。因此“青冢拥黛”被誉为呼和浩特八景之一。

王昭君名嫱,西汉南郡秭归宝坪(今属湖北省兴山县)人。相传有“落雁”之美,为中国古代四大美女之一。元帝时被选入宫,竟宁元年(公元前33 年)匈奴呼韩邪单于入朝求和亲,昭君自愿出嫁远入匈奴,后立为宁胡阏氏,留下了脍炙人口的“昭君出塞”的故事。唐代杜信《通典》中最早记载了这座昭君墓,以后历代记载甚多,昭君墓封土堆,高达33米,占地1.3公顷。墓前有平台及阶梯相连,与中原地区汉代帝王陵墓的形制颇近。第二层平台及墓顶各建有一亭。伫立墓顶,极目远眺,阴山逶迤峥嵘,平畴阡陌纵横,墓草青青,古木参天。昭君墓周围景色宜人,加上晨曦或晚霞的映照,墓地的景色似乎时时都有变化。民间传说昭君墓一日三变,“晨如峰,午如钟,西如纵”,更增添了昭君墓这一塞外孤坟的神秘色彩。





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2885 字

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Dear tourists

hello everyone!

Im __ tour guide. Today Ill show you around Hengshan Mountain. HengshanMountain is located in the central part of Hunan Province. It crosses sixcounties and cities, including Hengyang, Hengshan, Hengdong, Xiangxiang,Xiangtan and Changsha. It spans 800 Li and has 72 peaks. Zhurong peak, the mainpeak, is 1290 meters above sea level. It is outstanding among the hills incentral and Southern Hunan. "All the mountains are small at a glance.". Hengshanis like a piece of Xiang embroidery, with a panoramic view of the Chu Tian andXiang Shui. It is also like a scroll of painting, with thick shading and lightdyeing, unparalleled in the world. It is more like a poem, with high sigh andlow chant, with endless aftertaste.

There are many legends about the origin of Hengshan Mountain. After death,Pangu turned into mountains and trees, the head into Mount Tai in the East, thefoot into Mount Hua in the west, the belly into mount song in the middle, theright arm into Mount Heng in the north, and the left arm into Mount Heng in thesouth; On the other hand, Emperor Yan, one of the ancestors of China, chased theimmortal bird in a Shennong style, and beat the zhuniao into Nanyue with a magicwhip. Therefore, the missing bird pattern was painted on the memorial archway atthe entrance of Nanyue ancient town, and the "zhuniao" of Nanyue Mountain emblemalso came from the mountain. The ancients often used the sky map to dodivination, the so-called "there are stars in the sky, and there are cities inthe earth.". According to the records of Xingjing, Nanyue is located on the wingof Fuxing, which is called Hengshan. There is no "Changsha" star in charge ofhuman life beside the star. Hengshan was originally Changsha, so it is alsocalled "Shouyue". People often say that "Shoubi Nanshan" comes from themountain.

Passing through the ancient town of Nanyue, we are confronted with a groupof magnificent palace like buildings, which is called "Nanyue Temple" as"Jiangnan Imperial Palace".

Nanyue temple is a key protected cultural relic in Hunan Province. It wasbuilt in the early Tang Dynasty, more than 1000 years ago, and has undergone sixfires and 16 reconstructions in song, yuan and Qing Dynasties. Ruicun buildingwas rebuilt in the sixth year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the QingDynasty, covering an area of 76800 square meters. Along the central axis, thereare nine entrances and four courtyards, including Lingxing gate, KuixingPavilion, chuanmen gate, yubeiting Pavilion, Jiaying gate, yushulou, main hall,bedroom and North back door.

Now you are crossing Shoujian bridge. In front of it is Lingxing gate, thesouth main gate of Nanyue temple. "Lingxing" is one of the ancient stars. Theperson in charge of the temple is xingguowang. The temple gate named after"Lingxing" naturally hopes that our country will have a large number of talentsand prosper.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2911 字

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Qianxiangsi stone sculpture group, the Sixth Batch of key cultural relicsprotection units in China, is located in the north of Lianhe village, GuanzhuangTown, the eastern foot of Pan mountain in Jixian County. The stone sculptures inQianxiang temple are of great historical, artistic and scientific value,providing precious material for the study of Buddhist Archaeology andtraditional line carving techniques in Liao Dynasty.

It is understood that Panshan Qianxiang temple, also known as youtangtemple, is one of the famous Panshan temples in Jizhou during the Tang and Liaodynasties. It was destroyed by gunfire during the Anti Japanese War and has anexisting site. According to the Ming Dynastys preface to the inscriptions onthe founding of the lecture hall of Panshan youtang temple, it is said that fromthe past, a venerable man came from afar with his staff. Suddenly, he saw athousand monks washing bowls beside the Chengquan pool under the rocks, whichdisappeared in a short time. The venerable built a temple here and engravedthousands of Buddha statues on the hillside rocks. Qianxiang temple stone Buddhais the largest group of Liao Dynasty stone Buddha found in China so far. So far,a total of 535 stone Buddhist statues, 1 relief statue and 5 relics have beenfound.

The statues are mainly distributed on the large boulders or relatively flatcliffs around the site of Qianxiang temple. They are all carved by lines. Thecarving techniques and style show a unique folk traditional craft charm, withstrong local characteristics. Sakyamuni Buddha, Tathagata Buddha, pharmacistBuddha, Maitreya Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva and dizang Bodhisattva can beidentified in the statues. The statues are divided into standing posture,sitting posture, lying posture and so on. It can be inferred from the hair bunstyle, facial features and clothing patterns of the statues that they werepublished in the Liao Dynasty, and they were all published spontaneously by thepeople. There is a stone cave under the rocks on the north slope, which iscalled wuliangshou cave. The cave is 4 meters deep, 2.2 meters high and 1.5meters wide. The four characters "wuliangshoufo" are first printed outside thecave. On the north wall of the cave, there is a relief statue of wuliangshoufo,which is 1.98 meters high. The engraving age is unknown. According to experts,this is the only remaining grotto Buddha statue in Tianjin.

The cultural relics department has strengthened the cultural relicsprotection of the stone Buddha group in Qianxiang temple. It has carried outmany "pull net" surveys in the area of four square kilometers around the site,comprehensively extracted the ontology information of the stone Buddha, mappedthe plan of one thousandth of the stone Buddha group, investigated thegeological environment, geological landforms, diseases and other aspects of thestone Buddha group, and is formulating the protection plan.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1905 字

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There are two ancient castle sites in the open wilderness in the northwestsuburb of Yinchuan city. This is the famous zhenbeibao ancient city in China.The castle is a cultural relic protection unit in Yinchuan City, and is now thelocation of Western China Film and television city.

The two castles were garrison fortresses set up in the Ming and QingDynasties to prevent the invasion of Fucheng (Yinchuan City) by variousnationalities to the north of Helan Mountain. Zhenbeibao also got its name. Thelocal people call them "old castle" and "New Castle". According to localrecords, the old fort was built in the 13th year of Hongzhi (1500), and the newfort was built in the 5th year of Qianlong (1740).

The two fortresses, one south and one north, both face east in the West.The old castle close to the east side of the mountain highway has beencompletely eroded by the wind, and only the remnant walls and broken wallsremain. The city is 175 meters long in the East and West and 160 meters wide inthe South and North. Passing through Huangtu road in the city to the north isthe site of the old castle urn. Another 200 meters to the north is the newcastle. Xinbao city is relatively complete, 170 meters long from east to westand 150 meters wide from north to south. The walls are rammed with loess and aremore than 10 meters high. There is a semicircle urn in the East and a slope onthe south side of the gate to climb the wall. The city wall is 5 meters wide,with crenels 1.8 meters high. There were turrets at the four corners of the citywall, and the base of the turret can be seen.

