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看,这是一块具有纪念意义的人工岩石,上面有个醒目的篆体 “功”字,那是为纪念一代又一代在植树造林中立下汗马功劳的英雄们而特意刻写树立的。


























沽源县得名于“沽河”(又名白河)之源。沽源又是黑河、白河、滦河的发源地,可以称之为“三河之源”,属内蒙古高原南缘,古长城外侧的坝上地区,北靠内蒙,东依承德,西接大同,南距北京仅270公里,距离省会石家庄600公里。位于河北省北部,闪电河上游,邻内蒙古自治区。东邻承德市丰宁县,南与张家口市赤城、崇礼县接壤,西与张北、康保两县相连,北与内蒙古太仆寺旗、正兰旗、多伦县毗邻。总面积3654平方公里,县辖4镇10乡,总人口23.1万,县城平定堡镇距北京市287公里,距张家口170公里。境内山脉起伏连绵,属阴山余脉,全县平均海拔1536米,华北著名的第三高峰冰山梁,海拔2332米,山顶洞内结冰终年不化。气候属温带大陆性草原气候。年平均气温+1.6℃,年日照时数最长3246小时,最短2616小时,年降水量426毫米,无霜期日数117天。汛期主要反映在6、7、8三个月,期间降水量占全年降水量的53%。 大旱气候多,风沙大。










范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4444 字

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Zhangzhou coastal volcano scenic spot is located across Longhai, Zhangpuand Dongshan, adjacent to Chinese Taiwan Strait in the East, Xiamen and Zhangzhou PortArea in the north, and Shantou Special Economic Zone in Guangdong Province inthe south. Its coastline is nearly 300 km long and consists of three peninsulas(Gulei, liuao and Quanwei), many bays and many islands. With convenienttransportation, it is a good tourist attraction. There are mainly five wonders,namely, the landscape of sea eroded volcanic canisters, the landscape ofvolcanic vent group - sea eroded buried lava lake, the landscape of sea erodedbasalt large columnar joints, the landscape of granite spherical weathering seaeroded sky "abstract Gallery", the landscape of sea eroded special wind rockgroup, and the ancient cultural heritage of Southern Fujian with zhaojiapu asthe main body, which constitute the coastal Geopark, the coastal Stone Park, andthe coastal wind park Dongshi Park and Grand View Garden of ancientdwellings.

Zhangzhou coastal volcanic landform National Geopark is one of the firstbatch of 11 National Geoparks in China and the only one with marine landform inChina. It covers an area of more than 100 square kilometers and has a coastlineof more than 20 kilometers. It is mainly distributed in Niutoushan, Linjinyu,Nanding Island, Xiangshan, yandunshan, qianhuwan and other sea areas. Accordingto the investigation of experts, it is confirmed that there were 15 volcaniceruptions in three periods in Zhangzhou coastal area from 26.44 million to 4.1million years ago, which eventually formed a rare, perfect and precious volcaniclandscape in the world. Among them are:

Niutoushan ancient crater sea erosion volcanic landscape - "volcanicbonsai";

Linjinyu volcanic exhalation crater group - the landscape of sea erosionburied lava lake;

The landscape of large columnar joints of sea eroded basalt in Nandingisland is "lava stone forest" and "lava Coral";

The ancient forest remains of qianhuwan more than 8000 years ago;

Xiangshan lava cone scenic spot (the best place to watch the sea, sunrise,Bay Beach);

There are also a large number of unique landscapes, such as volcaniceruption discontinuities, volcanic agglomerates, "watermelon peel" structure,mantle derived xenolith basalts, sea erosion "Overpass", "a line of sky", marine"terracotta warriors" and other scenic spots, forming a diverse, lifelike andlifelike group of rocks.

In Zhangzhou coastal volcano scenic spot, there is also a unique landscapeof sea eroded granite. The landscape here is composed of 23 islands, includingGulai Caiyu archipelago, Shazhou Island, Jingan island and Hongyu island. Onthe island, there are various kinds of granite wind-driven stone groups withdifferent shapes. In addition, the "abstract Gallery" formed by the sea erodedstone landform and granite spherical weathered stone in Laoya mountain of liuaohas high tourism value.

In Zhangzhou coastal volcano scenic spot, many beaches along the coast,such as Qisha Bay, Houcai Bay, Jiangkou Bay, Jiangjun Bay and DAAO Bay, arecrescent shaped, with small slope, fine sand, snow white and no mud. Besides,there is no pollution in the surrounding environment and no shark disturbance inthe coastal area. The beach here is large in scale, excellent in quality andbeautiful in scenery. It is the best gold coast on the coastline of East andSouth China Sea.

Rich historical and cultural heritage is another feature of Zhangzhoucoastal volcano scenic area

Two national cultural relics protection units, zhaojiabao and yiancheng,and six provincial cultural relics protection units, form a concentrated andcontinuous cultural tourism route: zhaojiabao is the descendant of the king ofZhao and Song Dynasties, and lived together during the Wanli period of MingDynasty__ The castle built in 1949 has a grand scale, unique layout and richculture. Yian city has a well preserved, scientific planning and reasonablelayout of the city walls and ancient buildings. Moreover, the owner of thecastle is closely related to the history of Chinese Taiwan. The key cultural relicsprotection units at the provincial level are lantingzhen mansion, zhenhaiwei,one of the "four Davids" in the Ming Dynasty, huangdaozhou lecture hall built390 years ago to teach the book of changes, Shigou Tiandi pan, huangdaozhoutomb, Jinjiang tower, a three circle and four story round earth building, andliuao ancient city built 600 years ago and well preserved.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2157 字

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Baotou, fathers hometown, means "where there are deer" in Mongolian, soBaotou has the reputation of "Lucheng". Dad said that Baotou was once adepression, with few green plants on both sides of the road. Whenever there wasa sandstorm, there was no place for pedestrians to hide. Today, Baotou hasbecome a beautiful modern industrial city: "rare earth city" and "grasslandsteel city". There is also Saihantala Park, the only "Grassland in the city" inChina. It has also become a paradise for tourists. What attracts me most inBaotou is Nanhai Wetland Park.

This winter vacation, I went to Nanhai park to have a good play. Nanhaipark is located in Donghe District of Baotou, where the scenery is beautiful andit is a beautiful place. In Baotou in winter, the weather is cold and the groundis frozen. A pool of water in Nanhai park has become a sea of ice and a skiresort. There are many games that cant be played in the south, such as icebike, snow circle and ice bike. Every game is so fun. In winter, Nanhai wetlandscenic spot will become a ski resort, so Nanhai park will become a good placefor Baotou children to play and relax.

On the fifth day of the lunar new year, my father took my cousin and I toNanhai park. Baotou sky seems to be very close to our heads, it seems that ahand can pick the white clouds. I take a deep breath, the air is so fresh andsweet, it makes people feel comfortable. My father rented the snow circle andskis, and my sister and I happily started the thrilling and exciting play. Weput the snow circle on the conveyor belt, and then step by step, carefullyclimbed up the snow slope, chose a highest point, and slid down. My sister and Ilet out a exclamation, after a rampage, came to the end, we looked at each otherand laughed, did not wait to stay for half a moment, and ran toward the snowslope. The warm sun shining on the vast white ski resort, driving away the coldwinter, we did not feel tired.

After this play, I cant help but like Baotou in winter. Because winter canlet me make friends with Baotou snow; because winter I can enjoy differentbeautiful snow scenery, I love my hometown, also love to raise my fathershometown.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6370 字

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Australian anthropologist Geddes wrote in his book mountain immigrants thatthere are two kinds of miserable immigrants in the world: the Jews who do nothave their own homes in the world, and the Chinese Miao people who have beenmigrating for thousands of years. Xijiang is the main gathering place of thefifth great migration of Miao nationality. Xijiang Miao people first moved hereabout the time of hanwendu in the Western Han Dynasty, and it has a history ofmore than 1800 years, so Xijiang can also be called the Millennium ancientvillage. So far, there are 1288 families in Xijiang, nearly 6000 people, so itis also called Qianhu Miao village. This is the largest Miao Nationality inChina and the largest Miao village in the world.

I gave you a general introduction of Xijiang River. I think you cant waitto talk about it. The viewing platform is in front of us.

Miao nationality is a solemn and stirring nationality. After fivemigrations, they finally fled to settle here. Xijiang Miao nationality came tothis valley surrounded by mountains. The terrain is dangerous, easy to defendand difficult to attack. So choosing to settle down here is also considering acertain strategic role. There is a saying among the Miao people that the biggerthe water bay, the more they can snipe wealth and talents. Lets see if XijiangRiver is in a big water bay. Its surrounded by water in the front, backed bymountains, left Qinglong and right Baihu. Here is a collection of the aura ofheaven and earth. Its really a geomantic treasure land!

It is said that "playing in Xijiang, watching in Xijiang, we should bedrunk in Xijiang." walking through the Miao village is like shuttling throughthe historical time and space of the ancient Miao culture!

In the village, the layers of wooden buildings with hanging feet spread outfrom both sides of the river in accordance with the mountains. In front of thehouse and behind the house, there are luxuriant bamboos; in the foot of thevillage, there are maple leaves on the top. Its so magnificent! Every evening,thousands of families light up their own lights. As the sky gets darker anddarker, the Miao village becomes a sea of lights, and the scene becomes brighterand more intoxicating!

When it comes to Diaojiao wooden building, it is the crystallization of thewisdom of the Miao people. Building close to the mountain not only saves land,but also can resist foreign enemies. The bottom floor is used for storingproduction tools, raising livestock or toilet. The second floor is used asliving room, main room, bedroom and kitchen. The third layer is used to storegrain, feed and other means of production and living. The most important featureof the stilted building is that on the spacious and bright corridor on thesecond floor, there is a typical kind of railing, which is called "meirenkui"and "douxiebai" in Miao language. It is a place for girls to embroider, dressand sing.

Attention, friends. Now the bridge in front of us is Fengyu bridge. Fengyubridge means a bridge to keep out the wind and rain. It can provide a verycomfortable place for pedestrians and people who want to have a cool rest. Thereare many young men and women here at night. You may wonder what "Youfang" is.Let me tell you. "Youfang" means that young men and women of Miao nationalityfall in love. Young men and women who participate in Youfang will dress up toattract admirers. If you are interested in the place where Miao people fall inlove, you might as well invite your sweetheart to come here tonight to feel thewarm and romantic night.

Careful friends may notice the tree at the end of the bridge. What is thetree used for? This is the maple tree in Xijiang. Old tree, let it die, rottento the ground. No one can cut or hurt. This worship of maple also implies thesad history of the Miao people. In the battle for the deer, the Yellow Emperorsenvoy planned to capture Chi you and use Maple to make shackles, so he killedhim. In order to avoid the war, the ancestors of Miao nationality migrated.Everywhere they went, they had to see whether there were Liquidambar trees orancestors.

