





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 14452 字

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Dear friends, the wall we see now is the Wuyi jingshe site. Wuyi jingshewas an academy built by Zhu Xi in 1183. According to Dong Tiangongs records ofWuyi Mountains, Wuyi jingshe was a big building in Wuyi Mountain at that time,which was called "the Grand View of Wuyi". There are Renzhi hall, Yinqiu room,zhisuliao, shimenwu, guanshanzhai, Hanqi hall, wandui Pavilion and TiediPavilion. Those who come from all over the world sigh for their success. Zhu Xiwrote books in Wuyi jingshe, advocated Taoism and lecturing for ten years, andcultivated a large number of Neo Confucianism talents. Therefore, Wuyi jingshe,which he founded, was attached great importance to by feudal rulers and wasrepaired and expanded in all dynasties. At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty,the expanded Wuyi jingshe was renamed "Ziyang academy", which was allocated bythe government to Gongtian to support scholars. Then he set up the teaching postof "mountain head" to preside over the teaching affairs. In the early YuanDynasty, Shanchang was changed to "Professor". In 1365, Wuyi jingshe wasdestroyed by the war. In 1448, after Zhu Xun and Zhu Shu, the eighth grandsonsof Zhu Xi, invested in the reconstruction, they were also called "Zhu WengongTemple" to worship Zhu Xi. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the QingDynasty, the plaque of "XueDa Xingtian" was granted, which was rebuilt. In 1708,the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang often called on Luo manbao to donate hissalary and advocate the repair of jingshe, which has a history of more than 200years.

Hundreds of meters from Wuyi jingshe, there are more than 10 caves underthe xibiyan of jiezhufeng. In the morning and evening of winter and spring,light clouds often emerge from the cave and wander gently between the peaks androcks. Sometimes they gather together, sometimes they disperse, freely andunpredictable. Therefore, the name of the cave is "cloud nest". Cloud nest issurrounded by sound rock, Danlu rock, Xianji rock, Tianzhu peak, dressing table,shaibuyan, Tianyou peak, cangping peak, Jiezhu peak, etc. The stone gate you seein front of you is the site of Shugui jingshe. "Shugui jingshe" is clearlyvisible on the forehead. Shugui, surnamed Jiang Mingzhi, was born in theNorthern Song Dynasty. He was an official of Xiaolian. There used to be anexquisite ancient building built in the early Qing Dynasty to commemorate JiangZhi. Now this stone gate is the only one left. I pass the stone gate of Shuguishouse, but I feel suddenly enlightened. The pavilion on the left, which is onthe edge of Jiuqu River, is called Shimao Qinglian Pavilion. The peak on theright is Yinping peak, which is attached to Yinping peak. There are three markson the waist of the peak, as if it were broken and connected together. It iscalled jiezhufeng. The pavilion under Yinping peak is called Shuiyue Pavilion.It is said that the moon is bright and the stars are rare. When you enjoy themoon with wine in the pavilion at night, the wind can reach four moons. Pleaseguess which four moons are there? One in the sky, one in the water, one in thecup, and one in the heart. The dark rock in the middle of the cloud nest lookslike a reclining elephant, commonly known as iron elephant rock. There is acrack in the middle of the iron elephant rock. People walk through it, but theyfeel that the sky is like a line. In order to distinguish Xinan Lingyanyixiantian, it is called "xiaoyixiantian". Yunwo is bounded by tiexiangyan,which is divided into upper and lower yunwo. Yunwo boulder leaning, back rocknear the water, is located in Wuhan

Yishan essence zone is the first win area for Wuyi. It has always been aplace where ancient scholars and famous officials lived in seclusion. In 1583,Chen Sheng, the Minister of the Ministry of war, built "Youxi cottage" betweenthe upper and lower cloud nests. There were more than 10 pavilions, platforms,buildings and pavilions, including binyun hall, Qiyun Pavilion, ChaoyunPavilion, Shengyun terrace and chiyun Pavilion. Unfortunately, these buildingshave been abandoned for a long time. Some cliff inscriptions left on the cliffcan still vaguely remind people of the prosperity of the past. There is aninteresting story about Youxi thatched cottage and Wuyi jingshe. It is said thatwhen Chen built Youxi cottage in yunwo, Ziyang academy built by Zhu Xi was veryold. On the one hand is the elegant environment and exquisite architecture; onthe other hand is the academy which is in disrepair and about to collapse. Whena scholar saw this scene, he wrote a poem on the wall: "Ziyang academy againstQingbo, broken the wall and half a female bamboo shoot. I love the pavilion andpavilion next to each other, and the painting column and the Zhugong are thecloud nest. " When Chen saw the poem, he said with a smile: This is obviouslyexciting. Today, the Ziyang academy has been renovated by donating money andemploying workers.