After hundreds of years of vicissitudes, zhenbeibao has become a touristlandscape in the eastern foot of Helan Mountain with its vigorous and simplestyle. With its unique mysterious charm, it has aroused the strong interest ofmany famous Chinese film artists and has been praised as "a mysterious treasureland" by artists.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7922 字

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Dear visitors:

Everybody is good! Hello everyone and welcome to China Sou springs of the township, national nature reserve - wudalianchi tourism. Very honored to accompany you to appreciate the magic volcanic landscape, and hope my tour guide can provide high quality service for you.

Wudalianchi places of scenic spot, is located in neuilly Hume river, covers an area of 1060 square kilometers. Scenic area is mainly composed of the new period and the old period volcano 14, 5 volcanic lake (five dalian pool), more than 60 square kilometers "shilong" (basalt platform) and has a high health care value of low temperature cold spring. Here is very rich in tourism resources, setting mountains, water, deep and remote, lava qiao fold, magical medicine springs, known as the natural volcanic park, opened the volcanic textbooks and famous tourist resort spa.

14 might wudalianchi volcanoes are arranged "well" glyph, name is: medicine mountain spring, WoHuShan, bijia mountain, north and south mountain, things coke granite ball cloth to the mountains, maura, tail mountain, longmen mountain, the xiaogushan, black dragon mountain and fire mountain, there are 12 remote volcano s, one of the earliest can reach tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years. Two younger volcano is the black dragon mountains and fire, between 1719 and 1721 eruption, history records the heilongjiang, "ning pagodas generations have written records. In with volcanic eruptions, lava put lots of Hume river tributary of rolling, middle cut into five sections, baihe formed five arranged as a string of beads connected to other volcanic lake, both head pool, pool, pool, four, five pool, pool known as wudalianchi. Five pool has a boundary river between communication, running more than 20 kilometers up to 40 m2 kilometers, the lake total capacity of 170 million cubic meters. Five pool of clear water ying ying, the ornament is between 14 volcano, with wide basalt platform together, draw into a set of strange mountain, water, stone landscape.

Wudalianchi volcanic landscape not only unique, but also is rich in a magical efficacy of mineral water.

Of wudalianchi mineral water, there is a beautiful legend. According to legend a long time ago, wudalianchi area, towering old trees, the grass lush. An orogen hunter, looking for a sika deer shot. Deer with arrows in the previous run, chase after the hunter followed the blood. The deer dont run into the mountains, but ran into a pool, the hunter feel a little strange, standing at the edge of the rock to watch, see deer in not washing the wound, tongue licking and landed, blood flow, striding ran into the mountains. He went to the spring took to drink a mouthful of water with the hand, feel refreshed. Later, a hunter as long as a little ailment, small disaster to spring water treatment, are in addition to the water to the disease. It springs from then on, people are regarded as "holy water", after the fifth lunar month every year, people have to drink the water "zero". People drink, it is said, to "zero water" can eliminate the evil illnesses, longer live.

Although it is a legend, but five dalian pool of water does have prevention and cure and fitness function, according to scientific determination: mineral water contains more than 40 essential trace elements, but with the world famous "Vichy France, Russia, the Caucasus" mineral water, and called the world three big cold spring.

Nature guifushengong created wudalianchi unique landscape. Wudalianchi scenic area has been proven there are more than 100 scenic spots, is divided into seven major scenic spots. Has now developed more than 70 sites, the main award in fire mountain scenic area, medicine spring mountain scenic area and focal scenery area.


Welcome to here! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

Beautiful wudalianchi, there are many scenic spots, such as LaoHeiShan etc. Today I want to introduce the scenic spot of wudalianchi.

Our first stop is LaoHeiShan. This is an active volcano, heard that it is the tallest of wudalianchi volcano. The mountains, there are a lot of volcano volcano is every volcano lava flow, to stop a volcano erupts, magma accumulation. Get to the point, the most spectacular LaoHeiShan is crater. There were lots of fire aspen crater, some moss, looks very beautiful. The LaoHeiShan trip to aspen my biggest feeling is to fire. It stands in the volcanic fissure, in when a volcano erupts, it faced with speed, no fear, also can be in baidu, survive, its a tough life. And have strong ability to adapt, this also is worth me to learn.

The next station is ice. Although here is very cold, but very beautiful natural ice sculpture. Here is the most beautiful ice sculpture is the number of pagoda ice sculptures. Pagoda ice sculpture is orange, the top very chic, here and there are a lot of small, every door has a different color, the most beautiful in the fence, also very chic.


My hometown is in the black dragon river, here a beautiful all the year round, the charming scenery.

And connect to the spring, all things recovery, woke up again, and connect with a yawn, hard to stretch, shaking the 708 put on ice. Skyline river ice countless large and small, like a hammering, crowded on a highway. After a few days of ice melt, along the river "slip away". Has disappeared, only "a spring waters flow east" mighty, ran to the distance.

At this time of the plants and trees along the Banks of the changed a lot, they are on the river under the "moisture", so the fruit. If the came to the river, youll see the sun, water, Jiang Ou with trees and flowers of a beautiful "landscape painting".

Summer, spring dolls took a spring, summer girl here.

Far, heilongjiang like a white "twisted", it is in our country and Russia on the border of the country.

Close look, broad river, ship, including patrol boats, ornamental ship, cargo ship, a...

River of tourists, some people in swimming, some people in fishing, the fish is much, much like the big fish games. On the beach, some people fear of hot is marked by the sun umbrellas, some have set up a shed.

Li jiang, solid, so spectacular, flowers everywhere. He said that heihe this paragraph! A smooth floor tile on the riverbank.

Along the park, the flowers, grass green, tree leaves, light so bright, water fountain, young children playing together with fountains. When I see these, can make people have a feast for the eyes, linger.

Summer girl took a summer, autumn girl came to our side with a crayon.

After the beginning of autumn day turned blue, autumn girl herself a suit of crayons are used in the leaves and the road, as a result, the leaves yellow, fell from the tree is, far see like handfuls of ingots, really likeable.

The autumn wind blows, let people feel of cool and refreshing. Autumn is a good season, especially for farmers, agriculture development of uncle hard depends on the arrival of the autumn girl. The crops mature, let people are particularly happy.

Fall girl took a beautiful autumn, winter girl brought a lovely winter.

In winter, it is a beautiful season, already can do ice sculptures, and can do ice lanterns.

The pairs of hands of workers get ice sculpture lifelike, lifelike, a large palace, there is a castle in the town, some like China, varied.

Even more interesting is ice lanterns, all lifelike, is the so-called "I port view". People are praised.

Cold in the winter, although, it is a place where tourists have been yearning for.

Ah! Heilongjiang, you with clear water, irrigation with fertile farmland, along with the Chinese people here. You all the year round, only forward, never retreat, your character not just as the Chinese descendants of the Chinese nation?



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 9113 字

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Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to travel from Jingdezhen to Wuyuan, themost beautiful village in China, the last Shangri La in China. The driving timeis about 1 or 5 hours. Xiao Hua would like to ask you a question? Did you oftensee Wuyuan in newspapers or on the Internet five years ago? (smile) it should berare to see it? Yes, Wuyuan has been on the rise in recent years One day in20__, when our jiangshuji came to Wuyuan one day, he inadvertently told theentourage that I finally came to my hometown. At that time, the entourage wassurprised and said: "Chairman, your hometown is not from Jiangsu? How can itbecome a la from Jiangxi?" At that time, our General Secretary Jiang Mimi saidwith a smile: "you dont know, my grandfather came out of Jiangwan Town here,and I am also this person.". At that time, the general secretary wrote down: themost beautiful countryside in China! Then, Wuyuan officially vigorouslydeveloped the tourism industry in 20__, and the slogan at that time was the mostbeautiful countryside in China, the last Shangri La in China. Many photographershave come here to discover the beauty of this place. Especially in March everyyear, the golden rape flowers, the unique white wall, the Horsehead wall ofDaiwa and the Hui style buildings with flying eaves become the paradise forthose tourists who love photography, making them forget to return!

