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Hello, tourists! Im a different ordinary tour guide. You can call me ringguide. Welcome to Wuyishan, where the mountains are strange and the waters arebeautiful. The scenery of Wuyishan is not the same as my name. Today, pleasefollow my steps to appreciate the difference of Wuyishan!

Wuyishan is a typical Danxia landform, known as blue water Danshan,qixiujia southeast reputation. It is located in the northwest border of FujianProvince, with a main scenic area of 70 square kilometers and an averagealtitude of 350 meters. It is one of the first batch of national scenic spotsand one of the national tourist resorts. In 1999, it was listed in the worldcultural and natural heritage list and won the world natural and culturalheritage. Wuyishan became the 23rd World Natural and cultural heritage site andthe fourth world natural and cultural heritage site in China.

At this moment, Ill take you to the foot of Tianyou peak. Please look upfirst. The whole Tianyou peak is a big stone. The ants you see are the peopleclimbing Tianyou peak. They are like ants moving, and they go up step by step.Now I begin to take you to climb Tianyou peak, please follow the good team,dont walk away, pay attention to walk without seeing the scenery! OK, werehalfway up the mountain. We come to the pavilion and look around. There are ninetwists and turns in front of us, and bamboo rafts are swinging gently on thestream. Traveler Xu Xiake commented: Tianyou peak is an excellent Wuyi landscapeviewing platform. It is not near the river, but can make the best of Jiuxi. Thispeak should be the first. Therefore, Tianyou peak is known as the first peak inWuyi. From the top of Tianyou peak, you can see most of the beautiful scenery.Jiuqu River is flowing to the horizon, there are all kinds of stones, look,there are: two lazy turtles lying on their stomach, here is a magic penholderpeak, there is a mouth watering hamburger, and the beautiful jade girl and thebrave king are also waiting for us in front!

The way down the mountain is smoother than the way up the mountain. Wedont go back. We dont go down the mountain from the original way, that is, wedont go back. But the scenery on the way down the mountain is much less. Thewhole climb took about three hours.

This is the end of the morning trip. In a quiet afternoon, we will take abamboo raft and walk into this picturesque world.




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上饶市位于江西省东北部,素有“豫章第一门户”之称;全市辖有10县1市1区,有中国博士之乡——玉山县、中国最美的乡村——婺源县、鱼米之乡——鄱阳县、叠山故里志敏家乡——弋阳县、武夷山麓的明珠——铅山县、中国铜都——德兴市、政治经济文化中心——信州区 ;全市总面积2.28万平方千米,总人口有648.99万,以香樟为市树、后头杜鹃为市花,鸳鸯为市鸟。



大自然的秀丽风光和祖辈们的文明历史,造就了上饶市众多特色鲜明的风景名胜和文物古迹。拥有世界自然遗产三清山、龟峰;中国最美的乡村——婺源,道教胜地——灵山;全国红色旅游经典景区——上饶集中营;中国最大的淡水湖——鄱阳湖等; 下面具体介绍下三清山。三清山景区位于上饶玉山县和德兴市交界处,这里有着浓厚的道教历史,是道家洞天福地之一,且花岗岩地貌奇特无比,奇峰怪石数不胜数,因此有“天下无双福地、江南第一仙峰”的美誉。全山由三清宫、玉京峰、西海岸、东海岸、石鼓岭等十大景区组成。三清山景色优美,尤以“三清三绝”——巨蟒出山、司春女神、观音赏曲最佳,苏轼、朱熹、王安石、陆游、徐霞客等文人墨客先后到此旅行游览。




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7539 字

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Yuejiang building is an L-shaped building with the main wing facing northand the secondary wing facing west. Both wings can enjoy the scenery of theYangtze River. The main building is located at the horns of the two wings, fouron the outside and three on the inside, with a total height of 51 meters and atotal construction area of more than 5000 square meters.

In the middle of the hall on the third floor of the bell tower is decoratedwith the largest porcelain painting of Jingdezhen in China. The painting is 12.8meters high and 8 meters wide. It consists of 12 parts, colorful andmagnificent. It describes the glorious history of Zheng Hes voyages to theWestern Ocean from 1405 to 1433, including the construction of treasure ships,scientific navigation, ocean conquest, peaceful diplomacy, good neighborlinessand friendship, the spread of civilization, equal economy and trade, culturalexchanges, and other grand events of western countries local customs andpractices.

The huge porcelain painting also reflects the scene that Emperor Yonglebuilt "Jinghai Temple" and "Tianfei Palace" and set up "Tianfei Palace" to prayfor safety for Zheng Hes navigation. There is a copy of Zheng Hes treasureship and a huge rusty anchor in the hall. These two objects vividly andconcretely prove that Nanjing was the main shipbuilding site of Zheng Hesvoyages to the West and the largest shipbuilding base in the world at thattime.

On the second floor of Yuejiang tower, there are 16 portraits of Zheng Hesemperors during and after his voyages to the West. The top ones are ZhuYuanzhang, Ming Taizu, and Zhu Di, Ming Chengzu. At the same time, it also showsthe splendid culture of the Ming Dynasty, including the territory of the MingDynasty, famous calligraphers and painters, science and technology, andintroduces in detail Chinas advanced science and culture during Zheng Hesvoyages to the West.

The internal layout of Yuejiang building centers on the political opinionsof the two emperors, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di. At the bottom of the building,what is most worth seeing is a chair, a wall and a plaque. Placed in front ofthe wall is a "Zhu Yuanzhang dragon chair". Although it is an imitation, it ismade of high-quality mahogany and weighs more than 1000 Jin. There are ninedragons carved on the back of the Dragon chair, which are exquisite and vivid. Aplaque on the east side, "Zhilong Tang Song", was written by Kangxi. There was aboat and a painting on the second floor. Zhu Di, Emperor Yongle of Ming Dynasty,lifted the sea ban and expanded trade and cultural exchanges. At that time,there was a shipyard in Xiaguan area of Nanjing. Many ships were built in theshipyard. The longest ship was 138 meters long and 56 meters wide. It had ninemasts and 12 sails when sailing. Its carrying capacity was 7000 tons, which wasthe highest in the world 600 years ago. This giant porcelain painting reflectsthe history of Zheng Hes seven voyages to the west between 1405 and 1433. Thepicture is composed of 12 parts. It describes in detail the grand occasion ofZheng He, a navigator, who built treasure ships according to Emperor Yongleswill and went to western countries to publicize Chinese civilization. Thepicture also reflects the Emperor Yongles imperial edict to build "JinghaiTemple" and "Tianfei Palace" and personally bestow "Tianfei palace stele",ringing Jinghai temple bell to commemorate the sea god Tianfei empress whoprotects the safety of navigation.

On the top floor of Yuejiang tower is a Panlong caisson. The Golden Dragonon the roof is carved from the whole camphor wood. The dragon is made of 24 Kgold and Jiangning gold foil. The inside and outside of this building share 11kg of 24 K pure gold, so it is particularly brilliant.


The original intention of building Yuejiang tower began more than 600 yearsago by Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Before he becameemperor, Zhu Yuanzhang used red and yellow banners as his name on the lionmountain to command tens of thousands of ambushes and defeat the powerful enemyChen Youliangs 400000 strong attack, which laid the foundation for theestablishment of the Ming Dynasty. Fourteen years later, in 1374, that is, inthe spring of the seventh year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang built a pavilion inShizishan and named it Yuejianglou. Taking Yuejianglou as the title, he orderedthe officials in the dynasty to write a story of Yuejianglou. There are threearticles that have been handed down to the present: Yuejianglou Ji written bySong Lian, a famous writer and academician in the late Yuan Dynasty and earlyMing Dynasty, and Yuejianglou Ji and youyuejianglou Ji written by Zhu Yuanzhanghimself. Zhu Yuanzhang also used prisoners in prison to build a "flat stone" forbuilding on the top of the lion rock, which is the foundation.

