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孔庙里建有一座奇特的木牌坊,远看就像高高的彩楼。它用12根红木柱支撑,三层棋形斗檐式木质结构,拔地而起,上面彩绘花纹图案和二龙戏珠,是明代建筑,也叫太和元气坊。按当时规格建造法,本来应该把牌坊设在孔庙门外。这座牌坊是由西岳庙迁建过来的,由于门外是城墙,选不出合适的地方,便只好 “屈就”在这里了。
















唐睿宗李旦铸钟,是为了纪念他的哥哥中宗李显。李显和李旦是唐高宗李治和武则天的三、四子,这两人都做过短时间的皇帝。唐代兴建的钟楼,毁于战火之中。明太祖朱元漳洪武十七年(公元1384年),在迎样观原址上又新建一座3层高的钟楼,悬钟子上层中央,早晚敲钟报时。这座钟移到陕西省博物馆后, 1964年参加了在日本举办的世界名钟展,被选入世界名钟之列。每年除夕,中央人民广播电台播出的第一声钟响,即是景云钟钟声的录音;西安电报大楼的方形大钟报时的钟声也是景云钟的录音。









亭子上中央“碑林”两字传说是林则徐写的。亭内竖立着唐玄宗的《石台孝经碑》。它是由唐玄宗李隆基亲自作序、注释并书写,由宰相李林甫、国子祭酒李齐古主持,于唐玄宗李隆基天宝四年(公元745年)镌刻而成的御碑。整座碑是由高590厘米,宽120厘米的4石结体而成。碑冠、碑身、碑座,共用 35块巨石组合。碑文用隶书书写,字体雍容爽朗,端庄大方,很值得游客们观赏、临摹和研究。碑冠上雕刻神龙,碑座上线刻双狮和卷草纹饰的三层石台垒起,显得庄重魁伟,气象不凡。据说当年碑刻好后,李齐古把拓本呈给唐玄宗过目,唐玄宗又写上了“孝者,德之本”鞠批文。






如果说西安碑林是中国古代书法艺术的百花园,那么颜真卿的书法则是一朵争奇斗艳的奇葩。颜真卿是怎样一个人?他是盛唐时期的著名书法家,官至平原太守、太子太师等职,为唐朝名垂千古的忠烈大臣,人称“颜平原”。他一生为人刚毅正直,屡遭权奸陷害与排斥,最后为维护唐朝统一,以身殉国,被人尊称为 “颜鲁公”。颜真卿善楷书和行草,他博采众家之长、独创自己风格的书法艺术,把民间酝酿已久的书法革新推向了高潮。他一生留下来的书法作品有70多种,在西安碑林这座书法艺术的殿堂里,陈列的颜真卿真迹有6处。如第二室中的《多宝塔感应碑》,是颜真卿为千福寺和尚楚金一书写的墓碑,44岁时书写。其特点是字体端正,苍劲有力,结构严密,更多地保留了晋和初唐楷书的风格。还有挥洒自如的《颜氏家庙碑》、劲挺豁达的《争座位稿帖刻石》均在第二室,浑厚雄健的《臧怀恪碑》、气势磅磅的《郭家庙碑》、丰润饱满的《颜勤礼碑》均在第三室。游客们可以根据颜体发展的不同阶段去体会、去感受。




现在我们先看褚遂良的《大唐三藏圣教序碑》。褚遂良是杭州人,唐太宗时曾任中书令、诗书等职,为官清正,深受皇恩。太宗晚年,托身后大事于他,可见这位唐初四大书法家之一的话遂良不同于一般大书法家。只是他后来反对唐高宗立武则天为后,被贬为爱州刺史。请遂良写的位唐三藏圣教序碑》共有两处3 通,一处是镶在大雁塔台上的《大唐三藏圣教序》和《大唐三藏圣教序记》。另一处就是眼前这通《同州三藏圣教序碑》了。那么游客看到这里会问:褚遂良为何要写3通圣教序碑呢?传说,唐太宗时期,李世民令褚遂良当场书写《大唐三藏圣教序碑》和《大唐三藏圣教序记碑》。事后,请遂良自己感到在皇帝面前书写碑文过于拘谨,现场发挥得不够理想,便又重写了一通《大唐三藏圣教序碑》,世称《同州三藏圣教序碑》。






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蒲牢鸣天 神龟引月(海狮吞月、神龟)

















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Believe that everyone heard of bao zheng, he is a impartial officials, to be honest and clean, many animated films, TV show him. This summer holiday, my parents and I went to visit his hometown - hefei, feeling his special charm.

In hefei, I must go to hatosy park to take a look at. Into the hatosy park, will meet head-on guided a group of tourists. Guides to show visitors: "we in the river, called hatosy, a total of 15 hectares of the water. The fish in the water, the back color is black, called tough fish; the lotus root, in the water cut is said to have to pull out silk, called selfless lotus root. These together is called the untouchables. The river a vivid interpretation of baos character and quality." I listen to the tour guide also beside the introduction, I understand the knowledge, also enable me to further understand the significant influence to the later generations "bao zheng" spirit.

Those who go after, we continue to move forward. I saw a gate hanging on a plaque, it reads "BaoXiaoSu male shrine". Began to also dont understand what meaning, listen to the mothers explanation, I didnt know, "filial piety mood is bao died people addressed to him. The male temple, a golden bao zheng big statue stands in the center of the hall, both sides still stand dynasty, mahan, get, yan-fang. In the left of "leading", "tiger", "dog" three Zha, is dark and solemn. Take photos with people here. In addition, on the statue and hanging five tablets, and inscription respectively for "guang Yang vital qi", "color is cold mountain", "straight" of the century, clean "justice" and "cool breeze bright day", they gave praise baos personality and sentiment.

Then, we went to the "CV 23", "liufang pavilion", "rings back porch" and "the wind pavilion". Standing on the "wind pavilion" overlooking the distant scenery is really good.

By the way, we also went to "packet cemetery". Into the tomb, a chill. Cliff in QiYou side wall on each side, with 24 filial piety stories, I was particularly impressed with the carp lying ice o, cry bamboo raw bamboo shoots, traces of "orange", they are both in the interpretation of the meaning of "filial piety", praising bao zheng is a model of filial piety family, elders. Burial chamber head on a glass door, there are baos coffin and relics, many people came to visit. Looked at bao zheng had left by the ruins, we also miss the impartial "bao zheng".

Visited hatosy park, I think, we all should learn to zheng make a man of integrity.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1286 字

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The strange pines,absurd stones, sea of clouds and hot springs are the four wonders of Mt. Huangshan.