Now that we have entered Wuyuan, you can see that the buildings outside thewindow are all Huizhou style buildings. You may wonder why there are still Anhuistyle buildings in Jiangxi. In fact, before that, it was one of the sixprefectures and one county in Huizhou. During the period of the Republic ofChina, Mr. Jiang assigned it to Jiangxi in 1937 to suppress bandits, Beforeliberation, it returned to Jiangxi. 99% of the water in Wuyuan converged toPoyang Lake. It only took us two hours to drive from Tunxi in Anhui, and two tothree hours to drive from Quzhou in Zhejiang. Transportation is very convenient,but in ancient Wuyuan, because there are many mountains, transportation is veryinconvenient. To sum up with a sentence by Xiaohua, Wuyuan is "divided into halfmountains, half fields, half waterways and manors". This kind of environmentcaused people in ancient Wuyuan to understand that when they were poor, theywould think of change. Here is a sentence about the fate of the men here: "theywere born in Huizhou in the past, From this nursery rhyme, we can see that themen here were very bitter before. Because of the large mountains, small land andlarge population, they had to go out to do business. Many people in ancientWuyuan were engaged in tea business and timber business, and gradually formed agroup of Hui merchants. Speaking of merchants, we all know that there have beenthree very famous business schools in China since ancient times. The first oneis just Shanxi merchants, when it comes to Shanxi merchants, you should think ofthe scene of "Qiaos courtyard", which reflects the brilliant image of ageneration of Shanxi Merchants Qiao Zhiyong. The second business school is ourHui merchants, and the Hui merchants must think that Xiang Yang, the author ofChinese Taiwan, wrote a book "red top businessman Hu Xueyan". Hu Xueyan can be said tobe a model of businessmen at all times and in all over the world. He is a modelin both business and conduct. Therefore, if you often go to bookstores, you willfind books about him. For example, in the recent 100 forums, a famous professorin Taipei, Zeng Zhiqiang, wrote a book "Hu Xueyans Enlightenment". It can beseen that Hu Xueyan knew the talents, made great efforts to relieve WangYouling, a poor scholar, and finally became a famous businessman in the worldfrom a primary school apprentice to a rich one. It can be said that he was amodel in the business world! The third business road was the Jiangyou gang inJiangxi Province! Although the businessmen were very rich, they had a lot ofmoney There are three wives and six concubines in the house, but in fact, howhumble the status of merchants in ancient times is? In ancient times, theranking is officials, peasants, workers and merchants. The highest status isscholars, and everything is inferior. Only scholars are high, officials andscholars are the highest, followed by farmers, because they have land, thencraftsmen, and finally merchants. What is the status of merchants at that timeThey are humble, so they try to earn money, go back to their hometown to marry awife, build a big house, donate money to build ancestral temples, bridges androads, so as to improve their status and identity in their hometown. So you cantake a look at the house in Wuyuan, which is made into a horse head wall. From adistance, it looks like an ancient woman looking forward to her own mans earlyreturn!

When it comes to Wuyuan, this place is just like a womans Jasper, brightand elegant. You can see from his name that this place has something to do withwomen. Take a look at the word "Wu" in "Wuyuan". There is a girls "woman"below. This thin woman has a "spear" on her left shoulder. In ancient times,"spear" was a very sharp weapon, and his right shoulder is beside a palindrome,which means that you cant offend the women here? (laughter), although she isweak and small The women in Wuyuan are typical: they can get into the hall, getout of the kitchen, raise a son, and meet their parents daughter-in-law. Justnow we said that Wuyuan men have a hard life and will go out to do business atthe age of thirteen or fourteen. But who knows that Wuyuan women are also veryhard. To marry here or a businessman, we not only have to suffer from Acacia,but also learn to fight by ourselves When it comes to the relationship betweenmother-in-law and daughter-in-law, its a science, a great knowledge. As thesaying goes: "three women in a play, five women top five thousand ducks.". Sothis is also a compulsory course for women in Wuyuan. When women in Wuyuan getmarried, they have some interesting customs. For example, they have to cry ontheir wedding day. You must think its strange that they are very happy and itsnot lucky to cry. But people in Wuyuan must cry. The more you cry, the betteryoull get married! If you dont cry, the neighbors will joke that this womanshusband doesnt love her in the future! (smile) after Wuyuans womans crying,her husband will carry her from the ladys building to the sedan chair, andbring her wedding makeup to her husbands house. When we get to the door of myhusbands house, the new lady will get off the sedan chair and knock on the doorof my husbands house. This is that the future mother-in-law will open the doorto "greet", and this greeting will also give a big gift! What do you guess?First of all, Wuyuans mother-in-law is very fierce. As the saying goes: tenyears later, when her daughter-in-law becomes a mother-in-law, she must beruthless, or how to discipline her daughter-in-law in the future? (laughter)guess! Well, when her mother-in-law opens the door, she slaps her face loudly!Hehe, Wuyuans daughter-in-law doesnt cry or make noise, and her mother-in-lawbeats her What should she do? Wuyuan has been a "book town" since ancient times.Everything is very implicit. For example, Wuyuan peoples restroom is not calledrestroom, but called "Shuyuan". In ancient times, there were couplets inShuyuan, which said: "common peoples families often come here, and the emperoralso comes here!" lets say that the daughter-in-law was beaten, but at thistime, she waved calmly and asked people to carry the dowry into the house Letssee what the dowry is. First, a rice sieve, second, a pair of scissors, third,five well diggers, fourth, a contract to divide the land, fifth, a coffin,sixth, a secret weapon and two tea bags.

You may be surprised, what are these used for? Guess again? (the answers ofordinary guests make me faint) Hey hey! Tell you! First of all, rice sieve tellsmy mother-in-law that you dont have to beat me or scold me. I may have manyshortcomings before marriage, and I also have many advantages. Today I bringrice sieve, and I will screen my disadvantages and advantages every day Illcorrect the bad points by myself, and Ill keep the good ones, so you dont haveto beat me or scold me!

Secondly, a pair of scissors is to tell mother-in-law that if your sonchanges his heart one day, or our relationship is bad, we will deal with ouremotional problems by ourselves, and you dont have to talk about it. Son, yourdaughter-in-law cant do it. Repair her, right? We will deal with our feelings,just like taking this pair of scissors, and it will never be broken. Please restassured!

Third, five well diggers. People in Wuyuan used to drink well water, so mymothers family helped dig well. A field, and a coffin together means to tell mymother-in-law that although I married into your house today, the water I drankwas dug by my mother-in-laws family, and the rice I ate was planted in my ownfield, including that I didnt need your coffin when I died! So you beat me andscolded me, I didnt have to fight back! Haha! As for tea bags? (to know theanswer, please listen to the next analysis)!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 618 字

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亲爱的朋友,世珍园旅游区位于东胜区泊江海镇与伊金霍洛旗苏布尔嘎苏木交界处。世珍园旅游区是国家级自然保护区、世界重要保护湿地和国家3A级旅游区。 世珍园旅游区内除湖泊、岛屿外,分布着大片的湿地、沙地、草地、丘陵,属典型的高原荒漠、半荒漠湿地生态系统。水域面积约10.2平方公里,平均水深3.5米。这里生活着遗鸥、东方白鹤、白天鹅等鸟类80余种。进入世珍园旅游区,我们首先要到的是游客服务中心。这里为我们准备了详实的图片和资料,您可以更好地了解候乌的生活习性。世珍园旅游区的核心游览区是鸟岛。




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 796 字

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蔚县位于张家口市区南部,西与山西省接壤。面积3185平方千米。人口45.0万。县人民政府驻蔚州镇。辖10个镇,12个乡。1993年划归张家口市管辖。 本县地处冀西北山区南部,恒山余脉从晋入蔚,分南北两支,四周环绕,形成明显的南部深山,中部河川,北部丘陵3个不同的自然区域,构成山间盆地。境内主要山脉海拔均在20xx米左右。 本县属暖温带大陆性季风气候。冬季寒冷温长,夏季凉爽短促,年平均气温6.4℃,一月平均气温-12.3℃,七月平均气温22.1℃,年平均降水量419毫米。盆地区无霜期约128天;山区无霜期约90天。 本县属永定河流域,壶流河发源于山西省广灵县,自西向东横贯县境大部川区,境内流长70千米。

