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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6485 字

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Dear friends and guests, welcome to visit the beautiful Lijiang River byboat.

Lijiang River belongs to the Pearl River system, and its birthplace isMaoer Mountain in Xingan County, north of Guilin. Maoer Mountain is the mainpeak of Yuecheng mountain, which is one of the five mountains in history. It is2238 meters above sea level and is known as the highest peak in central andSouth China. Lijiang River is formed by the trickle of Maoer Mountain. The"Lingqu" built during the first emperor of Qin Dynasty is still preserved inXingan County. It is the first man-made canal in China, which connects thewater of Lijiang River with that of Xiangjiang River. Xiangjiang River in Hunanprovince belongs to the Yangtze River system. Nature has given it a specificway. As we all know, "no water in the world flows eastward" is caused by thehigh terrain in the West and the low terrain in the east of the earth. However,only the water of Xiangjiang River flows from south to north, and the water ofLijiang River flows from north to south. The so-called "diversion of Hunan andLijiang rivers" and "separation from each other" means that Lijiang River isnamed. In addition, the word "Li" of Lijiang River means clear and transparentin the dictionary, which is probably the best meaning of the name of LijiangRiver. Lijiang River once played an important role in the history of China.After the excavation of Lingqu, it connected Lingnan with the Central Plains,and had a profound impact on the great cause of the Qin Dynasty to unify China,as well as on the politics, economy, culture and military of Guilin and evensouthwest China.

Zhujiang scenic spot

(dragons playing in the water) on the right side of the mountain wall,there are several stalactite pillars hanging upside down. They are rugged andhave both form and spirit. They are like some giant dragons drinking from theriver. Their bodies are hidden in the mountain wall, and only the tap faces thewater. Second, when the water rises in spring and summer, the tap will spit outrain and dew. It is said that these dragons sent them to the Lijiang River tocollect Osmanthus fragrans. A long time ago, these hillsides were covered withOsmanthus fragrans. The fragrance of Osmanthus fragrans went straight throughthe palace of heaven, which made Change want to go down to earth secretly. Theemperor of heaven was so angry that he sent these dragons to take all thefragrance of Osmanthus fragrans back to the palace of heaven. Who knows thatwhen the Dragon arrived, the original form was fascinated by the scenery here.They did not take away the osmanthus in the world, but brought in the rain anddew from heaven. They poured the rain and dew into the pool under the cliff.From then on, this pool was called Chenxiang pool. The water from Chenxiang poolirrigated the four sides of the two cliffs of the Lijiang River. On this land,the branches and leaves of Osmanthus grew more luxuriant Everywhere is sweetscented osmanthus, no wonder people call this place Guilin!

Lawn scenic spot

(Luogu Yuanyang Beach) in the winding Lijiang River, there is a beach inone bay. There are a number of people. From Guilin to Yangshuo, there are 360.5beaches in 83 kilometers. The water at the end of the beach is relativelyshallow. The Lijiang River flows over the beach and makes a gurgling sound. Thesound is like the fairy music in the heavenly palace, which makes people feelvery happy. In fact, where is Xianyue? This is the music of Lijiang River.Please see, there are two big stones on the left bank, one is like a round drum,the other is like a golden gong. Local villagers call them gongs and drumsstones. The two beautiful hills on the right bank are like a pair of gongs,hammers and drum sticks. When you listen carefully, it seems that a pair ofmandarin ducks are singing.

Yangdi scenic spot

(Baxian River Tour) in front of the right, the mountain suddenly riseshere, and the clouds are ethereal here, giving people the feeling of dreamland.There are eight mountains in front of them, which are very similar to the EightImmortals in ancient Chinese myths and legends. Near the riverside, there is tieGuai Li, next to Cao Guojiu, next to he Xiangu, next to Zhang Guolao, HanXiangzi, Lu Dongbin, LAN Caihe and Zhong Hanli, which are exactly eight. It issaid that one day, eight immortals showed their magic power and traveled acrossthe sea together. They came to the edge of the Lijiang River and saw thebeautiful scenery of the Lijiang River, where the water is clear, the peak isgreen and the countryside is beautiful. So they decided to stay. This scenicspot is called "Eight Immortals River Tour".

Xingping scenic spot

(river tracing carp) there is a long and big mountain in front of it, whichlies across the Lijiang River. The whole mountain looks like a carp. The head ofthe fish faces right and the tail of the fish faces left. The mouth of the fishis connected with the mountain on the right. On the high back of the fish, thereare a group of small peaks forming the fin. Its really a vivid big carp. Itsthe largest carp in the world. No one can weigh it. The fin fish is like a pug,which is commonly known as a poodle. Its head, eyes and limbs are very clear.Its really cute.

Guilin landscape has four characteristics: green mountains, beautifulwater, strange caves and beautiful rocks. In addition to the waterfalls, flowingsprings, dangerous beaches and bamboo groves, Lijiang River has four uniquefeatures. Some people say: Lijiang River not only has this kind of harmony, butalso has four characteristics: strange, mysterious, strange and unique, that is,the strange of ancient banyan, the strange of mountain painting, the mystery ofGuanyan and the unique of crossing half of the river. All these are different.Different people have different opinions.

Yangsu scenic spot

(stone inscriptions with the word "Dai") there are many stone inscriptionson Bilian peak, especially on the hillside stone wall with a cursive "Dai" inthe reign of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty, which makes Bilian live and flee. Itsform structure is meaningful. It is called one character poem, which containsthe charm and brushwork of the eight characters "one mountain and one river,youths efforts". From appreciating the word "belt", we should conclude that thespirit of Lijiang River is "wonderful". The natural beauty of Lijiang Riverscenery is wonderful.

Dear friends, todays Lijiang tour is coming to an end. You and yourfriends are welcome to visit Lijiang next time.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1924 字

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Dear tourists

Hello everyone! Welcome to Qufu, the Holy Land! Im Chen Kerun, your guide.Just call me Xiao Chen. Today, I will take you to visit the three famousConfucius: Confucius Mansion, Confucius Temple and Confucius forest. Confuciushas a famous saying: "is it a pleasure to have friends from afar?" I am veryhappy to be a tour guide. I will try my best to serve you well. If there are anyshortcomings, please point them out, and I will try my best to correct them!

The entrance to the Confucius Mansion can be divided into three roads: theEast Road has Yiguan hall, Musi hall, etc.; the west road is the place where theConfucius Mansion received distinguished guests and studied in those years,including Zhongshu hall, anhuatang, Huating hall, etc.; the middle road ismostly the main building of the Confucius Mansion, the first half of which isthe government office, and the second half is the inner house.

The Confucius Temple was originally the family temple of the Kong family.There are cypress trees planted by Confucius himself in the temple. The mainbuilding is Dacheng hall. In front of the hall are the famous Jiulong column andapricot altar. Later, because Confucius was respected, many feudal emperors camehere to worship him. Now, the annual "International Confucius Culture Festival"held by Jining Municipal government is also the prelude here.

Kong Lin is a special cemetery for Confucius family. It is also thelongest and largest family cemetery in the world, covering an area of more than3000 mu. There are hundreds of trees and more than 100000 trees in the forest.Among the trees, there are many steles and stone statues, which are veryspectacular!

Well, now we can start free activities for three hours. You can visitfreely, play games, shop and so on. However, we must ensure hygiene and notlitter.

This is the end of the visit to San Kong. Thank you for your support. Ilook forward to your coming again!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6356 字

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Hello, everyone!

Today, we are going to Wuyuan, the hometown of Zhu, a famous NeoConfucianist in the Southern Song Dynasty. Ill be your guide. I hope that youwill have a good memory through the tour. In order to give you a generalunderstanding of Wuyuan, let me first introduce the situation of Wuyuan CountyWuyuan County is located in the northeast corner of Jiangxi Province. To theeast of Wuyuan County is Quzhou, a famous historical and cultural city of China.To the west of Wuyuan County is Jingdezhen, the porcelain capital. To the northof Wuyuan County is Huangshan, a tourist attraction in southern Anhui Province.To the south of Wuyuan County is Sanqing mountain, a national scenic spot.Wuyuan County is a green pearl inlaid at the junction of Jiangxi, Zhejiang andAnhui provinces. With a total area of 3900 square kilometers, the county governs11 towns and 15 townships, with a population of 330000. The county seat islocated in Ziyang town. Wuyuan County was founded in the 28th year of Kaiyuan inTang Dynasty (740 A.D.), which has a history of 1200 years. Wuyuan, the name ofthe county, got its name because "land is the source of water". There is a riverin the county called Wushui, which means "the source of Wushui". There are manymountains in the county. It is known as "eight parts of the mountain, one partof the field, half of the waterway and Manor". It is a typical mountainouscounty in the south of the Yangtze River.

When it comes to Wuyuan, we must introduce its four famous specialties athome and abroad. These four specialties are represented by four colors, namely"red, green, black and white": Red refers to the "treasure in the water" redpurse fish. It is tender and delicious. It is a good variety of freshwater fishin China and is selected as a state banquet. When American President Nixon andJapanese Prime Minister Tanaka visited China, they all tasted the red fish fromWuyuan. You can enjoy this delicious local specialty when you have dinner today;Green refers to "Wuyuan green tea", which was recorded in the tea classic in theTang Dynasty and called "top quality" in the Song Dynasty. In the Ming and QingDynasties, it was awarded Silver Medal by Jiajing emperor and gold medal byPanama International Exposition for its "Tangbi, high fragrance, thick juice andmellow taste"; Black is the "Pearl of inkstone country" - Longwei inkstone. Asearly as in the Tang Dynasty, it was famous for its "sound like copper, colorlike iron, strong and smooth nature, and good at solidifying ink". Later in theSouthern Tang Dynasty, Li Yu praised it as the "crown of the world"; white isJiangwan Sydney, with large fruit body, thick flesh, crisp and sweet, whichbelongs to the top grade of the fruit.

