





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1272 字

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大家知道,长江是我国最长的河流,是全世界第三长河,当长江流至四川东部的奉节,便冲开崇山峻岭奔腾而下,形成了雄伟壮丽的大峡谷:长江三峡,也是我们今天要游览的地方,今天所说的三峡是瞿塘峡、巫峡、西陵峡的总称,它西起重庆奉节的白帝城,东到湖北宜昌市南津关,全长 200 多公里,三峡两岸重峦叠嶂,形态各异,船行使在三峡中,一会儿山色全阻,一会儿豁然开朗,别有洞天。

现在我们来到的便是瞿塘峡,有称夔门,历来被冠为“夔门天下雄”的尊号。瞿塘峡西起重庆奉节白帝城,东止巫山县的大溪镇,全长 8 公里 ,在举世闻名的三峡中最短,但是景观最雄伟壮观,两岸山峰高出江面几百米,海拔高度大多在 1000 至 1500 米左右,江面在此非常狭窄,最窄的地方只有 100 米 ,如果从上望下俯视就好象船行使在地道中一般,大家从这个角度看过去的夔门,就是大家使用的新版人民币 10 元背后的风景图案,有兴趣的朋友不妨拿出一张 10 元纸币来比较一下,抓紧时间用相机在这里留下永恒的纪念哦!瞿塘峡文物景观多而集中,还有惊险万状的古栈道、古代巴人的悬棺、大溪文化遗址,我们将一一去领略他们的风采。

长江出大宁河口进入巫峡宽谷,我们也就进入了画廊般的巫峡了,巫峡西起重庆大宁河口,东止巴东县的关渡口,全长 45 公里 ,是长江三峡中既长有整齐的一峡。巫峡中的人文景观非常多,但是最引人注意的还是屹立于两岸的巫山 12 峰,其中最为秀丽的就是神女峰了,各位朋友,现在我们就在神女峰的脚下,请大家抬头向上看,她像不像亭亭玉立美丽动人的少女呢?她每天迎来灿烂的朝霞,有送走绚丽的晚霞,所以神女峰也被称为望霞峰。

关于神女峰,三峡中还流传着一个神话,相传从前在三峡里有 12 条恶龙,它们兴风作浪,危害百姓,王母娘娘的小女儿瑶姬知道后便和姐妹们一起来到凡间斩杀了 12 条恶龙,并向大蜀传授天书帮大蜀治理好了三峡,她们被巫峡的美景所吸引,于是她们化作山峰屹立于巫峡两岸守护着巫峡,其中神女峰便是瑶姬的化身,传说故事是优美的,它更是寄托了三峡人民征服险滩,战胜恶水的美好愿望,大家请抬头看,天空中的云彩,似烟非烟、似云非云,变化多端,唐代大诗人元稹一生写了大量的诗句,其中有“曾经沧海难为水,除去巫山不是云”的名句,相信它的意思也一定有不少的朋友知道吧?看到过大海的人,再大的江河也不放在眼里,而看过巫峡的云彩,还有哪里的云彩值得看呢?




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 996 字

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亲爱的游客朋友们: 大家好!欢迎您们来到九华山,九华山在皖南青阳县境内,是我国四大佛教名山之一,干警一起去看看这里的美景吧。










范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 581 字

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其中最负盛名的是中国道教名山三清山,20xx年被联合国教科文组织批准为“世界自然遗产”。 成为中国第七个、江西唯一一个世界自然遗产。三清山因玉京、玉虚、玉华三峰“如三清列坐其巅”而得名。是国家级风景名胜区。从三清山的名字上就可以看出,三清山这是一座道教名山,素有“江南第一仙峰”的美誉。








范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4758 字

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Welcome to Jiangxi! Jiangxi is a good place with beautiful mountains,beautiful water, beautiful people and fragrant tea. Today we are going to visitWuyuan, the most beautiful village in China.

Wuyuan is located in the northeast of Jiangxi Province. The county wasestablished in the 28th year of Kaiyuan (740 A.D.) in Tang Dynasty. It is anancient county administrative region with a long history of more than 1200years. It got its name because it was the source of Wushui.

Wuyuan is adjacent to Anhui Province and Zhejiang Province. It is full ofcultural atmosphere and historic sites, especially the ancient buildings of Mingand Qing Dynasties. It is surrounded by countryside, streams, ancient trees andbamboos. Waterfalls, post roads, road pavilions and arch bridges are scatteredin the countryside The natural scenery is poetic and picturesque. It has richcultural and natural scenery.

Fangyuan, a county of Wuyuan County, covers an area of 2947 squarekilometers, with 11 towns and 15 townships under its jurisdiction. It is knownas the saying of "half mountain, half field, half waterway and Manor".

This is the area affected by the subtropical monsoon climate. The annualaverage temperature is 16.7 ℃ and the annual average precipitation is more than1821 mm. Wuyuan is a fast-growing and high-yield forest base county and one ofthe advanced ecological agriculture counties in modern China. It has the laurelsof "national top 100 green counties" and "National Folk Culture Village".

This is the hometown of Chinese tea, the hometown of Chinese teaculture

From Tang Dynasty to five dynasties, Wuyuan County was subordinate toShezhou, Jiangnan Road. In Song Dynasty, it belonged to Xinan County ofHuizhou. In Yuan Dynasty, it belonged to Huizhou road. In Ming and QingDynasties, it belonged to Huizhou capital This is one of the birthplaces ofHuizhou merchants. In those years, merchants made money outside and went home toinvest in school. They broke through the complex of rejecting merchants in thefeudal political system and found a way to make money by "cultivatingConfucianism with commerce", "promoting commerce with Confucianism" and"complementing Confucianism and merchants". In Wuyuan, there were manybusinessmen, many scholars and many officials. Under the instruction of "goodstudy, good business, good effect", Wuyuan "must have talents in the room".Under the influence of instructions, Wuyuan peoples reading became popular andflourished for a long time. From the good atmosphere of reading, we came out ofZhu Bian, a litterateur in Song Dynasty, Zhu Xi, an educationist in SouthernSong Dynasty, he Zhen, a compiler, Zhan Tianyou, the father of Chinese railway,Hu Shi, a modern university, Jiang Qian, a modern educationist, and Chengmenxue, a famous modern medical scientist. According to historical records: fromthe Song Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty, there were 550 Jinshicandidates and 2665 officials at all levels in Wuyuan County. There were "nineJinshi in one school, four Shangshu in six departments" and "three palacewriters in Lianke, four Hanlin in ten li".

Since ancient times, "there is no business without an emblem". However,Wuyuan is the main force among Huizhou merchants. In those years, there was asaying that "there is no emblem without an emblem". The merchants from Wuyuanwere the leaders of wood merchants and tea merchants. This is enough to explainthe status of Wuyuan merchants.

This also makes todays Wuyuan, Ming and Qing architecture throughout thecounty. There are many kinds of houses, such as official mansion, familyancestral hall, businessmans residence and villagers former residence. Amongthese buildings, the front hall and the back hall are in sequence, and there aredozens of connected buildings. The streets and alleys are paved with bluestoneslabs. Stone buildings are more concentrated in some villages of tuochuan,Sikou, Jiangwan, liutou, Zheyuan, Longshan, Xucun and Qinghua. In addition,there are covered bridges, road pavilions, gatehouses, storefronts and theatres.Wuyuan is one of the best preserved places of ancient buildings in China. Amongthe ancient trees in the green forest, there are many dwellings with cornicesand angles. Here is "the last Shangri La".

Wuyuan is rich in natural resources. The local green tea "Wulu" is atribute of the Ming and Qing Dynasties; the unique purse red carp is a treasureat the state banquet; Longwei inkstone is one of the four famous inkstones inChinese tradition; Jiangwan Sydney is known as the "pear king in Jiangnan".

Wuyuan culture and ecotourism zone has opened 20 scenic spots with "onezone and four lines". Here we can enjoy the charm of Hui opera, the original"dance fossil" Nuo dance, and the tea performance of pure and charming villagegirls.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 32087 字

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Mount Qomolangma is distributed in Tibet and Pakistan, India, Nepal,Sikkim, Bhutan and other countries. Its main part is at the junction of Chinaand Nepal. The north slope is in Tibet and the south slope is in Nepal."Qomolangma" in Tibetan means "virgin". In Tibetan, "Qomolangma" means goddess,and "Langma" means the third. Because there are four mountains near MountQomolangma, which ranks the third, it is called Mount Qomolangma. Everest is8848 meters above sea level. It is the main peak of the Himalayas and thehighest peak in the world.

The Himalayas is one of the youngest mountains in the world, with an age of10-20 million years. It is composed of many parallel mountains, with a totallength of 2450 km from east to west and a width of 200-300 km from north tosouth. It is a young folded mountain range with complex structure. From north tosouth, it can be divided into four zones: chaisik mountain, Ladakh mountain,great Himalaya mountain, little Himalaya mountain and siwalik mountain. The mainvein is the great Himalaya mountain, which is the highest, about 50-90 km wideand mainly composed of crystalline rocks. The great Himalayan mountains aretraditionally divided into three sections: the western Himalayas from aripulanto Parbat in Nagaya, India; the Middle Himalayas from namnina to Yadongchuomorali in the east of Pulan; and the great Himalayas from Yadong to YarlungZangbo River in the east of Yadong

At the corner, Namjagbarwa peak is the eastern Himalayas. The averagealtitude of the great Himalayan Mountains is more than 6000 meters, with manypeaks. There are more than 50 peaks over 7000 meters, and 16 peaks over 8000meters. Mount Everest, the worlds highest peak, stands on the border betweenChina and Nepal. Within 5000 square kilometers around Mount Qomolangma, thereare 4 peaks above 8000 meters and 38 peaks above 7000 meters. This phenomenon ofpeak concentration is the only one in the world, so it is called "the roof ofthe world". Under the erosion and cutting of many rivers, the Himalayas haveformed many gorge channels with a depth of several kilometers, which has becomea shortcut for trade and cultural exchanges between Tibet and its surroundingareas.

Mount Qomolangma is an approximately East-West arc-shaped mountain system.The pyramid shaped peak is clearly visible from a hundred kilometers away,giving people a solemn and sacred feeling. Everest is covered with ice and snowall the year round. There are several large glaciers in the canyon. The famousRongbu glacier is formed by the confluence of three glaciers: East, West andmiddle Rongbu. The mountain top glacier covers an area of 10000 squarekilometers, and the snow line (4500-6000 meters) is low in the South and high inthe north.

The natural conditions of Mount Qomolangma are extremely complex, theclimate is harsh and the terrain is steep. The south slope of Mt. Qomolangma isrich in precipitation, with tropical monsoon rain forest below 1000 meters,subtropical evergreen forest between 1000-20__ meters, temperate forest above20__ meters and alpine meadow above 4500 meters. The north slope is mainlyalpine meadow, and there are forests and shrubs in the valley below 4100 meters.There are peacock, gibbon, Tibetan bear, snow leopard, Tibetan antelope andother rare animals and a variety of mineral deposits in the mountains.