The peak on the left side of tiexiangyan is the sun cloth we saw on thebamboo raft. Please pay attention to it. There are spots in the middle of thewall of the sun cloth rock, which looks like the palm of a man. There are dozensof lines more than ten feet long. It is said that this is left by an immortal,so the sun cloth rock is also called "Xianzhang peak". As a result of years ofwater erosion, shaibuyan is covered with hundreds of straight water tracks.Whenever the West slanting sun shines on the wall, it can be seen more clearly.Overlooking the stream, you can see that the shadow is at the bottom of thestream and rippling with the waves, just like countless flowing black and whitesnakes running straight down from the bottom of the stream. If it rains, therain will fall down from the top of the rock along the straight track, as if theSu Lian is in the air, and thousands of silver dragons are flying, which can becalled a wonder. There is a popular story about the origin of shaibuyan andxianzhangfeng: it is said that a long time ago, the weaver girl of Tiangongcarried brocade bags and sang songs to collect colorful brocade every day. Thesebrocade, together with strands of gold and silver thread, are woven into silksand satins for the queen mother. One morning, when the tiaotan Dajiao fairy, whowas in charge of the transportation, was walking on the cloud road throughyunwo, Wuyi Mountain, carrying a load of silk and brocade woven by the weavinggirl, he inadvertently looked down and was immediately fascinated by the wonderof "blue water and Danshan". He then put down the brocade to play. When he heardthe drum of the heavenly palace, he thought of the brocade. He saw that the silkhad been wet. He was afraid of the Queens reproach. So he shook away thebrocade and put it on the wall of the rock. But the brocade was too long, and italways fell to the edge of the Liuqu stream. He pulled and pulled until it wassmooth. After several times of hard work, the immortal Bigfoot was in a state ofdistress and found a yin

Cool place then snore big sleep. As soon as I wake up, the sun has gonewest. When he got up and looked at it, there was a golden glow in front of him.Originally, it was made of damask, shining in the sun, which made the blue waterand Danshan more beautiful. Big foot fairy touched with his hand, and the rockwall was hot. He was flustered and rushed to collect the cloth. However, theribbons and satins have been melted into the smooth stone wall, and even thepalm of dajiaoxians cloth has been embedded into the rock wall forever. "Nowthere are fairy palms on the stone, green moss on the green fingers." This isthe view of Xianzhang peak.

Please note that the word "Fu Hu" is engraved on the front wall. The authorof the inscription is Chen Sheng, the owner of Youxi cottage. In the 11th yearof Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1583), Chen province was excluded because of hisdisagreement with the prime minister Zhang Juzheng. Although the Emperor gaveseveral gifts, he still resigned and returned to Fujian. Its only with deepfeelings that we dont meet. Its built in Wuyi Mountain. There is a rock inshiyunwo that looks like a crouching tiger. The word "Crouching Tiger" is usedto describe him as a crouching tiger in Wuyi Mountain, hoping to make a comebackone day. The bamboo cluster on the right of fuhuyan is the square bamboomentioned by Mr. Guo Moruo in his poems about Wuyi. This kind of bamboo looksround, but it is very strange to touch. If you dont believe it, you can feelit. From the stone path in front of Fuhu rock, you can see a stone gate with theword "towering deep lock" engraved on its forehead. When you enter the stonegate, you suddenly see a bright future. This is known as tea production "a Wuyi"said the tea hole. Looking from the cave, you can see jiesun peak, Yinping peak,Qingyin rock, Tianyou peak, Xianzhang peak, and Xianyou rock far away in Sanqu.The cliffs are like tall walls. The only way to surround them is a rock in theWest. People in the cave, which covers an area of 67 mu, look up and see onlythe blue sky. Just as Xu Xiake wrote in his travels to Wuyi Mountain: "all thepeaks are steep on the top, but the bottom is complex. There is no Dengdaooutside, and only the West leads to a ridge, which is more correct than theMingyan of Tiantai." Therefore, there are scholars in the past dynasties whobuilt a seclusion in the cave, such as Liu Hengs small seclusion in the SongDynasty, Li Zhongdings Zhuxia residence in the Ming Dynasty, and Dong maoxunsLiuYun Library in the Qing Dynasty. Now these ancient buildings