In ancient times, Wuyuan belonged to the boundary between Wu and Chu. Sincethe establishment of the county in the Tang Dynasty, Wen Fen has flourished,bringing up a generation of celebrities such as Zhu Xi, a master of NeoConfucianism in the Southern Song Dynasty, Jiang Yong, a Confucian scholar inthe Qing Dynasty, and Zhan Tianyou, a master of modern railway engineering. Fromthe Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, 550 Jinshi were admitted to the county. Inthe Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was said that there were nine Jinshi in oneschool and six four Shangshu.

Today, we are going to visit the famous ancient villages and Hui stylebuildings in Wuyuan. Speaking of this, our group members may have a question,that is, why we use the word "Hui" in Anhui to name Wuyuan. This is becauseWuyuan was originally owned by Jiangxi Province when the county was built in theTang Dynasty, but later it was assigned to Anhui in the change of Dynasty, butit was re assigned to Jiang River in modern times West. Although the place iszoned back, whether it is Wuyuan natives or tourists from other provinces, theyhabitually call these buildings and living habits Hui Style Architecture and Huistyle culture. There are many features of these Hui style buildings we are goingto visit, which can not be explained clearly in a few words. However, any houseabides by the basic style of "white walls, dark tiles, cornices and berms".White wall, black tile, both sides are high seal fire wall, also known as "horsehead wall". And the owners of these houses are generally two kinds of people:one is "official", Huizhou has many scholars since ancient times, so it isnecessary to study when the place is poor. After ten years of hard work, mostofficials will build official residences in their hometown to honor theirancestors. The other is businessmen. Because there are too many mountains andtoo few fields in this area to support so many people. When men are 12 or 3years old, many of them go out to make a living and do business. Because of thepopularity of the ceremony of Zhu Zi in Wuyuan, many celebrities have beenfamous since ancient times. They have been influenced by culture and moralitysince childhood. They pay great attention to honesty and diligence when doingbusiness abroad. Many of them have become rich. After they get rich, they willgo back to their hometown to build houses and integrate their dreams into theconstruction of houses. But in ancient times, the status of businessmen was verylow. As the saying goes, "people are divided into three schools and nineschools". Businessmen are not even nine schools. Therefore, their houses werebuilt with luxurious style, which is quite different from those of officials.These differences can make people distinguish the identity and status of thedirector at a glance from the gate. Well leave these to the scenic spots toexplain one by one. Having said that, I have a question for all of us. As I saidbefore, Wuyuan has had many officials since ancient times, so who is the biggestofficial? This person is Jiang Zemin, who is very familiar with our leaguemembers and who we often see on TV - the third generation leader of our country.You must think strangely: isnt Jiang Zemin from Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province?This topic has to start with Jiang Zemins grandfathers grandfather. At thattime, after his ancestor got the title, he took office in Yangzhou and stayed inYangzhou without coming back. However, on May 29, 20__, Jiang Zemin went all theway back to his hometown, Wuyuan, where he inspected the ecological and culturalenvironment, and went to Jiangwan to visit many of Jiangs relatives.



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Dear tourist friends, welcome to Wuyi Mountain with beautiful scenery. Imthe guide of sunshine travel group. My name is Xiao Wang. This morning, we wentto Tianyou peak scenic spot, and at noon we went to Jiuqu River to take bamboorafting. Before you go, please pay attention to some things: 1. Dont stand onthe bamboo rafts when you are rafting; 2. When climbing mountains, women dontwear high heels, try to wear flat shoes.

Well, take the environmental protection battery car, we come to the firststop "Tianyou peak".

Tianyou peak is in the north of Jiuqu River and Liuqu River, in the centerof the scenic spot. When its sunny after rain or the first morning dew,climbing the peak and looking at the sea of clouds are like the waves of thesea, which are changeable. Its like Ive come to a fairyland and roam in thesky, so its called "Tianyou". "Tianyou peak" can be divided into upper andlower parts. The view Pavilion is located on the left and near the upperreaches. Along the lake Majian, it is the lower reaches. The view Pavilion onthe upper reaches of Tianyou peak is close to the cliff. It is a very goodviewing platform of Wuyi Mountain. You can have a panoramic view of thelandscape of Wuyi Mountain when you look around. Let people open-minded,intoxicated in it, everyone will leave a figure there.

After touring "Tianyou peak", we take a bus to the next station, JiuquRiver.

Jiuqu River originates in the west of Wuyi Mountain with dense forest. Itswater quality is very clear, with a total length of 62.8 km. It flows throughthe ecological area in the middle of the mountain. Jiuqu river meanders inDanxia state, distributed among the mountains and rocks, forming a deep meander.The straight-line distance is 5 km. Sitting on the bamboo raft, you can enjoythe beautiful natural scenery. The water under the bamboo raft is clear, andfrom time to time there are small fish swimming by. The scenery is sobeautiful.

There is also a legend of water turtles in Wuyi Mountain

One year, a tortoise, who had been practising for thousands of years,originally wanted to seek an official position in the sky, but the mercilessJade Emperor asked him to water the tea tree. At first, he felt very relaxed,but after a long time, he felt very bored. One day, he suddenly heard a voicefrom the world: "tea sprouts, tea sprouts." he couldnt help running to thesouth gate and looking down, he saw that people were sacrificing tea gods in thetea garden beside the Jiuqu River. Golden tortoise cant help praising peoplesrespect for tea. As soon as I thought of pouring tea there all the year round,but no one asked me about it, I decided that I might as well make a tea in theworld.

Well, thats the end of todays tour. I hope you can have a pleasant trip.The beautiful nature welcomes you. I also hope the beautiful Wuyi Mountain willleave you a perfect memory.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5149 字

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Good morning, friends! Now, I will take you to visit Wuhou Ci, which islocated in WoLonggang, the western suburb of Nanyang city. The temple of marquisWu in Nanyang, also known as Zhuge cottage, is the former site of Zhuge Liang, afamous statesman and militarist in the Three Kingdoms period, who "worked hardin Nanyang". The place where uncle Liu visited three times in those days wasalso the place where people in the past dynasties paid homage to and sacrificedZhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang (181-234), whose name is Kongming, was born in Yangdu, LangyaCounty, Shandong Province (now the south of Yishui County, Shandong Province) atthe end of Han Dynasty. He lost his father when he was young, and then went toMu Liubiao in Jingzhou with his uncle zhugexuan. After Zhuge Xuans death, ZhugeLiang and his younger brother Zhuge all worked in Jielu, WoLonggang, Nanyang,and lived a life of cloth clothes that "lived in troubled times and did not seekfame and fame from Princes". However, he made friends with famous people allover the world. He was full of wisdom and good intentions. He lived in seclusionand pursued ambition. Mr. pound, a famous scholar at that time, compared him toa "Wolong" waiting for time to take off. In 207, Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Feipaid homage to Zhuge Liang in Maolu. Since then, Zhuge Liang, 27, leftWoLonggang, where he had been working for ten years, and joined Liu Beispolitical group. Later, he became the Prime Minister of Shu Han and became theMarquis of Wuxiang. After his death, he became loyal to the marquis. Therefore,Zhuge Liangs ancestral temple is called "Marquis Temple".

According to the records of longgangzhi written by Kangxi of Qing Dynasty,Wuhou Temple was built in the late Wei and Jin Dynasties. It has beencontinuously repaired and added to form its present scale. Today, the WuhouTemple, which we see, covers an area of more than 200 mu, has more than 150halls, more than 70 procuratorial couplets and more than 300 inscriptions. It isthe largest ancient architectural complex in memory of Zhuge Liang in China.Todays Wuhou Temple maintains the layout style of the yuan and Ming Dynasties,and its wooden buildings are mostly rebuilt or added in the Ming and QingDynasties. The ancestral temple is built in accordance with the hillock, withBaihe River in the South and Zishan mountain in the north. The courtyard issurrounded by bamboo trees, pines and cypresses, clear water and pleasantscenery. The beautiful natural scenery and popular cultural landscape complementeach other, making people forget to return.

Well, members of the group, now we have come to the population of WuhouTemple. Look at this "Eternal Dragon" stone square, which is 9 meters high and13.5 meters wide. It has three doors and four columns and is full of carvings."Eternal Dragon" means that Zhuge Liang is the dragon among the people,metaphorically WoLonggang is the land of Hidden Dragon and crouching tiger. Youcan see that the second Daofang is called "Sangu Fang". It was set up during thereign of Emperor Daoguang of the Qing Dynasty. On both sides, it is engravedwith "Sangu Chu, Emperor zhaolie of the Han Dynasty" and "true God Man". It isto commemorate Liu Beis three talents. It is because of Liu Beis sincereconsideration that Zhuge Liang left WoLonggang, where he had lived in seclusionfor ten years, to assist Liu Bei. He devoted his whole life to the army anddied. Only when he died, could Liu Bei divide the world into three parts andachieve the imperial career. Therefore, Zhuge Liangs achievements areunparalleled. Liu Beis respect for knowledge and talents is real, not justverbal. This advantage is really worth learning from some of our leaders today!The three words "true God and man" come from Su Shis Wu Hou Miao Ji, whichpraises Zhuge Liangs saying: "human, God, immortal, I dont know, true Wolong."Take a look at wolongtan in the north of Shifang. There are three ancientcatalpa trees on those sides. It is said that they were the trees that Liu, Meiand Zhang Sangu used to tie horses in those days. Now there is another one.Guess whos horse was tied to the trees more than 1700 years ago?