Strange pines

Huangshan pines are seen in every corner of Mt. Huangshan. You will be amazed by their vitality and strength. The seeds fall into the crevices where they take root and grow with great vigor. The uneven terrain prevents the pines from growing upright. Instead they become crooked and even downward. Another feature of Huangshan pines is that many trees grow branches on one side only. The pines grow very slowly due to the poor soil and climatic conditions. A tree less than 3 meters (9.84feet) high may have grown for over one hundred years or even several hundred years. The root of a pine is several times or several dozens times longer than the trunk, therefore Huangshan pines stand firmly with dignity, withstanding wind and rain. Every pine is unique though: Guest-Greeting Pine (in front of the stone lion of the Jade Screen Pavilion in the Jade Screen Scenic Area), Guest-Goodbye Pine (to the right of the Jade Screen Pavilion), Cushion Pine at Lotus Valley, Phoenix Pine at the Sky Sea, Chessboard Pine at Pingtian Stone Bridge, Kylin Pine between Bei Hai Hotel and the Refreshing Terrace, Black Tiger Pine and Sea Exploring Pine are among the most famous ones.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 601 字

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法门寺珍宝馆,位于陕西省 扶风县城北,东距西安110公里,西宝、法汤高速公路贯通,交通条件十分便利。法门寺因安置佛祖 释迦牟尼指骨 舍利,为华夏王朝所拥戴而成为我国古代四大佛教圣地之一。唐代尊奉法门寺佛指舍利为护国真身舍利,曾有八位皇帝每三十年开启一次法门寺地宫,迎舍利于皇宫供养。

1987年4月3日发现法门寺唐代地宫,在地下沉睡1120xx年的辉煌灿烂的唐代文化宝藏――佛教世界千百年来梦寐以求的佛祖 释迦牟尼真身指骨舍利、李唐王朝最后完成的大唐佛教密宗佛舍利供养曼茶罗世界以及数千件李唐皇室供佛绝代珍宝得以面世,这批文物包括:四枚佛祖释迦牟尼真身指骨舍利,这是20xx年以来世界仅存的佛指舍利;唐皇室供奉的一百二十一件(组)金银器;首次发现的唐皇室秘色瓷系列;米至古罗马等地的琉璃器群;上千件荟萃唐代丝织工艺的丝(金)织物,其中包括 武则天等唐皇帝后绣裙、服饰等均是稀世珍宝;这些奇珍异宝数量之多、品类之繁、等级之高、保存之完好是极为罕见的。

这是继半坡、秦兵马俑之后我国又一次重大考古新发现,是世界文化史上一件幸事20xx年博物馆又新建成四大陈列“法门寺历史文化陈列”、“法门寺佛教文化陈列”、“法门寺唐密 曼荼罗文化陈列”、“法门寺大唐珍宝陈列”和“法门寺唐代茶文化陈列”。20xx年以来,法门寺文化景区已成为陕西西线旅游的龙头单位和世界佛教朝拜中心、佛教文化研究中心和海内外人士向往的旅游胜地。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4889 字

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Taigu County, located in the central part of Shanxi Province, is located inthe Jinzhong Basin. It was founded in the Western Han Dynasty. It has a longhistory and developed culture and commerce. It is one of the birthplaces ofShanxi merchants with a long history. It is the birthplace of Bai Juyi, a poetin the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and the birthplace of Kong Xiangxi, a moderncelebrity. The well-known imperial medicine "Guilingji" and "dingkundan" wereproduced in Taigu. At the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty,Taigu became the financial and commercial center of Shanxi because of theconcentration of capital. It was known as "dry wharf" and "little Beijing".Taigu County has a total area of 1033.6 square kilometers and a total populationof 270000, including 450000 mu of arable land and 210000 agriculturalpopulation.

Taigu County has a warm temperate continental climate, with an averageannual temperature of 9.8 degrees Celsius, a frost free period of 175 days, arainfall of 462.9 mm, and a exploitable amount of groundwater resources of 9600cubic meters. The basic conditions of agriculture are good. Sanjin is famous forits abundant production of grain, cotton, oil, fruit, vegetables, meat, eggs andmilk. It is a commodity grain base county in Shanxi Province, an agriculturalhigh-tech industrial normal area, and a lean meat pig base in China. Taigu hasmore than 20__ industrial enterprises of various types. At present, it hasformed leading industries such as casting processing, fine chemical industry,agricultural machinery, building materials, agricultural and sideline productsprocessing, pharmacy, textile, transportation, etc. The tertiary industry, urbanand rural infrastructure and various social undertakings are booming, and theliving standards of urban and rural people are steadily improving. Taigu Countyis rich in agricultural and sideline products resources, with 45 mu of grainfield, which is suitable for the growth of various crops in the north, and isone of the eight most suitable regions for planting high-quality wine grapes inChina. In recent years, in addition to stabilizing the area of grain fieldsdominated by wheat and corn, we have vigorously developed special economic cropssuch as vegetables, fruits, pigments and wine grapes.

It has an annual output of 60 million kg of wheat and 50 million kg ofcorn, 90000 mu of vegetables, 140 million kg of jujube and walnut, 120 millionkg of fruit, 300 million kg of chrysanthemum and pepper, 3000 mu of Frenchgrapes and 3000 mu of grapes; In the aspect of animal husbandry, 206 large-scalebreeding areas have been formed, with 380000 pigs per year, 3 million chickensper year and 37 million kg of eggs per year. Communication is very convenient.The capacity of SPC exchanges in the city is 10000, and that in the countrysideis 5000. The number of telephone calls per capita ranked the top in theprovince. The wireless pager and mobile phone are unblocked, and the nationalnetwork roaming is realized. Science and technology, culture, medical and healthare developed. At the beginning of this century, Kong Xiangxi founded Mingxianschool in Taigu. At present, there are "one university and three specialschools" in Taigu County, including Shanxi Agricultural University and Taigunormal school, Jinzhong health school and Shanxi traffic technical school. Thereare also research units and military enterprises in Taigu County, such as ShanxiFruit Tree Research Institute, Shanxi biopharmaceutical factory, 753 factoriesof the Ministry of ordnance industry, 513 research institutes of the Ministry ofaerospace industry Industry, for our county to add a strong science andtechnology and cultural atmosphere. In terms of medical and health care, Shanxipsychiatric hospital, Jinzhong second hospital, peoples Hospital, traditionalChinese medicine hospital, staff hospital and other strong physiotherapy systemare established in the county.

The countys industry has initially formed five pillar industries, namely,malleable iron, agricultural machinery, chemical industry, building materialsand food. Among them, the annual output of Ma steel pipe accounts for 1/3 of thewhole country, and the famous products of Chinas high-quality flying elephantbrand agricultural vehicle, "far" brand turtle turtle age and Ding Kundan, sugaraldehyde, resin, maleic anhydride, sulfuric acid, cement, shovel, medicinal neckand bottle, dairy products, electric power fittings, plasterboard and otherfamous products. It enjoys high reputation in domestic and internationalmarkets. With a good agricultural foundation, large-scale planting, breeding,forestry and fruit industry have developed rapidly, becoming a well-knownhometown of melons, fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs and milk, and a base ofagricultural and sideline products. At the same time, business is booming andthe market is increasingly prosperous.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3638 字

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Shantang street is located in the northwest of the ancient city of Suzhou.It connects changmen, the first and second-class place of wealth in the world ofmortals, in the East and Huqiu, the first scenic spot in Wuzhong, in the West.The total length is 3600 meters. Therefore, it is called "qilishantang".