In Xijiang, there is a saying that "big festival is 369, small festival isevery year", which shows that the folk festivals of Miao people are rich andcolorful. Among them, the most ceremonious is the guzang Festival, also known asthe Drum Festival, which is the most ceremonious ancestor worship ceremony ofthe Miao nationality. Once every 13 years, once in a row for three years. Thesecond is the year of Miao, which is divided into three periods: the first year,the first year and the last year. The year of Miao is a festival for the Miaopeople to celebrate a bumper harvest. They have to eat a "long table banquet"with plenty of food on the table. In addition, "long table banquet" is a grandway for the Miao family to treat guests, so we will have a good time later!

Before Yongzheng of Qing Dynasty, local affairs were mostly managed bynatural leaders. The natural leaders of Miao Nationality in Xijiang mainlyincluded "Fanglao", "Zhailao", "gucangtou", "huolutou", etc. "Fang Lao" is thehighest leader of the natural place; "Zhailao" is the highest leader of eachMiao village; "gucangtou" is responsible for convening and hosting theactivities of sacrifice and ancestor worship. The bronze drum used for sacrificeis placed in gucangtous home; "huolutou" is responsible for arrangingagricultural production and is the Minister of agriculture of Miao village.

Tourists, now we can see that the Diaojiaolou with national characteristicsis our Miao Museum in Xijiang. The items on display here show Miao culture,customs, arts, cultural relics, etc. it is a medium-sized Miao Museumintegrating academic exchanges and performances. Here, you can listen to thefootprints of the Miao ancestors and see the past of the Miao people throughtime and space. Lets go in and feel the magic culture together!

My friends, our journey is coming to an end. Walking through the ancientand mysterious Xijiang Miao village, it seems that our mind has been baptizedand our mind has been purified. At this time of parting, I would like to sendyou a sentence: "we often say that we cant lose our job because of our life. Onthe contrary, we cant lose our life because of our work. Dont forget to leavea space for ourselves after this busy work." Finally, I wish you all the best onyour way home.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2966 字

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Baotu Spring Park is located in the center of Jinan, south of QianfoMountain, east of Quancheng Square, north of Daming Lake, covering an area ofabout 158 mu. Baotu Spring Park is a natural landscape park with spring as themain water. It is the top of 72 Famous Springs in Jinan and is known as "thefirst spring in the world".

front gate

Before entering the park, the first thing you can see is the "BaotuShengjing" archway at the east gate of the park. The archway is 7.5 meters highand the total width between the columns is 9.3 meters. The shape of the archwayis: four columns and three skyscrapers. The east gate of Baotu Spring Park isthe gate of the national style building with white walls, grey tiles and rollingshed. "Baotu Spring" on the plaque in the middle of the gate was written byComrade Guo Moruo in 1959. The three main hall scenic spot was originally builtby Zeng Gong, a famous literary scholar. The North Hall is now called Sanshenghall, offering sacrifices to Yao, Shun and Yu, the ancestor of China. The middlehall is e Ying temple, offering sacrifices to e Huang and nu Ying, Shuns twowives. The South Hall is Luoyuan hall, which is named for its proximity toLuoshui. On the pillars are the three halls of Zhao Mengs spring chanting poem"the clouds are moist and steaming, and the waves shake Daming Lake". There arerare "double imperial steles" in the courtyard, which record the inscriptions ofBaotu Spring of Kangxi Sanlin and Qianlong Erlin. Kangxis inscriptions excitethe turbulence, and Qianlongs inscriptions mention Baotu Spring again.

Baotu Spring Scenic Spot

Baotu Spring has a long history and was called Luo in ancient times. In thespring and Autumn period, Duke Huan of Lu met the Marquis of Qi in Luo, and ZengGong, a great scholar of Song Dynasty, began to call it "Baotu Spring". Standingon the Guanlan Pavilion, you can see the stone tablet in the water in front ofthe pavilion, engraved with "Baotu Spring", which was written by Hu zuanzong inthe Ming Dynasty. If you are careful, you may find that the word "Tu" is missingthe point above. The word "Baotu Spring" was written by Hu zuanzong, governor ofShandong Province in Ming Dynasty. Careful tourists will notice that there aretwo missing points in the word "Baotu Spring". One way is to express peopleswish that the spring will never end. One way of saying is that Baotu Spring isfull of water, which washes away the points on the spring and goes along themoat to Daming Lake. Therefore, the word "Ming" of Daming Lake is added.

Shuyuquan scenic spot

Shuyuquan, like rain on a sunny day, is a turtle stone originally collectedby Zhang yanghao, a famous Yuan Dynasty Sanqu artist. It commemorates GuanShengs Ma Pao spring. It comes from shuyuquan, which is located in ShushiZhenlius, and Li Qingzhaos memorial hall. There is a couplet: "the formerresidence of Baotu Spring on the Bank of Daming Lake is deep in Chuiyang, andthere is a posterity in Shuyus collection of Jinshi."



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 687 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1780 字

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Hello, everyone. Im very glad that Im here to show you around thebeautiful Jianglang Mountain. Im honored to be your guide.

Now, we are at the foot of Jianglang Mountain, which is a typical DanxiaLandform in China. Jianglang Mountain is 824 meters above sea level. The threestone peaks are arranged in Sichuan characters, which are called Langfeng,Yafeng and Lingfeng respectively. The stone peak is 369 meters high, shaped likea pillar in the sky, with skyscrapers rubbing clouds. There are big lanesbetween the three peaks, and small lanes can go in and out. Xiaonong is 312meters high, 298 meters long and only 3 meters wide. It is rated as "the top ofthe sky in China" by 56 geologists in East China.

The average slope of Langfeng is 88 degrees, and no one has ever been ableto climb it, which makes countless tourists think about it. Bai Juyi said in hispoem, "you can live in peace, and you will be drunk with the emperor." Now,there are more than 3500 stone steps along the stone wall, which can reach thepeak one kilometer up. Standing on the top of the mountain, there are whiteclouds passing by. Overlooking the foot, you can have a panoramic view of themountains and rivers, which makes you feel relaxed and happy.

Come with me. This is the first sky in Jianglang Mountain. It is 312 metershigh and 298 meters long. It is 4 meters wide at the widest and 3.5 metersnarrow at the narrowest. It has been rated as "the largest sky in China" bygeologists in East China. In different angles, you can see different scenes of"a line of sky", sometimes Arabic numeral "1", sometimes Chinese "one",sometimes a semicircle, just like the sky is cut into a strip by twomountains!

Now tour by yourself, dont Scribble, dont destroy the beautiful scenicspots. Gather in place in two hours.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 8836 字

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Hello, tourists! Welcome to Dabie Mountain. After a long journey, we workedhard all the way. My name is he Jie. Im your guide. You can call me Xiao He.This is master Zhao, the driver. He has been driving for many years and has richexperience. Please rest assured to take his car. If you have any needs orrequirements, please feel free to put forward, I will try my best to serve you.I hope my service can make you have a happy journey.

When it comes to the Dabie Mountains, I think your first reflection is thatit is a red soil and a revolutionary base. Countless revolutionary ancestorsleft their footprints here. In fact, Dabie Mountain is also a tourist, summerresort. With beautiful scenery, fresh air and pleasant climate, it has beendeveloped as "Dabie Mountain eco-tourism area". Here, you can not only enjoy themagic of strange peaks, dangerous mountains, strange rocks and sea of clouds,but also enjoy the charm of heavens beautiful water.

There are five scenic spots in Dabie Mountain, including Tiantangzhai DabieXiongfeng natural scenery tourist area, qingtaiguan Guguan famous temple touristarea, bodaofeng summer resort tourist area, Jiuzihe Dabie Mountain pastoralscenery tourist area and tiantanghu water orchestra. The total area of the parkis 300 square kilometers, with annual rainfall of 1350 mm and averagetemperature of 16.4c. There are 1487 species of wild plants and 634 species ofanimals. In May 1996, the Ministry of forestry organized an expert group toconduct a comprehensive investigation and evaluation on the tourism resources ofthe Dabie Mountain National Forest Park. They agreed that it has greatdevelopment value and was officially approved as a national forest park. Todaywe mainly visit Tiantangzhai scenic spot.

Tiantangzhai is the main peak of Dabie Mountain, known as the first peak inthe Central Plains. The most magical landscape in the park is the mountain! Thescenic area is famous for its magnificent mountains, quiet valleys and beautifulwater. Walking in the heaven mountain, the mountains and obstacles are likemelting into the embrace of mountains. Or to see the solitary peaks stand aloneand rise straight into the sky; or to see the two peaks stand against each otherand fight for height; or to see the peaks stand in a forest; to block out thesky and the sun, and to be majestic. Climbing up, you can see the mountainscompeting in a thousand different ways. Some roar like a tiger, some roar like alion, some sit like Maitreya, some lie like a Buddha in heaven, some look like agiant penholder. The shape is lifelike and amazing. The Sleeping Buddha inheaven, the philosopher watching the sea (xugongya) and the turtle in Dabie areknown as the "three wonders of heaven" and even more spectacular. Tiantangzhaihas many ravines, twists and turns, which show its profound shape. In thestream, the springs and rocks are scattered, and the birds are murmuring. Theriver bank is covered with trees, and the green bamboo is hidden, showing itsnatural color. The water of heaven is beautiful and the waves are long. Thewater here is known for its clarity, sweetness and moisture. The streams in thescenic area are winding and winding, lingering in the valley. They are oftendeep and abstruse. Sometimes, the water runs through the mountains and rocks,flowing freely like the Milky way, dancing like jade, splashing with beads andsoaking in the slurry, creating a wonderful waterfall landscape. Sometimes thestream is calm, sometimes it twists and turns, clear green and sparkling. Valleywater, weir like a mirror, small pool like beads. The weirs and pools areconnected, and the mirrors and beads are inlaid. It is pure and transparent,elegant and vulgar.

Here is the fairy valley. It is picturesque and full of magical colors. Thelegend of Shenxian Valley is a place loved by Laojun and frequently active. Yousee, there is a natural platform on a huge stone, which is called the rooftop.There is a deep hole under the boulder. There is a pool in front of the hole.There are two cascades on the pool. It is said that a pair of carp in the poolwere infected by Laojuns immortal spirit. They swam into shuanglongtan not faraway to listen to Laojuns chanting and preaching. Shuanglongtan is actually thelargest two "Wells" in the nine wells of heaven, and the two wells areconnected. There is a huge platform between the two pools, namely "chantingplatform". This is the platform of the Sutra chanting and preaching. Every timeLao Jun devotes himself to preaching, the two carp also listen attentively.After a long time, they all emerge into Jackie Chan and achieve good results.Therefore, later generations call these two wells "shuanglongtan".

