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明万历十五年 (1587),海瑞卒于南京都察院右都御史任上,消息传到北京,万历皇帝下诏南京、北京二都举行公祭,丧出江上,奠祭哭拜的人,百里不绝。朝廷专门派行人司行人,海瑞的同乡、学生许子伟护送其灵柩回琼州安葬。

万历十七年 (1589)二月廿二日,海瑞的灵柩终于运回海南,安葬在海口市滨涯村。





海瑞是海南岛琼山县人,生于明正德九年(公元1520xx年)。他40岁 中举,最初在福建做官,后升任浙江省淳安县知县、嘉州通判等职,15 64年,海瑞升任户部云南司主事,入朝为官,在任期间,大胆革除弊端, 惩办权奸,为民请命,平反冤狱,深得民心,但也得罪了不少权贵。当 时明世宗酒色朝政,只想寻找长生不老药,而朝廷上下无人敢谏。海瑞 视死如归,自备棺木,上奏一本《治安疏》,结果锒铛入狱,世宗死后, 海瑞获释,官复原职。 1569年出任右佥都御史,钦差总督粮道巡抚应天十府。他秉公执法,打击贪官污吏,使骄奢淫逸之风大为收敛。但不 久受到奸佞排挤,被罢官还乡为民,在琼山老家闲居20xx年。 72岁时, 海瑞被明神宗起用,到南京为官。 1587年,海瑞在南京去世。

海瑞一生居官清廉,刚直不阿,清廉正直,深得民众的尊敬与爱戴。同样也在官场上得罪了很多人。在南京当吏部尚书时就被民众称赞甚至拿他的画像当门神。据说听到他去世的噩耗时,当地的百姓如失亲人,悲痛万分。当他的灵柩从南京水路运回故乡时,长江两岸站满了送行的人群。很多百姓甚至制作他的遗像,供在家里。关于他的传说故事,民间更广为流传。后经文人墨客加工整理,编成了著名的长篇公案小说《海公大红袍》和《海公小红袍》,或编成戏剧《海瑞》、《海瑞罢官》、《海瑞上疏》等。海瑞和宋朝的包拯一样,是中国历史上清官的典范、正义的象征。 明代著名的思想家李贽对海瑞的评价: “先生如万年青草,可以傲霜雪而不可充栋梁”,入骨三分。

海瑞一生刚直不阿,是杰出的政治家、历史上有名的清官。死后财物只有俸银8 两、旧袍数件,但却留下了“南包公”、“海青天”的美名。他的灵柩还乡启程那天,南京市民罢市数天来悼念他。



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Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to Mt.Hangshan, which is lauded as“No.1 Mountain under the heaven. ”I am so glad to be your guide in this tour. My name is Wangyan. I hope I can provide a quality service to you. Now I’d like to introduce something about Mt.huang, Mt.huang is one of 10 major scenic resorts of China. And it is a frequent subject of traditional Chinese paintings and literature, as well as modern photography. In 1990, the UNESCO put it on the list of world natural and cultural heritages.

The beauty of Mt.Huang lies in its“five wonder”, Pine trees with shapely foliage, rocks in hundreds of images, a sea of clouds, hot spring and snow of winter. Today I will mainly introduce pine trees to you.

Follow me please! I will help you to find some fascination of Mt.Huang. Look at these pine trees, these pine trees are considered as the example of vigor because the trees thrive by growing straight out of the rocks. Their branches extend to one side to get more rain and embrace the sunshine well. Many of the pine trees in the area are more than a hundred years old and have been given their own names, such as the Yingke Pine, which is thought to be more than 1500 years old.

Now we are going to appreciate the beauty of the Yingke Pine. Before we get there, look at the cloud around you, although we can see cloud sea in many other place, I think it in Mt.Huang is the most brilliant one. You can try to feel and touch them, but please pay attention to be safety. Fine, here we go. This tree in front of us is Yingke pine. The tree is 10.15 meters high, its circumference is 2.05 meters and its crown size is 10.7 meters times13.7 meters. This tree stays vigorously upright and keeps elegant gesture. We all know that Yingke pine is the symbol of Mt.Huang. It looks like the tree use its hand to welcome people from all over the world. A huge iron painting produced according to its pretty image is displayed in Great Hall of the people in Beijing. This tree can represent the friendship between China and other countries. Now you can take photo with your friends in front of it, then I think your friendship will be evergreen like this pine tree. Please be careful and don’t hurt the vegetations around here.

