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My official figure art field is located in suzhou city. Art garden was built in Ming jiajing period, build drunken YingTang Yuan Zugeng, topic MenE "urban forest". Lasted for Wen Zhiming great-grandchild Wen Zhenmeng, TangMing nylon, YuanMing medicine field. Qing jiang 埰, renamed h nursery, also called JingTing mountain house, his son Jiang Shijie YuanMing easily as art field. After repeatedly. Light three or four years, Wu Xingceng Qi new. Light nineteen years, garden and silk industry fan, seven duct ccba, heavy repair. The garden between Ming dynasty and early qing keep landscapes and part of the building, is an important example of research history of landscape architecture.

Art field now covers an area of about 3800 square meters. House five into layout twists and turns, hall of primitive simplicity. Park in the west, pool center, accounts for about a quarter. Building more than in the north pool, fanaw rockery as main feature. Have liberal arts hall, delay light cabinet, jiyang valley book hall, thought to r, milk fish pavilion, thought eosinophilic hin, toward the great month gallery pavilion, vanilla, and rang the victory of the season.

Art field plane are slightly north and south long and narrow rectangle, north of the courtyard, is composed of the main hall of boya hall and waterside pavilion; Cut pool, the central area of about one mu for dominated the center, the surface concentration, southeast and southwest have water bay, on the structure low stone bridge. In addition to the north for the waterside pavilion revetment, the remaining pool shore flexor nature, while the pool surface from nearby for low small building is open, take nets garden. Fanaw stacking rockery, structure bridge pavilion, southwest a rear yard. ChiBeiAn five waterside pavilion, low floating in waves, both sides has a separate buildings. The elevation of all these buildings occupy the pool in the north, which are rare in the suzhou gardens. Stone angeles fanaw near water, followed by heap heaped-up mountains, mountain near water side wall lake stone with the dangerous path. Southwest hospital with wall, water diversion bay in the small pond, stone mountain also delay pulse at this point. Courtyard west hall, between two weeks column stone lake, cultivation of camellia, magnolia flower, see a new world. Pool pavilion, southeast of fish for traces of Ming dynasty. Next to its slow QuShiQiao that also belongs to the early days, is very precious.

Art field in the water, stone, unique combination of technique, determining the nature and tries to transcend the nature, is the Ming and qing dynasties suzhou generation gardening home the layout of the most commonly used techniques.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3288 字

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Dandongs original ecological landscape is well preserved, and its tourismresources are complete and abundant. In the north, there are many greenmountains, in the south, the winding Yalu river connects with the vast YellowSea. Bangshantai, the starting point of the Great Wall in the East, the riversea boundary stele in the north, the bullet marked Yalu River Bridge, the richethnic customs, and the river, mountain, lake, sea, forest, spring and rivermake up countless wonderful landscapes. As an excellent tourist city, Dandong isalso a hot tourist city in Liaoning Province and an important endpoint city ofthe "Golden Triangle" tourist city in Liaoning Province. Dandongs tourismresources can be expressed in five words, that is "man Chao Jiang Shan Lu". Letme give you a detailed interpretation of the connotation of these fivewords:

Manchu -- this is the birthplace of Manchu. Manchu folk customs are richand have penetrated into our daily life. You can enjoy the Manchu Customs onsome special occasions.

North Korea Dandong is directly adjacent to the Korean Peninsula. No matterthe Korean people living in Dandong or the Korean people on the other side,unique Korean customs can be seen everywhere. Maybe you come to Dandong for thefirst time. There are three kinds of signs on many stores. One is Chinese, theother is English, and the third is Korean. Dandong is a truly internationalcity.

River is the Yalu River. When you come to Dandong, if you dont look at theYalu River, you will come in vain. Whether you walk along the landscape road bythe Yalu River or take a boat tour of the Yalu River, you will appreciate thestatus of the Yalu River in the eyes of the people of Dandong. The Yalu Riverscenic area, with the Yalu River as the main axis, is 210 km long in Dandong. Itis along the mother river of Dandong City, carrying the brilliant development ofDandong City.

Mountain - Dandong is located in the hilly area of Eastern Liaoning, wheremany famous mountains and waters are created by the remaining veins of ChangbaiMountain. There are: Yalu River, qingshangou and Fenghuang mountain threenational key scenic spots; Baishilazi and Yalu River Estuary coastal wetland twonational nature reserves; tianqiaogou and Dagushan two national forest parks;Fenghuangshan mountain city, Yalu River broken bridge, Hushan great wall andother national key cultural relics protection units; It has a memorial hall forresisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea, a national patriotism education basefor the broken bridge of Yalu River, a forest park of Tianhua mountain, anatural volcano museum, and so on; Dalishu village, which is the "nationalagricultural tourism demonstration unit", has a total land area of 15000 squarekilometers, and 1500 square kilometers of various scenic spots, accounting for10% of the total land area. This proportion is the highest in the province andfar higher than the national average.

Green - Dandong has high green vegetation coverage, which is the highestvegetation coverage area in Liaoning Province and an important area forEcotourism in Liaoning Province. Whether in the six major scenic spots of YaluRiver scenic spot, or in qingshangou, Dalishu village, daludao and other places,the natural ecology has fulfilled peoples good desire to return to nature.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2040 字

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In the temple is located inside the righteous county, liaoning province,was built in the liao kaitai nine years (1020 AD) because there are seven Buddhainside plastic, commonly known as jinzhou.would again.

Served by the gate of the temple, memorial arch, the temple, the clockpavalion, pavilion, male temple, west temple palaces and other ancientbuildings, covers an area of 30000 square meters, is a grand, relatively intactancient temples. Big male temple is located in the northern tip of central axis,and face width between 9 and 55 meters long, deep 5, 33 meters wide, total 24meters, building area of 1800 square meters. It is not only the domestic liaodynasty remains one of the biggest wooden building, because of its big maletemple area is the largest scale, and a Chinese temple first Ursa major.