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly decided to stop the construction of Yuejiangbuilding after he wrote the story of the building and laid the foundation, andexplained the reasons for stopping the construction in his story of the buildingagain: first, God entrusted him with a dream to warn him not to rush to buildthe Yuejiang building; second, after careful consideration, he felt that theconstruction of Yuejiang building should be delayed. In fact, another reason isto concentrate money and manpower to build the city walls of Nanjing andFengyang, the capital of China. Later, even the city walls of Fengyang, thecapital of China, were stopped because of the huge cost.

When the building was completed in 20__, it is worth mentioning that due tothe lack of many ancient materials and the differences in modern buildingspecifications and techniques, the newly-built Yuejiang building does not usethe traditional wood structure, but uses the modern reinforced concretestructure instead, which makes the famous building lack a trace of ancientcharm.

Yuejianglou scenic spot creates five best in China

1. Stone lions -- this is the largest pair of male lions in China, with aheight of 4. It is 8 meters long and weighs about 30 tons. It is carved fromJinshan stone in Suzhou. The style is in the period of emperor Taizu of MingDynasty, and it is carved according to the gate guard lion in the mausoleum ofemperor Mingzu of Xuyi county. The two lions are powerful and royal.

2. Yuejianglou Ji written by Zhu Yuanzhang, a white jade tablet in HanDynasty, was copied by contemporary calligraphers. On the back of the tablet wasYuejianglou Ji written by Song Lian, which was selected as Guwenguanzhi. Hanbaijade is mined from Fangshan, Beijing, gaolv 3. 1 meter, 4 meters wide. 8 meters,weighing 15 tons, is the largest white marble tablet in China.

3. Yuejiang Lou Ding, the largest Simuwu Ding of the Western Zhou Dynastyin China, weighs 4 tons and is engraved with seal characters: "the lion dreamsof Xi Xiang Zhang, the son and grandson of Jiao takes Yanhuang and the mountainas the backbone, reads the Yangtze River of ancient times, the river goes to thesea and the soup is vast, the Lou paiyun is generous and generous, and the dingis built in this hall forever." The first word of each of these seven sentencesis "Yuejiang Pavilion in lion mountain"

4. Zheng Hes porcelain painting in the West -- this is the largestporcelain painting in China, 12.8 meters high and 8 meters wide. Behind themurals are the works of Tang Bohu and Zhu Zhishan.

5. Bronze relief is the largest bronze relief in China. It is 2 meters highand 8 meters wide. It was made by Wu Weishan, a master sculptor. Yuejiangbuilding is one of the four famous buildings in Jiangnan.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1339 字

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In the summer vacation, sunny morning, I went to Nanao Island with youwith excitement.

The ship crossed the sea. Standing on the railing of the ship, from adistance, the sea and sky are the same color. The waves then rush forward andhit the rocks, raising countless white waves. The rhythmic sound of waves, abeautiful hymn of the sea... How beautiful!

Before you know it, Central South Australia island. On the shore, theexhibition in front of a row of neat trees. In the breeze, he waved to touristsfrom all over the world and said, "welcome to Nanao Island!"

Around the trees, on the beach of Nanao Island. The sea water is rollingforward, pushing one wave after another. The sun came out of the clouds, andthousands of rays of gold were shining on the sea. The sea was sparkling. It wasso beautiful!

Just as I was intoxicated in the beautiful scenery, the sound of the callwoke me up: "go, go swimming!" I quickly changed my swimsuit, followed myparents to do a warm-up exercise, and went into the water. In the water, I amlike a free fish swimming around, so comfortable!

I stood in front of the window, listening to the breathing sound of thewaves, watching the shining sea outside the window, feeling very excited. Thecharming scenery of the day still beckons to me. I said silently in my heart:"beautiful Nanao Island, I still need it!"



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3888 字

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Dear tourists

Hello everyone, welcome to Nanchang, the hero city. Im Xiao Li. Now let meintroduce the general situation of Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province. Asthe political, economic, cultural and transportation center of the province, itis a city with a long history and glorious revolutionary tradition. It islocated in the north of central Jiangxi Province, the lower reaches of GanjiangRiver and Fuhe River, and the Poyang Lake Plain. The total area is about 7402square kilometers and the total population is about 4.62 million. The city hasfive districts including Donghu District, Xihu District, Qingyunpu District,Wanli District and Qingshanhu District, and four counties including Nanchang,Xinjian, Jinxian and Anyi. The name of Nanchang began in the Western HanDynasty, implying "Changda Nanjiang" and "prosperity of the South". Nanchang wasfounded in 2 BC___ In, Guan Ying, the famous founding General of the HanDynasty, was ordered to lead his troops to Nanchang, where Yuzhang county andNanchang County were officially established. The next year (before 201), a localcity was built in Nanchang, which was called "Guancheng". This is the beginningof Nanchang.

Nanchang city is located in the north and south traffic arteries of ourcountry. The existing water, land and air transportation network can lead to thewhole province and all parts of the country. The first plane, the first wheeledtractor, the first motorcycle and the first coastal defense missile of new Chinawere born here. In recent years, Nanchangs industrial economy has made greatprogress, initially forming five pillar industries, such as automobile, medicineand food, textile and clothing, electronic information and home appliances, newmaterials, and striving to become an important base of modern manufacturingindustry and regional economic center city. The agricultural economy and thetertiary industry also have a rapid development, business circulation is active,a prosperous scene.

Nanchang has many scenic spots and rich tourism resources. According toincomplete statistics, Nanchang has 104 tourism resources with development valueand development, including 26 natural landscapes and 28 cultural landscapes.Among them, Tengwang Pavilion, the first of the three famous buildings in thesouth of the Yangtze River, is the main representative of ancient culturaltourism, red tourism represented by the former site of Bayi Uprisingheadquarters, and green tourism represented by Meiling, Nanchang baohulu farm asthe main representative of the characteristics of leisure tourism.

Now let me briefly introduce Tengwang Pavilion, which is known as the firstfloor of Xijiang. Tengwang pavilion was built by Li Yuanying, the fourth son ofTang Gaozu Li Yuan. During the reign of Zhenguan, Li Yuanying was granted thetitle of King Teng, so it was named tengwangge. The reason why tengwangge isfamous in the world is that we have to mention Wang Bos preface to tengwangge.It is said that when the young Wang Bo was exploring for his family, he happenedto catch up with the banquet Party of Yan Boyu, the governor. He was so excitedthat he asked someone to take out his pen and ink and wrote down the preface toTengwang Pavilion on the spot. Please look here. The two lines are written onthe gate bar. The sunset and the lone duck fly together, and the autumn watergrows in the same color. These two sentences can be said to be the best of allages and have been handed down to this day.

Nanchang food is very special. Here we can taste some special dishes, suchas Chenhao fried bacon, Poyang Lake lion head, three cups of chicken, three cupsof dog meat, three cups of foot fish, Huangqin roast brine, Gan flavor milk dogmeat, fermented wax gourd circle, five yuan Longfeng soup, etc. We can alsotaste some folk snacks, such as Nanchang rice noodles, stone street Mahua,hometown Guoba, spicy hot and fried snacks.



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Wuhu has a long history. In the spring and Autumn period, Wuhu was namedjiuchanyi of Wu state. As a county name, Wuhu began to be named 120 BC__ 20years ago__ Many years of history.