Everest, known as the top of the earth, has become the "holy temple" in theminds of mountaineers all over the world, which is the long cherished wish ofevery mountaineer. Since the 18th and 19th centuries, explorers and mountaineersfrom some countries have come to Everest to explore its mystery. But it was notuntil after the 1950s that people climbed Mount Everest from the south slope.From 1921 to 1938, British explorers tried to climb Mount Everest from the northslope seven times, but they all failed, and some even lost their lives.Therefore, they call the north slope "the route of no climbing" and "the routeof death".

Mount Qomolangma was established as a nature reserve in 1989. In 1993, itwas designated as a national nature reserve with a total area of 3.38 millionhectares. Mount Qomolangma has become the highest altitude Nature Reserve inChina. In 20__, Mt. Everest was listed as a national AAAA scenic spot.


Mount Qomolangma, which means "Virgin Mary" in Tibetan, is the highest peakin the world at an altitude of 8848 meters. It is located on the border betweenChina and Nepal in the middle section of the Himalayas and just south of DingriCounty in Xigaze, Tibet. The peak is covered with snow all the year round, aholy scene. Mount Qomolangma area has four peaks more than 8000 meters and 38peaks more than 7000 meters, which is known as the third level of the earth.

At the foot of Mount Qomolangma, there is Rongbu temple, the highest templein the world. At the same time, Rongbu temple is also the best place to watchMount Qomolangma, with a straight-line distance of 25 km.

Mount Qomolangma is a typical fault block rising peak. There is a thrustbelt between the basement of Precambrian metamorphic rock series and theoverlying sedimentary rock series. The upper part of the peak is the earlyOrdovician or Cambrian Ordovician calcareous rock series (the peak is graycrystalline limestone), and the lower part is the Cambrian argillaceous rockseries (such as phyllite, schist, etc.), with the intrusion of granite andmigmatite dikes. The strata incline to NNE with gentle dip angle. Since the endof transgression in the middle Eocene, Mt. Qomolangma has been rising rapidly,and it has risen about 3000 meters since the late Pliocene. Because the Indianplate and the Asian plate take 5. The speed of 08cm compresses each other, sothat the whole Himalayas are still rising, and Mount Everest also rises by about1. 27 cm. The valley glaciers of Mt. Qomolangma are well developed. There aremany large-scale valley glaciers distributed radially around the mountain. Thereare 18 glaciers with a length of more than 10 km, and the end elevation is3600-5400 M. Among them, the three major glaciers in the north slope, namely,zhongrongbu, xirongbu and dongrongbu glaciers, and their more than 30 small andmedium-sized glaciers, are the most prominent. The glacier covers an area ofabout 1600 square kilometers within 5000 square kilometers around MountQomolangma. In the tongue region of many large glaciers, there are also icetower forests. Ancient glacial activity remains such as ancient ice bucket,glacial trough valley, glacial or glacial water erosion accumulation platform,lateral moraine and final moraine ridge are also common. It is characterized bystrong cold and frost weathering, jagged rocks at the summit, towering anddangerous corner peaks and edge ridges, and rock debris slopes or sea. Specialperiglacial landforms such as stone ring and stone fence are formed by repeatedthawing and freezing of soil surface.


Now let me introduce Mount Everest to you. Qomolangma means "the thirdgoddess" in Tibetan. Mount Everest is the main peak of the Himalayas, with analtitude of 8848 meters. It is the highest peak in the world. The mountain is inthe shape of a huge pyramid, with steep terrain and complex environment. Thereare various types of glaciers with a total area of 1500 square kilometersdistributed between the ridges and cliffs. On top of the glaciers, there are avariety of beautiful and rare ice pagoda forests. Within 20 kilometers aroundMt. Everest, there are many peaks. Among the 14 peaks above 8000 meters in theworld, there are 5. The peaks of 6-7 kilometers are all around, forming amagnificent landscape with many peaks. According to the analysis of geologicalstructure, in ancient times, the whole Himalayas and the vast area nearby werestill a corner of the sea. From about the late Tertiary of Cenozoic era, thedeep rock strata under the sea were affected by the strong Himalayan orogeny,rising to the top and the youngest "roof of the world". Standing on the top ofthe earth, Qomolangma itself is the most typical fault block mountain in theHimalayas. Its pyramid shaped peak is composed of Ordovician brown marble andcrystalline limestone. According to the determination of scientists, Everest isstill rising, with an average annual speed of 3.2 mm to 12.7 mm, continuing toset a new world record.

Now let me tell you two myths about Mount Everest. It is said that whenSongzanganbu was king of Tibet, the Himalayas and Mount Everest were beautifulplaces with flowers in full bloom. Songzanganbu ordered that this place shouldbe specially used for raising a hundred birds. Its original name was"rozamarang", which means "the place for raising birds in the South". In the 8thcentury, the Tibetan king chisongdezan sent people from India to welcome thelotus grandmaster into Tibet to preach Buddhism, and Buddhism graduallyprevailed in Tibet. There are five goddesses sitting in the monthly sacrificesto the gods. Each of the five goddesses has its own name. This is the earliestTibetan name for the five peaks of the Himalayas in China. They are known as the"five sisters of longevity", and Qomolangma ranks third. They are the goddess ofdefending and reproducing the race. The other four peaks are Fushou fairy,Zhenhui fairy, guanyong fairy and Shiren fairy. People think that the thirdgoddess is the most beautiful. She is called zhumulangsangma in Tibetan, so sheuses her name to call Mount Qomolangma, the highest mountain in the world.

There is also a beautiful legend. Once upon a time, it was a sea. On theseashore, there were flowers and trees, flowers that never withered and neverwithered. On the hillside, there were forests and fruit trees. In the forest andflowers, there are many birds and other animals. Its a rich and beautifulplace! But one day, a group of monsters suddenly came to occupy this good place.The demons are coming, catching birds and animals, destroying flowers and trees.At this time, a five color auspicious cloud came from the sky. On the cloudstood a fairy in a plain dress. She was the goddess of snow mountain -zhumulangsangma. With her boundless magic power, she subdued the demons andspirits, and pressed them under a mountain. At the same time, in this area,cattle and sheep were raised, plant seeds were sown, and ice lakes were dug.From then on, she not only restored the original appearance, but also made itmore beautiful. The goddess subdued the demons and ghosts, and poured snow waterfrom the snow mountain and ice lake to irrigate the surrounding land. So, beforeand after the mountain, cattle and sheep are fat, crops are flourishing, and ahundred flowers are blooming. Therefore, people living in this area have greatrespect for the goddess and often praise her in various beautiful words.

From the summit of Rongbu temple, we have to pass through two importantsections, namely the well-known Beiao and the second step. Beiao is the gatewayto climb Mount Qomolangma from the north slope. It is a saddle shaped ice wallwith an altitude of 7007 meters. There are ice cracks all over it. It is a verydifficult natural obstacle to overcome. The second step is more than 300 metersaway from the peak. In 1960, it took eight days for the national mountaineeringteam to reach the top from the base camp, including six days from Beiao to thetop. The last 50 meters took 19 hours to reach the top without oxygen. Beforeand after the national mountaineering teams opened up five routes to climbEverest. In 1953, the British mountaineering team ascended along the southeastridge from the south slope; in 1960, the Chinese national mountaineering teamascended along the North Ridge from the north slope over Beiao; in 1975, theBritish mountaineering team ascended from the south slope; in 1980, the Japanesemountaineering team ascended from the vertical cliff on the front of the northslope, which is the most difficult route to climb Mount Everest. In 1988, China,Japan and Nepal jointly formed a team to climb from the north and south sides ofQomolangma at the same time, realizing a "double leap" in human history. In1990, China, the United States and the Soviet Union joined forces to climb MountEverest. In 20__, it reached the summit again.

The most interesting thing on Mount Everest is the cloud floating on thetop of the peak, which seems to be a flag flying on the top of the peak, so thiskind of cloud is vividly called flag cloud or flag cloud. The shape and postureof the flag cloud on Mt. Everest are various, sometimes like a flag flutteringin the wind; sometimes like the rough waves; sometimes it turns into a curlingsmoke; just like a galloping horse; for a while, it is like a gently flutteringveil. All this adds a lot of magnificent scenery to Mount Everest, which can becalled one of the worlds major wonders.

What causes the formation of flag clouds on Mt. Qomolangma? It turns outthat the flag clouds are formed by convective cumulus clouds. According to theposition and height of the cloud, we can infer the size of the wind force on thepeak. If the flag cloud moves upward, it means that the upper air wind issmaller; if it tilts downward, the wind will be stronger; if it is level withthe peak, the wind will be about level 9. Therefore, the flag cloud of MountEverest is also known as "the highest wind vane in the world".

Let me introduce Mount Everest National Nature Reserve to you. MountEverest Nature Reserve was designated as a National Nature Reserve in 1993. Thereserve is located at the junction of Tibet Autonomous Region and the kingdom ofNepal, with a total area of 3.38 million hectares and a population of more than70000. The area is divided into 7 core protection areas, namely tuolonggou,rongha, xuebugang, Jiangcun, gongdang, Zhufeng and Xixiabangma, and 4 scientificexperimental areas, namely Chentang, Nyalam, Jilong and gongdang.

At the southern foot of the Himalayas, the nature reserve is the highest inChina. It has one of the worlds top ten landscapes, the Kama Valley, with analtitude of 2300 meters, a length of 55 kilometers from east to west, an averagewidth of 8 kilometers from north to south, and an area of 440 square kilometers.There are 2101 species of angiosperms, 20 species of gymnosperms, more than 200species of pteridophytes, more than 600 species of bryophytes and lichens, andmore than 130 species of fungi in the reserve; there are more than 50 species ofmammals in the wild animals, among which there are more than 10 species ofnational first-class protected animals, such as langur, Tibetan wild donkey,Tarr sheep, leopard, snow leopard, black pheasant, etc. Snow leopard is thesymbol animal of Everest nature reserve.

The original forest is dense, including Abies himalayana, larch, birch,juniper, shrub, Fargesia, alpine pine, spruce, Nepalese sandalwood, Magnolia,arbor pine, Rhododendron and other major tree species, as well as wild plantswith high ornamental value and medicinal value such as magnolia, Panaxnotoginseng and Coptis chinensis.

In the upper part of the vast forest sea, altitude: 3800 meters to 4500meters is alpine grassland, with Artemisia, fleas and other plants. The area5500-6000 meters above the snow line is covered with permanent snow. Glaciersare formed year by year due to non melting ice and snow. Rongbu glacier is thelargest glacier in the reserve. In addition, there are iceberg glaciers andsuspended glaciers.


Mount Qomolangma is 8848 meters above sea level. It is the highest peak inthe world. It is located on the border between China and Nepal in the middlesection of the Himalayas and just south of Dingri County in Xigaze Prefecture,Tibet. The peak is covered with snow all the year round, a holy scene. MountQomolangma area has four peaks more than 8000 meters and 38 peaks more than 7000meters, which is known as the third level of the earth.

