





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1537 字

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Hello everyone! Im your guide. Today, we visit Chengde Mountain Resort,which is well-known.

Tourists, before visiting Chengde Mountain Resort, lets first learn aboutChengde Mountain Resort. Chengde summer resort was built in 1703. It took 85years to build after three emperors of Qing Dynasty: Kangxi, Yongzheng andQianlong. It is the place for the Qing Dynasty emperors to spend summer and dealwith government affairs. It is a famous Imperial Palace in ancient China. InDecember 1944, Chengde Mountain resort was listed in the world cultural heritagelist. On May 8, 20__, it and its surrounding scenic spots were rated as national5A scenic spots.

Tourists, we are now in the palace area of Chengde summer resort. Thepalace is mainly composed of four groups of buildings: the main palace,songhezhai, Wanhe SONGFENG and the east palace. The main palace is madeaccording to feudal rites, and is divided into two parts: the former dynasty andthe later Dynasty. The main hall of the former dynasty was the hall of Zhan BoJing Cheng, all made of Nanmu. When the Qing Dynasty emperors were in the villa,important ceremonies were held here.

Tourists, now we are in the second destination, the lake area. There areeight small islands in the lake area. The lake area is divided into differentareas with distinct layers. The islands are scattered. Look, the jade plates onthe green lake hold up lotus flowers. Its really beautiful.

OK, its time for free activities. Please dont Scribble on the wall whenyou visit. Pay attention to safety and dissolve.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 966 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3079 字

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Hello, everyone! I am a tourist guide. Today we are going to the famousscenic spot is Mount Emei.

There is another legend about Mount Emei: Once upon a time, there was aXipo temple outside the west gate of Emei county. One year, an old white hairedpainter came. He had a good relationship with a monk in the temple. Later, theold painter said goodbye to the monk. When he left, he gave the monk fourpaintings and told him to put them in the box and hang them in 7749 days. Butthe monk thought it was a pity to put such a good painting in the box, so hehung up the four paintings.

One day, after he went out, he came back and saw four girls. He felt veryfamiliar. Hou Laicai discovered that the girls were paintings on the wall. Heimmediately went after his sisters because they ran fast. He only caught thefourth sister. The fourth sister saw that she couldnt get away, so she calledout: "elder sister, second sister, third sister, come and help me!" The threeelder sisters saw that the fourth sister was dragged by the monk and scolded:"the monk is not shy!" Because she was so far away, she only heard the word "notshy" and thought that her sisters were scolding her. She blushed with shame andturned into a mountain. The monk suddenly disappeared the girl, but a bigmountain appeared in front of him. He thought, you become a mountain, and Imwaiting for you. Anyway, I cant let you go. Three elder sisters see fouryounger sisters become a mountain, also become three mountains waiting for her.Later, the monk died beside the mountain and became a porcelain arhat, stillguarding the mountain. People built a temple there, which is called "porcelainBuddhist temple". Four sisters become four peaks, one is more beautiful than theother. Later, people changed the word "e" from "e" to "e" near the mountain. Theelder sister is called dae mountain, the second sister is called ere mountain,the third sister is called sane mountain, and the fourth sister is called siemountain. So far, dae mountain, ere mountain and sane mountain are stillstanding side by side, only sie mountain is separated by a certaindistance.

The scenery of Mount Emei is beautiful. How many literati and poets areattracted to visit, and their poems, articles and traces are not clear. Li Bai,a poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote: "there are many fairy mountains in Shu, butits hard to match Emei." Zhou Hongmo, a poet of the Ming Dynasty, praised: "thebeauty of sane is the best in the world. Why should we search Penglai by sea?"The contemporary literary giant Guo Moruo wrote that Mount Emei is "a famousmountain in the world"; Mount Emei is also known as "Emei is beautiful in theworld". Since ancient times, Mount Emei has been a resort for worshiping Buddha,sightseeing, scientific investigation, leisure and recuperation. For thousandsof years, Mount Emei has been full of fragrance, visitors and charm.

Tourists, Mount Emei has arrived. Please take what you want and well setout for sightseeing. During the tour, please dont spit or litter everywhere,and protect the environment and the fairyland Mount Emei.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3479 字

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Shanghai Xintiandi is a city tourist attraction with the historical andcultural features of Shanghai and the integration of Chinese and Westerncultures. It is the first time to change the original residence function ofShikumen for the first time based on the old building of Shikumen, a symbol ofShanghais modern architecture. It has been innovatively assigned its commercialfunctions to transform the old house that reflects Shanghais history andculture into an international level of catering, shopping and performing arts.And other functions of fashion, leisure and cultural entertainment center.

On the eve of Christmas Eve, I am visiting the new world. In my heart,Shanghai can be regarded as the most romantic and petty bourgeoisie.

Xintiandi is divided into two parts: Nan Li and Bei Li. Modern buildingsare the main buildings in South Lane, and old buildings in Shikumen aresubsidiary. In the northern part of the block, the old buildings of Shikumen aremainly preserved, and the old and the new interact with each other. Nanli hasbuilt a shopping, entertainment and leisure center with a total floor area of25000 square meters, which was completed in the 20th century__ Officially openedin the middle of this year, this glass curtain wall building full of modernsense has entered into various distinctive businesses. In addition to cateringplaces from all over the world, it also includes the favorite fashion shop,fashion jewelry shop, food plaza, cinema and one-stop fitness center of greatscale, providing a diversified and unique environment for local and foreignconsumers and tourists Taste of the hot spot of leisure and entertainment.

There is a huge Christmas tree in the Nan Li square of Xintiandi. It isholding an activity of kissing the sky and the sky.