In the temple for male portraits of Buddha temple altar model has a set ofcolor, "over the past seven Buddha , tied together, the Buddhism is unique. TheBuddha tall, stately, and handsome, since one thousand, is still well preserved,the Buddhism has a special influence and popularity at home and abroad. Insidethe hall singer; thousandrous hooves across 14 honour threat shi bodhisattvalifelike; liao dynasty painting on the frame, flying; murals in the gable; stoneBuddha altar for machine, as same as the Buddha of ancient art treasures.Archaeological experts, artists as are the ultimate in art treasures, isbreathtaking. Due to the big male buildings of the temple and the temple remainsare extremely precious historical, scientific and artistic value, in the templeof the national treasures as early as 1961, was first published by the statecouncil as one of national key cultural relics protection units. After fiveyears of restoration began in 1984 and expansion, in the temple has become abeautiful environment, tourism service project is complete, the famous Chineseand foreign buddhist resort. Has been rated as" national famous scenic spotthree hundred ", "liaoning province five top ten scene", "top ten scene" ofjinzhou.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 8782 字

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1920xx年以前,珠海路曾是北海最繁华的商业街区,店铺鳞次栉比,中段的店铺主要经营来自苏杭的绸缎,东段的店铺主要经营鱿鱼、沙虫、虾米、鱼干等干海货,西段接近外沙港口,所有店铺全部经营缆绳、渔网、鱼钩、渔灯、风帆布、船钉等渔民用品。随着时间的推移,珠海路逐渐失去了昔日的繁华,除了稀稀落落还有屈指可数的几间店铺经营渔具外,其他店铺已几乎成为民居,街道建筑日渐老化,但由于珠海路尚算保存完整,仍被历史学家和建筑学家们誉为“近现代建筑年鉴”。 著名作家舒乙(老舍之子)认为,珠海路和新加坡国宝级的老街一模一样,建议我市保护好这条极具开发价值的老街。

英国建筑专家白瑞德先生认为,珠海路的历史文化价值,不但对北海意义,而且对华南地区、全中国、及至全世界都有意义。 加拿大蒙特利尔市市长皮埃尔.布尔克则建议北海向联合国教科文组织提出申请,将珠海路作为世界文化遗产来保护。只可惜此街已被破坏。











随着时间的推移,珠海路逐渐失去了昔日的繁华,除了稀稀落落还有屈指可数的几间店铺经营渔具外,其他店铺已几乎成为民居,街道建筑日渐老化,但由于珠海路尚算保存完整,仍被历史学家和建筑学家们誉为“近现代建筑年鉴”。 著名作家舒乙(老舍之子)认为,珠海路和新加坡国宝级的老街一模一样,建议我市保护好这条极具开发价值的老街。

英国建筑专家白瑞德先生认为,珠海路的历史文化价值,不但对北海意义,而且对华南地区、全中国、及至全世界都有意义。 加拿大蒙特利尔市市长皮埃尔.布尔克则建议北海向联合国教科文组织提出申请,将珠海路作为世界文化遗产来保护,只可惜此街已被破坏。


各位游客朋友,大家好!欢迎各位来到风景秀美,气候宜人,美食 成堆美女如云,帅哥成林的风景名胜景区北海,俗话说的好: “百年修 的同船渡, 千年修的共枕眠” 现在流行的说法呢就是百年修的同车行, 我们大家今天在同一辆车里可是百年才修来的缘分呐, 小周真是深感 荣幸啊,中国有句话说要活到老学到老,那来到了北海呢,首先我们 也要学习一下三个代表啊:第一:我谨代表北海人民对各位远道而来 的客人表示热烈的欢迎,第二:我谨代表商务旅游公司全体员工欢迎 大家参加本次快乐之旅,欢迎,欢迎,热烈欢迎。第三个代表呢是我 代表我本人和司机师傅,做个简单的介绍,我呢是来自商务旅游公司 的一名导游员,也是大家这次北海之行的地接导游,我的名字是周小 燕,大家可以叫我小周或者周导,只要让我知道你们是在叫我就可以 了啊。

那接下来呢我要为大家隆重的介绍一下在我们本次旅游中占有 绝对重要位置的人,那就是为我们保驾护航的司机师傅 x 师傅,我们 业内呢, 有这样的说法, 司机呢到了吉林是急开, 到了蒙古呢是猛开, 到了上海是胡开, 那有没有人能想到来了我们广西是怎么开啊?还是 我来接开谜底吧,我们广西的师傅呢,比较特殊,他们呢是在黑白两 道都能开,为什么这样说呢,那就要说到我们广西的气候了, “春有 百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雨” ,这就是我们广西的气候特征,四季 分明,春夏秋三季的道路呢一般是白色的,到了冬季一下雨,道路就 变成黑色了,所以呢我们的师傅是黑百两道都混的很熟的,所以大家 对我们这一天的行车安全呢尽可以放心了。

那现在呢我想请我们车上 的女士朋友呢,把你们的目光全部集中到我们师傅这里来,有这样一 个说法: 一等男人家外有家, 二等男人家外有花, 三等男人花中寻家, 四等男人下了班回家。呵呵,那大家看看我们师傅属于几等男人呢? 开动您的大脑,好好的想一想,哦,去掉一个错误答案,d,想我们 这样,师傅一出团就是 4、5 天是不可能下班就回家的啊。

师傅呢可 是一等一的好男人啊,为什么这样说呢,大家可别瞎想啊,我可没有 说我们师傅花心啊。那大家看看此时此刻为我们遮风挡雨的旅游车, 它呢就是我们师傅一个流动的家啊,当然师傅也很爱它,所以同学们 要爱好我们师傅的家哈,保持干净整洁。

那小周这里想考考到家, 大家知道师傅的特长是什么吗?同学们 有些说:“开车”!导游:不是,师傅的特长是三心二意!大家不要 奇怪,是哪三心二意呢。1 是开车小心 ,2 是对待客人耐心,3 是服 务大家热心。又是哪二意呢:1 是开起车来一心一意;2 是为各位美 女帅哥服务全心全意。

(最后我要送给大家一样东西,我要送给大家 7 千万,大家不要惊讶,就是 7 千万。。。。。。。)一、千万要注 意安全,二、千万要保管好自己的随身物品,三、千万要记得集合时 间,四、千万要记得集合地点,五、千万要集体行动不要单独行动, 六、记住我们的车牌号,还有老师的电话号码,7、大家一定要记得 以上六千万;现在我们都是千万富翁了,对吧。