The cave in front of you is said to be the place where taishanglaojun livedand ate, so people named it Xianren cave. Xianren cave is close to mountains andwaters, with beautiful environment. There is a space of about 10 square metersin the cave. At the bottom of the cave, there is a stone bed wheretaishanglaojun is staying. This is taishanglaojuns immortal stove. Not faraway, there is taishanglaojuns "Xianyi cave" where he plays chess. Next to theimmortal cave, there is "shuanglongchugu". At this point, the river water ofShenxian Valley is divided into two parts by a huge stone. It flows down fromboth sides like two silver dragons running out of the valley happily.

What you see now is the philosopher peak, which is known as one of the"three wonders of heaven". Please take a closer look. The cliff is about 100meters high. It looks like a huge head, a broad forehead, thick eyebrows, a highnose, and rich lips. Looking north, you seem to be thinking about a majorphilosophical proposition. The buildings here are of Ming and Qing styles. Mostof them are arranged according to the situation. It has the characteristics ofShanzhai. The mountain road is rugged. Please be careful and pay attention tosafety. It seems to be a humble place. In fact, it has quite favorable militaryconditions.

In the war of liberation, Liu Dengs army advancing into the DabieMountains was the historical turning point of our armys transformation fromstrategic defense to strategic attack. On June 30, 1947, Liu Bocheng and DengXiaoping led the main force of the Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong and Henan fieldforces, Liu Dengs army, in accordance with the strategic principles of theParty Central Committee, with superhuman courage and courage, to cross theYellow River in Southwest Shandong and leap into the Dabie Mountains,successfully opening the prelude of the PLAs strategic counterattack. By themiddle of October, Liu Dengs army had controlled more than 150 kilometers ofJiangfang on the North Bank of the Yangtze River.

Now we have reached the summit of the philosopher peak. Here, when we lookaround the world, we can see that 100000 mountains are worshipping. You can seethe Central Plains to the north and Jingchu mountains and waters to the south.Watching the sunrise in the early morning seems to be nine days away, andwatching the sunset in the evening is like walking in the fairy palace. When therain is over and the sky is clear, the morning view of the sea of clouds is evenmore spectacular. The vast sea of clouds, layers of smoke, the indigo coloredmountains, like the fishing boats in the sea of white waves, sometimes loomingand sometimes appearing, and like the dragon flying, dancing and swallowing theclouds. The scenery is spectacular. Unfortunately, our time is limited, we cantenjoy the beautiful scenery together. If you have the chance to visit Dabiemountain again next time, you must not miss the scenery!

This is jiexingfeng, so its called Siyi. We are almost to the horizon.Both sides of it are abysses, with only one stone path to climb up. The degreeof danger is astonishing. The mountain ridge is covered with thousand year oldpines. The roots of pines are climbing the cliff, showing people their greatvitality. Several huge stones on the top of Jiexing peak are independent of thepeak, as if they were flying from outside.

If you stand on Jiexing peak and look to the northeast, another dangerousscene will jump into your eyes. Different from other places, there are countlessstone swallows flying together in spring and summer. They live in the crevicesbetween the cliffs and fly on the mountain jungle. They are called stoneswallows cliff.

Its getting late. Please come down with me. Please pay attention to safetywhen you go down the mountain.

The short trip to Dabie Mountains is coming to an end. Thank you for yourcooperation and help. If you have any comments or suggestions on my work, pleaselet me know so that I can improve in the future and provide you with betterservice. I hope this tour will leave you a wonderful and unforgettable memory. Iwish you all a safe journey and all the best. Once again, I would like to thankyou. bye.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2487 字

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Today is July 10, our family asked for Wuhu, the second largest city inAnhui Province, to travel. I enjoyed my trip very much.

When you drive to Wuhu, the first thing you do is to go to the childrensparadise. Its said that the childrens paradise here is newly opened. We seemto be the second batch! "Wow! Its beautiful here." as soon as you enter thegate, there are many houses on both sides, some of which are round,semicircular, some of which are square, rectangular, and some of which areirregular There is a thin rope between every two parallel houses. The nationalflags of all countries are hung on the rope. The three-dimensional sense is verystrong. Many tourists cant help taking photos at the door. I conveniently tookout a map from the bookshelf, "Wow! Its so big here." playground, restaurant,cinema All of them. Its 10 hectares.

Entering the amusement park, I immediately ran to motianlun, "Wow! What ahigh Ferris wheel!" it was as high as a 30 story Ferris wheel building. Finally,we sat up and said, "Wow!" we were slowly rising. After a while, we got to thehighest place and looked down. WOW! The things below became so small! Peoplebecame little ants and cars became matchboxes. Overlooking the distance, greeneverywhere, like a layer of green carpet as beautiful.

When I got off the ferris wheel, I came to the "big pendulum". It wasfrightening to see the towering beam frame. I wanted to shrink back a little,but then I thought: come here, why not try it? Sitting on the big pendulum, myhands and feet were shaking, "Ding Ding Ding Ding!" the game started, the floorwas slowly falling, oh no! We were slowly rising, Gradually turned up, and beganto swing back and forth, swing higher and higher, count up a total of 300degrees ah! Wind blowing my face, my hands tightly grasp the safety bar, eyesclosed to death, mouth shouting "help ah!" my heart has been thinking: in caseof machine failure, stop in mid air do not move, in case of beam suddenly felldown, fell dead how to do What should I do if the safety bar is not fixed andIm thrown away When I stand upside down in the air, my hands hold more tightlyand sweat comes out. Gradually, gradually, the pendulum stops, and my mood calmsdown. Its safe. When I came down, I found that many people had vomited. Mothersaw, said to me: "such a terrible thing you dare to do, courage to grow up?" Igrabbed my head, "hey hey" smile twice.

So we played from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. We had dinner and went back to the hotelto have a rest.



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First of all, Id like to introduce the legend of Taimu mountain: Taimumountain was originally called Caishan. Its said that there is a village at thefoot of the mountain. There is a very poor family in the village, and the familyhopes to become rich. One day, a man told him that there was an immortal on themountain who would bring wealth to people. The poor man immediately set out onthe road and came to the top of the mountain. The poor man found the immortaland told him what he thought. The immortal waved his hand and said, "you havebecome rich, you can go back." After thanking him, the poor man went home. Assoon as he got home, he was surprised. The thatched cottage turned into aluxurious building. His wife and son swam in the golden pool. After a few days,the poor man thought of the immortal and went to see him. When he came to thetop of the mountain, he found that the immortal had passed away. In order tothank the old immortal, the poor changed Caishan to Taimu mountain. Tourists,this is it

Taimu mountain is a beautiful legend. There are many scenic spots in Taimumountain, such as jade rabbit watching the tide, camel hump, golden turtleclimbing the wall and a line of sky.

When you enter Taimu mountain, you can go to the entrance of mountainclimbing by taking a special car. When you climb up the mountain, you can seethe camels hump, which is like the camels hump. When you walk through thecamels hump, you can see the golden tortoise climbing the wall. Please see, thegolden tortoise is climbing slowly on the stone wall. There is another day, youshould be careful when you walk, otherwise you will be stuck in the crack of therock In the middle.



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Dear tourists

hello everyone!

Im very glad to be here with friends from all over the world. Im pan, thetour guide of this trip. I hope we can have a good time.

Maiji Mountain, about 50 kilometers southeast of Tianshui, Gansu Province,is an isolated peak in Xiaolong mountain of Qinling Mountains in China. Thetotal area of the scenic spot is 215 square kilometers, including MaijiMountain, Xianren cliff, Shimen, Quxi four scenic spots and Jieting ancienttown. Maijishan Grottoes is a national key cultural relic protection unit and aworld-famous art treasure house. The difficulty and wisdom of digging hundredsof caves and Buddha statues on the cliff is very rare in Chinas grottoes. Comedown, lets go and have a look.

After entering the scenic area, what does Maiji Mountain look like now?Yes, it looks like a wheat stack. Maiji Mountain is a typical Danxia landformwith a height of 80 meters. There are more than 7200 statues and murals frommore than ten dynasties, including the later Qin Dynasty, the Western QinDynasty, the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Western Wei Dynasty, the Northern ZhouDynasty, the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Five Dynasties, the Song Dynasty, theYuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty. They are distributed in 194caves with an area of more than 1300 square meters. They are known as the fourmajor caves in China, together with Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, Datong YungangGrottoes and Luoyang Longmen Grottoes. In terms of artistic features, Dunhuangfocuses on gorgeous murals, Yungang and Longmen are famous for their magnificentstone carvings, while Maiji Mountain is famous for its exquisite statues. As oursculptor Liu Kaiqu praised: Maijishan is "a large sculpture museum in Chinesehistory."

When you step into the plank road, you must pay attention to safety. Nowyou can see a group of carved statues chiseled by the cliff. There is a Buddhain the middle, which is 15 meters high. There are two Bodhisattvas standing infront of them, smiling and welcoming the tourists. This is also the largestBuddha statue in Maiji Mountain. Now what you can see is the most magnificentseven Buddha Pavilion in Cave 4. There are 42 statues of Bodhisattvas in theseven niches, which are solemn and amiable, gorgeous and not vulgar.

Now you come to Xiya grottoes, the largest of which are caves 133 and 127.No.133 stele cave is the most special cave in Maiji Mountain. In the cave, thereare not only many clay sculptures, but also 18 stone tablets, some of which arecovered with thousands of Buddha statues, so they are also called "ten thousandBuddha Hall". Among them, No. 10, No. 11 and No. 16 are the essence of numeroustablets. Cave 127 is even more wonderful. This statue, not to mention MaijiMountain, is a rare treasure in the world Buddhist art.

Lets enjoy the main scenic area of Maiji Mountain first. Thank you againfor your support for Xiaopans work! Welcome to Gansu and Maiji Mountainagain!

Thank you!



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Hello, everyone! Its a pleasure to be here with friends from all over theworld.

first. On behalf of the travel agency, please allow me to express myheartfelt thanks and warm welcome to all of you. There is a saying that is wellsaid: looking back hundreds of times in the past life can only lead to a brushin this life. Maybe its a fate to get together. Since we are destined, letsget to know each other. Next to me is master Lin, the driver. He has richdriving experience and is escorted by him You can give us two hearts, one is"rest assured" to our escort ambassador, master Lin, and the other is "happy".Please give it to me. Im your guide this time You can call me Xiao Guo, Guo Daoand Xiao Dao, whatever you like!