This is the old building of Xintiandi. When Shikumen lane was the largest,there were more than 9000, accounting for more than 60% of the total residentialarea in Shanghai. Simply from the perspective of architecture, Shikumen is theproduct of a specific historical period, which has a history of more than 100years. Moreover, the spatial structure of some Shikumen is not suitable for theliving concept of modern people, so it is normal for them to disappear. In theearly 1990s, Shanghai began large-scale reconstruction and development. Many oldhouses in Shikumen have been demolished and replaced by high-rise buildings oneby one. One by one, old houses full of nostalgia are gradually disappearing.Only then do people realize that they want to preserve these unique "artworks"in Shanghai.

The North Lane, which is separated from a South Road, is made up of manyancient houses in Shikumen, Shanghai Xintiandi. It combines modern architecture,decoration and equipment, and becomes a number of advanced consumption placesand restaurants. Xingye Road, the watershed between Nanli and Beili, is the siteof the first National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The Shikumenbuilding along the street will also become a city landscape that condenseshistory, culture and art.

Walking in the new world, as if the time is back, as if it was in Shanghaiin two and 30s of twentieth Century, but stepping into every building inside, itis very modern and fashionable. It has a unique experience of the new world. Ithas a skillful arrangement and a well proportioned arrangement of Shanghaiyesterday, tomorrow and today, so that tourists from home and abroad can enjoythe unique style of Shanghai style. Its not easy.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1739 字

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Tangshan Nanhu Park is located in the south of the city center, in the coalmining subsidence area. The total area is 1300 hectares and the water surface is165 hectares. [it turns out that there are few people and weeds in the collapsearea, and the ecological environment and natural landscape have been seriouslydamaged. The barren scene of black water overflowing and fly ash blocking thesun is everywhere. 】At the beginning of 1997, Tangshan Municipal Party committeeand government began to implement the ecological greening project, planning tobuild this place as a large-scale comprehensive ecological park integratingrecreation and water activities. At present, 400 hectares of green area, 300000trees and 200000 square meters of lawn have been completed. The park is full oftrees, green lawns and clear water. It has become a place for leisure andentertainment.

In the future, Nanhu Park will focus on "green" and rely on environmentalforests. It will make full use of the existing land resources and water surfaceto build a city of transportation and entertainment, three golf courses, horseriding range and military shooting range, four parks of upstream water park, wetland ecological park, waterfowl park and water fishing park; Six areas:comprehensive recreation area, youth activity area, Earthquake Memorial area,agriculture and mulberry area, plant landscape area and management area. Travelroute: Nanhu Park Gate - fishing area - voluntary tree planting base - waterrecreation area (motorboat, water boating, battery boat) - racecourse.Sightseeing items: at present, you can carry out recreational activities such asfishing and boating in Nanhu Park. After the park is completed, you can ridehorses, shoot and play golf here.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 958 字

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朋友们,绰勒水库生态旅游区是兴安盟重点旅游景区之一。从扎赉特旗政府所在地音德尔镇沿111国道和省际大通道向西北走20公里,便可饱览绰勒水库生态旅游区之秀色。 绰尔河是内蒙古自治区第二大河流,嫩江最大支流,兴安盟七条河流之首,自西北向东南贯穿整个扎赉特旗,在旗境内流程200多公里,是扎赉特人的母亲河。绰尔河两岸山地、丘陵、草原变化有序,风光明丽,景色宜人。绰尔河上的茂力格尔大桥和省际大通道大桥跨河横卧,雄伟壮观。绰勒水利枢纽工程(绰勒水库)位于绰尔河中游茂力格尔大桥上游150米处,工程总投资2.8亿元,施工总工期3年,20__年11月1日经国家计委批准正式开工建设。该工程是融灌溉、防洪、发电、养殖、旅游等功能为一体的大型水利枢纽工程,主要由主坝、副坝、溢流坝、水电站四部分组成。水库面积35平方公里,正常蓄水位230.5米,总库容2.6亿立方米,主坝全长1620米,坝最高处20米。该工程于20__年10月之前全部竣工。在距茂力格尔大桥北侧零公里处,是建设中的绰勒水库旅游区。旅游区占地约为6万平方米,其中水面为3.5万平方米。旅游区上段为绰尔河中游低山丘陵区,沿河两侧有宽广的阶地和河谷平原,牧草茂密;下段为绰尔河下游平原区,地势平坦,土地肥沃。旅游区分为水上娱乐区、度假别墅区、草原民族风情区、田园风景区和综合服务区5个区域,吸引着千千万万的游客前来观光度假,同时回忆60多年前那血雨腥风的岁月和那场在这里进行的歼击日寇的战斗,受一次爱国主义的教育。旅游区现已开发的三个景点是——茂力格尔大桥:位于绰勒水库境内。1981年,111国道上的重要桥梁之一——茂力格尔大桥落成。茂力格尔大桥横跨绰尔河,雄伟壮观。桥长455.5米,两岸引线长6公里,桥面净宽7米,两侧人行道各宽0.75米,是内蒙古自治区第三大桥。这里的山水美景、草原风光和雄伟的大桥构成一幅美丽的画卷。水上娱乐景区:开展划船、垂钓、水上运动,观光水上乐园等。休闲餐饮度假区:主要包括天府园山庄、神山宾馆基地、玫瑰园休闲度假村、云柳休闲饭庄等。绰勒水库周围自然风景最为优美。两岸峰峦叠翠,林木葱茏,花草繁盛,栖息繁衍着多种珍禽异兽,远眺似天然公园。朋友们,绰勒水库生态旅游区确实是游客观光、休闲、度假、垂钓的好去处,我们这就去身临其境、体验一番吧!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1790 字

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Hello, everyone! My name is Rowling, you can call me Xiao Luo. Im glad tobe your tour guide. Today Im going to visit Yuelu Mountain with you. We willhave a good day together.

This is Yuelu Mountain, with an altitude of 300. 8 meters, is one of the 72peaks of Nanyue. It is like a natural barrier across the west of ChangshaCity.

