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洛阳老君山位于河南省洛阳市栾川县城南3公里处,是秦岭余脉八百里伏牛山的主峰,海拔2200米。老君山山势险峻、气势雄浑。“驻足峰巅,放眼四顾,可西瞻秦阙,南望楚地,北眺龙门,东瞰少林”。历代文人骚客对老君山多所推崇,明代诗人谢榛曾慨叹老君山之美“兼泰山之雄伟 、华山之险峻、庐山之朦胧、黄山奇峰七十二,君山奇景知多少!?”









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Tianjin is a good choice as a travel destination. With its cool sea breeze and fresh sea air you will definitely feel refreshed. Here are (第一范文网) bring tianjin attractions English commentaries, welcome to enjoy!


Temple of Solitary Joy is located at inside west city gate of Ji County, Tianjin City. It is known for its refined architecture skill in Channels ancient buildings and has got the reputation of Six Best. These are: The earliest Dingshan Gate (Gate of Withstanding Hill) of the ground hall preserved now; The earliest Chiwei object on the Hill Gate preserved now; The earliest plane distribution which took pavilion as the center on the architecture plane; The biggest clay sculptured statue of Avalokiteavara inside a pavilion in China; The Avalokiteavara is also the most ancient high storeyed one; The more precious fact is that the Temple of Solitary Joy has stood unscathed after thousand years of rain, snow, wind and frost and 28 big attacks, hence the most durable ancient Monastery of thousand years.


Entering the Temple , the first comes to sight is 10 m high gate, on the arch of which there hangs a horizontal inscribed board: Temple of Solitary Joy. The single eaves ground hall roof was the roof building form during the western Tsin (AD265-316) and Southern and Northern Dyansty (420-589) period, which was called Siadading in ancient time and now it is called big roof. On the two ends of the plane ridge, there are inward Chiweis. Chi denoted sparrow hawk in ancient time, which is a kind of fierce bird. The stand base of the gate is comparatively low, but the hall pinnacle is much higher above eaves and the pottery animal figures look sturdy; solemn and sturdy. There is no ceiling inside the pinnacle, therefor the painted beam and purlieus are visible. The whole piece is exquisitely wrought, simple arranged and skillfully done, for which people gasp in administration.

Crossing the gate, one comes to the core building - Avalokitesvara Pavilion, 23 m in height. Form outside appearance, it is two storeyed, but inside there is a hidden storey, thus three storeyed in fact. On the eaves corners, pottery unicorns are sculptured, on which little Buddha statues ride. Copper bells are hung under eaves corners, swaying with the wind, a specially refined scene. The most attractive thing is the structure of Dougong (sets of brackets on top of the columns supporting the beams within and roof eaves without——each set consisting of tiers of outstretching arms called Gong, cushioned with trapezoidal blocks called Dou). It is made of overlapping Dougong shaped wood blocks and bow shaped horizontal wood bars by adopting 24 forms with each layer stretching out as bracket, big in upper part and small in lower part, thinly scattered, steady and sturdy. It makes eaves of the pavilion look like flying, far and deep in the sky, a beautiful and magnificent view.

Entering the Avalokitesvara Pavilion, the very sight is a huge standing Avalokitesvara Statue. If one stands by it, his height is only up to her ankle. The Statue, 16.27 m in height, is the biggest clay sculpture of Avalokitesvara in China. Two statues of attendant Bodhisattvas under the knee of Avalokitesvara are also 3 m in height. On the crown of the head of Avalokitesvara, there are 10 small Avalokitesvares heads, hence it is called 11 faces Avalokitesvara. Reviewing around the inner part of the pavilion, one can discover that pillars of high and low storeys are not directly linked through, but the pillars of the upper storey are inserted into the arch head of that of lower storey. The upper storey of the pavilion is in a form of six corners empty well, while the lower storey is in a form of square empty well. This kind of structure is not only beautiful and strong, but also adds the space of the upper part of Budha statues. On the four walls inside the pavilion, colorful murals are painted, the theme of which is the images of 16 Arhats and 2 Ming Dynasty Emperors, which are the earliest subjects of Buddhism. On he murals, 2 m high Arhats with 3 heads and 4 arms are extremely lifelike and Ming Emperors on the four walls are full of power and grandeur. On the upper part of the murals, there are mountains, forest, cloud and river, while on the lower part, there are paintings of secular themes with vivid and natural lines, which embody the superb the skill and arts of painting of ancient Buddhism in China.


