





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7616 字

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First of all, on behalf of all the staff of __ travel agency, I would liketo extend a warm welcome to you and thank you for your support and trust in ourtravel agency. My family name is X. please call me Xiao X. next to me is ourteam driver, master X. Master X has rich driving experience. I believe you willfeel comfortable and safe on the way. If you have any difficulties andrequirements during the journey, please put forward them in time, and I will trymy best to serve you. Here, I wish you a pleasant journey, happy to come andsatisfied to return.

The scenic spot we are going to visit today is the ancient culture street.The ancient culture street is a street with Tianhou palace as the center andTianjin local characteristics. It is located in gongnangong North Street, NankaiDistrict, where all kinds of handicrafts and cultural goods from Tianjin andeven all over the country are gathered. It attracts a large number of touristswith "Chinese flavor, Tianjin flavor, ancient flavor and cultural flavor". Sowhat about the ancient culture street? Lets make an evaluation after visitingit in person.

We have come to the parking lot of the scenic spot. Please remember thatour car number is __ and the license plate is ______. The car is parked on theleft side of the parking lot. We are still meeting here at 4 p.m. please lockthe window. Please take your valuables with you. Please get off.

First of all, we see an ancient archway with the word "Gushang art garden"written on it. "Gushang" is the old name of Tianjin, and "Yiyuan" means thebirthplace of culture, that is to say, it is the earliest birthplace of culturein Tianjin. On the back of this archway, you can also see two words - jinao.The meaning of "gold" is precious, while "Ao" is the allusion of "carp leapingover the dragons gate". It is said that the carp leaping over the dragons gatewill be reborn and become Ao. Ao is the embodiment of the dragon. It is saidthat there are golden Ao in the Haihe River in Tianjin. Since then, we will beprotected by golden Ao. After reading these two words, please have a look at thetwelve copper coins under our feet, which represent the heyday of China from theTang Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. These copper coins, from small to large, meanthat after we walk through this street, we will have a lot of good fortune, andhope that our motherland will become rich and strong. After you have seen thecopper coin, continue to come here, lets go to the next stop tongqingli to havea look.

Now you follow me into tongqingli, which was built in 1920__ and is thelargest building complex of Chinese and Western style in Tianjin. After enteringthe gate, we can see four murals on the wall, which reflect the market cultureof Tianjin, including "civilized marriage", "walking on stilts", "dragon boat"and this "witty talk" here. When you come to this side of the Hutong, you cansee two large murals. One is the picture of Lu River in Tianjin on this side,which shows the prosperous sea scene of Tianjin at the mouth of the trigeminalriver. The other is the picture of young willows in that year - huangdamen,which describes the customs of the common people during the lunar new year.

Out of tongqingli, please follow me and take a look at the Jade EmperorPavilion, a Taoist temple with a history of 600 years. Yuhuangge is located onthe high side of the river. It is open and spacious. It is a good place to climbup and look far away. Therefore, every year on the Double Ninth Festival,Yuhuangge is unprecedentedly lively. In the rear of Yuhuangge, we also see ashrimp stone, which has a history of hundreds of millions of years and ispraised as "longevity stone" by the common people. We can touch the longevitystone and wish our friends a long life.

After walking through the shrimp stone, we are now in Tianyan square. Itgot its name because it was close to the place where Yan Fulao, a famous modernChinese translator, lived, and it was here that tianyanlun was translated intoChinese.

I dont know if you have noticed that there are a large number of coloredpaintings in the shops and under the eaves of the whole street. These paintingsare drawn in the order of historical events, with a total of more than 800. Thewest side is painted with four famous works, and the east side is legendarystories from Han Dynasty to Qing Dynasty. What we see now is the clay figurinezhangshijiadian, which has a history of more than 140 years. Now it has spreadto the fifth generation and has been recognized as one of the first nationalintangible heritage projects.

Well, now weve come to Tin Hau square. The famous Tin Hau palace islocated here. Before entering the Tin Hau palace, lets take a look at theflagpole in front of the mountain gate. It is said that when the flagpole wasfirst set up, on the one hand, it hung lights to guide the water boats going toand from sanchahekou, on the other hand, it served as a foil for the Tin Haupalace, which made the whole building complex appear to be in perfect disorderand extraordinary momentum. The theater opposite is the earliest open-air stagein Tianjin and also the earliest place for people to entertain themselves.

Now lets take a look at Tianhou palace. Built in Yuan Dynasty, Tianhoupalace is one of the three largest Tianhou palaces in the world. As we all know,most temples in our country face south, but the Queens palace faces west andEast. Why? Because we have to face the Haihe River, which leads to the BohaiSea. Facing the Haihe River means facing the sea, so that when it is notconvenient for the believers to go ashore, they can worship the queen on boardand pray for peace.

Now we come to the main hall, which is the place where empress dowager isworshipped. The one sitting in the middle is Tian Hou. Mazu, originally namedLin Mo, is a native of Meizhou, Fujian Province. She was born miraculous. She isfamiliar with the nature of water and often rescues ships at sea. Later, he wasworshipped as a God, and was granted the title of Tianfei and Tiantian.

We have come to the north entrance of the ancient culture street. Thepattern of the twelve zodiac animals is paved on the ground. It reflects thetraditional Chinese folk custom of "twelve zodiac animals" for thousands ofyears. It means that the ancient culture street is prosperous in people andmoney for twelve months a year, which echoes the pattern of copper coins pavedin the north entrance. Each of US tourists can step on the animal patterns thatare the same as our own, so that we can bring wealth and auspiciousness to ourfamilies. If you look at this archway again, the "clear snow" on the insiderefers to the scenery of early clear after snow and full of tourists. On theoutside is the word "hometown of Jinmen", which means that the area near theancient culture street is the center of Tianjin. Todays Tianjin is formed bythe gradual development of this area as the original center.

Well, we have finished visiting the main scenic spots. Next time, you canvisit freely, or buy some special products with Tianjin ancient flavor. Letsmeet in the parking lot at 4 pm. The license plate number is ______. Please payattention to your safety and dont be late.