"Qomolangma" in Tibetan means "mother of the earth". In Tibetan, Jo Mo"Zhumu" means goddess, and glang Ma "Longma" should be understood as motherelephant (in Tibetan, glang Ma has two meanings: High Mountain willow and motherelephant). According to the myth, Mount Everest is the palace where the tshering mched lnga lives. It is generally called Mount Everest in the west tocommemorate George Everest, the director of the Survey Bureau of India, who wasresponsible for surveying the Himalayas when the British occupied Nepal. Themost recent measurement of Mount Everest was made in 1999 by the NationalGeographic Society of the United States using the global positioning system.They believed that the altitude of Mount Everest should be 8850 meters. Thealtitude of Mount Everest, now recognized by the peoples Republic of China, wasdetermined by the mountaineering team of the peoples Republic of China in 1975,which is 8848.13 meters. But the outside world also has 8848 meters, 8840meters, 8850 meters, 8882 meters and other statements. Recently, on May 22,20__, the mountaineering team of the peoples Republic of China successfullyclimbed to the top of Mt. Everest to accurately measure the height of Mt.Everest again. The new height of Mt. Everest is 8844.43 meters. At the sametime, 8848.13m in 1975 was stopped. Interestingly, although Mount Everest is thehighest peak in the world, its peak is not the farthest point from the earthscenter. This particular spot belongs to the Chimborazo mountains in SouthAmerica. The towering image of Mount Everest has been influencing the local andeven the whole world. The back of the fourth edition of RMB 10 is MountEverest.

At the foot of Mount Qomolangma, there is Rongbu temple, the highest templein the world. At the same time, Rongbu temple is also the best place to watchMount Qomolangma, with a straight-line distance of 25 km.

Most of the mountains in Western China are long and steep. Located on theborder of Chinas Tibet Autonomous Region with Nepal, India and other countries,the Himalayan Mountains stretch for more than 2400 kilometers, with an averageelevation of more than 6000 meters. They are the most magnificent mountains inthe world.

In the Himalayas, there are more than 50 peaks at an altitude of more than7000 meters, 16 peaks at an altitude of more than 8000 meters, and the famousones are Nanfeng, Xisha Bangma and Gancheng Zhangjia. "Himalaya" means "land ofice and snow" in Tibetan. It is covered with ice and snow all the year round.The ice peaks are like swords leaning on the sky, and the glaciers are likesilver snakes winding. The most towering is Mount Qomolangma, which is locatedon the border between China and Nepal. It is 8844.43 meters high and is thehighest peak in the world.

Mount Qomolangma has a high potential and unique geographical environment.The lowest temperature at the top of the mountain is minus 30-40 ℃ all the yearround. In some parts of the mountain, snow does not melt all the year round, andglaciers, ice slopes and ice pagodas can be seen everywhere. The oxygen contentof the air is only a quarter of that of the eastern plain area, and there areoften strong winds of magnitude 7-8. Strong winds of force 12 are not uncommon.Wind blowing snow, flying everywhere, filled the sky. Mount Qomolangma is ofgreat scientific research value, which has been noticed for a long time. In1960, Chinese mountaineers and scientists overcame many difficulties and madethe first ascent to the top of Mount Everest from the north slope, creating anunprecedented miracle in the history of mountaineering in the world. Since the1960s, Chinese scientists have carried out a comprehensive investigation of theEverest region, and obtained rich and valuable data in many aspects, such aspaleontology, physical geography, alpine climate, modern glaciers and landforms.In 1975, with the cooperation of the Chinese mountaineering team, Chinesesurveying and mapping workers climbed Mount Everest again, measured its heightaccurately, and drew a detailed map of the area. All these provide an extremelyimportant scientific basis for China to develop and utilize the naturalresources of the Tibetan Plateau.

The Himalayan region where Mount Qomolangma is located used to be an ocean.In a long geological period, a large amount of gravel and sand were washed fromthe land and accumulated in the Himalayan region, forming a marine sedimentaryrock layer with a thickness of more than 30000 meters. Later, due to the strongorogeny, the Himalayas were squeezed and uplifted violently. According to thecalculation, the average elevation is about 20-30 meters every 10000 years. Upto now, the Himalayas are still rising.

Ma Alin, Zhu Mu Lang, was written in the complete map of Huangyu (1717) inthe 56th year of Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty. In 1855, under the leadershipof the British, the Bureau of survey of India named this peak after the surnameof S.G. erfield, the director of the Bureau. In 1952, the government of thepeoples Republic of China renamed the peak Qomolangma. Nepal is called SakyaMata. On May 25, 1960, the mountaineering team of the peoples Republic of Chinaclimbed the peak from the north slope for the first time. The Academy ofSciences of the peoples Republic of China has also organized many large-scalecomprehensive scientific expeditions and obtained a large number of importantscientific data.

In March 1989, Mount Everest National Nature Reserve was established. Thereserve covers an area of 33800 square kilometers. The area is rich in rare andendangered biological species, including 8 species of national first classprotected animals, such as langur, bear monkey, Himalayan tal sheep, leopard,etc. There are more than 600 glaciers at the top of the mountain, covering anarea of 1600 square kilometers. The longest glacier is 26 kilometers. When thesun rises to the East, the huge mountain peak is gorgeous under the red light.In addition, many peculiar natural landscapes often appear, attracting a largenumber of domestic and foreign tourists.

Mt. Qomolangma is a huge pyramid shaped mountain, majestic and majestic,with extremely steep terrain and extremely complex environment. The height ofsnow line is 5800-6200m on the north slope and 5500-6100m on the south slope.There are three steep cliffs (North, East and southwest) in the middle ofnortheast ridge, Southeast ridge and west ridge. There are 548 continentalglaciers between them, with a total area of 1457.07 square kilometers and anaverage thickness of 7260 meters. The glaciers are mainly supplied by themetamorphism of snow cover in the Indian Ocean monsoon belt. On the glacier,there are a variety of magnificent and rare ice pagoda forests, ice cliffs ashigh as tens of meters, light and dark ice fissures with step-by-step traps, anddangerous ice avalanche and avalanche areas.

Mount Everest is not only magnificent, but also magnificent. Within 20kilometers of it, there are many peaks and mountains. There are more than 40peaks with an altitude of more than 7000 meters. The most famous ones are "Luozipeak" (8463 meters above sea level, the fourth highest peak in the world) andZhuo Qiong peak (7589 meters above sea level), which are 3 kilometers south. Inthe southeast is Makalu peak (8463 meters above sea level, the fifth highestpeak in the world), in the north is Zhangzi peak (7543 meters above sea level),in the West are Nuzi peak (7855 meters) and pumoli peak (7145 meters). On theperiphery of these huge peaks, there are some world-class peaks facing eachother from afar: ganchengjia peak, the third highest peak in the world (8585meters above sea level, the boundary peak between Nepal and Sikkim), in thesoutheast; gechongkang peak, 7998 meters above sea level, zhuoyou peak, 8201meters above sea level, and Xisha Bama peak, 8012 meters above sea level, in theWest. Formed a group of peaks, peak head of the surging magnificent scene.

Mount Qomolangma is a pyramid shaped mountain with glaciers, the longest ofwhich is 26 km. The top of the mountain is covered with ice and snow all theyear round, and the terrain is steep and high. It is a place that attracts theattention and yearns of mountaineering in the world. The climate of MountEverest is bad, and there are few sunny days. Its often violent weather, andthe wind comes with snow and sand. There are two seasons in a year to climb Mt.Everest: May and September to October. During these two periods, the wind speedat an altitude of more than 8000 meters was low, and there was little rain andsnow.

In fact, Rongbu temple and the Everest base camp are about 8 kilometersaway. If you have camping equipment, you can also live in the Everest base camp.You need to bring your own stove to cook. During the mountaineering season, thebase camp has liaison officers from the Tibet Mountaineering Associationstationed here. At that time, a small amount of food and water can be boughtfrom the liaison officers, but the price is more expensive, about three timeshigher than Lhasa. Beer costs 10 yuan per tin.

Not far from Mount Everest is the mountaineering checkpoint. After checkingthe procedures for entering the mountain, they let them go straight. After 40kilometers, you can reach a small village called zhaxizong. There are two orthree small restaurants with few vegetables. You can make do with some food. Ifyou continue to walk about 30 kilometers, you can see four snow capped mountainsover 8000 meters in a row when you cross the Cuola pass. You can get to the basecamp of Mount Everest by walking more than 20 kilometers downhill from here.

In the base camp of Mount Everest, you can find the manager of the postoffice of Mount Everest. For two yuan, you can build a commemorative postmark ofMount Everest, and then leave the postcard in the post office for delivery.After more than half a month, friends in the mainland can receive this valuablepostcard.


Dear tourists, we are now seeing Mount Everest, the highest peak in theworld. Qomolangma means "the third goddess" in Tibetan. Everest is the main peakof the Himalayas, with an altitude of 8848 meters. It is located on the borderbetween China and Nepal, with the north in Dingri County, Tibet, China, thesouth in Nepal, and the peak in China. Mount Qomolangma is a huge pyramid shapedmountain with steep terrain and complex environment. There are various types ofglaciers with a total area of 1500 square kilometers distributed between theridges and cliffs, and there are various kinds of beautiful and rare ice towerforests on the glaciers. Within 20 kilometers around Mt. Everest, there are manypeaks. Among the 14 peaks above 8000 meters in the world, there are 5. The peaksof 6-7 kilometers are all around, forming a magnificent landscape with manypeaks.

According to the analysis of geological structure, in ancient times, thewhole Himalayas was still the sea. From about the late Cenozoic tertiary, thedeep rock strata under the sea were affected by the strong Himalayan orogeny,and the sea floor rose and emerged, gradually rising to become the highest andyoungest "roof of the world". Standing on the top of the earth, Qomolangmaitself is the most typical fault block mountain in the Himalayas. Its pyramidshaped peak is composed of Ordovician brown marble and crystalline limestone.According to the determination of scientists, Everest is still rising, with anaverage annual speed of 3.2 mm to 12.7 mm, continuing to set a new worldrecord.

Dear tourists, there are many beautiful legends about Mount Everest. It issaid that when Songzanganbu was king of Tibet, the Himalayas and Mount Everestwere beautiful places with flowers in full bloom. Songzanganbu ordered that thisplace should be specially used for raising a hundred birds. The original namewas "luozamarang", which means the place for raising birds in the south. In the8th century, the Tibetan king chisongdezan sent people from India to welcome theancestor of lianhuasheng to spread Tibetan Buddhism, and Buddhism graduallyprevailed in Tibet. There are five goddesses seats in the monthly sacrifice tothe gods. Each of the five goddesses has its own name. This is the earliestTibetan name for the five peaks of the Himalayas in China. They are known as the"five sisters of longevity", and Qomolangma ranks the third, named Cuiyan fairy,who is the goddess of defending and reproducing the race. The other four peaksare respectively Fushou fairy, Zhenhui fairy, guanyong fairy and Shiren fairy.People think that the third goddess is the most beautiful. She is calledzhumulangsangma in Tibetan, so she uses her name to call Mount Qomolangma, thehighest mountain in the world.