部分地区有潜水,承压水。现已建成容量达8070万立方米的壶流河水库,修建小型水库43座,土壤主要有栗钙土、潮土、盐化潮土等,其中以栗钙土最多,分布在河川、丘陵区。土壤质地疏松,便于耕种,但肥力较差,水土易流失,有机质含量少。南山区林木茂密,野草丛生,有大面积的天然林、人造林和草坡,主要有落叶松、油松、桦、云杉、冷杉等。 耕地面积143.5万亩。粮食作物有玉米、谷子、高粱、小麦、水稻、黍子,豆类和薯类。经济作物有白麻、油料、烟叶等。 工业有煤炭、机械、化肥、水泥、建材、电力、电子造纸、陶瓷、剪纸、地毯、食品和皮毛加工等。

特别是剪纸,地毯为工艺品畅销世界各地,享有很高声誉。境内矿产资源丰富,主要有煤、铁、石灰石、耐火粘土等。 交通以公路运输为主。干线有宣化-涞源、北京-西合营、夏源-广灵等。 有中学72所,小学675所,适龄儿童入率达97.2%,现有县医院1所,中心卫生院9所,防疫站1个,妇幼保健站1个。 玉皇阁(靖边楼)建于明朝洪武十年(公元1377年),南安寺宝塔,建于西魏时期,距今1000多年,塔共13层,造形优美,结构坚实。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 716 字

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你知道湘西苗族的风俗习惯吗? 你知道什么叫赶年场吗? 那你知道什么是看龙场吗?开篇连问,引起读者的阅读兴趣。 如果你不知道,那就翻开我收集资料写成的作文欣赏一下吧!也许,它们能让你开阔视野,增长一些知识呢!表明写作目的。 每到农历正月呀,湘西苗族人民最热心的便是赶年场,其日期是由各地自行约定。赶年场那天,男男女女,老老少少,身着节日盛装,互相邀约,成群结队去赶场。年场上,人流如潮,熙熙攘攘,那是分外热闹。人们不但可以进行物资交流,还可以参加或观看秋千、舞狮子、玩龙灯、上刀梯等活动。青年男女也多利用这种机会,谈情说爱。俊俏的歌郎歌娘更是大显身手,三五结伴,说古道今,引吭高歌,互相唱和,或盘根,或祝贺,或叙述传统故事,或即兴演唱新词。

唱的人愈唱兴致愈高,听的人愈听精神愈振,就算是大雪纷飞,天寒地冻,年场也要如期举行。 描写“赶年场”的场面,运用了排比、比喻的手法。看到这儿,你肯定觉得湘西苗族人民很有趣、很爱热闹吧!还有呢,逢辰便是看龙场日,习惯称作看龙头后十二天又轮转辰日,再逢看龙之日,不管是什么样的人,必须休息一天,若这天干 了农活,就是犯忌了。因此,苗族人民在看龙场那天会踊跃参加,他们对“看龙”的事,十分重视。“看龙”的习俗 三月三是湘西苗族人民的一个节日,这时,你有些迫不及待了吧,是什么节日呢?别急,我来告诉你,这一天,是湘西苗族的一个传统歌舞节日。这一天,苗族人民会自动集中在约定的歌舞场上,参加对歌、听歌、跳舞、观舞等,尽情欢乐,一片喜气洋洋、欢声笑语的气象。歌舞日 好了,关于湘西苗族人民的风俗习惯就介绍到这里了,如果你有兴趣的话,不妨可以亲自到湘西体验一下苗族人民的风俗习惯,你一定会大张见识,很开心的!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3552 字

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Xiangxi tujia and miao autonomous prefecture is located in the northwest of hunan province, bordering, guizhou, chongqing, hubei province, covers an area of 15486 square kilometers, the territory inhabited by tujia, miao, hui, yao, dong, bai minority, population 2.6458 million people, including 1.05 million tujia, miao, 860000 people, accounting for 72.9% of the total population of ethnic minorities. Jishou longshan and yongshun, baojing, flower walls, the zhangs, phoenix, LuXi seven counties.

Miao is a very hospitable people. Have a sight for sore eyes, guests came to the miao, is often treat family drink after dinner, his brother, family, friends, and even people QuanZhai will then please, is "a guest QuanZhai kiss". Merchant treat mostly have chickens, ducks, fish, meat and edible fungus, mushrooms, tofu, bean sprouts, as well as the rich national characteristic kipper, hydrochloric acid, sausage, such as blood tofu dishes. Should not only toast vomiting-inducing toasts but also sing the ancient songs and miao mountain.

Housing mostly wooden structure, there are two bungalow and building, also has a rectangular thatched houses. How to rice is the staple food, corn, wheat, sweet potato is complementary; In some places, buckwheat and potatoes is the staple food with corn. Drinking alcohol hobby is widespread. Women everywhere clothing differences, most women wear large led double-breasted jacket and different length of pleated skirts, some and feet long, some short to the knee. Parts of womens wear cloth YouRen blouse, under the wide leg pants. Some jacket without collar, sleeves and hems have wide lace, head wrap cloth headdress, earrings, necklaces, bracelets and other accessories. The headdress of the miao womens style is various, wan bun on the top of the head, with various styles of packet headscarf, some package into spires and domes, some hair around the stents, high vertical on the head. Their unique costumes to province, silver nail on clothes into "silver", the head wears like horn silver headdress, up to more than feet. Mens clothing, the cloth or more mandarin jacket, wearing pants. In parts of the man wearing a linen jacket or gown, made up of geometry shawls or wool felt.

Marriage customs: young men and women free love before marriage, most of which I will combined with solicit opinions from the parents.

Funeral: line burial and funeral is relatively simple, but with many sorrows. Main festivals are miao, the Spring Festival, seiqnyied bat, new festival, Dragon Boat Festival, ching Ming festival to eat.

Etiquette, banquet, zito must respect the elders for the guests, the chicken leg to give though age is not big but not used to people. When eating fish, the host often will the fish toast to guests. Some places also worship the "ox horn" and "comb" meat ", as a guest to accept, master the most happy. If someone drink little, dont like fat, can explain, owners do not reluctantly, but dont eat and drink, are seen as look down upon his master.

Taboo: "seiqnyied bat" this day, the cow not service; To seeing the bridegroom off people to be careful to walk all the way, dont put the legs and feet sprains, otherwise would be considered unlucky; Buried within one month after death, the family cant marriage, also cant sing or ethnic group; In some places GuoNianJie forbid to kill dogs, more is not allowed to eat dog meat; Ban digging around in the stockade, logging stockaded village nearby trees; Peers both men and women with brothers and sisters, most avoid is "brother", "brother-in-law".



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2354 字

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Welcome to the capital city! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

Capital city scenic area of column published scenic area of hunan province, the first trial. Located in the ancient city of changsha xiangjiang river on both sides, with a total area of 36 square kilometers, the mountain foothill, tianma mountain, peach blossom hill, Shi Jialing four scenic spots and xinmin society site, south JinCheng ChengTou two spots.

Mountain scenic area as the quintessence is located in the region. The foothill area of 6 square kilometers. Main peak elevation of 300.8 meters, the annual average temperature of 17 ℃, annual precipitation 1200-1400 ml. Capital city is close to the xiangjiang river, in accordance with the river city, convenient transportation, xiang flow environment, orange continent before the cross, the ancient city, mountain, river, state, city, one integrated mass, is actually a day for the win. Mountains (xiang chu culture essence, has numerous scenic spots and historical sites, rich plant resources, revolutionary martyrs tomb cluster, beautiful scenery, and the collection of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, the tang dynasty poet liu yuxi "peaks at the arch as jun rush" is the potential of its natural bold. Capital group of mountain green jade, ancient towering. Existing plants of 174 families, 559 genera and 174 species, including the jin dynasty podocarpus, ginkgo in tang dynasty, song, Ming and qing dynasties, camphor maple chestnut are one thousand years old, old stem QiuZhi, vigorous tall and straight, towering.