Tianjin is a good choice as a travel destination. With its cool sea breeze and fresh sea air you will definitely feel refreshed. Historical relics, natural scenery, temples, churches, assembly halls and commemorative sites of the Chinese revolution will illuminate Tianjins past, present and future. Tianjin is honored as Building Museum as it was occupied by nine imperial powers before the founding of the new China, leaving behind many buildings with extraordinary and exotic architectural styles, a real feast for the eye! In the following text let me give you a brief introduction to the Jinmen Shijing (top ten scenic attractions in Tianjin).

Huangyaguan Great Wall :

Located in the mountainous area of Tianjins northern Ji County, the Huangyaguan Great Wall was first built during the Northern Qi Dynasty (550 - 557) and repaired in large scale with bricks during the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644). When appointed as the chief commanding officer in the Ji Garrison (one of the eleven garrisons of the Ming Dynasty), Qi Jiguang added watch towers and other defensive works.

The Huangyaguan Great Wall comes out first in the ten most-visited sites in Tianjin. It is considered to be a miniature of the Great Wall. The entire section is built on an abrupt mountain ridge. Being endowed with both natural beauty and cultural interest, it has become famous as a natural beauty spot and a summer resort. The major scenic area is composed of Huangyaguan Pass and Taiping Mountain Stronghold.

Huangyaguan Pass: In 1984, the people of Tianjin spent three years repairing 3,308 yards of the main wall from Banlagang Mountain in the east to Wangmaoding Mountain in the west. They restored 20 terraces, the Huangyaguan Water Gate, and the Bagua Castle (the Eight Diagrams Castle). The defensive system of the wall is complete. Watch towers, frontier cities, drain holes, emplacements, barracks and other indispensable military facilities are arranged orderly along the wall. Besides, the stele forests of the Great Wall, Beiji Temple, the exhibition hall of famous couplets, the Great Wall Museum (the first museum along the Great Wall) and the Phoenix Fortress have been newly built within the area.

Taipingzhai Great Wall :

Six miles southeast of Huangyaguan Pass is the Taipingzhai Great Wall, another important mountain stronghold of the wall during the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644). It is also called Taipinganzhai, meaning "a village of peace and prosperity". Starting from Banlagang Mountain in the east and arriving at Guafu Tower (Widow Tower) in the west, it winds through the precipitous mountains for about 955 yards.

The wall is an important component of Huangyaguan Great Wall. There are six watch towers, one battlement, and one shortcut leading to the wall. The architectural styles of the military towers vary considerably. There are square, round, solid and hollow towers, with some inside and others outside the wall. Beside the shortcut, there is a small citadel where an 8.5-meter statue of Qi Jiguang, the chief commanding officer of Ji Garrison (one of the eleven garrisons in the Ming Dynasty) is located. The local people built this statue in order to commemorate his great contribution to frontier peace and stability in that period. To the west of the citadel, a section of the wall extends 33 yards out to where a sentry post was situated.

At the western end of the wall is a square stone tower called Guafu Tower, "Widow Tower" in English, built by twelve wives whose husbands died during the construction of the wall in the Ming Dynasty. The widows erected this tower to commemorate their husbands notable exploits. The tower has two levels and measures 13-meters (14-yards) high. Arched arrow windows are on the four sides of the tower.

Besides these cultural points of interest, Taipingzhai Great Wall is also famous for its amazingly impressive scenery. Zigzagging along the mountain ridge for over 984 yards, the wall looks very much like a giant dragon flying through clouds.

Mt. Panshan Scenic Area :

Covering an area of 106 square kilometers (about 26193 acres), Mt. Panshan Scenic Area is located in Jixian County, 110 kilometers (68.4 miles) away from Tianjin, 88 kilometers (54.7 miles) away from Beijing. As the name suggests, the scenic area is mainly Mt Panshan–oriented. Endowed with natural beauty and a historical heritage, Mt Panshan is known as The First Mountain East of Beijing and is listed as one of the top fifteen mountains in China.

