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沿堤漫步游览园中景点,进门北侧有近两百米长廊横卧。长廊以北是儿童运动场。沿桃柳堤西行,可到公园中心的文化广场。隔水可望芙蓉水榭和湖滨轩。穿过五曲桥,在一座土山上有一座高27米、建筑别致的眺园亭。它是全园的制高点。登亭一望,整个水上公园的风光尽收眼底。西湖的湖心岛、玉桥、琵琶岛与对岸的登瀛楼遥遥相望。从眺园亭下来,向南过双曲拱桥,经登瀛楼、寥廓天,就可游览公园最南部主要景点动物园。动物园中展出着异兽珍禽100多种,最为精彩诱人。猴园里,大猴、小猴攀援戏耍,争吃游客投给的苹果。猩猩馆里,大猩猩有时对人怒吼 。凶猛的山魈也许对人作一个难看的咧嘴笑脸。非洲大象,用长鼻子卷起青草送进嘴里吃着。长颈鹿高昂着头,在栏院中给游人投来友善的目光。非洲河马俯卧池中只露出难看的鼻子眼睛。狮虎山中的非洲狮、东北虎在笼中走来走去,偶尔怒吼一声,似乎震得山摇地动。熊院里,笨头笨脚的大熊直立身体,张开大嘴接食着游客丢下的面包块儿。熊猫馆里,大熊猎捧着竹枝叶嚼食着。珍禽园里,大孔雀见到穿着花衣裙的少女,便要展开羽屏与之比美,祝君吉祥。在这珍稀动物的王国里,人们将忘疲倦和烦恼。




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邢台旧八景有邢台清风楼,野寺钟声,达活名泉 ,张果老山 ,玉泉寺 ,小西天 ,柳溪春涨,鸳水灵井 等八个景点。我门首先要去的景点是邢台清风楼。

清风楼位于邢台市桥东区仿古街北端 ,我们现在就往清风楼走去,大家请看,我们对面的就是邢台旧八景之一清风楼,清风楼始建于唐代,复修于明代。楼高七丈余,分三层,下有台,斗拱飞檐,庄严雄伟,具有民族风格,旧称邢台八景之一,为邢台名胜。据记载,邢州知府黎光亨不惜巨资重修清风楼,为了是给建士大夫提供舞文弄墨的场所。据《清风楼记》记载,黎光亨修建此楼后和文人墨客一起登上此楼,四处观望,黎光亨自我标榜:“皇风清穆,来自帝侧,我先宣之,播于八极”、“保我皇图,巩为磐石”。这正表现出他忠贞报国思想,此楼因此得名为“清风楼”。解放后,曾进行多次修缮,并于一九九七年进行彻底返修,为河北省重点保护文物。
















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*厦门火烧屿导游词 ·日光岩导游词 ·武夷山龙川大峡谷导游词 ·永定土楼导游词-









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Located on Guangfu Road in the northeast corner of Changchun City, thepuppet Manchukuo Palace Museum covers an area of 12 hectares. It is the palaceof Aixinjueluo Puyi, the puppet emperor of the puppet Manchukuo state. He livedhere from 1932 to 1945. The main building of the Puppet Manchurian palace is agroup of two-story buildings covered with yellow glazed tiles, including Qinminbuilding, Jixi building and Tongde hall. These three buildings are unique instyle and are a combination of Chinese and Western styles.

The museum can be divided into two parts: the outer court for politicalactivities and the inner court for daily life. The outer court (Imperial Palace)is the place where Puyi deals with government affairs. The main buildings areQinmin building, Huaiyuan building and Jiale hall. Qinmin building is the placewhere Puyi works. In addition, there are garden, rockery, fish pond, swimmingpool, tennis court, golf course, horse racing course, calligraphy and paintinglibrary and other ancillary places. The inner court (Imperial Palace) is thedaily life area of Puyi and his family. Among them, Jixi building is theresidence of Puyi and empress Wanrong, which is the daily living place; Tongdehall is the residence of "Fugui people", which also has some entertainmentfacilities. Today, a part of the Imperial Palace has been set up as JilinProvincial Museum, displaying historical materials of the feudal dynastiesestablished in Northeast China, such as Koguryo, Bohai, Liao, Jin, etc.