Today, we have passed the 680 meter long ancient culture street to show youthe national characteristics of Tianjin Folk Customs. Our journey is over. Thankyou for your support and cooperation in my work. Please forgive me if there isany inadequacy or inadequate care in my service today. I also hope you can giveme more valuable opinions. I look forward to our next cooperation. Finally, Iwish you good health, smooth work, success and all the best!




范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:翻译,服务,全文共 2935 字

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委托方:(以下简称甲方) 服务方:(以下简称乙方) 甲、乙双方本着发挥各自优势、互惠互利、共同发展的原则,就翻译合作的有关事项,经双方友好协商,就半年度乙方为甲方提供翻译和制作服务之事宜,现特订立本协议。具体条款如下:

第一条定义 项目内容:甲方所委托的的翻译作业业务,分为笔译、口译和综译,还包含双方同意的其它业务合作。 翻译:乙方按照甲方交付的原文内容,结合相关专业词准确地将原文的内容表达清楚。 文档的制作:乙方按甲方要求,在计算机上按原文件图文并排的格式进行录入和排版,用印刷本(或者传真件)和e-a(或者存储介质提交的文本,包括软盘、光盘和其它移动存储介质),如为口译,则用录音带、录像带和摄像带等介质提交,在保证翻译质量的前提下用计算机移动存储介质提交,但必须配合甲方的制作工作;乙方还应该负责有关的后续服务。


















第六条保密条款 乙方为了对甲方提供的资料保密,但对于因其它不可确定的原因造成的外漏,乙方不承担相关或连带责任。甲方提供的资料保密期自每项业务开始之日起计算:时间为七个月;有关本协议的保密条款详见本协议之附件《保密协议》。

第七条协议的变更和解除 本协议经双方书面同意,可以予以变更或解除。




























第十条不可抗力 由于地震、台风、洪水、火灾、战争、罢工、政府禁令、法律要求或变化以及其他不可预见并且对其发生和后果不能防止或避免的不可抗力,致使影响协议有关条款的履行,双方应按照不可抗力对影响履行本协议的程度协商决定是否解除本协议,免除履行本协议的部分义务,或者延期履行本协议。

第十一条知识产权和署名权 甲方所提供的相关资料的知识产权不归乙方所有,并且其署名权共同所有;署名规定为,不得再署有其它的文字。

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2.1因本协议而产生的或与本协议有关的任何争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。不能通过协商解决的争议,就提交仲裁机构(如劳动部门)按其仲裁程序在仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均具有约束力; 1


第十三条其它 1

3.1协议经甲乙双方的签字并加盖公章(乙方可以免此项)之日起生效; 1

3.2本协议之附件构成本协议的有效组成部分并且与本协议具有同等的法律效力; 1

3.3本协议一式三份,乙双方各执一份,便于财务和业务管理甲方执两份,具有同等法律效力; 1

3.4本协议到期前一个月,甲乙双方可再进行续签协议; 1

3.5本协议未尽事宜,双方应本着互惠互利、友好协商的原则另行约定,并应以附件或补充协议等形式体现。 甲方(签章): 乙方(签章): ________年____月____日 ________年____月



范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:工程,全文共 960 字

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范文类型:祝福语,全文共 596 字

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1. 松龄长岁月,皤桃捧日三千岁。

2. 嘉宾旨酒,笑指青山来献寿。百岁平安,人共梅花老岁寒。今天,这里高朋满座,让寒冷的冬天有了春天般的温暖。

3. 祝老寿星日月昌明、松鹤长春。

4. 文明享大年,逍遥鸠杖天保九如。

5. 先开北海樽,学到知非德器纯。

6. 祝老寿星万事如意、晚年幸福。

7. 春秋迭易,岁月轮回,当甲申新春迈着轻盈的脚步向我们款款走来的时候,我们欢聚在这里,为先生的母亲--我们尊敬的*老妈妈共祝八十大寿。

8. 福如东海长流水,寿比南山不老松。

9. 祝老寿星笑口常开、天伦永享。

10. 鹤语寄春秋,古柏参天四十围。

11. 祝老寿星事事顺心、幸福长伴。

12. 如月之恒,如日之升,如南山之寿,不骞不崩。如松柏之茂,无不尔或承。

13. 祝爷爷万寿无疆长命百岁,年年有今日,岁岁有今朝.老如松柏.

14. 体明身健可活百岁犹少,茶甘饭软尽享千乐以多。

15. 福如东海、寿比南山;日月昌明、松鹤长春;笑口常开、天伦永享。

16. 这一季的花开得格外娇艳,你可知,那是因为我用情感在浇灌只等你的生日赠与你,愿你喜欢。

17. 愿你在充满希望的季节中播种、在秋日的喜悦里收获!生日快乐!

18. 在你生日来临之即,祝您身体壮如虎,金钱不胜数,干活不辛苦,快乐非你莫属!

19. 身体健康、长命百岁;生日快乐、后福无疆。吉祥如意、富贵安康;

20. 让美丽的朝霞、彩霞、晚霞一起飞进您的生活,这就是我的祈愿!



范文类型:汇报报告,工作总结,适用行业岗位:翻译,全文共 2616 字

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参展商摊位翻译不同于以往我在酒店担任的前台翻译,前者的翻译涉及到各种国际贸易专业知识与各行业的专业术语。第一天,有一位迪拜采购商对我们的产品很感兴趣,他指着一条规格是3mm的铁链问我“The material is G30?(是G30材料吗?)”我知道他在问材料,就回答说“The material is iron.”他继续问“Is G30?”我当时不懂他说的G30是什么意思,加上对方有一点地方口音,就停顿下来思考了一下,他见我没有回答他的问题,就继续问“Is G30?”,当时老板也在场,我觉得非常尴尬,后来他把G30写在纸上,我还是不明白G30是什么意思,但是老板一看,就连连点头说“Yes, yes”,老板告诉我G30是高硬度钨钢的专业术语缩写,他能理解我不懂,因为各行都有专业术语。有了第一天的尴尬情况出现,当晚回到宿舍,我就到网上查找各种钢材的专业术语,比如Q235是普通碳素结构的钢材,Q195是很常见的碳素钢,比Q235强度低,价格也较便宜,并且把它们拍成图片保存在手机里随时查看。事实证明,这些专业术语名词对我后来的翻译工作帮助很大。