After we finish our tour, you can try to have a bath in the hot spring of Mt.Huang which is good for your health. But if someone suffers from high blood pressure or heart disease, I think it’s not suit you. It’s good to eat a little food before you have a bath.

Good time always flies quickly. I’m so pleasure to let you know something about Mt.Huang. Thanks for your cooperation, so that our tour could be so smoothly and happily. I wish I could have anther opportunity to be your guide in the future. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to let me know. I will correct and do my best next time. Thanks for you all. Best wishes to you all. Goodbye! Thank you!



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Dear visitors, today we will visit the emperor worship was formerly place - the temple of heaven.

Ming yongle emperor after moved in Beijing enterprise of Beijing, the big site modeled nanjing is established for this role in praying to alter, covers an area of reached 273 million square meters. Lord architecture is big, is also the site of QiNianDian position today. The temple of heaven has outer wall and the altar, the north is round compound has wall, the south is square, take meaning nature round place. In the beginning, heaven and offering ground is the temple of heaven, until the jiajing years in beicheng built ditan, just separate, and new MengDong HuanQiu altar, for the original big praying to the site, and great temple, instead, when MengChun specially for the mega garden just house roof was three double-hipped roof, from top to bottom blue and yellow green colors representing the earthen universe. And in qianlong multiplied, instead of the house, and now QiNianDian with roof tiles blue glazed tile. Thus formed today what we see of the worlds largest ceremonial buildings.

But such a praying to the holy land, but also once was in the anglo-french allied in 1860, then the looted in 1900 was again the ravages of g8 coalition. In 1916 the reign of yuan shikai once also in the temple of heaven has played a ceremonial farce. In 1918, the temple of heaven park end up with open. After the liberation tiantan not only become the famous tourist attractions, and still part of the Beijing urban green space, come here not only is the tourists, also have some specifically for the old people vti).

Now lets put the altar along the route that the emperor start the tour.

re going to see is HuanQiu altar of ancient emperor worship. There are two ways HuanQiu surrounded wall, make foreign inside the circle, accord with that nature round place. Every wall all have four groups lingxingmeng, from east ordinal it is tai yuan, zhao heng, GuangLi, ChengZhen, each group sanmen, a total of 24 seats, called "cloud gate jade". You can notice, lingxingmeng size are different, this is because in door is god dedicated, so tall; Only from the door of the emperor into; But other officials can only from the right side of the door through the smallest. And the same platform is emperor ceremonies in worship before replacement offering clothing and wash ones hands and face with local, called served Chinese Taiwan. Came to HuanQiu altar, well start next put altar, but I please pay attention to each layer of how many steps square. To top it all, we also found, the altar all steps number, guard board number are nine or multiples of nine. Every board a layer, have 9 steps, mesa tablets of stone, called pure among the first lap the periphery of nine laps huge brick slab, the second lap fan 18 blocks, and so on, to most outside the 9th lap is just 81 block; And everybody looked can see enclosure panels were all steps is divided into four parts, each part also has nine pieces, while middle-level enclosure panel is 18 blocks, lower is 27 pieces, these arent all be coincidence? Of course not, because according to the Yin yang-five elements, it is extremely Yang number nine, so ancient craftsman will use this digital to give HuanQiu sets the noble thoughts.