Most of them are missing, except the former site of Dong maoxuns Liuyunbookstore. This pool in the north of Chadong is called "Xianyu pool", where thesnowflake spring falling from Tianyou peak and Qifeng is gathered. It is saidthat there was a fairy bathing in this pool, so it is named. Look at the stonepath leading to Yinping peak in the south. More than ten meters away from ourlocation, there is a stone gate with the word "Liuyun bookstore" engraved on theforehead. This is the former site of LiuYun Bookstore built by Dong maoxun. Morethan 200 years ago, the author of Wuyi Mountain records, Gong Tiangong,completed the compilation of 24 volumes of Wuyi Mountain records in his fatherDong maoxuns Liuyun library, leaving a valuable cultural heritage for Wuyipeople. Through the stone gate, through the "chicken breast" and "Dragon Ridge",we can see the inscription "immortal world" on the cliff, which means that thereis the dividing line between the human world and the fairyland. Only those whohave the courage and knowledge to cross the dangerous path of Wuyi Mountain -"chicken breast" and "Dragon Ridge" can enter the peak fairyland. Standing atthe top of the peak, this pavilion is called "Xianyi Pavilion". Climb a few moremeters to the top of Yinping peak. The original Mosque at the peak was built inthe third year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1577) and is now abandoned. Fromthe top to the south, there is a hole in the half wall, which is called"nanmingjing". Liu Duanyang, a Taoist of Ming Dynasty, was born here, and thereare still stone tombs and mirages. Dear friends, please get ready for climbing.Now we begin to climb Tianyou peak. From Chadong to Tianyou peak, there are morethan 800 stone steps. If you are interested, you may as well count them whileclimbing to see who has the most accurate number.

At this moment, we finally boarded the Tianyou peak viewing platform. Wehave worked hard all the way. According to the figures just reported by you, Mr.Zhang and Mr. Li are the most accurate. There are 826 stone steps. Thank you foryour cooperation. Tian swimming pool peak is connected with Xianyou rock in theEast and Xianzhang peak in the West. It is surrounded by thousands of highpeaks. When its sunny after the rain and the first morning dew, the vast whiteclouds cover the mountains and valleys; the wind blows the clouds, ups anddowns, just like the waves of the sea, surging and surging. Standing on theviewing platform and looking at the sea of clouds, its like being in afairyland of Penglai. You are invited to visit qiongge in Tiangong, so itscalled "Tianyou". Located in the center of the scenic spot, it is an excellentWuyi landscape viewing platform. With the circulation of time sequence, you canenjoy the sunrise, clouds, Buddha light, sunset, bright moon, etc. from theviewing platform, you can rent a column to look far away, but you can see a fewpeaks. The peak in the west is Baqus Sanjiao peak, and the peak in the East isYiqus Dawang peak. Overlooking the nine winding, bamboo rafts gently swing,Wuyi landscape panoramic view, it is open-minded, forget home. Xu Xiakecommented: "it is not near the river, but can make the best of Jiuxi, and canmake the best of Jiuxi. This peak should be the first."

From the viewing platform, there is a palace like building in front of you,which is Tianyou temple. On the wonderful stage after watching, you can see thatthe tree with the brand of ancient and famous trees is the rare red bean tree.Whenever the mature season, mountain breeze, pods have been scattered on theground, rolling out of the red beans, crystal clear, bright and lovely.