开馆的第二天,有四位皮肤黝黑的采购商来到我们摊位,我们互相打招呼后,我指着产品架说“Which product do you need?”他们就自己主动拿起产品看,并用他们的语言在商量,我很认真的听他们的对话准备翻译,可是他们讲的语言我根本听不懂。过了一会儿,其中一位女士递给我们一张名片,用很流利的中文说他们是来自缅甸的铁链采购商,让我们给他们列出2mm-12mm规格的铁链的价格,由于他们的国家不发达,国人消费的铁链质量要求不高,如果价格合理,他们会和我们大量订购并长期合作,她也打开手机让我看他们与其他厂家交易的提单照片,她给我看的提单与我在单证课上学习的提单样本几乎相似,那一刻我觉得课本知识真的很重要。从提单上,我知道了他们与其他厂家交易的价格与数量,该笔交易的时间是20xx年9月13号,提单上也有船公司的盖章,他们应该不会是在欺骗我们。老板见他们很有诚意,就给他们报了合理的价格,他们看后也没有异议,口头上答应成交了,相互留下名片,说回去后邮件往来、签订合同。由于他们很有诚意交易,订购量也很大,所以老板整天的心情都美滋滋的。从中,我也明白了,我们一定要学好单证知识,它在外贸职场上真的很实用,同时,我们除了掌握英语这门语言外,也还要掌握一两门其他语言,才能在外贸职场上有优势。

开馆的第二天下午,有一位外国人一进摊位就笑嘻嘻地和老板打招呼说“Hello! 你好!”老板说他是来自黎巴嫩的老客户,那老外性格非常开朗,也非常热情地和我打招呼。接着,他坐下来问他之前的订购的货物广交会上询问的人多不多,有没有来自黎巴嫩和土耳其的采购商来看产品,老板就说没有,他很开心的笑了,笑得好像圣诞老爷爷。他从包里拿出一沓表格,表格上都已经列好了他要采购的产品型号,就等着老板给他列价格。老板跟他交情似乎很不错,给了他所有客户中的最优惠价格,而他同样又给老板提了很多产品建议,互利互惠。值得一提的是,这个黎巴嫩客户很幽默,他说他会用中文说数字,他用英文“son(儿子)”的发音来记忆中文数字“三”的发音,他引得我们都哄堂大笑,气氛十分的融洽。聊完正事后,他从包里拿出一盒包装精致的糕点,他说这是他从黎巴嫩带来的,这糕点在他们国家很出名。他也给我介绍了他国家的风土人情,并打开手机给我看他家乡与家人的照片,那天闭馆后,他请我们去珠江新城一家叫bosphorus的西餐厅吃晚餐。



下面就总结一下我的广交会感想:一、勤于思考、发现问题,不断总结。常常都会被客户问到一些我并不了解的问题。有的可能对于内行的人来说属于很简单的常识,可是我从来没听说过,于是我每天都把问题记下来,用空余时间问老板或者到网上查找。二、翻译过程中头脑要保持沉着冷静。在翻译过程中难免会遇到不懂得词汇或者专业术语,还会遇到各种口音的英语,这些原因可能会让我们听不懂对方说的话。即使碰到沟通上的问题,但也不要慌张,头脑要保持沉着冷静,可以互相用写或者肢体语言来交流,双方都明白易懂,合作起来自然也愉快。 三、与客人洽谈时要做好记录。 跟哪位客人谈了哪些内容,都要做详细的记录,什么规格,报价多少,须一一记录下来,重点客户做好标记,这将会对老板回公司后给客户发邮件有很大帮助。四、要保管好客户名片。客人的名片要及时订在笔记本上,不要乱放以免搞丢或者弄乱了。




范文类型:工作总结,适用行业岗位:翻译,全文共 611 字

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其实最重要的还是英语,马上就大三了,可是我们还存在着语音语调的问题。导师还当众说我的发音很土,好丢人啊。虽然说内容为王,但是作为英语专业的学生,口语是个门面,口语之于英文就像书写之于作文。我真的好惭愧,学了那么多年英语,连简单的good morning发音也发不标准。我的口语问题早在大一时就被发现了,不过一直没有采取拯救行动,现在真要高度重视了,否则大学四年毕业了,还是一口土土的英文。很多东西,用中文表达出来毫无压力,可是用到英文就发愁了,词汇不足、表达不清晰、反应不够迅速。





范文类型:演讲稿,全文共 971 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 9071 字

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Hello, everyone. First of all, on behalf of the youth travel agency,welcome to Tianjin. Im your tour guide. My name is Qinxiang, and you can callme Xiaoqin. Now lets introduce our driver master Li. Master Li has many yearsof driving experience and is very familiar with the road conditions, which willmake you feel very comfortable. If you encounter any difficulties during thejourney, you can feel comfortable Hard, must tell me, I will serve youwholeheartedly, also hope you can cooperate with our work, let us share abeautiful journey! Wish you a happy journey!

The scenic spot we are going to visit today is the ancient culture street.The ancient culture street is a street with Tianjin local characteristics, whichis located in gongnangong North Street, Nankai District, with the location of"Tianhou Palace", one of the three Mazu temples in China. Gongnan Gongbei streetwas formed before the? D? D Tianjin was built in December 1420__. In 1985, thecity government restored its traditional style and named it "Ancient CultureStreet". For decades, Tianjin has been known as a "food street and culturalstreet". The ancient culture street is different from the general commercialstreet. It gathers all kinds of handicrafts and cultural goods from all overTianjin and even the whole country. Among them, the willow youth paintings, clayfigurine Zhang Caisu and kite Weis kites are most famous at home and abroad.The whole street is full of strong Chinese flavor, Tianjin flavor, ancientflavor and cultural flavor.

