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澳门虽然很小——转个身子、几步腾挪,从一座教堂就来到了另一座寺庙;稍微执着一些,在古旧的街道中穿行,没有多少光景,却又发现回到了起点。可是出名的景点可多了,澳门最有特色的当然是赌场啦!可惜小孩不能进去。我们住的酒店在渔人码头里面,叫莱斯酒店 ,莱斯酒店是一所优雅的英式酒店,悄悄地座落于澳门渔人码头的海角上,散发着幽幽典雅的气息……莱斯酒店——体验维多利亚时代之魅力!

晚上,我们在渔人码头的非洲村里共享自助晚餐, (内设南非烧烤主题餐厅),里面的食物好吃极了!噢,忘记给你们介绍渔人码头了,渔人码头有不同国家的建筑,也有不同国家的人来参观,它不是单一的娱乐场所,更是一个综合性的逍遥宫。此处特色商铺林立,更有兰桂坊式的、欧式的餐厅酒吧。稍后还有赌场、酒店落成,将不同的元素综合于一体,像一座小城市。单是逛逛,一两小时也嫌不够。加上每天24小时免费入场的全天候运作,吃喝玩乐男女老幼各适其便。

第二天,我们去了新马路 ,这条马路的正式名称是亚美打利庇卢大马路,但澳门市民称它为新马路,是市区的主要街道,处处可见土生葡人的生活痕迹。






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广东是岭南文化的重要传承地,在语言、风俗、生活习惯和历史文化等方面都有着独特风格。广东也是目前中国人口最多的省份。 下面是小编收集整理的精选5篇广东著名景点导游词,欢迎借鉴参考。






各位游客,,下面我们来到的是世界之窗..首先先由我简单介绍一下世界之窗的微缩景观,,它位于深圳湾湖畔1994年6月建成开放....世界之窗占地48平方米作为弘扬世界文化的大型文化景区....由130个名著组成 .集自然风光.自然民俗,,历史遗迹..以及大型高科技参与项目..为您呈现个美妙的世界..

景区是按地域结构和浏览内容划分8个景区.分为世界广场,欧洲,亚洲, 大洋洲,,美洲...世界雕塑园和园际街八个区域..世界广场是一个108个意蕴深远,的廊柱..直冲云霄的喷泉,,,神秘庄严的金字塔,,,壮观的尼亚加拉瀑布..营造异国风情,,按1;1;到1;100不同的比仿造...

世界之窗的标志建筑是法国埃菲尔铁塔,,,高108米.从电梯上上去可以观看整个深圳的风光,,东南亚风光, 非洲居民,,印第安居民等独特魅力..展示不同民族的智慧..科罗拉多大夹谷探险漂流...阿尔卑斯的滑雪,充分体现的冒险刺激..

















丹霞山座落于仁化县城南约9公里处,距韶关市区56公里。丹霞山与南海罗浮山、博罗罗浮山、肇庆鼎湖山并列为广东四大名山,1988年被国务院定为国家级风景名胜区。全山均为红色砂砾岩,远眺全山,“色如渥丹,灿若明霞”,因而又有人称之为“红石花园”。它的地质岩层是由碎屑红岩,砾石岩和粉状沙岩所组成,含有钙质,氧化铁和少量石膏,呈丹红色,是砂岩地势的代表。这种地形和福建的武夷山、韶关的金鸡岭等同属丹霞地貌。丹霞山古称烧木佛旧地,又称长老寨。据《广东省通志》记载,丹霞山在残唐五代时期已有佛教居士法云在山上之锦石岩憩息,至南宁时期,有僧伽构造堂室,供奉佛像。明代末年(公元1645 年),虔州巡抚李永茂、李充茂兄弟来山经营,开凿石阶修筑关门,建造房舍,作为隐居之所,并更名为丹霞山。

丹霞山主峰海拔409米,它与众多名山相比远不算高,也不算大,但它集黄山之奇、华山之险、桂林之秀一身,具有一险、二奇、三美的特点。风景区划分为上、中、下三层以及锦江风景区、翔龙湖和有被誉为天下第一奇景的阳元山,上层是三峰耸峙;中层以别传寺为主体;下层以锦石岩为中心。三百多年前澹归和尚在丹霞山开辟别传寺时,曾挑出12 处风景,命名丹霞十二景:锦水滩声、玉台爽气、杰阁晨钟、丹梯铁索、舵石朝曦、竹坡烟雨、双沼碧荷、乳泉春溜、累顶浮图、虹桥拥翠、片鳞秋月。








沿着“通天行” 旁边的石梯往前走就是观赏罗浮“第七大洞天”、“ 第三十四福地”的最佳位置。“洞天”意山中有洞室通达上天之意。“福地”是指得福之地,多为真人所主宰,是次于洞天一级的仙境。洞天福地是东汉以后确立的,其实是指人迹罕至、景色秀丽的山脉或岛屿,认为此中有神仙主治,乃众仙所居,道士居此修炼则可得道成仙。



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Kunming lake is located in the Summer Palace in Beijing, its area is aboutthree-quarters of the total area. Former northwest Beijing many springs convergeinto natural lakes, has seven names such as yet, large parking in the lake.

Kunming lake, a former northwest Beijing many springs converge into naturallakes, has seven names such as yet, large parking in the lake. Due to thelongevity hill after the predecessor has the name of urn hill, also known as urnhill parking. Kunming lake is a natural, artificial lake. Here is the originalxishan hill arch fans, former reason springs to assemble a lowland swamp.