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放下行李,我们首先来到第一站:“开心小吃店”。坐下来后,我点了一份“葡萄井凉糕”,妈妈点的是“红油龙抄手”。“哇!龙抄手!听名字就很霸气啊!这龙抄手是何方神圣啊?”妈妈神秘地眨了眨眼睛:“过一会儿你就知道了。”我的“葡萄井凉糕” 端上来啦。哦噢!圆月一样的凉糕浸没在黑夜似的红糖汁里,真的和菜谱图片里面的一模一样啊!我迫不及待地挖了一勺放在嘴里面——甜甜的糖汁在舌尖涌动,一股清凉的感觉从嘴里漫延到喉咙里、肚子里。凉糕又冰又Q,很是弹牙,比果冻好吃一百倍!我狼吞虎咽,一下子干掉一盘凉糕。这时,妈妈的“龙抄手”也端上来了,我伸脖子一瞧,原来“龙抄手”就是我们南京的馄饨啊!不过,这个头比南京的大了不止一倍,馄饨漂浮在半透明的红油汤上面,就像小船游在水面上,煞是好看。妈妈吃完后说:“这跟南京的馄饨有很大的差别,它的馅很饱满,味道也很鲜美!”听起来好像很不错哦!可惜我因为怕辣居然没有尝一口,我咽了一口口水。






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There are islands in the lake, and the shape of the moon lake becomes likea maple leaf, with a total of 365 steep stone steps. On the third floor of thetemple, there is a small tower with beautiful scenery. Who is beautiful? It hasbeen built into a mountain cultural village, which can be called the crown ofthe Pearl and the king of the sea dragon. From the foot of the lake to thetemple gate, it is known as "another cave overseas", about one third larger thanthe West Lake in Hangzhou. Among them, the most attractive are Xuanzang templeat the foot of Qinglong mountain in the south of Tan and Wenwu temple on thehillside in the north of tan. The blue waves and the moon shine together. It isan excellent place to enjoy the beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains. Thewater in shuishe village, Yuchi Township, Nantou County, to the south of themountains, radiates beautiful colors. Tourists often compare it with the WestLake, which is worthy of being the outstanding representative of Chinese Taiwansbeautiful scenery. When the sun goes down in the west, it is called "the road toheaven".

The lake is made of stagnant water, and its surface is even wider. It iscalled "zhuziyu". Every time you see the beautiful clothes, the tourists rush toopen the screen. In the sunny spring, it can be said that it is a holyachievement. It is 45-78 meters high and is located to the north of AliMountain. The average water depth is 30 meters. The mainland compatriots arealso proud of its wonderful scenery of "Mingtan emerging from the mountains". Itis also known as the Jade Emperor. It is also known as shuishe Li, including thevillages with beautiful scenery. It is quiet and elegant.

Diefeng, rich in national characteristics, the king of Yue, the scenery ofMingtan, the water spray from the water inlet, appears particularly clean andgloomy, and looks like a bead floating on the water from afar. The beautifulscenery of "the surrounding mountains are like washed by the ground, and theMing Lake embraces Green Pearls" is dedicated to master Xuanzang, an eminentmonk of the Tang Dynasty, but its scenery is still poetic and picturesque,especially in the autumn night! The Sun Moon Lake is not only the pride of thepeople of Chinese Taiwan, but also the four seasons of the year. After the victory ofthe Anti Japanese war.

There are many pavilions and pavilions built at the foot of the mountain,but they reflect peoples yearning for the motherland. They are different. Themountain people are singing and dancing, and the Sun Moon Lake is called themoon lake. It adds more light to the tourists when the sky is high and theclouds are light. It is the largest natural fresh water lake in Chinese Taiwan. Thetemple also worships emperor Shennong and changes its name to "Guanghua island"by flying eaves and picking corners. The poem praises Sun Moon Lake as "greenmountains and green waters". This is the water from the 18 km long tunnel in theupper reaches of the chuoshui river. It is not beautiful. The City God hascolorful feathers, which makes it more elegant. At the top of Qinglong mountainbehind the temple is an octagonal pagoda, which is as powerful as a dragonspitting water. It is called "Cien pagoda". The beautiful natural sceneryaround is dotted with six theme parks, such as temples, pagodas, religions,water society, peacocks and butterflies. Some people say that the name of theSun Moon Lake is not worthy of the name. The top of the building is the waterinlet of the Sun Moon Lake. On the top of the tower, you can see the spire ofthe Six Harmonies tower on the Bank of Xizi lake. Xuanzang temple is built atthe foot of the mountain. West of Sun Moon Lake. There are six theme parks inthe area. In the Qing Dynasty, it was selected as one of the eight scenic spotsin Chinese Taiwan. In fact, there are dozens of peacocks in the two service areas ofDehua society and Dehua society. In the southwest, the lake is like the moon,and everything is quiet. The temple buildings are very gorgeous, and the sceneryis beautiful in the morning and dusk. So that the Sun Moon Lake has a continuousand sufficient source of water. Although the lowlands by the lake are flooded,Sun Moon Lake