The Museum of Manchukuo palace is a palace site museum built on the formersite of Manchukuo palace. Taking the cultural relics, documents and pictures ofthe puppet Manchukuo period as the main objects of collection, the history ofJapans occupation of Northeast China, the history of puppet Manchukuo, and thehistory of puppet Manchukuo palace as the main research contents, the formersite of the puppet Manchukuo palace as the carrier, and the exhibition as themeans, through the basic exhibition and special exhibition of "the puppetManchukuo palace in its original state", "from emperor to citizen", "dontforget September 18" The exhibition reveals the crimes of Japans occupation ofNortheast China by force, the implementation of fascist colonial rule, and thepuppet regime of Manchukuo headed by Puyi - the crimes of seeking honor,alleging to Japan, being emperor gandanger, enslaving and maiming the people ofNortheast China; it also shows the distorted palace life of Puyi and his"empresses" and "concubines". In order to inspire the national spirit, unite thenational strength, maintain world peace and seek common development, we shouldcarry out modern history education and patriotism education for the masses,especially the teenagers.

The main collection objects of the museum are the history of Japansoccupation of Northeast China, the history of Manchukuo and the history ofManchukuo palace. Taking the former site of Manchukuo palace as the carrier andby means of display and exhibition, the museum has held basic exhibitions andspecial exhibitions, such as "display of Manchukuo Palace in its originalstate", "from emperor to citizen" and "dont forget September 18" The crime ofoccupying Northeast China, carrying out fascist colonial rule, and the puppetregime of Manchukuo headed by Puyi - the crime of seeking honor, being loyal toJapan, being emperor ganer, enslaving and maiming the people of Northeast China;the distorted palace life of Puyi and his "empresses" and "concubines". In orderto inspire the national spirit, unite the national strength, maintain worldpeace and seek common development, we should carry out modern history educationand patriotism education for the masses, especially the teenagers.

The puppet Manchukuo Palace Museum was established in 1962, and then workedtogether with Jilin Provincial Museum. In 1982, it resumed its establishment. In1984, it officially opened to the public to receive visitors. The original nameof the museum was Jilin provincial puppet Palace Museum. In 20__, it was underthe management of Changchun Municipal government. On February 18, 20__, it wasrenamed puppet Manchukuo Palace Museum. At present, the protected area is 137000square meters, including 47000 square meters of exhibition area, 161 employeesand nearly 20000 cultural relics. Since its opening, the museum has receivednearly 5 million visitors from home and abroad, and has been rated as a national4A tourist attraction and a national excellent patriotism education base.

In the northeast corner of Changchun, the beautiful spring city of theNorthern Kingdom, there is a building complex that is quite different frommodern architecture. It is the Palace site of the last emperor of China,Aixinjueluo Puyi, when he acted as the puppet emperor of the puppet Manchuriastate, covering an area of 137000 square meters. Among them, the main part ofthe palace, namely the core reserve, is 46000 square meters, and the rest is thesubsidiary part.

The Puppet Manchurian Palace Museum is one of the more complete palacesites preserved in China so far. It has a close relationship with ShenyangPalace Museum and Beijing Palace Museum in history. The nature of the puppetManchukuo palace itself is the Palace site where Puyi, the last monarch ofChinas feudal society, acted as the puppet emperor of the puppet Manchukuo. Itis also a historical witness of Japans invasion of Northeast China, processingof the puppet Manchukuo and its colonial rule. The complexity of the historicalbackground and the multiplicity of cultural connotation of the Puppet Manchurianpalace determine its unique nature, as well as the scarcity, universality anduniqueness of cultural resources. The puppet Manchukuo palace is now open todisplay more than 20 kinds of original displays and special exhibitions. Everyyear, it attracts a large number of audiences at home and abroad to visit. Ithas received excellent social repercussions and left endless reverie andenlightenment. Have you ever been to Changchun, the beautiful spring city ofnorthern China? Do you know Puyi and Manchukuo palace? It will be a lifelongregret for you not to visit Manchukuo Palace Museum!



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吉林省简称“吉”,位于中国东北地区的中部。吉林省在全国的位置主要体现为三个大约2%:面积18.74万平方公里,占全国的1.95%;人口2749.41万人,占全国的2.04%;20xx年末 GDP 达到10530.71亿元,占全国的2.23%。现辖1个副省级市、7个地级市、延边朝鲜族自治州和长白山管委会,60个县(市、区)。 [1]







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长沙国家5A级旅游区:岳麓山—橘子洲旅游区。国家4A级旅游区:长沙世界之窗、湖南省石燕湖生态旅游公园、大围山国家森林公园、湖南省博物馆、雷锋纪念馆和天心阁。国家重点风景名胜区:岳麓山风景名胜区。国家森林公园:天际岭国家森林公园和 大围山国家森林公园。国家水利风景区: 长沙湘江水利风景区(湘江风光带)、长沙市千龙湖生态度假村。