Dear tourists, the most interesting thing about Mt. Everest is the cloudsfloating on the top of the peak, which seems to be a flag flying on the top ofthe peak, so this kind of cloud is called flag cloud or flag cloud. The shapeand posture of the flag cloud on Mt. Everest are various, sometimes like a flagfluttering in the wind; sometimes like the rough waves; sometimes it turns intothe rising smoke; just like a galloping horse, and then like a gently flutteringveil. All this adds a lot of magnificent scenery to Mount Everest, which can becalled one of the worlds major wonders. What causes the formation of flagclouds on Mt. Qomolangma? It turns out that the flag clouds are formed byconvective cumulus clouds. According to the position and height of the cloud, wecan infer the size of the wind force on the peak. If the flag cloud movesupward, it means that the upper air wind is smaller; if it tilts downward, thewind will be stronger; if it is level with the peak, the wind will be aboutlevel 9. Therefore, the flag cloud of Mount Everest is also known as "thehighest wind vane in the world".

Dear tourists, Everest National Nature Reserve, established in 1988, islocated at the border between Tibet and Nepal. It is the most uniquebiogeographical region in the world. Everest nature reserve is a comprehensivenature reserve, which is composed of three parts: core reserve, scientificexperimental zone and economic development zone. The alpine Canyon and glaciersnow peak in the reserve are very spectacular. The ecosystem types in thereserve are diverse, and the rare and endangered species are extremely rich.There are more than 10 national first class protected animals, such as langur,bearmonkey, Himalayan tal sheep, etc. among them, snow leopard is the landmarkanimal in Zhumulangma National Nature Reserve. The reserve is also rich inwater, light and wind energy resources. When the sun rises to the East, the hugepeaks are colorful in the red light. In addition, many peculiar naturallandscapes have attracted a large number of domestic and foreign tourists.

Dear tourists, Mount Everest is a place that the worlds mountaineers yearnfor. At the foot of Mount Everest is Rongbu temple, the highest temple in theworld. From the summit of Rongbu temple, we have to pass through two importantsections, namely the well-known Beiao and the second step. Beiao is the gatewayto climb Mount Qomolangma from the north slope. It is a saddle shaped ice wallwith an altitude of 7007 meters. There are ice cracks all over it. It is a verydifficult natural obstacle to overcome. The second step is more than 300 metersaway from the peak. In 1960, Chinas national mountaineering team crossed Beiaofrom the north slope to the top along the North Ridge. This is the mostdifficult route to climb Mount Everest, creating an unprecedented miracle in thehistory of mountaineering in the world. It took 8 days for the nationalmountaineering team to reach the top from the base camp, including 6 days fromBeiao to the top, and the last 50 meters took 19 hours without oxygen. Themountaineering teams of various countries have opened up many routes to climbEverest. In 1953, the British mountaineering team ascended from the south slopealong the southeast ridge. In 1988, China, Japan and Nepal jointly formed a teamto climb from the north and south sides of Qomolangma at the same time,realizing a "double leap" in human history. Dear friends, lets pay homage tothese warriors who use their lives to create miracles on the roof of theworld!



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Taking a breath of the fresh air after the rain, we drove West fromPingliang City for more than ten kilometers and finally came to Kongtongmountain, which is known as "the first mountain in the west". Looking up at themountains, layers of trees for the mountains covered with spring new clothes,rolling mountains such as green waves rolling. Several pavilions and pavilionsare on the cliff, where the ancient trees are towering, adding a bit of simpleand exquisite cultural landscape to the mountain.

All the way up the mountain, we enjoy the perfect masterpiece of nature.You see, all kinds of trees grow on both sides of the path. Some of them havebecome towering trees; some of them are just small saplings with a few tenderleaves; some of them have straight trunks and straight crowns; some of them havecrooked branches, like a hunched old man. The grass and flowers swing with thewind, as if to welcome the arrival of distant visitors. We passed a path pavedwith cobblestones and came to the bottom of a straight and high stone step. Ilook up, what a long ladder! Its just like leading to the sky. No wonder itscalled "ladder to heaven". I cheer myself up and go up. But just halfway up, Iwas out of breath. The moss in the stone cracks on the stairs is so slipperythat my feet are a little disobedient. Its a dilemma to look down and up. Icant help it. I finally got on the ladder of heaven. After all, where there isa will, there is a way!

Encouraged by the singing of birds all the way, we climbed the Kongtongmountain. The joy of success filled my heart. "Shasha..." The breeze blowing thelush trees in the mountains, this wonderful sound and the clear bird song likedew together play a vibrant nature Concerto. The first feeling of climbingKongtong mountain is so wonderful that my mood is as bright as the sunshine.Looking down at the foot of the mountain, there are many peaks and cliffsstanding up. It seems that the mountains are smiling at me. Vast forest, smokecage fog lock, such as ethereal fairyland. However, the green of the mountainsgives people a very different aesthetic feeling: deep green, fresh green, livelygreen crisscross together, woven into a soft blanket. In the middle of themountains, there is a vast lake, which is pure, elegant and intoxicating. Greenboat lakeside, sporadic a few Qionglouyuyu, appears more elegant and quiet, fullof poetic. This lake is called tanzheng lake. Its ethereal. A melodious tunecomes from the pavilion and lingers in my ears. This beautiful Kongtong mountainreally makes me feel the wonderful feeling of "people swimming inpaintings".



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This "phoenix ancient city", which was once called one of the mostbeautiful small cities in China by New Zealand writer Louis Ailey, was built inthe Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty. This "Pearl of Western Hunan" is really"small". It is so small that there is only a decent east-west street in thecity, but it is a green corridor.

Fenghuang ancient city is divided into two parts: the old city is close tothe mountain and the river, the shallow Tuojiang River passes through the city,the red sandstone wall stands on the bank, and the Nanhua mountain is lined withthe ancient city tower, which is still clear

The rusty iron gate in the reign of the emperor can be seen as powerful asit was then. There is a narrow wooden bridge across the wide river under thenorth gate, with stone piers. Both of them have to cross each other. This usedto be the only way out of the city.

The setting sun goes down to the west, and many women are washing clotheswith wooden mallets on the bank beside the bridge. The sound of the soundrippled with the water. The urchin takes off all his energy and plays in thewater. Some girls immerse themselves in the shallow water and enjoy the gentletouch of the water. There are many sketching students on the shore, which alsoadds a scenery to the small town.

The most famous Diaojiaolou in Fenghuang ancient city are the ancientDiaojiaolou with rich Tujia flavor. However, most of the Diaojiaolou along theriver are no longer there. Only in huilongtan, there are more than ten oldhouses. The thin wooden pillars stand in the river, holding up a heavyhistory.

Shen Congwens former residence is located deep in the stone lane ofZhongying street in the ancient city. It has two entrances and two compartments.It is quite like a small courtyard in Beijing. The whole former residence is ofbrick and wood structure, with green tiles, white walls and wooden latticewindows. Passing through fengyuqiao and dongchengmen, the road is filled withvillagers, old houses, villagers and red umbrellas in a hurry, forming acontrast picture.

Just like Shen Congwen has been immortal for a long time, the ancient cityof Phoenix is not a complete painting of ink and wash, but you can still feelthe charm of her aura from each part. Fenghuang ancient city is also suitablefor one or two people to walk slowly in the old streets, alleys and riversidesof the old city in a light rain weather, and taste the past with heart.



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First of all, Id like to introduce the legend of Taimu mountain: Taimumountain was originally called Caishan. Its said that there is a village at thefoot of the mountain. There is a very poor family in the village, and the familyhopes to become rich. One day, a man told him that there was an immortal on themountain who would bring wealth to people. The poor man immediately set out onthe road and came to the top of the mountain. The poor man found the immortaland told him what he thought. The immortal waved his hand and said, "you havebecome rich, you can go back." After thanking him, the poor man went home. Assoon as he got home, he was surprised. The thatched cottage turned into aluxurious building. His wife and son swam in the golden pool. After a few days,the poor man thought of the immortal and went to see him. When he came to thetop of the mountain, he found that the immortal had passed away. In order tothank the old immortal, the poor changed Caishan to Taimu mountain. Tourists,this is it

Taimu mountain is a beautiful legend. There are many scenic spots in Taimumountain, such as jade rabbit watching the tide, camel hump, golden turtleclimbing the wall and a line of sky.

When you enter Taimu mountain, you can go to the entrance of mountainclimbing by taking a special car. When you climb up the mountain, you can seethe camels hump, which is like the camels hump. When you walk through thecamels hump, you can see the golden tortoise climbing the wall. Please see, thegolden tortoise is climbing slowly on the stone wall. There is another day, youshould be careful when you walk, otherwise you will be stuck in the crack of therock In the middle.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,翻译,全文共 11350 字

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Hello everyone! Welcome to Badaling scenic spot for sightseeing. Im veryglad to accompany you today. I hope you can have a good time in Badaling.

The Great Wall is a magnificent defensive building in ancient China. Itstarts from Shanhaiguan in the East and ends at Jiayuguan in the west, and runsacross the north of China. Winding more than 12000 Li, it is famous for the"Great Wall". It was listed in the world cultural heritage list in 1987. It iscalled "the longest defensive wall in the world" by experts and scholars.

The first time that China built the Great Wall was in the spring and AutumnPeriod in the 7th century BC, and the earliest country to build the Great Wallwas the state of Chu. The great wall of the state of Chu is called "Fangcheng"in historical records, with a length of nearly a thousand li. Qi was also one ofthe earliest states to build the Great Wall. The great wall of Qi started fromPingyin in Shandong Province in the West and entered the sea in the East. It isthe most preserved site of the Great Wall in the spring and Autumn period.

Qin Shihuang was born in 220 BC__ After the unification of China in 1949,the old Great Wall in the north of Qin, Zhao and Yan was first repaired. At thecost of "building a city of thousands of miles and building a people ofthousands of miles", he began to build the Great Wall, which is more than 7000kilometers long, from Lintao in the west to Liaodong in the East. Since then,the Great Wall has stood in the east of the world, experiencing thousands ofyears of wind, frost, rain and snow.

In the early Western Han Dynasty, in order to resist aggression and protectthe newly developed "Silk Road". It has built a great wall of more than 10000kilometers from Lop Nor in Xinjiang in the west to Liaodong in the East. This isalso the longest Great Wall in the history of our country.

After the establishment of Ming Dynasty, it faced the threat of Mongoliaand Jurchen. From the beginning of Zhu Yuanzhang, General Xu Da was sent northto build the Great Wall. Until the end of Ming Dynasty, it was overhauled 18times, lasting more than 260 years. Until Hongzhi 20__ In, it was completed fromthe Yalu River in the east to Jiayuguan in the West. Through Liaoning, Hebei,Beijing, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Gansu and other provinces andautonomous regions. The Great Wall is more than 12700 Li long. And along theGreat Wall is divided into nine defense areas, known as "nine sides and ninetowns". Moreover, in many important pass areas, especially in the north ofBeijing City, multiple walls were built. These are the Badaling Great Wall wesee now.

The scale of the Great Wall built in the Qin, Han and Ming Dynasties is thelargest compared with other dynasties. So the three construction climaxes inhistory are the Qin Dynasty, the Han Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty.