Wang Wei, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote: "red beans are born in thesouth. How many branches will spring bring? I hope you can pick more. This isthe most Acacia. " I hope you can find a few more grains under the tree and takethem home to become the perfect memorial of Wuyishan. The stream beside the redbean tree is called Hu Ma stream. On the stone wall beside the stream, there aremore than one cliff stone of past dynasties. Among them, the largest "firstmountain" is inscribed by Xu Qingchao, general of dongwuxian, Renchen, Daoguang.It means that Tianyou peak is "the first resort of Wuyi", so it should be called"the first mountain". It is also explained that Wuyi Mountain is a famous Taoistmountain, which ranks the 16th among the 36 caves. The founder of Taoism isLaozi, who is the first in the world. Therefore, the famous mountain he occupiedshould be the "first mountain" in the world. After enjoying the cliff stonecarvings and climbing the rugged hill, the memorial archway in front is thememorial archway of Zhongzheng park. The original memorial archway was engravedwith the word "Zhongzheng Park", which was knocked out during the culturalrevolution. Now the relevant departments are in charge of restoring thislandscape.

Dear friends, this is the end of Tianyou peak tour. Please have a rest.Next stop is Taoyuan cave.




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Wuyishan in Fujian Province was listed in the World Biosphere ReserveNetwork in 1988. It was listed in the world heritage list in December 1999.Wuyishan Scenic Spot is located in Wuyishan City, northwest of Fujian Province,about 15 kilometers south of the urban area and at the southeast foot of thenorthern section of Wuyishan mountains, with an area of about 70 squarekilometers. There is a typical Danxia landform. With hundreds of millions ofyears of natures uncanny workmanship, it has formed a beautiful scenery withsteep peaks, beautiful waters, clear water and Danfeng. The ancients said thatit has three or three wins in water and six or six odd peaks, so it is known asQixiu a. There are 36 peaks, 72 caves, 99 rocks and 108 scenic spots in WuyishanScenic Area. Not only has the scenery throughout the year, the four seasons aredifferent, and the weather is cloudy and sunny, the scenery of the mountains andrivers is also unpredictable and magnificent. Now it is divided into sevenscenic spots: Wuyi palace, Jiuqu River, Taoyuan cave, yunwo Tianyou, yixiantianhuxiaoyan, tianxinyan and shuilian cave. It has the wonders of Huangshan, thebeauty of Guilin, the power of taidai, the danger of Huayue and the beauty ofWest Lake.

The essence of Wuyishan scenery is in the nine bend brook. Jiuqu Riveroriginates from Sanbao mountain. Its water is blue and clear. It turns aroundthe mountain, forming the victory of Jiuqu mountain. Some of the most famouspeaks in Wuyi Mountain and the mysterious hanging coffin on the cliff are listedbeside Jiuqu River. There are also Yulin Pavilion, porcelain kiln site of SongDynasty, Wuyi palace and other tourist attractions in the scenic area, which areof great humanistic value. Wuyishan also has many places of interest, such asChongyou Wannian palace, Hongqiao and Jiagou boat coffin, as well as rareanimals and plants in the world. It is a national key nature reserve. There isalso a Wuyishan Nature Museum. Wuyi Mountain is also a famous historical andcultural mountain. The ancients said: Confucius and Qiu in the Eastern ZhouDynasty, Zhu Xi in the Southern Song Dynasty, Taiyue in the north and Wuyi inthe south. Zhu Xi, a neo Confucianist of the Southern Song Dynasty, lived herefor more than 40 years. He set up an account to teach disciples and wrote booksand theories, making it the cultural center of Southeast China and known asDaonan Li cave. Taoism also calls it the 16th cave. There are no less than 20__hymns written by literati and scholars in the past dynasties. There are morethan 400 inscriptions on the cliffs. These rich cultural and historical relicsalso add to the style of the famous mountains. The ancient Yue peoples boatcoffins, the ancient city ruins of the Han Dynasty, the ancient porcelain kilnruins of the Song Dynasty and the imperial tea garden of the Yuan Dynasty makeWuyishan a place for people to visit and explore ancient times.

Wuyishan Nature Reserve is the largest and most complete forest ecosystemin Southeast China. It has many peaks, dense primeval forest, magnificent,simple and beautiful scenery, and rich biological resources. It is included inthe United Nations human and nature reserve.