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避暑山庄原名热河行宫,俗称承德离宫,建于公元1720xx年至1792年(即清朝康熙四十二年至乾隆五十七年),占地 564万平方米,宫墙长达10公里。这是一座宫苑一体的大型皇家园林,分为宫殿区和苑景区两大部分,宫殿区包括正宫,东宫,松鹤斋和万壑松风四组建筑,风格古朴典雅,是清朝皇帝处理朝政,举行庆典,日常起居的地方。苑景区又有湖区,平原区和山区之分。湖光山色,兼具“南秀北雄”之特点。山庄内楼台殿阁,寺观庵庙等古建筑达120多组,它们因山就水,遍布全国,其中就有康熙皇帝以四字命名的“三十六景”和乾隆皇帝以三字命名的“三十六景”,史称“康乾七十二景”。









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苍岩山海拔1000余米,山上崖险壁,谷幽石奇,清泉潺潺,古木参天,自然景观奇特而繁多,其中以“碧涧灵檀”、“阴崖石乳”、“峭壁嵌珠”、“炉峰夕照”、“山腰绮柏”、“窍开别面”等“苍岩十六景”最为著名。迎着山门就是奇景“碧涧灵檀”,只见这里崖壁的岩缝里,苍柏古檀或兀立、或斜出,或横生、或倒挂,听名字,有迎客檀、鹿皮檀、龙手檀、罗汉檀、仙女檀、巨人檀,千姿百态、万象峥嵘,煞是壮观。在景区的叠翠峰峦之间,建着众多禅房、古刹、亭台、碑碣,它们大多属于山上的古代寺院建筑大都是明清遗物,主要建筑有桥楼殿,南阳公主祠等。寺院依山势而建,进山门上 攀,峰回路转,在对峙的断崖之间飞架着一座长15米、宽9米的单孔石拱桥,桥楼殿就坐落在这临深约70米的桥上。桥楼殿为二层重檐楼阁式建筑,金色琉璃瓦顶和朱红色殿柱映在蓝天绿峰中,各显辉煌。

殿内有 佛、菩萨、十八罗汉像及壁画。宏伟的殿堂建于高临绝壁的石桥上,似空中楼阁,巧夺天工,世所罕见。古人赞美这一壮观景象:“千丈虹桥望入微,天光云彩共楼飞。”再向北行,就是福庆寺的主体建筑南阳公主祠,据说南阳公主当年就居住在此。祠宽3间、进深1间,单檐歇山式黄绿琉璃顶。祠内正面有3龛,中间端坐着南阳公主彩塑,神情重悠然,两侧各塑4个站立的乐女,神态各异,栩栩如生;山墙上绘有公主修身得道、济世救人的彩色壁画。龛持有个幽深的石洞,传说为公主的寝室。福庆寺院内,还有苍山书院、万仙堂、大佛殿、峰回轩、砖塔等建筑及数座碑碣,雕梁画栋,玲珑典雅。苍岩山景区的最高处为玉皇顶。登临峰顶,放眼远望,群山环绕、层峦苍郁,令人赏心悦目、流连忘返。苍岩山高达1000多米,这里气候适中,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,是游览和避暑胜地。




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公园内不仅名胜景点多,自然景观奇特,而且动植物门类齐全,已被国家列为珍稀保护动物的鸟类有15种,占全省总数的70%;兽类10种,占全省总数的27%。已被列为世界濒临保护鸟类红皮书的中华秋沙鸭,全国仅200只,小北湖就占40只。在小北湖生长的荷花,被专家确定为黑龙江红莲 ,距今已有一亿三千五百万年,被称为“生物界的活化石”。



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Ladies and gentlemen

Hello! Welcome to Chengde summer resort. Located in the north of ChengdeCity, the summer resort is an existing classical Royal Garden in China.

The summer resort is a symbol of the heyday of Kangxi and Qianlong in QingDynasty. As the founders of the villa, Kangxi and Qianlong visited the south ofthe Yangtze River for six times, traversing the beauty of the scenery in theworld. In the construction of the summer resort, the advantages of many familieswere learned, and the style of Chinese north and south gardens was integrated,so that the summer resort became the summary and sublimation of Chineseclassical garden art. Chinese garden experts say that the whole summer resort isthe epitome of the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland. Why doexperts say that? I think ladies and gentlemen will answer this question aftervisiting the summer resort. However, I would like to remind you that the reasonis related to the topography of the summer resort. (the tour guide adoptssuspense method to stimulate tourists interest in sightseeing)

Ladies and gentlemen, the summer resort is here. Please get out of the car.Now Ill show you her style.