The second year of Tang Baoli in qilishantang (820_ Bai Juyi, a great poet,was transferred from Hangzhou to Suzhou governor. In order to facilitate thewater and land transportation in Suzhou, he built a Shantang River from Huqiu inthe west to changmen in the East. The road to the north of Shantang river iscalled "Shantang Street". Shantang River and Shantang Street are about seven Lilong, called "Qili Shantang". Since ancient times, Shantang street has beenknown as "the first street in Gusu". In 1762, Emperor Qianlong of the QingDynasty visited the south of the Yangtze River and wrote "searching for victoryin the mountain pond" in qilishantang. Today, the pavilion is still wellpreserved. Emperor Qianlong was fond of Qilishan pond. After returning toBeijing, he built Suzhou street in Houhu lake of the summer palace.

Qilishantang is the ancient golden powder land and downtown area of Suzhou(similar to the Confucius Temple in Nanjing), which is a new scenic spot fordevelopment.

Although it is difficult to duplicate the prosperity of the past, with theefforts of the government, we have finally restored a small river, severalcrescent stone bridges, and an ancient house with white walls and grey tiles onboth sides. It was evening when we arrived. Red lanterns were hung one by one inthe houses by the river. The red lanterns were reflected in the river with thefigure of the arch bridge. They were rippling gently. You could not helpsighing: This is Suzhou.

Shantang street and Shantang River have the typical features of JiangnanWater Town. Every family has the front street and the back river. Boats come andgo on the river, and there are many shops on the street. There are seven ancientbridges across the river: Shantang bridge, Tonggui bridge (also known as Ruiyunbridge), Xingqiao bridge, Caiyun bridge (also known as Bantang bridge), Pujibridge, Wangshan bridge (formerly known as Bianshan bridge) and xishanmiaobridge. There are eight ancient bridges running through the embankment: Baimubridge, maojia bridge, Tongqiao (Zeng Mingdong bridge, Shengan bridge), Baigongbridge, Qingshan bridge, Lushui bridge, Zuozi bridge and WanDian bridge. Thereare also eight bridges running through the other bank There are Tongshan bridge(xiaopuji bridge), Yinshan bridge, etc. Shantang bridge, Caiyun bridge, Bianshanbridge and Dongqiao bridge were built before Song Dynasty. Beside Tonggui bridgeis the mansion of Wu Yipeng, the Minister of the Ministry of officials inNanjing in Ming Dynasty. Xingqiao was once the most prosperous place forbusiness. The north and south of Xishan temple bridge are flower temple andXishan Temple respectively. The bridge is the intersection of Shantang River,dongshanbang and yefangbang. It is the place where boats gathered in those days.The garden on the east side of the bridge is fragrant with flowers. There aremany poems praising the scenery beside the bridge. For example, "consider thefragrance of flowers and plants at the end of the bridge, and the boat is drunkin the setting sun. The water beside the bridge is goose yellow, and the songgoes through the pond "The spring water in Bantang is as green as a blanket,which wins the reputation of the bridge. Outside the bridge, where the winecurtain is lightly raised, the sound of the Xiao drum of the boat painting is infull swing. "



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Hello, everyone! My name is Chen. You can call me director Chen. Welcome toLangshan Scenic Spot for sightseeing.

You see, its summer. Langshan is full of green trees. Its like weveentered a green fairy tale world.

Now, please get ready, we are going to start climbing!

Before that, Id like to introduce the peak of Langshan. First, Id like totalk about the "chili peak", which is 180 meters high. The "head" is big and the"foot" is small, just like a giant chili; Its said that before 20__, no onecould climb chili peak, not only because there was no way to climb chili peak,but also because it was impossible for ordinary people to climb up from the footof the mountain. In 20__, the French "Spiderman" actor climbed the chili peakfor the first time. Lets see, is chili peak really dangerous? There is camelpeak, 187 meters high, 8 meters long, 273 meters long, with two protrudingparts, just like the camels back, lifelike!

OK, I wont say more. Start climbing. Now we come to the "yixiantian". Myfriends, the "yixiantian" is more than 240 meters long. The widest place is 0 or8 meters, and the narrowest place is only 0 or 33 meters. One can only pass bysideways. There are cliffs on both sides. Please pass carefully

Come on, everyone. Were almost at Shanxiang. Heres one of the six wondersof Langshan: ten thousand whales make trouble in the sea. This scenic spot cantbe seen casually. It usually only appears in the early morning. Its not easy tosee this landscape. Friends who want to see it must come early. You see, thereare countless huge stone peaks and floating clouds, like thousands of whalesplaying in the sea.

Now, lets take a look at the Fuyi river with a bamboo raft. Look there.Its the general stone. Its very powerful and full of general spirit. Peopleliving in Langshan think that the general stone is the incarnation of a hero.Besides, there are woodpecker stones beside the general stone. Theres anotherstory about the general stone: once, a group of fierce enemies came from theSouth and slaughtered and plundered here. The "Zhennan general" guarding here isgreedy for life and afraid of death. At this time, a hero rose up and led thevillagers to fight by the Fuyi river with a hoe. They fought bravely and killedthe enemy to death. So the villagers here let him be the new "Zhennan general".This story has been widely spread.

Do you think Langshan is fun? If its fun, you should come here often!



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Welcome to here! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

The ends of the earth, unique scenery. Into the heart, that pair of springing up on the beach more than 10 meters high, more than 60 meters long green gray boulders suddenly into the eye. Two stone engraved with "tianya" and "cape", meaning the edge of the day, the end of the sea. Clear water, blue sky here in color, vast lake, why napa. Culture and coconut trees swaying, the stone forest. The engraved with "tianya", "cape", "south tianyi column", "sea to south day" stones more than south China sea, hainan special skill.

Came to the ends of the earth, except for sightseeing to the natural and humanistic landscape, believe that everyone will trigger a variety of lenovo and comprehension, "sea life bright moon, tianya" at this time of the family, "love you to the glebes old, accompany you to the end of the world" love, distance separates no bosom friends, "" friendship," alone on tall building, at the end of the world road "sad," tianya reduced people at the same time, why should meet had met "comfort," the end of the world where no fangcao "open-minded," the ends of the earth are not sharp, far more days "detachment, and" backward "mentality, and so on. Fusion of natural landscape and human emotion, it is the end of the worlds unique charm.

First, we went to the beach. Ready to ride boats to RiYueShi located at sea. On the boat, the wind blowing my face, and the seagulls flying on my head, boats passing rolled up heavy waves on the sea. In the sea, I cant express my joy for such an environment. Not for a moment, then to the RiYueShi. There are two pieces of stone like, like month. Appreciate for a while. And in a place called "the seas run dry and the rocks crumble. Unexpectedly, open boat people begin to blackmail to us, or take us straight to tianya stone, or charge a small boat to take us to 100 "the seas run dry and the rocks crumble and diaoyutai". We thought for a while, anyway to came, then continue to go to "the seas run dry and the rocks crumble. That is just a rock. Then went to the diaoyutai state guesthouse. There are lots of seafood to sell, are expensive. And the turtles. A man decides to 10 yuan. So start haggling. But still not settled at last. So we called up the open boat, sit on the left the diaoyutai state guesthouse. Straight toward the tianya stone on the shore. We came to cape tianya stone and stone. Two separate stone engraved with the end of the world and the cape. Legend has it that a couple in love of men and women, respectively from two feudal family, they love their ethnic opposition, and forced to flee to both jumped into the sea, into two pieces of stone, forever. Later generations to commemorate their firmness love, quartering "tianya" cape ", "then the men and women in love with" the ends of the earth forever at your feet "to show their own accomplishments.