The mountain acquired its present name, early in the Eastern Han (25-220). Taizong , the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), was prodigal of his praise of its scenery on his chance visit when he led the army in a campaign. Seventy-two temples, thirteen pagodas and numerous Xanadus and towers were built on the mountain in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Qianlong, a brilliant and wise Qing Dynasty emperor was so impressed that he made thirty or so visits and wrote 1366 poems to express his admiration of the area. In the first half of the twentieth century, the whole resort all fell to ruin due to hostilities and neglect. It has undergone a process of restoration since the 1990s and is now regaining its fame.

It is famous for jade pine trees, strange and astonishing peaks, clear waters, grotesquely shaped rocks and clusters of ancient temples. On the mountaintop, numerous pines hide the sky from view and block out the sunshine. Rugged rocks in a variety of shapes, some of which resemble a toad, a general or a boa, will greet you in the middle of the mountain. At its foot, clear water splashes on the rocks. The mountain consists of five peaks, with the main one, Guayue (Moon Hanging) Peak. Although Guayue Peak is only 857 meters (2811.7 feet) above sea level, to the north it is possible to see a section of the Great Wall while to the west Mt Taihang can be seen.

From the Wei State during the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280) onwards, emperors enthusiastically commissioned the building of temples, towers and Xanadus resulting in over 160 such sites. There are four main temples: Tiancheng Temple (God Proposing Temple), Yunzhao Temple (Cloud-Hiding Temple), Wanfo Temple (Ten Thousand-Buddha Temple) and Wansong Temple (Ten Thousand-Pine Temple). Tiancheng Temple built in the Tang Dynasty, was enlarged and repaired in the Ming and the Qing dynasties. To the east of this temple stands the Ancient Dagoba. As the biggest tower in this mountain, it has thirteen floors. The roof of the Yunzhao Temple was a golden yellow, a color that normally was only allowed to be used on imperial buildings. By granting permission for this, Emperor Qianlong demonstrated his approval and admiration of the mountain. Wanfo Temple (Ten Thousand-Buddha Temple) has 10,960 small Buddhas statues.



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开原山清水秀,历史悠久,古迹众多。其中有崇寿寺塔,普觉寺,清真寺,古城遗址等人文景观。还有清河水库风景区,象牙山风景区,黄旗寨隔洞等自然景观。开原也是多民族聚居区,蒙,满,鲜,回等13个少数民族占全市人口的61%。文化传统与文化积淀颇深,极具开发价值。 象牙山景区风景优美,山上有藏经洞,卧佛,仙棚,古烽火台等景观,已载入《开原县志》。

这里还有优美传说:传说上古年间,八仙与南极仙翁经常到此山云游。林间树下品茶,对棋,察看民情。见山下连年干旱,百姓饥寒,便将装满水的茶壶留下,润万物,渡苍生。从此,清泉不断,河水长流,风调雨顺,年年丰收,百姓安居乐业。从而人们经常到山下壶泉,降香,供俸,拜泉饮水。以求消灾解难,强身建体,益寿延年。这也是开原为什么水资源丰富的原因。顺便提一下,赵本山反映农村题材的新作《马大帅》主景就在象牙山,女主角小翠的家就在象牙山脚下,可见象牙山的景致不一般。 我们所要游览的路线包括“藏君洞,天平岭,万象塔,聚仙棚,寿星过“等,其中以天平岭,夹心石最为奇趣,之所以称之为奇,是因为爬天平岭要有些技巧,必需掌握重心,适时借助石阶旁的树木,岩壁等方可登上峰顶。所称做趣,趣在夹仙石,只能容下一人,侧身而过,胖些的恐怕要费些力气了。并且这样的景点还不止一个,到时候大家可以亲身体会一下夹一夹的乐趣。


让我们回望一下山下,不知不觉我们已经到了半山腰,这只是万里长征的第一步。过了“天平岭”,我们就到了太极洞。大家可以看见石洞上方有个太极图,说到太极我想简单的介绍一下,太极与八卦是古人解释因果,推演数理的依据,是中国特有的历史文化产物。大家知道的《周易》也是根据其演化而来。传说太极属混沌状态,一阴一阳,一实一虚且互相交汇。古讲“太极生两仪,两仪生三才,三才生四象,四象生五行,五行生六爻,六爻生七星,七星生八卦,八卦演万物。”洞虽不大,可是仙人推演数理之地。 绕过太极洞,可见金蟾福地,传说八仙与仙翁留下仙壶以后,金蟾路过此地品清泉之后觉心旷神怡,于是就不想回去了,因为此地有奇山异水,于是他就在此修行,渐渐的在此处留下身影,后来人们称之为“金蟾福地”。



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The Bund, located on the West Bank of the Huangpu River, has been a symbolof Shanghai for more than 100 years.