In recent years, stone tools, bone implements and mammal fossils of variousspecies made by ancient human beings have been discovered in Renzi cave in Wuhu,dating from about 2 million to 2.5 million years ago, tracing back the historyof human activities in Asia to 4.5 million years. Dagongshan ancient copper minesite is the largest copper production base in China during the spring and Autumnperiod, Han and Tang Dynasties. In 1996, it was listed as a national keycultural relic protection unit by the State Council.

In 1876, the Sino British Treaty of Yantai established Wuhu as a foreigntrade port. Since 1877, Wuhu has gradually become one of the four major ricemarkets in China. Because of its superior location and prosperous business, itwas once known as "the backbone of Anhui" and "the giant port of the YangtzeRiver".

Wuhu has a long history. It is an important commercial port city in theYangtze River Basin. Paleolithic cultural relics and ancient copper smeltingsites prove that the metallurgical and manufacturing technology level of ancientWuhu was very developed. The textile industry of Ming Dynasty has formed aconsiderable scale, and there are records of "weaving is still in Songjiang,pulp dyeing is still in Wuhu". Wuhu was one of the four major rice markets inmodern China. It was opened as a foreign trade port in the late Qing Dynasty andwas one of the birthplaces of modern industry in the lower reaches of theYangtze River.

Wuhu City is located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, asubtropical humid monsoon climate, mild climate, abundant rainfall, fourdistinct seasons. The annual average temperature is 15-16 ℃, the annual averagefrost free period is 219-240 days, and the annual sunshine hours is 20__ Theaverage annual rainfall is 1200-1400mm.

Wuhu is rich in agricultural resources, water resources and mineralresources. Fertile land, rich in rice, oil, cotton and so on. The Yangtze Riverflows through the western edge of the city. The Qingyi River, Shuiyang River andZhanghe River run through the city. Heisha lake, Longwo lake and Kui lake arescattered among them. The water surface area of the city is 478 squarekilometers, accounting for 14.4% of the total area. There are many kinds ofaquatic products, among which shad, swordfish and crab are the famous "threedelicacies". The mountain area has the precious Chinese medicinal materialCortex Moutan and so on.

A total of 55 kinds of mineral resources have been found in Wuhu, of whichlimestone reserves reach 4.2 billion tons. Wuhu, located in the lower reaches ofthe Yangtze River, has an open surface and abundant water flow, which isespecially suitable for the development of industrial projects with large waterconsumption and transportation capacity.


Wuhu is an important communication hub in the Yangtze River economic belt.Nanjing Wuhan, Nanjing Wuhu trunk line optical cable and Beijing ShanghaiHangzhou coaxial cable pass through Wuhu. The total installed capacity of thecitys program-controlled telephone is 306000. Modern communication facilitiessuch as mobile communication and wireless paging are advanced. The Internet Wuhuwebsite has been officially opened.


Wuhu airport has opened routes from Wuhu to Beijing and from Wuhu toFoshan. It is 119 km away from Luogang airport in Hefei and 58 km away from thenewly built Lukou International Airport in Nanjing.


Wuhu is an important hub of highway network along the river. The totalmileage of highways in the city is 1530 km, including more than 100 km in theurban area. National highways 205 and 318 cross the border. The expressway fromWuhu to Hefei has been put into use. The Wuhu section of the high-grade highwayalong the Yangtze River has been completed. The construction of the expresswayfrom Wuhu to Hangzhou has started. The construction of the expressway from Wuhuto Hangzhou is about to start.

Starting from Wuhu, with the same day round trip as the radius, it covers atotal of 200 million people, which is the most densely populated and the highestconsumption level area in China.


Wuhu port is the last deep-water port up the Yangtze River. The width ofthe main channel is 400-500m, and the annual water depth is more than 9m. Thereare more than 70 berths in Hong Kong, with an annual capacity of 23 milliontons. Zhujiaqiao foreign trade terminal has two Wharton berths, and can alsorely on three 5000 ton seagoing ships at the same time. It also has a specialrailway line with an annual throughput of 1.52 million tons and a maximumlifting capacity of 200 tons. Yuxikou port is the largest in China and the firstmodern inland coal transfer port on the Yangtze River, with an annual handlingcapacity of 6 million tons. There are 14 seasonal navigable rivers in Wuhu City,with a navigable mileage of 429 km. After the completion of Qingyi River,Shuiyang River and Wuhu Taihu tributary canal under repair, Wuhu Shenyun canalcan be directly navigable, connecting with the Yangtze River Delta and Hangjiahuarea in southern Jiangsu.


Wuhu is an important hub of the second passage in East China. Wuning,Wutong, Anhui Jiangxi, Huainan and Xuanhang railways meet and connect here tocommunicate with all parts of the country. At 20__ The Wuhu Yangtze RiverBridge, opened to traffic in October 20__, integrates the north-south traffic ofthe Yangtze River. The Huainan line connects the Beijing Kowloon Line and theLonghai line in the north, and Hangzhou, Ningbo and Xiamen in the south.Xiaoyangcun marshalling station, which is built for the second passage of EastChina Railway, has 38 tracks of grade I, three yards, 70 trains per day and 7000cars per day.

Water and electricity

Wuhu is one of the cities with the richest water supply per capita inChina, with a daily water supply capacity of 750000 tons. The national backbonepower transmission and transformation lines are connected with Wuhu Power Plant,and the power supply is sufficient. The citys daily gas supply capacity is360000 cubic meters. Wuhu City is the center of liquefied gas storage andtransportation in southern Anhui, with a total gas storage capacity of more than12000 tons. The urban gasification rate is 89.14%, which can provide sufficientgas for residential and industrial use.

Science and Technology Education

There are 71 scientific research institutes of various types in Wuhu City,with more than 40000 professional and technical personnel, including more than10000 senior and middle professional and technical personnel. Wuhu is a nationalexperimental city for comprehensive reform of secondary city education, and apilot city for "dual system" Vocational Education of Sino German cooperationproject. There are 8 institutions of higher learning such as Anhui NormalUniversity and College of mechanical and electrical engineering, 8 secondaryprofessional schools, 6 technical schools, 17 vocational high schools and 129ordinary middle schools in the city, which can provide abundant labor force andprofessional and technical talents with good technical quality and relativelylow wage level for Wuhus economic development.

Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge Economic Park covers an area of 9.15 squarekilometers. In order to build science and technology-based, sightseeing typescenic spots, scenic spots, supporting modern business, culture, sports,entertainment and other service facilities, to form a new area with modernbusiness and tourism combination, good ecological environment as the maincharacteristics.

Wuhu agricultural science and technology demonstration zone is underconstruction, covering a total area of 80 square kilometers, including 66000 muof arable land, 42000 mu of water surface and 4000 mu of mountain farm. Theagricultural science and technology demonstration park is divided into fivefunctional areas: urban agricultural sightseeing area, efficient vegetableindustry area, efficient fishery economic area, efficient grain and oilproduction area and village and town economic and cultural area.



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On August 27, Dad finally finished his work and fulfilled his promise totake me to Daming Lake in Jinan. The long-awaited wish also accelerated with thehigh-speed railway. His excited mood was like the tree shadow beating outsidethe car window, more like a string of active notes.

The first stop to Jinan is Daming Lake. The first thing you can see is theglazed tiles, vermilion painted pillars, and a row of antique gate buildings.Through the gate buildings, you can see the magnificent Daming Lake and the lushlotus leaves blooming on the shoal, just like a green paper umbrella on thelake. If you look carefully, there is another one A lotus pod, and a fewbeautiful lotus, is really "connected to the sky lotus leaves infinite blue,reflecting the sun lotus another red", echoing with the classical pavilions,feel like watching TV in the south of the Yangtze River.