Well, we have come to the parking lot of the scenic spot. Please rememberthat our car is white dayutong, and the license plate is Jin a1234. At 4 pm, thecar will be waiting for you in Gongbei street. Please take your valuables andget off with me.

The first thing that catches our eyes is a tall and majestic archery withgold painting and green top Zhuying. The color painting on it is called xuanzicolor painting, with the word "hometown of Jinmen" written on it. It definitelypoints out that the area near the ancient culture street was a settlement 820__years ago, where the Jin people who ruled the North established Zhigu village,the earliest supervision of Tianjin city. Todays Tianjin is formed by thegradual development of this area as the original central area. It has alwaysbeen a prosperous commercial area in Tianjin for six or seven hundred years,which has played an immeasurable role in the development of Tianjin. It is welldeserved to be called the hometown of Tianjin.

Well, please follow me into this street. Youve noticed that many shops inthis street do not have colorful paintings under the eaves and in the rooms.These are Kaiguang Qing style Su paintings, most of which are character stories.Lets take a look at the color paintings of Fangjian, your excellency Jizhen. Onthe top are eight paintings from the romance of the Three Kingdoms, including"the romance of the Three Kingdoms in Taoyuan", "the battle of Lu Bu inhulaoguan", "Lu Bu playing Diaochan in fengyiting" and "refusing Cao inDangyang". On the other hand, Fangjian in Liyuan Pavilion is painted the classicopera Xixiang Ji, which describes the love story between Cui YingYing and ZhangJunrui . In addition to the Su paintings mentioned above, the buildings aredecorated with wood carvings and brick carvings. There are nearly 100 plaques inthe street, most of which are made by famous calligraphers all over the country.You can watch as you walk and savor carefully.

Well, now we have come to the square in front of the palace. The famous TinHau palace is located here. Before entering the Tin Hau palace, lets take alook at the opposite theater building. The theater building is a wooden platformbuilding. It faces west in the East, connects Haihe River in the East, and facesthe square in front of the palace in the West. There is a stage on the top and apassage below. The theater was demolished during the cultural revolution. Thetheater we see now was rebuilt in 1985. In the past, the theater was the mainplace for performing gods. Later, after the Japanese invaders occupied Tianjin,the theater stopped performing gods.

OK, now lets turn around and have a look. There are two tall flagpoles infront of the gate of tianhuangong mountain. They stick straight into Yunxiao,which is particularly eye-catching. These flagpoles are 26 meters high. Theflagpole is made of several pieces of copper and iron rough wood. The outerlayer is plastered with hemp and then painted. It is strong and strong throughwinter and summer. It is said that when the flagpole was first set up, on theone hand, it hung lights to guide the boats going to and from sanchahekou; onthe other hand, it served as a foil for Tianhou palace. Later, it was speciallyused to hang the long flag of Tianhou title during pilgrimage and temple fair.Far away from the gate of Tianhou palace is the theater building of Tianhoupalace. Theater is the earliest open-air stage in Tianjin, and also the earliestplace for people to entertain themselves.

Please go on. Now we are looking at the main building of Tianhou palace.Tianjin local folk known as "empress", so the empress palace is also known asempress palace. It was first built in the Yuan Dynasty, and was rebuilt andreinforced many times in later dynasties. As we all know, most of the temples inour country face south, but Tianhou palace faces east from the West. Why? Weknow that Tianhou is mainly to protect the safety of navigation. Facing the eastof the temple and the Haihe River, it is convenient for some boat people andmerchants. They can worship Tianhou on the boat when they have no time. Itconforms to the busy shipping demand at that time and meets the needs of thepeople who cant land It is the demand of popular worship.

Now we pass through the front hall and come to the main hall. This is theplace where tianniang is worshipped. Tianniang is a Buddhist. There are fourmaids in front of and behind. The main hall is built on a broad platform. In the27th year of Daoguang (1847), the platform foundation was replaced with somestep stones and face stones, with the inscription of "reconstruction in May ofthe 27th year of Daoguang". One stone in the southeast corner and one in thenortheast corner of the platform base is still well preserved. This hall is notonly the oldest building example in Tianjin, but also one of the earliest Mazutemples in China. We have said that empress Tin Hau can protect the safety ofships passing by, so what God is empress Tin Hau? Since she is called empressTin Hau, she must be a goddess. She is not a God made up of fantasy, but a realperson.

According to historical records, her name is Lin Mo, a native of MeizhouIsland in Putian, Fujian Province in Song Dynasty. Born in 960 A.D. and died in987 A.D. in Yongxi, Zhao Kuangyin, Taizu of the Song Dynasty, it was named LinMo because he could not cry for a period of time. Growing up on an island, shehas been accustomed to Sailing since childhood and adept at water. Then there isa beautiful legend: "can bear Xi to cross the sea, travel among the islands,people call goddess, also known as Dragon Girl". She often crossed the sea torescue fishermen in distress at sea. Unfortunately, she was killed by thetyphoon. It is also said that after his death, he appeared to help the refugeesfrom time to time, so the rich merchants on the sea paid money to build Mazutemple, and gradually became the God of the sea. At first, the legend of EmpressDowager only spread in Zhejiang and Fujian, but later it was graduallyrecognized by the government. In the Song Dynasty, she was named "lady Linghui"and "empress Linghui" successively. In the Yuan Dynasty, she was named "EmpressDowager", and in the Qing Dynasty, she was named "Empress Dowager".

Through the main hall, we came to the Sutra Pavilion. Through the SutraPavilion, what we see now is the Qisheng temple, that is, the back hall, whichwas originally used to offer sacrifices to empress dowagers parents, and laterused to store the light wooden statue of Empress Dowager during the Royalassembly. On both sides of Tianhou palace is Tianjin Folk Custom Museum, whichintroduces the rise and changes of Tianjin city, Tianhou palace and the imperialassembly. From the side witnessed the "first heaven after the palace, afterTianjin city" this statement. At the same time, it also displays the city bricksof Tianjin in the Ming Dynasty, the model people of water transport in the QingDynasty, the wedding custom exhibition and so on.