In fact, tourism is a very happy thing. Travel doesnt have to care aboutits purpose. It only needs to care about the scenery along the way and the moodwhen seeing the scenery. So I hope the good mountains and good water in Lanzhoucan bring you a good mood. So during the whole journey, if you need any help,please feel free to come to me. I will try my best to serve you. At the sametime, I hope my work can be successful With your support and cooperation, I wishyou have a good time in Lanzhou! I hope this trip is just like my name. I warmlywelcome you to come, and then have fun, eat and enjoy In a word, I hope you havea good time. Thank you

Maiji Mountain is located about 45 kilometers southeast of Tianshui City,Gansu Province. It is a strange peak in Xiaolong mountain at the western end ofQinling Mountains in China. It is only 142 meters high, but the shape of themountain is peculiar. The isolated peak rises like a wheat pile, so people callit Maiji Mountain. To the southwest of the mountain is a precipice, on which thegrottoes are cut. Some of them are 20 or 30 meters away from the base of themountain, while others are 70 or 80 meters away. Hundreds of caves and Buddhastatues excavated on such a steep cliff are rare in Chinas grottoes.

The scenery around Maiji Mountain is beautiful. The mountains are denselycovered with cypresses, pines, wild flowers and grass. Climbing to the top ofthe mountain, you can see green hills all around you. You can see thousands ofmountains and valleys, mountains and peaks, pine trees like the sea, clouds andmist, and the distant scenery is intertwined, forming a beautiful picture. Thispicture is known as "Maiji misty rain" which is the first of the eight scenicspots in Tianshui. Among the famous Grottoes in China, Maiji Mountain is thebest natural scenery.

Maijishan Grottoes is a national key cultural relic protection unit. It wasbuilt in 384 ad. after more than ten dynasties of continuous excavation andrenovation, it has become one of the famous large-scale Grottoes in China and aworld-famous art treasure house. There are 194 caves, including more than 7200clay sculptures and stone carvings from the 4th century to the 19th century, andmore than 1300 square meters of murals. The Maijishan grottoes are located in anextremely dangerous position. Most of them are built on cliffs. All the grottoesare accessible by the aerial trestle road erected on the cliff surface. Visitorscant help but thrill when they climb these winding trestle roads. The ancientsonce praised these projects: "between the cliffs, carved stone into Buddha,thousands of niches and caves.". Broken from the human force, suspected to be amiracle. " There is also a saying among the people nearby that "after cuttingthe firewood in Nanshan Mountain, build the Maiji cliff" and "first there is tenthousand Zhang firewood, then there is Maiji cliff". It can be seen that theconstruction of the trestle road was arduous and grand.

Maijishan Grottoes art is famous for its exquisite clay sculpture art athome and abroad. Historian Fan Wenlan once praised Maijishan as "a largeexhibition hall for displaying statues". If Dunhuang is a large mural Museum,Maiji Mountain is a large sculpture museum. The statues here are more than 15meters high and only 20 centimeters small, reflecting the characteristics ofstatues of different ages in the past thousand years and systematicallyreflecting the development and evolution of clay sculpture art in China. Theclay sculptures here can be roughly divided into four types: high floatingsculptures protruding from the wall, round sculptures completely away from thewall, moulded shadow sculptures and wall sculptures pasted on the wall. Amongthem, thousands of life size round sculptures are regarded as treasures becausethey are full of life interest.

The statue of Maijishan has two obvious characteristics: strong nationalconsciousness and secularization. Except for the early works, from the NorthernWei Dynasty, almost all of the Buddha statues have the posture of looking down,with amiable faces. Although they are gods in heaven, they are like secularpeople, becoming the embodiment of peoples good wishes. From the shape andclothing of the statue, it is gradually getting rid of the influence of foreignart, reflecting the characteristics of the Han nationality.

Many caves in Maiji Mountain have been built into a unique "cliffPavilion". The seven Buddha Pavilion, 15 meters above the head of the clayBuddha on Dongya, is a typical Han style cliff Pavilion in China. It was builton a cliff 50 meters above the ground and was excavated in the middle of the 6thcentury. Although Maijishan grottoes are mainly clay sculptures, there are alsoa certain number of stone carvings and murals. Maijishan Grottoes have beenlisted as a key cultural relic protection unit of the state. More than 1300meters of elevated plank road have been newly erected and restored, so thatvisitors can successfully access all the grottoes. The largest statue inMaijishan Grottoes is 16 meters, and the smallest one is only more than 10centimeters. The statue in cave 44 is called "Venus of the East" by theJapanese. The clothes of the statues in caves 78 and 128 of the Western QinDynasty are carefully painted. The statues on the seven Buddha Pavilion, whichis more than 70 meters high, are beautiful. The frescoes on the top of thecorridor are exquisite. The pictures of cars, horses and pedestrians on the topof the west end are not the same no matter from which point of view, which canbe called the classic composition of frescoes in China.



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Dayan Pagoda, an ancient Tang Dynasty pagoda, is a unique symbol of theancient city of Xian. As one of the eight scenic spots in Guanzhong, the bigwild goose pagoda stands high in the Cien Temple in the southern suburb ofXian. It is one of the famous Buddhist pagodas in China. Dayan Pagoda scenicspot is a Buddhist holy land, which has a close relationship with masterXuanzang, a famous monk of Tang Dynasty. The story of Tang Monks Sutraacquisition and translation takes place here. All Buddhist temples are templesfor monks to worship, worship and chant Buddhist scriptures. Whats specialabout Dayan Pagoda compared with other temples? There are so many eminent monksat all times and in all over the world, so who is Tang Monk Xuanzang? Why is thestory of Tang Monks scriptures widely spread? Today, after you visit thisscenic spot, you will find the answer to the above question.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have come to the South Square of Dayan Pagoda. Inthe center of the square stands a tall bronze statue of monk Xuanzang of TangDynasty. He was dignified, dressed in cassock, holding a staff in hand, withfirm steps, as if he was on the way to the West.

You must have seen journey to the west, one of Chinas four famous works,and the TV series of the same name adapted from it. Is the Tang monk in journeyto the West Xuanzang? Xuanzang, a native of Yanshi, Henan Province, isintelligent and studious. He became a monk at the age of 13. He worshipsclassics and exhausts all kinds of theories. He is well-known in the capital andis known as "the great tool of Shimen and the great horse of Buddhism." Afterstudying all over the country, he found that the sutra was incomplete and therewere many mistakes in it. He decided to go to Tianzhu, the birthplace ofBuddhism, which is now India, to explore the essence of Buddhism, so as to solvethe doubts and promote Buddhism. In the first year of Zhenguan (620__), he wentto India to apply for law, but he was not approved by the imperial court. In thethird year of Tang Zhenguan (620__ AD), he set out from Changan, along the SilkRoad, through the Gobi desert, where there were no birds on the top and noanimals on the bottom, and traveled westward to Tianzhu. He studied Buddhism inthe famous nalandao temple for 20__ years. At a grand Dharma meeting, Xuanzangread out his Buddhism It is said that for 18 days in a row, no one could arguewith Xuanzang. All the kings invited Xuanzang to take the magnificent Xiangyuparade. The venue cheered and thundered. The Mahayana monks called masterXuanzang "Mahayana heaven", the Hinayana monks called him "liberation heaven",and the Buddhist "heaven" refers to the Bodhisattva gods. Xuanzang was highlyhonored and respected in India. Then he resolutely declined the hospitality ofthe kings and monks and set foot on his way home. In the 19th year of Zhenguan(645 AD), Xuanzang returned home with a large number of Buddhist relics and 657Buddhist scriptures. He was warmly welcomed by the Emperor Taizong and theChinese. When they arrived in Changan, millions of monks and customs went outto welcome them, which was unprecedented. After returning to China, with thesupport of the Tang royal family, he gathered erudite eminent monks from allover the country to form an unprecedented Buddhist scripture translation site,and acted as the translator himself. The quality and quantity of translatedBuddhist scriptures are far more than those of their predecessors, which usheredin a new era in the history of translation in China. The author of the book, arecord of the western regions in the Tang Dynasty, has attracted the attentionof scholars all over the world. It should be said that journey to the west iswritten in the background of xuanleis going out to the west to seek scripturesin the Tang Dynasty, but the Tang monk in the story does not refer to Xuanzang,but a figure in an artistic literary work.

Now we come to the gate of the Great Mercy Temple. The main gate of thetemple is called the mountain gate, also called the three gates, which arecalled the empty gate, Wuzuo gate and Wuxiang gate respectively, symbolizing thethree liberation gates of Buddhism. We call becoming a monk "stepping into theempty door" and thats probably where it comes from. You see, the plaque on thedoor is a few glittering characters of "dacien Temple" inscribed by Comrade __himself.

Cien Temple was originally named Wulou temple. In 648 ad, when Li Zhi,Emperor Gaozong, was the crown prince, he built a temple for his mother, empressWende, and ordered the temple to be built in jinchangfang, Changan. Facing theHanyuan Hall of Daming Palace in the north, it covers an area of 26570 squaremeters and is surrounded by beautiful scenery. It is the most magnificent andspectacular Buddhist temple in Changan, the capital of the Tang Dynasty. At thebeginning of the construction of Cien Temple, the imperial court speciallyinvited Xuanzang, who came back to Changan from India, to be the abbot of thetemple. Thus, dacien Temple became the highest institution of Buddhism inChina at that time. After the end of Tang Dynasty, because of the constant wars,the temple gradually became desolate. After many times of maintenance, it wasnot until the Ming Dynasty that the scale of todays temple was established.

When we walk into the mountain gate, we can see the confrontation on thesecond floor of the bell and drum. To the East is the bell tower, in which thereis an iron bell. The clock was cast in the 27th year of Jiajing reign of theMing Dynasty (1548 AD). It is 3.4 meters high and weighs 15 tons. It has fourbig characters of "morning bell of wild goose pagoda". To the west is the drumtower, in which there is a big drum. The bell and drum are important tools ofBuddhism, which are used to summon monks to do rituals. It is also an importanttime tool. Monks in the temple wake up at the bell and sleep at the drum everyday.

Now we come to visit the main hall of the temple. The main hall is thecentral building of the temple. There are Sakyamunis three body Buddha in thehall. The middle one is Dharma Buddha piluzana Buddha. Dharma Buddha refers tothe pure body of Buddhas nature. The west one is paoshen Buddha Lushena Buddha.Paoshen Buddha means to obtain the Buddhas fruit and perfect body. The east oneis Yingshen Buddha. Yingshen Buddha refers to all changeable bodies and theuniversal body. On both sides of the three body Buddha are Sakyamunis Kaya andAnanda, and on both sides are eighteen Arhats.