(outside Lizheng gate)

Ladies and gentlemen, the antique door in front of us is the main door ofthe summer resort, which is called the Li main door. It is the entrance of theQing emperor. The palace gate is three rooms wide, with two floors up and down.There are three square door openings in the lower layer, and a city platform anda que tower in the upper layer. You see, there is a stone plaque on the top ofthe middle door. On it is the "Lizhengmen" inscribed by Emperor Qianlong inManchu, Tibetan, Han, Uygur and Mongolian. It symbolizes that our motherland isa unified multi-ethnic country.

There are two stone lions on both sides of the door to show the majesty ofthe emperor. There is Yudao square in front of the gate. The road is paved withblue stones. There are stone tablets in the East and west of the square, onwhich are engraved in Manchu, Mongolian, Tibetan and Chinese characters:"officials wait to dismount here", so we call it dismount tablet. There is a redscreen wall to the south of the square, separating the Royal Garden from theoutside world. It is said that there is a golden rooster flying from Jiguanmountain in Hongzhaobi. In the dead of night, if you tap Zhaobi, the GoldenRooster will chirp. If you want to make a textual research, please come here atnight to listen. OK! Today, I invite you to be the "emperor" and go in and feelthe life of the emperor.

(inside the main entrance of Li)

Please look to the right. On the mountain in the distance, there is a hugestone pillar standing up from the sky, straight into the clouds. It is thick onthe top and thin on the bottom, which is very similar to the hammer used forwashing clothes. We Chengde people call it Bangchui mountain, and Emperor Kangxinamed it "qingchufeng". During the construction of the summer resort, this sceneis skillfully used to integrate the inside and outside of the resort, expand thesense of space, and create a new artistic conception. This is a successfulexample for the designer of the resort to use the garden art of "borrowingscenery". People who come to Chengde usually go to the mountain to touchBangchui mountain, because there is a popular saying in Chengde: "if you touchBangchui mountain, you can live one hundred and three years." If you areinterested, you may as well go up the mountain tomorrow to have a touch. It mustbe very interesting.

The palace in front is the place where the Qing emperor "worked and lived"in Chengde. Now Chengde people call it the summer resort Museum.

(in the exhibition room)

The first picture that comes to our eyes is the complete picture of thesummer resort, which is the full picture of the peak period of the Qing Dynasty.Summer resort, also known as "Rehe Palace", "Chengde Palace". It startedconstruction in 1703, the 42nd year of Emperor Kangxi, and was completed in1792, the 57th year of Emperor Qianlong. In the early and middle Qing Dynasty,several emperors came here almost every year to spend the summer and deal withgovernment affairs, usually in April and may of the lunar calendar, and returnedto Beijing in September and October. In fact, the summer resort has become thesecond political center of the Qing Dynasty. The whole villa covers an area of5.64 million square meters, which is about twice the size of the summer palacein Beijing and eight times the size of Beihai. The villa can be divided intopalace area and garden scenic area. The palace area is composed of four groupsof buildings: the main palace, songhezhai, Wanhe SONGFENG and Donggong. Gardenscenic area is divided into mountain area, Lake area and plain area. Themountain area is wide, accounting for more than 70% of the total area of thevilla. The villa is the essence of the national garden, with the characteristicsof Nan Xiu Bei Xia. There are 90 pavilions, 29 dykes and bridges, 25inscriptions on cliffs, more than 70 groups of rockeries and stones, more than120 groups of buildings such as temples, halls, temples, pavilions, towers andpavilions, with a total construction area of more than 100000 square meters.

The 36 scenes named after four words by Emperor Kangxi and the 36 scenesnamed after three words by Emperor Qianlong are known as "72 scenes of summerresort". Emperor Kangxi praised it as "the north pole with its own mountains andrivers, and the natural scenery is better than the West Lake." The palace wallof the villa is about 10 kilometers long. Because it looks like the Great Wall,we Chengde people affectionately call it "little Great Wall". Outside the palacewalls are the Royal temples built in imitation of the famous temples of allethnic groups in China. These temples are semicircular around the periphery ofthe villa, forming the trend of the stars and the moon, symbolizing that allethnic groups in the country were closely around the ruling center of the QingDynasty at that time. With the passage of time and the change of dynasties, thesummer resort has gone through many vicissitudes. After the founding of newChina, the villa has been reborn. Now it is a well preserved and large-scaleRoyal Garden in China, a world cultural heritage and a famous tourist attractionat home and abroad.