相信同学们对我们今天北海旅游行程有一定的了解, 我们首先参 观的是北XX市标志南珠魂,它位于终年花团锦簇、芳草如茵的北部 湾广场, 由直径 30 米的喷水池、 高 15 米的巨型人工珠贝和群雕组成, 被誉为“广西第一城雕”,其设计者为四川美院院长叶毓山教授。

游完南珠魂呢我们将会漫步始建于 1883 年、长达近 1.5 公里的 北海老街,可以慢慢体会北海历史脚步。

体验完北海百年老街,我们可以不出国门,就可以一览世界第三代海 洋馆的壮丽海底景观,那就是海底世界,在这里,每天都会有多场精 彩刺激的水下表演等着您。



北海银滩西起侨港镇渔港,东至大冠沙,由西区、东区和海域沙滩区组成,东西绵延约24公里,海滩宽度在30——3000米之间,陆地面积12平方公里,总面积约38平方公里。面积超过大连、烟台、青岛、厦门和北戴河海滨浴场沙滩的总和,而平均坡度仅为0.05。 沙滩均由高品位的石英砂堆积而成,在阳光的照射下,洁白、细腻的沙滩会泛出银光,故称银滩,北海银滩以其“滩长平、沙细白、水温净、浪柔软、无鲨鱼”的特点,被誉为“天下第一滩”。



北海银滩北海银滩广西则以“北有桂林山水,南有北海银滩”而自豪。北海银滩度假区内的海域海水纯净,陆岸植被丰富,环境优雅宁静,空气格外清新。由于其具有“滩长平,沙细白,水温净,浪柔软,无鲨鱼。”的特点,可容纳国际上最大规模的沙滩运动娱乐项目和海上运动娱乐项目,是我国南方最理想的滨海浴场和海上运动场所。 北海银滩的沙质,均为高品位的石英砂,沙滩中二氧化硅(石英)的含量高达98%以上,为国内外所罕见,被专家称为“世界上难得的优良沙滩”。沙子晶莹洁白,掬一把在手里,如精盐一般。因为沙子细腻致密,游人在潮水刚退去的平坦宽阔的海滩漫步,甚至连脚印也



海水浴、海上运动、沙滩高尔夫、排球、足球等沙滩运动以及大型音乐喷泉观赏、旅游娱乐等是北海银滩旅游度假区的主要内容。 北海银滩度假区内的海域海水纯净,陆岸植被丰富,环境优雅宁静,空气格外清新。



公园内建一生态广场,造型独特,线条优美;花木繁茂, 北海涠洲岛[1]郁郁葱葱,建有30多幢具有滨海特色,风格各异的楼台阁宇;育曲折宛延伸展的林荫小道;有反映北海人精神风貌的大型雕塑——海恋;育独具南国风情的椰树林;还有供游客观赏娱乐的大空船、高空飞车、异国珍奇鸟类表演、越南民族风情表演、俄罗斯风情表演和海上跳伞等游乐表演项目,可欣赏精湛演出技艺,可搏击海面,亦可信步海堤,这里海天相连,海帆点点:波涛滚滚,白云朵朵,令人如入仙境,心旷神怡,留连忘返。







1920xx年1月初,接任的周昌荫专员,“因故未曾到任”,由当时驻北海的第十一师部副官林时清代行专员职权。不久周昌荫专员终于到任了,却在当年4月27日因贪污受贿被市民弹劾去职。 北海市政处成立仅两年多,先后共4位专员走马上任,其中有2位却是贪官污吏,这就很难扭转北海经济的被动局面了。









范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1412 字

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Hi, dear tourists, please come with me, you see this is the qin Terra Cotta Warriors, now scientists have unearthed three pits, although only three, but with a total area of nearly 20xx0 square meters! Equivalent to fifty basketball court, pit there are nearly eight thousand terracotta warriors, in these three pit, no. 1 pit is the largest, 230 meters long, north and south 62 meters wide, with a total area of 14260 square meters! The pit of the Terra Cotta Warriors is one of the most. There are about six thousand.

Tourists, tell you, the Terra Cotta Warriors is not only large scale, and various types, the personality is bright, let me introduce!!!!

Terracotta warriors average about 1.8 meters tall and powerfully built, they wear down with uniform, wear hard armor and weapons in hand, ready to go, youve said dont go far?

The general figurines is power! Burly, wearing a crown, wearing armor in brown, hand hold a sharp sword, head high head, chest, belly of battle-hardened a look will know that is! Actually the Terra Cotta Warriors type many, said also said not over. The Terra Cotta Warriors pit or PeiZangKeng qin shi huang Lin, 1974, a few archaeologists found in the east of the Terra Cotta Warriors pit, stir in China, shocked the world, is one of the 20th centurys greatest archaeological discovery.

And, finally remind you: dont throw GuaGuoPi, rubbish, plastic bags, the environmental pollution!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1997 字

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Hello, everyone. Welcome to Lushan. My name is Qiu. You can call me Qiuguide. Its a great honor to be your guide. Let me show you the charm of LushanMountain.

Lushan Mountain is located in the south of Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Provincein Central China, bordering on the Yangtze River and Panyang Lake in the north.The total area of the whole mountain forest is 302 square kilometers. It is longfrom north to South and narrow from east to west. There are more than 90 peaksin the whole mountain. The highest peak is dahanyang peak, 14734 meters abovesea level. There are many valleys, caves and streams scattered among the peaks,and the topography is complex. Lushan Mountain is famous for its wonderful,beautiful, dangerous and majestic scenery in the world. It has 12 scenic spots,37 scenic spots and 230 scenic spots. Lushan has long been a legend of the landof immortals.

Lushan Mountain is a famous mountain for thousands of years, whichintegrates Hill scenery, Wei Hua, religion, education and politics. It is thecradle of Chinese landscape poetry. Since ancient times, countless scholars havevisited Lushan Mountain, leaving more than 4000 poems and songs for them. Whenwe come to Donglin temple, I begin to introduce: Huiyuan, a famous monk of PudaiDynasty (334-416 A.D.), established Donglin temple in the mountains, created thePure Land Sect in Buddhism, and made Lushan an an important religious resort infeudal China. Bailudong academy, which remains today, is the central institutionof education in ancient China. The Mount Lu also features architecturalmasterpieces of various styles, including the Rome style and brothers stylechurches, the Byzantine architecture that combines the eastern and Western artforms, and the Japanese architecture and Islamic temple. Lushan Mountain notonly has beautiful natural scenery, but also has rich and splendid culturalconnotation. Then we swam the hero slope, the plant circle`

Tourists, todays tour is over. Thank you for visiting the worldheritage.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3655 字

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Three Lanes and Seven Alleys

Good morning everyone.