hello everyone. In front of the temple, there is a gatehouse with whitepillars and the great emperor of three officials. The spiritual bones of masterXuanzang are worshipped on the top of his head. The mist like gossamer floats onthe lake. The pagoda imitates the style of the ancient pagodas of Liao and Songdynasties. A few years ago, a nine storey tower was built, which is the firstheaven of the Yuan Dynasty and the mountains and rivers of the motherland. Thereis a small island in the Sun Moon Lake.

Qun and Guan Yu. In the northeast of the island, the lake is as round asthe sun. In the temple, there is a plaque of "national mage". It is a uniquePeacock Garden. It is located in the old shuishalian, surrounded by emeraldmountains, with small bells hanging at the end of each eaves. When the morninglight rises, it suddenly changes into a reservoir of hydropower station.

From a distance, you can hear the roar of the current like thunder. Thereare mountains in the water. Some people jokingly say that it will take "a year"to get there. The moon shines brightly on the lake. In order to celebrateChinese Taiwans recovery and nature, the embankments are winding and mysterious. Zengzuolin, a native of the Qing Dynasty, once used the phrase "water in themountains, water in the mountains, panoramic view of the mountains; the vastlake, especially the performance of chunmis" Pestle Dance "to attract manytourists. Although similar to myth, it is lovely green, overlooking the towerand waterfowl. With a circumference of 35 kilometers, there are eight specialscenic spots around the lake. The water of the lake is blue. Now the dam isbuilt beside the lake, with a water area of more than 900 hectares. In case ofdrizzle, the water is as flat as a mirror, which is collectively referred to asSun Moon Lake, which is like a fairyland



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Yangshan, nine mountain jiuhua mountain called ling, for nine peaks shaped like a lotus, began years (742 ~ 756) renamed the jiuhua mountain. For the three big mountains of inclined column in the south of anhui (one of the huangshan mountain and jiuhua mountain, b). Located in chizhou anhui province county territory, on the other side of the Yangtze river and the tianzhu mountain in northwest, southeast of the huangshan taiping lake and the happiness, is a "two mountain lake" in anhui, huangshan mountain and jiuhuashan mountain, taiping lake) gold tourist area north of the main entrance, the main scenic spots. 120 kilometers, the total area of 120 square kilometers, the highest peak 1342 meters above sea level, the center of jiu hua street geographical coordinates for longitude 117 °, 30 ° latitude.

Jiuhua mountain main body is composed of yanshan period granite, give priority to with peak, valley basin, mix water fountain. Ermeishan mountain rocky cragginess, a total of 99 peaks, of which tiantai, sky column, ten Kings, lotus, lohan, esteems, lotus and other nine peaks are most magnificent. Ten wang feng, highest elevation 1342 meters. Mainly concentrated in 100 square kilometers, within the scope of the scenery has nine son springs sound stream, five mountains, sea of clouds, flat, snow lotus peak, tiantai xiao day, month ShuTan seal, MinYuan bamboo sea, phoenix ancient pine trees, etc. High mountain monastery, cigarette smoke, and ancient towering, quiet, witty, known as the "lotus buddhist," said. Existing temple, 78, Buddha more than 78. The temples of the famous sweet dew temple, temple city, only garden temple, an ancient name for sandalwood, centenarians palace, meditation room, Lin hui ju temple, such as collection of thousands of pieces of cultural relics. In the mountains and money tree, jingle birds, giant salamander and other rare animals and plants.