One thousand university yuelu academy in the four academy of song dynasty, is located in the mountains; So-called "jun originally, the first field" hunan ancient yamadera foothill, also located in the mountains; Taoist twenty jian really lucky cloud the foothill palace, is built on the top of the mountain; Built in the qing qianlong 57 years pavilion is located in the green maple valley of Chinas four big name one of the love late pavilion, but also a view, and the place where comrade MAO zedongs early engaged in revolutionary activities. Monuments, such as white crane spring, the yuwang, stupas, flying stones, tap the clock and wear rock slope are distributed between the forest yue lives.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2726 字

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In recent years, Pingtan comprehensive experimental area has gradually comeinto peoples view. It is known as a "unicorn" on the southeast coast. In just afew years, with the "Qilin" take-off, Pingtan is changing rapidly.

The original narrow "916" road has taken on a new look and is named"Cuiyuan road". On both sides of the road, row upon row of high-rise buildingsreplace the previous scattered bungalows, adding an urban flavor.

At first, we got out of the island by ferry. The traffic was veryinconvenient. We couldnt get out of the island in case of typhoon. The smallboat in the waves one after another, shaking left and right, people do not havea sense of security. Now you can drive your own car and drive fast on the StraitBridge. In the near future, high-speed rail will also be put into use.

This "unicorn" has not only undergone "external" changes, but also"internal" changes. In the past, garbage can be seen everywhere in the streets,sewage can be discharged at will, and even we can see garbage bags "roaming" inthe sky. Now, to create a civilized city, everyone should take action. Thecleaners work on the roadside, some classify the waste products, some clean thepeel and paper scraps, and some clean the road. I also try my best to pick upthe garbage when I see it and throw it into the garbage can. When I see thesanitation workers working hard, I say hello to them.

Pingtans city appearance and appearance take on a new look: a series offlat roads, winding around the island and stretching into the distance; a lot ofhigh-rise buildings, a modern urban-rural integration of the city in front ofus. At night, the neon lights are bright, and all the streets become the shiningMilky way.

With the development of Pingtan Island, it has changed its role from "smallfishing village" to "international tourism island". It attracts Chinese andforeign tourists to linger: enjoy the unique scenery of "stone house" in Beigangcultural and creative village; taste the authentic snacks of Pingtan in Haitanancient city; watch the spectacular sunrise on the sea in longfengtou beach

Pingtan Island is only 68 nautical miles away from Hsinchu, so Pingtan hasclose ties with Chinese Taiwan. Chinese Taiwans duty-free shops are set up in Pingtan,cross-strait cooperation in swimming, and cross-strait trade cooperation isfrequent. The "Chinese Taiwan Strait" is a bridge linking the two sides of the Strait,implying "one family on both sides of the Strait, realizing the Chinese dreamtogether.".

From the undiscovered small fishing village to todays Pingtancomprehensive experimental area, Pingtan Island is like a soaring "unicorn". Inthe near future, it will attract every friend from all over the world with morecharming style.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6192 字

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Dear tourists

Welcome to Tianzhu Mountain! Tianzhu Mountain scenic spot is more gloriousbecause of your coming!

Let me first introduce the general situation of Tianzhu Mountain! TianzhuMountain is located on the North Bank of the Yangtze River and in the buriedhills of Anhui Province. It is named for its towering height, such as the giantpillar holding the sky. Tianzhu Mountain used to be known as Qianshan, Wanshanand Wansui mountain. It is said that Wansui mountain was called Wansui mountainbecause Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty visited Wanshan mountain to set up aplatform to offer sacrifices to the mountain during his southern tour, andgranted Wanshan mountain the title of "Nanyue". During the sacrifice, the crowdchanted long live, so this mountain was called Wansui mountain. After Sui andTang Dynasties, Nanyue was changed to Hengshan, and Tianzhu Mountain was listedas the "middle town" of the five major towns in China. Li Bai, a great poet ofthe Tang Dynasty, once wrote a poem praising the beautiful scenery of TianzhuMountain: "Wangong mountain on the river". Wangong mountain is Tianzhu Mountain,and the poem says: "Qifeng mountain, Qiyun mountain, Xiumu mountain isbeautiful. In the Qing Dynasty, Wangong mountain was absolutely satisfactory. "After passing the Jingjia bridge, we entered the SANZU Temple scenic spot, theSouth outpost of Tianzhu Mountain. SANZU Temple scenic spot is a culturalboutique scenic spot with the most concentrated cultural attractions and thehighest cultural grade in Tianzhu Mountain. Here, we will experience themysterious religious culture and imperial culture of Tianzhu Mountain, and enjoythe cliff stone carvings group, a national key cultural protection unit, whichis known as the gallery of calligraphy art of past dynasties.

(enter the yerenzhai village in the south gate and go up not far to theSANZU temple. This is the most famous scenic spot of Tianzhu Mountain. Accordingto legend, the temple was first built in the Southern Dynasty, and now there areonly a few Sutra collection buildings, side rooms and jueji tower standing infront of the temple. In the west of SANZU temple, there is a valley full ofboulders. The steep rocks on the side of the valley stand upright. The water inthe valley is gurgling and the pine and bamboo block out the sun. It is called"Valley flowing spring". There is a stone cave at the gate of the valley. Infront of the cave, there is a huge stone shaped like a crouching cow, which iscalled "ancient stone cow cave". It is said that Huang Tingjian, a native of theNorthern Song Dynasty, once studied on this stone and called himself "Taoist ofthe valley". A huge stone here is engraved with a poem by Huang Tingjian and aportrait of Huang Tingjian sitting on a stone ox painted by Li Gonglin, a greatcontemporary painter. This precious stone carving of ancient poetry and paintingis still clearly visible.)

Lets leave now. Soon we will arrive at the yerenzhai scenic spot! Yezhaiis the abbreviation of "yerenzhai". How can a picturesque place like this benamed "yerenzhai"? There are two moving legends here: one is that long ago, wildpeople often haunted this area, harming people and animals. At that time, acounty magistrate was determined to sacrifice himself to save the people. Hetook good wine and vegetables, went deep into the cave, accompanied the savageto drink, and ordered people to use pig iron water to coagulate the cave and diewith the savage. Second, at the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, local tyrantLiu Yuan led 100000 Yibing to fight against the Yuan Dynasty in TianzhuMountain. He called himself "Liu Yeren" and named the first village in gukou"Yeren village". In the 18 years before and after Liu Yuans resistance to theYuan Dynasty, he was finally betrayed by a traitor and died. In memory of him,the name of yerenzhai has been used to this day.

Now I give you an hours rest time, you can take photos at will, please payattention to safety, then well see you in an hour!

One hours time is really fast, I dont know whether we have fun or not!OK, now lets continue our journey!. Now we have come to the square in front ofSANZU temple. Looking up, the temple buildings with red walls and Daiwa aresurrounded by green trees and bamboos. The whole mountain is like a colorfulPhoenix fluttering its wings to fly. Jueqi tower is built on the Phoenix crown.The winding hills on the East and west sides are encircled, just like thePhoenix wings guarding the solemn Buddhas land. As the saying goes: "seeShanbao Temple far away, and see Sibao mountain near." SANZU temple, the fullname of "SANZU Valley Qianyuan Temple", is the place where the three patriarchsof Chinese Zen spread the Scriptures and spread the Dharma, and occupies a veryimportant position in the history of Chinese Buddhism. In 1983, the StateCouncil approved and announced the opening of temples in Han nationalityareas.