Welcome to fuzhou ,welcome to china.I am much honored to have chance to give all of you this trip-guiding of Three Lanes and Seven Alleys.My name is Lin Aiping, who is a tourguide from Fuzhou sunny day travel agency. The drive next to me is Mr.cheng ,who has more than ten year’s experience in driving, so he will makes our trip a safe and pleasant one. His bus number is 闽H123456.If you needs any help please don’t hesitate to let us know. We will try our best to serve you in the next few days. We really appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Fellow friends,three lanes and seven alleys is located at the centre of Fuzhou ,and the fuzhou is located at the centre of Fujian Province.At first,let me introduce Fujian province to you. Fujian lying in the southeastern coast of China and bordering Zhejiang , Jiangxi and Guangdong Province, As one of the earliest cities opening to the outside world in China, Fujian geographical conditon is superior.Beacause of the long history,beautiful scenery ,splendid culture and the close relationship with Chinese Taiwan and overseas Chinese,Fujian become a very special tourist area.The three lanes and seven alleys that we will tour next is one of the top ten unique tourism brand of Fujian.

Three lanes and seven alleys area is about 40 hectare,three lanes are Yijin Lane, Wenru Lane and Guanglu Lane. the Seven Alleys are Yangqiao Alley, Langguan Alley, Anmin Alley, Huangxiang Alley, Taxiang Alley, Gongxiang Alley and Jibi Alley.Three Lanes and Seven Alleys is the well preserved architectural complex of the Ming and Qing Dynasty. It has more than 200 ancient houses of ming and qing dynasty. As a famous ancient block, Three Lanes and Seven Alleys is an important symbol to show the long history of Fuzhou city. It enjoys a reputation of "the Museum of the buildings of the Ming and Qing Dynasty“. Look back the history ,you will find that many famous peopeo who contribute much to our coutry all lived here .Nowadays, some of the local people are still living here.today I will take you to the former residence of linjuemin and bingxin.

Fellow friends,this residence is an example of Qing dynasty architecture. Sitting west and facing east, it occupies a total area of 694㎡. It was the ancestral home of Lin Juemin,Linjuemin ,born in Fuzhou, was one of the seventy-two martyrs of Huang Huagang during Guangzhou uprising of the Revolution of 1911. when he decided to revolution for his country,his wife not bojected but supported him.look at the wall,this is his letter writted to his wife when he was in danger . This letter expressed his deep love to his wife which was so touching that it was handed down from generation to generation.

After his death, the house was sold to Xie Luan’en, Bingxin’s grandfather. Do you know who is bingxin?Bingxin was born in Changle. Her original name was Xie Wanying and her pen name is Bingxin. She was a renowned contemporary Chinese poet, writer, translator and author of children’s books.she has ever lived here when she was a child,which left a deep impression on her.she once said that her old home is in the south back street of fuzhou,where was always be in lightfair.Three Lanes and Seven Alleys is a a cradle of brilliant talents.take the residence for example,there is not only linjuemin and bingxin’ancestral home,but also the ancestral home of linhuiyin,who was known as the talented woman of one generation.

ok,today’s visit of the ancestral home of Lin Juemin has finished. Thank so much to your cooperation and collaboration. At last I hope that your visit will be a memorable experience. Thank you!



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Henan province is located in the middle of our country, the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, east is east longitude 110 ° 21 ~ 116 ° 39, north latitude 22 ° 23 ~ 36 ° 31 between, and ji, jin, shan, hubei, anhui, shandong province, adjacent to something about 580 km long, about 550 km north-south across it. The provinces land area 16.7 square kilometers, the 17th in different provinces in the country.

By the end of 20xx, the provincial jurisdiction over 17 municipalities, 1 was made, 21 county city, 48 municipal district, 89 counties, 2123 townships, 48000 administrative villages. Municipalities as: zhengzhou, kaifeng, luoyang, pingdingshan, anyang, hebi, xinxiang, jiaozuo, puyang, xuchang, luo river, sanmenxia, nanyang, shangqiu, the establishment of a region is: zhoukou, zhurnadian, Yang letter, made the city of jiyuan city.

At the end of 20xx in henan province total population of 95.55 million people, the first in the nation, the population density is 572 people/km2. As of 20xx, the province han, constituting 98.78% of the total population in addition to the han, hui, Mongolian, manchu, tujia, zhuang, uygur, miao, such as 50 ethnic minorities, accounting for 1.22% of the total population in the province.

Henan province is one of the main birthplace of the Chinese nation. Wuhuatianbao, talents, talents and heroes. As far back as four thousand years ago the neolithic age, The original people created the famous "PeiLiGang culture", "yangshao culture" and "longshan culture". Here has spawned a thinker in ancient China, Li Er, zhuangzi, politicians shang, Reese, scientist zhang heng, medical sage zhang zhongjing, writer han yu, philosopher, IQ, cheng cheng, a national hero yue fei and general ji hongchang, jing-yu Yang, Peng Xuefeng, deng yingchao historical figures such as more than 1000 people. In the long history of China, henan in Chinas political, military, economic, cultural always occupy the important position. Successively with 20 dynasty capital or capital company in henan, Chinas seven ancient capitals of henan will have three (luoyang, kaifeng and anyang).

In henan this land, ever staged scenes historical drama, such as Lawrence w. zhou felling, duke of camp lo, spring and autumn period, warring states sought hegemony between feudal lords, liu xiang confrontation, light Wu Liuxiu xing han, cao Wei Zhongyuan hero, sui end watts riots, song taizu chenqiao mutiny, YueFeiKang gold bloody battle, li zhongyuan a bloody battle, hankou-beijing "erqi" storm, liu Deng Dajun into the central plains, etc. The changing of history, is in the left deep traces the central plains of China.