The symbol of Shanghai --- Huangpu River. Pujiang tour has always been atraditional tourism program in Shanghai tourism. Every day, you sail from the"light of Pujiang" Wharf on the Bund of Shanghai, taking you from the bustlingurban area of Shanghai to the "three water clips" outside Wusongkou, where theHuangpu River and the Yangtze River, the third largest river in the world,converge into the sea. Driving in the middle of the river and overlooking thebuildings separated by the river and spanning the vicissitudes of a century, wecant help feeling.

Water has aura and wealth. Water is pregnant with vigorous vitality.Huangpu River, the mother river of the city, the golden waterway of Shanghai.The Huangpu River "qingyoujiang" cruise ship sails from dada wharf to the north.The world-famous Bund complex in Puxi and Lujiazui financial center in Pudong,which stands at the end of the sky, gradually come into view. At night, thelights on both sides of the Strait are brilliant. The classical and modernarchitectural styles of the prosperous city complement each other and complementeach other, showing the beautiful scenery of the river bank. Looking from afar,architecture is the beauty of solidification, river water is the beauty of flow;the noise on both sides of the Strait is the beauty of prosperity, and thetranquility in the river is the beauty of elegance. The Huangpu River inShanghai can enjoy the existence of beauty everywhere.



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在嘉峪关关城闸门附近,有一棵两人合抱不拢的大古柳,根深叶茂,浓荫遮地,被人们称为“左公柳“。 关于这棵古柳树还有着一段传说。







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dear visitors:

hello everybody! now our automobile is going on the badaling highway,must enter the badaling scenic area immediately which soon visits.front that mountain is the jundu, the badaling great wall occupies onthis mountain. in the spring and autumn period warring states time,our country ancient times the people on already started to constructthe great wall, at that time the feudal lord strove for hegemony, inorder to protect own territory not to encroach, therefore hasconstructed the great wall in abundance in respective boundary, wascalled mutually guards against the great wall.

but our country once appeared three to construct the great wall thepeak, respectively was the qin great wall, the chinese great wall,bright great wall. chin shihhuang in 221 b.c. unified area south ofyellow river, has established the qin dynasty, in order to strengthenthe rule north, defends nomads invasion, therefore will send thesenior general to hoodwink 恬 300,000 armies and very many laborforces the original north swallow, zhao, the qin great wall haslinked, and performed to expand, the lasted 9 years constructed westnear 洮 east to be continuous wan li to liaodong the great wall, thisalso will be in the chinese history the together great wall. to thehan dynasty, martial emperor of han dynasty also was for strengthenthe defense, "was not called hu madu the yin", has constructed anearly 20,000 mile great wall, simultaneously this also has protectedthe new development silk road, the chinese great wall is the qin greatwall together the front position and the defense line, west itxinjiang, east arrived liaodong, was in the chinese history constructsthe great wall longest dynasty. but the bright great wall is in thechinese history constructs the great wall the high point, the projectis big, essence of the technical is unique. same year zhu yuanzhangestablished ming dynasty in the unification nation in the process, hasaccepted "gao zhuqiang, guang jiliang, slow name king" suggestion. atthat time yuan dynasty although already perished, but also ismaintaining the quite complete military power, in addition graduallyrises nuzhen races unceasing invasion, therefore starts to constructthe great wall. the ming dynasty large-scale constructed the greatwall to achieve 18 were next many, only then basically has last yearsfinished to the ming dynasty, east nearby liaoning dandong yalurivers hushan, west to gansu jiayuguans bright great wall span 6,350kilometers. the bright great wall has three characteristics, buildsthe construction completely, manages the consummation, the layout isstrict. but we saw today the badaling great wall is a bright greatwalls part. but great wall in our country ancient times mostprimitive goal although is the defense, but at the same time it alsoplayed other roles. first is the military function, the second pieceis the economical function, it not only promoted the development andthe northern border economy development which opens up wasteland,moreover also is the area south of yellow river common people enjoys agood and prosperous life, third promoted various nationalitiesfusion. in addition, it has also protected the communication andpromoted the to foreign countries opening up. what is worthmentioning, in our country ancient times, not only only has thesethree time constructs the great wall the experience, according to thestatistics, in about in , successively some more than 20 feudallords country and the feudal dynasty all has constructed the greatwall, some people have made the sketchy computation, if the great wallwill rebuild together the height 5 meters, the depth 1 meter big wall,will many circle the earth 10 many all to have the wealth. famousfolklore: the beacon-fire play feudal lord and meng jiangnyu cry greatwall also is occurs in the great wall. now, the great wall afterpasses through several time repairs and maintains, basically restoredthe former appearance, is included in 1987 by the united nationseducational, scientific and cultural organization "world cultureinheritance name list", moreover it or now in world longest defensivecity wall! proliferated the our country 16 areas, the span hasachieved 10. 80,000 miles.