(coming to the second exhibition room)

Most of the pictures on display here are pictures. This picture of autumnMulan is eye-catching. Mulan, which means sentinel deer in Manchu. The way towhistle deer is that before dawn, soldiers sneak into the mountain forest,wearing deerskin and antlers, whistling at the mouth to imitate the call of amale deer. Autumn is the season for deer to mate and group. In this way, thefemale deer can be drawn out for shooting. "Means hunting in autumn. Thispicture is painted by Xinglong a in Qing Dynasty. It depicts the hunting sceneof the emperor more than 200 years ago. You may wonder why the emperor of theQing Dynasty led a large group of people to hunt here for thousands of miles.Because after the emperor of the Qing Dynasty entered the pass, the fightingcapacity of the Eight Banners who were brave and good at fighting in historybegan to decline. Some of them fled, some wounded themselves, sometimes oneperson was injured, and many people escorted them, in order not to go to thefront line. Emperor Kangxi realized that it was urgent to improve the quality ofsoldiers and consolidate the northern frontier. In this situation, EmperorKangxi personally led the Eight Banners out of xifengkou and went north toinspect, and set up a Mulan paddock for the purpose of practicing martial artsin Suiyuan.

The establishment of Mulan paddock was the product of the friendlyrelationship between the Qing Dynasty and the Mongolian and TibetanNationalities. It closed the relationship between the Mongolian and Tibetanareas and the Central Plains, strengthened the exchanges among the Manchu,Mongolian, Tibetan and Han nationalities, consolidated the northern borderdefense, and was conducive to resisting the invasion and expansion of tsaristRussia. The annual hunting lasted about 20 days each time. The emperorpersonally led officials of various government departments and eight banners ofManchu and Mongolian to participate. In order to meet the needs of a largenumber of people, accommodation, rest, savings and the emperors handling ofgovernment affairs, more than ten palaces were built from Beijing to thepaddock. Rehe is located in the middle of this northern patrol route. FromBeijing to here, the memorial ceremony is coming day and night. Moreover, theclimate here is pleasant, the scenery is beautiful, and the water and grass areabundant. So Kangxi decided to build a large palace here, which is Rehe palace.In this regard, Qianlong had a very clear saying: "our emperor built this villaoutside the Great Wall, not for his own travel in Henan, but for theconstruction of the world.".

History shows that the establishment of the autumn festival and the summerresort achieved the Emperor Kangxis political goal of "combining the internaland external heart and forming a solid career". Now lets look at this pictureagain. It can be divided into two parts: the imperial camp and the huntingground. The imperial camp was the place where the emperor lived and dealt withthe government affairs, and the hunting ground was the place where he actuallyhunted. When hunting, there was strict organization and discipline. After thesoldiers disguised as deer led the deer out, the sergeants gradually reduced theencirclement to the level of people side by side and horses with ears, but theycould not shoot at will. At this time, the emperor first came out to shootarrows, and then the princes, ministers and soldiers shot in turn. The pictureshows a deer hunting scene. Please follow me.

This second gate is called "Yue shoot", which is the place where theemperor watched the archery competition between the emperors son and hisgrandson. There is a plaque on the top of the door, which is written with fourgold-plated characters of "summer villa". It is the imperial pen of EmperorKangxi. This plaque is extremely beautiful and eye-catching. Perhaps you havefound that the word "avoid" in this summer resort is written one morehorizontal. Is it Emperor Kangxis mistake, or is there another reason )Thisgentleman (young lady) is right. It turns out that in the Qing Dynasty, when thetwo characters "Bi" were used at the same time, either way of writing wascorrect. This is a variant character phenomenon. Here Emperor Kangxi wrote itfor the sake of pursuing the beauty of calligraphy.

The two bronze lions on both sides of the gate are majestic. Speaking ofthese two bronze lions, there is a touching legend! It is said that during theAnti Japanese War, the Japanese invaders occupied Chengde and plundered it. Oneday, a group of Japanese soldiers found that the two bronze lions were beautifuland priceless. They wanted to take them away, but they were too heavy to carrythem. So they went to find tools separately. All this makes the old people inthe nursing home look in the eyes and feel pain in the heart. He thought thatthe bronze lion was the treasure of the country, and it must not be taken awayby the Japanese soldiers. He had an idea. He immediately got pig blood from thevillage and smeared it on the lions eyes. When the Japanese soldiers found thetools and came back, they found that the lions eyes were red, and they allcried blood. They were all stunned. They were afraid that moving the lion wouldbring them bad luck, so they ran away in a panic. This pair of nationaltreasures has been preserved until now. Now the pair of bronze lions have becomemascots in peoples minds. If you want everything to go well, dont forget totouch it.


