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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4426 字

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Hello, everyone. Im your guide, Xiao Wang. First of all, welcome toBeijing Juyongguan Great Wall.

Juyong Pass is one of the most famous passes of the Great Wall. It is abarrier to the northwest of Beijing since ancient times. Juyong Pass is built ina 20 kilometer long valley between the mountains, which is the famous "pass" inthe capital.

Both sides of Juyong Pass city are "high mountains", with steep cliffs. Thepass city dominates the passage to Beijing. This extremely dangerous terraindetermines its military importance. Ancient military experts called it "theancient and modern defense of controlling the north and the South". Gao Shi, afrontier poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote in describing the dangerous road ofJuyongguan and Guanxiong: "juepo is under the water, and the peaks are high.

According to the records of the Yuan Dynasty, the name of Juyong came fromthe immigrants who lived here when the first emperor of Qin built the GreatWall. Yong is the civilian soldiers who were forced to come. In fact, the nameof Juyong existed before Qin Shihuang unified the whole country. It was writtenin the spring and Autumn Annals of the Lu family in the Warring States period.It is recorded that "there are nine fortresses in the world, and one of them isthe mediocre". Juyongguan ranks the eighth among the famous eight Xings inTaihang, namely junduxing, which controls Jundushan. Although Juyong Pass hasalways been an important military defense town for a long time, its name hasbeen changed many times. It was called "Xiguan" in the Three Kingdoms period,changed to "Naqian pass" in the Northern Qi period, first called "Jimen pass" inthe Tang Dynasty, and then changed to "Jundu pass". From the Liao Dynasty to thelater Jin, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, it has always been calledJuyongguan.

After Zhu Yuanzhang destroyed the Yuan Dynasty and established the Zhuregime, Xu Da, the founder of the country, was sent to build Juyongguan city in1370 A.D., which is the earliest record of building the Great Wall pass in theMing Dynasty. This shows that Juyongguan has an important strategic position.The Guancheng built by Xu Da is very big. According to the ancient books,"crossing two mountains, thirteen Li on Monday, four Zhang and two feet high."After the establishment of Juyongguan City, there was a garrison of 1000households. In the second year of Yongle (A.D. 14__), it was promoted to Wei,commanding five garrisons.

Juyong Pass has been built in all dynasties since Hongwu built it, and thelarger one was in the early years of Jingtai. After the change of civilengineering, Yu Qian, then Minister of the Ministry of war, told the emperorthat Juyong was the gateway of the capital and should be on guard as soon aspossible. The stone plaque of Juyongguan is inscribed with the inscription of"auspicious sunrise in August of the fifth year of Jingtai".

Juyong Pass is also one of the most dangerous passes of the Great Wall. Ithas experienced a lot of war. It once conducted several battles that determinedthe fate of the imperial court.

In the fourth year of Xuanhe (1120 x A.D.) of the Northern Song Dynasty,the Jin Dynasty destroyed the Liao Dynasty. It was the Juyong Pass that wasfirst conquered, and then it moved southward to take Yanjing, the capital of theLiao Dynasty.

In the Late Jin Dynasty, the Mongolian troops had captured Juyong Pass manytimes. However, in the second year of Jiading (12__ A.D.), when the emperorTaizu led his army to attack Juyong Pass, the Jin soldiers could not attack itfor a long time because of the danger. Finally, the Mongolians turned to attackthe Zijingguan pass, and then went around Zhuozhou and Yizhou to attack JuyongPass.

When the Ming army destroyed Yuan Dynasty, it first attacked Juyong Pass,then drove straight in and won the capital of Yuan Dynasty. After 277, LiZichengs peasant uprising army conquered Juyong Pass, then marched into Beijingand overthrew the decadent Ming Dynasty.

In history, although Juyongguan was full of war, more often than not, itwas a peaceful scene. In 1971, in a tomb of the Eastern Han Dynasty found inHelingeer, Inner Mongolia, there is a mural "when the envoy moved from Fanyangto Duguan", which vividly depicts the prosperous scene of vehicles and horses inJuyongguan at that time. This precious mural is enough to show that Juyong Passwas an important gateway between the inside and outside of the great wall morethan 20__ years ago.