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大约1868年,港督麦克唐纳爵士为享受太平山顶清凉宜人的居住环境,特别选址该处兴建避暑别墅。由此,移居太平山逐渐成为了富豪显赫与名流绅士所推崇的风尚。当时的官爷小姐们要往返山顶,就会雇佣穿着整齐制服的轿夫所抬的人力轿子作为交通工具。1904年,居住太平山被正式列为上流社会以及外国使馆的专有权利,更显示了山顶的非凡地位。这个制度一直沿用到1947年才被废弃。太平山顶一直保持着她远离尘嚣的恬静与安详,直到1881年才有了突破性的发展。当年,在苏格兰高原铁路工作的亚历山大.芬利.史密斯向当时的港督轩尼诗爵士提出了建议,修建港岛缆车铁路,其中一段连接美利楼南侧与山顶维多利亚峡,也就是今天的山顶缆车。史密斯一心希望缆车服务能够增加该区的客流量,从而为1873年在他拥有产权的山顶土地上兴建的山顶酒店带来经济效益。可惜的是,这所酒店于1938年毁于火灾。自从山顶拥有了稳定可靠的交通工具后,她迅即凭借居高临下饱览壮阔维多利亚港景色的特色蜚声国际。时至今日,太平山顶每年吸引超过700万的游客到访,成为香港最受欢迎的旅游热点之一。扯旗山意思即是悬挂旗帜的山。地名由来有三:相传清朝海盗张保仔盘踞香港岛时,曾利用该山峰作为瞭望台。因常用旗语联络,每遇船只即以扯旗为号,通知海上同党;1842年,香港正式开始受到英国的统治。英国人为宣示主权,因此于山顶悬挂英国国旗;早期马己仙峡设有瞭望台,每当有轮船驶入维多利亚港,便在太平山上扯旗为号。太平山亦曾被英国人以维多利亚女王的名字命名为维多利亚山(Victoria Peak)。此亦是英语中太平山常用的名称。太平山的其他名称有炉峰、柯士甸山(Mount Austin)和硬头山 。大约1868年,港督麦克唐纳爵士为享受太平山顶清凉宜人的居住环境,特别选址该处兴建避暑别墅。由此,移居太平山逐渐成为了富豪显赫与名流绅士所推崇的风尚。当时的官爷小姐们要往返山顶,就会雇佣穿着整齐制服的轿夫所抬的人力轿子作为交通工具。1904年,居住太平山被正式列为上流社会以及外国使馆的专有权利,更显示了山顶的非凡地位。这个制度一直沿用到1947年才被废弃。太平山顶一直保持着她远离尘嚣的恬静与安详,直到1881年才有了突破性的发展。当年,在苏格兰高原铁路工作的亚历山大·芬利·史密斯向当时的港督轩尼诗爵士建议,修建港岛缆车铁路。其中一段连接美利楼南侧与山顶维多利亚峡,也就是今天的山顶缆车。史密斯一心希望缆车服务能够增加该区的客流量,从而为1873年在他拥有产权的山顶土地上兴建的山顶酒店带来经济效益。可惜的是,这所酒店于1938年毁于火灾。自从山顶拥有了稳定可靠的交通工具后,她迅即凭借居高临下饱览壮阔维多利亚港景色的特色蜚声国际。时至今日,太平山顶每年吸引超过700万的游客到访,成为香港最受欢迎的旅游热点之一。山顶缆车是香港百年历史中最久经风霜,最富代表性的生活见证。这个香港的传奇,由港督威廉姆爵士于1888年5月30日主持启用典礼,正式向世人揭开了面纱。通车初期,山顶缆车头等车厢票价3毫、二等车厢2毫、三等1毫,回程一律半价。当时缆车仍然用烧煤产生的蒸汽推动,通车首日共有600名乘客,首年的客流量就达15万人次。1901从1908年到1949年,车厢前两个座位一直预留为港督专座,椅背上用黄铜片镶嵌着“此座位为港督预留专座”,在开车前最后两分钟才向其它乘客开放。1926年,山顶缆车摒弃了燃煤作为动力能源,正式改由电力推动。50年代,好莱坞因闻名中外的山顶缆车与太平山景致,慕名远道前来取景,其中包括由国际巨星克拉克.盖博主演的电影《命运战士》,该电影的开场与结尾的场景均在山顶缆车车厢内取景。著名美国电视剧《Love Boat》,也在山顶缆车取景。1959年,62座的全金属缆车车厢正式投入使用,它就是现在全自动化车厢的前身。时至今日,每年有超过400万名来自世界各地的游客乘坐山顶缆车,日客流量达到11,000人次。香港太平山顶导游词