Now, let me introduce the Badaling Great Wall. Badaling Great Wall islocated in Yanqing County, northwest of Beijing. It is the best preservedsection of the Great Wall in Beijing with the best engineering quality and themost rigorous structure. This section of the great wall takes the urn city asthe center, reaching the seventh floor in the South and the twelfth floor in thenorth, with a total length of 4770 meters. It is the only channel leading to theoutside of the Great Wall in Beijing area and the front position of Juyongguan.From here, you can reach Yongning and Sihai in the East, Xuanhua and Datong inthe west, Jingcheng in the south, Yanqing in the north and Badaling in alldirections. Badaling pass was built in 1520__ The city is 7.5 meters high and 4meters thick. There is a plaque on each of the East and West gates, with "JuyongWai Town" in the East and "north gate lock key" in the West. At the entrance ofGuancheng, there is a cannon with a length of 2.85 meters and a caliber of 10.5cm, which is called "Shenwei general". Now lets look at the wall of the GreatWall in Badaling. This section of the city wall is about 5.8 meters narrow atthe top and 6.5 meters wide at the bottom. It consists of four basic structures.1、 City wall, two, city tower, three, pass, four, beacon tower. There is aticket door in the wall and a stone ladder in the middle. The top can hold 5horses in parallel. Beacon tower is also known as beacon, beacon, wolf Yantai.It is independent of the city wall, almost every other mile there is a, composedof the Great Wall defense alarm system.

Whenever enemy troops invade, the beacon towers burn beacon fires to conveymilitary information. Burning smoke during the day is called beacon. At night afire is called a flint. And because wolf dung is often used as fuel, the smokeis high and hard to dissipate, so it is also called "wolf smoke". Moreover, itwas stipulated in the Ming Dynasty. More than 100 of the invading soldiers lit acigarette and fired a gun, about 500 soldiers fired two cigarettes and two guns,more than 1000 soldiers fired three cigarettes and three guns, more than 5000soldiers fired four cigarettes and four guns, if more than 10000 soldiers wereinvolved, five cigarettes and five guns.

From Badaling to the south is the famous Xiongguan, Juyong Pass. JuyongPass is one of the most famous passes of the great wall and an important barrierto the northwest of ancient Beijing. It got its name from Qin Shihuangsconstruction of the Great Wall. That is to say, the prisoners and the people whohave been punished in the palace are caught here to let them build the GreatWall. And lived. Juyongguan was called juyongsai in Han Dynasty and junduguan inSui Dynasty. When it was rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty, it became the strongestsection of the Ming Great Wall. There are both military headquarters andadministrative organizations here. Juyong Pass in ancient times was also lushwith extraordinary scenery. Juyong jucui, one of the eight famous scenic spotsin Yanjing, refers to this place. In addition, there are many places ofinterest, such as Yang LIULANGs Shuanmazhuang, Mu Guiyings dianjiangtai, andbaifengzhong, where dragons and phoenixes play. Not only that, but also JuyongGuanzhong has a white jade platform, called Yuntai, which was built in 1345.Because there were three Tibetan pagodas built on the stage and the couponsunder the stage, it was originally called "crossing the street pagoda". In theearly Ming Dynasty, the pagoda was destroyed, and then the Taian temple wasbuilt. In the early Qing Dynasty, the temple was destroyed again, and now thereare only pillar bases and watchposts. There are also six kinds of seal cuttingscriptures in Sanskrit, Tibetan and basiba on the inner wall, which areimportant objects for studying ancient Chinese characters.

Having said so much, let me tell you a story to relax. The name of thestory is called "Meng Jiangnu crying the Great Wall". Its about Qin Shihuangbuilding the Great Wall. At that time, in order to speed up the project, itbegan to draw civil servants from all over the country. Meng Jiangnus husband,fan Qiliang, was also transferred to build the Great Wall soon after herwedding.

In the twinkling of an eye, three years later, fan Qiliang never heard fromhim. Meng Jiangnu couldnt eat well and sleep well. Suddenly, one night. MengJiangnu had a dream that her husband was hungry and cold, and his clothes didntcover her body. She kept shouting "Im cold, Im hungry!" Meng Jiangnu woke upand decided to go to her husband, and brought him dry food and warm clothes. Allthe way along the Great Wall in search of his husband. She went to Shanhaiguanto find out that many people had died to build the Great Wall. Her husband, fanQiliang, was also tired to death and buried under the Great Wall. This news islike a bolt from the blue, Meng Jiangnu immediately began to cry, crying earthshaking, sections of the great wall collapsed, eight hundred miles long. Now theproject manager was in a hurry to report to Qin Shihuang who was coming here toinspect the progress of the project. The first emperor of Qin sent someone toarrest Meng Jiangnu to find out the reason. After seeing her, Qin Shihuang wasfascinated by her beauty and insisted on calling her "empress Zhenggong".Although Meng Jiangnu was full of anger, she still held down her hatred and hadan idea. She had to ask Qin Shihuang to agree to her three conditions before shecould become the "Empress of the palace". The first is to find the body of hishusband fan Qiliang; the second is to hold a state funeral for his husband; andthe third is to ask the first emperor of Qin to wear mourning and flag for fanQiliang. After listening to the three conditions proposed by Meng Jiangnu, thefirst emperor of Qin thought for a moment. In order to get the beautiful MengJiangnu, he insisted. Meng Jiangnu, wearing filial piety, paid homage to thetomb of fan Zhaliang, who died for the construction of the city. Her longcherished wish was fulfilled. Facing the rolling Bohai Sea, she jumped up andthrew herself into the sea.

At the end of the story, do you think Qin Shihuang is fatuous andoverbearing? Lets ignore him first. Start climbing the great wall and be ahero!!
















范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:景区,导游,全文共 12131 字

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Dear tourist friends, Hello everyone! Today we visit Huangdi mausoleum,which is known as the first mausoleum in the world. Im your tour guide. My nameis Jiang. You can also call me director Jiang. If you encounter problems in yourtravel, you can ask me and I will help you. I wish you a happy trip! In order tolet you have a deep understanding of the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, Iwould like to introduce to you the ancestor of our Shenhua nation - the YellowEmperor.

Huangdi was an outstanding leader of tribal alliance at the end ofprimitive society about 5020 x years ago. According to ancient records, theYellow Emperor was the son of Shaodian. His surname was Gongsun. Because he wasgood at Jishui, his surname was Ji. There is a bear in the seal, and there is abear in the name. Once lived in Xuanyuan hill, also known as Xuanyuan. It isalso known as the "Yellow Emperor" because of its advocating of local moralityand yellow color.

According to legend, the Yellow Emperor is not only the leader of a hero,but also the embodiment of wisdom. Many inventions and creations are attributedto the Yellow Emperor or his wife and subordinates. For example, making boatsand carts, making clothes and crowns, sericulture, creating medicine, settingtemperament, writing, distributing grains, burning painted pottery, andregulations in political life, wedding and funeral rituals in customs andhabits, etc. later generations regard the era of the Yellow Emperor as thebeginning of the Chinese civilization, so the Yellow Emperor is respected as the"ancestor of humanity".

There are many opinions about where the Yellow Emperor was buried. However,from the records of historical materials and the attitude of successivegovernments, the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor that you are about to see isthe only resting place for the Yellow Emperor in a hundred years. Sima Qian, ahistorian of the Western Han Dynasty, clearly states in his historical recordsthat "the Yellow Emperor collapsed and was buried in the bridge mountain". Themausoleum of the Yellow Emperor was called "bridge mausoleum" in history, and itwas renamed in 1944. According to ancient Chinese documents, the yellow emperorascended to heaven by riding a dragon in Qiaoshan of Huangling County. Latergenerations buried the Yellow Emperors clothes here and built a tomb for it.This is the origin of the Yellow Emperors mausoleum. In addition, the Huangdimausoleum area has been proved by archaeology to be the settlement of primitiveclans in this area. The unearthed pottery and stone tools have distinctivecharacteristics of Yangshao culture.

Huangdi mausoleum is located in Huangling County, Shaanxi Province, about180 kilometers north of Xian. Huangling County, formerly known as ZhongbuCounty, was renamed Huangling County in 1944 with the approval of the formergovernment of the Republic of China. In June 1997, Huangdi mausoleum wasannounced by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee as one ofthe 100 patriotic education demonstration bases in China.

You are now in Xuanyuan square. This is the starting point of Yiling. Theground of Xuanyuan square is paved with natural river pebbles in QinlingMountains, with a total of 5000 pieces, which means that it represents the longhistory of the Chinese nation for 5020__ years. The pool in front of us iscalled YinChi. It is said that it is the place where the Yellow Emperor washedhis pen. The water of YinChi comes from Juhe river. In ancient Chinese, Juheriver is also regarded as the river of ancestors. When night comes, there willbe a beautiful landscape of "JuShui moon night".

Now, the bridge we pass is called Xuanyuan bridge. The bridge, which spansYinChi, is built of all granite stone and is known as "the first bridge of allstone in modern China". At the north end of Xuanyuan bridge, Longwei Road, whichleads to the temple, has 95 steps, implying the lofty status of the YellowEmperor as the "king of __". In recent years, most of the public sacrificeactivities have been held here, which has been widely known by modern media.Stand in front of the broad Temple Square, please look back at Xuanyuan square,you will feel a "majestic, solemn, solemn, simple" grand momentum.

Generally speaking, worshiping the Yellow Emperor means "worshiping thetemple first, then paying homage to the mausoleum". Xuanyuan temple is locatedin the north of JuShui, facing south, commanding and magnificent. Please followme into this sacred place. It is said that this ancient temple was built in theHan Dynasty. It was originally in the West foot of the bridge and moved here inthe Song Dynasty. Xuanyuan temple is composed of four courtyards. The gate ofthe temple is in the architectural style of Han Dynasty, with white walls, blackglazed tiles, tall and lofty, simple and generous. "Xuanyuan Temple" was writtenby Mr. Jiang Dingwen. Stepping into the gate of Xuanyuan temple, you can see atowering ancient cypress on the left. The branches of ancient cypress arevigorous and green, and the crown is like a canopy. The tree is about 4720__years old. It is said that it was planted by the Yellow Emperor himself, so itis called "Yellow Emperors hand planted cypress". In 1982, British forestryexpert Robert and others came to China after inspecting 27 countries in theworld and marveled that it is "the father of cypress in the world". In 1998, thetree was recognized as one of the first batch of "100 ancient and famous treesin China".

This pavilion is called "stele Pavilion". There are four stone tabletshere. The content of the first inscription on the right hand is a memorial poemwritten by Dr. Sun Yat Sen when he was the provisional president of the Republicof China. The second pass on the right hand is the three big characters"mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor" inscribed by Chiang Kai Shek in 1942. Thefirst passage on the left is a sacrificial essay written by Mao Zedong on April5, 1937 when the Kuomintang and the Communist Party jointly sacrificed to themausoleum of the Yellow Emperor. The second one is Deng Xiaopings handwritten"descendants of the Yellow River".