In 1153 AD, after gold yanjing (as) in its capital, gold master yan honglight out the chicken water land, built in the jinshan palace. More from thewest to the aim of yuquan hill spring note at the foot of the jinshan, make itbecome a plain, storage called the golden stream. This is the precursor of thekunming lake today. To the yuan dynasty, to increase the golden stream of waterwill be needed to supply the Kyoto grain transportation, water conservancy, guoshoujin guided ChangPing County white water from springs and yuquan hill intothe mooring floating village. Jinshan was renamed urn hill, lake was renamed urnhill berth, the surface than had previously been expanded. In the Ming dynasty,white village water channel (white floating weir) disrepair, the water dried up,urn hill parking area is narrow. Emperor qianlong in the qing dynasty carveddeep to expand mooring and urn hill, become larger than when Ming dynasty triplegiant leaching, the beginning of the kunming lake.

This name, is the emperor that is applied in the qianlong emperor inchangan capital kunming pool practicing wenhuan allusions. The name used today.After the yuan dynasty Beijing its capital for grain transportation, presidedover by the water conservancy experts guo shoujin, upstream water development,changping along the mountain spring water and running water into the lake,became mostly in the city of grain transportation by using the reservoir. Manyplanting lotus in the lake in the Ming dynasty, around the paddy planting rice,lake have temples, pavilions, wins again, like the jiangnan scenery, hence thereare "west lake", "west lake scenery" of reputation.

MingWu of land god, Ming has been on a boat to go fishing for fun here.Qing qianlong built qingyi garden, the lake will develop, become the size of thenow, and take the emperor in changan kunming digging pool exercises war story,named kunming lake, on the lake every summer training exercise. Kunming lake onthe main subject is west dike and six bridge, east dike, the west embankment inthe south lake island, the marble seventeen-arch bridge which and so on. Flowaround the longevity hill river at the foot of the mountain, known as thelake.


Appropriate county village of Venus, if there are mountain shape lie lion,said fu lion mountain. Five mountains rise steeply, rock mountains toweringmountain. Rock under clear spring flowing day and night, good water quality, andlarge flow. Water xiushan jung, bamboo forest, beautiful YaJing. Because of thelandscape, also known as yanquan mountain. "The monk of the ancient mountains".Yuan to early is (about 1341) monk panlong father to name, "MAO as the temples,carry forward the catch. Edge, full followers build patriarch temple consecrateand handed down. After the monks found here is "land", among them. Yanquanancient concurrently in a way together in the release, and temples.

The XFX years (1450 ~ 1450), mu fu man Zhu Fuhai beginning, monks and widebetween wanli rebuilt. It is advisable to have said "yanquan wash jade", one ofthe eight sights "good". Kangxi 26 years (1687 years), city Gao Shilang,teachings to work is glad to invite scholars city investment management, build apavilion pavilion, built half moon pool. Yanquan has since become somethingnatural and cultural landscape are all places of interest. Salty, with BingXianDianGe damaged. In 1915, the magistrate of a county Qian Liangjun rebuiltpavilions, "half ShanTing". In 1929, city yun-xiang ma, raised mother fightspavilion, jade emperor Chinese style pavilion the cool new pavilion, wide plantflowers and trees, and mass of cliff stone carvings. Temples look brand-new,into the most prosperous period. In 1940, the Japanese bombing of kunming, thedisabled in hospital, scenery to avoid damage.

Published in July 1987, moya carved stone county, it is advisable to goodkey cultural relics protection units. In February 1993, the county governmentapproval, yanquan office allot the ownership of the temple of Venus. In recentyears, the office on a large scale comprehensive reconstruction. New Ursa major,the great hall, temple, jade emperor Chinese style pavilion, the gate, swimmingpool, etc., and wide planting flowers and trees, lawns, and roads, adding stonetable bench, making yanquan changes today than yesterday. In April 1999, kunmingexpo garden gave nameboards headquarters and tourism bureau of yunnan provincetourism fixed-point units, for the expo.

20_, yanquan temple management committee carved stone steles commemorativetee: "professor mu book place", "Yuan Jiagu tea place", "hidden pavilion site".Modern three historical facts recorded yanquan temple, very creative, greatlyimproving the yanquan temple culture grade.


Andy scenic spot located at the side of the east suburb of kunmingmingfeng, covers an area of 1773 mu of 8 km away from downtown. Mirage resortsto create next thirty years wanli (1602) Ming chongzhen decade (1637) movedtongdian struck binchuan chicken foot mountain, the qing emperor kangxi 10 years(1671), the day the king wu sangui reconstruction of the existing buildingdouble-hipped roof mountain type zhenwu bronze, bronze weighing 250 tons, isChinas largest copper construction, it is the Summer Palace in Beijing mirageof the longevity hill intact; More than, the wudang mountain in hubei Andy isthe largest remaining pure copper temple in China. The famous Andy belongs totaihe palace, as part of the total weight of 250 tons, for double-hipped roofflying pavilion imitation wood square building, the temple 6.7 meters high, 6.2meters wide, deep, including stone, corrugated roof eaves beams, statues,curtain, bottle opener, you had plaque jacaranda with banners, etc werebronze.