Then we came to the "south tianyi column". "Tianya" "cape" two being walk about three hundred meters, a statue standing tall conical stone, like a magic at the sky, that is "south tianyi column" stone, about 7 meters high, look like a philosophers head, the side like a ship sets up "a ketch". The design is on the reverse of the fourth edition of RMB 2 "south tianyi column" here. Legend has it, it is "gong gong anger and touch not island, bl 10 fold, d the land" of "sky column," south alone were sent here to hold the day. Qing xuantong first year (1911), the time of the scarp state the year Fan Yun ladder is according to the above, inscribed copy of "south tianyi column" this four characters.



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Hello, everyone! Im very glad to be your guide. I hope my service canbring you convenience and happiness. Now, you can see Chengde Mountain Resort inHebei Province, which has been included in the world heritage list.

The summer resort, also known as Chengde Li palace or Rehe palace, islocated in the north of Chengde City Center in Hebei Province. It is a placewhere emperors of Qing Dynasty spent summer and dealt with government affairs.The summer resort was built in 1703, after three emperors of Qing Dynasty:Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong. It took about 90 years to complete. Summerresort is divided into palace area, Lake area, plain area and mountain area. Thepalace area is located on the South Bank of the lake, with a flat terrain. It isthe place where the emperor deals with government affairs, holds celebrationsand lives. It covers an area of 100000 square meters and consists of four groupsof buildings: the main palace, songhezhai, wangoufeng and the east palace. Thelake area is in the north of the palace area. The area of the lake includes ZhouIsland, which accounts for about 43 hectares. There are eight small islands. Thelake area is divided into different areas of different sizes with distinctlevels. The Zhou island is scattered and rippling, which is full of thecharacteristics of the land of fish and rice in the south of the YangtzeRiver.

I hope this tour will leave a deep impression on you.



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On a sunny Friday, the school organized all the teachers and students tohave a spring outing in Beigu mountain.

Spring outing that morning, we are very excited, just walked into theclassroom to see the students get together to imagine what spring outing willlook like. We walk to Beigu mountain. Along the way, the laughter of thestudents broke through the clouds, and everyones face was filled with a smileof expectation.

Entering the gate of Beigu mountain, we first went through a piece ofgrass, and then walked in, we saw a beautiful scene: a middle-aged uncle sittingon a big stone fishing, a stone bridge on the river, the gurgling water fromtime to time issued a clattering sound, as if to say to us: Welcome to Beigumountain. The green willows on the bank sprout. There are yellow, purple andwhite flowers on the bank, on the grass and under the corner Countless,beautiful! A breeze, the flowers issued a intoxicating fragrance.

After a tour in Beigu mountain, we found a wide place to camp. At first, wewere eating all the time, and sometimes we sent some to our teacher. But wecant eat all the time in spring outing. After teacher Lis suggestion, weplayed the traditional game - jumping cows rubber band. Song ruiyin took thelead. We jumped one by one. After standing, our feet couldnt move. If we moved,we would die. After a long time, we kicked shuttlecock again. Because everyonecan only play plastic shuttlecock, so no one dares to take the lead in kickingthis kind of feather shuttlecock. Everyone pushes it around. Miss Li hits athousand purple and she kicks three. Because someone started, the atmospherebecame active. I volunteered to raise my hand, but I only kicked two. Towardsnoon, we were ready to return. When we walked out of the gate, we reluctantlyshook hands with Beigu mountain.

This years spring outing is really interesting. Im looking forward tothis years autumn outing.



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Known to the world, places of historic interest and scenic beauty arelocated in the bustling bustling old city of Shanghai on the West Bank ofHuangpu River, North Road by blessing Road, East Anren street, and Shanghai TownGods Temple and Yu Garden shopping mall in the West. It is a world-famoussouthern Shanghai classical garden. Yu Garden is a famous classical garden inthe south of the Yangtze River. Yu Garden was built in the Ming Jiajing period.It was built by Pan Yunduan, a cloth governor in Sichuan in the Ming Dynasty. Ithas a history of more than 400 years.

As soon as I entered Yu Garden, I felt as if I was at the time of the lateMing and early Qing Dynasty. With the stream of people, I gradually walked intoa small square that could hold more than a thousand people. Standing in thesquare, there was a fan exhibition in the center, and some paintings andcalligraphy on the fan side, some of them were undulating, some were gracefuland graceful, some were soft and strong.

Looking around, the top of the 8-story Tianyu Building is Ninghui building.People stand on the painted attic to enjoy the picturesque scenery. On the frontis Huabao building. Every Spring Festival, people like to sit here to watch thepavilion. Behind them is Heye building, also known as the snack square. On theeast side of the small square is Town Gods Temple, the annual "three inspectionday", that is, the days when the God of the city is on patrol. The residents inthe Shanghai city are nine rooms in the house. All the residents are at theChristmas palace of the City God (March twenty-eight). All the businessmen inShanghai and Town Gods Temple, including the nearby temple, are all decoratedwith lanterns and lanterns, celebrating Christmas for the God of the city. If ithappens to be a holiday, it will form a scene of tourists gathering, pedestriansweaving and popularity.

Antithetical couplet, a Shao Huaze couplet hung on the two pillars besidethe gate along with the stream of people, and the ancient city of Town GodsTemple, the God of Pan Gongming, cast the essence of the century. Shen Cityfavours the old temple and rebuilds the glory of the century.

At this time, I was already intoxicated in the beautiful scenery.Unconsciously, I came to the Jiuqu bridge. There were a lot of people on thebridge. Under the bridge, fish were flying to the bottom. The quiet lake wascovered with green lotus leaves, like a dense emerald fan, which covered thelake tightly. On the surface of the lake, there are many colors floating, likesomeone scattering a string of pearls below. When the breeze blows slowly, theripples on the surface of the lake are as beautiful as the wrinkles of a newsatin.

The wall in the garden is winding and undulating. The top of the wall isdecorated with a dragons head, and is made of tiles to form a Lin shape, whichsymbolizes the dragons body. A pile of walls, like a dragon swimming, is calledthe dragon wall. In ancient China, the dragon is the symbol of feudal emperors,which can not be used for decoration on buildings. Yu Garden was built at theend of the Qing Dynasty when the dragon wall was built, and the Dragon had onlythree or four claws to avoid the suspicion of "five claw Golden Dragon".Dianchuntang was the North command post of Shanghai Xiaodaohui uprising army in1853. Yulinglong is a 4-meter-high, exquisitely carved stone standing in frontof Yuhua hall. It is said to be a relic of huashigang in Song Dynasty. The mainbuilding of Sansui is the Sansui hall. The building is spacious. It was theplace where the host held a banquet. In addition, a pair of iron lions of theYuan Dynasty, an old vine of more than 300 years old and a Ginkgo biloba of morethan 400 years old are also worth watching in the garden.