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各位游客们, 我们脚下的方砖、扶着的条石,一块就有两三千斤重,那时没有火车、汽车,就靠劳动人民无数的肩膀,一步一步地抬上去。多少劳动人民的血汗和智慧,才凝结成这前不见头、后不见尾的万里长城,所以我们要好好爱护它。





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越往上爬,我发现人越来越多,最终,我们堵在一个台阶上,上也上不去下也下不来只能呆在原位不动,我突然想了一个问题:“为什么天气那么热还有那么多人来呢?”原来因为长城是世界奇观,而且,长城是宇航员在太空能看见的建筑之一,而且长城是中国的智慧结晶,身为中国人,怎么会不为中国古代人的力量而感慨呢? 中国是中国人的摇篮,赖以生存的地方,为了防止外敌侵入,长城为我们立下了汗马功劳,而我在长城上却看到人们写某某某着到此一游,这不是损坏我们保卫祖国的“大将”,虽然现在长城“抵抗力”弱了,不中用了,怎么能把好端端的长城用来糟蹋吧!为此我感到很震愤!




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“万里长城”的名称,始于秦朝。从秦始皇三十三年(前220xx年)派蒙恬伐匈奴开始,到始皇死后,秦二世赐蒙恬、扶苏死的时候 (前220xx年)为止,共用5年时间筑成。

据史籍记载,秦统一六国后,始皇派蒙恬将军带30 万人,北伐匈奴。蒙恬斥逐匈奴后,以黄河以南土地为44县,筑长城,利用地形,沿黄河、阴山设立屏障要塞,北面和东面沿赵、燕的旧长城,西面利用秦昭王的旧长城,连接起来,西起临洮 (今甘肃省南部洮河边),东到辽东,绵延万余里。这条秦长城,在今天的长城以北很远的地方。

秦长城是用夯土的办法筑成的。从现在临洮北边秦长城遗址可以看出:最下一层是生土, 土上有一层压得非常坚实的黄土,黄土上筑起有夯土层的城墙,夯土层为 黄色粘土夹碎石。这虽是早期的夯筑办法,却创造了人类建筑史上的奇迹。



明朝建立以后,原来的统治者元蒙贵族逃回蒙古,不断南下骚扰掠夺,东北又有女真族兴起,所以明王朝十分重视北方防务。明朝200多年中差不多一直没有停止过长城的修筑和巩固长城的防务。最后修成全长 12700余里,东起鸭绿江,西达嘉峪关的长城,也就是今天我们所见到的长城。明长城的特点是;在重要的关隘地方,特别是在居庸关、山海关、雁门关一带修筑了好几重城墙,多的达到二十几重。并在长城南北筑了许多城堡、烟墩(烽火台),用来瞭望敌情,传递警报。





长城两边还有烽火台 (又称烟墩台),有的紧靠长城两侧,也有在长城以外向远处伸展的。台上有少数守兵,白天燃烟,夜间放火。烽火台是一个独立的高台子,台子上有守望房屋和燃烟放火的设备,台下有兵士住的房子和羊马圈,他房等建筑,大约十里一个烽火台。长城的城墙随地形决定高低,地势陡则矮一些,地势缓就高一些。墙身内侧隔不多远就有一个圆形拱门,门里有砖石梯通到城墙顶上,可供守城士兵上下。墙顶外侧砌成垛口,古代 雉堞,上有瞭望口和射眼。城墙上每隔一定距离还有一个突出墙外的台子,叫做墙台,或敌台。墙台是平时守城士卒放哨的地方。敌台是骑墙的墩台,里边可住守城士卒,储存武器。