We are now at the foot of Yuelu Mountain. Please look with me. This oldhouse with moss on the tiles here is the famous Yuelu Academy. Yuelu Academy isa bright pearl in the long river of Chinese history and culture. Together withBailudong academy, Songyang academy and Yingtian academy, it is known as Chinasfour major academies. It has a long history and was built in 976. Zhu Xi, afamous Neo Confucianist and educator in the Southern Song Dynasty, once gavelectures here.

Lets keep going up and see, this is the "love Pavilion". Four red pillars,like a pine tree, stand straight in front of us, supporting the two green roofs.From a distance, it looks like a big tree. It is perfectly combined with thebeautiful scenery. On the top of the pavilion, there are three glittering goldencharacters of "aiwanting".

The original name of aiwanting was "hongyeting". Later, it was renamed as"aiwanting" because of the poem in "a journey to the mountains" written by thefamous poet Du Mu of the Tang Dynasty: "stop and sit in the maple forest atnight, frost leaves are more red than February flowers". It is also known as oneof the four famous pavilions in China.

There are many scenic spots in Yuelu Mountain. Lets have a rest first, andthen well go to more beautiful and wonderful scenic spots together. Please payattention to "during the rest, do not run too far away, just rest nearby; inorder to avoid the team, pay attention to safety, we will gather here in 20minutes!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,翻译,全文共 3510 字

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Beijing is a national historical and cultural city with a history of 3000years. Beijing used to be the capital of Six Dynasties in history. In more than20__ years since the state of Yan, many magnificent palace buildings have beenbuilt, making Beijing the city with the largest number of imperial palaces,gardens, temples and tombs and the richest content in China. Among them, theImperial Palace in Beijing was called the Imperial Palace in the Ming Dynastyand the Forbidden City in the Qing Dynasty. It used to be the imperial palace ofthe Ming and Qing Dynasties, and lived in 24 emperors. The magnificent buildingsperfectly reflect the traditional Chinese classical style and Oriental style. Itis the largest existing palace in China and even the world, and is a preciouscultural heritage of the Chinese nation. The temple of heaven is famous both athome and abroad for its reasonable layout and exquisite construction

Siheyuan is the general name of the traditional northern houses with themain house, inverted seat house and east-west wing house around the middlecourtyard. Beijing siheyuan, originated from the courtyard style houses of YuanDynasty, is the most important residential building in old Beijing. The narrowalleys between the green tile and grey brick quadrangles are the famous oldBeijing Hutong.

The religious temples in Beijing are all over the capital. The existingfamous ones are: Fayuan temple, Tanzhe Temple, Jietai Temple, Yunju temple,Badachu temple, etc. The White Cloud View of Taoism. Beijing Niujie worshipTemple of Islam, etc. Tibetan Buddhism (Lamaism), such as the Yonghe temple, theCatholic Xishiku Catholic Church, Wangfujing Catholic Church, etc. There aremany Christian churches, such as gangwa city church and Chongwenmen church.

The central axis of Beijing refers to the central axis of Beijing in yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties. The urban planning of Beijing has the characteristicsof symmetry with the palace city as the center. The central axis of Beijingstarts from Yongdingmen in the South and ends at Zhonggulou in the north, about7.8 km long. From south to north are Yongdingmen, Qianmen Jianlou, Zhengyangmen,Zhonghuamen, Tiananmen, Duanmen, Wumen, Forbidden City, shenwumen, Jingshan,Dianmen, houmenqiao, Gulou and bell tower. From Yongdingmen, the south end ofthe central axis, there are Tiantan, xiannongtan, Taimiao, sheji altar,Donghuamen, xihuamen, Andingmen and Deshengmen, which are symmetricallydistributed along the central axis. Mr. Liang Sicheng, a famous Chinesearchitect, once said: "the unique magnificent order of Beijing is produced bythe establishment of this central axis." Yongdingmen, Zhonghuamen and Dianmenwere demolished after the founding of the peoples Republic of China. In recentyears, Yongdingmen tower has been rebuilt.







范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1487 字

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Longxing Temple was originally the Longteng garden of yanmurongxi in theSixteen Kingdoms period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. In 586, Emperor Wen of theSui Dynasty rebuilt the temple in the garden, which was called longzang temple.It was renamed Longxing Temple in Tang Dynasty.

In the second year of Kaibao (969) of the Northern Song Dynasty, ZhaoKuangyin, the song Taizu, came to Hedong and stayed in Zhenzhou (laterZhengding). When he went to the Dabei temple in the west of the city, which wasfounded by the eminent monks of the Tang Dynasty, he learned that the originalbronze Bodhisattva was four feet and nine feet high, and that there were twocalamities in the later Han Dynastys Khitan invasion and the Later ZhouDynastys destruction of the Buddha to cast money In Longxing Temple of thecity, the body of the great compassion Bodhisattva was recast and the greatcompassion pavilion was built. The project was started in the fourth year ofKaibao (971) and completed in the eighth year of Kaibao (975). With this as themain body, the central axis layout was adopted for Daxing expansion, forming aSong Dynasty architectural complex with north-south depth, large-scale andmomentum.

In 1858, the palace on the west road was occupied by the Catholic Church,and the buildings on the middle and East roads were also damaged. There are fewvisiting monks in the temple, and the gate is deserted.

In 1961, it was announced by the State Council as a national key culturalrelics protection unit.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2885 字

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Dear tourists

hello everyone!

Im __ tour guide. Today Ill show you around Hengshan Mountain. HengshanMountain is located in the central part of Hunan Province. It crosses sixcounties and cities, including Hengyang, Hengshan, Hengdong, Xiangxiang,Xiangtan and Changsha. It spans 800 Li and has 72 peaks. Zhurong peak, the mainpeak, is 1290 meters above sea level. It is outstanding among the hills incentral and Southern Hunan. "All the mountains are small at a glance.". Hengshanis like a piece of Xiang embroidery, with a panoramic view of the Chu Tian andXiang Shui. It is also like a scroll of painting, with thick shading and lightdyeing, unparalleled in the world. It is more like a poem, with high sigh andlow chant, with endless aftertaste.