On the west wall of the main hall, there are several steles of "Yan TA TiMing Ji". "Yanta inscription" began in the Tang Dynasty. All the top scholars inthe Changan examination had to have a banquet in Qujiang first, and thengathered together to inscribe the name of the big Yanta. They thought it was avery glorious thing to inscribe the name of the big Yanta, and they thought thatthey could ascend step by step by climbing the big Yanta. Bai Juyi, a poet ofthe Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem here after he was admitted as a Jinshi in theexamination: "the youngest of the seventeen people is at the title under thetower of mercy." Its a good story for a while.

On the north side of the hall is the Sutra collection building of Fatang(two floors). On the upper floor is the Sutra collection building, whichcontains the scriptures translated by Xuanzang. On the lower side is the Fatang,where the monks preached. There is a statue of Amitabha in it. Amitabha is incharge of the Western Paradise. That is to say, if you recite Amitabhawholeheartedly before you die, you will be led to the paradise by him after youdie, so it is also called "Jieyin Buddha". There are also three rubbings in theDharma hall, one of which is the picture of Xuanzangs negative collection, andon both sides are the portraits of his two great disciples yuancha and peepingJi. Xuanzang was carrying a basket of Buddhist scriptures on his back. He waswalking on the road of collecting Buddhist scriptures with Buddhist dust in hishands and hemp shoes on his feet. After suffering, only the little oil lamp thatnever went out was with him.

Behind the Dharma hall is the famous wild goose pagoda. Please follow me tovisit.

As for the origin of the name of "wild goose pagoda", there are severalopinions. Its name comes from a Buddhist story. According to Indian Buddhistlegend, there were two schools of Buddhism, Mahayana and Hinayana, and HinayanaBuddhism did not avoid meat and fishiness. One day, it was Bodhisattva givingday, but a monk in a Hinayana Temple couldnt buy meat for dinner. At this time,a group of geese flew by in the sky. A monk looked at the geese and said tohimself, "today there is no meat in the house. The merciful Bodhisattva willnever forget what day it is." Before the voice fell, the leading goose foldedits wings and fell to the ground. So the monks in the temple were shocked andthought that it must be the manifestation of Bodhisattva. They built a stonepagoda at the site where the wild geese fell. They gave up meat and turned toMahayana Buddhism. Since then, people have also called Bodhisattvas the king ofgeese and pagodas the "geese pagodas.".

The great wild goose pagoda was built with the approval of the imperialcourt by master Xuanzang to preserve a large number of Buddhist scripturesbrought back from India. Master Xuanzang personally participated in theconstruction of the tower, which took two years to complete. However, the pagodawas gradually destroyed more than 40 years later because of the erosion of thebrick surface and soil core. Later, Wu Zetian rebuilt the wild goose pagoda inher reign, and there were further repairs in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Whatwe see now is the repaired wild goose pagoda.

Dayan Pagoda is a typical wooden pavilion style brick pagoda, which iscomposed of tower base, tower body and Tasha. Its height is 64.7 meters. Thepagoda is square cone-shaped, with a total of 7 floors. There are spiral stairsinside. We can climb up the pagoda along the spiral stairs to see the beautifulscenery of the ancient city. Now please come up with me.

When we come to the bottom of the Dayan Pagoda, we can see that the brickniches on both sides of the South Gate of the pagoda are inlaid with two steles,preface to the three Tibetan holy teachings of the Tang Dynasty, written byEmperor Taizong Li Shimin and Emperor Gaozong Li Zhi of the Tang Dynasty. Bothsteles were written by Chu suiliang, a famous calligrapher in the Tang Dynasty,and are the best of the steles in the Tang Dynasty. Next we can visit the firstfloor. Lets take a look at the tablets on both sides of the wall. Among them,there are two stone tablets, one is the picture of Xuanzangs negativecollection, which reflects the process of his Scripture acquisition, and theother is the picture of Xuanzangs scripture translation, which reflects theprocess of his scripture translation. The pictures of the two steles are vividportraits of master Xuanzangs glorious life. Now lets start climbing up.Please step up the tower and pay attention to safety. On the second floor, wesee a sitting statue of Maitreya. You can worship it and make your wish. Then weascend the third floor. Here is the Buddhist relic presented by Indian Buddhistmonks. All right, lets keep climbing. On the third floor, there are rubbings ofthe original steles of Jiwang Shengjiao preface and Tongzhou Shengjiao preface,which are kept in Xian Beilin Museum. In the fourth floor, we can see hugefootprints, which are said to be left by Sakyamuni when he passed away. It issaid that before his death, Sakyamuni went to a small river and said to hisdisciples, "this is the last footprint I left to mankind." After that, hugefootprints were formed. At that time, people vied to pay homage to each other.When Xuanzang came to India, he heard this story and went to pay homage to itspecially. He also drew the footprints with a brush when paying homage. What wesee now is carved by Xuanzang in his later years. On the fifth and sixth floors,there are Xuanzangs poems and calligraphic works of several great poets in theTang Dynasty. Lets go up to the seventh floor. You can look up and have a lookat the very interesting poems above us. No matter where we start, these wordscan be very smooth. You can read with me, "you have to travel to the west, youhave to travel to the West.". The former worshipers praised the Tang monk, whilethe latter was praised by others. " There is also "monk Tang has to travel tothe West.". Before worshiping the Buddha in the west, the predecessors praisedhim. " And so on. No matter from which angle, it can be read as a poem aboutTang Monks learning scriptures.

When you climb to the top of the pagoda, do you have a wonderful feeling of"climbing out of the world"? You can see the magnificent scenery of the ancientcity from all sides, which makes you forget to return.

Tourist friends, now lets walk slowly down the tower and pay attention tosafety. Continue to visit Xuanzang Sanzang courtyard in the back.

Now, everyone comes to the gate of Xuanzang Sanzang courtyard. XuanzangSanzang courtyard is a group of buildings imitating Tang style, which iscomposed of dabianjue hall, Prajna hall and Guangming hall.

If you want to ask: what are the treasures of Da Cien Temple in Xian? Itis the parietal bone relic and Buddha bone relic of master Xuanzang, becauseboth of them are very precious Buddhist relics. We have just seen the Buddhistbone relic on the third floor of the Dayan Pagoda, and a portion of Xuanzangsparietal bone relic is stored in the dabianjue Hall of the Sanzang academy,where the statue of Xuanzang is still worshipped.

There are nearly 400 square meters of exquisite large murals in XuanzangsSanzang courtyard, reflecting the holy scenery of Buddhism and the life story ofXuanzang. In particular, it reflects Xuanzangs brilliant life of seeking Dharmaand translating scriptures.

In summary, Xuanzangs translation is characterized by large quantity, highquality, complete content and new way. Xuanzang alone translated 1335 volumes ofBuddhist scriptures. Because Xuanzangs translation is accurate and reliable,and the original Indian Sanskrit version on which he bases is lost, Xuanzangstranslation is regarded as "quasi Sanskrit version". Thus there was the heydayof Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty and a new situation in which many overseaseminent monks entered the Tang Dynasty to seek Dharma. The translation ofBuddhist scriptures in China begins with the translation of Buddhist scriptures.Xuanzang is a famous Buddhist, translator and traveler in the history of ourcountry. At the same time, he is a great patriot who is loyal to the motherland.He also translated Laozi, an important ancient Chinese philosophical work, intoSanskrit and introduced it to India, which promoted the cultural communicationbetween China and India and established the friendship between the twopeoples.

In 20__, Xuanzang finally died in Yuhua temple in Tongchuan. Although heasked for simplicity, the emperor buried him in Bailuyuan, which is on the Bankof Chanhe river. People have expressed their admiration and mourning for thisgeneration of eminent monk who sacrificed his life to seek Dharma, painstakinglytranslated scriptures, lived a glorious life and died with a reed mat. It hasbecome a Buddhist holy land to pay homage to and commemorate Xuanzangforever.



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Hello everyone, my name is hong, are you the lijiang tour guide, I hope you have fun in the tour.

I told you so much, everybody also saw so many, but is coming into the city, how didnt see the gate? Actually is invisible to the guests, this is also the one of the ancient city of lijiang, cant see the gate, could not see the wall, because there is no ancient city walls and gates, because the head of the naxi nationality name is "wood" if built walls and gates became "trapped" word, so ancient city without walls, also does not have the gates.

Into the old town of lijiang, see the square street. Square street, like the spider web, southeast of the northwest each have a way to it. Sifang street was paved by the multicolored, heels, on a multicolored sounds dont have a new idea, the sound is ringing, somewhat like the sound of a bell. Sifang street is the center of the city square, natural adornment beautiful and distinctive, even the inn is very beautiful. Sifang street inn is located in the center of the lijiang ancient city square street plaza, has a unique environmental advantages. Inn garden Bridges, lush flowers and trees, inherited the naxi ethnic aesthetic temperament and interest, one thousand years is harmony, harmonious concept of natural life. Inn each room design is unique, you can walk in the square street, absolutely no two rooms are the same.

The old town of lijiang have to put the light! Lijiang has a very special custom, is light. Put the lamp is old town of lijiang river of an ancient custom. It is said that each night, the dragon king of ying tan will follow the ancient city of jade river cruise, put a river light points to the dragon king the lighting, not only can protect the ancient city of peace, can make oneself and family get the dragon king bless and luck, success in the coming days. This legend. Put a river light, make a wish.

In many parts of lijiang is very beautiful, said also said not net, I hope you have a chance to be touring. This time you have fun? The answer is yes!!!! The chance next time I will take you to see the scenery of the ancient city of lijiang again!



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Hello, everyone!

Welcome to Jiuhua Mountain. Im Li Qiang, the tour guide of China Taihetravel agency. Just call me Xiao Li! Im very happy with your arrival today. Atthe same time, I hope my service can satisfy you. Standing next to me is masterWang, the driver of our tour. Master Wang has more than ten years of drivingexperience. Im very skilled in driving. You can give us two hearts, restassured to our Master Wang, happy to me, lets share this journey together.

Members of the group, our tour bus is driving on the Foguang avenue intothe mountain. As it will take a long time from here to Jiuhua street, Id liketo introduce Jiuhua Mountain to you first. Jiuhua Mountain is mainly located inChizhou City and Qingyang County. It is an important scenic spot in the north oftwo mountains and one lake in Anhui Province. The area of the scenic spot is 120square kilometers. Jiuhua Mountain covers 174 square kilometers and is now anational 5A scenic spot. A national tourist area. One of the four famousBuddhist mountains in China. It is known as an International Buddhist dojo.