we passed through a moment ago the road, took place in yu guangou.guan gou is the mt. yanshan sierra and jundu sierra junction meetingplace, south changping area nankouzhen, northwest to yanqing countybadaling great walls area just outside the city gate, span 40 miles.is the area south of yellow river area leads to northwest plateau thepharynx and larynx important highway. the ming dynasty has arrangedfour defense lines in here, respectively is the nankou pass, occupiesthe commonplace pass, on closes, badaling. folds on the green jademountain in guan gouzhong, once had jin dynasty famous yanjing one ofeight scenery: occupies commonplace folds the green jade, what a pitynow the landscape already no longer existed.

we saw a moment ago that railroad was designs the construction by ourchinese the first railroad, designs peking-kalgan line by zhantianyou. because badaling area topography complex, the technicaldifficulty are very many, therefore zhan tianyou designs the personfont railroad, the success solved the train not to be able directly toclimb and the curve difficult problem, but made a connection longreaches 1,091 meters tunnels also to sigh the chinese and foreignpublic figure the clothing. now the bronze statue which sets up in theblack dragon bridge train station is zhan tianyou, but also has themonument.

closes the ditch because of to occupy the commonplace pass but to befamous, we may see front the grand construction occupies thecommonplace pass, its name origins from the qin dynasty, to chinshihhuang moves "the commonplace person" in here to live thereforeacquires fame. in the area inside the great wall, some famous whitemarble shitai, it is yuan dai as soon as has sat the streettower, above originally has three tibet type pagoda, destroyed in theafterwards earthquake. the ming dynasty in the original position ] hasestablished the taian temple, but has been destroyed in the kangxidynasty, only leaves behind now us to see the column foundation andlooks the column. baiyu shitaithe area has 310 square meter under ticket gate onto engrave has the lion, the elephant, the weird creature, relief andso on jin chiniao, separately represented the buddhism dense ancestor fivesides five buddhas place to ride, but also had tianlongbabu toprotect buddhist law the deity the relief. on the endophragm also hadthe four great heavenly gods relief and the god beastly design, theticket goes against also covers entirely daturas pattern, in theflower has engraved has the image of buddha, altogether 2,215. alsosome six kind of languages engrave "tuoluonepal after incantation" and "make towermerit to record", these all are yuan dai artistic high-quality goods,has the very high artistic value.

the badaling great wall is in the bright great walls outstandingrepresentative, because here extends in all directions, thereforebecomes badaling. possibly everybody can ask that, why has to speakthe great wall to construct in here? actually this mainly is becauseof the badaling area important geographical position. it not only isguarding the bright imperial tomb, moreover also is beijingsnorthwest front door.

the badaling great wall is in the history many significant eventstestimonies, for example the dreary queen mother patrols good fortune, yuan taizuenters the pass, west empress dowager cixi runs away and so on,badaling all is after all the road. speaks of here, but also somestory must say for everybody: is located closes the east end gateroadside, some megalith, the fable the eight power expeditionary forceattacked into beijing in 1900, cixi runs away in the west on the waypasses through here, once stood in this stone other day looks thenational capital, therefore this stone on is also called looks thebeijing stone. but present this stone already not that highlighted.