There are many legends about the origin of Hengshan Mountain. After death,Pangu turned into mountains and trees, the head into Mount Tai in the East, thefoot into Mount Hua in the west, the belly into mount song in the middle, theright arm into Mount Heng in the north, and the left arm into Mount Heng in thesouth; On the other hand, Emperor Yan, one of the ancestors of China, chased theimmortal bird in a Shennong style, and beat the zhuniao into Nanyue with a magicwhip. Therefore, the missing bird pattern was painted on the memorial archway atthe entrance of Nanyue ancient town, and the "zhuniao" of Nanyue Mountain emblemalso came from the mountain. The ancients often used the sky map to dodivination, the so-called "there are stars in the sky, and there are cities inthe earth.". According to the records of Xingjing, Nanyue is located on the wingof Fuxing, which is called Hengshan. There is no "Changsha" star in charge ofhuman life beside the star. Hengshan was originally Changsha, so it is alsocalled "Shouyue". People often say that "Shoubi Nanshan" comes from themountain.

Passing through the ancient town of Nanyue, we are confronted with a groupof magnificent palace like buildings, which is called "Nanyue Temple" as"Jiangnan Imperial Palace".

Nanyue temple is a key protected cultural relic in Hunan Province. It wasbuilt in the early Tang Dynasty, more than 1000 years ago, and has undergone sixfires and 16 reconstructions in song, yuan and Qing Dynasties. Ruicun buildingwas rebuilt in the sixth year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the QingDynasty, covering an area of 76800 square meters. Along the central axis, thereare nine entrances and four courtyards, including Lingxing gate, KuixingPavilion, chuanmen gate, yubeiting Pavilion, Jiaying gate, yushulou, main hall,bedroom and North back door.

Now you are crossing Shoujian bridge. In front of it is Lingxing gate, thesouth main gate of Nanyue temple. "Lingxing" is one of the ancient stars. Theperson in charge of the temple is xingguowang. The temple gate named after"Lingxing" naturally hopes that our country will have a large number of talentsand prosper.



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Yuejiang tower in Nanjing, Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan, Yueyang Tower inYueyang and Tengwang Pavilion in Nanchang are known as the four famous buildingsin Jiangnan. It is located in the northwest of Nanjing City, adjacent to theYangtze River. The building is 52 meters high and has seven floors. It is one ofthe four famous buildings in the south of the Yangtze River, with blue tiles,Zhuying, cornice, zhufengfei and Tongye. After Zhu Yuanzhang became emperor, heonce again visited Lulong mountain in 1374. He wanted to build a toweringPavilion on the mountain, so he personally wrote Yuejiang Lou Ji, which ismagnificent and full of maneuvers. Because of Lulong mountains "abrupt peak,lingyanxia and invading Han Dynastys exterior, short-sighted from a distance,the real lion dragon (the alias of lion)," he changed its name to lion Zishan.In the spring of that year, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered his officials to write morethan 100 pieces of Yuejiang Lou Ji, among which Song Lian, a great scholar,wrote the most excellent one, and was recorded in Guwen Guanzhi, which washanded down to the world together with Zhu Yuanzhangs Yuejiang Lou Ji. ZhuYuanzhang built "Pingdi" for Yuejiang building, but it was not built for variousreasons.

"One river runs thousands of miles to the sea, two records of hulou sixhundred years.". This wonderful couplet is a true portrayal of the six hundredyears of vicissitudes of Yuejiang building in Nanjing. When you climb theYuejiang tower and look far away, you can see the vast river rolling eastward.Its like a panoramic view of the six hundred years of rain and smoke sinceZheng Hes voyages to the West. Yuejianglou staff said that Zheng He Pang

The big fleet came out of the Xiaguan Longjiang River in Nanjing and sailedfrom here to Liujiagang anchorage in Taicang.

Yuejianglou scenic area covers a total area of 31 hectares, of which wateraccounts for 1 / 3, land accounts for 2 / 3, and the green coverage rate reaches85%. There are more than 30 historical sites in the scenic area, such asYuejiang tower, Wanxian Pavilion, ancient fort, Sun Yat Sens Yuejiang place,Wujun tunnel, ancient city wall, dizang temple, wuse Tu, Jinghai temple, etc. itis a national famous tourist attraction integrating cultural landscape andnatural landscape. It is a national AAAA tourist attraction. Yuejiang building,with the theme of Ming culture, is divided into three main parts of"unification, opening up and development"; it shows the statues of 16 emperorsof Ming Dynasty and the territory of Ming Dynasty. There are also five "nationalbest" porcelain paintings in the scenic area, such as the complete picture ofZheng Hes voyages to the west, the double-sided embroidery of the four famousbuildings in the south of the Yangtze River, the white jade carving of Yuejiangtower, the tripod of Yuejiang tower, and the relief of Shiling Yuejiang, whichare novel in conception, exquisite in workmanship, and unique incharacteristics, fully reflecting the long history and rich cultural heritage ofYuejiang tower.



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My hometown is in Dali, where in addition to all kinds of delicious food, Iam proud of Erhai Lake, a famous plateau lake.

In the early morning, there is a light dawn in the East. The green CangshanMountain and the dazzling sunrise are all reflected in the lake, forming abeautiful picture. At this time, a gust of wind swept, the lake suddenly set offa layer of waves, ships on the sea with a burst of sea breeze dance happily. Themorning passed unconsciously in such peace

At noon, the sun was shining in the sky. The sun was shining on the surfaceof the lake, which was very dazzling. In order to avoid the summer, severalpeople jumped into Erhai and swam happily. Several children were splashing inthe water, splashing layers of laughter. In the distance, under the verdantCangshan Mountain, people gathered for summer vacation. The boys on the side ofthe road are eating happily with a bunch of snot and a popsicle. Its anotherhot afternoon.