Whats more amazing is the stone Museum in Daming Lake scenic area. Thereare various kinds of stones in different shapes, such as jade, Taishan stone andso on,

At noon, my father and I went boating on the lake, feeling the quiet andpeaceful atmosphere. Sitting on the boat, we watched the water waves quietly.Occasionally, a few red fish came to the surface, and occasionally a few waterbirds flew out of the island in the center of the lake.

In the afternoon, we went to visit Baotu Spring, which is known as "thebest spring in the world". As soon as we entered the gate, I saw the plump Koiunder the small bridge and flowing water. Some of them were glittering with goldand some of them were charmingly naive. Along the Qingshiban Road and the flowdirection of the spring, we came to the memorial hall of Master Li kuchan.Master kuchan had heard of them for a long time This is the most attractiveplace for those who are interested in calligraphy and painting. It is majesticand lifelike. Let me look at it with new eyes.

After turning around the kuchan master memorial hall, and passing thememorial hall of poetess Li Qingzhao, we come to Baotu Spring. There are a lotof people watching it. From a distance, there are three spring eyes, and thespring water is surging, like three blooming flowers,

Spring clear bottom, fish in groups in the water swimming, carefree is veryhappy.

Perhaps in this beautiful environment, time will pass quickly, thetwinkling of an eye is dusk, my father and I with a reluctant mood, set foot onthe return train.



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One day in the summer vacation, my mother took me to the ancient lotuspond. Gulianhuachi is located on Yuhua Road in Baoding city. We arrived in halfan hour by bus.

As soon as I got to the door, I was fascinated by the antique architecture.Looking up, I can see the big words "ancient lotus pond" on the plaque on thedoor is particularly dazzling in the sun. I eagerly went in, want to quicklyenjoy the beauty inside.

As soon as I enter the door, I see a rockery first. Its amazing that thereis a small pine tree among the rocks of the rockery. The pine tree is verythick. It seems that it has been growing here for many years.

Around the rockery, walk south more than ten meters, look to the west, wow,a pool full of lotus, so beautiful! I ran to the past, carefully appreciate thebeautiful lotus. Lotus leaves are emerald green, like jade plates of greenjadeite. The lotus leaf is much bigger than I expected, with a diameter of about30 decimeters. It can be used as an umbrella for me! The lotus is morebeautiful, pink and white. From a distance, it looks like beautiful girls ingreen skirts dancing with the wind. Because it has entered August, most of thelotus has withered, growing a lot of large and small lotus, I look like a lot ofhoneycomb. Mother said these "honeycomb" inside the long but delicious lotusseeds! In the lotus pond water, I saw a lot of small tadpoles, also see a fewgolden carp!

There is a white marble bridge in the middle of the lotus pond, which iscarved with exquisite patterns. Through the stone bridge, we came to the southbank full of weeping willows. Along the south bank, we came to the famous stelecorridor. Although I cant understand those steles, my mother was fascinated bythem.

At noon, the hot weather is really unbearable, my mother and I had toreluctantly leave the ancient lotus pond.



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Dianchi Lake is also called Kunming Lake and Kunming Lake. The great lakein Yunnan Province of China, located in the southwest of Kunming City, togetherwith Xishan on the west side of the lake, is a famous resort for sightseeing andrecuperation. Dianchi Lake is formed by tectonic subsidence, which is injectedby Panlong River and other rivers. Dianchi Lake is the source of Pudu River, atributary of Jinsha River.

Dianchi Lake is very magnificent with broad water surface. Standing on thedragons gate, you can have a panoramic view of Dianchi Lake, known as "thePearl of the plateau". Its charm lies in that it changes with the change of skycolor and cloud in one day.

Dianchi Lake is the sixth largest inland fresh water lake in China. In thepast, there were frequent floods in the areas around the lake. Songhua Dam wasbuilt on the Panlong River and Haikou river was dug to increase the discharge ofDianchi Lake, reduce the floods around the lake, relieve the floods, and ensurethe irrigation of farmland, urban industry and domestic water. The lake producescarp, crucian carp, goldfish, etc.

The origin of the name of Dianchi Lake can be summarized into three kinds.First, from the perspective of geographical morphology, Chang Yu, a native ofJin Dynasty, said in the south central chronicle of Huayang state: "Dianchicounty is governed by a county, so Dianchi is also a state; there are rivers,200 Li around the water, which are deep and wide, shallow and narrow, such asbackward flow, so it is called Dianchi." Another view is to search for sound andstudy meaning, that "Dian Dian is also the highest peak of speech." Some peoplethink that it is the Yi die (Dian), that is, dabazi. The third one is based onthe national appellation. It is recorded in the biography of Southwest Yi inhistorical records that "dian" was the largest tribal name in this area inancient times. After entering Dian, Zhuang Qiao, the general of Chu, became theking of Dian. Therefore, the name of Dian Lake came from Dian Lake tribe.



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The tourists, everyone! We want to visit is the world-famous ancient buildings - the Forbidden City

The Palace Museum is located in the centre of Beijing, is one of the five palace in the world, also known as "the Forbidden City." Here the emperor had more than twenty, emperor zhu di of the Ming dynasty, was the first one is the last emperor pu yi.

The imperial palace is the most complete ancient building in China, there is a central axis, well versed in the entire palace, palace, after the three main halls, imperial garden in the central axis. Three main halls are taihe palace, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace, they are in the palace ahead.

The hall of supreme harmony commonly known as during, the area is about 2380 square meters, is the area is one of the largest palaces in the Forbidden City. The back of the hall of supreme harmony is zhonghe palace, zhonghe palace there are 29 meters high, inside is a square. Baohe Palace is located in the hall of supreme harmony with zhonghe palace, Baohe Palace 27 meters high, inside is a rectangle, the qianlong era, here is a test area.

Three palace is the palace of heavenly purity, respectively, after the Thai temple and palace of earthly tranquility. Palace of heavenly purity is the place where the emperor lived, palace of earthly tranquility is where the queen lives. This house is not to live, it is also a palace, just and dry cleaning, palace of earthly tranquility together, so called after three palace.

Imperial garden is very big, covering an area of 120xx square meters, accounting for a quarter of the Forbidden City, it near CiNing palace garden, built the garden and tranquility. In this garden, the garden is the biggest of all.

The imperial palace is very beautiful, but visitors will put the food in the bag or other rubbish is thrown to the ground, make the environment of the Forbidden City is poor, we should well protect the beautiful ancient buildings.



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Hello, fellow passengers. Im the tour guide responsible for explaining toyou. You can call me Xiao Fan. First of all, thank you and welcome you for thistour. Ill serve you sincerely and let you have a wonderful and unforgettableexperience. Before starting this tour, Id like to briefly introduce Baiheliangto you.

Baiheliang is located on the Bank of the Yangtze River in the center ofFuling District, Chongqing. It is a national key cultural relic protection unit.It is a historical and cultural cultural cultural scenic spot. It is a naturalrocky and sandy stone beam in the vast river water. It extends from the west tothe East, parallel to the river, with a slope of 14.5 degrees to the center ofthe river. It submerges in the river all the year round. Only at the turn ofwinter and spring each year, when the water level is low, part of it will comeout of the water. There are more than 160 stone inscriptions on the beam (someinscriptions are submerged in the water). The calligraphy of the inscriptions ishighly accomplished and the carving is exquisite. However, due to the high waterstorage of the Three Gorges, an underwater museum was built to protect theinscriptions. It was started in February 20__ and completed at the end of20__.