some speech everybody certainly knew that, not to great wall non- realman. introduced a moment ago that many landscape, you are certainlyanxious want to arrive the scenic area to tour, does not use theworry, you also had to become the real man immediately. good, here isthe famous badaling great wall distant place is the grand scenery, butdownward looked is the great wall important constituent old man city,he generally all constructs on the strategic in position keycommunication line. between old man city two is distanced 63.9 meters,the west gate inscribed horizontal tablet: key to defense of thenorth, i already have said in front. the east gate inscribedhorizontal tablet is: occupies the commonplace outside town, themeaning occupies a commonplace outside the passes strategic place. nowwe looked to the right release that, is ascending chengkou the southside to exhibit a cannon, named: invincible might general. ischong zhen year the manufacture.

the badaling great wall has three two walls compositions, what isthree two walls? now lets me give everybody to explain, threerespectively are the tower on a city wall, the enemy tower, tower on acity wall structure is extremely simple, only is the officers andsoldiers which guards evades the cold the place. that enemy towerstructure relative wants complex somewhat, divides into two, the lowerlevel is by the field, the well, returns, and so on the glyphcomposes, the upper formation has the crenel and looks the hole isobserves the military situation and the archery uses, therefore herealso has defends enemys function.

under arrived the beacon tower, also is called the beacon-fire, wolfyantai. is disagrees the great wall connected independentconstruction. once the enemy attack, lights the beacon-firenotification military situation, the ancient rewards the smoke whichthe daytime lights to be called beacon-fire, the evening is called the flint.ming dynasty time, but also has made the strict stipulation to thebeacon-fire and enemys relations that, enemy hundred, burn a smokeartillery; five caucasians, burn two smoke two artillery; abovethousand people, three smoke three artillery; above 5,000 people, foursmoke four artillery; above ten thousand people, five smoke fiveartillery. on through this way, in the border pass military situationcan the rapid transmission palace wall imperial palace.

said three, under on said next two walls. the great wall flank tallwall is called 牒 the wall, has the crenel is uses for to defend theenemy. but the inside insufficient meter high is called the daughterwall, also is called the space wall. in most starts the great wallinside is does not have the daughter wall, but frequently some peoplecan fall down the cliff, therefore has constructed this wall. each notfar has a small drainage in the great wall lower part of wall place,rainy day time by spits the tap to outside to drain water, in order toavoid the water washes out the city wall. but inside great walls walluses the stone block to cast, outside builds the brick, again spreadsout the flagstone in above, thus causes the building to be extremelyreliable!



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桂林是典型的山水城市,自然山水是构成桂林城市的基本元素。新建和疏浚的“两江四湖”工程,真实地体现了“千峰环野立,一水抱城流”的美妙景致和“城在景中,景在城中”的诗情画意。两江四湖景区是指漓江( 市区部分 ) 、桃花江、榕湖、杉湖、桂湖、木龙湖构成的环城风景带。风景带已开发三个主题景区即:以木龙古渡、古城墙为主景,宝积山、叠彩山为背景,体现城市文化的木龙古水道景区; 以山林自然野趣为特色的桂湖景区;以体现“城在景中,景在城中”的山水城市空间特征为特色的榕、杉湖景区。三个景区的园林绿化,或亭、台、楼、阁、园林建筑和名人雕塑,或名花、名草、名亭和桂林山水诗廊,均可让人感受到桂林的天生丽质与深厚的文化底蕴。






建于杉湖东南侧。 41 米 高的 9 层铜塔升腾湖中,与之相伴的 35 米 高的 7 层琉璃塔屹立于杉湖岛上,两塔通过 18 米长的水下水族馆连接。铜塔所有构件如塔刹、瓦面、翘角、斗拱等均由铜材铸锻而成,创造了三项世界之最,即最高的铜塔、最高的铜质建筑物、最高的水中塔。琉璃塔的装饰手法富有中国传统韵味。双塔互相辉映,成为城市中心的旅游新景观。




地处中山中路中段,跨榕、杉两湖,是桂林古城南来北往的要道。始建于宋朝,名叫青带桥,又名通济桥,宣和年间吕源重建,后又多次重建改建。明洪武年间,桂林知府焦仲才乃以石建,更名阳桥。今天的阳桥是20 世纪末重建的,参照梵蒂冈大教堂的维特马尔桥设计,长 37 米 ,宽 50 米,桥型风格端庄大方,简练有致。阳桥的南北两个桥孔早洞是地下过街通道,里面雕琢有反映桂林历史人物浮雕组图。