In the evening, when the bright moon is in the sky, I often see peoplewalking by the Erhai sea. I sit quietly by the Erhai sea and bathe in themoonlight, thinking: how mysterious Erhai Lake is.

With the picturesque Erhai Lake and the magnificent Cangshan Mountain, Daliis really a satisfying tourist attraction!!!!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1669 字

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In my "11" holiday, the most unforgettable thing for me is to go to Beigumountain, which is known as "the best River and mountain in the world".

It was a sunny morning. There was a big fireball like sun hanging in thesky. The sun was warm and comfortable.

Entering Beigu mountain, it is more lively than I imagined. I saw the waterin the Phoenix pool singing happily, as if to say hello to us. All of a sudden,fountains gushed out, and the crystal clear water jumped playfully on my face.Next to the Phoenix pool were clusters of bright wild flowers. I saw them andthought they were very beautiful. So I bent down and picked a bunch of them. Icarefully tied them with the ribbon in my backpack. Mother said: "you look atyou, usually all day shouting to protect flowers and plants, now?" I spit out mytongue, mischievously said: "well, my fault."

I took Mom and dads hand and went to a place where a hundred flowers wereblooming and fragrant. I saw a high staircase. So we climbed to the "riverworship Pavilion" on the top of the mountain. From the pavilion, we can see thatBeigu mountain looks like a dragon with head raised, tail raised and backarched. When we are on the mountain, we have the momentum of "looking at all thesmall mountains".

Then we went to Ganlu temple, a famous scenic spot in Beigu mountain. Whenyou enter the temple, you will first see the sculptures of Wu Guotai, Sun Quan,Liu Bei, Zhao Yun and others. They are all lifelike and lifelike, representingthe historical scene of Liu Beis recruitment. Lets enter into the story of theromance of the Three Kingdoms, infatuated and marvelous.

Magnificent Beigu mountain, how many poets marvel at your style!



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In a few minutes, we will arrive at the famous scenic spot in Shanghai, YuGarden. It is located in Huangpu District, Southeast of downtown Shanghai. Themain attractions are Yu Garden, Yu Garden tourist shopping mall, Town GodsTemple and Shanghai old street. There are also such attractions as the castlePavilion, Confucioustemple, the small Taoyuan mosque, and so on. Therefore, theYu Garden tourist area in Shanghai is known for a long time. Speaking of theorigin of Yu Garden, it has a long history. It must be traced back to the templeof the Yuan Dynasty. The 1373 emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang, namedQin Yu Bo as the city god of Shanghai. But at the same time, he did not build agovernment office. After that, he was invited into the hall of Huo Guang Xing,and Shanghai began to have Town Gods Temple. Ming Jiajing thirty-eight years(1559) to Ming Wanli fifteen years (1587) Pan Yunduan spent 20__ years to buildthe Yu Garden, and later because of the huge cost, pan family graduallydeclined. In the twenty-five years of Qing Emperor Qianlong (1760), the gentrycollection of Shanghai purchased the garden base, rebuilt it and handed it toTown Gods Temple management. In this way, Town Gods Temple has both its owngarden and Yu Garden. Yu Garden once became a scenic spot in Shanghai, so thatthere was no saying that Town Gods Temple did not arrive in Shanghai. But afterthe Opium War, the City God became almost useless. After several repair,especially in 1980s, the peoples government invested heavily in theconstruction of the imitated Ming Yu Garden shopping mall, and again in the FangBang Road, the old Shanghai street in the late Qing Dynasty and the earlyRepublic of Shanghai.

The characteristics of Yu Garden tour area are not only the most typicalChinese culture inheritance, but also the most concentrated tourism resources.It is a collection of garden, religion, architecture, commerce, food, folkculture in one place. To say that Yu Gardens garden culture used to cover morethan 70 mu of Yu Garden at that time, but the vicissitudes of wind and rain inthe past 420__ years, the garden was wasted. The Yu Garden temple and its nearbytemple temples are also very concentrated. Here we can see a strong religiousculture. Here are the Confucian Confucioustemple and Confucianism.

Tao, the Yu Garden of Buddhist culture, the Buddhist incense Pavilion, theTaoist Town Gods Temple, the Islamic Taoyuan mosque, the Catholic Dong Jia DuCatholic Church and the Christian Qingxin hall. Among them, Yu Garden, XiangXiang, Town Gods Temple and other buildings can also be said to be the bestembodiment of Yu Gardens architectural culture. Therefore, some people oncesaid that the old Chengxiang Yu Garden tourist area is a residential Museum inMing, Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. Of course, Yu Garden tour areaalso has a shopping paradise, the reputation of the small commodity kingdom. Itsproducts are small, rustic and special. In addition to buying the goods youlike, you can also taste all kinds of delicious food here. The reputation of"eating in Shanghai" has long been well-known both at home and abroad. There areold restaurants with Shanghai local flavor, as well as famous special snacks allover the country. Yu Garden also has its own folk culture characteristics.Shikumen, the temple fair of the Old City God Temple in Shanghai, and theLantern Festival every month to the first month, can always bring some newfeelings to you. OK, now please take your valuables and visit with me



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Surrounded by water on all sides, there are many forests and trees on theisland. From a distance, it looks like a huge dark green ship guarding theancient city of Changsha against the water. It is 5km long from north to Southand 50-200m wide from east to west, with a total area of nearly 70hm2. It is themost famous river center in China and the longest inland river oasis in theworld. Juzhou is rich in beautiful oranges, so it is called Juzhou. Sinceancient times, it is famous for its beautiful scenery and long history. It isthe place where the "river sky and dusk snow" of the famous "eight sceneries ofXiaoxiang" in Song Dynasty lies. Juzhou is a summer resort. Mao Zedong used toswim and walk here and sunbathe on the beach when he was young. At present,Juzizhou has been turned into a park, with thousands of citrus trees planted.During the autumn harvest season, there are many oranges. There are pavilionsand corridors in the park, and a huge white marble monument stands in the park.On the monument, the four characters "juzizhoutou" written by Mao Zedong and theword "Qinyuanchun · Changsha" written by him in the autumn of 1920__ areengraved. There are natural swimming grounds on both sides of the middle ofJuzhou. There are highways running through the north and south.