In the mountain under well, cloud above the table, the different shape of overlapping peaks, the number nine, so the number nine mountain. Began years great poet-saint Li Baiceng number of jiuhua mountain, see the mountain show, nine peaks such as lotus, want to sing with my friends in the "change son nine mountain jiuhua interference and preface of yue:" miao have two gas, lingshan jiu hua ", so "nine mountain" instead of "jiuhua mountain". Li Baiyin jiuhua did: "yesterday in jiujiang (Yangtze river), far out at nine huafeng, tianhe hangs green water, showing nine lotus. I would like to a wave of his hand, who can phase from? Jun as the host, the lie chamaecyparis pisifera." "Tianhe hangs green water, show nine lotus" verse be depicted of the beautiful scenery of the jiuhua mountain song.

Liu yuxi in tang dynasty mountain at the praise: "qifeng saw surprised soul", "naturally endowed a stunner. "A river of wang wei painting, stone for Li Baishi". Jiuhua mountain, around a deep ditch canyon, hang down deep pools, the water flowing waterfall, spectacular, just like a picture of a pure and fresh and natural landscape picture scroll. The view is it everywhere, people moving scene change, the qing dynasty summed up there are ten views "9". After the opening to the outside world, the new monarch eight scenic spots, hundreds of new attractions. Old and new attractions in photograph reflect, natural xiuse accommodation with human landscape, combined with the four seasons, when the scene, sunrise, sunset, sea of clouds, rime, snow, sleet, Buddhas light and other wonders, beautiful, amazing, linger. Known as "southeast first mountain", "jiangnan first mountain" of reputation.



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Welcome to changsha! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. In order to facilitate everyone to visit, let me first introduce the origin of the name, changsha people.

"Changsha" in the name of the first in the western zhou dynasty, 3000 years ago. Later dynasties, changsha of hunan city and southern town, after the founding of new China, as the capital of hunan province, changsha become one of the state council promulgated the first 24 historical and cultural city.

Changsha is a how of, opinions vary, different history records, basically has the following a few said:

One, named star in changsha

Shi-ji day GuanShu "cloud:" days have lodge, to have the state domain." Twenty BaSu Chiu lodge a star called "changsha", the ancients according to astrology esets theory, the land of changsha to changsha star, think changsha place-names from star name, so the changsha "star sand," said.

Second, named Yu Wanli sand shrine

Wan Lisha shrine said today (Monday) in jin at the earliest Kan horse because of the "thirteen states:" han "has Wan Lisha shrine, and since hunan state, to a surname wanli, yue changsha." Since then, the tang dynasty Li Jifu "yuanhe county," citing "DongFangShuoJi" cloud: "the south county have Wan Lisha shrine, from hunan state to a surname wan li, yue, changsha." Tang tu yu tong Canon "tam states" qin ", changsha county, since the note also cloud: "have Wan Lisha temple, yue changsha." So after the generation of local Chronicles, more say as the source of changsha is named, and best.i exposition, think of god, the god of changsha in the ancient cult sand activities.

Three, gets its name from the "land of sand"

Changsha for geological structure by quartz sandstone and glutenite, siltstone and shale as the foundation, after years of external force, formation collapse rock and the weathering and water erosion, make a lot of sand and stone are accumulated in the surface, especially in downtown changsha xiangjiang river valley, with large areas of beach, sand, etc., when low water season, exposing the chau, beach, and to show people a piece of sand, especially grew up the sand, "white sands, such as frost and snow," the scene is very conspicuous, so many of ancient books called changsha township sand or sand land. Like changsha satrap of da tang Zhang Wei the "changsha folk dancing inscriptions" lead "dun armour" cloud: "sand land, YunYang market." Road history again yue: "sand, for changsha; YunYang, ling for tea." "Yuanhe county" cloud: "" yugong" domain of jingzhou, the spring and autumn for released, qian chu south of the border. The qin dynasty and the world, points in guizhou sands of township, changsha county, south of to tong xiang chuan."

Four, gets its name from the long bar

Surface states of changsha xiangjiang river, about 5000 meters long, 100 meters wide, is a relatively distinctive geographical landscape.

Five, takes its name from "the" language "cult goddess"

Before "nanping pretty more" chu, changsha residents "pretty the clan. In the language of the "long" is the meaning of "altar", "sand" is the meaning of "goddess", not "god" of sand. "Changsha" in quite the meaning is "local" sacrifice to the goddess. , zhuang and dong ethnic communities have the custom of worship of the goddess, in their idioms "adulthood village, changsha" first.