Baiheliang was called baziliang in ancient times. There is a saying aboutthe origin of his name, because the white crane group gathered on the beam, itwas named Baiheliang,. There is also a beautiful legend about Baiheliang. Asearly as the Northern Wei Dynasty, there was a Hezhou (now Hechuan) man namedErzhu who was an official in the imperial court. Because he lost the throne withhis brother, he hated the emperors evil identity and decided to abandon hisofficial position and go to folk Alchemy to sell in Hezhou. Erzhus Dan wasfinally bought by the state officials, and the price was increased by 10 times.After finding out the details, Houzhou official was very angry. He stabbed Erzhuto death with his sword and threw the corpse into Jialing River in a bamboobasket. Because Erzhu daogao was able to bring the dead back to life, he driftedto the edge of Fuzhou City on the Yangtze River like a sleepwalker after hisdeath. Fortunately, a fisherman found him, rescued him and put him on the stonebeam to guard him. The next day, he was awakened by the roaring bell from FuzhouCity. He was very grateful to the fishermen, so he gave him the elixir, and theybecame brothers from then on. After drinking, he walked hand in hand on thestone beam and told his life experience. One day, a silver crane came to thebeam and lifted Er Zhus camel to the sky. There was no trace of pengque.

Although its a legend, its still more mysterious. It is a natural stonebeam in the Yangtze River in Fuling City, 1600 meters long and 15 meters wide onaverage. Since the first year of Guangde in Tang Dynasty, many poems andpatterns and low water level of the Yangtze River have been inscribed on thestone beams. It has a history of more than 1200 years. It is known as "theworlds first ancient hydrological station" and "underwater forest of Steles".The stone fish carved on the stone is the symbol of ancient hydrologicalobservation, and the inscription on the stone is the record of ancienthydrological observation, which is an extremely important hydrologicalhistorical data. Its inscriptions and images record the historical low waterlevel of 72 years in more than 1200 years, which is of great historical valuefor the study of low water law, shipping and production in the middle and upperreaches of the Yangtze River. At the International Conference on hydrology heldin Paris in 1974, the Chinese delegation submitted a report entitled"inscription on Fuling stone fish" to the conference, and the scientific valueof Baiheliang was recognized by the world. On Baiheliang, there are many poemsand inscriptions written by Huang Tingjian, Zhu Xi, Pang Gongsun, Zhu ang, WangShizhen and other poets in the past dynasties. Seal, official script, line andgrass are all available. Yan, Liu, Huang and Su are presented together. Thereare also low relief, deep relief, line carving, ah pattern, lace, etc One of theworlds underwater wonders.

Due to the construction of the Three Gorges project, the inscription onBaiheliang, which is located under the submerged water level, will sink at thebottom of the river forever. In order to protect this underwater treasure, theunderwater protection project of Baiheliang inscription was approved by theState Administration of cultural relics to build an underwater Museum. Theproject consists of four parts: "underwater Museum", "connecting trafficcorridor", "underwater anti-collision pier", and "on shore exhibition hall". Theengineering design of the protective cover of the underwater museum is called"dome", which is located directly above the inscription and is oval in shape tocover the whole inscription plane. There are three ways for visitors to visit:through the glass of the corridor, through the underwater camera and wearingdiving suit.

Time is like flowing water. Ill talk about the introduction before thetour. Well start the formal journey soon. Lets get ready. OK, now please comewith me and witness with your own eyes.



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Surrounded by water on all sides, there are many forests and trees on theisland. From a distance, it looks like a huge dark green ship guarding theancient city of Changsha against the water. It is 5km long from north to Southand 50-200m wide from east to west, with a total area of nearly 70hm2. It is themost famous river center in China and the longest inland river oasis in theworld. Juzhou is rich in beautiful oranges, so it is called Juzhou. Sinceancient times, it is famous for its beautiful scenery and long history. It isthe place where the "river sky and dusk snow" of the famous "eight sceneries ofXiaoxiang" in Song Dynasty lies. Juzhou is a summer resort. Mao Zedong used toswim and walk here and sunbathe on the beach when he was young. At present,Juzizhou has been turned into a park, with thousands of citrus trees planted.During the autumn harvest season, there are many oranges. There are pavilionsand corridors in the park, and a huge white marble monument stands in the park.On the monument, the four characters "juzizhoutou" written by Mao Zedong and theword "Qinyuanchun · Changsha" written by him in the autumn of 1920__ areengraved. There are natural swimming grounds on both sides of the middle ofJuzhou. There are highways running through the north and south.

The municipal government plans to build this place into a multi-functionalinternational sightseeing and cultural scenic spot integrating garden, tourism,entertainment, sports, culture and commerce. The scenic spots in the planningare divided into "two corridors and seven gardens": Shili Huxiang culturalcorridor, Shili upstream music corridor, Wanju Jingxiu garden, return to naturegarden, visitors paradise, shopping and food garden, fitness and longevitygarden, custom resort garden and outdoor life garden, with a planned investmentof 2 billion yuan.



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Good morning, dear friends! Welcome to the beautiful riverside city ofWuhan! Today, I feel very honored to have this opportunity to introduce thecentral cultural tourism area of Wuhan - chuhehan street. If you have anyspecial needs, please let me know and I will try my best to meet your needs. Ihope all of you will enjoy the following Sightseeing time!

Located in the main area of Wuhan City, chuhehan street is a culturaltourism project in the center of the city. It covers an area of 3400000 squaremeters and is divided into five functional areas - Wanda corporate culture area,tourism area, business area, business area and residential area Area.This Theproject has invested 5 billion US dollars, and the design orientation in thisaspect is the first in China. First class world.

Chu River, which runs through the whole project and connects East Lake andShahu Lake, is a man-made river. It is known as the soul of tourist resort. Theriver is excellent. If you want to have its cruise, dont worry, luxury boatsare waiting for you. The environment of these ships, I am sure, they willprovide total water for visiting new ships

The core of this project is the Han commercial pedestrian street. Locatedin the south of Chu River, Han street, 1500 meters long, covers an area of180000 square meters. When you are walking, you may feel as if you are in thepicture of "Riverside Scene on Qingming Festival". There are more than 300first-class brands, including food, gifts, clothing, entertainment, etc. Most ofthe buildings on this street are in the style of Li Mingguo. They areinterspersed with the current fashion style and European style buildings. Fromthese buildings, we can easily find peoples respect for history

The future vision of the area west of Han street, there is a unique filmculture indoor theme park, visit in this fantastic Park, you can enjoy 10interactive entertainment projects. At the same time, 4D cinema, 5D cinema, 6Dcinema, XD cinema and interactive cinema will make you impressive andexciting

Wanda cinema is in the central area of Han street, which is also a placeyou cant miss. There are 25 movie halls and 4500 seats. In China, it is thelargest and most advanced cinema. I think youll like it, wont you?

Hanzhan theater is located in the east of Hanjie. Wanda enterprises and thefamous Frank performing arts company American.The Cinema, which is designed bytop architect mark Fisher, looks like a beautiful red lantern. Its a largevariety show. Everyone will fall in love with it at first sight.

Finally, I would like to recommend to you that there are five remarkablesquare cultural tourist areas, which are Quyuan square, Zhaojun square, Libaisquare, ZhangZhidong square and Yuefei square. After you visit here, you willdeeply feel the charm of Chu culture, and get that their lost era has goneforever. Soon and our visit is to draw a close. I want to tell you that it hasalways been my guidance for you, and I want to thank you for all yourcooperation and support. I am very happy. There is a Chinese saying, "a goodfriend from afar brings a land far away. "I hope it can leave good memories inyour trip, and I welcome you back sometime in the future. I wish you a happyjourney in the next few days!