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位于连城县东郊1.5公里,面积23平方公里。平地兀立,不连岗自高,不托势自远,外直中虚,层峦迭峰,望之若万蕊菡苕,摇曳于青标翠盖间,故称莲花峰。又因象一顶獬豸冠,又称冠豸山。素有"三江上游第一观"之称。主要胜景有:灵芝峰、五老峰、攀星岩、五姐妹石等20多个景点。北堑雄关峰林密集,一柱石笋高50多米,周长40多米,拔地而起,如红烛高烧,称为"照天烛"。山后石门湖海拔427 米为人工与天然合成,水面约800亩,湖中群山倒影,水光粼粼。与山、湖相连的旗石寨,最高点为百丈岩。景内无山不石,无石不拔。还有被称为摩天岭的竹安寨,山景以雄、奇、险、绝著称。



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Welcome to our beautiful golden city Lanzhou. Im your tour guide_ You cancall me Xiaojing. The driver next to him is Wang. So Wang is an excellent coachdriver in Lanzhou. He was rated as "three good masters". Which three are good?He has a good temper, good technology and good service. I believe I am lucky tobe here with you today, but you are even luckier. Im lucky that Ive met agroup of friends from afar, and youre lucky not only because you met a luckyguide, but also because you came to a lucky city. Why do you say that. If youlook at the map of China, you will find that the shape of Gansu is like a handlesymbolizing the good luck of everything; if you look at the map of Lanzhou City,you will find that it is also a handle of good luck. Lanzhou is located in themiddle of Gansu Province, just like a big Ruyi contains a small Ruyi, so manypeople call Lanzhou the place of Ruyi. Next, lets talk about Lanzhou with thefive elements.

Lanzhou was called Jincheng in ancient times, and gold is the first elementof Lanzhou. There are many different opinions on the origin of it. Some peoplesay that gold was dug out when the city was built at the beginning of that year;some people say that it was taken from the allusion of "Jincheng Tangchi";others say that it was taken from the five elements, and the West belonged togold, while Lanzhou was located in the west of the capital Changan in the HanDynasty. No matter what kind of view, it reflects that Lanzhou has been full ofgold since ancient times. Among the five elements, the West belongs to Jin, whois also in charge of war. Lanzhou is located in the northwest, with convenienttransportation and extremely dangerous terrain. Since its establishment for morethan 20__ years, it has been a must for military strategists of all dynasties.Today, the headquarters of Lanzhou Military Region, one of Chinas seven majormilitary regions, is also located in this city. Gold also means wealth andprosperity. In the fashionable words, it means a high level of GDP. In the HanDynasty, Lanzhou, together with Dunhuang, Jiuquan, Zhangye and Wuwei, was knownas the five counties of Hexi. It was at the throat of the Silk Road anddeveloped trade with the western regions and Guanzhong. In our words, it was atthe forefront of reform and opening up. So at that time, the quality of life ofour people in Lanzhou was at the forefront of the country, which was worthy ofthe name of Jincheng. You may have to say that it was more than 20__ years ago.Now it can be called Jincheng. Hey, good question. In recent years, we Lanzhouin urban construction, economic and cultural development and many other aspectshave been earth shaking changes. Lanzhou people believe that, especially withthe upcoming second round of spring breeze of the western development, ourLanzhou will remain golden and wonderful. When you come to Lanzhou, you mustabsorb the golden atmosphere of Lanzhou and enjoy the splendor of Lanzhou.