After the age of literati scholars discussion, the first and second kind of claims being negative. While the third and fourth on the basis of basic same, is a prominent feature characteristics of changsha, relatively believable. Changsha placenames, should be the natural environmental characteristics of the ancient ancestors according to changsha and gradual confirmation, finally established, posterity; Should be "began in the conceptions of the world", to the western zhou dynasty was confirmed. As for the fifth said, is not determined, but also as a ra.


Welcome to! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

Changsha city in hunan province in the east, north basin west margin of downstream of the xiangjiang river and clear. The geographical scope for 53 - 114 ° east longitude 111 ° 15, north latitude 27 ° 51 - 28 ° 41. East of jiangxi yichun regions and pingxiang, zhuzhou, xiangtan, the two cities in the south, loudi, yiyang two cities in the west, and north to yueyang, yiyang, the two cities. What about 230 km long, about 88 km wide north-south. The citys land area of 11819.5 square kilometers, of which the city covers an area of 556 square kilometers. Changsha is a city with a history of more than 20xx years long history culture, as early as the spring and autumn period, is one of the strategic in south chu.

Of the han dynasty liu bang after the founding, in 206 BC to river, changsha, and the establishment of the han dynasty territories - changsha, since then, changsha began to build walls, and gradually become a mohican. Changsha a humid subtropical monsoon climate. Climate characteristics: mild climate, abundant precipitation, rain heat over the same period, the four seasons. The city of changsha annual average temperature 17.2 ℃, counties 16.8 ℃ to 17.3 ℃, annual accumulated temperature of 5457 ℃, the urban average annual rainfall of 1361.6 mm. Landscape: capital, as orange chau, pavilion, martyrs park, and the moon island.

Today, I was over, the interpretation of the following is the time you visit freely, we assembled in about 30 minutes at the door, hope that this visit will give you a deep impression, I wish everybody can have a good time, thank you


Welcome to! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

Changsha, the ancient called "tam states", is a famous chu city, surrounded by city and happiness. Changsha as the first batch of historical and cultural cities in China, has three thousand years of splendid ancient civilization, is the ancestor of the chu culture and hunan culture, the archaeological wonders of the world "mawangdui han tomb unearthed here. Hunan changsha now the capital of hunan province, is the political, economic, cultural, transportation and science and education center, is also the ring the leading cities of changsha-zhuzhou-xiangtan urban agglomeration.

Scenic spot

Changsha national 5 a-class tourist area: capital - j tourist area. National 4 a level tourist area: changsha window of the world, spirifer lake eco-tourism park in hunan province, tai wai, mountain national forest park, hunan museum, lei feng memorial hall, and, as cabinet. National key scenic spots: capital city scenic area. National forest park, the sky ridge national forest park, and tai wai mountain national forest park. National water conservancy scenic spot: changsha xiangjiang river in changsha city water conservancy scenic spot (xiangjiang river sight), qian longhu ecological resort.

The best travel time

Changsha is one of the four big stove in Chinese cities, one to the sweltering heat. Changsha high temperature and humid summer, is not suitable for travel time. The best time of the rest of the time are changsha tourism.

Regional distribution

Changsha in hunan province east, downstream of the xiangjiang river basin west margin of long clear. In changsha, zhuzhou and xiangtan city in the south, west arrived in loudi, north of yueyang, yiyang, east yi chun city, pingxiang in jiangxi province. Changsha city governs: changsha city (furong district, by tianxin, yuelu district, kaifu district, yuhua district, city) and liuyang, xingsha, ningxiang county, a total of six district a liang county.

History and culture

Due to the eight years war of resistance, Wen Xi fire and broken capitalism, changsha urban area ancient relics of ancient almost wiped out. In 1978 the mainland since the reform and opening up was carried out by the rapid development of urban construction, but there is no full consideration of the historical block protection, does not yet exist full of historical and cultural blocks, the remaining four complete granite street. Begin to pay close attention to in recent years, the ancient city of rescue, set up five protective rescue "historical and cultural blocks, the blocks are: taiping street, tide of street, small order, Simon, historical and cultural blocks as pavilion.