The buildings of SANZU temple are erected from bottom to top along theFengxing mountain. All the way from the mountain gate to the ancestral hall ison a central axis. Burning incense and worshiping Buddha should enter from themountain gate. The gate of SANZU temple is also called Sanmen hall. The name ofthe main gate is Prajna gate, which is the gate of wisdom; the name of the eastgate is liberation gate, which means to get rid of the bondage of trouble andkarma and obtain freedom, also known as the gate of freedom; the name of thewest gate is Jingjin gate, which means to make unremitting efforts in theprocess of decontamination and filtration, also known as the gate of diligentcultivation. On the lintel, there is a plaque of "Qianyuan Temple" inscribed byZhao Puchu, President of the National Buddhist Association.

Entering the mountain gate, you can see that on both sides of the hall,there are 5.5-meter-high "jinganglishi" standing on each side. After theSinicization of Buddhism, the two statues were shaped according to the images of"hum" and "ha" in the list of gods. Through the gate hall, step on the "Tongtianstep.". Because of the steep mountain, SANZU temple has 360 steps all the wayup. You may as well count from now on, the height difference of "Tongtian stage"is 15 meters.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 1467 字

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HANGZHOU---The Heaven on Earth --------By Day Day The Great “It’s the most wonderful place in the world, where makes you feel in the heaven”, the famous Italy traveler Macro Polo describes the HangZhou in his memory. The saying goes that in China---Above is heaven, below is HangZhou. The reputation of HangZhou lies in the picturesque West Lake. The lake is beautiful all year round, and the poet in Song dynasty named DongPo Su highly praised the scenery. Travelling in the West Lake, you can also wander along the street, try the delicious dessert, and purchase some local products. The Su dam and White dam are of the most famous scenic spots in China. They divided the lake into halves, seemed like two fluttering green ribbons, surrounded by mountain and forests with some house lets. There are there islands in the center of the lake: RuanGong, HuXin, and YingZhou. HangZhou is one of the six ancient capitals in China, and it last 2,000 years history.

Not only famous for the Natural scenery and Cultural charm, but also for its delicacy, crafts, and calligraphy of historical figures. As the Silk City of China, there are all kinds of silk products;tapestry is the especially beautiful one among them. Other specialties are black-paper-fans, silk umbrella, and West Lake Longjing Tea.

Generally, the appropriate time for going sightseeing near the West Lake in HangZhou should be two days, and the travel provides you with cheerful mood and cultural enjoyment.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 12439 字

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Dear friends, you have to go to Sakya temple in Shigatse. The art treasuresin the temple are vast and the cultural relics are of high value. Therefore, itis also known as "the second Dunhuang".

Look at the saga basin between the Gangdise mountains and the Himalayas.The purple "Castle" standing in the middle of the valley is the famous sagatemple. It was the political, economic, cultural and religious center of Tibet700 years ago. There is a folk song that says:

A birds-eye view of Benbo mountain,

Sakya is like crystal;

Dame in a crystal bottle

Beauty is better than fairies

Dont despise Sakya,

Buddha Pavilion adds glory to it

In fact, Sakyas Tibetan language means "gray land", that is, the color ofthe local soil. Sakya temple is divided into South Temple and North Temple. TheSouth Temple is built on the flat valley, and the North Temple is built on thenorth slope. Sakya North Temple was founded by gongjuejiebu in 1073, from whichthe famous Sakya sect was formed. Let me briefly introduce the Sakya sect. Thename of the Sakya sect is Sakya Monastery, its main temple. The walls of Sakyastemples are painted with red, white and black ribbons. Red symbolizes Manjusri,white symbolizes Guanyin, black is Vajra holding Bodhisattva, and three colorsturn into flowers. Therefore, Sakya sect is called "flower religion". Among theteachings of the Sakya school, the most unique and important one is "Dao GuoFa". Its teaching method has three procedures: first, to give up the blessing."Not good" is bad. A person always encourages himself to do good and do good,not to do bad, and is expected to incarnate in the "three good interests" ofheaven, Asura and man in the afterlife. 2、 Cut me off. That is to understand theimpermanence of life, everything in the world is made up of karma, which is nota real truth, so as to see through everything in the world, cut off any desire,and relieve pain. 3、 There is no success in all methods. That is to preventarbitrary views in practice, and achieve the realm of understanding the universewith extraordinary insights. There are many differences between the Sakya sectand other sects, one of which is to allow believers to marry and have children,and the political power of the sect is passed on from father to son, while thereligious power is passed on from uncle to nephew.

There are five important ancestors of the Sakya school. His fourthancestor, Saban gonggajianzan, played an important role in bringing Tibet intothe territory of China in the 13th century.

In addition, I would like to introduce the history of Sakya temple and thefamous basiba. After the collapse of the Tubo Dynasty, Tibet fell into 400 yearsof separatist rule and war turbulence. In the early 13th century, Genghis Khanled Mongolian tribes to rise in the north and gradually unified China. Kuo Duan,the grandson of Genghis Khan, once sent General dodanab to lead Mongolianknights to Tibet. Kuo Duan realized that if he wanted to unify Tibet, he mustmake use of the local religious forces. He learned that the Sakya faction, whichrose in the Sakya area of post Tibet at that time, was increasingly powerful,and that the leader of Sakya temple, Gongga jianzan (also known as SakyaBanzhida), had the greatest influence among all the sects in Tibet, so heinvited Gongga jianzan to Liangzhou (now Wuwei, Gansu Province) to meet withhim.

In 1247 ad, Saban and his nephew, basiba, arrived in Liangzhou. On behalfof the local forces in Tibet, they reached the conditions for Tibet to submit tothe Yuan Dynasty with the Mongolian royal family. At this point, Tibetofficially joined the family of the motherland and became a first-classAdministrative Region under the direct jurisdiction of the central government ofthe Yuan Dynasty. As a result, the Sakya faction gained the trust of the YuanDynasty and the leading position in Tibet.

After the death of gonggajianzan, Kublai Khan summoned basiba in 1253 ADand worshipped him as the emperors teacher. In 1260, Kublai Khan declaredhimself Emperor, granted basiba the title of "guanding National Teacher",granted jade seal, and also appointed him to take charge of the affairs of theGeneral Academy established by the central government, which was in charge ofNational Buddhist affairs and Tibetan local administrative affairs, making him asenior official of the central government of the Yuan Dynasty. In 1265, basibawas ordered to return to Tibet, expanded the northern Sakya temple, establishedthe "Benqin" to manage the local regime, and established the Sakya Dynasty, thelocal regime in Tibet. Tibet was officially under the jurisdiction of thecentral government of the Yuan Dynasty. In 1269 A.D., basiba created Mongoliancharacters, for which he was granted the title of "great magic king" by KublaiKhan.

Today, the North Temple has disappeared. At a glance, the vast ruins in thenorth are still as magnificent as they used to be.

Now we are visiting the South Temple, where the Sakya temple is nowlocated. It was built in 1268 by the fifth generation patriarch of the Sakyasect, basiba. You can see that the appearance of sakyanan temple is veryspecial. There are two rings of walls. There are crenels on the walls,watchtowers at the four corners, and a moat outside. The gate is in the shape of"Gong". The whole plan is in the shape of big "Hui" with small "Hui", which hasa little taste of war defense. In addition to purplish red, the walls are alsoblack and white, which is an important symbol of the Sakya sect.