Through sangufang and Xianren bridge, this road leads to the mountain gate.The mountain gate is the main gate of Wuhou Temple, which is simple anddignified. The three characters "Wuhou Temple" engraved on the stone plaque onthe forehead of the central gate are inscribed by Mr. Guo Moruo. After themountain gate, the first courtyard to enter Wuhou Temple is spacious, withancient cypresses covering the sun and green bricks covering the ground, whichis simple and natural. The stone square of "three generations of talents" on thecorridor in the courtyard corresponds to the hall of worship. This is to praiseZhuge Liangs talent and moral character, which can be compared with Yiyin, LVShang, Fu Shuo and so on. Lets turn around and look at the four big words"master of military strategy". Military strategy originally refers to theancient Chinese military books "six Taos" and "three strategies". Latergenerations used it to refer to military strategy. Here is also a praise forZhuge Liangs military strategy.



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Good friends! Now, we went to the famous Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River between Chongqing and Hubei, is called the Qutang gorge, Wu Gorge and Xiling gorge. The magnificent scenery, pulling insurance yet Ya Zhuang is beautiful, is a good place for leisure.

The total length of two hundred km, we look at both sides are continuous mountains, mountain without a gap, such as a green area. Here the mountains touch the sky, clouds, the sky lock into a belt. Had it not been for midday, the sun would have been invisible?!

The Three Gorges is a "multi view" place. The seasons of the year, this place has radically different views as you enjoy. In summer, the water here is vast and the current is swift. It is a kind of unrestrained beauty. But for the sake of safety, or slightly careful. Autumn, is a sad beauty, with every morning frost, there are monkeys that mourning a whistle, it is copy from rolia.

If youre a quiet person, its time for you! The spring days like this show the beauty of the three gorges. Here is like snow rapids and green pools, swing the Shiba also the reflection of the things in the world are shadow, visitors can explore the head to see, well, there are reflected in the sun! On the peaks on either side of you there are many strange pines and cypresses, very interesting. Now, we are in front of both sides of the falls. The milk shed agitate, is elegant vibrant beauty, well, as the boat forward, we enjoy the beauty of water tree show, mountain grass Sheng!

Happy times always pass so fast that our journey is over. May the Three Gorges Tour leave a good memory in your heart. Bye bye!



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Now we are going to pay homage to Zhang Heng, an outstanding scientist andfamous writer in the Han Dynasty.

Zhang Heng was born and buried in Nanyang. Zhang Hengs tomb is located inShiqiao Town, 25 kilometers north of Nanyang city. It is 8 meters high and 79meters long. It is surrounded by brick passageways and octagonal walls. It issurrounded by green pines and cypresses. It is planted all over the garden,covered by green grass, and the cemetery is solemn and quiet. The front of theflower wall is the gate of January. There are two tombstones in front of thegate. One is erected in the Jiajing period of Ming Dynasty, and the other iserected in the Guangxu period of Qing Dynasty. There is a stone inscriptionwritten by Guo Moruo in front of the tomb: "such a person with all-rounddevelopment is also rare in world history. It is admirable to worship him forthousands of years."

Zhang Heng, the word Pingzi, Nanyang County West e (todays Shiqiao Town)people. He was born in the third year of emperor Zhangs reign (78) and died inthe fourth year of emperor Yonghe (139). Zhang Heng is intelligent, quick andeager to learn, erudite and versatile. He has set up a towering monument in thehistory of science and culture in the world, and is known as "the worldscultural celebrity and Chinas science leader."

Luoyang was the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty. At that time, Luoyangwas the political, economic and cultural center of the country. Scholarsgathered, schools were like a forest, academic atmosphere was strong, andculture and education were unprecedentedly prosperous. In order to broaden hishorizons, Zhang Heng visited Luoyang in March of Yangchun in the sixth year ofemperor Yongyuan (1994). This time he lived in Luoyang for six years. Duringthis period, he spent his main energy on traveling to Taixue, visiting famousteachers, seeking friends, learning modestly and studying assiduously.

He was proficient in Five Classics (Yi, Shu, Shi, Li, Chunqiu) and Six Arts(Li, Yue, she, Yu, Shu, Shu). With the help of his good friend Cui yuan, hebegan to study astronomy, mathematics and calendar in natural science. He wrotea lot of beautiful Fu, which initially showed his extraordinary talent andattracted the attention of the society. He has a high attainments in literatureand science, which laid the ideological and theoretical foundation for him tobecome a great scientist.

In the late autumn of A.D. 100, Bao de was transferred to NanyangPrefecture. Recommended by Cui yuan, 23-year-old Zhang Heng left Luoyang, thecapital, and went with Bao De to Nanyang Prefecture as the governor.

In the fifth year of Emperor Han ans Yongchu period (111), Bao de andothers played on the Ming emperor in Beijing, which made emperor an know thatZhang Heng was knowledgeable, so he took the bus to Nanyang to enlist Zhang Hengto become a doctor of Shangshutai in Luoyang. Three years later, he was promotedto be shangshilang, and the next year he was changed to Taishiling.

Taishiling was in charge of astronomy, calendar, meteorology andsacrificial ceremonies. This created a very favorable condition for Zhang Hengsin-depth study and practice of astronomical calendar. In 133, Zhang Heng waspromoted to serve as a senior advisor to the emperor. In the first year ofYonghe (136), Emperor Shun of Han Dynasty, Zhang Heng was expelled from Luoyang,the capital, and became the Prime Minister of Hejian. Zhang Heng came to Luoyangfor the second time and lived for 26 years. In these 26 years, although hisofficial position changed several times, he served as the supreme historian forthe longest time. He did a lot of scientific research when he was appointed asthe imperial historian. Lingtai is the largest Astronomical Observatory in Chinaduring the Eastern Han Dynasty, which was used for 250 years. Zhang Heng notonly wrote some important scientific works such as Lingxian, earthquakecountermeasures, and notes on the armillary sphere, but also designed andcreated some ingenious instruments such as the armillary sphere and the Houfengseismograph, making outstanding contributions to mankind.

In Lingxian, Zhang Heng explained in detail the natural phenomena of thechange of lunar phenomena and the occurrence of lunar eclipse. After scientificanalysis, many scientific opinions are put forward. He recorded the stars in thesky when he was observing in Lingtai. There are 2500 brighter stars, 124 regularstars and 320 named stars. This is roughly the same as the statistics of modernastronomy that 2500-3000 stars can be seen with the naked eye at the same timeand place. The number of stars observed in Luoyang at that time is basically thesame as that observed in modern times. Therefore, he also drew the Lingxian map,which is the earliest star map in China.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 13302 字

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Dear passengers

Hello, everyone. Your journey has been hard. Im the tour guide of Jinzhouinternational travel service. My name is Zhang Chenchen. Just call me XiaoZhang. On behalf of all employees of CITS, please allow me to sincerely welcomeyou to Jinzhou. Its my wish and my goal to work hard. If you have anydifficulties and requirements during the journey, please contact me in time.Ill try my best to meet your requirements. At the same time, I hope you can putforward suggestions and criticisms on my service. I wish you all the best in thefuture Jinzhou end of happy, happy, a brief introduction to todays itinerary,we today to the penholder with the scenic spot, about half an hour ride.

Jinzhou City is located in the west of Liaoning Province, covering an areaof 10301 square kilometers, which is equivalent to 10 urban areas as large asHong Kong (with an area of 1070 square kilometers), covering an area of 440square kilometers, with a population of 2.968 million and a population of 756million. There are 26 ethnic groups including Han, Manchu, Mongolian, Hui andKorean. Jinzhou has a long history and splendid culture. According to research,tens of thousands of years ago, human beings lived and multiplied here. Jinzhouwas first called tuhe, and it is said that the city was built when Yushun was inpower. Many sites, tombs and historical relics have been left in Jinzhou.Jinzhou is a strategic place for military strategists of all dynasties, the mainbattlefield of Ming and Qing Dynasties, and the main battlefield of Liaoshencampaign during the war of liberation. Jinzhou Development Zone is one of themost convenient entrances and exits of Northeast China Development Zone. It isthe window and frontier of opening to the outside world in western Liaoning. Itsplanned development area is 58 square kilometers, and the first phasedevelopment area is 7 square kilometers. It mainly attracts all kinds of fundsto set up technology intensive industrial enterprises facing the internationalmarket, and build high-grade hotels, hotels, shopping malls, villas, amusementcenters, among which Bijia Shanfeng is the best Bijia mountain scenic spot islocated in the coastal area of Southern Jinzhou, 37 kilometers away from thecity center. Bijia mountain is 76 miles in height and 4 li in length from northto south. Its scale is obviously inferior to that of the famous mountains in themainland. However, because its danger lies in the vast Bohai Sea, it has aspecial feeling to look into the distance. If its sunny, the waves are calm,the sky is golden, if its early in the morning, the smoke is hazy, red, orange,yellow and green, and there are many changes For a long time, the mind is asmagnanimous as the sea, and there is indeed the beauty of "bright moon in thepavilion, clouds in the window".

In the scenic area, there are natural scenery composed of big Bijiamountain, small Bijia mountain, overpass and bathing beach. On the mountain,there are also some scenic spots such as Bifeng Mountain Gate, lvzuting, Wumupalace, Sanqing Pavilion and yixiantian. Each scenic spot has wonderful myths,legends and generations of recitation, which make people think about it. So howcan Bijia mountain be formed? It is said that in ancient times, it wasoriginally a vast ocean, and then two Lang Shen took two mountains and put theminto the sea to form two big and small islands, which are todays big and smallBijia mountains. Well, today we mainly visit big and small Bijia mountain. OK,our destination is here. Please get off and follow me.