The municipal government plans to build this place into a multi-functionalinternational sightseeing and cultural scenic spot integrating garden, tourism,entertainment, sports, culture and commerce. The scenic spots in the planningare divided into "two corridors and seven gardens": Shili Huxiang culturalcorridor, Shili upstream music corridor, Wanju Jingxiu garden, return to naturegarden, visitors paradise, shopping and food garden, fitness and longevitygarden, custom resort garden and outdoor life garden, with a planned investmentof 2 billion yuan.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6069 字

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Dear tourists

As we all know, the hottest place in the country is Turpan, and the hottestplace in Turpan is fangdangtui Huoyan mountain. In summer, the highesttemperature of Huoyanshan is above 47.8 ℃. In midsummer, when the sun is red,the earths atmosphere is transpiration and the clouds are shrouded, which isvery spectacular.

The name of Huoyanshan → mountain characteristics

Tourists, through the window, we can see that the thing in front is like afire dragon lying in the middle of Turpan Basin. The red mountain isYanshan.

The name of Huoyanshan mainly comes from its appearance. Look! The bedrockof Huoyanshan is exposed, the reddish brown sandstone glows in the hot sun, andthe hot air is rolling up, just like thousands of flames burning. The name of"Huoyanshan" comes from this. Huoyanshan is called chishi mountain in ancientbooks, and kiziltag in Uighur language, which means red mountain. CEN Shenci, apoet of the Tang Dynasty, passed through Huoyanshan and wrote "the volcanostands out at the mouth of chitingkou, and the fire clouds are thick in May.".The mountains are full of volcanoes and the birds are flying far away. "Dare notcome". Chen Cheng, a traveler in the Ming Dynasty, once wrote a poem to describeit: "a piece of smoke and a piece of red, burning to the sky. At the end ofspring, its half as clear as summer. Who knows that there is Zhu Rong in thewest? " It can be called a vivid portrayal of Huoyanshan.

Huoyanshan is a long and narrow mountain in east-west direction, with atotal length of 98 km and a north-south width of 9 km. The general height isabout 500 meters, and the highest peak is 831.7 meters. Despite the fact thatthere is no grass on the surface of Huoyan mountain, due to crustal movement andriver cutting, there are many picturesque gullies and canyons hidden in themountain, such as Putaogou, tuyugou, taoergou, mumugou, shengjinkou Canyon, etc.In these valleys, the streams linger, the melons and fruits are fragrant, theflowers and trees are verdant, and the scenery is charming, just like the"flower and fruit dock" scene in "Huozhou".

The formation of Huoyanshan → the best observation point is shengjinkou

Perhaps some tourists will ask: How did the flame mountain form? How manyyears ago? The answer to these two questions can be traced back to 140 millionyears ago. At that time, due to the short and small folds in the front of Bogdamountain in the east of Tianshan Mountain, the crust changed, and after theHimalayan orogeny, the rudiment of the mountains gradually formed. Since then,it has experienced a long geological period, spanning several geological periodsof Jurassic, Cretaceous and tertiary, together with the special climateenvironment, showing the current geological shape.

Tourists, the best place to observe the structure of Huoyanshan isshengjinkou. Please get out of the car and take photos in front of the stonepedestal with the sign of "Huoyanshan", and then listen to my explanation.

Shengjinkou is 30 kilometers away from Turpan City in the west, connectingXinjiang with the mainland of 312 national highway, and crossing the Huoyanshanby the mugou river. Shengjinkou mountain is a precipitous place for militarystrategists since ancient times. As for the name of shengjinkou, there isanother origin: in the past, the local people called shengjinkou "seepingmouth". Thats because after the water from mutugou flowed out of TianshanMountain, it became less and less. When they arrived at the Gobi desert nearshengjinkou, the water almost seeped clean, so they called it "seeping mouth".Later, people thought the name was not very auspicious, so they changed itshomonym to "shengjinkou", so it has been used to this day.

[story of Huoyanshan: myth of journey to the West → Uyghur folklore]tourists, Huoyanshan is named not only because of its unique appearance andstructure, but also because of its legendary mythology.

Journey to the west is one of the stories in which the master andapprentice of Tang monks and disciples of the Tang Dynasty are hindered fromlearning from the Buddhist scriptures in Huoyan mountain. In the 59th and 60thchapters of journey to the west, "Tang Sanzang road blocks Flame Mountain, andsun Xingers three tune banana fan," it is written: "there is a state of Sri onthe Western Road, which is the place where the sun sets. It is commonly called"the end of the sky. ". There is a flame mountain here. It is hot all the yearround. The Flame Mountain has a flame of 800 Li, surrounded by nothing. If youcross the mountain, you will turn your copper skull and iron body into juice. "Although this description is exaggerated, the basic characteristics of hotseasons and barren grass are completely consistent with the actual situation ofHuoyanshan. It can be seen that the author did not invent it out of thinair.

