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Due to the comprehensiveness of china’s “reform and open” policies, economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its global position. though more and more companies built, management of companies cannot catch up with the development of the companies. management is a burgeoning field in china, so i hope i can acquire more modern knowledge on management in england.

The roots of my strong interest in business can be traced back to my childhood. my father was among the first of china’s new breed of modern entrepreneurs. as a young girl, it was inspirational hearing about his business ventures, and meeting the varied and interesting circle of entrepreneurs. my mother was also involved in business as an accountant, helping him with simple calculations. and so it was early in my life that i hoped i, also, would someday be able to enter the realm of business.

With the time of growing up, i preferred reading books to satisfy my curiosity. i never ceased to contemplate over the questions i encountered. subjects on business and management became a special fascination to me and my knowledge of psychology as well as interest in this field was increasing rapidly.

As a high school student in china, i had to concentrate on the college entrance examination (cee), even so, books not related to the exams were never excluded from my life. unfortunately when sitting in the exam in june, __, i was so nervous that i didn’t score well in the cee exam. i enrolled in the department of computer science in zhejiang college of traditional chinese medicine. any attempt to persuade myself to focus on my major turned out to be a failure at the beginning of my college life. after several terms, i realized that i would never be interested in being a programmer or an engineer. at that moment, i lost my direction and objectives.

My persistence in reading saved me from the dark situation. as a matter of fact, i enjoyed reading the books included encyclopedia american, and some books about management by peter ker. i began to notice something interesting: why some companies can produce more than others? why some company can sell more than others? why some companies can build up but others cannot when facing the same difficulties?

With the questions in my mind, i started to read many relevant books. i was lucky to read the book “jack: straight from the gut”by jack welch, in which john a. byrne makes a clear illustration that the management is important for a company. when i was a junior, i ran a bookshop by myself near my school. i should manage not only the finance in the shop but also the employees in my shop even made some strategies to enlarge the business in my shop to hold on the run the shop. from this, my interpersonal skills and the capacity in business has been greatly developed, definitely i was increasingly interested in what i was doing. by december, __, i had finally determined to take business management as my career instead of it. to accumulate more relevant knowledge, i strived to gain more practical work experience in some big companies.







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Monsieur le Président,

Dans le souhait dune inscription auprès de votre université, jai lhonneur de vous exposer ci-dessous mes principales motivations.

Jétudie le fran?ais depuis bient?t quatre ans, et jobtiendrai ma licence(bac+4) en juillet 20__ .(1)

Outre la langue fran?aise, jai étudié littérature fran?aise à laquelle je mintéresse particulièrement.(2)

Après lobtention de mon dipl?me, jaimerais poursuivre mes études de littérature fran?aise dans votre université réputée pour son enseignement de littérature.(3)

Or, pour entreprendre les démarches nécessaires, jai besoin d’un certificat de pré-inscription délivré par votre université. Cest pourquoi je vous demande quelles conditions je dois remplir pour obtenir ce certificat et quelles sont les attesations que je devrais fournir.

Si cest possible, pourriez-vous me faire parvenir, à ladresse ci-dessus, un dossier dinscription ?(4)

Vous remerciant par avance de votre bienveillance, je vous prie dagréer, Monsieur le Président, lexpression de mon profond respect.

(trois lignes dinterligne)







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在过去的几年里,我一直是爱丁堡公爵计划的成员,该计划在学院内进行。x年x月,我完成了铜奖,现在正在努力争取我的金牌。这让我在团队合作、解决问题和保持高度责任感方面积累了丰富的经验。这些品质已被纳入10年级的成功工作经验安置以及我在知名零售店Marksand Spencer担任销售/管理助理的兼职工作。








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due to the comprehensiveness of china’s “reform and open” policies,economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its globalposition. though more and more companies built, management of companies cannotcatch up with the development of the companies. management is a burgeoning fieldin china, so i hope i can acquire more modern knowledge on management inengland.

the roots of my strong interest in business can be traced back to mychildhood. my father was among the first of china’s new breed of modernentrepreneurs. as a young girl, it was inspirational hearing about his businessventures, and meeting the varied and interesting circle of entrepreneurs. mymother was also involved in business as an accountant, helping him with simplecalculations. and so it was early in my life that i hoped i, also, would somedaybe able to enter the realm of business.