After leaving the pavilion, continue to walk in, you will see a one metersquare blue stone on your left side, with a huge inscription on it

The footprints of the Yellow Emperor. The stone was excavated in Guowa,Southeast of Huangling. It is said that there are three footprints of the YellowEmperor. One is in Henan, one is in Shandong, and the other is in Huangling.According to the local people, if someone hits the big toe with a coin acrossthe fence, it indicates good luck and good luck.

On the left side of Xuanyuan hall, there is a cypress tree. The tree trunkswere covered with spots and lines, as if there were broken nails. It is saidthat in 120__ BC, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty returned from his northernexpedition to Shuofang, and when he sacrificed to the mausoleum of the YellowEmperor, he nailed a nail on the tree trunk to hang his armor. So its called"guajia cypress", also called "general cypress". Every year before QingmingFestival, cypress juice will overflow in the tree hole and condense into beads,like tears. After the Qingming Festival, it returned to its original state andwas called "the wonder of Qunbai".

Now, the building in front of us is called Xuanyuan hall. The hall wasbuilt in the Ming Dynasty. On the forehead of the hall is a four characterplaque entitled "the first ancestor of humanity" by Cheng Qian, the formerpatriotic general of the Kuomintang in 1938.

Entering the main hall, we see a semi relief statue of the Yellow Emperor.Based on the rubbings of the stone portraits of Wuliang ancestral temple in theEastern Han Dynasty, this sacred statue of the nations ancestor was enlargedand carved with the approval of the State Administration of cultural relicsafter soliciting the opinions of relevant experts.

At the north end of Xuanyuan Temple lies the hall of ancestor worship,which was newly built in 20__. In 20__, the first national ceremony ofsacrificing Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, the first ancestor of China, was held hereduring the Qingming Festival. The whole building of the hall adheres to thestyle of Han and Tang Dynasties, and integrates the ancient tradition with theflavor of the new era. The ancestral square in front of the hall is paved withgranite, covering an area of more than 10000 square meters, and can accommodate5000 lines of sacrificial activities at the same time.

Well, here is Xuanyuan temple. Next, we will climb mountains and visit themausoleum of the Yellow Emperor.

Huangdi mausoleum is the mausoleum of Xuanyuan Huangdi, the ancestor of theChinese nation, known as "the first mausoleum in the world". In 1962, it wasannounced by the State Council as the national key cultural relics protectionunit "No.1 ancient tomb". Lingjia is located in Qiaoshan, 1km north of HuanglingCounty.

Huangdi mausoleum has a unique "bridge mountain ancient cypress.". Nomatter which direction you enter the county, you can see the 5800 mu Qiaoshanmountain, full of green cypresses and lush. At present, there are more than81000 cypresses in Xuanyuan Huangdi Mausoleum scenic area, which is located inHuangling County, Shaanxi Province. There are more than 30000 ancient cypressesmore than 1000 years old. It is the oldest and best preserved group of ancientcypresses in China. This is really "the Yellow Emperors Mausoleum with toweringancient cypresses. Its full of smoke and light breeze. Qiaoshan completelytowering green, Ju water around the waist for thousands of years. All theseancient cypresses are priceless. Therefore, the ancient Chinese governmentsattach great importance to the protection of the ancient cypresses in themausoleum of the Yellow Emperor.

Dear friends, we are now at the gate of the cemetery. Please look to theleft side of the gate. This 20 meter high conical platform is called HanwuSendai. It is said that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, after worshiping hisancestors, was very envious of the Yellow Emperors ascending to heaven andbecoming an immortal. So hundreds of thousands of soldiers were ordered to carrya bag of soil on their backs to build this high platform overnight. He went onthe stage to pray for immortals and said to the people, "if I can go back toheaven like the Yellow Emperor, its nothing to leave my wife, but its justlike leaving my shoes." Today, there are two stone curved paths leading to thetop of the platform. Up 77 steps, down 78 steps, called "seven up and eightdown.". Its said that one visit to the stage can add years and blessings.

Friends, this tomb in front of us is the resting place of our ancestors,the Yellow Emperor. The tomb is a oblate earth tomb. In front of the tomb, thereis another stele engraved with the four characters of "Qiaoshan Longyu", whichmeans that this is the place where the yellow emperor ascended to heaven bydriving a dragon. It is said that the Yellow Emperor lived for more than 100years. The emperor felt that he had made great achievements and sent a dragon totake him up to heaven. His subjects didnt want the Yellow Emperor to leave andsurrounded him. The dragon carries the Yellow Emperor into the air. In a panic,people pull off the Yellow Emperors skirt, boots and sword. People bury theYellow Emperors clothes, boots and swords here, and build a mound as amemorial. This is the origin of the saying that the mausoleum of the YellowEmperor is the family of clothes and crowns, but the legend is a legend afterall. Historical records and other books clearly record that "the Yellow Emperorcollapsed and buried in the bridge mountain.". Moreover, Emperor Wu of the HanDynasty and other emperors came here to pay homage to the Yellow Emperor, so itis recognized as the location of the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor.

In front of the "Qiaoshan Longyu" stele, there is another stele engravedwith three characters of "Huangdi mausoleum" written by Guo Moruo in 1958.

Well, tourists, due to the time constraint, this is the end of ourexplanation of Huangdi mausoleum today. You can visit it by yourself. We willgather at the gate in half an hour. Please pay attention to safety. Thankyou!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 7266 字

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Today Im going to show you the memorial hall of the former residence ofthe famous Anti Japanese national hero General Yang Jingyu.

The memorial hall of General Yang Jingyus former residence is 15kilometers away from Queshan county. Before arriving at the memorial hall, Iwould like to introduce the glorious life of General Yang Jingyu to you.

General Yang Jingyus surname was Ma, his name was Shangde, his breast namewas Shunqing, and his name was Jisheng. He was born on February 26, 1905 (the10th day of the first lunar month) in a farmers family in Liwan village,Queshan county. He studied in a village private school when he was a child. In1918, he was admitted to the first primary school of Queshan county withexcellent results. In 1919, the May 4th Youth Patriotic Movement swept acrossthe country. At the age of 14, Yang Jingyu devoted himself to the fiercestruggle. In the autumn of 1923, he was admitted to Kaifeng weaving and dyeingschool in Henan Province, where he joined the Communist Youth League of China in1926. In the winter of the same year, under the instruction of the party andLeague organization, he led the peasant movement in huiqueshan county. In thespring of 1927, Yang Jingyu was elected as the president of the farmersAssociation of Queshan county. In April, he led the shocking peasant uprising insouthern Henan, organized 50000 peasants to besiege Queshan county. After fourdays of fierce fighting, he occupied the county, defeated a brigade of theEighth Army of the Northern Warlords, captured Wang Shaoqu, the countymagistrate, and established the county-level peoples political power led by theCommunist Party of China -- the temporary Public Security Commissioner ofQueshan county At the meeting, Yang Jingyu was elected as the Standing Committeemember. On June 1, Yang Jingyu was transferred from a member of the CommunistYouth League to a member of the Communist Party of China in the tiger cage(place name) of Chengguan Town, Queshan county. On July 15, the Wuhan governmentof the Kuomintang defected and revolutionized, and the new revolutionary regimewas attacked by the local stubborn forces in Queshan county. Yang Jingzi, ZhangJiaduo, Zhang Yaochang, Li Mingqi and other comrades led their troops to move tothe East Liudian area of the county to continue their struggle and open up a newbase.

On September 30, he, Li Mingqi, Zhang Jiafeng and Zhang Yaochang led theAutumn Harvest Uprising in Liudian, reorganized the Queshan County Committee ofthe Communist Party of China, and established the southern Henan guerrillas ofthe Chinese workers and peasants Red Army, with Yang Jingyu as commander inchief. During this period, General Yang Jingyu led his troops to fight fiercelywith several times the enemy, and beat back the attack of Kuomintang reactionaryforces and the harassment of local gentry forces. At that time, the armycontrolled a large area as far as Ma Xiang in the East, Minggang in the south,county town in the West and Shuitun in the north, and established the Sovietregime. Under the direction of the Party Central Committee, in order to carryout a long-term guerrilla war, establish a consolidated revolutionary base, andlead the victory to the whole country, the troops left the plains and rushed tothe mountainous areas to open up the siwangshan revolutionary base. In the lateautumn and early winter of 1927, General Yang Jingyu was transferred to work inHenan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China. During this period,he was arrested and jailed three times. All of them were rescued and released bythe party, and then transferred to Shanghai. Soon, he was transferred fromShanghai to Northeast China. During his stay in Northeast China, he servedsuccessively as secretary of Fushun Special Branch of CPC, Secretary of DaowaiDistrict Party committee of Harbin, Secretary of Harbin municipal Partycommittee, President of Anti Japanese general League, Secretary of MilitaryCommission of Manchuria Provincial Party committee of CPC, political commissarof Panshi guerrillas, commander of the first division of the first army ofNortheast Peoples Liberation Army, and commander of the first army of NortheastDemocratic Anti Japanese Alliance.

On February 23, 1940, in sandaoweizi, Baoan village, Mengjiang county (nowJingyu County), Jilin Province, Yang Jingyus troops were unfortunatelysurrounded by the Japanese army. While suffering from hunger, cold, fatigue andinjury, Yang Jingyu still insisted on fighting and died at the age of 35. Out ofadmiration and love for the general, the people in his hometown built thememorial hall of General Yang Jingyus former residence. The memorial was firstbuilt in the autumn of 1966 and then shut down during the ten years of turmoil.It was opened in 1981 after expansion, with a construction area of 4466 squaremeters.

Dear friends, we have come to Liwan village, Queshan County, the hometownof General Yang Jingyu.

The gate of the memorial hall of the former residence of General YangJingzi faces north. It is of brick and stone structure. The building ismagnificent, with double eaves and brackets, and glass and green tile top. Onthe lintel of the door was written "Memorial Hall of the former residence of theAnti Japanese hero General Yang Jingyu.". On the back, chairman Zhu De wrote"the peoples hero Comrade Yang Jingyu is immortal" with strong handwriting. Aneat passageway leads south, and the stone bust of General Yang Jingyu standsmajestically in the courtyard. There is a marble base 2 meters high, 0.8 metersthick and 1.20 meters wide. It was written: "General Yang Jingyu, 1905-1940". Inthe south is a row of nine exhibition halls, displaying 92 pictures, charts, oilpaintings and so on, which systematically introduces the life story of GeneralYang Jingyu. North of the statue is a common farmyard. A plaque was hung on thelintel, which read: "former residence of General Yang Jingyu". There are fourrooms in the North (one in the West and one in the East) and two small rooms ineach. There are three rooms in the East and three in the west, all of which areof brick and wood structure with small yellow tile top. On the west side of thecourtyard is a Sophora tree planted by General Yang Jingyu when he was young.Beiwu is the birthplace of General Yang Jing and the residence of his youth. Atthe east end of the north room, there are simple tables and benches. This is theplace where General Yang Jingyu led the peasant revolution in southern HenanProvince in his youth, and where some major struggle strategies came into being.The East and West rooms are exhibition rooms with 101 photos, charts, documents,books and so on. It mainly introduces Yang Jingyus revolutionary activities inhis youth and youth, especially his revolutionary cultural relics during thepeasant revolution in southern Henan, as well as the enamel bowls, militarypots, chopping boards, fur coats, leather mattresses and other military articlesused as commander-in-chief in Northeast China and the generals childhood Thereare more than 30 learning tools. These precious cultural relics vividlyrepresent the revolutionary history and the glorious life of the general. Theyare vivid teaching materials for patriotism education and the construction oftwo civilizations.