Jiuhua Mountain in Anhui Province has a beautiful scenery. In the SouthernDynasties, the mountain was so high that it was called Jiuzi mountain. Li Bai, agreat poet of Tang Dynasty, visited Jiuhua Mountain and saw the lotus flowers onthe nine peaks. He wrote that "there are two wonderful things, and Lingshanopens Jiuhua." Its a beautiful poem. Jiuhua Mountain is a famous granitemountain. Its main peak, Shiwang peak, is 1342 meters above sea level. It is abeautiful place in Jiuhua Mountain.

Anhui Jiuhua Mountain is one of the four famous Buddhist mountains inChina. Together with Putuo Mountain, Emei Mountain and Wutai Mountain, it iscalled the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. In the 7th century A.D., theprince of Silla sailed to the East and visited famous mountains. He finallychose Jiuhua Mountain and practiced hard for decades. After his death, his bodywas not rotten. People thought that Jin qiaojue was the incarnation of theBodhisattva of the king of Tibet. From then on, Jiuhua Mountain was regarded asthe Taoist temple of the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet. From then on, theking of Tibetans was also called jintibetans.

OK, at this moment, our tour bus has arrived at the entrance of Jiuhuastreet. Please take your belongings and get off to enter the scenic spot.

Ladies and gentlemen, the gate of Jiuhua holy land, which is 9 meters highand 8.5 meters high, is in front of us. Do you know who wrote the word "JiuhuaHoly Land" on the banner? Yes, its written by Emperor Kangxi. Through the gatesquare, is there an extraordinary feeling of entering the holy land

Friends, at this moment, we are here at the earliest Palace temple inJiuhua Mountain, namely, the Zhiyuan temple. Zhiyuan temple is now a nationalkey temple and the only descendant jungle temple in Jiuhua Mountain. It is atypical composite building. Its Mountain Gate deviates from the central axis ofthe main hall. The external Mountain Gate is not the carelessness of theconstruction, but the attention. It is said that one is to avoid evil, and theother is to face kaishanzu temple and Huacheng temple. Moreover, on the frontwall of Zhiyuan temple, there is a big word "Taishan shigandang" which is veryeye-catching. It is said that it is also for avoiding evil spirits andsuppressing demons, which is unique to Zhiyuan temple.

The Dharma of Zhiyuan temple is solemn and complete, which is the best ofall. There are statues of Maitreya, four heavenly kings, Bodhisattva Weituo andeighteen Arhats in the temple. Among them, the most solemn one is the 12 meterhigh pharmacist Buddha, Amitabha Buddha and Sakyamuni Buddha. The statues ofBuddha, Bodhisattva and arhat in the temple are arranged in a standard way withexquisite workmanship and vivid images.

Zhiyuan temple was built in the Ming Dynasty, ranking first among the fourjungles in Jiuhua Mountain. The Jiuhua Mountain Buddhist Association has heldmany large-scale preaching, preaching and praying for peace and disaster reliefDharma meetings here. Now it holds more than 1000 Buddhist activities such aswaterway Dharma meeting and Yankou every year. It is one of the Buddhistactivity centers in the whole mountain.

Now we come to Huacheng temple. Huacheng temple is the first temple inJiuhua Mountain. Now it is a national key temple, and it was turned into amuseum of historical relics in the late 1970s. The exhibition materials aredivided into two parts: the first part shows Jin dizangs life story; the secondpart shows precious historical relics. Some of the Scriptures are the treasuresof the temple.

There is a release pool in front of the temple. It is said that it was dugby Jin dizang when he led his disciples to build Huacheng temple. In front ofthe pool is Huacheng square, on which there is an empress tower in memory ofjindizangs mother.

The next thing we are going to do is go to Zen hall. Shangchan hall islocated on the hillside in the south of Shenguang Lingnan, which is a nationalkey protected temple. Shangchan hall has three characteristics: the mostpeaceful incense, the best scenery and the most beautiful temple. The TV seriesjourney to the West was filmed here.

After visiting shangchan temple, we come to the most wonderful body hall.The body hall, also known as "Dicang tomb", was built in the first year ofZhenguan of Tang Dynasty. It was originally a three-story stone pagoda, and theburied body was jindicang body, so it is commonly known as the body pagoda.Because there was golden light in the base of the pagoda, later generationsnamed it Shenguang mountain. The characteristics of the hall of flesh can besummarized as "there are towers in the hall, tanks in the towers, and flesh inthe tanks." Please follow me into the hall. Please look at the 16 gold words onthe banner over there, "all living beings are exhausted, and Bodhi is proved.Hell is empty, and I swear not to become a Buddha." Its the vow of Bodhisattvadizang. Actually, Bodhisattva dizang could have become a Buddha, but he iswilling to go to the most miserable hell of the six samsara to spread all livingbeings. If hell is not empty, he will not become a Buddha. Before the birth ofMaitreya Buddha in the future, he undertakes the important task of universalsalvation. The body hall is the symbol of Jiuhua Mountain. Every time there is aDharma meeting in Tibet, there is a sea of people and it is unprecedented.

Attention, everyone. We are going to take the cable car to the centenarypalace immediately. Please pay attention to your safety and line up orderly.

Now we are in the centenary palace. Baishuigong, also known as baishuian,is now a key national temple dedicated to the body of monk Haiyu. In thearchitecture, the terrain of high in the South and low in the north is used toform a five story horse passage. The temple is integrated with the surroundingpeaks, stones and caves, and the temple is combined with the mountain. Thecentenary palace is the representative of Jiuhuashan ancient temple, which iswell received by Chinese and foreign tourists. Dear tourists, todays tour ofJiuhua Street scenic spot is over. Thank you very much for your support andcooperation. Please forgive me if there are any problems.



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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome you to visit the Terra Cotta Warriors, but please dont litter in the process of play.

Qin Terra Cotta Warriors is qin shihuang PeiZangKeng, consisting of one, two, three, pit, today has been built museum, the Terra Cotta Warriors is divided into general figurines, figurines of knight, terracotta warriors, TaoMa etc... Here, the museum also exhibited large coloured drawing or pattern is called the eighth wonder of the world showed the qin Terra Cotta Warriors GuChangAn old glory.

The biggest area in three pits at the no. 1 pit, the pit of the Terra Cotta Warriors are the most, there are more than six thousand. Look! This is general figurines, it Dai He strapping head crown, dressed in armor, sword in hand, a thoughtful, it seemed to be thinking about how to defeat an enemy.

The terracotta warriors, the warriors are it is wearing a shirt, wear armor, feet still in front tip-tilted war boots, weapons in hand, look at the way its air, would have scared the shit out of the enemy.

The wearing armor, is riding a horse youth, is the cavalry, armed with bows and arrows, it seems to be waiting for the general commanded, do try to fight with the enemy.

The terracotta warriors is TaoMa, its size and true horse, almost in every form, muscle plump, see their appearance, it seems to be commanded, casting its hooves, taking off, on a journey.

Todays explanation here, I wish you all can have a good time here.



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Among the Western tombs of the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Yongzhengs Taimausoleum is the earliest and the largest, which can be called the firstmausoleum. This is a group of ancient buildings left from the flourishing periodof the Qing Dynasty. Its site selection, planning and layout reflect theprosperity of the country and the stability of the political situation at thattime. It is also very exquisite in building materials, engineering technologyand traditional crafts.

Contemporary architects say that tailing is a typical geomantic model.Standing on the Wukong bridge in front of dahongmen and looking around, you cansee the rolling Yongning mountain in the north, which is like a barrier.Yongning mountain is the remaining vein of Taihang Mountain, which belongs tothe same vein system with Changrui mountain of Dongling. This mountain comesfrom Shanxi, such as the dragon lying across the central plains; the East andWest Huagai mountains on both sides of dahongmen are the natural gateway; theJiulong and Jiufeng mountains are the low mountains protecting the left andright; the dignified Yuanbao mountain in the south is the Chaoshan mountain oftailing; In the middle of the vast plain is located in the magnificent,scattered buildings. The Yishui river flows under the Wukong bridge, forming apattern of mountains reflecting water and water supporting mountains. Thecosmology of "the mausoleum system is commensurate with the mountains andrivers, and the unity of heaven and man" is fully reflected here. At the sametime, it shows the superb art of the ancient architects. As Mr. Simmond, theauthority of American landscape architecture, said, "the Egyptians go all theway to the end on an unchangeable demand road predetermined by themselves. Whenthe Chinese wander alone in their world, they have a friendly nature to guidethem to visit heaven and ancestral graves. So there is no place where scenerycan really become an architectural art material. "

The architectural layout of the mausoleum is also very elegant, which iscompletely in accordance with the layout of the palace where the emperor lived,and according to the needs of etiquette. With Shinto as the central axis runningthrough the north and south, the main buildings are arranged on the centralaxis, all of which face south; the underground palace is located at the end ofthe central axis, with Dangyang in the middle, and the rest of the buildings arearranged along the central axis. These buildings are made up and combined withaccurate scale, appropriate volume, colorful colors and flexible and ingeniousmethods, which makes the memorial and ritual theme of the mausoleum unfold anddeepen in an orderly way.

Stone archway is one of the most distinctive buildings in the mausoleum oftailing. There are three archways in the mausoleum of tailing, which are uniquein both quantity and arrangement. One plane faces the south, two East and West,and forms a spacious courtyard with the dahongmen in the north. Each archway is12.75 meters high and 31.85 meters wide, with five rooms, six columns and elevenfloors. All of them are made of huge blue and white stones. Each part is alsocarved with rich patterns. The layout of the picture is reasonable, the shape isvivid, the carving is exquisite, exquisite and full of vitality. This is stillan isolated work in the mausoleum of the emperors of the past dynasties inChina. It has become one of the most valuable buildings listed in the worldcultural heritage.

The whole mausoleum area pays attention to the treatment of the door, whichcan be used not only for access, but also to cut off the space interface.Dahongmen is the main entrance to the mausoleum. It has a single eaves and averanda roof. It looks simple, dignified, solid and steady. It looks like adragon reclining in front of the mausoleum. There are 42 Li Fengshui walls onboth sides, which extend meandering and cover the mausoleum area, showing thesolemn style of dahongmen.

It is a place for emperors and concubines to change their clothes when theycome to visit the mausoleum and worship their ancestors. It is built along theFu Zuo Hall of the Ming Dynasty. There is a clean room in the hall, which issimilar to the toilet now. There is an embroidered toilet in it. Now, for theconvenience of tourists, there is a flushing toilet beside the clean room.