with the time of growing up, i preferred reading books to satisfy mycuriosity. i never ceased to contemplate over the questions i encountered.subjects on business and management became a special fascination to me and myknowledge of psychology as well as interest in this field was increasingrapidly.

as a high school student in china, i had to concentrate on the collegeentrance examination (cee), even so, books not related to the exams were neverexcluded from my life. unfortunately when sitting in the exam in june, 20__, iwas so nervous that i didn’t score well in the cee exam. i enrolled in thedepartment of computer science in zhejiang college of traditional chinesemedicine. any attempt to persuade myself to focus on my major turned out to be afailure at the beginning of my college life. after several terms, i realizedthat i would never be interested in being a programmer or an engineer. at thatmoment, i lost my direction and objectives. my persistence in reading saved mefrom the dark situation. as a matter of fact, i enjoyed reading the booksincluded encyclopedia american, and some books about management by peterf.drucker. i began to notice something interesting: why some companies canproduce more than others? why some company can sell more than others? why somecompanies can build up but others cannot when facing the same difficulties?

with the questions in my mind, i started to read many relevant books. i waslucky to read the book “jack: straight from the gut”by jack welch, in which johna. byrne makes a clear illustration that the management is important for acompany. when i was a junior, i ran a bookshop

by myself near my school. i should manage not only the finance in the shopbut also the employees in my shop even made some strategies to enlarge thebusiness in my shop to hold on the run the shop. from this, my interpersonalskills and the capacity in business has been greatly developed, definitely i wasincreasingly interested in what i was doing. by december, 20__, i had finallydetermined to take business management as my career instead of it. to accumulatemore relevant knowledge, i strived to gain more practical work experience insome big companies.

fortunately, as a senior, i began by conducting an internship in thearchitecture company in zhejiang province. over six months, i worked as anassistant of the manager to harmonize the relationship between the differentdepartments in this company and to draft some management system, which broadenedmy perspective of management conditions and business performance in differentindustries. the experience showed me that management is much more important thanthat of i thought in big companies. after graduation, i continued my work inthis company. in may, 20__, the company offered me an opportunity to participatein an training program held by a famous management school. through in-depthdiscussions with teachers and students in the classes, they all encouraged me topursue my future career in management field because of my intellectual abilityand the brand new ideas i mentioned.

during the short period of training, i realized that pursuing a higherdegree in management is a wise choice for me now. lancaster, with its excellencein management, represents the perfect fit for my needs. in your challengingenvironment, i can build the required foundation of knowledge related tomanagement to achieve my goals. i am firmly convinced that your admission willbe my first step of success. with this in mind, i hereby submit my application,and await your favorable reply.



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i am a student, graduated from baoyang middle school, nanning, guangxiautonomous region, in 20__. i am still studying in high school now, because iwas not enrolled by the ideal university last year. recently, i have a dream tostudy abroad. then i search online and find that it is more convenient andsuitable for me to go to new zealand for study.

first, new zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advancededucation in the world. second, the tuition is lower than other countries’,which i think is mo

re reasonable for me. finally, the climate of new zealand is similar withthe climate of the south of china. considering above reasons, i told my parentsmy plan on going to new zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me.

as a girl, i like preschool education since i was young. nowadays, chineseparents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention topreschool education. if i study specialized curriculums on preschool education,i will go back china and work hard on preschool education after leavingcollege.

my plan is as follows: first, i plan to study english in language institutefor about a half year in new zealand. then, i will study specialized curriculumson preschool education. i believe i have the ability of study abroad, because ihave finished all high school curriculums. besides, my parents both have job andhave rich income, so they will support me to finish my study. after finishing mystudy, i will return to my homeland and work on preschool education, so as torealize my life value.



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"All I know about leadership I learned from..." What items could a personuse to describe leadership qualities?

Inspired by the student council advisors at my high school.

Student council was a big part of my life in high school. I haveparticipated in it since my frst year of high school. When I frst joined, I wasquiet, na?ve, and unwilling to participate in many activities. I was scared tomeet new people and afraid to apply myself. This all began to change. Half waythrough my frst year in student council, one of the advisors can up to me andasked why I did not participate that much. I did not have an answer for her anddid not know how to respond. After this, I began to think of an answer. I becamefrustrated and decided to change. I started to show up at events and had a greattime. I realized I loved this and wanted to start leading these activities. Inmy sophomore, junior, and now my senior year of high school, I asserted myselfand took on a strong leadership role in student council. I did not fgure out theanswer to why I was so reserved until this year with the help of thisquestion.