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Hengshan, also known as Nanyue, is one of the five mountains in China,located in Nanyue District, Hengyang City, Hunan Province. Because the climateconditions are better than the other four mountains, there are luxuriant forestsand bamboos everywhere, green all the year round; exotic flowers and grasses,fragrant at four seasons, and beautiful natural scenery, so it is also known as"Nanyue unique beauty". Wei Yuan of Qing Dynasty said in Hengyue Yin: "Hengshanis like walking, Daishan is like sitting, Huashan is like standing, Songshan islike lying, only Nanyue is like flying." This is a compliment to Hengshan.

In 1982, Hengshan, as a famous natural and cultural landscape in China, wasapproved by the State Council as one of the first batch of national scenic spotsin the name of Hengshan scenic spot in Hunan Province. On August 1, 20__, NanyueHengshan Mountain was approved as a national nature reserve by the StateCouncil.

Hengshan Mountain is composed of 72 towering peaks, including YueluMountain in Changsha and Huiyan peak in Hengyang. It is also known as "Qingtian72 Hibiscus". The first peak of Nanyue is Huiyan peak, the South Gate ofHengyang City Center. Starting north from "the first peak of Nanyue in theworld", you can drive along North Zhengxiang road for more than an hour. You cansee dozens of graceful peaks like Hibiscus before you and enter the scenic spotof Nanyue.

There are also many places of interest, myths and legends in HengshanMountain, which has attracted all kinds of people in the past dynasties andformed a rich and colorful cultural deposit, just like a huge park with theharmony and unity of the vast humanities and landscape culture.

Hunan Nanyue Hengshan scenic spot is a national AAAAA scenic spot. HengshanMountain is one of the five famous mountains in China. Its main peak is locatedin Hengyang City, Hunan Province. There are 72 peaks in Hengyang City. It isfamous for its "unique five mountains", "holy land of religion", "Olympiccivilization area" and "longevity mountain of China". Now it is a national keyscenic spot, a national civilized scenic spot demonstration site and a nationalAAAAA tourist area.

Hengshan is the religious and cultural center of southern China, and thebirthplace of Chinese southern Zen, Tiantai Sect, caodong sect, Nanyue sect andQingyuan sect. The most famous Taoist Holy Land in the South includes the thirdof the thirty-six Taoist caves, Zhuling cave, and the seventy-two Taoisttemples, including jade altar, Guangtian temple and donglingyuan.

In 1982, Hengshan, as a famous natural landscape and cultural landscape inChina, was approved by the State Council as one of the first batch of nationalkey scenic spots in the name of Hengshan scenic spot; in 20__, it became one ofthe first batch of 4A tourist spots in China; in 20__, it won the honor of"national civilized scenic spot demonstration site" which is the top in Chinaand the only one in Hunan Province; In February 20__, it was selected into thefirst batch of national natural and cultural heritage list; in 20__, it wasrated as one of the 50 places most worthy of foreigners to visit; in March 20__,it became one of the first batch of 5A scenic spots in China; on August 1, 20__,Nanyue Hengshan was approved by the State Council as a National Nature Reserve;in 20__, it was rated as Chinas top ten most popular scenic spots.

Hengshan starts from Huiyan peak in Hengyang City (the first peak of 72peaks in Nanyue) in the South and ends at Yuelu Mountain in Changsha (the tailpeak of Hengshan Mountain) in the north. It is composed of 72 towering peaks,also known as "seventy-two Hibiscus in the blue sky". Hengshan Mountainstretches 800 Li across eight cities and counties in Hunan Province, with 72peaks. Among them, there are 43 peaks in Nanyue District. Huiyan peak, the firstpeak of Hengshan Mountain, is located in the center of Hengyang City, withXiangjiang River in the East, Hengzhou Avenue in the south, South Qiyang road inthe West and south Zhongshan Road in the north. Starting from the "No.1 peak ofNanyue in the world" northward, driving along North Zhengxiang road for onehour, you can see dozens of graceful peaks like Hibiscus in front of you andenter the core scenic spot of Hengshan Mountain.



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Ladies and gentlemen

Hello everyone! The scenic spot we are going to visit today is Huangguoshuwaterfall.

Huangguoshu waterfall is the first waterfall in China and one of the mostfamous waterfalls in the world. In November 1982, Huangguoshu waterfall wasapproved by the State Council of the peoples Republic of China as a nationalkey scenic spot. Huangguoshu waterfall is 137 kilometers away from Guiyang City,the provincial capital. It is located on Baishui River, a tributary of DabangRiver, which borders Zhenning County and Guanling County in western GuizhouProvince. It takes about an hour and a half to get to Huangguoshu by bus fromGuiyang.

Huangguoshu waterfall has arrived. You see, this is the most famouswaterfall in China. Huangguoshu waterfall is 68 meters high, and the upperwaterfall is 6 meters, with a total height of 74 meters and a width of 81meters; Due to the strong impact of the current, the splashed water mist candiffuse for more than hundreds of meters, so that the stockade and markets onthe top of the cliff on the left side of the waterfall are often covered by thesplashed water mist. Visitors call it "silver rain sprinkles Golden Street".When the water is small in winter and spring, the waterfall will be divided intothree or five strands and hung down from the top of the bank. From a distance,the white curtain of water will float down like silk, fairys face and ladysraccoon.

For hundreds of years, the majestic appearance of Huangguoshu waterfall hasbeen marveled by many scholars. In the Qing Dynasty, Yan yinliang, a famouscalligrapher in Guizhou Province and the inscriber of the word "Summer Palace",wrote a couplet in "wangshuiting": "white water is like cotton, it doesnt needto bow and bounce to disperse. The magnificent scenery of Huangguoshu waterfallis vividly summarized.

Now we come to Rhinoceros Pool, where the waterfall falls. This pool isnamed after the legend that there is a rhinoceros hidden under the water. No onehas ever seen a rhinoceros, but the mystery of the pool is still deep. Anyonewho stops by the pool will think about it. If its 10 am or 4 pm on a sunny day,due to the refraction of the sun, you can also see the seven color rainbowrising from the deep pool through the rain and fog splashed by the impact of thewaterfall, which makes you feel majestic and gorgeous.

Why is this waterfall called Huangguoshu waterfall instead of otherwaterfalls? According to folklore, there is a tall Huangjue tree beside thewaterfall. According to the local accent, "Jue" and "Guo" have the samepronunciation, so people are used to call it Huangguoshu. This is a kind ofsaying. There is another saying. It is said that long ago, farmers near thewaterfall liked to grow yellow fruits. There was a large yellow orchard besidethe waterfall, so the waterfall was called Huangguoshu waterfall.

Compared with other famous waterfalls in the world, Huangguoshu waterfallis not as wide, deep and magnificent as Victoria waterfall in Africa, niagarawaterfall in North America and anher waterfall in Venezuela. However,Huangguoshu waterfall has its own peculiarities. It is the most popular andspectacular waterfall in karst areas in the world. This waterfall is like astrange magnet. It has a series of magnificent sceneries on the ground,underground, water and water. One of the most magical places is the cliffcorridor cave hidden half of the waterfall. Because of the climbing of vinesoutside the cave and the Pearl curtain hanging on the water, it is called "watercurtain cave". This is a unique sight that no other waterfall in the worldhas.

Ladies and gentlemen, "water curtain cave" has arrived. The water curtaincave is 134 meters long and consists of six windows, three Gudong springs andsix passageways. This is the scene of Shuiliandong in the large-scale TV seriesjourney to the West adapted from Chinese mythology. This is the first cavewindow, which is the lowest, only 40 meters away from the water surface ofRhinoceros Pool, but the cave window is the widest, more than 10 meters wide,located in the middle of the first and second waterfalls. When the water isheavy, the two waterfalls connect to form a curtain to seal all the cavewindows; when the water is small, it opens again and again, ranging from a fewmeters to more than 10 meters. Min likes a curtain that can be opened and closedat will. This is the second window. Its only about 4 meters away from the firstwindow. This is a quiet world, known as crystal palace. It is the heart of thewater curtain cave, 11 meters long, 9 meters high and 3 meters wide. There is aspring beside the road, clear and clean, and the water level is kept at the samelevel for a long time. There are many stalactites hanging on the top of thecave, and there are valuable curly stones on the straw stalactites. There arecountless stone curtains and stone curtains hanging on the wall of the cave.This is the third hole window. It protrudes outwards, much like a balcony. Thewindow is 1 meter high and 3 meters long. There is a guardrail outside. Visitorscan reach for the waterfall when standing behind the guardrail, so people callit "touch the waterfall platform".



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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. How was your sleep last night? Great.Im sorry for the late delivery of luggage last night. Because the luggage cartbroke down, we had to ask for another one. By the way, have you opened yourluggage? No wonder its sunny outside. Our tour guide often says, "the guestshave brought sunshine in their bags." I thank you for that. Well, lets get backto business. I have announced the schedule for breakfast. Today we go to the oldcity of the sea, that is, the location of Yu Garden and Yu Garden shoppingmalls.

Our car is driving on the Bund. On your left is the famous Huangpu River.Well be here later.

To save time, I would like to talk about Chinas gardens and Yu Gardenbefore I get to Yu Garden.

In China, gardens are divided into three categories: Royal Gardens, privategardens and temple gardens. Yu Garden belongs to private gardens. There are manyskills in Chinese garden, such as borrowing scenery, blocking scenery and so on.But they are all made up of four basic factors. The four factors are water,plants, architecture and rockery. Most of the private gardens are in the southof the Yangtze River, because there are many water sources and rocks suitablefor rockery. Yu Garden was built more than 400 years ago in the Ming Dynasty.The owner of the garden, whose surname is pan, is a senior official. He builtthe garden to please his parents and let them enjoy their old age. Therefore,the word "Yu" of Yu Garden takes the meaning of Yuyue. It is a pity that hisparents could finally see the death of Yu Garden. In the late Qing Dynasty, thepan family was weak, and their descendants sold the garden to local guilds.There is another reason why Yu Garden has become a place of interest. In 1853,an uprising broke out in Shanghai, and a hall in the garden was used as aheadquarters. Today Yu Garden is a must. So I suggest that we dont getseparated when we get there. Its better for us to stay together, OK?

This is the parking lot. In case someone gets separated, please rememberthat the last three digits of the train number are 121. I think its better notto do that. I will hold the little red flag, and you will all accompany Mr.Zhang to the rear of the hall. Are you ready? Lets go. Please pay attention toyour bike when you get off.