Its ancient and long history, its folk style of color and flavor makesShanghai the most famous tourist attraction in Shanghai.



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Welcome to! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x.For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me firstintroduce you.

Changsha media power is can not be ignored, the domestic mainstream media"hunan TV station in changsha kaifu district is located in the" horse barmountain, in addition, changsha, outdoor media, newspapers and magazines inmedia, and digital network media has hugely increased, changsha entertainmentmedia has been becoming a powerful media of mainland China, and even the world.Hunan satellite TV to mainland China earning the most-watched local TV stations,and the snare a large number of famous host and media workers. The main worksare "happy camp", "day day up", "Im a singer" "where dad" drama "the princesshuanzhu", etc.

"Super girl" and "happy boys" talent show held successfully and "dae janggeum", "xuanyuan sword", "(and) see the meteor shower together the mostbeautiful time, such as TV broadcast and further enhance the influence. Hunaneconomic TV as one of the most popular television hunan native, its ratings andsupport all does not matched with hunan satellite TV. Hunan via visual focus onlocal audience, so there are often broadcast with local characteristics ofhunan. Such as variety show more policy more happy, family film "a last-bornsrushed forward" and so on. With qinghai TV in 20__ launched a talent showblossoming flowers, it is a new revision test broadcasts in 20__ launched acivil draft activities, aimed at mining the excellent talents, provide theplatform. The development of Chinas domestic animation in changsha is quickly,this also makes the government is determined to build animation. Stateadministration of radio, film and the first approval of nine animation industrybase, changsha two exclusive.

Golden eagle TV festival in China, changsha as the permanent home, the goldis one of the most important award for Chinese film and television. Changshainfluential newspaper issued by the local newspaper "sansho metropolis daily","changsha evening news", "xiaoxiang morning post, a national newspaper Titansports, and female today newspaper, have repeatedly received" national localnewspaper management advanced unit "title. Titan sports for sports, Chinasbiggest circulation newspaper.

With the continuous development of Internet and computer technology, thetraditional media is turning to the Internet development, major newspapers haveintroduced electronic web version, make people read more efficient, moreconvenient access to information channels, including "sansho metropolis daily","hua sheng electronic online", "xiaoxiang morning herald", "changsha eveningnews", "stars online electronic loved by people. At the same time variousnetworks and changsha, changsha classified information network, Massachusettsare constantly emerging, common prosperity with changsha Internet economy.

Changsha of Buddhism, Taoism, Catholicism, protestantism, Islam, five majorreligions, religious staff of nearly 300 people, tens of thousands of people, bebaptized and to convert believers followers more than 100000 people. Yamaderafoothill, kaifu temple, temple, stone frost temple, cloud palace, scroll view,green yangshan monastery where foothill, mosques, Catholic church and theChristian north hall 10 religious site is listed as key religious activityplaces at or above the provincial level, the foot yamadera, kaifu temple,temple, stone frost temple monastery, one thousand of which yamadera foothilland kaifu temple is one national key temples of Buddhism in the han nationality;Yamadera foothill, kaifu temple, temple, narathiwat temple, north main street tothe north of the Catholic church, Christian church and Christianity church 7 inreligious activities such as site is listed as key cultural relics protectionunits in hunan province. As the provincial capital, changsha is a municipalreligious group is located, is also the seat of the provincial religious groups,religious people are relatively concentrated.

During the period of the republic of China, changsha have GuKaiFu temple,west yamadera, waring temple, temple, grace temple Lin, valley yamadera, GaoShantemple and tung creek temple known as the "changsha eight big jungle". Becauseexperience Wen Xi fire, after four changsha battle, the "cultural revolution",such as disaster, many temples were destroyed, in recent years, there is a smallpart of the temple rebuilt, such as the taniyama Po lam temple. Very strongGuKaiFu temple, incense every year. Also have the foot of the ancient capitalcity yamadera; Hongshan temple area YouHong yamadera; Ningxiang has a secrettemple, etc., are all important temples in changsha area. Changsha people alsolove to hengshan nanyue temple incense worshipping Buddha, for the purpose ofprayer. Taoist shrine in xingsha Lang pear town narathiwat temple, began in thenorthern and southern dynasties, more than 1500 years ago.

Due to the eight years war of resistance, Wen Xi fire and brokencapitalism, changsha urban area ancient relics of ancient almost wiped out. In1978 the mainland since the reform and opening up was carried out by the rapiddevelopment of urban construction, but there is no full consideration of thehistorical block protection, does not yet exist full of historical and culturalblocks, the remaining four complete granite street. Begin to pay close attentionto in recent years, the ancient city of rescue, set up five protective rescue"historical and cultural blocks, the blocks are: taiping street, tide of street,small order, Simon, historical and cultural blocks as pavilion.

Changsha rich underground cultural relics, important archaeological findshave writing in changsha, ningxiang charcoal relics of bronze ware in the river,but floor slips of changsha, the spring and autumn period and the warring statesperiod age hunan, copper kiln, etc.



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该馆陈列大楼建筑面积11580平方米,文物库房4156平方米。馆藏文物有历代铜、陶、瓷、金、 银、玉器、货币、书画、民俗、砖雕石刻、文房四宝、革命文物及社会主义建设时期的文物等,总计104684件。其中古籍109126册 (其中善本书8000余册),一级藏品135件。藏品中最具特色的,是历年来安徽各地出土的商周青铜器,如寿县蔡侯墓出土的莲瓣铜壶,通高80厘米,器形高大,盖顶作镂空的莲瓣形,颈部有对称的兽形双耳,四兽作足,造型生动,为春秋时期少见的艺术珍品;寿县楚王墓出土的楚大鼎,通高113厘米,口径87厘米,重约400千克,形体高大,是现存周代以来最大最重的鼎,仅次于1939年河南安阳出土的商代司母戊大鼎。该馆珍藏的古代瓷器 有1963年宿松县北宋(1087)墓中出土的青白瓷注子与注碗,注子高20.2厘米,碗高13.9厘米,是景德镇青白瓷中少见的佳作,也是宋瓷断代中的珍贵标准器物。铁画是中国传统工艺美术中的一种,具有立体感和独特的艺术风格,馆藏清初铁画名家梁在邦的作品《芦蟹图》,是铁画中的代表作。

安徽省博物馆 - 博物馆珍藏该馆陈列以地方历史为重点,有《安徽古代史》、《安徽革命史》和《安徽古生物化石》三个基本陈列。1981~1986年6月,该馆先后举办各种展览120多个,每年观众15~22万人次。1984年4月,《安徽古代文房四宝展》曾在日本东京展出。


科研室与中国科技大学合作的科研项目“激光全息文物 无损检测”,获得了文化部科技成果表扬奖和安徽省人民政府颁发的科技成果三等奖。




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Tang Furong garden is the first Tang culture theme park. The largest waterscreen film in the world. The largest artificial sculpture community in China.The worlds largest and most advanced water fire landscape show. The longestcorridor of Tang culture in China. "Dream back to the Tang Dynasty" large scalesong and dance appreciation. The first five senses (vision, hearing, smell,touch and taste) park in China. The worlds largest outdoor fragranceproject.