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To live a meaningful life everyday; to continually pursue my predetermined worthwhile goals. -My view of life.

Could I put myself in the life-threatening working environment? Could I sacrifice my life for the benefits of others? Some people may laugh at my crazy question. To me, that is a serious question I have come a long way to find my answer. “I am not sure whether it is worth to answer”; “What is the true meaning of that question?”

When I was a young child, I watched a soap opera that was about court. I was deeply impressed by the judge’s calmness and the lawyer’s eloquence and resource that were showed in this opera. From then on, I hoped to study law some day. Fortunately, I performed well in entrance examination and got enrolled into __ University. Then I chose law as my major without hesitation. At university, I studied hard and got GPA 3.4. What’s more, I broadly read all kinds of books, including philosophy, history etc. My teachers’ instruction strengthened my understanding of law and makes me understand the significance of law to a country. From my studies, I had a lot of fun and got more interested in law. Moreover, I actively participated in practice in holidays from common company to law firm and tried to apply the theory I had learned into practice.

This summer, I had my internship in counselor department in __ Group Co Ltd which was involved in a business contract dispute, which was submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration. As a representative of the requested applicant, I took part in the evidence collection in the early arbitration stage and clearly explained why the 5% balance of goods was not paid on time. After knowing the whole case, I visited my teacher, an Arbitration Law professor, and listened to her opinions. Realizing the counterpart didn’t completely implement their contract duty, I gave reasons as follows: First, the counterpart company didn’t mention bearing issue, which caused that the delivered machines couldn’t be put into the plant because of the disqualification of workshop. Thus overhaul was necessary, which delayed production and resulted loss. Based on these reasons, the counterpart didn’t completely carry out its duty, so our party did not pay the balance on time. During this time, I found out the evidence and pictures that attested counterpart did not give reasonable suggestion and service, and made a statement in the court. Finally, the arbitration turned out that counterpart compensated our loss, in which the arbiters invoked the reasons that I stated. They had a panel made up of 3 lawyers and 5 company representatives as agents while we just had 3 persons—two lawyers and me. Under such condition, I was able to cooperate with them and clearly stated my opinions without any nervousness, which got their respect. This matter greatly inspired my enthusiasm on study.

In addition, I took part in the contact draft in several companies. In the process, when I met a lot of problems, I often turned to my teachers for help, which made good impression on them. As I cherished each practice, I studied my specialty and English hard. With effective study method and diligence, I did well both in English and law, which helped me a lot to get scholarship every year. On the other hand, my practice inspired me to study. In practice, I exercised my legal knowledge. I also realize the big gap between theory and its application—sometimes I have master the rules but I didn’t know how to use it in actual case. My practice experiences have not only strengthened what I learned but have supplied new knowledge for me, which is good for my future study and career.

In my study and practice, I admired outstanding lawyers’ eloquence and jumping thinking more and more. However, in China, most of lawyers come from theory study and those who can perform well in practice are insufficient. Moreover, after the China’s entrance to WTO, there are a lot of problems with Chinese law. I think, my internship experience is not enough. In practice, I could combine substantive law with procedural law to analyze case, but I still feel my theoretical foundation is not solid enough. What’s more, comparably speaking, the chances that I have to initiatively study and practice are not a lot. Thereby, I am eager to study further abroad to know more about foreign law, thoughts and lawyer career so that I am able to stand out in fierce competition.



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A wise man once said “how dreadful knowledge of the truth can be, when there’s no help in truth.” I think, out of all thoughtful things one can think about, this quotes is unique description of what the depth of Drama and the Performing Arts can do for people. By studying Drama, we can become a variety of people, trapped within one single mind, all trying to be freed and each with their own personality and poison. Humanity has helped Drama so much to produce narrative of such calibre, and characters of such depth and poise – characters, which can be as sweet and innocent, or can take the more disgusting side of what being a human is, being as evil as what thought possible

Performance Art explores the whole range of human emotion and can produce tremendous performances and visual experiences and with Drama, in particular, we can go further than flesh and blood and express ourselves as somebody else and take on this ‘mask’. The most profound thing I have found when studying Drama is that we can become any person in the entire world, and still be us