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Taizhou city is located in the central coast of Zhejiang Province, in themiddle of Chinas coastal zone. It has a land area of 9411 square kilometers, ashallow continental shelf area of 80000 square kilometers, and 691 islands ofmore than 500 square meters. It is adjacent to Ningbo and Shaoxing in the north,Jinhua and Lishui in the west, Wenzhou in the South and the East China Sea inthe East. Taizhou city is composed of Jiaojiang, Huangyan and Luqiao districts.It governs Linhai and Wenling counties and Yuhuan, Tiantai, Xianju and Sanmencounties.

Taizhou has a long history. Five thousand years ago, its ancestors livedand multiplied. Huipu township was established in the first emperor of QinDynasty, Huipu County in the second year of Shiyuan (85 BC) of Western HanDynasty, Linhai County in the second year of Wu Taiping of Three Kingdoms (257BC), and the fourth year of Wude of Tang Dynasty (620 BC)___ Taizhou was renamedHaizhou in 1949 and Taizhou in the following year. It was named after theTiantai Mountain in the territory. The name of Taizhou began from then on. Afterthe founding of new China, it was established as an administrative office. InAugust 1994, with the approval of the State Council, Taizhou Prefecture wasabolished and a prefecture level Taizhou city was established. The municipalgovernment is located in Jiaojiang District, a combined coastal city.

According to 20___ According to the fifth national population census in,Taizhou is a scattered area of ethnic minorities. There are 47 ethnic minoritiesin the city, with a total of 22700 people, accounting for 0.44% of the totalpopulation. There are Tujia, Miao, Dong, Buyi and Zhuang nationalities with morethan 1000 people.

Taizhou is close to the mountains and faces the sea, and its topographyinclines from west to East. Along the coast, there are many harbors and islands.There are various landforms in the territory, such as mountains, hills, basins,plains, bays and islands. Among them, mountains and hills account for two-thirdsof the land area, and the sea accounts for 8.5 times of the land area. There aremore than 700 rivers in the territory. Jiaojiang is the largest river and thethird largest river in Zhejiang, with a total length of 197.3 km.

With the approval of the Ministry of communications, Haimen port, Jiantiaoport and Damaiyu port, collectively known as Taizhou port, are moderninternational ports. 20___ In 1999, the throughput of Taizhou port was 13.977million tons.

Taizhou is rich in fishery resources, rich in large yellow croaker, smallyellow croaker and other dozens of economic fish and shrimp, swimming crab and alarge number of shellfish seafood.

Taizhous numerous harbors create an ideal place for the development andutilization of electric energy. At present, Taizhou Bay comprehensive energycommunity, which integrates thermal power, hydropower, nuclear power, tidalpower and wind power, has been initially completed. Taizhou Power Plant is thesecond largest power plant in the province. After the completion of TiantaiTongbai Pumped Storage Power Station, Sanmen Nuclear Power Station and HuanengYuhuan Power Station, Taizhou will become the largest energy base in EastChina.

Taizhou is a famous fruit base in China. Huangyan tangerine is famous forits long history. Yuhuan pomelo (Wendan) is one of the four famous pomelo in theworld, and has won the championship in Chinese pomelo category evaluation for 8consecutive years. Linhai seedless tangerine, Huangyan Dongkui Bayberry andXianju XianMei are famous at home and abroad. There are 11 brands of fruit wonthe title of high quality brand in Zhejiang Province.

Taizhous economy has maintained a good momentum of development. 2___ In,the citys GDP was 74.8 billion yuan, an increase of 11.9% over the previousyear, of which the added value of the primary industry was 9.2 billion yuan, anincrease of 4%; the added value of the secondary industry was 43.9 billion yuan,an increase of 12.8%; and the added value of the tertiary industry was 21.7billion yuan, an increase of 13.7%. The citys total financial revenue was 6.5billion yuan, an increase of 22.3%. Self operated exports totaled 1.54 billionUS dollars, an increase of 34.8%.

Taizhou is the birthplace of stock cooperative economy. In agriculturaleconomy, the planting area ratio of grain and non grain crops is 60:40. Thetotal amount of marine fishing and mariculture ranks first in the province.Industrial economy is the main body of Taizhou economy. Industrial pillarindustries include power and energy, auto parts, medicine and chemical industry,household appliances, plastic molds, clothing machinery, water pump valves, artsand crafts, emerging materials, shoes and clothing. Taizhou is an importantproduction base of fine chemicals, artificial crystals, industrial sewingmachines, antineoplastic drugs, body retention hormone and contraceptives,cephalosporins, refrigerators, pressure cookers, automobiles and motorcycles andtheir molds and accessories. "Qianjiang", "SUPOR", "Feiyue" and "Xingxing" arewell-known trademarks in China. "Star" refrigerator and "Shuanglu" airconditioner won the title of national inspection free commodity, and "Qianjiang"and "Haizheng" were listed in the top 520 in China. A total of 23 industrialproducts in Taizhou have won the title of famous brand products in ZhejiangProvince, and 24 of them rank first in terms of production and sales inChina.

Taizhou has been known as "famous mountains on the sea" since ancienttimes, with fantastic mountains, beautiful waters and beautiful scenery. Rich intourism resources, there are more than 60 natural and cultural landscapes. Ithas national famous historical and cultural city Linhai, national key scenicspots Tiantai Mountain and Shenxianju, national 4A tourist area ChangyuDongtian, provincial scenic spots Taozhu, Fangshan nansongyan, dachendao anddaludao marine parks, Guoqing temple in Tiantai County, Taizhou ancient city inLinhai City and Taozhu Anti Japanese ancient city.



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Dear friends

Hello everyone! After visiting the ancient city of Dali, we have apreliminary experience of the profound cultural landscape here. Now we go toenjoy Cangshan and Erhai Lake and enjoy the beauty of Dalis landscape.

First of all, we go to Erhai Park by yacht. Erhai Park, also known asTuanshan Park, is located in Tuanshan, 2km northeast of Xiaguan city. It facesErhai Lake in the north and Xieyang peak in the south of Cangshan Mountain inthe West. During the Nanzhao Kingdom, this was the kings deer garden. In 1976,it was newly established as a park, covering an area of more than 1600 mu. Thereare zoos and nursery flower beds on the mountain, and all kinds of famousflowers in Dali area are widely planted. It is a good place to rest andvisit.

Now the boat has arrived at the long seawall of Erhai Park. We leave theboat and go ashore. This is the coastal tourist area at the foot of Tuanshan. Weclimb up 270 stone steps and reach the top of the mountain. You can see that thepavilion with the cornice is Wanghai tower. Under the eaves, there is a plaque,which reads "yuer yincang", with gold characters on the black background,vigorous and elegant. It is the work of Wu Zuoren, a famous Chinese painter.Wanghai tower is a wonderful place to appreciate the "silver Cang of yuer". Youcan see the vast Erhai Lake in the East and the vast expanse of green water inthe West.

Dear friends, lets board the boat again and travel in Erhai Lake. Butfirst I want to introduce Cangshan. Previously, we were in Dali City, on theroad at the foot of Cangshan Mountain, and we didnt have a good view ofCangshan Mountain. Just as the ancients said, "I dont know the true face ofLushan Mountain, only because I am in the mountain"; in the Wanghai tower ofErhai Park, I can only see the end of Cangshan Mountain from a slantingperspective. Now, with the cruise going on, is Cangshan more real in our eyes?Some people say that Hengduan Mountain is like a giant arm, stretching southwardfrom Tibet Plateau, the "roof of the world", to Western Yunnan. Cangshan is abranch of Yunling, one of the worlds famous mountains.

Cangshan Mountain, also known as Diancangshan mountain, is named because ofits green color and white top. There are 19 peaks in Cangshan. The order of the19 peaks from north to south is yunnong, Canglang, Wutai, Lianhua, Baiyun,Heyun, Sanyang, Lanfeng, snowman, yingle, Guanyin, Zhonghe, Longquan, Yuju,Malong, Shengying, Fuding, Maer and Xieyang. Among the 19 peaks, Malong peak isthe highest, with an altitude of 4122 meters. There are 19 peaks in CangshanMountain, two peaks with a stream, a total of 18 streams; the stream flowseastward and flows into Erhai Lake, and the 18 streams are arranged from northto South: Xiayi, Wanhua, Yangxi, mangyong, Jinxi, Lingquan, Baishi, Shuangyuan,Yinxian, Meixi, Taoxi, Zhongxi, Lvyu, Longxi, Qingbi, mocan, tingpeng andYangnan.

Cangshan Mountain is famous for its snow, cloud, spring and stone. Let mefirst introduce the snow in Cangshan. Cangshan snow is the most famous sceneryin Dali. The snow covered Cangshan Mountain is full of praise from the literatiand the Mohists in the past dynasties, as well as folklore. Li Yuanyang, alitterateur of Ming Dynasty, once praised: "RI Li, Cangshan snow, Yaotai 19peaks".

Cangshans clouds are even more famous. Clouds gather and disperse,sometimes as light as smoke, sometimes as thick as ink. Among the changeableclouds, the most magical are "Wangfu cloud" and "Yudai cloud". The so-called"Wangfu cloud" means that every winter and spring, a lonely cloud often appearson the top of Cangshan Yuju peak, which is full of ambition, fluttering up anddown, looking forward and looking forward. The strange thing is that as soon asit appears, there will be a storm in Diancangshan, blowing towards Erhai Lake.The so-called "jade belt cloud" refers to that every time in the late summer andearly autumn, when it is sunny after rain, white clouds often appear in themid-19th peak of Cangshan Mountain. The clouds gather and slowly pull apart,just like a white jade belt across the green hillside. It stretches for tens ofmiles, but it never dissipates. Whats wonderful is that "jade belt cloud" canforetell a good harvest in agriculture: it appears many times, and it was ingood weather that year. The local Bai people have a farming proverb: "Cangshanis a jade belt, hungry dogs eat white rice.".

Cangshan spring is also very famous. There are many glacial moraines andlakes at the top of the 19th peak, which is more than 3800 meters above sealevel. These are left by Quaternary glaciers. There are also the streams of theeighteen streams, waterfalls and springs, which flow all the year round.Nourished by the pure and sweet spring water, Cangshan is full of vitality. Onthe Bank of the moraine lake, there are many primeval forests, many rare treesand exotic flowers. In particular, we should tell you that Cangshans flowershave long been famous, and it also makes Cangshan famous all over the world.American professor Luo Lancaster once said: "more than one million people in theUnited States know about Cangshan Mountain in Dali, Yunnan, China, because theyall grow many beautiful azaleas from Cangshan Mountain in Dali."

Cangshans stone is famous at home and abroad. Guo Moruo wrote a poem onmarble: "the three pagodas are high and ancient, thinking about Zhenguan year.Cangshan rhymes with wind and moon, and strange stones spit clouds and smoke.Phase in the heart, cool elbow armpit. Tiangong is the representative of humanresources, and overseas competition is precious. "

Cangshan breeds marble, which is the soul of Cangshan. This kind ofmagnificent stone is found in many parts of the world. Dudali is the mostbeautiful one, and it was founded early. Therefore, all these stones are called"marble" all over the world, and "Dali" is also famous for its stones.