Tang Furong garden is located in Qujiang New District, Southeast of Xian.It was built to the north of the original Tang Furong garden site, with a totalinvestment of 1.3 billion yuan. It covers an area of 1000 mu, including 300 muof water. It is a large-scale theme museum park with water as the core,integrating experience, sightseeing, leisure, catering and entertainment, andconcentrating Tang culture. Zhang Jinqiu, academician of Chinese Academy ofengineering, is responsible for overall planning and architectural design, whileAkiyama Akiyama, a Japanese landscape architect, is responsible for landscapedesign. Tang Furong garden aims to build a "garden of history, spirit, nature,humanity and art". In particular, more than ten experts from Tang LiteratureSociety of China, including Tang history, Tang poetry, Tang painting, Tang Jian,doctoral tutors, researchers and tourism experts, are invited to re excavate andreorganize the historical and cultural contents of Tang Furong garden Thelandscape of the park has been re planned and re positioned, and has beendivided into 12 landscape cultural expression areas

1. The cultural theme of Damen: creating the spirit of flourishing age anddreaming back to the Empire of Tang Dynasty. Awe the tourists with grandmomentum. You can see the grand scene of the Tang Dynasty. Emperors hometown,dream back to Tang Dynasty. To achieve a theme, a feature, a landscape.

2. The theme of diplomatic culture: the spirit of inclusiveness. It showsthe frequent exchange of diplomatic envoys from various countries at that timeand the commercial cultural atmosphere of "merchants gathering, internal andexternal accommodation" among the people. It shows the prosperous scene of "fourtreasures, all gathered together" in front of the tourists, so that the touristscan personally feel the prosperous era of exchanges between the world and theTang Empire in the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

3. Tea culture theme: three Lu Yu scriptures, seven Lu Tong tea, meetingfriends in the window, savoring Zen tea, laughing at Qu Jiangbo, indifferent anddetached. It shows the tea ceremony culture of Tang Dynasty. From thedevelopment history of world tea culture, both Japanese tea ceremony and Chinesetea ceremony originated in the Tang Dynasty. "Tea ceremony" began to spread anddevelop after it was put forward in Tang Dynasty.



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潍坊世界风筝博物馆(原潍坊风筝博物馆)是我国第一座大型风筝博物馆,建筑面积8100平方米,建筑造型选取了潍坊龙头蜈蚣风筝的特点,屋脊是一条完整的组合陶瓷巨龙,屋顶用孔雀兰琉璃瓦铺成,似蛟龙遨游长空伏而又起,设计风格在国内独树一帜。 潍坊世界风筝博物馆旨在收藏、陈列古今中外的风筝珍品及有关风筝的文物资料。


此外,我馆还设有书画、民俗、奇石、工艺品、景德镇精品瓷器等展厅,生动展示了中华民族璀灿文化所独具的艺术魅力。 “银线连四海,风筝传友谊”风筝文化的吸引力把您与我们潍坊风筝博物馆联结起来,祝愿风筝展览能给您留下深刻而美好的印象。



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Mount Qomolangma, which means "Virgin Mary" in Tibetan, is the highest peakin the world at an altitude of 8848 meters. It is located on the border betweenChina and Nepal in the middle section of the Himalayas and just south of DingriCounty in Xigaze, Tibet. The peak is covered with snow all the year round, aholy scene. Mount Qomolangma area has four peaks more than 8000 meters and 38peaks more than 7000 meters, which is known as the third level of the earth.

At the foot of Mount Qomolangma, there is Rongbu temple, the highest templein the world. At the same time, Rongbu temple is also the best place to watchMount Qomolangma, with a straight-line distance of 25 km.

Mount Qomolangma is a typical fault block rising peak. There is a thrustbelt between the basement of Precambrian metamorphic rock series and theoverlying sedimentary rock series. The upper part of the peak is the earlyOrdovician or Cambrian Ordovician calcareous rock series (the peak is graycrystalline limestone), and the lower part is the Cambrian argillaceous rockseries (such as phyllite, schist, etc.), with the intrusion of granite andmigmatite dikes. The strata incline to NNE with gentle dip angle. Since the endof transgression in the middle Eocene, Mt. Qomolangma has been rising rapidly,and it has risen about 3000 meters since the late Pliocene. Because the Indianplate and the Asian plate take 5. The speed of 08cm compresses each other, sothat the whole Himalayas are still rising, and Mount Everest also rises by about1. 27 cm. The valley glaciers of Mt. Qomolangma are well developed. There aremany large-scale valley glaciers distributed radially around the mountain. Thereare 18 glaciers with a length of more than 10 km, and the end elevation is3600-5400 M. Among them, the three major glaciers in the north slope, namely,zhongrongbu, xirongbu and dongrongbu glaciers, and their more than 30 small andmedium-sized glaciers, are the most prominent. The glacier covers an area ofabout 1600 square kilometers within 5000 square kilometers around MountQomolangma. In the tongue region of many large glaciers, there are also icetower forests. Ancient glacial activity remains such as ancient ice bucket,glacial trough valley, glacial or glacial water erosion accumulation platform,lateral moraine and final moraine ridge are also common. It is characterized bystrong cold and frost weathering, jagged rocks at the summit, towering anddangerous corner peaks and edge ridges, and rock debris slopes or sea. Specialperiglacial landforms such as stone ring and stone fence are formed by repeatedthawing and freezing of soil surface.



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Longxing Temple was originally the Longteng garden of yanmurongxi in theSixteen Kingdoms period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. In 586, Emperor Wen of theSui Dynasty rebuilt the temple in the garden, which was called longzang temple.It was renamed Longxing Temple in Tang Dynasty.

In the second year of Kaibao (969) of the Northern Song Dynasty, ZhaoKuangyin, the song Taizu, came to Hedong and stayed in Zhenzhou (laterZhengding). When he went to the Dabei temple in the west of the city, which wasfounded by the eminent monks of the Tang Dynasty, he learned that the originalbronze Bodhisattva was four feet and nine feet high, and that there were twocalamities in the later Han Dynastys Khitan invasion and the Later ZhouDynastys destruction of the Buddha to cast money In Longxing Temple of thecity, the body of the great compassion Bodhisattva was recast and the greatcompassion pavilion was built. The project was started in the fourth year ofKaibao (971) and completed in the eighth year of Kaibao (975). With this as themain body, the central axis layout was adopted for Daxing expansion, forming aSong Dynasty architectural complex with north-south depth, large-scale andmomentum.

In 1858, the palace on the west road was occupied by the Catholic Church,and the buildings on the middle and East roads were also damaged. There are fewvisiting monks in the temple, and the gate is deserted.

In 1961, it was announced by the State Council as a national key culturalrelics protection unit.



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Hello everyone! Welcome to Dongjiang Lake scenic spot in Chenzhou,Hunan!