I have always had a love for the performing arts since I can remember; for there has never really been anything else I have ever wanted to do apart from act. But acting is not just a subject to study people, narratives or social issues – we can discover so many things about ourselves, why we perform a character this way: is it because this person is so much like us? There have been numerous qualities I have discovered about myself while participating in drama. In teaching, I have learn how to really connect with people and help them to explorer what their feelings produce and more notably, how we learn about others, about a single person just by the way they say a monologue

Teaching has been a great experience for me because it has given me the time to evaluate my own performance and teaching skill, learning to become that character just a little but more. This has also been enhanced by the performances I have taken part in, learning to work together in teams to realise the dream of the narration and the vision of the director (for nothing really exists without the vision or image)

While experiencing other aspects of the Performing Arts, I have found that is has increased my performance skill on whole and expended my knowledge on the performance world greatly, Dance, Art and English all focusing on similar issues such as the Commedia dell’arte, Henrik Ibsen, Physical Theatre and Movements and philosophies. These subjects have greatly complemented my time in Drama, and increased my confidence and ability in being a performer. Being involved in 5 consecutive school productions, 2 amateur productions, teaching experience and a student has really influence me concerning the determination I will put into a career in Drama and Acting, and just working with these people and directors have really bettered me in the way I act, see myself and carry on with my life. The Performing Arts is such a brilliant profession to work in, because there is so much opportunity to explore the world

I know that I can offer the performing arts the time, the expense and the spark that it deserves. There is nothing else in world that I would devote more time to than being on the stage or acting in the street, and with the passion and determination to succeed behind me, I will give that spark and flavour that acting and the performing arts is all about. I know I can offer so much, because it is the only profession where, maybe just for one night, I can become someone else and do a damn good job of being that person – and I can easily say that I can offer the world, because performance and acting is my whole world. As well as enjoying Drama, I have also taken a shine to Philosophy and finding the reason for irrationality, and I feel particularly moved in amazement by the work of Bob Fosse and George Orwell for their use of horror, sorrow and murder. And a great interest to the History of Art, because so much of the story of us is portrayed in Art and more so these days it is so unique how Art and Drama work together to produce movement, beauty and conception.##



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As a child I often accompanied my father to his small coin shop and spenthours watching him work. When I was older, I sometimes set up displays, waitedon customers, and even balanced the books. This experience instilled in me thedesire to own and manage my own business someday, yet I understand that thebusiness world today is more complex. This complexity requires more education,and with that in mind, I am applying to the Master’s of Business Administrationprogram at Indiana University Bloomington (IUB).

In addition to my helping out in my father’s business, I have had numerousother work experiences that further enhance my qualifications for this program.My resume enumerates the various positions I have held at Kerasotes Theaters,Chili’s restaurants, and Indiana University’s new Student Recreational SportsCenter (SRSC), and what all of these positions have in common is an emphasis onserving the public effectively. Further, as an assistant manager at theShowplace 11 and a staff coordinator at the SRSC, I have gained valuableexpertise in managing employees and creating work schedules. Both of thesepositions have allowed me to develop my sales and people skills, which areextremely important in an increasingly service-driven marketplace.

Not all of my work experience has been as a paid employee. Part of myvolunteering experience at Middleway House, the local battered women’s shelter,involved extensive work on computers, including word processing, organizingdatabases and creating spreadsheets. Also, I recently participated in aninternship program for academic credit with the Eli Lilly corporation in thepersonnel division. As a management intern, I was able to watch the workings ofa major corporation up close and would like the opportunity to combine myexperiences with the theoretical background available in the MBA program at IUB,with its emphasis on computers, marketing and human resources.

My successful internship is one element of my overall academic success asan undergraduate here at IUB, yet I have also made time for a variety ofextracurricular activities, including working for my sorority and competing inintramural basketball. My positive experiences here have resulted in my desireto stay in Bloomington to continue my academic endeavors; furthermore,continuing my education here would allow me to make important business contacts,with the career goal of opening my own computer consulting firm in theMidwest.



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Applied Program:Organizational Behavior

I am interested in the field of study of Organizational Behavior. In the past, I have had the experience of working in settings where the people and the corporate cultures of the companies were all different. I have found that there is a great difference in the both the behaviors of people and of their organizations, depending on whether they are state-owned enterprises (SOEs), large multinational firms, or small to medium sized foreign enterprises. One simple example is that of the ability of an employee to act independently without direct instructions from his or her boss. In many Chinese organizations, acting without direct instructions is considered a form of disrespect towards the supervisor, who is generally offended by such behavior. In my experience and research, such organizations tend to have low operating efficiency with the employees losing their innate ability to take the initiative.