Now you can have free activities. You can buy some Tianjin Folk Customsaccording to your hobbies. Gather at 4 oclock under the archway of Gongbeistreet, Xiaoqin is waiting for you there!

Everyone is here, and our journey today is almost over. Im reallyreluctant to be separated from you. Xiaoqin is here to thank you for yourcooperation in my work. If you have any comments or suggestions on our service,please let us know. We will correct in time to provide you with better service.I wish you a happy life and good health in the future. If you are lucky, letsmeet again in Tianjin.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:小学,学生,全文共 791 字

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I am a kind, beautiful, lively, cheerful, confident, cute, love the girls a freak, my name is ... to not tell you that I am nine years old, is a "nice little Rose for Emily" Oh!

I love to laugh, like fixing a pair of pigtail, long a pair of water Lingling small eyes, a silver tongue, big mouth, I like to make friends, whether male or female, and regardless of your results good or bad, and I will be with you happy to play.

I can be more loving, singing, dancing, piano, English ... my favorite is still singing, my strengths a little more like the stars, the biggest thing I like learning, like reading, so I tell stories is OK.

I also have drawbacks, is my temper very pungent, in boys, but a tomboy in me, because I hit them at every turn. (But the joke that I have never played them cry.)



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:班长,全文共 2379 字

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At work, I am an active, serious and responsible person. Whether it is done in the class squad leader, or captain of team practice, I willing to pay, and strict demands on themselves, seriously, promptly and responsibly as we do everything their own things to do. I am a serious and responsible attitude and spirit willing to pay to obtain the courtyard teachers and students unanimous recognition and praise.

Farewell University, Bachelor of clothes to wear, get rid of all the vulgar and shallow wound, the show is a new self. From the silly to the wise, from the "greenhouse flowers" to the community, we bid farewell to some of the things that some people do not take anything away, except for one empty bags. Hopes and anxious coexistence, joy and love intertwined, what a wonderful feeling ah!

Although never to the extent of academic scholarship, but I learned a lot in the process. The first is their own self-learning ability improved, university courses rely on classroom attendance is totally inadequate.Shall own research and often go to the library to find some relevant information, over time. Again it is to understand the application of learning to think independently while focusing on learning alone is not going to work hard at hard study, to learn "approach." As the old saying words "Give a man a fish, as delegate to fish", I just want to learn "fishing." All beginnings are hard. But I did not give up. In learning, always remind myself to think independently, over time, my mind has also been a qualitative leap.

We can say that the university is the loose and a good cultural atmosphere trained me, so I have a solid professional knowledge, with a wide range of capabilities and quality, for their own out of school, to the community was fully ready. I believe I am capable of performing a variety of work. Of course, due to the lack of social experience, I have the ability to deal with other aspects of the matter is not very strong, still we need to hone the actual work, you need to continue to find deficiencies in the work, continue to improve.

Process is memorable, the harvest is abundant. In the blink of an eye on the upcoming three years like the past, in this short but fulfilling day, I learned a lot. Of course, I also know there are many who shortcomings, I believe that I will inherit learning and training in the future work and social life.



范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:翻译,服务,全文共 376 字

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甲方: 翻译工作室

乙方:(译员姓名) 身份证号:


1. 甲方提供给乙方的稿件(以下称"翻译件")仅供乙方进行文字翻译或必要的编辑处理。乙方应对甲方提供的原稿严守秘密,未经甲方事先书面同意,乙方不得将翻译件透露给任何第三方,或转给任何第三方代为翻译。

2. 乙方保证完成后的翻译件(以下称"译稿")至少应体现与甲方审订认可的测试稿相同的翻译水平。

3. 乙方应事先认真阅读、理解翻译件。如果翻译件内容有明显的打字错误、逻辑错误、编排错误等,乙方应用彩色字体标明,并按乙方的正常理解对翻译件进行适当的文字处理。乙方对把握不准的译法也应用彩色字体标明。

4. 乙方每天正常的翻译速度为(以汉字统计):______字。如乙方无法承接,应及时告知甲方。



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1023 字

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After I have worked in business area for eight years, I feel that I need to continue my education by pursuing a Master degree in business administration. I have practiced my professional expertise in accounting, demonstrated my leadership abilities and perfected my communication skills. But I have yet to become an entrepreneur in my own right, and to fully master the art of modern business. I want to be trained more vigorously in scientific methods of analysis and synthesis. There are a lot of opportunities and challenges in China that I do not yet fell fully confident to seize. My business career has so far benefited mostly the companies that I worked for, but a good business education in your university will probably become a new era for me.

Your university is well known for its excellence in China’s business education. I am sure that, with my extensive business experience, I can be a worthy student of yours. I am anxious to benefit from your seasoned guidance and take advantage of your research facilities.



范文类型:合同协议,全文共 2527 字

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寄售人(签字):_______ 代售人(签字):_______

_________年____月____日 _________年____月____日



This Agreement is entered into between _________ Co. (hereinafter referred to as the Consignor), having its registered office at _________, Shanghai, China and _________ CO. (hereinafter referred to as the Consignee), having its registered office at_________, on the following terms and conditions:

1.The Consignor shall from time to time ship _________ (commodity) to the consignee on Consignment basis at the prevailing international market prices on CIF terms. The interval between each shipment shall be approximately ninety days.

2.The Consignee must try to sell the consignments at the best possible prices after obtaining the approval of the Consignor as to price, terms, etc.

3.Each shipment by ship at the initial stage will not exceed U.S.D._________ and the outstanding liabilities on theConsignee shall be in the vicinity of not more than U.S.D. _________ only.

4.The Consignor shall at no time be responsible for any bad debts arising out of credit sales to any _________ buyers. Making payments to the Consignor shall at all times be the sole responsibility of the Consignee.

5.The Consignee shall accept the Bills of Exchange drawn by the Consignor on him at 90 dayssight with interest payable at _________ % per annum.

6.The Consignee shall collect the shipping documents including B/L from the Consignors bank against Trust Receipt duly signed by the Consignee.

7.The Consignor shall absorb insurance premium and warehousing charges up to the date of delivery to customers.