Dear friends

Hello! Today we visit Pule temple. Pule temple, commonly known asyuantingzi, is another royal temple built by Emperor Qianlong after PuningTemple and Anyuan temple. It covers an area of 24000 square meters with the eastfacing the West and the central axis facing the summer resort. The first half ofthe architecture of Pule temple is the traditional "Jialan Qitang" style of theHan temple, and the second half is the Tibetan form. The main building of thetemple, Xuguang Pavilion, imitates the praying Hall of the temple of heaven inBeijing. The layout of the building is different from that of ordinary temples,which breaks the pattern of traditional temples facing south. In the East, it isadjacent to the chime hammer peak, and in the west, it is opposite to the summerresort. It echoes with the Puren temple, Anyuan temple, Puning Temple, XumiFushou temple, Putuo Zongcheng temple, etc. in the eight outer temples, forminga pattern of stars holding the moon and bowing to the summer resort.

(in front of the Mountain Gate of Pule Temple)

Now we come to the gate of Pule temple. There is a pair of stone lions infront of the door. You see how well preserved they are. In the middle of themountain gate, there is a stone plaque inscribed with "Pule Temple" written byEmperor Qianlong in Han, Manchu, Mongolian and Tibetan Languages.

(entering the Mountain Gate)

The first thing you can see when you enter the mountain gate is the belland drum towers on both sides of the north and the south. Its function is thesame as the bell and drum towers of Puning Temple. I will not repeat ithere.

You see, there is a five room hall with a single eaves on the top of theplatform. Under the central eaves is a Yunlong plaque written by EmperorQianlong. In the center of the hall is Maitreya Buddha with a big belly. He hasa fat head and a big cheek. He is happy with his eyebrows and smiles. It seemsthat he is welcoming us. On both sides of the cloth bag monk are clay statues ofthe four heavenly kings.

The four heavenly kings, 8.38 meters high, are in sitting position. Thoughthey have been living for 200 years, they are still resplendent and magnificent,ranking second to none in the country. Behind Maitreya Buddha stands WeituoBuddha. Weituo is the Dharma protector of the Buddha and one of the EightGenerals of the southern growth heavenly king, ranking first among the 32generals (each of the four heavenly kings has eight generals). It is said thatwhen Sakyamuni Buddha came to Nirvana, the evil spirits took away the remains ofthe Buddha, and Weituo chased them in time and tried hard to recapture them.Therefore, Buddhism regards him as the God to expel evil spirits and protectBuddhism. Since the Song Dynasty, Chinese temples have worshipped Weituo, knownas Weituo Bodhisattva. They often stand behind the Maitreya Buddha statue andface the main hall to protect the Dharma and help monks.

(in front of Zongyin Hall)

When we enter the second courtyard from the Tianwang hall, we are presentedwith a hall with seven wide faces and five deep faces, with double eaves andglass tile roofs on Xieshan mountain. This is the main building of the temple"Zongyin hall". Zongyin means that Buddhism is the unchanging truth. In thecenter of the main ridge of Zongyin hall, there is a yellow glazed tile Lamatower, about two meters high. The base of the tower is xumizuo. The tower iscomposed of Chenglu pan, Xianglun, sun and moon. On both sides of the pagoda areinlaid with eight ornaments for Buddhas offering: wheel (Dharma wheel), snail(Buddhas sound is widely spread), umbrella (protecting all Dharma), cover(Buddhas power), lotus (not contaminated by worldly customs), vase (virtue isperfect), Pisces (freedom and liberation), pan Chang (Buddhist doctrine runsthrough all the time). In the center of the hall, there are three Buddhas: thepharmacist Buddha in the Oriental glass world, the Sakyamuni Buddha in theChinese dancing world, and the Amitabha Buddha in the Western Paradise. Thereare eight wood carved Bodhisattvas on the stone Xumi seats on both sides of thethree Buddhas: Manjusri, Vajrayana, Avalokitesvara and King Tibetans in theSouth; Puxian, Maitreya, void Tibetans and removing dirt and obstacles in thenorth. They are called eight Bodhisattvas. The eight Bodhisattvas are of thesame size. They are all carved in wood and painted in gold.

There are five auxiliary halls on each side of Zongyin hall. The Nanpeihall is called "Huili hall". In the hall, there are statues of Buddha, Vajrawith horse head, Vajra with subduing part and Vajra with anger. They are pink,blue, red, three heads and six arms, with human skin on the back and tiger skinskirt around the waist. The backlight behind is a five color flame, which issaid to represent five kinds of "wisdom". The north side hall is "Shengyinhall". Inside the hall is dedicated to the inner achievement of Vajra hand, theouter achievement of Vajra hand and the secret achievement of Vajra hand. It issaid that these three Buddhas are the images of Sakyamuni when he preached thesecret Dharma, and are the secret incarnations of Sakyamuni. So its also called"secret master".