(singing) "the clear Dongjiang River flows southward day and night. Overthe mountains, over the fields... "

This song must be very familiar to everyone. It is composed by Wang Yougui,a famous Chenzhou composer, and sung by Zhang Ye, a famous Hunan singer. Thissong has beautiful melody, fresh content and sweet singing. Its been a longtime since I heard it!

Dongjiang Lake is located in Zixing City in the east of Chenzhou City,Hunan Province, about 40 kilometers away from Chenzhou City. It is a scenic spotwith mountains, water, islands, caves, rafting and water entertainment. In 1991,Dongjiang Lake was identified as the key scenic spot and tourist resort in HunanProvince. In 1996, it was rated as the best tourist resort in Hunan Province. In1998, it was listed as the national key scenic spot of "Qingshan Xiushui Tour"by the National Tourism Administration. Confucius, a great thinker in ancientChina, once said: "benevolent people enjoy mountains, wise people enjoy water."Dongjiang Lake is a place with mountains and water, which complement each other.In addition, a large number of water amusement projects developed andconstructed in recent years can fully meet the needs of different tourists. Ibelieve that todays friends will be able to "come and go with pleasure"!

The whole Dongjiang Lake scenic spot covers an area of 200 squarekilometers and consists of eight scenic spots, including Xiaodongjiang,Longjing, Douri Island, Yongcui gorge, Huangcao, dongjingzhai, Bailong andPingshi water sports area.

Dongjiang River belongs to the upper reaches of Leishui river. DongjiangRiver is formed by the construction of Dongjiang Hydropower Station. Due to thecascade development of Leishui, a small hydropower station has been built here.From here up to the Dongjiang dam, it is the 12 km long Xiaodongjiang river. Ifyou come to see Xiaodongjiang in the early morning or dusk between April andNovember, you can see that the river is covered with clouds, like a white jadebelt lingering gently between the green mountains and green waters, which makesyou feel like you are in a fairyland. This is the most famous landscape ofXiaodongjiang - "misty little Dongjiang". When the sun rises in the east or themoon rises in the middle of the sky, the light of ten thousand Zhang pours down,the small Dongjiang River is sparkling, and it looks like a fair lady who hasbeen lifted her veil. She looks forward to life and has all kinds of manners.Such a beautiful scenery has attracted countless photographers, some of whichhave won awards in national competitions.

Speaking of this, some friends may ask: why does the Xiaodongjiang riverform such a beautiful scenery? In fact, the cause of the "misty little DongjiangRiver" is similar to the famous "Jilin rime" in China, which is caused by thetemperature difference of the river water. The water of Xiaodongjiang riverflows out from the bottom of the lake more than 100 meters deep in the upstreamDongjiang dam. The water temperature is maintained at 8-10 ℃ all the year round,while the water temperature in the downstream is about 20 ℃. As a result, thewater of the Xiaodongjiang lake is hot in the morning and hot in the evening,forming a layer of water mist on the surface of the lake. In addition, thevegetation on both sides of the lake is luxuriant and the air is humid, soclouds often form on the water surface.

Please pay attention to the rocks. There is a waterfall falling from thesky. This is Hougu mountain waterfall. Hougushan waterfall is 39 meters high andkeeps running all year round. In summer and autumn, the water is turbulent, thewaterfall falls on the rocks, turns into thousands of jade beads and falls intothe lake. In addition, the wall of the nearby mine is covered with waterfallcurtains, which is like silver rolling, which is very pleasing to the eye. Inwinter and spring, when the water flow decreases, the waterfall falls slowlyfrom the top of the mountain, which is particularly enchanting. No wondersomeone wrote a poem praising: "the ancient monkey mountain cliff scenery isquiet, and the blue water hangs on the shore forever. Suspected dragon poolspray snow, like the sky hang fly flow

Well, now we have reached the viewing platform of Dongjiang dam. Pleasesee, standing in front of you is Dongjiang dam, the first double curvature andthin shell arch dam designed and built in China. The Dongjiang dam is 157 metershigh, 35 meters thick at the bottom, 7 meters thick at the top and 438 meterslong at the center of the dam crest. With novel structure, beautiful appearanceand magnificent momentum, the dam ranks the second among similar dams in theworld and the first in Asia. Dongjiang dam is a key project during the SeventhFive Year Plan period, with a total investment of 1.08 billion yuan. It took 11years to break the ground in 1978, close the sluice in 1986, generateelectricity by the first unit in 1987 and put all four units into operation in1990. Dongjiang Hydropower Station has a total installed capacity of 500thousand kilowatts and an annual power generation capacity of 1 billion 320million kilowatts. It is the most ideal peak load compensation power plant inCentral China Power Grid and the best hydropower station in the country. Itsfirst generating unit is only 250 days old, and its economic benefit isequivalent to the total investment of the power station.

"Cut off Dongjiang River, high gorge out of Pinghu." Dongjiang dam also hasan amazing landscape. When the gate is opened for flood discharge, the upstreamreservoir water runs out of the two ski spillways under high pressure in aninstant, and then flies into the sky, turns into rain and fog, and bursts outfive colors of rays under the sunlight, just like a jade dragon spitting beads,which is magnificent and magnificent. Anyone standing at the bottom of thevalley and looking up, cant help reciting the two famous lines of Li Bai:"flying down 3000 feet, its suspected that the Milky way is falling ninedays."

Now, please go to Dongjiang wharf. Dongjiang wharf is the main watertransportation outlet of Dongjiang Lake. It is also the first-class touristWharf in Hunan Province. Dongjiang is the main drinking water source of ChenzhouCity and Zixing city

Its Dongjiang lake that is shown to you. Seeing the wide water surface,the green mountains and the blue sky, do you have a feeling of yearning andwandering? The beautiful Dongjiang Lake has intoxicated countless tourists here.After visiting, Professor Li Yining, a famous economist, happily wrote a poem ofseven rhythms: "the reflection in the lake looks at the mountains, and thedrizzle makes the water cold. Small island boat welcome guests, old branches andnew leaves primrose. In front of the dam, I still remember the beautiful LijiangRiver. When the peak turns, I know that the world is wide. Fairyland is not adream. It falls on earth with the wind. "

Song Zuying, a famous Hunan singer, once used her sweet voice to sing thesong of Dongjiang all over China. After seeing the scenery of Dongjiang Lake, XuPeidong, a famous composer, created "come on, friend!" which is well-known byChenzhou people: "the wind here is gentle, the clouds here are long; themountains here are steep, the water here is shy; the wine here is continuous,the people here are romantic. Come on! Come on! To Chenzhou... "

Dongjiang Lake is a large man-made lake in central and southern China, witha coastline of 738 kilometers, a total area of 160 square kilometers, a maximumwidth of 4 kilometers, a maximum depth of 130 meters, and a water storagecapacity of 8.12 billion cubic meters. It is commonly known as "Dongting" insouthern Hunan. With the construction of Dongjiang Hydropower Station, the lakeinundated 72000 mu of cultivated land and 137000 mu of mountain forest in 11towns and 67 villages, with a total of 57000 immigrants. Zixing people have madegreat contributions to national construction!