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Now we are going to pay homage to Zhang Heng, an outstanding scientist andfamous writer in the Han Dynasty.

Zhang Heng was born and buried in Nanyang. Zhang Hengs tomb is located inShiqiao Town, 25 kilometers north of Nanyang city. It is 8 meters high and 79meters long. It is surrounded by brick passageways and octagonal walls. It issurrounded by green pines and cypresses. It is planted all over the garden,covered by green grass, and the cemetery is solemn and quiet. The front of theflower wall is the gate of January. There are two tombstones in front of thegate. One is erected in the Jiajing period of Ming Dynasty, and the other iserected in the Guangxu period of Qing Dynasty. There is a stone inscriptionwritten by Guo Moruo in front of the tomb: "such a person with all-rounddevelopment is also rare in world history. It is admirable to worship him forthousands of years."

Zhang Heng, the word Pingzi, Nanyang County West e (todays Shiqiao Town)people. He was born in the third year of emperor Zhangs reign (78) and died inthe fourth year of emperor Yonghe (139). Zhang Heng is intelligent, quick andeager to learn, erudite and versatile. He has set up a towering monument in thehistory of science and culture in the world, and is known as "the worldscultural celebrity and Chinas science leader."

Luoyang was the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty. At that time, Luoyangwas the political, economic and cultural center of the country. Scholarsgathered, schools were like a forest, academic atmosphere was strong, andculture and education were unprecedentedly prosperous. In order to broaden hishorizons, Zhang Heng visited Luoyang in March of Yangchun in the sixth year ofemperor Yongyuan (1994). This time he lived in Luoyang for six years. Duringthis period, he spent his main energy on traveling to Taixue, visiting famousteachers, seeking friends, learning modestly and studying assiduously.

He was proficient in Five Classics (Yi, Shu, Shi, Li, Chunqiu) and Six Arts(Li, Yue, she, Yu, Shu, Shu). With the help of his good friend Cui yuan, hebegan to study astronomy, mathematics and calendar in natural science. He wrotea lot of beautiful Fu, which initially showed his extraordinary talent andattracted the attention of the society. He has a high attainments in literatureand science, which laid the ideological and theoretical foundation for him tobecome a great scientist.

In the late autumn of A.D. 100, Bao de was transferred to NanyangPrefecture. Recommended by Cui yuan, 23-year-old Zhang Heng left Luoyang, thecapital, and went with Bao De to Nanyang Prefecture as the governor.

In the fifth year of Emperor Han ans Yongchu period (111), Bao de andothers played on the Ming emperor in Beijing, which made emperor an know thatZhang Heng was knowledgeable, so he took the bus to Nanyang to enlist Zhang Hengto become a doctor of Shangshutai in Luoyang. Three years later, he was promotedto be shangshilang, and the next year he was changed to Taishiling.

Taishiling was in charge of astronomy, calendar, meteorology andsacrificial ceremonies. This created a very favorable condition for Zhang Hengsin-depth study and practice of astronomical calendar. In 133, Zhang Heng waspromoted to serve as a senior advisor to the emperor. In the first year ofYonghe (136), Emperor Shun of Han Dynasty, Zhang Heng was expelled from Luoyang,the capital, and became the Prime Minister of Hejian. Zhang Heng came to Luoyangfor the second time and lived for 26 years. In these 26 years, although hisofficial position changed several times, he served as the supreme historian forthe longest time. He did a lot of scientific research when he was appointed asthe imperial historian. Lingtai is the largest Astronomical Observatory in Chinaduring the Eastern Han Dynasty, which was used for 250 years. Zhang Heng notonly wrote some important scientific works such as Lingxian, earthquakecountermeasures, and notes on the armillary sphere, but also designed andcreated some ingenious instruments such as the armillary sphere and the Houfengseismograph, making outstanding contributions to mankind.

In Lingxian, Zhang Heng explained in detail the natural phenomena of thechange of lunar phenomena and the occurrence of lunar eclipse. After scientificanalysis, many scientific opinions are put forward. He recorded the stars in thesky when he was observing in Lingtai. There are 2500 brighter stars, 124 regularstars and 320 named stars. This is roughly the same as the statistics of modernastronomy that 2500-3000 stars can be seen with the naked eye at the same timeand place. The number of stars observed in Luoyang at that time is basically thesame as that observed in modern times. Therefore, he also drew the Lingxian map,which is the earliest star map in China.



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Dear friends

Hello, everyone. Im the tour guide of __ travel agency. Id like tointroduce the scenic spots and folk customs of Zhangjiajie tourism, Fenghuangancient city, Changsha, Shaoshan and other places. It is said that Phoenix, thegod bird of the kingdom of Heaven (ancient India), after reaching the age of500, set incense wood on fire and revived from the ashes. It is delicious and nolonger dies. This bird is Phoenix, the king of birds in China. There is amountain in the southwest of Fenghuang that looks like a flying phoenix, so itis named after it. Fenghuang, formerly known as Zhengan, is located in thesouthwest of our state, with a total area of more than 1700 square kilometersand a population of 370000. It is a county inhabited by Miao and Tujia ethnicminorities. Fenghuang has a long history. During the spring and Autumn periodand Warring States period, it belonged to Chu, Qin to Qianzhong County, WeiyangCounty in Tang Dynasty, Wuzhai chief executive department in Yuan and MingDynasty, and qingtongting, Zhen and Daofu. It became the military and politicalcenter of Western Hunan. Fenghuangs tourism resources are mainly rich inhistory and culture. The special history here has left many historic sites, andthe special historical culture has shaped a group of celebrities.

Phoenix, with its beautiful scenery and numerous places of interest, hasalways been a popular tourist attraction. Since ancient times, there have beeneight scenic spots, such as Dongling Yinghui, Nanhua Diecui, Longtan Yuhuo,Shansi morning bell, Qifeng Tingxiu, Xiqiao night moon, Lanjing Qiaoge and fangeHuitao. It has the world-famous style of the ancient city, the most completestone city left by the Tang Dynasty - huangsiqiao, the historical witness of theisolation between Miao and Han, the border wall of Miao, the great wall ofsouthern China, and the Qiliang cave, which is known as the king of Huaxia cave.Fenghuang ancient city is located on the Bank of Tuojiang River, surrounded bymountains and magnificent passes. The green Tuojiang River meanders under theancient city wall. The verdant foothills of Nanhua mountain reflect the centerof the river. There are fishing boats and pleasure boats in the river. There arestilts on the cliff, row upon row. The girls washing clothes with hammers besidethe dock are laughing. The east gate and the north gate by the Tuojiang Riverare magnificent. The streets paved with bluestone slabs extend in alldirections. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the houses with wooden structurewere well arranged. All of these make the ancient city like a Chinese landscapepainting with thick ink and light color. After visiting Phoenix, New Zealandfriend Louis Ailey said that there are two most beautiful small cities in China:Changting in Fujian and Fenghuang in Hunan.