The biggest witness of Lanzhous history is the ancient trees all over thecity. Take a look at the north and south of the city, where the two mountainsare green and lush. Take a look at the fragrant locust flowers and toweringvegetation on both sides of the road. You will pass the ancient locust tree inthe cool when the poet of Tang Dynasty went west, and you will pass the willowplanted by Zuo Zongtang himself. This is the wood element of Lanzhou, the greenof Lanzhou, the cool of Lanzhou, the refreshing of Lanzhou. Lanzhou is not onlyfull of gold and wood, but also a city with pleasant water. The scenic spots weare going to visit are the famous Baili Yellow River style line in Lanzhou, thesculpture of the Yellow River mother, the first bridge of the Yellow River inthe world Zhongshan Bridge, the ancient waterwheel, and the unique Yellow Riversheepskin raft. These landscapes carrying the Yellow River style will bring youNew Visual enjoyment one by one. Since Lanzhou has such a rich water culture,there wont be too many fire elements in Lanzhou. You dont say that in Lanzhou,you can not find anything with fire except railway station and hot pot shop. Butwe Lanzhou has a different fire, fire all over the river, leading the hot trend.Our hosts in Lanzhou are popular all over the country, especially in CCTV,including Zhu Jun in variety show, Shui Junyi in high-end interview, Li Xiupingin news network, Pei Xinhua in weather forecast, and Zhang Li in military world;our beautiful men and beautiful women in Lanzhou are popular all over China, WeiChen, the second runner up of happy boys, and Li Xiaoyun, the second runner upof happy girls, affect the hearts of thousands of young men and girls. Readersmagazines are popular all over the world, and beef Ramen is popular all over theworld. The heavy ion accelerator cancer treatment hospital that we startedconstruction last year also attracted worldwide attention. Lanzhou is like this,always with the spirit of fire forward. As for the earth elements in Lanzhou,you need to taste them carefully. Feel the historical scenery of Lanzhou, touchthe peoples customs of Lanzhou, taste the local snacks of Lanzhou, and takeaway the local specialties of Lanzhou.

Lanzhou has a history of two thousand years. It was called "Jincheng" inancient times. Ying Xuns annotation in geography annals of the Han Dynastysaid: "the city was built in the early days and got gold, so it is calledJincheng." There is also an allusion to "Jincheng pond soup", which is namedafter its firmness. In the Han Dynasty, Jincheng county was established. In theSui Dynasty, it was renamed Lanzhou because of Gaolan mountain in the south ofthe city. Later, after several changes, it became Lanzhou government in QingDynasty. After the revolution of 1911, Lanzhou became the capital of GansuProvince. Lanzhou has a long history and culture. As early as 5000 years ago inthe Neolithic age, our ancestors lived here, engaged in hunting and farming, andcreated splendid Majiayao, Banshan, Machang and Qijia cultures. During the Xia,Shang and Zhou dynasties, the Qiang and Rong people, who took the Yan Emperor ofShennong family as their ancestral God, lived here. Since the Han and TangDynasties, Lanzhou has played an important role in the communication betweenChina and the west, economic and cultural exchanges, and friendship andcooperation between the Chinese people and the people of Asian, African andEuropean countries.

Lanzhou is the only city where the Yellow River passes through the city.You can enjoy the majestic scenery of the Yellow River, waterwheel garden,statue of the Yellow River mother, Zhongshan Iron Bridge along the greencorridor of Binhe Road, and visit Baita Mountain, Provincial Museum, Wuquanmountain, Lanshan Park and other scenic spots. In suburban counties, there areXinglong Mountain, Lu Tusi yamen, Tulu Valley, water diversion project fromDatong to Qin. When tourists come to Lanzhou, they can also transfer to YongjingBingling temple, Xiahe Labrang temple, Qinghai tal temple and Tianshui MaijiMountain. Lanzhou has relatively convenient transportation. Zhongchuan airporthas more than 20 routes leading to major cities in China; four nationalhighways, including 312, pass through the territory; four major railway lines,Longhai, Lanxin, Lanqing and Baotou Lanzhou, meet here. There are 15 starhotels, 11 international travel agencies, 32 domestic travel agencies, 3 travelvehicle companies and 15 designated travel shops in Lanzhou, forming a completetourism reception network. Lanzhou is also an important industrial base,scientific research and education center and business center in Northwest China.Lanzhou is a city where five elements gather and wish you all the best. Isincerely wish you a happy and lucky day here



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