Andy since with Chen bin Yu Wanli nonyl Yin (1602) years, ding, has morethan 380 years; Wu sangui reconstruction has more than 210 years. Built duringMing wanli period. With Chen bin modeled on hubei all counties within theterritory of mount wudang tianzhufeng taihe palace and mirage, built a littlechange. The late Ming dynasty ruled yunnan mus evil, court repeatedly beingdisciplined, family decline. But, he is not on its own to find root cause, andto seek relief from the superstition. Letter is: YingWuShan in the east of thecity, the mountain stands the bronze, "copper is the genera, of the west can gwood", so the tour by Zhang Feng He, mount tongdian down to chicken feet ofwestern yunnan, fengshan mirage, existing Wu Sanjia rebuilt at the beginning ofthe qing dynasty. There were "on the beam, the qing emperor kangxi 10 years,were the big lv, ten door day, the day prince wu sangui worship", etc.

From the bottom up the car and walk, fairy bridge, into the "mingfeng","first tianmen", "two tianmen" and "three doors. Climbing the tianmen, visibleancient grave taihe palace gate. Al cloud: "painting lianyun, three acres ofcastle peak, zhu LouYing, dont drive wizard a heavy day". Again into the templegate, lingxingmeng door, visible stand tall brick city, blow about severalzhangs, just like the Forbidden City. Along the order into the "city", rightagainst the face high steps and is the center of the taihe palace architecture,famous mirage. Spot with three layers of 36 wing Angle of 29 meters high tower,the third floor of the dome, hung Ming yongle (1432) 21 years big bronze, castby 3.5 metres high, caliber 6.7 meters circumference, 14 tonnes, to yunnanslargest antique clock. New "China golden expo garden", the wudang mountain inhubei, wutai mountain in shanxi, shandong taishan, and Beijing copper buildinghoused a garden of the longevity hill. Estates in the pile of marble, Bridgeswater, step rail, road Shi Fang, plant flowers, such as landscape set each otheroff, form small and exquisite imitation bronze culture landscape. Andy botanicalgarden has 500 acres of gardens, has built the tea garden, azalea garden,magnolia, rose garden, WenShi District ten park, introduction of more than 20_ kinds of garden plants. Andy area is a combination of humanities landscape,natural landscape features of tourist attractions. Seven kilometers to thenortheast in the city of kunming on phoenix mountain, have completely in bronzecasting bronze, a house in the hot sun yi yi is unripe brightness, dazzling, sopeople called the mirage, is key protected cultural relics in China.

Spring city in qing dynasty kangxi nine years (AD 1670), wu sangui afterpeasant uprising, the rate of division into ju kunming, reconstruction ofmirage. Can be seen on the mirage girders now ", the qing emperor kangxi 10years, were the major of ji lu month (October) 6, day prince wu sangui to build"the copper. The inside of the Buddha, signboards, beams, level, doors andWindows, panlong, decoration and so on are made of bronze. Andy, floor, thesteps of the railings are unique marble build by laying bricks or stones. Thewhole house majestic, beautiful and easy. Outside the temple built with walls,gates, battlements. The city on the floor. In behind the side, there are thickfolded more than two strains of camellia one individual plant and crape myrtle,legend has it for the kind of the Ming dynasty, before and after the SpringFestival every year, thousands of camellia flowers in full bloom, bonus asfire.


Kunming lake dianchi lake for short, is located in the southwest of yunnankunming, around 300 square kilometers, in more than 1800 meters above sea level,even your depth of 5 meters. Pool of the surrounding mountains, acquainting,famous countless, wide, green lake, excellent scenery. As a result, was regardedas one of the jewels in the yunnan-guizhou plateau. The formation of the dianchilake is located in the bottom because the fall of faults, forming lakes. Heavenear the mountains, endless miles. Underground cave not counted, liaoning benxiwater tunnel and devoted WangTianDong, shenyang Tibetan army hole and itscontrast, like a snail and elephants. Composition nets

Magnificent grand view pavilion, in the lake. Chinas most famoushistorical records a coupon from the long, recommended by chairman MAO. Thewestern hills near the risks and magnificent, haigeng sports park, zheng hepark, famous in the world, nie ers tomb, let a person respect, stone mountainvillage, white fish mouth, kuanyinshan magnificent appearance, the prosperity ofancient tomb complex sites let person fancy here.

, looking up, lakes and mountains, loud and clear, that look very cool. Whynapa lake, breeding and growing fast. Years, built roads and tourism, touristsas a cloud. Brigitte chicken mountains and golden horse very image, between theshores of lake shi, tree forest. A and a looming temple, especially yan templemonks chanting loud voice to the morning bell and evening drum reminders,echoing in the mountains, is a beautiful picture.

Many mainland minorities, such as bai, dai, SaNiZu, fine clothes. Standbefore is not expensive ethnic handicrafts, such as batik dress and jewelry.Many flavor snack, I just dont back to the assembly meeting to eat lunch anddinner, as some are full.

Yang Dian scholars in Ming dynasty there are poems said: climate is oftenas one, 4 flowers on spring. Is singing the weather and beautiful scenery here,seems to be added to travel a vacancy.


Huating temple, formerly known as great circle sleep temple, the yuandynasty to treat three years (1323) XuanFeng monk is adding site of gause villa,the Dali kingdom period tomorrow shun six years (1462), temple monk sheng hostrebuilt, the twenty-sixth year of the reign of emperor kangxi (1688) rebuiltafter the expansion of the name huating temple.

Virtual cloud presided over the old monk rebuilt in 1920, called "by thecloud of Buddha, the most jinzhou.would in kunming area. 1984 to carry out thepartys religious policy, huating temple on the first temple, open wide bycourtesy of the merits of good people, to reconstruct the scripture-stored,overhaul hall, the newly built five hundred arhat hall, repair of culturalrelics and ancient and modern famous inscriptions, increase the moderncalligraphy couplet, fully protect the famous buddhist temple.