In zhongzhou earth, a world-famous scenic spots and historical sites, majestic mountains rivers, climate pleasant summer resort, a long history of ancient culture, magnificent ancient buildings, precious rare historical relics, singular diversiform flowers beast, rich and colorful culture, colorful customs rich tourism resources, etc. From the point of Chinas seven ancient capitals, possession of luoyang, kaifeng and anyang, henan three. Ancient (out), river (Yellow River), boxing, shaolin martial arts, tai chi), root (roots find ancestors), flower (luoyang peony) as the characteristics of tourism resources, is a big advantage in the development of henan tourism industry. Henan available for viewing, tourism scenic area, there are more than 100 spots.

Key scenic area, a total of 25 in the province, of which the national key protection area 5: the songshan dengfeng, jiyuan, luoyang longmen, xinyang jigongshan wangwu mountain and jiaozuo yuntai mountain, provincial shiren mountain, green valley, the heart of the Yellow River, etc. 20. 23 in nature reserve. Henan cultural relics in the country one of the first underground, the cultural relics in the country. Museum collection more than millions of pieces, about 1/8 of the country. Province there are national key protected cultural relics, 30, 253, in the protection of cultural relics at the provincial level city, more than 2600 county-level protection of cultural relics. Rich and colorful tourism resources for the development of henan tourism provides a unique condition. Especially on November 30, 20xx, henan luoyang longmen grottoes on the world heritage list, has opened the door a henan towards the world, to expand the influence of henan in the world. Henan luoyang as an international tourism will be a point of gold, gold thread to attract foreign tourists.



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Dear friends, my friends, everybody is good, very welcome to the three gorges dam, I am the guide from everyone, my name is pan, you just call me pan.

First of all, lets say our three gorges project.

The three gorges project is a Chinese civil break of wisdom and sweat to create great project. It built around the lift force of the world, with is that the presence of each elder, you all made for its contribution, it is our pride!

Then we will go to the best of the three gorges dam observation - TanZiLing observation deck. When you go up to pay attention to safety. Standing on the TanZiLing, pinglan overlook, high pinghu is just around the corner. Standing in the three gorges dam, such as the dragon hengjiang, connected to the mountains and the coast, very spectacular.

Because of the three gorges reservoir is a canyon river reservoir, the dam lake not ten separate kuo. Standing on the TanZiLing can see the lake to disappear within a few kilometers away to the canyon, is far from province Yang, dongting immense and magnificent. But it is hidden breathtaking grandeur, because our eyes that wang river in Ming is human conquest of the worlds third largest river, is the dream of ones community in one hundred. I believe that everyone present a predecessor can probably read this kind of beauty, because it belongs to the Chinese community in big grandeur, it is rise of the Chinese community in the great symbol of a new era.

Ok, I will be over, the interpretation of the next we can visit freely, the three gorges, we 11 exhibition GuanMen collection, thank you.



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Yuanmingyuan was first given the emperor kangxi emperor four children zhen(namely later became the yongzheng emperor) garden. After kangxi reign in 1707,1957 namely the garden has already begun to take shape. In November, emperorkangxi had visit yuanmingyuan touring. Yongzheng emperor throne in 1723 years,expand the original give groves and co-using in park south the legitimate templeand the often main hall and cabinet, six, be the value, royal to "avoid room ofanti-smoking activists". Baiken Emperor qianlong of yuanmingyuan in 60 years,all day, right, fix China heaped FeiYin million move stone, water. He inaddition to local building, rebuilding yuanmingyuan outside, and in tight eastneighbour new-built changchun garden, in southeast adjacent into adas springpark. To qianlong thirty-five years namely 1770, the pattern of three parks yuanMing basically formed. For the main jiaqing programme for repairs and adasspring park, make it become one of the main YuanJu places. Light toward, statedeclines, insufficient resources, but rather WanShou, fragrant hill, YuQuanwithdrawal "three mountain" display, summer and jehol ", still not to abandonthe mulan hunting three yuan Ming rebuilding and decoration. Garden.

Yuanmingyuan is artificially created the magnificent, at a scale of largegarden scenery. Daniel flat rockery garden buildings, water, refined wide planttrees flower. Hill, twists and turns in staccato water and sung, curve gallery,chau island, bridge, will be broad levees space divided into size more than 100landscape encircle, interest in different scenery group. Park surface accountedfor about three garden area, in four tenths of a flat-surface artificiallydigging by water, medium and the flow of periodical entangles for a completeseries of river water lakes. Park and compose fold have greatly small 250, andcould be combined with water, water for water turn, mountain mountain live,constitute the mountain after water transfer, folds of garden space. Make wholegarden like the jiangnan YanShui blurred, it was really a feast: is for thepeople do, wan since opening day.

Yuanmingyuan reflected ancient Chinese gardening art essence, was the mostoutstanding a large garden. The emperor said it: "real dead mecca of spirit,emperor and land area, without more than this to swim." But in world garden inarchitectural history also occupies an important position. Its fame spread toEurope, known as "million the garden of." garden France the maisonde Victor Hugoin 1861) have such assessment: "you just imagine that is an makes popularfeeling appealing, as the moon as buildings, castle fertilizing (refers toyuanmingyuan) is such a building." People often say: Greece have pat farmingtemple, Egypt have pyramids, Rome had a Summer Palace, Oriental collosieum. ""this is a stunning incomparable masterpiece".



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1991 字

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Lanzhou is the only city in the Yellow River basin where the Yellow Riverpasses through the city. The city is close to mountains and rivers, and themountains are still, forming a unique urban landscape. In order to highlight thecharacteristics of a city with mountains and waters, the comprehensivedevelopment project of the north and South Mountains environmental greening andthe Yellow River style tourism line is being accelerated. The construction ofroads and bridges on both sides of the urban section of the Yellow River, theconstruction and reinforcement of river embankments, the dredging of shippingrivers, the development of tourist attractions, the style of urban architectureand the greening, beautification and lighting are integrated, and the Silk Roadculture, the Yellow River culture and the national culture are integrated Its acollection.

The Yellow River not only nurtures the people of Lanzhou, but also bringsrich specialties here. Melons and fruits such as brandy melon, soft pear,Dongguo pear and peach are well-known for a long time. Local products such aslily, black melon seeds, rose, bracken and hookah are well-known at home andabroad, making Lanzhou a famous melon and fruit city at home and abroad.