Dear friends, we now come to the "city" in the eastern half of Pule temple.The city is actually a Datura entity. Mandala is a transliteration of Sanskrit,translated as "Tan" or "Daochang". This is the place where the lamas practice,observe and teach the secret law. In order to prevent the invasion of "demons",the tantric sect of Lamaism drew a circle or built a high altar on the practicesite, on which the Buddha, Bodhisattva or scroll were placed. Only in this waycan we get the protection of Buddha and Bodhisattva and not be disturbed by the"demons".

The city is divided into three layers: the outer layer is a group of squarehouses. There are doors on all sides. Facing the west is the main gate, which isthree rooms wide and one room deep, with a single eaves resting on the top ofthe mountain. There is a Qianlong stele built in the gate hall. It is inscribedwith Qianlongs stele of Pule Temple written in Manchu, Han, Mongolian andTibetan Languages. The construction of Pule temple is not like that of PuningTemple and Anyuan temple. In view of specific historical events, EmperorQianlong felt that there was still a large space to be used from Puning Templeand Anyuan temple to the area of qinghammer peak. In order to make the overallrational layout of the temples around the summer resort, he built this temple."Pule" is derived from Fan Zhongyans "Yueyang Tower" in which "the worries ofthe world come first and then the happiness of the world come later". On bothsides of the original square courtyard, it has 72 single-layer Gallery room, nolonger exist.

The second floor is a square stone platform with battlements on the brickwall. A stone arch is built in the center of the platform, and there is acorridor between the arch and the gate hall. In the middle of the West arch,there is a stone plaque of "shewei Xianxiang" written by Emperor Qianlong, whichmeans that it is the same as shewei state, showing auspicious scenery. There arestone pedals on both sides of the arch leading to the bottom of the platform.The arches on the north and south sides are closed, with Buddhist painting axeshanging inside. There is a small hall at the exit of the pedal road from thepedal road to the top of the second floor platform. There are eight Lama pagodaswith the same shape and different colors in the middle of the four corners andfour sides of the top. The pagoda is divided into five colors: yellow, black,purple, green and white. These five colors represent the "five elements" ofland, water, fire, wind and air in Lamaism. The five color pagoda symbolizes thefive color land (the land of Chinas Kyushu is five colors), which means thatunder the heaven, is it the kings land. The eight pagodas are divided intoeight directions and serve as the merit towers of Sakyamunis "eight greatachievements" (Buddha, becoming Tao, turning the wheel of Dharma, manifestingsupernatural powers, benefiting the world, transforming monks, thinkingimmeasurably and entering Nirvana). It symbolizes the long-term and stable ruleof the Qing Dynasty.

The square stone platform on the third floor is surrounded by stonerailings. In the center of the platform is the main building "Xuguang Pavilion"in the second half of the temple. It means facing the rising sun in the East.This is a round pavilion with double eaves, yellow glazed tiles and a pointedroof. Its shape is the same as that of the praying Hall of the temple of heavenin Beijing. 12 eaves columns and 12 gold columns support the double eaves domein two layers. The square platform and the round roof show the ancient Chinesecosmology with a round sky and a round place. The building on the round stoneXumi seat in the center of the hall is called "Mandala", which is athree-dimensional "Mandala" model in China.

The nine palace grid on its base is made of 37 pieces of wood, representing37 kinds of knowledge of Sakyamuni. In the middle of the mandala, there is adouble bronze statue of the king Buddha of shangle. Shangle King Buddha, alsoknown as Shengle King Buddha, is also called "Huanxi Buddha". It is also named"Deqiao" and is one of the original Buddhas of Tantric practice of Lamaism.Tantric school advocates practicing secret law, that is, practicing through "thedoor of convenience" (yoga) to become a Buddha. King Buddha of shangle is theincarnation of King Buddha holding wheel, representing wisdom. Mother Buddha(female image) represents meditation. Only with "both wisdom and tranquility"and "both meditation and meditation" can one become a Buddha. The combination oftwo bodies is like the wings of a bird and the wheels of a car. Only in this waycan one become a Buddha, which is another form of cultivation in TantricBuddhism.

The top of Xuguang Pavilion is decorated with exquisite dragon troupe andPearl caisson. The carving is exquisite and glittering, which has high artisticvalue. come

(in the exhibition room of Tantric Buddhism)

Dear friends, now we are in the exhibition room of Tantric Buddhism. Thisis the gate hall on the north side of the city. Originally, there were 21 groupsof rooms beside the square gate hall. Now only the gate hall is left. Except forthe west gate hall, the other nine gate halls have been turned into exhibitionrooms.