Look, there is an island near the sea. It stands in the vast sea,surrounded by clouds and fog. Its named Bijia mountain because it looks like apenholder. When the rising sun shines on the sea, Bijia mountain is covered withthousands of rays, and is coaxed and held by the golden sea. From a distance,the commander looks like a long hair of Xiang Tianli, who is waving it? The bookis magical. Lu Shanlin, a member of the QingHan forest academy, once wrote apoem praising the day: the tip of the pen towering blue sky, the clouds risingafter the rain on the top of the peak, the reflection in the ocean, the wavesturning and the river flowing. Dabijia mountain is more than 1600 meters awayfrom the coast, and the overpass is the link between the mountain and the coast,so it is known as "Bifeng plunges into the sea". In addition to Bifeng plungesinto the sea, Jinzhou eight sceneries include: Stone shed pine, Bauhiniasunrise, rainbow snail evening photo, Jinshui Huiwen, Tangshui Dongyu, LingheYanyu, ancient pagoda dusk crow, which are Jinzhou eight sceneries from theearly Qing Dynasty.

If you look at the statues of the two fairies behind us, there are four bigwords "bridge built by fairies" beside them. I think you will guess that thebridge must have been built by fairies. Then why dont you ask these two lying,while the other is standing, what is still in his hand. This starts from acharming legend: it is said that long ago, two nine immortals drove colorfulauspicious clouds to visit the sky above the big and small Bijia mountain (2.5kilometers northeast of the big Bijia mountain, and another small island, thefamous little Bijia mountain). Looking down, they were immediately attracted bythe beautiful water and wanted to connect the land and the island for thebenefit of the world, so their sister was there My sister built a bridge inxiaobijiashan and agreed to repair it before five oclock. My sister was strongin nature and was not afraid of difficulties. Her sweat fell into the sea andturned into stones. Finally, she repaired the bridge before dawn. My sisterworried about my sister and went to see her. She fell asleep tired after half ofthe repair. As the day was coming, she quickly took the soil and sprinkled it onthe unfinished road So far, the overpass of dabijia mountain is made of stone,while half of the overpass of xiaobijia mountain is made of earth. Of course,this is a legend, not for evidence, but people still carve door statues for themin memory of the two sisters. According to this legend, the industrious sisteris standing, and the sleepy sister is lying. Well, I now tell you that the realbuilder of the overpass is the waves, which is a natural passage formed by theimpact of the waves, and it rises and falls with the tide Now and then, it isthe result of tidal movement. The period of sea water rising and falling isabout 24 hours and 50 minutes. Here, the sea water rises and falls twice. Youcan see that the fresh water well not far from the statue is about 4 meters deepand 1 meter in diameter. Dont underestimate this well. You can see that itsonly 50 meters away from the shore. The well water is not salty like sea water,but sweet and refreshing. Its from the nearby residents The main water sourceis also the fresh water well nearest to the sea. It is said that this well wasbuilt in 1912. When there was not enough fresh water, the Taoist priest who wasin charge of the mountain repair went down to look for water. He found a springby the sea and built a well. The southeast corner of the well bottom wasconnected with the sea, and the well digger blocked it with boulders to preventthe sea water from pouring in. The wall of the well is built of bluestone on themountain, and the well water is collected from the spring water on the northernhillside. The fresh water well so close to the sea can be regarded as the"unique" of Bijia mountain.

Well, tourists, now the nailed pebble passage under our feet is theoverpass. You see, its the ebb tide now, and the sea water has slowly recededfrom both sides. From a distance, it looks like a dragon winding like a dragon,hidden in the vast sea. You can see that those anxious tourists in front of ushave walked in the vast sea on the waves of the blue sea, and the scene is like"Eight Immortals crossing the sea" with their respective magic powers. You canwalk along this pebble passage to the mountain gate. During this period, you canplay while walking, collect shells, catch crabs, find conches, watch the waves,and enjoy the beauty of the magic overpass.

After crossing the overpass, the note that is now in front of us isbifengmen. You can see that its a stone gate, which is on the back of"glorifying the country" and "valuing Taoism and pro morality". This is writtenby he Baojiang, the Taoist who presided over the mountain building at that time.On the left side of the mountain gate, a stone statue of the monkey king made ofwhite marble has disappeared. You walk along the mountain road, but Lu Zuting,you see, it is like a small tower, 10 meters high, two floors, outside thePavilion there are 15 stone steps, the upper layer has a white marble stoneBuddha, the lower layer has two sides of white marble stone Buddha, themessenger said that this is Lu Dongbins resting place when the eight immortalscross the sea, so it is named Lu Zuting. In the south of Lu Zuting is the fivemother palace. The original business was five two-story stone houses. Later, themiddle and upper floors were destroyed. There was a stone Buddha in each of thelower floors. Five female Buddhas sat in the south, some with books in theirhands, some with pomegranates in their hands. All of them were peaceful andbeautiful. In other pavilions, there were many female Buddhas. It turns out thatin the past, there were all nuns here. For a long time, there were more than 120nuns, which can be called the kingdom of nuns. Therefore, the palace isspecially designed for womens memorial day. In front of the gate of the fifthmother palace, there are two stone pillars carved with giant dragon climbingpillars. The carving is exquisite and vivid. In the south of Wumu palace,located at the highest point of Bijia mountain, is Sanqing Pavilion. It is a sixstory stone building, 26.2 meters high. It has a single color stone wall, StoneGallery, stone wall, stone gate, stone ladder. Even the murals and door god arecarved in stone. There are no wooden or iron objects. There are corridors in thepavilion. The upper and lower paths are connected. The location and layout ofthe palace and attic are changed in symmetry and connected in dispersion Theingenious design and excellent combination can be regarded as the best ofarchitecture. The stone carvings at the entrance and window are exquisite,lifelike and ecological. There are 43 stone Buddhas in the pavilion. Among them,the sun light Buddha Lisheng Pangu new moon statue on the top floor of SanqingPavilion is the most. Please see, this new moon statue is made of white marble,which is unique in China. It was built in 1912 and has experienced 85 years ofups and downs. The auspicious island on the top of Pangus head, the lotus seat,and its left side The eyebrow represents the sun, the right eyebrow representsthe moon, and the eyes are wide open, the light is as vast as a torch, its eyescan only be meaningful, but not verbal. Holding fire in the left hand and waterin the right hand, the whole statue is carved with six dragons in differentshapes, which contains the mystery of the five elements of gold, wood, water,fire and earth. Its shape and sculpture style are unique. The most attractivething about climbing sanqingge is to look at the sea from the platform. You cannot only enjoy the scenery of the sea, but also find historical sites. You cansee, not far from Bijiashan, there is a port. The letter is Jinzhou port, whichis the northernmost port in Chinas Bohai economic circle. It is also the onlycommercial port open to the outside world on the nearly 400 km coastline ofwestern Liaoning. There are five berths for "four miscellaneous and one oil",including one 10000 ton oil berth with an annual throughput of 5.5 million tons.Six to eight more berths will be built by the end of this century In addition,in October 1996, the TV series "love Bijiashan" was shot on the spot andbroadcast in Jinzhou TV station, cable TV station and Liaoning TV station oneafter another. According to the standard of CCTV, the TV series "love Bijiashan"was refined The series is 11 episodes, which will be broadcast to CCTV, so thatpeople all over the country can understand Jinzhou and Bijia mountain. Thehospitable Jincheng people welcome people from all over the country to visitJinzhou and Bijia mountain. Well, tourists, my explanation will come to an endhere. You can play by yourself in the rest of the time. You can blow the seabreeze and see the waves here Or pick up some shells at the foot of the mountainand take a sea bath. Well meet at the gate at 3 oclock.

Time flies, now just a few small crabs, tied so my shell, well, my tourguide work is over, with you also, its time to say goodbye. Well, thank you foryour strong support for my work. Welcome to Jinzhou and Bijia mountain again.Goodbye!


Bijiashan scenic area gate, also known as Haimen. Designed by BeijingTsinghua University Institute of architecture, it is divided into North andsouth parts. On the south side is a 20 meter high rainbow arch gate, whichsymbolizes the "Overpass" connecting the shore island. On the north side is a 22meter high golden key with east-west symmetry, which means that the two goldenkeys open the gate of the scenic spot, allowing tourists to open the gate of thescenic spot, and let tourists cross the overpass to mount Bijia.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2873 字

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A park is the oldest existing yangzhou, the best preserved salt merchants garden, yangzhou dongguan street, a famous ancient lane in the south, north to the east of yangzhou river sight belt yanfu, is in the twenty-third year of qing jiaqing (1818) and huaibei salt total yellow to the narration of the house. For yangzhou representative of the classical private garden in the Ming and qing dynasties. Published in 1998 by the state council as a "national key cultural relics protection unit", and the Summer Palace in Beijing, chengde summer resort, and the humble administrators garden and called Chinas four big gardens in suzhou.

Through a complex, right against the face to see a building ground brick gate house, this is he garden gate, enter the door, came to the backyard of he garden, the garden can be divided into two parts, east and west. Now we stand by the position of the hospital is to the east garden, through the "send the noise hill" round David came to the east garden. East hall centered constitute a set of compound, appear in front of our eyes in front of the two hall, the south is embedded with "phoenix peony" brick of the hall, we call it the "peony hall". This brick is yangzhou a rare piece of brick carvings handicraft in the late qing dynasty, the middle with the peony and phoenix, pattern, around the shape of the peony foliage is inverse, decorative pattern is hydrophobic, knife and lively, smooth lines, the whole picture, the figure is outstanding theme, distinct, strewn at random have send.

All the buildings in the east, the most delicate to ship to the north of the hall, hall like a boat, pebbles, tile floor, steps prior to pattern for water wave shape, the artistic conception, give a person with water north laid red phoenix in morning sun, is a symbol of auspiciousness, long life. On both sides of the ship main hall hall with the excessive couplet: "month masters may visit, the flowers for the walls ship for the home." Tourists, when you look at the picture face after, you may have to forget this is a land landscape, as if walking in the lake, sitting in row in the brain. We have to admire those designing in a castle in the east garden landscape can make "water without water, without the mountains have affection". In hall ship back on the fire wall is a beautiful rockery, more than 60 meters long, there are scenic mountain on the settle way, with the hollow, water around the mountain line, mind the plum tree, the mountain have a small pavilion, to board the small pavilion series floor. From a distance, rockery is like a great rivers of the motherland. If compared the fire wall to the painters rice paper, then in front of sidewall rockery is just draw good landscape painting, give a person the sense with long, round the corner is infinite thoughts. This is the east garden. Please visit freely and take photos.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1784 字

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Ladies and gentlemen, through the dalinggeng tunnel, its Zhapo town.