Now the main hall we enter is called "lacanthim", which means the greattemple, with a height of 100 meters and an area of 5500 square meters. There are40 pillars in the hall, four of which are the thickest. It takes three people toembrace them. The thickest one is 1.5 meters in diameter. Each pillar has alegendary story: the first pillar is the pillar of Kublai Khan emperor, named"Ghana seqingawa", which means the pillar sent by Yuan Dynasty. It is said thatat the beginning, basiba served in most of the Yuan Dynasty. When the emperor ofthe Yuan Dynasty knew that he wanted to go back to Sakya to build a temple, hechose a pillar with a diameter of 4 feet and gave it to him. The pillar wasgood, but it was too big to be transported to Tibet. BASBA returned to Sakyawith regret. But when he returned to Sakya, the big pillar was floating on theZhongqu River in the north of the temple. The second pillar is the wild oxpillar, which is called "Chong Bu GA WA" (meaning "pillar transported by wildyak"), the third pillar is the tiger pillar, which is called "Da Bu GA WA"(meaning "pillar transported by male tiger"); The fourth pillar is the blooddrop pillar, which is called "nabuchazagawa" (meaning the pillar sent by the seagod). According to legend, when the Dragon King sent it, he was injured and bledon the pillar, and now we can see the red blood stains on the pillar. Accordingto the research, they come from the Chentang Valley in the south of Sakya countyand belong to the Himalayan nature reserve.

Please see, there are three Buddha statues of Sakyamuni and a white conchin the hall. In the middle of the hall, this Sakyamuni Buddha named "zhamulinYexia" was cast in memory of sakhaban Zhida gonggajianzan and contains the relicof basiba. The one on the left was built in memory of King baspahat. The one onthe south side of the hall was cast in memory of Sakyamuni Sambu. This whiteconch was given to the emperor of China by the king of India. Kublai Khan, theemperor of the Yuan Dynasty, gave it to basiba.

Out of the gate of the main hall, on the south side of the courtyard ispuzhulacan, which is the Sutra Hall of Sakya sect. The Manjusri Bodhisattva inthe temple is excavated from the underground of the North Temple. It is the mainBuddha in the North Temple. It is said that as long as you recite Manjusriseulogy and mantra for seven days in front of the statue, even the stupid peoplecan enhance their wisdom and make Maos life open. This is one of the fourtreasures of Sakya temple, which is revered by the faithful men and women. Onthe north side of the courtyard is oudonglacan, which contains 11 pagodas forangqiang gonggarenqin, king of sagafa in the 16th century, and his descendants.Angqiang defeated "Lhasa zongba", saved the Sakya sect and restored the Nanbeitemple. He is a famous King of the Sakya sect. The temple has a special halldedicated to this historical figure. Through this hall is the "lakangjiang", inwhich there are six mud pagodas of Sakya monk Dade. In the pagoda Hall of PengCuO Po Zhang in Nansi Sutra hall, there are pagodas or commemorative Buddhastatues of nine people in four generations from Gongga Renqin, the founder ofPeng CuO Po Zhang, to Wangqiu in angwang tudao; in the pagoda Hall of Zhuoma PoZhang, there are six pagodas of Wangqiu and his descendants in Baima dundui.

At the back of the hall is the library of Tibetan scriptures, whichcontains more than ten thousand classics. It is a treasure of gold, silver,cinnabar and ink by calligraphers in Wei, Zang, Kang and other areas during thebasiba period. There is also a "Fangjing", also known as "jialongma" or"budjialong" Scripture. The book is 1.34 meters long, 1.09 meters wide and 67 cmthick. The wooden cover of Carving Dragons and phoenixes was originally 41 cmlong, which was carried by four lamas. It is said that this book was completedby basiba. It was written in gold powder juice and is a treasure handed downfrom generation to generation.

On the right side of the hall, there is a 1.5-foot-high jade bell and asquare jade plate, which are called the two treasures of the temple. The jadebell is used to cover the ever burning lamp in front of the Buddha. The jadeplate is engraved with a Chinese poem, which is inscribed as "awakening stone".Around them are the artifacts such as the magic weapons bestowed by Chinesedynasties and the vests, armor and boots bestowed by the emperors of YuanDynasty. Murals are concentrated in the main hall. On the east wall, there areimages of Sakyas ancestors and eminent monks and some Buddhist allusions. Onthe west wall, there are more than 600 years old murals of mandala and more than60 paintings of xijingang (huanxifo). There are hundreds of scroll paintings inthe main hall, which are art treasures of Tibet.

There are many classics in Sakya temple, of which more than 2800 arehandwritten in Yuan and Ming Dynasties. The Baya Sutra originated in ancientIndia and has a history of more than 1000 years is rare in the world. However,there are 3636 Baya sutras preserved in Sakya temple, which are written inTibetan, Han and Mongolian characters. Only Sakya Temple preserved the most ofthe Tripitaka copied with gold powder and cinnabar. In addition, there wereletters and seals from the emperor of Yuan Dynasty to the local officials ofSakya.

Basiba was granted the title of Queen of Sakya, and the Sakya sect reachedits peak. There are more than 40 temples in Sakya temple, which are all over thebanks of Zhongqu river. However, in the 16th century, it was a pity that a firealmost completely flattened the South Temple. It was not until 1948 that theoriginal appearance of the temple was restored after years of continuousrenovation. Now the Beisi site has been rebuilt, but most of the ground is stillcovered with broken bricks and gravel. Near the foot of the mountain, there is anewly restored white pagoda. It is said that there is a relic of a generation ofSakyas ancestors in the pagoda.

Now I would like to briefly introduce the autumn and winter Dharma meetingsof Sakya Monastery. July of the Tibetan calendar is the autumn Dafa meeting.Lama dancers perform the ancient Vajrayana dance, which is very powerful. At theopening ceremony, 150 actors wearing various animal masks rotate and jump. FromNovember 23 to 29 of the Tibetan calendar, it is called the winter Dafa meeting,and its main content is still the divine dance performance. The Three Dharmaprotectors in Sakya temple are all played by monks. They carry the skeleton ofDharma protector on their shoulders and wear giant ferocious masks as long asone meter. They are as high as one story. This is the most attractive part ofSakya dance. Hundreds of armed warriors in armor and spears performed skillssuch as sword dancing, archery and firearm shooting to commemorate the glory ofthe sects rule over Tibet 700 years ago.

This is the end of the visit to Sakya temple. I believe you will have abrief and general understanding of Sakya temple.



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Tianyige museum is located on the West Bank of Moon Lake in Ningbo City,where Tianyige, the oldest existing private library in China, is located. It isa library built by Fan Qin, a retired official in the Jiajing period of the MingDynasty (1561-1566). There are ancient books and bookcases in the building,which are filled with a thick aroma of books.

In fact, the museum is a garden in the south of the Yangtze River. The EastGarden and the South Garden in the park are well arranged with rockeries, ponds,pavilions and other scenery. Walking in the simple brick and wood corridor, youcan feel the quiet environment. There is a forest of Steles in Mingzhou in thepark, and hundreds of Steles record the ancient official education history.There is also the painting and calligraphy Museum, which often displays the finepaintings and calligraphy works of the past dynasties and celebrities collectedby Tianyi Pavilion.

In the park, there are also the library "Dongming thatched cottage" beforethe completion of Tianyi Pavilion, the "Qins ancestral hall" displaying thearchitectural features of Ningbo folk houses, and the former residence of fan.In the mahjong exhibition hall, you can see all kinds of mahjong cards, let youunderstand the origin and development of mahjong culture.



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Today we are going to visit Xian city wall, bell tower and Drum Tower.Its a great honor to serve you.

The ancient castle we see now is the city wall of Xian in Ming Dynasty,which was built on the basis of Changan Imperial City in Tang Dynasty in theearly Ming Dynasty. It is one of the most famous city walls in the history ofthe late Middle Ages in China. It is the largest and most complete defensefacility of ancient military castle in the world.

Xian, as an ancient capital for thousands of years, has built city wallsmany times in the past dynasties. Most of them are buried in the dust ofhistory. The wall we see now can be traced back to the Sui Dynasty. In 1369 ad,Xu Da, a general of the Ming Dynasty, entered Shaanxi from Shanxi and changedthe original Fengtian road to Xian, which means "long-term stability in thewest". It opened the prelude of building the city wall in Xian in Ming Dynasty.The shape of the wall, which took eight years to build, is a rectangle. The wallis 15 meters high, 12-14 meters wide at the top, 16-18 meters wide at thebottom, and 13.9 kilometers long. The bottom layer is made of loess, lime andglutinous rice juice. After drying, it is very strong.