Lanzhou is an important town on the ancient Silk Road. As early as 5000years ago, human beings lived here. In the Western Han Dynasty, the countygovernment was established, which was named Jincheng by the meaning of "JinchengTangchi". At the beginning of the Sui Dynasty, it was changed into the generalmanagers office of Lanzhou, which was called Lanzhou. The ancient Silk Road hasalso left many places of interest and splendid culture here, attracting a largenumber of Chinese and foreign tourists to come for sightseeing and tourism,making Lanzhou the center of the Silk Road grand tourist area, which spans 20__kilometers and connects Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, Tianshui Maiji Mountain,Yongjing Bingling temple, Xiahe Labrang temple and other famous scenicspots.



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Distinguished visitors:

How do you do! Im very happy to do your guide, my name is Liu Hui, you have to do is call me lu. This time we will visit is the Great Wall is famous all over the world. During the visit, please dont litter, dont graffito of the scribble on the wall, thank you for your cooperation!

Now we take the cable car to the foot of badaling, began to climb the Great Wall. With steep mountain, the Great Wall winding, its like a living jinlong lie on it. From a distance, it is between the mountains winding, let me tell you, the Great Wall has more than thirteen thousand long, so they are known as the Great Wall. Look at far away from the beacon tower, white mist is like the beacon tower to put on a fine gauze, just like a picture full of poetry and song meaning, make we revel in it.

Standing on the Great Wall, holding the stone on the wall, stepping foot square brick, we felt the working people of hard and tired to build Great Wall, look at these countless stone, a two or three one thousand jins weight, then without any tools, rely on countless hands and countless up the shoulder, it is conceivable that how hard they are! You will find that, in a square hole in the wall, is actually used to shot the enemy. Rows of buttress, every three hundred meters, there is a square ChengTai, is the bulwark of station troops and war can mutual echo. Do you think we walk in the road is very wide, WuLiuPi horse can also parallel!

We climb ah climb, finally climbed up the highest peak bawcock slope. We all are stretched his arms and breathe the fresh air, tourists often can not help but praise: "how beautiful motherland pieces!"

The Great Wall is China the crystallization of the wisdom of working people, or the soul of Chinese sons and daughters. Lets go to protect it, enjoy it. I wish you all have a good time!



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Everybody is good! I am the "dunhuang tour guide, my name is xiao, people call me xiao guide. Today, I will take you to visit all of dunhuang mogao grottoes. Chinas three major grottoes, the mogao grottoes is digging at the earliest, continuation of the longest, largest and most abundant content of the group. In the cultural history of the world also has precious value. "Human culture treasure", "image history museum", "the world gallery," said.

Now I enter the caves to visit, first we went to visit a famous "published". This cave is located in the system engineering, caves, on the north side of the aisle number 17 wat, caves were during the late tang dynasty monk hong "shadow wat" of hexi is, the fact that there are inscriptions carry. One day in May 1900, management of the mogao grottoes of Taoist Wang Yuanlu in an accidental opportunity, opened the secret "published" over the years, these valuable cultural relics finally rediscovered, but the foolishness of corruption of the qing dynasty and Wang Yuanlu make these precious cultural relics by imperialists unscrupulous plundering and taken. Tsarist Russia in 1905, Mr Lu, came to the mogao grottoes, in six packages daily necessities for bait, defraud a batch of cultural relics. In 1907, the British stein, only use dozens of pieces of silver water chestnuts, rob took about more than ten thousand volumes, as well as Buddhism embroidery and painting more than five hundred, courtesy of the British museum; In 1908 the French pelliot stole more than six thousand cultural relics, now hidden in Paris, the French national library and the museum. In October 1911, the Japanese otani light ray of the expedition yoshikawa small ichiro stole more than nine hundred volumes and orange red. Until 1910, the qing government will be more than looted relics to Beijing, in Beijing library. During transit and transported to Beijing after many relics stolen, damage, loss, is one of the most difficult to measure in Chinese rubbings. "Published" find these documents written content including religious classics and a variety of the instrument, it involves many disciplines, is the study of ancient religious, political, economic, military and culture of the important information, after decades of research, scholars both at home and abroad to creat a new popular subject, dunhuang studies.

So why when is published, sealed? A say: at the beginning of the 11th century, when xixia invasion, dunhuang hidden in order to protect the classic; A say: no, but cant discarded sacred scripture stored; Say again: in order to prevent damage and hidden muslims. Later to collect these classic monk, fled, the secularization of secularization, dead dead. Until we found the cave at the turn of the century, no one knows anything about it.

Below 328 wat, I take you to visit the caves of the exciting part of statue, before enter the caves, is painted sculpture to introduce general situation for everyone. The mogao grottoes colorful plastic round plastic, plastic, plastic film, etc. The shortage of the small surplus ", the biggest 34.5 meters high, is the worlds fourth Buddha. General statue is made from wood step-stone, tangle on straw, straw, reed, linen, silk, etc., and then use a special glue plastic coated, plastic sculpture, color painting on the final. Statues are mainly four categories: (1) the figure of Buddha, Buddha, maitreya, the medicine guru Buddha, amitabha, and iii, vii Buddha; (2) the bodhisattva as, including guanyin, manjusri, samantabhadra and make offerings to the bodhisattva, etc.; (3) the disciple like, including kasyapa, difficult; (4) god like, including pop, guinness, lohan, etc., there are some ghosts and gods and god beast, animal figures. Because of the different production s style is completely different, especially the wei jin southern and northern dynasties period of the "show bone like", "tsao water" and "wu zone when the wind" of the tang dynasty style, fully embodies the masters of the art extraordinary imagination and thinking.

Sculpture is the main part of the cave, a combination of 2 to 1 Buddha bodhisattva, the thin thick and gradually evolved and post. Since the sui, tang there was a shop portraits of seven or nine of the body, also appeared a large statues, such as 148 wat, wat, and 158 of more than two at 16 meters of nirvana

The interpretation of how time flies, I finished. The following please free activities. Before the activity, I am still an old saying goes: please protect the environment, cherish every inch of the land of the mogao grottoes. She is not only a showplace, still the pride of our China! Ok, come to here to 12 o clock. We are going to have lunch at the hotel.