8.The consignor shall observe the regulations of the government of _________.

9.This Agreement is written in English, in two originals; each Party retains one copy.

As a token of acceptance, both parties have set their respective hands on this _________ day of _________ ,_________ with understanding and knowledge of the contents stated hereinabove.

The Consignor(signature):_____ The Consignee(signature):_____

Date:___________________________ Date:___________________________



范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:翻译,服务,全文共 1436 字

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范文类型:申请书,全文共 1077 字

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范文类型:自我评介,全文共 5122 字

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This year is a special year for me, because I have the first formal job in my life. This is a starting point of my career, I also cherish, and do our best to do this job.Through years of continuous learning and the help of colleagues and leaders, I have fully integrated into the family management department of the enterprise, the personal work skills have also been significantly improved, although a lot of things to be perfect, but it should be said that this Years to pay a lot, but also a lot of harvest, I feel growing, and gradually matured.

The work of the current year is summarized as follows:

First, in order to pragmatic work attitude, to adapt to the characteristics of the Department of Enterprise Management Department is the operation of the company is an important hub of the department, many of the work inside and outside the company coordination, communication, so the situation issued, and the planning and coordination of the various departments of the company Transaction. This determines the complexity of the work of the Office of the characteristics.In addition to their daily work, but also often have things outside the plan need to be dealt with temporarily, and usually more urgent, so I had to put down the work of the first to go to solve, of course, their own things on the lot, often busy One day, but every day is full, I am in the spirit of service for everyone to do a good job every thing. For the company to contribute my little light and heat.

Second, dedication, good job in the past year, I mainly completed the following work:

1, the company reimbursement of the cost of the audit: First of all departments designated personnel of the reimbursement department personnel occurred to the business management reviewers, business reviewers of the reimbursement of matters, the amount of bills and a series of issues audit; , Every Wednesday to the Department of Management leadership audit, leadership audit is completed, I entered the cost of registration software, and relatively special reimbursement to do other aspects of entry, and then by Zhang audit, Zhang audit is complete, and then re- To register all the reimbursement, do a detailed expense claim list, by the financial.

2, safe file management. The scope of such documents is very wide, the whole is divided into government, the companys internal; internal company is divided into all the certificate documents, contracts, agreements, administrative logistics. The need for an overall distinction to facilitate the various departments when needed, in a timely manner.

3, the completion of statistical reports and reported. I am a statistical report related to the Nanchang Economic and Technological Development Zone, Nanchang Economic and Trade Commission, Nanchang, key enterprise service platform network, the Office of Foreign Trade and Economic Development Office and other government fixed the corresponding government statements five large pieces. Part of the financial statements in coordination with the completion of the financial out of the corresponding data, some of the data need their own calculations, each large report related to more.

4, file this one, is to spend time, the most experienced one, which is divided into two blocks: paper files: all handwritten, everyones files are written on personal information, I took over this one completely Is blank; and also sub-sectors, the statistics of the number of departments in the above list. In such an effective classification, the company all personnel information may be very intuitive to find. Electronic file: This is a paper file is another presentation, is the basic personal information on the entry of employees, such as: name, ID card, graduation school and a series of. Involving very fine. Such a record and the way to facilitate the leadership of the companys basic personal information on the staff view.

5, the company seal the custody of India and the use of registration of the situation. All departments with the printed application form, the leadership of the signature, until I review, only to be sealed. And monthly order all printed with a single application, and input to the computer to facilitate the leadership of a certain period of time with the Indian situation of the audit.

6, the reception of foreign guests. Companies to visit the guests more often need to accompany them to the workshop, explain the company to its corresponding situation, a series of questions for the guests to answer; also ready the conference room, put the information, pour water and other matters.

7, the relevant government documents, matters of treatment. This year under the guidance of Mr. Chen, dealing with two major items: First, the company EIA documents, the second is the companys internal solid waste disposal. The two blocks in the coordination of the parties, and finally the perfect completion. The next step is the work of some of the thread. Of course, some corresponding government similar documents have also been processed.

Personal feeling this year, their growth is great, and soon. Write this summary, hope you verify the leadership.



范文类型:慰问信,全文共 445 字

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June 16, 201X

Dear Tom,

I just can’t tell you how sorry I was to learn of your accident. Your family tells me that your are progressing nicely, and that you’ll be out of the hospital in about ten days, I’m certainly relieved to know that!

In the next day or so you’ll receive a little package from Margaret and me. I hope you like it, and that it will help to pass the time more pleasantly.

With every good wish for your swift recovery.





范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:翻译,全文共 1691 字

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Teachers,good afternoon. Allow me to briefly talk about myself. My name is - Xianning graduated from the south gate of the private secondary schools. Tourism now studying at the school in Hubei Province.

Studying hotel management professional. I was a character,cheerful girl,so my hobbies is extensive. Sporty. In my spare time likes playing basketball, table tennis,volleyball,skating. When a person like the Internet at home,or a personal stereo. Not like too long immersed in the world of books,and family members have told me,Laoyijiege is the best. Talking about my family,then I will talk about my family has.

Only three people my family , my grandmother , grandfather and my own. My grandfather is a engineer,I am very severely on peacetime,the Church me a lot. Grandma is a very kindly for the elderly,care for my life in every possible way.

Therefore,I have no parents in their care,childhood and growth were full of joy. I like this hotel management professional,because I like to live in a strict order of the management environment.

I have my professional self-confidence and hope,as long as the efforts will be fruitful,this is my motto. Since I chose this profession,I will follow this path,effort,perseverance path. Thank you teachers. I finished presentation.