As for the origin of Zhapos name, some people say that once upon a time,when men went out to sea, the women in their families often stood on the highslopes and waited for their husbands to come back, so they called it "zhanpo";ganmin in Yangjiang pronounced "Zhan" and "Zhapo", so they called it "Zhapo";others said that Zhapo was originally built on a very messy hillside, so it wascalled "zapo" In fact, the origin of Zhapos name comes from the couplets at thegate of Mayuan temple.

In ancient times, on the island along the coast of Yangjiang, fishermenlived happily and peacefully.

It is said that since then, an evil dragon has been swimming in the sea,often making waves, and the fishermens life is not peaceful.

When the tsunami came, families were destroyed and devastated.

Later, Ma Yuan, the Fubo General of the Eastern Han Dynasty, passed throughYangjiang. Knowing this, he called for a big stone from the sea to suppress thewaves.

This big stone is now the "Butterfly Island" in front of Zhapo town.

From then on, the sea did not raise waves, and fishermen moved in one afteranother, making it a new fishing port.

In memory of the Fubo General Ma Yuan, people built a Ma Yuan Temple on theseaside mountain. A couplet was written at the entrance of the temple: "chishisilently protects the stability of the boat, and the gate wave maintains thepeace of Hailing." it means: General Ma Yuan moved the big stone here to protectthe safety of the fishing boat; the big stone blocked the waves, and the windand waves were calm from then on, maintaining the peace of Hailing Island.

Later, the local fishermen were grateful and nostalgic for General MaYuans kindness of "chishizhapo", so they named the new port "Zhapo".



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 4463 字

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On the west side of Changchun City, there is a movie theme park integratingthe most advanced special effects movies in the world. It is a unique andamazing movie theme park in the world - Changying century city. Located by thebeautiful Jingyuetan in Changchun City, Jilin Province, Changying century cityis the first world-class film theme Entertainment Park in China, and a landmarkproject of Changying reform and second pioneering. At the end of last century,under the new historical conditions, Chinas film industry met severe challengesfrom the socialist market economy and other aspects. The famous Changyingstudio, known as the cradle of new Chinas film, also faced unprecedenteddifficulties in survival and development. Under the guidance and care of therelevant central departments and under the leadership of the Jilin provincialParty committee and the provincial government, Changying has actively andsteadily promoted the system reform and mechanism innovation, and established amodern enterprise system that is compatible with the socialist market economy,the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, and the laws of filmcreation and production. On the basis of the success of the reform, Changyinggroup draws lessons from the successful experience of the international filmindustry, combines the modern film industry with the tourism industry, extendsthe film industry chain, creates the first world-class film theme EntertainmentPark in China, and creates a new model of Chinas big film era.

Standing on the shoulders of two giants of world theme parks, ChangyingCentury City has become the "Oriental Hollywood" of Chinese people. As a filmtheme Entertainment Park, Changying Century City has developed a series ofentertainment projects around the film theme. Special effects film is the mostcharacteristic tourism and entertainment product of Changying century city. InChangying Century City Park, there are five special effect cinemas, including 3Dgiant screen, 4D special effect, laser suspension, dynamic ball screen andthree-dimensional water screen. Hollywood and Disney failed to gather the mostadvanced special effects movies in one park. Therefore, Changying century cityis also known as the "capital of special effects movies in the world".

The climate of Changchun City is located in the transition zone between theeastern mountainous humid area and the western plain semi-arid area, whichbelongs to the temperate continental semi humid monsoon climate type. Althoughthe East and the south are not far from the sea, due to the barrier of ChangbaiMountains, the effect of summer heat is weakened, so summer is cooler. SongliaoPlain is located in the West and north of China. The air mass of Siberian polarcontinent is unobstructed, and the influence of monsoon is very big. Therefore,the climate characteristics are that the annual temperature changessignificantly, and the four seasons are distinct. In winter, the snow is flying,the spring is sunny, the summer is windy and sunny, and the autumn is cool andpleasant. The best travel time is spring, summer and autumn.

The film and television culture theme of Changying century city is brightand prominent. It has rich connotation of film culture and national culture. Ittakes film and television programs as the carrier to uncover the mystery of filmproduction, so that the audience can fully enjoy the high-grade spiritualpleasure brought by film art and excellent Chinese national culture. People whohave visited the Changying century city know that there are not only the realmovie scenes but also the beautiful bubbles in the fairytale world. This showsthe essence of the world theme park giant Universal Studio Hollywood and DisneyPark, the most advanced and the most complete special effects movie. Asimportant as entertainment products, colorful Park activities are alsounforgettable.

The Samba dance company of Brazil has performed more than 180 consecutiveperformances, which ignited the "Oriental Hollywood" with enthusiasm; the flowerof Russian art dance company has brought strong Russian customs; the filmcharacters who show Changchuns profound film heritage are big; the wonderfulAcrobatic Art Tour; Funny and humorous "clowns Day", "Bachelors Day","Valentines Day", "happy childrens Day", "Chinese stunt Carnival", "MagicFestival" and "water Olympic Games" and so on, wonderful programs are like alandmark, which deeply engraves Changying century city into Changchun.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 8206 字

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Today we are going to visit Nanputuo temple. It has a long history andbegan in the Tang Dynasty. However, because it was destroyed many times andrebuilt many times, the architecture of the whole temple is relatively new.Originally known as "Puzhao Temple", it was destroyed. In the 23rd year ofKangxi reign, general Shi Lang rebuilt the temple here. It was called "NanputuoTemple" because it was the same as Putuo Mountain in Zhejiang Province, and itwas also located in the south of Putuo Mountain. Nanputuo temple was originallythe hereditary leader of Linji sect. In 1924, it was changed into the system ofselecting talents in the jungle. It has been 11 years since then Mr. Ren, thecurrent host is master Shenghui. The architecture of Nanputuo temple is alsounique. Now, lets go to visit it with Xiao Wu. The time we need is one and ahalf hours.

Ladies and gentlemen, now please come with me to visit the temple. This isTianwang hall, inscribed by Zhao Puchu, former president of China BuddhistAssociation in 1981. Walking into the kings Hall of this day, Maitreya Buddhaseyebrows, eyes, ear lobes, shoulders, bare chest and navel, smiling, seems to bewaiting for every visitor. Maitreya Buddha was born in India, and later became amonk. The Buddha predicted that he would inherit Sakyamuni as the future Buddha,and become a Buddha under the Longhua tree after 5.766 billion years. It wasdivided into three parts to preach on behalf of Sakyamuni. What we see now isnot Maitreya Buddha in India. In most temples in China, the statue of fatMaitreya with a smile is worshipped. He was a monk of Qiji in the FiveDynasties. Today, he is a native of Fenghua, Ningbo. He often takes a cloth bagand travels around. He is carefree and always persuades people to believe inBuddhism. He is always smiling and kind to others. Therefore, people call him"cloth bag monk". Later, he was in Yuelin temple The stone sits on the groundand says: "Maitreya is true Maitreya, who is divided into tens of billions ofpeople and shows the world all the time. People realize that he is theincarnation of Maitreya Buddha.

Behind Maitreya Buddha is Wei Tuo, who holds a Vajra pestle and is the Godof Dharma protection in Buddhism. It is said that if the Vajra pestle that WeiTuo carries in the temple indicates that the temple is a descendant temple. Itis not open to foreign traveling monks. They can eat two meals at most and cannot stay overnight. If Wei Tuo puts the Vajra pestle on his arm, it means thatthe temple is a forest of ten directions, and traveling monks can eat and sleepfor free Wei Tuo raised the Vajra pestle over his forehead, saying that thetemple charged a certain fee for the board and lodging of traveling monks.

Nanputuo temple was originally a temple for descendants, so Weituos Vajrapestle was on the ground, and later it was changed into a ten square jungle.However, this Weituo has not changed its shape. In fact, traveling monks can eatand sleep here for free.

On both sides of the heavenly king hall are four heavenly kings,representing wind, tune, rain and shun. In the East, the heavenly king holds alute, which means tune. In the south, the heavenly king holds a sword, whichmeans wind. In the west, the heavenly king holds a ball, a snake or a dragon,which means Shun. In the north, it is often heard that the heavenly king holdsan umbrella, which means rain.

Now we walk out of Tianwang hall, and the temple unfolds symmetrically onthe left and right sides with the central axis. Now, there are bell towers anddrum towers on the left and right sides. Generally, there are morning bells andevening drums in the temple. On the first floor of the bell drum tower, thereare bodhisattvas Tibetans and Kalan Bodhisattvas. Right in front of it is themain hall of the temple, which is a two-story building with double eaves restingon the top of the mountain, Green tiles, stone pillars, carved beams and paintedbuildings, glazed tiles on the roof, and magnetic paintings on the top of thehall, such as nine carp turning into dragon, Qilin running, dragon and Phoenixpresenting, are bright in color and resplendent in gold. The Nanputuo Templebegan in the Tang Dynasty. There is a couplet on the stone column in front ofthe Daxiong hall as evidence, "it dates back to the Tang Dynasty and Kaiyuan,and Puguang was glorified by Xiadao to Taiwu". In the Daxiong hall, there arethree Buddhas, namely the past Buddha, the present Buddha and the future Buddha.In the middle is the present Buddha, namely Sakyamuni Buddha. It is said thatthere is a real person, originally named Qiao Damo. Siddhartha, the son of KingJingfan in ancient India, was 19 years old when he traveled in Si men. Herealized the state of life and death, so he decided to become a monk in order toget rid of the hardship of life and death. Finally, after hard practice, herealized under the bodhi tree and became the present Sakyamuni. Standing on bothsides of Sakyamuni are his two disciples Ananda and Kaya. In front of them is athousand handed Avalokitesvara. In the back of the hall, there are three Westernsaints, amitabha in the middle, Guanyin Bodhisattva on the left and dashizhiBodhisattva on the right.