Wei Dongming, a writer who worked in Zixing, once wrote a poem describingChenzhous forest sea: "the winding water overlaps mountains; there are endlesstrees, neither cold nor hot; trees are money making trees, and mountains aretreasure pots." In fact, this poem is also a true portrayal of Dongjiang Lake.Dongjiang Lake is surrounded by lush vegetation and green mountains and waters.It is a good place for health care, recuperation and self-cultivation. No wondertens of thousands of tourists come to Dongjiang Lake every year!

Dongjiang Lake has many functions, such as power generation, flood control,shipping, water supply, breeding, tourism and so on. From the perspective oftourism, the scenery here can be summarized as "Xiong, Qixiu, you and Kuang".Although the lake is man-made, the scenery is heaven. Around the lake, there aremountains, forests, dams, waterfalls, islands, temples, caves, stones and so on,forming a beautiful scene of crisscross mountains and rivers. To roam theeastern rivers and lakes is really "a boat in the lake, a man in the painting.".In addition, Dongjiang Lake is also a place of cultural scenery. As early as inancient times, Emperor Yan visited Dongjiang during his southern tour, andfamous generals such as Ma Yuan, the Fubo General of the Han Dynasty, also leftimmortal legends here. During the agrarian revolution, Mao Zedong, Zhu De, ChenYi and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation also foughtguerrillas here.

You can see that on the vast lake, there are also some green islands dottedall over the place. There are more than 30 islands in Dongjiang Lake, thelargest of which is Douri island.

Located in the center of the lake, with an area of 5.7 square kilometers,Douri island is the largest island in Hunan and the largest inland island inJiangnan. "Doulu" is a Taoist term, which means "contentment, wonderfulcontentment". Its the so-called "contented people are always happy". Afterseeing the wonderful scenery on the island, I believe everyone will be happyforever!

It is said that a long time ago, there was a dragon in Dongjiang River. Itoften made waves, which made the people miserable. Taishanglaojun, who lives inDouli palace in the sky, found out that it was a dragons crutch he lost whenmonkey king made havoc in the palace. So he summoned the stone lion in front ofthe alchemy furnace, threw it into the earth, and pressed it on the evil dragon.From then on, it became the island of Douli.

Legend belongs to legend, but Douri island does have aura. You can see thatthere are three lakes in the East, the South and the West converging to form thewidest section of Dongjiang Lake, which is in line with the old saying that thethree rivers are one. Because of this, as early as 1000 years ago, some peoplevisited the cave. In 1786, the 51st year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty, somepeople built a temple on it, but it was later destroyed. Before the constructionof the reservoir in the past, it was called "doulilingyan", which was the firstof the "eight sceneries of Zixing" in ancient times. It was also praised by XieYan of the Song Dynasty as "Tianxia cave is similar, but this cave isdifferent." After the Dongjiang reservoir impoundment, doubilingyan has becomean island in the lake, integrating mountains, water, caves, islands and temples.Outside the cave, there is clear water and blue sky, and inside the cave, thereare grotesque rocks. The scenery is really different!

Now we come to the entrance hall of Douri island. Why is there a big holeon the island? It turns out that like Wanhua rock, another famous landscape inChenzhou City, it is also formed by the long-term erosion of limestone byrunning water. The total length of the cave is 6 kilometers, with a total areaof 34000 square meters. There are caves in the cave, which are connected witheach other. The hall at the entrance of the cave is about 35 meters high and canaccommodate hundreds of people at the same time. There is a very striking placehere, which is this beautiful stalagmite. It is said that this is the Ruyigolden cudgel left by the monkey king at that time, that is, the dinghaishenneedle.

Walk forward through the hall and come to the second scenic spot - Yingbinhall. Here, a peacock is spreading its beautiful tail feathers to welcome you.Please look back. An old lady carrying her grandson is on her way in a hurry. Itturns out that they are in a hurry to see the carp jumping across the gate!

Now you are in the garden of flowers, but the flowers here are not ordinaryflowers, but coral flowers in the underwater world. Through the flowers, you canalso see that Taishang Laojun and Zhang Guolao in the eight immortals aredrinking and enjoying the flowers.

This is the narrowest place in the doubilingyan. Its only 30-40 Li wide.You can only wriggle past it. So people give it an interesting name: "Mr.sideways, Ms. wriggles.".

This is taishanglaojuns bedroom. Please see if these two sides are likecurtains made of pearls. This kind of hanging stone curtain is called "stonecurtain" in geology. According to the evaluation of American cave experts, theyhave seen many stone curtains in the world, but this is the most beautiful andspectacular one. Its not a mortal to be able to use such a curtain. Look, thedrunken emperor is sleeping in it!

Now I come to a place with a sad name - Lihen hall. Look, theres a womanover there with a baby in her arms and looking up. What is she looking at? Herhusband went fishing in Dongjiang Lake and drowned. The poor wife is stillwaiting, and finally turned into a watchmans stone. Alas! There are lovers inthe world!

After the sad parting, Id like to see something that makes people happy.There is a circus performing here. There are cute giant pandas, smart seals,scary cobras, and lively and lovely pugs It is said that there are 72 kinds ofanimals performing in this circus.

Now you are going to the largest hall in the cave. This hall is more than40 meters high and 70 meters wide, which is very rare in the world. There is atall stone pillar against the light in front. It is said that there is a 29meter high stone pillar in Huanglong cave in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, whichis known as the highest in the world. Our 36 meter high stone pillar is thehighest in the world!

The next place to enter is Huixian hall. As the name suggests, this is theplace to meet the immortal. First of all, you can see the immortal. The immortalis 112000 years old. According to scientific calculation, every 100 years ofwater on the top, the stalagmite on the bottom grows by 1 cm. According to thisprinciple, the age of the old man can be calculated.

Please look on the left. There used to be a village called xiuliu village,which was named after xiuliu, the name of Dongjiang River before it wasimpounded. The village is not big, but it is well-known. In 1930s, Bai Wei, oneof the four most famous modern female writers in China, was born here. On theright is an island called Pearl Island, where Chenzhou Branch of Chinesepainting and calligraphy correspondence university is located. The reason whythe site is selected here may also be to absorb more Dongjiangs aura, so as tocreate better calligraphy and painting works!

Now the water area we are marching in is called Yongcui gorge. With a totallength of 20 kilometers, Yongcui gorge is the most representative naturallandscape of Dongjiang Lake. The whole gorge is full of water, and the waterruns through the mountains. Along the way, there are many floating waterfallsand strange peaks and rocks. Especially, the lake is like a mirror, and themountains are reflected in the water. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi of theQing Dynasty, a Zixing county magistrate wrote an impromptu poem "Chukou roadzhongkouzhan", which vividly depicts the scenery here: "the fresh green newYings cut and shout, and the high peak long stream flows into the cloud arc. Idont know how many Posthouse routes I have, but I mistakenly believe that I amdrawing all over. " In front of you is the famous Jinniu island on DongjiangLake. The whole island has a horn, like a Taurus. Since ancient times, Zixingpeople have been industrious and intelligent, just like this Taurus, and finallyushered in todays rich day!