The beauty of Phoenix lies not only in its natural landscape, its localconditions and customs, its cultural relics and its beautiful legends, but alsoin its glorious tradition and its fighting spirit. In the words of Mr. ShenCongwen, the chivalrous spirit of combining personal romantic emotion withhistorical religious emotion has become another model of personality andmorality in this place. Once this kind of chivalry spirit is combined withpatriotism, as long as it is properly led, it will be able to fight against theenemy when the country and the nation need it, and create earth shakingachievements. Indeed, we can see that some of the major events in modern Chinawere attended by Fenghuang people, and they were always at the forefront of thestruggle. Zheng Guohong, the third commander in chief of Dinghai who sacrificedhis life to serve the country in the first film war, Tian Xingshu, thecommanding commander of Guizhou in Qingyan and Kaizhou missionary cases in thesecond film war, Tian Yingzhao, who was awarded the rank of Army lieutenantgeneral by Dr. Sun Yat sen in Yuhuatai during the 1911 Revolution, and TianYingzhao, who fought in Jiashan and Changsha during the Anti Japanese war.Although the place is small, Xiong Xiling, the first people of the Republic ofChina, Shen Congwen, known as the father of local literature and influential allover the world, and Huang Yongyu, a famous painter, have been selected here.

Now we come to No.10 Zhongying street along Shiban road. This is the formerresidence of Shen Congwen, a famous Chinese writer. This is a typical SouthernCourtyard. There is a small patio in the middle. Around the patio is an ancienthouse with wooden tile structure. There are three main rooms, two wing rooms andthree vestibules. Although there is no carved dragon and painted Phoenix in thisancient courtyard, it is small and exquisite with antique flavor, especially thecarved wooden windows with Xiangxi characteristics.

Shen Congwens former residence was built by his grandfather Shen Hongfu inthe fifth year of Tongzhi in Qing Dynasty. On December 28, 1920__, Mr. ShenCongwen was born here. In 1920__, Mr. Shen was 15 years old. Because of hisfamilys decline, he joined the aboriginal army in Western Hunan. He left hishometown and traveled in the Yuanshui and Youshui river basins. Several years ofarmy experience enabled him to witness a life in dire straits and experienced awar in full swing, which stimulated Mr. Shens desire for creation.

In 1920x, Mr. Shen came to Beijing alone and began his hard career as awriter. From 1928 to 1930, Mr. Shen worked as a teacher in Shanghai middleschool and chief editor of literature supplement of Ta Kung Pao and Yi Shi Bao.1930-1933, lecturer in Wuhan University and Qingdao University. From 1934 to1939, he edited Chinese textbooks for primary and secondary schools in China.From 1939 to 1949, he was a professor in the Chinese Department of SouthwestAssociated University. In his 27 years of writing career, Mr. Shen hassuccessively created a series of literary works, such as border town, duck, loveof witches, life of an actress, Xiangxi essays, Xiangxi, autobiography of ShenCongwen, heifengji, Changhe, bajuntu, essays of Shen Congwen, essays of ShenCongwen, etc., which are well-known in Chinese literary circles Almost as famousas Mr. Lu Xun, who is more than 20 years older than him. After the 1950s, Mr.Shen became a researcher of the Chinese Museum of history and the Institute ofhistory of the Chinese Academy of social sciences. He devoted himself to thestudy of Chinese cultural relics and wrote a series of works on cultural relics,such as the study of ancient Chinese costumes, bronze mirrors of Tang and SongDynasties, Ming mirrors, dragon and Phoenix Art, and lacquerware of the WarringStates period. Mr. Shens works and character show a strong consistency,natural, honest, modest, diligent, broad and dignified.

Mr. Shens works of more than 5 million words in his life are the literarytreasures of the world, and also leave valuable historical documents for futuregenerations to study China and Xiangxi.



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Dear friends

hello everyone!

Welcome to Zhangjiajie. Im very glad to visit Huangshi village, thelargest skyscraper in Zhangjiajie. People often say that "not to Huangshi Zhai,to Zhangjiajie in vain", we can see that Huangshi Zhai is the essence of theentire Zhangjiajie landscape. There are two versions of the name of HuangshiVillage: the first is that Zhang Liang, the Han Dynasty Marquis, once lived inthis mountain and built a temple to commemorate his master Huangshi Gong. Theother is that from a distance, the mountain looks like a mighty lion, so it isalso called "Huangshi village".

Huangshi village is located in the middle of Zhangjiajie National ForestPark, with an altitude of about 1200 meters and a top area of more than 200 mu.It is a magnificent, unique and beautiful platform supported by numerous cliffs.Looking around from the top of the village, you can see clouds coveringthousands of valleys, thousands of peaks gathering, trees flying in the air andmist dancing. Huangshi village is the cream of Zhangjiajie scenery. A famouspoet like this is the Huangshi Zhai: "five steps are strange, seven steps areterrified, ten steps away, dumbfounded."

In front of us is a row of steep and tortuous stone steps, vaguely lying inthe dense and quiet fir forest, that is "fir forest path". Since ancient times,there is only one road to mount Huangshi. Todays road was dug by hand more thanten years ago. Up the mountain from the secluded path of fir forest, the scenicspots on both sides compete to stand, which makes people dizzying.

The scenic spot in front is called "Luohan Yingbin". Please pay attentionto the stone wall on the upper left side. A big bellied arhat is sitting crosslegged near a pine tree. He is wearing a monks hat, with a crooked mouth andsquint eyes. He is staring at the foot of the mountain with a smile on his face.If you look carefully, you will find that he is especially like the "Jigong"monk in folklore.

Leave "Luohan Yingbin", please continue to go up. Now the place is a rockcover, which is about 3 meters high and 20 meters long. There is a rock covermore than 2 meters wide on it, which is called "big rock house". This is notonly a good place for tourists to have a rest, but also a wonderful viewingplatform. To the East, you can see a large area of Huaxi Valley, seed garden andLuogu tower. There are many mountains and peaks in it. It is like a fairylandsurrounded by clouds. Have you noticed the "iron pier" beside the big rockhouse. It is big, small, and square, and it is said that this is a lead stonethrown from the umbrella handle when the eight hole gods pass by, which isdedicated to charcoal burning and old fellow blacksmith to cut firewood and ironfor livelihood.

On the top of the big rock house, there is a mountain that stands out onthe hillside. It is golden and shining in the sun. People call it "half of thecountry". From below, it looks like a huge palm, five fingers extended, and thepalm slightly closed. It stands there, just like the half of the mountain splitby a big axe. Its a marvelous work! No wonder the poets all praise it: "itsjust like a palm on the side of the wall, and its all in the flower. Monk,borrow a mountain axe, and its a thunderbolt."

Please listen, there are lots of songs coming from the front. This is abeautiful Tujia folk song. In front of it is the Tujia girls singing platform.Look, beautiful Tujia girls are singing and dancing to welcome all the guests.Will their beautiful songs arouse your infinite yearning for Tujia folk customs?Will their hospitality and simple kindness bring you a kind of relaxation andhappiness that you have never had before? At this moment, do you realize thetrue meaning of "beautiful mountains, beautiful water, more beautiful people" inZhangjiajie?

We are now halfway up the mountain, only half the way to the top of thevillage. Please see, there is a huge stone in front of us. Under the cliff,there is a continuous forest of fir trees and green waves. This scenic spot is"dianjiangtai". It is said that in order to find the trace of his master, ZhangLiang, the Marquis of the Han Dynasty, came here to live in seclusion, but hewas suspected by Empress Lu, who was in power and tyrannical. In order to dealwith the siege of empress Lu, Zhang Liang trained his troops day and night incase of unexpected events. It is said that this is the place where Zhang Liangstepped on the stage to "point generals".

After the "dianjiangtai", you go up the steps to the right. Above is aconcave cliff viewing platform arched by natural stone walls. This is the"entertainment platform". Here you can have a close look at the "treasure chestof heavenly script", a distant view of huaxiyu, a view of the staggered peaks,and a view of the verdant trees. On the opposite side of the mountain on theright, there is a round stone column about 20 meters high, which stands on itsown. The top is a platform. On it is a stone box about 3 meters long and 1.5meters wide. On the box is a stone cover, half of which is in the air and halfon the box. Around it are five green pines and cypresses. It is said that ZhangLiang once hid the three volumes of the book of heaven in the casket. Later,because of the end of the war, Zhang Liang took out the book of heaven and putit in other places. However, he forgot to close the cover and left a half opencasket. Because the stone box once contained the book of heaven, it was known asthe "treasure box of book of heaven".