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Kunming is located in the middle of Yunnan Guizhou Plateau, with a historyof more than 2400 years. The elevation of the city center is 1891 meters. It isclose to Dianchi Lake in the South and surrounded by mountains on three sides.Due to the influence of the warm and humid air flow in the southwest of theIndian Ocean, it has long sunshine, short frost period and an average annualtemperature of 15 ℃. The climate is mild, summer is not hot, winter is not cold,four seasons such as spring, pleasant climate, is very famous "Spring City". Forthis reason, the predecessors have described its characteristics as follows:there is no fur in the December moon of Kunming, the light cotton sweats in thedog days, the plum blossoms in the middle of winter, and the new year leaves ofLiushu will be thick. From December to march of the next year, groups of redheaded gulls, which escape the cold wind in the northern sea area, come fromafar and settle in Kunming city.

Kunming, with an altitude of 746 meters to 4247 meters, covers an area of15942 square kilometers and a built-up area of 98 square kilometers. It isdirectly under the jurisdiction of Panlong, Wuhua, Xishan and Guandu, and eightcounties of Chenggong, Jinning, Anning, Fumin, Songming, Yiliang, Lunan andLuquan. The population is 3635212. There are 25 ethnic groups, including Han,Yi, Hui, Bai, Miao and Mongolia. The minority population accounts for 12.6%, andthe urban population is 1611969.

250000 years ago, there were ancient human activities in Kunming area. Fromthe 13th century, Kunming became the political, economic and cultural center ofYunnan Province. It is the hub and channel connecting the "ancient Southern SilkRoad" in Southeast Asia and Sichuan Yunnan Vietnam. Kunming is the hometown ofgreat navigator Zheng He and peoples musician Nie Er. Patriotic democraticmovements such as the national defense movement and the "one two one" movementcontributed to Chinas democratic revolution. The long history and diversifiedculture have formed the distinctive characteristics of Kunming today, which are"long history, many historic sites, beautiful scenery, many places of interest,a gathering of talents, many celebrities, early development and manycontacts".

Since the reform and opening up, Kunmings economy has always maintained agood momentum of rapid and healthy development, and its comprehensive economicstrength has entered the advanced ranks in the western region. After years ofdevelopment, it has formed five pillar industries, including cigarette,electromechanical, biological resources, information, business and tourism.Agricultural development is sustained, stable and coordinated, structuraladjustment has achieved remarkable results, and its characteristics areoutstanding. "Dounan flowers" and "Chenggong vegetables" have become well-knownbrands at home and abroad. It is the industrial base of Yunnan Province and animportant industrial city in Southwest China. The proportion of the tertiaryindustry in the national economy is increasing. The rapid development ofCommerce, tourism, information and modern service industries has played animportant role in promoting the economic and social development of the city.

Kunming is one of the famous historical and cultural cities in China. It isa gathering place of natural landscape and cultural landscape. It is also one ofthe best tourist cities in China. The holding of the World Expo has improvedKunmings popularity in the world. There is no heat in summer, no cold inwinter, four seasons like spring, flowers all year round, known as the "SpringCity" reputation.

Kunming has beautiful mountains and rivers. Kunming has a long history,many nationalities and unique natural conditions, which leave an extremely richcultural relics and scenic spots. Among them, there are 3 national scenic spots,6 national key cultural relics protection units, 66 provincial and municipal keycultural relics protection units, 30 scenic spots, more than 100 scenic spots,11 national tourist routes, 1 provincial scenic spot, ethnic customs with Yunnancharacteristics, 1 large-scale ethnic village, more than 50 Hot Springs, andmore than 400 kinds of flowers It has become a tourism system with Shilin andDianchi Lake as the focus, along Anning Shilin highway as the first line,driving Kunming City and radiating the whole province, integrating tourism,vacation and entertainment.

Kunming is also a multi-ethnic capital city, with fascinating ethniccustoms, numerous historical sites, natural landscape and cultural landscape,depicting a magical and confusing picture.

Kunming is the transportation hub and communication center of YunnanProvince, and Chinas port facing Southeast Asia. Kunming airport is one of thefive major international airports in China. It has six international routes toYangon, Bangkok, Singapore, one regional route to Hong Kong, about 40 routes tolarge and medium-sized cities in China, and seven routes in the province. Atpresent, there are 12 main and branch lines from Kunming to Chengdu, Kunming toGuiyang, Kunming to Hekou, as well as Kunming to Nanning, as well as the vastnumber of Railways in the province, Kunyu railway, etc. Kunmings roads extendin all directions, with more than 5000 kilometers of roads leading to all partsof the province and neighboring provinces.

Facing the new situation and new tasks, we have established the developmentstrategy of building a modern new Kunming and accelerated the process ofbuilding a well-off society in an all-round way. Taking Dianchi Lake as thecenter, the project of "traffic around the lake", "pollution interception aroundthe lake", "ecology around the lake" and "new city around the lake" will beimplemented to further optimize the urban development environment,comprehensively enhance the image of urban and rural areas, enhance thecomprehensive strength of the city, and build Kunming into a prosperous economy,developed culture, beautiful environment, perfect function, "Spring City","famous historical and cultural city", and ecological city of landscapearchitecture It is a modern regional international city facing Southeast Asiaand South Asia.



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Hello, everyone!

Welcome to Duanyan culture village of Zhaoqing City. Now I will give you adetailed introduction of Zhaoqing Duanyan Culture Village and some scenicspots.

First of all, Zhaoqing Duanyan culture village is in Zhaoqing BaishiVillage. Duanyan, the origin of Chinas "four treasures of the study" in thebest. It has a long history, excellent stone quality and exquisite carving. Inthe 1980s, collectors in Japan and Southeast Asia recognized the artistic valueof Duan inkstone, which further recognized its collection value and investmentvalue. In recent years, with the holding of Duan Inkstone Cultural Festival,Duan Inkstone market continues to heat up, the "four treasures of the study"circle, the collection circle, the art circle and more lovers pay more and moreattention to Duan inkstone, the craft value of Duan inkstone is more and morefavored, so that the collection and investment value of Duan inkstone isincreasing day by day. For example, at an auction held in Hong Kong in April1993, a pair of Qing Dynasty rectangular and eye-catching pine inkstones (34.1cmlong) were bought at a high price of 368000 Hong Kong dollars. In Ming Dynasty,Jins Duan inkstones with inscriptions and sea water patterns sold for 220000and 105800 Hong Kong dollars. In Qing Dynasty, Qilins Duan inkstones sold for155000 yuan. In recent years, the auction price of Duan Inkstone continued torise. For example, Laokeng Duan inkstone of "Duanzhou Bajing" sold for 980000yuan; at the Duan Inkstone Cultural Festival, one party of "China JiulongBaoyan" sold for 2 million yuan. The value of ancient Duan inkstone is veryhigh, but now few buyers spend a lot of money on it. For most collectors andinvestors, those modern Duan inkstones with low price and excellent productionwill become the first choice. As long as we carefully study the stone materials,stone patterns and carving technology, and choose the best to buy, we will get alarger appreciation space.

Duan inkstone is valuable because of its excellent material. There aredozens of pit types, such as Laokeng (also known as Shuiyan), kengziyan,mazikeng and songkeng, which are the four famous pits of duaninkstone. Inaddition to the special tender, pure, delicate, moistening, solid and tightquality of the stone, the Duan Inkstone also has the characteristics ofbreathing, grindable ink, silent grinding, no loss of water storage, no damageto hair and no freezing in winter. In Tang Dynasty, Liu Yuxis poem "Tang Xiucaigives Duanzhou Zishi inkstone a poem to answer it" praises: "Duanzhou Zishiinkstone is very important in the world. In the eyes of literati, Duan inkstoneis regarded as a treasure. Su Dongpo said: "I was born without land and atebroken inkstones. "SUV" ink and inkstone are excellent, life is a joy ", whichshows that people attach importance to and cherish inkstone. In addition to "alllife", the famous inkstones are also treasured and handed down from generationto generation.

Second, the stone pattern is rich and colorful. Duanshi has unique and richstone products. At the beginning of its appearance, Duan Inkstone attracted theworld with its gorgeous stone patterns. The title of song of blue and whitepurple stone inkstone written by Li He, a poet of Tang Dynasty, points out theprecious stone "blue and white" of Duan inkstone. The rare stone products ofDuan inkstone are mostly concentrated in Laokeng, kengziyan and mazikeng. Inaddition to blue and white, there are __ eye, ice pattern, fish brain jelly,banana leaf white, azure, gold and silver thread, etc. The rich patterns ofDuanshi and shipin can be seen as "gorgeous Wen ban and sound of jade".

The third is exquisite carving technology. The artistic value of Duaninkstone in ancient and modern times is reflected in the composition design andknife carving. Inkstone making technology is a unique form of national sculpturein China. The shape of inkstone embodies the cultivation of carving, painting,calligraphy, seal cutting and writing. It should not only be shaped according tothe stone, but also be designed according to the needs of grinding and inkstorage. Due to the exquisite carving technology and the gorgeous purple naturalstone, the Duan inkstone is ingenious and smart. Li he said: "Duanzhou inkstoneis as skillful as a God, stepping on the sky to sharpen the knife and cut thepurple clouds. "As for a certain defect or defect of inkstone, skillfulcraftsmen will use complex and gorgeous carving or unique modeling to achievethe effect of concealing the defect and turning the ancient inkstone which wasregarded as a stone defect into a rare unique stone product of Duan inkstone,instead of adding value.

Well, through my brief introduction and your listening and visiting, Ibelieve we should all have a certain understanding of the specific situation ofDuanyan cultural village. Finally, our time is almost up. If you have anyquestions, well talk in the car later. Zhaoqing Duanyan culture village peoplewelcome you to come again, thank you!



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Hello everyone! Im your guide. My name is tan. Please call me DirectorTan. "A stream runs through the mountains, and the clear and shallow scenerylingers in the nine twists and turns. A stream to rock Xiu, reflection immersioncold green Today, Im going to take you to Wuyishan Scenic Spot, which has thereputation of "qixiujia Southeast".

The first scenic spot we arrived at was the poetic Jiuqu River. First ofall, I would like to briefly introduce the general situation of Jiuqu River: inthe world, Wuyi Mountain is the first, and the soul of Wuyi is in Jiuqu River.This stream originated from the main peak of the Wuyi Mountains -- the southernfoot of Huanggang mountain. It is clear and clear. It passes through the WuyiMountain Scenic Area from west to East through Xingcun town. It is full of waterand turns into nine curves, so it gets its name. Jiuqu River covers an area of8.5 square kilometers, with a total length of about 9.5 kilometers. Each songhas a different landscape.