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Shanhaiguan is a municipal district of Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province. Itis located in the northeast corner of Hebei Province, the west end of Liaoxicorridor, and the northeast of Qinhuangdao city. In the East and North, itborders Suizhong County, Liaoning Province; in the west, it borders HaigangDistrict, Qinhuangdao City; in the northwest, it borders Funing County, HebeiProvince; in the south, it faces Liaodong Peninsula and Shandong Peninsulaacross the sea. The East-West horizontal distance is 18.30 km, and theNorth-South vertical distance is 16.92 km. According to Linyu county annals, "inthe 14th year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty, Xu Dajian, Duke of the state ofWei, set up a guard at the pass. He stationed 5000 troops and went to the oldYuguan for 60 Li. Because of the mountain and sea, it was called Shanhai Pass.".The plain area of 8 square kilometers between the mountains and the sea hasbecome an important road connecting the North China Plain and the NortheastPlain since ancient times. It is known as "the key of the two capitals, thefirst pass of the Great Wall". In the past and in recent years, the situation ofShanhaiguan district has changed frequently. In Shang Dynasty, it belonged toGuzhu state. In the spring and Autumn period, it belonged to Guzhu of Beiyan.During the Warring States period, it belonged to Beiping county. In the QinDynasty, it belonged to the west of Liaoning Province. In the Western HanDynasty, it belonged to Linyu County, Liaoxi County, Youzhou. During the threeGuo period, it belonged to Linyu County, Liaoxi County, weiyouzhou. In theWestern Jin Dynasty, it was located in Linyu, Liaoxi County, Youzhou. During thesixteen periods of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it successively belonged to LiaoxiCounty of the former Yan, Liaoxi County of the former Qin, Liaoxi County of thelater Yan and Liaoxi County of Jizhou in the northern Yan. During the northernand Southern Dynasties, it belonged to Peiping County of Pingzhou.

In the Sui Dynasty, it belonged to Linyu Palace (pass) in Beiping county.In the Tang Dynasty, it is located in Linyu County, Daoping Prefecture, HebeiProvince, and lianyuguan (also known as linlu pass) in Shicheng County. Duringthe Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, it was located in Haibin County,Xizhou, Dading Prefecture, Qidan. In Liao Dynasty, it belonged to ZhongjingRoad, Qianzhou and qianmin county. In the Jin Dynasty, Qianzhou was located. InYuan Dynasty, it was located in qianmin Town, Ruizhou, Daning Road, Liaoyangprovince. Ming Dynasty, Hongwu 14 years (1381) home shanhaiwei, the capitalYongping house. In the Qing Dynasty, shanhaiwei was removed in the second yearof Qianlong (1737) and Linyu county was set up. Shanhaiguan was the seat of thecounty, which belonged to Yongping Prefecture. In 1913, it belonged to LinyuCounty, Bohai Road, Zhili Province, and changed to Linyu County, Jinhai Road thenext year. In 1928, Linyu County, Hebei Province. In 1935, it belonged to LinyuCounty, the puppet Jidong Fanggong autonomous government. In September of the34th year of Min Guo (1945), it belongs to Linyu County, the 16th specialdistrict of Ji re Liao district. On November 27, 1948, Shanhaiguan wasliberated. It is located in Qinyu County, Hebei Province. Shanhaiguan office wasestablished. On April 21, 1949, it belonged to Jianshan customs City, Liaoxiprovince. In July 1952, Shanhaiguan city was transferred to Hebei Province. InMarch 1953, Shanhaiguan was removed from the city and built into a district,belonging to Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province. In April 1958, it belongs toQinhuangdao City, Tangshan special district, Hebei Province. In May 1983, itbelongs to Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province.

Customs is a famous place of interest in ancient and modern times. With theGreat Wall as the main body and the ancient city as the core, it has 129castles, passes, enemy towers, city towers, beacon towers and piers along the 26km long Great Wall line from laolongtou in the south to jiumenkou in the North,forming a complete defense system for the long city. Luocheng is built on theEast and west sides of Shanhaiguan City, and Yicheng is built on the north andsouth sides, forming a defensive pattern of front arch and back guard, leftsupporting and right supporting. Shanhaiguan ancient city mainly refers toShanhaiguan city and Dongluo City, covering an area of 1.5 million squaremeters, of which Guancheng covers an area of 1.26 million square meters andDongluo city covers an area of 240000 square meters. Dongluocheng is anavant-garde city of Shanhaiguan. It is an important part of the city defense. Itwas built in 1583 and completed the next year. The perimeter of the city is 2040meters, with East, South and north gates. There are two-story towers on the eastgate and one-story tower on the north and South gates.