各位老师,下午好。请允许我简单介绍一下我自己。 我的名字叫——毕业于咸宁南门私立中学。 现就读于湖北省旅游学校。 学习饭店管理专业。

我是一个性格开朗的女孩子,所以我的兴趣爱好很广泛。热爱运动。在我闲暇的时候喜 欢打篮球,乒乓球,排球,溜冰。一个人在家的时候喜欢上网,或者听歌。不太喜欢太长时 间的沉浸在书的世界里,家人曾经告诉过我,劳逸结合是最好的。说到我的家人,那我就要 说说我的家庭了。

我家里只有三口人,我的奶奶,爷爷和我自己。我爷爷是个工程师,他平 时对我很严厉,教会我很多东西。奶奶是个很慈祥的老人,对我的生活照顾得无微不至。

所以没有父母的我在他们的照顾下,童年和成长都充满了快乐。 我喜欢酒店管理这个专业, 是因为我喜欢生活在一个有严格管理秩序的环境里。

我对我 的专业充满自信和希望, 只要努力, 就会有收获, 这是我的座右铭。 既然我选择了这个专业, 就会沿着我这条路,努力的,坚持不懈的走下去。 谢谢各位老师。我的介绍完毕。



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:空乘,全文共 1343 字

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pesonel statement(introduction) good morning,my dear teachers,my dear professors.i am very glad to be here for your interview.my name is song yonghao,i am 22 years old .i come from luoyang,a very beautiful aicent city.my undergratuade period will be accomplished in changan university in july ,20xx;and now,i am trying my best for obtaining a key to tongji university. generally speaking ,i am a hard working student especially do the thing i am interested in. i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is.

when i was sophomore, i found web design very interesting, so i learned it very hard . to weaver a homepage for myself, i stayed with my pesonel computer for half a month.,and i am the first one in my class who own his homepage. forthermore,i am a person with great perserverence. during the days preparing for the first examination,i insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like.and just owning to this,i could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end. well ,in my spare time ,i like basketball, tennis and chinese chess. also english is my favorate.i often go to english corner to practise my oral english on every thursday,and write compositions to improve my witten ability .but i know my english is not good enough ,i will continue studying. ok, that is all,thank you for your attention.



范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:翻译,服务,全文共 4710 字

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住 所 地:____________


联系电话:____________ 传 真:____________


住 所 地:____________



电话:____________ 传 真:____________


项目进行翻译(笔译、口译)服务工作,并支付相应的翻译服务报酬。双方经过平等,在真实、充分地表达各自意愿的基础上,根据《中华人民共和国民法典》的规定,达成如下协议, 并由双方共同恪守。

第一条 甲方委托乙方进行翻译服务的内容如下:____________

1. 翻译服务的类型:____________笔译服务;

2. 甲方的笔译项目价款以"笔译服务订单"(本合同附件一)的形式由双方共同确认。翻译费用标准为:____________








第二条 翻译服务要求:____________

1. 乙方在收到甲方提交的订单后,应及时开展工作,并按约定的时间要求完成翻译工作。

2. 乙方按甲方给定的模板或原文档格式进行译文稿件排版编辑,包括图文、表格等的编辑,排版,最终完成稿件总体上应达到格式清晰、整齐,页面美观,整个文档风格统一;

3. 乙方执行翻译行业通用流程规范以确保文件翻译质量,乙方所提供的翻译服务应满足《中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 19682-20__》(翻译服务译文质量要求)相关规定;

4. 为确保乙方翻译服务能够达到甲方要求,在本合同签订时,乙方可应甲方书面要求进行试译,供双方核定并确认质量标准。如果甲方在收到试译稿后3日内未向乙方提出书面意见或建议,则该试译稿的质量标准将作为乙方今后的质量标准。

5. 译文中不应出现技术性错误,不能与原文意思相悖,专业词语表述应准确一致;文字表述符合相关专业的表达习惯与要求,目标语言与源语言在行文风格上一致;符号、量和单位、公式和等式需按照译文的通常惯例或国家有关规定进行翻译或表达,译者的注释使用恰当;

6. 对于笔译项目,乙方在向甲方交付工作成果后,若存在以下三类错误,乙方应对工作成果进行必要修改,并不得另行收费:____________

(1) 语法与单词拼写错误;

(2) 同一或同批稿件中前后用词或表达法不统一;

(3) 由于专业或背景知识不足发生的错误。

第三条 为保证乙方有效进行翻译服务工作,甲方应当向乙方提供下列工作条件和协作事项:____________

1. 甲方委托乙方翻译或进行其它方式处理的文件或资料中不得有违反国家法律或社会公德的内容,如果出现此种情形,甲方应承担相关责任并保证乙方不会因此而蒙受任何损失。否则乙方有权拒绝接受委托或要求甲方改正或有权随时单方解除本协议,并由甲方承担违约责任;

2. 甲方同意把技术资料电子稿或复印资料作为乙方的工作件提供翻译使用,保证提供待译资料图文清晰、内容完整,乙方应保证维持甲方提供资料的原始完整性;

3. 为保证翻译质量,甲方应尽可能协助乙方,包括但不限于向乙方提供翻译项目所需的参考资料,专业的固有、惯用译法,解答相关技术问题,必要时提供相关背景知识培训。

第四条 甲方向乙方支付翻译服务报酬及支付方式为:____________

1. 翻译服务费:____________

(1) 笔译项目为外文译成中文的,下订单时计算的费用为估算,最终以甲方采用的译文版本中文字符数为依据计算实际费用。

(2) 以甲方最后采用的译文版本为最终确定稿计算字符数,以电脑统计的中文字符数计算[Word-工具-字数统计-字符数(不计空格)]。如果中文稿为纸件,则以经双方确认的不计空格的中文字符数为准。翻译项目不涉及中文的,统计方式双方另行约定。

(3) 本合同服务费用按以上单价标准,以甲方订单要求的服务工作量计算。如翻译项目有特殊情况需要调整价格的,经甲乙双方一致后在订单中明确。

(4) 乙方因履行本合同而产生的加急费、特殊排版费、差旅费、交通费、食宿费等费用经甲乙双方一致后在订单中明确。

2. 翻译服务费由甲方选择以下 B 方式支付乙方。(根据确定的交易方式)


方式B. 甲方提交翻译服务订单的次月,向乙方全额支付上月的文件翻译服务费。


开户银行:____________ ; 地址:____________ ;

帐号:____________ ;