Where did Zhang Liang take out the book of heaven? Please look back andlook at the opposite peak. On the flat cliff of the peak, there are even andneat lines from top to bottom, and there are many vague and specious spots onit, which makes people feel mysterious. It is said that this is the book ofheaven which was put up by Zhang Liang again. This scenic spot is called "bookof heaven hanging high" ”。 It is said that after the world was peaceful, ZhangLiang put the book of heaven up here and let all the people who could understandit read it. How much did you understand it? If you look carefully, there are twoturtles under the book of heaven. It seems that they are climbing with the bookof heaven, and they will never stop until they reach the heaven. Everyone callsit "double turtles" or "golden turtles carrying the book of heaven" ”。

After reading the book of heaven, continue to climb. Please look ahead.There is only one passage between the two mountains. It is shaped like a door.It has the momentum of "one man is in charge of the pass and ten thousand peopleare not allowed to open". Here is the "Nantianmen". Please pay attention to thetwo peaks next to them. They are arranged in order, majestic and majestic. Theyare like ancient warriors, one on the left and one on the right. They have beenwaiting beside the Nantianmen gate for many years. People call them "gategeneral". They wear armor, waist hanging sword, back inserted feather arrow, thebody is huge, lifelike shape. It is said that this is the mountain god guardingHuangshi village.

I dont know if you have noticed this towering ancient tree around you.Its over 100 years old. Its called "Qingqianliu" or "money tree". It is aslike as two peas, and is shaped like money, ripe in color, golden, with kernelin its middle and patterns around it, just like the copper coins of ancienttimes. Its roots are divided into big branches from the bottom. In summer, thecrown is like a huge umbrella with luxuriant branches and leaves, which gives usa cool air. In autumn and winter, the leaves turn yellow and the fruits mature.When the wind blows, clusters of fruits fall on the ground, which is likestrings of golden copper coins, hence the name "money tree".

Please look here. Its not far from the "cash tree". In front of it is the"dinghaishen needle". It is tall and straight, towering, it seems to support thewhole mountain with a strong body. "Dinghaishenzhen" and "jinbianyan" are faraway from each other, forming a very spectacular "natural strong scene". Whatsthe scenic spot of the isolated Zhufeng in front of it? It rises straight intothe sky, more than 300 meters high, and its root firmly sticks to the earth.Its really like a giant stone pillar! This is the famous "nantianyizhu" inZhangjiajie, which is named because it stands under Nantianmen. It echoes the"one pillar of the West sky" from afar. It is said that the two were changed bytwo one legged macaques. In order to save Monkey King, they were enlightened byErlang God and had to stand here forever.

"A pillar in the South sky" is a close-up of the whole scenery ofWulingyuan. It is the epitome of the whole "Wulingyuan" quartz sandstone peakforest landscape, and also the emblem and symbol of "Zhangjiajie InternationalForest Protection Festival". Now the scenic spot in front of you is "WangGuangmeis poem carving". On November 30, 1983, Wang Guangmei, the wife offormer Comrade Liu Shaoqi, boarded Zhangjiajie, accompanied by Luo Qiuyue,deputy director of Hunan Provincial Peoples Congress and others. In those days,it was still a small stone road just dug out by hand. Wang Guangmei was shockedby the scenery along the way, which inevitably brought back many memories. Shehas visited four scenic spots and chanted a four character poem: "strange peaksand rocks are the best in the world. Cangsong Qingshan, beautiful Some say itsa pun. One word "strange" is the whole evaluation of Comrade Liu Shaoqi, whilethe other word "beautiful" implies another meaning hidden in her heart that isnot to be said directly.

Now you have successfully boarded Huangshi village. In front of thishanging round stone peak is the "star picking platform". Standing on the stage,you can feel the feeling of "seeing all the mountains at a glance". Here you cansee the main scenic spots such as "double door welcome", "natural murals", "jadebottle peak" and "rabbit watching the moon". Especially at night, there is afeeling of being close to the stars. It seems that once you reach out, you can"pick off" the stars in the sky. Speaking of the star picking platform, it wasstill in the early days of the garden. In the early morning of November 8, 1983,there were still several stars in the sky. Comrade Zhang Jinfu, then statecouncilor and director of the State Economic Commission, could not wait to climbup the platform. Facing thousands of stone peaks, he casually recited a poem:"thousands of peaks compete with each other, thousands of trees are verdant andbeautiful. Though not in the sky, not in the world. Its no exaggeration to usethis as a metaphor. " He named the star picking platform.

In front of this artificial scenic spot is "six odd Pavilion". "Sixwonders" accurately refers to the wonders of mountains, waters, clouds, stones,animals and plants. This is the only man-made landscape in the park. It is madeof marble, reinforced concrete and other materials. It is four stories high,with a sharp top and a prominent double eaves. It is a special pavilionintegrating folk custom, calligraphy and natural landscape. Standing on thethird floor, you can enjoy the magnificent scenery of Zhangjiajie. "We will stayin the mountains and rivers, and our generation will come back to us again", "ifwe want to be poor for thousands of miles, we will go to a higher level".Standing on the top of the pavilion, you can see yuanjiajie, yangjiajie,Tianzishan, chaotianguan and three sister peaks

Next, along the 2200 meter long surrounding line of the mountain top, visitwuzhifeng, qianhuayuan, overpass pier and other scenic spots. Every rock peakhere is an ancient work of art, and every rock peak hides the infinite mysteryof nature. A few years ago, a woman writer from Northeast China stood on theviewing platform of wuzhifeng and sighed, "I really think I can die after seeingthe scenery of Zhangjiajie!" then she said, "I think its more reasonable tolive well after seeing the scenery of Zhangjiajie!" the two sentences seem to bedifferent, but in fact they are not: the first sentence is that its enough tosee such wonderful scenery as Zhangjiajie; Life is so beautiful that we shouldcherish it more. In the face of the fabulous front garden, the poet Ding mangalso issued a "life less than Zhangjiajie, how can a hundred years old be calledan old man" exclamation!

In front of you, there are a row of six peaks with a height of more than200 meters, just like the piers left behind after the collapse of the bridge, soit is called "Overpass pier". Looking to the front left, there is a long andnarrow stone cave under the peak, which is called Feiyun cave. At 8:30 a.m. onSeptember 7, 1984, a colorful halo with a diameter of about 200 meters appearedin the space surrounded by stone peaks. At that time, five eyewitnesses wildand joyful figures were clearly reflected in the center of the halo, and eventhe surrounding strange peaks and rocks were also looming in the halo. Aftermore than 20 minutes, the aura gradually disappeared. This kind ofmeteorological spectacle is commonly known as "Buddha light". On May 15, 1996,the Buddha light spectacle also appeared in Shentang Bay of Tianzi mountain.

Now come to the back Mountain Gate, it is like a stone gate, steep in themiddle, narrow on both sides, the terrain is very dangerous. In the past, thiswas the only access to denghuangshi village. In March 1995, it was from herethat __X went up and down Huangshi village. On the way up the mountain, Jiang__, during the rest, excitedly plays erhu to accompany the local Tujia femalesinger; after climbing the top of the village, he cant help singing the aria of"beating the tiger up the mountain" in the Peking Opera "outwit the mighty TigerMountain" to enjoy with the tourists.