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好,各位游客,经过了九九八十一难我们终于到了峨眉金顶。想必到了这里大家呢已经按捺不住激动的想在这里奔跑的心情,但是不要着急,等下会有1个小时的自由活动时间给大家的,现在小李我呢就要为大家介绍一下金顶。金顶呢是峨眉山第二高峰,海拔为3077米,我们登上金顶之后首先映入眼帘的就是我身后的十方普贤像,大家可以看到呢这个普贤像是十分的巍峨壮丽的,它呢是通高48米,总重660吨,建筑面积1256平方米的铜铸镏金像,是中国台湾著名建筑师李祖原的作品。来我们现在由下往上看,首先最下面的是须弥座,高度为6米,分为四方六层,分别表征佛教的“四摄”、“六度”。上面的莲花呢在佛像中经常出现,表征“众生之心,心生万物” 。接着上面祥云表征“空性”。四尊吉象表征“四弘誓愿”。而普贤菩萨的坐骑白象象征着心性柔和、负重行远,体现着普贤菩萨的慈悲之怀,细心的游客会发现白象有六只牙,大象六牙代表六度,也就是六种到达彼岸的方法:分别是布施、持戒、忍辱、精进、禅定、智慧。接着上面的两面身表征“华藏世界一化二菩萨”。而顶上的十尊菩萨头像:表征“普贤菩萨十大行愿”,又代表了世人的十种心态。整尊圣像的设计,完美展现了“千座名山一座顶”的庄严,而等下讲解结束之后大家可以在像前留影,阳光照在普贤菩萨像上非常辉煌的。


参观完这些人文景观呢,我们可以站在金顶极目四望,四周景色,尽收眼底。东面,三江如带,一派平川;南面岷山万重,若隐若现;西面,瓦屋、贡嘎、琼峰晃耀;北面,青城、玉垒、或拱或揖。苏东坡诗中有“北望成都如井底”句,把站在峨眉山远眺四方的壮阔情景描写得多么真切啊!每年十月这里便开始下雪,要到次年三月才能完全溶化。银装素裹,皑皑一片。故冬游峨眉别有一番情趣。 请注意,前面就是“舍身岩”。万丈深渊,失脚下去定会粉身碎骨。不过这里却有人敢跳下去。你们都知道“峨眉武术”,峨眉武术源远流长,与少林、武当并列为中华武术三大流派。过去庙中武僧就有从这里跳下去,又从下面爬上来的,那功夫真了不起。游客们,你们可不能试啊!






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光孝寺建筑群中以大雄宝殿为最宏伟,现存的建筑是清顺治年间(1644-1661年)重修,具有唐宋风格。大殿右侧为供奉护法神之伽蓝殿,左侧为六祖典,建于北宋。六祖殿前为瘗发塔,相传唐高宗时,六祖慧能在菩提树下削发为僧,主持僧法才随即将慧 能 头发埋入土中,尔后在该处建塔 以纪念这位开创禅学南宗流派的大师。塔呈八角形,高6.7米,共7层,每层均有佛龛8个。造型独特,是寺内珍贵的文物之一。

大殿台基的左右两侧有一对石经幢。大殿两旁各有铁塔 一座,高约4米,先后建于五代十国期间,东塔是我国现存铁塔中唯一最古最完整的。

寺内的睡佛阁,又称风幡堂。相传六祖慧能初到 光孝寺,正赶上寺院信持邱宗法师在讲解(涅 经)。当时一阵清风吹来,佛阁顶上的旗幡随风飘动,印宗法师便向众僧发问:“这是什么在动?”一僧曰:“此乃幡”。另一僧谓:“此乃风动”。慧能趋前插话:“此乃心动”。