Huating temple complete structure, layout, exactly, imposing manner isthick, the study of religious culture and ancient architectural art hasimportant value. Main building are: Ursa major, the scripture-stored tower, theclock tower, the abbot, meditation room, ancestors hall, monastery, guest room,bell and drum tower, and the sea will tower, etc. A rectangular plane layout, inthe buddhist architecture of axisymmetric, closed courtyard type. Have thatplastic Ursa iii golden body of Buddha, the south China sea guanyin and fivehundred arhats, great plastic maitreya, four major Kings, fire, water, and twotransformers and bodhisattva wei tuo, the scripture-stored consecrate Buddhawhite marble statue. Temple treasures have: yuan tai (1324) of the first year ofSanskrit mantra stone statue of sheng tuo Ronnie after building, tomorrow theYang Ming dynasty the imperial tablet, number one scholar of the couplet "holdwest monohydrate, with or without haze, column outside the monk to be diffusedrod; peaks toward you, sunny rain shade, lean on a bar person" in the drawing,and other precious historical relics.

Too hua temple years of vicissitudes of life after seven hundred years ofwind and rain BingXian, Ming and qing dynasties expansion and repair for manytimes, but the rule is still keeping the yuan dynasty architectural style.Summer temple east west, scale, layout rigorous, five mixture patio, circusturrets, showed more traditional wear bucket structure, temple pavilion,pavilion, gallery, ChiHuiCheng, quiet quiet.



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一、 要爱护花草树木

二、 照顾好自己的小孩,不要在河边戏水

三、 不乱扔果皮纸屑




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Dear tourists, the scenic spot we are going to visit is the Ming XiaolingMausoleum, which is located in Dulong, Mt. Zijin. Xiaoling Tomb of the MingDynasty is the joint Tomb of Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, andhis Empress Ma Shi. Zhu Yuanzhang was born in 1328 to a poor peasant family inFengyang, Anhui Province. He joined Huangjue temple at the age of 17, joined thered scarf army of Guo Zixing at the end of the Yuan Dynasty in 1352, led thearmy to conquer Nanjing in 1356, and ascended the throne in 1368.

Xiaoling Mausoleum of Ming Dynasty was built in 1381. In 1382, it wasburied in empress Ma Shi. In 1398, it was buried here after Zhu Yuanzhang diedof illness. The project was not completed until 1413. It was named Xiaolingbecause Zhu Yuanzhang advocated "governing the world with filial piety" on theone hand, and because empress Ma was posthumously named "Xiaoci" on the other.Therefore, the tomb was called "Xiaoling" in the Ming Dynasty and "Xiaoling" inthe Qing Dynasty to show the difference between dynasties.

Relying on Zijin Mountain, the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum has a windingShinto. The mausoleum abides by the tradition of Chinese architecture, and itscentral axis is symmetrical. It is the first Mausoleum of Baocheng Baoding. Themausoleum shape of the former dynasty and the later Dynasty is the firstMausoleum of the Ming and Qing Dynasties for more than 600 years. As a nationalkey cultural relic protection unit, it was listed in the world cultural heritagelist in 20__.

What we see now is the first gate of the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum, dajinmen.In those days, a 45 Li external wall extended from both sides of dajinmen,including the whole Zijinshan.

The roof and gate of the old golden gate, which was covered with yellowglazed tiles, have disappeared. Only the castle and the three arches.

Over the golden gate, we came to Sifang city. It turned out to be a stelePavilion. Because the top of the pavilion was destroyed by the war in XianfengPeriod of Qing Dynasty, only four walls and four door tickets were left. Eachside is 26.86 meters long, just like an ancient castle. So Nanjing peoplecommonly call it Sifang city. There is a tablet of "the miraculous work of theXiaoling Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty" in the city, which is 6.7 meters highIts 2.08 meters high and called Mian. Its said that its one of the nine sonsof the dragon. Its very heavy. This tablet is the largest Ming tablet inNanjing. The inscription is written by Zhu Di, the founder of the Ming Dynasty.It has 2746 words and is divided into seven parts. First, it describes his lifeexperience and was born in Jurong family. Second, it asks for the peoplesorders and makes a great fortune. Third, it calms down the world, ascends thethrone and becomes emperor, cezhonggong and the crown prince, and is granted thesame surname. Fourth, it abolishes Zhongshu and sets up six departments to takecharge of military power. Fifth, it attaches importance to talents and the studyof founding a nation; 6、 He lived a simple life, and asked him to be buried withMa after his death in Xiaoling; 7. The name of 57 royal children and 144 fourcharacter eulogies, the inscription is a high praise of Zhu Yuanzhangs life.The completion of the monument of the great Ming Xiaoling was in 1413, whichmarks the end of the Ming Xiaoling project. Behind Zhu Dis great contributionto Zhu Yuanzhang, in fact, he built up his own prestige in Dashu, so as to showthe legitimacy of inheriting the throne. He originally sent tens of thousands ofmigrant workers to chisel a huge stele in the eastern suburb of Nanjing. If thecap, body and base of the stele were 72 meters high, they were too huge tocarry, so they were abandoned.