Esoteric Buddhism, also known as esoteric Buddhism, originated in the latestage of the development of Mahayana Buddhism in ancient India, and has obviouscharacteristics compared with Xianzong. 800 years after Sakyamunis death,Buddhism was divided into Buddhism and Buddhism. Academia believes that EsotericBuddhism is the product of the combination of Mahayana and Brahmanism after the7th century. It was introduced by Indian master rinwatson in the early 8thcentury. He fought many times with Bon witches in secret law. Every time hedefeated some Bon witches, he declared that some stupid God had been subdued andnamed him the protector of Buddhism. The tantric Buddha statue of TibetanBuddhism is unique, which is not only the precious wealth of religious art, butalso the treasure of human body statue art in the world. Lets have a lookhere

Apart from the modern clay statues, they are all originally preserved inthe temple, which is hard to see in other temples.

What are the differences between Tantric Buddhism and Buddhism? There arethe following points: first, Tantric Buddhism takes Sakyamuni as its leader andattaches great importance to theory, while Tantric Buddhism praises theTathagata and pays attention to matters; second, Tantric Buddhism advocatespreaching Buddhism, meditation, enlightenment and self-cultivation, whileTantric Buddhism attaches great importance to inheritance, truth and mantra inorder to become Buddha; 3、 Xianzongs Classics mainly include scriptures, laws,precepts, and theories. In addition to tantric, there are eulogy, praise,Dharma, mantra, rituals, yoga, and seal of contract. Fourth, Xianzong has fourkinds of prestige: walking, living, sitting, and lying. In addition to tantric,it also needs to contemplate, follow the teachers instruction, abide by ritualsand practice procedures.

Tantric cultivation can be divided into four steps: Shimi, xingmi, yoga MIand supreme yoga MI. Master zongkaba, the founder of the Yellow religion,stipulated that the order of practice should be first obvious and then secret.Only the living Buddha who has obtained the degree of gexi in Tibetan educationis qualified to practice Esoteric Buddhism, which is passed on by master Vajraand practiced in the upper and lower esoteric schools. The practice of TantricBuddhism is accompanied by the imperial concubine Ming. Therefore, most of thetantric statues are double figures of men and women, which are called "joyfulBuddha" or "joyful heaven". Each of these statues has a Buddhist story orlegend, so they are three-dimensional fables of Buddhism. Because the joyfulBuddhas are all naked, they are men and women, so some people mistakenly thinkthat "joyful" refers to the sexual pleasure of men and women. In fact, these twowords mean fearless, angry spirit, transcending life and death, and gainingjoy.

(in the second exhibition room of Tantric Buddhism)

One of the most influential Buddhist statues of Tantric Buddhism is thebronze "King Kong of great power, virtue and terror" in the second exhibitionroom. He was a man and a woman, with nine sides, thirty-four hands and sixteenfeet. The nine faces represent the nine Sutras of Mahayana, the two hornssymbolize the two truths, the thirty-four hands with body, the thirty-sevenmeaning, the thirty-seven Bodhi Dharma, the sixteen feet symbolize the sixteenemptiness, and the combination of men and women symbolizes the great happiness.On the left and right, eight feet step on eight things and eight birds,symbolizing "80% of the Department" and "eight freedom". Nudity and nirvanasymbolize "no dust". Anger and uprightness symbolize "wonderful way". As for thejoyful Buddha image, there are such legends in sibunayega Dharma and JapaneseTantra of dongmi: the woman is the incarnation of Guanyin Bodhisattva. With herbeauty, she subdued the king who believed in Brahmanism and made him theprotector of Buddhism. This kind of saying is completely out of the secularattachment psychology. It is a difficult realm for ordinary people to reach todeeply study the essence of Tantric cultivation. It is to break the ignorance,cultivate the good root and obtain the right consciousness. There is amysterious veil about the true meaning of Tibetan secrets. No wonder we cantunderstand it. However, the artistic charm of these superb human figures isamazing to every tourist.

Also on display in the exhibition room are the prison master King Kong,riding sheep to protect the Dharma, joyful King Kong, auspicious HeavenlyMother, shangle King Buddha and so on. Please enjoy it freely.

Although Pule temple is a Lamaist temple, there is no Lama in it, but it isguarded by eight banners. This is the place where the Kazakh, Uighur, Kirgiz andother ethnic upper class people who come to the summer resort to worship theQing emperor pay homage and live.

Dear friends, this is the end of the tour guides explanation of Puletemple. Short time together, eternal memory, in your heart, my heart left a goodmemory. I remember a song like this: "when we surpass our dreams, we need toface them sincerely, let our life savor this moment, and let the years rememberthis time.".

Dear friends, goodbye!