There are turrets at the corner of southeast and northeast. Eleven kinds ofinscriptions, such as "Zhending building in the 12th year of Wanli" and"luanzhou building in the 12th year of Wanli", were printed on the bricks forthe construction of the city, which were rated as a highly valuable culturalrelic city by experts. There are moats on the southeast and north sides of thecity. In Ming Dynasty, there were temples such as emperors temple, Tianqistemple and memorial archways such as "Liaohai throat square" and "Huayi square";in early Qing Dynasty, there was Fangguan hall. In addition to partial damage,most of the walls of Luocheng are relatively complete. Shanhaiguan ancient cityis the first important pass at the eastern starting point of the great wall ofMing Dynasty. Among the thousands of dangerous passes along the great wall ofMing Dynasty, Shanhai Pass, Juyong Pass and Jiayu pass are famous in ancient andmodern times. Among the three famous passes, Shanhaiguan Pass ranks first, so itis called "the first pass in the world". Her position as an important militarytown is unique among the passes of the Great Wall. These famous cultural relicshave become a valuable asset of Shanhaiguan.



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游客们,我现在来到了一条“长龙”的面前,它就是---长城。它从东头的山海关到西头的嘉峪关,全长一万三千多里呢!游客们,你们听了是不是目瞪口呆了?走到长城上你会更大吃一惊,想去吗?那就­­Let,s go!




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Everybody is good!

Today, I am a tour guide YanZiRu trip to the Great Wall by me to service for you, dont hesitate to ask have any requirements and problems on the road.

This is today we want to climb the Great Wall. It is like a dragon, winding between mountains. It has a long history, was built during the warring states period, enormous project, east of shanhaiguan, west to jiayuguan, the total length of more than thirteen thousand. Is the history of the great wonders of the world.

Ok, now we began to climb the Great Wall. The Great Wall is made of stone and square brick. Each piece of stone has two or three one thousand catties, because there were no trains, cars, no crane, only by thousands of working peoples shoulders and hands carried on step by step the steep mountain peaks; By thousands of lives and sweat to build. You see, on our feet square brick, every piece of square brick, so smooth, on the top of the wall like a broad road, WuLiuPi mark in parallel.

Do you know why the Great Wall can resist the enemys invasion? Because it is not only strong, broad, more important is: it has scanned, nozzle and the beacon tower. Scanned and square nozzle on the wall outside more than two meters high on the rows of buttress, it is to observe the situation of the enemy, the second is to enemy fire. Every 300 meters, there is a square ChengTai, called beacon tower, one is used for station troops fortress, 2 it is with fire.

Ok, my dear visitors, here about the introduction of the Great Wall is, as the saying goes: "is not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall". Please adhere to climb on the Great Wall is the most high-end, dont draw pictures on the stone carving, speak civilization health. I wish you a happy happy play.



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Ladies and Gentlemen:

We will visit the symbol of Chinas civilization-the Great Wall. It is one of the famous, grand and splendid ancient construction wonders in the world. It is just like a giant dragon in the northern part of China.

Construction of the Great Wall first began in the seventh century BC. At that time it was also called Spring and Autumn Warring States Period. The first wall that appeared in China was built by Kingdom Qi and Kingdom Chu. At that time, the kingdoms in order to defend themselves against the infringing enemy from own territories for self-protection. These high walls were the primitive type of the present day Great Wall.

In Chinese history, large-scale construction of the Great Wall was concentrated in three dynasties, they are Qin, Han and Ming dynasties.

In 221BC, Qin Shihuang unified China; he decided to link up all the separated high walls built by different kingdoms into the Great Wall. The Qin Great Wall started from Lintao, Gansu Province in the west and ended in Liaodong, Liaoning Province in the east, over 500 kilometers long.