There are 18 Arhats on the left and right of the main hall. It is said thatwhen Arhats were introduced to China, there were only 16 Arhats. Later, masterQingyou, the author of the book of fazhuji, and the translator of the bookXuanzang were added.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the great mercy hall, dedicated to GuanyinBodhisattva. Because Guanyin Bodhisattva is also known as the great mercyGuanyin Bodhisattva, it is called the great mercy hall. The original name ofGuanyin is Guanyin, Guanyou. The meaning of compassion is to give peoplehappiness and remove sorrow. There are four Avalokitesvara Bodhisattvas in thehall. They are arranged in four directions. In the middle of the hall is adouble arm Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, sitting on the lotus seat with eyeshanging down, with a serene look. The other three are 48 arm Avalokitesvara,each with a small eye carved on its hand, holding a variety of artifact and aposture. Visitors and pilgrims must visit and worship here. The main hall is awooden structure with octagonal triple eaves, all of which are made of bucketarches. The caisson in the hall is made of wooden bucket arches instead of onenail. Because the incense is too abundant, it has been burned many times here,so friends who want to burn incense later, please dont bring the incense to thehall, just burn it outside the hall.

In the front is the Sutra Pavilion, which is the highest floor of the mainbody of the central axis. The pavilion has a unique architecture, with a Chineseand Western charm. The top is a Xieshan roof, the bottom is a westernarchitecture, with double eaves and double attics. The upper floor is SutraPavilion, the lower floor is Dharma hall, and the second floor has a spaciousroof. It contains the blood scriptures written by believers and Shami in thelate Ming Dynasty, as well as the works of the famous artist he Chaodong, whiteporcelain Guanyin, Burmese white jade Reclining Buddha and so on.

Ladies and gentlemen, follow me up the mountain. Here is a big Buddhacharacter. It is the largest temple in Southern Fujian. It is more than 4 metershigh and 3 meters wide. It was written by Zhenhui in the 31st year of Guangxureign of the Qing Dynasty.

Now, please come back with me. Nanputuo is the base of Buddhist highereducation in China. This is Minnan Buddhist College. It was founded in 1925.Master Huiquan, the chair of Nanputuo at that time, was the first president ofthe college. He took the college as an educational experimental garden forreforming Chinese monks, making it a famous Buddhist higher educationinstitution at home and abroad. In 1937, the Anti Japanese army was established,and the college was closed down. In 1985, it was opened again After the formalresumption, president Zhao Puchu rewrote the courtyard. Now there are twodepartments for men and women. The mens department is in Nanputuo, and thewomens courtyard is in zizhulin temple in Jinbang park. Each president of thecollege is currently presided over by Nanputuo, so the current president isshenghuishi.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3870 字

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Ladies and gentlemen: qufu is our country ancient times a great thinker, politician and educator Confuciuss hometown, one of the first batch of 24 historical and cultural cities published. Confucius had a famous saying: "there is companion come from afar, joy." Today, I had the privilege to you as a tour guide, very happy. I will do my best to provide satisfactory service for you, the deficiency, please correct me criticism.

Qufu overview before a visit to the "three holes", please allow me to introduce qufu overview:

Qufu is situated at in and plain of shandong province at the junction, north depends on mount tai, south Yi mountain, the east river bank Mongolia mountains, west plains of over thousand domain. Terrain east west high low, domestic SiHe, YiHe river flows from east to west, from ancient times there is "the saint door back water". Products rich, pleasant scenery. Great poet qufu Li Baiceng describes: "smile boast a friend refers to despair, the graceful green such as LAN".

Qufu has a long history, as early as fifty-six thousand years ago, our ancestors would thrive here, created the early human civilization. Many ancient books, and the yan emperor, wu migration are less in qufu, the yellow emperor was born in longevity hill (qufu east eight miles), shun in life for what sorts of records. Visible, China ancient times the most influential in the existence of four people left traces in qufu. Although this is a legend, but also is not groundless. From more than 20 section of the preserved in dawenkou culture and longshan culture sites still remains visible to our ancestors conquering nature. "One of the earliest qufu" in rites > >. The eastern han dynasty YingShao explained: "east lu mound, winding in the seven or eight long, therefore qufu." The early stage of the shang dynasty, qufu I, is one of the important vassal shang dynasty. "Duke of sealing in qufu" since the zhou dynasty for over 800 years, qufu for lu capital, and was an important political, economic and cultural center. The wind of spring and autumn period, Confucius pioneering private teaching, "three thousand disciples, the sage three thousand two" throughout all over the country, and became the center of education. Lu is a golden period in the history of qufu, well known for its "formal state", so is still in use in shandong province "lu" as referred to. In 249 BC, chu lu, lu county, qin dynasty Xue Jun, the western han dynasty to lu, when the wei jin southern and northern dynasties to crewe. Sui emperor sixteen years (596), the first pronounce qufu county name. Song called fairy source county, jin recover qufu county name today. 1986 withdraw XianZhi, called qufu. Now covers an area of 890 square kilometers and a population of more than 60. Long history, splendid culture, left a large number of cultural relics to qufu, mainly there are more than 110, the Confucius temple, Confucius, konglin was suggested and lu cultural site is listed as one of the first key cultural relics protection units by the national, 11 listed as the provincial key cultural relics protection units. "Three holes" in 1994 by the United Nations as a world cultural heritage.

After the founding of new China, especially since the third plenary session of the eleventh party and state leaders of great concern, qufu monuments in countries has budgeted more than 3000 3000 yuan on the "three holes" chopped comprehensive repair. In recent years, in order to develop the tourism, qufu company development and construction of the memorial garden city of six arts, analects of Confucius, a batch of new tourist attractions such as lu shengshi huaxia culture city, the formation of humanities and natural landscape, the old and new scenic spots one integrated mass, synergies of new pattern of tourism resources, become the culture of Chinese and foreign tourists yearning resort.



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Dear friends, hello. You are welcome to visit the Forbidden City. My name is Li Yizhang, you can call me lee or xiao li. Led by me today everybody together to explore the world heritage - the Forbidden City.

We first to know about the Palace Museum! The Palace Museum is located in the center of Beijing, used to be called the Forbidden City. The Forbidden City palace buildings are wood, yellow glazed tile roof, green white stone base, decorated with resplendent and magnificent painting.

Now we are in the front Chambers of the imperial palace is the palace of heavenly purity. Palace of heavenly purity is the main hall, the main of which was 20 metres high. The center of the temple is the throne, there are "legitimate" plaque. Palace of heavenly purity is the living quarters for the feudal emperor, the qing emperor kangxi to the emperor lived here before and dealing with affairs. After the qing yongzheng emperors moved to yangxin dian, but still played in the reviews, history and summoned liegeman appointed officer.

Now we came to the palace of earthly tranquility, in the Forbidden City is in the middle of the palace of earthly tranquility, yongzheng, west NuanGe for the sacrifice of the shaman. Its Middle East NuanGe for wedding bridal chamber, the emperor kangxi managment, two emperor, were held in the wedding. House there are many such as: east sixth, hand over tai temple, west sixth...

Ok, I will first come here, please slowly appreciate. And you remember oh! When browsing dont litter, dont touch items, dont trample objects, so you can see the air has a history of the Forbidden City. I wish you all have fun and play.



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Dear tourists, we are now here to Tiananmen Square, the largest city centersquare in the world, with an area of 440000 square meters. Moreover, thegeographical location of Beijing in the world is determined by the longitude andlatitude of the square (east longitude: 116 ° 23 ′ 17 ″, north latitude: 39 ° 54′ 27 ″),. It is located in the center of Beijing and has been watching thehistorical changes of Beijing since ancient times. In the Ming Dynasty, it wasonce called chengtianmen square. There was a T-shaped square. Of course, it isno longer there. In the Qing Dynasty, it was changed to Tiananmen Square. Afterthe revolution of 1911, Tiananmen Square became the best gathering place formass movements. The famous May 4th movement, the 129 student movement and so ontook place here. The most famous event here, I believe you all know, was thefounding ceremony on October 1, 1949, when 300000 people gathered here tocelebrate the founding of new China. After liberation, the T-shaped square wasdemolished and large buildings such as the monument to the peoples heroes, theGreat Hall of the people, the history museum and the revolutionary museum werebuilt. In 1976, after the death of the president, the memorial hall of thepresident was built on the original position of the Chinese gate, thus formingthe architectural pattern of the square today. In the 50th anniversary of thenational day, Tiananmen Square has undergone a series of renovation, making thesquare more beautiful, spectacular and clean. You must be looking forward to theTiananmen Square I described. It doesnt matter. I will introduce it to you oneby one in the next tour.

During the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, it was called Chengtian gate.It was just a wooden archway, which means "to carry out the transportation fromheaven, to be ordered by heaven". However, it was burned down in the MingDynasty. Later, the city building with nine wide faces and five deep faces wasbuilt, which truly reflected the emperors respect of 95. But at the end of MingDynasty, it was destroyed again. During the reign of emperor Shunzhi of the QingDynasty, after the reconstruction of the city tower, it was renamed Tiananmen,the other three imperial city gates were renamed daian, and the three mainhalls of the Forbidden City were renamed daihe, which reflected the good wishesof internal and external security. This is what we are looking at now. It iscomposed of three parts: the foundation, the platform and the tower. The base iswhite marble xumizuo, which is the highest level base in ancient China, with aheight of 1.59 meters. The platform is 14.6 meters high. And the double eaves ofthe city tower rest on the top of the mountain, which was also the highest levelof the temple roof at that time. The whole building is 33.7 meters high. After70 years of renovation, it has risen by one meter.