位于阳桥之西,为榕湖景区的观光桥,是我国第一座采用特种水晶玻璃构架的实用性桥梁。桥长 22.4 米 ,桥宽 2.64 米,无论是外部立面、雨廊屋顶还是桥面,均以工艺精致、造型考究的水晶玻璃为建筑构件,柱头、栏杆等桥梁构件和饰件也是用水晶玻璃专门熔铸的。桥廊为欧式风格。不论远望近观,水晶玻璃桥都显得晶莹剔透,可爱迷人。




与大榕树紧密相连,是一处历史文化含量很高的景点,为纪念文学家黄庭坚而建,由系舟亭、石船、诗碑、书艺长河组成。北宋崇宁三年 (1104),著名文学家、书法家黄庭坚被贬广西宜州,途经桂林,于此系舟登岸,写下了著名的《到桂林》







解放桥地处市区漓江中段。在宋朝,便建有一座浮桥。 1939 年建钢木桁架桥梁,名为中正桥。 1944年,中正桥毁于日军野蛮的炮火。解放后重建此桥,命名为解放桥。随着城市规模的扩大、社会经济的发展,原桥已不能满足漓江两岸来往的需要。 1999 年 12 月 15 日桂林市再建解放桥。新解放桥采用跨空腹厢形连拱没计,桥长为 284 米 ,桥宽为 45 米。桥面宽阔,结构新颖,一弧跨江,轻盈流畅,与环境甚为协调。大桥两岸跨拱底喷绘有蓝天白云图案,为国内首创。东岸桥梁立交桥路段新辟了步行街,西岸匝道设汁成具有几何风格的小园林,并有地下通道相连。大桥两岸设置了绿化带、造型灯柱、喷泉水带等园林小品。临水一侧的玻璃棚、水幕墙跌水等营造优雅的氛围,桥拱下人行道旁还设有铜马群雕和亲水平台,沿着旋梯上桥,可伫立桥上观看象山水月、伏波晚棹、訾洲烟雨、花桥虹影、七星伴月、独秀擎筹著名景致。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2289 字

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Dear tourists, Hello! Im the tour guide of todays activity. Now behind usis the beautiful Wuyi Mountain.

Wuyishan is located in Wuyishan City in the north of Fujian Province.According to legend, a long time ago, Wuyishan was a place full of floods andwild animals. The common people go through the ravines and have nothing to livefor. After that, a brave young man named Wang Wang came from afar to lead us tocut mountains, cut rocks, dredge rivers, and finally overcome the flood. Thedredged river course is todays Jiuqu River, and the excavated sand and stonesare piled up into thirty-six peaks and ninety-nine rocks. From then on, peoplehad a good life. One day, the jade girl Jiayun went on a trip. She wasfascinated by the beautiful scenery of Wuyi Mountain and went down to earth tolove her king. Unfortunately, the iron ghost told the jade emperor about thismatter. The Jade Emperor was so angry that he ordered to arrest the jade girland return to heaven. The jade girl refused and would marry the king. The ironghost uses magic to turn them into stones and separate them on both sides of theJiuqu River. In order to please the Jade Emperor, the iron ghost also becomes arock between the two lovers, monitoring them day and night. This is the ironpeak at the moment. From then on, they had to rely on the mirror platform tolook at each other in tears. Yunv peak bath Xiangtan is said to be the placewhere Yunv bathes. The "seal stone" in the pool is a token of love from theking.

There is also a beautiful place in Wuyi Mountain, called "southeast foot".The southeast foot is located in the northern part of Wuyi Mountains, coveringan area of about 70 square kilometers. There is a typical Danxia landform. Themiraculous work of nature for hundreds of millions of years constitutes thebeautiful scenery of Qifeng, Xiushui Jue Hui, Bishui Danfeng and absolutelybeautiful scenery. The ancients said that "there are three or three wins inwater and six or six strange peaks", and it is known as "Qixiu a Southeast".

Todays Liu tour ends there. I hope that the beautiful scenery of WuyiMountain will become your most perfect memory after this tour. I also hope thatpeople there can take good care of Wuyishan and pass on the beautiful scenery ofWuyishan from generation to generation. bye!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1103 字

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