In the eyes of the common people, good is the highest beauty, so the endingof the story in Huoyanshan is that justice will defeat evil, which has beendescribed in detail in Uygur folklore. It is said that a long time ago, therewas a dragon in the depths of Tianshan Mountain, which ate only boys and girls.The local top leader was determined to kill the dragon for the people, so hesent a warrior named Hala and Zhuo to subdue the dragon. After a thrillingbattle, Hara and Zhuo beat the dragon with their swords and finally subdued thedragon. After the dragon was injured, it rotated along the mountain, and thewhole mountain was dyed red by blood. Therefore, Uighur people called thismountain "Red Mountain".

Beautiful legend, profound meaning, reverie. Tourists, when we stop andthink about the flame mountain, we will feel that the wonders of Flame Mountainare not enough, and the story of Flame Mountain is endless. In order to makesure that you dont have any regrets, the next time you visit the old city ofGaochang and the thousand Buddha cave in bozikrik, you have to pass by the flamemountain. Therefore, we can fully enjoy the wonderful scenery of the flamemountain from different directions. I hope the trip to flame mountain will leaveyou a good memory.



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HANGZHOU---The Heaven on Earth --------By Day Day The Great “It’s the most wonderful place in the world, where makes you feel in the heaven”, the famous Italy traveler Macro Polo describes the HangZhou in his memory. The saying goes that in China---Above is heaven, below is HangZhou. The reputation of HangZhou lies in the picturesque West Lake. The lake is beautiful all year round, and the poet in Song dynasty named DongPo Su highly praised the scenery. Travelling in the West Lake, you can also wander along the street, try the delicious dessert, and purchase some local products. The Su dam and White dam are of the most famous scenic spots in China. They divided the lake into halves, seemed like two fluttering green ribbons, surrounded by mountain and forests with some house lets. There are there islands in the center of the lake: RuanGong, HuXin, and YingZhou. HangZhou is one of the six ancient capitals in China, and it last 2,000 years history.

Not only famous for the Natural scenery and Cultural charm, but also for its delicacy, crafts, and calligraphy of historical figures. As the Silk City of China, there are all kinds of silk products;tapestry is the especially beautiful one among them. Other specialties are black-paper-fans, silk umbrella, and West Lake Longjing Tea.

Generally, the appropriate time for going sightseeing near the West Lake in HangZhou should be two days, and the travel provides you with cheerful mood and cultural enjoyment.



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Tianmen Mountain was called Yunmeng Mountain in ancient times, also knownas Yuping mountain. It is located 10 kilometers south of Zhangjiajie City. In263 ad, because of the collapse of the mountain wall, a door was opened in theupper part of the mountain, connecting the north and the south. During the ThreeKingdoms period, sun Xiu, king of Wu, thought it was auspicious and named it"Tianmen Mountain". Tianmen cave is located on the cliff at an altitude of morethan 1260 meters. It is 131.5 meters high, 57 meters wide and more than 60meters deep. According to the research of geological experts, the central partof the entrance is the intersection of the syncline of the East and West rocklayers. Due to the compression, the rock was broken and collapsed, and theentrance was finally formed in 263. Tianmen Mountain is 1517.9 meters above sealevel. Because the relative height difference between Tianmen Mountain anddowntown area is more than 1300 meters, Tianmen Mountain is especially tall andstraight. Its beautiful skyline is a typical example of Tianmen Mountain.

Tianmen Mountain is a national 5A tourist area. It is also known as"Chinas 50 most worthy places for foreigners to visit, Chinas most desirableplaces, Hunans new Xiaoxiang eight scenic spots, Chinas top 100 self drivingscenic spots, and Chinas top 10 scenic spots most concerned by Internetusers".

The unique karst platform landform of Tianmen Mountain is rare all over theworld. It is a isolated mountain with precipices around it. The heightdifference within a few kilometers reaches more than 1300 meters, which createsthe magnificent momentum of the towering isolated peak. The top part of themountain is relatively flat, covering an area of 2 square kilometers, with aforest coverage rate of 90%. There are many strange rocks and trees. It has arare Davidia involucrata community in the world. It is wild all year round, justlike a beautiful sky garden. In July 1992, Tianmen Mountain was approved by theMinistry of forestry as the second National Forest Park in Zhangjiajie. The poetWang Xinjians poem "walking on Tianmen Mountain" says: "I wandered for a longtime in my dreams several times, and the breeze came ten li to step on theflowers. Step by step, the sky steps lead to the silver Han, and the vast cloudpath encircles the green cliff. The ancient temples are hidden in the secludedvalley, and the screen is rugged and moving to Penglai. And bathe the haze intothe wonderland, already Chengxin near Yaotai. "



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Dear friends

hello everyone!

Today we will visit Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, ChineseAcademy of Sciences.

Xishuangbanna scenic spot is located in Xishuangbanna Dai AutonomousPrefecture in the south of Yunnan Province, 740 km away from Kunming. The scenicarea includes Jinghong scenic area, Menghai scenic area and Mengla scenic area.There are several scenic spots in each area, including 19 scenic spots and morethan 800 scenic spots, with a total area of 1202.13 square kilometers. There aremany kinds of animal and plant resources in this area, which is called animaland plant kingdom. Among them, many rare, ancient, peculiar and endangeredanimals and plants are unique to Xishuangbanna, which has aroused great interestof tourists and researchers at home and abroad. The landscape is characterizedby rich and charming tropical and subtropical rain forests, seasonal rainforests, valley rain forests, rare animals, colorful ethnic cultures andcustoms. With unique landscape and high popularity, it was approved as the firstbatch of national key scenic spots by the State Council in 1982.

Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture is located in the southernmost partof Yunnan Province, between 21 ° 08 ′ ~ 22 ° 36 ′ N and 99 ° 56 ′ ~ 101 ° 50 ′e. it is the transition zone from Asian continent to Southeast Asia Peninsula tothe south of Tropic of cancer. With a total area of 19184.45 square kilometersand a population of 796000, the prefecture governs Jinghong City and Menghai andMengla counties. There are more than ten ethnic groups living here, includingDai, Hani, Bulang, Jinuo, Lahu, WA and Yao. Among them, Dai accounts for onethird, Han accounts for one third, and other ethnic groups account for onethird. Bordering on Laos and Myanmar, the border line is 1069 km long.