This is a very high-grade building, and its role is also very important. Inthe Ming and Qing Dynasties, whenever there was a national ceremony, theceremony of "Jinfeng imperial edict" was held on the city tower. After theimperial edict was announced, a wood carved Golden Phoenix was put on the yellowsilk thread machine. The Golden Phoenix carried the imperial edict down thewall. The officials of the Ministry of rites caught it with a cloud tray, andthen put it into the Dragon Pavilion to praise the Ministry of rites, and thenpromulgated it. )And whenever the emperor went out of the palace to sacrifice,this was the only way. The most important moment for new China was also bornhere. The chairman solemnly announced the founding of new China on the TiananmenGate Tower, and personally angered the first five-star red flag of new China.The portrait of the chairman on the city floor is replaced every year before thenational day.

The river in front of Tiananmen tower is called Jinshui River. Then why isit called Jinshui River? Because this river is drawn from the northwest ofBeijing, and in the Yin Yang and five elements, the West belongs to Jin and theNorth belongs to water, so this river is named Jinshui River, and the sevenwhite jade bridges on the river are Jinshui bridge. The two bridges next to themare called Gongsheng bridge, which correspond to the Taimiao temple and thesheji altar, which are now the Cultural Palace of the working people andZhongshan Park. The one in the middle is the royal road bridge, which isspecially used by the emperor and queen. The two bridges beside it are royalbridges, which are used by the royal princes. The two bridges beside them aregrade bridges, which can only be passed by officials above grade three.

In front of Jinshui bridge, there is a stone lion on the left and right.The one on the left is the master, and the one on the right is the lioness. Howcan we tell the male from the female? Because the male masters foot is on thehydrangea, while the female lion is the cub. Now in order to protect thecultural relics, the lions have been fenced up. There were a pair of Huabiaobefore and after Tiananmen Square. In fact, the original name of Huabiao was FeiMu. It was set up by the emperor to show that he could accept and acceptopinions, and gradually evolved into todays Huabiao. The monster at the top ofit is called Hou. The one on the North China watch is called wangjunchu, whichmeans to let the emperor go out of the palace to observe the peoples feelings.The one on the south end is called wangjungui, which means that the emperorshould not be nostalgic for the world outside the Palace, but should go back tothe palace in time to deal with government affairs.

Now please turn back. Behind us is Tiananmen Square. In the Ming and QingDynasties, it was T-shaped, with a north-south royal road in the middle. On bothsides of the royal road, there were Qianbu corridor, with 110 corridors on bothsides. On the south side of Changan Street, with the red wall extending to theEast and West, there were 34 corridors, so Qianbu corridor had 228 corridors. Atthe southernmost end of the imperial Road, damingmen was in the Ming Dynasty,but it was changed to daqingmen in the Qing Dynasty; The gates on the East andwest sides are Changan left gate and Changan right gate, which are also calledLongmen and Humen respectively. After the scientific examination, Huang Bangannounced in the left gate of Changan that the Jinshi in the examination wouldenter the imperial city from here, so they are called Longmen. The reason forHumen is that after the frost falls every year, the imperial court has toexamine the prisoners, and the prisoners who are examined and approved are takenout of the right gate of Changan, which is tantamount to falling into thepalace Hukou is called Humen. These are all related to the five elements.

In ancient China, there was a saying of "wendongwuxi", so on the East andwest sides of qianbulang is the location of Wufu Liubu. On the east side of thesquare, the area around the present history museum is basically the centralcivilian organs, while on the west side, that is, the area around the Great Hallof the people, are the five army governors office and the secret service royalguards. In order to facilitate these officials to enter the Imperial City, anorth-south gate, donggongsheng gate and xigongsheng gate, were built outsideLongmen Humen.

Now we cant see the trace of that time. Instead, we have modern buildingswith more historical significance and political characteristics.

On the west side of the square is the Great Hall of the people. It startedconstruction in October 1958 and lasted for one year. It was completed beforethe National Day in 1958, covering an area of 171800 square meters. The wholebuilding is like a "mountain". The highest point in the center is 46.5 meters,which is the highest building in Tiananmen Square. The great hall is dividedinto three parts: in the center is the auditorium of the ten thousand peoplesCongress, with a total area of 36000 square meters and 10000 seats. There is ahuge red five pointed star on the top of the auditorium, giving off 70 to 70rays of light. The decoration layout of the whole dome is not only magnificent,but also a symbol of the unity of the people around the Party Central Committee;in the north is the banquet hall, with a total area of more than 7000 squaremeters, which is the largest banquet hall in China; In the south is the officebuilding of the National Peoples Congress, which includes the conference hallsof 37 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the centralgovernment, such as Chongqing hall, Hong Kong hall, etc.

In the northeast of the square is the Museum of the Chinese revolution,which was officially opened to the public on July 1, 61. The main exhibits arerevolutionary materials since the May 4th movement, and the contents of theexhibits in the museum are extremely rich. Southeast of the square is theChinese history museum. Its predecessor is the Beijing History Museum. In 26, itwas changed into the National History Museum. Four years later, it was changedinto the Beiping History Museum of Academia Sinica. In April 34, it was changedinto the Preparatory Office of the Central Museum and the Beiping HistoryMuseum. Its exhibits cover more than 300000 pieces of cultural relics, coins,pictures, etc. with thousands of years of history from the slavery society ofXia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties to the end of Qing Dynasty.

Facing the Tiananmen Gate Tower is the monument to the peoples heroes.According to the resolution of the first plenary session of the Chinese peoplesPolitical Consultative Conference in September 49, the monument to the peoplesheroes was built in Tiananmen Square. More than 240 design schemes werecollected from the whole country, and three schemes were selected. Finally, itwas decided that Liang Sichengs design scheme should be taken as the main one,and the other three schemes should be integrated. Thats what we see today.52.8.1 was officially built, completed in 58.4 and ceremoniously unveiled in5.1. The 100 ton core stone was transported from Qingdao to Beijing. After aseries of processing and carving, the finished product is 14.7 meters high, 2.9meters wide, 1 meter thick and weighs 60 tons. The body of the stone is composedof 413 pieces of granite. The base of the stele is composed of more than 17000pieces of granite and white marble, covering an area of more than 3000 squaremeters.

The front of the monument faces Tiananmen Square and is inlaid with goldplate. The chairman wrote "the peoples heroes are immortal". On the back is a158 character inscription drafted by the chairman and written by Premier Zhou(over the past three years, the peoples heroes who died in the peoplesLiberation War and the peoples revolution are immortal) Over the past 30 years,the peoples heroes who died in the peoples Liberation War and the peoplesrevolution are immortal, which dates back to 1840 years. Since then, in order tofight against internal and external enemies, strive for national independenceand peoples freedom and happiness, the peoples heroes who died in previousstruggles are immortal. There are eight reliefs around the pedestal, 2 metershigh and 40.68 meters long. From the East, the order is: Humen tobacco, thedestructed opium, the Wuchang movement, the 54 Movement, the May 30 movement,the Nanchang uprising, the Anti Japanese War, and the victory across the river.On both sides of the victory crossing, there are two decorative patterns, whichare: supporting the front line and welcoming the peoples Liberation Army. Thereare 180 characters in all the reliefs.

To the south of the monument to the peoples Heroes is the chairmansmemorial hall. The construction of the memorial hall started on November 24,1976, and it took only six months to complete. Officially opened on the firstanniversary of the chairmans death. In front of the north gate of the memorialhall are two groups of clay sculptures, both of which are based on revolutionaryepics. The South Gate of the main building is to inherit the will of thepresident and show the confidence of the people of all ethnic groups. The 30 redflags outside the South Gate represent 30 provinces and autonomous regions inChina. The platform foundation of the memorial hall is built with jujube redgranite from the Dadu River. Around the foundation stone are stones from MountEverest and water from the Chinese Taiwan Strait. The main building of the memorial hallis composed of three parts: one enters the stele hall, facing a three meter highstatue of the chairman, where commemorative activities are held; one enters fromthe golden Phoebe gate on the south side of the North Hall, where the chairmansbody is placed; the South Hall is on the south side of the hall, where thechairmans poem "Manjianghong" is engraved. On the East and west sides of thethree halls are the rest hall and the memorial room of the old revolutionary.Now the memorial room of Deng Xiaoping has been added.

Behind the chairmans memorial hall is the main gate of the inner city,Zhengyang gate. In the past, Zhengyang gate was the tallest building in thecountry, which meant that the LORD was in the sun, the sun was in the sky, andall nations were looking forward to it. Now its the only complete preservedtower and arrow tower in Beijing.

In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the traffic hub between Xicheng andNancheng was Qipan street. Now it is probably located in the square between thechairmans memorial hall and Zhengyangmen tower.

In fact, Tiananmen Square also has a very famous landscape, which is theflag raising and flag lowering ceremony. Tens of thousands of people come towatch the ceremony every day. Zeng Liansong, the designer of Chinas nationalflag design, is the first national flag maker. This super large national flag ismore than 5 meters long and 3 meters wide. At the founding ceremony, thepresident personally raised this national flag, which symbolizes the birth ofnew China.

The original flagpole base of Tiananmen Square was closed, which made itinconvenient to raise and lower the flag, and the equipment was old. So the newbase and flagpole were rebuilt on February 25, 1991. The plane of the new baseis three layers. The first layer is made of white marble, and there arepassageways all around. The second layer is reddish brown granite, whichsymbolizes the red of the people. The third layer is green belt, whichsymbolizes the prosperity of the socialist motherland. In addition, there are 56golden copper separation piers around, which symbolize the unity of 56nationalities hand in hand and heart in heart under the national flag.