After passing the Yuhe bridge, we come to the Shinto of the XiaolingMausoleum of the Ming Dynasty. The Shinto is divided into two sections. Thefirst section is Shixiang road. On both sides of the road, there are six kindsof Stone Beasts, four in each group, standing on both sides and squatting onboth sides. Kirin is the king of animals, symbolizing the majesty of kings, andChina _ s legendary law beast, symbolizing the integrity of kings; camels arethe boats of the desert, showing the vast territory of Ming Dynasty and thetranquility of the western regions of the country; the elephant is a symbol ofthe country and the people, and the people are obedient; the unicorn is a kindof monster of Chinese mythology and legend, symbolizing the benevolence of theemperor. The last animal to see is a horse, which symbolizes loyalty to theemperor. The main purpose of placing these stone beasts on both sides of theShinto is to record Zhu Yuanzhangs achievements, to show the prosperity of theMing Dynasty, and to pray for the suppression of demons and evil spirits.

Walking along the stone statue Road, the second section of Shinto,wengzhong Road, lies ahead. There is a pair of pillar at the intersection, whichis also called Huabiao. The Shinto standing in front of the mausoleum is alsocalled lingbiao. There is the function of indicating the road here. From here,Shinto begins to turn due north. On wengzhong Road, there were two pairs ofmilitary generals, who were wearing armor and holding a wat board in theirhands. They were burly, and two pairs of civil ministers, who were wearing courtclothes and holding wat boards in their hands, were solemn. They are a pair ofyoung people and a pair of middle-aged people respectively, which indicates thatthere are successors in Daming. At the end of the Shinto Road, there is aLingxing gate with six pillars and three gates. The original gate was destroyedin the war in Xianfeng Period of the Qing Dynasty. Now the Lingxing gate isrestored in 20__ according to historical data. This is the ceremonial gate forvisiting the mausoleum.

On the east side of Shixiang Road, there is a hill called Meihua Mountain.Shinto turns a bend around Meihua Mountain. It turns out that this mountain wasthe mausoleum of Sun Quan in the eastern Wu Dynasty. During the construction ofthe Xiaoling Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty, someone suggested that thismausoleum should be removed. However, Zhu Yuanzhang said, "Sun Quan is also ahero. Let me see the gate." so the Shinto curved and became the natural barrierof the Xiaoling Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty. Now it has become a famous plumappreciation base in Nanjing.

Now we see the Jinshui bridge. Behind the Jinshui bridge is the mausoleumbuilding of Xiaoling Mausoleum of Ming Dynasty. There were five Jinshui bridgesfacing the five gates of the mausoleum palace, which were destroyed by the warin Xianfeng Period of Qing Dynasty. Only three of them were restored in QingDynasty. We can see that the stone carvings on the bridge deck and bridgefoundation are still relics of Ming Dynasty, and the bridge railings wererebuilt in Qing Dynasty. Starting from here, the building is in accordance withChinese tradition, with the north facing south and the central axissymmetrical.

Up the slope, the first thing we see is the square gate of Wenwu, which isthe gate of the mausoleum palace. Its yellow tile, red door and red wall set offeach other, showing the royal style. This gate was rebuilt in 1988 according tohistorical materials. In front of the gate, on the east side of the wall, thereis a special notice tablet, which was erected in the first year of Xuantong. Itis written in the characters of Japan, Germany, Italy, France, Britain andRussia. The content is to warn visitors to protect Xiaoling.

Entering the Wenwu square gate, we come to the Beidian. The Beidian wasoriginally the gate in front of the Xiaoling hall. Because the gate wasdestroyed in the war of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the destroyed gate wasrebuilt into a Beidian in the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty. There are fiveinscriptions in the hall. In the middle of the five inscriptions, "Zhilong Tangand Song Dynasty" is inscribed in the handwriting of Emperor Kangxi, which meansthat Zhu Yuanzhangs achievements in governing the country surpass those ofEmperor Taizong Li Shimin and Emperor Songtai in the Tang Dynasty Zhao Kuangyin.Kangxi, as the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, showed his respect and admirationfor Zhu Yuanzhang on the one hand, and on the other hand, he had his own goodintentions. At the beginning of the reign of Kangxi, the Han people did notaccept the Manchu rule. Kangxi knew that it was not enough to rely on theManchus high pressure policy alone, but also on the Han people. He visitedXiaoling of Ming Dynasty six times and five times in his life. He knelt downthree times and kowtowed nine times. In 1699, when he visited Xiaoling of MingDynasty for the third time, he wrote "Zhilong Tang and Song Dynasty" to win thehearts of the people. Next to them are two steles inscribed by Emperor Qianlongwhen he visited the mausoleum. There are also two lying steles on the back,which respectively record the first and third visits to Taizu mausoleum duringEmperor Kangxis southern tour. There are records written by Tao Dai, governorof Liangjiang and Cao Yin, weaving doctor in Jiangnan.

This building is the former site of Xiaoling hall, which is the mainbuilding of Xiaoling. You can see the three-story xumizuo platform base of theoriginal white marble. The platform base is three meters high. The four cornersof the three-story platform base are still left with stone carved head. Thereare three steps around the platform base. Its the middle of the road. On thethird floor of xumizuo is the hall of enjoyment, which is dedicated to ZhuYuanzhang and empress ma. The original palace was destroyed by the war inXianfeng Period of the Qing Dynasty. Now we can see 56 huge stone pillars on theplatform foundation, each with a diameter of 0.91 meters. Its easy to imaginehow spectacular the hall was at that time. At that time, the hall of Xiaolingwas nine rooms wide and five rooms deep, with double eaves, covered with yellowglazed tiles and a bucket arch overhanging eaves. The scale of Xiaoling was muchlarger than that of Changling Hall of Ming Chengzu in Beijing. What we see nowis the three Bay small hall restored during the reign of Tongzhi in the QingDynasty, which is not as large as before.