开户名称:____________ 。

第五条 双方确定因履行本合同应遵守的保密义务如下:____________

1. 保密内容:____________

(1) 乙方不得向第三方公开或传播(包括复制、影印和使用)甲方的任何文件资料、软件、档案、协议、技术和服务项目(口头的或文字的)以及其他任何形式的信息;

(2) 乙方同意所有甲方披露的资料都归甲方专有。乙方正在翻译的和已译好的文稿的专利权、版权、商业秘密,或其他知识产权项下的权利属于甲方所有,乙方无权处置;

(3) 乙方对甲方向第三方承诺的所有保密义务负有连带责任,即如果甲方因乙方泄密而被第三方追究责任,甲方将追究乙方责任。

(4) 乙方需执行甲方相关规定并积极配合,采取必要的防范措施来防止保密信息的泄露。

2. 涉密人员范围:____________项目管理员、翻译人员及其他接触此项目资料的所有工作人员。

3. 泄密责任:____________对违反本协议造成的后果,守约方有通过法律手段解决的权利,违约方应向守约方支付合同总额的10%作为违约金。

第六条 本合同的变更必须由双方一致,并以书面形式确定。

第七条 双方确定以下列标准和方式对乙方的翻译服务工作成果进行验收:____________

1. 乙方完成翻译服务工作的形式:____________笔译项目乙方可通过电子信箱、传真、邮寄、或当面交付的方式提交译文稿件;

2. 翻译服务工作成果的验收标准:____________依照本合同第二条第4款执行。

3. 翻译服务工作成果的验收方法:____________由甲方验收。

第八条 双方确定,在本合同有效期内,乙方利用甲方提供的技术资料和工作条件所完成的新的技术成果,归甲方所有。

第九条 双方确定,按以下约定承担各自的违约责任:____________

1. 乙方未能在工作期限内完成翻译项目,或虽已完成翻译项目,但需要重新修改而导致延期交稿,每迟延一日应按该翻译项目费用的3‰向甲方支付违约金,但工作期限延长征得甲方同意的除外。违约金总额不超过合同总额的10%。

2. 甲方应依本合同规定,按时支付乙方翻译费用,每迟延一日应按应支付而未支付金额的3‰向乙方支付违约金,但延期付款是由于乙方在先义务迟延履行导致的除外。违约金总额不超过合同总额的10%。

3. 出现以下情况可免除乙方责任且不影响本合同履行:____________






第十条 双方确定,在本合同有效期内,甲方指定 为甲方项目联系人,乙方指定 为乙方项目联系人。项目联系人承担以下责任:____________

1. 及时、定时沟通情况、协调处理有关问题;

2. 及时、定时向各自部门传递相关信息,保证信息的完整与准确;

3. 本合同第五条约定的保密责任;


第十一条 双方确定,出现下列情形,致使本合同的履行成为不必要或不可能,可以解除本合同:____________发生不可抗力。不可抗拒力因素主要指战争因素;地震、洪水等不可抗拒的自然灾害;非合同方责任而产生的影响合同方工作正常进行的火灾;国家公共强制性原因引起的合同方不能正常工作产生的延时。

第十二条 双方因履行本合同而发生的争议,应、调解解决。、调解不成的,依法向甲方所在地的人民法院起诉。

第十三条 与履行本合同有关的下列技术文件,经双方以 书面提交 方式确认后,为本合同的组成部分:____________

1. 技术背景资料:____________ 无 ;

2. 其他:____________ 无 。

第十四条 本合同经双方代表签字并加盖公司印章后生效。本合同一式 贰 份,双方各执一份。本合同附件(一)与本合同正文具有同等法律效力。本合同一切未尽事宜,由双方本着合作的愿望解决,必要时另行签订补充协议。

甲方:____________ (签章) 乙方:____________ (签章)

代表:____________ 代表:____________

_______年 _______月 _______日 _______年 _______月 _______日


















原稿格式:____________□ word文档;□ ppt文档;□ e_____cel表格;□ pdf文件。

其它格式:____________ 。

译稿格式:____________□ word文档;□ ppt文档;□ e_____cel表格;□ pdf文件。

其它格式请注明:____________ 。



字符数统计方法:____________□依合同约定。■ 双方约定为:____________ word统计栏,不计空格字符数。



其它费用(RMB):____________□加急费 ,□特殊排版费 ,□差旅费 ,□交通费 ,□食宿费 。






_______年 _______月 _______日



_______年 _______月 _______日

下单日期:____________ 订单号:____________



范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:翻译,全文共 2716 字

+ 加入清单









鉴于甲方拍摄的_____集电视连续剧《  》(暂定名,最终定名以通过审核的完成片片名___________为准,改变剧名和集数不影响本合同的效力及履行,以下简称该剧)外文翻译事宜,拟聘请乙方担任该剧外文翻译等相关后期工作,经甲、乙双方充分协商,达成以下协议,以兹共同信守。

第一条  聘用期限


第二条  乙方的工作



2.该合同甲方交付乙方的全部外文翻译工作,校对后交付给甲方的最后截止日期为:年 月 日。




第三条  乙方报酬

经甲、乙双方友好协商,甲方同意支付乙方除日文外其它各外文语种的全部翻译费用为人民币: 元整(¥ 元),该费用为乙方的全部费用(该费用工作范围指合同中第二条第一项包括的内容),甲方不再增加本合同协议以外的任何费用及报酬。

酬金支付方式:甲方支付的款项汇给乙方指定账号(或现金支付)。乙方指定账号附后 (手续费乙方自理)。如遇节假日,付款时间顺延。全部翻译工作完成并由甲方验收通过后,支付乙方最后一笔酬金,并且乙方应将本合同交还甲方,如乙方不能退还此合同,甲方不予支付乙方最后一笔酬金。









第四条  有关版权


第五条  甲方的权利和义务




第六条  乙方的权利和义务




第七条  保密义务


第八条  违约责任及合同的解除



第九条  其它





另附: 附件:乙方身份证复印件

甲方(盖章):______________________   乙方(盖章):______________________

甲方代表(签字):__________________   乙方代表(签字):__________________

签约日期:________年______月_____日    签约日期:________年______月_____日