The new flagpole is made of seamless steel pipe made by Shougang. It isdivided into four sections, weighing 7 tons and 32.6 meters high. It will notrust in 20 years.

The flag raising and lowering ceremony should be held on the first day ofevery ten days or important national celebrations, and the flag raising andlowering ceremony should also be held on other days. Every day, the time ofraising the flag is based on sunrise, and the time of lowering the flag is basedon sunset. The national anthem is played. During festivals, the military bandplays live, while at ordinary times, the recording is played. If you areinterested, you can also watch this important landscape at your convenience.



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Tianmen Mountain is the highest mountain in Zhangjiajie, only 8 kilometersaway from the city. It is named after Tianmen cave, a natural wonder. TianmenMountain, formerly known as Songliang mountain, also known as Yunmeng Mountainand fanghu mountain, is the first famous mountain in Zhangjiajies history. Itsmain peak is 1518.6 meters. It was approved as a National Forest Park in July1992.

Jinggangshan was the territory of Luling County in Jiujiang group since QinDynasty established Qun county system in 221 B.C., but the development of Cipingwas after 668 A.D., and the village of xiaowujing was built after 1644 A.D.,which belongs to Yongxin County and Longquan county (now Zhuchuan county). Itwas not until 1928, during the period of Jinggangshan struggle, that anindependent administrative system was set up here. Jinggangshan AdministrationBureau of Jiangxi Province was established in 1955 and changed to JinggangshanCity in 1984.

(Tianzi Pavilion) friends, before you go upstairs, you might as well readthe Tianzi Pavilion Fu at the gate. Attention, Mr. Guan Shanyue, the master ofvertical painting on this plaque, wrote this inscription. On May 20, 1998, Mr.Guan Shanyue, who was over 90 years old, boarded the emperors pavilion. He wasthinking of flying over the pavilion, smiling and writing for the pavilionhappily. Later, he made a long scroll map of Zhangjiajie, which was launched inHong Kong and caused a sensation in Hong Kong. Some people say that GuanShanyues artistic brilliance in her later years was completed inZhangjiajie.



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At 3:30 in the afternoon, our family arrived at the Baima Temple ForestPark. The tall and straight trees swarmed together. The mountain roads werewinding like Wolong. There were numerous amusement parks like wild geese. Thewater level of the lake was as gentle as a mirror

After we get off the bus, we first go to climb the mountain. There arestairs one by one, winding mountain roads, and yearning tree lined pathsEverything is so tempting.

Climbing began, I step by step, a section of the stairs. Sometimes happy,sometimes jumping; sometimes chasing my sister quickly, sometimes sitting in thepavilion enjoying the pastoral rest, here is really beautiful, countless greenforests, countless silver lakes, it is so desirable.

When I saw the ants climbing the mountain, I couldnt help but stop forfear of hurting them; when I met the hare, I held my breath for fear of scaringhim away; when I met the birds, I didnt hurt her, because I knew it would behappy only when it was free. I cant count how many roads, how many stairs, howmany steps I took; I cant count how many trees, how many lakes, how manyscenery I saw.

One of the most influential is the historical allusion "white horse pullingrein". It tells about a poor boy who cut firewood for the old rich man becauseof his poor family. One winter, when the boy finished cutting firewood, he sawan old man on his way home suffering from cold. He forgot the old rich manscruel intention to light a fire to keep the old man warm, and put some water inthe river to make the old man drink, The old man was very grateful to him, so hegave him a paper horse and told him that if the paper horse ate the millennialcereal grass, it would become a magic horse. When the young man came home,suddenly the wind was strong and there was a snowstorm all night. The next day,despite the storm, the rich man forced the boy to go into the mountain tocollect firewood. The young man thought of the paper horse hidden in his arms,but where to find the millennial cereal grass? Suddenly, he thought that amillennium old Buddha statue had been destroyed in the White Horse Temple on themountain. He clearly remembered that the skeleton of the Buddha statue was madeof cereal grass, so he immediately came to the temple and took out a cerealgrass from the Buddha statue. The paper horse in his arms opened his mouth andswallowed it, shaking his head and tail, and suddenly became a snow-white steed.He went into the mountain to carry charcoal for the youth. When the rich manlearned about it, he wanted to take the god horse for himself, so he conspiredwith his servants to steal the horse before midnight, and was kicked to theground by the white horse. The boy wakes up from his sleep, jumps on his horsesback and flies away with the white horse. The horse bell is pulled down by therich man and scattered all over the ground. It turns into a ringing stone. Aridge dragged by the white horses reins is still barren. This is the origin ofmalingshi and the story of "white horse pulling rein", one of the four famousscenic spots in Jincheng.

Ive read this story many times, and I understand the general meaningaccording to the pictures. I dare not say that I memorized it, but I can saythat I absolutely understand the general meaning, because I know its a storythat benefits me all my life.



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Dear visitors, everybody is good, very glad to be your tour guide, my name is dai, you can call me wear guide, today were visiting place ─ ─ of lijiang.

You come with me. Here is the old town of lijiang. Lijiang has the dual nature and culture charm known as forget time, also known as "one of the most preserved ancient city of the big four". It is Chinas famous historical and cultural city not only in the ancient city wall. Lijiang ancient city is located in the yunnan-guizhou plateau, 2400 meters above sea level, the area of the city 3. 8 square kilometers. Now we came to the tiger leaping gorge.

There is a legend. Nu river, lancang river and jinsha river is the three sisters, sister nujiang love angry, two elder sister love try so hard, the lancang river three younger sister jinshajiang wanxian. Parents would send three sisters marry to the west, jinsha river dark about two sisters fled to south. Came to the town of lijiang, shek kwu, two sisters would continue to head south, jinsha river is determined to go to the east of the sun, just say goodbye to my sister, and turned toward the east, and formed the "Yangtze river first bay". Parents send yulong, khabarov brothers pursuit of the three sisters. Sit face to face two brothers came to lijiang white sands, blocking the way to the east. Run tired, two people take turns to wait agreement, who as French WenZhan let sisters. Turn khabarov waiting, yulong fell asleep.

Jinsha river before, put light footsteps, singing beautiful hypnosis. Her a gift for 18 teams, khabarov listen also fell asleep. Jinsha river from their feet slipped between the past. Yulong wake up and see the jinsha river ran to the east, early and khabarov still in a deep sleep, so we have to according to the French cut down khabarov head, turns back and wept bitterly. Two brothers turned to jade dragon snow mountain and haba snow mountain, khabarov head into a boulder fell into the river, tiger leaping gorge, and jinsha river sing eighteen song into 18 beach, tiger leaping gorge.

There are beautiful scenes of lijiang, could not say. The rest of the time, we are free to take pictures, pay attention to safety.



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The ancient lotus pond is located in the ancient city of Baoding. It hasattracted many tourists with its unique antique color and various classicbuildings.

Walking into the ancient lotus pond, the first thing you see is a rockery,which is surrounded by the East Canal connecting the north and South ponds.There are many strange rocks on the mountain. From a distance, some are likeexquisite pagodas, some are like cranes neck, some are like apes ears, andsome run with horses. Im intoxicated with all kinds of strange shapes.

Around the rockery, I came to the beautiful lotus pool. The lotus pool islarge, accounting for almost a quarter of the park. The lotus leaves aresqueezed like big jade plates. The lotus in the pool is even more colorful: somejust have buds, green and green; some have pink flowers, ready to bloom; somehave one or two petals, like a shy little girl, shy to speak; some stretchpetals, reveal yellow stamens, like a beautiful girl, graceful. It can be saidthat the lotus in the sun is so red!

The ancient lotus pond not only has beautiful scenery, but also has alegend: "lotus leaves supporting peach". It is the unique shape of the paviliontop in the garden. In the middle of the green rolled lotus leaf is a big redpeach. This structure is novel and natural. It is said that Empress Dowager Cixidisguised herself as a village woman and fled overnight when the eight nationallied forces entered Beijing. An old craftsman designed the pavilion top styleof "lotus leaf supporting peach" in Lianchi, which is harmonious with the soundof "escape in the night". The purpose is to expose Empress Dowager Cixisdisgraceful behavior. Empress Dowager Cixi passed by Baoding when she returnedto Beijing. When she saw "lotus leaves supporting peach", she became angry andimmediately sent a decree to kill the old craftsman.

There are also world-famous stele corridor, Lianchi academy and somebuildings in the ancient lotus pond. The ancient lotus pond is rich in historyand culture, contributing to the ancient city of Baoding.



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Dear friends hello, I am your tour guide today, I called Chang Yujie, below I will lead you to the world cultural heritage - in zhouzhuang to visit in suzhou.

This is the door zhouzhuang, you all have a look, if found the hotel around the roof has a flower bowls, you see there is a huge inside the pigs feet. Theme is the most delicious food here, especially in the three thousand hoofs of the most famous. He has a horizontal interesting story! Now I will tell you, before, zhouzhuang lived a man named shen three thousand richest, is very kind, favorite food is eating pigs feet. One day, zhu yuanzhang visit shen three thousand, shen three thousand hospitality he eating pigs feet, but cunning confused by zhu yuanzhang a problem, the question is, whats the name of the meat? Shen three thousand think, say pigs feet, shen will be over three thousand, made a deceit gentleman, because is the emperor zhu yuanzhang, so shen three thousand a brainwave, say Wan Santi. This is the origin of Wan Santi. For a while, you can taste.

Zhouzhuang is build and name, now let us come for a walk! You look at the build reflection in the water, the bridge is linked together, like a key, then draw a picture of Chen in the United States memory of hometown, build picture is beautiful, the people were charmed by the dreamy scenery, from then on, zhouzhuang known, build is also famous.

Ok, now please walking around, please pay attention to protect its clean, want to tour by boat to the dock, please. So you dissolve go sightseeing tour of the beauty of water - zhouzhuang!!!!