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Dear friends: passenger

Heuo! My name is Hou Xiang, I am your tour guide at this time. Today, I lead you to the world civilization world-beating badaling Great Wall tour. I hope you have a good viewing the ancestors left us scenic spot and historic resort!

You see, we are now at the foot of badaling. Everyone looked up, badaling Great Wall is very much like a dragon? Between the mountains circled crept. To tell you that this period of the Great Wall is thirteen thousand li. Here we see again, can find the Great Wall is divided into west, north, two peak, magnificent scenery, just like dragons rising and prosperous one. If you want to see the Great Wall scenery, go up and view it for you.

Tourists friends! We finally came to the famous badaling Great Wall, is really spectacular! The badaling Great Wall tall, solid, is made of stone and ChengZhuan. Ground upper berth square brick, very smooth, like the road is very wide, wide width, so if the horse stood above, WuLiuPi horse can be hand in hand, we now have a try, arms extended, some can account for more than ten people.

Good, we go forward again, we look at, walked on the wall is two meters high buttress, the mouth of the buttress on the square, this is war outlook, and shot mouth. On the top of the wall, every three hundred meters there is a square ChengTai, this is the ancient fortress of station troops. War, between the pile caps can mutual echo.

Badaling Great Wall there is a lot of beautiful scenery, here is the civilization of the world tourist attractions, hope you can carefully touring!



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Changshu city in jiangsu province is located in the Chinese economy most developed Yangtze river delta, the conjugate of the Yangtze river golden waterway of the throat, adjacent to Chinas biggest economic center of Shanghai, and in the arms of suzhou, wuxi, nantong and other large and medium-sized cities, has a unique geographical advantage. Changshu the amphibious transportation is convenient, in highway. 204 national highway running through the territory, Su Chang line connecting shanghai-nanjing expressway. Suzhou-jiaxing-hangzhou expressway, coastal expressway in construction and planning of the railway, sutong bridge along the river in the intersection, changshu has become an important transport hub in east China. Changshu is located in the Yangtze river delta development zone along the Yangtze river, east on Shanghai, south suzhou, wuxi west, north near the Yangtze river and nantong across the river. The citys total area of 1164 square kilometers and a population of 1.039 million, with 24 towns and yushan mountain forest farm. Within the territory of flat terrain, the climate is mild, the good crop weather, because the harvest year after year the name "changshu", known as "jiangnan land of fish and rice" reputation. Is the national famous historical and cultural city, changshu, after five thousand years of civilization developed leather, culture developed, talents and heroes. Far a xing wu culture and education, the pioneers of the hole door "one of the ten zhe" south "master" suppress and nearly have qing dynasties royal preceptor, prime minister weng dowa etc. A large number of famous historical figures.

From tang dynasty to qing dynasty, a total of nine prime minister, eight champions, 483 jinshi. When modern, members (department members), changshu 18, including li qiang, wang kan-chang, gwong dau cheung, Zhang Qinglian such as a well-known scientist. History to changshu left plenty of humanities landscape, listed in the national taihu lake scenic area of yushan mountain national forest park, the monk, shajiabang scenic area, make changshu is famous at home and abroad of tourist attraction. "Seven streams is sea water, green hill half into the city" human natural landscape, changshu has created a unique amorous feelings. In 1997, was the provincial government named the provincial garden city, in 1999, changshu smoothly through the national sanitary city assessment. Changshu is a by the well-off towards basic modernization of cities. Since the reform and opening, changshu make full use of its own location advantages and cultural advantages, carry forward the "unity, hard, realistic and innovative" spirit of changshu, hard work, pioneering spirit, economic and social undertakings have made substantial progress, comprehensive strength enhanced obviously, the sixth year in a row to keep the national "top ten god of wealth county" title, the "national comprehensive strength counties (city)", "national science and technology counties (city)".

20xx 25.8 billion yuan GDP, gross industrial output value 45 billion yuan, the total import and export of $1.561 billion, total retail sales of social consumer goods 6.87 billion yuan, fiscal revenue was 2.436 billion yuan. The whole city economy and various social undertakings maintained a healthy development momentum. Developed economy, science and education progress, market prosperity and social stability of the new changshu is moving toward modernization basic target stride forward. Changshu convenient traffic, only an hour away from Shanghai hongqiao airport. Telecommunications has Cheng Konghua full implementation, is the first population of more than millions of telephone city in jiangsu province. Colleges and universities in the city has 2, 1 national demonstration high school, vocational school 2, 7 provincial key middle school. Changshu is a national "spark technology concentration areas," top ten patent counties (city), in the "national science and technology comprehensive strength counties (city)".



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Dear visitors, everybody is good! Welcome to dujiangyan city sightseeing. Today, I have the honor to serve as your guide. Now please follow me. Please note: please dont litter, trample on flowers and plants, after go in spit everywhere. Thank you very much!

Building early weir, the dujiangyan named Jian which ", The Three Kingdoms period called "float weir," famous "golden dam", called "Jian tail dam" in the tang dynasty, the song dynasty, the name "dujiangyan".

Now you please get off the bus, and follow me, front is FuLong view. FuLong view is where the legend conquer nie bing dragon, now for the bing, bing existing stone and fly Long Ding FuLong view. Now, please visit FuLong view, collection here in half an hour.

Please come with me, this is the calm bridge, also known as husband and wife bridge, is one of the five big bridge in ancient China, was built in the song dynasty, was destroyed by fire, the 17th century reconstruction in qing dynasty, and now the bamboo SuoGaiCheng wire, wooden stakes to concrete pile. Just a bridge, it is called "pearl pont Louis philippe," the song dynasty was renamed the "evaluation of bridge", until the rebuilt in the qing dynasty, was renamed the "peaceful bridge".

Please tell me on the bridge, looked down, the river bed has four lie iron, respectively is the Ming dynasty wanli, dajing three years, four years, buried under 16 years of the republic of China and 1994 from the pile of the park have their reproductions exhibition.

Now you can free activities, can go to visit from the pile of park, YaoWangMiao, two Kings temple, 5 PM is all set at the gate of the scenic spot.



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Changsha, though not nearly as prosperous Hong Kong than atmosphere in Beijing, but still has her own beauty.

Changsha is a beautiful place, there are beautiful as pavilion, love late pavilion. At night, lights, like the stars in the sky, twinkle.