You can take a bamboo raft and meander down the Jiuqu River. The clearwater will make you forget all your troubles. The craggy peaks and craggy rockson both sides of the Strait will give you all kinds of reverie. Id like tobriefly introduce some precautions for taking a bamboo raft

1、 According to six people on a bamboo raft, we are free to combine;

2、 On the bamboo raft, please dont rush to make a speech before steppingon two bamboo. To avoid slipping into the water;

3、 When the bamboo raft is moving, you should follow the instructions ofthe rafters. Please dont take photos from the chair or walk on the raft.

Dear friends, the bamboo raft drives up to the shoal. The mountain on theright is called Xianyan. Please pay attention to whether this huge stone on therock looks like a banana fan. The three peaks close to Xianyan are not like aball in the middle, and the peaks on both sides are like two male lions,commonly known as "two lions playing ball". The rock on the right side of thestream has a sharp mouth and thin legs, and its back is covered with vines andflowers, commonly known as "peacock Kaiping stone".

Look at the two peaks on the right, one is danluyan, the other isxianjiyan. The former is named for its resemblance to the alchemy furnace of thelegendary taishanglaojun, while the latter has two round stone nests on therocks. It is said that it is the knee nests left by Wuyi immortal kneeling downto worship the emperors grandmother, so it is also called "xianxiyan". The twocaves beside the stream are called Micang and Yancang. Further on, the peak thatcatches our eyes is Tianzhu peak, commonly known as "JiuTan peak".

The second scenic spot we arrived at was the wonder of the world "a line ofsky". It is the most strange cave in Wuyi Mountain. The one on the left isLingyan cave, the one in the middle is wind tunnel, and the one on the right isFuxi cave. A line of sky is a crack in the middle of a mountain, just like asharp axe. Its less than a foot long, about 100 meters long, and leaks into theskylight line. This is the miracle of "uncanny workmanship". The first line ofthe sky is about 100 meters long and less than 90 cm wide. The narrowest part ofthe first line of the sky is only 50 cm. Some fatter tourists should be carefulnot to get stuck. Now please follow me from Fuxi cave into the cave, you can seea ray of sky light, just like a rainbow across the sky. Its very wet in a lineof days, and theres water in some places. Please be careful not to slip! Lookup, you can see bats passing overhead from time to time, and you may be hit bythe droppings of bats at any time. Tourists generally jokingly call people whoare stained with bat dung "lucky" and call them lucky people.

Dear friends, we have arrived at the third scenic spot, Tianxin scenicspot. The stream we see now is called Zhangtang stream. Zhangtangjian is thelongest mountain stream in the north of Wuyishan Scenic Area, about 7.5km long.Please follow the direction I pointed out. There are several adjacent caves onthe half wall of Danxia Mountain. There are several small wooden buildings inthe caves, which are built on the cliff. They are either hidden in the cave orclose to the cliff. They are up and down the hanging ladder and around thefence. I dont know if you have found a problem. Why is it called Tianjia framewhen the county building is built between the cliffs? This is because in orderto save time, the construction materials used in the construction at that timewere directly lifted from the rock bottom. Do you see that the fir trees thatwere erected outside the cave were the ones that installed the crane, a kind oflifting machinery. So the local people call this scene "sky frame". Go on, crossthe stone bridge in front of Huiyuan temple and turn left into Liuxiang stream.Liuxiangjian, formerly known as daoshuikeng, is located at the northern foot oftianxinyan. Strange to say, all the streams and springs in Wuyishan Scenic Spotrun from west to east to Xiakou and join Chongyang stream. Only this mountainstream, since the origin of the North Valley of Sanyang peak, flows to thenorthwest and flows back to the mountain, so it is named. Along the way, theflowing water and the flying flowers come together, and the faint fragrancecomes from time to time. Xu Xun, a poet of the Ming Dynasty, traveled here andcould not bear to leave, so he changed the name of the stream to "liuxiangstream". There is an alley Valley in the stream, with dangerous rocks standingon both sides, and only one person is allowed to flow between them. It is coolin summer, so it is called Qingliang gorge. A long way out of Qingliang gorge,you can see a black mountain peak, on top of which stands a huge stone leaningforward, just like a farmer wearing a hat. It is said that this huge stone camefrom afar, so it is called feilaifeng. Around Feilai peak, you can see that thismountain is called "Yuzhu peak". From Yuzhu peak to jiulongke. Jiulongke is asecluded and deep gorge. The rugged peaks of jiuren are like nine dragonssoaring into the sky. From jiulongke to Lixu, you can see the rock calledtianxinyan. The temple under the rock is Yongle temple, the largest existingtemple in Wuyi Mountain. After reconstruction, Yongle temple is 170 meters longfrom north to South and 150 meters wide from east to west, covering an area ofabout 26000 square meters. Yongle Temple flourished in the Qing Dynasty, withmore than 100 monks. Since the reform and opening up, especially in the 1990s,the relevant departments have decided to restore Yongle temple. At present, theconstruction of the main hall is in progress. Beside the mountain path leadingto the Zen temple, a new rock carving of Maitreya Buddha has been chiseled. Itis 19 meters high and 13 meters wide. The huge "Buddha" character behind therock is written by Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. It is 11 meters high and9 meters wide, with a total area of 99 square meters, which means "nineauspicious".

Pay close attention to whether your eyes are tired. Take a rest. Next stopis Shuiliandong.

Dear friends, the cave we see now is the water curtain cave. Located in theeast of danxiazhang, shuilian cave was formerly known as Tangyao cave.Therefore, there are two flying springs on the top of ruiquan rock peak, flowingdown with the wind, just like a brilliant water curtain, so later generationschanged it to water curtain cave. The cave is the largest in Wuyishan ScenicArea, with a height of more than 100 meters and a width of more than 100 meters.The roof of the cave is obliquely covered, just like a cornice, covering half ofthe sky. In front of the entrance of the cave, the clear spring flows on bothsides all the year round, falling down from the top of the rock more than 100meters high. Where the breeze passes, the water drops are swaying and opening.With the wind, as if tiannu scattered flowers, as well as two hanging beadcurtain. Water curtain cave, Xuan Shuang bright, can accommodate hundreds ofpeople. The teahouses along the cliff are the sites of the Sanxian temple, whichwas originally dedicated to the great Confucians Liu Ziyun, Zhu Xi and Liu Gongof the Song Dynasty, and the three churches, which were dedicated to Confucius,Laozi and Sakyamuni. The curtain of water poured into the pool, splashingcontinuously, and then rippling again. It was so beautiful that it was like adragon playing in the water.

Please have a good look. Now were going to the fifth scenic spot, Wuyipalace. Now the building we see is Wuyi palace. Wuyi palace, also known asHuixian temple, Chongyou temple and Wannian palace, is a place where emperors ofthousands of generations worship Wuyi kings. It is also one of the six famousscenic spots in Song Dynasty. It is the oldest palace in Wuyi Mountain, with ahistory of more than 1000 years. Although the Wuyi palace, which has a longhistory, has been repaired in the past dynasties, it cant withstand severalfires and soldiers, leaving only a few empty rooms and broken walls. In the late1980s, with the support of relevant departments, the main hall of Wuyi palacewas restored. The restored Wuyi palace has been turned into Zhu Xi MemorialHall. The museum mainly displays the life stories of Zhu Xi, Cai Yuanding, youJiuyan, Liu Lun, Huang Gan and Zhen Dexiu. The five big words "Zhu Xi MemorialHall" on the front door plaque are the ink treasures left by former vice memberof the National Peoples Congress Comrade Fang Yi during his inspection of WuyiMountain. The two osmanthus trees in the courtyard are said to have been plantedby Zhu Xi himself, and they are eight or nine hundred years old.

Time flies like a meteor! Our trip to Wuyishan is coming to an end! Thereare many beautiful scenery in Wuyishan, such as Tianyou peak, Longchuan GrandCanyon, Taoyuan cave of "dongtianjiejie" and the charming hero slope. I hopethat this wonderland in the world, Wuyishan, with its gorgeous scenery, canleave you a good impression. At the same time, thank you for your support to mywork. Its really a pleasure to visit Wuyishan with you. Thank you again!



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Yunyan district of guiyang city is one of the city center, located in thenorthern half of the city, east, west, north three sides and bordering on wudangdistrict, high-tech zone, nanming district and adjacent to the south, northwestand border baiyun district, a beautiful natural environment, cultural landscaperich; Convenient transportation, communications developed, commercialprosperity.

Yunyan district rich in tourism resources. Domestic scenic spots have to asthe "trait first mountain", qian lingshan park as the main body of the guizhouspirit, park has hong fu temple built by the qing emperor kangxi years, is thefirst big jungle, guizhou Buddhism mountains north slope of kirin hole, theAnti-Japanese War, Chiang kai-shek had been imprisoned in the patriotic generalzhang xueliang and Yang hucheng general, is the domestic and overseas touriststo watch. Domestic sites located on the side out mountain, was built in the qingdynasty jiaqing nineteen years (1841) Yang Yin temple; There is located in thecity built during Ming 37 years (1609) of it, this pavilion is Chinas only nineAngle of three layers and three eaves saving spire building unequal Angle; Lakeis located in guizhou spirit mountains in the west bank, built during Mingyongle (1403) holy spring, the spring clearance fluctuation, and wonder.Jurisdiction revolutionary memorial sites are: the Chinese communist partyunderground working committee, the office of the eighth route army, xinhuadaily, guiyang in guizhou, the distribution of the Anti-Japanese War martyrsmonument, etc.

Yunyan district of the four seasons all appropriate travel. In guiyangfadel circulation loop, a perennial controlled by the westerlies, a subtropicalhumid mild climate, annual average temperature of 15.3 ℃. Guiyang summer withoutheat, the average summer temperature of 23.2 ℃, the highest average temperatureis between 25 to 28 ℃. Guiyang is not severe cold in winter, the coldest inearly January, the average temperature is 4.6 ℃.

Three years of the republic of China (1914), guiyang province crown land toguiyang county, YunYan is within the city of guiyang county. Nine years of therepublic of China (1920), guiyang zhili in guizhou government; Sixteen years(1927), waste the governor, the provincial government, chairman of the committeesystem; 24 (1934) in June, the provincial government has 11 administrativesupervision commissioner, who in charge of counties; Twenty-five years (1936),and for eight area, including yunyan district; November 26 (1937), and for fivearea. In 1949, the liberation of guiyang. "YunYan" district, also made townshipname, group name and village name. In 1952, YunYan for except as a group name,still for a natural villages of soul communes in guizhou. After the peoplescommune was founded in 1958, qian spirit, YunYan brigade is a production brigadeof the commune, after changed to area, continues to this day.