Passing through the inner red gate and the Shengxian bridge, the buildingin front of you is Fangcheng. Fangcheng is a huge building in front of Baoding.The outside is made of big stones and huge bricks. There are eight characterwalls on the East and west sides of Fangcheng. The four corners of the wall aredecorated with brick carvings. These brick carvings are representative works ofthe early Ming Dynasty. Passing through the 54th level corridor in the center ofFangcheng, you can see the south wall of Baocheng. On the front of the wall, youcan see that it is built with 13 layers of stones. It is said that the sevencharacters were engraved in the early years of the Republic of China to answervisitors questions.

From the East-West corridor between Baocheng and Fangcheng, you can climbto the minglou. It was originally a beautiful building with double eaves andyellow glazed tiles. It was destroyed by the war of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdomin the Qing Dynasty. Only four walls are left. In 20__, the minglou protectionproject was completed, and it has been restored. In July 20__, the minglou wasofficially opened to tourists, showing the distribution of Ming Dynasty in ChinaThere are 19 mausoleums of emperors in China.

Behind the Fangcheng is Baoding, which is a large round mound with adiameter of 325-400m. On the top of the mound are towering trees, and below itis the palace where empress Ma of Zhu Yuanzhang was buried. Baocheng is a brickcity with a circumference of 1100 meters around Baoding. The imperial mausoleumin Baoding of Baocheng city is the first mausoleum in Ming and Qing Dynastiesfor more than 500 years. Its just that the Ming Dynastys top is roughly round,while the Qing Dynastys Mausoleums top is oval.

Today, the east side of the Xiaoling Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty haspreserved the site of the Dongling Mausoleum of Zhu Biao, Prince of the MingDynasty.

In ancient China, the imperial mausoleum was originally built in Fangshangof Qin and Han Dynasties. The representative mausoleum was Qinshihuang Mausoleumin Shaanxi Province. In Tang Dynasty, it was changed to the mausoleum near themountain. The representative mausoleum included Tang Qianling Mausoleum of LiZhi, Emperor Gaozong of Tang Dynasty and Empress Wu Zetian of Shaanxi Province.In Song Dynasty, the imperial mausoleum was built in Fangshang of relativelysmall scale. In Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang initiated the mausoleum form ofBaocheng Baoding mausoleum and former dynasty and later Dynasty mausoleum.

The Ming Dynasty established its capital in 1368 and perished in 1644.There were 16 emperors before and after it. Except for the Ming XiaolingMausoleum in Nanjing, the rest of the mausoleums were in Beijing. Only JianwenEmperor Zhu Yunwen had no mausoleum. Many tombs of the Ming Dynasty have left uscountless places to watch.

As the remains of Chinese culture, ancient Chinese mausoleums have leftimportant material materials for later generations to study and understandancient Chinese economy and culture. Dear tourist friends, todays visit iscoming to an end. Thank you for your cooperation in my tour guide work. Welcometo visit Ming Xiaoling again!



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Changsha city, referred to as "long, nickname" star city ", "chu city", is also the provincial capital of hunan province, my hometown. By mountain city is the most valuable gift of nature to changsha. The beautiful land of write too much better on historical spanning, dufu.longhai left "jiangnan landscape, the fallen petal season and every gentleman" song of eternal; Zhang Shi song dynasty, zhu xi in yuelu academy teaching twice; More generation great man MAO zedong crowd j head, high-spirited, encouraging words...

When it comes to changsha, people naturally think of j head, the xiangjiang river sight. Orange continent, some people say that it is a painting, plum for spring, zhu qing Elizabeth Barbara ohm, orange, yellow, orange, green, silver. Orange continent, someone says it is a poem, between heaven and earth day flow, the ancient and modern in character. The emotion recalling ancientry, master the ups and downs. Orange continent, is the green pearl inlaid in the xiangjiang river, changsha is the pride of the people. Xiangjiang river sight all sight fully reflects the natural scenery in hunan province, a beautiful environment, is a good place for tourists sightseeing trip, and citizen exercise night tour of the state. Xiangjiang river is the mother river of the changsha, it surging south, bubbling to the north, zhao mountain in changsha city, the three han alum turned to the northwest, to Joe for wangcheng, in yueyang dongting, through the changsha city about 25 kilometers. The xiangjiang river on both sides of the red cliff, such as chardonnay, white as snow, sand willows, such as silk, Qiang sails as a cloud, make a beautiful sight along the river in changsha.

When it comes to changsha, nature is little not food. Hunan cuisine is one of the eight great cuisines of China. Today changsha delicacies already known: squid spicy small lobster, iron plate, stinky tofu, hot and sour powder... Eating in changsha, oneself of breath, "food" is interesting, such as "eat" such as drunk. In star city streets, how many traditional snacks waiting for, and how many trendy snack make people hope.

With the expansion of the city, the changes of flickering skyscrapers. At the same time, the street is lined with trees on both sides, we like to live in the garden. Straight, clean, clean, spacious avenue of traffic of the city changes with each passing day, make the camp of the new road tunnel urbanization construction on a new stage; Wuhan-guangzhou high-speed accelerated economic exchanges and coastal cities in central China, greatly improved the living standards of people; The city subway and light rail would be built and also greatly facilitates peoples travel.

Changsha, zhuzhou and xiangtan urban agglomeration in 20xx formally approved by the national construction of a resource-conserving and environment-friendly comprehensive reform pilot area, become the rise of central China "engine", drive the economic development of China. Was to press evaluation, "changzhutan economic integration both experience and lessons, whether success or setbacks, will be to the Yangtze river delta, the pearl river delta, bohai sea region these newcomers profound enlightenment." Believe in changsha will be more beautiful tomorrow.