The second large-scale construction on the Great Wall was carried out during the Han Dynasty. Apart from maintaining and utilizing the Qin Great Wall, they built an outer Great Wall about 500 kilometers to the north of the Qin Great Wall in order to ward off the Huns. They also had the Great Wall ectended towards the west for another 5000 kilometers long. The Han Great Wall started from Liaodong in the east to the Lop Nur Lake in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, with a total length of 10,000 kilometers.

The last large-scale project on the Great wall was carried out in the Ming Dynasty. That is because the dethroned Mongol Yuan ruler still had the remnant forces and often made counterattack to Beijing, as well as the threats of newly raised ethnic tribe of “Nv Zhen”。 So started from the first year after Zhu Yuanzhang established the Ming Dynasty. The whole project took more than 200 years to complete. The total lenth of the Ming Great Wall was more than 6,000 kilometers from Yalu River in Liaoning Province in the east to Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu Province in the west. It passes nine cities, provinces and autonomous regions of Liaoning, Hebei, Tianjin, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Ningxia and Gansu.

The Great Wall, we see today, in Beijing is mainly the Ming Grest Wall. There was a 20-kilometer long valley named “Nankou, Juyongguan, Shangguan and Badaling”。 Juyongguan Pass was one of the important passes along the valley, and also one of the most famous passes of the Great Wall. The name “Juyong” in Chinese means “a place of poor laborers”。

Today we will visit the Badaling Great Wall, it is about 75 kilometers northwest of Beijing, and it is the best-preserved part of the Great Wall. Bada means in English “convenient transportation to all directions”。 It used to be more important than Juyong Pass in the defence of Beijing. The Badaling Great Wall averages 7.8 meters high, 6.5meters wide at its base, and 5.8 meters wide on the top, wide enough for five horses or ten soldiers walking abreast on the wall.

The highest point at Badaling is about 800-1,000 meters above the sea level. Here at Badaling section is with single side battlements while the parapet is on the other side. The outer of the wall is topped with crenellated battlements, which is about 2 meters high and with a square sized hole below for shouting arrows and also for keeping a watch over the enemy, while the parapets about 1 meter high is on the inner side.

Buildings on both sides of the wall at the commanding points, the top of the mountains or the turns are beacon towers. The beacon towers were used for makong signal of warning messages when the enemy was sighted. Fires were lit on the top of the beacon towers at night and the smoke signals in daytime. And the number of the fire and smoke signals could signify the number of invading enemies.

The watch-towers are lovated at regular intervals on the Great Wall for watching over the invading enemy, and it is usually of two stories. The ground floor was used to store weapons and had a number of window for archers. The upper floor has battlements, peep-holes and appertures for archers.

Today the Great Wall has lost its signifivance in defending the enemy, but in ancient times the Great Wall was not noly a strong defensive project but also played a very important role in military, economy and served as a link in promoting harmonious relationship among the nationalities for the whole country. Today, the Great Wall has become a famous tourist attraction in the world.



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现在,我们就来到长城脚下,登上长城,大家看,一块块方砖,很平整,长城是用巨大的条石和方砖筑成的,踏着多舒服呀!两边有两米多高的垛子,垛子上 有方形的瞭望口和射击口,是用来瞭望和射击的。大家看前方,那是城台用来屯兵的,每隔三百米就有一个,这样打仗时,城台之间可以互相呼应。

大家是不是疑问它为什么叫万里长城?是因为长城有一万三千里。说起长城的名字,大家是不是和我一样想起了古代劳动人民?看那一块块数不清的条石,一 块三千斤重,那时没有起重机,只是靠人力,一步一步把一块一块条石搬上这陡峭山岭,劳动人民用血汗和智慧才筑成了这前不见头,后不见尾的万里长城!这是中 国人民的骄傲!我们要保护好长城的一砖一瓦!




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大家好,我姓吕叫嘉欣,你们可以叫我吕导游,我很荣幸走你们的导游,今天我带你们去参观的地方是著名的世界遗产之一— —万里长城