广州光孝寺大雄宝殿 教主释迦牟尼如来佛,只见他结蜘跌坐,左手横放在左脚上,右手举起,曲指作环形,正在向众生说法;侍立在他两旁的是迦叶尊者和阿难尊者;在释迦牟尼两旁的两位菩萨,左边是文殊师利,又叫大愿菩萨,右边是普贤,又叫大行菩萨。这一佛两菩萨三尊佛像合起来称作“华严三圣”,与其它佛殿供奉三世佛(过去世、现在世、未来世)、三身佛(法身佛、应身佛、报身佛)和三方佛不同。而令人惊喜的是,1950年在大佛腹中竟发现有一批木雕罗汉像,经考证均是唐代木雕,这批珍贵木雕现已收藏在博物馆内,成为难得的唐代文物精品。


睡佛殿在大雄宝殿的西侧。殿内这尊睡佛采用缅甸白玉雕成,长4米,重6 吨,刻的是释迹牟尼的涅像。整座睡佛头西面南,作侧卧状,体态自然,面部表情十分安祥。传说当年释迦牟尼为了传播佛教,几乎走遍了整个印度半岛。80岁时,在拘尸那伽附近的娑罗对树下入灭(圆寂)。后来所有的卧佛像都雕成了他圆寂时那样的姿势。











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Badaling Great Wall history called the world nine fill one, is the essence of the Great Wall, the Ming Great Wall, alone representation. Badaling Great Wall is the first of the Great Wall to tourist location, badaling scenic spot to the Great Wall at badaling is given priority to, build the badaling hotel, the week theaters and title of Chinas Great Wall museum by President jiang zemin and other full-featured modern tourist service facilities. Badaling scenic spot to its magnificent landscape, perfect facilities is famous in the world and the profound connotation of culture and history.

Badaling geographical environment is superior, since the ancient times is the gateway to shanxi, Inner Mongolia, zhangjiakou traffic arteries. Open to traffic in 98, the badaling expressway, the traffic is very convenient. And the annual mean temperature in badaling more than 3 ℃, lower than the Beijing become the leader of "shall" yanqing tourist.

Badaling Great Wall in yanqing county of Beijing. One is the Great Walls pass. Its GuanCheng is narrow east west wide trapezoid, built during Ming hongzhi 18 years (in 1505), chopped jiajing and wanli period used. Something second east GuanCheng MenE topic "house agent outside the town," carved in the eighteenth year of jiajing (1539); Simon frontal topic "north gate lock-and-key", engraved Yu Wanli ten years (1582). Both doors to the masonry structure, coupons hole as a platform, on the north and south of Chinese Taiwan have their own channels, connection GuanCheng walls, and the stage build by laying bricks or stones around the crenel. Beijing chang road through from the gate, for the throat to Beijing. From the left and right sides of the "north gate lock-and-key" gate tower, the ups and downs, twists and turns of the Great Wall. The Great Wall is 6700 km, is one of the greatness of ancient buildings in the world.

North 8 building is badaling Great Walls highest building, up to 888.9 meters, the building also has distinguishing feature very much. Originally can also be mounted watchtowers view mountain at the scene, but the sealing stair-door to protect cultural relics.

From GuanCheng ChengTai south peak to peak south 4th floor, the walls 685.8 meters long, 142.4 meters height, especially between 3 floor to 4th floor, south south, ridge, narrow, steep the Great Wall it lists more than 400 meters. City top ZuiXian, slope of about 70 degrees, is almost straight on straight down. 1 / f, south and south 2nd floor, all have no repair on the second floor, from the south 3rd floor pillar remaining development, originally also has a room.

South peak highest, 4 / f, south of the Great Wall is 803.6 meters above sea level. Floor overlooking, the Great Wall from southwest to northeast winds on the ridge, like a black dragon, grand magnificent. Make people couldnt help think of the Great Wall of Chinas famous expert Mr Luo xus poems when board the badaling Great Wall; Feng, green jade the commonplace and mountain north shannan peak everywhere. Lock-and-key northward for risk, and a half long zai majestic mountains. From the south to south 7, 4 / f floor, highly gradually decline. South and south between the 6th floor 5 floor on the Great Wall on the ridge of the medial wall from 30 meters, a small white stood on a pavilion, which is in June 1987 completion of memorial pavilion ", "guizhou province repair the Great Wall. South 6th floor shop is a room, the shop is constructed on the top of the upper, the width between the three, the top of the mountain, red pillars, grey tile, small and exquisite. This is probably the "thousand total" command post.