I love my hometown, my beautiful star city - changsha.



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Dear visitors, everybody!

I am yangzhou he garden "little academician", today, I take you to visit he garden!!!!!

Now we are going to visit this garden, located in yangzhou ancient canal bank xu ning 77 gate street, is a national key cultural relics protection units. It built in 1883, that is, the nine-year reign of qing emperor guangxu, is a large private garden in yangzhou at the end of a finale. Because the unique architectural style diversity, the compatible, match well of Chinese and western art style, become a classic representative of yangzhou gardens, is known as Chinas first gardens in late qing dynasty.

In fact, the earliest dont call he garden he garden, rather loud call send heights, because the garden owner surnamed he, people used to call it he garden. The ho family and a handful of Chinas modern history of the famous family relationship is very close, the beiyang minister li hongzhang, guangxu emperor is the teacher saying and town of (nai) children and in-laws, and together; And guangxu emperor wun tonghe another more famous teacher (he) as well as the qing court etiquette, zhang zhidong representative of westernization movement, have affinity. What he garden owner zhi 舠 young success, career progression, secretly convey salt industry, also has a huge wealth. What zhi 舠 49 years old, from hubei han Huang Dedao resign as he prowled the yangzhou, invested heavily zhou, build the home garden, swim in one large-scale private gardens.

He garden covers an area of more than 14000 square meters, building area of more than 7000 square meters, building part accounted for 50% of dominated area. Such building density, it is too big for garden, but people in the garden, not crowded, anti think everywhere and moderately, density, small in see big, distinct. This effect, by is the landscape on the architectural layout of quality, made in flat.

He garden whole districts include residential, garden and a small garden on a few parts, is the complete form of private gardens, parts of it already read separately, and interlocking, mutual penetration, form a are different, the tour be convenient to both inside and outside, nature and humanity, match well of Chinese and western living space, the aesthetic needs of the Chinese private gardens and practical function to achieve the perfect combination here.

Long-term since, our country now, contemporary a batch of famous garden experts are to he garden thus any rock-it, praise its unique gardening technique, is "alone" in the jiangnan garden. Also he garden as domestic film and television filming scenes of natural base, "a dream of red mansions", "green grass by the river", "the princess huanzhu" sequel, "the wrong sedan to marry on lang", "heaven tears" and so on nearly radix stemonae content, are all here to absorb a lot of beautiful scenery gardens.

Through the above introduction, I believe you have a preliminary impression of he garden, here, let us to appreciate each Chinas famous jiangnan alone.

He garden in the history of the front door is open in the alley, the south gate of the garden, now as the main entrance to the east gate, is a garden of opening to the outside world. After taking the door in the first place to visit is the eastern part of the back garden. Head on moon gate engraved on the "send the noise hill" MenE, and man is the master personally inscribed YuanMing. "Send the noise" two characters, respectively from the great poet tao yuanming of the eastern "to return the phraseology" in the sentence: "YiNa window to send ao, east gao to ShuXiao." Express the landscape pastoral poet valentine, not colluding with dark officialdom insistence. He garden owner has resigned a cloistered similar experience with tao yuanming, moral self-evident.

Yangzhou no mountains, but in the garden is no mountains, so often used in yangzhou garden flat fold stone to orogeny, "yangzhou to parks, gardens to fold Lin chuang" that is the case. East garden, the most magnificent landscape is on the right side of a mountain for more than 60 m stick wall, it is like embedded in the wall, along the wall to climb all the way, if swim longteng dumpling, stir together, to suppress previously closed high wall and a deep courtyard, into a embrace heaven and earth "mountain city" of the natural mountains and rivers. East gate sidewall mountain is famous of the jiangnan gardens climb mountain building stick wall, also known as Yang sent to stick wall mount. Stick a wall in the mountainside of the mountain, there is a high and low around the stone steps, twists and turns led street, has been reading to the academician childe floor. Through it, we can really grasp the essence of yangzhou stacked stone art.

Turned the exquisitely carved stone folding screen, first open the gate to welcome guests is peony hall. It features and name, from the east wall mount on the top of a brick a mountain. Mountain flower subjects derived from the traditional "blowing peony fung", at first glance seems not new. But look carefully you will find it in many other aspects of idea, layout, composition, art of using saber has distinctive characteristics of the whole picture compensated in see big coincidence, hides the magic close, is a high-quality goods.

Peony hall around the peony pool. Peony is He Yuanyuan flower, garden tear widespread tree peony, peony, breed is various, every year 4, 18 solstice 5, 18, is the annual "yangzhou fireworks in March tourism festival," he garden "swim gardens, reward famous flowers" opening theme fete activity also profusion, when a Cha red yan deeply purple swaying spring scenery, the elegant dress he garden a colorful world.

Peony hall in a hall, north on the construction decoration than more delicate, more gorgeous peony hall, it is the most creative in east garden complex structure from - Fu hin, also called ship hall. Because the modelling of hall like a boat, hall around the ground with pebbles, the paved tiles sparkling water, in the hall in front of a square stone walkway like boarding springboard, hall under low level is like a ships deck, hall hung on the pillars on both sides "flower month masters may visit, the walls for ship" for the home of the couplet, hall on the west side gallery walls inlaid with the present domestic the most preserved between su dongpo calligraphy "projects the placard" sharpening... Every detail and boat, and water, gardening art garden of drought, water is here in perfection.

But the most interesting is not ship building hall, but the story behind the hidden in the landscape architecture. The ship called Fu sea hin hall, is the owner, the symbol of life with the Lord, between the fate of life and the pursuit of associated with some mysterious.