The ancient city wall of Xian includes a series of military facilitiessuch as moat, suspension bridge, gate tower, arrow tower, main tower, cornertower, enemy tower, parapet, crenel, etc. Well, now lets feel for ourselves thescientific, rigorous and complete military defense system.

The most peripheral part of the city wall is the moat, also known as the"moat", which is the first line of defense of the city wall. It can block theenemys attack and even take advantage of the favorable terrain to destroy theenemy. The moat around the city wall of Xian is 20 meters wide. Crossing themoat is the gate, and the only channel connecting the moat and the gate is thesuspension bridge. At ordinary times, the soldiers obeyed the command of themorning bell and the evening drum. In the morning, they lowered the suspensionbridge to open the city gate; in the evening, they raised the suspension bridgeto cut off the traffic. Once there is a war, the suspension bridge rises and thegate is closed, the gate becomes a solid and closed Battle Fortress.

City gate is the key and weak point of city defense system. Usually, it isthe access to the city. In a war, it is the primary target for both sides.Therefore, the Ming Dynasty attached great importance to improving the defensefacilities of the city gate. One of the most remarkable technologicalbreakthroughs is the use of the arched gate to prevent the enemy from attackingby fire. The gate of Xian City in the Ming Dynasty was very strong. The doorleaf was made of 16 cm thick wood. One gate was made of 2.8 cubic meters ofwood. The door leaf was reinforced with iron bars, and 180 iron mushroom needleswere nailed between the two iron bars. There are 1800 iron mushroom needles onthe whole door leaf. In this way, the wood of the door leaf is compacted, andthe stiffness of the door leaf is increased, so that the arrow can not be shotin.

In order to improve the security coefficient of the city gate defense, thecity gate is actually composed of three parts: Gate Tower, arrow tower and mainbuilding. The gate building is on the outside, and its function is to lift thesuspension bridge. Its also used to play watch. When the enemy invades the gateof the gate tower, it seems to enter the urn. They will be attacked from allsides. Therefore, the space downstairs is also called "urn city". The archerytower is in the center, with windows on the front and on both sides for archery.The archery tower and archery tower are connected by a wall, which is alsocalled "Wengcheng" and can garrison troops. The main building is in theinnermost part. The tower above the main building is the main building of thecity gate, which is the commanding place of the general. Outside the city wall,there is an enemy platform protruding from the main body of the city wall every120 meters, commonly known as "horse face". There are 98 "horse faces" on thewhole city wall. The building above the "horse face" is called the enemy tower.The distance between the two enemy platforms is 120 meters, and one side of itis 60 meters, which is "a stones throw". This layout makes it easy to shoot theenemy from the side. Therefore, the ancients commented: "if there is a citywithout a platform, it is just like there is no city. The city is the guardian,and the platform is the guardian.". On the outside of the city wall, there aredwarf pheasants, also known as "pile wall", with crenels and square holes forarchery and watching. The low wall on the inside is called "parapet" to preventsoldiers from falling under the wall when they walk. In the four corners ofXian city wall, there is a tower called "turret". In the urn formed by thearrow tower and the main tower, there is a horse road leading to the head of thecity, which is convenient for the horses to go up and down. During the war, thisis the throat of the deployment of troops, and we must ensure that there is noobstruction. So the guard is very strict.

With the change of time, we can see Changle gate, Anding gate, Zhuque gate,Hanguang gate, Yuxiang gate and so on. The origin of these names also reflectsthe ups and downs of the ancient city. The city wall of Xian in the MingDynasty shows the wisdom of the ancient working people of our country. OK, thecity wall of Xian is here. We will continue to take you to visit the bell andDrum Tower.

The bell tower and drum tower are the unique buildings in ancient Chinesecities. Bell and drum are the earliest percussion instruments in China, with ahistory of more than 3020__ years. Initially used as ritual and musicalinstruments. It has been used in military command since the spring and Autumnperiod. Ancient Chinese cities have the nature of military castles. In additionto building walls around the city, digging trenches and setting up suspensionbridges, there are also bell and drum towers built in the center of the city asthe command center. At ordinary times, it reports the time by morning bell andevening drum, opens and closes the suspension bridge regularly, and it is usedto warn the police and command the city defense in case of emergency. This tighturban defense system reached its peak in the Ming Dynasty. Xian is an importantmilitary and political town in Northwest China in Ming Dynasty. Its bell towerand Drum Tower rank the first in terms of architectural scale, historical valueand artistic value in China.

The building we see now is the bell tower, which is located at theintersection of the four streets in Xian. It was built in the 17th year ofHongwu in Ming Dynasty. It was originally located in Yingxiang temple on theWest Street. With the eastward movement of the city center, in 20__ of Wanli ofShenzong of Ming Dynasty, the bell tower was demolished as a whole and moved tothe present site.

The bell tower is a typical architectural style of the Ming Dynasty, with aheight of 36 meters, double eaves and brackets, gorgeous and solemn. It consistsof three parts: base, body and roof. The base is square, all made of greenbricks. The building is a square wooden structure, surrounded by an ambulatoryon the outside and a two-story building on the inside with wooden ladderscircling up. In the square hall on the upper and lower floors of the building,there are various kinds of valuable porcelain and red Phoebe furniture since theMing Dynasty. The four sides of the doors are covered with relief paintings,with a simple and vivid style. The top of the building is a four cornerstructure, covered with green glazed tiles. The top dome is 5 meters high,glittering and brilliant.

On the northwest corner of the bell tower is a Ming Dynasty iron bell,which weighs 5 tons and has eight trigrams on its side. It is much smaller thanthe bronze bell that hung in the bell tower earlier. The giant bell originallyhung in the bell tower is a "Jingyun bell" cast in the Jingyun period of TangDynasty. Now the bell is collected in the forest of Steles in Xian. It is saidthat after the bell tower was moved from Yingxiang temple to the present site,although the style and size of the tower have not changed, the Jingyun bell willnever ring. Theres no choice but to change. In order to move the jingyunzhongto the new bell tower, an inclined bridge was built in the west section of theWest Street, and the bridge slope was used to transport the jingyunzhong to thebell tower. It is said that "qiaozikou" also got its name.

There are inscriptions on the west wall of the bell tower. Song of the belltower was written by Gong Maoxian, governor of Shaanxi Province, who built thebell tower when he was dismissed and went to Beijing. The bell tower is warmlypraised in the poem. The story of the bell tower was written by Zhang Kai, thegovernor who had built the bell tower. It describes the life experience of thebell tower in detail. On the door of the bell tower, there are 64 woodcut reliefstory paintings, including Mulan joining the army, Change flying to the moon,Liu Yis biography, Eight Immortals crossing the sea and so on. After thefounding of the peoples Republic of China, the peoples Government of Xiancarried out three large-scale repairs to the clock tower, which made the ancientbuilding glow with its former style.

Far away from the bell tower is the drum tower. The door opening at thebottom of the tower is north-south, leading to the north gate and the SouthDarcy street. The drum tower was built in the 13th year of Hongwu in MingDynasty. It is sister to the bell tower. There is a huge drum on the north sideof the first floor of the drum tower, which forms a late drum with the morningbell on the bell tower, so it is called the drum tower. The building isrectangular. The height and width of the door opening on the base are 6 meters,and the depth is 38 meters. The drum tower is built with double eaves and threedrops of water. The building is divided into upper and lower floors. There aretwo plaques under the eaves of the north and the south. In the south, theEmperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty engraved a book with his pen: "the land ofculture and military prosperity", and in the north, Li yunkuan, a scholar ofXianning County, wrote "the sound is heard in the sky". In the outer eaves ofthe drum tower are decorated with Dou Gong, surrounded by corridors. The ceilingis painted with cloud pattern, antique, very beautiful. Bell and drum towerscomplement each other, making the ancient city of Xian more beautiful andspectacular. Well, this is the end of the tour of the bell and Drum Tower. Thankyou!