In contrast, foreign enterprises tend to welcome employees who have the ability to make decisions on their own, though the extent to which this is true depends on whether the supervisor is a local Chinese or an expatriate. These organizat Applied Program:Organizational Behavior

The purpose behind this personal statement is to not only gain admission to your well-established and highly respected Ph.D. program, but to impress upon you my passion for learning and my tremendous desire to succeed in both scholastic research and in teaching on the professional level. I have based my decision to pursue an academic career not on purely practical reasons, but rather on my own natural interests and aptitude. My personal philosophy is that money and social status should not be pursued as life-consuming objectives and that in actuality they are the by-products of goals originating from ones inner needs. I understand that my intellectual capacity is a gift, and I intend to use this gift to the very best of my substantial capabilities.

I am interested in the field of study of Organizational Behavior. In the past, I have had the experience of working in settings where the people and the corporate cultures of the companies were all different. I have found that there is a great difference in the both the behaviors of people and of their organizations, depending on whether they are state-owned enterprises (SOEs), large multinational firms, or small to medium sized foreign enterprises. One simple example is that of the ability of an employee to act independently without direct instructions from his or her boss. In many Chinese organizations, acting without direct instructions is considered a form of disrespect towards the supervisor, who is generally offended by such behavior. In my experience and research, such organizations tend to have low operating efficiency with the employees losing their innate ability to take the initiative.







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Dear_ University Teacher Leader:

Hello! I am, It is an activist in the party__ The three best students in theprovince, in daily study and life I always set the example, with the power ofexample to infect and drive my classmates. I am diligent in my study and havealways achieved excellent results. My school is a provincial demonstrationschool with nearly 4000 students. Every semester, our school will conduct ajoint examination of 10 provincial demonstration high schools. About 13000candidates in each grade are among the top in this kind of district jointexamination. 20__ In the last semester, I took the first place in the regionaljoint examination, the first grade in our school and the first in class. 20__The next semester is the first in the region, the first in our school grade, thefirst in class, and 20__ In the last semester, the area was No.9, with the firstEnglish single subject achievement; The school is No. 2 and class is the first.20__ The next semester of the year is the first in the region, the first in ourschool grade and the first in class. 20__ I took the first place in the firstexam in junior high school. I have participated in the National Olympiccompetitions of middle school students many times since junior high school, andI have been in the 20__ Won the first prize of Olympi competition of middleschool students in China in, 20__ In, he won the first prize in English,mathematics and chemistry competition and the second prize in physicscompetition of Olympi competition of middle school students. 20 after highschool__ In, I won the first prize of the National English ability competitionfor middle school students and the third prize of the national mathematicscompetition. 20__ In, he was awarded the final qualification of biology andmathematics competition of middle school students in China. The competition ofvarious disciplines broadens my learning ideas, tests my learning effect, andalso strengthens my self-confidence.

20__ In August, I was promoted to high school. In December, a classmate withuremia was named "Yuzhu", Facing a young life in tenacious struggle with the Godof death. I decided to launch a donation activity with my classmates to savethis young life with collective power. I wrote an initiative, calling onteachers and students to do it at school___ Students donated money, also to thesociety for publicity, with the help of teachers, students and people from allwalks of life, a total of more than 60000 yuan. For qiuchunliang students to dokidney replacement surgery to give us a love. Our love donation activities havearoused strong repercussions in society. Our city TV station has made specialreports in the latest news column in the evening. The process of saving thisdying life shocked my heart. Because I have the ability to continue a young lifethrough my own efforts, at the same time, the charity donation activities alsoverify my organizational ability, cohesion and appeal, and it is also a test ofmy own comprehensive quality. I was more confident in my later class work andother activities.

When you get in_ The school gate of university has entered the most importantand wonderful stage of my life. I will cherish the minute and second spent oncampus. In this great gathering of masters, the holy academic hall and theinstitutions of higher learning where the talents are finished, I will absorbthe latest knowledge and information, develop the fine tradition of forestrystudents, study hard and strive for excellence, and make myself an excellentstudent of this major through the efforts of stepping on the ground, Meanwhile,we should try to explore and verify the scientific knowledge related to thesubject and the major, study hard, deeply think and unremittingly seek thelatest knowledge in the field of this subject with a materialistic andscientific attitude, and make myself a student with potential and training valuein this field and become the pride of Beijing Forestry University.