Xishuangbanna is about 700 kilometers away from Kunming, the provincialcapital. It can be reached by car in two days or one day and night. Bannaairport can take off and land "Boeing 737" aircraft. There are direct flightsfrom Kunming to Xishuangbanna every day. The flight time is about 50 minutes. Inaddition, there are direct charter flights from Chengdu, Chongqing, Bangkok andother cities to Xishuangbanna. Within the territory of the highway in alldirections, very convenient. Xishuangbanna is the name of Xishuangbanna. In1570, xuanweisi (the highest local chief executive) divided the jurisdictioninto 12 "Banna" (Dai "12"? "Xishuang" and "Banna"? One thousand mu, that is, oneBanna? One unit collecting taxes and servitudes). From then on, the Dai name ofXishuangbanna came into being.

Xishuangbanna is one of the 44 national key scenic spots, with more than 3million mu of nature reserves, of which 700000 Mu are well protected primevalforests, accounting for nearly 60% of the total area of the prefecture. Greenmountains and green waters are everywhere, and it is famous for its beauty andrichness.

There are more than 20000 kinds of plants in Xishuangbanna, including 5000tropical plants, 10000 edible plants, 50 kinds of wild fruits and 40 kinds offast-growing precious timber trees. Many plants are precious materials or havespecial uses, such as anti-cancer drugs meidengmu and Jialan; anti hypertensionLuofu; stomach worm betel nut; fengchunan seed oil is a special lubricant fortanks, automobile engines and oil drilling in alpine regions; tung oil canreplace diesel oil; yilanxiang, known as the "king of flowers", can be made intohigh-grade spices; There are ancient tea trees more than 1700 years ago, natural"water pots" and "umbrellas", grass that can smell music and dance and eatmosquitoes.

The vast dense forest provides an ideal habitat for all kinds of wildanimals. At present, there are 429 species of birds, accounting for 2 / 3 of thetotal number of birds in China, and 67 species of mammals, accounting for 16% ofthe total number of mammals in China. Xishuangbanna has many kinds of birds andbeasts, which can not be compared with other places in China. Among them, Asianelephant, vulture, Indosinian tiger, leopard and so on are listed as worldprotected animals; there are 13 species of national first-class protectedanimals, such as bison, antelope, lazy monkey, and many second and third classprotected animals.

Xishuangbanna is also rich in rubber, which is the second largest rubberarea in China, with the highest yield per unit area of rubber in China. It isalso rich in rice, a variety of tropical fruits, Amomum villosum and otherprecious medicinal materials, which is worthy of the name of "plant kingdom","animal Kingdom", "green kingdom" and "Southern medicine kingdom".

When traveling to Banna, sometimes you can see beautiful peacocks, silverpheasants and rhinoceros flying in the forest; sometimes you can see elephantswalking on the road; sometimes you can see antelopes, wild deer and rabbitsrunning Its a wonderful sight and fun that cant be imagined in otherplaces!

Xishuangbanna has a tropical rainforest climate with abundant sunshine andrainfall. The year is divided into dry season and wet season, and the annualaverage temperature is 21 ℃. The dry season is from November to April and thewarm season is from May to October. There is no frost or snow all year round.The annual fog days are 108-146 days. The extreme maximum temperature is 41.1 ℃and the extreme minimum temperature is 2.7 ℃ in Jinghong area, which is suitablefor tourism all the year round. The Dai nationality has a long history and hascreated a splendid culture in its long life. It is especially famous for itscalendar, Dai language and colorful folk literature and art. As early as morethan 1000 years ago, the ancestors of the Dai nationality wrote many beautifuland moving myths, fables, novels and poems on Beiye and Mian paper. There aremore than 550 long poems written in Dai language alone. Zhao shutun and nanmuNuona and Hulu Xin are his representative works, which have been adapted intofilms and plays and are deeply loved by the masses.

Dai dance has a high artistic level and distinctive nationalcharacteristics. Its movements are mostly analogies and beautification of animalbehavior, such as the popular "Peacock Dance" and "elephant foot dance". Themusic of Dai nationality is pleasant to the ear. Besides dance accompaniment, itis often combined with poetry. Sculpture and painting also have distinctcharacteristics. The Dai people believe in Theravada Buddhism, and pagodas andtemples can be seen everywhere in Dai areas. Bamboo house is the most typicalexisting dry column building in China. It is elegant and cool to live in.

Dai men have the custom of tattooing, which means they are brave andbeautiful, and can also attract the love of the opposite sex. Tourist souvenirswith special features include: Dai bag, Dai brocade (embroidered Nianshan,pillow, skirt), ceramic water pot, bamboo lunch box, silver belt, tube bar,various ethnic costumes, flower bag, embroidered waist bag, wood carving, goosestone craft, etc. As for the unique Dai cuisine, every tourist has to taste it.Farewell, you must not forget to buy a few boxes of red beans (also known asAcacia son) to go back to your wife, lover or friend, it is the most specialsignificance and romantic gift ah! So the ancients have long had a poem: "redbeans born in the south, spring to send a few branches, I hope you pick more,this thing is the most Acacia."

Famous scenic spots include: Jinghong, manfeilong pagoda, Lancang River,mange Buddhist temple, manjinglan tourist village, Yilan resort, Menglunbotanical garden, ethnic customs garden, Tropical Crops Research Institute, Daicuisine, Dai garden, Jinghong primeval forest park, Hongqi reservoir, Daluoprimeval forest park, animal wonders, plant wonders, tropical rain forest, DaiWater Splashing Festival.