Family originally from anhui wangjiang, one side is a bounded by water on three sides backer, born what zhi 舠 grew up here and ship the indissoluble bond; His name was "zhi 舠", meaning is a ship with vanilla; Twenty years into the official career, when the salt, LiangGuan until jianghan customs supervision, always in dealing with all kinds of transport ships, shipping... What zhi 舠 as jianghan customs supervision, in the process of dealing with westernization is often involved in hua yi the sharp conflict of the vortex, many times and make great efforts to safeguard national sovereignty and national dignity. In the face of the late qing dynasty government corrupt and incompetent he is worried about the long, his patriotic ambition may not be put to good use, even hard to preserve life. Weighed up the pros and cons, he chose the profession, their own life boat moored to the green eroilor guo the edge of the ancient canal.

Why also called Fu hin sea ship hall? More than two thousand years ago, Confucius traveled on a cart to travel for their claims said: "that doesnt work, I will take Fu Fu sea." Mean, if people dont accept my idea, Ill take a boat to go overseas. The ship hall is just what zhi 舠 idea of a "xuan Fu sea"?

Let a person cant help but sigh, 18 years later, has more than seventy - year - old garden again made a resign and when he prowled the equally amazing determination: abandon he garden, anchor sail, carrying the whole family headed to glamour to Shanghai to frolic in the waves. What zhi 舠 this magical boat gone, gone forever. Is the embodiment of his Fu sea hin to stay in the family home garden. To the posterity tells the story of the mood of the master and master.

The ship at the back of the hall on the northwest corner of the small building, was once he gardens landscape architecture. The family big childe He Sheng Hao here even chicken very eager, night lights, after having obtained in the metropolitan examinations from jiangnan to stand out, and at one stroke through will, position, mark, the imperial examination step grandfather ranyon footsteps, was the emperor appointed the academician, achievement a door between two academician of great glory. He garden was also an "academician childe reading floor". To read the display of building simple underprivileged students, dignified solemn and respectful family precepts and GongGongZhengZheng test paper and warm good news display together, set each other off becomes an interest, the people on the ancient truth "can foster learning". Reading/f., east to stick wall mount cragginess deng tao, "xuan Fu sea" in the south of tilting TaoBo, whether intentional design, or not a coincidence, its landscape is a famous ancient research couplet: "everybody has the way of diameter, learn the bitter as a boat."

Academician childe reading building is the symbol of he garden context. The ho family from zhi 舠 father this generation through the imperial examination made a big officer, also left a thick, learn from li family heirloom aristocrats. Dr Successively appeared between the academician, brother, father and daughter painter, member of siblings... Their stories, were displayed in jade XiuLou gallery in the ho family history.



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Hello, welcome to the Palace Museum, and Im glad to serve you, I am the journey zi-ang li, you just call me lee, today today have I accompany you have a good time.


For the completion of the imperial palace was built in 1406, 1420, is the Ming dynasty emperor Zhu Dishi build, now with me, please go to the imperial palace the biggest palace in the taihe palace. Here is the place where the Ming emperor summoned to the White House orders in ceremonies, the whole temple width, depth 5, outside corridor column, outside the house stood 72 pillar of big, the 35 meters high, inside clear height of 14 meters, 63 meters wide, for all the palace, the largest wooden hall.


We came to neutralize the temple, the hall of supreme harmony of the Forbidden City. Is the emperor rest the night before they go to the hall of supreme harmony, ministers and accept a mecca for officials.


Play the zhonghe palace again, Ill take you to visit the Baohe Palace, the Baohe Palace is the qing dynasty state banquet hall and test for examination hall. As everybody knows, qianlong nearby have a minister called liu2 yong, he is in the Baohe Palace was admitted into the draft.


The Forbidden City tour here, todays explanation to me still satisfaction? You are welcome to put forward opinions and Suggestions, Im very grateful to, finally, I wish everyone have a good time. thank you



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Have your friends:

Rest well last night? After last nights rest, we all have. Then our spirit one hundred times to the scenic spot of today. The magnificent Yangtze river three gorges and my service will bring you a pleasant journey.

Someone said: "dont walk in the three gorges, not been to the Yangtze river. Dont swim in the three gorges, not understanding the Yangtze river." By the time we are about to set sail, xiao Yang to the whole situation of the Yangtze river three gorges do a simple introduction to you all.

First of all I want for you to introduce the three gorges, Yangtze river is the longest river in China, is the worlds third longest river, it is second only to the Nile river in Africa and the amazon river in South America, mount tunggula of its source on qinghai-tibet plateau in China through qinghai, Tibet, yunnan, sichuan, chongqing, hubei, hunan, jiangxi, anhui, jiangsu, Shanghai and other 11 provinces and autonomous regions, and finally into the east China sea, the total length of 6300 km, the Yangtze basin accounts for 1/5 of the land area in China, the Yangtze river is divided into three sections, yichang above for upstream, yichang to middle of bayou, 13 below for downstream.

The Yangtze river three gorges is composed of qutang gorge, wu gorge, xiling. It stretches from chongqing fengjie treasure and ends at nanjinguan yichang in hubei province, the total length of 193 km, is one of the top ten scenic spots in China, as the saying goes. The chongqing to tour the Yangtze river three gorges, is a lifelong regret.

We have already cant wait to visit! Ok, we ship with 5 minutes are going to reach the destination. Please prepare, carrying their belongings as well, especially valuables, must not be forgotten in the boat, ready to get out, thank you!