Changsha charactizing a fine spring, spring breeze blow gently. Sunshine in March, the flower is gorgeous. The flower azalea is indescribable.

Summer, known as the "four big stove" one of changsha is hot. Cicada hot straight called "cicadas, cicada," dog hot tongue, floppy chicken wings. No matter how the weather during the day, children come out to play, so they had a hot, cant help but to the sun.

Autumn, the leaves fall, the fruit is ripe, the farmer uncle smile red in the face. The wild goose south, ants and squirrels have in preparation for winter food.

Winter, heavy snow, the children can be happy, because you can snowball fights, make a snowman! Leaves a also have no, many small animals also for the winter. The children are in the warm home looking at the beautiful snow...

Changsha year the four seasons scenery attractive, no matter day or night, she is always a kind face.

Changsha snack is to let a person dazzling, stinky tofu, bean jelly, roast sweet potato, onion cakes, taste shrimp, sucking screw... Is numerous, even the saliva all cant help flow down.

Changsha tourist resort also has a lot of, such as: taiping street, small Simon, as pavilion, baisha ancient, yuelu academy, and so on some places of interest. But they speak well "nobodys perfect, gold without gather" changsha ointment is loop mirror is not good, can see garbage everywhere, air is polluted by a lot.

Changsha is our common home, when I grow up must see her construction better, become a more attractive city.



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Hello everyone, I am your tour guide, you can call me Chen. Today we are going to visit the place is famous as a "long" - the Great Wall in Beijing.

The Great Wall is one of nine kinds of cultural heritage in our country, it has a long history.

The Great Wall is built with persistence of millions of working people, how selfish when qin shihuang, unexpectedly with themselves, regardless of others. At that time no excavators, cranes and bulldozers, how much the sweat and wisdom of the working people to condense into the former does not see the end, after the head of the Great Wall.

Overlooking the Great Wall, it looks like a dragon. It in 13000, built on the badaling, and tall, and strong. Starting from Beijing, 100 meters to came to the foot of the Great Wall. Every 300 meters there is a fortress, is concave and convex shape. The walls covered with rows of buttress, very fit.

Under the Great Wall special capacious, can accommodate a car! The Great Wall of tourists crowd life every day.

Another views is the Great Wall at the foot of the Great Wall and maturity of trees, standing on the Great Wall, can make a person enchanted in the view of the green?

A visit to the end of today, please go home by bus.



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王府是北京规模最大、保存最完整的清代王府,位于什刹海西北角,前海西街17号,现为全国重点文物保护单位。恭王府始建于十八世纪末,早期为乾隆年间大学士和珅宅第,嘉庆四年(公元1799年)和珅获罪,宅第被没收赐与庆郡王,咸丰元年 (公元1851年)改赐给恭亲王爱新觉罗·奕?。

















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Dear visitors, now we have come to is known as "the pearl of the bohai sea BaYuJuan, yalong bay in north China" title BaYuJuan area, it is in the south of yingkou city, namely, yingkou economic and technological development zone, is a national economic and technological development zone. Chinas coastal port of yinkou, one of the top ten ports located here, is the northeast hinterland recently, the most convenient sea route. Yingkou city BaYuJuan area, also known as yingkou economic and technological development zone (two sign an agency) is located in the bohai bay northeast coast 67 kilometers away from downtown. Covers an area of 268 square kilometers, the resident population of 431000 (20xx) here, the depth, pleasant climate, with excellent geographical location and good natural environment.

There is also a myth and legend story: according to legend a long time ago, BaYuJuan was a small fishing village, crescent-shaped coast is not like this, but almost in a straight line. Legend has it that a later when fishing, met a sea breeze, turn the boat; At first, it avoid water in his mouth, and then a mouth, avoid water went off to nowhere. Epigenetic beg for Spanish mackerel princess, the princess is very like the epigenetic the flute, then said: "you gave me the flute."

Later a promise: "good! I guarantee that August 15 that day, with the flute to wait for you in the sea." Epigenetic back out, Spanish mackerel princess hid in his garden; Then shout to all the sisters, for later coming troops in the bohai sea, looking for the lost from the water. After August 15, the flute, attached to a song to blow a tune. Again after a while, this is only the flute will send Spanish mackerel princess, never blow again, he was reluctant to go. Epigenetic was blowing excitedly, a neighbors old fisherman, suddenly pleasantly surprised to shouted: "later, you come to see, visit." Epigenetic along fisherman fingers into the sea, but the impending, full of Spanish mackerel back the sea, a crowded a black mass, dry pressing, each one is toward the shore with a round mouth, probably is pleased to sing as the flute, because Spanish mackerel princess is going to get the flute for a while. Old fisherman, however, to persuade the epigenetic, way: "you give them the flute, they just dont run away, later, you dont give ah!" Say that finish turned away. Time is up, Spanish mackerel and other epigenetic princess came to pay the flute, but later not to come; Time passed, the princess still later came to hand in the flute, but still didnt come over later. Princess, later have no the meaning of the flute, a signal back to all the sisters, followed by a much long vilifying epigenetic promises.

Epigenetic with flute, turned on his way home. Spanish mackerel, nasty eyes only listened to the princess commanded, "tickle, tickle, tickle" millions of Spanish mackerel devour coast together, want to catch up later, swallow up later. However, despite the coast on to a big, become a crescent bay, lying on the waters edge a get a Spanish mackerel, form for more than half a circle. After the old fisherman left in the boat, speak Spanish mackerel posterior off the net, want to send a big fortune from thought fish much strength, and in a huff, a hard, bring the network to run, drag the boat to turn over, old fisherman drowned. BaYuJuan area is located in warm temperate zone, winter without cold, summer without heat, mild climate. The city 96 km long coastline, the waves slow beach flat, clean sand, water is a natural bathing beach and water, is known as the "golden beach" rare at home and abroad.

BaYuJuan is the famous scenic spot Xiong Yue arboretum, Xiong Yue arboretum is the botanical garden in percent, the earliest and most complete introduction north tree species, the influence of specimen garden trees at home and abroad, known as "Asian pocket specimen garden. A garden flowers trees, various, depressive shade combination would be all empty, has the feeling of returning to nature.

Now I will take you on a tour of this beautiful city.
